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Journal paper

Andrade, Irineu P. de S; Carvalho, Daniel F. de; Almeida, Wilk S. de; Silva, Jonathas B. Gonçalves and Silva, Leonardo D. B. da (2014) Water requirement and yield of fig trees under different drip irrigation management. [Consumo hídrico e desempenho agronômico da figueira sob diferentes manejos da irrigação por gotejamento.] Engenharia Agrícola, 34 (1), pp. 17-27.

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Nielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2016) Price premium of organic salmon in Danish retail sale. [Merpris af økologisk laks i dansk detailsalg.] Ecological Economics, 122, pp. 54-60.

Radomsky, Guilherme Francisco Waterloo and Leal, Ondina Fachel (2012) From the production of rules to seed production: global intellectual property and local knowledge. [A partir da produção de regras para a produção de sementes : global de propriedade intelectual e conhecimento local.] Vibrant: Virtual Brazilian Anthropology, 9 (1), pp. 451-472.

Aagaard-Hansen, J.; Larsen, C.E. Schou; Halberg, N.; Hjortsø, C.N.; Gausset, . Q. and Kabirizi, J. (2007) Main-streaming participatory and cross-disciplinary approaches in animal science research in developing countries. African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2 (4), pp. 119-130.

Aare, Ane Kirstine; Hansen, Stine Rosenlund; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik (2023) Valuing in the Agrifood System: The Case of Fresh Grain Legumes in Denmark. Sustainability, 15 (4), p. 2946.

Abalos, D; Recous, S.; Butterbach-Bahl, K.; Notaris, C.; Rittl, T. F.; Topp, C F E; Søren, P.O.; Hansen, S.; Bleken, M.A.; Rees, R M and Olesen, J.E. (2022) A review and meta-analysis ofmitigation measures for nitrous oxide emissions from crop residues. Science of the Total Environment journal, 828, p. 154388.

Abalos, Diego; Rittl, Tatiana; Recous, Sylvie; Thiébeau, Pascal; Topp, Cairistiona F.E.; van Groenigen, Kees Jan; Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus; Thorman, Rachel E.; Smith, Kate E.; Ahuja, Ishita; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Bleken, Marina A.; Ress, Robert and Hansen, Sissel (2022) Predicting field N2O emissions from crop residues based on their biochemical composition: A meta-analytical approach. Science of the Total Environment journal, 812, p. 15232.

Abb-Schwedler, Katharina; Maeschli, Ariane; Boss, Renate; Graber, Hans U.; Steiner, Adrian and Klocke, Peter (2014) Feeding mastitis milk to organic dairy calves: effect on health and performance during suckling and on udder health at first calving. BMC Veterinary Research , 10 (267), pp. 1-11.

Abir, Mehedy Hasan and Ahmad, Monsur (2021) Phytochemical, Nutritional and Pharmacological Potentialities of Amaranthus spinosus Linn. : A review. Archives of Ecotoxicology, 3 (2), pp. 49-59.

Abiven, S.; Menasseri-Aubry, Safya and Chenu, C. (2009) The effects of organic inputs over time on soil aggregate stability - A literature analysis. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, pp. 1-12.

Abiven, Samuel; Menasseri-Aubry, Safya; Angers, Denis and Leterme, Philippe (2008) A model to predict soil aggregate stability dynamics following organic residue incorporation under field conditions. Soil Science Society of America Journal, pp. 119-125.

Acharya, B.S.; Rasmussen, J. and Eriksen, J. (2012) Grassland carbon sequestration and emissions following cultivation in a mixed crop rotation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 153, pp. 33-39.

Acosta Alba, I.; Corson, Michael S.; Van Der Werf, H.M.G. and Leterme, Philippe (2012) Using reference values to assess environmental sustainability of dairy farms. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, pp. 217-227.

Acosta Alba, I.; Lopez Ridaura, S.; Van Der Werf, H.; Leterme, Philippe and Corson, Michael S. (2012) Exploring sustainable farming scenarios at a regional scale: an application to dairy farms in Brittany. Journal of Cleaner Production, pp. 160-167.

Adamsen, Christina E.; Hansen, Mette L.; Møller, Jens K.S. and Skibsted, Leif H. (2003) Studies on the antioxidative activity of red pigments in Italian-type dry-cured ham. European Food Research and Technology, 217 (3), pp. 201-206.

Adamsen, Christina E.; Møller, Jens K.S.; Hismani, Ramadan and Skibsted, Leif H. (2004) Thermal and photochemical degradation of myoglobin pigments in relation to colour stability of sliced dry-cured Parma ham and sliced dry-cured ham produced with nitrite salt. European Food Research and Technology. Zeitschrift für Lebensmittel-Untersuchung und -Forschung A, 218 (5), pp. 403-409.

Adamsone-Fiskovica, Anda; Grivins, Mikelis; Burton, Rob J.F.; Elzen, Boelie; Flanigan, Sharon; Frick, Rebekka and Hardy, Claire (2021) Disentangling critical success factors and principles of on-farm agricultural demonstration events. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, Online, x-x.

Adamtey, Noah; Musyoka, Martha W.; Zundel, Christine; Cobo, Juan Guillermo; Karanja, Edward; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Muriuki, Anne; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Berset, Estelle; Messmer, Monika M.; Gattinger, Andreas; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Cadisch, Georg; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Niggli, Urs and Forster, Dionys (2016) Productivity, profitability and partial nutrient balance in maize-based conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 235, pp. 61-79.

Adel, M.; Dadar, M.; Zorriehzahra, M.J.; Elahi, R. and Stadtlander, T. (2020) Antifungal activity and chemical composition of Iranian medicinal herbs against fish pathogenic fungus, Saprolegnia parasitica. Iranian Journal of Fisheries Science, 19 (6), pp. 3239-3254.

Adler, Steffen A.; Dahl, A.V.; Jensen, S.K.; Thuen, E.; Gustavsson, A.-M. and Steinshamn, H. (2013) Fatty acid composition, fat-soluble vitamin concentrations and oxidative stability in bovine milk produced on two pastures with different botanical composition. Livestock Science, 154, pp. 93-102.

Adler, Steffen A.; Jensen, S.K.; Govasmark, Espen and Steinshamn, Håvard (2013) Effect of short-term versus long-term grassland management and seasonal variation in organic and conventional dairy farming on the composition of bulk tank milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (9), pp. 5793-5810.

Adler, Steffen A.; Jensen, S.K.; Thuen, E.; Gustavsson, A.-M.; Harstad, O.M. and Steinshamn, H. (2013) Effect of silage botanical composition on ruminal biohydrogenation and transfer of fatty acids to milk in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science, 96 (2), pp. 1135-1147.

Adler, Steffen A.; Purup, Stig; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Thuen, Erling; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj and Steinshamn, Håvard (2014) Phyto-oestrogens and their metabolites in milk produced on two pastures with different botanical compositions. Livestock Science, 163, pp. 62-68.

Adler, Steffen A.; Purup, Stig; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Thuen, Erling and Steinshamn, Håvard (2015) Phytoestrogens and Their Metabolites in Bulk-Tank Milk: Effects of Farm Management and Season. PLoS ONE, 10, pp. 1-16.

Adler, Steffen A.; Slizyte, Rasa; Honkapää, Kaisu and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2018) In vitro pepsin digestibility and amino acid composition in soluble and residual fractions of hydrolyzed chicken feathers. Poultry Science, 97, pp. 1-15.

Adu-Gyamfi, J. J.; Myaka, F.A.; Sakala, W.D.; Odgaard, R.; Vesterager, J. M. and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2007) Biological nitrogen fixation and nitrogen and phosphorus budgets in farmer-managed intercrops of maize-pigeonpea in semi-arid southern and eastern Africa. Plant and Soil, 295, pp. 127-136.

Aertsens, Joris; Mondelaers, Koen and Van Huylenbroeck, Guido (2009) Differences in retail strategies on the emerging organic market. British Food Journal, 11 (2), pp. 138-154.

Aertsens, Joris; Verbeke, Wim; Mondelaers, Koen and Van Huylenbroeck, Guido (2009) Personal determinants of organic food consumption: a review. British Food Journal, 11 (10), pp. 1140-1167.

Aflatuni, Abbas; Uusitalo, Jouko; Ek, Sari and Hohtola, Anja (2003) Effect of liming on yield and quality of peppermint and Sachalin mint in fine sand soil of Northern Finland. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland, 12 (2), pp. 107-115.

Afrose, Sadia; Hammershøj, Marianne; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Engberg, Ricarda M. and Steenfeldt, Sanna (2016) Influence of Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and Starfish (Asterias rubens) meals on production performance, egg quality and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients of laying hens. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 213, pp. 108-117.

Agostini, L.; Bünemann, E. K.; Jakobsen, C.; Salo, T.; Wester-Larsen, L. and Symanczik, S. (2024) Prediction of nitrogen mineralization from novel bio-based fertilizers using chemical extractions. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 36 (103781), pp. 1-13.

Aguilar-Alvarez, Maria Eugenia; Saucedo-Castañeda, Gerardo; Durand, Noel; Perraud-Gaime, Isabelle; González-Robles, Rosa Obdulia and Rodríguez-Serrano, Gabriela Mariana (2021) The variety, roasting, processing, and type of cultivation determine the low OTA levels of commercialized coffee in Chiapas State, Mexico. Food Control, p. 108088.

Aguilera, Eduardo; Guzmán, Gloria and Alonso, Antonio (2015) Greenhouse gas emissions from conventional and organic cropping systems in Spain. I. Herbaceous crops. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 713-724.

Aguilera, Eduardo; Guzmán, Gloria and Alonso, Antonio (2015) Greenhouse gas emissions from conventional and organic cropping systems in Spain. II. Fruit tree orchards. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 725-737.

Aguilera, Eduardo; Lassaletta, Luis; Gattinger, Andreas and Gimeno, Benjamín S. (2013) Managing soil carbon for climate change mitigation and adaptation in Mediterranean cropping systems: A meta-analysis. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 168, pp. 25-36.

Ahanchédé, J.E.; Alfaya, F.; Andersen, L.W.; Azam, D.; Bautista, MA.A.M.; Besnard, A.-L.; Bigatti, G.; Bouetard, A.; Coutellec, M.-A.; Ewédjé, E.-E.B.K.; Fuseya, R.; Carcia-Jiménez, R.; Haratian, M.; Hardy, O.J.; Holm, L.-E.; Hoy, C.W.; Koshimizu, E.; Loeschcke, V.; López-Márquez, V.; Machado, C.A.; Machordom, A.; Marchi, C.; Michel, A.P.; Micheneau, C.; Mittapalli, O.; Nagai, T.; Okamoto, N; Pan, Y.; Panitz, F.; Safaie, N.; Sakamoto, T.; Sharifnabi, B.; En-Weitian, and Yu, H. (2013) Permanent genetic resources note. Permanent Genetic Resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2012-30 September 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources, 13, pp. 158-159.

Aherkar, Shradha S.; Deshmukh, Surendra B.; Konde, Nitin M.; Paslawar, Adinath N.; Joshi, Tanay; Messmer, Monika M. and Riar, Amritbir (2023) Studies on Morphophysiological and Biochemical Parameters for Sucking Pest Tolerance in Organic Cotton. Agriculture, 13 (7), pp. 1-18.

Ahtiainen, Heini (2009) Valuing international marine resources: A meta-analysis on the Baltic Sea. MTT Discussion Papers (1), pp. 1-37.

Ahuja, Ishita; Dauksas, Egidijus; Remme, Jannicke F; Richardsen, Roger and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2020) Fish and fish waste-based fertilizers in organic farming – With status in Norway: A review. Waste Management, 115, pp. 95-112.

Akins, Ashli; Lyver, Phil O'B.; Alrøe, Hugo F. and Moller, Henrik (2019) The Universal Precautionary Principle: New Pillars and Pathways for Environmental, Sociocultural, and Economic Resilience. Sustainability, 11 (8), p. 2357.

Aksakal, Vecihi; Hasimioğlu, Sümer; Bayram, Bahri; Dellal, Gürsel; Erdogan, Yasar; Altun, Hilal Ürüşen and Cengiz, M. Murat (2016) Sustainability Organic Agriculture and Livestock Production with Respect to European Union in Eastern Anatolia and East Black Sea Regions. Turkish Journal of Agriculture - Food Science and Technology, 4, pp. 1024-1030.

Akyazı, Rana; Welbourn, Cal and Liburd, Oscar E. (2021) Mite species (Acari) on blackberry cultivars in organic and conventional farms in Florida and Georgia, USA. Acarologia, pp. 31-45.

Al-Swidi, Abdullah; Huque, Sheikh Mohammed Rafiul; Hafeez, Muhammad Haroon and Shariff, Mohd Noor Mohd (2014) The role of subjective norms in theory of planned behavior in the context of organic food consumption. British Food Journal, 116 (10), pp. 1561-1580.

Al-Yahya'ei, Mohamed N.; Blaszkowski, Janusz; Al-Hashmi, Hamood; Al-Farsi, Khaled; Al-Rashdi, Ismail; Patzelt, Annette; Boller, Thomas; Wiemken, Andres and Symanczik, Sarah (2022) From isolation to application: a case study of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi of the Arabian Peninsula. Symbiosis, 86, pp. 123-132.

Alakukku, Laura; Ristolainen, Antti; Sarikka, Ilkka and Hurme, Timo (2010) Surface water ponding on clayey soils managed by conventional and conservation tillage in boreal conditions. Agricultural and Food Science, 19 (4), pp. 313-326.

Alaru, Maarika; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Tein, Berit; Luik, Anne; Nemvalts, Anu and Loit, Evelin (2014) Crop yields and supply of nitrogen compared in conventional and organic farming systems. Agricultural and Food Science, 23 (4), pp. 317-326.

Alaru, Marika; Talgre, Liina; Luik, Anne; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav and Loit, Evelin (2017) Barley undersown with red clover in organic and conventional systems: nitrogen aftereffect on legume growth. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 104 (2), pp. 131-138.

Albéric, Patrick; Jézéquel, Didier; Bergonzini, L.; Chapron, Emmanuel; Viollier, Eric; Massault, Marc and Michard, Gil (2013) Carbon Cycling and Organic Radiocarbon Reservoir Effect in a Meromictic Crater Lake (Lac Pavin, Puy-de-Dôme, France). Radiocarbon, pp. 1029-1042.

Albert, Thiemo; Gareis, Manfred and Kröckel, Lothar (2003) Mikrobiologische Qualität von Fleischerzeugnissen aus ökologischer Produktion. [Microbiological quality of organically produced meat products.] Mitteilungsblatt der Bundesanstalt für Fleischforschung, Vol. 42 (161), pp. 183-190.

Albuquerque, MCP; Alves, R; Zanandrea, ACV; Ferreira, J F; Melo, CMR and Magalhães, ARM (2012) Growth and survival of the pearl oyster Pteria hirundo (L.,1758) in an intermediate stage of culture in Santa Catarina, Brazil. [Crescimento e sobrevivência da ostra perlífera Pteria hirundo (L., 1758) em cultivo intermediário em Santa Catarina, Brasil.] Brazilian Journal of Biology, 72 (1), pp. 175-180.

Alencar, Maria de Cléofas Faggion (2010) Open access repository for the brazilian literature on agroecology. [Repositório aberto de acesso para a literatura brasileira sobre agroecologia.] Revista de Ciência da Informação e Documentação, 1 (2), pp. 153-160.

Alewell, Christine; Huang, Jen-How; McLaren, Timothy I.; Huber, Lea and Bünemann, Else K. (2021) Phosphorus retention in constructed wetlands enhanced by zeolite- and clinopyroxene-dominated lava sand. Hydrological Processes, 35 (2), e14040.

Alfaro-Flores, Adalid; Morales-Belpaire, Isabel and Schneider, Monika (2015) Microbial biomass and cellulase activity in soils under five different cocoa production systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Agroforestry Systems, online, - .

AlHadidi, Nour; Hasan, Hazem; Pap, Zoltán; Tóth, Ferenc; Papp, Orsolya; Drexler, Dora; Ganszky, Daniel and Kappel, Noemi (2024) Beneficial Effects of Microbial Inoculation to Improve Organic Potato Production under Irrigated and Non-Irrigated Conditions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE & BIOLOGY, 31 (1), pp. 57-64.

Alignier, Audrey; Solé-Senan, Xavier Oriol; Robleño, Irene; Baraibar, Bàrbara; Fahrig, Lenore; Giralt, David; Gross, Nicolas; Martin, Jean-Louis; Recasens, Jordi; Sirami, Clélia; Siriwardena, Gavin; Bosem-Baillod, Aliette; Bertrand, Colette; Carrié, Romain; Hass, Annika; Henckel, Laura; Miguet, Paul; Badenhausser, Isabelle; Baudry, Jacques; Bota, Gerard; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Brotons, Lluis; Burel, Françoise; Calatayud, François; Clough, Yann; Georges, Romain; Gibon, Annick; Girard, Jude; Lindsay, Kathryn; Miñano, Jesús; Mitchell, Scott; Patry, Nathalie; Poulin, Brigitte; Tscharntke, Teja; Vialatte, Aude; Violle, Cyrille; Yaverscovski, Nicole and Batáry, Péter (2020) Configurational crop heterogeneity increases within-field plant diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (4), pp. 654-663.

Alkemade, J. A.; Messmer, M. M.; Voegele, R. T.; Finckh, M. R. and Hohmann, P. (2021) Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum lupini and its virulence on white and Andean lupin. Scientific reports, 11, p. 13547.

Alkemade, Joris; Arncken, Christine; Hirschvogel, Christa; Messmer, Monika; Leska, Agata; Voegele, Ralf T.; Finckh, Maria R.; Kölliker, Roland; Groot, Steven P.C. and Hohmann, Pierre (2022) The potential of alternative seed treatments to control anthracnose disease in white lupin. Crop Protection, 158, p. 106009.

Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika; Arncken, Christine; Leska, Agata; Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson; Książkiewicz, Michal; Voegele, Ralf Thomas; Finckh, Maria and Hohmann, Pierre (2021) A high-throughput phenotyping tool to identify field-relevant anthracnose resistance in white lupin. Plant disease, online, pp. 1-9.

Alkemade, Joris A.; Baroncelli, Ricardo; Messmer, Monika M. and Hohmann, Pierre (2023) Attack of the clones: Population genetics reveals clonality of Colletotrichum lupini, the causal agent of lupin anthracnose. Molecular Plant Pathology, 24 (6), pp. 616-627.

Alkemade, Joris A.; Nazzicari, Nelson; Messmer, Monika M.; Annicchiarico, Paolo; Ferrari, Barbara; Voegele, Ralf T.; Finckh, Maria R.; Arncken, Christine and Hohmann, Pierre (2022) Genome‑wide association study reveals white lupin candidate gene involved in anthracnose resistance. Theoretical and Applied Genetics, online, pp. 1-14.

Allaire, Gilles; Poméon, Thomas; Maigne, Elise; Cahuzac, Eric; Simioni, Michel and Desjeux, Yann (2015) Territorial analysis of the diffusion of organic farming in France : Between heterogeneity and spatial dependence. Ecological Indicators, pp. 70-81.

Alm, M.; Tauson, R. and Wall, H. (2016) Mussel shells as an environment enrichment and calcium source for floor-housed laying hens. The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, pp. 1-9.

Almeida, Luiz Manoel de Moraes Camargo ; Paulillo, Luiz Fernando ; Bergamasco, Sônia Maria P. P. and Ferrante, Vera Lúcia Silveira Botta (2007) Public policies and food security and family farming networks: contributions to the construction of effectiveness indicators. [Políticas públicas, redes de segurança alimentar e agricultura familiar: elementos para construção de indicadores de eficácia.] Estudos Sociedade e Agricultura, 14 (02), pp. 205-235.

Almeida, Ronaldo de ; Bernardi, José Vicente Elias ; Oliveira, Ronaldo Cavalcante ; Carvalho, Dario Pires de ; Manzatto, Angelo Gilberto ; Lacerda, Luiz Drude de and Bastos, Wanderley Rodrigues (2013) Flood pulse and spatial dynamics of mercury in sediments in Puruzinho lake, Brazilian Amazon. [O pulso de inundação e a dinâmica espacial do mercúrio em sedimentos no lago Puruzinho, Amazônia Brasileira.] Acta Amazonica, 44 (1), pp. 99-106.

Almli, Valérie Lengard; Naes, Tormod; Enderli, Géraldine; Sulmont-Rossé, Claire; Issanchou, Sylvie and Hersleth, Margrethe (2011) Consumers' acceptance of innovations in traditional cheese. A comparative study in France and Norway. Appetite, pp. 110-20.

Alonso, Nuria (2010) Common rules for 'out of home' catering. The Organic Standard (110), pp. 12-15.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2003) Open archive for organic research. DARCOFenews (1).

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2000) Science as systems learning. Some reflections on the cognitive and communicational aspects of science. Cybernetics & Human Knowing, 7 (4), pp. 57-78.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2003) Toward a Systemic Ethic: In search of an Ethical Basis for Sustainability and Precaution. Environmental Ethics, 25 (1), pp. 59-78.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2008) What makes organic agriculture move - protest, meaning or market? A polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE), 7 (1/2), pp. 5-22.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Schmid, Otto and Padel, Susanne (2005) Ethical principles and the revision of organic rules. The Organic Standard, 51, pp. 8-11.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Vaarst, Mette and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2001) Does organic farming face distinctive livestock welfare issues? - A conceptual analysis. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 14, pp. 275-299.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2004) Why have basic principles for organic agriculture? … and what kind of principles should they be? Ecology & Farming, No. 36, pp. 27-30.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2002) Towards a systemic research methodology in agriculture: Rethinking the role of values in science. Agriculture and Human Values, 19 (1), pp. 3-23.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Moller, Henrik; Læssøe, Jeppe and Noe, Egon (2016) Opportunities and challenges for multicriteria assessment of food system sustainability. Ecology and Society, 21 (1), p. 38.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2016) Sustainability assessment and complementarity. Ecology and Society, 21 (1), p. 30.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2014) Second-order science of interdisciplinary research: A polyocular framework for wicked problems. Constructivist Foundations, 10 (1), pp. 65-95.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2012) Observing Environments. Constructivist Foundations, 8 (1), pp. 39-62.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2011) The paradox of scientific expertise. A perspectivist approach to knowledge asymmetries. Fachsprache - International Journal of Specialized Communication, 2011 (3-4), pp. 152-167.

Alvåsen, Karin; Eriksson, Hanna; Ahmed, Haseeb and Fall, Nils (2021) Assessing economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems in dairy production using a stochastic partial budgeting approach. Needs to be decided. Probably 'Livestock Science', XX, XX-XX. [draft]

Alvåsen, Karin; Haskell, Marie J; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Eriksson, Hanna; Bicknell, Kathryn; Fall, Nils and Ahmed, Haseeb (2023) Assessing economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems in dairy production using a stochastic partial budgeting approach. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, pp. 1-13.

Alves, Eloi Machado; Sereia, Maria Josiane; Toledo, Vagner de Alencar Arnaut de; Marchini, Luis Carlos; Neves, Carolina Antunes; Toledo, Tiago Cleyton Simões de Oliveira Arnaut de and Anacleto, Daniela de Almeida (2011) Physicochemical characteristics of organic honey samples of africanized honeybees from Paraná River islands. [Características físico-químicas de mel orgânico de abelhas africanizadas produzido nas ilhas do Rio Paraná.] Food Science and Technology (Campinas), 31 (3), pp. 635-639.

Alves, Rogério M.O.; Carvalho, Carlos A.L.; Souza, Bruno A. and Santos, Wyratan S. (2012) Areas of natural occurrence of melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811(Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the state of Bahia, Brazil. [Áreas de ocorrência natural de melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) no estado da Bahia, Brasil.] Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 84 (3), pp. 679-688.

Alves, Rogério M.O. ; Carvalho, Carlos A.L. ; Souza, Bruno A. and Santos, Wyratan S. (2012) Areas of natural occurrence of Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae) in the state of Bahia, Brazil. [Áreas de ocorrência natural de Melipona scutellaris Latreille, 1811 (Hymenoptera: Apidae ), no estado da Bahia, Brasil.] Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 84 (3), pp. 679-688.

Ambus, P. (2005) Relationship between nitrogen cycling and nitrous oxide emission in grass-clover pasture. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 72, pp. 189-199.

Ambus, P.; Petersen, S.O. and Soussana, J.-F. (2007) Short-term carbon and nitrogen cycling in urine patches assessed by combined carbon-13 and nitrogen-15 labelling. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 121, pp. 84-92.

Amjad, Waseem; Crichton, Stuart O.J.; Munir, Anjum; Hensel, Oliver and Sturm, Barbara (2018) Hyperspectral imaging for the determination of potato slice moisture content and chromaticity during the convective hot air drying process. Biosystems Engineering, 166, pp. 170-183.

Ammann, Lolita; Bosem-Baillod, Aliette; Eckerter, Philipp W.; Entling, Martin H.; Albrecht, Matthias and Herzog, Felix (2022) Comparing floral resource maps and land cover maps to predict predators and aphid suppression on field bean. Landscape Ecology, 37, pp. 431-441.

Ammann, Lolita; Bosem-Baillod, Aliette; Herzog, Felix; Frey, David; Entling, Martin H. and Albrecht, Matthias (2024) Spatio-temporal complementarity of floral resources sustains wild bee pollinators in agricultural landscapes. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 359 (108754), pp. 1-11.

Ammann, Daniel; Hilbeck, Angelika; Lanzrein, Beatrice; Hübner, Philipp and Oehen, Bernadette (2007) Procedure for the Implementation of the Precautionary Principle in Biosafety Commissions. Journal of Risk Research, 10 (4), pp. 487-501.

Amosse, Camille; Jeuffroy, Marie-Helene; Celette, Florian and David, Christophe (2013) Relay-intercropped forage legumes help to control weeds in organic grain production. European Journal of Agronomy, pp. 158-167.

Amosse, Camille; Jeuffroy, Marie-Helene and David, Christophe (2013) Relay intercropping of legume cover crops in organic winter wheat: Effects on performance and resource availability. Field Crops Research, pp. 78-87.

Amosse, Camille; Jeuffroy, Marie-Helene; Mary, Bruno and David, Christophe (2014) Contribution of relay intercropping with legume cover crops on nitrogen dynamics in organic grain systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, pp. 1-14.

Andersen, Astrid J. and Petersen, Søren O. (2009) Effects of C and N availability and soil-water potential interactions on N2O evolution and PLFA composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41 (8), pp. 1726-1733.

Andersen, Charlotte; Nielsen, Tina Skau; Purup, Stig; Kristensen, Troels; Eriksen, Jørgen; Søegaard, Karen; Sørensen, John and Fretté, Xavier C (2009) Phyto-oestrogens in herbage and milk from cows grazing white clover, red clover, lucerne or chicory-rich pastures. Animal, 3 (8), pp. 1189-1195.

Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Kongsted, A.G. and Jakobsen, M. (2020) Pig elimination behavior-A review. Applied Animal Behaviour, 222, p. 104888.

Andersen, Laura M.; Blow, Laura; Browning, Martin and Crawford, Ian (2008) A nonparametric characteristics model of the demand for milk. [Submitted]

Andersen, Mette Klindt; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Ambus, Per and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Biomass production, symbiotic nitrogen fixation and inorganic N use in dual and tri-component annual intercrops. Plant and Soil, 266, pp. 273-287.

Andersen, N.S.; Siegismund, H.R.; Meyer, V. and Jørgensen, R.B. (2005) Low level of gene flow from cultivated beets (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. vulgaris) into Danish populations of sea beet (Beta vulgaris L. ssp. maritima (L.) Arcangeli). Molecular Ecology, 14, pp. 1391-1405.

Andersen, Anne Holst (2011) Organic food and the plural moralities of food provisioning. Journal of Rural Studies, 27 (4), pp. 440-450.

Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Jakobsen, Malene (2019) Pig elimination behavior — A review. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, x, pp. 1-9. [In Press]

Andersen, Laura Mørch (2011) Animal welfare and eggs - cheap talk or money on the counter? Journal of Agricultural Economics, 62 (3), pp. 565-584.

Andersen, Lillie; Köpcke, Dirk; Bertelsen, Marianne and Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne (2014) Low oxygen improves storage possibility of organic Elstar apples. Food Science and Technology International. [draft]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Jacobsen, Magnus; Kahlert, Johnny; Fjeldså, Jon and Odgaard, Bent Vad (2013) Origin of cultural landscape biota of Central and Northwest Europe: genetic evidence of population expansions of Perdix perdix at the introduction and expansion of agriculture. not decided yet, , . [Completed]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Jacobsen, Magnus; Kahlert, Johnny and Odgaard, Bent (2011) Following the plough: genetic evidence of population expansions of Perdix perdix during early transition and late intensification of agriculture in Denmark and Western Europe. not decided yet, ?, ?. [Completed]

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley and Kahlert, Johnny (2011) Genetic indications of translocated and stocked grey partridges (Perdix perdix): Does the indigenous Danish grey partridge (Perdix perdix) still exist? Biological Journal of Linnean Society intended, 105 (3), pp. 694-710.

Anderson, Randy L. (2015) Integrating a complex rotation with no-till improves weed management in organic farming. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 967-974.

Andrade Filho, Nézio Neri; Roel, Antonia Railda; Yano, Mami; Cardoso, Claudia Andreia Lima and Matias, Rosemary (2013) Toxicity of oil from Anacardium humile Saint Hill (Anacardiaceae), on Bemisia tuberculata (Bondar, 1923) (Hemipttera: Aleyrodidae) on cassava plants. [Toxicidade do óleo de Anacardium humile Saint Hill (Anacardiaceae) em Bemisia tuberculata (Bondar, 1923) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) em plantas de mandioca.] Revista Brasileira de Agroecologia, 8 (2), pp. 185-190.

Andrasen, Annette; Sengupta, Mita Eva; Skovgaard, Kerstin; Jensen , Bent Borg; Thamsborg, Stig MIlan; Kringel, Helene; Petersen, Heidi Huus and Mejer, Helena (2015) Effect of dried chicory roots on host immune responses against Oesophagostomum dentatum infections in pigs. Parasitology. [draft]

Andreasen, Lise; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær and Halberg, Niels (2015) Organic Research and Development in Denmark (1996-2010) - Effects on the Organic Sector and Society. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 4 (3), pp. 173-183.

Andres, Christian and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2016) Sustainable Intensification of Tropical Agro-Ecosystems: Need and Potentials. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4:5, online- .

Andres, Christian; Blaser, Wilma J.; Dzahini-Obiatey, Henry K.; Ameyaw, George A.; Domfeh, Owusu K.; Awiagah, Moses A.; Gattinger, Andreas; Schneider, Monika; Offei, Samuel K. and Six, Johan (2018) Agroforestry systems can mitigate the severity of cocoa swollen shoot virus disease. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 252, pp. 83-92.

Andres, Christian; Gattinger, Andreas; Dzahini-Obiatey, Henry K.; Blaser, Wilma J.; Offei, Samuel K. and Six, Johan (2017) Combatting Cocoa Swollen Shoot Virus Disease: What do we know? Crop Protection, 98, pp. 76-84.

Andres, Christian; Hoerler, Raphael; Home, Robert; Jeorin, Jonas; Dzahini-Obiatey, Henry K.; Ameyaw, George A.; Domfeh, Owusu; Blaser, Wilma J.; Gattinger, Andreas; Offei, Samuel K. and Six, Johan (2018) Social network to inform and prevent the spread of cocoa swollen shoot virus disease in Ghana. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 38:53, pp. 1-11.

Andresen, Marianne; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2015) Cultivar differences in early spatial distribution of wheat, onion and lettuce roots. [draft]

Angevin, Frédérique; Klein, Etienne K.; Choimet, Cécile; Gauffreteau, Arnaud; Lavigne, Claire; Messean, Antoine and Meynard, Jean Marc (2008) Modelling impacts of cropping systems and climate on maize cross-pollination in agricultural landscapes: The MAPOD model. European Journal of Agronomy, pp. 471-484.

Anglade, Juliette; Billen, Gilles; Garnier, Josette; Makridis, Thibault; Puech, Thomas and Tittel, Cyril (2015) Nitrogen soil surface balance of organic vs conventional cash crop farming in the Seine watershed. Agricultural Systems, pp. 82-92.

Anil, T. Anish; Suja, G.; Byju, G. and Veena, S.S. (2014) Organic Management Impacts on Micro-environment in Cassava. Journal of Root Crops, 40 (1), pp. 102-104.

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Asche, Frank; Bronnmann, Julia; Nielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2017) Consumer preferences for farmed organic salmon and eco-labelled wild salmon in Denmark1. [Forbrugernes præferencer for opdrættede økologisk laks og øko-mærket vilde laks i Danmark.] JEL, 1, pp. 1-12. [Submitted]

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Jacobsen, Jette Bredahl and Olsen, Sø'ren Boye (2018) Innovating out of the Fishmeal Trap: The role of Insect-Based Fish Feed in Consumers’ Preferences for Fish Attributes. [Betydningen af insekt-baseret fiskefoder på forbrugernes præferencer for at spise fisk.] British Food Journal, 1, pp. 4-19.

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Jocobsen, Jette Bredahl; Olsen, Søren Bøye; Nielsen, Rasmus and Nielsen, Max (2017) Heterogeneous Preferences, Information, and Knowledge for Organic Fish Demand1. [Heterogene præferencer, information og viden om efterspørgslen på økologisk fisk.] JEL, 1, pp. 1-14. [Submitted]

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Nielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2017) Comparison of Seafood and Agricultural Ecological Premiums1. [Sammenligning af merpriser på økologiske fisk med merpriser på andre økologiske fødevarer.] JEL, 1, pp. 1-14. [Submitted]

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isacc; Nielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2017) Financial Performance of the Danish Organic Trout Aquaculture1. [Finansielle resultater for Danske akvakulturproducenter af Økologisk Ørred.] JEL, 1, pp. 1-6. [Submitted]

Ankamah-Yeboah, saac; ielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2017) Does organic supply growth leads to reduced price premiums? The case of salmonids in Denmark1. [Reducerer vækst i udbud af økologiske fødevarer merpriserne? Case studie af laksefisk i Danmark.] JEL, 1, pp. 1-17. [Submitted]

Anli, Mohamed; Symanczik, Sarah; El Abbassi, Abdelilah; Ait-El-Mokhtar, Mohamed; Boutasknit, Abderrahim; Ben-Laouane, Raja; Toubali, Salma; Baslam, Marouane; Mäder, Paul; Hafidi, Mohamed and Meddich, Abdelilah (2021) Use of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Rhizoglomus irregulare and compost to improve growth and physiological responses of Phoenix dactylifera ‘Boufgouss’. Plant Biosystems - An International Journal Dealing with all Aspects of Plant Biology, 155 (4), pp. 763-771.

Anli, Mohamed; Baslam, Marouane; Tahiri, Abdelilah; Raklami, Anas; Symanczik, Sarah; Boutasknit, Abderrahim; Ait-El-Mokhtar, Mohamed; Ben-Laouane, Raja; Toubali, Salma; Ait-Rahou, Youssef; Ait Chitt, Mustapha; Oufdou, Khalid; Mitsui, Toshiaki; Hafidi, Mohamned and Meddich, Abdelilah (2020) Biofertilizers as Strategies to Improve Photosynthetic Apparatus, Growth, and Drought Stress Tolerance in the Date Palm. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, p. 516818.

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Julier, Bernadette; Louarn, Gaëtan and Maamouri, Amel (2014) Alfalfa intercropping and competitive ability. Legume Perspectives, pp. 29-30.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Lagat, Zipporah; Muriuki, Anne; Stöckli, Sibylle; Riedel, Judith; Onyambu, Gladys; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N. and Adamtey, Noah (2020) The impact of conventional and organic farming on soil biodiversity conservation: a case study on termites in the long-term farming systems comparison trials in Kenya. BMC Ecology, 20, p. 13.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Lagat, Zipporah; Muriuki, Anne W.; Stöckli, Sibylle; Onyambu, Gladys; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N. and Adamtey, Noah (2019) Termite-Induced Injuries to Maize and Baby Corn under Organic and Conventional Farming Systems in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Insects, 10 (10), p. 367.

Apostolov, Stoylko and Heeb, Marlene (2003) Bulgaria. A relatively short organic history. The Organic Standard (31), pp. 2-6.

Araújo, Ademir Sérgio Ferreira de and Melo, Wanderley José de (2010) Soil microbial biomass in organic farming system. [Biomassa microbiana do solo em sistemas orgânicos.] Ciência Rural, 40 (11), pp. 2419-2426.

Araújo, Afrânio César de ; Aloufa, Magdi Ahmed Ibrahim ; Silva, Apolino José Nogueira da ; Pereira, Walter Esfrain and Oliveira, Cosme Jales de (2013) Relative planting times on the production components in sesame/cowpea bean intercropping in organic system. [Épocas relativas de plantio sobre os componentes da produção no consórcio gergelim/feijão caupi em sistema orgânico de cultivo.] Ciência e Agrotecnologia, 37 (6), pp. 531-537.

Araújo, Ana Leônia de; Oliveira, Renato Teixeira de; Ferreira, Tiago Osório and Romero, Ricardo Espíndola (2013) Evaluation of soil structure using participatory methods in the semiarid region of Brazil. [Avaliação da estrutura do solo utilizando métodos participatórios na região semiárida brasileira.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 44 (3), pp. 411-418.

Araújo, Ana Leônia de ; Oliveira, Renato Teixeira de ; Ferreira, Tiago Osório Ferreira; Romero, Ricardo Espíndola and Oliveira, Teógenes Senna de (2013) Evaluation of soil structure using participatory methods in the semiarid region of Brazil. [Avaliação da estrutura do solo utilizando métodos participatórios na região semiárida brasileira.] Revista Ciência Agronômica, 44 (3), pp. 411-418.

Araujo, Jacqueline C ; Silva, Paula PM ; Telhado, Samuel FP ; Sakai, Rogério H ; Spoto, Marta HF and Melo, Paulo CT (2014) Physico-chemical and sensory parameters of tomato cultivars grown in organic systems. [Parâmetros físico-químicos e sensoriais de cultivares de tomate cultivados em sistema orgânico.] Horticultura Brasileira, 32 (2), pp. 205-209.

Ardakani, M. Reza; Pietsch, Gabriele; Moghaddam, Ali; Raza, Amir and Friedel, Juergen K. (2009) Response of Root Properties to Tripartite Symbiosis between Lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), Rhizobia and Mycorrhiza Under Dry Organic Farming Conditions. American Journal of Agricultural and Biological Sciences, 4 (4), pp. 266-277.

Ardakani, M.Reza; Pietsch, Gabriele; Wanek, Wolfgang; Schweiger, Peter; Moghaddam, Ali and Friedel, Juergen K. (2009) Nitrogen fixation and yield of lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), as affected by co-inoculation with Sinorhizobium meliloti and arbuscular mycorrhiza under dry organic farming conditions. American-Eurasian Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, 6 (2), pp. 173-183.

Ares, Aitana; Costa, Joana; Joaquim, Carolina; Pintado, Duarte; Santos, Daniela; Messmer, Monika M. and Mendes-Moreira, Pedro M. (2021) Effect of Low-Input Organic and Conventional Farming Systems on Maize Rhizosphere in Two Portuguese Open-Pollinated Varieties (OPV), “Pigarro” (Improved Landrace) and “SinPre” (a Composite Cross Population). Frontiers in Microbiology, 12, p. 636009.

Armengot; José-María; Blanco-Moreno, José; Bassa; Chamorro and Sans, F. (2011) A novel index of land use intensity for organic and conventional farming of Mediterranean cereal fields. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 699-707.

Armengot, Laura; Beltrán, María J.; Schneider, Monika; Simón, Xavier and Pérez-Neira, David (2021) Food-energy-water nexus of different cacao production systems from a LCA approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 304, p. 126941.

Armengot, Laura; Berner, Alfred; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Mäder, Paul and Sans, F. Xavier (2015) Long-term feasibility of reduced tillage in organic farming. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 339-346.

Armengot, Laura; José-María, Laura; Chamorro, Lourdes and Sans, Francesc (2013) Weed harrowing in organically grown cereal crops avoids yield losses without reducing weed diversity. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 405-411.

Armengot, Laura; Pérez-Neira, David and Jacobi, Johanna (2022) Editorial: Agroforestry, Food Sovereignty, and Value Chains for Sustainable Food Systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6 (859007), pp. 1-2.

Armengot, Laura; Picucci, Marco; Milz, Joachim; Hansen, Jon Kehlet and Schneider, Monika (2023) Locally-selected cacao clones for improved yield: A case study in different production systems in a long-term trial. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7 (125306), pp. 1-14.

Armengot, L.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Bàrberi, P.; Bocci, G.; Carlesi, S.; Aendekerk, R.; Berner, A.; Celette, F.; Grosse, M.; Huiting, H.; Kranzler, A.; Luik, A.; Mäder, P.; Peigné, J.; Stoll, E.; Delfosse, P.; Sukkel, W.; Surböck, A.; Westaway, S. and Sans, F.X. (2016) Tillage as a driver of change in weed communities: a functional perspective. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 222, pp. 276-285.

Armengot, Laura; Barbieri, Pietro; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim and Schneider, Monika (2016) Cacao agroforestry systems have higher return on labor compared to full-sun monocultures. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 36 (70), pp. 1-10.

Armengot, Laura; Berner, Alfred; Blanco-Moreno, José Manuel; Mäder, Paul and Sans, F.Xavier (2014) Long-term feasibility of reduced tillage in organic farming. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 35 (1), pp. 339-346.

Armengot, Laura; Ferrari, Leone; Milz, Joachim; Velásquez, Fortunato; Hohmann, Pierre and Schneider, Monika (2020) Cacao agroforestry systems do not increase pest and disease incidence compared with monocultures under good cultural management practices. Crop Protection, 130, p. 105047.

Arnault, Ingrid; Lombarkia, Nadia; Ondet, Sophie-Joy; ROMET, L.; Brahim, Imene; Meradi, Rahma; Auger, J and Derridj, Sylvie (2016) Foliar application of microdoses of sucrose to reduce codling moth Cydia pomonella L. (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) damage to apple trees. Pest Management Science, 2016, pp. 5-10.

Arncken, Christine; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen and Weibel, Franco P. (2012) Sensory, yield and quality differences between organically and conventionally grown winter wheat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (J Sci Food Agric), 92, pp. 2819-2825.

Arthurson , Veronica; Sessitsch, Angela and Jäderlund, Lotta (2011) Persistence and spread of Salmonella enterica serovar Weltevreden in soil and on spinach plants. FEMS Microbiology Letters, 314 (1), pp. 67-74.

Artru, Sidonie; Garré, Sarah; Dupraz, Christian; Hiel, Marie-Pierre; Blitz-Frayret, Céline and Lassois, Ludivine (2017) Impact of spatio-temporal shade dynamics on wheat growth and yield, perspectives for temperate agroforestry. European Journal of Agronomy, pp. 60-70.

Asai, Masayasu; Moraine, Marc; Ryschawy, Julie; De Wit, Jan; Hoshide, Aaron K. and Martin, Guillaume (2018) Critical factors for crop-livestock integration beyond the farm level: a cross-analysis of worldwide case studies. Land Use Policy, pp. 184-194.

Ascard, Johan and Fogelberg, Fredrik (2008) Mechanical In-Row Weed Control in Transplanted and Direct-Sown Bulb Onions. Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, 25, pp. 235-251.

Asioli, Daniele; Rocha, Carlos H.; Wongprawmas, R.; Popa, Mona Elena; Gogus, Fahrettin and Almli Lengaard, Valerie (2018) Microwave-dried or air-dried? Consumers' stated preferences and attitudes for organic dried strawberries. A multi-country investigation in Europe. Food Research International, 11 (37), x-x. [In Press]

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, Jørgen (2002) Exchangeable potassium in soil as indicator of potassium status in an organic crop rotation on loamy sand. Soil Use and Management, 18, pp. 84-90.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, Jørgen (2000) Potassium retention and leaching in an organic crop rotation on loamy sand as affected by contrasting potassium budgets. Soil Use and Management, 16, pp. 200-205.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Eriksen, Jørgen and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2003) Exchangeable potassium and potassium balances in organic crop rotations on a coarse sandy soil. Soil Use and Management, 19, pp. 96-103.

Askegaard, M. and Eriksen, E. (2007) Growth of legume and nonlegume catch crops and residual-N effects in spring barley on coarse sand. J. Plant Nutrition and Soil Science, 170, pp. 733-780.

Askegaard, M.; Thomsen, I.K.; Berntsen, J.; Hovmøller, M.S. and Kristensen, K. (2011) Performance of spring barley varieties and variety mixtures as affected by manure application and their order in an organic crop rotation. Acta Agriculturae Scand Section B - Soil and Plant Science, 61, pp. 421-430.

Askegaard, Margrethe (2008) Residual effect and leaching of N and K in cropping systems with clover and ryegrass catch crops on a coarse sand. Agriculture, Ecosystem and Enviroment, 123, pp. 99-108.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations: effects of location, manure and catch crop. Soil Use and Management, 21, pp. 181-188.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Kristensen, Kristian (2011) Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations is mostly determined by autumn field management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 142 (3-4), pp. 149-160.

Assemi, H.; Rezapanah, M.; Vafai-Shoushtari, R. and Mehrvar, A. (2012) Modified artificial diet for rearing of tobacco budworm, Helicoverpa armigera using the Taguchi method and Derringer’s desirability function. Journal of Insect Science, 12 (100), pp. 1-18.

Asser-Kaiser, Sabine; Fritsch, Eva; Undorf-Spahn, Karin; Kienzle, Jutta; Eberle, Karolin; Gund, Nadine; Reineke, Annette; Zebitz, Claus; Heckel, David and Jehle, Johannes (2007) Rapid Emergence of Baculovirus Resistance in Codling Moth to Dominant, Sex-linked Inheritance. Science, 317, pp. 1916-1918.

Atandi, Janet G.; Adamtey, Noah; Kiriga, Agnes W.; Karanja, Edward N.; Musyoka, Martha W.; Matheri, Felix; Tanga, Chrysantus M.; Coyne, Danny L.; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Bautze, David and Haukeland, Solveig (2022) Organic maize and bean farming enhances free-living nematode dynamics in sub-Saharan Africa. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 327 (107846), pp. 1-10.

Atandi, Janet G.; Haukeland, Solveig; Kariuki, George M.; Coyne, Danny L.; Karanja, Edward N.; Musyoka, Martha W.; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Bautze, David and Adamtey, Noah (2017) Organic farming provides improved management of plant parasitic nematodes in maize and bean cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 247, pp. 265-272.

Atasay, Adem and Türemiş, Nurgül (2009) Effect of Some Nutrient Applications on Plant Properties in Organic Strawberry Production. Acta Hortuculture, 838, pp. 83-86.

ATEŞ, Fadime; ÜNAL, Akay; ÇAKIR, Engin and YAĞCI, Adem (2016) The effects of different tillage methods on mineral substance of raisins in organic grape growing. Acta Horticulturae, 1115, pp. 155-160.

Ates, S.; Cicek, H.; Bell, L. W.; Norman, H. C.; Mayberry, D. E.; Kassam, S.; Hannaway, D. B. and Louhaichi, M. (2018) Sustainable development of smallholder crop-livestock farming in developing countries. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 142, pp. 1-11.

Ates, S.; Cicek, H.; Gultekin, I.; Yigezu, Y. A.; Keser, M. and Filley, S. J. (2018) Bio-economic analysis of dual-purpose management of winter cereals in high and low input production systems. Field Crops Research, 227, pp. 56-66.

Aubert, Magali and Enjolras, Geoffroy (2017) French labour-force participation in organic farming. Human Systems Management, pp. 163-172.

Aubert, Magali and Enjolras, Geoffroy (2016) Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices ? An analysis of French farms. International Journal of Agricultural Resources Governance and Ecology, pp. 189-213.

Aubert, Magali and Perrier-Cornet, Philippe (2009) Is there a future for small farms in developed countries? Evidence from the French case. [Quel avenir pour les petites exploitations ? Analyse du cas français.] Agricultural Economics, pp. 773-787.

Aubert, Michael; Banas, Damien; Blouin, Manuel; Bolzonella, Cristian; Bonneval, Karine; Brun, Jean-Jacques; Fritz, Ines; Giannini, Raffaello; Hager, Herbert; Katzensteiner, Klaus; Lowenfels, Jeff; Menta, Cristina; Micheloni, Cristina; Paoletti, Maurizio Guido; Pelosi, Céline; Piccolo, Alessandro; Ponge, Jean-François; Singh Kukal, Surinder; Tassinato, Efrem; Teo, Gianni; Tomasi, Mauro and Zanella, Augusto (2020) Organic food “yes”, organic food “no”: a discussion between specialists with the Italian Parliament in the fray. Austin Anthropology, p. 1012.

Aude, Erik and Ejrnæs, Rasmus (2005) Bryophyte colonisation and persistense in experimental microcosms-The role of nutrients, defoliation and vascular vegetation. Oikos, 109, pp. 323-330.

Aude, Erik; Tybirk, Knud; Michelsen, Anders; Ejrnæs, Rasmus; Hald, Anna Bodil and Mark, Susanne (2004) Conservation value of the herbaceous vegetation in hedgerows - does organic farming make a difference? Biological Conservation, 118 (4), pp. 467-478.

Aude, Erik; Tybirk, Knud and Pedersen, Marianne Bruus (2003) Vegetation diversity of conventional and organic hedgerows in Denmark. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 99 (1-3), pp. 135-147.

Auerswald, Karl; Kainz, Max and Fiener, Peter (2003) Soil erosion potential of organic versus conventional farming evaluated by USLE modelling of cropping statistics for agricultural districts in Bavaria. Soil Use and Mangemement, 19, pp. 305-311.

Aulrich, Karen and Molkentin, Joachim (2009) Potential of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for differentiation of organically and conventionally produced milk. Landbauforschung - vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, 59 (4), pp. 301-307.

Ausmane , M.; Gaile, Z. and Melngalvis, I. (2008) THE INVESTIGATION OF CROP WEEDINESS IN THE CROP ROTATION OF ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM. Latvian Journal of Agronomy, No.10, pp. 25-31.

Autio, Elena; Sihto, Ulla; Mononen, Jaakko and Heiskanen, Minna-Liisa (2008) Energy intake and growth of weanling horses in a cold loose housing system. Agricultural and Food Science, 17 (4), pp. 338-350.

Autret, Bénédicte; Beaudoin, Nicolas; Rakotovololona, Lucia; Bertrand, Michel; Grandeau, Gilles; Gréhan, Eric; Ferchaud, Fabien and Mary, Bruno (2019) Can alternative cropping systems mitigate nitrogen losses and improve ghg balance? Results from a 19-yr experiment in northern France. Geoderma, pp. 20-33.

Autret, Bénédicte; Mary, Bruno; Chenu, Claire; Balabane, May; Girardin, Cyril; Bertrand, Michel; Grandeau, Gilles and Beaudoin, Nicolas (2016) Alternative arable cropping systems: A key to increase soil organic carbon storage? Results from a 16 year field experiment. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, pp. 150-164.

Autret, Bénédicte; Mary, Bruno; Strullu, Loic; Chlebowski, Florent; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Beaudoin, Nicolas (2020) Long-term modelling of crop yield, nitrogen losses and GHG balance in organic cropping systems. Science of The Total Environment, 710, p. 134597.

Aviron, Stéphanie; Monteiro, Alexandre; Baudry, Jacques; Djoudi, El Aziz; Petillon, Julien; Plantegenest, Manuel and Puech, Camille (2017) Effects of organic farming at different spatial scales on natural enemies of crop pests and pest predation levels. IOBC WPRS Bulletin, pp. 74-78.

Aviron, Stéphanie; Nitsch, Heike; Jeanneret, Philippe; Buholzer, Serge; Luka, Henryk; Pfiffner, Lukas; Pozzi, Stefano; Schüpbach, Beatrice; Walter, Thomas and Herzog, Felix (2009) Ecological cross compliance promotes farmland biodiversity in Switzerland. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, 7 (5), pp. 247-252.

Aviron, Stéphanie; Poggi, Sylvain; Varennes, Yann-David and Lefevre, Amélie (2016) Local landscape heterogeneity affects crop colonization by natural enemies in protected horticultural cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, pp. 1-10.

Axelsen, J.; Thorup-Kristensen, K.; Askegaard, M. and Krogh, P.H. (2006) High densities of Collembola and mites in organic fields with undersown catch crops.

Axelsen, J.; Bruus-Pedersen, M.; Larsen, T. and Krogh, P.H. (2006) An indicator system of nature quality on organic fields. , , . [Completed]

Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Holmstrup, Martin (2005) Modelling of earthworm population dynamics in agricultural soils (First draft). , , . [Completed]

Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Sønderskov, Mette; Bruus-Pedersen, Marianne; Tybirk, Knud and Eriksen, Jørgen (2004) FieldEco – a multi-purpose biologically driven food web model. , , . [Completed]

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Florence, Ana; Nogueira De Oliveira, Maricê; Delile, Armelle and Béal, Catherine (2021) Fermented Milk Manufacture Conditions Affect Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB12 Survival as a Result of Membrane Fatty Acid Composition. EC microbiology, pp. 1-16.

Florence, Ana Carolina; Béal, Catherine; Claro Da Silva, Roberta and Nogueira Oliveira, Marice (2014) Survival of three Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis strains is related to trans-vaccenic and a-linolenic acids contents in organic fermented milks. LWT - Food Science and Technology, pp. 260-295.

Florence, Ana Carolina; Béal, Catherine; Silva, Roberta; Bogsan, Cristina; Pilleggi, Ana Lucia; Gioielli, Luiz Antonio and Oliveira, Maricê (2012) Fatty acid profile, trans-octadecenoic, a-linolenic and conjugated linoleic acid contents differing in certified organic and conventional probiotic fermented milks. Food Chemistry, pp. 2207-2214.

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Parisi, Luciana; Gros, Christophe; Combe, Freddy; Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle and Brun, Laurent (2013) Impact of a cultivar mixture on scab, powdery mildew and rosy aphid in an organic apple orchard. [Effet d'un mélange variétale sur le rang sur la tavelure, l'oïdium et le puceron cendré dans un verger biologique de pommier.] Crop Protection, 43, pp. 207-212.

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Partanen, Kirsi; Alaviuhkola, Timo; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka and Suomi, Kaija (2003) Faba beans in diets for growing-finishing pigs. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland, 12 (1), pp. 35-47.

Partanen, Kirsi; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka and Alaviuhkola, Timo (2006) Feeding weaned piglets and growing-finishing pigs with diets based on mainly home-grown organic feedstuffs. Agricultural and Food Science, 15 (2), pp. 89-105.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle; Bussi, Claude and Capowiez, Yvan (2012) Effect of White clover (Trifolium repens cv. Huia) cover crop on agronomic properties and soil biology in an organic peach orchard. ACTA HORTICULTURAE, 933 (1), pp. 373-380.

Pascual, Jose Antonio; Ceglie, Francesco; Tuzel, Yuksel; Koller, Martin; Koren, Amnon; Hitchings, Roger and Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Organic substrate for transplant production in organic nurseries. A review. Agronomy for Sustainable Development (published online), 38:35, pp. 1-23.

Pasquet, Alain; Tupinier, Nora; Mazzia, Christophe and Capowiez, Yvan (2016) Exposure to spinosad affects orb-web spider (Agalenatea redii) survival, web construction and prey capture under laboratory conditions. Journal of Pest Science, 507--515.

Passy, Paul; Le Gendre, Romain; Garnier, Josette; Cugier, Philippe; Callens, Julie; Paris, François; Billen, Gilles; Riou, Philippe and Romero, Estella (2016) Eutrophication modelling chain for improved management strategies to prevent algal blooms in the Bay of Seine. Marine Ecology Progress Series, pp. 107-125.

Paul, Carsten; Bartkowski, Bartosz; Dönmez, Cenk; Don, Axel; Mayer, Stefanie; Steffens, Markus; Weigl, Sebastian; Wiesmeier, Martin; Wolf, André and Helming, Katharina (2023) Carbon farming: Are soil carbon certificates a suitable tool for climate change mitigation? Journal of Environmental Management, 330 (117142), pp. 1-11.

Paull, John (2024) Organic Agriculture in Europe: EU Sets Goal of Growing Organic Farmland from 10% to 25% by 2030. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 6 (1), pp. 26-31.

Paull, John (2024) Organic Agriculture in Tunisia, Africa. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 6 (1), pp. 38-42.

Paull, John (2024) Yields of biodynamic agriculture of Immanuel Voegele (1897-1959): Experimental Circle data of Pilgramshain. European Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 8 (1), pp. 1-7.

Paull, John (2023) The First Edition of the Agriculture Course in English: Typed by Marna Pease, incinerated by the Goetheanum. Star & Furrow, 2023 (Autumn), pp. 10-11.

Paull, John (2023) Organic Agriculture in Bhutan: Dream of 100%bOrganic is Stalled at Reality of 1% Organic. European Journal of Development Studies, 3 (5), pp. 58-61.

Paull, John (2023) Yields of Biodynamic Agriculture of Ernst Stegemann (1882-1943): Experimental Circle Data of the First Biodynamic Farmer. European Journal of Agriculture and Food Sciences, 5 (5), pp. 1-4.

Paull, John (2021) New: The Biodynamics Research Collection (BDRC) - free and open access on ZENODO. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (139), pp. 22-26.

Paull, John (2020) Translations of Rudolf Steiner's Agriculture Course (Koberwitz, 1924): The Seminal Text of Biodynamic Farming and Organic Agriculture. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, pp. 94-97.


Paull, John (2017) FOUR NEW STRATEGIES TO GROW THE ORGANIC AGRICULTURE SECTOR. AGROFOR - International Journal, pp. 61-70.

Paull, John (2010) The Future of Organic Agriculture: Otopia or Oblivion? Innovative Science Editions, 1, pp. 11-14.

Paull, John (2010) Henry Shoobridge, Tasmania's Pioneer of Organic Farming. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (97), pp. 4-10.

Paull, John (2010) Mr Carbon Farming. Acres Australia, 18 (1), p. 28.

Paull, John (2010) Nanotechnology, No Free Lunch. Platter, 1 (1), pp. 9-17.

Paull, John (2009) How Dr. Ehrenfried Pfeiffer Contributed to Organic Agriculture in Australia. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (96), pp. 21-27.

Paull, John (2009) The Living Soil Association: Pioneering Organic Farming and Innovating Social Inclusion. Journal of Organic Systems, 4 (1), pp. 15-33.

Paull, John (2009) Korea Rediscovers Organic Agriculture. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 95, pp. 22-26.

Paull, John (2009) Board changes at IFOAM's World Board. Acres Australia, 17 (2), p. 31.

Paull, John (2009) The World's First and Newest Organic Magazines are Australian. The Organic Way (1), pp. 22-23.

Paull, John (2009) A Century of Synthetic Fertilizer: 1909-2009. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (94), pp. 16-21.

Paull, John (2009) Dubai Embraces Biodynamics. Acres Australia, 17 (1), pp. 11-12.

Paull, John (2009) Geo-Engineering in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (93), pp. 16-20.

Paull, John (2009) Meme Maps: A Tool for Configuring Memes in Time and Space. European Journal of Scientific Research, 31 (1), pp. 11-18.

Paull, John (2008) The Lost History of Organic Farming in Australia. Journal of Organic Systems, 3 (2), pp. 2-17.

Paull, John (2008) Of the Land & the Spirit: The Essential Lord Northbourne on Ecology & Religion - Book Review. Journal of Organic Systems, 3 (2), pp. 57-58.

Paull, John (2008) The School Food Revolution: Public Food and the Challenge of Sustainable Development - Book Review. Journal of Organic Systems, 3 (2), pp. 59-60.

Paull, John (2008) Why ban sex hormones in the nursery? Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (92), pp. 12-18.

Paull, John (2008) Green Food in China. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (91), pp. 48-53.

Paull, John (2008) Trophobiosis Theory: A Pest Starves on a Healthy Plant. Journal of Biodynamic Agriculture Australia (76), pp. 51-54.

Paull, John (2008) Wild Organics: A Frontier Shift from Agriculture to Wildculture. Elementals - Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (90), pp. 14-19.

Paull, John (2008) Beyond Equal: From Same but Different to the Doctrine of Substantial Equivalence. M/C Journal of Media and Culture, 11 (26).

Paull, John (2008) Organics Olympiad 2007 - Perspectives on the Global State of Organic Agriculture. Acres Australia, 16 (1), pp. 36-38.

Paull, John (2008) Foul Play and the Case of the Organic Eggs. EDO Bulletin (26), pp. 2-3.

Paull, John (2007) BOOK REVIEW: Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. Journal of Organic Systems, 2 (2), pp. 57-58.

Paull, John (2007) Trophobiosis Theory: A Pest Starves on a Healthy Plant. Elementals - Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 88, pp. 20-24.

Paull, John (2007) Book Review - Rudolf Steiner: An Introduction to His Life and Work, Gary Lachman, 2007. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (87), pp. 53-56.

Paull, John (2007) Rachel Carson, a Voice for Organics - the First Hundred Years. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 86, pp. 37-41.

Paull, John (2007) China's Organic Revolution. Journal of Organic Systems, 2 (1), pp. 1-11.

Paull, John (2007) Organic Education: Nine Best Internet Tools. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 2007 (84), pp. 37-40.

Paull, John (2007) Price Premiums for Organic Food: The Education Effect. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (84), pp. 32-36.

Paull, John (2006) The Farm as Organism: The Foundational Idea of Organic Agriculture. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (80), pp. 14-18.

Paull, John (2006) Permanent Agriculture: Precursor to Organic Farming. Elementals: Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania (83), pp. 19-21.

Paull, John (2006) Tasmanian Organics, Leader or Lagger? Seasons, Tasmanian Journal of Organic Sustainable Agriculture, 13 (1), pp. 15-17.

Paull, John and Bietkowski, Pawel (2022) Stanisław Karłowski (1879-1939): Pioneer of Biodynamic Farming and Organic Agriculture in Poland. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 9 (7), pp. 358-387.

Paull, John and Harvey, Joan (2023) Marna Pease (1866-1947): Founder of Biodynamics for the English-Speaking World. Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 10 (5), pp. 272-301.

Paull, John and Lyons, Kristen (2008) Nanotechnology: The Next Challenge for Organics. Journal of Organic Systems, 3 (1), pp. 3-22.

Paull, John and Tutturen, Tord (2024) Nordic Pioneers of Biodynamic and Organic Agriculture. European Journal of Development Studies, 4 (1), pp. 23-30.

Paull, John (2020) Translations of Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course (Koberwitz, 1924): The Seminal Text of Biodynamic Farming and Organic Agriculture. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 6 (4), pp. 94-97.

Paull, John (2020) Australia’s Place in the World of Biodynamics. Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania, 135, pp. 20-23.

Paull, John (2020) The Koberwitzers: Those Who Attended Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course at Koberwitz in 1924, World’s Foundational Organic Agriculture Course. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 6 (2), pp. 47-54.

Paull, John (2020) AlfredMeebold: Bringing Anthroposophy to the Antipodes. Harvests, 72 (1), pp. 36-41.

Paull, John (2020) GMO Wars: Democracy or Düsseldorf for South Australia? ISDRS Newsletter, Q1 (7), pp. 1-4.

Paull, John (2020) Edith Macpherson Park: Testament to a Pioneering Biodynamic Farmer. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 133, pp. 40-45.

Paull, John (2019) The Failures of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Resistance, Regulation, and Rejection. Agrofor International Journal, 4 (3), pp. 139-152.

Paull, John (2019) Contamination of Farms by Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Options for Compensation. Journal of Organics, 6 (1), pp. 31-46.

Paull, John (2019) Dalmore Farm: Victoria’s first biodynamic farming venture (1933-1934). Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 2019 (131), pp. 26-31.

Paull, John (2019) World Maps of GMOs and Organic Agriculture. International Sustainable Development Research Society (ISDRS) Newsletter, 2019 (3), pp. 6-8.

Paull, John (2019) Review: The Global History of Organic Farming by Gregory A. Barton. The English Historical Review, 134 (570), pp. 1346-1348.

Paull, John (2019) Organic Agriculture in Australia: Attaining the Global Majority (51%). Organic Agriculture in Australia: Attaining the Global Majority (51%), 5 (2), pp. 70-74.

Paull, John (2019) The Pioneers of Biodynamics in USA: The Early Milestones of Organic Agriculture in the United States. American Journal of Environment and Sustainable Development, 6 (2), pp. 89-94.

Paull, John (2019) The Pioneers of Biodynamics in Great Britain: From Anthroposophic Farming to Organic Agriculture (1924-1940). Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, 5 (4), pp. 138-145.

Paull, John (2018) The Pioneers of Biodynamics in New Zealand. Harvests, 70 (3), pp. 38-40.

Paull, John (2018) Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) as Invasive Species. Journal of Environment Protection and Sustainable Development, 4 (3), pp. 31-37.

Paull, John (2018) Torquay: In the footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania, 125 (Mar), pp. 26-31.

Paull, John (2017) Four New Strategies to Grow the Organic Agriculture Sector. Agrofor International Journal, 2 (3), pp. 61-70.

Paull, John (2017) Australia's original Demeter Farm (1934-1954). Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania, 123 (Sept.), pp. 16-19.

Paull, John (2017) Ileen Macpherson: Life and tragedy of a pioneer of biodynamic farming at Demeter Farm and a benefactor of Anthroposophy in Australia. Journal of Organics, 4 (1), pp. 29-56.

Paull, John (2016) The Anthroposophic Art of Ernesto Genoni, Goetheanum, 1924. [L'Arte Antroposofica di Ernesto Genoni, Goetheanum 1924.] Journal of Organics, 3 (2), pp. 1-24.

Paull, John (2016) Organics Olympiad 2016: Global Indices of Leadership in Organic Agriculture. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 7 (2), pp. 79-87.

Paull, John (2015) The threat of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) to organic agriculture: A case study update. Agriculture & Food, 3, pp. 56-63.

Paull, John (2015) Organic farming: The arrival and uptake of the dissident agriculture meme in Australia. Journal of Organics, 2 (1), pp. 49-63.

Paull, John (2015) GMOs and organic agriculture: Six lessons from Australia. Agriculture & Forestry, 61 (1), pp. 7-14.

Paull, John (2014) Ernesto Genoni: Australia’s pioneer of biodynamic agriculture. Journal of Organics, 1 (1), pp. 57-81.

Paull, John (2014) Extracts from a History of the Organic Agriculture Movement in Australia. Plenty, 1 (1), pp. 60-61.

Paull, John (2014) "Plenty" and the Philosophy of Organic Agriculture. Plenty, 1 (Winter), pp. 52-56.

Paull, John (2014) Lord Northbourne, the man who invented organic farming, a biography. Journal of Organic Systems, 9 (1), pp. 31-53.

Paull, John (2014) Organic versus GMO farming: Contamination, what contamination? Journal of Organic Systems, 9 (1), pp. 2-4.

Paull, John (2013) The organics iceberg and the tyranny of organic certification. Journal of Organic Systems, 8 (2), pp. 2-5.

Paull, John (2013) Breslau (Wrocław): In the footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Biodynamics Tasmania, 110 (Winter), pp. 10-15.

Paull, John (2013) The Rachel Carson Letters and the Making of Silent Spring. Sage Open, 3 (July), pp. 1-12.

Paull, John (2013) The Glass House: Crucible of Biodynamic Agriculture. News Leaf, 95 (Winter), pp. 17-21.

Paull, John (2013) Open access publishing: What is world’s best practice? Journal of Organic Systems, 8 (1), pp. 2-4.

Paull, John (2013) Koberwitz (Kobierzyce): In the footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 109 (Autumn), pp. 7-11.

Paull, John (2012) The Glass House: Crucible of Biodynamic Agriculture. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 108 (Summer), pp. 18-23.

Paull, John (2012) Book Review: Rudolf Steiner - Alchemy of the Everyday. Journal of Organic Systems, 7 (2), pp. 61-63.

Paull, John (2012) The roots of organic agriculture. Journal of Organic Systems, 7 (2), pp. 2-4.

Paull, John (2012) Tintagel: In the Footsteps of Rudolf Steiner. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 107 (Spring), pp. 11-15.

Paull, John (2012) Walter Burley Griffin and Marion Mahony Griffin, Architects of Anthroposophy. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 106, pp. 20-30.

Paull, John (2012) Asian Spring for organic agriculture: Korea takes a lead. Journal of Organic Systems, 7 (1), pp. 2-4.

Paull, John (2012) The Success and Failure of Australia’s Organic Agriculture. Acres Australia, 99, p. 28.

Paull, John (2011) A Postcard from Korea: Worldʼs First Organic Agriculture Museum. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 104 (Summer), pp. 11-14.

Paull, John (2011) Incredible Edible Todmorden: Eating the Street. Farming Matters, 27 (3), pp. 28-29.

Paull, John (2011) A Postcard from Stuttgart: Rudolf Steiner's 150th anniversary exhibition 'Kosmos'. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 103 (Sept.), pp. 8-11.

Paull, John (2011) The Uptake of Organic Agriculture: A Decade of Worldwide Development. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 2 (3), pp. 111-120.

Paull, John (2011) The Fairtrade movement: Six lessons for the organics sector. Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of ISOFAR, 2, pp. 317-320.

Paull, John (2011) Book Review: Jones, Rebecca (2010) Green Harvest: A History of Organic Farming and Gardening in Australia. CSIRO Publishing, Melbourne. Journal of Organic Systems, 6 (3), pp. 27-29.

Paull, John (2011) The making of an agricultural classic: Farmers of Forty Centuries or Permanent Agriculture in China, Korea and Japan, 1911-2011. Agricultural Sciences, 2 (3), pp. 175-180.

Paull, John (2011) The Betteshanger Summer School: Missing link between biodynamic agriculture and organic farming. Journal of Organic Systems, 6 (2), pp. 13-26.

Paull, John (2011) The secrets of Koberwitz: The diffusion of Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course and the founding of Biodynamic Agriculture. Journal of Social Research & Policy, 2 (1), pp. 19-29.

Paull, John (2011) Organics Olympiad 2011: Global Indices of Leadership in Organic Agriculture. Journal of Social and Development Sciences, 1 (4), pp. 144-150.

Paull, John (2011) Biodynamic Agriculture: The Journey from Koberwitz to the World, 1924-1938. Journal of Organic Systems, 6 (1), pp. 27-41.

Paull, John (2011) Attending the First Organic Agriculture Course: Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course at Koberwitz, 1924. European Journal of Social Sciences, 21 (1), pp. 64-70.

Paull, John (2011) Rudolf Steiner and the Oxford Conference: The Birth of Waldorf Education in Britain. European Journal of Educational Studies, 3 (1), pp. 53-66.

Paull, John (2011) The Soil Association and Australia: From Mother Earth to Eve Balfour. Mother Earth, 4 (Spring), pp. 13-17.

Paull, John (2010) From France to the World: The International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM). Journal of Social Research & Policy, 1 (2), pp. 93-102.

Paull, John (2010) A Postcard from Oxford: Rudolf Steiner at Manchester College. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 100, pp. 6-14.

Paull, John (2010) The New Organics Logo for Europe. Journal of Bio-Dynamics Tasmania, 99, pp. 19-25.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2020) SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE: THE DISTRIBUTION OF BIODYNAMICS AND ORGANICS IN AUSTRALIA. Proceedings of the 13th Seminar on Science and Technology, 2020, pp. 173-176.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2020) A World Map of Biodynamic Agriculture. Agricultural and Biological Sciences Journal, 6 (2), pp. 114-119.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2019) New World Map of Organic Agriculture: Australia is 51%. Acres Australia, 2019 (101), pp. 35-36.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2018) Maps of Organic Agriculture in Australia. Journal of Organics, 5 (1), pp. 29-39.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2016) Atlas of Organics: Four maps of the world of organic agriculture. Journal of Organics, 3 (1), pp. 25-32.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2011) A World Map of Organic Agriculture. European Journal of Social Sciences, 24 (3), pp. 360-369.

Paulsen, H. M.; Wichmann, V.; Schuemann, U. and Richter, B. (2011) Use of straight vegetable oil mixtures of rape and camelina as on farm fuels in agriculture. BIOMASS AND BIOENERGY, 35 (9), pp. 4015-4024.

Pautasso, Marco; Döring, Thomas F.; Garbelotto, M; Pellis, L and Jeger, MJ (2012) Impacts of climate change on plant diseases – opinions and trends. European Journal of Plant Pathology, 133, pp. 295-313.

Pearce, Joshua (2013) Applications of Open Source 3-D Printing on Small Farms. Organic Farming, pp. 19-35.

Pearce, Bruce; Lampkin, Nicolas; Leake, Alastair and Padel, Susanne (2017) The role of agroecology in sustainable intensification. Aspects of Applied Biology, 136, pp. 53-62.

Pedan, V.; Rohn, S.; Holinger, M. and Chetschik, I. (2018) Bioactive Compound Fingerprint Analysis of Aged Raw Pu’er Tea and Young Ripened Pu’er Tea. Molecules, 23 (8), E1931.

Pedan, Vasilisa; Stamm, Elisa; Do, Tiên; Holinger, Mirjam and Reich, Eike (2020) HPTLC fingerprint profile analysis of coffee polyphenols during different roast trials. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 94, p. 103610.

Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Simulating nitrate retention in soils and the effect of catch crop use and rooting pattern under the climatic conditions of Northern Europe. Soil Use and Management, 25, pp. 243-254.

Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Berntsen, Jørgen (2004) Simulating root growth. DARCOFenews.

Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Modelling diverse root density dynamics and deep nitrogen uptake. Plant and Soil, 326 (1-2), pp. 493-510.

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2018) Consumers’ evaluation of imported organic food products: The role of geographical distance. Appetite, 130, pp. 134-145. [In Press]

Pedersen, Susanne; Zhang, Ting; Zhou, Yanfeng; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2022) Consumer Attitudes Towards Imported Organic Food in China and Germany: The Key Importance of Trust. Journal of Macromarketing, online, pp. 1-22.

Pedersen, Anders; Petersen, Bjørn Molt; Eriksen, Jørgen; Hansen, Søren and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2007) A model simulation analyses of nitrate leaching – does soil organic matter pool structure or catch crop growth parameters matter most? Ecological Modelling, 205, pp. 209-220.

Pedersen, Anders; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars Stoumann (2009) Simulating nitrate retention in soils and the effect of catch crops use and rooting pattern under the climatic conditions of Northern Europe. Soil Use and Management, 28, pp. 243-254.

Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard (2002) Covercrops in Blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum). Acta Horticulturae, 585, pp. 633-638.

Pedersen, Lars-Flemming and Jokumsen, Alfred (2017) The pros and cons of sodium percarbonate. [Fordele og ulemper ved brugen af natriumpercarbonat.] Global Aquaculture Alliance, 1, pp. 1-4.

Pedersen, T.P.; Ardö, Y.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2014) The effect of feeding cows with hay containing variable amounts of herbs on the cheese quality of hard cheese made with mesophilic starter. [Completed]

Peetsmann, Elen; Luik, Anne; Kall, Katri; Vetemaa, Airi; Mikk, Merit and Peepson, Argo (2009) Organic marketing in Estonia. Organic marketing in Estonia, 7 (2), pp. 706-711.

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Peigné, Joséphine; Cannavaccuiolo, Mario; Gautronneau, Yvan; Aveline, Anne; Giteau, Jean-Luc and Cluzeau, Daniel (2009) Earthworm populations under different tillage systems in organic farming. Soil & Tillage Research, 104, pp. 207-214.

Peigne, Joséphine; Casagrande, Marion; Payet, Vincent; David, Christophe; Sans, F. Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Cooper, Julia; Gascoyne, Kate; Antichi, Daniele; Bàrberi, Paolo; Bigongiali, Federica; Surböck, Andreas; Kranzler, Andreas; Beechman, Annelies; Willekens, Koen; Luik, Anne; Matt, Darja; Grosse, Meike; Heß, Jürgen; Clerc, Maurice; Dierauer, Hansueli and Mäder, Paul (2016) How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31 (1), pp. 72-85.

Peigne, Joséphine; Vian, Jean François; Payet, Vincent and Saby, Nicolas (2018) Soil fertility after 10 years of conservation tillage in organic farming. Soil and Tillage Research, 175, pp. 194-204.

Peixoto, Leanne; Elsgaard, Lars; Rasmussen, Jim; Kuzyakov, Yakov; Banfield, Callum C.; Dippold, Michaela A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2020) Decreased rhizodeposition, but increased microbial carbon stabilization with soil depth down to 3.6 m. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 150, p. 108008.

Pekrun, Carola and Claupein, Wilhelm (2006) The implication of stubble tillage for weed population dynamics in organic farming. Weed Research, 46 (5), pp. 414-423. [In Press]

Pekrun, Carola and Claupein, Wilhelm (2004) The effect of stubble tillage and primary tillage on population dynamics of Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) in organic farming. Journal of Plant Diseases and Protection, Special Issue, XIX, pp. 483-490.

Pellegrin, Claire; Grolleau, Gilles; Mzoughi, Naoufel and Napoleone, Claude (2018) Does the identifiable victim effect matter for plants? Results from a quasi-experimental survey of French farmers. Ecological Economics, 106--113.

Pelosi, C.; Bertrand, C.; Daniele, Gaëlle; Coeurdassier, M.; Benoit, P.; Nélieu, S.; Lafay, Florent; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Gaba, Sabrina; Vulliet, Emmanuelle and Fritsch, C. (2021) Residues of currently used pesticides in soils and earthworms: A silent threat? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, p. 107167.

Pelosi, Céline; Bertrand, Michel and Roger-Estrade, Jean (2009) Earthworm community in conventional, organic and direct seeding with living mulch cropping systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, pp. 287-295.

Pelosi, Céline; Bertrand, Michel; Thenard, Jodie and Mougin, Christian (2015) Earthworms in a 15 years agricultural trial. Applied Soil Ecology, pp. 1-8.

Pelosi, Céline; Grandeau, Gilles and Capowiez, Yvan (2017) Temporal dynamics of earthworm-related macroporosity in tilled and non-tilled cropping systems. Geoderma, pp. 169-177.

Pélosi, Céline; Toutous, Lucile; Chiron, François; Dubs, Florence; Hedde, Mickael; Muratet, Audrey; Ponge, Jean-François; Salmon, Sandrine and Makowski, David (2013) Reduction of pesticide use can increase earthworm populations in wheat crops in a European temperate region. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, pp. 223-230.

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Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Jauhiainen, Lauri and Hakala, Kaija (2009) Are there indications of climate change induced increases in variability of major field crops in the northernmost European conditions? Agricultural and Food Science, 18 (3-4), pp. 206-222.

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Hansen, E.M. and Eriksen, J. (2009) Nitrate leaching from silage maize. ICROFSnews, November 2009, pp. 4-5.

Hansen, Flemming; Jensen, Martin; Grevsen, Kai and Fenger, Morten (2014) BerryMeat - New market perspectives using herbs and berries in organic meat products. What has been achieved? ICROFS news, 25 April 2014, . [Submitted]

Hansted, L. and Madsen, Henning Bang (2016) Growers can do something to attract bees to orchards. ICROFS news, 19 December 2016, pp. 1-2.

Hauenstein, Samuel; Rochat, Armelle and Schwitter, Patricia (2021) Transfer mulch in organic greenhouses. The Organic Grower, 2021 (55), pp. 32-34.

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Hermansen, N. (2014) ICROFS news 2/2014 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, October 2014, 2, pp. 1-23.

Herz, Annette; Sharifova, Hadil; Penvern, Servane; Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois and Pfiffner, Lukas (2017) EBIO-Network – a new knowledge platform on functional agrobiodiversity in European Orchards. Core Organic Newsletter, May 2017, pp. 1-4.

Himanen, Sari; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Barbry, Joran; Blande, James; Dupont, Y.; Lepse, Līga; Mäkinen, Joonas; Nissinen, Anne; Saussure, Stephanie and van Apeldoorn, Dirk (2022) SureVeg - Supporting aboveground biodiversity by strip intercropping in organic vegetable production. CORE organic Practice Abstract, 12 January 2022, 00, 00-00. [draft]

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Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria; Grevsen, Kai and Jensen, Martin (2017) Cocktails of ramsons and acidic berries kill E. coli in a piglet gastrointestinal model: an alternative to antibiotics? [Cocktails af ramsløg og sure bær dræber E. coli i en smågrise mave-tarm model: alternativ til antibiotika?] ICROFS News, 2 November 2017, pp. 1-6.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2009) Economics, Policy, and Organic Agriculture. ICROFS News, May 2009, 2009 (2), pp. 11-12.

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Jokumsen, Alfred (2010) Horse bean, pea and rape protein and flax seed oil in feed for organic trout. [Hestebønne-, ærte- og raps-protein samt hørfrøolie i foder til økologiske fisk.] ICROFSnews, May 2010, p. 7.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2009) Research in vegetable proteins for diets for organic trout. ICROFS news, 1 February 2009, pp. 4-5.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2020) Strong EU regulations for organic trout farming. [Stærke EU regler for økologisk ørred opdræt.] ICROFS News, 2 May 2020, pp. 1-3. [Submitted]

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Boom in Production of Organic Line Mussels in Denmark. [Stor øgning i produktionen af økologiske linemuslinger i Danmark.] World Aquaculture, September 2015, p. 63.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Organic Trout Ova/Fry is already available from danish Hatcheries. [Økologisk æg/yngel er allerede tilgængelig på danske klækkerier.] ICROFSNews, 15 April 2015.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Boom in production of organic line mussels in Denmark. [Stærk vækst i produktion af linemuslinger i Danmark.] Aquaculture Europe, April 2015, p. 3.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Organic Trout Ova/Fry also available from Danish Hatcheries. [Økologiske ørredæg/yngel er også tilgængelig fra danske klækkerier.] Aquaculture Europe, March 2015, 40 (1), pp. 27-36.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Boosting the quality of organic trout fry. [Styrkelse af kvaliteten af økologisk ørredyngel.] Hatchery International, 29 January 2015, pp. 1-2.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Danish focus on organic trout fry. [Dansk fokus på økologisk ørred yngel.] World Fishing & Aquaculture, 26 January 2015, p. 1.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2011) Organic Aquaculture - From Niche to growing Business. [Økologisk akvakultur - Fra Niche to vækst område.] ICROFSnews, 2011, Dec-11, .

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Kristensen, Helene (2018) Designing resilient organic greenhouse production systems for Europe. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, November 2018, pp. 1-3.

Kristensen, Helene (2018) Pig health and welfare in eco-efficient organic systems discussed at research seminar. ICROFS news, 2018, pp. 1-2.

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Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, J.; Jacobsen, O.H. and Krogh, P.H. (2010) Cattle trampling reduces the risk of nitrate leaching in organic dairy rotations. ICROFS news, 2010, 1, pp. 5-6.

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Larsen, Erling P.; Nielsen, Max; Larsen, Villy J. and Jokumsen, Alfred (2016) Denmark – European champion in organic rainbow trout. [Danmark er nu Europamester i økologisk regnbueørred.] ICROFS news, 1 February 2016, pp. 1-2.

Leach, Katharine (2012) Assessing the sustainability of EU organic and low input dairy farms. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, 2012, 111 (Winter), pp. 9-10.

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Working paper

The use of natural herbs and berry for preservation of organic meat products. Working paper.

Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de; Kledal, Paul Rye; Pettan, Klebber; Rabello, Fernando and Mendes, Sergio C. (2008) Development and current situation of organic agriculture in Brazil and the State of Sao Paulo. Working paper.

Ajena, Franceso; Bossard, Nicola; Clément, Chantal; Hibeck, Angelika; Tiselli, Eugenio and Oehen, Bernadette (2022) Agroecology & Digitalisation: traps and opportunities to transform the food system. Working paper, IFOAM Organics Europe .

Alrøe, Hugo F. and Padel, Susanne (2006) Preliminary comments on Title II of the EC Proposal for a new Council regulation on organic production. Working paper, Organic Revision .

Amos, Dominic (2021) Reduced tillage in organic farming Lessons from the TILMAN-ORG project and beyond. ORC Factsheet, no. 5, Crop Diversity & Agronomy, Organic Research Centre .

Andersen, Laura Mørch (2009) Documentation of CONCEPT questionnaires. Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics . [Unpublished]

Andersen, Laura Mørch (2002) Consumer Evaluation of Environmental and Animal Welfare Labelling: An Econometric Analysis on Panel Data Using Mixed Multinomial Logit. Working paper.

Andersen, Laura Mørch (2001) Documentation of household panel data. Working paper.

Andersen, Laura M. and Lund, Thomas B. (2011) Digging deeper: How do different types of organic consumers influence the increasing organic market share? FOI Working Paper, no. 2011/15, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen .

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Topping, C.J.; Strandberg, Beate; Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Damgaard, Christian; Jensen, Thomas Secher; Olsen, Kent and Dalgaard, Tommy (2013) Does organic farming enhance biodiversity? Complex issues and modelling approaches. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Andreasen, Information manager Claus Bo (2005) CORE Organic country report. Preliminary report on Danish research in organic food and farming. Working paper, Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF) . [Unpublished]

Appéré, Gildas and Travers, Muriel (2021) The sum of all the fears: the role of attitude towards health and environmental risks in the WTP a premium for organic foods. [La somme de toutes les peurs : le rôle de l'attitude face aux risques sanitaires et environnementaux dans le CAP une prime pour les aliments biologiques.] Working paper.

Aubert, Michaël; Banas, Damien; Bernier, Nicolas; Blouin, Manuel; Bolzonella, Cristian; Bonneval, Karine; Brun, Jean-Jacques; Fritz, Ines; Giannini, Raffaello; Hager, Herbert; Katzensteiner, Klaus; Lowenfels, Jeff; Menta, Cristina; Micheloni, Cristina; Paoletti, Maurizio; Pelosi, Céline; Piccolo, Alessandro; Ponge, Jean-François; Singh, Kukal; Tassinato, Efrem; Teo, Gianni; Tomasi, Mauro and Zanella, Augusto (2019) Organic food “Yes”, organic food “No”: a discussion between specialists with the Italian Parliament in the fray. Working paper.

Bani, Paolo (2021) Legume forage stems and pulp in animal nutrition. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts, Department of Animal Science, Food and Nutrition – DIANA, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy . [Completed]

Bazoche, Pascale; Bunte, Frank; Combris, Pierre; Giraud-Heraud, Eric; Seabra-Pinto, Alexandra and Tsakiridou, Efthimia (2012) Willingness to pay for pesticides’ reduction in European union: nothing but organic? Working paper.

Beck, Alexander; Stumpner, Johanna; Borghoff, Lisa; Ebner, Caroline and Kretzschmar, Ursula (2021) Management guideline for organic food processors. Working paper, Assoziation ökologischer Lebensmittelhersteller (AöL) e.V.; Hochschule Münster, FiBL .

Bougherara, Douadia; Ropars-Collet, Carole and Saint-Gilles, Jude (2018) Impact of private labels and information campaigns on organic and fair trade food demand. Working paper.

Bougherara, Douadia; Ropars-Collet, Carole and Saint-Gilles, Jude (2018) Impact of private labels and information campaigns on organic and fair trade food demand. Working paper.

Bruszik, Ágnes; Gutzen, Kaja and REY, Frederic (2020) Report on the Cross Visits on Organic Seed Production. Working paper.

Bruus Pedersen, M.; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2011) Food chains in cereal fields. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Bruus Pedersen, Marianne; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard and Tybirk, Knud (2011) Biomass of weeds, crops and arthropods in conventional and organic cereal fields. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Cakmakci, Cihan; Jørgensen, Kirstine F.; Kristensen, Troels; Kargo, Morten and Vestergaard, Mogens (2013) COMPARISON OF GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF BEEF CALVES FROM DIFFERENT GENETIC STRAINS REARED UNDER ORGANIC CONDITIONs (D. 3.2). Working paper. [Completed]

Canet, Rodolfo (2013) Deliverable Strategy1 No D3.1 - D4.1. First Report on Activities in Spain. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Carcea, Marina; Samson, Marie-Françoise and Abecassis, Joël (2008) AGTEC-Org Technological Handbook of Methods. Working paper, INRAN and INRA, Roma and Montpellier . [Completed]

Celette, Florian; Peigne, Joséphine; Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag; Carcea, Marina; Aveline, Anne; Hellou, Guénaëlle; Mäder, Paul; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Mayer, Jochen; Dubois, David; Thommen, Andreas; Schweinzer, Agnes; Friedel, Juergen K. and David, Christophe (2008) AGTEC-Org Agronomy Handbook of Methods. Working paper, ISARA. Lyon . [Completed]

Cheng, Hongyuan; Friis, Alan; Høeg Hansen, Jonas and Tolderlund Rasmussen, Hanne (2010) A general extrudate bulk density model for both twin-screw and single-screw extruder extrusion cooking processes. Working paper. [Completed]

Ciolfi, Marco; Consalvo, Claudia; Lorenzoni, Deborah; Petrangeli, Enrico; Pisanelli, Andrea and Russo, Giuseppe (2023) Mental Modeler Matrix Analysis. Working paper, National Research Council (CNR) Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Italy . [Completed]

Collier, Rosemary; Daniel, Claudia; Hommes, Martin and Jukes, Andrew (2015) Ecological selectivity of pesticides and application methods. EIP agri Focus group “IPM for Brassica”., no. Minipaper 4..

Colombin, M.; Dulucq, F.; Giffon, L; Godard, R.; Jourdren, Solenne and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) A ProOrg Case Study: The Biscuit Assessment. Working paper, Pôle Qualités et Transformation.

Commins, Ken (2004) Overview of Current Status of Standards and Conformity Assessment Systems. Working paper, UNCTAD / IFOAM / FAO, INTERNATIONAL TASK FORCE ON HARMONIZATION AND EQUIVALENCE IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE . [Unpublished]

Coudron, Carl (2022) Compound diets formulation and Hermetia illucens larvae performance. Working paper.

Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Barrientos, Antonio; Cerro, Jaime; Krus, Anne and Valero, Constantino (2020) Robot localization in changing organic strip-cropping environments through point clouds. Working paper. [Completed]

Dalgaard, Tommy (2011) Materials and Methods REFUGIA project working paper. Working paper, Agroecology, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Damgaard, PhD Christian and Kjellsson, PhD Gösta (2003) Gene Flow Between Rapeseed Fields: A Meta-analysis of Available Data. Working paper, Terrestrial Ecology, National Environmental Research Institute . [Unpublished]

Daniel, Claudia; Collier, Rosemary; Thomas, Jane and Hommes, Martin (2015) Effects of landscape and region on pests and pathogens in Brassica vegetables and oilseed rape. EIP agri Focus group “IPM for Brassica”., no. Minipaper 2..

Daniel, Claudia; Hommes, Martin and Koller, Martin (2015) Plant Protection in organic production of Brassica vegetables and oilseed rape. EIP agri Focus group “IPM for Brassica”., no. Minipaper 4..

Davies, Gareth and Schmutz, Ulrich (2007) Measuring your Garden Footprint. Working paper, Research Department, Garden Organic . [Unpublished]

Daviron, Benoit and Vagneron, Isabelle (2010) From commoditisation to de-commoditisation... and back again. Discussing the role of sustainability standards for agricultural products. [De la standardisation à la dé-standardisation.... et retour : le rôle des normes de durabilités sur les produits agricoles.] Working paper.

Deffuant, Guillaume; Roozmand, Omid; Huet, Sylvie; Khamzina, Kamilla; Nugier, Armelle and Guimond, Serge (2020) Can biases in perceived attitudes explain anti-conformism? Working paper.

del Río, Rocío; Fernando, Clara and Grassino, María (2016) The Organofinery: A Green Biorefinery for Animal Feed, Biogas and Fertilizer: An Industrial Scale feasibility Study. Working paper, Department of Chemistry and Bioscience, Aalborg University . [Unpublished]

Deleuran, Lise C. and Boelt, Birte (2017) Vegetable seed production of varieties of specific interest for the organic market. Working paper. [Completed]

Denver, Sigrid and Christensen, Tove (2010) Is organic food a quality attribute or a product category? Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen . [Submitted]

Dittrich, Christian; Pecenka, Ralf; Løes, Anne-Kristin and Schmutz, Ulrich (2019) Technical paper on Twin screw extruder processing technology for fibres as raw material for peat substitution. Working paper, Coventry University .

Dubey, A. and Dubey, D. (2010) EVALUATION OF COST EFFECTIVE ORGANIC FERTILIZERS. Working paper, Research & development, Kilpest India Ltd. . [Submitted]

Félix, Georges F. and Holt-Giménez, Eric (2017) Hurricane María: An Agroecological Turning Point for Puerto Rico? Food First Backgrounder, no. Volume 23, Number 4, Food First .

Fomsgaard, Saki Ichihara (2006) The Evolution and Status of Organic Principles in an International Perspective. OASE Working Paper, no. 2006:5, Economics, Politics and Public Administration, Aalborg University .

Fomsgaard, Saki Ichihara (2006) Organic Agriculture Movement at a Crossroad - a Comparative Study of Denmark and Japan. Working paper from Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration, Aalborg University, no. 2006:6, Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration, Aalborg University .

Fomsgaard, Saki Ichihara (2006) Organic Agriculture Movement at a Crossroad: a Comparative Study of Denmark and Japan. OASE working paper, Institut for Økonomi, Politik og Forvaltning, Aalborg University .

Fontes, Maria Aguiar; Giraud-Héraud, Eric and Pinto, Alexandra Seabra (2013) Consumers' behaviour towards food safety: A litterature review. Working paper.

Fretté, Xavier C.; Kristensen, Troels; Eriksen, Jørgen; Søegaard, Karen; Sørensen, John and Nielsen, Jacob H. (2008) Effect of Herbage on Milk Composition. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Frevert, H.; Yin, T.; Simianer, H. and König, S. (2014) Comparison of traditional and genomic breeding programs for organic and low input dairy cattle accounting for traits relevant in different macro-climatic zones. Working paper. [Completed]

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Parasite Control. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Reproduction and Farrowing Problems. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Suckling Piglet Mortality. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2011) HACCP for Weaning Diarrhoea. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

General Assembly, ECO-PB (2012) Position Paper on Organic Plant Breeding. Working paper.

Gesto, Manuel (2020) Welfare and Health in Danish Organic Trout Farming. [Velfærd og sundhed i dansk økologisk ørred opdræt.] Working paper. [Unpublished]

Giovannucci, Daniele (2006) Salient Trends in Organic Standards: Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Countries. Working paper, World Bank & USAID . [Unpublished]

Grey, Mr Peter; Holt, Dr Georgina and Tranter, Mr Richard (2003) Converting to organic food production in the UK - some financial implications from case study farms. Working paper, Centre for Agricultural Strategy, The University of Reading . [Unpublished]

Guo, Huanxiu and Marchand, Sébastien (2013) Is participatory social learning a performance driver for Chinese smallholder farmers? Working paper.

Guo, Huanxiu and Marchand, Sébastien (2013) The environmental efficiency of non-certified organic farming in China: a case study of paddy rice production. Working paper.

Haas, Guido; Geier, Uwe; Frieben, Bettina and Köpke, Ulrich (2005) Estimation of environmental impact of conversion to organic agriculture in Hamburg using the Life-Cycle-Assessment method. Working paper, Institut für Organischen Landbau - Universität Bonn .

Hansen, Birgitte; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Kristensen, Erik Steen and Wier, Mette (2002) Assessment of food safety in organic farming. DARCOF Working Papers, no. 52, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming . [Unpublished]

Hansen, Lars Gårn (2003) Organic Crowding Out? - A Study of Danish Organic Food Demand. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Hansen, Lars Gårn (2001) Demand for Organic Products – Specification of Functions to be Estimated. Working paper.

Hansen, Lars Gårn (2001) Modelling Demand for Organic Products – Implications for the Questionnaire. Working paper.

Hansen, Lene (2004) What is the Working Environment like on Organic Farms? Working paper. [Completed]

Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2007) Using multi-temporal sensor-based measurements in early growth stages to estimate potential yield of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties in competition with weeds. Working paper, Department of Integrated Pest Management, University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences . [Unpublished]

Hansen, T.B.; Larsen, L.B.; Hammershøj, M.; Nielsen, J.H.; Højgaard, K.S. and Knøchel, S. (2007) Microbiological and chemical profiles of dairy farm red smear cheese made from pasteurized and un-pasteurized milk. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Häring, Anna; Stolze, Matthias; Zanoli, Raffaele; Vairo, Daniela and Dabbert, Stephan (2005) The potential of the new EU Rural Development Programme in supporting Organic Farming. Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe with Particular Emphasis on EU Enlargement, no. QLK5-2002-00917, Socio-Economic, Fachhochschule Eberswalde, Eberswalde, Germany; Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland; Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy; Universität Hohenheim, Germany . [Unpublished]

Henfrey, J and Baab , G. (2014) D 1.4 BIO-INCROP Technical report ARD nemat. Working paper, Center of Competence, Germany (DLR):, DLR . [Completed]

Henriksen, Christian Bugge; Mølgaard, Jens Peter and Rasmussen, Jesper (2004) The effect of autumn ridging and inter-row subsoiling on potato tuber yield and quality. Working paper. [Completed]

Hoffmann, Ulrich (2015) Can Green Growth Really Work and what are the True (Socio-)Economics of Climate Change? Discussion Paper, no. 222, United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), CH-Geneva .

Hoffmann, Ulrich (2015) Can Green Growth Really Work and what are the True (Socio-)Economics of Climate Change? E-Paper, Heinrich Böll Foundation, D-Berlin .

Hoffmann, Ulrich and Grothaus, Frank (2015) Assuring Coherence between the Market-access and Livelihood Impact of Private Sustainability Standards. UNFSS Discussion Papers, no. 6, United Nations Forum on Sustainability Standards (UNFSS), CH-Geneva .

Holst, Niels; Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2012) Cirsium arvense responses to stubble cultivation and catch crops in organic cropping systems. Working paper. [Completed]

Holt, Dr Georgina; Grey, Mr Peter; Nielsen, Mr Robert and Tranter, Mr Richard (2003) A multi-country case study of the process of conversion to organic farming in the EU. Working paper, Centre for Agricultural Strategy, The University of Reading . [Unpublished]

Holzner, Valerie and Riekötter, Nicklas (2022) Status report on value chain analysis. Working paper. [Completed]

Horsted, K.; Allesen-Holm, B.H.; Hermansen, J.E. and Kongsted, A.G. (2011) Sensory profile of breast meat from broilers reared in an organic niche production system and conventional standard broilers. Working paper. [Submitted]

Horton, Douglas; Devaux, André; Thiele, Graham; Hareau, Guy; Ordinola, Miguel; López, Gaston; Mayanja, Sarah and Bernet, Thomas (2020) Collective action for inclusive value-chain innovation: Implementation and results of the Participatory Market Chain Approach. Social Sciences Working Paper, no. 2020-1, Lima, Peru: International Potato Center .

Hovmøller, M.S.; Berntsen, J. and Kristensen, K. (2006) Impact of foliar diseases in organically grown barley: Influence of fertilization, nutrient content in leaves, varietal disease resistance characteristics and yield potential. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2006) The Evolution of Organic Agriculture in Denmark. OASE Working Paper, no. 2006:4, Economics, Politics and Public Administration, Aalborg University .

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2010) Commons - Whose Commons? Considering conceptual approaches to rural space of production. Working paper.

Jacobsen, Eivind; Torjusen, Hanne; O'Doherty Jensen, Katherine and Kjærnes, Unni (2005) European consumers' conceptions of the safety and quality of organic food. Working paper, National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO), Norway, & Dept. of Human Nutrition, KVL, Denmark . [Unpublished]

Jaeck, Mélanie and Lifran, Robert (2009) Preferences, norms and constraints in farmers’ agro-ecological choices: case study using a choice experiments survey in the Rhone River Delta, France. [Préférences, normes et contraintes sur le choix agro-ecologique des agriculteurs : étude de cas à partir des choix d'expérimentation déjà testées dans le delta du Rhône.] Working paper.

Jaeck, Mélanie; Lifran, Robert and Stahn, Hubert (2012) Emergence of Organic Farming under Imperfect Competition: Economic Conditions and Incentives. Working paper.

Jensen, Karsten Klint; Forkman, Björn and Sandøe, Peter (2010) How many compromises can organic farming afford? Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen . [Completed]

Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty (2009) A note on the distinction between "integral" and "diffuse" conceptions of organic products. Working paper, Department of Human Nutrition, University of Copenhagen . [Completed]

Jensen, Thomas Secher; Hansen, Tine Sussi and Olsen, Kent (2011) Organic farms as refuges for small mammal biodiversity in agro ecosystems. Working paper. [Completed]

Johansen, Pia Heike and Ichihara, Saki (2002) Discussion Paper for "Changes in interpretation of basis principles” (Draft). Arbejdspapirer, no. 2002:2, Aalborg University, Institut for Økonomi, Politik og Forvaltning .

Johansen, Anders; Stevenson, Bryan; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2011) Effects of bioethanol residues on the functional and genetic diversity of soil microbiota. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Johansen, Anders; Stevenson, Bryan; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2011) Turnover of bioethanol residues in soil and effects on soil microbiota. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Jourdren, Solenne and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) A ProOrg Case Study: The Yoghourt Assessment. Working paper.

Karutz, Christine (1998) Ecological cereal breeding and genetic engineering. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland .

Kaymak, Suat (2014) D3.1 Deliverable. GDAR activity on Evaluation of biological active Formulates and strains for the biological control of replant disease. Working paper, Plant Protection Central Research Institute. ANKARA (TURKEY), GDAR . [Completed]

Khanal, Tanka and Steenfeldt, Sanna (2017) Effect of Clover grass protein concentrate on performance, digestibility and egg quality of laying hens fed 100% organic diet. Working paper. [Completed]

Kir, Alev; Karagul, Eylem Tugay; Buyukkileci, Ceylan and Kalin, Ahmet (2015) Screening of Soybean (Glycine max L.) Advanced Lines under Organic Management in Turkey. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Kir, Alev; Karagul, Eylem Tugay and Kalin, Ahmet (2014) Screening Plant Genetic Resources under Organic Management for Breeding. Working paper.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2003) Analysis of Organic Supply Chains - A theoretical framework. FØI Working Papers, no. 15/2003, Farm Mangament and Production System Division, Danish Research Institute of Food Economics, KVL .

Kledal, Paul Rye (2003) Analysis of Organic Supply Chains - A theoretical framework. [Analyse af økologiske fødevarekæder - en teoretisk tilgang.] FØI - Working Paper, no. 15/2003, Farm Management and Production System Division, Danish Research Institute of Food Economics .

Koesling, Matthias; Birkeland, Liv and Behrens, Gesine (2006) Organic food at the hospital: desired by patients and engaging the kitchen. Working paper, Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming Division, Bioforsk Norwegian Institute for Agricultural and Environmental Research . [Unpublished]

Kolbe, Hartmut (2007) Designing crop rotations in organic and low-input agriculture: Evaluation of pre-crop effects. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2006) Deep roots of Brassica oleracea have high uptake of 15N-nitrate to 2 meters soil depth. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Kristensen, Niels Heine (2004) Sustainable friendly processing. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Kristensen, T.; Tvedegaard, N. and Kristensen, I.S. (2012) Organic large scale dairy farming – a model study of the effect of stocking rate and distance from dairy facilities to farm land on productivity, nutrient balance and economic result. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2013) Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. State of the art: National report Norway. Working paper, Centre for Rural Reseach . [Completed]

Latruffe, Laure (2003) Farm credit and investment in Poland : a case study. [Investissement et crédit des agriculteurs polonais : une étude de cas.] Working paper.

Lemeilleur, Sylvaine and Allaire, Gilles (2016) Standardisation and guarantee systems: what can participatory certification offer? Working paper.

Lindenthal, T.; Markut, T.; Hörtenhuber, S. and Rudolph, G. (2009) CO2-eq-emissions of organic and conventional foodstuffs in Austria. [Results summary of 74 CO2-balanced products - Executive summary.] Working paper, Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Austria, Vienna . [Completed]

Lindenthal, Thomas (2009) Climate relevance of foodstuffs – what can the organic farmer do? Working paper, Research Institute for Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Austria, Vienna . [Completed]

LOUARN, Sébastien; JENSEN, Dan Funck; Knudsen, Inge M.B.; Collinge, David B. and Jensen, Birgit (2011) Development of an infection bioassay to study the interaction between carrots and Mycocentrospora acerina. Working paper. [Completed]

Lovatt Smith, P. F. (2017) Traditional Farming in Southeast England: a case study. Working paper. [Completed]

Lund, Thomas Bøker; Andersen, Laura Mørch and Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty (2012) The emergence of diverse organic consumers: Who are they and how do they shape demand? FOI Working Paper, no. 2012/5, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen .

Lund, Thomas Bøker; Andersen, Laura Mørch and Jensen, Katherine O’Doherty (2010) The emergence of diverse organic consumers: Who are they and how do they shape demand? Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen . [Completed]

Magid, Jakob (2013) A note on sewage sludge - risk assessments and fertilization value. IMPROVE-P working paper, no. 1, Plant and Environmental Sciences, Copenhagen University . [Completed]

Manici, L.; Kelderer, M and Naef, A. (2013) D1.1 BIO-INCROP Report Disseminated at internal level. Apple replant disease (ARD) 1. BIO-INCROP deliverable, no. D1_1, Consiglio nazionale per la ricerca in Agricoltura (IT), Centro di Sperimentazione Agraria e Forestale (IT); Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Research Station ACW (CH) . [Submitted]

Manici, L.M. ; Kelderer, M.; Naef, A.; Canet, R.; Rühmer, T.; Franke-Whittle, I. ; Baab, G. and Kaymak, S. (2013) Mid-term report for the CORE Organic II funded project. “Innovative cropping Practices to increase soil health of organic fruit tree orchards” BIO-INCROP. Working paper. [Completed]

Marian, Livia (2012) GfK Panel Data Analysis of meat consumption. Working paper, Aarhus University . [Unpublished]

Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Fernandez, Maria Santamaria and Lübeck, Mette (2015) Research report Organofinery protein extraction AAU. [Forskningsrapport Organofinery protein ekstraktion AAU.] Working paper, Chemistry and BioScience, Aalborg University . [Completed]

Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Fernandez, Maria Santamaria and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2015) Research report Organofinery biogas production AAU. [Forskningsrapport Organofinery biogas produktion AAU.] Working paper, Chemistry and BioScience, Aalborg University . [Completed]

Monteny, Ir. Arjan and Noorduyn, Ir. Leonore (2005) Sales higher thanks to efficient organic chains. Working paper, Stichting Agro Keten Kennis . [Unpublished]

Müller, Adrian (2009) Benefits of Organic Agriculture as a Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Strategy in Developing Countries. Discussion Paper Series, no. EfD DP 09-09.

Müller, Adrian and Davis, Joan S. (2009) Reducing Global Warming: The Potential of Organic Agriculture. Policy Brief, no. 31.5.2009.

Müller, Adrian; Steffens, Markus; Bernet, Thomas; Richter, Toralf and Eisenring, Tobias (2023) Soil carbon sequestration under certified organic management in Albania, Serbia and Ukraine within SECO funded organic projects. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick . [Completed]

Müller, Adrian; Olesen, Joergen; Smith, Laurence; Davis, Joan; Dytrtová, Karolína; Gattinger, Andreas; Lampkin, Nic and Niggli, Urs (2012) Reducing Global Warming: The Potential of Organic Agriculture. Working Papers in Economics, no. 526, Department of Economics, University of Gothenburg .

Muller, Adrian; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Davis, Joan; Dytrtova, Karolina; Gattinger, Andreas; Lampkin, Nicolas and Niggli, Urs (2012) Reducing Global Warming and Adapting to Climate Change: The Potential of Organic Agriculture. Working paper, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH Frick .

Nemecek, Dr. Thomas; Huguenin-Elie, Dr. Olivier; Dubois, Dr. David and Gaillard, Dr. Gérard (2007) Life cycle impact of Swiss arable cropping and forage production systems on global warming. Working paper, Biodiversity and Environmental Management, Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART . [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Professor N.E.; Thomsen, Senior Scientist I.K. and Berntsen, Senior Scientist J. (2004) Do nutrient uptakes and grain yields differ between spring barley varieties grown for organic farming as mono-crop and in mixture: Characteristics of spring barley varieties for organic farming. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Dr. Niels Erik; Thomsen, Senior scientist Ingrid Kaag and Berntsen, Scientist Jørgen (2003) Characteristics of spring barley varieties for organic farming. Nutrient acquisition and crop performance. [Næringsstofoptagelse og afgrøde-performance.] Working paper, Department of Agricultural Sciences, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University . [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Thorkild (2004) Minimal and careful processing. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Thorkild (2004) Underlying principles and actual problems for the processing of organic meat products. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Niggli, Urs (2015) Summary of the discussion on the 1st Draft of the Research Vision of TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM. Working paper, Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM TIPI .

Niggli, Urs (2014) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research of TIPI - Concept Note. Working paper, Forschungsinstitute für biologischen Landbau FiBL . [Unpublished]

Niggli, Urs ; Baker, Brian; Rahmann, Gerold; Cuoco, Eduardo; Möller, Carolin; Ssebunya, Brian; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer; Wivstad, Maria; Chang, Jennifer; Soto, Gabriela; Gould, David; Lampkin, Nic; Chander, Mahesh; Mapusua, Karen; Wynen, Els; Qiao, Yuhui; Ardakani, M. Reza; Hartmann, Marco; Oyama, Toshio; Schmid, Otto and Willer, Helga (2014) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. First Draft. Working paper, Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM c/o FiBL, Frick Switzerland . [Completed]

Nkurunziza, Libère; Andreasen, Christian; Liu, Fulai and Streibig, Jens Carl (2011) Drought Tolerance and Perennial Weed Management. Working paper. [Completed]

Nkurunziza, Libère and Streibig, Jens Carl (2011) Fructan storage and regeneration of perennial weeds: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop and Tussilago farfara (L.). Working paper, FACULTY O F L I F E S C I E N C E S, University of Copenhagen . [Completed]

Noe, Egon (2003) ‘Organic farming’ in Denmark: Enhancement or dissolution? A survey among organic farmers. Working paper. [Completed]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2005) The challenge of management of multidimensional enterprises analysed from a logo-poietic perspective. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Notz, Christophe (2005) Is Orbeseal® the answer to mastitis in organic farms? Working paper, Tiergesundheit, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick . [Unpublished]

Nørremark, M.; Ponomarev, P. and Niemelä, M. (2012) Simulation and control parameter estimation of a permanent magnet tubular linear synchronous motor for tool guidance around crop plants. International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems. [Completed]

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2014) Simple soil carbon model for use in the HighCrop decision model. Working paper, Department of Agroecology, Aarhud University . [Completed]

Ortolani, Livia; Petitti, Matteo; Andreoni, Maria paola; REY, Frederic; Basler, Andreas and Moeskops, Bram (2021) Promotion of Smart Practices on organic seed production. Working paper.

Ostrowski, Kasper (2013) Unwrapping the Northern Sea cheese - Enacting the Sea as terroir. Working paper. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne (2005) The process of conversion to organic farming at the farm level. Working paper, Institute or Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth . [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Jensen, Lars S. (2007) Simulating root density dynamics and nitrogen uptake in the soil profile – A simple approach. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Peluchon, Margot; Michot, Didier; Lemercier, Blandine; Busnot, Sylvain; Morvan, Thierry; Fajardo, Mario; Salvador-Blanes, Sebastien; Lacoste, Marine; Darboux, Frédéric and Saby, Nicolas P. A. (2021) Evaluation of SLAKES, a smartphone application for quantifying aggregate stability, in soils with contrasting managements. Working paper.

Petersen, Maja Eline (2014) Seed Sovereignty - How can organic agriculture contribute to the development and protection of the seed, a case study of Nepal. Working paper, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Pisanelli, Andrea and Consalvo, Claudia (2021) D1.3_Data collection protocols. Working paper, National Research Council (CNR) Research Institute on Terrestrial Ecosystems (IRET), Italy . [Completed]

Pophiwa, Nedson (2012) Training them to catch fish? Farmer education and training programmes in Uganda’s organic agricultural subsector. Policy Briefing , no. Number 70 2012 , Sustainable Development , Africa Institute of South Africa .

Poulsen, P.H.B; Møller, J. and Magid, J. (2005) Linking microbial genetic- and functional diversity in compost: DGGE-profiling separated different types of compost regarding chitinase activity. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2019) Brief on Open Access requirements in H2020 To support CORE Organic Cofund and the projects funded under it. Working paper, ICROFS (International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems) . [Completed]

Renard, Mary-Françoise and Guo, Huanxiu (2013) Social activity and collective action for agricultural innovation: a case study of New Rural Reconstruction in China. Working paper.

Richter, Toralf (2021) Recommendations from a market perspective for the development of a Code of Practice for organic food processors. Working paper, Department of International Cooperation, FiBL . [Submitted]

Richter, Toralf; Kampermann, Ivonne; Strassner, Carola and Borghoff, Lisa (2021) Results of an Organic Market and Stakeholder Survey about methods in processing of organic food. Working paper.

Rittenhofer, Iris (2012) Ecology and trust in mangement and business research 1995-2010. Tentative findings. MULTI-TRUST research paper. MULTI-TRUST, Organic RDD, Organic RDD 435377 8610 . [Unpublished]

Salonen, Jukka; Koppelmäki, Kari and Känkänen, Hannu (2017) Weed management with cover crops in the Nordic-Baltic region - a snapshot from the references. Working paper, Management and Production of Renewable Resources, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) .

Sanders, Jürn (2006) CH-FARMIS - An agricultural sector model for Swiss agriculture. Working paper, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, 5070 frick, Switzerland . [Unpublished]

Santiago de Abreu, Lucimar ; Mendes, Sergio P.; Kledal, Paul Rye and Sirieix, Lucie (2009) SOCIOCULTURAL AND ECONOMIC VALUES – ORGANIC FOOD CONSUMPTION IN FAIRS AND SUPERMARKETS IN CAMPINAS, SP. BRAZIL. Working paper. [Completed]

Schiavone, Achille; Bongiorno, Valentina and Gariglio, Marta (2022) Report on growth performance of intermediate growing poultry genotype fed black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) live larvae. Working paper, Veterinary Sciences, University of Turin, Italy . [draft]

Schmutz, Dr Ulrich; Firth, Mr Chris; Lewis, Mr Kevin and Lillywhite, Mr Robert (2008) The ecological footprint method on a farm level – a case study on a UK organic farm with parallel cropping. Working paper, HRDA Garden Organic . [Unpublished]

Scholten, Olga E. and Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. (2013) Green Breeding: Bioimpuls Programme 2009-2013 - Perspectives on Phytophthora-resistant potato varieties. Working paper, Wageningen UR .

Sethi, Kumar and Chouhan (2009) Homeopathy Myth Or Medicine: A Clinical Study. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Sharma, Arun K. (2015) SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION MODEL FOR SMALL FARMER IN RAINFED ARID LAND. Working paper, ILUM&FS, Central Arid Zone Research Institute,Jodhpur,INDIA .

Smed, Sinne (2010) Information and consumer perception of the organic attribute: The case of fresh organic fruit and vegetables. Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen . [Submitted]

Smed, Sinne and Andersen, Laura Mørch (2010) The effect of direct and indirect information on the consumption of organic fruits and vegetables. Working paper, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen . [Submitted]

Smith, Laurence (2021) Creation of a network of stakeholders. Working paper. [Completed]

Sogn, Øystein and Mella, Esther (2007) Tanzanian's interest in and access to organic food. Working paper, Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming (Norway), and Envirocare - Environment, Human Rights Care and Gender Organization (Tanzania) . [Unpublished]

Solfanelli, Francesco; Ozturk, Emel; Orsini, Stefano; Schäfer, Freya; Messmer, Monika and Zanoli, Raffaele (2020) The EU organic seed sector – statistics on organic seed supply and demand. LIVESEED, D3A, Università Politecnica delle Marche: Ancona, Italy .

Stagsted, Jan and Nielsen, Jacob H. (2004) Purification of glutathione-binding proteins from bovine milk and identification of glutathione S-transferase. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Sturm, B.; Esper, A.; Massantini, R.; Moscetti, R.; Bantle, M.; Claussen, I.C.; Tolstorebrov, I.; Pittia, P.; Gebresenbet, G.; Bosona, T.; Shrestha, L.; Md. Saleh, R. and von Gersdorff, G. J.E. (2018) Processing and Quality Guidelines for Organic Food Processing/Verarbeitungs- und Qualitätsleitfaden für biologische Lebensmittel/Linee guida per la lavorazione e la qualità visto che trasformazione di alimenti biologici. [Processing and Quality Guidelines for Organic Food Processing.] Working paper. [Completed]

Søegaard, K. (2011) Experience with grazing varieties of Lucerne. Working paper, DJF . [Submitted]

Sørensen, C.G. and Nielsen, V. (2002) Labour and machinery analysis in organic farming. Working paper, Department of Agricultural Engineering, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences .

Sørheim, Kristin; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Adler, Steffen A. (2021) Short report Norway - Kalvelykke & GrazyDaiSy. Working paper, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture .

Takezawa, Shoichiro (2019) From Agribusiness to Food Democracy: Comparative Study on Agricultural Policy and Organic Farming in France and in Japan. Working paper.

Thomsen, Lisbeth E.; Bach Knudsen, Knud Erik; Jensen, Tim K.; Christensen, Anja S.; Møller, Kristian and Roepstorff, Allan (2005) The Effect of Fermentable Carbohydrates on Experimental Swine Dysentery and Whip worm Infections in Pigs. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Thomsen, Lisbeth E.; Bach Knudsen, Knud Erik and Roepstorff, Allan (2005) The effect of organically grown diets with contrasting carbohydrate composition on the establishment of Trichuris suis in pigs. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Torjusen, Hanne; Kjærnes, Unni and O'Doherty Jensen, Katherine (2005) Social and Ethical Aspects [of Organic Food Provisioning]. Working paper, National Institute for Consumer Research (SIFO), Norway, & Dept. of Human Nutrition, KVL, Denmark . [Unpublished]

Vaarst, Mette; Nalunga, Jane; Tibasiima, Thaddeo; Kizzah, Dinah; Dissing, Aage; Dissing, Inge Lis; Smolders, Gidi; Baguma, Apollo; Bogere, Godfrey; Mutebi, James; Wesonga, Yusuf; Masareka, Longino; Kitooke, Michael and Nakasi, Harriet (2016) Framework and catalogue of tools for Participatory monitoring for Farmer Family Learning Groups and Marketing Associations. Working paper. [In Press]

Wier, Mette and Mørch Andersen, Laura (2001) Designing and Testing the Questionnaire – Results and Considerations. Working paper.

Wier, Mette and Mørch Andersen, Laura (2000) Studies on Consumer Demand for Organic Foods – a Survey. Working paper.

Woodward, Lawrence (2002) Science and Research in Organic Farming. EFRC Pamphlet series, Policy and Research Department, Elm Farm Research Centre .

Wynen, Els (2004) Impact of organic guarantee systems on production and trade in organic products. Working paper, UNCTAD / IFOAM / FAO, International Task Force on Harmonization and Equivalence . [Unpublished]

Wynen, Els (2016) Improving the measurement of the value of organic production in Australia. OTARE Policy Paper, no. 1601, Organic Trust Australia - Research and Education .

Znaïdi, Akram; Daami, Megda; Ben Kheder, Mohamed and Mahjoub, Mohamed (2002) Study and assessment of compost of different organic mixtures and effect of organic compost tea on plant diseases. Working paper, Technical Center of Organic Agriculture . [Unpublished]

Østergård, Hanne (2008) Discussion documents – SUSVAR Visions Workshop, Karrebæksminde, Denmark, April 2008. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Fayinminnu , Olajumoke Oke and Shiro, Olawale Oreoluwa (2014) THE PESTICIDAL POTENTIAL OF Alternanthera bransiliana (L.) O. KUNTZE IN SOLVING PEST PROBLEM IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 875-878.


Okanlawon , Oluwatoyin and Meludu, Nkiru (2014) NEED ASSESSMENT OF WOMEN VEGETABLE FARMERS ON ECOLOGICAL ORGANIC AGRICULTURE (EOA) IN NIGERIA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 741-744.

Aabo, S. (2011) SafeOrganic. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Aabo, S. (2011) SafeOrganic. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16 November 2011. [Submitted]

Aagaard-Schild, Sarah-Lina (2015) Promoting neonatal piglet survival in organic pig production through improved management and housing. Keynote presentation at: Internal Workshop, Skarrildhus, Denmark, 12-13 March 2015. [Completed]

Aakkula, Jyrki ; Forsman-Hugg, Sari ; Jakosuo, Katri ; Kottila, Marja-Riitta ; Rönni, Päivi and Sarkkinen, Eliisa (2006) Views of consumers and other food chain actors on organic food and its production. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Aakkula, Jyrki; Jokinen, Pekka; Lankoski, Leena and Nokkala, Marko (2003) Agriculture in the information society: challenges of sustainable development. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Aaltonen, Taina (2010) Challenges for risk management related to emerging animal diseases. In: NJF report, vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 20-21.

Abayomi, Olowoake Adebayo (2018) Influence of Compost Supplemented with Jatropha Cake on Growth, Dry Matter Accumulation and Nutrient Uptake of Maize (Zeamays L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold (Hrsg.); Olowe, Victor Idowu; Oladiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 187-192.

Abecassis, Joël; David, Christophe; Fontaine, Laurence; Taupier-Létage, Bruno and Viaux, P. (2008) A multidisciplinary approach to improve the quality of organic wheat-bread chain. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Abel, S.; Weissensteiner, R.; Marien, C.; Zollitsch, W. and Sundrum, A. (2007) Effects of a feeding strategy to increase intramuscular fat content of pork under the conditions of organic farming. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Abel, Sabine; Weissensteiner, Roswitha; Marien, Charlotte; Zollitsch, Werner and Sundrum, Albert (2008) Effects of a feeding strategy to increase intramuscular fat content of pork under the conditions of organic farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Abildtrup, Jens; Dubgaard, Alex and Andersen, Kristoffer S. (2006) Support to organic farming and bio-energy as rural development drivers. In: Saxe, Henrik and Rasmussen, Clemen (Eds.) Green Roads to Growth Proceeding of Expert and Policy Maker Forums, Institute for miljøvurdering, pp. 348-393.

Abreu, Dr. Santiago de Lucimar and Watanabe, Dr. Maria Aico (2008) Agro forestry systems and food security among smallholder farmers of the Brazilian Amazon: A strategy for environmental global crisis. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de and Almeida, Gustavo Ferreira (2011) Policies for a greener agriculture: the agro-ecological approach of current programs in Brazil. [Políticas para a agricultura mais verde: a abordagem agro-ecológica de programas atuais no Brasil.] In: Inequality and Diversity in European Rural Areas, European Society for Rural Sociology, ., pp. 69-70.

Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de and Bellon, Stéphane (2004) Minifundios and metropolis: territorial management of organic farming in Ibiúna (São Paulo, Brazil). [Minifúncios e metrópolis: gerenciamento territorial de fazendas orgânicas em Ibiúna (São Paulo, Brasil).] In: Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension: a European Farming and Society in Search of a New Social Contract – Learning to Manage Change, Serviços de Reprografia da UTAD, Vila Real, Portugal, pp. 903-906.

Acar, Sevil (2014) DEPENDENCE ON AGRICULTURAL TRADE IN TURKEY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1099-1102.

Acikgoz, Prof. Dr. Nazimi and Ilker, Dr. Emre (2006) Cereal breeding strategies for organic and low-external-input crop production systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Adamides, Mr George; Savvides, Mr Savvas; Biberian, Ms Natalie; Giannakopoulou, Ms Marianthi and Georgiadou, Ms Eirini (2006) The emergence of technology in organic agriculture in Cyprus. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Adeoluwa, Olugbenga O. and Tosin Ogunlola, Emmanuel (2021) Calibrating Water Hyacinth Based Compost For Organic Onion (Allium Cepa) Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

ADEOLUWA, DR OLUGBENGA O. and ADEOYE, PROFESSOR GIDEON O. (2008) Potential of Oil Palm Empty Fruit Bunch (EFB) as Fertilizer in Oil Palm (Elaeis guineensis L Jacq.) Nurseries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

AdeOluwa, O.O.; Thomas, E.Y.; Bello, A and Joshua, B (2015) Potentials of Two Brewery Waste-Based Composts on Soil Fertility for Amaranth (Amaranthus Caudatus) and Jackbean (Canavalia Ensiformis) Intercrop. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 93-96.

ADEOLUWA, OLUGBENGA O. and AKINYEMI, OLUWASEYI (2014) AMARANTHS (Amaranthus viridis) Dry matter and soil qualities: Organic Vs Inorganic Fertilizers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 879-882.

ADEOLUWA, OLUGBENGA O. and Bello, Ayodeji (2015) Evaluation of Velvet-Fallow and Compost Amendments on Corchorus (Corchorus olitorus l.) yield and Soil Properties in an Organic Farming System. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 65-70.

AdeOluwa, Olugbenga O.; Oyewole, O. Matilda and Soetan, G. O. (2018) Improving Yield of Corchorus Olitorus I. with Legacy Fertility of Jack Bean Fallow and Compost Amendments in an Organic Farming System. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 53-58.

Aderolu, IA; Lawal, OO; Wahab, AA; Alabi, KO; Osunlola, OS and Giwa, MA (2018) Influence of Tillage Systems on Diversity and Abundance of Insect and Nematode Pests of Maize in Malete, Kwara State, Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 33-36.

Adidja, Wivine; Ssekyewa, Charles and Muwanga-Zake, Johnnie (2018) Land degradation as an issue in Agro-ecosystems: A review of underlying causes. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 19-26.

Adler, Steffen; Steinshamn, H.; Krogh-Jensen, S.; Purup, S.; Hansen-Møller, J. and Govasmark, E. (2009) Relationship between grassland management and bovine milk quality. In: NJF Report 5(2), NJF, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Tartu, Estonia, p. 63.

Adler, Steffen and Steinshamn, Håvard (2010) Forage botanical and chemical composition on dairy farms with different grassland systems and production systems. In: Schnyder, H.; Isselstein, J.; Taube, F.; Auerswald, K.; Schellberg, J.; Wachendorf, M.; Herrmann, A.; Gierus, M.; Wrage, N. and Hopkins, A. (Eds.) Grassland in a changing world. Proceedings of the 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, 15, Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 446-448.

Adler, Steffen and Steinshamn, Håvard (2009) Effect of grassland management in organic and conventional farming systems on bovine milk quality – a field study. Workshop at: Workshop on quality and nutrition value of organic milk and meat, Jastrzębiec, Poland, 19.-20. November 2009.

Adler, Steffen A.; Micke, Brooke; Steinshamn, Håvard and Parsons, David (2020) Fractionation of forage legumes using a screw press. In: Virkajärvi, Perttu; Hakala, Kaija; Hakojärvi, M; Helin, Janne; Herzon, Irina; Jokela, V; Peltonen, Sari; Rinne, Marketta; Seppänen, Mervi and Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (Eds.) Meeting the future demands for grassland production, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 25, Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 617-619.

Adler, Steffen A. and Randby, Åshild T. (2006) Early or Normal Cut Grass Silage for Dairy Cows in Organic Farming. Paper at: 12th International Symposium of Forage Conservation, Brno, Czeck Republic, 3-5 April 2006.

Adler, Steffen A. and Randby, Åshild T. (2006) The effect of fishmeal or peameal on milk fatty acid composition in organic farming. Paper at: The International Skjervold-Symposium 2006, Oslo, 26-27 December 2006.

Adler, Steffen A. and Randby, Åshild T. (2006) The effect of preservation method of barley, maturity of grass silage, and type of protein supplementation on sensoric milk quality in organic farming. Paper at: The International Skjervold-Symposium 2006, Oslo, 26-27 December 2006.

Adler, Steffen A. and Randby, Åshild T. (2005) Effect of barley preservation method on milk production and milk quality in organic farming. In: NJF-Seminar 369, Organic farming for a new millenium -status and future challenges, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), Section I: Soil, Water and Environment, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1 (1), p. 250.

Adler, Steffen Andreas and Frøseth, Randi Berland (2021) Farmers’ Approaches Towards Increased Self-Sufficiency With Feed On Organic Dairy Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Adler, Steffen; Dahl, A.V.; Steinshamn, H.; Vae, A.H.; Thuen, E.; Garmo, T. and Krogh-Jensen, S. (2009) Effect of pasture botanical composition on milk quality in organic production. In: NJF Report 5(2), NJF, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Tartu, Estonia, p. 69.

Adler, Steffen; Dahl, A.V.; Vae, A.H.; Thuen, E.; Garmo, T.; Krogh-Jensen, S.; Hansen-Møller, J. and Steinshamn, Håvard (2010) Effect of pasture botanical composition on milk composition in organic production. In: Schnyder, H.; Isselstein, J.; Taube, F.; Auerswald, K.; Schellberg, J.; Wachendorf, M.; Herrmann, A.; Gierus, M.; Wrage, N. and Hopkins, A. (Eds.) Grassland Science in Europe, 15, Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 425-427.

Adler, Steffen A. (2019) Can biorefining of forages make animal production more sustainable? Speech at: Seminar in connection with the PhD defense of Vinni Kragbæk Damborg Jensen’s doctoral thesis, Foulum, Denmark, 31.01.2019. [Unpublished]

Adler, Steffen A. (2019) Refined forage legumes as local sources of protein feed for monogastrics and high quality fibre feed for ruminants in organic production. In: CORE Organic research seminar. [Unpublished]

Adler, Steffen A.; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Rommi, Katarina; Kambestad, G and Albrektsen, Thor-Erik (2016) Case Produsentpakkeriet.Improving the utilisation of co-streams in potato and vegetable processing. Poster at: NoRest conference, Copenhagen, October 26-27, 2016. [Unpublished]

Adler, Steffen A.; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Slizyte, Rasa; Misimi, Ekrem; Carvajal, Ana; Bar, Eirin; Tveit, Guro M.; Wold, Jens Petter; Vikman, Minna; Wikberg, Hanne; Honkapää, Kaisu; Egelyng, Henrik; Alvestrand, Heidi and Nordal, John (2016) Case Nortura/Norilia.Improving the utilisation of co-streams in poultry processing. Poster at: NoRest conference, Copenhagen, October 26-27, 2016. [Completed]

Adler, Steffen A. and Steinshamn, Håvard (2017) Equol and enterolactone – two mammalian phytoestrogens with estrogenic potency found in organically produced milk. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 82-83.

Aertens, Joris; Stassart, Pierre; Jamar, Daniel and Van Huylenbroeck, Guido (2005) Comparison of marketing strategies of retailers of organic beef. In: In Quality Management and Quality Assurance in Food Chains, 1, pp. 1-11.

Aertsens, Joris; Mondelaers, Koen and Van Huylenbroeck, Guido (2006) - Surplus Value of Organic Food and Farming. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Agana, Gerard L. (2018) Organic Agriculture, Food Safety and Supply in Northern Ghana - CAOF’s Strategy. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 93-98.

Aghaalikhani, Dr. Majid and Ehteshami, Dr. Seyyed Mohammad Reza (2008) Biological profitability of maize inoculation with selected rhizosphere micro organisms (Pseudomonas fluorescens and Glomus intraradices) under Water Deficit Stress. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Agoligan, Omer (2014) Farmers Own Seed. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Agostini, Lucilla; Bünemann, Else K.; Jakobsen, E. K.; Salo, C.; Wester-Larsen, L. and Symanczik-Petris, S. (2023) Testing and evaluation of laboratory methods for the assessment of mineralizable mitrogen from bio-based fertilizers. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 119.

Agostini, Lucilla; Hernandez Mora, Alicia; Duboc, Olivier; Wester-Larsen, Laerke; Salo, Tapio; Müller-Stöver, Dorette; Stoumann Jensen, Lars; Symanczik, Sarah; Bünemann, Else K.; Eigner, Herbert; Santner, Jakob and Ylivainio, Kari (2024) Compliance methods to determine the agronomic performance of Bio-Based fertilizers. Paper at: ManuREsource 2024, Antwerp, Belgium, 20. März 2024. [Completed]

Agostini, Lucilla; Krause, Hans-Martin; Diener, Matthias; Mayer, Jochen and Bünemann, Else K. (2023) Gaseous emissions from acidified or ammonium-stripped cattle slurry and digested slurry. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 238.

Agostini, Lucilla; Krause, Hans-Martin; Efosa, Norah; Diener, M.; Mayer, Jochen and Bünemann, Else K. (2024) Effects of Acidification, Ammonia-stripping and Biochar on Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Cattle Slurry and Digested Slurry after Field Application. Paper at: ManuREsource 2024, Antwerp, Belgium, 20. März 2024. [Completed]

Ahmadi-Afzadi, M.; Rumpunen, K.; Renou, Jean-Pierre; Orsel Baldwin, Mathilde; Pelletier, Sandra; Cournol, Maryline; Ekholm, A.; Tahir, I. and Nybom, H. (2014) Genetics of resistance to blue mould in apple: inoculation-based screening, transcriptomics and biochemistry. Acta Horticulturae, Brisbane, Australia.

Ahokas, J. and Mikkola, H. (2007) A method to include machine manufacturing energy in energy balance analysis. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (4), pp. 78-82.

Ahokas, Jukka (2008) Field bioenergy in Finland, possibilities and challenges. Paper at: Risk assessment of global agrifood production chains - NJF's 90 year jubilee symposium : NJF seminar 410, Helsinki, Finland, 5-6 November 2008.

Ahrens, Frank; Pollmüller, Tanja; Sünkel, Yvonne; Bussemas, Ralf; Weissmann, Friedrich and Erhard, Michael Helmut (2008) Prolonged suckling period in organic piglet production – effects on selected immunological parameters. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ahuja, Ishita and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2019) Seaweed residuals as fertilisers in agriculture. Lecture at: SIG Seaweed Conference, Trondheim, Norway, 27.11.2019.

Aini, Z.; Zulkefli, M. and Krishnen, G. (2005) Improvement in soil nutrient status and beneficial microbial populations using compost, plant juice and home-made fertiliser preparations. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Aistara, Guntra (2006) Perspectives and paradoxes in the Latvian organic sector in the context of EU acccession. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Akhtar, Muhammad; Morel, Christian; Montenach, Denis; Hammel, Frederic; Ndiaye, Malick and Houot, Sabine (2016) Changes in plant-available soil phosphorus as affected by repeated applications of different organic products for twelve years. 16. International congress of soil science, Rawalpindi, Pakistan.

Akinyemi, Okoro Monday and Høgh-Jensen, Jensen (2008) Developing Energy Plants for Biofuels Production may Comply to Organic Principles. Poster at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, Mondena, Italy, June 16-20, 2008.

Akouègnon, Guy-Erick; Hoffmann, Volker and Schultze-Kraft, Rainer (2008) Options for improving soil fertility in the southern part of the Republic of Bénin: Where does Mucuna find its niche? Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

AKSOY, Tulin (2014) Turkish organic poultry sector: General evaluation and lessons from successful practices. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Aksoy, Uygun (2014) Organic Agriculture in Turkey. Paper at: TIPI workshop Practitioners' Research Agenda, Pre-conference of the Organic World Congress 2014, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 October 2014. [Unpublished]

Aksoy, Uygun (2014) Global Organic Research and Innovation Needs. Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Akter, Zafrin; Weinmann, Markus; Neumann, Günter and Römheld, Volker (2007) Entwicklung eines schnellen Bio-Tests zur Untersuchung des Wirkungs-potentials von mikrobiellen Pflanzenstärkungsmitteln. [Development of a Rapid Bio-Test to Study the Activity Potential of Biofertilizers.] Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Akyüz, A. Alper; Aslan, Bulut and Demir, A. Yonca (2014) The role of a civil society organization in the development of the domestic organic market in Turkey. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1107-1110.

Al-Bitar, Lina (2005) Effect of annual self-reseeding legumes on subsequent crops in organic rotation programme. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Al-Bitar, Lina; Wehbé, Elias; Ayoub, Mohamed and Jamea, Mostafa (2008) Annual self-reseeding legumes effect on subsequent crops into a rotation program in Mediterranean organic farming systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Al-Oun, M. ; Browne, A. W. ; Harris, P. J. C. ; Barrett, H. R. ; Olabiyi, T. I. and Wright, J. (2008) An Action Plan to Promote the Adoption of Organic Farming in Jordan. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of 16 IFOAM world congress (CD-Rom).

Al-Oun, M.; Shrestha, B. and Meyer, M. (2014) Potentials for challenges for imrpoving rural livelihoods. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Alakukku, L. (2006) Phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of spring cereals in different tillage systems. In: Extended abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 83-88.

Alakukku, L. (2006) Phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of spring cereals in different tillage systems. In: Book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (4), NJF Report, p. 22.

Alakukku, L. (2006) Structure of clay topsoil affected by tillage intensity. In: Extended abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 231.

Alakukku, L. (2006) Structure of clay topsoil affected by tillage intensity. In: Book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (4), NJF Report, p. 53.

Alakukku, Laura; Ristolainen, Antti and Nuutinen, Visa (2008) Differences in physical properties of two clay soils. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 16.

Alam, M. K.; Rahim, M.A.; Rahman, M.H. and Jahiruddin, M. (2014) EFFECTS OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON THE SEED GERMINATION AND SEEDLING VIGOUR OF TOMATO. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 49-52.

Albiach, Remedios; Pérez-Piqueres, Ana; Domínguez, Alfons; Pomares, Fernando and Canet, Rodolfo (2014) Short-term effects of different techniques to prepare an organic citrus soil for replanting on its microbiological and biochemical properties. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 965-968.

Alessandra, Trinchera; Andrea, Marcucci; Marco, Renzaglia and Elvira, Rea (2014) Filtrate seaweed extract as biostimulant in nursery organic horticulture. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 697-700.

Alexander, David G. (2002) Developing organic production in Northern Ireland. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 121-122.

Alexander, Ian (2002) Biodiversity and organic farming – where next after Curry? In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 251-252.

Alexandrakis, V.; Varikou, K. and Kalaitzaki, A. (2005) Study of trapping systems for control of bactrocera oleae (gmelin)(diptera:tephritidae) in crete olive groves. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Alföldi, Thomas (2021) How to produce your own farm video to enhance knowledge exchange. i2connect Online-Seminar, Online, 21.1.2021.

Alföldi, Thomas (2020) How to produce informative & low-cost farm videos. Online-Seminar under the DiverImpacts project, Online, 9.12.2020.

Alföldi, Thomas (2020) How to produce your own farm video to enhance knowledge exchange. Online-Seminar organized under NEFERTITI project, Online, July 09, 2020.

Alföldi, Thomas (2020) How to produce your own farm video to enhance knowledge exchange. Online-Seminar organized by the Legumes Translated project, Online, September 1, 2020.

Alföldi, Thomas (2020) How to produce your own farm video to enhance knowledge exchange. Online-Seminar by Startup Bio, Online, 15.09.2020.

Alföldi, Thomas (2020) How to produce your own farm video to enhance knowledge exchange. Biofruitnet Workshop, Online, 23.2.2020.

Alföldi, Thomas; Krebs, Adrian; Willer, Helga and Bertelsen, Ulla Sonne (2014) HOW TO IMPROVE RESEARCH COMMUNICATION IN TRANSNATIONAL PROJECTS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1019-1022.

Alföldi, Thomas and Weidmann, Gilles (2013) Disseminaton: Tips, tricks and lessons learnt. Paper at: CORE Organic II Research Seminar, Amsterdam, 15. April 2013. [Unpublished]

Alins, Georgina; Alegre, Simó and Avilla, Jesús (2007) Effect of management spontaneous cover crop on rosy apple aphid, green apple aphid and their natural enemies in an apple organic orchard. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Alizadeh, Ali; Javanmardi, Jamal; Abdollazadeh, Negar and Liaghat, Zahra (2008) Consumers’ Awareness, Demands and Preferences for Organic Vegetables: A Survey Study in Shiraz, Iran. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika; Arncken, Christine; Leska, Agata; Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson; Voegele, Ralf T.; Finckh, Maria R. and Hohmann, Pierre (2021) Genetic mapping of anthracnose resistance in white lupin. In: BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia, pp. 17-18.

Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika; Vögele, Ralf T.; Finckh, Maria R. and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Genetic diversity within Colletotrichum lupini and its virulence on white lupin (Lupinus albus). In: Fungal genetics, host pathogen interaction and evolutationary ecology.

Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika; Vögele, Ralf T.; Finckh, Maria R. and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum lupini and its virulence on white lupin (Lupinus albus). Speech at: 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Rome, 17. - 20. february 2020.

Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika M.; Finckh, Maria R.; Vögele, Ralf T. and Hohmann, Pierre (2018) Quantifying resistance and lifestyle assessments of Colletotrichum in lupin. Poster at: PSC symposium, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland, 05-12-2018. [Completed]

Alkhalifa, Batoul; Elkhatim, Azza; Awouda, Elhag and Tawfig, Suad (2014) Organic farming in Khartoum. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Almatni, W. and Khalil, N. (2008) A primary survey of aphid species on almond and peach, and natural enemies of Brachycaudus amygdalinus in As-Sweida, Southern Syria. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 109-115.

Alonso, Alejandro; Cheviron, Nathalie; Navascués, Eva; Santos, Antonio and Marquina, Domingo (2018) UNSPECIFIED [Enzymatic analysis normalization in vine soils: determination of quality and biological productivity.] 40th World Congress of Vine and Wine, Sofia, Bulgaria.

Alonso, Antonio M.; González, Rodrigo; Foraster, Laia; Guzmán, Gloria I. and García, Roberto (2008) A comparison of energy use in organic and conventional agriculture in Spain. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Alonso Adame, Alba and Farahbakhsh, Siavash (2022) Simulating the leverage points for the upscaling of innovative organic agri-food systems. Paper at: Social Simulation Conference, Milan, 2022. [draft]

Alrøe, Hugo F. (2005) The challenge of ecological justice in a globalising world. In: Köpke, U.; Niggli, U.; Neuhoff, D.; Cornish, P.; Lockeretz, W. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Researching Sustainable Systems 2005. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agricultural Research., ISOFAR, Bonn, Germany, pp. 406-409.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2004) Organic Eprints: an open archive for papers related to research in organic agriculture. Speech at: Open Archives Seminar: Facilitating free and efficient scientific communication, Technical University of Denmark, 18. February 2004.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2003) Open archives within the field of environmental research. Speech at: the seminar "Open Archives and Public Access to Environmental Info", Stockholm, 11.Sep.2003.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2003) Organic farming research in Denmark – an overview. Visions on future research in organic agriculture. Organic eprints – an archive for Formas-eco publications. Speech at: Formas-eko/SwOFF meeting, Odalgården, Uppsala, 6. November 2003. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) The challenge of systemicity in organic research. Speech at: Research seminar "Approaches of research on organic agri-food systems", Mikkili, Finland, 12-13 December 2002. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) Different kinds of systems approaches. Speech at: Research seminar "Approaches of research on organic agri-food systems", Mikkili, Finland, 12-13 December 2002.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) Systemic research methodology. On the role of values in research in organic farming. Speech at: M.Sc.Course on Innovation, management and cross-disciplinary design, Wageningen University, Social Sciences, 28. november 2002.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2000) The ethics of responsible acting - a systemic perspective. Paper at: The Fifth Interdisciplinary Symposium on Humanity and Cosmos: Spirituality, Science, Ethics, Brock University, Ontario, 20-22 January 2000. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2000) Researching sustainable agriculture: The role of values in systemic science. Paper at: Demarcation Socialised: or, Can we recognize science when we see it?, Cardiff University, 25-27 August 2000. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2004) Investigating organic agriculture in a global perspective. In: Phillips, Catherine (Ed.) Environmental Justice and Global Citizenship, Inter-Disciplinary Press, Probing the Boundaries, no. vol. 8, pp. 125-129.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2002) Science as an actor. On the role of values and science in organic farming. Paper at: UK Organic Research 2002, Aberystwyth, 26-28th March 2002.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2001) Values in organic farming and their implications. In: Pasquali, Matias (Ed.) Preprints EurSafe 2001, A&Q Polo per la Qualificazione del Sistima Agroelementare, University of Milan, pp. 115-116.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2001) Values in organic farming and their implications. In: Organic farming, System thinking and the Future - Reader, International Agricultural Centre, Wageningen, pp. 16-17.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2000) Research, values, and ethics in organic agriculture - examples from sustainability, precaution, nature quality, and animal welfare. In: Preprints from Eursafe 2000: Two systems - One world, Centre for Bioethics and Risk Assessment, KVL, Copenhagen, pp. 61-65.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2000) Researching alternative, sustainable agricultural systems: A modelling approach by examples from Denmark. Paper at: International Conference Systems Science 2000, University of Osnabrück, 20-22 March 2000. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Kristensen, Erik Steen and Hansen, Birgitte (2002) Identifying the basic normative principles for organic farming. In: Cultivating Communities, Canadian Organic Growers (COG), p. 281.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2005) What makes organic agriculture move - protest, meaning or market? A polyocular approach. Paper at: XXI ESRS Congress, Hungary, 22-25 August 2005. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo F. and Kjeldsen, Chris (2006) How to measure and regulate localness? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2011) MultiTrust - A cross-disciplinary approach to multicriteria assessment and communication of the effects of organic food systems. Speech at: ARGOS Workshop, Lincoln University, 27. Oct. 2011. [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2011) The non-trivial problem of cross-disciplinary science and the structure of scientific perspectives. Speech at: Seminars at CSAFE, Centre for Sustainability: Agriculture, Food, Energy, Environment, University of Otago, New Zealand, 20. Oct. 2011. [Completed]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2014) How can we know if organics becomes better? A perspectivist view on multicriteria assessment. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 191-194.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2014) A prototype tool for multicriteria assessments to develop organic food chains. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 195-198.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2011) A cross-disciplinary approach to multicriteria assessment and communication of the effects of organic food systems. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge of Tomorrow, ISOFAR, 2, 313-316.

Altieri, Dr Miguel; Lovato, Dr. Paulo; Lana, Mr Marcos and Bittencourt, Mr Henrique (2008) Testing and scaling-up agroecologically based organic conservation tillage systems for family farmers in southern Brazil. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Altın Nance, Gizem (2014) A Holistic Approach to Ecological Living. Speech at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Altindisli, Ahmet (2005) Effects of some organic fertilizers on yield and quality of round seedless (=round sultana) Grape variety. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Altmann, Barbara (2014) The RAPUNZEL TURKEY PROJECT. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Alvarez, R.; Rodriguez, P.; Hidalgo, C.; Palacios, C.; Revilla, I.; Aguirre, I.; Batalla, I. and Eguinoa, P. (2014) QUALITY OF LIFE AND QUALITY OF WORK LIFE IN ORGANIC VERSUS CONVENTIONAL FARMERS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 961-964.

Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Costs and benefits of good animal welfare - gains for animals, farmers and society. Speech at: Webinar: Costs and benefits of good animal welfare - gains for animals, farmers and society, Virtual meeting, 2021-10-26. [Completed]

Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems. Speech at: Workshop ProYoungStock and Grazy Daisy, Virtual meeting, 2021-09-30. [Completed]

Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Keeping dairy cows and calves together – strategies and economic consequences. Speech at: NordCaw online Conference “Improvements of dairy cattle welfare - development of further sustainable agriculture practices” of Nordic Network for Communicating Animal Welfare (NorDCAW), Virtual meeting, 2021-09-30.

Alymkulov, Saparbek (2014) PGS experience in Kyrgyzstan. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Ambus, P. (2004) Short term N2O losses in urine patches: a 15N labelling study. Poster at: International Conference. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Agriculture - Mitigation Options and Strategies, Leipzig, Germany, 10-12 February, 2004. [Unpublished]

Ambus, Dr P (2002) Sources of N2O in organic grass-clover pastures. Poster at: NJF Seminar no. 342 Agricultural soils and greenhouse gases in cool-temperate climate, Reykholt, Iceland, 31 July - 3 August 2002. [Unpublished]

Ambus, P. (2002) Sources of N2O in organic grass-clover pastures. Poster at: NJF Seminar no. 342 Agricultural soils and greenhouse gases in cool-temperate climate, Reykholt, Iceland, 31 July - 3 August 2002. [Unpublished]

Amiot-Carlin, Marie Josephe (2018) Organic plant products: from perceptions to scientific realities. EGEA VIII. Nutrition et santé, de la science à la pratique, Lyon, France.

Ammer, S.; Haase, A.; Hoffmann, S.; Pontiggia, A.; Münger, A.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Holinger, M.; Dohme-Meier, F. and Keil, N.M. (2021) Elevated vaginal and reticular temperature, and heart rate indicate early heat stress in dairy cows. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 593.

Amossé, Joël; Thiel, Pauline; Bart, Sylvain; Pery, Alexandre R.R. and Boros, Gergely (2018) UNSPECIFIED [A two-year field study to assess the effects of two fungicides and their mixture on oligochaete communities and the soil functioning.] 13th International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, Versailles, France.

Amossé, Camille; Büchi, Lucie; Wendling, Marina; Jeangros, Bernard and Charles, Raphael (2018) Cover Crops to Secure Low Herbicide Weed Control Strategies in Maize Grown with Reduced Tillage. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 116.

Amudavi, David; Batcha, Laura; Katto-Andrighetto, Joelle; Menon, Manoj Kumar; Morrison, Chris; Sahota, Amarjit; Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Schlatter, Bernhard; Kemper, Laura; Trávníček, Jan; Yavruyan, David and Zejiang, Zhou (2020) The World of Organic Agriculture und Global Organic Market Overview (Sessions at the Biofach 2020). Paper at: Biofach Congress 2020, Nuremberg, Germany, 12.-15.2.2020. [Completed]

Amudavi, David M. (2015) Organic Agriculture Research Agenda in Africa: The Perspective of the Network for Organic Agriculture Research in Africa (NOARA). Paper at: Science Day 2015 Biofach Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Germany, 13.02.2015. [Completed]

Amudavi, David M. (2014) The Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) in Africa: Building Organic Bridges Among Stakeholders. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Anandhakumar, J. and Zeller, W. (2004) Investigation on the Biocontrol of Phytophthora diseases on strawberry based on antagonism. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 240-243.

Anastasiadis, Foivos and Poole, Nigel (2007) Supply Chain Inefficiencies in Greek Organic Food Industry: The Role of Information Flows. Poster at: I Mediterranean Conference of Agro-Food Social Scientists. 103rd EAAE Seminar ‘Adding Value to the Agro-Food Supply Chainin the Future Euromediterranean Space’, Barcelona, 23-25 April 2007. [Unpublished]

Andersen, Barbara Vad; Chaaban, Nora; Vestergaard, M.; Christiansen, Iben Alber; Jørgensen, Kirstine Flintholm; Kramer, Camilla; Mogensen, Lisbeth; Kristensen, Troels and Therkildsen, M. (2022) Can quality replace quantity? Pleasure-driven reduction in red meat consumption. Speech at: Eurosense, Turku, Finland, 13-16 September 2022.

Andersen, Laura Mørch (2003) Consumer evaluation of environmental and animal velfare labelling: Estimating the willingness to pay for different types of eggs. Paper at: Enviroment, information, and consumer behavior, Frederiksdal, 28-29th -04-2003. [Unpublished]

Andersen, B.H.; Kristensen, E.K.; Jensen, H.F.; Persson, A.; Jørgensen, R.N.; Sørensen, C.G.; Jensen, K. and Pedersen, J.M. (2007) An autonomous robot for feeding outdoor pigs. In: NJF Report, 3 (2), pp. 289-290.

Andersen, H.M-L.; Kongsted, A.G. and Jakobsen, M. (2017) Integrated production of tree biomass and piglets - Effect of paddock design on sow excretory behaviour. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 46-48.

Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Kongsted, A.G. and Jakobsen, M. (2018) Effect of paddock design on sow excretory behavior in a pasture-based system with poplar trees. EAAP - 68th annual meeting, Tallinn.

Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Marchi, Chiara ; Strandberg, Beate; Damgaard, Christian; Pedersen Bruus, Marianne; Jensen Secher, Thomas; Olsen, Kent; Dalgaard, Tommy; Bøcher Klit, Peder and Topping, C.J. (2010) REFUGIA. Organic farming and biodiversity - the impact of organic farming on nature. Speech at: ICROFS programme commitee in Silkeborg. [Completed]

Andersen, G., Nikolaj; Lund, Ivar; Jokumsen, Alfred and Madsen, Lone (2017) The effect of dietary fatty acid content on rainbow trout fry robustness towards Flavobacterium psychrophilum. In: Abstract information. European Association of Fish Pathologists. 18th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish, p. 24.

Anderson, Fergal (2014) Reclaiming the Right to live from the Land: Developing local food sovereignty alliances to normalise peasant agriculture in the 21st century. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Andersson, K.; Lundeheim, N. and Wallenbeck, A. (2013) Inclusion of mussel meal in diets to growing/finishing pigs. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 71-72.

András, Jung; Boglárka, Hegedűs; Dóra, Drexler and Michael, Vohland (2014) Rapid treatment monitoring by field spectroscopy. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 595-598.

Andreasen, Lise; Sehested, Jakob and Dalgaard, Tommy (2020) Agroecology – the fundament for the development of organic farming? Keynote presentation at: Organic farming – sustainable for tomorrow, Sweden, 14-15 October 2020. [Completed]

Andreasen, L. and Lazaro, E. (2013) Productivity and growth in organic value chains in East Africa – potentials and challenges for accessing local high value markets. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 35-36.

Andreasen, Lise and Halberg, Niels (2014) INFORMATION FLOWS IN ORGANIC VALUE CHAIN RESEARCH – EXPERIENCES FROM THE PROJECT ’PRODUCTIVITY AND GROWTH IN ORGANIC VALUE CHAINS (ProGrOV)’. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 163-166.

ANDREASEN, LISE and RASMUSSEN, ILSE A. (2017) Organic Agriculture in Denmark. Poster at: 2017: NJF Seminar 495 - Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli, Finland, 19-21 June 2017. [Completed]

Andres, C.; Armengot, L.; Adamty, N.; Schneider, M. and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2015) Securing the food system together: Innovation development with the farmer, for the farmer by the farmer. In: World Food System Conference 2015 - Programm and Abstracts, p. 28.

Andres, C.; NGuessan Diby, L.; Kouamé Hgaza, V. and Frossard, E. (2012) Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiencies. Poster at: SGPW-Tagung "Energieeffiziente Pflanzenproduktion", Forschungsanstalt Agroscope ART Reckenholz-Tänikon, CH-Reckenholz, 23. März 2012. [Completed]

Andres, C.; NGuessan Diby, L.; Kouamé Hgaza, V. and Frossard, E. (2012) Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiencies. Awarded poster presentation. Poster at: Symposium of the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center: "Understanding Plant Phenotypes", ETH Zurich, Switzerland, November 4, 2011. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2017) Science Day - TIPI part (afternoon). Paper at: Science Day at BIOFACH Congress 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, 17th February 2017. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2016) Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. Paper at: International Conference on Living the Right Way: Universal Message of Simhasth 2016, Madhya Pradesh, India, 2016, May 12-14. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2013) Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and yield formation. Paper at: Tropentag (oral presentation at award ceremony of Hans H. Ruthenberg Award for Graduates), Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany, September 17-19, 2013. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2013) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics. Paper at: FiBL day of World Food System Center Summer School , FiBL Frick, Switzerland, August 13, 2013. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2012) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Long-term systems comparison trials of FiBL in the tropics. Paper at: Group seminar series of Ecosystem Management Group, ITES (D-USYS), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 21, 2012. [Completed]

Andres, Christian; Forster, Dionys; Verma, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Mäder, Paul and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Yields and gross margins of cotton-based production systems under organic and conventional management in India. In: Abstracts from the 1st International Global Food Security Conference.

Andres, Christian; Gattinger, Andreas; Kwame Dzahini-Obiatey, Henry; Kwame Offei, Samuel and Six, Johan (2015) Transdisciplinary systems research to develop a holistic approach to reduce the spread and impact of cocoa swollen shoot virus disease in Ghana (TransdisCSSVD). Paper at: SAGUF conference 2015 - Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments – Opportunities, Challenges, Actualities in Natural and Social Sciences, University of Bern, 23rd October 2015. [Completed]

Andres, Christian; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Gomez, Sara; Nyffenegger, Mirjam F.; Utz, Claudia; Verma, Rajeev and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2013) Long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics Participatory technology development. Poster at: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2013, Bern, Switzerland, October 21 2013. [Completed]

Andres, Christian; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Verma, Rajeev; Gomez, Sara; Nyffenegger, Mirjam R.; Locher, Michael; Patel, Dharmendra; Forster, Dionys; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Improving the efficiency of rock phosphate on high pH soils: Results from participatory research in India. In: Fromm, Ingrid; Hintermann, Felix and Guenat, Dominique (Eds.) Symposium Proceedings - International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field, p. 10.

Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Seidel, Renate; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy; Weibel, Franco and Schneider, Monika (2014) Cocoa agroforestry systems vs. monocultures under conventional and organic management - results from tropical Bolivia. Paper at: World Congress on Agroforestry, Delhi, India, February 10 – 14, 2014. [Completed]

Andres, Christian; Perez, Eucebio; Alcon, Freddy; Choque, Romero; Trujillo, German; Milz, Joachim and Schneider, Monika (2014) Cocoa Yield in Bolivian On-Farm Trials 2010-2013 – Monitoring Outstanding Farmers and Comparing Clones and Sites. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 26.

Angeringer, Wolfgang; Starz, Walter; Pfister, Rupert; Rohrer, Hannes and Karrer, Gerhard (2011) Vegetation change of mountainous hay meadows to intensified management regime in organic farming. In: AREC Raumberg-Gumpenstein, European Grassland Federation EGF (Eds.) Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions, Agricultural Research and Education Centre (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, 16, pp. 353-355.

Anglade, Juliette (2017) Knowledge and experiences sharing on an experimental farm station : New roles and postures. First Agroecology Europe Forum, Lyon, France.

Anglade, J.; Billen, G. and Garnier, J. (2013) Agronomical and environmental performances of organic farming in the Seine watershed, France. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 43-44.

Angulo, Jessenia (2014) Organic or Conventional Palm Oil. Mainstream sustainability standards vs. organic standards. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Nielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2015) Organic Salmon – Considered a Fisheries or Agricultural Product Among Consumers? [Økologisk laks – Anses af forbrugere som et produkt fra fiskeri eller landbrug?] Speech at:

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson; Vlachostergios, D.N.; de Buck, A.J.; Ferrari, Barbara; Koskosidis, A.; Heupink, D.; Notario, T. and Pecetti, L. (2021) Broadening and exploiting the genetic base of white lupin. In: BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia, pp. 94-95.

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson and Ferrari, Barbara (2019) Genomic selection in white lupin. Keynote presentation at:

Anspach, Dipl.-Ing.agr. Victor and Möller, Prof. Dr. Detlev (2008) Biogas and Organic Farming: Empirical evidence on production structure and economics in Germany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

ANTICHI, DR. D.; MAZZONCINI, PROF. M.; BARBERI, PROF. P.; BIGONGIALI, DR. F. and CARPI, DR. G. (2008) Leguminous cover crops: an important tool for improving resource use efficiency in organic arable cropping systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Antonius, Kristiina (2007) Plant gene bank collections - sources of variation in health substances. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 27.

Antova , Ginka; Vasileva, Elka; Ivanova, Daniela and Kirilova, S. (2012) Studies on the Composition of Organic and Conventional Milk Products. In: Technical University of Moldova, Ministry of Education of the Republic of Moldova, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry of Moldova (Eds.) Proceeding of the International Conference “Modern technologies in the food industry - 2012”, Technical University of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, Chişinău, Republic of Moldova, II, pp. 219-224.

Anttonen, Mikko and Karjalainen, Reijo (2007) Organic production: does it enhance the health-promoting compounds in berries? In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 13.

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Anyoha, Ndidi-paschal O.; Chikaire, Jonadab U. and Atoma, C. Nwamaka (2018) Sustainable Agro-forestry practices for climate change Adaptation and Promotion of Organic Agriculture among farmers in Imo State, Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and Adeoluwa, Olubenga O. (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 1-6.

Appachanda, Thimmaiah (2014) Zero- cost Organic Certification System: A Beginning. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Appéré, Gildas; Travers, Muriel and Dupont, Frédéric (2017) The sum of all the fears: the role of attitude towards health and environmental risk in the WTP a premium for organic foods. AFSE 2017, Nice, France.

Araujo, A. G. (2016) MANUAL SEEDERS FOR NO-TILL. OSCAR Meeting, Witzenhausen, Germany, 15-18 February , 2016. [draft]

Araujo, A. G. and Casão Junior, R. (2013) Mechanization of Conservation Agriculture in Brazil – An Overview. presented at OSCAR Meeting, Viterbo, Italy, 3-6, June, 2013. [Completed]

Araujo, A.G. (2015) Is the roller a reliable choice for cover crop mangement? Poster at: OSCAR Annual Meeting , Norway, 29 June - 02 July 2015. [Unpublished]

Arbenz, Markus (2023) Current global challenges and shocks impacting African Food Systems and the Agroecology/Organic Opportunity. Paper at: 5th African Organic Conference, Kigali Rwanda, December 12 – 15, 2023. [Completed]

Arbenz, Markus; Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Amarjit, Sahota (2015) The World of Organic Agriculture – Statistics and Emerging Trends (Session at the BIOFACH 2015). Paper at: BioFach Congress 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed]

Arcand, M M; Lynch, D H; Voroney, R P and van Straaten, P (2006) Improving green manure quality with phosphate rocks in Ontario Canada. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 283-287.

Ardakani, M. Reza; Maleki, Sadegh; Aghayari, Fayaz; Rejali, Farhad and Faregh, Amir. H. (2014) Tripartite symbiosis of Lentil (Lense culinaris L.), Mycorrhiza and Azospirillum brasilense under Rainfed Condition. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 691-694.

ARIN, Levent and BALCI, Haydar (2014) THE EFFECT OF SOME ORGANIC ACID AND PLANT-DERIVED MATERIAL TREATMENTS ON THE GERMINATION AND EMERGENCE OF LETUCE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1085-1088.

Armengot, Laura; José María, Laura; Chamorro, Dr. Lourdes; Romero, Albert and Sans, Dr. F. Xavier (2008) The effect of Avena sterilis L. invasion on weed abundance and diversity in conventional and organic cereal fields in the Mediterranean region. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Armengot, Laura; Naoki, Kazuya; Marconi, Luis; Limachi, Miguel; Seidel, Renate; Gómez, Isabel; Zegada Herbas, Leslie Julieta; Saavedra, Francisco; Lafuente Cartagena, Indyra; Rüegg, Johanna and Schneider, Monika (2022) Biodiversity and food production in different cacao production systems. Poster at: Tropentag 2022, Prague, Czech Republic, 14 – 16 September 2022.

Armengot, Laura; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Tůmová, Barbora (2021) The journey of cocoa from the agroforestry system to chocolate - FiBL’s contribution to sustainable cocoa production. Paper at: Open FiBl Day, virtuell, 27.5.2021. [Completed]

Armengot, Laura; Schneider, Monika and Pérez-Neira, David (2021) Comparing Energy Efficiency And Greenhouse Gas Emissions In Cacao Production Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Armengot, Laura; Barbieri, Pietro; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Alcon, Freddy; Trujillo, German and Schneider, Monika (2015) Labour Demand in Five Different Cocoa Production Systems in Bolivia. In: Tropentag 2015, Book of abstracts - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, p. 313.

Armengot, Laura; Berner, Alfred; Mäder, Paul and Sans, F. Xavier (2014) WEED FLORA IN A LONG-TERM REDUCED TILLAGE TRIAL, “TILMAN-ORG session”. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 969-972.

Arnault, mrs I; Vey, Mr F; Fleurance, M C; Nabil, Mrs H and Auger, Mr J (2008) SOIL FUMIGATION WITH ALLIUM SULFUR VOLATILES AND ALLIUM BY-PRODUCTS. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Arncken, Christine (2021) An organic plant breeding tour from Switzerland to India - Pre-breeding of White Lupin in Switzerland. Paper at: Open FiBL Day, online, 27.5.2021. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine (2021) Traditional and alternative protein sources for animal and human nutrition - Lupins. Paper at: Open FiBL Day, online, 27.05.2021. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine (2005) BIO SUISSE Considers Hybrid Rye Ban. Poster at: COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on Organic Plant Breeding Strategies and the Use of Molecular Markers, Driebergen (NL), 17-19. Jan. 2005. [Unpublished]

Arncken, Christine; Alkemade, Joris; Hohmann, Pierre and Messmer, Monika (2021) Pre-Breeding of White Lupin for Anthracnose Resistance. Paper at: International conference, EUCARPIA Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic systems, online, 8-10 March 2021. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine; Lazzaro, Mariateresa and Messmer, Monika (2023) Working with Plants in Breeding: our project on White Lupin. Keynote presentation at: Workshop on Plant Intelligence, Basel, Switzerland, April 26th, 2023. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine; Lazzaro, Mariateresa; Patyi, Andras; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Brändle, Ivraina; Nicod, Ludivine; Kamp, Miriam; Kussmann, Sebastian and Messmer, Monika (2023) Lupinno Suisse - Breeding resistant, sweet lupins for the sustainable, regional production of tomorrow. Paper at: 8 th Meeting of IG Proteins4Future – Swiss Food Research Network, Zürich, Switzerland, 1.6.2023. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Hohmann, Pierre and Alkemade, Joris (2021) White Lupin (Lupinus Albus) Anthracnose Resistance Pre-Breeding Project In Switzerland. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Kamp, Miriam; Kussmann, Sebastian; Patyi, Andras and Lazzaro, Mariateresa (2023) Organic breeding of white lupin for regionally produced, plant-based protein foods in Switzerland. Paper at: 16th International Lupin Conference, Rostock, Germany, 19.- 23.6. 2023. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Patyi, Andras; Schneider, Michael; Kamp, Miriam; Kussmann, Sebastian; Brändle, Ivraina; Kretzschmar, Ursula and Lazzaro, Mariateresa (2023) Stand des Lupinenprojektes - Züchtung der Weissen Lupine auf Resistenz & Qualität für innovative Schweizer Lebensmittel aus einer nachhaltigen, regionalen Produktion. Keynote presentation at: Internal department colloquium, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 30. Oktober 2023. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine and Schmid, Otto (2006) Bio Suisse Bans Hybrid Cereals. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, May 30-31, 2006. [Unpublished]

Arncken, C. M.; Böhler, D. and Messmer, M. M. (2015) Screening of lupin varieties for organic mixed cropping in Switzerland. In: Capraro, J.; Duranti, M.; Magni, C. and Scarafoni, A. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIVth International Lupin Conference, Milano, Italy, 21-26 June 2015, p. 103.

Arncken, Christine; Hohmann, Pierre and Messmer, Monika (2018) Breeding for Mixed Cropping and Anthracnose Resistance of Lupins. Paper at: EUCARPIA Symposium on BreedingforDiversification, Germany, Witzenhausen, 19-21 February 2018. [Completed]

Arncken, Christine M.; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen and Weibl, Franco P. (2011) Sensory Difference of Bio-Dynamically, Organically and Conventionally Produced Wheat from the DOK Long-Term Field Trial. Poster at: First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Czech Republic, Prague, 18-22 May 2011. [Submitted]

Arogundade, Oluwasefunmi; Abayomi-Alli, Adebayo; Adesemowo, Kayode; Bamigbade, Taiwo; Odusami, Modupe and Olowe, Victor (2020) An Intelligent Marketspace Mobile Application for Marketing Organic Products. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Skukuza, South Africa.

Aronsson, Helena; Hellstrand, Ebba; Salomon, Eva; Wahlund, Lotten; Odelros, Åsa and Lovang, Malin (2021) Phosphorus Retention Materials In Outdoor Laying Hen Paddocks For Reduced Environmental Impact And Increased Nutrient Use Efficiency. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Arp, Kirsten and Wegner, Karin (2014) Crisis management and Organic Foods Industry: How to keep consumer confidence in times of negative media coverage. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Arsenos, G.; Gelasakis, A.; Pinopoulos, S.; Giannakou , R. and Amarantidis, I. (2014) DESCRIPTION AND TYPOLOGY OF DAIRY GOAT FARMS IN GREECE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 571-574.

Arthurson, V.; Baggesen, D.; Brankatschk, K.; Dalsgaard, A.; Duffy, B.; Fenzl, C.; Friedel, J.K.; Hackl, E.; Hartmann, A.; Hedin, F.; Hofmann, A.; Jäderlund, L.; Jansson, J.; Jensen, A.N.; Koller, M.; Mäder, P.; Rinnofner, T.; Schmid, M.; Storm, C.; van Bruggen, A.H.C.; Widmer, F.; Wyss, G.S.; Zijlstra, C.A. and Sessitsch, A. (2009) PathOrganic – Risks and Recommendations Regarding Human Pathogens in Organic Vegetable Production Chains. Poster at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Arvaniti, E. C.; Zaglis, D. P.; Papadakis, V.G. and Paraskeva, C.A. (2011) New techniques in olive mill wastewater treatment (OMW). In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstracts of International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURISM in the Mediterranean, DIO.

Asai, Masayasu; Langer, Vibeke and Frederiksen, Pia (2014) Collaborative partnerships between organic farmers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 211-214.

Aschemann, J.; Maroscheck, N. and Hamm, U. (2008) The EU health claims regulation and its impact on the marketing of organic food. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Aschemann, Jessica and Hamm, Ulrich (2008) Information Acquisition Behaviour of Fair-Trade Coffee Consumers – a Survey by Means of an Information Display Matrix. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Aschemann, Jessica; Maroscheck, Nicole and Hamm, Ulrich (2008) The EU health claims regulation and its impact on the marketing of organic food. In: D., Neuhoff (Ed.) Cultivating the future based on science - Proceedings of the Second scientific conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), pp. 268-271.

Aschemann-Witzel, J. and Zielke, S. (2013) Organic food prices and the consumer - review of the evidence. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 83-84.

Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica; Zielke, Stephan and Thøgersen, John (2014) INCOME AND PRICE AS A BARRIER TO ORGANIC FOOD CHOICE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 175-178.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2005) Long-term organic crop rotation experiments for cereal production – yield development and dynamics. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Askegaard, Senior scientist Margrethe and Eriksen, Senior scientist Jørgen (2008) Legume catch crops for reducing N leaching and substituting animal manure. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, J. (2013) Management affects nitrate leaching from organic farms. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 47-48.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Støvring, Mogens and Berntsen, Jørgen (2006) Performance of spring barley in an organic mixed crop rotation. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Aslan, Bulut and Demir, A. Yonca (2014) AN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE MODEL FOR TURKEY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1095-1098.

Aspray, Claire; O'Brien, Josie and Philipps, Lois (2006) Developing an Agro-forestry System for Production of a Commercial Organic Chicken Flock Focusing on Profits on a ‘Triple Bottom Line’. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Atasay, Adem and Türemiş, Nurgül (2014) Effects of Some Nutrition Experiments on Ellagic Acid end Nitrate Contents in Fruit in Organic Strawberry Production. Paper at: Building Organic Bridges, at the Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014, 13-15 Oct.

Atasay, Adem and Türemiş, Nurgül (2014) EFFECTS OF SOME NUTRITION EXPERIMENTS ON ELLAGIC ACID AND NITRATE CONTENTS IN FRUIT IN ORGANIC STRAWBERRY PRODUCTION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1103-1106.

Athanasiadou, S.; Chylinski, C.; Allamand, A. and Maurer, V. (2021) From the lab to the farm: using a multi-actor approach to foster sustainable parasite control. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 492.

Athanasiadou, S.; Chylinski, C.; Moeskops, B.; Michie, D.; Experton, C.; Steinshamn, H.; Leiber, F. and Maurer, V. (2021) Current use of contentious inputs in European organic animal production. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 487.

Athanasiadou, S. (2018) Worm control strategies. Keynote presentation at: Organic Farmers Meeting, Huntly, Scotland. [Unpublished]

Athanasiadou, S. (2018) Worm control strategies (sheep). In: Presentation stakeholders at QMS (Quality Meat Scotland). [Completed]

Athanasiadou, S. (2017) Tackling the parasitological challenges in organic Ruminant farming practices. Workshop at: International workshop Toulouse 2017, Toulouse. France, 29 November 2017. [Completed]

Athanasiadou, S. (2017) Tackling the parasitological challenges arising from organic farming practices. Lecture at: Organic Research Centre, Organic Producers conference, Birmingham, February 2017. [draft]

Athmann, Miriam; Bornhütter, Roya; Busscher, Nicolaas; Doesburg, Paul; Geier, Uwe; Mergardt, Gaby and Scherr, Claudia (2021) An Update On Image Forming Methods: Structure Analysis And Gestalt Evaluation. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Athmann, Miriam; Fritz, Jürgen and Köpke, Ulrich (2011) Product quality as a function of light and nitrogene supply: contribute to a quality concept for organic agriculture? In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference of Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 139.

Athmann, Miriam; Kautz, Timo; Huang, Ning and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) Biopore characterization with in situ endoscopy: Influence of earthworms on carbon and nitrogen contents. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 415-418.

Atkinson, D (2006) What can research deliver for organic farming? In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 1-4.

Atoma, Charity; Anyoha, Ndidi; Ubochioma, Chikaire and Uyoyuo, Sidney (2021) Comparative Study Of Organic Farming Practices Amongst Rural Household Livestock, Crop And Fish Farmers: The Case Of South- South, Nigeria. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Atoma, Charity Nwamaka; Adesope, Olufemi Martins; Anyoha, Ndidi-paschal Ogochukwu and Chikaire, Jonadab Ubochioma (2018) Analysis of Use of Organic Farming Practices among Rural fish Farmers in South-South Nigeria. In: Rahman, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 221-226.

Atungwu, J. J.; Adeoye, O. O.; Olabiyi, T. I.; Oladeji, O. A. and Eche, C. O. (2018) Potency of Arati-Obd+ Organic Fertilizer on Plant-Parasitic and Free-Living Nematodes in Peppermint (Mentha Piperita L.) Field. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 153-156.

Atungwu, J. J.; Yusuf, A. O.; Oladeji, O. A.; Aruna, W. O.; Joseph-Adekunle, T. T. and Tijanni, I. (2018) Impact of Gateway Organic Fertilizer on Herbivorous and Non-Parasitic Nematodes Associated with Telfairia Occidentalis Hook F. Field. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 111-114.

Aubert, Magali and Enjolras, Geoffroy (2014) Do short food supply chains go hand in hand with environment-friendly practices? An analysis of French farms. 8. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales (JRSS), Grenoble, France.

Aubert, Magali; Enjolras, Geoffroy and Bouhsina, Zouhair (2016) How does the choice of a marketing channel influence the adoption of organic farming ? 10. Journées de recherches en sciences sociales (JRSS), Paris, France.

Augustiny, Eva; Frehner, Anita; Green, Ashley; Müller, Adrian and Mathys, Alexander (2022) From current to deliberative diets: Modelling nutritional and environmental effects of the Swiss food system. Poster at: Food Day @ETH, Zürich, Switzerland, 11.11.2022. [Completed]

Aulrich, Karen and Böhm, Herwart (2008) Quality of organic feedstuffs grown in Trenthorst (Germany) – evaluated by Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Aulrich, Karen and Böhm, Herwart (2012) Quality of organic legumes – prediction of main ingredients and amino acids by Near-Infrared Spectroscopy. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Braunschweig, Germany, SH 362, Landbauforschung - vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, no. Special Issue 362, pp. 401-403.

Aulrich, Karen and Böhm, Herwart (2007) Evaluation of feed quality of organically grown feedstuff by near infrared reflectance spectroscopy (NIRS). [Futtermittelbewertung von ökologisch erzeugten Futtermitteln mittels NIRS.] In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrion Physiology, 16, p. 87.

Aulrich, Karen; Böhm, Herwart and Witten, Stephanie (2016) Investigations on crude protein and amino acids in organically produced field pea (Pisum sativum L.) varieties. [Untersuchungen des Rohprotein- und Aminosäurengehaltes in ökologisch erzeugten Futtererbsensorten (Pisum sativum L.).] In: Universidade Nova (Ed.) Legumes for a Sustainable World: ILS2, p. 254.

Aulrich, Karen; Böhm, Herwart and Witten, Stephanie (2015) Protein quality of Lupinus angustifolius - prediction of amino acids and crude protein with near infrared spectroscopy. In: Capraro, Jessica; Duranti, Marcello; Magni, Chiara and Scarafoni, Alessio (Eds.) Proceedings of the XIV International Lupin Conference, p. 126.

Aulrich, Karen and Witten, Stephanie (2019) Thiamine (vitamin B1) and riboflavin (vitamin B2) content of field peas (Pisum sativum L.), faba beans (Vicia faba L.), and lupins (Lupinus spp. L.). [Gehalte an Thiamin (Vitamin B1) und Riboflavin (Vitamin B2) in Futtererbsen (Pisum sativum L.), Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba L.) und Lupinen (Lupinus spp. L.).] In: Legumes for a Sustainable World: ILS3, p. 147.

Autio, Sari and Iivonen, Sari (2017) Organic Agriculture in Finland. Poster at: 2017: NJF Seminar 495 - Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli, Finland, 19-21 June 2017. [Completed]

Avio, Dr. Luciano; Pellegrino, Dr. Elisa; Bonari, Prof. Enrico and Giovannetti, Prof. Manuela (2008) Natural biofertilizers for organic agriculture: productivity and nutrient uptake of Medicago sativa inoculated with different arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Aviron, Stéphanie; Monteiro, Alexandre; Baudry, Jacques; Djoudi, El Aziz; Petillon, Julien; Plantegenest, Manuel and Puech, Camille (2016) Landscape heterogeneity related to organic and conventional farming systems: effects on natural enemies of crop pests and pest predation levels. International conference on Ecological Sciences (SFE Ecologie 2016), Marseille, France.

Aviron, Stéphanie; Poggi, Sylvain; Varennes, Yann-David and Lefevre, Amélie (2016) Effect of local landscape heterogeneity on crop colonization by natural predators of pests in protected horticultural cropping systems. International conference on Ecological Sciences (SFE Ecologie 2016), Marseille, France.

AyanfeOluwa, O. E; AdeOluwa, O. O.; Oshunsanya, S. O. and Aduramigba-Modupe, V. O. (2015) Effect of Accelerated Compost on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of an Alfisol. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 53-58.

AyanfeOluwa, O.E.; AdeOluwa, O.O.; Oshunsanya, S.O. and Aduramigba-Modupe, V.O. (2015) Effect of Accelerated Compost on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties of an Alfisol. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria.

AyanfeOluwa, Olufemi Emmanuel; AdeOluwa, Olugbenga O. and Gbadamosi, R.O. (2018) Survey of traditional knowledge that are compliant to organic standard. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 235-240.

Ayoola, Akeem Ayobami; Muhammad, Sulaiman Babatunde and Adewale, Shamsideen (2018) Comparative assessment of phytochemical properties of ethanolic extracts of barks of two herbal trees. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olibiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 115-120.

Ayrle, H.; Nathues, H.; Bieber, A.; Mevissen, M.; Walkenhorst, M. and Maeschli, A. (2019) Effects of oral administered garic on postweaning pig's health and performance. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26 - 30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium (25), p. 390.

Ayrle, Hannah; Mevissen, Meike; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Wellnitz, Olga; Kaske, Martin; Bieber, Anna and Walkenhorst, Michael (2018) Effects of an oral Echinacea purpurea alcoholic spissum extract in calves. A placebo-controlled, randomized, double blinded study. Poster at: 30th World Buiatrics Congress 2018, Sapporo, Japan, August 28 - September 1, 2018. [Completed]

Ayrle, Hannah; Mevissen, Meike; Nathues, Heiko and Walkenhorst, Michael (2017) Allium sativum L. for prophylaxis of diarrhea in weaned piglets. Poster at: Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research, Basel, Switzerland, 3 September, 2017. [Completed]

Ayrle-Stauss, H.; Mevissen, M.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Wellnitz, O.; Kaske, M.; Bieber, A.; Vögtlin, A.; Fricker, R. and Walkenhorst, M. (2021) Effects of Echinacea purpurea (L.) Moench extract in calves. In: Planta Medica, 87, p. 1264.

Azeez, Ms Gundula and Hewlett, KL (2008) The Comparative Energy Efficiency of Organic Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

AZIM, Khalid; OUYIHYA, Khalid ; AMELLOUK, Aomar; PERISSOL, Claude; THAMI ALAMI, Imane and SOUDI, Brahim (2014) Dynamic composting optimization through C/N ratio variation as a startup parameter. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 787-790.

Azo, W M; Lane, G P F; Cannon, N C and Davies, W P (2006) Dry matter yields and quality of organic lupin/cereal mixtures for wholecrop forage. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 93-96.

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Baars, Ton (2006) Methodological challenges for organic dairy cattle research and development: Practice based evidence rather than evidence based practice. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Baars, Ton; Spengler, Anet and Spranger, Joerg (2003) Is there something like bio-dynamic breeding? Paper at: Initiatives for animal breeding in organic farming in Europe and evaluation for future strategies, Driebergen, The Netherlands, 17/18 October 2003. [Unpublished]

Baars, Ton and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul (2002) Experiential science as a novel scientific discipline. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 115-116.

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Babik, J.; Kaniszewski, S. and Babik, I. (2010) Growing Methods and Nutrient Management in Organic Greenhouse Production of Vegetables. In: Rallo, Luis; De la Rosa, Raul; Monteiro, Antonio and De Oliveira, Pedro Bas (Eds.) Abstracts. Volume II (Symposia), International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS), Lisboa, p. 641.

Babin, Doreen; Chowdhury, Soumitra Paul; Sandmann, Martin; Sommermann, Loreen; Nelkner, Johanna; Windisch, Saskia; Fließbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Schlüter, Andreas; Neumann, Günter; Geistlinger, Jörg; Rothballer, Michael; Smalla, Kornelia and Grosch, Rita (2018) Impact of long-term agricultural management practices on therhizosphere microbiome and plant health. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-13918.

Baćanović-Šišić, Jelena (2024) „Hot Water Treatments for Vegetable Seeds“. Paper at: Liveseeding Webinar, online, 26 March 2024. [Completed]

Bachinger, J. and Stein-Bachinger, K. (2000) Organic Farming on large farms with special reference to Eastern Germany. In: Wilson, M. J. and Maliszewska-Kordybach, B. (Eds.) Soil Quality, Sustainable Agriculture and Environmental Security in Central and Eastern Europe, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 69, NATO Science Partnership Sub-Series 2: Environmental Security continued within NATO Science Series IV: Earth and Environmental Sciences, pp. 125-138.

Bachinger, J.; Stein-Bachinger, K.; Vögel, R. and Werner, A. (2000) Guide for on-farm experiments by organic farmers. In: Krell, R. and Zanoli, R. (Eds.) Research Methodologies in Organic farming: On-Farm Participatory Research: Proceedings, FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS, REU Technical Series, no. 63, pp. 47-48.

Bachinger, J. and Zander, P. (2001) Crop rotation planning tool for organic farms. In: Steffe, J. (Ed.) Proceeding of the third European Conference of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture, Food and the Environment (EFITA 2001), 1, pp. 89-94.

Bachinger, J. and Zander, P. (2000) Modelling crop rotations of organic farms. [Modellboildung von Fruchtfolgen in der ökologischen Landwirtschaft.] In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) The world grows organic, Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, p. 144.

Bachinger, Dr. Johann; Stein-Bachinger, Dr. Karin and Fuchs, Sarah (2006) Ecological and agronomic evaluation of crop rotations in organic farming systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Backes, Gunter (2005) Use of DNA-based genetic markers in plant breeding. In: Lammerts van Bueren, Edith K.; Goldringer, Isabelle and Østergård, Hanne (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on organic plant breeding strategies and the use of molecular markers, 17-19 January 2005, Driebergen, The Netherlands. Louis Bolk Institute, Driebergen, The Netherlands., pp. 24-27.

Backes, G.; Kristensen, K. and Østergård, H. (2007) Association mapping for barley traits related to organic farming. In: Østergård, H.; Backes, G. and Kovács, G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR workshop, Velence, Hungary, pp. 118-122.

Baddeley, J. A.; Döring, Thomas F.; Hatch, David; Marshall, Athole; Pearce, Bruce; Roderick, S; Stobart, Ron; Storkey, Jonathan; Watson, C.A. and Wolfe, Martin (2010) Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems. In: Crighton, K and Audsley, R. (Eds.) Proceedings of the SAC/SEPA Conference, pp. 178-182.

Badulescu, Liliana; Dobrin, Aurora; Bujor, Oana-Crina; Stan, Andreea; Mot, Andrei; Finti, Manuela and Lagunovschi-Luchian, Viorica (2018) Qualitative features of organic tomatoes. Poster at: Congress "Life sciences, a challenge for the future" 2018, Iasi, Romania, October 18-19, 2018. [Completed]

Badulescu, Liliana; Dobrin, Aurora; Stan, Andreea; Mot, Andrei and Bujor, Oana-Crina (2019) DRYING TREATMENT EFFECTS ON ANTHOCYANINS OF ORGANIC RASPBERRY (CV. HERITAGE) FRUIT. In: Goncharova-Alves, Svetlana and Alves-Filho, Odilio (Eds.) Third Nordic Baltic Drying Conference.

Bagger, Christian; Bellostas, Natalia; Jensen, Søren K.; Sørensen, Jens C.; Sørensen, Hilmer and Sørensen, Susanne (2007) Processing-bioprocessing of oilseed rape in bioenergy production and value added utilization of remaining seed components. Paper at: 12th International Rapeseed Conference, Wuhan, China, 26-29 March 2007.

Baiamonte, I; Moneta, E; Raffo, A; D'Aloise, A; Nardo, N; Kelderer, M; Lardschneider, E and Paoletti, F (2011) Commercial fertilizers and organoleptic quality of organically grown apple fruits (cv Golden delicious). In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Haislova, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 70.

Baker, B. and Tracy, D. (2008) Elemental Contaminants in Fertilizers and Soil Amendments Used in Organic Production. Speech at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Baker, Brian; Haye, Patrick M. and Brigid, Meints (2021) Organic Farmers' Desired Qualities For Barley. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Baker, Brian (2015) Action Plan of TIPI, the Technology Innovation Platform of the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM - Organics International). Paper at: Science Day 2015 Biofach Nuremberg, Nuremberg; Germany, 13.02.2015.

Baker, Brian (2014) Approaches and Methods. Paper at: TIPI Workshop "Practitioners’ research agenda" at the Organic World Congress, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 12, 2014. [Completed]

Bakewell, E. L.; Sanderson, R. and Davies, D. R. (2007) Effects of inclusion of red clover silage on the carriage of gut pathogens in steers. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Bakken, Anne Kjersti; Hansen, Sissel; Strøm, Turid and Steinshamn, Håvard (2006) Sulphur supply: a limiting factor in organic roughage-based livestock production? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bakula, Wladyslawa Luczka and Smoluk, Joanna (2005) The perception of polish organic food consumers. In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Balasubramanian, Mr. A.V.; Arumugasamy, Mr. S.; Vijayalakshmi, Dr. K. and Subhashini, Mrs. S. (2008) Plant Products as Biopesticides: Building On Traditional Knowledge of Vrkshayurveda: Traditional Indian Plant Science. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Balasubramanian, A.V.; Saini, J.P. and Hoffman, U. (2014) Policies and joint activities. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Baldinger, Lisa; Büttner, Sinje; Aulrich, Karen and Bussemas, Ralf (2021) Silage From Intercropping Of Maize With Common Beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) As Roughage For Fattening Pigs. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Baldinger, Lisa; Hagmüller, Werner; Minihuber, Ulrike and Zollitsch, Werner (2014) Grass pea seeds as protein-rich feed for weaned piglets. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 21-24.

Baldinger, Lisa; Hagmüller, Werner; Minihuber, Ulrike and Zollitsch, Werner (2013) To toast or not to toast – Grass peas for weaned piglets. Poster at: XXI Animal Science Days, Padua, 18 - 20 September 2013.

Baldinger, Lisa; Hagmüller, Werner; Spanlang, Ulrike; Matzner, Marlene and Zollitsch, Werner (2012) Sainfoin seeds as protein source for weaned piglets - a new utilization of a long-known forage legume. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Hamburg, Trenthorst, Germany, pp. 371-374.

Baldinger, Lisa; Vaillant, Jan; Zollitsch, Werner and Rinne, Marketta (2014) The Solid-DSS – an online application balancing forage supply and demand in organic low-input dairy farming. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 29-32.

Balestra, Dr Giorgio M.; Rossetti, Dr Antonio and Quattrucci, Dr Alessio (2008) Biological control of kiwifruit and tomato bacterial pathogens. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Balkız, Özge; Demirbaş Çağlayan, Semiha; Kuş, Melike; Özkil, Aydan; Özüt, Deniz; Turak, Ayşe and Zeydanlı, Uğur (2014) Using Ecosystem Approach as a Template Towards Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid Agricultural Lands of Central Anatolia. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Ball, Andrew S and Pretty, Jules N (2002) Agricultural influences on carbon emissions and sequestration. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 247-250.

Ball, B C (2006) Nitrous oxide emissions from organic farming: the importance of well-timed ley cultivation. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 317-320.

Ball, Bruce; Scott, Albert; Mc Taggart, Iain P and Watson, Chistine A (2002) Greenhouse gas emissions from soils under organic management. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 243-246.

Ball, Dr Bruce C (2006) Mechanical weeding effects on soil structure under organic vegetables. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bantle, M.; Kopp, C. and Claussen, I.C. (2019) Improved process control by surface temperature-controlled drying on the example of sweet potatoes. In: Proceeding of Eurodrying 2019, July 10-12, 2019, Torino, Italy.

Bantle, M.; Nordtvedt, T.S.; Claussen, I.C. and Indergård, E. (2016) State of the Art: Superchilling in the Food Processing Industry. In: 4th IIR International Conference on Sustainability and the Cold Chain - Proceedings, International Institute of Refrigeration.

Bantle, Michael; Kvalsvik, Karoline H. and Tolstorebrov, Ignat (2016) Performance simulation of a Heat Pump Drying System using R744 as refrigerant. In: Proceedings of the 12th IIR Gustav Lorentzen Conference on Natural Refrigerants GL2016, 21-24 August 2016, Edinburgh, UK.

Bapst, B.; Schwarz, K.; Thüer, S. and Werne, S. (2023) Genetic parameters for nematode resistance in dairy sheep. Poster at: Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Tierwissenschaften (SVT), Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19.4.2023. [Completed]

Bapst, B.; Schwarz, K.; Thüer, S. and Werne, S. (2023) Genetic parameters of nematode resistance in dairy sheep. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 1037.

Bapst, B.; Baes, C.; Seefried, F.R.; Bieber, A.; Simianer, H. and Gredler, B. (2013) Effect of Cows in the Reference Population: First Results in Swiss Brown Swiss. In: Interbull Bulletin, No. 47, Nantes, France, August 23-25 2013, pp. 187-191.

Bapst, Beat (2016) Genotype x Environment Interactions in Dual Purpose Cattle in Harsh Environments. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences, Wageningen Academic Publishers The Netherlands, p. 309.

Bapst, Beat (2016) Swiss Brown Swiss in different environments: Does GxE play an important role? Paper at: 10th World Brown Swiss Congress, Mende, France, 07 April, 2016. [Completed]

Baraibar, Bàrbara (2006) The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2006: Data Collection on Organic Farming World-Wide. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2006, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Baranska, A.; Rembialkowska, E.; Lueck, L. and Leifert, C. (2008) The effect of medium term feeding with organic, low input and conventional diet on selected immune parameters in rat. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Baranska, A.; Skwarlo-Sonta, K.; Rembialkowska, E.; Brandt, K.; Lueck, L. and Leifert, C. (2007) The effect of short term feeding with organic and conventional diets on selected immune parameters in rat. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Barbara, Pfeiffer (2002) Results of an experiment on storage diseases at the apple variety Pinova. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 58-62.

BARBERI, PROF. P.; BIGONGIALI, DR. F.; ANTICHI, DR. D.; CARLESI, DR. S.; FONTANELLI, DR. M.; FRASCONI, DR. C. and LULLI, DR. L. (2008) Innovative crop and weed management strategies for organic spinach: crop yield and weed suppression. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bàrberi, Prof Dr Paolo; Mazzoncini, Prof Marco; Bigongiali, Federica and Antichi, Daniele (2006) SIMBIO-VEG: an interdisciplinary project for improvement of organic systems and meth-ods in arable and vegetable cropping. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bàrberi, Paolo (2013) Is agroecology the most sustainable approach for all organic farming systems? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 27-29.

Barberi, Paolo; Aendekerk, Raymond; Antichi, Daniele; Armengot, Laura; Berner, Alfred; Bigongiali, Federica; Blanco-Moreno, José Manuel; Carlesi, Stefano; Celette, Florian; Chamorro, Lourdes; Crowley, Oliver; Döring, Thomas; Grosse, Meike; Haase, Thorsten; Hess, Jürgen; Huiting, Hilfred; José-Maria, Laura; Klaedtke , Stéphanie; Kranzler, Andreas; Luik, Anne; Peigne, Joséphine; Sukkel, Wijnand; Surböck, Andreas; Talgre, Liina and Sans, Francesc Xavier (2014) REDUCED TILLAGE AND COVER CROPS IN ORGANIC ARABLE SYSTEMS PRESERVES WEED DIVERSITY WITHOUT JEOPARDISING CROP YIELD. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 765-768.

Barbieri, Giampiero; Macchiavelli, Leonello and Rivaldi, Patrizia (2008) Protein quality and content of nitrite, nitrate and metals in commercial samples of organic and conventional cold meats. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Barbieri, Pietro; Pellerin, Sylvain; Smith, Laurence; Seufert, Verena; Ramankutty, Navin and Nesme, Thomas (2021) Nitrogen Availability Is Likely To Challenge Organic Farming Production At The Global Scale. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Barbieri, Pietro; Armengot, Laura; Milz, Joachim; Alcon, Freddy and Schneider, Monika (2015) Systems and Managements Related Differences in Phenology of 12 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Cultivars. In: Tropentag 2015, Book of abstracts - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, p. 321.

Barcena, Teresa G.; Rittl, Tatiana F.; Henriksen, T.M.; Dörsch, Peter and Frøseth, Randi Berland (2022) CAPTURE- Assessment of cover cropping as climate action in cereal production in Norway. Poster at: EJP Soil Annual Science Days, Palermo, Italy, 8-9 June 2022.

Bareille, Nathalie; Robin, Marion; Brunet, Laurent and Delaby, Luc (2021) Performance And Health Of Holstein And Montbéliarde Dairy Cows In Organic Low Inputs Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Baresel, Jörg Peter; Döring, Thomas F. and Finckh, Maria R. (2012) A new European Project on cover crops. In: ESA12 Abstracts, University of Helsinky, Department of Agricultural Science publication series .

Baresel, Jörg Peter; Döring, Thomas F. and Finckh, Maria R. (2012) OSCAR – a new European project on cover crops. Poster at: 12th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Helsinki, Finland, 20-24 August 2012.

Baresel, Jörg Peter; Fischer, V.; van Hilten, S.; Charrois, A. and Köckeis, M. (2017) Screening Non Legume Species for Use as Cover Crop in Mixtures. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken, Dr. Köster, Freising, 1, no. 14, pp. 188-189.

Baresel, Jörg Peter; Köckeis, M. and Weiner, J. (2017) Effect of Seeding Date of Wheat and Clover Plant Interactions in Cereal Systems with an Associated Cover Crop. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017.

Baresel, Jörg Peter; Köckeis, M. and Weiner, J. (2017) Effect of Seeding density on Plant Interactions in Cereal Systems with Associated Cover Crop. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, Freising, c, no. 14, pp. 120-121.

Baresel, Jörg Peter; Köckeis, M. and Weiner, J. (2017) Managing the Competition in Cereal-Subclover-Systems. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Reents, Hans Jürgen; Wiesinger, Klaus and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernhemen, Vertrauen stärken, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, Freising, pp. 184-185.

Barik, Arun Kumar (2017) Organic Farming in India : Present Status, Challenges and Technological Breakthrough. In: 3rd Conference on Bio-resource and Stress Management International, Jaipur, pp. 101-110.

Barlagne, Carla; Blazy, Jean-Marc; Le Bail, Marianne; Soler, Louis Georges; Thomas, Alban and Ozier-Lafontaine, Harry (2013) Local market food sector analysis and design: the example of the yam sector in Guadeloupe. 1. Global Conference on Yam, Accra, Ghana.

Bärlund, Ilona; Kirkkala, Teija and Kämäri, Juha (2006) Assessing nutrient and sediment transport for Water Framework Directive purposes using the SWAT model - a case study in SW Finland. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006.

Barrientos, Antonio; Valero, Constantino; Cerro, Jaime; Krus, Anne; Roldán, Juan Jesús; Ramirez, Juan José; Lima, Matheus Cardim Ferreira; Willekens, Koen; Koopmans, Chris J.; Rossing, Walter; Trinchera, Alessandra; Himanen, Sari; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Līga and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) Robotisation of strip-cropping systems: prototype design guidelines for targeted fertilisation. [Robotización de cultivos en franjas: diseño de unprototipo para fertilización dirigida.] In: Book of Abstracts of the Science Forum at the OWC2021.

Barrientos, Antonio; Valero, Constantino; Del Cerro, Jaime; Marijke Krus, Anne; Roldan, Juan Jesus; Ramirez, Juan Jose; Cardim Lima, Matheus; Willekens, Koen; Koopmans, Chris; Rossing, Walter; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Trinchera, Alessandra; Himanen, Sari; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Strip-Cropping Systems Robotization: Prototype Design Guidelines For Targeted Fertilisation. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Barrios, E.Dmundo; Ndiaye, Gora; Loconto, Allison Marie and Cluset, Remi (2019) Agroecology: Fostering improved access to land and natural resources. 4.World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France.

Barrios Masias, Felipe and Jackson, Louise (2008) Increasing Cultivar Diversity of Processing Tomato under Large Scale Organic Production in California. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Barry, Pat and Swan , Brendan (2008) Managing the conversion process successfully. In: Teagasc (Ed.) Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Oakpark, Ireland, pp. 21-25.

Bart, Sylvain (2016) Avoidance behaviour and survival of two annelid oligochaetes exposed to two fungicides. 12 eme international symposium on enchytraeidae, Tihany, Hungary.

Barth, Dr. Kerstin (2008) Dry cow therapy in an organic dairy herd of a milk and a dual purpose breed. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Baruah, R.; Messmer, M.; Forster, D.; Verma, R. and Patil, S. S. (2011) Participatory Breeding of Cotton for Organic and Low External Input Conditions. Paper at: World Cotton Research Conference, Mumbai, India, 5. - 10. November 2011. [Completed]

Baruah, Rajeev (2008) System Comparisons between Organic, Biodynamic, Conventional and GMO’s in cotton production & Organic, Biodynamic, Conventional systems in Soya and Wheat in Central India. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Organic Textile Conference, Carpi, Italy, 16-20 June 2008.

Baruah, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine and Jain, S (2008) Agronomic and economic performance of organic, conventional and GM-cotton in Central India - First results of a long-term farming systems comparison. Poster at: Organic Fibre and Textile Conference, Carpi, Italy, 16-17 June.

Baruffa, Miss Elisa; Picard, PhD Christine; Sabbioni, Mister Fabio; Petrozza, PhD Angelo; Giovannetti, PhD Giusto and Bosco, Prof Marco (2008) Plant-probiotic microorganisms for a sustainable buffer of input reduction in organic and low-input tomato production systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Basavanagowda, B.N. Nandish (2014) Legumelogic in paddy. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Basavanagowda Nagabhushana, Nandeesh (2014) Legume Logic & Green Manuring. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Basler, Pierre (2002) Disease-resistant vi ne varieties as a tool to minimize the use 01 copper. [Pilzwiderstandsfahige Rebsorten als Mittel zur Verminderung der Kupfer-Anwendung.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 136-141.

Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition and increases crop growth in a living mulch cropping system. In: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications. Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009, CD-rom (050-2), pp. 1-2.

Båth, B.; Kristensen, H.L. and Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2009) Root pruning reduces root competition in living mulch cropping systems. Poster at: Proceedings from the International Symposium Root Research and Applications, Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009. , Vienna, Austria, 2-4 Sept. 2009.

Battelli, Giovanna; Bongiorno, Valentina; Gai, Francesco; Zambotto, Valeria; Gariglio, Marta; Gasco, Laura; Schiavone, Achille; Biasato, Ilaria and Ferrocino, Ilario (2022) Cecal volatilome and microbiota profile of organic chickens supplemented with black soldier fly live larvae. In: Book of Abstracts, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany, 106, Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte.

Baumann, Matthias; Brönnimann, Lukas; Schneidewind, Ulf; Armengot, Laura; Milz, Joachim; Rüegg, Johanna and Schneider, Monika (2021) Timber from Organic Cacao Agroforestry Systems, an Additional Source of Income for Farmers in Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2021 - Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future - Book of Abstracts.

Bautista, Karen; Tenorio, Jovette; Bernardino, Renel and Escalona, Jenny Anne (2014) Documentation of Soil Fertility Management Practices in Outstanding Certified Organic Farms. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Bautze, David; Goldmann, Eva; Adamtey, Noah; Riar, Amritbir; Singh, Akanksha; Huber, Beate; Cotter, Marc; Rüegg, Johanna and Armengot Martinez, Laura (2023) Never change a running system? Balancing systems approach and comparability when adapting LTEs. Paper at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 20.-22. June 2023. [Completed]

Bautze, David; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N.; Matheri, Felix; Muriuki, Anne; Mucheru, Monicah and Adamtey, Noah (2019) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Results from the Long-term Farming Systems Comparisons Trials. Paper at: 1st International Conference on Agroecology Transforming Agriculture & Food Systems in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 18.-21. June 2019. [Completed]

Bautze, Lin and Müller, Adrian (2021) From the individual to society – a holistic perspective on climate change. Paper at: ’Breathing with the Climate Crisis’ - Agriculture and Youth Conference 2021, Online, February 12, 2021. [Completed]

Bavec, Franc; Živec, Urška; Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva; Bavec, Martina and Radics, Laszlo (2005) COMPETITIVE ABILITY OF MAIZE IN MIXTURE WITH CLIMBING BEAN IN ORGANIC FARMING. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bavec , Martina; Štraus, Saša; Turinek, Matjaž; Narodoslawsky, Michael; Robačer, Martina; Grobelnik Mlakar, Silva; Jakop, Manfred and Bavec, Franc (2014) ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT AS A METHOD FOR EVALUATION DIFFERENT AGRICULTURE PRODUCTION SYSTEMS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 945-948.

Bayliss, Caroline and Clay, Tony (2006) Attitudes and decision making amongst Scottish organic farmers. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, p. 151.

Becker, Dr. Konstantin and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2008) Improvement of winter wheat baking quality in ecological cultivation by enlargement of row spacing and undersown intercrops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Becker, Konstantin; Riffel, Alexandra; Fischinger, Stephanie Anastasia and Leithold, Günter (2014) Benefit of Sulfate fertilisation in Alfalfa - and clover-grass mixtures in organic farming. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 535-538.

Beckie, Mary Anne; Midmore, Peter and Foster, Carolyn (2002) The role of marketing initiatives in rural development. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 317-321.

Bedini, Dr. Stefano; Cristani, Dr. Caterina; Avio, Dr. Luciano; Sbrana, Dr. Cristiana; Turrini, Dr. Alessandra and Giovannetti, Prof. Manuela (2008) Influence of organic farming on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal populations in a Mediterranean agro-ecosystem. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Behrendt, Gerlinde; Peter, Sarah; Sterly, Simone and Häring, Anna Maria (2019) Community financing in the German organic food sector: a key for sustainable food systems? In: Book of Abstracts. 7th CIRIEC International Research Conference on Social and Solidarity Economy, 6 - 9 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania, pp. 90-91.

Behrendt, Gerlinde; Peter, Sarah; Sterly, Simone and Häring, Anna Maria (2018) Community financing in the German organic food sector – an alternative to traditional credit financing? In: Book of Abstracts. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), 7 - 9 November 2018, Eisenstadt, Austria, p. 11.

Beiküfner, Mareike; Kühling, Insa and Trautz, Dieter (2021) Strategies For Water Protection By Optimised N Management. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

BEKYÜREK, Yeşim (2014) Kayseri Organic Agriculture Was Introduced. [Kayseri Organik Tarımla Tanıştı.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Belhache, Maud; Djoudi, El Aziz; Aviron, Stéphanie; Pétillon, Julien and Plantegenest, Manuel (2015) Influence of farming system on ground beetle communities at local and landscape scales. Learning about carabid ha bits and habitats – a continuous process in a continuously changing environment, Primosten, Croatia.

BELICKA, Ina and BLEIDERE, Mara (2006) Organic plant breeding and seed production in Baltic States: developments and challenges. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bello, Dr A; Porcuna, Dr J. L.; Fabeiro, Dra C. and Gonzálvez, Mr V. (2007) ORGANIC FARMING INTEGRITY IN MAIZE CULTIVATION IN SPAIN. In: Stein, Dr. A. J. and Rodriguez-Cerezo, Dr. E. (Eds.) Third International Conference on Coexistence between Genetically Modified (GM) and non-GM based Agricultural Supply Chains Book of abstracts, European Comission JOint Research Centre. Institute for Prospective Technological Studies. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities 2007, pp. 373-374.

Bellon, S. and de Abreu, L.S. (2004) Social development: organic horticulture in São Paulo, Brazil. In: Book of abstracts, CABI. [In Press]

Bellon, Stephane; Bockstaller, Christian; Fauriel, Joel; Geniaux, Ghislain and Lamine, Claire (2007) To design or to redesign : how can indicators contribute. [Créer ou recréer : que disent les indicateurs?] Farming systems design 2007:an international symposium on methodologies for integrated analysis of farm production systems, Catania, Italy.

Bellon, Stephane; Bressoud, Frederique; Fauriel, Joel; Jonis, Monique; Lamine, Claire and Navarrete, Mireille (2008) Conversion to organic horticulture: a multidimensional issue and an example for transitions towards sustainability. Book of Abstracts (Symposium on Horticulture in Europe), Vienna, Austria.

Bellon, Stephane; Cabaret, Jacques; Debaeke, Philippe; Ollivier, Guillaume and Penvern, Servane (2014) Promoting organic research and development: lessons from an interdisciplinary group from France (2000-2013). 4. ISOFAR Scientific Conference, Istanbul, Turkey.

Bellon, Stephane; Fauriel, Joel; Hemptine, J.L.; Jamar, Laurent; Lauri, Pierre-Eric; Lateur, M.; Libourel, Gilles and Simon, Sylvaine (2009) Eco-design and co-design : application to fruit production in Europe. Farming Systems Design 2009 : an international symposium on Methodologies for Integrated Analysis of Farm Production Systems, Monterey CA, United States.

Bellon, Stephane; Perrot, Nathalie; Navarrete, Mireille; Fauriel, Joel and Lamine, Claire (2007) Converting to organic horticulture as socio-technical trajectories. New questions and challenges for rural Europe.Mobilities, vulnerabilities and sustainabilities. Book of abstracts and programme, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Bellon, Stephane; Poudou, Stanislas and Sautereau, Natacha (2009) UNSPECIFIED [Back to the future: long-term trajectories in organic farms in the south of France.] 23. Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), Vaasa, France.

Bellon, Stéphane; Santiago de Abreu, Lucimar and Valarini, Pedro J. (2005) Relationships between social forms of organic horticultural production and indicators of environmental quality: a multidimensional approach in Brazil. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bellon, S.; Desclaux, D. and LE PICHON, V. (2010) Innovation and research in organic farming: A multi‐level approach to facilitate cooperation among stakeholders. Paper at: 9 European IFSA Symposium, Vienna (Austria) , 4‐7 July 2010.

Bellon, Stéphane; Cabaret, Jacques; Debaeke, Philippe; Ollivier, Guillaume and Penvern, Servane (2014) Promoting organic research & development: lessons from an interdisciplinary group from France (2000-2013). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 299-302.

Bellostas, N.; Casanova, E.; Garcia-Mina, J.M.; Hansen, L.M.; Jørgensen, L.N.; Kudsk, P.; Madsen, P.H.; Sørensen, J.C. and Sørensen, H. (2007) Biological activity of glucosinolate derived compounds isolated from seed meal of Brassica crops and evaluated as plant and food protection agents. Paper at: 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China, 26-29 March 2007.

Bellostas, Natalia; Bjergegaard, Charlotte; Jensen, Søren K.; Sørensen, Hilmer; Sørensen, Jens C. and Sørensen, Susanne (2007) Nutritional value of cruciferous oilseed crops in relation to profile of accumulated biomolecules with especial regard to glucosinolates transformation products. Paper at: 12th International Rapeseed Congress, Wuhan, China, 26-29 March 2007.

Bellostas, Natalia; Casanova, Esther; Garcia-Mina, Jose Maria; Sorensen, Jens Christian and Sorensen, Hilmer (2006) In vitro screening of the effect of three glucosinolate derived nitriles on soil-borne fungi. Poster at: Second International Biofumigation Symposium, Moscow, Idaho, USA, 26-29 June 2006. [Unpublished]

Bellostas, Natalia; Kachlicki, Piotr; Sorensen, Jens Christian and Sorensen, Hilmer (2005) Glucosinolate types and concentrations in seedlings of different Brassica species used for food. Poster at: EuroFoodChem XIII, Hamburg, Germany, September 2005. [Unpublished]

Bellostas, Natalia; Kudsk, Per; Sorensen, Jens Christian and Sorensen, Hilmer (2006) Glucosinolate hydrolysis products for weed control. In: Proceedings of the Joint Organic Congress.

Bellostas, Natalia; Nielsen Kudsk, Per; Sørensen, Jens C. and Sørensen, Hilmer (2006) Glucosinolate hydrolysis compounds for weed control. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bellostas, Natalia; Sorensen, Jens Christian and Sorensen, Hilmer (2006) Effect of ascorbic acid and glutathione on the production of nitriles by myrosinase. Speech at: Second International Biofumigation Symposium, Moscow, Idaho, USA, 26-29 June 2006.

Bellostas, Natalia; Sørensen, Jens C. and Sørensen, Hilmer (2007) Influence of pH and type of myrosinase complex on the products obtained in the myrosinase catalysed hydrolysis of glucosinolates – a MECC study. Paper at: 12th international Rapeseed Conferece, Wuhan, China, 26-29 March 2007.

Bencze, Szilvia; Makádi, Marianna; Aranyos, Tibor József; Földi, Mihály; Hertelendy, Péter; Mikó, Péter; Bosi, Sara; Negr, Lorenzo and Drexler, Dóra (2021) Ancient Wheats – As An Example Of Diversification In Organic Agriculture. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Bender, I. and Ingver, A. (2013) The influence of organic and conventional production on yield and quality of carrots. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 179-180.

Bender, Sophia; Ude, Gracia; Rahmann, Gerold; Aulrich, Karen and Georg, Heiko (2014) FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF ORGANIC GOAT KID MEAT FROM DAIRY GOAT AND CROSSBRED MEAT GOAT KIDS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 523-526.

Bendjebbar, Pauline (2021) Drivers Of Organic Agriculture’S Institutionalization. A Comparison Between Uganda And Benin. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Benduhn, Bastian; Maxin, Peter and Pfeiffer, Barbara (2008) Effect of mechanical soil treatment in blueberry orchards. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 152-154.

Benfalk, Christel; Lindgren, Kristina; Lindahl, Cecilia and Rundgren, Margareta (2005) MOBILE AND STATIONARY SYSTEMS FOR ORGANIC PIGS – ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR IN OUTDOOR PENS. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bengtsson, M.; Heijne, B.; Jong, P.F. de; Jørgensen, H.J.L.; Paaske, K.; Pedersen, H.L.; Trapman, M.; Wulff, E. and Hockenhull, J. (2006) Prospecting for new fungicides to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic fruit growing. Poster at: 8th Conference of the European Foundation for Plant Pathology & British Society of Plant Pathology Presidential Meeting, KVL, Copenhagen, Denmark, 13-17 August 2006.

Bengtsson, M. and Hockenhull, J. (2002) Control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple growing. StopScab: A Danish research programme for screening substitutes to copper fungicides. Poster at: 6th International IOBC / wprs Workshop of Pome Fruit Diseases, Lindau, Germany, 31.8 -5.9 2002.

Bengtsson, M.; Jørgensen, H.J.L.; Pham, A.; Wulff, E. and Hockenhull, J. (2005) Screening of organically based fungicides for apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) control and a histopathological study of the mode of action of a resistance inducer. Poster at: 7th International IOBC/wprs Workshop on Orchard Diseases, Piacenza, Italy, 31 August - 4 September 2005.

Bengtsson, Marianne; Jørgensen, Hans Jørgen Lyngs; Wulff, Ednar and Hockenhull, John (2006) Prospecting for organic fungicides and resistance inducers to control scab (Venturia inaequalis) in organic apple production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Benincasa, Dr Paolo; Tosti, Dr Giacomo; Boldrini, Dr Arianna; Tei, Prof Francesco and Guiducci, Prof Marcello (2008) Poliennal results on soil N management and maize N nutrition by green manuring. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bennett, Dr Richard Neil and Rosa, Prof Eduardo A.S. (2006) Phytochemicals under organic and low input crop production systems – Potential influ-ences on health and nutrition in humans and animals. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.


Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Barbieri, Pietro; Pellerin, Sylvain and Nesme, Thomas (2021) How Could Livestock Farming Maximize Organic Production At A Global Scale? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

BENOIT, Marc; Martin, Guillaume; Bernes, Gun; Blanc, Mathilde; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Grillot, Myriam; Ulukan, Defne; Lang, Elise; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Meischner, Tabea; MOERMAN, Marie; Oehen, Bernadette; Parsons, David; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Veysset, Patrick and Winckler, Christoph (2021) A typology of European organic multi-species livestock farms. Workshop at: IAHA Preconference OWC, Rennes (France), 2021-09-06. [In Press]

Benoit, Marc and Méda, Bertrand (2017) Official signs of quality in livestock production systems: Multi-performance from farm to society. Annual meeting of the EAAP, tallinn, Estonia.

Benoit, Marc; Tournadre, Hervé; Dulphy, Jean-Pierre; Cabaret, Jacques and Prache, Sophie (2005) CONVERSION OF A LAMB PRODUCTION SYSTEM TO ORGANIC FARMING: HOW TO MANAGE, FOR WHAT RESULTS? Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Benoit, M.; Garnier, J.; Billen, G.; Mercier, B. and Azougui, A. (2013) Nitrogen leaching from organic agriculture and conventional crop rotations (France). In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 45-46.

Benoit, Marie and Garnier, Josette (2014) Nitrogen leaching from organic agriculture and conventinal crop rotations. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 283-286.

Berg, Annukka (2009) Down-to-earth economy: the discursive contribution of sustainable consumption and production debate. In: Proceedings, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 82-90.

Bergkvist, Göran (2022) Crop protection in a systems perspective. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Bergkvist, Göran; Mangerud, Kjell; Magnuski, Ewa and Brandsæter, Lars Olav (2015) Cut fallow to replace black fallow in an organic production system. In: Gritty, Emmanuel and Wéry, Jacques (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium for farming Systems Design, European Society of Agronomy and Agropolis International, pp. 49-50.

Berkelmann-Löhnertz, Beate (2002) Copper replacement in organic viticulture - state of the art in legislation and research. [Ersatz von Kupferspritzungen im ökologischen Weinbau - Stand in Wissenschaft und Gesetzgebung.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 123-126.

Bernasconi, Alessio; Gamper Cardinali, Carlo; Koller, Martin; Flury, Pascale and Schärer, Hans-Jakob (2023) Reduce the post-harvest losses in organic beetroot production. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP 2023, 20-25 August 2023, Lyon, France, p. 856.

Berner, Alfred; Fliessbach, Andreas; Nietlisbach, Bruno and Mäder, Paul (2008) Effects of reduced tillage on soil organic carbon and microbial activity in a clayey soil. In: Neuhoff, Daniel and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM).

Berner, Alfred; Frei, Robert; Dierauer, Hans-Ulrich; Vogelgsang, Susanne and Mäder, Paul (2005) EFFECTS OF REDUCED TILLAGE, FERTILISATION AND BIODYNAMIC PREPARATIONS ON CROP YIELD, WEED INFESTATION AND THE OCCURRENCE OF TOXIGENIC FUSARIA. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bernet, Thomas; Kazazi, Iris S.; Eisenring, Tobias and Van den Berge, Paul (2014) Promoting rural competitiveness – how can "organic" and "regional" accelerate development in poorer areas? Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Bernicot, Marie-Hélène; Desclaux, Dominique; Fontaine, Laurence and Renard, Michel (2021) Encouraging Registration Of Varieties For Organic Agriculture In France. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Berntsen, Jørgen; Olesen, Jørgen; Petersen, Bjørn Molt and Eriksen, Jørgen (2003) Simulation of nitrate leaching from an organic dairy crop rotation with different manure types and loads. In: Abstracts for the 12th N workshop, IGER. [Unpublished]

Berset, Estelle; Srivastava, Rashmi; Mäder, Paul; Kaiser, Franziska; Adholeya, Alok; Fried, Padrout M. and Sharma, Anil K. (2011) Effect of mycorrhiza and plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria on rice in Northern India: results from 2005-2008. In: estelle.berset@fibl.org (Ed.) Abstract Book of the ISCB International Symposium, p. 59.

Bertelsen, Keld K.; Duzel, Jasmin; Nielsen, Søren H. and Jøregensen, Rasmus N. (2011) FruitGrowth - Gasburning in orchards - Environment friendly weed control. Poster at: The 8.th International Horticulture Technology and Machinery Exhibition in Denmark, Årslev, Denmark, June 30 - July 2 .

Bertelsen, Marianne (2014) Preliminary results show rain roofs to have remarkable effect on diseases of apples. In: Eco-fruit proceedings 2014.

Bertelsen, Marianne (2014) Preliminary results show rain roofs to have remarkable effect on diseases of apples. Speech at: 16th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Germany, 17-19 February 2014.

Bertheau, Yves (2017) "New techniques" of modification of the genomes and epigenomes (NTMGE). IFOAM-EU Workshop, Echzell, Germany.

Bertoncello, Bérangère and Bellon, Stéphane (2008) Construction and implementation of an organic agriculture legislation: the Brazilian case. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Best, Henning (2006) Are the motives of recent adopters in line with the conventionalisation hypothesis? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Beste, Andrea (2000) Maintaining ecological soil functions - techniques in organic farming systems. In: Korean Society of Organic Agriculture (Ed.) Proceedings Conference of Korean Organic Agriculture, Seoul, Korean Society of Organic Agriculture, p. 143.

Bestfleisch, M.; Höfer, M.; Richter, K.; Hanke, M.-V.; Schulte, E.; Peil, A. and Flachowsky, H. (2012) Breeding of resistant strawberry cultivars for organic fruit production – Diallel crossing strategies and resistance tests for Botrytis cinerea and Xanthomonas fragariae. In: Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO) (Ed.) Proceedings of the 15th international conference on organic fruit production, pp. 221-227.

Bestman, Msc M.W.P. (2008) Diversity in measures against infection with avian influenza in organic poultry by different European countries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bestman, Monique and Maurer, Veronika (2006) Health and welfare in organic poultry in Europe: state of the art and future challenges. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bestman, Monique; Niekerk, van, Thea; Göransson, Lina; Ferrante, Valentina; Gunnarsson, Stefan; GRILLI, GUIDO; Haas, de, Elske; Rodenburg, Bas and Arndt, Saskia (2021) Gut parasite infections and free-range use in organic laying hens. Speech at: FreeBirds ‐ Encouraging organic chickens and laying hens to be more outdoor. Final project webinar, Online, April 22, 2021. [Completed]

Bestman, Msc Monique and Wagenaar, Msc Jan-Paul (2006) Feather pecking in organic rearing hens. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bestman, M. and van Eekeren, N. (2013) Introducing trees in Dutch dairy and poultry farms. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 155-156.

Bestman, Monique; Eekeren, Nick van; Luske, Boki; Vonk, Mark; Anssems, Emiel; Boosten, Martijn and Bree, Miriam van (2014) INTRODUCING TREES IN DAIRY AND POULTRY FARMS - Experiences dairy and poultry farmers' networks in The Netherlands. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Bestman, Monique; Leenstra, Ferry; Maurer, Veronika; van Sambeek, Frans; Zeltner, Esther; Reuvekamp, Berry; Amsler, Zivile; Galea, Fabien and van Niekerk, Thea (2012) Performance of commercial laying hen genotypes on free range and organic farms in Switzerland, France and The Netherlands. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Fututre Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Braunschweig, Germany, Landbauforschung Sonderheft 362, pp. 355-359.

Bestman, Monique; Niekerk, van, Thea; haas, de, Elske; Ferrante, Valentina and Gunnarsson, Stefan (2019) Parasitic worms in organic laying hens – relation with range use. Lecture at: IAHA preconference at Organic World Congress, Rennes, France, September 2020. [Submitted]

Bestman, Monique; Niekerk, van, Thea; Haas, de, Elske; Ferrante, Valentina and Gunnarsson, Stefan (2019) Role of range use in infections with parasites in laying hens. In: Proceedings of 53rd Congress of ISAE, p. 189.

Bett, Msc Eric; Freyer, Prof. Bernhard and Leonhartsberger, Msc Philipp (2007) The Potential Role of Organic Soil Fertility Management in the Kenya Highlands. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June, 16-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Bett, K. E. and Freyer, B. (2007) Recognizing and realizing the potential of organic agriculture in Kenya. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20-23 March 2007.

Beukert, Christoph; Simons, Johannes and Hartmann, Monika (2005) Cost driver in the organic meat market in Germany - specific problem of the organic sector? Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bevk, Danilo and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Using honeybees to improve pollination of strawberries and to deliver biological fungicide for protection from grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). Lecture at:

Bevk, Danilo; Pirc, Manca; Dreo, Tanja; Treven, Vinko and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Use of honeybees (Apis mellifera) to protect strawberry from grey mould (Botrytis cinerea). Lecture at:

Bevk, Danilo; Zaplotnik, Špela; Treven, Vinko and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Effects of biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum on the behaviour of honeybee, Apis mellifera. Speech at:

Bevk, Danilo; Zaplotnik, Špela; Treven , Vinko and Čokl, Andrej (2014) Honeybee as vector of biological fungicide in organic strawberry production. Lecture at:

Beye, Aminata; Traoré, Linda Cletchio Gabriella; Coulibaly, Mamadou; Mbaye, Tamsir; Schlecht, Eva; Fall Ba, Mariéme; Ngom, Daouda; Heckendorn, Felix; Roessler, Regina; Sanon, Hadja; Coulibaly, Drissa; Coulibaly, Hawa; Sanou, Sita and Fall, Assan G. (2023) Use of trees and shrub by farmers to control gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in extensive livestock production systems of West Africa. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 366-367.

Beynon, Jim (2002) Plant genomics – a way forward? In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 307-310.

Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Riar, A.; Adamtey, N.; Bautze, D.; Schneider, M.; Armengot, L.; Harun, C. and Huber, B. (2019) Can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development in the tropics? In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 62.

Biavati, B.; Modesto, M.; Stefanini, I.; D'Aimmo, M. R.; Mazzoni, M.; Trevisi, P.; Tittarelli, C.; Bosi, P.; Strozzi, G. P.; Allesina, S.; Deidda, F.; Barba, M. and Lorenzini, P. (2007) Dietary Nitrate: Effects on the health of weaning pigs and Antimicrobial activity on seven probiotic Bifidobacterium spp. strains. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Bichler, Barbara; Dabbert, Stephan; Gambelli, Danilo; Häring, Anna Maria; Nicholas, Phillipa; Paladini, Maria Elena; Vitulano, Susanna and Zanoli, Raffaele (2006) The development and the impact of Organic Farming Policy in the European Regions (1998-2003). Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bichler, Barbara; Häring, Anna Maria; Dabbert, Stephan and Lippert, Christian (2005) Determinants of Spatial Distribution of Organic Farming in Germany. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems, Adelaide/Australien, September 21.-23. 2005.

Bickel, Regula and Meier, Matthias (2020) Careful, Gentle, Minimal: What are the principles of organic processing? Keynote presentation at: Biofach 2020, Nuremberg, Germany, 13/02/2020. [Completed]

Bickler, Charlotte (2018) Organic heterogeneous material – opportunities and challenges. Paper at: Biofach Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, 13. - 16. February 2019.

Bicksler, Abram Jared; Mottet, Anne; Lucantoni, Dario and De Rosa, Fabrizia (2021) Fao'S Tool For Agroecology Performance Evaluation (Tape): A Multi-Dimensional Assessment Tool For The Performance Of Agroecology For Better Decision Making In The Transition To Sustainable Food Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Bieber, A.; Hediger, F.; Leiber, F.; Pfeifer, C. and Walkenhorst, M. (2023) On the potential of improving daily milk yield by extending productive lifespan. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 812.

Bieber, A.; Hinrichs, D.; Moser, F.N.; Maeschli, A.; Prosepe, I.; Lora, I.; Cozzi, G. and Leiber, F. (2021) Predicting lifetime production and longevity of organic dairy cows from 1st or 2nd lactation data. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 121.

Bieber, A.; Home, R.; Rödiger, M.; Eppenstein, R. and Walkenhorst, M. (2023) Systemic enablers and barriers to extending the productive life of Swiss dairy cows. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 558.

Bieber, Anna; Probst, Johanna; Leiber, Florian and Spengler Neff, Anet (2021) Effect Of Environmental Factors On Stress Indicating Parameters In Cattle At The Abbatoir. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Bieber, Anna; Walkenhorst, Michael; Eppenstein, Rennie; Probst, J.K.; Thüer, Susann; Baki, Cem and Spengler Neff, Anet (2021) Effect of calf rearing with mother contact compared to bucket feeding on health and welfare of calves. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Proceedings of the IAHA Pre-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, 6. and 7. September 2021 linked to the 20th Organic World Congress of IFOAM 2021, pp. 32-34.

Bieber, Anna; Walkenhorst, Michael; Eppenstein, Rennie; Probst, J.K.; Thüer, Susann; Baki, Cem and Spengler Neff, Anet (2021) Health and behaviour of dairy calves reared with milk from bucket versus mother during four months. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 27, p. 535.

Bieber, A.; Kramer, M.; Erbe, M.; Bapst, B.; Isensee, A.; Maurer, V. and Simianer, H. (2013) Genetic basis of functional traits in low input dairy cattle. In: Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 26. - 30. August 2013, Nantes, Frances, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands (19), p. 505.

Bieber, A.; Spengler Neff, A.; Fuerst-Waltl, B.; Ivemeyer, S.; Simantke, C.; Stricker, C.; Walczak, J.; Wallenbeck, A.; Winckler, C. and Wojcik, P. (2016) Comparison of native and commercial dairy breeds on organic farms in five European countries. [Vergleich von lokalen und kommerziellen Milchrindrassen auf Biobetrieben in fünf europäischen Ländern.] In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, Book of abstracts, no. 22, p. 307.

Bieber, Anna (2014) Ethical aspects with regard to productivity and adaptability in dairy cattle breeding systems. Paper at: Fourth LowInputBreeds Symposium, Newcastle University, UK, 14-15 April, 2014. [Unpublished]

Bieber, Anna (2010) Genomweite Selektion für funktionale Merkmale im europäischen Projekt LowInputBreeds. Paper at: 5. Bioforschungstagung, Posieux, Schweiz, 22.4.2010. [Completed]

Bikker, P.; Binnendijk, G.P.; Vermeer, H. M. and van der Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. (2014) GRASS SILAGE IN DIETS FOR ORGANIC GROWING-FINISHING PIGS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 815-818.

Bikker, P.; Binnendijk, G.P.; Vermeer, H. M. and van der Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. (2014) SILAGE IN DIETS FOR ORGANIC SOWS IN GESTATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 819-822.

Bilalis, Ass. Prof. D.; Konstantas, MSc A.; Efthimiadou, MSc A.; Papatheohari, Dr Y and Kakampouki, MSc I. (2008) Effect of two Oat–legumes intercrop systems on weed flora under Mediterranean conditions. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bilalis, Ass. Prof. Dimitris; Kanatas, MSC Panagiotis and Konstantas, MSC Aristidis (2008) Effects of shading on root and shoot development of melon (Cucubrita pepo) transplants in conventional and organic float system nurseries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bilbao, Jennifer; Tseng, Eileen; Fuerst, Manfred; Erb-Brinkmann, Maike; Schmid-Staiger, Ulrike; Ördög, Vince and Egner, Siegfried (2014) ProEcoWine: Development of a Novel Plant Protection Product to Replace Copper in Organic Viticulture. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 539-542.

Bilen, Emre; Nazik, Ceren Ayşe; Unal, Mehmet; Bteich, Marie Reine; Al-Bitar, Lina and Aksoy, Uygun (2010) Economic Performance of Pre-Crops in a Three-Year Rotation Program for Organic Vegetable Production. In: Acta Horticulturae, ISHS.

Bilen, Emre; Özsoy, Nazire; Nazik Bayram, Ceren Ayşe; Ünal, Mehmet; Kaya, Seçkin; Duman, İbrahim; Aksoy, Uygun and Al-Bitar, Lina (2011) Effect of vetch and broccoli in four-year rotation of organic cucurbitaceous and solanaceous vegetables under Mediterranean conditions. Paper at: V Balkan Symposium on Vegetables and Potatoes, Tiran, Albania, 9 - 12 October 2011. [Completed]

Billmann, Bettina (2008) Development of the Organic Ornamentals Sector Worldwide. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Billmann, Bettina (1998) Production and Marketing of Organic Ornamentals. Developments in Switzerland, the Netherlands and Germany. Paper at: 12.International Scientific Conference, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 16.-19.11.1998.

Billmann, Bettina; Schaser, Jutta; Schlüter, Dietmar and Schorn, Wolfgang (2005) Production of Organic Ornamentals in Germany – a Status Quo Analysis of the Industry. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture ISOFAR, Adelaide, South Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bingen, Jim ; Martinez, Lourdes and Conner, David (2008) Toward Regionalized Models of Organic Food Production and Marketing in the US: The Case of Michigan (USA). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bingen, Jim and Freyer, Bernhard (2014) People, Place and Participation. Bringing Together Organic and Place - insights from Austria and the US. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1171-1174.

Bintarti, Ari Fina; Kost, Elena; Kundel, Dominika; Conz, Rafaela Feola; Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen; Hartmann, Martin and Philippot, Laurent (2024) Cropping system modulates the effect of drought on ammonia-oxidizing communities. In: EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienne, Austria & online, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18381, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu24-18381, 2024, EGU General Assembly 2024.

Birech, Rhoda and Freyer, Bernhard (2007) Effect of plant biomass and their incorporation depth on organic wheat produc-tion in Kenya. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Birech, Mrs Rhoda; Freyer, Prof. Bernhard; Friedel, Prof. Juergen and Leonhartsberger, Mr. Philipp (2008) Effect of weather on organic cropping systems in Kenya. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Birkhofer, Klaus; Carnero, D.S.; Fliessbach, A.; Gavin, P.; Hedlund, K.; Ingimarsdóttird, M.; Jørgensen, H.B.; Kozjek, K.; Kundel, D.; Laraño, J.M.; Mäder, P.; Meyer, S.; Montserrat, M.; Scheu, S. and Truu, J. (2019) Effects of farming system and simulated drought on biodiversity, food webs and ecosystem functions in the DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 57.

Biscarini, Filippo (2011) Improving "low input" dairy cattle production systems. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Bjarklev, Araceli; Kjær, Tyge and Kjærgård, Bente (2008) Amaranth farming: Rural sustainable livelihood of the future? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bjerrum, Lotte and Fischer, Christian Holst (2014) The BioConVal project: Conversion of chicken manure by fly larvae. Keynote presentation at: Insects - a new driver in bioeconomy, Aarhus, Denmark, 13th November.

Björkman, Maria; Båth, Birgitta; Hambäck, Peter; Rämert, Birgitta and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Intercropping systems - Optimising crop protection and reducing competition. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Kvam, Gunn-Turid; Knickel, Karlheinz; Milestad, Rebecka and Skulskis, Virgilijus (2016) Growing values and growing business. Paper at: IRSA Congress 2016, Toronto, Canada, 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14.

Blake, Francis (2005) A new transparent evaluation process. Paper at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brussels, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Blake, F.; Bowen, J.; Qingdong, L. and Ferrigno, S. (2014) Textiles, body care products, amenity horticulture and energy production. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Blanc, Julien; Alföldi, Thomas; Bellon, Stéphane and Niggli, Urs (2008) How to promote innovation and interdisciplinarity in organic food and farming research evaluation. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Blanc, Julien; Darnhofer, Ika and Bellon, Stephane (2009) Conventionalisation? Organic farmers bite back. 23. Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), Vaasa, Finland.

Blanco, Helga and Diaz, Alex (2008) Organization of a Sustainable Agroforestry Model for Small Farmers in the Montes de Oro Region, Puntarenas, Costa Rica. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Blanquart, Corinne; Gonçalves, Amélie; Vandenbossche, Ligdwine; Kebir, Leila; Petit, Caroline and Traversac, Jean-Baptiste (2010) The logistic leverages of short food supply chains performance in terms of sustainability. Proceedings of the 12th WCTR conference, Lisbonne, Portugal.

Blasco, Lucia; Kahala, Minna; Palojärvi, Ansa and Joutsjoki, Vesa (2008) Genomic methods in analyzing the communities of soil bacteria. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 4.

Blateyron, Lucile and Elichiry, Gisèle (2008) Microbiological and organoleptic impact of three different technical procedures in order to prepare wine for bottling. Paper at: IFOAM OWC 2008, Modena, Italy, 18-20 June 2008. [Submitted]

Bleken, Marina A.; Steinshamn, Håvard; Thuen, Erling and Koesling, Matthias (2005) CLOSING THE PLANT-ANIMAL LOOP: A PREREQUISITE FOR ORGANIC FARMING. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bleken, Ass. prof Marina Azzaroli; Krogstad, Prof. Tore; Speetjens, Koen and Heim, Ass. pref. Michael (2008) Use of a mixture of biotite- and apatite-rich rock powder in a soil with inherent low soil fertility. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bleken, Marina Azzaroli; Hansen, Sissel and Frøseth, Randi Berland (2016) Nitrogen mineralization from clover leaves: Effect of soil type and low temperature. In: Delin, Sofia (Ed.) Abstracts of 19th Nitrogen workshop: Efficient use of different sources of nitrogen in agriculture – from theory to practice, SLU, Skara, Sweden, N workshop, pp. 255-256.

Bliedtner, Marcel; Stalder, Tobias; Mäder, Paul; Fließbach, Andreas; Salazar, Gary; Sönke, Szidat and Zech, Roland (2018) Soil organic carbon cycling in a long-term agricultural experiment,Switzerland. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-15897.

Bloch, Nadja F; Martins, Juliana Trindade; Liang, Zhi; Enggrob, Kirsten Lønne and Rasmussen, Jim (2023) Main crop effect on biodiversity expression in spontaneous flora and C input from cover crop mixtures. Poster at: Annual EJP Soil days, Vilnius, Latvia, 10-6-2023.

Bloemhof, S.; Mathur, P.K.; van der Waaij, E.H.; Leenhouwers, J.I. and Knol, E.F. (2012) Genetic aspects of heat stress in pigs expressed in fertility traits. Paper at: 14 Seminar of the FAO-CIHEAM Subnetwork on Sheep and Goat Nutrition and 2nd Lowinputbreeds Symposium, Hammamet, Tunesia, 15-18 May 2012. [Completed]

Blok, Wim J.; Termorshuizen, Aad J.; Coenen, Trudie G.C.; de Wilde, Vinnie and Veeken, Adrie H.M. (2005) Disease suppression of potting mixes amended with composted biowaste. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Bloksma, J.; Huber, M.; Northolt, M.; van der Burgt, G.J. and Adriaansen-Tennekens, R. (2003) The Inner Quality Concept for food, based on life processes. Paper at: New approaches in food quality analysis, Berlin, 13-14 Nov. 2003.

Bloksma, J. and Jansonius, P.J. (2000) Leaf series as an image of shoot growth. [Blattfolgen als Bild des Zweigwachstums.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 135-136.

Bloksma, J.; Jansonius, P.J.; Heijne, B. and Anbergen, R.H.N. (2000) Calcium hydroxide against apple canker (Nectria galligena). [Kalziumhydroxid gegen Obstbaumkrebs (Nectria galiigena).] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 30-32.

Bloksma, Joke and Jansonius, Pieter Jans (2002) Undergrowth of late summer sowings at the tree strip. [Einsaaten der Baumstreifen im Spätsommer.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 185-186.

Bloksma, Joke and Jansonius, Pieter Jans (2000) Calcium uptake and Fruit Quality Improving calcium uptake in an 'organic' way. [Kalziumaufnahme und Fruchtqualität.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 111-115.

Bloksma, Joke; Zanen, Marleen and Jansonius, PieterJans (2002) Classy Apple project' to reduce the quality gab between suppley and demand of organic apples. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 202-203.

Blom-Zandstra, Dr.Ir. M. and Wijnands, Ir. F.G. (2006) Priorities and approach of the Dutch research in organic food and farming. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Ptochos, Sokratis; Enemark, Heidi; Thamsborg, Stig Milan; Aasen, Inga Marie; Steinshamn, Håvard and Athanasiadou, Spiridoula (2018) In vitro anthelmintic effects of bark extracts from Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris against sheep nematodes. Poster at: Cost Action COMBAR Combatting anthelmintic resistance in ruminants 2018, Leon, Spain, September 26th-27th, 2018.

Bluemling, B. and Horstkoetter, M. (2006) Agricultural Groundwater Protection through Groundwater Co-operations in Lower Saxony, Germany, – a multi stakeholder task. L'avenir de l'agriculture irriguée en Méditerranée. Nouveaux arrangements institutionnels pour une gestion de la demande en eau, Cahors, France.

Blum, Hanna; Fausten, Gudrun; Nega, Eva; Jahn, Marga; Gaerber, Ute and Aedtner, Ina (2006) Improvement of seed quality of medicinal plants and herbs in organic farming. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Blumenstein, Benjamin; Finkh, Maria Renate; Schmidt, Jan Hendrik; Westaway, Sally; Brandsæter, Lars Olav and Möller, Detlev (2017) Implications of subsidiary cropping and tillage system on economics and production risk. In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) .: Implications of subsidiary cropping and tillage system on economics and production risk., Köster, Berlin, pp. 686-689.

Blumenstein, Benjamin; Knebl, Lucas; Möller, Detlev; Gattinger, Andreas and Brock, Christopher (2021) Carbon Balance And Economics: Trade-Offs Or Synergies In The Case Of Anaerobic Digestion Of Cereal Straw? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Blumenstein, Benjamin and Möller, Detlev (2011) On the Economics of Organic Grassland and Alternative Bio-energy Systems – A Risk Modelling Approach. In: Organic is Life - Knowledge for tomorrow. Vol. 2: Socio-economy, Livestock, Food Quality, Agro-ecology and Knowledge Dissemination, ISOFAR, Korea, 2, Proceedings of the 3rd sceintific Conference of ISOFAR, pp. 64-67.

Blumenstein, Benjamin; Siegmeier, Torsten and Möller, Detlev (2014) Biogas in Organic Agriculture: Utopia, Dead-End or Role model? - A Synopsis. [Biogas im Ökologischen Landbau: Utopie, Irrweg oder Vorbild? - Eine Synopse.] In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 399-402.

Bo Melander, Scientist ; Torben Heisel, Scientist and Martin Heide Jørgensen, Scientist (2002) Aspects of steaming the soil to reduce weed seedling emergence. In: Proceedings of the 12th EWRS Symposium 2002, pp. 236-237.

Bocchi, Stefano; Spigarolo, Roberto; Sarti, Valerio and Noelting, Benjamin (2009) Organising supply chains of organic products for Italian school meals - The case of the province and of the city of Piacenza. In: Noelting, Benjamin (Ed.) Providing organic school food for youths in Europe - Policy strategies, certification and supply chain management in Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway. Proceedings of the iPOPY seminar held at the BioFach February 20th 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany, International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), CORE Organic Series Report, pp. 23-29.

Bocci, Riccardo; Ortolani, Livia and Micheloni, Cristina (2012) THE SEED SOURCES OF ORGANIC FARMERS IN ITALY. Paper at: IFOAM OWC 2008, Modena, Italy, 18-20 June 2008. [Submitted]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2024) Predicting arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation success with soil fungal indicatorS. Keynote presentation at: Microbiomes in Agroecosystems, Bern, Switzerland, 15.05.2024. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2024) Soil microbiome diagnostics for a successful inoculation with biofertilizers. Keynote presentation at: Swiss Microbiomes Forum, Zürich, Switzerland, January 30th, 2024. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2023) Enhancing AMF Inoculation Success Through Microbiome Diagnostics. Paper at: Biodiversity Seminar: Enhancing AMF Inoculation Success Through Microbiome Diagnostics, WSL Birmensdorf, Switzerland, October 25th, 2023. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2023) Improving arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi inoculation success with microbiome diagnostics. Paper at: 5th Meeting of the IG Fungi & Fungal Systems, Wädenswil, Switzerland, September 28th, 2023. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2023) Predicting microbiome composition and successful inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Speech at: invited by Prof. Sofie Goormachtig, Ghent, Belgium, March 6th, 2023. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2023) Predicting soil fungal communities from environmental properties. Keynote presentation at: Genetic Diversity Center Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, 12.09.2023. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha (2022) Microbiome sequencing for a more sustainable agriculture. Paper at: Pacbio Discoveries Roadshow, Basel, Switzerland, May 3rd 2022. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hess, Julia; Schlaeppi, Klaus and van der Heijden, Marcel (2021) Improving field inoculations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Speech at: Eurosoil 2021, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 - 27 August 2021. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hess, Julia; Valzano, Alain; Deslandes‐Hérold, Gabriel; Waelchli, Jan; Furrer, Reinhard; van der Heijden, Marcel and Schlaeppi, Klaus (2023) Predicting soil fungal communities from chemical and physical properties. Poster at: European Healthy Soilds. Conference series, 1st Edidtion: Soil, Muttenz, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2023. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hess, Julia; Valzano, Alain; Deslandes‐Hérold, Gabriel; Waelchli, Jan; Furrer, Reinhard; van der Heijden, Marcel and Schlaeppi, Klaus (2022) Predicting fungal communities from soil properties. Speech at: miCROPe Symposium, Vienna, Austria, July 11-14 2022. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hsung, Ming-Hui; Hartmann, Martin; Haug, Benedikt; Wille, Lukas; Messmer, Monika and Hohmann, Pierre (2021) Effect of intercropping and plant genotype on fungal communities in pea and barley roots. Poster at: MICROBIOME FOR AGRICULTURE CONGRESS, Virtual Conference, 3rd - 4th March 2021. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha; Lutz, Stefanie; Hess, Julia; Valzano-Held, Alain; Waelchli, Jan; Deslandes‐Hérold, Gabriel; Schlaeppi, Klaus and van der Heijden, Marcel (2023) Successful prediction of crop yield increases after inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Paper at: Swiss Mycology Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, June 16th 2023. [Completed]

Bodenhausen, Natacha; Valzano-Held, Alain; Deslandes- Hérold, Gabriel; Waelchli, Jan; Hess, Julia; Schlaeppi, Klaus; Lutz, Stefanie and van der Heijden, Marcel (2024) From soil to yield: unraveling the role of microbiome diagnostics in enhancing biofertilizer efficiency. Speech at: 18th Congress of the European Society for Agronomy, Rennes, France, Aug 26 – 30, 2024. [Completed]

Bodini, Antonella; Richter, Toralf and Felder, Rudolf (2006) Targeting occasional buyers - the need for quality related communication approaches. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Boegh, E.; Houborg, R.; Bienkowski, J.; Braban, C.; Dalgaard, T.; van Dijk, N.; Dragosits, U.; Holmes, E.; Magliulo, V.; Schelde, K.; Di Tommasi, P. and Vitale, V. (2011) Remote sensing based mapping of leaf nitrogen and leaf area index in European landscapes using the REGularized canopy reFLECtance (REGFLEC) model. Nitrogen & Global Change, Key findings - future challenges, Edinburgh, 11-15 April 2011. [Unpublished]

Boegh, E.; Houborg, R.; Bienkowski, J.; Dalgaard, Tommy; Dragisits, U. and Magliulo, E. (2011) Mapping leaf nitrogen and leaf area index in European landscapes using high spatial resolution satellite data and the REGularized canopy reFLECtance (REGFLEC) model. Paper at: Geophysical Research Abstracts EGU2011-11534. European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2011., Vienna, 2011. 3-8 April.

Boelt, B. (2006) The Danish case study on coexistence and seed production of forage and vegetable crops. Paper at: NJF seminar no 379 Aspects of Growing Transgenic Crops, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Flakkebjerg, 4200 Slagelse, Denmark, 7-8 March 2006.

Boelt, B. (2005) Co-existence with GMOs and organic seed production. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 297.

Boelt, B. (2005) The concept of the Danish working group on coexistence. In: Summary Coexistence Zürich June 2005, pp. 34-36.

Boelt, B. (2004) Biosafety data improving the regulation of Co-existence. In: 8th International Symposium on the Biosafety of Genetically Modified Organisms, pp. 195-199.

Boelt, B. (2002) Intercropping as solution for organic grass seed production? In: Organic Seed Production and Plant Breeding - strategies, problems and perspectives. [Unpublished]

Boelt, B. (2002) Legume seed production and research in Europe. In: Forage Seed, 9 (1), pp. 33-34.

Boelt, B. and Deleuran, L.C. (2005) Coexistence between genetically modified, conventional and organic crops. Availability of organically produced seed of varieties adapted to organic production systems. In: Congress Handbook of 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, IFOAM Abstracts, p. 23.

Boelt, B. and Deleuran, L.C. (2000) Organic forage seed production. In: Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, p. 228.

Boelt, B.; Deleuran, L.C. and Phelps, B. (2005) GM organisms threaten organic systems: towards sustainability, coexistence and organic seed. In: Congress Handbook of 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Workshop Abstracts, p. 21.

Boelt, B.; Tveden-Nyborg, S. and Hansen, L.M. (2010) Clover seed production - in organic and conventional cropping systems. Poster at: The 7th International Herbage Seed Conference, Dallas, Texas, 11-14 April 2010.

Boelt, Birte (2004) Co-existence of Organic and GM Agriculture. Speech at: First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, FAO Headquarters, Rome, Italy, July 5-7, 2004.

Boelt, Birte (2003) Co-existence of genetically modified crops with conventional and organic crops. Speech at: NJF's 22nd Congress, Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective, Turku, Finland, 1-4 July 2003.

Boelt, Birte (2003) Organic forage seed production. In: Loch, Donald S. (Ed.) Proceedings Fifth International Herbage Seed Conference, Gatton, Australia, 23-26 November 2003. Herbage Seeds in the New Millenium - New Markets, New Products, New Opportunities, pp. 43-47.

Boelt, Birte and Gislum, René (2004) What are the limiting factors to seed quality in organic production of grass and clover seed and how to improve yield. In: Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Ranganathan, Radha and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, pp. 149-153.

Boelt, Birte; Jensen, Anne Mette Dahl and Bjørn, Gitte Kjeldsen (2004) Seed quality in organic carrot seed production. Does tunnel production in Denmark provide sufficient seed quality? In: Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Ranganathan, Radha and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, p. 164.

Boelt, B. (2004) Co-existence with GMOs and organic seed production. In: European Hearing on Organic Food and Farming. Towards a European Action Plan, p. 297.

Boff, Mari I.C.; Gonçalves, Paulo A.S. and Boff, Pedro (2008) Plant Health and the Science of Pests and Diseases. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Boff, Pedro; Madruga, Elisangela S.; Nunes, Marcelo Z. and Boff, Mari I.C. (2008) Pest and Disease Management of Potato Crops with Homeopathic Preparations and Germplasm Variability. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Böhm, Herwart (2002) Effect of Soil Separation Technique with Integrated Catch Crops and Manure on Yield and Quality of Potatoes in Organic Farming. In: Wenzel, Gerhard and Wulfert, Ingrid (Eds.) Potatoas Today and Tomorrow: Abstracts of Papers and Posters, European Association for Potato Research (EAPR), Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung, no. Supplement I, p. 209.

Böhm, Herwart and Cerny, Dirk (2002) Effects of different plant protection treatments regulating late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in organic potato production. In: Wenzel, Gerhard and Wulfert, Ingrid (Eds.) Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung: Abstracts of Papers and Posters, Supplement I, European Association for Potato Research (EAPR), p. 208.

Böhm, Dr. Herwart; Koppe, Wiebke and Dreyer, Wilfried (2008) Monitoring of click beetles (Agriotes lineatus and A. obscurus) in organically managed farms in Northern Germany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Böhm, Herwart (2017) Legumes as mix partner make a perfect organic crop. In: Proceedings of the Plantekongress 2017, pp. 236-237.

Böhm, Herwart (2015) Project "Lupi-Breed": Improving yield potential, yield stability and seed quality of lupins as protein plants: Work package: Weed suppression and intercropping. In: Proceedings of the XIV International Lupin Conference, p. 133.

Böhm, Herwart (2007) Content of minerals in organically grown grain legumes and cereals. [Mineralstoffgehalte in ökologisch angebauten Körnerleguminosen und Getreide.] In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 16, p. 89.

Böhm, Herwart and Aulrich, Karen (2016) Evaluation of different organically cultivated grain legumes in Northern Germany. In: Legumes for a Sustainable World, p. 253.

Böhm, Herwart and Aulrich, Karen (2011) Effects of different row distances and seed densities on yield and quality of blue lupins (L. angustifolius) in organic farming. In: Naganowska, P.; Kachlicki, P. and Wolko, B. (Eds.) Lupin crops - an opportunity for today, a promise for the future. Proceedings of the 13th International Lupin Conference, pp. 144-148.

Böhm, Herwart; Aulrich, Karen and Berk, Andreas (2007) Amino acid composition in organically grown grain legumes and cereals. [Aminosäurenzusammensetzung in ökologisch angebauten Körnerleguminosen und Getreide.] In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 16, p. 88.

Böhm, Herwart; Buchecker, Kirsten; Dresow, Jana; Dreyer, Wilfried; Landzettel, Christian and Mahnke-Plesker, Sylvia (2011) Benchmarking on organic potato production and the quality and the sensory profile of selected varieties. In: Santala, J. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (Eds.) EAPR 2011 Abstracts of the 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research, Helsinki, Finnland, p. 60.

Böhm, Herwart; Paulsen, Hans Marten; Fischer, Jenny; Moos, Jan Hendrik and Rahmann, Gerold (2014) Nutrients and weeds through 13 years of organic farming. [Næringsstoffer og ukrudt igennem 13 år med økologisk jordbrug.] In: Sammendrag af indlaeg Plantekongres 2014, pp. 294-297.

Böhm, Herwart; Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2015) Influence of variety and sulfur fertilization on the contents of crude protein, and selected amino acids in blue lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.). In: Proceedings of the XIV International Lupin Conference, p. 134.

Boisclair, Josée; Lefrançois, Élisabeth; Leblanc , Maryse; Grenier, Michèle; Lefebvre, Maxime and Richard, Geneviève (2014) BENEFICIAL AND PEST INSECTS ASSOCIATED WITH TEN FLOWERING PLANT SPECIES GROWN IN QUÉBEC, CANADA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 109-112.

Boisdon, Isabelle and Benoit, Marc (2006) Compared energy efficiency of dairy cow and meat sheep farms, in organic and in conventional farming. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Boisdon, Isabelle and Capitaine, Mathieu (2008) Impact of the drought on the fodder self-sufficiency of organic and conventional highland dairy farms. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Boldrini, Arianna; Benincasa, Paolo; Tosti, Giacomo; Tei, Francesco and Guiducci, Marcello (2007) Apparent N Balance in Organic and Conventional Low Input Cropping Systems. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Boldrini, Dr Arianna; Benincasa, Dr Paolo; Gigliotti, Prof Giovanni; Businelli, Prof Daniela and Guiducci, Prof Marcello (2008) Effects of an organic and a conventional cropping system on soil fertility. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bolliger, Niklaus (2020) Holistic Consideration of the Inheritance and Use of the Potential of On-Farm Selection Shown on the Example of Poma Culta Apple Breeding. Keynote presentation at:

Bolten, Jan; Kennerknecht, Raphael and Spiller, Achim (2006) Perspectives of Small Retailers in the Organic Market: Customer Satisfaction and Customer Enthusiasm. Paper at: 98. Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE: Marketing Dynamics within the Global Trading System: New Perspectives, Chania, Crete (Greece), 29 June - 2 July 2006.

Bomford, Michael K. and Silvernail, Anthony F. (2010) Can Sweet Sorghum and Sweetpotato Ethanol Contribute to Self-Sufficiency of Small Farms? In: Ebodaghe, Denis ; Brown, Rhonda; Brumfield, Robin; Elliott, Scott; Hardesty, Shermain ; Jones, Rufus and Mellion-Patin, Dawn (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th National Small Farms Conference, United States Department of Agriculture, National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 64-69.

BOMPEIX, Gilbert and CHOLODOWSKI-FAIVRE, Danielle (2002) Use of Thermotherapy and Natural Antifungal Compounds against Post Harvest Diseases on Apples. [ and.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 55.

Bonde, M.; Baadsgaard, N.P. and Sorensen, J.T. (2005) Documentation of animal health in organic pig herds. Paper at: Organic pig Production in free range system.

Bonde, M. and Sørensen, J.T. (2007) Salmonella Infection Level in Danish Indoor and Outdoor Pig Production Systems measured by Antbodies in Meat Juice and Faecal Shedding on-farm and at Slaughter. In: “ANIMAL HEALTH, ANIMAL WELFARE AND BIOSECURITY” PROCEEDINGS, 2, pp. 729-734.

Bonde, Marianne (2009) CORE Organic pilot project COREPIG - presentation at mid-term: Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig herds by means of a HACCP based management and surveillance programme. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Bonde, Marianne and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2007) Effect of pig production system and transport on the potential pathogen transfer risk into the food chain from Salmonella shed in pig faeces. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Bonde, Marianne and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2006) Animal health and welfare in organic Euro-pean pig production: State of the art and challenges for the future, based on a North-western European questionnaire survey. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bonde, Marianne; Zheng, Dong Mei and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2006) Risk of Salmonella shedding in different pig production systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bonde, Marianne and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2006) Animal health and welfare in organic European pig production: State of the art and challenges for the future, based on a Northwestern European questionnaire survey. Paper at: Organic Farming and European Rural Development, 30/5-31/5 2006.

Bongiorno, Valentina (2022) Slaughtering performance and meat quality of medium-growing chicken fed black soldier fly live larvae. Oral Presentation at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022.

Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Bellezza Oddon, Sara; Soglia, Dominga; Forte, Claudio; Renna, Manuela; Gasco, Laura; Gai, Francesco and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Black Soldier Fly live larvae as environmental enrichment in medium-growing chicken diet. Poster at: 26th World Poultry Congress, Paris, France, 7/08/2022- 11/08/2022.

Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Bellezza Oddon, Sara; Gaddés, Marwa; Soglia, Dominga; Forte, Claudio; Renna, Manuela; Gasco, Laura; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Pagliasso, Giulia; Dellepiane, Lucrezia and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Blood chemistry of medium-growing male and female chickens supplemented black soldier fly live larvae. In: marta.gariglio@unito.it.

Bonnefous, Claire; Collin, Anne; Niemi, Jarkko; Väre, Minna; Parrott, Patricia; Walley, Keith; Re, Martina; Ponzio, Raffaella; Rodenburg, T. Bas; Tallet, Céline; Merlot, Elodie; Montagne, Lucile; Faure, Justine; Guilloteau, Laurence; Guesdon, Vanessa; Leruste, Hélène; Delanoue, Elsa; Alibert, Laurent; Roinsard, Antoine; Warin, Laura and Leterrier, Christine (2021) Organic Pig And Poultry Production: What Are The Animal Welfare Challenges? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Borbélyné Hunyadi, Éva (2014) EFFECT OF DIFFERENT ECOLOGICAL ENVIRONMENTS ON ORGANIC CULTIVATED SOYBEAN (Glycine max (L.) Merril.). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 599-602.

Borec, Andreja (2014) "Planika" diary - good practice example of mountain branding. Speech at: Alpine branding - the valorisation of Alpine resources, 17.09.2014. [Completed]

Borgen, A.; Gustavsson, A.-M. D.; Kieksi, J.; Johnsen, T.; Andersson, R. and Eriksen, R. (2002) Factors affecting the development of the organic seed sector. In: Wilbois, K.P. (Ed.) Organic Seed Production and Plant Breeding - strategies, problems and perspectives, European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding, 1 (1), p. 6.

Borgen, Anders (2023) Germination inhibiters and zonulin - keys to understanding the impact of wheat on human health. Speech at: Nordic Heritage Grain Conference, Norway, 26-28 June 2023.

Borgen, Anders (2023) Co-evolution of virulence and resistance in heterogeneous wheat populations. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Borgen, Anders (2021) SEED TREATMENTS TO CONTROL COMMON BUNT. In: EUCARPIA Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems, 1, pp. 99-100.

Borgen, Anders (2005) Brush cleaning to remove fungal spores from seed lots. In: Cockerell, Valerie (Ed.) Abstrac Booklet, p. 21.

Borgen, Anders (2004) Control of seed borne diseasees in organic seed propagation. In: Osborn, Thomas; van Bueren, Edith Lammerts and Ranganathan, Radha (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed. Challenges and Opprotunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, IFOAM, 1, pp. 170-171.

Borgen, Anders (2004) Organic seed treatment to control common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat. In: Powell, Alison (Ed.) Book of Abstracts, ISTA, p. 10.

Borgen, Anders (2004) Strategies for regulation of seed borne diseases in organic farming. In: Alison, Powell (Ed.) Abstracts, 27th ISTA Congress, Seed Symposium, 2004 (27), p. 10.

Borgen, Anders (2003) Seed separation to control barley loose smut (Ustilago nuda). In: Healthy seed for healthy crop. proceedings of the 2nd International Seed Health Conference, 2, pp. 27-28.

Borgen, Anders (2002) Control of seed borne diseases in organic cereals and legumes. In: Proceedings of The 4th ISTA - PDC seed health symposium: Healthy seeds, the basis for sustainable farming, ISTA, p. 18.

Borgen, Anders (2002) Control of seed borne diseases in organic cereals and pulses. Paper at: The 4th ISTA - PDC seed health symposium: Healthy seeds, the basis for sustainable farming, Wageningen, Netherlands, 29th April-1th May 2002.

Borgen, Anders (2002) Organic seed production and seed regulation. In: Turka, I. (Ed.) Proceedings of International Scientific and Practical Conference Scientific aspects of organic farming.

Borgen, Anders (1998) Designing standards based on the fundamental principles of ecological plant protection. In: abstract for the proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, pp. 204-205.

Borgen, Anders (1998) Seed treatments in control of common bunt in ecological agriculture. Paper at: The 12th International Scientific Conference on Organic Farming, Mar del Plata, Argentina, 1998.

Borgen, Anders (1997) Effect of seed treatments with EM (Effective Microorganisms) in control of common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat. In: proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Kyusei Nature Farming in Bangkok 23-25 October 1997.

Borgen, Anders and Christensen, Dennis Kjær (2023) Gene postulation based on phenotyping wheat varieties with a differential set of virulence races of common bunt (Tilletia caries). In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [In Press]

Borgen, Anders and Christensen, Dennis Kjær (2023) Annotation of differential lines used for resistance trials for common bunt. In: Book of Abstracts, pp. 22-25.

Borgen, Anders; Forster, Monika; Sedaghatjoo, Somayyeh; Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Maier, Wolfgang (2023) Determination of virulence of European races of common bunt using a differential set of wheat cultivars. In: Buerstmayr, Hermann and Lunzer, Magdalena (Eds.) Book of Abstracts XXII International Workshop of Bunt and Smut Diseases, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Vienna, pp. 16-18.

Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Feher, Judit; Thüringer, Angela; Petcu, Victor; Boffin, Laurane and REY, Frederic (2021) VINEGAR SEED TREATMENT TO CONTROL COMMON BUNT IN WHEAT. In: EUCARPIA Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems, 1, pp. 111-112.

Borgen, Anders; Krebs, Niels and Langkjær, carsten (2005) Novel development of heat treatment techniques for seed surface sterilisation. In: Cockerell, Valerie (Ed.) Abstrac Booklet, p. 28.

Borgen, Anders and Kristensen, Lars (2001) Effect of seed treatment with milk powder and mustard flour in control of common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat and stem smut (Urocystis occulta) in rye. In: Biddle, A.J. (Ed.) Proceedings from BCPC Symposium No. 76: “Seed Treatment: Challenges & Opportunities”, Farnham, British Crop Protection Council, no. 76.

Borgen, Anders and Kristensen, Lars (2000) Seed borne diseases - a challenge for organic cereal production. In: Proceedings from IFOAMs 13th International Scientific conference, Basel 2000..

Borgen, Anders and Lund, Ole Søgaard (2014) Effect of treating seeds infected with an aqueous agave extract in order to control common bunt in wheat and loose smut in barley. In: Abstract for the Proceedings of the XVIII Biennial International Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts,.

Borgen, Anders and Lunzer, Magdalena (2023) Annotation of differential lines used for resistance trials for common bunt. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Book of Abstracts - XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases, pp. 22-25.

Borgen, Anders; Müller, Karl-Josef; Vollenweider, Carl; Löschenberger, F.; Henriksson, Tine; Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Dumalasova, Veronika (2023) Registered varieties and Organic Heterogeneous Material (OHM) with resistance to common bunt in Europe. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Borgen, Anders and Nielsen, Bent (2001) Effect of seed treatment with acetic acid in control of seed borne diseases. In: Biddle, A.J. (Ed.) Proceedings of the BCPC Symposium No. 76: “Seed Treatment: Challenges & Opportunities”, Farnham, 76, British Crop Protection Council, no. 76.

Borgen, Anders; Sarup, Pernille and Haldrup, Hans (2021) YIELD POTENTIAL IN ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL CEREAL SEED. Paper at: EUCARPIA Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems, Latvia - online, March 8-10.

Borgen, Anders; Sedaghatjoo, Somayyeh; Dennis Kjær, Christensen and Maier, Wolfgang (2023) Determination of virulence of European races of common bunt using a differential set of wheat cultivars. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Book of Abstracts - XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases, pp. 16-18.

Borgen, Anders (2016) Screening wheat varieties for resistance with purified virulence races of common bunt (Tilletia caries). In: Morgounov, Alexey (Ed.) Abstract of the XIX international Workshop on Smuts and bunts.

Borgen, Anders (2015) Improving quality and health in diverse populations of wheat. In: Abstracts of the COBRA Final conference, pp. 12-14.

Borgen, Anders (2015) Purifying virulence races of common bunt (Tilletia caries) to identify resistance genes in wheat. In: Abstracts of the COBRA Final conference.

Borgen, Anders (2014) Virulence pattern in Danish races of common bunt (Tilletia caries) Common Bunt. In: Chable, Véronique (Ed.) Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food system.

Borgen, Anders (2014) Virulence pattern in Danish races of common bunt (Tilletia caries) Common Bunt. Paper at: 7th ISTA Seed Health Symposium, Edinbourgh, 12-14th June 2014.

Borgen, Anders (2014) Does Thule III have resistance gene Bt-13? In: Proceedings of the XVIII Biennial International Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts.

Borgen, Anders (2014) The Effect of Spore Origin when Screening for Resistance against Common Bunt. In: Proceedings of the XVIII Biennial International Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts.

Borgen, Anders (2013) Improved quality and disease management in diverse populations. Paper at: International Symposium on Evolutionary Breeding in Cereals., Aston University, Birmingham, 21st of January 2013.

Borgen, Anders (2010) Breeding for bunt resistance in organic wheat and spelt. In: Proceedings of the EUCARPIA 2nd Conference Breeding for resilience: A strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?.

Borgen, Anders (2010) Breeding for bunt resistance in organic wheat and spelt. In: Breeding for resilience: A strategy for organic and low-input farming systems? EUCARPIA 2nd Conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section, p. 34.

Borgen, Anders (2010) Resistance to common bunt (Tilletia tritici) and rust (Puccinia sp.) in hulled wheat. In: Abstract for the XVIth Biennial Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts.

Borgen, Anders (2009) Present and future system organisation of organic plant breeding. In: Proceedings of the 1st International IFOAM Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding,.

Borgen, Anders (2007) Diversifying cereal production. In: Østergård, Hanne (Ed.) Proceedings of the SUSVAR Workshop on Varietal characteristics of cereals in different growing systems with special emphasis on below ground traits.

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Borgen, Anders; Backes, G.; Müller, Karl-Josef; Gallehr, Andrea; Scherrer, Bettina; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Spieß, Hartmut (2019) Identifying resistance genes in wheat against common bunt (Tilletia caries) by use of virulence pattern of the pathogen. In: Grausgruber, Heinrich (Ed.) 69. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 19.-21. November 2018, HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning, Österreich.

Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter; Müller, Karl-Josef and Spieß, Hartmut (2018) Strategic use of virulence pattern to develop genetic markers for resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries) in wheat. In: Hole, David (Ed.) Abstract of the XX international Workshop on Smuts and bunts., Utah State University, pp. 24-25.

Borgen, Anders and Grupe, Per (2009) Field trials shows minor effect of modern plant breeding on grain yield of spring wheat at organic agriculture conditions. In: Proceedings of the 30th Nordic Cereal Conference.

Borgen, Anders; Grupe, Per and Karlov, Nanna (2010) Yield performance in heritage spring wheat and barley varieties in organic farming. In: Proceedings of the EUCARPIA 2nd Conference Breeding for resilience: A strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?, pp. 27-30.

Borgen, Anders; Grupe, Per and Larsson, Hans (2007) Maintenance breeding of conservation cereal varieties. In: EUCARPIA Symposium Plant breeding for organic and sustainable, low-input agriculture: Dealing with genotype-environment interactions.

Borgen, Anders and Kristensen, Lars (2010) Spore contamination of Tilletia tritici in seed lots as affected by field disease incidence. In: Gaudet, Dennis (Ed.) Proceedings of the XVIth Biennial Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts.

Borgen, Anders; Rasmussen, Søren K. and Backes, Gunter (2012) BIOBREED – a new project on marker assisted population breeding in wheat with resistance to common bunt. In: Gaudet, Dennis (Ed.) Abstract for the XVIth Biennial Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts, p. 1.

Borgen, Anders; Steffan, Philipp and Rasmussen, Søren K. (2014) Manipulating protein content in diverse populations using NIRS single seed sorting. In: Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food system.

Borgen, Anders; Svensson, Jan and Wiik, Lars (2018) Evaluation of Nordic heritage varieties and NILs for resistance to common bunt (Tilletia caries syn. T.tritici). In: Hole, David (Ed.) Abstract of the XX international Workshop on Smuts and bunts, Utah State University, pp. 19-23.

Borgen, Anders (2006) Introductory considerations on crop diversity. Paper at: COST SUSVAR workshop on Cereal crop diversity, La Besse, France, 13-14 June 2006. [Completed]

Borges de Brito, Paulo Roberto; Chagas de Carvalho, Yara Maria and Benedito Macedo, Arlei (2006) Intervention in a third party smallholder group organic certification. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Borghoff, Lisa; Elsner, Friederike; Horvat, Andrijana; Misztal, Karolina; Saba, Anna and Saggia-Civitelli, Eleonora (2021) INFORMATION ON ORGANIC MILK PACKAGING IN COUNTRIES WITH DIFFERENT LEVELS OF ORGANIC MARKET MATURITY – A COMPARISON BETWEEN GERMANY, THE NETHERLANDS, ITALY AND POLAND. In: From its roots, organic inspires science, and vice versa. Book of Abstracts of the Science Forum at the Organic World Congress 2021, September 8-10, 2021., Braunschweig, Thünen-Report, no. 88, p. 73.

Borghoff, Lisa M.; Elsner, Friederike; Horva, Andrijana; Misztal, Karolina; Saba, Anna and Saggia-Civitelli, Eleonora (2021) Information On Organic Milk Packaging In Countries With Different Level Of Organic Market Maturity – A Comparison Between Germany, The Netherlands, Italy And Poland. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Borghoff, Lisa Marie and Strassner, Carola (2019) How do food producers communicate producing methods to consumers? Results of field research in different German supermarkets and analysis of online communication of various producers. Poster at: 33rd EFFoST International Conference Sustainable Food Systems - Performing by Connecting, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 12-14 November 2019.

Borghoff, Lisa; Misztal, Karolina; Elsner, Friederike; Wójtowicz, Marta and Kowalski, Hubert (2019) Information about product quality on milk packages in Germany and Poland - A ProOrg Research Project. Poster at: 1st WeValueFood conference: Increasing engagement with next generation consumers, Warsaw, 3-4th December 2019.

Borsari, Bruno and Onwueme, Inno (2008) A New Lease on Life for Marginal Farmland: Convergence of Prairie Restoration with Biofuel Production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bortoleto, Gisele G.; De Nadai Fernandes, Elisabete A.; Tagliaferro, Fábio S.; Ferrari, Angela A. and Bueno, Maria Izabel M. S. (2008) Potential of X-Ray Spectrometry and Chemometrics to Discriminate Organic from Conventional Grown Agricultural Products. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bortolotti, PP; Nannini, R; Scannavini, M; Antoniacci, L and Bugiani, R (2008) Efficacy Evaluation of Some Copper Formulations for the Control of Grapevine Downy Mildew with Low Dose Applications. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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Bosco, M.; Baruffa, E. and Picard, C. (2006) Organic breeding should select for plant genotypes able to efficiently exploit indigenous Probiotic Rhizobacteria. In: Andreasen, C. Bo; Elsgaard, L.; Sondegaard Sorensen, L. and Hansen, G. (Eds.) Organic Farming and European Rural Development - Proceedings of the European Joint Organic Congress, DARCOF, pp. 376-377.

Bosco, Marco; Giovannetti, Giusto; Picard, Christine; Baruffa, Elisa; Brondolo, Anna and Sabbioni, Fabio (2007) Commercial plant-probiotic microorganisms for sustainable organic tomato production systems. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Bosco, Marco and Picard, Christine (2008) Tools for innovative organic breeding arise from rhizosphere microbial ecology. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Bosco, Prof Marco; Baruffa, Miss Elisa and Picard, Dr Christine (2006) Organic breeding should select for plant genotypes able to efficiently exploit indigenous Probiotic Rhizobacteria. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bosona, Techane (2021) Environmental impact of organic and conventional carrots. In: SLU (Ed.) Eprint. [Completed]

Bosona, Techane and Gebresenbet, Girma (2020) Environmental impact assessment of organic carrot production and supply in Sweden. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2020, Rennes,France, September 21st -27th. [Submitted]

Bosseaux, Jessica; Aurier, Philippe and François-Heude, Alain (2019) The official quality signs influence on prices and volumes: the case of organic fresh eggs. [L’influence du label Bio sur les prix et les ventes : Le cas des oeufs.] Journée du Marketing Agroalimentaire Montpellier, Montpellier, France.

Bosseaux, Jessica; Aurier, Philippe and François-Heude, Alain (2019) The Effects of Organic Label on Marketing Performance (Prices, Sales, and Margins). [Les Effets du Label Bio sur la Performance Marketing (Prix, ventes et marges).] 170th European Association of Agricultural Economists Seminar (EAAE170), Montpellier, France.

Bossi, Elisa; Fromm, Ingrid; Andres, Christian and Schneider, Monika (2020) Analysis of Dynamic Agroforestry Systems and Cocoa Plant Health in in Western Ghana. In: Proceedings Tropentag "Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises", 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference, p. 131.

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Bougherara, Douadia; Grolleau, Gilles; Mzoughi, Naoufel; Association De Science Régionale De Langue Française, . and Groupe De Recherche Sur Les Espaces Et Les Réseaux Du Bassin Méd, . (2006) UNSPECIFIED [L’agriculture locale sous contrat direct : une opportunité de développement durable pour les territoires périurbains ?] 42. Colloque de l'ASRDLF: Développement local, compétitivité et attractivité des territoires, Sfax, Tunisia.

Boutry, C.; Bohr, A.; Buchleither, S.; Ludwig, M.; Oberhänsli, T.; Tamm, L.; Schärer, H.-J. and Flury, P. (2023) Spore dispersal and early infections of Diplocarpon coronariae causing apple blotch. Poster at: 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Lyon, France, 22-25 August 2023. [Completed]

Boutry, C.; Flury, P.; Oberhänsli, T.; Ludwig, M. and Schärer, H.-J. (2019) Assessment of different spore traps and development of a specific qPCR to monitor the spore dispersal of Marssonina coronaria. Paper at: Herbsttagung SGP 2019, Friburg, Schweiz, 12. September 2019. [Completed]

Boutry, C.; Kelderer, M.; Holtz, T.; Baumgartner, F. and Friedli, M. (2022) Testing the effect of a rainproof protection net on the apple production regarding disease and pest damages. In: FOEKO e.V. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 104-106.

Boutry, Clémence; Bohr, Anne; Buchleither, Sascha; Ludwig, Mathias; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Tamm, Lucius; Schärer, Hans-Jakob and Flury, Pascale (2023) Monitoring spore dispersal and early infections of Diplocarpon coronariae causing apple blotch using selected spore traps and a new qPCR method. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP 2023, 20-25 August 2023, Lyon, France, pp. 437-438.

Boutry, C.; Bohr, A.; Buchleither, S.; Ludwig, M.; Oberhänsli, T.; Tamm, L.; Schärer, H.J. and Flury, P. (2020) Early season detection of Marssonina coronaria spore dispersal with selected spore traps and qPCR. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, ecofruit, 17-19 February, 2020, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 215-216.

Boutry, Clémence; Baumgartner, Fabian and Friedli, Michael (2020) Testing the effect of a rainproof protection net on the apple production regarding disease and pest damages. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, ecofruit, 17-19 February, 2020, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 95-98.

Bouy, Michel; Arsonneau, Florence; Harinck, Elina; Lèbre, Amélie; Heckendorn, Felix and Constancis, Caroline (2022) Relevance of farmers criteria for targeted selective treatment against gastrointestinal nematodes in sheep. Poster at: ICOPA, Copanhagen, Denmark, 21-26/08/2022. [Completed]

Bouy, Michel; Constancis, Caroline; Fito, Laurène; Harinck, Elina; Lukkes, S and Heckendorn, Felix (2022) Eprinomectin-based anthelmintic treatment failures in small ruminants: resistance or inappropriate route of administration? Speech at: ICOPA, Copanhagen, Denmark, 21-26/08/2022. [Completed]

Brandolin, Pablo German; Blendinger, Pedro Gerardo; Peck, Donald; Measures, Mark; Frias, Marcelo and Cantero, Juan José (2021) Does Organic Management Help Preserve Local Functional Diversity? A Case Study In The Pampa Of South America. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Brandt, Kirsten (2005) Agronomy as a manipulative tool. Speech at: COST 926 Conference; EUROPEAN WORKSHOP on Improving the health value of plant foods - phytochemical optimisation, Egmond aan Zee, The Netherland, 12 - 13 October 2005.

Brandt, Kirsten; Bügel, Susanne Højbjerg; Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel and Frøsig, Lars (2003) Organic food and health – a multigeneration animal experiment. Poster at: the EFFoST conference "New Functional Ingredients and Foods - Safety, Health and Convenience", Bella Center, Copenhagen, April 9-11 2003.

Brandt, Kirsten; Ejlersen, Astrid; Nørbæk, Rikke and Lindhard Petersen, Hanne (2003) Effects of Cultivation Conditions for Apples on Growth Rates of Fruit Fly Larvae and Contents of Phenolics. Poster at: the EFFoST conference "New Functional Ingredients and Foods - Safety, Health and Convenience", Copenhagen, April 9-11 2003.

Brandt, Kirsten; Lück, Lorna; Schmidt, Christoph; Seal, Chris and Leifert, Carlo (2006) Biologische Qualität: Mögliche Auswirkungen biologisch erzeugter Lebensmittel auf die menschliche Gesundheit. [Organic Quality How food produced using organic methods may affect consumer health.] Paper at: 6. Europäische Sommerakademie für Biolandwirtschaft, Lednice na Moravé, CZ, 29.06. - 01.07.2006. [Unpublished]

Brandt, Kirsten; Nygaard Larsen, Hanne; Andersen, Jens-Otto; Mølgaard, Jens-Peter; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jørgensen, Henry; Gundersen, Vagn; Larsen, Erik; Badsberg, Jens Henrik and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2001) Organic Food and Health: A new project to study the effects of plant cultivation methods (organic and conventional) on nutritional value, health and reproduction in an animal experiment. Poster at: FOOD and NUTRITION for BETTER HEALTH" (HEALFO Conference), Lanciano, Italy, 13-15 June 2001.

Brandt, Dr Kirsten (2007) Organic Agriculture and Food Utilization. Paper at: Organic Agriculture and Food Security, FAO, Rome, 3-5 May.

Brandt, Dr. Kirsten and Leifert, Prof. Carlo (2005) Which aspects of health are likely to be affected by our choice of food quality, such as organic food, and how can we investigate this question? In: Ekologiskt lantbruk konferens 22-23 november 2005. Ultuna, Uppsala. Sammanfattningar av föredrag och postrar. SLU. Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk., Federativ tryckeri AB, pp. 240-243.

Brandt, Dr Kirsten and Seal, Dr Chris (2006) Advantages and pitfalls of different types of studies for investigations of the impact of food on health. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Braun, Charis and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) THE ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING INNOVATION SYSTEM IN GERMANY: IS SPECIFIC LOBBYING JUSTIFIED? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Istanbul, Turkey, no. 20, pp. 513-516.

Brčić-Stipčević, Vesna; Petljak, Kristina and Guszak, Irena (2011) Empirical research of attitudes towards organic food among Croatian consumers. In: Afrić Rakitovac, Kristina; Šugar, Violeta and Bevanda, Vanja (Eds.) Conference Proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference "Entrepreneurship and Macroeconomic Management: Reflections on the World in Turmoil", Juraj Dobrila University of Pula, Department of Economics and Tourism "Dr. Mijo Mirković", Croatia, 2, pp. 1376-1405.

Brenes Muñoz, Thelma; Lakner, Sebastian and Brümmer, Bernhard (2011) Determinants of economic growth in organic farming: the case of Bavaria and Baden-Württemberg. Poster at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 16.-18. März 2011.

Brennan, Charles S and Kuri, Victor (2002) Relationship between sensory attributes, hidden attributes and price in influencing consumer perception of organic foods. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 65-68.

Brito, L Miguel; Reis, Mário; Mourão, Isabel and Coutinho, João (2014) Evaluation of invasive Acacia species compost as alternative horticultural organic substrates. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 929-932.

Brito, L Miguel; Sampaio, Áurea; Pinto, Rui; Mourão, Isabel and Coutinho, João (2014) Effects of soil, root mycorrhization, organic and phosphate fertilization, in organic lettuce production. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 925-928.

Brock, Christopher; Hoyer, Uta; Leithold, Günther and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2008) A New Approach to Humus Balancing in Organic Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Brock, Christopher and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2008) The Impact of Site and Management Factors on Humus Dynamics in Long-term Field Experiments. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Brock, Dipl.geogr. Christopher and Leithold, Prof.Dr. Günter (2006) Balancing soil organic matter in organic agriculture - a theoretical approach. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Brock, Christopher and Leithold, Günter (2014) A PRACTICE APPLICABLE MODEL FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF MANAGEMENT IMPACT ON ORGANIC MATTER IN ARABLE SOILS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 457-458.

Brodt, Sonja; Klonsky, Karen; Jackson, Louise; Brush, Steve and Smukler, Sean (2008) Opportunities and Obstacles in Adoption of Biodiversity-Enhancing Features on California Farms. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Brodt, Sonja and Schug, Donald (2008) Challenges in Transitioning to Organic Farming in West Bengal, India. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Brodt, Sonja; Klonsky, Karen; Strochlic, Ron and Sierra, Luis (2014) Producers Continuing Versus Exiting From Organic Production in California, USA: Regulatory, Technical, and Economic Challenges. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1179-1182.

Broeckx, L.; Frooninckx, L.; Berrens, S.; Wuyts, A.; Sandrock, C. and Van Miert, S. (2022) Influence of strain genetics on larval performance and bioconversion efficiency for Hermetia illucens. In: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 8 (s1), s50.

Broeckx, L.; Frooninckx, L.; Berrens, S.; Wuyts, A.; Sandrock, C. and Van Miert, S. (2022) Influence of strain genetics on larval performance and bioconversion efficiency of Hermetia illucens. In: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, Portugal, 5 – 9 September, 2022, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands (28), p. 342.

Bröker, Ulrich; Schmidt, Hanspeter; Haefeker, Walter; Beckh, Gudrun and Reyes, Taurino (2012) Current development and strategies against GMO-contamination in organic bee-keeping. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2012, Nürnberg Messe, Deutschland, 15.-18. Februar 2012. [Completed]

Browning, Helen (2002) Researching the future. Speech at: UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, 26-28 March 2002.

Brügemann, Kerstin; Jaeger, Maria; Ruebesam, Karin; König von Borstel, Uta and König, Sven (2015) Differences in novel traits between genetic groups of dairy cows in pasture-based production systems. In: EAAP scientific commitee, (Ed.) Book of Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 21.

Brügemann, Kerstin; May, Katharina; Scheper, Carsten; Strube, Christina and König, Sven (2016) Exploring the genetic background of parasite resistance in selected lines of black and white cattle. Paper at: 67th Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Belfast, Ireland, 29. August - 4. September 2016. [Completed]

Brumlop, Sarah and Finckh, Maria R. (2013) N-uptake in winter wheat pure line varieties and winter wheat composite cross populations in the F11. In: Becker, H.C.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Leifert, C. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (Eds.) Breeding for Nutrient Efficiency - Conference Booklet - Joint Meeting of EUCARPIA Section Organic & Low-Input Agriculture and EU NUE-CROPS Project., p. 21.

Brümmer, Nanke and Zander, Katrin (2021) Determinants Of Organic Food Choice In Germany – The Case Of Young Adults. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Brun, Laurent; Lemarquand, Arnaud; Orain, Gilles; Gros, Christophe; Combe, Freddy; Didelot, Frédérique; Parveaud, Claude Eric; Gomez, Christelle and Parisi, Luciana (2014) Effects of a cultivar mixture on scab control in apple orchards. 16. International conference on organic fruit growing, Hohenheim, Germany.

Bruns, Christian and Schüler, Christian (2000) Supressive effects of yard waste compost amended growing media on soilborne palnt pathogens in organic horticulture. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, pp. 46-49.

Bruns, Dr Christian; Hagn, Dr Alexandra; Schloter, Dr Michael; Michel, Dr Kerstin and Ludwig, Prof.Dr. Bernard (2006) Suppressive effects of yard waste composts on Pythium spp. and Phytophthora spp. damping-off - a review about several research studies. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Bruus Pedersen, Marianne (2010) REFUGIA WP 3. Food chains within organic cereal fields. Speech at: ICROFS international board, visit to Denmark, Silkeborg, Denamrk, May 25, 2010. [Completed]

Buchholz, G.; Kassemeyer, H.-H. and Seibicke, T. (2002) Induced resistance: a strategy for the control of grape downy mildew? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 130-132.

Büchi, Lucie; Walder, Florian; Banerjee, Samiran; Colombi, Tino; Hirte, Juliane; Mayer, Jochen; Keller, Thomas; Six, Johan; van der Heijden, Marcel and Charles, Raphael (2018) No Till and Organic Farming Improve Soil Properties but Reduce Crop Yield Compared to Conventional Farming in a Swiss Farm Network. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 36.

Buena, Maria Rowena and Whitney, Cory W. (2017) Entrepreneurial Culture And Capability of Organic Farmers’ Organizations in the Philippines. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Andres, Christian; Yadav, A. K.; Ardakani, M. Reza; Lowe, V.; Soto, G. and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Proceedings of the Scientfc Track at the Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 54, pp. 750-753.

Buena, Maria Rowena (2014) Certification in the hands of the farmers: the PGS Pilipinas advocacy. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Bügel, Susanne ; Almer, Kamille; Zalecka, A.; Ploeger, A.; Huber, Machteld and Kahl, J. (2013) Can Functional Food and Organic Food be Supporting Concepts in Europe? Poster at: IUNS 2013, Granada Spain, 15-20 September 2013. [Completed]

Bühlen, Franziska; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Krutzinna, Christian and Knierim, Ute (2014) COMPATIBILITY OF AUTOMATIC MILKING SYSTEMS WITH ANIMAL WELFARE IN ORGANIC DAIRY FARMING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 509-512.

Buila, Sarah (2014) Is Your Farm Organic? Building Consumer Relationships. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Bujor, Oana-Crina; Dobrin, Aurora; Stan, Andreea and Badulescu, Liliana (2019) Bioactive compounds and quality parameters in different organic apple varieties. Poster at: 4th International Conference on Natural Products Utilisation, Albena, Bulgaria, May 29 to June 2nd, 2019. [Completed]

Bujor, Oana-Crina; Dobrin, Aurora; Stan, Andreea; Mot, Andrei and Badulescu, Liliana (2019) Changes in carotenoid content of organic tomato powders depending in drying parameters. In: Proceedings of Eurodrying 2019, 10-12 July 2019, Torino, Italy, pp. 413-414.

Bünemann, Else K. (2023) Summary of RELACS WP3: Replacement of contentious fertilizers and manures in plant production. Paper at: RELACS Seminar/webinar: Which recycled nutrients for Organic Farming? And why?, Brussels and online, 18.09.2023. [Completed]

Bünemann, Else K. (2023) Supply of phosphorus and other nutrients in organic agriculture. Paper at: 55th Annual Conference 2023 of the German Society of Plant Nutrition, Hohenheim, Germny, 26.09.2023. [Completed]

Bünemann, Else K.; Bongiorno, G.; Brussaard, L. and Mäder, P. (2019) Soil quality: a critical review and a look into the future. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 32.

Burgess, P J and Sannier, C A D (2006) Using agro-ecological zones to promote European collaboration in organic arming research. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 83-87.

Burgio, Giovanni; Kristensen, Hanne L.; Campanelli, Gabriele; Bavec, Franc; Bavec, Martina; von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Depalo, Laura; Lanzoni, Alberto and Canali, Stefano (2014) EFFECT OF LIVING MULCH ON PEST/BENEFICIAL INTERACTION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 741-744.

Burgt, Geert-Jan H.M.; Eekeren, N. van; Scholberg, Johannes and Koopmans, Chris (2013) Lucerne (Medicago sativa) or grass-clover as cut-and-carry fertilizers in organic agriculture. [Lucerne (Medicago sativa) of gras-klaver als maaimeststoffen in de biologische landbouw.] Paper at: EGF - The Role of Grasslands in a Green Future, Akureyri, Iceland, 26 June 2013.

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Burke, Jean and Taylor, Nick (2002) Small mammal survey on agricultural land during conversion and into full organic production. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 253-254.

Burke, Jean and Walsh, Phil (2002) Composting case study. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 151-152.

Burnett, Viv; Enshaw, Tim and Sutherland, Steve (2005) Advances in weed management for organic cereal production in southeast Australia. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

BURNY, Philippe and Debode, Frédéric (2013) Is organic farming a tool for sustainable development in Wallonia ? In: Cluj-Napoca, Romania : Book of Abstracts, Socaciu, Carmen, Cluj-Napoca, Roumanie, 1 (2), p. 82.

Burny, Philippe and Debode, Frédéric (2013) Development of organic farming in Wallonia. Paper at: 5th International Conference “Ecological performance in a competitive economy”, Bucharest, Romania, 7-8 march 2013.

Burri, Milena (2024) Presentation of the study results conducted by FiBL (Switzerland) on monitoring stress indicators across different slaughter methods. Paper at: Thematic day: On-farm slaughtering in Europe: practical an sanitary aspects, relevance for animal welfare, Liège, Belgium, 23.01.2024. [Completed]

Bussemas, R. and Weissmann, F. (2008) Prolonged suckling period in organic piglet production – Effects on some performance and health aspects. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Butler, G.; Stergiadis, S.; Eyre, M.; Leifert, C.; Borsari, A.; Canever, A.; Slots, T. and Nielsen, H.J. (2007) Effect of production system and geographic location on milk quality parameters. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Butler, Gillian (2014) Lessons from LowInputBreeds and ProPIG projects for pig and poultry producers. Conference presentation at: Organic Research Centre, Organic producers conference , Solihull, UK, 26th-27th November 2014. [draft]

Butler, Gillian; Cooper, Julia; Wilcockson, Steve and Leifert, Carlo (2011) Livestock production systems and future food security? Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus (2022) Unknowns about N-(C-) cycling in agroecosystems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Butty, Adrien M.; Frischknecht, Mirjam; Gredler, Birgit; Baes, Christine F.; Neuenschwander, Stefan; Moll, Jürg; Biber, Anna and Seefried, Franz R. (2016) Genome-wide association study for supernumerary teats in Swiss Brown Swiss Cattle reveals LGR5 as a major gene on chromosome 5. Poster at: 2016 JAM Joint Annual Meeting, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, July 19-23, 2016. [Completed]

Bystrom, Sara; Jonsson, Simon and Martinsson, Kjell (2002) Organic versus conventional dairy farming – studies from the Öjebyn Project. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 179-184.

Caballero, Berta; Romero, Albert; Perez, Nicolas; Ventura, Daniel; Chamorro, Lourdes; Goula, Marta and Sans, F.Xavier (2006) The role of intercropping on insects diversity in dryland field crops in a Mediterranean site. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Cabaret, Dr Jacques; Gonnord, Ms Vanessa; Cortet, Mr Jacques; Sauvé, Ms Christine; Ballet, Mr Joel; Tournadre, Mr Hervé and Benoit, Dr Marc (2006) Indicators for internal parasitic infections in organic flocks: the diarrhoea score (Disco) proposal for lambs. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Cabilovski, dipl ing Ranko; Manojlovic, Prof Maja; Bogdanovic, Prof Darinka and Bavec, Prof Martina (2008) Economic aspects of the application of different organic materials as N-sources in organic production of lettuce. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Caffi, Tito; Armengol Forti, Josep; Kehrli, Patrik; Ranca, Aurora-Maria; Širca, Saša; Wipf, Daniel and Rossi, Vittorio (2019) Exploit biodiversity in viticultural systems to reduce pest damage and pesticide use, and increase ecosystems services provision: the BIOVINE Project. In: Journal of Plant Pathology, 101.

Cagas, Bohumir and Machac, Radek (2002) The effect of grasses grown for seed in mixture with legumes on the incidence of weeds and soil nitrogen content. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 53-54.

Cahenzli, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence (2022) Autumn kaolin treatments and early spring oil treatments against Myzus cerasi in Sweet cherries. In: FOEKO e.V. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 175-179.

Cahenzli, F.; Pfiffner, L.; Bjørn, M.C.; Daniel, C.; Herz, A.; Jamar, L.; Lisek, J.; Kelderer, M.; Jacobsen, S.K.; Kruczynska, D.; Matray, S.; Porcel, M.; Sekrecka, M.; Steinemann, B.; Swiergiel, W.; Tasin, M.; Telfser, J. and Sigsgaard, L. (2020) Perennial flower strips for pest control in organic apple orchards. Paper at: 19th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany, 19.2.2020. [Completed]

Cahenzli, Fabian; Brunner, Kevin and Daniel, Claudia (2018) Which fruit characteristics affect susceptibility of grapes to Drosophila suzukii? Poster at: 3. Nationale Tagung Kirschessigfliege, Changins, 09. Februar 2018.

Cahenzli, Fabian and Daniel, Claudia (2016) Trapping of Drosophila suzukii. In: Kienzle, Jutta (Ed.) ecofruit - 17th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 220-223.

Cahenzli, Fabian; Vögtli, Irina and Daniel, Claudia (2018) Interactions of temperature and diet affect Drosophila suzukii. Poster at: 3. Nationale Tagung Kirschessigfliege, Changins, 09. Februar 2018.

Caleca, Virgilio ; Palumbo Piccionello, Manuela ; Battaglia, Isabella and Dimino, Silvana (2006) Survey on the control methods of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic olive groves producing oil and table olives in Sicily. In: Caruso, Tiziano and Motisi, Antonio (Eds.) Proceedings of Olivebioteq 2006, Second International Seminar “Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the Mediterranean Basin” November 5th –10th Mazara del Vallo, Marsala, Italy,, 2, pp. 283-290.

Caleca, Virgilio and Rizzo, Roberto (2006) Effectiveness of clays and copper products in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin). In: Caruso, Tiziano and Motisi, Antonio (Eds.) Proceedings of Olivebioteq 2006, Second International Seminar “Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the Mediterranean Basin” November 5th –10th, Mazara del Vallo, Marsala, Italy, 2, pp. 275-282.

Calegari, A.; Rheinheimer, D. S.; Tourdonnet, S.; Tessier, D.; Hargrove, W. L.; Ralisch, R.; Guimarães, M. F. and Tavares Filho, J. (2011) Soil physical properties affected by soil management and crop rotation in a long term experiment in Southern Brazil. In: Proceedings Proceedings of the 5th World Congress of Conservation Agriculture, Brisbane, Australia.

Calegari, A.; Rheinheimer, D. S.; Tourdonnet, S.; Tessier, D.; Hargrove, W.L.; Ralisch, R.; Guimarães, M. F. and Tavares Filho, J. (2010) Effect of soil management and crop rotation on physical properties in a long term experiment in Southern Brazil. In: Proceediings Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, 2010..

Callesen, I. and Østergård, H. (2008) Energy efficiency of biomass production in managed versus natural temperate forest and grassland ecosystems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Calub, Blesilda M.; Tenorio, Myrna A. and Matienzo, Edna Luisa A. (2013) BUILDING ORGANIC INSTITUTIONS: MOBILIZING LOCAL VILLAGE COUNCILS. In: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014. [Completed]

Camerini, M.; Taddei, F.; Bentivenga, G.; Melloni, S.; Aureli, G. and Quaranta, F. (2011) AGRONOMICAL AND HYGIENIC-HEALTH QUALITY OF DURUM WHEAT PRODUCTIONS FROM DIFFERENT MEDITERRANEAN ENVIRONMENTS UNDER ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL CROPPING. In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 38..

Cammarano, Davide; Martre, Pierre; Drexler, Dora; Draye, Xavier; Sessitsch, Angela; Pecchioni, Nicola; Cooper, Julia; Willer, Helga; Voicu, Adriana and Hinsinger, Philippe (2018) Shared protocols and data template in agronomic trials. Paper at: 14th IPCA Session, Montreal, Canada, June 24-27, 2018.

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli, Roberto and Radicetti, Emanuele (2014) Multi-Environments Experiment (MEE) UNITUS. Poster at:

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli , Roberto and Radicetti, Emanuele (2015) Conventional vs. organic cropping systems: yield of crops and weeds in Mediterranean environment. Poster at:

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli , Roberto and Radicetti, Emanuele (2015) COVER CROPS AND MULCHES INFLUENCE WEED COMMUNITY CHARACTERISTICS IN STRIP TILLED TOMATO (Solanum lycopersicon L.). Poster at:

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli , Roberto and Radicetti, Emanuele (2015) Effects of cover crop residue management on yield and weed controlin processing tomato. Poster at:

Campiglia, Enio; Mancinelli , Roberto; Radicetti, Emanuele and Ferrari, Francesco (2015) Influence of transplanter modifications and cover crop mulches on the production of summer vegetables in conservation tillage. Poster at:

Campiglia , Enio; Mancinelli , Roberto; Radicetti, Emanuele and Baresel, Jörg Peter (2015) Optimizing spatial arrangement for durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) and subclover (Trifolium subterraneum L.) intercropping system. Poster at:

Canali, Stefano; di Bartolomeo, Emanuela and Torrisi, Biagio (2005) Soil quality comparison among organically and conventionally managed citrus orchards in Eastern Sicily (Italy). Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Canali, S. (2011) InterVeg. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Canali, S.; Campanelli, G.; Bavec, F.; von Fragstein, P.; Leteo, F.; Jocop, M. and Kristensen, H.L. (2014) DO LIVING MULCH BASED VEGETABLE CROPPING SYSTEMS YIELD SIMILARLY TO THE SOLE ONES? In: Rahmann, G. and Oksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 167-170.

Canali, Stefano (2013) Ecological Services providing crops (ESCs) in organic vegetable production systems. Speech at: TILMAN-ORG Interim Meeting, Aston University, Birmingham, UK, 21-22 January, 2013. [Completed]

Canali, Stefano; Emanuela, Di Bartolomeo; Alessandra, Trinchera; Luigi, Nisini; Fabio, Tittarelli; Francesco, Intrigliolo; Giancarlo, Roccuzzo and Maria Luisa, Calabretta (2009) Effect of different management strategies on soil quality of citrus orchards in Southern Italy. In: Soil Use and Management, 25, pp. 34-42.

Canario, Laurianne; Larzul, Catherine; Ferchaud, Stéphane; Moreau, Stéphane; Merlot, Elodie; Clouard, Caroline; Tallet, Céline and Prunier, Armelle (2022) Improving piglet survival under organic condition. Lecture at: the 31st European congress of AI VETS, Poitiers, France, 20-22 October 2021.

Canavari, Prof. Maurizio; Cantore, Dr. Nicola and Lombardi, Dr. Pamela (2008) Factors explaining farmers’ behaviours and intentions about agricultural methods of production. Organic vs. conventional comparison. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Capoen, Eric and Ugas, Roberto (2021) Understanding The Agroecological Performance Of Smallholder Households In The Peruvian Andes. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Carlesi, Stefano; Antichi, Daniele; Bigongiali, Federica; Mazzoncini, Marco and Barberi, Paolo (2015) Long term effects of cover crops on weeds in Mediterranean low input arable management systems. In: proceedings of the 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium.

Carlesi, Stefano; Antichi, Daniele; Sbrana, Massimo and Barberi, Paolo (2014) Hairy vetch cover crop affects weed diversity and composition in no-till sunflower. In: proceedings of the 5th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group: Weeds And Biodiversity .

Carlsen, PhD student Hanne Weichel; Breland, Professor Tor Arvid; Lieblein, Lector Geir and Francis, Professor Charles (2006) DEVELOPING ORGANIC FARMING IN NORWAY THROUGH SYSTEMIC ACTION RESEARCH. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Carlson, D. and Johansen, H.N. (1997) Digestibility of Protein and Energy and Protein Value of Some Roughages for Growing Swine. In: Jørgensen, Henry and Fernández, José A. (Eds.) Proceeding of NJF-seminar No. 274. Energy and Protein Evaluation for Pigs in the Nordic Countries , NJF-rapport, no. 119, pp. 102-105.

Carrasco, S.; Wüstholz, J.; Hahn, G. and Bellof, Gerhard (2017) Organic diets with alfalfa silage for laying hens: Egg quality. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017.

Carrascosa, Maria; Maričić, Dora; Zintl, Maria; Špicnagel, Ana-Marija; Fabbri, Federico; Martinez, Pilar; Colmenares, Ricardo; Olaziregi Alberdi, Irati and Rossmanith, Gebhard (2023) Presentations of the EU LiveSeeding webinar. Workshop at: Entrepreneurship in the organic seeds and breeding sector” EU LiveSeeding, Webinar, 14 December 2023. [Completed]

Carrubba, Alessandra; Catalano, Caterina and Militello, Marcello (2009) EFFECTS OF ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL N-FERTILIZATION ON QUALITY TRAITS IN CORIANDER (CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L.). In: Sequi, P.; Ferri, D.; Rea, E.; Montemurro, F.; Vonella, Alessandro Vittorio and FORNARO, F. (Eds.) MORE SUSTAINABILITY IN AGRICULTURE: NEW FERTILIZERS AND FERTILIZATION MANAGEMENT, Fertilitas Agrorum, pp. 174-179.

Carrubba, Alessandra; Militello, Marcello and Catalano, Caterina (2009) N USE AND PARTITIONING IN CORIANDER (CORIANDRUM SATIVUM L.) AFTER ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL N FERTILIZATION. In: Sequi, P.; Ferri, D.; Montemurro, F.; Vonella, Alessandro Vittorio and Fornaro, F. (Eds.) MORE SUSTAINABILITY IN AGRICULTURE: NEW FERTILIZERS AND FERTILIZATION MANAGEMENT, Fertilitas Agrorum, pp. 345-350.

Carter, Mette S.; Albert, Kristian R. and Ambus, Prof. Per (2009) Is organic farming a mitigation option? – A study on N2O emission from winter wheat. Poster at: International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-12 March. [Unpublished]

Carter, Mette S.; Johansen, Anders; Haugaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Ambus, Per (2008) Consequences of agro-biofuel production for greenhouse gas emissions. Poster at: EnergyDTU Internal Conference, Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby, Denmark, 11 December. [Unpublished]

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Heiske, Stefan; Thomsen, Sune T.; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2011) Field emissions of N2O during biomass production may affect the sustainability of agro-biofuels. Speech at: Sixth International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse gases (NCGG-6), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2-4 November 2011. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Heiske, Stefan; Thomsen, Sune T.; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2011) Greenhouse gas emissions from cultivation of energy crops may affect the sustainability of biofuels. Speech at: Risø Energy Conference, Roskilde, Denmark, 10-12 May 2011. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2009) Consequences of agro-biofuel production for greenhouse gas emissions. In: NJF Report, Vol. 5, No 3, NJF General Secretariat, Stockholm, Sweden, pp. 34-35.

Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Thomsen, Sune T.; Heiske, Stefan; Jensen, Morten; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2010) Relating N2O emissions from energy crops to the avoided fossil fuel-derived CO2 – a study on bioethanol and biogas produced from organically managed maize, rye, vetch and grass-clover. Speech at: GHG Europe Workshop on Bioenergy, Dublin, Ireland, 27-29 October 2010. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O. and Ambus, Per (2013) Effects of green manure storage and incorporation methods on greenhouse gas fluxes and N mineralization after soil application. Poster at: Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems, Antwerp, 16-18 September 2013.

Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O. and Ambus, Per (2013) Nitrogen mineralization and greenhouse gas emissions after soil incorporation of ensiled and composted grass-clover as green manure. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 41-42.

Casagrande, Marion; David, Christophe; Etienne, Catherine; Makowski, David; Valantin-Morison, Muriel and Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène (2008) Agronomic and environmental factors explaining Grain Protein Content variability in organic winter wheat. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Casagrande, Marion; David, Christophe; Valantin-Morison, Muriel and Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène (2006) Incidence of limiting factors on organic winter wheat performance. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Casagrande, Marion; David, Christophe; Valentin Morison, Muriel and Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène (2007) Indicators of weed competition on Organic Winter Wheat. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Casagrande, Marion; Alletto, Lionel; Naudin, Christophe; Seassau, Célia; Siah, Ali and Celette, Florian (2014) PLANT BASED-DIVERSITY PRACTICES IN CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC FARMING: A FARMERS’ SURVEY IN FRANCE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 279-282.

Casagrande, Marion; Lefèvre, Vincent; Capitaine, Mathieu and Peigne, Joséphine (2015) Participative design of conservation agriculture cropping systems in organic agriculture. Poster at: The 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, Montpellier, France, 7th-10th September 2015. [Completed]

Casagrande, Marion and Peigné, Joséphine (2013) Conservation Agriculture in Organic Farming Motivations of European Farmers and Diversity of Practices. Paper at: Organic Producers' Conference, Birmingham, UK, January 22-23. [Completed]

Casagrande, Marion; Peigne, Joséphine; David, Christophe; Sans, Francesc Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José Manuel; Cooper, Julia; Gascoyne, Kate; Antichi, Daniele; Bàrberi, Paolo; Bigongiali, Federica; Surböck, Andreas; Kranzler, Andreas; Beeckman, Annelies; Willekens, Koen; Luik, Anne; Peetsmann, Elen; Grosse, Meike; Heß, Jürgen; Clerc, Maurice; Dierauer, Hansueli and Mäder, Paul (2014) ORGANIC FARMERS IN EUROPE: MOTIVATIONS AND PROBLEMS FOR USING CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE PRACTICES. "TILMAN-ORG Session". In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 295-298.

Caspersen, S.; Svensson, B.; Khalil, S. and Asp, H. (2013) Organic production systems in Northern highbush blueberries. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 141-142.

Castel, Laurie; Warlop, Francois; Ronzon, Julien; Poliakoff, Hélène and Fourrié, Laetitia (2015) Vertical project : designing fruit agroforestry systems for a renewed horticulture. Poster at: INNOHORT 2015, Avignon, France, 8-12 June 2015.

CASTELLINI, prof C (2005) ORGANIC POULTRY PRODUCTION SYSTEM AND MEAT CHARACTERISTICS. Paper at: XVII th European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, Doorwerth, 23/05/2005.


Castellini, A.; Mauracher, C.; Roma, R.; Deboni, A.; Gaviglio, A. and Ragazzoni, A. (2014) The organic aquaculture sector in Italy: a Delphi evaluation of the market potentialities. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 769-772.

Catedral, Isagani and Villegas, Pablito (2014) Community-Assisted Urban Sustainable Organic and Ecological Agriculture in the Philippines: Experiential Learnings and the Ways Forward. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Caturano, E.; Roccuzzo, G.; Canali, S.; Adamo, S.; Giuffrida, F. and Leonardi, C. (2008) Organic vegetable production in Southern Italy: soil fertility management and fertilisation strategies. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.


Celette, Florian; Goulevant, Gael; Amosse, Camille and David, Christophe (2010) Incidence of soil N fertility on the performance of organic forage legume-wheat mixtures. Paper at: European Society Agronomy AGRO2010, Montpellier, October 2010.

Celette, Florian; Goulevant, Gael; Amosse, Camille and David, Christophe (2010) Associating wheat crop and undersown forage legumes in organic agriculture: Incidence of forage legumes species. In: Conference paper.

Cembalo, Dr. Luigi and Tagliafierro, Dr. Carolina (2006) An integrated methodology for the evaluation of organic farming support scheme environ-mental effects supported by Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Çevik, Nihal Kadıoğlu (2014) KIŞLIK YİYECEK HAZIRLIKLARI. Geleneksel Bilginin Aktarımı ve Doğal saklama teknikleri. [Food Preparations for Winter. Transferring Traditional Knowledge and Natural Preservation Methods.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Cevizdalı, Hasan Hüseyin (2014) Those Bridges Weren’t Built Overnight! Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Chaabani, Chaima; Weiss-Hortala, Elsa and Soudais, Yannick (2016) Impact of subcritical and supercritical water on both depolymerization kinetics of nylon 6 and recycling carbon fibers from waste composite. Extrait de : WasteEng 16- ISBN 979-10-91526-05-0, Albi, France.

Chabbi, Abad; Ananias, Melissa and Rittl, Tatiana (2023) Refining Soil Conservation and Regenerative Practices to Enhance Carbon Sequestration and Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions. Speech at: Annual Science Days, Riga, Latvia, 12-14 June, 2023.

Chabe-Ferret, Sylvain and Subervie, Julie (2011) Estimating the causal effects of the French agro-environmental schemes on farmers' practices by difference in difference matching. OECD Workshop on Evaluation of Agri-Environmental Policies, Braunschweig, Germany.

Chabe-Ferret, Sylvain and Subervie, Julie (2010) How much green for the buck? Estimating additional and windfall effects of the French agro-environmental schemes by DID-matching. 4èmes journées de recherches en sciences sociales INRA-SFER-CIRAD, Rennes, France.

Chabe-Ferret, Sylvain and Subervie, Julie (2010) Evaluating agro-environmental schemes by DID matching: theoretical justification, robustness tests and application to a French program. 4. World congress of environmental and resource economists, Montréal, Canada.

Chable, Veronique; Goldringer, Isabelle; Wolfe, Martin; Barberi, Paolo; Kovacs, Geza; Grando, Stefania; Rakszegi, Marianna; Ostergard, Hanne and Bocci, Riccardo (2010) Strategies for organic and low input breeding and management, a European programme (2010-2014). Colloque Eucarpia, Paris, France.

Chable, Veronique; Vindras, Camille; Dalmon, Frédéric; Conseil, Mathieu; Taupier-Letage, Bruno and Rey, Frédéric (2012) How to implement organoleptic quality assessment in a participatory plant breeding approach. SOLIBAM 1st Stakeholder congress, Rome, Italy.

Chable, Veronique; Vindras, Camille; Dalmon, Frédéric; Conseil, Mathieu; Taupier-Letage, Bruno and Rey, Frédéric (2012) Innovation for organic Broccoli: Breeding for diversity and quality in France. SOLIBAM 1st Stakeholder congress, Rome, Italy.

Chable, Dr Véronique (2002) An Approach to Organic Plant Breeding of Cabbage and Cauliflower. Paper at: 1st International Symposium on organic seed production and plant breeding – ECO-PB (European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding) Organic seed production and plant breeding – strategies, problems and perspectives, Berlin, 21-22 November 2002.

Chable, Dr Véronique and Le Lagadec, François (2005) Participatory Plant Breeding for Organic Farming in France, the cauliflower experience at the PAIS. Paper at: 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress: Shaping sustainable systems, Adelaide - Australie, 20-23 September 2005. [Unpublished]

Chable, Véronique and Serpolay-Besson, Estelle (2020) Shaping diversity for on-farm organic plant breeding. Case of wheat (and other cereals) in France. Keynote presentation at: 10th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, February 12-15, 2020.

Chamorro, Lourdes; Armengot, Laura; José-María, Laura and Sans, F. Xavier (2014) ORGANIC FARMING ENHANCES THE RECOVERY OF ANCIENT CROPS AND SEGETAL WEEDS IN CATALONIA (NE OF SPAIN). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 979-982.

Chander, Mahesh; Kumar, Sanjay; Mondal, Shymal Kumar; Mukherjee, Reena and Rathore, Ramswarup (2014) ORGANIC ANIMAL HUSBANDRY DEVELOPMENT IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES: CHALLENGES, CONTENTIOUS ISSUES & OPPORTUNITIES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 659-662.

Chang, Jennifer (2014) Hansalim Organic Cooperative – A Best Practice Model of Direct Sales between Farmers and Consumers. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Charles, Raphaël; Büchi, Lucie; Walder, Florian; Colombi, Tino; Keller, Thomas; Banerjee, Samiran; Six, Johan and Van Der Heijden, Marcel (2021) Evaluating The Strengths And Weakness Of Conventional, No-Till And Organic Cropping Systems: An Assessment Of Yield, Soil Protection And Environmental Performance. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Charon, Mathilde; Deniau, Marie; Robin, Diane and Marchand, Patrice A. (2021) The Constant And Necessary Reduction Of Residues In Eu From Of/Op Plant Protection. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Chatskikh, Dmitri; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Berntsen, Jørgen (2004) Modelling of N2O emissions from grasslands in Denmark. Speech at: Joint meeting of COST Action 627, Ghent, Belgium, 3-4 May 2004.

Chatskikh, Dmitri; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Berntsen, Jørgen; Regina, Kristiina and Yamulki, Sirwan (2003) A study of the N2O emission from grassland with the FASSET farm model. Poster at: 12th N Workshop, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-24 September 2003. [Unpublished]

Chen, He and Bent Egberg, Mikkelsen (2010) Organic food in Danish schools - a contribution to healthier eating at school? Speech at: Final iPOPY conference, Oslo, Research Council of Norway, Oslo, September 2, 2010. [Completed]

Chen, L.; Helenius, J. and Kangas, A. (2009) Meat bone meal as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. In: Programme abstracts list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 26.

Chen, Yung-Song and Liao, I Chiu (2005) A pilot study of producing organic shrimp in subtropical regions: a case study in Taiwan. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Cheng, Hongyuan and Friis, Alan (2009) A new engineering method for understanding extrusion cooking process. Poster at: American Association of Cerial Chemists (AACC), Baltimore, USA, 13-16 September 2009.

Cheng, Hongyuan; Rasmussen, Hanne and Friis, Alan (2009) Raw material changes and their processing parameters in an extrusion cooking process. Poster at: American Association of Cerial Chemists (AACC), Baltimore, USA, 13-16 September 2009.

Cheng, Hongyuan and Friis, Alan (2008) Expansion of the whole wheat flour extrusion. [Ekspansion af hel hvede under ekstrudering.] Paper at: 5th International Conference on Simulation and Modelling in the Food and Bio-Industry - FoodSim 2008, Dublin, Ireland, June 26-28, 2008.

Chhuo, V.; Roussey, Catherine; Soulignac, V.; Bernard, Stéphan and Chanet, J.P. (2012) UNSPECIFIED [Une nouvelle méthode d'appariement entre deux vocabulaires d'annotation.] Actes du 4ème atelier Recherche d'Information Sémantique associé à la conférence EGC 2012, Bordeaux, France.

Chirinda, Mr Ngonidzashe and Olesen, Professor Jørgen, E. (2008) Effects of organic matter input on soil microbial properties and crop yields in conventional and organic cropping systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Chirinda, Mr Ngonidzashe; Olesen, Professor Jørgen, E. and Porter, Professor John, R (2008) Effects of organic matter input on soil microbial properties and crop yields in conventional and organic cropping systems. Paper at: Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Modena Italy, 18-20 June 2008 in Modena Italy.

Chirinda, N.; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Porter, J.R. (2011) High Root Biomass FOR cereal crops increases carbon sequestration in organic Arable systems. Paper at: 17th IFOAM Organic world congress.

Chis, PhD. Margareta; Mihai, PhD. Gheorghe and Pentelescu, PhDr. Ovidiu (2006) The Romanian system of subsidies for organic farming: support for the development of rural areas. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Choque, Beatriz; Brönnimann, Lukas; Baumann, Matthias; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika; Armengot, Laura and Rüegg, Johanna (2022) Timber and fruit trees: an added value in cacao-based agroforestry systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Poster at: 5 th world congress on agroforestry, Québec, Canada, 17. - 19.7.2022. [Completed]

Christen, Ben (2009) Possible beneficial effects of biomass for bioenergy crops. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Sweden, 5 (3), p. 28.

Christensen, Dennis and Borgen, Anders (2021) Is Bt8 located at Chromosome 6D and closely linked to Bt10? In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Virtual Bunt and Smut Workshop.

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2023) Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt1. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2023) Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt10. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2023) Genetic mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt13. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2023) Genetic mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt9. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2023) Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene BtZ. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2021) Starke-II NIL based common bunt resistance gene mapping. In: Virtual Bunt and Smut Workshop. [In Press]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær and Borgen, Anders (2021) Starke-II NIL based Common Bunt Resistance Gene Mapping. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Virtual Bunt and Smut Workshop. [Unpublished]

Christensen, Dennis Kjær; Borgen, Anders and Dallinger, Hermann Gregor (2023) Genetic Mapping of Common Bunt Resistance Gene Bt7. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases. BOKU, Austria.. [Submitted]

Christensen, Dorthe and Sriskandarajah, Nadarajah (2005) Facilitating organisational change in an organic dairy corporation in Denmark. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Christensen, Tove; Denver, Sigrid and Krarup, Signe (2007) How vulnerable is organic consumption to information? Paper at: Nordic Consumer Policy Research Conference, Helsinki, Finland, 3 -5 October 2007. [Unpublished]

Christensen, Tove; Denver, Sigrid and Mørkbak, Morten Raun (2007) Food safety and the reversed political consumer. Paper at: Nordic Consumer Policy Research, Helsinki, Finland, 3 -5 October 2007. [Unpublished]

Christensen, Tove; Mørkbak, Morten; Denver, Sigrid and Hasler, Berit (2006) Preferences for food safety and animal welfare – a choice experiment study comparing organic and conventional consumers. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Christensen, Trine F.; Diedrichsen, Brigitte; Adsersen, Anne; Andersen, Jan Buch and Ravn, Helle Weber (2002) Plant Biomarker Pattern, Screening Programme for Phytochemical Differences in Plants Exposed to Stress. Poster at: Natur og Miljøforskningskonferencen (The Conference on Research on Nature and the Environment), H.C. Ørsted Instituttet, Copenhagen, 22-23- August 2002.

Christensen, Tove and Denver, Sigrid (2018) Do Danish consumers prefer an organic vegetarian meal or a non-organic meaty alternative? Evidence from a choice experiment. Paper at: International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Bournemouth, 13-14 June 2018.

Christensen, Tove; Olsen, Søren Bøye; Dubgaard, Alex and Kærgård, N. (2012) Organic farming and multicriteria decisions: An economic survey. Paper at: IFSA, Aarhus, Denmark, July 2012. [Completed]

Christiansen, Martin P.; Jensen, Kjeld; Ellekilde, Lars-Peter and Jørgensen, Rasmus N. (2011) Localization in orchards using Extended Kalman Filter for sensor-fusion - A FroboMind component. Paper at: NJF seminar 441, Automation and System Technology in Plant Production CIGR section V & NJF section VII conference, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16.

Ciaccia, Corrado; Diacono, Mariangela; Canali, Stefano; Testani, Elena; Montemurro, Francesco; Ferlito, Filippo; Roccuzzo, Giancarlo; Campanelli, Gabriele; Di Pierro, Marta; Mele, Giuseppe; Ranuzzi, Monica; Grasselli, Olga and Ceccarelli, Danilo (2021) Long-Term Experiments As A Tool For Governing The Transition Towards New Food Systems: An Italian Trajectory. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Ciaccia, Dr Corrado; Di Bartolomeo, Dr Emanuela; Calabretta, Dr M.L.; Intrigliolo, Dr Francesco; Tittarelli, Dr. Fabio and Canali, Dr. Stefano (2008) Quality assessment of citrus-processing industry waste compost for organic and conventional farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ciaccia, Corrado; Kristensen, Hanne L.; Campanelli, Gabriele; Bavec, Franc; von Fragstein, Peter; Robacer, Martina; Testani, Elena and Canali, Stefano (2014) Living mulch and vegetable production: effect on crop/weed competition. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 717-720.

Ciavatta, C.; Gioacchini, P. and Montecchio, D. (2008) Can Organic Farming Contribute to Carbon Sequestration? A Survey in a Pear Orchard in Emilia-Romagna Region, Italy. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Cicek, Harun and Entz, Martin (2014) GRAZING GREEN MANURES TO OPTIMIZE NITROGEN SUPPLY ON THE CANADIAN PRAIRIES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 101-104.

Cici, S.-Z.-H.; Kristiansen, P. and Sindel, B.M. (2005) Improving competitive ability of chickpea with sowthistle. Paper at: 15th Australian Weeds Conference Papers and Proceedings. Managing Weeds in a Changing Climate, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia, 24-28 September 2006.

Cisilino, Federica and Madau, Fabio A. (2008) A Comparative Analysis of Organic and Conventional Farming trough the Italian FADN. In: Brasili C., Fanfani R., Rastoin JL. (Ed.) Knowledge, Sustainability and Bioresources in the further Development of the Agri-food System, Acts of the VI AIEA2 International Conference at the XLV SOBER Congress, Londrina Paranà-Brasil, July 22th-25th, 2007, BUP Bologna.

Cisilino, Federica and Madau, Fabio A. (2007) Organic and Conventional Farming: a Comparison Analysis through the Italian FADN. In: Proceedings of the Seminar (CD-ROM).

Clarke, S M; Haigh, Z; Hinchsliffe, K E; Jones, H E and Wolfe, M S (2006) The identification and production of varieties that increase the value of oats as a profitable component of organic production. Poster at: What can organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 18-20 September 2006. [Unpublished]

Clarke, Dr S.M.; Jones, Dr. H; Haigh, Miss Z; Boyd, Miss H and Wolfe, Prof. M.S. (2008) Effects of husked oat varieties, variety mixtures and populations on disease levels, crop cover and their resulting yields. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Clarke, Dr Sarah M.; Hinchsliffe, Miss Kay E.; Haigh, Miss Zoe; Jones, Dr Hannah; Pearce, Dr Bruce; Wolfe, Prof Martin S and Thomas, Dr Jane (2006) A participatory approach to variety trials for organic systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Claudi-Magnussen, C. and Kongsted, A.G. (2008) Boar taint in very small organic entire male pigs - preliminary results. Poster at: IRTA, 26-27th March 2008.

Clavin, Dan (2009) Financial Planning for a Farmer Undergoing Organic Conversion. In: Teagasc (Ed.) Teagasc Organic Conference - Opportunities for Organic Producers Proceedings.

Clottu, Ophélie; Klocke, Peter; Spranger, Joerg; Burger, Dominik; Werner, Michael; Ramos, Mac; Straub, Reto; von Tscharner, Claudia and Gerber, Vinzenz (2007) Safety and Efficacy of Mistletoe extract (Viscum album) Iscador(R) P in Equine Sarcoid. Poster at: International Congress on Complementary Medicine Research, Munich, May, 11th to 13th.

Cohen, Y.; Baider, A.; Ben-Daniel, B. and Ben-DanieI, Y. (2002) Fungicidal preparations from Inula viscose. [Extrakte aus Inula viscose zur Bekämpfung von Pilzkrankheiten.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 152-156.

Cohen, Yigal; Baider, Alexander; Gotlieb, Dror and Rubin, Evgenia (2007) Control of Bremia lactucae in Field-Grown Lettuce by DL-3-Amino-n-Butanoic Acid (BABA). Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Collet, Clothilde; Doubell, Marcé; Lamboeuf, Mickael; Rincent, Renaud; Symanczik, Sarah; Beauchêne, Katia; Declerck, Stephan; Legouis, Jacques; Manes, Yann; Martre, Pierre; Pecchioni, Nicola; Roumet, Pierre; Salon, Christophe and Draye, Xavier (2021) Does root plasticity contribute to crop tolerance to abiotic stresses? Poster at: [Completed]

Colley, Micaela (2023) Developing a Seed Policy Platform: the case of US advocacy organization. Paper at: 2nd European Organic Seed Policy Conference, Poznan, Poland, 29 September 223. [Completed]

Colomb, B.; Desclaux, D.; Debaeke, P.; Justes, E. and Burger, P. (2004) Ability of new durum wheat pure lines to meet yield stability and quality requirements in low input and organic systems. Paper at: Pc. 8th ESA Congress, Copenhague.

Colomb, Bruno; Angevin, Frédérique; Bergez, Jacques-Eric; Blouin, Marine; Glandières, Anne and Prieur, Loïc (2009) Using MASC to evaluate the sustainability of cropping systems: Application to multicriteria assessment of organic cropping systems in Southern France. Integrated Assessment of Agriculture and Sustainable Development (AgSAP) : Setting the Agenda for Science and Policy, Egmond aan Zee, Netherlands.

Colombino, Elena; Biasato, Ilaria; Bongiorno, Valentina; Gai, Francesco; Zambotto, Valeria; Gariglio, Marta; Prai, Federico; Cardello, Mattia; Gasco, Laura; Schiavone, Achille and Capucchio, Maria Teresa (2022) Can black soldier fly live larvae supplementation modify gut histomorphology of organic chickens? In: Book of Abstracts, Leibniz Institute for Agricultural Engineering and Bioeconomy, Germany, 106, Series Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte.

Colombo, Luca; Grando, Stefano and Brunori, Gianluca (2014) ORGANIC IN THE LOCAL VS GLOBAL ANTINOMY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 761-764.

Cong, W-F; Søegaard, K and Eriksen, J (2016) Diversity promotes production of ryegrass-clover leys through inclusion of competitive forb species. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 21, pp. 557-559.

Cong, W.-F.; Christensen, B.T. and Eriksen, J. (2018) Soil P and K availability defines below-ground biomass allocation of grass-legume leys. In: Proceedings, p. 33.

Cong, W.-F.; Jing, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2017) Inclusion of caraway in the ryegrass-red clover mixture modifies soil microbial community composition. In: Proceedings.

Cong, W.-F.; Meyer, V.; Klitgaard, G.; Grønbæk, O. and Eriksen, J. (2019) Breeding forb species for intensively managed multi-species mixtures. In: Grassland Science in Europe, European Grassland Federation. [In Press]

Connolly, Liam and McDonnell, James (2008) Financial Performance of Organic Cattle Farming. In: Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Ireland, pp. 97-106.

Constancis, Caroline; Chartier, Christophe; Channaux, Vicky and Ravinet, Nadine (2022) Gastrointestinal nematode infection during the second grazing season of heifers reared with nurse cows during the first grazing season in France. Speech at: ICOPA, 21-26/08/2022.

Constancis, Caroline; Hellec, Florence; Brunet, Laurent; Brisseau, Nadine; Lehebel, Anne; Chauvin, Alain; Bareille, Nathalie; Chartier, Christophe and Ravinet, Nadine (2022) Performance and health status of dairy calves reared with nurse cows, a 2-year study involving 3 cohorts. Speech at: IFOAM, 09/2020.

Constancis, Caroline; Leligois, Morgane; Brisseau, Nadine; Lehebel, Anne; Chauvin, Alain; Chartier, Christophe and Ravinet, Nadine (2021) Suckling Dairy Calves/Nurse Cows System And Risk Of Gastrointestinal Nematodes Infection During The First Grazing Season In Organic Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Conte, Dr. Luca and Chiarini, Dr. Francesca (2008) The two-spotted spider mite can be controlled by water. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Cooper, J. M.; Schmidt, C. S.; Lueck, L.; Shotton, P. N.; Turnbull, C. and Leifert, C. (2007) Effect of organic, low-input and conventional production systems on yield and diseases in winter barley. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Cooper, J.M.; Schmidt, C.S.; Lueck, L.; Shotton, P.N. and Leifert, C. (2008) Effects of crop management factors and the environment on pest and disease incidence in vegetables. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Cooper, Julia M. and Melchett, Peter (2008) Should organic farmers be rewarded for sequestering C in soil? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Cooper, J.M.; Baranski, M.; Nobel de Lange, M.; BARBERI, P.; Fliessbach, A.; Peigne, J.; Berner, A.; Brock, C.; Casagrande, M.; Crowley, O.; Davide, C.; De Vliegher, Alex; Döring, Thomas F.; Entz, M.; Grosse, M.; Haase, T.; Halde, C.; Hammerl, V.; Huiting, H.; Leithold, G.; Messmer, M.; Schloter, M.; Sukkel, M.; van der Heijden, M.; Willekens, K.; Wittwer, R. and Mäder, Paul (2014) Effects of reduced tillage in organic farming on yield, weeds and soil carbon: meta-analysis results from the TILMAN-ORG project. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1163-1166.

Cooper, Julia; Baranski, Marcin; Nobel de Lange, Majimcha; Gattinger, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2013) Using reduced tillage and green manures in organic systems – what is the research telling us? Paper at: Organic Producers' Conference, Birmingham, UK, January 22-23. [Completed]

Cooper, Julia; Loes, Anne-Kristin; Hörtenhuber, Stefan; Mäder, Paul; Magid, Jakob; Oberson, Astrid and Möller, Kurt (2016) Meeting P Demand in European organic farms: Is it time to change the Standard? In: Proceedings of ESA 14 - Growing landscapes - Cultivating innovative agricultural systems, 5-9 September 2016, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.

Coppola, F.; Haugaard-Nielsen, H.; Bastianoni, S. and Østergård, H. (2008) Sustainability assessment of wheat production using Emergy. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Coquil, Xavier; Fiorelli, Jean-Louis; Bazard, Claude; Foissy, Damien; Trommenschlager, Jean-Marie and Blouet, André (2006) Prototyping organic mixed crop-dairy systems at a local scale: a multi-attribute approach. Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark.

Coquil, Xavier; Fiorelli, Jean-Louis; Bazard, Claude; Foissy, Damien; Trommenschlager, Jean-Marie and Blouet, André (2006) Prototyping organic mixed crop-dairy systems at a local scale : a multi-attribute approach. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Coquil, Xavier; Foissy, Damien; Trommenschlager, Jean-Marie; Bazard, Claude; Delaby, Luc and Despres, Ségolène (2008) Towards nitrogen self-sufficiency in mixed crop organic dairy systems: legumes and protein-rich plants contributions. Grassland Science in Europe, Uppsala, Sweden.

Cormack, W F (2006) Constraints to the sustainability of a stockless arable rotation. Paper at: What can organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 18-20 September 2006. [Unpublished]

Cormack, William F (2002) Effect of mowing a legume fertility-building crop on shoot numbers of creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop.). In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 225-226.

Cornish, P. S. (2007) Phosphorus Management on ‘Extensive' Organic Farms with Infertile Soils. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Cornish, Peter and Obersen, Astrid (2008) New Approaches to Phosphorus Regulation and Management. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Viguier, Loïc; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Canali, Stefano; Campanelli, Gabriele; Carton, Nicolas; Krauss, Maike and Lefevre, Amélie (2021) Combination Of Temporal And Spatial Diversification In Organic Systems In Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Sukkel, Wijnand; Schmaedeke, Frank; Arlotti, Donatienne; Toque, Clotilde; Vandevalle, Aline; Jensen, Erik; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Krauss, Maike; Campanelli, Gabriele; Lefèvre, Amélie; Dauber, Jens; Tebbe, Christoph; Cuperus, Fogelina and Canali, Stefano (2018) Combination of Spatial and Temporal Diversification in European Cropping Systems. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 145-146.

Costa, Dr Cecilia; Lodesani, Dr Marco; Serra, Dr Giorgia; Colombo, Mr Roberto and Sabatini, Dr Anna Gloria (2008) Survey of acaricide residues in Italian organic and conventional beeswax. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Costa, Sandrine; Zepeda, Lydia and Sirieix, Lucie (2012) Exploring the status value of organic food. 8. Congrès de l'Association Française de Marketing, Brest, France.

Costa, Sandrine; Zepeda, Lydia and Sirieix, Lucie (2011) Exploring the social value of organic food. 5. International Consumer Sciences Research Conference (ICSRC), Bonn, Germany.

Costa, Cristina Amaro ; Correia, Paula; Correia, Helena Esteves; Guiné, Raquel; Rodrigues, Pedro; Teixeira, Daniela; Guerra, Luis Touriño and Basile, Salvatori (2014) FAMILY AND ORGANIC FARMING. NEW APPRENTICESHIP TECHNOLOGIES THROUGH M-LEARNING. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Costantini, E.A.C.; Priori, S.; Akca, S.; Castaldini, M.; D'Avino, L.; Fulchin, E.; Gagnarli, E.; Giffard, B.; Kìraz, M.E.; Lagomarsino, A.; Landi, S.; Martensson, A.; Pellegrini, S.; Perria, R.; Puccioni, S.; Schroers, H.J.; Simoni, S.; Storchi, P.; Tangolar, S.; Tardaguila, J.; Valboa, G. and Zombardo, A. (2017) Effects of reduced soil functionality in European vineyards. Speech at: EGU 2017, Vienna, 23-28 April 2017.

Costanzo, Ambrogio; Bickler, Charlotte; Amos, Dominic and Trump, Andrew (2021) A Participatory Wheat Variety Testing Programme With British Organic Farmers. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Costanzo, Ambrogio and Bàrberi, Paolo (2014) A FUNCTIONAL AGROBIODIVERSITY APPROACH TO IMPROVE ORGANIC WHEAT PRODUCTION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 753-756.

Costigan, Peter (2002) UK organic research funding – scope and aims. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 1-6.

Coulibaly, Mamadou; Beye, Aminata; Traoré, Linda Cletchio Gabriella; Roessler, Regina; Coulibaly, Hawa; Coulibaly, Drissa; Mbaye, Tamsir; Fall Ba, Mariéme; Sanon, Hadja; Sanou, Sita; Schlecht, Eva and Heckendorn, Felix (2023) Efficacy of two anthelmintics against gastrointestinal nematodes of sheep in the silvopastoral zone of Senegal, Mali and Burkina Faso. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 358-359.

Cournut, Sylvie and Chauvat, Sophie (2021) Taking work into account in the production of benchmarks in organic livestock farming. 2nd International Symposium on Work in Agriculture. Thinking the future of work in agriculture, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Cramer, Ina (2014) Beef production for organic markets - A future for Namibian family farms?! Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Creemers, P.; Van Laer, S.; Van Mechelen, A.; Vorstermans, B. and Hauke, K. (2008) Evaluation of the users value of salts against apple scab and powdery mildew for fruit production. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 76-81.

Criado, Marco; Plaza, Javier; Muñoz Centeno, Luz María; Delgado, Luis; Palacios, Carlos; Amor, Angel and Nilda Sanchez, Maria (2021) Bioecological Function As An Added Value Of Agrosilvopastoral Ecosystems. Case Study In A Spanish Dehesa. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Crichton, S.O.J.; Hurlbert, A. and Sturm, B. (2015) Moisture content measurement in dried apple produce through visible wavelength hyperspectral imaging. Paper at: 2015 ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, July 26 – 29, 2015.

Crichton, S.O.J.; Münsterer, J.; Kammhuber, K. and Sturm, B. (2016) Measurement of hop moisture content and chromaticity during drying with VNIR hyperspectral imaging. Paper at: CIGR – AgEng 2016, Aarhus, Denmark, 26.-29.06.2016.

Crossland, Mary; Fradgley, Nick; Creissen, Henry; Howlett, Sally; Baresel, Jörg Peter; Finckh, Maria R. and Girling, Robbie (2015) An online toolbox for cover crops and living mulches. In: Aspects of Applied Biology , 129, pp. 1-6.

Crossland, Mary and Westaway, Sally (2015) Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations (OSCAR)-farm Testing of Cover Crop Species Mixes. Poster at: AAB: Getting the Most out of Cover Crops, Marston Lincs, UK, 24-25 June 2015.

Crowley, Oliver; Döring, Thomas F. and Measures, Mark (2012) Using minimum tillage to improve the efficiency of ecosystem service delivery on organic farms. In: McCracken, K (Ed.) Agriculture and the Environment IX, Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions, pp. 169-174.


Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Krus, Anne; Torres Llerena, Guido; Barrientos, Antonio; Cerro, Jaime and Valero, Constantino (2022) ROBOFERT: Human - Robot Advanced Interface for Robotic Fertilization Process. In: Trends in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Engineering, Springer, 407, pp. 60-73.

Cruz Uribe, Fabian and Prieto Cristancho, Carolina (2014) Approach to the assessment of sustainability in organic livestock farms in a Colombian Andean region. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 159-162.

Csáki, Tamás and Drexler, Dora (2014) HUNGARIAN ON-FARM RESEARCH PROGRAM FOR VARROA CONTROL IN ORGANIC BEEKEEPING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 583-586.

Cuijpers, W.J.M.; Smeding, F.; Amsing, J.; Postma, J. and Koopmans, C.J. (2005) Effect of organic fertilizers on regeneration of biodiversity after soil steaming in organic glasshouses. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Cuijpers, W.J.M.; Voogt, W. and Koopmans, C.J. (2005) Balancing fertilization strategy with crop requirements in organic greenhouse cultivation of sweet pepper. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Cuijpers, Ir. W.J.M.; van der Burgt, Ir. G.J.H.M. and Voogt, Dr. W. (2008) Nitrogen balances in Dutch organic greenhouse production. In: Conference proceedings.

Cuijpers, Willemijn and Burgt, Geert-Jan H.M. (2013) Effect of Field Treatments against Root-Knot Nematodes on Soil Suppressiveness against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. linii. Poster at: 2nd International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, Avignon, France, October 28-31, 2013.

Cuoco, Eduardo (2014) The European Innovation Partnership. Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Cuoco, Eduardo (2014) What is TP Organics? Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Cuoco, Eduardo and Basile, Salvatore (2014) BIO-DISTRICTS to boost organic production. Speech at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Curran, Michael (2022) Research paradigms and the assessment of food system sustainability. In: Proceedings of the XIV International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics.

Curran, Michael; Willer, Helga; Trávníček, Jan; Schlatter, Bernhard and Egger, Moritz (2023) Organic fruit and vegetables: From market trends to sustainability assessment and reporting. Keynote presentation at: Biofruit Congress at Fruit Attraction, Madrid, Spain, 3 October 2023. [Completed]

Curran, Michael; Grenz, Jan; Schader, Christian; Grovermann, Christian; Frick, Rebekka; Obrist, Robert; Wyss, Rebekka; Mann, Stefan and Stolze, Matthias (2018) Towards an operational framework for farm sustainability assessment and payment allocation under the CAP. Poster at: 166th EAAE Seminar on Sustainability in the Agri-Food Sector (European Association of Agricultural Economics), National University of Ireland, Galway, 30 - 31 August 2018. [Completed]

Curto, G.; Reggian, A.; Vergnani, S.; Caruso, S. and Ladurner, E. (2008) Effectiveness of entomopathogenic nematodes in the control of Cydia pomonella larvae in Northern Italy. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 271-276.

Custodio, Henry and Villegas, Pablito (2014) Cooperative Enterprise Development Via Nucleus and Satellite Organic Farm Clustering and Value Chain Modalities. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Cuttle, S P (2006) Development of the FBC model to estimate the nitrogen available from fertility -building crops in organic rotations. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 259-262.

Cuttle, Stephen P (2002) Nutrient budgets as a tool for researchers and farmers. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 153-156.

Cuvardic, Assoc. Prof. Maja; Seremesic, M.Sc. Srdjan and Novakovic, Dipl. ing. Nenad (2006) Soil Fertility in Organic Farming in the First Years After Transition. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Czaban, Weronika; Clement, Corentin; Han, Eusun; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) The effect of Intercropping on the Deep Root Development and Nutrient Uptake in a Sugar Beet – Chicory Mixture. Poster at: 10th symposium for the international society of root research, Israel, July 2018. [draft]

D'Aimmo, M. R.; Modesto, M.; Stefanini, I.; Mazzoni, M.; Trevisi, P.; Tittarelli, C.; Bosi, P. and Biavati, B. (2006) Effect of probiotic inocula and/or nutribiotics on the population density of lactic acid bacteria in the intestine of weaning pigs. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Dabbert, S. (2000) Organic farming and the Common Agricultural Policy: A European Perspective. In: Alföldi, Th.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proccedings of the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, pp. 611-614.

Dabbert, S.; Stolze, M.; Häring, A.M. and Piorr, A. (2000) A policy relevant assessment of the environmental impacts of organic farming. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic, Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, pp. 148-151.

Dabbert, S.; Zanoli, R. and Lampkin, N. (2001) Elements of a European Action Plan for Organic Farming. In: Proceedings of the European Conference – Organic Food and Farming, The Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, pp. 149-161.

Dabbert, Prof. Dr. Stephan; Lippert, Dr. Christian; Schulz, Ms. Tatjana and Zorn, Mr. Alexander (2008) CERTCOST – Economic Analysis of Certification Systems for Organic Food and Farming at EU level. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Dafermos, N.G.; Kasselaki, A.M.; Malathrakis, N.E. and Leifert, C. (2007) Integration of fertility management, cultivar selection and alternative spray treatments to optimize control of foliar diseases of greenhouse grown tomatoes. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Dagostin, Silvia; Ferrari, Alessandro and Pertot, Ilaria (2006) Integration of different control measures to maximise disease control of Plasmopara viticola in Italian organic viticulture. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Dahlmann, Christoph and von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter (2006) Influence of different seed rates, sowing techniques and N supply on grain yield and quality parameters in intercropping systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Dakpo, Herve; Laignel, Gabriel; Roulenc, Marielle and Benoit, Marc (2014) Ex-post evaluation of GHG emissions and energy consumption in organic and conventional meat SHEEP farms in France over 26 years. 18. IFOAM Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey.

Dakpo, Hervé; LAIGNEL, Gabriel and Benoit, Marc (2014) EX-POST EVALUATION OF GHG EMISSIONS AND ENERGY CONSUMPTION IN ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL MEAT SHEEP FARMS IN FRANCE OVER 26 YEARS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 323-326.

Dalgaard, R.; Halberg, N.; Kristensen, I.S. and Larsen, I. (2004) An LC inventory based on representative and coherent farm types. In: Halberg, N. (Ed.) Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (61), DIAS Report, Animal Husbandry, pp. 98-106.

Dalgaard, Tommy; Haugaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kjeldsen, Chris; Kristensen, Inge; Jørgensen, Uffe and Pugesgaard, Siri (2009) Synergies between the expansion of biogas production and organic farming. In: Energy Conversion from Biomass Production. NJF Report nr.3. vol 5, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Sweden, pp. 36-37.

Dalgaard, Tommy; Jørgensen, Uffe and Kristensen, Inge (2006) Visions for organic bioenergy production in Denmark. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Dalgaard, T. (2013) Transition to renewable resources - energy balance comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems and potentials for the mitigation of fossil resource use. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 19-22.

Dalgaard, Tommy; Jørgensen, Uffe; Kristensen, I.T.; Gylling, M.; Dejgaard, J.; Dubgaard, Alex; Kjeldsen, Chris; Hermansen, J.E.; Turner, K.G.; Christen, Ben and Andersen, P.S. (2012) Concepts for a multi-criteria sustainability assessment of a new more biobased economy in rural production landscapes. Paper at: International Farming Systems Association Conference, Aarhus, Denmark, July 1-4.

Daniel, C. and Wyss, E. (2008) Field applications of entomopathogenic fungi against Rhagoletis cerasi. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 87-92.

Daniel, Claudia; Linder, Christian and Wyss, Eric (2006) Autumn applications of sulphur – a new approach to control the pear leaf blister mite Eriophyes pyri. [Herbstapplikationen mit Schwefel – eine neue Möglichkeit zur Bekämpfung der Birnenpockenmilbe Eriophyes pyri.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 47-54.

Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric (2004) Efficacy of different insecticides and a repellent against the European pear sucker (Cacopsylla pyri). [Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide und Repellentien gegen den Gemeinen Birnenblattsauger (Cacopsylla pyri).] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 35-40.

Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric (2004) Wirkung verschiedener Insektizide und Repellentien gegen den Gemeinen Birnenblattsauger (Cacopsylla pyri). [Efficacy of different insecticides and a repellent against the European pear sucker (Cacopsylla pyri).] In: Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V.: 11th Conference on Cultivation Technique und Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit Growing. Proceedings to the Conference February 3rd to 5th 2004 at Weinsberg / Germany. D-Weinsberg.

DANIEL, Maud; SIRIEIX, Lucie and BRICAS, Nicolas (2008) CONSUMERS PERCEPTIONS OF COMBINED “FAIR TRADE” AND “ORGANIC AGRICULTURE” LABELS ON FOOD PRODUCTS. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Daniel, Claudia (2015) Olfactometer screening of essential oils against the pollen beetle (Meligethes sp.). Poster at: XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress, Berlin, 24–27 August 2015.

Daniel, Claudia (2014) Experiences of integrated management of European Cherry Fruit Fly (Rhagoletis cerasi) and how to utilize this knowledge for Sea Buckthorn Fly. Paper at: 3rd European Workshop on Sea Buckthorn, EuroWorkS 2014, Naantali, Finland, 14-16 October 2014.

Daniel, Claudia (2014) OLFACTOMETER SCREENING OF REPELLENT ESSENTIAL OILS AGAINST THE POLLEN BEETLE (MELIGETHES SPP.). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1035-1038.

Daniel, Claudia (2014) Olfactometer screening of repellent essential oils against the pollen beetle (Meligethes spp.). Poster at: Xth European Congress of Entomology, York, UK, 3-8 August 2014.

Daniel, Joy (2014) Sustainable Partnerships - Partnerships among Small Farmers for Sustainable Livelihoods. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Danielsson, Hanna; Nadeau, Elisabet; Gustavsson, Anne-Maj; Jensen, Søren K.; Soegaard, Karen and Nilsdotter-Linde, Nilla (2008) Contents of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in grasses and legumes harvested at different maturities. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 13, pp. 432-434.

Dapena de la Fuente, Enrique and Fernández-Ceballos, Alfonso (2008) Thinning of Organic Apple Production with Potassic Soap and Calcium Polysulfide at the North of Spain. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 319-323.

Dardonville, Manon; Bockstaller, Christian; Legrand, Baptiste and Therond, Olivier (2019) Quantifying ecosystem capacity, modulation by agricultural practices and actual use of ecosystem services by farmers. World conference of Ecosystem Services Partnership, Hannover, France.

Darlong, Vincent (2008) Harmonizing Jhum (Shifting Cultivation) with PGS Organic Standards in Northeast India: Key features and characteristics of Jhum for process harmonization. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Darnhofer, Ika (2006) Organic farming at the heart of the rural development policy. The example of Austria. [Organic farming at the heart of the rural development policy. The example of Austria.] In: Proceedings, pp. 712-713.

Darnhofer, Ika (2006) Organic farming between professionalisation and conventionalisation - The need for a more discerning view of farmer practices. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Darnhofer, Ika and Bellon, Stéphane (2009) Conventionalisation? Organic farming bites back! Workshop at: XXIII ESRS Congress, Vaasa (Finland), 17-21 Aug. 2009. [Completed]

Darolt, Dr. Moacir Roberto and Constanty, Hadrien (2008) Producers and Consumers Relationship Strategies in the Organic Market in Brazil. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Dashbaljir, Ichinkhorloo; Liebhard, P.; Hartl, W.; Loeschenberger, F. and Weinhappel, M. (2005) Genotype and environment interaction on yield and quality parameters of organically grown winter wheat – Triticum aestivum L. genotypes. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]


Dassou, Anicet Gbèblonoudo; Vodouhe, Simplice Davo and Bokonon-Ganta, Aimé (2018) Influence of the cultivated plant diversity on the abundance of arthropod trophic groups and Helicoverpa armigera biological control in tomato cropping systems in Benin. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 231-234.

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Halpin, Darren (2008) Governing growth in organic farming: The evolving capacities of organic groups in the United Kingdom and Denmark. Paper at: 58th PSA annual conference, Swansea University, 1-3 April 2008. [Completed]

Daugbjerg, Carsten; Tranter, Richard and Holloway, Garth (2008) Organic farming policies and the growth of the organic sector in Denmark and the UK: a comparative analysis. Paper at: XIIth EAAE Congress, Ghent, Belgium, August 26-29, 2008. [Unpublished]

Daugbjerg, Carsten and Sønderskov, Kim Mannemar (2009) Environmental Policy Performance Revisited: Do Organic Food Policies Matter for Sustainable Consumption-5th ECPR General Conference. In: Environmental Policy Performance Revisited: Do Organic Food Policies Matter for Sustainable Consumption. [Unpublished]

David, C. (2006) Adapting precision farming principles to organic crop production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, 30-31 May.

David, C.; Jeuffroy, M.H. and Meynard, J.M. (2005) Nitrogen management of organic winter wheat Decision-making through model-based explorations. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

David, Christophe (2009) CORE Organic pilot project AGTEC-Org - presentation at mid-term: AGronomical and TEChnological methods to improve wheat quality. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

David, Christophe; Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène; Valentin Morison, Muriel and Herbain, Céline (2007) Improvement of the soil-crop model AZODYN under conventional, low-input and organic conditions. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

David, C. (2011) AGTEC-Org. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

David, Christophe; Celette, Florian; Abecassis, Joël; Carcea, Marina; Friedel, Jürgen K.; Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Messmer, Monika; Peigne, Joséphine; Samson, Marie-Françoise; Schweinzer, Agnes; Thomsen, I.K. and Thommen, Andreas (2011) New challenges to improve organic bread wheat production in Europe. Lecture at: 3rd ISOFAR Scientific Conference, Gyeonggi Paldang, South Korea, September 26-October 5 2011. [In Press]

David, Wahyudi; Darwin, Charles and Kasim, Anwar (2014) Preservative agent of Indigenous plants in Sumatra Picung (Pangium Edule Renw) as Traditional food Preservative. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Isanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Davies, D H Ken; Hoad, Steve and Boyd, Laura (2002) WECOF: A new project developing enhanced weed control through improved crop and plant architecture. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 299-302.

Davies, G (2006) Organic principles and research: What implications the new IFOAM principles of organic agriculture? In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 79-82.

Davies, G; Turner, R; Bond, B and Gibbon, D (2006) Knowledge development for organic systems: An example of weed management. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 107-110.

Davies, Gareth and Jones, Catherine (2002) The effect of organic amendments on clubroot (Plasmodiophora brassicae). In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 223-224.

Davison, Nicholas; Smith, L.; Gredler-Grandl, B.; van Zanten, H.H.E.; Parodi, A.; Newbold, J.R.; Ramos, Carolina; Estellés, Fernando; Röös, Elin; Fernández-Fígares, Ignazio; Nieto, Rosa; Pfeifer, C.; Fontanesi, L.; Moretti, Michele; Lopez-Francos, Antonio; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Romero-Helva, M.; Schlageter Tello, A. A.; Rivelli, Ines and Yanez-Ruiz, D. R. (2023) Re-Livestock – Facilitating innovations for resilient livestock farming systems. Paper at: Agroecology Europe Forum, Gyöngyös, Hungary, 16 - 18 November 2023. [Completed]

Dawson, J.C.; Murphy, K.M. and Jones, S.S. (2008) Breeding for nitrogen use efficiency in organic wheat systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Dawson, Julie; Mavindidze, Peter and Fehér, Judit (2021) How to increase the resilience of the agroecosystems with the use of seed diversity. Keynote presentation at: OWC 2021 Pre-Conference: Seed Ambassadors - Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems, France, Rennes, 6-7 September 2021. [Completed]

De Cock, L.; Dessein, J. and de Krom, M.P.M.M. (2013) Impact of the dynamics of discourses on the development of organic farming in Flanders. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 149-150.

De Cock, Lieve; Landuyt, Carmen and Jamart, An (2014) The Flemish Organic Research & Knowledge Network: bridging research and practice for organic food and farming in Flanders. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

de Gode, Ron; Peigne, Joséphine; Fliessbach, Andreas and Brussaard, Lijbert (2018) Effect of reduced tillage in organic farming on soil structure measured by non-destructive X-ray computed tomography in two long-term experimental field trials. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, 20 (14741), p. 1.

De Luca, Kevin and Müller, Adrian (2024) SOFA 2024 – Swiss Case Study. Paper at: Expert Review Workshop, Rom, Italy and online, 4.4.2024. [Completed]

De Notaris, Chiara (2023) Agroecological practices for climate change mitigation.

De Notaris, Chiara; Mortensen, Esben; Liang, Zhi; Chiriacò, Maria Vincenza and Rasmussen, Jim (2023) Carbon and nitrogen services from cover crops are optimized by including legumes in mixtures. Speech at: EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, 23-28 April 2023.

De Notaris, Chiara; Mortensen, Esben Øster; Peixoto, Leanne and Rasmussen, Jim (2024) Predicting cover crop nitrogen residual effect to optimize fertilizer reductions. XXII N workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 17-21 June 2024. [Submitted]

De Notaris, Chiara; Sørensen, Peter; Rasmussen, Jim and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) N fertilizer value of legume-based catch crops. Poster at: 20th Nitrogen workshop, Rennes, France, 24-27 June 2018. [Unpublished]

De Notaris, Chiara; Sørensen, Peter; Rasmussen, Jim and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2016) Row spacing and catch crop establishment in organic arable systems: a way to increase biological N fixation. Poster at: ESA14, Edinburgh, 5-9 September 2016.

de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel (2019) Workshop "The Contribution of Organic Agriculture to the SDGs: Scientific evidence from comparative research". Workshop at: The Contribution of Organic Agriculture to the SDGs: Scientific evidence from comparative research, Brussels, February 26, 2019. [Completed]

de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel and Quiédeville, Sylvain (2018) Food systems and farmers’ bargaining power: The case of "Unfair Trade Practices" in the EU. In: Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium, Theme 5: Sustainable agrifood systems, value chains and power structures. 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Greece.

De Santis, Giuseppe (2021) Participatory Research As A Key Factor For The Transition Of Farming In Organic Rice. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

De Smet, Jeroen; Crauwels, Sam; Sandrock, Christoph and Van Campenhout, Leen (2021) The impact of genotype-environment interactions on the microbiota in the larvae of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). In: Book of Abstracts. INSECTA 2021 International Conference, 8th-9th September 2021, Magdeburg, Germany, Leibniz-Institut für Argartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V., Potsdam, Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, no. 105.

De Tourdonnet, Stéphane; Triomphe, Bernard and Scopel, Eric (2010) Ecological, technical and social innovation processes in conservation agriculture research position and first results of the ANR funded program PEPITES. ISDA 2010 Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

De Tourdonnet, Stéphane; Triomphe, Bernard and Scopel, Eric (2010) ECOLOGICAL, TECHNICAL AND SOCIAL INNOVATION PROCESSES IN CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE RESEARCH POSITION AND FIRST RESULTS OF THE ANR FUNDED PROGRAM PEPITES. Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

de Wit, Jan and de Vries, Anneke (2008) Feed composition and strategies to improve poly-unsaturated fatty acid levels in organic cow milk. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

de Wit, Jan; Verhoog, Henk and Prins, Udo (2006) Why regionality is an important value in organic agriculture: the case of the Netherlands. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

de Wit, Jan; Wagenaar, Jan Paul; de Vries, Anneke and Baars, Ton (2006) Milk fatty acids in relation to feeding practices on Dutch organic farms. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

de Wit, Jan; van Eekeren, Nick; Wagenaar, Jan-Paul and Smeding, Frans (2014) SPECIES IDENTITY IMPORTANT TO ACHIEVE BENEFITS OF DIVERSE GRASSLAND MIXTURES. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 803-806.

Deane, Joanne C; Warren, John; Findlay, Liz; Dagleish, Mark P; Cork, Susan C; Jackson, Frank and Keatinge, Ray (2002) The effect of Cichorium intybus and Lotus corniculatus on nematode burdens and production in grazed lambs. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 89-92.

debode, Frédéric and burny, Philippe (2013) Development of organic farming in Wallonia : past, present and perspectives. Paper at: VI International scientific symposium "Farm machinery and processes management in sustainable agriculture, Lublin, Poland, 2013.

DEBODE, Frédéric and BURNY, Philippe (2013) Organic farming, a business perspective. Paper at: Advanced study school "The emergence of green businesses by the activation of economic competitiveness' innovative potential within the matrix of sustainable development, Bucharest, Roumanie, 23/10/2013 - 06/11/2013.

Déchaux, C. and Pradel, M. (2016) LCA applied to residual organic fertilizing materials - An overview of emission inventory data at the spreading operation. [ACV appliquée aux matières fertilisantes d'origine résiduaire - Aperçu des données d'émission à l'étape d'épandage.] Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization, Cetraro, Italy.

Decruyenaere, Virginie; Faux, Anne-Michelle; Farinelle, Arnaud and Stilmant, Didier (2017) Nutritive value and legume content of multi-species swards managed under four cuts per year on organic farming. In: Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands: major drivers and future scenarios. Proceedings of the 19th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, 22, pp. 146-148.

Dedeurwaerdere, Tom (2011) Evaluating Resource Use in Low Input Systems. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Deegbe, Patrick (2014) Organic exports from Africa to Europe. The experience of small scale farmers from Ghana. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Del Cueto, J.; Stefani, P. and Christen, D. (2019) Evaluation of Monilinia fructicola on apricot fruits. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2019. [Completed]

Del Cueto, J.; Stefani, P.; Oberhänsli, T.; Roch, G.; Brun, L.; Audergon, J.-M. and Christen, D. (2019) Different methods of evaluation of Monilinia laxa on apricot flowers and branches. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2019. [Completed]

del Pino, Mariana; Nico, Andres; Granitto, Georgina; Gamboa, Susana and Pineda, Carlos (2014) Evaluation of tomato varieties for their use by small organic farmers in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1-4. [Completed]

Delanoue, Elsa; Roguet, Christine and Dockès, Anne-Charlotte (2021) Livestock Farming Systems And The French Society: Key Controversies And Expectations. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Delate, Kathleen; Cambardella, Cindy; Nunes, Marcio; Chase, Craig and Turnbull, Robert (2022) Long-Term Organic Experiments in the U.S.- focus on the Iowa LTAR. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Delate, Dr. Kathleen; Cambardella, Dr. Cindy; Chase, Dr. Craig and Turnbull, Robert (2008) Beneficial System Outcomes in Organic Fields at the Long-Term Agroecological Research (LTAR) Site, Greenfield, Iowa, USA. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Deleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2005) The challenge of producing organic vegetable seeds of high quality in Denmark. In: Congress Handbook of 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress.

Deleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2005) Seed to seed - strenghtening the agricultural production in rural communities. In: Congress Handbook of 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, IFOAM Abstracts, p. 39.

Deleuran, L.C. and Boelt, B. (2000) Utilization of forage cuts in organic grass seed production. In: Proceedings of the 18th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, pp. 552-554.

Delhez, Laura; Dumont, Clément; Vandewattyne, Félix and Longdoz, Bernard (2020) TADA, a mechanistic model for carbon, nitrogen and water cycle in cropland and grassland ecosystems. ICROPM2020: Second International Crop Modelling Symposium, Montpellier, France.

Delmotte, Sylvestre; Lopez Ridaura, Santiago; Barbier, Jean Marc and Wéry, Jacques (2012) Combining modeling approaches for participatory integrated assessment of scenarios for agricultural systems: an application to cereal production systems in Camargue, South of France. 10. European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, Aarhus, Denmark.

Delmotte, Sylvestre; Lopez Ridaura, Santiago; Barbier, Jean Marc and Wery, Jacques (2010) Integrated analysis of the extension of organic agriculture in the Camargue: a participatory approach for model-based indicators at different scales. 9. European IFSA Symposium, Vienne, Austria.

Delmotte, Sylvestre; Lopez Ridaura, Santiago; Barbier, Jean Marc and Wery, Jacques (2010) How to evaluate the impacts of the extension of alternative farming systems at regional scale? Scenario analysis of organic agriculture in the Camargue. ISDA 2010 Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Delmotte, Sylvestre; Lopez Ridaura, Santiago; Goulevant, Gaël; Mouret, Jean-Claude; Le Page, Christophe; Chauvelon, Philippe; Sandoz, Alain; Barbier, Jean Marc and Wéry, Jacques (2011) Combining different modelling approaches for a participative assessment of alternative agricultural systems at different scales. 5. World Congress on Conservation Agriculture, Brisbane, Australia.

Delmotte, Sylvestre; Lopez-Ridaura, Santiago; Barbier, Jean-Marc and Wery, Jacques (2010) HOW TO EVALUATE THE IMPACTS OF THE EXTENSION OF INNOVATIVE FARMING SYSTEMS AT THE REGIONAL SCALE? SCENARIO ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN THE CAMARGUE. Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Deloire, Alain; Ojeda, Hernan; Federspiel, Brigitte; Kraeva, Elena and Andary, Claude (2002) Grapevine Berry Phenolic Compounds in Relation with Plant Water Status. [Phenolische Substanzen in Weinbeeren in Abhängigkeit von der Wasserversorgung.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 133-135.

den Herder, Michael; Smith, Laurence; Arguile, Lisa; Dumper-Pollard, Rowan; Borek, Robert; Syp, Alina; Pisanelli, Andrea; Consalvo, Claudia; Rois-Diaz, Mercedes; Mignon, Sandor; Gliga, Adrian; Wustenberghs, Hilde; Alonso Adame, Alba; Michel-Villarreal, Rosario; Tiilikainen, Antti; Orfanidou, Timokleia and Holzner, Valerie (2022) Incorporating ecosystem services in evaluating the sustainability of innovative organic farming systems using the Public Goods tool. In: EURAF 2022 - Book of Abstracts.

Dennert, Francesca; Schneider, Jana; Imperiali, Nicola; Mavrodi, Dmitri V; Mavrodi, Olga V; Mascher, Fabio; Mäder, Paul; Charles, Raphael; Keel, Christoph and Maurhofer, Monika (2016) Abundance of plant beneficial pseudomonads in the rhizosphere of winter wheat grown in different agricultural management systems. In: Proceedings of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group "Biological and Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens", 117, IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, pp. 144-148.

Denver, Sigrid and Christensen, Tove (2007) Organic consumption in three European countries. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Denver, Sigrid; Nordström, Jonas and Christensen, Tove (2018) Increase in organic consumption and dietary health – a dynamic approach. Paper at: International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Bournemouth, 13-14 June 2018.

Desclaux, D.; Chiffoleau, Y.; Dreyfus, F. and Mouret, J.C. (2003) Cereal cultivars innovations adapted to organic production: A new challenge. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. and Wilbois, K.P. (Eds.) Proceedings of ECO-PB 1rst International symposium on organic seed production and plant breeding., pp. 64-65.

Desclaux, D. (2005) Participatory Plant Breeding Methods for Organic Cereals. In: Lammerts Van Bueren, E.T. and Ostergard, H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on Organic Plant Breeding Strategies and the Use of Molecular Markers, pp. 17-23.

Desclaux, D.; Nolot, J.M.; Triboulet, P.; Lorentz, B. and Chiffoleau, Yuna (2010) NEEDED COMPLEMENTARITY OF ACTORS FOR VARIETY INNOVATION. Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Desclaux, Dominique (2021) Agroforestry - Organic - ParticipatoryHow To Cluster These Terms In A Plant Breeding Program? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Desclaux, Dominique (2021) Organic Seeds Of The Future: Simple Material? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Desclaux, Dominique and Bernicot, Marie-Hélène (2021) Organic Seeds And Varieties In France: An Offer To Be Developed. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Desclaux, Dominique; Nolot, Jean Marie; Triboulet, Pierre; Lorentz, Bruno and Chiffoleau, Yuna (2010) Needed complementarity of actors for variety innovation. ISDA 2010 Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Detterbeck, Amelie; Infurna, Matteo Giuseppe; Di Bella, Maria Concetta; Nigro, Sebastian; Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent and Branca, Ferdinando (2021) The effect of microorganism application on organic seed production of broccoli and cauliflower cultivars grown in Sicily. Poster at: III International Organic Fruit Symposium and I Organic Vegetable Symposium, Catania (Italy), December 14-17, 2021.

Devakumar, N.; Shubha, S.; Gowder, S.B. and Rao, G.G.E. (2014) Microbial analytical studies of traditional organic preparations beejamrutha and jeevamrutha. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 639-642.

Devakumar, N.; Shubha, S. and Rao, G.G.E. (2014) Multiplication of bio-control agents on locally available organic media. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 643-646.

Devakumar, N.; Subha, S.; Rao, G.G.E. and ImranKhan, J. (2014) Studies on Soil fertility, Cow urine and Panchagavya levels on Growth and Yield of Maize. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 627-630.

Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven; Dewitte, Kevin and Haesaert, Geert (2015) Organic field trials of winter and summer crop mixtures of grain legumes and cereals in Belgium. Poster at: COBRA Final Conference, Denmark, 24th-25th November 2015.

Dewaele, Karel; Temmerman, Femke and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Performance of winter wheat CCP’s in comparison to reference varieties in organic field trials in Belgium. Poster at: COBRA Final Conference, Denmark, 24th-25th November 2015.

Dezsény , Zoltán; Balázs, Bálint and Réthy, Katalin (2014) ALTERNATIVE DEVELOPMENT ON THE ORGANIC SECTOR HORIZON COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE IN HUNGARY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 587-590.

Dhamala, N.R.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2015) Competitive forbs in high-producing temporary grasslands with perennial ryegrass and red clover can increase plant diversity and herbage yield. In: Grassland Science in Europe, European Grassland Federation, 20, Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 209-211.

Dhamala, NR; Rasmussen, J; Carlsson, G; Søegaard, K and Eriksen, J (2016) Nitrogen fixation in red clover grown in multi-species mixtures with ryegrass, chicory, plantain and caraway. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 21, pp. 576-578.

Di Marco, S. and Osti, F. (2008) Effects of Trichoderma applications on vines grown in organic nursery. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Diarra, Moussa and Hammermeister, Andrew (2014) POTENTIAL OF CRANBERRY EXTRACTS AS IMMUNO-MODULATORY AGENT IN ORGANIC BROILER CHICKENS PRODUCTION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 121-124.

Dibet, Audrey; Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Aveline, Anne and Crozat, Yves (2006) Performance of pea, lupin and faba bean, in organic cropping systems in France. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Dibet, Audrey; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kasyanova, Elena; Ruske, Rachel; Gooding, Mike; Pristeri, Aurelio; Monti, Michele; Dahlmann, Christoph; von Fragstein, Peter; Ambus, Per; Jensen, Erik and Crozat, Yves (2006) Pea-barley intercropping for the control of weeds in European organic cropping systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Dietemann, Lauren; Rueger, Madelaine; Basler, Andreas and Willer, Helga (2023) Organic Farm Knowledge – connecting science and practice. Poster at: National Meeting on Integrated Protection, Portugal, 30 - 31 October, 2023. [Completed]

Dietemann, Lauren; Rueger, Madelaine; Cicek, Harun; Sousa, Fernando and Maennle, Julia (2022) Systematic integration of crops, shrubs and livestock in the Sahel. [Intégration systématique des cultures, des arbustes et de l’élevage au Sahel.] Poster at: World Congress on Agroforestry 2022, Québec, Canada, 17/07/2022 - 20/07/2022. [Completed]

Dietze, Klaas; Werner, Christina and Sundrum, Albert (2007) Status quo of animal health of sows and piglets in organic farms. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Dimante, Ilze and Skrabule, Ilze (2019) Value For Cultivation and Use (VCU) Protocol. For Selection of Potato Varieties Suited for Organic Farming in LATVIA. Speech at: The 4th Agronomy and Physiology Section meeting, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 01.06.2019 - 03.06.2019.

Dimitri, Carolyn and Bronsing , Christina (2014) US National Organic Standards Board: Does It Preserve The Public Voice Amidst USDA and Corporate Interests? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1175-1178.

Dinçer, Ayşe Afet (2014) AGRI-FOOD UNDER THE AFFECT OF GLOBAL NEOLIBERALISM. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Dinis, Isabel; Ortolani, Livia; Bocci, Riccardo and Brites, Claudia (2014) Organic agriculture and sustainable practices: towards a typology of innovative farmers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 745-748.

Dippel, Sabine; Bochicchio, Davide; Holinger, Mirjam; Holmes, Diane; Knop, Denise; Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Silerova, Jitka and Leeb, Christine (2014) Trough or bowl? Observers need training for assessing resource as well as clinical parameters. In: Mounier, Luc and Veissier, Isabelle (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL, p. 182.

Dippel, Sabine; Prunier, Armelle and Leeb, Christine (2010) Why observers should train clinical scoring. Poster at: 2010 SVEPM Annual Conference, Nantes, France, 26.-26.03.2010.

Disenhaus, C.; Michaud, A.; Genot, N.; Valenzisi, L.; Pomiès, D.; Martin, B.; Chassaing, C. and Le Cozler, Y. (2018) Coping with citizen demands: a field study of suckling processes in dairy herds. Lecture at: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 27-31.08.2018.

Diskin, Michel G. and Kelly, Frank (2008) Reproductive Management of Dairy Cows with Particular Reference to Organic Systems. In: Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Oakpark, pp. 26-41.

Diviš, Jiří; Bárta, Jan and Heřmanová, Veronika (2007) Nitrogenous substances in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) tubers produced under organic and conventional crop management. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Dolci, Paola and Perrin, Coline (2018) Neo-farmers: drivers of farming systems innovation and of the transition to agro-ecology? The case of Alentejo (Portugal). 13. European IFSA Symposium, Chania, Greece.

Dold, C.; DeNotaris, C.; Mortensen, Esben Øster; Rasmussen, Jim and Petersen, SO (2024) Cover crops and soil tillage differently affect N2O emissions. Workshop at: XXII N Workshop, Århus, DK, 17-21 June 2024. [Submitted]

Doltra, Jordi; Ølsen, Jørgen E. and Lægdsmand, Mette (2009) SIMULATING WINTER WHEAT YIELD AND NITROGEN LEACHING FROM ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL CROP ROTATIONS. In: Grignani, C.; Acutis, M.; Zavattaro, L.; Bechini, L.; Bertora, C.; Marino Gallina, P. and Sacco, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th Nitrogen Workshop: Connecting different scales of nitrogen use in agriculture, Università degli Studi di Torino; Università degli Studi di Milano, Turin, (Italy), pp. 519-520.

Donkó, Ádám; Miglécz, Tamás; Török, Péter; Valkó, Orsolya; Zsigrai, György and Drexler, Dora (2014) COMPARISON OF SPECIES-RICH COVER CROP MIXTURES IN HUNGARIAN WINEYARDS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, no. 20, pp. 591-594.

Donnelly, E; Robertson, J and Robinson, D (2006) Potential uses for bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) in organic agrculture. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 289-290.

Donnelly, Eric; Robertson, Jamie and Robinson, David (2002) Potential and historical Uses for bracken (Pteridium aquilinum (L.) Kuhn) in organic agriculture. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 255-256.

Döring, Thomas F. (2022) The system perspective. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Döring, Thomas F.; Baddeley, J. A.; Brown, RJ; Collins, R; Crowley, Oliver; Cuttle, Steve; McCalman, Heather; Pearce, Bruce; Roderick, Stephen; Stobart, Ron; Storkey, Jonathan; Watson, Christine; Wolfe, Martin and Jones, H E (2012) Legume based plant mixtures for delivery of multiple ecosystem services: An overview of benefits. In: McCracken, K (Ed.) Agriculture and the Environment IX, Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions, pp. 150-155.

Döring, Thomas F.; Baresel, Jörg Peter; Borgen, Anders; Finckh, Maria R.; Howlett, Sally; Ortolani, Livia; Pearce, Bruce; Pedersen, T.M. and Wolfe, Martin (2013) COBRA: a new European research project for organic plant breeding. In: Conference Booklet - Breeding for Nutrient Efficiency - Joint Meeting of EUCARPIA Section Organic & Low-Input Agriculture and EU NUE-CROPS Project. In: Becker, H.C.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Leifert, C. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (Eds.) Breeding for Nutrient Efficiency, p. 72.

Döring, Thomas F.; Storkey, Jonathan; Baddeley, J. A.; Crowley, Oliver; Howlett, S. A.; McCalman, Heather; Pearce, Helen; Roderick, Stephen and Jones, H E (2012) Legume Based Plant Mixtures for Delivery of Multiple Ecosystem Services: weed diversity and weed control. In: McCracken, K (Ed.) Agriculture and the Environment IX, Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions, pp. 169-174.

Douros, Nektarios; Angelopoulou, Fotini; Papastylianou, Panagiota; Papatheohari, Yolanda; Travlos, Ilias; Konstantas, Aris and Bilalis, Dimitrios (2014) Incorporation of Residues of the Medicinal Plant Echinacea purpurea for Weed Management in an Organic Sunflower. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 563-566.

Doyle, Chris J and Topp, Cairistiona F E (2002) Potential economic gains from using forage legumes in organic livestock systems in northern Europe. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 195-196.

Drapela, T.; Markut, T.; Meier, M. S.; Pfiffner, L. and Schader, C. (2018) Biodiversity performance of organic farms in Austria - results from eight years of biodiversity assessment. In: Book of Abstracts. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), 7 - 9 November 2018, Eisenstadt, Austria, p. 18.

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Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin; Rasmussen, Camilla Ruø and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristensen (2018) Capacity of Deep Rooted Species to Take Up Water and Nutrients from Deep Soil Layers. Poster at: ISRR 2018, Jerusalem, Israel, 8-12/7-2018.

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Drews, Sylvia; Juroszek, Peter; Neuhoff, Daniel and Köpke, Ulrich (2002) Competitiveness of winter wheat stands against weeds: Effects of cultivar choice, row width and drilling direction. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Canadian Organic Growers (COG), p. 17.

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Driouech, Noureddin; Abou Fayad, Fady; Ghanem, Ala'a and Al-Bitar, Lina (2008) Agronomic performance of annual self-reseeding legumes and their self-establishment potential in the Apulia region of Italy. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alfodi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse.A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lueck, Loran; Caporali, Fabio; Hogh Jensen, Henning; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Cultivating the future based on science: Proceeding of the second conference of the international society of organic agriculture research (ISOFAR), ISOFAR, Organic crop production (1), pp. 396-399.

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Ducottet, Charline and Parot, Jocelyn (2021) Study Of The Potential Of Community-Supported Agriculture (Csa) For The Dynamic On-Farm Management Of Agrobiodiversity. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Duhamel, Michel and Ferrandiz, Pedro (2021) Genodics - A New Musical And Scientific Approach To The Growing Of Fruit And Vegetables. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

DUMAN, Kamil and BAYRAM, Yunus (2014) Poster on Presentation of Diyarbakır Plant Protection Research Station. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

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Dupont, Y.L.; Cong, W-F and Eriksen, J. (2018) Can managed grasslands enhance pollinators in intensively farmed areas? Poster at: Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecologists, Dublin, Ireland, 18-20 October 2018.

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Dvorak, Petr; Hamouz, Karel; Kuchtová, Perla; Tomasek, Jaroslav and Erhartová, Daniela (2009) Black polypropylene non-woven textile as mulch in organic farming. In: Bioacademy 2009 - Proceedings, pp. 38-41.

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Edwards, Sandra (2011) Ethical Problems and Breeding Goals: Pigs. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Eekeren, N.J.M. van; Smeding, F.W.; Vries, F.T. and . Bloem, J. (2005) Analysis of the soil food web structure under grass and grassclover. In: Wachtendorf, Michael; Helgadóttir, Áuslaug and Parente, Giuseppe (Eds.) Proceedings of Cost action 852, pp. 37-40.

Eekeren, N. van; Bokhorst, J.G. and Brussaard, Lijbert (2010) Roots and earthworms under grass, clover and a grass-clover mixture. Paper at: 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, Brisbane, Australia, 1 - 6 August 2010.

Eekeren, N. van; Rietberg, P.I.; Iepema, G and Wit, J. de (2014) Does early spring grazing stimulate spring grass production? Paper at: 25th EGF, Grassland science in Europe, Aberystwyth, Wales.

Eekeren, Nick van and Govaerts, Wim (2012) Success of a participatory research and extension programme in the Dutch organic dairy goat sector. Paper at: Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, 2nd OAHC, Hamburg/Trenthorst, Germany, Sep 12-14, 2012.

Eerola, Essi and Huhtala, Anni (2005) Promoting demand for organic food under preference and income heterogeneity. Paper at: The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food system : the XIth international congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24-27, 2005.

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Egelyng, Henrik (2007) Institutional Environments for Certified Organic Agriculture: Enabling Development, Smallholders Livelihood and Public Goods for Southern Environments? In: Proceedings, CD-ROM. CIRAD.

Egelyng, Henrik (2006) Glocalisation of Organic Agriculture: Options for Countries in the South. Paper at: Conference on Place, Taste, and Sustenance: The Social Spaces of Food and Agriculture (session 5:8)., Boston University, USA, June 7 – June 11, 2006. [Unpublished]

Egelyng, Henrik and de Groot, Rudolf (2009) The United Nations New Green Deal: institutional requirements for protecting Global Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services. Paper at: The Accounting of Nature: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Asia and Europe, Hayama, Japan, 29-30 June 2009. [Unpublished]

Egelyng, Henrik; Halberg, Niels and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2006) Organic Agriculture in a Development Policy Perspective. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Egelyng, Henrik; Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Kledal, Paul Rye and Halberg, Niels (2008) Organic Agriculture: A New Field of International Development Policy. In: Cultivating the Future Based on Science, 2, pp. 364-367.

Egelyng, Henrik; Yu Hui, Qiao and Li, Luping (2006) The Institutional Environment for Certified Organic Agriculture in China: A review, some landscaping and a framework agenda for more analysis. Paper at: International Conference on Challenges Facing Chinese Agriculture and the West Development Strategy, Yangling, Shaanxi China, July 6-7 2006. [Unpublished]

Egelyng, Dr. Henrik (2006) Measuring Sustainable Development: A Brief Discussion - and a view to Agricultural Policies on Certified Organics in a Globalizing Context. Paper at: 2006 FAU Conference “Breaking New Ground: Development Research 2005-2015 and beyond., Copenhagen Business School (CBS)., May 10-11th 2006.. [Unpublished]

Egelyng, H.; de Abreu, L.S. and Fonseca, M.F. (2010) The Green New Deal and Evolution of Institutional Environments for Multifunctionality: the case of Certified Organic Agriculture in Brazil and China. Paper at: ISEE 2010 Conference: Advancing Sustainability in a Time of Crisis , 22-25 August 2010.

Egelyng, H.; El-Araby, A.; Kledal, P. and Hermansen, J.E. (2010) Global Governance for Environmentally Sustainable Food Systems: Certified Organics in a North – South and South-South Perspective. Paper at: The International Symposium ‘Governing through Standards’ arranged by the Danish Institute, 24-26 February 2010.

Eggen, T.; Odenmarck, S.R. and Løes, A.-K. (2013) Translocation of imidacloprid from coated rape (Brassica napa) seeds to nectar and pollen. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 139-140.

Egger, Moritz and Curran, Michael (2023) Realities of sustainability: Application of photovoice to identify locally and culturally relevant sustainability criteria of cocoa farmers in Ecuador. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 669.

Egger, Moritz; Ventura, Diana; Zambrano, Guillermo; Ramírez, Karen; Satama, Maritza; Jacobi, Johanna and Curran, Michael (2023) The Sustainability We Want – Photovoice Ecuador. Paper at: XIX Biennial IASC Conference "The Commons We Want: Between Historical Legacies and Future Collective Actions", Nairobi, Kenya, June 19-24, 2023. [Completed]

Eggers, Nina; Kidmose, Ulla; Moor, Ulvi and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2016) Effect of pressing method on the sensory quality of organic apple juice. Poster at: EuroSense 2016, Dijon, France, 11-14 September 2016.

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Eiben, Ute and Lüth, Dr. Peter (2006) Development of novel Fungal Biocontrol Agents. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

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Eichert, Christian and Mayer, Evelyn (2009) Existing and Potential Approaches for Fair Pricing in Domestic Fair Trade. Paper at: BioFach 2009, Nürnberg, 19.-22.02.2009. [Unpublished]

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Eilenberg, Jørgen; Meyling, Nicolai V. and Jensen, Annette B. (2009) Insect pathogenic fungi in biological control: status and future challenges. In: Ehlers, Ralf-Udo; Crickmore, Neil; Enkerli, Jürg; Glazer, Itamar; Lopez-Ferber, Miguel and Tkaczuk, Cezary (Eds.) IOBC wprs Bulletin, International Organization for Biological and Integrated Control of Noxious Animals and Plants, pp. 7-10.

Eisenring, Tobias (2014) Promoting organic growth through model farms – use of the Leader Approach in Ukraine. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Eken, Cafer; Tuncer, Serdar; Genç, Tuba and Kadıoğlu, Zakine (2013) PRESENT SITUATION OF HONEY BEES AND BUMBLE BEES HAVING POTENTIAL ENTOMOVECTOR TECHNOLOGY IN TURKEY. Paper at: 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Gent, Belgium, May 21, 2013.

Eken, Cafer; Tuncer, Serdar; Kadıoğlu, Zakine and Genc, Tuba (2013) Successful use of honeybees for grey mould (Botrytis cinerea) biocontrol on strawberries in Turkey. Paper at: XVIII. International Plant Protection Congress , Berlin, Germany, 24-27 August 2015.

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Ekholm, Petri (2008) Agricultural phosphorus losses and eutrophication in Nordic-Baltic countries. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 20-24.

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El Hilali, Rania; Ouzine, Mohamed; Chebaane, Asma; Kinany, Said; Achbani, El Hassan; Boumari, Rachid; Fki, Lotfi; Mliki, Ahmed; Nicolay, Gian L.; Mäder, Paul and Symanczik, Sarah (2019) Fertiledatepalm – a transdisciplinary collaboration project to ameliorate date palm cultivation via microbial inoculation, organic matter management and mixed cropping using nurse plants. In: Abstract Book. miCROPe - International Symposium. Microbe-Assisted crop production - Opportunities, Challanges & Needs, December 2-5, 2019, Vienna, Austria, p. 69.

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Emanuelson, Ulf and Fall, Nils (2007) Claw health in organic and conventional dairy herds. In: Fürll, Prof. Manfred (Ed.) Proceedings 13th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals, p. 611.

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Enjalbert, Jérôme; Forst, Emma; Allard, Vincent; Ambroise, Christophe; Krissaane, Inès; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Robin, Stéphane and Goldringer, Isabelle (2021) A new method for estimating mixing ability: application to winter wheat variety mixtures and propositions for plant breeding. Paper at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

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Eppenstein, R.; Bühl, V.; Legrand, I.; Nicolazo De Barmon, A.; Martin, B.; Albert, F.; Berton, M.; Bourin, M.; Cartoni Mancinelli, A.; Kenny, D.A.; Kowalski, E.; McLaughlin, S.; Plesch, G.; Bedoin, F.; Couzy, C.; Berri, C. and Leithier, C. (2023) The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ expectations on husbandry systems and innovative practices. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 828.

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Eppenstein, R.C.; Schneider, C.; Spengler Neff, A.; Lantinga, E.; Leiber, F. and Walkenhorst, M (2020) Antimicrobial drug use and clinical health score of udder-reared dairy calves on Swiss organic farms. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 319.

Erdal, Ulfet (2021) ProRefine Field Day : A demostration in Aegean Region in Menemen Plain, Turkey (Prorefine Project). [Unpublished]

Erdal, Ulfet; Adler, Steffen A. and SUTAY, Serap (2021) PROTEIN FROM FRACTIONATED FORAGE LEGUMES AS FEED MONOGASTRIC ANIMALS (PROREFINE PROJECT). Keynote presentation at: Organic World Congress, Rennes, France, 6-10 September 2021. [Submitted]


Erdal, Ulfet; Çelik, Zerrin and Gürel, Aynur (2022) Evaluating Organic Cotton Production in Türkiye. Paper at: 4th International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Mediterranean Climates: Threats and Solutions, İzmir Türkiye, 27-29 May 2022. [In Press]

Erdal, Ulfet; Dağdelen, İlhami Levent; Logstein, Brit; Adler, Steffen A. and Sökmen, Ömer (2022) A Qualitative Study on the Reception of New Organic Feed Production Techniques in Menemen, Aegean Region (ProRefine Project). Paper at: 4th International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Mediterranean Climates: Threats and Solutions, İzmir Türkiye, 27-29 May 2022. [In Press]

Erdal, Ulfet; Hanoğlu, Hülya and Özelçam, Hülya (2021) The effects of the two rotation programs on the feed value of organic cottonseed. Paper at: 20th Organic World Congress, Rennes, France, 8-10 September 2021.

Erdal, Ulfet; Bayraktar, Meltem and Gürel, Aynur (2016) IMPORTANCE OF ORGANIC COTTON FOR TURKEY. Poster at: World Cotton Research Conference 6, Goiás, Brazil, 02 - 06 May, 2016.

Erdal, Ulfet; Dalçam, Mürşit and Yaşa, İhsan (2017) The Comparison of Pesticide Residues on Organic and Conventional Raisin Products in Aegean Region. Poster at: The International Symposium on EuroAsian Biodiversity (SEAB2017), Minsk, BELARUS, July 05 - 08, 2017.

Erdal, Ülfet and Gürel, Aynur (2012) STATUS OF ORGANIC COTTON PRODUCTION IN TURKEY. [TÜRKİYE'DE ORGANİK PAMUK ÜRETİM DURUMU.] Inter-Regional Cooperative Research Network on Cotton for the Mediterranean and Middle East Regions, Antalya, Turkey, 5-7 November, 2012. [Submitted]

Erdal, Ulfet; Ongun, Ali Rıza and Sökmen, Ömer (2016) Temporal effects of organic and conventional farming systems on the chemical properties of vineyard. Paper at: 27th International Scientific-Expert Congress of Agriculture and Food Industry”, Bursa, Turkey, 26-28 September 2016.

Erdal, Ulfet; Sökmen, Ömer; Ongun, Ali Rıza and Atila, Ertem (2014) Effects of conventional and organic farming systems on yield and quality of vineyards. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1111-1114.

Erdal, Ülfet; Sökmen, Ömer; Ongun, Ali Rıza and Ertem, Atila (2014) EFFECT of CONVENTIONAL and ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEMS on YIELD and QUALITY of VINEYARDS. Poster at: ‘Building Organic Bridges’, at the Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 2014, 13-15 Oct.,.

Erdogan, Ummugulsum; Erdogan, Yasar; Cakmakci, Ramazan and Turan, Metin (2014) ORGANIC FARMING AND SUSTAINABLE RURAL DEVELOPMENT: ÇORUH VALLEY. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Ergon, Åshild (2022) Presentation of the project DIVERSILIENCE. Poster at: CORE Organic kick-off meeting, Brussel, 17.-18.5.2022.

Eriksen, J ; Askegaard, M and Søegaard, K (2008) Productivity and N-leaching in organic dairy grass-arable crop rotations. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 13, pp. 556-558.

Eriksen, J (2001) Effects of timing of sulfur application and nitrogen fertilization on yield and quality of barley. In: Book of abstracts from COST Action 829 meeting Sulfur-Nitrogen Interactions in Plants.

Eriksen, J (2001) Eftervirkning af kløvergræs. In: Bilag til Efterårskonference 2001, p. 64.

Eriksen, J and Thorup-Kristensen, K (2002) The effect of catch crops on sulphate leaching and availability of S in the succeeding crop. In: Book of abstracts, p. 98.

Eriksen, J. (2002) Svovl til husdyrgødet vårbyg og forfrugtseffekt af græsmarker. In: Bilag til Gødningsseminar 2002.

Eriksen, J. (2001) Organic manures as sources of fertiliser sulphur. In: International Fertiliser Society Proceedings, 505, pp. 1-19.

Eriksen, J.; Askegaard, M. and Søegaard, K. (2009) Productivity and N-leaching in organic dairy grass-arable crop rotations. In: NJF Report 5 (2), p. 29.

Eriksen, J. and Hansen, E.M. (2006) N-management in grass-arable crop rotations. In: Sammendrag af Indlæg, pp. 469-470.

Eriksen, J.; Ledgard, S.; Lou, J.; Schils, R. and Rasmussen, J. (2010) Environmental impacts of grazed pastures. In: Schnyder, H. (Ed.) Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 880-890.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Askegaard, M. (2010) Residual effects of cutting and grazing on grass/clover growth. In: Schnyder, H. (Ed.) Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 1040-1042.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K.; Askegaard, M.; Hansen, E.M. and Rasmussen, J. (2010) Forage legume impact on soil fertility and N balance. In: NJF report 6 (3), pp. 61-65.

Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2004) Nitrate leaching and N2-fixation in grasslands of different composition, age and management. In: Hatch, D.J.; Chadwick, D.R.; Jarvis, S.C. and Roker, J.A. (Eds.) Controlling nitrogen flows and losses, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 434-436.

Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2003) Nitrate leaching and N2-fixation in grasslands of different composition, age and management. In: Abstracts for the 12th N Workshop. Exeter 21-24 September.

Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2003) Nitrate leaching and N2-fixation in grasslands of different composition, age and management. In: Abstracts for the 12th N workshop "Controlling N Flows and Losses", IGER - Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, North Wyke, Okehampton, Devon, EX20 2SB, UK.

Eriksen, J.; Mortensen, T. and Søegaard, K. (2013) Multispecies grasslands for crop productivity and carbon storage. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 39-40.

Eriksen, J.; Mortensen, T. and Søegaard, K. (2012) Root biomass and carbon storage in differently managed multispecies temporary grasslands. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 17, pp. 610-612.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K.; Kristensen, T.; Fretté, X.C.; Wiking, L. and Holm Nielsen, J. (2007) Herbage and milk productivity and quality when grazing different legumes and herbs. In: Helgadóttir, Áslaug and Pötsch, Erich M. (Eds.) Quality Legume-based Forage Systems for Contrasting Environments, Ferderal Research and Education Centre Raumberg-Gumpenstein, pp. 177-180.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K.; Kristensen, T.; Fretté, X.C.; Wiking, L. and Holm Nielsen, J. (2007) Herbage and milk productivity and quality when grazing different legumes and herbs. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 12, pp. 212-214.

Eriksson, Hanna (2021) Strategies for keeping dairy cows and calves together on European farms. Workshop at: Workshop ProYoungStock and Grazy Daisy, Virtual meeting, 2021-09-30. [Submitted]

Eriksson, Hanna; Fall, Nils; Priolo, Alessandro; Caccamo, Margherita; Michaud, A.; Pomiès, D.; Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Weissensteiner, R.; Winckler, Christoph; Spengler Neff, Anet; Bieber, A.; Schneider, Claudia; Sakowski, Tomasz; Stachelek, Magdalena; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Simantke, Christel; Knierim, Ute and Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Strategies for keeping dairy cows and calves together on European farms. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 480.

Erlund, Patrik (2007) Experiences of Wheat dwarf virus in Finland 2004-2007. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (5), p. 33.

Erlund, Patrik (2007) Experiences of Wheat dwarf virus in Finland 2004-2007. Paper at: Virus vector management : NJF seminar 402, Kristianstad, Sweden, 9-11 October 2007.

Ernfors, Maria (2022) Experimenting with novel cropping systems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Eronen, Liisa (2008) Inventory of beet cyst nematode on sugar beet farms of three machine rings in Finland 2004-2006. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), NJF Report, p. 20.

Ertem, A.; Menon, M.K. and Bernet, T. (2014) Acceleration of Developments for tomorrow's Organic markets. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Esche, Laura; Schneider, Monika; Rüegg, Johanna; Milz, Joachim; Schneidewind, Ulf and Armengot, Laura (2021) The Role of Shade Tree Pruning in Cocoa Agroforestry Systems: Agronomic and Economic Benefits. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2021 - Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future - Book of Abstracts.

Escobar, C.A.; Espinosa, A.; Malagon, R. and Zuluaga, A. (2005) Methodology for Sustainability Evaluation in Organic Farming under Colombian Conditions: a Proposal. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Escobar, C.A. (2014) Organic Agriculture Research. Shared Vision from Latin-American Farmers. Paper at: TIPI workshop Practitioners' Research Agenda, Pre-conference of the Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 October 2014. [Unpublished]

Escobar F., Carlos A. (2014) Organic Agriculture Research: shared vision from Latin-Americans farmers. Paper at: TIPI Workshop "Practitioners’ research agenda" at the Organic World Congress, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 12, 2014. [Completed]

Escosteguy, Angela; Figueiredo, Flávio; Ribeiro, Vera Sardá; Schneider, Jurema; Maia, Beatriz and Schneider, Roger (2017) Management and results of small-scale organic laying hens in Southern Brazil. Case report. Paper at: 19th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Scientific Track, New Dehli, India, November 09-11, 2017.

Escosteguy, Angela (2014) Potential use of medicinal plants in animal production: results in Brazil. [Use potencial de plantas medicinais na criação de animais: resultados do Brasil.] In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 81-84.

Escosteguy, Angela and Bossardi, Melissa (2011) Evaluation of three family farms producing organic eggs in southern Brazil: animal welfare and biosecurity. [Avaliação de três famílias de produtores orgânicos de ovos no sul do Brasil: bem estar animal e biosegurança.] Lecture at: 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Republik of Korea, Sep. 26 - Oct. 5, 2011.

ESCOSTEGUY1, ANGELA (2014) Organic Animal Husbandry in South America and Caribbean. In: Schmid, Otto; Chander, Mahesh; Escosteguy, Angela and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Proceedings of the IAHA pre-conference and workshop: Organic Animal Husbandry across the world: Towards an Action Plan for development and strengthening of Organic Animal Husbandry, pp. 17-20.

Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, A.F. (2014) Challenges and future perspectives of different organic beef cattle farms of Southern Europe. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 248.

Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, A.F. (2014) Competitiveness of extensive beef cattle farms located in the dehesa ecosystem (SW Europe). In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Pulido, A.F. and Escribano, M. (2014) Environmental, economic and social indicators of rural development in agroforestry areas. In: EURAF Agroforestry European Federation.

Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Rosas, J.P. and Escribano, M. (2014) Cattle production in agroforestry systems. An analysis on the role of intensification and dependence of subsidies. In: Book of Abstracts.

Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Pulido, A.F.; Mesias, F.J.; Escribano, M.; Pulido, F. and Rodriguez De Ledesma, A (2012) The role of subsidies in beef cattle farms in SW Spain: a comparison of organic and extensive farms. In: Book of abstracts of the 63rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 30.

Escribano, A.J.; Mesias, F.J.; Gaspar, P.; Escribano, M. and Pulido, F. (2012) Sustainability of organic and conventional beef cattle farms in SW Spanish rangelands (‘dehesas’): a comparative study. In: Book of abstracts. 10TH European IFSA Symposium. Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organization for sustainable food systems of tomorrow..

Eskildsen, Asger Sten and Laursen, Kristian Holst (2023) The impact of pæant nutrients of the perfomance and quality of legumes for plant based foods. Poster at: Fourth International Legume Conference 2023, Granada, 19-22 September 2023.

Eskildsen, Maria; Krogh, Uffe; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Theil, Peter Kappel (2020) Fresh grass clover intake and energy metabolism in organic sows fed a control or a low protein compound feed in winter and summer. Poster at: Pre-Conference on Animal Husbandry linked to the 20th Organic World Congress, Rennes, France, Preconference 6-7 September 2021.

Eskildsen, Maria; Nørgaard, J.V.; Hedeman, M.S. and Theil, Peter K. (2018) Grass intake of sows quantified by plasma metabolites. [Søers græsindtag kvantificeret ved plasma metabolitter.] Poster at: 14th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Brisbane Australia, 21-24 August.

Eskildsen, Maria; Sampedro, D.V.; Krogh, Uffe; Larsen, T. and Theil, Peter K. (2020) Milk yield, milk composition and blood metabolites in organic sows on pasture winter and summer - effect of two different dietary protein levels. [Mælkeydelse, mælkens sammensætning og blod metabolitter hos økologiske søer på græs vinter og sommer - effekt af tildeling af to forskellige protein niveauer.] In: Chizzotti, Mario Luiz (Ed.) Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition, 138, EAAP Scientific Series, pp. 331-334.

Etone Epie, Kenedy; Santanen, Arja; Stoddard, Frederick ; Virtanen, Seija and Simojoki, Asko (2008) Sustainable bioenergy cropping: growing reed canarygrass in acid suphate soils. Paper at: New insights into sustainable cultivation methods in agriculture : NJF seminar 418, Piikkiö, Finland, 17-19 September 2008.

Eurola, M.; Ekholm, P. and Venäläinen, E.-J. (2005) Selenium supplemented fertilization - effects on the selenium content of foods and the selenium intake in Finland. In: Thorvaldsson, Gudni and Jónsdóttir, Rósa S. (Eds.) Rit LBHÌ, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (3), pp. 49-51.

Eurola, Merja; Hietaniemi, Veli; Niskanen, Markku; Laine, Antti and Vuorinen, Martti (2003) Trace elements in rye - comparison of organic and conventional cultivation. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Evrard, Damien; Betmont, F. and Zwolinski, Peggy (2019) Comparison of the environmental impacts of three support wires for tomato farming: paper, jute and polypropylene. CIRP 2019 - 26th CIRP Conference on Life Cycle Engineering, Purdue, United States.

Eyre, M.D.; Volakakis, N.; Shotton, P.N. and Leifert, C. (2007) The Effects of Crop Type and Production Systems on the Activity of Beneficial Invertebrates. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Eyre, Dr M.D.; Labanowska-Bury, Ms D.; White, Mr R. and Leifert, Prof C. (2008) Beneficial Invertebrate Activity in Organic and Conventional Vegetable Fields in Eastern England. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Eyre, Dr M.D.; Shotton, Mr P.N. and Leifert, Prof C. (2008) Crop Type and Management Effects on Ground Beetle Species (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Activity in an Extensive Plot Trial. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Eyre, Dr M.D.; Shotton, Mr P.N. and Leifert, Prof C. (2008) Spider (Araneae) Species Activity, Crop Type and Management Factors in an Extensive Plot Trial. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Facknath, Dr S and Hurree, Miss B (2008) Crop protection and soil fertility in organic okra cultivation in Mauritius. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Falconi, S; Møller, Henrik B. and Ward, A. (2009) Combined energy and feed production by thermophilic digestion of manure, grass and maize silage. In: Energy conversion from biomass production, 5, EU - AgroBiogas, no. 5.

Falconi, S.; Raju, C.S.; Møller, Henrik B. and Wardv, A.J. (2009) Combined energy and feed production by thermophilic digestion of grass, maize and cattle manure. In: Combined energy and feed production by thermophilic digestion of grass, maize and cattle manure, 5 (3), NJF Report, p. 58.

Fallon, Richard and Leavy, Elaine (2008) Organic Beef Production - Sire Breed Comparison. In: Teagasc Organic Production Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Ireland, pp. 50-54.

Fantasia, Serena; Mota, Mateo; Lamy, Frederic; Marchand, David; Sonnard, Robin; Delabays, Nicolas; Zufferey, Vivian; Steinemann, Beatrice; Degrune, Florine; Heger, Thierry and Rienth, Markus (2022) The effects of alternative herbicide-free cover cropping systems on soil health, vine performance, berry quality and vineyard biodiversity in a climate change scenario in Switzerland. In: Proceedings of the 14th International Terroir congress and 2nd ClimWine symposium Terclim 2022. July 3-8, 2022, Bordeaux, France.

Farthofer, R.; Friedel, J. K.; Pietsch, G.; Rinnhofer, T.; Loiskandl, W. and Freyer, B. (2004) Plant biomass nitrogen and effects on the risk of nitrate leaching of intercrops under organic farming in Eastern Austria. Paper at: EUROSOIL 2004, Freiburg, Germany, Sept. 4th to 12th.

Fasae, O.A.; Olawale, E.O and Showale, A.G. (2015) The role of medicinal plants in traditionally managed cattle in Odeda local government area, Ogun state, Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 175-180.

Fauriel, J.; Bellon, S.; Plenet, D. and Amiot, M.- J. (2007) On-farm influence of production patterns on total polyphenol content in peach. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Fauriel, Joël; Bellon, Stéphane; Plénet, Daniel and Amiot, Marie-Jo (2005) Can a peach production in organic farming be requalified with polyphenols ? A comparative case study in Rhone-Alpes Region (France). Poster at: International symposium on human health effects of fruits and vegetables, Quebec, Canada, August 17-20, 2005.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Decruyenaerea.faux@cra.wallonie.be, Virginie; Farinelle, Arnaud and Stilmant, Didier (2017) Parasitism and farmers' practices in heifers under organic farming management. In: Grassland Science in Europe, Vol. 22 - Grassland resources for extensive farming systems in marginal lands, Sassari, Italy, 22, pp. 149-151.

Faux, Anne-Michelle and Faux, Jacques (2018) Grassland-based beef production: a case study on the economic impact and ecosystem services in a Limousin cattle farm. In: Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands. Proceedings of the 27th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Teagasc, Animal & Grassland Research and Innovation Centre, Fermoy, Irish republic, 23, pp. 974-976.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Guillaume, Mary; Decruyenaere, Virginie and Stilmant, Didier (2018) Joint technical and economic assessment of feed autonomy in organic cattle farms. In: Grassland Science in Europe – Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands, 23, pp. 742-744.

Faux, Anne-Michelle; Stilmant, Didier; Guillaume, Mary and Decruyenaere, Virginie (2021) Feed Autonomy In Organic Cattle Farming Systems: A Technical And Economic Assessment. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Fehér, Judit; Bencze, Szilvia; Kalló, Péter; Földi, Mihály; Mikó, Péter and Drexler, Dóra (2021) On-Farm Testing Of Emmer And Einkorn Landraces Under Organic Conditions In Hungary. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Fehér, Judit; Kovács, Tina; Schäfer, Freya; Raaijmakers, Maaike; Moeskops, Bram and Drexler, Dóra (2019) Organic seed production and use in Hungary. Keynote presentation at: European Conference on Crop Diversification, Budapest, Hungary, September 18-21, 2019. [Completed]

Felber, Raphael; Fuhrer, Jürg; Stöckli, Sibylle and Calanca, Pierluigi (2016) Comparing two models of the diurnal temperature cycle for simulations of crop and pest phenology under climate change. Poster at: The Agricultural Model Intercomparison and Improvement Project (AgMIP) Global Workshop, Montpellier, France, 28-30.6.2016. [Completed]

Felber, Raphael; Stöckli, Sibylle and Calanca, Pierluigi (2018) Shifts in Apple Phenology under Climate Change in Switzerland and Implications for Exposure to Abiotic and Biotic Risks. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 65.

Felber, Raphael; Stöckli, Sibylle and Calanca, Pierluigi (2018) Application of phenology models for Climate Services. Speech at: European Geoscience Union (EGU), Vienna, Austria, 12. April 2018.

Felber, Raphael; Stöckli, Sibylle and Calanca, Pierluigi (2017) Assessing climate change impacts on fruit plant and pest phenology and their synchrony: the case of apple and codling moth. In: 19th EGU General Assembly, EGU2017. Proceedings from the conference held 23-28 April, 2017 in Vienna, Austria, p. 13828.

Feldmann, Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2015) Consumers' demand for local organic food. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed]

Feldmann, Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) SEARCHING FOR INCONSISTENCIES IN ORGANIC MARKET DATA – A GUIDE ON HOW TO APPLY QUALITY CHECKS FOR STATISTICS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, pp. 359-362.

Feldmann, Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2013) Organic data network: Harmonising organic market data collection in Europe. Poster at: 53. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbau e.V., Berlin, Germany, September 25th to 27th, 2013. [Completed]

Feldmann , Corinna (2014) SAMPLING and its relevance for sound data collection. Paper at: 2nd OrganicDataNetwork Workshop, Bari, Italy, July 10 & 11, 2014. [Completed]

Feldmann , Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) Local and/or organic: A study on consumer preferences for organic food and food from different origins. In: Stanton, John and Lang, Mark (Eds.) Conference Proceedings - International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Institute of Food Products Marketing, Aarhus, Denmark.

Ferede, Addisu (2013) Study on Identification of Gaps and Intervention Needs of Smallholder Organic Farmers in Ethiopia. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 231-234.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2016) ORGANOFINERY: A biorefinery for the production of organic protein rich feed for monogastric animals. Speech at: Bioreseource Technology Conference, Sitges, Spain, 23-26. november 2017. [Unpublished]

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2016) Organic protein-rich feed for monogastric animals by the Organofinery process. Speech at: 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, Sitges, Spain, 23.-26. october 2016.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Lübeck, Mette (2017) Influence of the development stage of the plant biomass for protein yield in a green biorefinery. Speech at: 13th International Conference on Renewable Resources and Biorefineries, Wroclav. Poland, 7.-9. June 2017.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria; Ytting, Nanna Karkov; Lübeck, Mette and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2016) Anaerobic digestion for closing the loop of a biorefinery for organic farming: Production of biogas and organic fertilizer from process residues. Speech at: 1st International Conference on Bioresource Technology for Bioenergy, Bioproducts & Environmental Sustainability, Sitges, Spain, 23.-26. october 2016.

Fernandez-Aparicio, M.; Jørnsgård, B. and Rubiales, D. (2006) Effects of crop mixtures on pest of faba bean under organic agritultural conditions. In: Andalucia, Junta de (Ed.) International Workshop on faba bean breeding and agronomy, Viceconsejeria. Servicio de Publicaciones y Divulgacion, pp. 140-142.

Fernique, Sarah; Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Ahrenfeldt, Erica; Grébaux, Daphné; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Matray, Silvia; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Steinemann, Beatrice; Wiergiel, W.; Telfser, Josef; Warlop, Francois and Herz, Annette (2016) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards. Paper at: 17th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Ecofruit 2016, 268-269., Weinsberg, 2016.

Fernique, Sarah; Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Ahrenfeldt, Erica; Grébeau, Delphine; Jamar, Laurent; Matray, Silvia; Ozolina-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Steinemann, Béatrice; Swiergiel, Weronika; Telfser, James; Warlop, François and Herz, Annette (2016) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobio diversity in European organic apple orchards: Results of an European survey. 17. International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing. Ecofruit, Hohenheim, Germany.

Fernique, Sarah; Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Ahrenfeldt, Erica; Grebeau, D.; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Matray, Silvia; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Steinemann, Beatrice; Świergiel, Weronika; Telfser, Joseph; Warlop, Francois and Herz, Annette (2016) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards. In: Foerdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau e.V. (FOEKO). (Ed.) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards, Foerdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau e.V. (FOEKO) Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg E-Mail: foeko@foeko.de www.foeko.de, Weinsberg, pp. 268-269.

Ferrante, Dr Valentina; Baroli, Dr Daniela; Lolli, Dr Susanna and Di Mauro, Dr Francesca (2008) Broilers welfare, health and production in organic and conventional systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ferrante, V.; Baroli, D.; Marelli, S.P. and Cavalchini, L.G. (2005) Performance and reactivity in three Italian poultry breeds for organic production. In: Witkowski, A. (Ed.) Animal Science Papers and Reports, 23 (supple), pp. 223-229.

Ferrari, Leone; Florez, Andrez; Velásquez, Fortunato; Schneider, Monika; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy and Fromm, Ingrid (2014) Evaluation of organic pest management strategies to control the cocoa mirid (Monalonion dissimulatum Dist.), Alto Beni, Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 143.

Ferrari, Leone; Florez, Andrez; Velásquez, Fortunato; Schneider, Monika; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy and Fromm, Ingrid (2014) Evaluation of organic pest management strategies to control the cocoa mirid (Monalonion dissimulatum Dist.), Alto Beni, Bolivia. Poster at: Symposium, “International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field”, HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19 June 2014. [Completed]

Ferretti, Lorenzo; Santoni, Margherita; Gaifami, Tommaso; Filindassi, Fabrizio; Casella, Giovanna and Pacini, Gaio Cesare (2017) Impact of organic and conventional management and tillage operations on soil quality and productivity in the Montepaldi Long-Term Experiment (MoLTE). Poster at: Agroecology Europe Forum 2017, Lyon, France, 25-27 October 2017.

Feucht, Yvonne and Zander, Katrin (2014) Consumers' knowledge and information needs on organic aquaculture. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 375-378.

Fidelak, Christian (2006) Recent experiences in application of homeopathy in farm animals. In: Proceedings of Improving the Success of Homeopathy 5 - A Global Perspective , The Royal London Homoeopathic Hospital, London, UK, pp. 59-63.

Finckh, Maria R. and Bruns, Christian (2014) Soil health management and biodiversity: the central pillars of plant disease management in organic agriculture. Paper at: 47th Brazilan Congrass of Phytopathology, Londrina, Parana, 17.-21. August 2014. [Completed]

Finckh, Maria R.; Heinrich, Sven and Brumlop, Sarah (2014) Performance of wheat composite crosses on station and on-farm. In: Chable, Véronique; Goldringer, I.; Howlett, Sally; Barberi, Paolo; Miko, P; Mendes-Moreira, P; Rakszegi, M; Ostergaard, H; Borgen, Anders; Finckh, Maria R.; Pedersen, T and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) Diversity strategies for organic and low systems. Book of abstracts of SOLIBAM final congress, Nantes, 7-9 July 2014, pp. 107-108.

Fine, P.; Roded, L.; Cohen, S.; Shapira, N.; Adler, U.; Or, N.; Ben-Yephet, Y.; Reuven, M. and Oka, Y. (2007) Reduction of Soil-Borne Plant Pathogens Using Lime and Ammonia Evolved from Broiler Litter. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Fiorelli, Jean-Louis and Durpoix, Amandine (2012) Greenhouse gases and ammonia emissions assessment from dairy housing by means of a simplified method. International Symposium on Emissions of Gas and Dust from Livestock, Saint Malo, France.

Fiorelli, Jean-Louis; Puech, Thomas and Le Bris, Morgane (2018) Pasture Utilisation in a self-contained organic dairy grazing system. 27. European Grassland Federation General Meeting - Sustainable Meat and Milk Production from Grasslands, Cork, Ireland.

Firth, C; Cubison, S and Cross, J (2006) The challenges and potential benefits of perennial organic cropping systems-example of organic top fruit. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 97-101.

Firth, C; Philipps, L; Stagl, S; Benton, T; Brown, K; Buton, R; Carver, S; Davies, B; Gibbon, D; Godwin, R; Kunin, B; Rigiby, D; Sait, S and Schmutz, U (2006) An integrated analysis of scale effects in alternative agricultural systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 195-198.

Firth, Chris (2002) The use of gross and net margins in the economic analysis of organic farms. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 285-288.

Firth, Chris and Geen, Natalie (2006) Maintaining the balance between national demand and supply of organic food-example of organic vegetables in the UK. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Firth, Chris; Philipps, Lois; Stagl, Sigrid; Benton, Tim; Brown, Katrina; Burton, Rob; Carver, Steve; Davies, Ben; Gibbon, David; Godwin, Bob; Kunin, Bill; Rigby, Dan and Salt, Steve (2006) An integrated analysis of scale effects in alternative agricultural systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Firth, Mr Chris and Schmutz, Dr Ulrich (2003) The development of the organic vegetable market and supply in the UK. In: AES Conference, p 1-11.

Fischer, Meike; Raupp, Joachim; Mäder, Paul; Dubois, David and Römheld, Volker (2005) Micronutrient status in two long-term trials with fertilisation treatments and different cropping systems. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Fischer, Jenny and Böhm, Herwart (2012) On-farm evaluation of nitrogen leaching rates from organic crop rotations under consideration of previous crop, with special emphasis on legumes. In: ESA12 Abstracts, University of Helsinky, Department of Agricultural Science publication series, pp. 238-239.

Fischer, V.; Baresel, Jörg Peter; Charrois, A.; Köckeis, M. and Udupa, S. M. (2017) Screening New Legume Species for Use as Cover Crop in Southern Germany. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken, Dr. Köster, Freising, pp. 186-187.

Fischer-Arndt, M.T. and Köpke, U. (2007) Effect of weed management strategies on the risk of enteric pathogen transfer into the food chain and lettuce quality. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Fischer-Arndt, Meike; Neuhoff, Dr. Daniel and Köpke, Prof. Ulrich (2008) Effects of weed management strategies on quality and enteric pathogen contamination of organic lettuce. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Fito, Laurène and Arsonneau, Florence (2021) Controlling Soil-Borne Diseases By Composts. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Fitzgerald, J.; Cross, J.; Berrie, A. and Cubison, S. (2008) An assessment of apple varieties for their suitability in organic production systems. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 213-215.

Flaten, Ola and Lien, Gudbrand (2006) Organic dairy farming in Norway in relation to the ‘conventionalisation’ debate. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Flaten, Dr Ola; Lien, Dr Gudbrand; Koesling, Matthias; Valle, Dr Paul S. and Ebbesvik, Martha (2004) Comparing Risk Perceptions and Risk Management in Organic and Conventional Dairy Farming: Empirical Results From Norway. In: Cafiero, Carlo and Cioffi, Antonio (Eds.) Income stabilization in agriculture. The role of public policies, Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane, pp. 429-449.

Fleck, M. (2009) Approaches and achievements of biodynamic vegetable breeding by Kultursaat e.V. (Germany) using the example of RODELIKA one of the first certified biodynamic varieties. [Wege, Ziele und Errungenschaften der biologisch-dynamischen Gemüsezüchtung von Kultursaat e.V. am Beispiel von RODELIKA, einer der ersten Möhrensorte aus zertifiziert biologisch-dynamischer Züchtung.] Paper at: 1st International IFOAM-Conference on Animal and Plant Breeding, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, 25. - 28.08.2009. [In Press]

Fleck, M.Sc. Michael; Hagel, Dr. Ingo and von Fragstein, Prof. Dr. Peter (2000) Biodynamic carrot growing - an inventory. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IOS Press, p. 191.

Fleury, Philippe; Bellon, Stephane and Penvern, Servane (2010) The double-bind relationship between environment and organic agriculture. Organic farming as a solution for environmental problems and environment as an asset for the development of organic farming ? International Conference on Organic Agriculture in Scope of Environmental Problems, Famagista, Cyprus.

Fließbach, A.; Mäder, P.; Dioup, A.; Hepperly, P.; Luttikholt, L.; Scialabba, N. and Niggli, U. (2009) Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies – Organic Agriculture. Poster at: 21st Session of the FAO Committee on Agriculture, Rome, April 22-25, 2009. [Unpublished]

Fließbach, Andreas (2008) Contribution of Organic Agriculture to Mitigate and Adapt to Climate Change. Speech at: Organic agriculture and climate change, Clermont Ferrand, France, 17. - 18. April 2008. [Completed]

Fließbach, Andreas; Baars, Ton; Huisman, Sebastiaan; Jorgas, Thorsten; Lewandowska-Robak, Maja; Strässer, Cornelius and Mäder, Paul (2014) Variability of soil fertility and crop yield on a sandy field site in western Poland under bio-dynamic management". In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1063-1064.

Fließbach, Andreas; Schmidt, Christoph; Bruns, Christian; Palmer, Mike; Nietlispach, Bruno; Leifert, Carlo and Tamm, Lucius (2007) Soil biological quality in short- and long-term field trials with conventional and organic fertility input types. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Fliessbach, A.; Krause, H.-M.; Stehle, B.; Oberson, A.; Mayer, U. and Mäder, P. (2021) 42 years of crop and soil quality research in the DOK long-term field experiment - advantages of organic farming in mitigating of and adapting to climate change. Paper at: EuroSoil 2021, Geneva, Switzerland, 23-27 August 2021. [Completed]

Fliessbach, A. and Mäder, P. (2005) Biological soil quality as a factor of efficient resource utilization in organic farming systems. In: Leifert, C. (Ed.) Organic Farming, Food Quality and Health.

Fliessbach, Andreas; Amador, Manuel; Meirelles, Ana; Schwank, Othmar; Verhagen, Jan and Garibay, Salvador (2007) Climate Change and Organic Farming in Developing Countries. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

Fliessbach, Andreas; Dubois, David; Esperschütz, Jürgen; Gunst, Lucie; Mäder, Paul; Oberholzer, Hansruedi; Schloter, Michael and Gattinger, Andreas (2005) Soil microbial community structure and organic matter transformation processes in organic and integrated farming systems. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Fliessbach, Andreas; Hany, Roland; Rentsch, Daniel; Frei, Robert and Eyhorn, Frank (2000) DOC trail: soil organic matter quality and soil aggregate stability in organic and conventional soils. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, Switzerland.

Fliessbach, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2000) DOC trial: diversity and metabolic effiency of microbial communities in organic and conventional soils. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, Switzerland.

Fliessbach, Andreas; Hammerl, Verena; Antichi, Daniele; Barberi, Paolo; Berner, Alfred; Bufe, Cornelia; Delfosse, Philippe; Gattinger, Andreas; Grosse, Meike; Haase, Thorsten; Heß, Jürgen; Hissler, Christophe; Koal, Phillip; Kranzler, Andreas; Krauss, Maike; Mäder, Paul; Peigné, Joséphine; Pritsch, Karin; Reintam, Endla; Surböck, Andreas; Vian, Jean François and Schloter, Michael (2014) Soil quality changes in field trials comparing organic reduced tillage to plough systems across Europe (TILMAN-ORG Session). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1051-1054.

Fliessbach, Andreas; Krause, H.-M.; Kuhn, A.; Munyangabe, A.; Stehle, B.; Sauter, M.; Perrochet, F. and Mäder, P. (2019) Change of biological soil quality in organic and conventional farming systems of the DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 33.

Fliessbach, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2006) Productivity, Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Agriculture. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Florez Droop, Manuel; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Ölmez, Hülya and Rehberger, Brita (2007) Organic Food Processing. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

Fog, Erik; Sørensen, Peter; Pedersen, Søren O.; Meng, Xiaoyi; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Møller, Henrik B. (2023) Grass-clover and biogas fertilizers as a climate efficient nutrient supply. [Kløvergræs og biogasgødning som en klimaeffektiv næringsstofforsyning.] Poster at: AgriFood & Climate Circle, 11 May 2023.

Fog, Erik; Sørensen, Peter; Pedersen, Søren O.; Meng, Xiaoyi; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Møller, Henrik B. (2023) Grass-clover and biogas fertilizers as a climate efficient nutrient supply. [Kløvergræs og biogasgødning som klimaeffektiv næringsstofforsyning.] Speech at: AgriFood & Climate Circle, Copenhagen, 11 May 2023.

Fog, Erik (2019) New protein sources to enhance sustainability and develop new products. [Nye proteinkilder til forbedring af bæredygtigheden og udvikling af nye produkter.] Speech at: Biofach Congress 2019, Nürnberg, 15-02-2019.

Fog, Erik (2018) Protein feed from clover grass for pigs and poultry. Results from Danish innovation projects. Speech at: Agromania at Agromek, Herning, 27-11-2018.

Fog, Erik (2018) Protein feed from clover grass for pigs and poultry.Results from Danish innovation projects. Speech at: Grünland nutzen und erhalten, Saarbrücken, 20-11-2018.

Fog, Erik; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Noe, Egon; Sørensen, Peter and Melander, Bo (2013) Picture card tool for holistic planning in organic plant production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, 9 (3), NJF Report, pp. 153-154.

Fog, Erik; Ytting, Nanna Karkov and Lübeck, Mette (2017) Biorefining of proteins from grass clover as an innovative solution to a truly sustainable organic production. In: Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track, Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Th�nstitut, 2, Thünen Report, no. 54, pp. 514-517.

Fogelfors, Håkan; Brandsætter, Lars Olav; Graglia, Scientist Enrico; Vanhala, Petri; Salonen, Jukka and Håkansson, Sigurd (2003) Dormancy of vegetative reproduction in some perennial weeds. In: Niemeläinen, Oiva and Topi-Hulmi, Mari (Eds.) Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective, Tampere University Print, Tampere Finland, p. 97.

Földi, Mihály; Bencze, Szilvia; Kovács, Tina and Drexler, Dóra (2021) Farmer Involvement In Agro-Ecological Research – The Organic On-Farm Wheat Variety Trials In Hungary. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Fomsgaard, Senior scientist Inge S. (2006) Exploiting the allelopathic properties of agricultural crops in low-input cropping systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Fonseca, Maria Fernanda and Wilkinson, John (2005) An interdisciplinary approach to analyse production, marketing and consumption of organic products. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Fonseca, Maria Fernanda; Wilkinson, John; Egelyng, Henrik and Mascarenhas, Gilberto (2008) The institutionalization of Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Brazil: organic and fair trade initiatives. Paper at: 2nd ISOFAR Scientific Conference "Cultivating the Future based on Science" in Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. In: Proceedings..

Fontaine, Laurence; Rolland, Bernard and Bernicot, Marie-Hélène (2008) Contribution to organic breeding programmes of wheat variety testing in organic farming in France. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Fontaine, D; Eriksen, J and Sørensen, P (2018) Digestates from cover crop, straw and cattle slurry mixtures as nutrient source in organic cropping system. In: Workshop abstracts. Bilateral Danish-USA networking to increase yields and resource efficiency in organic crop production.

Fontaine, D; Perschke, YML; Feng, L; Møller, HB; Eriksen, J and Sørensen, P (2018) Digestates from cover crop, straw and cattle slurry mixtures as nutrient source in organic cropping system. In: Biogas Science International Conference proceedings.

Fontaine, D; Perschke, YML; Feng, L; Møller, HB; Eriksen, J and Sørensen, P (2018) Effect of anaerobic digestion of cover crops and straw on N and S availability in the digestate. In: Proceedings.

FONTAINE, L.; BONIN, L.; LIEVEN, J.; GARNIER, J.F.; ZAGANIACS, V.; RODRIGUEZ, A. and LEMARIE, P. (2014) OPTIMIZING AND PROMOTING MECHANICAL WEED CONTROL IN ARABLE CROPS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 311-314.

fontaine, L.; fourrié, L.; Garnier, J.F.; Colomb, B.; Carof, M. and Aveline, A. (2014) KNOWING, CHARACTERIZING AND ASSESSING SYSTEMS OF ORGANIC CROP ROTATIONS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 315-318.

FONTANELLI, DR. M.; FRASCONI, DR. C.; LULLI, DR. L.; ANTICHI, DR. D.; BIGONGIALI, DR. F.; CARLESI, DR. S.; BARBERI, PROF. P. and PERUZZI, PROF. A. (2008) Innovative crop and weed management strategies in organic spinach: machine performances and cultivation costs. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Forrer, Hans-Rudolf; Musa, Tomke; Krebs, Heinz and Dorn, Brigitte (2006) Control of Phytophthora infestans in organic potato production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Forsman, Sari and Paananen, Jaana (2002) Local food supply chain: a case of rural food processing firms and catering business in Finland. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Artur; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) Urban areas - rural areas and recycling - the organic way forward?, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, DARCOF Report, no. 3/2002, pp. 71-80.

Forster, Cionys; Andres, Christian; Rajeev, Verma; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika M. and Mäder, Paul (2013) Productivity and Profitability of a Cotton-based Production System under Organic and Conventional Management in India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2013 - Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum - Book of abstract, p. 294.

Forster, D.; Andres, C.; Verma, R.; Zundel, C.; Messmer, M. and Mäder, P. (2013) Economic profitability of organic vs. conventional cotton-based production systems in a long-term field trial in India. Poster at: First International Conference on Global Food Security, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 29 September - 2 October 2013. [Completed]

Forster, Dionys (2009) System comparison study and on-farm trials on organic cotton in India. In: Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre, OFTCC (Ed.) World Congress on Organic Cotton: Congress Documunetation [online], Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre, Zurich - Switzerland.

Forster, Dionys; Andres, Christian; Verma, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika and Mäder, Paul (2014) Productivity and profitability on cotton-based production systems under organic and conventional management in India. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 647-650.

Fort, Fatiha and Tagbata, Didier (2011) Brand and quality labels: wich interaction? 8. International Agribusiness PAA-PENSA Conference. "The Multiple Agro Profiles: How to Balance Economy", Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Fountain, Michelle; Cross, Jerry; Baroffio, Catherine; Hall, David; Farman, D.; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Mozuraitis, Raimondas; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Trandem, Nina and Wibe, Atle (2017) The use of semiochemical mass traps to reduce mirid damage in strawberry crops. Paper at: 2017 International Heteroptera Symposium, Embassy Suites Monterey Bay-Seaside, Seaside, California, USA, 18.-20. April 2017.

Fournier, Stéphane; Arvis, Blandine and Michaud, Fanny (2018) Localized AgriFood Systems dynamics and Geographical Indications as ways to reinforce food systems' sustainability? Case studies in Mongolia and Peru. 13. European IFSA Symposium, Chania, Greece.

Fowler, Susan M (2002) Strategies for success – contrasting approaches to organic dairy farming. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 201-202.

Fowler, Susan M; Philipps, Lois and Watson, Christine A (2002) Carrot or stick? – Would information concerning the economic value of nutrient losses, and their impact on food quality achieve greater environmental protection than regulation? In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 133-136.

Fradgley, Nick (2014) Competitive oats for integrated weed management and organic rotations. Poster at: Cereals 2014, Duxford, Cambridge, 11th June 2014.

Fradgley, Nick (2013) Oat varieties for organic systems. Poster at: Cereals 2013 , Boothby Graffoe, Lincolnshire, 12-13 June . [Completed]

Fradgley, Nick; Creissen, Henry; Howlett, Sally; Pearce, Helen and Girling, Robbie (2014) Applications of crop competitive ability in winter oats (Avena sativa L.). Poster at: Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems, Nante, France, 7th - 9th July 2014.

Fradgley, Nick; Howlett, Sally and Wolfe, Martin (2015) Within-crop genetic diversity increases temporal yield stability in organic winter wheat. Poster at: Dealing with combined stresses for crops: approaches to improve water and nutrient use efficiency in cropping systems, Edinburgh , 21st - 22nd September 2015. [Completed]

Fradgley, Nick and Wolfe, Martin (2013) Cereal Populations - Coping With Unpredictable Weather And Climate. Poster at: Wakelyn's Open Day 2013, Wakelyns Agroforrestry Metfield , 26 June. [Completed]

Fradgley, Nick; Wolfe, Martin; Howlett, Sally; Creissen, Henry and Girling, Robbie (2014) Selecting winter wheat lines from a composite cross population. Poster at: SOLIBAM Congress 2014, Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food system, Nantes, France, 7th - 9th July 2014.

Fragnière, Anne-Laure; Klötzli-Estermann, Françoise; Bacher, Sven and Kehrli, Patrik (2019) Alternative host plants as potential trap crops in vineyards. Poster at: Junge Forscher haben das Wort – Wir lassen uns begeistern!, Swiss society for phytiatry, Département de Biologie, Université de Fribourg, PER 04 (Pérolle), 12/09/2019.

Francis, Dr. Charles; Breland, Dr. Tor Arvid; Lieblein, Dr. Geir; Moulton, Mr. Mike; Salomonsson, Dr. Lennart; Geber, Dr. Ulrika; Langer, Dr. Vibeke; Sriskandarajah, Dr. N.; Porter, Dr. John and Helenius, Dr. Juha (2006) Agroecology Education and Research: An Academic Platform for Organic Farming. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Francis, Charles; Nicolaysen, Anna Marie; Morse, Suzanne; Breland, Tor Arvid and Lieblein, Geir (2014) BRIDGING FARMER EXPERIENCE AND SCIENCE: LEARNING FOR AGROECOLOGICAL DESIGN OF SUSTAINABLE FARMING SYSTEMS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 899-902.

Frank, Helmut; Schmid, Harald and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2014) Greenhouse Gas Emissions of organic and conventional dairy farms in Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 505-508.

Franz, Eelco; van Diepeningen, Anne D.; Visser, Anna A.; Blok, Wim J. and van Bruggen, Ariena H.C. (2005) Fate of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in manure and amended soil: effects of cattle feeding, manure type and dairy management. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2005) Density, structure and management of landscape elements on Danish organic farms. In: NJF report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), 1 (1), NJF reports, no. 1, pp. 157-160.

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2005) LIVELIHOOD STRATEGIES ON DANISH ORGANIC FARMS AND THEIR CONTRIBUTION TO FARM BASED RURAL DEVELOPMENT. Paper at: XXI Congress European Society for Rural Sociology, Keszthely, Hungary, 22-27 August 2005. [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Nature Management and livelihood strategies on Danish organic farms. Speech at: NJF international conference, No 357, Current status, and developments of part-time farming., Billund, Denmark., 22-24 april, 2004.

Frederiksen, Seniro researcher Pia and Langer, Associate Professor Vibeke (2003) Diversity measures in Danish organic farming. Paper at: 6th Symposium on Farming and Rural Systems Research and Extension, Vila real, Portugal, 3-4 April 2004. [Unpublished]

Frederiksen, Pia and Langer, Vibeke (2004) Nature Management and livelihood strategies on Danish organic farms. In: Cristovão, Artur (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixths European IFSA Symposium, European Farming and Society in Search of a New Social Contract - Learning to Manage Change, UTAD; Portugal, 1, pp. 361-374.

Frehner, A.; Cardinaals, R.; De Boer, I.; Müller, A.; Schader, C.; van Selm, B.; Herrero, M. and van Zanten, H. (2022) 1s2: Can dietary recommendations of animal source food align with circular production principles? In: Circular@WUR 2022: 1. Biosphere: Rethinking our food and bio-based systems, Wageningen University & Research.

Frehner, Anita (2023) Strategies towards more sustainable food systems. Paper at: The Environmental Impact of Food Systems, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 12th June, 2023.

Frehner, Anita; de Boer, Imke; Müller, Adrian; van Zanten, Hannah and Schader, Christian (2022) Environmental, social, and economic consequences of six food system strategies for Switzerland. In: 14th Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics. Will Achilles catch up with the tortoise? It’s high time for transformative action on sustainability. 14-17 June 2022, Pisa, Italy, p. 179.

Frehner, Anita; de Boer, Imke; Müller, Adrian; van Zanten, Hannah and Schader, Christian (2022) Strategies towards a more sustainable Swiss food system. Paper at: SGA Tagung, FiBL, CH-Frick, 29.4.2022. [Completed]

Frehner, Anita; Thompson, Michael; Moakes, Simon; Weiner, Mareike; Heidenreich, Anja; Müller, Adrian; Stöckli, Sibylle; Winter, Eva; Grovermann, Christian; Pfeifer, Catherine and Schader, Christian (2021) Quantitative modelling: Key aspects of models. Paper at: Open FiBL Day, virtuell, 27.5.2021. [Completed]

Frehner, A.M.; Van Zanten, H.H.E.; Schader, Christian; de Boer, I.J.M. and Müller, Adrian (2020) Drivers of global warming potential and diet quality of Swiss food consumption. In: Eberle, U.; Smetana, S. and Bos, U. (Eds.) 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food LCA - Towards Sustainable Afri - Food Systems, German Institue of Food Technologies (DIL), pp. 263-268.

Frehner, Anita; de Boer, Imke; Cardinaals, Renée; Müller, Adrian; Schader, Christian and van Zanten, Hannah (2020) Assessing food-based dietary guidelines from a resource use perspective. Poster at: 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2020, online, 13. - 16.10.2020. [Completed]

Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian; Schader, Christian; de Boer, Imke J.M. and Van Zanten, Hannah H.E. (2018) Environmental impact assessment of dietary scenarios: a review on methods. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCA Food 2018), pp. 559-562.

Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian; Schader, Christian; de Boer, Imke J.M. and von Zanten, Hannah H.E. (2018) Environmental impact assessment of dietary scenarios: a comparison of methodological aspects. Poster at: LCA Food 2018, Bangkok, Thailand, 16. – 20.10.2018. [Submitted]

Fretté, Xavier C (2008) Effect of grazing white clover pasture on milk composition of Holstein and Jersey cows. Poster at: Food Research Day, Aarhus University - Århus, 9 september 2008. [Unpublished]

Fretté, Xavier C (2008) Effect of grazing white clover pasture on milk composition of Holstein and Jersey cows. Speech at: Dansk/svensk netværk for mælkekvalitetsforskning, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences - Tjele - Denmark, 10 september 2008.

Fretté, C.; Kristensen, Troels; Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, Karen; Sørensen, John; Wiking, L. and Nielsen, J.H. (2009) Effect of grazing white clover pasture on milk composition of Holstein and Jersey cows. Poster at: 100th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, Orlando, Florida, USA, May 3-6 2009.

Freyer, B. (2008) The Differentiation Process in Organic Agriculture (OA) – between Capitalistic Market System and IFOAM Principles. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Freyer, B. (2008) IFOAM principles in the light of different ethical concepts. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Freyer, B. and Haberkorn, A. (2008) Influence of Young Children (3-6 years) on Organic Food Consumption in their Families. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Freyer, B. and Weik, S. (2008) Impact of different Agricultural Systems and Patterns of Consumption on Greenhouse-Gas Emissions in Austria. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Freyer, Bernhard; Darnhofer, Ika; Eder, Michael; Lindenthal, Thomas and Muhar, Andreas (2005) Total conversion to organic farming of a grassland and a cropping region in Austria– economic, environmental and sociological aspects. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Freyer, Bernhard; Leitner, Heidrun and Lindenthal, Thomas (2005) What will the next generation do when they succeed their parents??? Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Freyer, Bernhard; Surboeck, Andreas; Friedel, Juergen K.; Heinzinger, Markus and Gollner, Manfred (2005) Monitoring the Conversion to Organic Farming. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Freyer, Bernhard (2014) The deeper meaning of growth in an organic context. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 45-48.

Frick, Hanna; Oberson, Astrid; Frossard, Emmanuel and Bünemann, Else K. (2023) Higher nitrate leaching under cattle slurry than under mineral fertiliser , but soil N as major source of leached nitrate. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 97. [Completed]

Frick, Rebekka and Home, Robert (2023) Increasing farmers' autonomy in provisioning of public goods: The example of goal-oriented biodiversity promotion in Switzerland. Paper at: XXIXth European Society for Rural Sociology Congress (ESRS2023), Rennes, France, 3.-7.7.2023. [Completed]

Frick, H.; Oberson, A.; Frossard, E.; Wettstein, H.-R. and Bünemann, E. K. (2019) Tracing the fate of 15N-labelled animal manure in the environment. Poster at: LuWQ2019: Conference on Land Use and Water Quality, Aarhus, Denmark, 3-6 June, 2019. [Completed]

Frick, Hanna; Oberson, Astrid; Frossard, Emmanuel; Wettstein, Hans-Rudolf and Bünemann, Else K. (2018) Tracing the fate of 15N-labelled animal manure in the environment. Poster at: 20th Nitrogen Workshop, Rennes, France, 25-27 June, 2018. [Completed]

Frick, Rebekka; Huber, Kathrin; Moschitz, Heidrun and Alföldi, Thomas (2019) Learning processes initiated by agricultural demonstration activites in Switzerland. Paper at: ESEE 2019: 24th European Seminar in Extension (and) Education, Acireale, Italy, June 18 - 21, 2019. [Completed]

Frick, Rebekka; Weisshaidinger, Rainer; Moakes, Simon; Müller, Adrian; Bartel, Andreas; Schwank, Othmar; Petrasek, Richard; Biedermann, Roger and Stolze, Matthias (2018) Opportunities for farming in alpine countries – pathways to truly grassland-based beef and milk production in Austria and Switzerland. In: BonaRes Centre for Soil Research (Ed.) SUSALPS Conference 2018 - Book of Abstracts: Montane and alpine grasslands under climate change – ways in a sustainable future, p. 25.

Fried, Padruot M.; Zihlmann, Urs; Strasser, Fredi; Tschachtli, Ruedi; Ammann, Helmut and Dubois, David (2005) How economic is organic? Results of a long-term trial at Burgrain/Lucerne, Switzerland. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Friedel, Jürgen K.; Gollner, Manfred; Hrbek, Regina; Jakupaj, Shpresa; Flamm, Clemens; Oberforster, M.; Zechner, E.; Kinastberger, A. and Löschenberger, F. (2008) Mycorrhization of winter wheat cultivars in organic farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Friedel, Jürgen K.; Kasper, Martina; Schmid, Harald; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen and Freyer, Bernhard (2014) NEED FOR PHOSPHORUS INPUT IN AUSTRIAN ORGANIC FARMING? [Ist eine Phosphorzufuhr auf ökologisch wirtschaftenden österreichischen Betrieben erforderlich?] In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 37-40.

Friedli, Michael (2022) Region report Switzerland – Organic apple and pear production. Paper at: EUFRIN Working Group “Apple & Pear Variety & Rootstock Testing” – Meeting 2022, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 10.6.2022. [Completed]

Friedli, Michael (2022) Rustica / Rusticana. Paper at: EUFRIN Working Group “Apple & Pear Variety & Rootstock Testing” – Meeting 2022, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 10.6.2022. [Completed]

Friedli, Michael (2021) Organic fruit and berry production in Switzerland. Paper at: Open FiBL Day, online, 27.05.2021. [Unpublished]

Friedli, Michael and DOMINO, project team (2022) Living mulches in apple orchards: lessons learned from the CORE organic Project DOMINO. Paper at: 2nd Online Seminar - BIOFRUITNET, 10th March 2022. [Completed]

Friedli, M.; Häseli, A.; Stefani, P. and Baumgartner, F. (2019) Comparison of organic apricot production under all-season rain protection, seasonal rain protection and without rain protection. Poster at: Veranstaltung im Rahmen des Projektes "Produire des abricots biolgiques", Conthey (VS), Schweiz, 4. Juni 2019. [Completed]

Friedli, Michael (2020) Research activities in fruit and berry cultivation technique at FiBL. Paper at: Cross Visit LIVESEED, Online, 10th June 2020. [Completed]

Friedli, Michael; Häseli, Andreas; Stefani, Patrick; Baumgartner, Fabian; Boutry, Clémence; Daniel, Claudia and Cahenzli, Fabian (2020) Different approaches to regulate the black cherry aphid (Myzuscerasi) in organic table cherry production. Paper at: 1st Online Seminar of the Biofruitnet project, Online, 4.12.2020. [Completed]

Friedli, Michael and Messmer, Monika (2019) Apple variety testing under organic condition and market introduction in Switzerland. Paper at: LIVESEED apple task workshop at BIOFACH 2019, Nuremberg, Germany, 15.02.2019. [Completed]

Friis Pedersen, Susanne; Slågedal, Kaia and Verheul, Michel J. (2023) Soil health and local recirculation ensuring organic cucumber cultivation in Norway. Paper at: IV International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, Cancun, Mexico, 22-27 October 2023.

Friis Pedersen, Susanne (2016) Community supported agriculture in urban settings. A way for better understanding and implementation of sustainability - a Norwegian experience. Poster at: 6th International Conference on Landscape & Urban Horticulture, Athens, Greece, 20-25 June 2016.

Friis Pedersen, Susanne (2015) Introduction to the quinoa dilemma. introduction to panel held at conference at: 8th Nordic Latin American Research Network Conference , University of Helsinki, 11th-13th of June 2015. [Completed]

Friis Pedersen, Susanne and Ebbesvik, Martha (2019) Innovative greenhouse cultivation in compost barn. Paper at: International symposium on advanced technologies and management for innovative greenhouses, Angers, France, 16th-20th June 2019.

Friis Pedersen, Susanne; Meland, Marte and Rebours, Celine (2013) Macroalgae for an increasing organic market. In: Fløistad , Erling and Günther, Morten (Eds.) Bioforsk FOKUS, Bioforsk, Ås, Norway, 8 (2), Bioforsk FOKUS, pp. 337-338.

Frischknecht, M.; Bapst, B.; Flury, C.; Seefried, F.R.; Signer-Hasler, H.; Garrick, D.; Stricker, C.; Intergenomics, Consortium; Bagnato, A.; Bieber, A.; Fries, R.; Russ, I.; Sölkner, J. and Gredler, B. (2016) Genome-wide association study in Brown Swiss for fertility traits based on sequence data. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Belfast, UK, p. 111.

Frischknecht, M.; Flury, C.; Bapst, B.; Seefried, F.R.; Signer-Hasler, H.; Garrick, D.; Stricker, C.; Intergenomics, Consortium; Bagnato, A.; Bieber, A.; Fries, R.; Russ, I.; Sölkner, J. and Gredler, B. (2016) Genome-wide association study in Brown Swiss for udder traits based on sequence data. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Belfast, UK, p. 109.

Frischknecht, M.; Meuwissen, T.H.E.; Bapst, B.; Seefried, F.R.; Flury, C.; Garrick, D.; Signer-Hasler, H.; Stricker, C.; Intergenomics, Consortium; Bieber, A.; Fries, R.; Russ, I.; Sölkner, J.; Bagnato, A. and Gredler, B. (2016) Genomic prediction in cattle based on sequence data. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 29 August - 2 September 2016, Belfast, UK, p. 104.

Frischknecht, M.; Seefried, F.R.; Bapst, B.; Flury, C.; Signer-Hasler, H.; Garrick, D.; Stricker, C.; Intergenomics, Consortium; Fries, R.; Russ, I.; Sölkner, J.; Bieber, A.; Bagnato, A. and Gredler-Grandl, B. (2016) Genomic Prediction using Haplotypes in Brown Swiss. In: Interbull Bulletin No. 50, Puerto Varas, Chile, October 24-28, 2016.

Frischknecht, Mirjam; Flury, Christine; Signer-Hasler, Heidi; Stricker, Christian; Garrick, Dorian; Bieber, Anna; Seefried, Franz R.; Bapst, Beat and Gredler, Birgit (2016) Sequencing Brown Swiss cattle: GWAS and genomic prediction based on sequence data. In: Proceedings Mondial Brune. 6-10 April 2016, Mende, Lozère, France, pp. 56-58.

Fritsch, E.; Undorf-Spahn, K.; Huber, J. and Kienzle, J. (2008) Impact of different Agents on the Efficacy of Codling Moth Granulovirus in Tank Mixtures. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 252-255.

Fritsch, Eva; Undorf-Spahn, Karin; Kienzle, Jutta; Zebitz, Claus P.W. and Huber, Jürg (2006) Codling moth granulovirus: Variations in the susceptibility of local codling moth populations. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 7-13.

Fritsch, Eva; Undorf-Spahn, Karin; Kienzle, Jutta; Zebitz, Claus P.W. and Huber, Jürg (2006) Codling moth granulovirus: Variations in the susceptibility of local codling moth populations. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 7-13.

Fritz, Jürgen; Athmann, Miriam; Meissner, Georg and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF INTEGRATED, ORGANIC AND BIODYNAMIC WINE USING IMAGE FORMING METHODS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 497-500.

Frost, David (2002) Deconstructing the organic movement. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 113-114.

Frost, David (2000) Organic farming in the uplands – appraisal of a development programme. Paper at: Sixth British Grassland Society Research Conference, Craibstone Agricultural College, Bucksburn, Aberdeen, 11th-13th September 2000.

Frost, David; Ardeshir, Danny and Davies, Owen (2005) The environmental and socio-economic impacts of organic farming in Wales. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Frost, David; McLean, Barbara M L and Evans, D Eifion (2002) Eight years of organic farming at Pwllpeiran – livestock production and the financial performance of organic upland. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 259-262.

Frost, David (2004) Preaching Conversion: The Organic Conversion Information Scheme in Wales, 1996-2001. In: Organic-Research.com , ©CAB International, on-line, pp. 15-26.

Frost, David and Wacher, Carolyn (2004) A New Incarnation- The Role of the Organic Growers Association in Changing the Production and Marketing of Organic Produce. In: Organic-Research.com - January, 2004 , CAB International, on-line, 5 -14.

Früh, B; Hagmueller, W; Aubel, E; Simantke, C; Schwarz, P and Baumgartner, J (2008) Group suckling in organic sow units. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Früh, B.; Hagmüller, W.; Aubel, E.; Simantke, C.; Schwarz, P. and Baumgartner, J. (2008) Group suckling in organic sow units. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 16-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Früh, Barbara; Holinger, M.; Dippel, Sabine; Bochicchio, Davide; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, David; Prunier, Armelle; Illmann, Gudrun; Silerova, J.; Knop, D.; Rudolph, G. and Leeb, Christine (2015) Qualitative assessment of current situation and future aims by organic pig farmers. Proceedings of the international conference on pig welfare, Copenhague, Denmark.

Frøseth, Randi Berland; Hansen, Sissel and Bakken, Anne Kjersti (2008) Contribution of N from frequently chopped green manure to a succeeding crop of barley. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lueck, Lorna; Caporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Cultivating the future based on science, International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), University of Bonn, 1, pp. 388-391.

Frøseth, Randi Berland; Bakken, Anne Kjersti; Bleken, Marina Azzaroli; Riley, Hugh; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Hansen, Sissel (2012) Improving N efficiency in barley through green manure management and biogas slurry. In: Richards, Karl G.; Fenton, Owen and Watson, Catherine J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen Workshop - Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources., The Irish Agriculture Food and Development Authority -Teagasc , Ireland, pp. 124-125.

Frøseth, Randi Berland; Hansen, Sissel; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Bleken, Marina Azzaroli (2016) Improving nitrogen recovery from green manure on contrasting soil types under cold climate conditions. In: Delin, Sofia (Ed.) Abstracts of 19th Nitrogen workshop: Efficient use of different sources of nitrogen in agriculture – from theory to practice, SLU, Skara, Sweden, N workshop, pp. 72-73.

Frøseth, Randi Berland; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Dieseth, Jon Arne and Lindö, Caroline (2019) CULTIVATION, YIELDS AND QUALITY �OF HERITAGE AND MODERN SPRING WHEAT VARIETIES. Lecture at: European Diversity Cereal Festival, Kalø, Denmark, June 26-28, 2019. [Completed]

Fuchs, J. G.; Haseli, A. and Tamm, L. (2002) Influence of application strategy of coconut soap on the development of sooty blotch on apple. [Einfluss der Anwendungsstrategie von Biofa Cocana RF auf Regenfleckkrankheit des Apfels.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 50-54.

Fuchs, Jacques and Larbi, Mohamed (2005) Disease control with quality compost in pot and field trials. Paper at: I International Conference on SOIL and COMPOST ECO-BIOLOGY, León - Spain, 15.-17. Sep. 2004.

Fuchs, Jacques G.; Baier, Urs; Berner, Alfred; Mayer, Jochen and Schleiss, Konrad (2008) Effects of digestate on the environment and on plant production - results of a research project. Workshop at: ECN/ORBIT e.V. Workshop 2008 „The future for Anaerobic Digestion of Organic Waste in Europe“, Germany, Nuremberg. [Completed]

Fuchs, Jacques G.; Berner, Alfred; Mayer, Jochen; Schleiss, Konrad and Kupper, Thomas (2008) Effects of compost and digestate on environment and plant production – results of two research projects. Paper at: International Conference ORBIT , Wageningen, The Netherlands, 13th - 15th October 2008.

Fuchs, Jacques G.; Berner, Alfred; Mayer, Jochen; Smidt, Ena and Schleiss, Konrad (2008) Influence of compost and digestates on plant growth and health: potentials and limits. In: Fuchs, Jacques G.; Kupper, Thoman; Tamm, Lucius and Schenk, Kaarina (Eds.) Proceedings of the international congress CODIS 2008, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, CH-Frick, pp. 101-110.

Fuchs, R.; Rehm, A.; Salzeder, G. and Wiesinger, K. (2008) Effect of undersowing winter wheat with legumes on the yield and quality of subsequent winter triticale crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Fuchs, Boris; Sørheim, Kristin; Chincarini, Mattheo; Bjarnason, Asgeir; Stubsjøen, Solveig Marie; Zimmermann, Barbara; Lande, Unni Støbet; Hvasshovd, Svein Olaf; Bratsbergengen, Kjell and Grøva, Lise (2017) Heart Rate Logging In Free-Ranging Mammals. Poster at: 12th International Mammalogical Congress, Perth.

Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Coppa, Mauro; Fuerst, Christian; Klopčič, Marija; Knierim, Ute; Martin, Bruno; Musati, Martino and Winckler, Christoph (2022) Silage or hay: does feeding regime affect health related traits of primiparous dairy cows? Paper at: [In Press]

Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Musati, Martino; Coppa, Mauro; Fuerst, Christian; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Klopčič, Marija; Martin, Bruno and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Grazing strategies and their relationship to traits of milk performance testing in cattle. Paper at: 1st Joint Meeting of EAAP Mountain Livestock Farming & FAO-CHIEAM Mountain Pastures "Mountains are agroecosystems for peope", Bled, Slovenia (online), 7-9 June 2021. [Completed]

Fürediné Kovács, Annamária (2006) The need for safety in the decision-making process of customers of organic food stores. [The need for safety in the decision-making process of customers of organic food stores.] Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Furmanczyk, Ewa; Tartanus, Małgorzata; Holtz, Thomas; Kelderer, Markus and Malusa, Eligio (2020) Soil nutrient availability of new organic fertilizers formulations. In: Proceedings of XIX International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 181-183.

Fürst, Manfred (2007) Organic Agriculture and Fair Trade – Two Sides of One and the Same Coin. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Furtschegger, Christoph (2014) The Bioregion Mühlviertel. Paper at: International Workshop of Ecoregions, Dec. 2014. [Completed]

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2014) The perception of organic values and ways of communicating them in mid-scale values based food chains. Paper at: IFSA-Conference, Berlin, 01.04.-04.04.2014.

Gabel, Vanessa M. and Home, Robert (2018) Motivations for Swiss lowland farmers to conserve biodiversity: Can individual beliefs be influenced by on-farm advice? Paper at: 13th European IFSA Symposium, Chania, Greece, July 2nd, 2018. [Completed]

Gabertan, Herminigilda A.; Tepper, Lorna M.; Cueva, Mercedes L. Dela and Buctuanon, Eugenia M. (2014) DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC SEED PRODUCTION SYSTEM OF LOWLAND VEGETABLES AND FIELD LEGUMES AT BPI-LBNCRDC AND STRENGTHENING PARTNERSHIP IN CALABARZON, MIMAROPA AND BICOL REGION(PHASE 1). Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Gaborit, Patrice; Caillat, Hugues and Clochet, Julien (2018) Impact of grass-based diets on the qualities of milk and goat cheeses: Hay vs Pasture. 10. Cheese Symposium, Rennes, France.

Gabrielli, Monica; Qin, Chen and Ciaghi, Giulia (2021) Measuring Efficiency Of Abovefarm’S Sustainability Rating System For Organic Farming. A Case Study Of Ten Crop Production Organic Farms In China, East-Asia And Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gafsi, Mohamed; Le Tron, Solen and Mouchet, Christian (2010) ORGANIC FARMING IS IT A SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE ? DEVELOPMENT ISSUES FOR SUSTAINABLE ORGANIC FARMING IN MIDI-PYRENEES REGION. Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Gaifami, Tommaso (2017) Weeds and field margins: the other side of the coin. Poster at: First Agroecology Europe ForumFostering synergies between movements, science and practice, Lyon, France, October 25-27, 2017. [Completed]

Galambosi, B.; Galambosi, Zs.; Siivari, J.; Siivari, K.; Sankelo, T. and Shikov, A. (2007) Variation of arbutin content in Bergenia sp. leaves. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 36-37.

Galambosi, B.; Galambosi, Zs. and Slacanin, I. (2007) Morfological features and phenylpropanoid contents of natural and cultivated Rhodiola rosea roots in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 38-39.

Galambosi, Bertalan (2007) Adaptogenic medicinal plants as minor crops: cultivation, yield and suitability for Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), 21-22.

Gallandt, Eric and Molloy, Thomas (2008) Exploiting weed management benefits of cover crops requires pre-emption of seed rain. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Galvan, Mr Guillermo; Burger-Meijer, Mrs Karin; Kuyper, Prof Dr Thom; Kik, Dr Chris and Scholten, Dr Olga E (2008) Possibilities for breeding to improve responsiveness to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in onion. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Galvan, Guillermo A.; Burger, Karin; Kuyper, Thom W.; Kik, Chris and Scholten, Olga E. (2007) Breeding for improved responsiveness to arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in onion. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2021) Importance-Performance Analysis Of Organic Sheep And Goat Farmers: A Study In Six European Countries. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gambelli, Dr Danilo and Naspetti, Dr Simona (2008) Evaluating trust in organic quality marks: a network approach using laddering data. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2013) Can the inspection procedures in organic certification be improved? Evidence from a case study in Italy. Paper at: 133rd EAAE Seminar "Developing Integrated and Reliable Modeling Tools for agricultural and Environmental Policy Analysis", Chiana, Crete, Greece, 15-16 June, 2013. [Submitted]

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Non compliance in organic certification: determinants for Italy. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge for tomorrow, II, pp. 112-115.

Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco; Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian; Dabbert, Stephan and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Modelling risk-based inspections in EU organic certification: data requirements and analysis tools. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang-Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life, II.

Ganapathi, Dr.; Vishwanath Shetty, Y.; Pradeep, S.; Chidanandappa, H.M.; Noor , Nawaj and Dhananjaya, B.C. (2014) Organic Farming on Productivity of Rice and Soil Fertility under Alfisols of Southern Transition Zone of Karnataka, India. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 635-638.

gang, li and jibing, zhang (2014) Designing and Practicing of Organic Farm —a case study in Yuxi Manor of China. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Gargili Kuehl, Asli and Yonggong, Liu (2014) Analytical overview of the Chinese organic sector with the focus on rural development. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 141-144.

Garibay, Salvador (2008) Organic retailer development in Latin America(general trends). Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, February 21 - 24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Garibay, Salvador (2006) The European Market for Tropical Organic Products. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Garibay, Salvador; Amador, Manuel; Castro, Jonathan and Kilcher, Lukas (2008) Organic agriculture and climate change in developing countries. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008.

Garibay, Salvador; Gänz, Peter and Vandame, Rémy (2010) Organic Beekeeping in Mexico. In: Bogdanov, Stefan (Ed.) Apimondia First World Conference on Organic Beekeeping Program and Abstracts, pp. 12-13.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2011) General organic beekeeping data and market trends. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2011, Nuremberg, Germany, February 16th -19th 2011.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2010) Organic Farming in Latin America: some trends. Paper at: Biofach Congress 2010, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 20, 2010. [Completed]

Garibay, Salvador V. and Vandame, Rémy (2011) Organic beekeeping in Mexico. Paper at: Apimondia - First World Conference on Organic Beekeeping, Sunny Beach, Bulgaria, 27 - 29 August 2010.

Gary, Christian; Metral, Raphaël; Metay, Aurélie; Garcia, Léo; Mérot, Anne; Smits, Nathalie and Wéry, Jacques (2017) Towards an agroecological viticulture: advances and challenges. In: Proceedings of the 20th GiESCO International Meeting, Mendoza, Argentina, pp. 1122-1127.

Gasim, Seif and Abel, Stefan (2002) State of Breeding Research in the "Göttinger Winter Bean Population" (Vicia faba L.). In: Vorträge für Pflanzenzüchtung - Journal der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenzüchtung e.V., 54, -469.

Gassner, B.; Freyer, B. and Leitner, H. (2008) Labour Quality Model for Organic Farming Food Chains. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gattinger, A.; Horneburg, B.; Sundberg, C. and Medina, C.P. (2014) Climate change, loss of (bio)diversity, natural ressource depletion, social marginalization etc: Our adaptation and mitigation contribution. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Gattinger, Andreas; Skinner, C.; Krause, H.-M.; Kraus, M. and Mäder, P. (2019) Soil-derived greenhouse gas emissions as influenced by farming management. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 45.

Gattinger, Andreas; Skinner, Colin; Müller, Adrian; Krause, Hans-Martin and Mäder, Paul (2014) GREENHOUSE GAS FLUXES IN AGRICULTURAL SOILS UNDER ORGANIC AND NON-ORGANIC MANAGEMENT. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1069-1072.

Gaudare, Ulysse; Benoit, Marc; Durand, Guillaume; Dumont, Betrand; Barbieri, Pietro; Pellerin, Sylvain and Nesme, Thomas (2021) A Global Meta-Analysis About Organic Vs Conventional Livestock Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gauffin, E.; Hällbom, L. and Sjödahl Svensson, K. (2013) How can private standard accelerate the development of organic production? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 85-86.

Gaujour, Etienne; Amiaud, Bernard; Mignolet, Catherine and Plantureux, Sylvain (2007) UNSPECIFIED [Grassland field margins are able to maximise plant diversity at field scale.] EcoSummit 2007 - Ecological Complexity and Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities for 21st-Century's Ecology, Beijing, China.

Gautam, Susmita; Petkeviciute, Egle; Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Thapa, Sundar and Mejer, Helena (2014) Effect of disinfectants on viability of Ascaris suum and Ascaridia galli eggs. Poster at: Spring Symposium of the Danish Society for Parasitlogy, Frederiksberg Campus, Bülowsvej 17, 1870 Frederiksberg C, 28th March 2014. [Completed]

Gautron, Joël; Le Roy, Nathalie; Brionne, Aurélien; Labas, Valérie; Combes Soia, Lucie; Rodriguez-Navarro, Alejandro B and Hincke, Max (2019) Guinea fowl eggshell structural organization and particular organice matrix protein patterns to decipher its exceptional biomechanical properties. Journées françaises de la biologie des tissus minéralisés, Boulogne sur mer, France.

Gaviglio, Anna; Licitra Pedol, Martina and Pirani, Alberto (2008) Interrelationships between organic food industry, innovation and consumer behaviour. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gawron, Paulina; Zanoli, Raffaele; Meier, Claudia and Beck, Alexander (2021) Code of Practice for organic processors – findings from the European project Pro Org. Workshop at: BioFach 2021, Nurnberg (done remotely), 18/02/2021.

Gbadamosi, R.O. and AdeOluwa, O.O. (2014) IMPROVING THE YIELD OF Celosia argentea IN ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM WITH SYSTEM OF CROP INTENSIFICATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 859-862.

Gbenou, Pascal; Noukpo, Agossou and Visser, Marjolein (2014) FARMER EVALUATION OF THE SYSTEM OF RICE INTENSIFICATION (SRI) AND THE CONVENTIONAL RICE CULTIVATION IN BENIN. Poster at: 4th International Rice Congress, Bankok, 27th October 2014. [Unpublished]

Gebauer, Dr. Jens; Luedeling, M.Sc. Eike; Hammer, Prof. Dr. Karl and Buerkert, Prof. Dr. Andreas (2008) Plant genetic resources in mountain oases of northern Oman. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Geber, U.; Ivarsson, K. and Källander, I. (2005) The Swedish challenge – interdisciplinarity, collaboration and integration for research and development in organic farming. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Gebremikael, Mesfin T.; Medrano, Dorian and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2022) New composting technology as a potential tool for valorizing agri-food wastes into compost and liquid nitrogen fertilizer. In: Lassaletta, Luis; Cobena, A. S.; Pinsard, C. and Cabellos, S. G. (Eds.) Proceedings of the XXI International Nitrogen Workshop Halving nitrogen waste by 2030, School of Agricultural, Food and Biosystems Engineering - Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. Spain, Madrid, 1 (1), Proceedings, no. 1, p. 299.

Geen, N; Firth, C; Maye, D and Ilbery, B (2006) Diverse characteristics of UK organic direct marketing chains. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 75-78.

Geen, Natalie and Firth, Chris (2006) The committed organic consumer. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Generalovic, T. N.; Sandrock, C.; Roberts, B.; Hauser, M.; Pipan, M.; Durbin, R. and Jiggins, C. D. (2022) Population genetics and domestication of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). In: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 8 (s1), s60.

Geng, Qiuqing and Torén, Anna (2005) Mobile and stationary systems for organic pigs - working environment. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Geng, Q.; Atkinson, S. and Salomon, E. (2013) Low stress and safe handling of outdoor cattle - effective measures to improve work environment and avoid dangerous situations. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 169-170.

Gengotti, S ; Censi, D and Curto, G (2008) Evaluation of active ingredients and nematodes against slugs and snails on organic lettuce. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gengotti, S and Tommasini, M. G. (2008) Evaluation of natural active ingredients and agronomical techniques against flea beetle (Phyllotreta spp.) on open field organic garden rocket (Eruca sativa). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gengotti, S; Tommasini, M.G.; Antoniacci, L and Bugiani, R (2008) Efficacy evaluation of copper formulations for the control of lettuce downy mildew (Bremia lactucae). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Geniaux, Ghislain (2015) Spatial diffusion of Organic Farming. Impact of the location of agricultural production on ecosystem services, Dijon, France.

Geniaux, Ghislain; Latruffe, Laure; Lepoutre, Jerome; Nauges, Celine; Napoleone, Claude; Sainte-Beuve, Jasmin and Sautereau, Natacha (2011) The drivers of the conversion in organic farming (OF): a review of the economic literature. Organic is life. Knowledge for tomorrow. Proceedings, Gyeonggi Paldang, South Korea.

Gennaro, Bernardo de and Medicamento, Umberto (2005) THE ORGANIC OLIVE OIL SUPPLY CHAIN IN ITALY AND SPAIN: A SOCIAL NETWORK STUDY. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Georg, Heiko and Ude, Gracia (2007) Reducing cross-sucking of group housed calves by an environmental enriched building design. [Reducing cross-sucking of group housed calves by an environmental enriched building design.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Georg, Heiko (2011) Skid resistance and durability of coated and uncoated concrete floors in dairy cattle buildings. In: 7th International Symposium on Cement Based Materials for a Sustainable Agriculture, pp. 1-6.

George, Francisca O.A.; Nwaezeigwe, Franklin O.; Abdul, Waheed O. and Jegede, A. V. (2018) Development of Organic fish feeds: Case study of poultry droppings and pig feces as replacement for soybean meal in practical diets for Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 121-128.

Gerowitt, Bärbel; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo and Zarina, Livija (2015) Team-up crop diversification and weed management: PRODIVA. Better utilization of crop diversification for weed management in North European organic arable cropping systems. Poster at: 17th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Montpellier, 23-26 June 2016.

Gerowitt, Bärbel; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Sonderskov, Mette; Krawczyk, Roman; Kaczmarek, Sylvia; Salonen, Jukka and Verwijst, Theo (2018) From practice to science and back – knowledge and information chains in PRODIVA. Workshop at: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenie, 17-22.06.2018.

Gerrard, Catherine L; Home, Robert; Vieweger, Anja; Stolze, Matthias and Padel, Susanne (2014) Results of Surveys on Organic Market Data Collectors and End Users in Europe. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1139-1142.

Gerrard, Catherine L.; Smith, Jo; Nelder, Rebecca; Clements, Ruth; Pearce, Bruce and Bright, Ashleigh (2014) 100% Organic Feed for Poultry – Results of Feed Trials in the UK. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1147-1150.

Gesto, Manuel and Jokumsen, Alfred (2021) Does structural enrichment support the welfare of farmed rainbow trout juveniles in indoor facilities? [Styrker ”strukturelle miljøer”/skjul velfærd hos regnbueørreder i indendørs opdræt?] Speech at:

Gesto, Manuel and Jokumsen, Alfred (2016) Stress-resilience differences related to emergence time in rainbow trout. [Forskelle i robusthed over for stress i forhold til tidspunktet for første fødesøgningsadfærd.] Speech at: 8th International Symposium on Fish Endocrinology Gothenburg, Sweden, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 28th to July 2nd 2016.

Gey, Lucille; Samson, Marie-Françoise; Moinet, Kristel; Akermann, Gregory; Chiffoleau, Yuna; Echchtab, Anaïs; Robin, Marie-Hélène; Jard, Gwenaelle and Desclaux, Dominique (2021) The Diversity Of Food Processes In Organic Short Chains The Case Of Artisanal Pasta. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gfeller, Valentin (2023) Soil microbiomes in agriculture. Paper at: The Microbiome - Connecting the world of Food & Health, Pupella - University of Basel Innovation Garage, Allschwil, Switzerland, 10. November 2023. [Completed]

Gfeller, Valentin (2022) Effects of pea breeding history on root microbiome attributes under pea root rot stress. Speech at: 3rd EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Breeding, Tulln, Austria, 15. July 2022. [Completed]

Gfeller, Valentin; Schneider, Michael; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Horton, Matthew W.; Ariza Suarez, Daniel; Wille, Lukas; Oldach, Klaus; Temme, Nora; Kussmann, Sebastian; Studer, Bruno; Hartmann, Martin; Messmer, Monika and Hohmann, Pierre (2023) Identification of plant genotype dependent microbiome recruitment associated with disease resistance against root rot in peas. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP 2023, 20-25 August 2023, Lyon, France, p. 777.

Ghaouti, L.; Link, W. and Vogt-Kaute, W. (2007) Interaktionen zwischen Genotyp und Ort sind ein Vorteil von lokaler Züchtung von Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba L.). [Genotype × location interactions are advantageous for local breeding of faba bean (Vicia faba L.).] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Ghaouti, Lamiae; Vogt-Kaute, Werner and Link, Dr. Wolfgang (2005) Entwicklung ökologischer Regionalsorten bei Ackerbohnen. [Development of region-specific organic cultivars in faba bean.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel.

Ghasemi, Mohammad; Tsianou, Marina and Alexandridis, Paschalis (2017) Dissolution of cellulosic particles: Population ensemble modeling informs efficient woody biomass processing. In: 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting.

Ghasemi, Mohammad; Vargas-Aponte, Luz V.; Tsianou, Marina and Alexandridis, Paschalis (2017) Cellulose pretreatment and dissolution: Selection of solvent and processing conditions. In: 2017 AIChE Annual Meeting.

Ghorbani, Mohammad; Mahmoudi, Hossein and Liaghati, Houman (2007) Consumers’ Demands and Preferences for Organic Foods: A Survey Study in Mashhad, Iran. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Ghorbani, R; Koocheki, A; Jahan, M and Asadi, G A (2006) Effects of organic fertilisers and compost extracts on organic tomato production. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 113-116.

GHOSH, SUNIL (2014) Incidence of white fly (Bemisia tabaci Genn.) and their sustainable management by using biopesticides. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 623-626.

Giacinti, G.; Rosati, R.; Boselli, C.; Tammaro, A.; Amatiste, S. and Ronchi, B. (2008) Control of bovine sub-clinical mastitis by using herbal extract during lactation. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gian, Nicolay; Dabire, Rémy; Fliessbach, Andreas; Glin, Laurent and Sissoko, Fagaye (2013) SYPROBIO: Driving farmer-led innovation platforms to address food security, poverty alleviation and resilience to climate change in West African cotton communities. In: Proceedings AISA Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systemsin Africa, Nairobi, 29–31 May 2013, pp. 156-161.

Gibbon, David (2002) Systems thinking, interdisciplinarity and farmer participation: essential ingredients in working for more sustainable organic farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 105-108.

Gichure, Josphat Njenga; Wahome, Raphael Githaiga; Karuri, Edward and Karantininis, Kostas (2014) TRACEABILITY AMONG SMALLHOLDERS IN ORGANIC FRESH PRODUCE VALUE CHAINS: CASE OF NAIROBI. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridge, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 779-782.

Gidenne, Thierry (2018) Organic rabbit farming: situation in Europe and France. 6. American Rabbit Congress, Goiania, Brazil.

Gidenne, Thierry; Savietto, Davi; Fortun, Laurence and Roinsard, Antoine (2021) A New Simplified Performance Referencing System Adapted To Organic Rabbit Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gieland, A.; Hilbig, A.; Kersting, M.; Kunert, J.; Sailer, O. and Busch-Stockfisch, M. (2007) Sensory acceptance of organic and conventional food by children in the age of 2 to 7 years. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Gieland, Andrea; Busch-Stockfisch, Mechthild; Sailer, Oliver; Kunert, Joachim and Kersting, Mathilde (2007) Organic and conventional food acceptance by young children with different nutrional history. Poster at: 7th Pangborn Sensory Science Symposium, Hyatt Regency, Minneapolis, MN, USA, 16.08.2007. [Unpublished]

Gieland, Andrea; Kersting, Mathilde; Kunert, Joachim; Sailer, Oliver and Busch-Stockfisch, Mechthild (2008) Factors for sensory decisions by young children: Results of a 2-year follow-up study. Paper at: 3rd European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research - A Sense of Innovation, D-Hamburg, 08.09.2008. [Unpublished]

Giepen, Michael; Neto, Francisco Skora and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) Controlling weeds with natural phytotoxic Substances (NPS) in direct seeded soybean. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 469-472.

Giffard, B.; Fulchin, E.; JOUBARD, B.; GRANGER, D.; AMBLARD, P.; DEFFONTAINES, L. and Van Helden, M. (2016) Restoring soil functionality in degraded areas of organic vineyards - Preliminary results of the ReSolVe project in the French vineyards. Poster at: TEBIS Congress, Toulouse, 3-4-5/10/2016.

Giovannucci, Daniele (2007) The New Local: Linking Geographical Indications and Organics. Paper at: 1st IFOAM International Conference on 'Marketing of Organic and Regional Values', Germany, August 26 - 28, 2007. [Unpublished]

GIRARD, T.; SIMON, S.; CORROYER, N.; FAURIEL, J. and BUSSI, C. (2002) Soil nitrogen in an organic apple orchard. In: Proceedings, Canadian Organic Growers, Ottawa, Canada, p. 52.

Gislum, R. and Boelt, B. (2005) Intercropped green manure legumes in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) for organic grass seed production. In: Congress Handbook of 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, IFOAM Abstracts, p. 51.

Gjettermann, Birgitte; Styczen, Merete; Hansen, Søren; Borggaard, Ole K. and Hansen, Hans C.B. (2004) Sorption of dissolved organic C and P to agricultural top- and subsoil. In: Bruun, Bente (Ed.) ATV Jord og Grundvand. Vintermøde om jord- og grundvandsforurerening., ATV-fonden for jord og grundvand. DTU., pp. 435-444.

Gkisakis, Vasileios; Kollaros, Dimitrios; Bàrberi, Paolo; Livierattos, Ioannis and Kampourakis , Emmanouil (2014) Soil arthropod diversity in organic, integrated and conventional olive orchards in Crete. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 579-582.

Glemnitz, Michael; Radics, László and Mackensen, Kerstin (2007) Weed Management in Organic Farming in the New EU Member States and the Acceding Countries - Status Quo and Main Limitations. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Gobbi, Dr Serena; Bertolo, Gianni; Maestrelli, Dr Andrea and Torreggiani, Dr Danila (2006) High quality sweet organic cherry ingredients by osmotic dehydration before freezing: the primary importance of cultivar. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Gobbi, Dr Serena; Genna, Dr Angela; Cerasi, Dr Michela; Kelderer, Dr Markus and Senesi, Dr Emilio (2006) Influence of cultivar and dipping pre-treatment on quality of minimally processed organically grown apples. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Gobin, B.; Peusens, G.; Moerkens, R. and Leirs, H. (2008) Understanding earwig phenology in top fruit orchards. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 208-212.

Godin, E. and Tchamitchian, M. (2014) DESIGNING MIXED HORTICULTURAL SYSTEMS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 179-182.

Godoy Androcioli, Humberto; Odenath Penha, Luiz Antonio; Meneghaim, Ana Maria; Ayres Oliveira, Menezes Jr.; Mendes Oliveira, Luciano and Thibes Hoshino, Adriano (2021) Alternative Products On Coffee Leaf Miner Oviposition. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Goel, Anurag (2014) Linking Agro-ecology, Biodiversity conservation and Agro-tourism. Lecture at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Goessinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2008) Corporate Social Responsibility and Organic Farming –Experiences in Austria. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gold, M.; Niermans, K.; Heuel, M.; Kreuzer, M.; Nyirarwego, N.; Uwamahoro, F.; Jooste, F.; Standford, M.; Wanja, M.; Hoek, E.; Wilde, B.; Six, J.; Mathys, A.; Gangnat, I.D.M.; Frossard, E.; Zurbrügg, C.; Egger, J.; Dortmans, B.; Jaster-Keller, J.; Weigel, S.; Sandrock, C.; Nishimwe, K. and Terranova, M. (2022) Bioconversion of aflatoxin-contaminated agri-food by-products with fly larvae into animal feed. Paper at: 13th Conference of the World Mycotoxin Forum, Parma, Italy, 17 May, 2022. [Completed]

Goldmann, Eva and Singh, Akanksha (2023) Highlighting project impact: The underestimated power of personal stories. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 689.

Goldmann, Eva; Singh, Akanksha; Bautze, David; Armengot, Laura; Rüegg, Johanna; Cotter, Marc; Adamtey, Noah; Riar, Amritbir and Huber, Beate (2023) Change along the way? Balancing systems approach and comparability when adapting long-term experiments. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 24.

Goldstein, Walter (2021) How Maize Evolves When It Is Bred Under Biodynamic/Organic Conditions And Selected For Improved Nutritional Value And Nitrogen Efficiency. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gollner, Gabriele; Fohrafellner, Julia; Wohlmuth, Marie-Luise and Friedel, Jürgen K. (2021) Winter-Hardy Vs. Freeze-Killed Cover Crop Mixtures Before Maize On An Organic Farm With Reduced Soil Cultivation. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gollner, Manfred; Friedel, Jürgen and Freyer, Bernhard (2005) ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZA OF WINTER WHEAT UNDER DIFFERENT DURATION OF ORGANIC FARMING. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Golusin, Mirjana ; Vojnovic - Miloradov, Mirjana and Munitlak - Ivanovic, Olja (2006) Managing organic livestock production in SEE. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Gomez, C.; Brun, L.; Chauffour, D.; de Le Vallée, D. and Rolland, E. (2004) Effects of burying and removing dead leaves from the ground on the development of scab epidemics in an apple organic orchard. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 212.


Gomez, Christelle; Brun, Laurent; Chauffour, Dominique and de le Vallee, Damien (2005) Effects of ploughing in and removing litter leaves from the ground on the development of scab epidemics in an organic apple orchard. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Gomez, Jesus (2014) VETIVER FARM: SOIL MANAGEMENT FROM A SMALLFARMER. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

González, Rodrigo; Neri, Lilia; Giancaterino, Marianna; Faieta, Marco; Di Labio, Francesca and Pittia, Paola (2021) Development of dry natural additives from stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) and evaluation of their quality and stability. Poster at: 6th International ISEKI-Food Conference 2021 "Sustainable Development Goals in Food Systems: challanges and opportunities for the future", online, 23-25 June 2021. [Submitted]

Gonzalvez, V; Schlueter, M; Slabe, A and Schmid, O (2006) ORGANIC RESEARCH AND STAKEHOLDERS INVOLVEMENT: THE IFOAM EU REGIONAL GROUP CONTRIBUTION. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Gonzálvez, V.; Schmid, O.; Schlueter, M. and Slabe, A. (2007) Organic Farming Research Support and Research Priorities in the European Union. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Gonzálvez, Mr V. and Moreno, Mr J. L. (2007) Public support for organic food and Production, Promotion and Action Plans in Spain. Speech at: 16th Organic World Congress, Modena, 16-20 June 2007.

Gonzálvez Perez, Víctor ; Raigón Jiménez, Maria Dolores and Dominguez Gento, Alfons (2013) Organic farming research and innovation in Spain. Paper at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress, October 2014.

Goodlass, G; Hatch, D J; Shepherd, M A; King, J A; Cuttle, S P; Roderick, S and Briggs, S (2006) Making the most of soil nitrogen. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 269-271.

Gordon, Susan H; Bhogal, Anne and Walker, Andrew W (2002) Integration of organic poultry in whole farm systems: manure nutrient budgets. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 263-268.

Gordon, Susan H and Forbes, Michael J (2002) Management factors affecting the use of pasture by table chickens in extensive production systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 269-272.

Gosling, Paul and Shepherd, Mark (2002) Theory and reality of organic soil fertility - organic matter. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 137-138.

Gössinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2008) Corporate Social Responsibility and Organic Farming –Experiences in Austria. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gössinger, Katharina; Hametter, Monika and Freyer, Bernhard (2009) Ethical oriented activities going beyond organic standards in European enterprises/farms from different theoretical perspectives. In: Sarapatka, Borivoj (Ed.) Bioacademy 2009 - Proceedings 2nd Scientific Conference. Organic Farming - A Response to Economic and Environmental Challenges, pp. 75-79.

Gottwald, Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo and Borgen, I. (2008) Innovations within the organic food sector – basis for novel business relations between agricultural and processing enterprises. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Goudet, Ghylène; Liere, Philippe; Pianos, Antoine; Fernandez, Neïké; Cambourg, Annie; Savoie, Jonathan; Staub, Christophe; Venturi, Eric; Douet, Cécile; Ferchaud, Stéphane; Maupertuis, Florence; Roinsard, Antoine; Boulot, Sylviane and Prunier, Armelle (2021) Steroidome And Metabolome Analysis In Saliva From Immature To Pubertal Gilts To Identify Potential Biomarkers Of Receptivity To Boar Effect. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gould, D. and Luttikholt, L. (2014) Bringing the principles of Organic Agriculture fully into practice can make organic the mainstream approach to sustainability. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Gould, D.; Luttikholt, L. and Vijayalakshmi, K. (2014) The Organic sector in 2017 and 2020, and how to get there. In: d.gould@ifoam.org. [Completed]

Gould, David and Foglia, Paolo (2014) Innovating Production and Consumption. Using Organic Value Chains to Support Biodiversity. Panel discussion and/or debate between two sides at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Gouttenoire, Lucie; Cournut, Sylvie and Ingrand, Stéphane (2010) Supporting conversing processes to organic farming with models built in a participatory way with dairy farmers. Book of Abstracts of the 61st Annual Meeting of the European Association of Animal Production, Heraklion, Greece.

Gouttenoire, Lucie; Cournut, Sylvie and Ingrand, Stéphane (2010) Building causal maps of livestock farming systems using a participatory method with dairy farmers. Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty, Vienne, Austria.

Grabendorfer, Sebastian (2014) Biofumigation - an alternative method to control late blight in organic potato production? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 371-374.

Grabovska, Tetiana; Lavrov, Vitaliy and Grabovskyi, Mykola (2021) Insects Diversity In Soybean Crops Under Organic And Conventional Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Graeff, S.; Stockmann, F.; Weber, A.; Berhane, B; Mbeng, K.J.; Rohitrattana, R.; Salazar, P.; Shoko, P.; Kaul, H.-P. and Claupein, W. (2008) Potential Risk of Acrylamide Formation in Different Cultivars of Amaranth and Quinoa. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Graglia, Enrico and Melander, Bo (2005) Mechanical control of Cirsium arvense in organic farming. Paper at: 13. European Weed Research Society Symposium, Bari, Italy, 20-23 June. [In Press]

Graglia, Enrico; Melander, Bo; Grøndal, Henrik and Jensen, Rikke K. (2004) Effect of repeated hoeing on growth of Cirsium arvense. In: XII International Conference on Weed Biology, pp. 107-112.

Graham Smith, Laurence; Kirk, Guy; Jones, Philip and Williams, Adrian (2021) Modelling The Greenhouse Gas Implications Of Converting Food Production In England And Wales To Organic Methods. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Granado, J.D. and Wyss, G.S. (2006) Living on apples - anthropogenic influence on microbial communities of apple fruits. Paper at: ISME 11 - 11th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, Vienna, Austria.

Granatstein, David; Kirby, Elisabeth and Willer, Helga (2008) Current World Status of Organic Temperate Fruits. Paper at: Organic Fruit Conference, Vignola, Italy, June 16 and 17, 2008. [Unpublished]

Granatstein, D.; Kirby, E. and Willer, H. (2013) Global area and trends of organic fruit production. In: Acta Horticulturae, ISHS, 1001, pp. 383-394.

Grandgirard, David; Oheix, S.; Lançon, L.; Liagre, F.; Dupraz, Christian; Meziere, Delphine; Poulain, J.L. and Wartelle, R. (2014) SCA0PEST, a pesticide-free agroforestry cropping system: ex-ante performance evaluation. 2. European Agroforestry Conference, Cottbus, Germany.

Grandi, Giulio; Mantovani, Giorgia; Baltrušis, Paulius; De Marchi, Massimo; Loreto Manuelian, Carmen; Höglund, Johan; Várady, Márian; Komáromyová, Michaela and Righi, Federico (2021) Testing Of Plant Extracts For Anthelmintic Activities With Traditional And New Technologies. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Granlund, K. and Puustinen, M. (2006) Assessing impacts of alternative agricultural land use scenarios on nitrogen leaching with the INCA-N model. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006.

Granstedt, Artur; Schneider, Thomas; Seuri, Pentti and Thomsson, Olof (2005) The potential of ecological recycling agriculture (ERA) for improved nature resource conservation and reduced environmental impacts in the Baltic Sea drainage area. In: CD Proceedings, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM); National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA); International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), pp. 1-4.

Granstedt, Assoc Professor Artur and Kjellenberg, L. (2008) Organic and biodynamic cultivation - a possible way of increasing humus capital, improving soil fertility and providing a significant carbon sink in Nordic conditions. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Graves, Margaret E. and Hammermeister, Andrew M. (2021) Measuring Impact Of Organic Agriculture Research: Canada’S Organic Science Cluster As A Case Study. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Gray, Douglas (2002) Can parasitic gastro-enteritis be used as an indicator of welfare in organic sheep? In: Powell, Jane and et al (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 347-350.

Gredler, B.; Sargolzaei, M.; Bapst, B.; Bieber, A.; Simianer, H. and Seefried, F. (2013) HD genotype imputation in 54k genotype and ungenotyped Original Braunvieh and Brown Swiss cattle. In: Book of Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science. 26. - 30. August 2013, Nantes, Frances, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands (19), p. 229.

Gredler, B.; Sargolzaei, M.; Bapst, B.; Bieber, A.; Simianer, H. and Seefried, F.R. (2013) Accuracy of 54K to HD gebotype imputation in Brown Swiss cattle. Paper at: Plant and Animal Genome XXI Congress, San Diego, USA, 11.-16.1.2013. [Completed]

Gredler-Grandl, B.; Newbold, John; Smith, Laurence G.; van Zanten, H.H.E.; Ramos, Carolina; Estellés, Fernando; Röös, Elin; Fernández-Fígares, Ignazio; Nieto, Rosa; Pfeifer, C.; Parodi, A.; Fontanesi, L.; Moretti, Michele; Schlageter Tello, A. A.; Rivelli, Ines and Yanez-Ruiz, D. R. (2023) Re-Livestock – Facilitating innovations for resilient livestock farming systems. In: Proceedings of the 46th ICAR Annual Conference (ICAR Technical Series), ICAR (27).

Green, M and Maynard, R (2006) The employment benefits of organic farming. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 51-55.

Grey, Peter; Holt, Georgina and Tranter, Richard (2002) Conversion farm case studies. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 327-328.

Grieb, Beatrice; Gebauer, Jens and Mwangi, Peter Njoroge (2011) Warburgia udandensis – Bioassay of Different Plant Parts Concerning the Antimicrobial Activity. In: Becker, Matthias; Kreye, Christine; Ripken, Christina and Tielkes, Eric (Eds.) Tropentag 2011 - Development on the margin - Book of abstracts, DITSL GmbH, Witzenhausen, Germany, p. 418.

Grieb, Beatrice; Wiehle, Martin; Gebauer, Jens; Ploeger, Angelika and Buerkert, Andreas (2013) Food and nutrition status of households with homegardens in the Nuba Mountains of Sudan. Poster at: Hidden Hunger - From Assessment to Solutions, Stuttgart, Germany, 06. - 09. 03. 2013.

Grieb, Beatrice and Zerger, Uli (2014) Biogas production on organic farms: Sustainable energy and better nutrient cycling. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Griepentrog, Hans W. and Nørremark, Michael (2004) Seed mapping of sugar beet to guide weeding robots. Poster at: 6th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group 'Physical and Cultural Weed Control', Lillehammer, Norway, 8th March 2004.

Griepentrog, Hans W.; Nørremark, Michael; Nielsen, Henning and Blackmore, Simon (2003) Individual plant care in cropping systems. Paper at: 4th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Berlin, Germany, July 2003.

Griffon Briceño, Diego and Torres-Alruiz, Ma.Daniela (2008) On the inherent instability of the monoculture. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Grignard, A.; Stilmant, D.; Oenema, J; Tirard, S.; Debruyne, L.; Hennart, S.; Jamar, D. and Boonen, J. (2013) Comparison of organic and conventional dairy farm economic and environmental performances throughout North West Europe. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 127-128.

Grimm-Wetzel, Peter and Schönherr, Jörg (2006) Successful control of apple scab with hydrated lime. [Erfolgreiche Bekämpfung des Apfelschorfs mit Kalziumhydroxid.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 83-86.

Grodkowski, Grzegorz; Stachelek, Magdalena; Puppel, Kamila; Solarczyk, Paweł; Cypko, K and Sakowski, Tomasz (2020) Improvement of calf behaviour and veal quality using rearing at foster cows. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 26, p. 552.

Grohmann, Markus; Winckler, Christoph; Perler, Erika; Isensee, Anne; Christ, Benedikt; Amsler, Zivile; Werne, Steffen; Maurer, Veronika and Heckendorn, Felix (2012) Distribution of infection with gastro-intestinal nematodes in different groups of dairy goats in Switzerland and its influence on milk production. Speech at: 4th CAPARA WGs Workshop & MC Meeting, COST Action FO805, Gran Canaria, Spain, 19.-21.9.2012.

Gronle, Annkathrin and Böhm, Herwart (2014) The effect of intercropping winter peas and non-legumes on the weed suppressive ability in deep and short-term shallow ploughed soils. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 367-370.

Gronle, Annkathrin and Böhm, Herwart (2012) Level and causes of weed control in organic pea cultivation via intercropping under varying ploughing depths. In: ESA12 Abstracts, University of Helsinky, Department of Agricultural Science publication series , pp. 530-531.

Groot, S.P.C.; Jalink, H.; Hospers-Brands, M.; Köhl, J.; Veerman, A.; Wenneker, M.; van der Wolf, J.M. and van den Bulk, R.W (2006) Improvement of the quality of propagation material for organic farming system. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Groot, S.P.C.; Jalink, H.; Köhl, J.; Langerak, C.J.; Michta, A.; Werner, S.; van der Wolf, J.M. and van den Bulk, R.W. (2006) The need for a supply of high quality organic vegetable seeds. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Groot, Steven P.C.; Klaedtke, Stéphanie; REY, Frederic and Kodde, Jan (2021) Thoughts for a new seed quality strategy, incorporating seed vigour and the microbiome. In: PROGRAMME AND ABSTRACT BOOK.

Grosse, Meike; Krauss, Maike; Perrochet, Frederic and Mäder, Paul (2022) Reduced Tillage in Organic Farming Results of a long-term experiment on Loess soil in Switzerland. Poster at: Frontiers in experimental research on changing environments, Leipzig, Germany, 07.-09.06.2022. [Completed]

Grosse, Meike; Krauss, Maike; Perrochet, Frederic and Mäder, Paul (2022) Reduced tillage in two long-term experiments of FiBL, Switzerland. Paper at: The International BonaRes Workshop: Long-Term Field Experiments: Lift the Agricultural Data Treasure, Müncheberg, Germany, 8-9 November 2022. [Completed]

Grosse, Meike; Weiner, Mareike; Thompson, Michael; Berner, Alfred; Frei, Robert; Messmer, Monika; Perrochet, Frederic; Mäder, Paul and Krauss, Maike (2023) Costs and benefits of reduced tillage compared to ploughing in an organic long-term trial on Loess in Switzerland. In: Book of Abstracts: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, 20.-22.06.2023, Hertfordshire, UK, p. 142.

Grosse, Meike; Haase, Thorsten and Heß, Jürgen (2014) Influence of Reduced Tillage and Green Manures on Weed Emergence and Yield in Organic Farming (TILMAN-ORG SESSION). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 411-414.

Grovermann, Christian; Quiedeville, Sylvain; Stolze, Matthias; Leiber, Florian and Moakes, Simon (2021) The Impacts Of Organic Certification On Dairy Farm Performance In Europe - A Latent Class Counterfactual Analysis. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Grovermann, C.; Quiédeville, S.; Stolze, M.; Leiber, F. and Moakes, S. (2019) Economic resilience and efficiency indicators of conventional and organic dairy farms across Europe. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26 - 30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium (25), p. 444.

Grovermann, C.; Wossen, T.; Müller, A. and Nichterlein, K. (2018) Prospects for macro-level analysis of agricultural innovation systems to enhance the eco-efficiency of farming in developing countries. Paper at: 30th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Vancouver, Canada, 28 July - 2 August 2018.

Gruber, Dr. Sabine and Claupein, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (2008) Effects of Conservation Tillage on Canada Thistle (Cirsium arvense) in Organic Farming. In: Book of Abstracts.

Gruber, Dr. Sabine and Claupein, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (2008) Wood Chips from Hedgerows – Biomass Potential for On-Farm Mulching and Bioenergy? Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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Hakala, Kaija (2017) How to find a good crop variety for organic farming? In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 56-57.

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Hammermeister, Andrew Markus; Xu, Wenjie and Heung, Brandon (2021) Does Organic Management Lead To Higher Landscape Heterogeneity In Large Scale Field Crop Production? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

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Han, Eusun; Bodin Dresbøll, Dorte and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2021) Strip Intercropping Promotes Nutrient-Snatching By Deep Roots. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

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Han, Wenyan and Yang, Mingzhen (2014) ORGANIC TEA HAS MORE HEALTH BENEFIT AND ENVIRONMENTAL ADAPTABLITY THAN CONVENTIONAL TEA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 151-154.

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Hannukkala, Asko and Andersson, Björn (2006) Oospore biology in the Nordic countries: Facts, hypothesis and anecdotes. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (9), p. 17.

Hannukkala, Asko; Wiik, Lars and Pedersen, Henrik (2006) Changes of late blight attack in conventional fields in the Nordic countries. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (9), pp. 18-19.

Hannukkala, Asko; Wiik, Lars and Pedersen, Henrik (2006) Changes of late blight attack in conventional fields in the Nordic countries. Paper at: Integrated control of potato late blight in the Nordic and Baltic countries : NJF seminar 388, Helsingør, Denmark, 29 November - 1 December 2006.

Hannula, Annamari; Thomsson, Olof and Rauma, Anna-Liisa (2004) Local and ecological food consumption - case studies in Finland and Sweden. In: Food consumption behaviour, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 43-44.

Hanrahan, J.P. and Good, Barbara (2008) Lamb Production:grazing management, breeding policy and parasite control. In: Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Ireland, pp. 55-58.

Hansdotter, Sara; Rittl, Tatiana and Breland, Tor Arvid (2023) Testing FAO’s “TAPE” in Norway: a participatory tool for farmers, policymakers and other stakeholders. Poster at: Agroecology Europe Forum 2023, Gyøngyøs, Hungary, 16.-18.11.2023.

Hansel, Eva; Borghoff, Lisa and Strassner, Carola (2021) DIFFERENCES AND SIMILARITIES IN THE PROCESSING OF ORGANICALLY AND NON-ORGANICALLY PRODUCED (SEMI)-HARD CHEESE�- ANALYSIS BASED ON EXPERT INTERVIEWS WITH ARTISANAL CHEESE DAIRY STAFF IN THE MÜNSTERLAND REGION IN GERMANY. In: Book of Abstracts of the Science Forum “From its roots, organic inspires science, and vice versa”, Thünen-Report, no. 88, p. 66.

Hansel, Eva; Borghoff, Lisa and Strassner, Carola (2021) Differences And Similarities In The Processing Of Organically And Non-Organically Produced (Semi)-Hard Cheese- Analysis Based On Expert Interviews With Artisanal Cheese Dairy Staff In The Münsterland Region In Germany. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hansen, Berit; Henriksen, Britt I. F. and Lund, Vonne (2009) Welfare assessment as part of welfare planning in organic calf production. In: Matt, Darja and Peetsmann, Elen (Eds.) NJF Report 5(2), Research Centre of Organic Farming, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Estonia, p. 1.

Hansen, J P; Melby Jespersen, L; Brunori, G; Leck Hansen, A; Holst, K; Mathiesen, C; Halberg, N and Ankjær Rasmussen, I (2015) ICT and social media as drivers of multi-actor innovation in agriculture. Paper at: 2014 World Congress on Computers in Agriculture, San Jose, Costa Rica, July 27th-30th, 2014.

Hansen, L.L.; Jensen, J.A.; Hansen-Møller, J. and Hermansen, J. (2005) Skatole pattern during the growth period 50 to 100 kg liveweight in entire male pigs of the crossbreed combinations YDxLYD and HxLYD kept in groups of entire male pigs or in groups with dominant female pigs. Paper at: EAAP "Production and Utilisation of Meat from Entire Male Pigs", Uppsala, 8-9 June 2005.

Hansen, L.L. and Jensen, M.T. (2005) Feeding with chicory roots reduces the amount of odorous compounds in colon contents of pigs. In: Proceedings, pp. 117-118.

Hansen, L.L.; Jensen, M.T.; Mejer, H.; Roepstorff, A.; Thamsborg, S.M.; Byrne, D.V.; Karlsson, A.H.; Hansen-Møller, J. and Tuomola, M. (2005) Influence of chicory roots /Cichorium intybus L) on boar taint in entire male pigs and female pigs. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 327.

Hansen, Lars Gårn (2003) Danish organic food demand - Separability and Substitution Patterns. Paper at: Enviroment, information, and consumer behavior, Frederiksdal, 28-29th -04-2003. [Unpublished]

Hansen, Lars Monrad and Boelt, Birte (2004) Organic clover seed production: Does intercropping with plant species with at strong scent distract the clover seed weevil and increase seed yield? In: Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Ranganathan, Radha and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, p. 180.

Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj; Jensen, Jens Askov; Henckel, Poul; Hansen-Møller, Jens; Byrne, Derek V. and Syriopoulos, Kostas (2007) Pork quality related to the diet content of fermentable fibre-rich feedstuffs (chicory and lupine) with special emphasis on the effect on boar taint and meat quality. [Korttidsindflydelsen af fodring med fermenterbare fiberrige fodermidler (lupiner og cikorie) før slagtning med særligt henblik på indflydelsen på kemisk ornelugt og teknologisk kødkvalitet.] Speech at: 23rd NJF congress 2007, Trends and Perspectives in Agriculture, Copenhagen, June 26-29, 2007.

Hansen, Martin N. (2004) Heterogeneity inside heaps of composting livestock manure and its influence on emission loss of greenhouse gases and ammonia. In: Achim, Weiske (Ed.) Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture - Mitigation options and strategies, pp. 250-251.

Hansen, Martin N. (2002) Risk of heavy metal accumulation in agricultural soil when livestock manure and organic waste is used for fertilisation. In: Ong, I.; Tee, T.P. and Liang, J.B. (Eds.) Global perspective in livestock waste managemen, Malaysian society of animal production, pp. 269-272.

Hansen, Martin N.; Birkmose, Torkild S.; Mortensen, Børge and Skaaning, Kent (2005) Effects of separation and anaerobic digestion of slurry on odour and ammonia Emission during Subsequent Storage and land application. In: Bernal, Pilar; Moral, Raul; Clemente, Rafael and Paredes, Concepcion (Eds.) Sustainable organic waste management for environmental protection and food safety, FAO and CSIC, 1, pp. 265-269.

Hansen, Martin N. and Maahn, Merete (2003) Evaluation of the Photoacoustic Multi-gas Monitor during measurements of gas emissions from composting livestock manure. In: H., Takai and H.B., Rom (Eds.) International symposium on gaseous and odour emissions from animal production facilities, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 538-545.

Hansen, Martin N.; Sommer, Sven G. and Henriksen, Kaj (2002) Methane emissions from livestock manure - effects of storage conditions and climate. In: Søren, Petersen and Jørgen, Olesen (Eds.) DIAS report, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 81, DIAS Report, plantproduction, no. 81, pp. 45-53.

Hansen, Mette Weinreich; Nielsen, Thorkild and Kristensen, Niels Heine (2007) Ethical principles and practice in organic processing - governance and corporate responsibility. Paper at: EURsafe,, Oslo, 22.6.06. [Unpublished]

Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2005) Suggested outline of the thesis "Crop-Weed interactions determined by sensor techniques"(COMSENS). Paper at: Midtterm Seminar, KVL, 25. October 2005.

Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2005) Tolerance to weed harrowing in spring barley genotypes. In: Proceedings from the 13th European Weed Research Society (EWRS) Symposium, CD-ROM.

Hansen, Sissel; A. Bleken, Marina; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Govasmark, Espen; Falk Øgaard, Anne and Breland, Tor Arvid (2007) Sustainable nutrient supply of organic farming challenged by specialisation. In: Lund, Mogens and Larsen, Torben Ulf (Eds.) NJF Report: NJF 23rd Congress 2007 - Trends and Perspectives in Agriculture, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (2), NJF Report, no. 3 (2), pp. 193-194.

Hansen, Sissel and Bakken, Anne Kjersti (2008) A discussion of norms for S supply in organic farming based on content in forage and ruminant performance in Norway. In: Neuhoff, Daniel (Ed.) Proceedings of the 2nd scientific conference of the international society of organic agriculture research (ISOFAR), Livestock, socio-economic and cross disciplinary research in organic agriculture, ISOFAR, II, pp. 160-163.

Hansen, Sissel; Pommeresche, Reidun and Rittl, Tatiana (2022) Carbon for benefit of the farmer. Lecture at: 8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Seoul, South Korea, 26-30 June 2022.

Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J. and Vinther, F.P. (2005) Nitrogen leaching following cultivation of grazed grass-clover on coarse sandy soil. Poster at: N-workshop, Maastricht, 23-26 Sept. 2005.

Hansen, Jonas H. and Petersen, Hanne T. (2010) From Grain to Feed. [Fra proteinafgrøde til fiskefoder.] Poster at: Healthgrain, Lund, Sweden, 5-7 May 2010.

Hansen, S.; Frøseth, R.B.; Bakken , A.K.; Riley, H.; Thorup-Kristensen, K. and Bleken, M.A. (2013) Effect of green manure management on barley yields and N-recovery. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 161-162.

Hansen, Sissel; Koesling, Matthias; Schüler, Maximilian; Fystro, Gustav and Bleken, Marina Azzaroli (2016) Large variation in nitrogen efficiency among organic and non-organic farms. In: Delin, Sofia (Ed.) Abstracts of 19th Nitrogen workshop: Efficient use of different sources of nitrogen in agriculture – from theory to practice, SLU, Skara, Sweden, Nitrogen Workshop, pp. 82-83.

Hansen, Sissel; Rivedal, Synnøve; Øpstad, Samson; Heggset, Sverre; Deelstra, Johannes and Dörsch, Peter (2016) Greenhouse gas emissions and agronomic feasibility for forage production on inverted peat soil. In: Höglind, Mats (Ed.) The Multiple Roles of Grassland in the European Bioeconomy, NIBIO, Ås, Norway, 2 (3), Grassland Science Europe/ NIBIO Other publications, pp. 771-773.

Hansen, Veronika; Müller-Stöver, Dorette and Magid, Jakob (2019) Green manure crops for low fertility soils. Poster at: Congressi Stefano Fanscini, Monte Veritá, Switzerland, 6-11 October, 2019.

Häring, A. M. (2002) Organic Farms in the EU: Policy impacts and adaptation strategies of typical arable and dairy farms. In: Proceedings of the 10th EAAE Congress.

Häring, A. M. (2000) Economic simulation of organic farms guided by farmers - A participatory approach to agricultural policy research? In: Proceedings of the 2nd SREN Workshop on “Research Methodologies in Organic Farming - On-farm & Participatory Research”, FAO, Rome, REU Technical Series, no. 63.

Häring, A. M. and Dabbert, S. (2002) Organic Farms in the EU: Status quo, development strategies and policy impacts on selected arable and dairy farms. In: Proceedings of the 13th International IFMA Congress of Farm Management.

Häring, A. M. and Dabbert, S. (2000) The economic impact of the CAP reform and potential future policy developments on typical organic farms in the EU. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, p. 664.

Häring, A. M.; Dabbert, S.; Offermann, F. and Nieberg, H. (2001) Benefits of Organic Farming for Society. In: Proceedings of the European Conference – Organic Food and Farming, The Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.

Häring, A. M.; Dabbert, S. and Stolze, M. (2002) Will policy support for organic farming be justified in the future? The environmental impacts of organic farming. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress.

Häring, A.M; Vairo, D.; Dabbert, S. and Zanoli, R. (2006) Stakeholder involvement in policy evaluation and development in 11 European countries: synthesis results. [Stakeholder involvement in policy evaluation and development in 11 European countries: synthesis results.] Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Häring, Anna; Bichler, Barbara and Dabbert, Stephan (2003) Der Einfluß ökologischer Produktionsverfahren auf die Betriebsstruktur: eine deskriptive Analyse basierend auf der EU Agrarstrukturerhebung 2000. In: ÖGA. [Unpublished]

Häring, Anna Maria and Offermann, Frank (2005) Impact of the EU Common Agricultural Policy on organic in comparison to conventional farms. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Haro-Pérez, Isabel Maria; Cuéllar-Padilla, Mamen and Laytte-García, María José (2021) Participatory Guarantee Systems Vs Official Certification System. When People Want To Take Part Of It... Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Haro-Pérez, Isabel Maria; Cuéllar-Padilla, Mamen; Navarro-Miró, David; Muñoz-Reales, Francisco and Romero-Molina, Jose Miguel (2021) Participatory Guarantee Systems In Spain: Building A System To Assess And Foster Agroecological Transition. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hartikainen, Merja; Antonius, Kristiina and Veteläinen, Merja (2011) Heritage plants in historic gardens - case Jokioinen Manor Park, Finland. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Hartung, E.; Ollesch, K.; Häussermann, A.; Rieger, M.A.; Diefenbach, H.; Sundrum, A.; Ebke, M. and Lohmeyer, M. (2004) Airborne biological hazards and dust in fattening pig facilities with and without straw. In: Proceedings of the AgEng 2004 Conference "Engineering the Future".

Häseli, A.; Tschabold, J.-L.; Suter, F. and Weibel, F.P. (2008) Development of an Organic Table Grape Production and Market in Switzerland. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 155-159.

Haseli, Andi; Wyss, Eric; Weibel, Franco and Zingg, Daniel (2000) Regulierung der Blutlaus (Eriosoma lanigerum) im Biologischen Apfelbau. Erfahrungen aus drei Versuchsjahren mit direkten und indirekten Verfahren. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 45-52.

Häseli, Andreas and Zingg, Daniel (2004) Wirkung des Quassiapräparates "Quassan" gegen die Sägewespe. [Effect of Quassan, a Quassai product, against Sawflies (Hoplocampa testudinea).] Paper at: 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, Weinsberg, Deutschland, 03.-05.02.2004.

Häseli, Andreas; Stefani, Patrick and Friedli, Michael (2020) Regulation of the black cherry aphid (Myzuscerasi) in organic table cherry production. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, ecofruit, 17-19 February, 2020, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 157-161.

Hashem, Yousry (2008) Controlling insect pests of stored organic chamomile by controlled atmospheres. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Hasimoglu, Sümer (2014) OFIA - INNOVATION APPLICABLE IN ORGANIC FARMING. RETHINKING ON HOUSEHOLD/POPULATION ANTHROPOMETRIC AND REAL FOOD CONSUMER DEMAND EVALUATIONS OF EU27/CANDIDATES BY USING PER CAPITA (PC) VERSUS PER ADULT HUMAN UNIT (PAHU) METHOD/1999-2010-2020. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1089-1094.

Hassall, A.G.; Kristiansen, P. and Taji, A. (2005) Investigation of management practices and economic viability of vineyards for organic wine production. Paper at: Proceedings of the 8th International IFOAM Viticulture & Wine Conference, Adelaide Australia, September 2005.

Hatch, David; Shepherd, Mark and Hatley, Damian (2002) Understanding soil nitrogen supply: organic matter quality and quantity. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 145-146.

Hatcher, Scientist Paul and Melander, Scientist Bo (2004) Combining physical and cultural weed control with biological methods – prospects for integrated non-chemical weed management strategies. In: Proceedings of the 6th EWRS on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 30.

Hattam, Caroline (2006) Barriers to the adoption of organic agriculture An investigation using the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, p. 73.

Hattam, Caroline E. and Holloway, Garth J. (2005) Adoption of Certified Organic Production: Evidence from Mexico. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Hauck, Julia; Wolfrum , Sebastian and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2014) LANDSCAPE AESTHETICS AS AN INDICATOR FOR SOCIAL SUSTAINABILITY OF CROP ROTATIONS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 527-530.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Goldringer, Isabelle; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme and Hohmann, Pierre (2021) Genetic drivers for mixture performance in pea and barley. In: Aubertot, Jean-Noël; Inger, Bertelsen; Charlotte, Bickler; Rob, Carlton; Alison, Karley; Keillor, Beatrix; Newton, Adrian; Vaz Patto, Maria Carlota; Scherber, Christoph; Topp, Kairsty and Watson, Christine (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology, The Association of Applied Biologists, Warwick Enterprise Park, Wellesbourne, Warwick CV35 9EF, UK, 146, pp. 165-167.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle; Flutre, Timothée and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Breeding for mixed cropping – New concepts and statistical methodology. Speech at: Liveseed meeting on statistics / results / conclusions, online, 10.11.2020.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Breeding for mixed cropping – New concepts developed within ReMIX. Speech at: Liveseed webinar, online, 26.05.2020.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) New breeding strategies for mixed cropping in a barley (H. vulgare L.) pea (P. sativum L.) model system. Speech at: Limagrain annual research meeting, Vichy, France, 22.-24.01.2020.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) Breeding methodologies for mixed cropping using barley-pea mixtures as a model system. In: Tagungsband der 70. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs, 25.-27. November 2019, Raumberg-Gumpenstein. [In Press]

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) Development of genetic models to breed for mixed cropping systems. In: Messéan, Antoine; Drexler, Dora; Heim, Ildikó; Paresys, Lise; Stilmant, Didier and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First European Conference on Crop Diversification, 18.-21.09.2019, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 243-244.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) New breeding strategies for mixed cropping in a barley (H. vulgare L.) pea (P. sativum L.) model system. In: Book of Abstracts, 5th Conference on Cereal Biotechnology and Breeding, 04.-07.11.2019, Budapest, Hungary, pp. 45-46.

Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika M.; Enjalbert, Jérôme; Goldringer, Isabelle; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) Breeding strategies for a spring barley pea mixed cropping system. In: Bulletin 31 (27. Jahresversammlung der Schweizerischen Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften SGPW), 31, Bulletin, pp. 32-33.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, H; Ambus, P; Dalgaard, T; Johansen, A; Jørgensen, U; Nielsen, A.M.; Nielsen, L.H.; Olesen, J.E.; Roepstorff, A; Skytte, K; Smith, J.E.; Thomsen, A.B.; Thomsen, M.H. and Jensen, E.S. (2007) Biomass and bioenergy production in organic agriculture. Consequences for soil fertility, environment, spread of animal parasites and socio-economy. BioConcnes, a 4-year interdisciplinary project. Poster at: 23rd NJF Congres, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagne, Denmark, 26-29 June, 2007. [Unpublished]

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik (2002) Grain legumes in organic cropping systems. In: Clustered Workshops LINK Strasbourg, AEP.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Ambus, Per; Brisson, Nadine; Crozat, Yves; Dahlmann, Christoph; Dibet, Audrey; von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Gooding, Mike; Kasyanova, Elena; Launay, Marie; Monti, Michele; Pristeri, Aurelio and Steen Jensen, Erik (2006) Pea-barley intercrops use nitrogen sources 20-30% more efficiently than the sole crops. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Ambus, Per and Jensen, Erik Steen (2001) Reintroducing grain legume-cereal intercropping for increased protein production in European cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Grain Legumes, AEP - European association for grain legume research, pp. 52-53.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Intercropping strategies for Europe. Speech at: 5th European Conference on grain legumes: Legumes for the benefit of agriculture, nutrition and the environment, Palais de Congrès, Dijon, France, 7 -11 June 2004.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Jensen, Erik Steen; Aveline, Anne and Crozat, Yves (2004) Grain legumes and nitrate leaching: significance and prevention. Speech at: Legumes for the benefit of agriculture, nutrition and the environment, Palais de Congrès, Dijon, France, 7 -11 June 2004.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Jørnsgaard, Bjarne and Jensen, Erik Steen (2003) Legume-cereal intercropping as a weed management tool. In: Proceedings and presentations from 4th EWRS workshop: Crop/Weed competitive interactions, European Weed Research Society. [Unpublished]

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kinane, Julie; Trydeman Knudsen, Marie and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Intercropping and sustainability. Speech at: ERA Farming Seminar 2004, Videolink conference, Risø, Denmark, 26 February 2004.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Peoples, Mark B.; Andersen, Mette K.; Nielsen, Anders H. and Jensen, Erik S. (2001) Pea-barley intercrop N dynamics in farmers fields. In: 11th Nitrogen Workshop - Book of Abstracts, INRA - National Institute for Agricultural Research, 11th Nitrogen Workshop - Book of Abstracts.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard and Jensen, Erik Steen (2009) Why diversify annual biomass production for energy – exemplified by green house gas emissions from the Danish IBUS bioethanol production concept. Speech at: NJF Seminar 405: Production and utilization of crops for energy, Vilnius, Lithuania, 25-26 September, 2007.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Tranberg Nikolajsen, Jacob and Steen Jensen, Erik (2006) Competitive ability of grain legume-barley intercrops towards volunteer crops and weeds. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Hauggaard-nielsen, Henrik; Trydeman Knudsen, Marie; Ravn Jørgensen, Johannes and Steen Jensen, Erik (2006) Intercropping wheat with pea for improved wheat baking quality. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Dr. Henrik (2002) Grain legumes in organic cropping systems. In: Proceedings from Clustered workshops. Workshop 2: towards European expertise on management of cropping systems including legumes, AEP European association for grain legume research, pp. 70-74.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2010) Strip intercropping strategy including both annual and perennial legumes for increased fertilizer N substitution and climate change mitigation. Speech at: 5th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC V) and 7th European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEP VII), Turkey, 26-30 April.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Weed management in grain legumes using an intercropping approach. In: 8th ESA congress. Book of Proceedings, pp. 605-606.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Jensen, Erik Steen; Carter, Mette S.; Johansen, Anders and Ambus, Per (2009) Strip intercropping strategy for biomass to energy production while on the same time maintaining soil fertility. In: Seminar 428, Energy conversion from biomass production - EU-AgroBiogas, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Stockholm, Sweden, 5 (3), NJF Report, pp. 22-23.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Petersson, Anneli; van Maarschalkerweerd, Christian; Nielsen, Lars Henrik; Thomsen, Anne Belinda and Jensen, Erik Steen (2007) Green house gas (GHG) emissions from Danish bioethanol production and choice of biomass raw materials. Speech at: NJF 23rd Congress 2007: Trends and perspectives in Agriculture, Copenhagen, 26-29 June, 2007.

Hauser, Dr. Michael (2006) Nahrung für alle? Biologische Landwirtschaft und Nahrungsmittelsicherheit in Entwicklungsländern. [Food for all? Organic agriculture and the household food security equation in developing countries.] Speech at: 6. Europäische Sommerakademie für Biolandwirtschaft, Lednice na Moravé, CZ, 29.06. - 01.07.2006.

Hazelman, Stephen (2014) PGS: Revolutionising Organics in the Pacific. Enhancing Pacific farmer’s access to certification. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

He, Chen (2009) Organic and healthy food strategies in schools -Separate strategies or two sides of the same coin? Poster at: FOOD Denmark Congress 2009: A Career within Innovation?, DTU (Technical University of Denmark), Lyngby. [Submitted]

He, Chen (2009) An illustration of web survey methododlogy. Paper at: iPOPY international conference in Copenhagen, Copenhagen, 2009. [Submitted]

He, Chen (2009) Organic and healthy eating strategies in schools- Separate strategies or two sides of the same coin? Poster at: [Submitted]

He, Chen (2009) Does organic food intervention in the Danish schools lead to change dietary patterns? - results of a web based questionnaire survey among Danish school food coordinators. Paper at: Open seminar of the project innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth 'iPOPY', Helsinki, Finland, 21.–22.1.2009. [In Press]

He, Chen (2008) Organic school meals in three Danish municipalities. Poster at: IFOAM, Modena, Modena, Italy, 19 June 2008. [In Press]

He, Chen and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2010) Promoting sustainable consumption and healthy eating: A comparative study among public schools in Denmark, Germany, Finland & Italy. Workshop at: Linking Health, Equity & Sustainability in Schools CICG, Geneva, July 10-11, 2010. [Unpublished]

He, Chen and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2009) Does organic food intervention in the Danish schools lead to change dietary patterns? - results of a web based questionnaire survey among Danish school food coordinators. Speech at: Organic food, health and sustainable development in schools, Helsinki, Finland, 21.-22.1.2009.

He, Chen and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2008) DOES ORGANIC FOOD INTERVENTION IN SCHOOL LEAD TO CHANGED DIETARY PATTERNS? Poster at: IFOAM, Modena, Italy, Modena., 2008-06-19. [In Press]

Heaton, Shane (2002) Assessing organic food quality: Is it better for you? In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 55-60.

Heckendorn, Felix; Häring, Dieter Adrian; Maurer, Veronika; Langhans, Wolfgang and Hertzberg, Hubertus (2007) Effect of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia) silage and hay against gastrointestinal nematodes in lambs. Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Heckendorn, Felix; Maurer, Veronika; Häring, Dieter; Langhans, Wolfgang and Hertzberg, Hubertus (2007) Tanniferous forage plants with anthelmintic properties: the example of sainfoin (Onobrychis viciifolia). In: Claerebout, E. and Vercruysse, J. (Eds.) From EPG to Genes - 21st International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), Proceedings, WAAVP, Conference Proceedings, p. 136.

Heckendorn, F.; Giebler-Schubert, F.; Walkenhorst, M.; Fertig, O.; Hamburger, M.; Potterat, O. and Valle-Zárate, A. (2013) Administration of Silver Fir (Abies alba Mill.) to goats and its potential to control gastro-intestinal parasites. In: Planta Medica, Geogr Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart, New York, 79, p. 1239.

Heckendorn, Felix; Perler, Erika; Isensee, Anne; Amsler, Zivile; Werne, Steffen; Grohmann, Markus; Uzunoglu, Ferit; Saratsis, Anastasios; Maurer, Veronika and Stricker, Christian (2013) The genetic basis for the selection of goats resistant to gastrointestinal nematodes. Paper at: 4th COST Action FA0805 Meeting; Caprine Parasitology, Berlin, Germany, 2. - 4.12.2013.

Heckendorn, Felix; Schwery, Moritz; Volken, Herbert; Maurer, Veronika and Simonnet, Xavier (2012) Feeding sainfoin to goats – influence on milk and cheese quality and yield. Speech at: FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goats. Sub-Network on Nutrition 14th International Seminar / 2nd Symposium of LowInputBreeds, Hammamet, Tunesia, 15.-18. May 2012.

Heckendorn, Felix; Werne, Steffen; Maurer, Veronika; Perler, Erika; Amsler, Zivile; Probst, Johanna; Zaugg, Cornelia and Krenmeyr, Ilse (2013) Sainfoin - new data on anthelmintic effects and production in sheep and goats. In: Planta Medica, Geogr Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart, New York, 79, p. 1125.

Heeb, Marlene (2006) Gaining Trust in Emerging markets in South East Europe. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Heenan, Samuel; Alewijn, M. and van Ruth, S.M. (2012) Innovative approaches for the authentication of raw ingredients in organic/sustainable production. Lecture at: Sustainable Food Summit , Amsterdam, 5 - 7 June 2012.

Heer, Alexander; Joshi, Tanay; Messmer, Monika and Riar, Amritbir (2023) Environment-specific selection of high-quality cotton cultivars from on-station and on-farm trials. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 27.

Heerkens, J. L. and Tuyttens, Frank (2012) Consumer perception and communication on welfare in organic laying hen farming. Paper at: 2nd IFOAM / ISOFAR International Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry,, Hamburg, Germany, 12-14 September 2012.

Heerkens, Jasper and Tuyttens, Frank (2012) Consumer perception and communication on welfare in organic laying hen farming. In: Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Braunschweig: vTI, pp. 75-78.

Hefner, M.; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2020) Soil fertility, nitrogen availability and plant growth in new vegetable production systems. Speech at: Swedish Organic Conference: Forskning och utveckling inom ekologisk produktion, Webinar, 15. Oct. 2020. [Completed]

Hefner, Margita; Canali, Stefano; Willekens, Koen; Lootens, Peter; Deltour, Pauline; Beeckmann, Annelies; Arlotti, Donnatienne; Tamm, Kalvi; Bender, Ingrid and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Roller-Crimping As An Alternative To Incorporation Of Agro-Ecological Service Crops Changes Nitrogen Dynamics In Organic Cabbage Production Under Northern And Western European Conditions. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hefner, M.; Labouriau, R.; Nørremark, M. and Kristensen, H. L. (2018) Controlled traffic farming increases root growth, crop and soil nitrogen in vegetable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 20th Nitrogen Workshop “Coupling C - N - P - S cycles”, pp. 461-462.

Hegelund, L. (2004) What is welfare? And a Welfare Assessment System. Speech at: Nordic Poultry Consultant and Veterinary Conference., Nokia, Finland., 26-28 November, 2004..

Hegelund, L. and Sørensen, J.T. (2005) Measuring fearfulness in organic egg production. Speech at: 3rd International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level (WAFL), Vienna, Austria, 22-24 september, 2005.

Hegelund, L.; Sørensen, J.T. and Hermansen, J.E. (2005) Use of range area, plumage condition and mortality. Poster at: Should hens be kept outside?, Nijmegen, Holland., 18-20 april. [Unpublished]

Heibertshausen, Dagmar; Baus-Reichel, Ottmar; Hofmann, Uwe; Kogel, Karl-Heinz and Berkelmann-Löhnertz, Beate (2007) Using Copper in Organic Viticulture: Doing it best with less? Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Heid, Astrid and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) Segmenting the market for goat kid meat. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 379-382.

Heidbüchel, Katharina; Baldinger, Lisa and Bussemas, Ralf (2021) Behavioural observations of piglets in an organic free farrowing pen. Poster at: IAHA Pre-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, FiBL Schweiz, 6. and 7. September 2021.

Heidbüchel, Katharina; Baldinger, Lisa and Bussemas, Ralf (2020) Behavioural observations of sows and piglets in an organic free far-rowing pen with a focus on the piglet nest. In: Proceedings of the IAHA Video-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, Otto Schmid, Marion Johnson, Mette Vaarst, Barbara Früh (Eds.), pp. 109-110.

Heidenreich, A; Müller, A.; Pfeifer, C; Moakes, S; Six, J and Stolze, M (2022) 1s1a: Circularity in food and agricultural systems: Blind spots in agricultural landscape assessments. Circular@WUR, Wageningen University and Research WUR, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 11.04.2022 - 13.04.2022.

Heidenreich, Anja; Müller, Adrian; Six, Johan and Stolze, Matthias (2020) A spatially explicit framework to assess the environmental impacts of agricultural production on landscape level. Poster at: IAS Doctoral Symposium, CH-Einsiedeln, 28-29 September, 2020. [Completed]

Heidenriech, Anja; Müller, Adrian; Moakes, Simon; Pfeifer, Catherine; Stolze, Matthias and Six, Johan (2020) A spatially explicit framework to assess the environmental impacts of agricultural production on landscape level. In: Eberle, Ulrike; Smetana, Sergiy and Bos, Ulrike (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCAFood2020), 13-16 October, 2020, Berlin Virtually, Germany, DIL, Quakenbrück, Germany, pp. 878-880.

Heidt, Hanna; Struwe, Kerstin; Kessler, Sabine; Stoll, Evelyne; Heuschling, Serge and Zimmer, Stéphanie (2021) Comparing Yield And Yield Stability Of Organically Bred And Conventionally Bred Winter Wheat Varieties In Organic Variety Trials In Luxembourg. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Heijne, B.; de Jong, P.F.; Lindhard Pedersen, H.; Paaske, K.; Bengtsson, M. and Hockenhull, J. (2007) Field efficacy of new compounds to replace copper for scab control in organic apple production. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Heijne, B.; Jong, P.F. de; Köhl, J.; Speksnijder, A.G.C.L.; Hockenhull, J.; Bengtsson, M.; Lindhard Pedersen, H.; Paaske, K.; Eiben, U.; Tamm, L. and Trapman, M. (2006) Prevention and control of apple scab. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Heijne, Bart; Jong, Peter Frans de; Wenneker, Marcel and Jansonius, Pieter Jans (2005) Slaked lime against european fruit tree canker: efficacy and introduction into practice. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Heijne, Dr. Bart; de Jager, Anton and de Jong, Peter Frans (2006) Promotion of leaf degradation by earthworms under laboratory conditions. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Heike, Kirsten (2014) The One World Award 2014. The winners 2014 - learning from their experience. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Heikkilä, Matti; Gunnarsson, Stefan and Valros, Anna (2006) Light source preferences in laying hens. In: Proceedings of the 18th Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 13.

Heikkilä, Tapio (2009) Visual monitoring of landscapes. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 26.

Hein, Lisa; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Gregersen, Sandra Beyer; Larsen, Lotte Bach; Demirovic, Dino; Warnecke, Solveig; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Munk, Arne; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Pedersen, Jørn and Kargo, Morten (2016) Detailed milk fatty acid profiling of the Danish dairy cattle population. Keynote presentation at: ICAR congress, Puerto Varas, Chile, October 24-28, 2016.

Heinäaho, Merja ; Pusenius, Jyrki and Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta (2006) Organic farming methods affect the concentration of phenolic compounds in sea buckthorn leaves. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Heinäaho, Merja; Aniszewski, Tadeusz; Pusenius, Jyrki and Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta (2007) Effects of fertilizers, mulches and land contours on the growth of sea buckthorn cultivars in organic farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 14.

Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press]

Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press]

Heinonen, Marina (2007) Bioactive berry phenolics. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 8.

Heinonen, Sampsa (2004) Opportunities for the development of organic data collection and processing based on Finnish experiences. Paper at: Development of a European information system for organic markets - improving the scope and quality of statistical data : 1st EISfOM European seminar, Berlin, Germany, 26-27 April, 2004.

Heinonen, Maarit; Hartikainen, Merja; Antonius, Kristiina; Kinnanen, Hilma and Pihlman, Sirkku (2011) Heritage plants in museum environment - three museum gardens in south western Finland. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Heinonen, Maarit; Hartikainen, Merja; Antonius, Kristiina; Kinnanen, Hilma and Pihlman, Sirkku (2011) Heritage plants in museum environment - three museum gardens in south western Finland. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Heinonen, Maarit and Veteläinen, Merja (2011) Cereal landrace farmers in Finland and their motivation to on-farm conservation. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Heinze, Sanna and Vogel, Alexander (2014) Reversion from organic to conventional agriculture in Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 347-350.

Heiskanen, Eva; Brohmann, Bettina; Schönherr, Norma and Aalto , Kristiina (2009) Policies to promote sustainable consumption: framework for a future-oriented evaluation. In: Proceedings, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 91-99.

Heiskanen, Eva; Johnson, Mikael; Saastamoinen, Mika and Vadovics, Edina (2009) How does consumer behaviour change? Examples from energy conservation. In: FFRC eBOOK (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 287-294.

Helbig, S.; Küstermann, B. and Hülsbergen, K.-J. (2008) Energy balance of different organic biogas farming systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Helias, Régis and Carriere, Amélie (2021) Management Of A Permanent Cover Crop In An Organic Farming System. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hellec, Florence; Belluz, Mathilde and Bareille, Nathalie (2021) Nurse Cows For Young Calves: Analysis Of A Bottom-Up Innovation In Organic Dairy Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hellstedt, Maarit and AlaKleme, Teemu (2011) Storage of slurry in earth-banked lined basins in Finland. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 218.

Hellström, Jarkko; Rajaniemi, Sirpa; Kivijärvi, Pirjo and Mattila, Pirjo (2007) The effect of processing on chokeberry (Aronia Medik.) polyphenols. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), pp. 40-41.

Hellström, Jarkko; Hietaranta, Tarja; Karhu, Saila; Mattila, Pirjo; Tiirikka, Timo and Veteläinen, Merja (2010) High variability in anthocyanin contents between different blackcurrant varieties. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Hellwing, A.L.F.; Petersen, J.S. and Steenfeldt, S. (2017) Performance and range use of organic broilers with access to different vegetation in outdoor areas. In: Francesch, M.; Torralardona, D. and Brufau, J (Eds.) Proceedings of the 21st European Symposium on Poultry Nutrition, Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Henchion, Maeve and McIntyre, Bridin (2008) Key market drivers in the organic sector. In: Teagasc Organic Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Ireland, pp. 111-113.

Henderson, Elizabeth (2014) Realizing the Principle of Fairness: Standards to Bring it to Life throughout the Organic Supply Chain. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Henriksen, Britt I. F. (2004) Development of an advisory system that supports good animal welfare in organic production in Norway. In: Hovi, Malla; Sundrum, Albert and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) Proceedings of the 2nd SAFO Workshop, University of Reading, pp. 177-182.

Henriksen, Britt I. F. (2003) Cation-anion balance in organic silage in relation to prevention of milk fever. In: Proceedings of the NJFs 22nd Congress “Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective”., MTT Agrifood Research, Finland.

Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Grøva, Lise and Kielland, Camilla (2006) Organic Cow Comfort - an advisorytool to secure animal welfare on organic dairy farms in Norway. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Henriksen, Britt I. F. and Prestløkken, Egil (2008) Quality of organically grown protein crops in Norway for livestock concentrates – limited N and S supplementation. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Henseleit, Dr. Meike (2008) Food for Thought about Environmental Values and Food Demand. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2023) Path2dea survey on digitalisation. Paper at: Workshop on Digitalisation for sustainable farming, Brussels (BE) and online, 9.11.2023. [Completed]

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Schwitter, Patricia (2022) Effects of fruit cooling, picking frequency and time of harvest on seed quality of eight varieties in organic tomato seed production. Poster at: IHC 2022, Angers, France / Online, 14-20.08.2022. [Completed]

Herforth-Rahmé, J.; Fuchs, J.G.; Hofer, V.; Schnueriger, M.; Schärer, H.J. and Koller, M. (2017) Bioseedling: a chain approach to the production of healthier seeds and seedlings of Lamb’s lettuce Valerianella locusta. In: Ötzekin, G. B. and Tüzel, Y. (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae (1164), pp. 39-46.

Hermansen, J.E.; Kristensen, T. and Ronchi, B. (2005) Organic livestock systems: characteristics and challenges for improvement. Paper at: EAAP - 56th Annual Meeting, Uppsala, 5/6 - 8/6-2005.

Hermansen, John E. (2001) Organic livestock production systems and appropriate development in relation to public expectations. In: Book of Abstracts of the 52nd Annual EAAP Meeting, pp. 1-27.

Hermansen, John E.; Eriksen, Jørgen and Strudsholm, Karin (2005) Full or partial outdoor rearing of slaughter pigs – effects on performance, carcass quality and nutrient load. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Hermansen, John E. and Horsted, Klaus (2004) Organic poultry farming. In: Incoglu, Serife (Ed.) Tebligler, Izmir Regional Chamber of Veterinary Medicine, pp. 271-284.

Hermansen, John E. and Kristensen, Troels (2004) Integrated forage and livestock production. In: Hopkins, Alan (Ed.) Organic Farming: Science and Practice for Profitable Livestock and Cropping, The British Grassland Society (37), pp. 61-72.

Hermansen, J.E. (2011) ICOPP. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 Novembre 2011. [Submitted]

Hermansen, J.E. (2011) Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry. An ERA- net project with 13 partners/10 countries 1/10-2011 - 30/9-2014. Speech at: Seminarium i Uppsala, 8. november 2011. [Unpublished]

Herz, Annette; Köppler, Kirsten; Vogt, Heidrun; Elias, Ellen; Katz, Peter and Peters, Arne (2006) Biological control of the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Diptera, Tephriti-dae) by use of entomopathogenic nematodes: first experiences towards practi-cal implementation. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 67-72.

Herz, Annette; Köppler, Kirsten; Vogt, Heidrun; Elias, Ellen; Peters, Arne and Katz, Peter (2006) Biological control of the cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis cerasi L. (Diptera, Tephritidae) by use of entomopathogenic nematodes: first experiences towards practical implementation. [Erste Erfahrungen bei der Anwendung entomopathogener Nematoden zur biologischen Bekämpfung der Kirschfruchtfliege in der Praxis.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 67-72.

Herz, Annette; Matray, Silvia; Sharifova, Hadil; Wolck, Anja; Sigsgaard, Lene; Penvern, Servane; Fernique, Sarah; Tchamitchian, Marc; WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, Markus; kruzynska, Dorota; Jamar, Laurent and Porcel, Mario (2016) EBIO-Network: a web-based platform for knowledge sharing on functional agrobiodiversity in organic apple production. Paper at: 17th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Ecofruit 2016, Weinsberg.

Herz, Annette; Drexler, Nils; Matray, Silvia and Veekmann, Oliver (2017) Nutrition ecology of Ascogaster quadridentata (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) and its host in apple orchards. Poster at: 5th International Entomophagous Insects Conference, Kyoto, Japan, October 16-20, 2017. [Completed]

Herz, Annette; Matray, Silvia; Sharifova, Hadil; Wolck, Anja; Sigsgaard, Lene; Penvern, Servane; Fernique, Sarah; Tchamitchian, Marc; Warlop, Francois; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, M.; Kruczynska, Dorota; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Jamar, Laurent and Morcel, Mario (2016) EBIO-Network: a web-based platform for knowledge sharing on functional agrobiodiversity in organic apple production. In: EBIO-Network: a web-based platform for knowledge sharing on functional agrobiodiversity in organic apple production..

Herz, Annette; Penvern, Servane; Fernique, Sarah; Matray, Silvia and WARLOP, FRANCOIS (2016) Workshop: Enhancement of functional biodiversity. Workshop at: Ecofruit - 17th International Conference of Organic Fruit-Growing, Stuttgart Hohenheim, 15.02.-17.02.16. [Completed]

Herzog, F.; Buholzer, S.; Derron, J.; Dreier, S.; Hofer, G.; Jeanneret, Ph.; Luka, H.; Marfurt, C.; Pfiffner, L.; Pozzi, S.; Schüpbach, B.; Spiess, M. and Walter, Th. (2003) Effect of low-input habitats on biodiversity in Swiss agricultural landscapes. Paper at: IALE World-congress of the International Association for Landscape Ecology, 13.-17.07.2003.

Hesketh, Mark; Firth, Chris and Sumption, Phil (2002) The use of case studies in researching the conversion to organic farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 117-118.

Hetebrügge, K.; Fieger-Metag, N.; Kienzle, J.; Bathon, H.; Zebitz, C.P.W. and Zimmer, J. (2006) Biological Control of Woolly Apple Aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum HAUSM.) with Aphelinus mali HALD. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 36-42.

Heuel, M.; Kreuzer, M.; Gangnat, I.D.M.; Frossard, E.; Zurbrügg, C.; Egger, J.; Dortmans, B.; Gold, M.; Mathys, A.; Jaster-Keller, J.; Weigel, S.; Sandrock, C. and Terranova, M. (2023) Transfer of aflatoxin, lead and cadmium from larvae reared on contaminated substrate to laying hens. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 749.

Heuel, M.; Kreuzer, M.; Sandrock, C.; Gangnat, I. D. M.; Frossard, E.; Zurbrügg, C.; Egger, J. and Dortmans, B. (2023) Transfer of aflatoxin, lead and cadmium from larvae reared on contaminated substrate to laying hens. In: Jahrestagung 2023. Zuammenfassungen der Poster, 19.April 2023, Zollikofen, Schweiz, p. 17.

Heuel, M.; Sandrock, C.; Leiber, F.; Mathys, A.; Gold, M.; Zurbrügg, C.; Gangnat, I.D.M.; Kreuzer, M. and Terranova, M. (2021) Substitution of soy components – Does feeding diets based on Hermetia illucens larvae impair growth performance, carcass and meat quality of organic broilers? In: Terranova, M. and Weiss, A. (Eds.) Proc. AgroVet-Strickhof Conference: Current and Future Research Projects, 27.10.2021, Eschikon, p. 24.

Heuel, Maike; Kreuzer, Michael; Gangnat, Isabelle D.M.; Frossard, Emmanuel; Zurbrügg, Christian; Egger, Julia; Dortmans, Bram; Gold, Moritz; Mathys, Alexander; Jaster-Keller, Julia; Weigel, Stefan; Sandrock, Christoph and Terranova, Melissa (2022) Transfer of aflatoxins and heavy metals to egg and meat of laying hens fed fly larvae reared on contaminated substrate. In: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, 8 (s1), s38.

Heuel, Maike; Kreuzer, Michael; Sandrock, Christoph; Leiber, Florian; Mathys, Alexander; Gold, Moritz; Zurbrügg, Christian; Frossard, Emmanuel; Gangnat, Isabelle D. M. and Terranova, Melissa (2021) The Black Soldier Fly larvae as an alternative feed ingredient for poultry. In: Proceeding of the Food Day @ETH 2021, 05 November 2021, ETH Zurich, p. 8.

Heuel, M.; Sandrock, c.; Mathys, A.; Gold, M.; Zurbrügg, C.; Gangnat, I.; Kreuzer, M. and Terranova, M. (2020) Quality of the protein from black soldier fly larvae compared to soybean protein in organic broilers. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 158.

Heuel, M.; Sandrock, C.; Mathys, A.; Gold, M.; Zurbrügg, C.; Kreuzer, M. and Terranova, M. (2020) Black soldier fly larvae as a substitute for soybean in the diets of laying hens. In: Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, 6, no. (Supplement 1), p. 25.

Heuel, M.; Sandrock, C.; Mathys, A.; Gold, M.; Zurbrügg, C.; Kreuzer, M. and Terranova, M. (2020) The larvae of the Black Soldier Fly: a suitable source ofprotein and fat for laying hens? In: Proceedings of the 74th conference of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, 29, Berichte der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie, p. 36.

Heuel, M.; Sandrock, C.; Mathys, A.; Gold, M.; Zurbrügg, C.; Kreuzer, M. and Terranova, M. (2019) Black Soldier Fly larvae reared on different substrates as novel protein source in poultry nutrition. In: Book of Abstracts: Symposium for New Doctoral Students 2019, 21-22 October 2019, Einsiedeln, Switzerland, p. 20.

Heuel, M.; Sandrock, C.; Mathys, A.; Gold, M.; Zurbrügg, C.; Kreuzer, M. and Terranova, M. (2019) Effect of the total replacement of soybean by feeds from Black Soldier Fly larvae in egg production. In: Book of Abstracts. World Food System Center Research Symposium (WFSC 2019), 31. October 2019, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, p. 11.

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Hildermann, Isabell; Thommen, Andreas; Dubois, David; Wiemken, Andres; Boller, Thomas and Maeder, Paul (2008) Response of old, new and organically bred winter wheat cultivars in different farming systems:concept and experimental layout in the DOK field trial. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Hildermann, Isabell; Fließbach, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2008) Yield and quality of wheat cultivars in organic and conventional farming systems - Is there an influence of the breeding history? Paper at: II International Conference on Soil and Compost Eco-Biology, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, 26.-29.11.2008. [Submitted]

Hildermann, Isabell; Messmer, Monika; Kunz, Peter; Pregitzer, Anjana; Boller, Thomas; Wiemken, Andres and Mäder, Paul (2010) Genotype x Environment Interactions of Winter Wheat. Poster at: Eucarpia 2nd conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section, France, Paris, 1.-3. December 2010.

Hill, Robert A.; Stewart, Alison; Hohmann, Pierre and Braithwaite, Mark (2010) Enhancing Growth and Health of Pinus radiata in New Zealand and Acacia mangium in Malayasia with selected Trichoderma isolates. In: Proceedings of Trichoderma - Molecular mechanisms and applications of biocontrol in agriculture, Oct 12-15, 2010, Haifa, Israel, p. 28.

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Hiltunen, L H; Vorne, V; Virtanen, E; Degefu, Y; Korhonen, K; Muilu, T and Tausta-Ojala, M-L (2017) Promoting production and use of organic potatoes in Northern Ostrobothnia, the northernmost agricultural area in Europe. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Kari; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 61-62.

Himanen, Sari; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Salo, Tapio; Blande, James; Hannukkala, Asko; Mäkinen, Joonas; Nissinen, Anne and Suojala-Ahlfors, Terhi (2020) Developing strip-cropping and organic fertilizing for biodiverse and resource-efficient organic vegetable production. Poster at: Maataloustieteen Päivät, Helsinki, 8.-9.1.2020.

Himanen, Sari; Nuotio, Netta-Leena; Vuorinen, Terhi; Tuovinen, Tuomo and Holopainen, Jarmo K. (2006) Volatile emission from strawberry plants is induced by mite and leaf beetle feeding and methyl jasmonate. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 29.

Himanen, Sari; Saarnia, Meri; Lehtinen, Heli; Mäkinen, Hanna and Savikko, Riitta (2017) Intercropping can support ecological intensification in organic agriculture. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 65-66.

Himmelboe, Martin (2016) Development of a method for profiling of volatile organic compounds to monitor heat stress in hot water dipped apples. In: Acta Horticulturae, 1144, pp. 341-348.

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Hirt, Helen; Hördegen, Philipp and Zeltner, Esther (2000) Laying hen husbandry: group size and use of hen-runs. Paper at: International IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel, 28 to 31 August 2000. [Unpublished]

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Hoa, Thi Do; Whitney, Cory W. and Luedeling, Eike (2018) Agroforestry Options in Northwest Vietnam. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag, September 17-19, 2018. Ghent, Belgium "Global food security and food safety: The role of universities". Book of Abstracts., p. 210.

Hoad, S P; Davies, D H K and Topp, C F E (2006) How to select varieties for organic farming: science and practice. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 117-120.

Hoagland, Dr. Lori; Murphy, Dr. Kevin; Carpenter-Boggs, Dr. Lynne and Jones, Dr. Steve (2008) Improving nutrient uptake in wheat through cultivar specific interaction with Azospirillum. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Hochedez, Camille and Pistre, Pierre (2019) Change your life to change your job: a case study among North-European migrant farmers in the Dordogne District (South Western France). Lifestyle migration Hub, Umea, Sweden.

Hoekstra, N.J.; Haas, B.R., de; Schoot, Jan Rinze, van der; Visser, E.J.W.; Kroon, H., de and Eekeren, N. van (2019) Grass-clover mixtures: benefits for arable and livestock farms and biodiversity. EGF EUCARPIA Joint symposium:Grassland Science in Europe, 24-27 June 2019.

Hoerning, Bernhard; Simantke, Christel and Aubel, Erhard (2005) Investigations on dairy welfare and performance on German organic farms. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Hofer, Sheila and Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2022) Survey on micro-and nano-plastics in agricultural soils in Europe. Poster at: IHC 2022, Angers, France / Online, 14-20.08.2022. [Completed]

Hofmann, U.; Heibertshausen, D.; Baus-Reichel, O. and Berkelmann-Loehnertz, B. (2008) Optimisation of downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola) control in organic viticulture with low copper doses, new copper formulations and plant strengtheners, results of four years of on farm research. Paper at: Organic wine and viticulture conference, Levizzano near Modena, Italy, June 16 and 17, 2008.

Hofmann, Uwe (2002) Copper reduction and copper replacement - results and experiences of 12 years of on farm research. [Verrringerung der Kupferaufwandmenge und Kupferersatz - langjährige Erfahrungen in praktischen Betrieben.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 181-184.

Hofmann, Uwe; Jonis, Monique; Micheloni, Cristina and Fladl, Maria (2009) EU Organic Wine Regulation: Conclusions from the ORWINE Project. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2009, Nuremberg, Germany, February 19-22, 2009. [Unpublished]

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija and Melander, Bo (2016) Crop diversification for weed management in North European organic arable cropping systems. Introduction to the study of international research-network on diversification and weed management: PRODIVA. Poster at: 7th International Weed Science Congress, Prague, 19-25 June 2016.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija and Melander, Bo (2016) The impact of crop diversification management on weed communities in summer cereals on organic farms in Northern Europe. An introduction to the study. In: Nordmeyer, Henning and Ulber, Lena (Eds.) Julius-K�hn-Archiv, Berlin, 27, pp. 452-456.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, L. and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2017) Problematic weed species in organic arable agriculture around the Baltic Sea - an expert database. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7. -10. März 2017.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2017) Problematic weed species in spring sown cereals around the Baltic Sea - an expert database. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 38-40.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2017) Problematic weed species in organic arable agriculture around the Baltic Sea - An expert database. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Freising, Germany, 7-10.03.2017.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2018) The arable vegetation of Baltic organic cereal fields as shaped by crop management. Paper at: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium 2018, Ljubljana, Slovenie, 17-22.06.2018.

Hohmann, Pierre (2021) Overview of WP4 activities on screening, breeding and phenotyping methods for species mixtures. Workshop at: Final Annual Meeting of the EC H2020 project ReMIX, online, 25.3.2021. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Jensen, Erik Steen; Finckh, Maria R.; Litrico-Chiarelli, Isabelle; Von Der Werf, Watson; Watson, Christine; Olza, Sonia; Aubertot, Jean-Noël and Justes, Eric (2021) Redesigning European Cropping Systems Based On Species Mixtures – Outcomes And Lessons Learnt From The H2020 Project Remix. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Wille, Lukas and Messmer, Monika (2021) Utilising plant-microbiome interactions to enhance resistance breeding against pathogen complexes. Paper at: Open FiBL Day, online, 27.5.2021. [Submitted]

Hohmann, Pierre; Backes, Gunter; Thonar, Cécile and Messmer, Monika (2016) Breeding for symbioses – Mycorrhizae as a case study. In: Kölliker, Roland and Boller, Beat (Eds.) Proceedings of the 20th EUCARPIA General Congress. Plant Breeding: the Art of Bringing Science to Life, Aug 29 - Sep 1, 2016, Zürich, Switzerland, Agroscope, Zürich, p. 406.

Hohmann, Pierre; Clouston, Annabel and Braithwait, Mark (2011) Improved Trichoderma formulations in forest nurseries. Paper at: FOA/MAF 9th Annual Forest Biosecurity Workshop, Rotorua, New Zealand, Feb. 21-22, 2011. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Finckh, Maria R.; Šišić, Adnan; Bacanovic, Jelena; Coyne, Clarice J. and Backes, Gunter (2015) Mycorrhiza-mediated disease resistance. In: First EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant - Microbe Interaction in Plant Breeding, 25th June ‐ 26th June 2015, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany, EUCARPIA European Association for research on Plant Breeding, pp. 17-18.

Hohmann, Pierre; Jones, E. Eirian; Hill, Robert A. and Stewart, Alison (2009) Ecological studies of Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the soil ecosystem of Pinus radiata. In: Proceedings of IUFRO International Forest Biosecurity Conference, March 16-20, 2009, Rotorua, New Zealand, p. 195.

Hohmann, Pierre; Jones, E. Eirian; Hill, Robert A. and Stewart, Alison (2009) Understanding Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the root ecosystem of Pinus radiata. In: Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Australasian Plant Pathology Society (APPS), Sept. 29 - Oct. 1, 2009, Newcastle, Australia, p. 102.

Hohmann, Pierre; Jones, E. Eirian; Hill, Robert A. and Stewart, Alison (2008) Ecological studies of Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the soil ecosystem of Pinus radiata. In: Proceedings of the 10th International workshop on Trichoderma and Gliocladium, May 21-23, 2008, San Jose, Costa Rica, p. 36.

Hohmann, Pierre; Jones, E. Eirian; Hill, Robert A. and Stewart, Alison (2008) Ecological studies of Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the soil ecosystem of Pinus radiata. Paper at: Lincoln University Postgraduate Conference, Lincoln, New Zealand, Aug. 27-28. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre and Litrico, Isabelle (2019) Overview of WP4 activities on screening, breeding and phenotyping methods for species mixtures. Workshop at: Second Annual Meeting of the EC H2020 project ReMIX, Pamplona, Spain, May 27-29. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Szuszkiewicz, Roderick; Arncken, Christine and Messmer, Monika (2016) Anthracnose in lupin seed. Paper at: Arbeitskreis Leguminosen- und Futterpflanzenzüchtung für den ökologischen Landbau, Triesdorf, Germany, 27.06.2016. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Szuszkiewicz, Roderick; Arncken, Christine and Messmer, Monika (2016) Soil fatigue of pea. Paper at: Arbeitskreis Leguminosen- und Futterpflanzenzüchtung für den ökologischen Landbau, Triesdorf, Germany, 28.06.2016. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Wille, Lukas; Studer, Bruno; Bodenhausen, Natacha and Messmer, Monika (2017) Breeding for microbiome-mediated disease resistance. In: International Symposium on Microbe-assisted crop production – opportunities, challenges & needs, p. 48.

Hohmann, Pierre; Wille, Lukas; Studer, Bruno and Messmer, Monika (2016) Rhizosphere microbiome and disease resistance - Project presentation. In: Proceedings of the 3rd Thünen Symposium on Soil Metagenomics, pp. 198-199.

Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne; Bielecke, Alexandra and Sundrum, Albert (2014) KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER REGARDING ANIMAL HEALTH. In: Rah´mann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 481-484.

Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne; Bielecke, Alexandra and Sundrum, Albert (2014) Different perspectives on animal health and implications for communication between stakeholders. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, pp. 8-16.

Höjer, Annika; Martinsson, Kjell and Gustavsson, Anne-Maj (2010) PhytoMilk: Effect of silage botanical composition and harvest system on organic milk composition. In: Book of Abstracts of the 23rd General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, p. 111.

Höjer, Annika; Martinsson, Kjell; Jensen, Søren K. and Gustavsson, Anne-Maj (2010) PhytoMilk: Effects of botanical composition and harvest system of legume/grass silage on fatty acid, α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentration in organic forage and milk. In: Rasmussen , Jim; Schacht, Margit and Helgadóttir, Áslaug (Eds.) The potential of forage legumes to sustain a high agricultural productivity - a Nordic perspective, 6 (3), NJF Report, pp. 133-136.

Hokkanen, Ann-Helena; Korhonen, Tanja; Pastell, Matti; Valros, Anna; Vainio, Outi and Hänninen, Laura (2011) Perceptions and practices of Finnish dairy producers regarding disbudding of calves. Paper at: 23rd Nordic symposium of the ISAE, Tartu, Estonia, January 19-21, 2011.

Hokkanen, H.M.T. (2011) BICOPOLL. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Hokkanen, Heikki; Boecking, Otto; Cokl, Andrej; Cotes, Belen; Eken, Cafer; Karise, Reet; Krajl, Jasna; Maccagnani, Bettina; Menzler-Hokkanen, Ingeborg; Mommaerts, Veerle; Mänd, Marika; Smagghe, Guy; Söderlund, Niklas; Tuncer, Serdar; Veromann, Eve and Witzgall, Peter (2012) Targeted precision biocontrol and enhanced pollination. In: XXIV International Congress of Entomology "New Era in Entomology", p. 126.

Holinger, Mirjam (2023) Alternative pig housing systems with high welfare standards – Status quo and perspectives. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 734.

Holinger, Mirjam and Leiber, Florian (2023) Feeding behaviour: The missing link between pig welfare and pig nutrition research. Paper at: Behaviour 2023 Conference, Bielefeld, Deutschland, 14.-20. August 2024. [Completed]

Holinger, M.; Früh, B.; Stoll, P.; Kreuzer, M. and Hilmman, E. (2020) Fattening pigs display weak behavioural changes due to gastric ulcerations. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 613.

Holinger, Mirjam; Früh, Barbara and Hillmann, Edna (2014) Fattening of entire male pigs under organic conditions – Influences of group composition on injuries and behaviour. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 20, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1047-1050.

Holm, Lars-Erik; Panitz, Frank; Burt, D.; Talbot , R.; Smith, S.; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley and Bendixen, Christian (2011) Whole genome de novo sequencing of quail and grey partridge. Poster at: Plant and Animal Genome XIX, San Diego, CA, USA,, January 15-19, 2011.

Holma, U.; Hänninen, M.-L.; Virtala, A.-M.; Hyyrynen, T.; Rossow, L.; Hovi, M.; Kahiluoto, H. and Valros, A. (2005) Organic egg production in Finland: management of animal welfare and food safety. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 221-224.

Holma, U. and Valros, A. (2006) Assessing welfare of organic laying hens in Finland with resource-related and animal-related methods. In: Proceedings of the 18th Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 17.

Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2018) Large scale screening of the Danish dairy cattle population for their milk fatty acid profile. Paper at: IDF World Dairy Summit, Daejeon, Korea, 15th–19th October 2018.

Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Bart; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2019) Where will new techologies take milk recording? Large scale screening of the Danish dairy cattle population for their fatty acid profile. In: ICAR 2019 Proceedings.

Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Bart; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2018) Large scale screening of milk fatty acid profile: new possibilities for dairy product development. Poster at: World Dairy Summit, Daejeon, South Korea, 15-19 October 2018.

Holmqvist, A.; Møller, J. and Dalsgaard, A. (2003) LATRINE COMPOSTING – A HYGIENIC EVALUATION. Poster at: ECOSAN 2end International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, Lübeck, Germany, 7-11 April, 2003.

Holopainen, Päivi; Airaksinen, Sanna; Heinonen-Tanski, Helvi and Heiskanen, Minna-Liisa (2004) Yields and quality of some vegetables and strawberries fertilized with composted horse or cattle manure. Poster at: "Uppdatera dina kunskaper inom ekologin" : ekoseminar i S:t Michel 28.7.2004.

Holst, N.; Rasmussen, I.A. and Bastiaans, L. (2005) Field weed population models: a review of approaches and application domains. In: Bàrberi, P.; Bastiaans, L.; Christensen, S.; Fernandez-Quintanilla, C.; Froud-Williams, B.; Grundy, A.; Hatcher, P.; Kudsk, P.; Marshall, J.; Melander, B.; Quadranti, M.; Tei, F.; Thompson, A. and Vurro, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2005, European Weed Research Society (EWRS), pp. 1-2.

Holst, Niels (2009) Concepts and tools for collaborative weed demographic modeling. Speech at: Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 9-13 2009. [Completed]

Holst, Niels (2010) Collaborative weed modelling with Universal Simulator. Poster at: 15th EWRS Symposium, Kaposvar, Hungary, 12-15 July 2010.

Holst Fischer, Christian; Bjerrum, Lotte and Lars-Henrik, Heckmann (2014) Efficiency and scalability in producing feed from manure using the common housefly. Keynote presentation at: Insects to feed the world, Ede, The Netherlands, 14-17 May 2014.

Holst Laursen, Kristian (2022) High quality crops for plant based diets. Keynote presentation at: Plant Link Day, Alnarp, 5 October 2022. [Completed]

Holst Laursen, Kristian (2022) Plants what Plants? Sustainable and healthy protein crops. Keynote presentation at: World Food Summit, Copenhagen, 2 May 2022. [Completed]

Holst Laursen, Kristian; Bodin Dresbøll, Dorte; Bugge Henriksen, Christian; Monrad Rieckmann, Maria; Neergaard Mikkelsted, Frederikke and Sten Eskildsen, Asger (2022) Crops for the future - sustainable and healthy protein crops. Keynote presentation at: Green Protein Network, Copenhagen, 12 September 2022. [Completed]

Holt, Georgina C; Tranter, Richard B; Miele, Mara; Neri, Cristiana; Vestergaard, Jens; Nielsen, Robert; Meehan, Hilary and Sottomayor, Miguel (2002) Comparison of markets for organic food in six EU states. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 313-316.

Holten, Jon Magne (2009) Organic production in Norway - status 2009. Poster at: NJF Seminar 422: Fostering healthy food systems through organic agriculture – focus on Nordic-Baltic region, Tartu, Estonia, August 25-27, 2009. [Unpublished]

Holtz, Thomas; Casera, Claudio; Lardschneider, Ewald; Schmid, A. and Kelderer, Markus (2020) Physical protection barriers against pests and diseases, a multi crop experience. Short communication at:

Holzner, Valerie (2022) Mid-term presentation - FOODLEVERS. Speech at: SF-CO Joint Project Seminar, Brussels, 16th - 17th November 2022. [Completed]

Home, Robert; Ugas, Roberto; Bouagnimbeck, Hervé; Arbenz, Markus and Stolze, Matthias (2018) Participatory guarantee systems: organic certification to empower farmers and strengthen communities. Paper at: 13th European IFSA Symposium, Chania, Greece, July 2nd, 2018. [Completed]

Hondebrink, Merel; Conijn, Isabel; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Rossing, Walter and Koopmans, Chris (2021) Diversification Of Organic Farming By Implementing Strip Cropping In Vegetable Farming Of The Netherlands. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Hopkins, Alan and Morris, Carol (2002) Multi-functional roles of grassland in organic farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 75-80.

Horgan, A R (2006) The development and potential of the biological insecticide granulovirus on codling moth. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 227-228.

Horgan, A R (2006) The potential for slug control with ferric phosphate. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 225-226.

Horn, Marco; Knaus, Wilhelm; Kirner, Leopold and Steinwidder, Andreas (2012) Economic Evaluation of Longevity in Organic Dairy Farming. In: Rahmann, G. and Godinho, D. (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, 2nd Organic Animal Husbandry Conference (362), Agriculture and Forestry Research, pp. 265-268.

Horn, Marco; Steinwidder, Andreas; Podstatzky, Leopold; Gasteiner, Johann and Zollitsch, Werner (2012) Comparison of two different dairy cow types in an organic, low input milk production system under Alpine conditions. In: Rahmann, G. and Godinho, D. (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, 2nd Organic Animal Husbandry Conference (362), Agriculture and Forestry Research, pp. 322-325.

Horna, Daniela and Sengupta, D. (2010) How does agricultural biodiversity contribute to food security? Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Horneburg, Dr. Bernd and Becker, Prof. Heiko (2008) Does regional organic screening and breeding make sense? Experimental evidence from organic outdoor tomato breeding. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Horneburg, Bernd (2011) Organic Plant Breeding: Achievements, Opportunities, and Challenges. 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2011 (OWC), Organic is Life, Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea, September 26 to October 5, 2011. [Completed]

Hörning, Bernhard (2000) Comparison of animal welfare on conventional and organic dairy farms. In: Proceedings of the 13th international IFOAM-Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, p. 335.

Hörning, Prof. Dr. Bernhard; Trei, Dipl.-Ing. Gerriet and Simantke, Dipl.-Ing. Christel (2006) Organic poultry production in Germany – key features, housing, feeding, breeds, perform-ance, health. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Hörning, Prof. Bernhard; Feige, Martina and Dollinger, Julia (2008) Comparison of Organic and Conventional Beef-Suckler Farms in Germany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Horsted, K. and Hermansen, J.E. (2005) Different standing crops for organic layers. Paper at: NJF-seminar 369, Alnarp, Sweden, 15.-17. June 2005.

Horsted, Klaus; Henning, Judith and Hermansen, John E. (2005) Growth and sensory characteristics of alternative genotype broilers reared in organic orchards. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Hörtenhuber, Stefan and Zollitsch, Werner (2010) Greenhouse gas emissions of regionally produced alternative feedstuffs rich in protein for Austrian dairy production. In: Building sustainable rural futures, IFSA, Vienna, pp. 1349-1356.

Hörtenhuber, Stefan Josef; Weissengruber, Lina; Friedel, Jürgen K. and Möller, Kurt (2016) LCA and Risk Assessment of Recycled Phosphorous Fertilisers. In: Book of Abstracts of the 10th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2016, October 19-21, 2016, Dublin, Ireland, LCA Food Conference Committee, pp. 309-318.

Hospers - Brands, Monique; Timmermans, Bart; van der Putten, Peter; Struik, Paul; Tiemens-Hulscher, Marjolein and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith (2008) Late blight in organic potato growing: managing resistance and early tuber growth. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2014) Vermi-compost production to enterprise: case studies from Bangladesh. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2013) The role of organic entrepreneurship and innovation for poverty alleviation and development. In: The role of organic entrepreneurship and innovation for poverty alleviation and development, CD.

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2012) Organic farming in populated area: Bangladesh – an example of case study. In: Organic farming in populated area: Bangladesh – an example of case study, pp. 105-113.

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2012) Organic rice of Bangladesh: focus on disease control. In: Organic rice of Bangladesh: focus on disease control, p. 50.

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer and Akter, Salma (2011) Organic sack garden ensuring nutrition and improve the food security on small scale households. In: Proceedings of 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2011.

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer; Uddin, M. Jashim and Sugimoto, Hideki (2012) Vermi-compost to improve tomato production in Bangladesh. In: Vermi-compost to improve tomato production in Bangladesh, pp. 262-263.

Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer; Uddin, Md Jashim and Sugimoto, Hideki (2013) Recycling and reuse of kitchen waste for sustainable agriculture and as renewable energy in north-eastern Bangladesh. In: Journal of Ecosystem & Ecography, 3 (4), p. 80.



Hoste, Hervé (2011) Improving “Low Input” Sheep Production Systems in Europe. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Hostiou, Nathalie (2012) Work efficiency and work flexibility in organic sheep farms differentiated by reproduction rhythm. Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Bratislava, Slovakia.

Hougaard, A.B. and Ipsen, R. (2009) Instant infusion pasteurization for gentle heat treatment of milk for cheese making: Rennet coagulation properties. Paper at: International Symposium on Food Rheology and Structure, Zürich, Switzerland, June 15-18, 2009.

Hougaard, A.B.; Hammershøj, M. and Ipsen, R. (2007) Infusion pasteurization of skim milk: Effects of different time-temperature combinations. Poster at: European Congress of Chemical Engineering 6, Special Symposium - Innovations in Food Technology (LMC Congress), Copenhagen, 16-20 september 2007.

Hougaard, A.B. and Ipsen, R. (2008) Infusion pasteurization of milk: Influence on the viscosity and casein micelle size. Poster at: Food Colloids 2008, Le Mans, France, 6-9 April.

Hougaard, A.B. and Ipsen, R. (2008) Infusion pasteurization of whole milk and skim milk: Influence on viscosity and particle size. In: ANNUAL TRANSACTIONS OF THE NORDIC RHEOLOGY SOCIETY, 16.

Hovi, Malla; Kossaibati, Mohamad; Bennett, Richard; Edwards, Sandra A; Robertson, Jamie and Roderick, Stephen (2002) The impact of organic livestock standards on animal welfare – a questionnaire survey of advisors, inspectors and veterinarians. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 351-354.

Hovi, Malla; Taylor, Nick; Hanks, James and Roderick, Stephen (2002) Fertility and fertility management in thirteen well-established organic dairy herds in the UK. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 189-194.

Hovi, M (2002) Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Livestock Production: Conclusions and Recommendations of a Networking Project. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress "Cultivating Communities", Canadian Organic Growers (COG).

Hovmøller, M.S.; Pinnschmidt, H.; Willas, J. and Østergård, H. (2005) Assessment of disease in low-input cereal cropping systems and variety trials. Paper at: Assessment of varietal characteristics in diverse crops and low-input especially organic growing systems, Edinburgh, 3-6 July 2005.

Howard, Thomas; De Tinguy, Xavier; Gicquel, Guillaume; Marchal, Maud; Lécuyer, Anatole and Pacchierotti, Claudio (2021) WeATaViX: Wearable Actuated Tangibles for Virtual Reality Experiences. WHC 2021 - IEEE World Haptics Conference, Montréal / Virtual, Canada.

Hoyer, Uta; Reents, Hans-Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2008) Indicators for the Evaluation of Soil Organic Matter and their Application in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Hoyer, Dipl.Ing.agr. Uta; Brock, Dipl.geogr. Christopher; Hülsbergen, Prof.Dr. Kurt-Jürgen and Leithold, Prof.Dr. Günter (2006) Development of a method for balancing soil organic matter in organic agriculture for practical application. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Hrabalova, Andrea and Wollmuthova, Pavla (2008) Development of organic farming in Central and Eastern European countries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Hsung, Ming-Hui; Hartmann, Martin; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) Exploring fungal diversity associated with pea and barley in intercropping and pure cropping systems. Speech at: GDC Symposium, Zurich, Switzerland, 11 September 2019. [Completed]

Huber, Beate (2023) 50 years of FiBL: a differentiated approach to sustainable research for organic agriculture. Paper at: Swiss Core, Brussels, Belgium, 31.5.2023. [Completed]

Huber, Beate (2008) Opportunities and risks of the revised European import regime. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Huber, Beate (2008) The revised EU Regulation: Impacts for the trade and Third Countries. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nuremberg, February 21-24, 2008.

Huber, Beate (2008) The World of Organic Agriculture: Regulations and Certification: Emerging Trends 2008. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nuremberg, February 21-24, 2008.

Huber, Beate (2006) Establishing Local Certification Bodies In Developing and Transition Economies. Paper at: First IFOAM Conference on Organic Certification, Rome, Italy, 17. November. [Unpublished]

Huber, Beate (2006) Organic Certification and Organic Regulations in the World. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2006, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Huber, Beate (2005) Organic Certification World-Wide. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2005, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, 24.2.2005-27.2.2005.

Huber, Beate; Armengot, Laura; Riar, Amritbir; Bautze, David; Adamtey, Noah; Bhullar, Gurbir; Cicek, Harun and Schneider, Monika (2021) What Is The Contribution Of Organic Agriculture To Sustainable Development? Results Of 10 Years Farming Systems Comparison In The Tropics (Syscom). Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Huber, Beate and Neuendorff, Jochen (2007) How to safeguard integrity within organic systems. Speech at: European Organic Congress, Belgium, Brussels, 4.-6.12.2007.

Huber, MD M.A.S.; Bloksma, Drs. J.; van der Burgt, Drs. G.J. and van de Vijver, Dr. L.C.L. (2006) Challenges for an organic food quality concept- the Inner Quality Concept Requirements demonstrated on an experimental concept. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Huber, Machteld (2002) Parameters for apple quality and an outline for a new concept of quality. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 69-74.

Huber, Beate (2010) Regulations and Certification Emerging Trends 2010. Paper at: BioFach 2010, Germany, Nuremberg, 17. – 20.02.2010. [Completed]

Huber, Johann; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Leeb, Christine; Stoeger, Elisabeth; Ivemeyer, Silvia and Walkenhorst, Michael (2011) Tackling lameness through animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farms in Austria. In: Lameness in Ruminants 2011 "Lameness - a Global Perspective", p. 39.

Huber, Julia; Siegel, Thomas; Schmid, Harald and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2014) ABOVEGROUND WOODY BIOMASS PRODUCTION OF DIFFERENT TREE SPECIES IN SILVOARABLE AGROFORESTRY SYTEMS WITH ORGANIC AND INTEGRATED CULTIVATION IN SOUTHERN GERMANY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 501-504.

Huber, Machteld; Coulier, Leon; Wopereis, Suzan; Savelkoul, Huub; Nierop, Dré and Hoogenboom, Ron (2012) Enhanced catch-up growth after a challenge in animals on organic feed. Poster at: International Conference on Nutrition & Growth, Paris, France, March 1-3.

Hübner, Severin and Barth, Kerstin (2021) Does mixing cattle with broilers yield any benefits? Poster at:

Huelsbergen, Kurt-Juergen and Kuestermann, Bjoern (2005) Development of an Environmental Management System for Organic Farms and its Introduction into Practice. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Hueppe, Ronja and Zander, Katrin (2021) Consumers’ Perceptions Of Organic Food Processing – First Insights Into Milk And Juice Processing. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Huguenin-Elie, O.; Stutz, C.J.; Gago, R. and Lüscher, A. (2008) Sustainable management of foxtail meadows through hay making at seed maturity. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Huhtala, Anni and Marklund, Per-Olov (2005) Environmental targets and shadow prices of bad outputs in organic and conventional farming. Paper at: The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food system : the XIth international congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-27 August 2005.

Huhtala, Anni and Marklund, Per-Olov (2005) Incorporating environmental impacts into value added from organic and conventional farming. Paper at: The American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Rhode Island, July 24-27, 2005.

Huhtala, Anni and Sipiläinen, Timo (2010) Do the opportunity costs of providing crop diversity differ between organic and conventional farms? The case of Finnish agriculture. Paper at: The Fourth world congress of environmental and resource economists, Montréal, Canada, June 28- July 2, 2010.

Huhtala, Anni and Sipiläinen, Timo (2010) Evaluating basis for a targeted environmental policy: Do the opportunity costs of enhancing biodiversity differ between organic and conventional farms? Paper at: Economic instruments to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity :11th international BIOECON conference, Venice, September 21st-22nd, 2009.

Hukkanen, Anne; Kokko, Harri; Kärenlampi, Sirpa and Karjalainen, Reijo (2007) Benzothiadiazole induces the accumulation of phenolics in strawberry. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 15.

Humphreys, James (2008) The role of clover in organic milk production. In: Teagasc (Ed.) Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, pp. 42-49.

Hüppe, Ronja and Zander, Katrin (2019) Consumers’ perceptions of organic food processing – first insights in milk and juice processing. In: Perspektiven wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten, pp. 45-46.

Huque, Sheikh Mohammad Rafiul; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer and Rana, Mohammad Baktiar (2021) Culturally Adaptive Blockchain for Organic Product Marketing. In: Regenerating More Resilient, IFOAM – Asia, South Korea, pp. 64-70.

Huque, Sheikh Mohammed Rafiul; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer and Rana, Md. Baktiar (2021) Trustworthiness Challenges and Pathway to Foster Organic Movement in Bangladesh. In: Supply & Value Chain Forum, IFOAM – Organics International, Rennes, France, pp. 16-19.

Huque, Sheikh Mohammad Rafiul ; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer and Rana, Mohammad Baktiar (2015) Trustworthiness of Organic Produces in Urban Market: Innovation through Quick Response(QR)Code. In: Proceedings of the IFOAM (asia-Pacific) Regional Conference on Marketing Innovation in Organic Farming, pp. 14-20.

Huque, Sheikh Mohammed Rafiul; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer and Rana, Mohammad Baktiar (2015) Trustworthiness of Organic Produces in Urban Market Innovation through Quick Response (QR) Code. In: Regional Conference on Marketing & Innovation in Organic Farming, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) Organics International.

Hüsing, B.; Herrmann, M.-E.; Hillebrand, S.; Winterhalter, P.; Schliephake, U. and Trautz, D. (2008) Cultivation and analysis of anthocyanin containing types of potatoes in organic farming regarding cultivability and additional health benefits. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Husted, S. (2011) AuthenticFood. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Husted, Søren (2013) AuthenticFood - Fast methods for authentication of organic plant based foods. Keynote presentation at: Italian workshop on organic food authentication, Rome, 12 Nov 2013.

Husted, Søren (2011) AuthenticFood. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16. november 2011. [Submitted]

Husted, Søren; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Larsen, Erik Huusfeldt; Kapolna, Emese; Knuthsen, Pia; Søltoft, Malene; Bügel, Susanne ; Mark, Alicja Budek; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jacobsen, Maja; Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Kristensen, Kristian (2011) The OrgTrace project: Content, Bioavailability and Health Effects of Trace Elements and Bioactive Components of Food Products Cultivated in Organic and Conventional Agricultural Systems. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic.

Husted , S. and Laursen, K.H. (2013) HOW DO WE DETERMINE PLANT QUALITY OF ORGANIC CROPS? Keynote presentation at: Second International Conference on ORGANIC FOOD QUALITY AND HEALTH RESEARCH, Warsaw, Poland, June 5-7, 2013.

Hutchings, Nicholas J.; Petersen, Bjørn M.; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Berntsen, Jørgen (2004) Does modelling of spatial heterogeneity matter? Speech at: Joint meeting of COST Action 627, Ghent, Belgium, 3-4 May 2004.

Huusela-Veistola, E. (2009) Variation in the abundance of Rhopalosiphum padi in Finland. In: Book of abstracts, p. 165.

Huusela-Veistola, E. and Söderman, G. (2010) Climate change and range shift of Igutettix oculatus. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 123.

Huusela-Veistola, Erja (2007) Overview of vectors of cereal viruses in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (5), pp. 27-28.

Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Alanen, Eeva-Liisa; Hyvönen, Terho and Kuussaari, Mikko (2011) Ecosystem service provision by establishing temporal habitats in agricultural environments. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Alanen, Eeva-Liisa; Hyvönen, Terho and Kuussaari, Mikko (2011) Ecosystem service provision by establishing temporal habitats in agricultural environments. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Huxham, Sally K; Sparkes, Debbie L and Wilson, Paul (2002) Organic conversion strategies for stockless farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 51-52.

Hyldig, Grethe; Green-Pedersen, Ditte Pedersen; Jacobsen, Charlotte; Baron, Caroline; Jokumsen, Alfred and Nielsen, Henrik Hauch (2011) The effect of protein and lipid source in organic feed for organic trout on sensory quality. [Effekten af protein og lipid kilde på den sensoriske kvalitet af økologisk regnbueørred.] Speech at: WEFTA, April 2011.

Hyvönen, T.; Huusela-Veistola, E. and Salonen, J. (2007) Application of arable weeds as an indicator for the sustainability of agriculture. In: Abstracts, European Weed Research Society.

Hyvönen, Terho (2010) Weed mapping activities in Scandinavia and Finland. Paper at: The Weed mapping working group, Kaposvár, July 12th 2010.

Hyvönen, Terho; Huusela-Veistola, Erja and Kuussaari, Mikko (2009) Enhancing ecosystem service provision by floral biodiversity in long-term set-asides. In: Proceedings of the workshop, European Weed Research Society, p. 21.

Hyvönen, Terho; Luoto, Miska and Uotila, Pertti (2009) The change in the distribution of arable weeds in Europe as a consequence of climate change. Paper at: Ecology in a changing climate : The 10th International Congress of Ecology, Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009.

Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Odgaard, R.; Myaka, F.A.; Sakala, W.D.; Adu-Gyamfi, J.J. and Vesterager, J.M. (2008) Integrating pigeonpea in maize based farming systems may increase food production and alleviate poverty. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Høøk Presto, M.; Andersson, H.K.; Wallgren, P. and Lindberg, J.E. (2008) Influence of amino acid level and production system on performance, health and behaviour in organic growing pigs. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Iannotta, Nino; Belfiore, Tiziana; Noce, Maria Elena; Perri, Luigi and Scalercio, Stefano (2006) Efficacy of products allowed in organic olive farming against Bactrocera oleae (Gmel.). In: Proceedings of the Second International Seminar on "Biotechnology and Quality of Olive tree Products around the Mediterranean basin", Olivebioteq, Campo Artigrafiche, Alcamo, Trapani, Vol. II, pp. 324-326.

Iannotta, Nino; Belfiore, Tiziana; Noce, Maria Elena; Scalercio, Stefano and Vizzarri, Veronica (2007) Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) control in organic olive farming. In: http://www.ecoliva.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=17&Itemid=38.

Iannotta, Nino; Belfiore, Tiziana; Noce, Maria Elena; Scalercio, Stefano and Vizzarri, Veronica (2007) The impact of some compounds utilised in organic olive groves on the non-target arthropod fauna: canopy and soil levels. In: http://www.ecoliva.info/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=17&Itemid=38.

Iannotta, dr. Nino; Noce, dr. Maria Elena; Perri, sig. Luigi; Scalercio, dr. Stefano and Vizzarri, dr. Veronica (2006) Susceptibility of olive cultivars to the Camarosporium dalmaticum (Thum) infections. Paper at: ond International Seminar on "Biotechnology and Quality of Olive tree Products around the Mediterranean basin", Olivebioteq, Marsala-Mazara del Vallo, 5th-10th November 2006.

Ibrahim, Usman and Rahman, Shehu Abdul (2015) Optimum Returns in Irrigated Groundnut as Influenced by Poultry Manure Rates at Kadawa in the Sudan Savanna Ecological Zone of Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 15-20.

Idda, Lorenzo; Madau, Fabio A. and Pulina, Pietro (2008) The Motivational Profile of Organic Food Consumers: a Survey of Specialized Stores Customers in Italy. In: Conference Proceedings (CD-ROM).

Idowu Olowe, Victor; Jesulana, Oluwasegun Samuel; Adejuyigbe, Christopher and Adeyemi, Olusegun (2021) Agronomic Performance Of Soybeans As Impacted By Soil- And Foliar- Applied Organic Fertilizers In The Tropics. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Iepema, ir G and de Wit, ir J. (2006) How far can cycles be closed in organic dairy farming? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Iepema, G.L. and van Eekeren, N. (2008) Effect of colostrum type on serum gamma globulin concentration, growth and health of goat kids until three months. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Iepema, msc. Goaitske; Wagenaar, msc Jan-Paul and Bestman, msc. Monique (2006) Parasitic worms in organic laying hens. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Iepema, Goitste; van Eekeren, Nick and van Dongen, Marian (2006) Production and persistency of red clover (Trifolium pratense) varieties when grown in mixtures. In: Lloveras, J.; Gonazalez-Rodriguez, A.; Vasquez-Yanez, O.; Pinero, J.; Santamaria, O.; Oleaamd, L. and Poblaciones, M.J. (Eds.) Grassland Science Europe, 11.

Iivonen, Sari; Kyrö, Paula; Mynttinen, Sinikka; Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo and Kahiluoto, Helena (2010) Social capital and entrepreneurial behaviour advancing innovativeness in interaction between small rural entrepreneurs and researchers: a phenomenographic study. Paper at: 9th European IFSA symposium, Vienna, 4-7 July, 2010.

Iliopoulou, D; Douma, K and Giourga, C (2011) Motives and barriers to development of organic olive production. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstract. International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURISM in the Mediterranean, DIO.

Ilsøe, Dorthe Elle (2006) Organic food consumption - between the market, everydaylife and visions of a sustainable food culture. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Ingemann, Jan Holm (2002) The efficiency myth. [Forestillingen om det effektive landbrug.] Paper at: Greening the CAP - why and how?, Stockholm, 8 february 2002. [Unpublished]

Ingerslev, Hans-Christian; Boye, Mette; Dalsgaard, Inger and Madsen, Lone (2012) Studying the gut microbiota using rainbow trout as a model: the dynamics of the microbiota changes after first feeding. In: ISME14 (14th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology) - Abstracts.

Ingerslev, Hans-Christian; Dalsgaard, Inger; Boye, Mette and Madsen, Lone (2012) Characterisation of the gut microflora in rainbow trout fry (Oncorhynchus mykiss) using deep-sequencing. In: DAFINET Workshop " The ontogeny of the immune system in fish".

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Ingerslev, Hans-Christian; Dalsgaard, Inger; Jørgensen, Louise von Gersdorff and Madsen, Lone (2013) THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA IN RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) IS INFLUENCED BY DIET TYPE AND YERSINIA RUCKERI CHALLENGE. In: Abstract book. 16th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish.

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Isa, Dr. Halima Muhammad and Bashir, H.E. (2018) Groth and Yield of Soybean (Glycine Max (L.) Merrill) as Influenced by Organic and Inorganic Fertilizers. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 203-208.

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Islam, F. and Uddin, M. Nazim (2014) ROLE OF WOMEN FOR FOOD SECURITY AND ENVIRONMENT IN BANGLADESH. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

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Issa, Irwa and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) Conversion to Organic Farming as an Opportunity for Syrian Farmers of Fresh Fruit and Vegetables: An Application of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1073-1076.

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Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya G.; Nedeva, Radka D. and Kirov, Marincho S. (2006) Preliminary studies on the effect of herbs on the growth and health of suckling piglets. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya (2014) RECENT DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC FARMING IN BULGARIA. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya (2014) SWOT ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC MARKET IN BULGARIA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 97-100.

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Ivemeyer, Silvia; Haager, Daniela; Simantke, Christel; Mayer, Prisca; Kull, Kristina; Preußer, Johanna; Utz, Gesa; Knierim, Ute and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Impact of enhanced compared to restricted milk feeding on performance and welfare of rearing calves. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, OASES, no. 27, p. 401.

Ivemeyer, S.; Smolders, G.; Brinkmann, J.; Gratzer, E.; Hansen, B. ; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Huber, J.; Leeb, C.; March, S.; Mejdell, C.M.; Roderick, S.; Stöger, E.; Vaarst, M. ; Whitstance, L.K.; Winckler, C. and Walkenhorst, M. (2011) Effects of health and welfare planning on the use of antibiotics and udder health in European dairy farms. In: Hogeveen, H. and Lam, T.J.G.M. (Eds.) Udder Health and Communication - Proceedings of the international mastitis conference, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 69-76.

Ivemeyer, Silvia; Bell, Nick; Brinkmann, Jan; Cimer, Kornel; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Leeb, Christine; March, Solveig; Mejdell , Cecilie Marie; Roderick, Stephen; Smolders, Gidi; Walkenhorst, Michael; Winckler, Christoph and Vaarst, Mette (2014) FARMERS TAKING RESPONSIBILITY FOR HERD HEALTH DEVELOPMENT – STABLE SCHOOLS AS A TOOL FOR DAIRY HEALTH AND WELFARE PLANNING IN EUROPE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 363-366.

Ivemeyer, Silvia; Ebinghaus, Asja; Simantke, Christel; Palme, Rupert and Knierim, Ute (2019) Is cows' qualitatively assessed behaviour towards humans related to their general stress level? In: Proceedings of the Congress of the ISAE, 5.- 9. August 2019, Bergen, Norway, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, no. 53, p. 217.

Ivemeyer, Silvia; Knierim, Ute and Waiblinger, Susanne (2011) Effects of milkers' attitudes and behavior on cows' avoidance distance and impacts on udder health in Swiss dairy herds. Poster at: 5th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level (WAFL), University of Guelph, August 8-11, 2011.

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Jaastad, G.; Røen, D.; Hovland, B. and Opedal, O. (2006) Kaolin as a possible treatment against lepidopteran larvae and mites in organic fruit production. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 31-35.

Jaastad, G.; Trandem, N.; Hovland, B. and Djønne, R. T. (2008) A survey of natural parasitism of mirid bugs by parasitoids on apples and pears in Norway. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 191-195.

Jaastad, G.; Trandem, N.; Hovland, B.; Opedal, O.; Mogan, S.; Røen, D.; Sørum, O. and Bjotveit, E. (2006) Control methods against bugs (Hemiptera; Heteroptera) in organic apple and pear production. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 55-60.

Jaastad, G.; Trandem, N.; Hovland, B.; Opedal, O.; Mogan, S.; Røen, D.; Sørum, O. and Bjotveit, E. (2006) Control methods against bugs (Hemiptera; Heteroptera) in organic apple and pear production. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 55-60.

Jaastad, Gunnhild; Knudsen, Geir K.; Kobro, Sverre; Bäckman, Anna-Carin; Witzgall, Peter and Bengtsson, Marie (2004) Attractive plant volatiles as a control method against apple fruit moth (Argyresthia conjugella Zell.)? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 29-34.

Jackson, A and Lampkin, N (2006) Financial performance of organic farms in England and Wales. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 159-162.

Jackson, Louise E.; Smukler, Sean M.; Murphree, Liese; Yokota, Ron; Koike, Steve and Smith, Richard (2008) Cross-Disciplinary Analysis of the On-Farm Transition from Conventional to Organic Vegetable Production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Jacob, Irene; Hartmann, Stephan; Schubiger, Franz Xaver and Struck, Christine (2010) Genetic diversity of red clover varieties listed in Germany concerning the resistance to Southern Anthracnose. In: Schnyder, H.; Isselstein, J.; Taube, F.; Auerswald, K.; Schellberg, J.; Wachendorf, M.; Herrmann, A.; Gierus, M.; Wrage, N. and Hopkins, A. (Eds.) Grassland in a changing world Proceedings of the 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Mecke Druck und Verlag, Duderstadt, Grassland Science in Europe, no. 15, pp. 344-346.

Jacobi, Johanna; Schneider, Monika; Pillco, Maria Isabel and Rist, Stephan (2013) Social-ecological resilience in organic and non-organic cocoa farming systems in the Yungas of Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropbentag 2013 - Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum - Book of Abstracts, p. 478.

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Jacobsen, Lars-Bo (2002) Is the promotion of organic farming the most cost efficient way of achieving environmental goals? A Danish Case story. Paper at: the 14th International Input-Output Techniques Conference, Montreal, Canada., 10-15 October 2002,. [Unpublished]

Jacobsen, Stine K.; Sigsgaard, Lene; Nielsen, Otto; Schwennsen, Trine Ø; Green, Ole; Johannsson, I; Vestergård, Mette; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Nicolaisen, Mogens (2023) Strip cropping –improving biodiversity and crop resilience in organic farming. Poster at: XII European Congress of Entomology, Thessaloniki, Greece, 16-20 October 2023.

Jacobsen, Maja; Juul-madsen, Helle Risdahl and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2010) Development of an oral tolerance model in rats for investigation of bioactive food components. In: Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, 69, E289.

Jacobsen, Stíne K. (2017) Functional agrobiodiversity for pest control in apple. Poster at: Danish OIKOS Annual Meeting, Copenhagen University, 10/03/2017 - 11/03/2017.

Jacobsen, Stíne K. (2017) Functional agrobiodiversity for pest control in apple. Danish OIKOS Annual Meeting, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10/3-11/3, 2017. [Completed]

Jacobsen, Stine K. and Sigsgaard, Lene (2017) Functional agrobiodievrsity - a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production. Poster at: NJF Seminar 493, Riga, Latvia, 30/1-31/1, 2017.

Jacobsen, Stíne K. and Sigsgaard, Lene (2016) Functional agrobiodiversity - a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production. Poster at: Seminar: Future of crop protection, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 28-10-2016.

Jaeck, Mélanie and Lifran, Robert (2009) Preferences, norms and constraints in farmers’ agro-ecological choices: case study using a choice experiments survey in the Rhone River Delta, France. [Préférences, normes et contraintes sur le choix agro-ecologique des agriculteurs : étude de cas à partir des choix d'expérimentation déjà testées dans le delta du Rhône.] 53. AARES Conference, Cairns, Australia.

Jaeger, Maria; Brügemann, Kerstin; König von Borstel, Uta; Rübesam, Karin and König, Sven (2015) Breed comparisons and genetic parameters regarding dairy cattle health and welfare in pasture based production systems. Paper at: Vortragstagung der DGfZ und der GfT, Berlin, Deutschland, 16.-17.9.2015. [Completed]

Jäger, Maria; Brügemann, Kerstin and König, Sven (2016) Genetic relationships and trait comparison between and within selected lines of local dual purpose cattle. In: Book of Abstracts EAAP - 67th Anuual Meeting, 29 Aug – 2 Sept 2016, Belfast UK, p. 307.

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Jahanban, Leila and Davari, Mohammadreza (2014) Organic Agriculture and Nanotechnology. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 679-682.

Jahn, Gabriele; Schramm, Matthias and Spiller, Achim (2005) The Reliability of Organic Certification: An Approach to Investigate the Audit Quality. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

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Jahrl, Ingrid and Home, Robert (2014) Encouraging organic cultivation practices in Swiss allotment gardens. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1059-1062.

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Jakobsen, Malene and Kongsted, A.G. (2016) Including trees in pasture-based pig systems to improve animal welfare and eco-efficiency. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP), Belfast, United Kingdom, p. 382.

Jakobsen, Malene and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2015) Free-range pigs integrated with agroforestry. In: International conference on pig welfare: Improving Pig Welfare - what are the ways forward?, p. 109.

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Jamar, Ir. Daniel; Decruyenaere, Ir. Virginie; Stassart, Dr. Pierre; Stilmant, Dr. Didier and Seutin, Ing. Yves (2006) Re-conversion to organic farming, between organic rules and agro-food chain referential : how to fit out the organic fattening referential ? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jamar, Laurent; Lateur, Marc; Magein, Hugo; Culot, Marc and Aubinet, Marc (2010) Effect of organic farming practices on five orchard soil bioindicators. In: ISHS Acta Horticulturae (873), pp. 129-136.

Jamar, Laurent; Oste, Sandrine and Lateur, Marc (2012) Scab control in organic apple production: conclusions of an eight year study in temperate weather conditions. In: IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 84, pp. 213-221. [Unpublished]

Jamar, Laurent; Pahaut, Bertrand and Lateur, Marc (2010) A low input strategy for scab control in organic apple production. In: Acta Horticulturae, 873, pp. 75-84.

Jamar, Laurent; RONDIA, Alain; Lateur, Marc; Minet, L.; Froncoux, A. and Stilmant, Didier (2016) Co-Design and set-up of innovative fruit-based agroforestry cropping system in Belgium. In: Acta Horticulturae, 1137, pp. 347-350.

Jamar, Laurent; Song, Janghoon; Lambert, Kevin and Lateur, Marc (2016) Functional agrobiodiversity in apple and pear pest management in Belgium. [Agrobiodiversité fonctionnelle pour la gestion des ravageurs en verger de pommes et poires en Belgique.] In: Reubens, Bert and Marchand, Fleur (Eds.) Bridging gaps between principles and practices in agro-ecology, GIRAF-FNRS-UGent-ILVO, pp. 37-39.

James, K.; Akyüz, M.; Niggli, U.; Ramprasad, V. and Chable, V. (2014) A call for innovations tht change the (organic) world. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Jamin, Eric and Morin, Jean-François (2021) A Multi-Technical Initiative To Authenticate Analytically Organic Food Products: The True Organic Food (Tofoo) Project. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Jankowska-Huflejt, Dr Halina and Prokopowicz, Dr Jerzy (2006) Economical evaluation of organic meadow farms in Poland. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jankowska-Huflejt, Dr Halina; Wróbel, Dr Barbara and Kaca, Prof. Edmund (2006) Utilisation and quality of fodders from grass-lands in organic livestock production in Poland. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jansma, Ir. Jan Eelco; Visser, Dr. Andries; De Wolf, Ir. Pieter and Stobbelaar, Dr.Ir. Derk-Jan (2008) Agromere: how to integrate urban agriculture in the development of the Dutch city of Almere? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Jansonius, P.J.; Bloksma, J.; Heijne, B. and Anbergen, R.H.N. (2000) Alternativen für Kupfer gegen Schorf auf Jonagold. [Alternatives for copper fungicide against scab on Jonagold apple.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 18-20.

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Javanmardi, Jamal and Hasanshahian, Ozra (2014) Humic acid and manure tea affected reproductive stage and fruit quality factors of pepino in organic production system. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 683-686.

Jawtusch, Julia; Schader, Christian; Stolze, Matthias; Baumgart, Lukas and Niggli, Urs (2013) Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment Routine: Results from pilot applications of the FAO SAFA Guidelines. In: Symposium International sur L'Agriculture Biologique Méditerranénne et Les Signes Distinctifs de Qualité liée à l'Origine, 2-4 Décembre 2013, Agadir, Morocco.

Jean Silvie, Pierre and Martin, Pierre (2021) Towards A Powerful Knowledge Database To Think Outside The Box And Select Multi-Purpose Plants. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Jeffreys, Mr Ian (2006) The use of the Nominal Group Technique for eliciting opinion for policy evaluation. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jegstrup, Inger Marie; Nygaard Hansen, Marianne; Brandt, Kirsten and Ritskes-Hoitinga, Merel (2003) The effects of organically and conventionally cultivated plant feed on fertility and health in two inbred rat strains. Speech at: Scand-LAS 2003, MICE AND MEN FOR SCIENCE, 33rd Annual Symposium and Educational Days of the Scandinavian Society for Laboratory Animal Science, Lahti, Finland, 22-24 May 2003.

Jehle, J. A. (2008) The Future of Cydia pomonella Granulovirus in Biological Control of Codling Moth. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 265-270.

Jehle, Johannes A.; Sayed, Samy and Wahl-Ermel, Britta (2006) What do we (need to) know about low-susceptibility of codling moth against Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)! [Was wir über die Minderempfindlichkeit des Apfelwicklers gegenüber dem Cydia pomonella Granulovirus (CpGV) wissen (müssen)!] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 14-24.

Jehle, Johannes A. and Wahl-Ermel, Britta (2006) What do we (need to) know about low-susceptibility of codling moth against Cydia pomonella granulovirus (CpGV)! In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 14-18.

Jel, Jose Eduardo Lopez (2014) Opportunities And Challenges for organic producers to access to finanacial services in Bolivia. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 73-76.

Jelkmann, Wilhelm (2004) Fire blight in different production systems in Germany and strategies to control the disease. [Der Feuerbrand in verschiedenen Anbausystemen in Deutschland und Strategien zur Bekämpfung der Krankheit.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 113-114.

Jenkins, Tim A. and Daly, Mike (2005) final register SOLID FERMENTED MATERIAL (BOKASHI) AS A BIOFERTILIZER FOR POTTING MEDIA USING EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS (EM). Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Jenni, Anna; Holinger, Mirjam; Früh, Barbara; Eppenstein, R.C.; Bochicchio, Davide; Kongsted, A.G. and Thomsen, Rikke (2021) Case studies on innovative combined indoor/outdoor organic pig systems. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Organic Animal Husbandry systems – Ways to improvement.

Jensen, A.M.D. (2003) Seed quality - health status. Speech at: Frøsymposium, Tune, 18-19. marts 2003.

Jensen, A.N.; Hansen, L.L. and Baggesen, D.L. (2008) Reducing the risk of food borne pathogens (Campylobacter) in pre-slaughter pigs via short-time feeding with prebiotics. Poster at: Food Micro 2008, Aberdeen, Scotland, 1-4 September.

Jensen, Allan Leck; Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard and Sørensen, Claus Grøn (2022) Feasibility study for organic farming. In: Proceedings of the XX CIGR World Congress: Sustainable Agricultural Production - Water, land, Energy and Food.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard and Baggesen, Dorte Lau (2006) Salmonella and Campylobacter infections in outdoor organic pigs. In: Gopalakrishnan, O.; Melotti, L.; Ostertag, J. and Sorensen, N. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st IFOAM International Conference on Animals in Organic Production, IFOAM, pp. 96-97.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard and Baggesen, Dorte Lau (2006) Salmonella infection risk associated with outdoor organic pig production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard and Baggesen, Dorte Lau (2005) Salmonella infection risk associated with outdoor organic pig production. In: Hovi, M.; Walkenhorst, M. and Padel, S. (Eds.) System development: quality and safety of organic livestock products, pp. 87-93.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj and Baggesen, Dorte Lau (2008) Reducing the risk of food borne pathogens (Campylobacter) in pre-slaughter piges vis short-time feeding with prebiotics. In: book, 21st International ICFMH Symposium Food Micro 2008, p. 310.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard and Nielsen, Eva Møller (2003) Campylobacter species distribution in outdoor pigs: Oral presentation O44. In: Leontides, Leonidas (Ed.) Proceedings. SAFEPORK 5th International Symposium on the Epidemiology and Control of Foodborne Pathogens in Pork., pp. 134-136.

Jensen, Birgit; Bødker, Lars; Larsen, John; Knudsen, Jens Chr. and Jørnsgaard, Bjarne (2004) Specificity of soil-borne pathogens on grain legumes. Poster at: 5th European Conference on grain legumes, Dijon, France, 7-11 June 2004. [Unpublished]

Jensen, E.S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.; Aveline, A. and Crozat, Y. (2004) Grain legumes and nitrate leaching: significance and prevention. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Conference on grain legumes, AEP European asociation for grain legume research, pp. 63-64.

Jensen, Eric-Steen; Carlsson, Georg; Bedoussac, Laurent; Journet, Etienne-Pascal; Justes, Eric and Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik (2014) Enhanced yields in organic crop production through crop diversification intensifying the role of eco-functionality. Sustainable Agricultural Research, Long Beach, United States.

Jensen, Erik Stee; Ambus, Per; Bellostas, Natalia; Boisen, Sigurd; Brisson, Nadine; Corre-Hellou, Guanelle; Crozat, Yves; Dahlmann, Christoph; Dibet, Audry; von Fragstein, Peter; Gooding, Mike; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kasyanova, Elena; Monti, Michele and Pristeri, Aurelio (2006) Intercropping of cereals and grain legumes for increased production, weed control, im-proved product quality and prevention of N –losses in European organic farming systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jensen, Erik Steen (2003) Organic agriculture - the Nordic, European and global perspectives. In: Proceedings from NJF's 22nd Congress "Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective", Turku, Finland, Tampere University Print, Tampere, Finland. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Erik Steen (2002) The application of ecological principle in organic crop production. Speech at: 3rd Australian Organic Agriculture Symposium, Perth, Western Australia, 12 October.

Jensen, Erik Steen (2002) The contributions of grain legumes to an environmental-friendly and sustainable European Agriculture. Speech at: LINK dissemination, Strasbourg, France, September.

Jensen, Erik Steen (2002) Grain legumes and the European environment. Speech at: Press conference: LINK Pulses and health, Madrid, Spain, 19 April.

Jensen, Erik Steen (2002) Intercropping – the application of ecological principles in organic plant production. Speech at: Course in Organic farming, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 8 October.

Jensen, Erik Steen; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jørnsgaard, Bjarne (2002) Grain legumes – their role in European agriculture. Speech at: Workshop: Integration of grain legumes in the maize-based production system in semi-arid Sub-Saharan Africa, KVL, Taastrup, Denmark, 18 November.

Jensen, Erik Steen; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kinane, Julia; Andersen, Mette Klindt and Jørnsgaard, Bjarne (2005) Intercropping – The practical application of diversity, competition, and facilitation in arable and organic cropping systems. In: Köpke, U.; Niggli, U.; Neuhoff, D.; Lockeretz, W. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Researching Sustainable Systems 2005. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agricultural Research (ISOFAR)., ISOFAR, Bonn, Germany, pp. 22-25.

Jensen, Erik Steen; Mørkeberg, Anette; Sørensen, Hilmer and Sørensen, Susanne (2001) Effects from intercropping of pea and barley on the content of protein and bioactive molecules in the seeds. In: Proceedings of the 4th European Conference on Grain Legumes, AEP- European association for grain legume research, pp. 90-91.

Jensen, Erik Sten; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Kinane, Julia; Andersen, Mette Klindt and Jørnsgaard, Bjarne (2005) Intercropping - the practical application of diversity, competition and facilitation in arable and organic cropping systems. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Karsten Klint (2006) Corporate responsibility. Paper at: The 6th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics, Wageningen.

Jensen, Thomas Secher; Hansen, Tine Sussi and Olsen, Kent (2009) ORGANIC FARMS AS REFUGES FOR SMALL MAMMAL BIODIVERSITY. Poster at: The 10th International Mammalogical Congress, Mendosa, Argentina, 9-14 of August 2009.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Mølbak, Lars; Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj and Baggesen, Dorte Lau (2010) Effects of feeding prebiotics to pigs for 1 or 2 weeks before slaughter. In: Abstract book, 22nd International ICFMH Symposium, Food Micro 2010, p. 61.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Mølbak, Lars; Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj and Baggesen, Dorte Lau (2010) Effects of feeding prebiotics to pigs for 1 or 2 weeks before slaughter. In: Abstract book, 22nd International ICFMH Symposium, Food Micro 2010. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Storm, Christina; Baggesen, Dorte Lau; Forslund, Anita and Dalsgaard, Anders (2011) Contamination of lettuce with antibiotic resistant E. coli after slurry application. In: Book of Abstracts, First Int. Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Institute of Chemical Technology, Prague, Czeck Republic, p. 27.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Storm, Christina; Forslund, Anita; Baggesen, Dorte Lau and Dalsgaard, Anders (2010) Faecal contamination of lettuce heads after manure application. In: book, 22nd International ICFMH Symposium, Food Micro 2010, p. 280.

Jensen, Annette Nygaard; Thanou, Olga; Axelsdottir, Aslaug; Thomsen, Signe Gerling and Aabo, Søren (2012) Evaluation of intestinal sampling sites in pigs at slaughter for assessing antibiotic resistance level in swine herds. Poster at: 23rd International ICFMH Symposium, Food Micro 2012, Istanbul, Turkey, 3-6 Sept. 2012.

Jensen, Bent Borg (2015) Effect of chicory root and age on the gastrointestinal ecosystem and accumulation of skatole and androstenone in back-fat of male and female pigs. In: Book of Abstracts: Digestive Physiology of Pigs Symposium 2015, p. 46.

Jensen, Bent Borg (2015) Effect of chicory root and age on the gastrointestinal ecosystem and accumulation of skatole and androstenone in back-fat of male and female pigs. Power point presentation Oral presentation S3 lecture 7 at: 13th Digestive Physiology of Pigs, 2015, Kliczkow, Poland, 19-21 May, 2015. [Completed]

Jensen, Erik Steen; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Peoples, Mark B.; Gresshoff, Peter M. and Vance, Carroll P. (2010) The Use of Legumes for Agro-Energy and Non-Food Purposes. Speech at: 5th International Food Legumes Research Conference (IFLRC V) and 7th European Conference on Grain Legumes (AEP VII), Antalya, Turkey , 26-30 April, 2010.

Jensen, Henning Høgh; Odhong, Charles; Odwonga, Richard N and Halberg, Niels (2013) Innovation Research in High-Value Commodity Chains: Lessons Learned. Paper at: International workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 29th-31st May, 2013.

Jensen, Henning Høgh Jensen (2013) Innovation Research in High-Value Commodity Chains: Lessons Learned. Poster at: Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 28. Maj - 31. June 2013.

Jensen, Jørgen Dejgaard and Gylling, M. (2017) Using Green Biorefinery Technology to Enhance Domestic Self-Sufficiency in Protein Feed Supply – Economic Impacts on Conventional and Organic Farming. Paper at: XV EAAE Congress: “Towards Sustainable Agri-Food Systems: Balancing between Markets and Society”., Parma, Italy, August 29th – September 1st, 2017. [Submitted]

Jensen, Jørgen Dejgård (2016) Bio-Refining Agricultural crop Products into High-Value Materials - Economic impacts in the agricultural sector. Speech at: 152nd EAAE Seminar on Emerging Technologies and the Development of Agriculture, Novi Sad (Serbia), Novi Sad (Serbia), 30.08.2016-1.09.2016. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Karsten Klint (2007) Sustainability and Precaution. In: . [Completed]

Jensen, Karsten Klint (2011) Ethical Concerns in LowInputBreeds. Background Paper for the LIB Symposium in Wageningen 15-16 March. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Jensen, Martin (2017) Multicomponent antibacterial feed additive for weaning piglets against intestinal diseases. Speech at: Internal meeting, Institut for Fødevarer, 10 February 2017. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Martin (2017) Plants-foods-health research in AU FOOD. Speech at: Møde med LUKE, Finland omkring samarbejde, Foulum, 25 januar 2017. [Unpublished]

Jensen, Thomas Secher and Olsen, Kent (2010) Vole spatial distribution and dispersal in European organic and conventional farming systems. Poster at: The 90th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 11-15 of June 2010.

Jensen, Torben (2019) Future organic products. [Fremtidens økologiske fodermidler.] Speech at: Biofach Congress 2019, Nürnberg, 15-02-2019.

Jensen , Bent Borg; Maribo, Hanne and Thomsen, Rikke (2013) Reduction of boar taint - the practical way. Workshop at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production , Hovborg Kro, Holmeåvej 2, 6682 Hovborg, Denmark , June 12th and 13th 2013. [Unpublished]

Jepsen, Per (2024) Organic live feed cultures for marine fish. Speech at: 22. Danske Havforskermøde, Lyngby, 23/1 to 25/1.

Jerez-Bogota, K.S.; Højberg, Ole; Jensen, Martin and Canibe, Nuria (2022) Feeding antibacterial plant combinations to mitigate post-weaning diarrhoea in organic piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F18. [Fodring med antibakterielle plantekombinationer for at reducere fravænningsdiarré hos økologiske pattegrise udfordret med enterotoksigene Escherichia coli F18.] In: Proceedings DPP conference Int symposium on digestive physiology of pigs..

Jerez-Bogota, K.S.; Højberg, Ole; Jensen, Martin and Canibe, Nuria (2022) Feeding antibacterial plant combinations to mitigate post-weaning diarrhoea in organic piglets challenged with enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli F18. [Foder tilsætning med antibakterielle plantekombinationer for at reducere diarré i økologiske fravænningsgrise inokuleret med enterotoksigene Escherichia coli F18.] In: Proceedings DPP konference Int symposium on digestive physiology of pigs, DPP konference Int symposium on digestive physiology of pigs, DPP konference Int symposium on digestive physiology of pigs, p. 1.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby (2007) CORE ORGANIC – Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming (www.coreorganic.org). Paper at: European Organic Congress, Brussels, December 4-5, 2007.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby (2007) ORGANIC REVISION – Research to support the revision of the EU Regulation on organic agriculture (www.organic-revision.org). Paper at: European Organic Congress, Brussels, December 4-5, 2007.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Sørensen, Linda S. and Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) Organic Rules and Certification. In: Organic Rules and Certification.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby and Dehaudt, Valerie (2014) How to improve end-users' use of research results. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 187-190.

JIMOH, MUIDEEN; ENIKUOMEHI, OLOLADE; OLOWE, VICTOR and AFOLABI, CLEMENT (2015) Integrated management of two foliar diseases of sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in maize/sesame intercrop. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 243-246.

Jiwan Prakash Saini, J.P. Saini and Rameshwar Kumar, Rameshwar (2014) Long term effect of organic sources of nutrients on productivity and soil health in maize+soybean—wheat+gram cropping system. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 611-614.

Joannon, Alexandre; El Aziz, Djoudi; Monteiro, Alexandre; Perrin, Augustine; Pétillon, Julien; Plantegenest, Manu; Pozzi, Tiffani; Savary, Gérard and Aviron, Stéphanie (2021) Diversity Of Wheat Crop Management From Conventional To Organic Farming: Socio-Economic And Ecological Assessment. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Joaquim, Carolina; Ares, Aitana; Pintado, Duarte; Santos, Daniela; Messmer, Monika M.; Costa, Joana and Mendes-Moreira, Pedro (2021) Analyses Of The Rhizosphere Microbiota In Three Different Crop Systems (Conventional, Organic And Syntropic Agriculture), Using A Portuguese Maize Population And Ccp (‘Pigarro’ And ‘Sinpre’). Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Joernsgaard, B.; Christiansen, J.L. and Kuptsov, N. (2003) Adaptation of lupins for Northern European maritime conditions. In: Proceedings of the 10' international lupin conference. [In Press]

Joernsgaard, B.; Christiansen, J.L. and Kuptsov, N. (2002) Adaptation of lupins for Northern European maritime conditions. Speech at: The 10' intenational Lupin Conference, Island, 19-24 June 2002. [Unpublished]

Joernsgaard, B.; Raza, S.; Jensen, E.S. and Christiansen, J.L. (2001) Choise of species and varieties for grain legumesand cereals for inter- and monocropping in organic agricultural systems. In: Proceedings of the 4'th AEP conference.

Johansen, A.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H.; Ambus, P.; Dalgaard, T.; Jørgensen, U.; Nielsen, A.M.; Nielsen, L.H.; Olesen, J.E.; Roepstorff, A.; Skytte, K.; Smith, J.E.; Thomsen, A.B.; Carter, M.S. and Jensen, E.S. (2008) Production of biomass and bioenergy in organic agriculture and its consequences for soil quality, environment, biodiversity and socio-economy. [Produktion af biomasse og bioenergi i økologisk jordbrug og konsekvenserne for jord kvalitet, miljø, biodiversitet og socio-økonomi.] Poster at: ALTERNET Workshop: Interlinkage between Biodiversity and Bioenergy, Edinburgh, 20th - 21st October 2008.

Johansen, Natasha H. and Dupont, Y.L. (2019) Can strip-cropping enhance pollination and fruit set in Hokkaido pumpkins? Poster at: SCAPE, Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecologists, Höör, Sweden, 2019-10-24 to 2019-10-28.

Johansen, A.; Pommeresche, R.; Riley, H. and Løes, A.-K. (2013) Effects of applying anaerobically digested slurry on soil available organic C and microbiota. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 125-126.

Johansen, Anders; Hansen, Christian M.; Andreasen, Christian; Carlsgart, Josefine; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø and Roepstorff, Allan (2011) Anaerobic digestion as a tool to eliminate animal parasites and weed seeds. Poster at: 24th NJF Congress, Upsala, Sweden, June the 14-16 2011.

Johansen , Anders; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Ambus, Per and Carter, Mette S. (2009) Recycling of bioenergy waste-stream materials to soil in organic farming systems. Poster at: NJF Seminar 422 , Tartu in Estonia, 25-27 August 2009.

Johansen , Anders; Carter, Mette S.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2011) Waste materials from biogas production - effects on soil fertility and climate. Speech at: Program Hushållningssällskapens kompetensdagar och HIR-konferens, Jönköping , 26-27 September 2011.

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. (2022) Behaviour in dairy calves with and without their dams on pasture. Abstract at: Nordic ISAE, 26.-28.01.2022.

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. (2021) Interviews with Norwegian farmers with cow-calf contact systems. Speech at: GrazyDaiSy and ProYoungStock joint workshop, Online Zoom, 30.09.21.

Johansson, B. and Hessle, A. (2013) Forage legume silage and cold-pressed rapeseed cake for dairy bull calves. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 67-68.

Johansson, Birgitta; Hessle, Anna and Kumm, Karl-Ivar (2014) USING CLOVER/GRASS SILAGE AS A PROTEIN FEED FOR DAIRY BULL CALVES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1007-1010.

Johansson, S. and Belfrage, K. (2013) Self-sufficiency of fuels for tractive power in small-scale organic agriculture. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 107-108.

Johnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian; Grøndahl, Ann Margaret; Bøe, Knut Egil; Gulliksen, Stine Margrethe and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2011) Improving welfare for dairy cows and calves at separation. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, p. 91.

Johnsen , Julie Føske; Ellingsen, Kristian; Grøndahl, Ann Margaret and Mejdell , Cecilie Marie (2012) Calf rearing in organic dairy production. Poster at: Minding animals conference, Utrecht University, The Netherlands, 4.-6. July 2012. [Completed]

Jokiel, M.; Bantle, M.; Kopp, C.; Claussen, I.C. and Tolstorebrov, I. (2019) Design of a CO2 heat pump drier with dynamic modelling tools. In: Proceedings of the 25th International Congress of Refrigeration, August 24-30, 2019, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Jokumsen, Alfred and Skøtt Rasmussen, Richard (2008) Improved digestibility and growth in selected families of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Poster at: XIII International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Florianopolis, Brazil, 1-5 June 2008.

Jokumsen, Alfred; Gesto, Manuel; Buchmann, Kurt; Lorenzen, Niels; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Henriksen, Niels Henrik; Schmidt, Jacob; Madsen, Lone; Kania, Per and Pedersen, Per Bovbjerg (2019) SHELTERFISH New tools to improve fish health and environment in organic aquaculture. [SHELTERFISH Nye metoder til forbedring af fiskesundhed og miljø i økologisk akvakultur.] Poster at: Aquaculture Europe 2019, Berlin. Germany. 7 - 10 October 2019, Berlin, 7 - 10 October 2019.

Jokumsen, Alfred and Lembo, Giuseppe (2016) FEED REQUIREMENTS IN ORGANIC AQUACULTURE. [Foder krav i økologisk akvakultur.] Speech at: Aquaculture Europe, Edinburgh, 20th – 23th October 2016.

Jokumsen, Alfred ; Høglund, Erik; Lund, Ivar; Madsen, Lone; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Nielsen, Max; Nielsen, Thorkild; Larsen, Villy J. and Larsen, Erling P. (2014) ROBUSTFISH: NEW POSSIBILITIES FOR GROWTH AND ROBUSTNESS IN ORGANIC AQUACULTURE. Poster at: Aquaculture Europe 2014, San Sebastian, Spain, 14-17 October 2014.

Jones, H; Boyd, H. E.; Clarke, S; Haigh, Z. E. L and Wolfe, M (2008) Wheat populations: parental performance and stability in organic and non-organic environments. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Jones, H; Clarke, S M; Haigh, Z; Hinchsliffe, K; Wolfe, M S; Thomas, J; Gibbon, D; Harris, F and Lyon, F (2006) Developing a partcipatory approach to seed production and varietal selection. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 135-138.

Jones, Dr H.; Hinchsliffe, Miss K.; Clarke, Dr S M; Pearce, Dr B; Gibbon, Dr D; Lyon, Dr F; Harris, Dr F; Thomas, Dr J and Wolfe, Prof M S (2006) A participatory methodology for large scale field trials in the UK. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jong, P.F. and van der Maas, M. P. (2008) Reducing russeting of organically grown Elstar to increase quality. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 54-58.

Jong, Ir. P.F. de and Heijne, Dr. Ir. B. (2006) Enhancement of degradation of fallen apple leaves. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jong, Ir. P.F. de and Heijne, Dr. Ir. B. (2006) REPCO contribution to the development of products for apple scab control. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jonis, Monique; Stolz, Hanna; Schmid, Otto; Hofmann, Uwe and Trioli, Gianni (2008) Analysis of organic wine market needs. Paper at: IFOAM OWC 2008, Modena, Italy, 18-20 June 2008. [Submitted]

Jonsson, Simon (2002) Crop yields in organic and conventional production – studies from the Öjebyn project. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 43-46.

Jorgensen, K.F.; Larsen, S.B.; Andersen, H.R. and Vestergaard, M. (2004) Effect of starch level and roughage intake on animal perfomance, rumen wall characteristics and liver abscesses in intensively fed Frisian bulls. In: van der Honing, Ynze (Ed.) Book of abstracts of the 55th Anuual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Wageningen Academic Publisher, The Netherlands (10), p. 112.

Joseph-Adekunle, Tunerayo T. and Adelola, Ayomide S. (2018) Growth Response, Herbage yield and proximate contents of Peppermint (Mentha piperita) as influenced by Organic fertilizer types. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 199-202.

JOSEPH-ADEKUNLE, TUNRAYO T. and BABALOLA, WAHAB A. (2015) Plantain (Musa AAB. cv Agbagba) Setts Growth in Response to Growing Media and Organic Fertilizers in South Western Nigeria. In: Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 97-100.

Joshi, R. C.; Martin, E. C.; Wada, T. and Sebastian, L. S. (2005) Role of Golden Apple Snail in Organic Rice Cultivation and Weed Management. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Jouany, Claire; Vertès, Françoise; Fourrié, Laetitia; Nesme, Thomas and Penvern, Servane (2021) Shared Research Questions On Soil Quality In Organic Farming Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Jouany, Claire; Vian, Jean-François; Fourrié, Laetitia; Le Bras, Maëlle; Leclerc, Blaise; Pontier, Bruno and Prieur, Loïc (2017) Long term phosphorus dynamics in a French organic cropping system network. Congrès annuel de la société Canadienne de science du sol, Peterborough, Canada.

Jovchelevich, Pedro (2014) Heirloom biodynamic seeds network rescue, conservation and multiplication of local seeds in Brazil. [Relíquias da Rede de sementes biodinamicas: recuperação, conservação e multiplicação de sementes locais no Brasil.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Jovchelevich, Pedro (2014) Influence of moon rhythms on yield of carrot (Daucus carota), under biodynamic management. [Influência do ritmo da lua na produção de cenoura (Daucus carota) sob gerenciamento biodinamico.] In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 77-80.

Joynes, A; Hatch, D and Stone, A (2006) An assessment of nitrogen fixation in 'organically managed' spring-sown lupins and leaching under a following winter cereal. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 253-257.

Juin, Hervé; Feuillet, Dalila and Roinsard, Antoine (2014) Nutritional value of organic raw material for poultry. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 291-294.

Juister , Evelyn; Berner, Nina and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) CREATING EDUCATION AND TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES TO SUPPORT THE DEVELOPMENT OF DIRECT MARKETING STRATEGIES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 431-434.

Julia, Lernoud (2014) Young Farmers, Young Consumers, Great Future. The future is here, and we need to work for it. We all wish an organic and sustainable world and is in our hands to build it. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Julian, C.; Smith, N; Oglethorpe, David and Wright, J (2002) The development of an integrated modelling system to support decisions on organic farms. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 161-164.

Jumshudzade, Zaur and Paulsen, Hans Marten (2021) First Results Of Experiments For Carbon Enrichment With Different Land Use Techniques Under Organic And Conventional Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Juncker, Eric and Adler, Steffen A. (2019) ProRefine: Valorisation of forage legumes for both monogastric animals and ruminants through fractionation. In: AIS 2019 Poster sessions.

Jung, Kerstin (2008) Biological control of Thrips tabaci in the field – possibilities and practical limits. In: Ehlers, Ralf-Udo; Enkerli, Jürg; Glazer, Itamar; López-Ferber, Miguel and Tkaczuk, Cezary (Eds.) Working Group “Insect Pathogens and Insect Parasitic Nematodes”, Proceedings of the Meeting at Alés (France), IOBC/WPRS, Vol. 31, IOBC/wprs Bulletin, pp. 344-348.

Jung, Kerstin (2004) Combined use of insect pathogenic fungi and nematodes against the onion thrips, Thrips tabaci, in the field. In: Elad, Yigal; Pertot, Ilaria and Enkegaard, Annie (Eds.) Proceedings of the Meeting “Management of Plant Diseases and Arthropod Pests by BCAs and Their Integration in Agricultural Systems. IOBC/wprs Bulletin, IOBC/WPRS, Vol. 27 (8), pp. 141-143.

Junrungreang, Miss Supaporn; Nakapraves, Mr. Pracha and Shinon, Miss Sirinapa (2006) Organic agricultural systems for cassava crops in upland soil of Thailand. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Jurica, Milos and Petrikova, Kristina (2008) Measuring quality in vegetables using electrochemical methods and nutritional values. In: Proceedings XIII. International Conference Electrochemical Quality Test, Brno.

Juroszek, Dr Peter and Tsai, Miss Hsing-Hua (2008) Research Needs in Organic Vegetable Production Systems in Tropical Countries With a Focus on Asia. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Justes, Eric; Alletto, Lionel; Bedoussac, Laurent; Bonnet, Catherine; Couëdel, Antoine; Gavaland, André; Journet, Etienne-Pascal; Plaza Bonilla, Daniel; Rafaillac, Didier and Viguier, Loic (2018) Towards agroecological cropping systems: the role of diversification in time and space for supporting the crop production. 15. ESA Congress, Genève, Switzerland.

Justesen, A.F.; Hansen, H.J. and Pinnschmidt, H. (2005) Quantification of leaf stripe, Pyrenophora graminea, in barley seed by real-time PCR. In: Abstract booklet, 5th ISTA-SHC Seed Health Symposium, p. 20.

Jørgensen, Henry and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2004) Nutrient composition and bioavailability of protein and energy in common fruits and vegetables prepared for human consumption. In: Challenges to food science and technology. Abstract collection, Food Congress 2004., Levnedsmiddelcentret, p. 135.

Jørgensen, J.R. (2002) Agronomy and grain quality. Speech at: Øresund Food Network Seminar: Innovative whole grain cereal products with health profile, Scandic Star Hotel, Lund, Sweden, 2-3 December 2002.

Jørgensen, Johannes Ravn and Gislum, René (2009) Prediction of cereal feed value by near infrared spectroscopy. Poster at: NJF seminar 413, Agricultural applications of NIRS and NIT.

Jørgensen, Johannes Ravn and Gislum, René (2009) Prediction of cereal feed value using spectroscopy and chemometrics. In: 30th Nordic Cereal Congress 15-17th of June 2009 Programme and Book of Abstracts, University of Copenhagen. Faculty of Life Sciences.

Jørgensen, Johannes Ravn and Gislum, René (2009) Prediction of Enzyme Digestibility of Organic Matter (EDOM) using Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. In: Haruthaithanasan, Vichai (Ed.) Abstract Book. NIR-2009 Breaking the Dawn.

Jørgensen, M.H.; Kristensen, E.F.; Kristensen, J.K. and Melander, B. (2004) Thermal Band Heating for Intra-Row Weed Control. In: De Baerdemaaker, Josse (Ed.) AgEng 2004, Leuven, Belgium. Book of Abstracts, ISBN 90-76019-258. Paper on CD 287, 8 pp, Technological Institute, Belgium.

Jørgensen, R.B.; Løjtnant, C.; Andersen, N.S. and Andersen, B.A. (2007) Co-existence with GM crops: grasses, clover and fodder beet. Paper at: XXVIIth EUCARPIA Fodder Crop and Amenity Grass Section meeting, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 19-23 2007. [Unpublished]

Jørgensen, Henry; Bach Knudsen, Knud Erik and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Carbohydrate and lipid composition of vegetables, and bioavalability assessed in a rat model: Impact different cultivation systems. In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Opganic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 119.

Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Organic diets and physical activity: Research experience using a rat model. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, p. 120.

Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2011) Preference of organic grown carrorts in a rat model. Poster at: First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, Czech Republic, May 16-20, 2011.

Jørgensen, Henry; Lærke, H.N. and Carlson, D. (2012) Influence on the ileal and fecal digestibility of forages inclusion in the diet. In: Book of Abstracts.

Jørgensen, K.F.; Kjeldsen, A.M. and Askegaard, M. (2013) Feeding toasted field beans to dairy cows. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 133-134.

Jørgensen, R.N.; Sørensen, C.G.; Jensen, H.F.; Andersen, B.H.; Kristensen, E.F.; Jensen, K.; Maagaard, J. and Persson, A. (2007) FeederAnt - An autonomous mobile unit feeding outdoor pigs. Paper at: The 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis Convention Center, 17 - 20 June 2007.

Jørgensen, Uffe and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2015) Workshop - Ammonia losses in organic pig production. Workshop at: [Completed]

Kaar, B. and Freyer, B. (2008) Weed species diversity and cover-abundance in organic and conventional winter cereal fields and 15 years ago. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kaasik, R.; Kovács, G.; Pehme, S. and Veromann, E. (2013) The effect of companion planting on the abundance of pest complex and its parasitism rate on white cabbage. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 175-176.

Kabi, Fred; Kayima, Denis; Kigozi, Abasi; Mpingirika, Eric Zadok; Kayiwa, Ronald and Okello, Dorothy (2018) Effect of different organic substrates on reproductive biology, growth and offtake of the African night crawler earthworm (Eudrilus eugeniae). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 37-42.

Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2016) PRODIVA WP 3 Variety mixtures for weed suppression.2015. Speech at: [Completed]

Kádár, Zsófia; Christensen, Anne Deen; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard and Thomsen, Anne Belinda (2009) Bioethanol production from germinated grain by inherent enzymes. Poster at: 31th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, San Francisco, CA, USA, 3-6 May.

Kádár, Zsófia; Christensen , Anne Deen; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Heiske, Stefan; Thomsen , Mette Hedegaard and Schmidt, Jens Ejbye (2011) Biofuels on organic farming. Poster at: 19th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Berlin, 6-10 June.

Kádár, Zsófia; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Schmidt, Jens Ejbye and Thomsen, Anne Belinda (2009) Biorefinery concept in organic agriculture: combined bioethanol and biogas production. Poster at: 3rd Annual Workshop of COST FP0602: Biotechnology for biorefineries, Varenna, Italy, 1-4 September .

Kadziuliene, Zydre and Sarunaite, Lina (2006) The impact of legumes incorporation on the yield formation in organic crop rotation. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kadziuliene, Z.; Sarunaite, L. and Kadziulis, L. (2013) The impact of nitrogen in red clover and lucerne swards on the subsequent spring wheat. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 159-160.

Kaegi, Nora; Milz, Joachim; Weibel, Franco; Vanhoudt, Niels; Cobo Borrero, Juan Guillermo; Anselmi, Cinzia and Schneider, Monika (2013) Successful rehabilitation approach for sustainable regain in cocoa production systems in South-East Asia. Paper at: Malaysian International Cocoa Conference (MICC), Kuala Lumpur, Malysia, 7.- 8.10.2013.

Kaegi, Nora; Milz, Joachim; Weibel, Franco; Vanhoudt, Niels; Cobo Borrero, Juan Guillermo; Anselmi, Cinzia and Schneider, Monika (2013) Rehabilitation Approach for quick and sustainable regain in cocoa production in declining full sun plantations. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2013 - Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum - Book of abstracts.

Kaffka, Stephen; Bryant, Dennis and Denison, Ford (2005) Comparisons of organic and conventional maize and tomato cropping systems from a long-term experiment in California. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kahiluoto, H.; Bäckman, S.; Hannula, A.; Kakriainen, S.; Krumalowa, V.; Kuisma, M.; Lehto, T.; Mikkola, M.; Sumelius, J.; Seuri, P.; Vihma, A. and Granstedt, A. (2005) Baltic Ecological Recycling Agriculture and Society (BERAS project) - a case of Juva milk system. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 239-242.

Kahiluoto, Helena (2005) Sustainability strategies for organic food and farming. In: Ullvén, Karin and Alm, Jessica (Eds.) Att navigera i en ny tid, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, pp. 39-42.

Kahiluoto, Helena; Granstedt, Artur; Bäckman, Stefan; Fischer, Holger; Hannula, Annamari; Kakriainen, Salla; Krumalova, Veronica; Larsson, Markus; Lehto, Tiina; Nousiainen, Marko; Pylkkänen, Päivi; Schneider, Thomas; Seppänen, Laura; Seuri, Pentti; Sumelius, John; Thomsson, Olof; Vesala, Kari and Vihma, Antto (2005) Localisation and recycling in rural food systems - impact and solutions. Paper at: Researching sustainable systems : first scientific conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held in cooperation with IFOAM and NASAA, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-23 September 2005.

Kahiluoto, Helena; Kuisma, M.; Karttunen, P.; Horttanainen, M.; Grönroos, J.; Rötter, R.P. and Virtanen, M. (2009) Nutrient and energy potential for sustainable biorefineries based on wastes of agrifood systems: two regional cases. In: Abstract book : session #18, University of Copenhagen, S18.02.

Kahiluoto, Helena and Vestberg, Mauritz (2000) Utilization of arbuscular mycorrhiza by system management. In: Alfoeldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, Switzerland, p. 12.

Kahl, Johannes (2009) CORE Organic pilot project QACCP - presentation at mid-term: QACCP within the whole food chain and their impact on food quality, safety and health. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Kahl, Dr. Johannes; Busscher, Dr. Nicolaas; Mergardt, Gaby; Mäder, Dr. Paul; Dubois, Dr. David and Ploeger, Prof. Dr. Angelika (2008) Authentication of organic wheat samples from a long-term trial using biocrystallization. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kahl, J. (2011) QACCP. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Kaiblinger, Karin and Zehetgruber, Rosemarie (2014) Organic School Fruit Scheme in Vienna. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Kainz, Maximilian (2005) Enhancing Sustainability by Landscape-Design and Conversion to Organic Agriculture. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kakriainen-Rouhiainen, S.; Väisänen, J.; Vanhala, P. and Lötjönen, T. (2004) Terminating ley with mid-summer bare fallow controls Elymus repens. In: Proceedings, European Weed Research Society, pp. 181-182.

Kakriainen-Rouhiainen, Sanna; Väisänen, Jaana; Vanhala, Petri and Lötjönen, Timo (2003) Mid-summer bare fallow effective in controlling perennial weeds. Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Kalamaki, M.S.; Gelasakis, A. and Arsenos, G. (2014) GENETIC POLYMORPHISM OF THE CSN1S1 GENE IN THE GREEK-INDIGENOUS SCOPELOS GOAT. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 575-578.

Kallela, Marja and Peltue, Tiina (2005) Variety trials of broccoli in organic farms. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 73-75.

Kallio, Heikki (2007) Water, ethanol and carbon dioxide in fractionation and isolation of berry metabolites. Paper at: Beneficial health substances from berries and minor crops - how to increase their concentration in cultivated species, eliminate losses in processing and enhance dietary use : NJF seminar 399, Piikkiö, Finland, 14-15 March 2007.

Kaltoft, Pernille and Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2004) Has organic farming modernised itself out of business? An analysis of reverting organic farmers. Paper at: IRSA XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, July 25-30, 2004. [Unpublished]

Kamariari, Iliana; Papastylianou, Panagiota; Bilalis, Dimitrios; Travlos, Ilias and Kakabouki, Ioanna (2014) The Role of Mulching with Residues of two Medicinal Plants on Weed Diversity in Maize. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 567-570.

Kamoga, Gerald; Mwine, Julius and Ssekyewa, Charles (2018) Efficacy Evaluation of Selected Biorational Combinations in the Management of Tomato Blight. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 27-32.

Känkänen, Hannu (2008) Effects of direct drilling on spring cereals, turnip rape and pea. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), pp. 10-11.

Kantanen, J.; Granberg, L.; Kopoteva, I.; Partanen, U.; Pääkkönen, E. and Soini, K. (2010) Genetic uniqueness and socio-cultural conservation values of the endangered Yakutian Cattle. Paper at: 9th World congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Leipzig, Germany, August 1-6, 2010.

Kapolna, Emese; Laursen, Kristian H.; Hillestrøm, Peter; Husted, Søren and Larsen, Erik H. (2008) SE-ENRICHMENT OF CARROT AND ONION VIA FOLIAR APPLICATION. Poster at: Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen Norway, June 2008.

Kapp, Alexandra; Kreuzer, Michael; Kaptijn, Gerdine and Leiber, Florian (2018) Effects of dietary sainfoin on feeding, rumination, and faecal particle composition in dairy cows. In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 321.

Kapuinen, Petri; Perälä, Paula and Regina, Kristiina (2007) Digested slurry as a fertilizer for biogas ley. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (4), pp. 60-65.

Kapuinen, Petri and Tyynelä, Sanna (2005) Cattle slurry as a fertilizer of whole crop cereal silage (WCCS) when renewing ley. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (2), pp. 63-66.

Kapuinen, Petri and Tyynelä, Sanna (2005) Cattle slurry as a fertilizer of whole crop cereal silage (WCCS) when renewing ley. In: Stenberg, Maria; Nilsson, Hans; Brynjolfsson, Rikhard; Kapuinen, Petri; Morken, John and Søndergaard Birkmose, Torkild (Eds.) NJF-seminar 372 : book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 27.

KARAARSLAN, VİLDAN (2014) INSTITUTIONAL STRUCTURE DEVELOMENT IN THE FIELD OF ORGANIC FARMING IN TURKEY. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Kardinan, Agus (2014) Control of fruit flies pest on guava fruit by using organic insecticide. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 675-678.

Kargo, Morten; Hein, Lisa; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2019) Keeping up with a healthy milk fatty acid profile requires selection. In: Proceedings of the 70th Annual EAAP meeting.

Kargo, Morten; Hjortø, Line; Slagboom, Margot; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Hein, Lisa; Pedersen, Jørn and Munk, Arne (2016) SOBcows - Specialized organic breeding goals and breeding schemes within dairy production. Keynote presentation at: Nordic workshop in dairy cattle genetics and genomics, Park Inn, København, 25. - 26. april 2016.

Kargo, Morten; Hjortø, Line and Thomasen, Jørn Rind (2016) Possibilities and requirements for organic dairy breeding lines. Keynote presentation at: 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, 29 August 2016.

Kargo, Morten; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line and Slagboom, Margot (2018) Organic dairy breeding lines? - Possibilities and requirements. Keynote presentation at: Nordic Workshop in Dairy Cattle Genomics, Hotel Clarion, Copenhagen, Denmark, April the 17th and 18th 2018.

Kargo, Morten; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line and Slagboom, Margot (2018) Organic dairy breeding lines? – Possibilities and Requirements. Paper at: The 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11 - 16 February 2018.

Kargo, Morten; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line and Slagboom, Margot (2018) Organic dairy breeding lines? - Possibilities and requirements. Keynote presentation at: The 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11 - 16 February 2018.

Kargo, Morten; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line and Slagboom, Margot (2018) Organic dairy breeding lines? – Possibilities and Requirements. Paper at:

Karhu, S.; Hellström, J.; Hietaranta, T.; Mattila, P.; Pihlava, J.-M. and Tahvonen, R.T. (2010) MTT's berry varieties - rich in phytochemicals. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Kari, Maarit (2006) Ongoing research of Rhizoctonia. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (1), p. 24.

Karise, Reet and Mänd, Marika (2013) Prestop Mix might raise the water loss rate of foraging bumble bees. In: Proceedings of the 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, p. 124.

Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2014) Kaolin as inert material in bio-pesticide formulations supplements the hazard to useful insects. In: Proceedings of the Sixth European Conference of Apidology EURBEE, p. 64.

Karjalainen, Reijo; Stewart, Derek; McDougall, Gordon J.; Hilz, Hauke; Anttonen, Mikko; Saviranta, Niina; Mattila, Pirjo and Törrönen, Riitta (2008) Understanding health-promoting bioactive compounds in blackcurrants and their agronomic improvement. In: Book of abstracts, COST-Action 863 Euroberry Research, p. 28.

Kärkkäinen, Irma (2009) Steps towards organic public kitchens. Paper at: 1st Nordic organic conference : towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain, Gothenburg, Sweden, 18-20 May 2009.

Karlsson, H.A.; Horsted, K. and Dufek, A. (2009) Male chicken thigh meat quality from fast and slow growing breeds from an organic free-range system. Poster at: International Conference of Meat Science and Technology, Copenhagen. [Completed]

Karoglan Todorović, Sonja and Znaor, Darko (2006) The Organic Market in Croatia. In: Rippin, Markus; Willer, Helga and Lampkin, Nicolas (Eds.) Proceedings of the Second EISfOM European Seminar.

Karttunen, Janne (2004) Functional planning and occupational safety of milk production in cold loose housing barns. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 117-124.

Kaskinen, Tuuli; Kuittinen, Outi; Neuvonen, Aleksi and Mokka, Roope (2009) Gatekeepers changing consumers' behaviour in energy consumption. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 43-49.

Kasselaki, A. M.; Malathrakis, N. E.; Goumas, D. E. and Leifert, C. (2007) Effect of alternative seed treatments on seed-borne fungal diseases in tomato. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Kassemeyer, Hanns-Heinz; Buche, Claudia; Unger, Sabine; Kiefer, Beate; Loffel, Kirsten; Nick, Peter; Riemann, Michael; Guggenheim, Richard and Rumbolz, Joachim (2002) Biology of Plasmopara viticola - Approach to a biological control of grapevine downy mildew. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 127-129.

Kassemeyer, Dr. Hanns-Heinz (2006) Prevent and control of grapevine downy mildew. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kast, Walter K. (2002) Effects of plant extracts on downy mildew of vine-Laboratory and field experiments. [Wirkung von Pflanzenextrakten in Labor- und Freilandversuchen gegen Rebenperonospora.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 157-162.

Kasterine, Alexander and Bolwig, Simon (2008) Airfreight, organic products and Africa. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2008, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008.

Kasyanova, Dr E and Gooding, Dr MJ (2006) Intercropping with grain legumes increases N and S concentration and N:S ratios of wheat grain in European organic farming systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Katakam, KIran Kumar; Thapa, Sundar; Meyling, Nicholai V.; Dalsgaard, Anders; Roepstorff, Allan and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2011) Antagonistic effect of chitin-degrading microfungi on thick-shelled pig helminth eggs. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology.

Katroschan, K. and Stützel, H. (2008) Mineralization of lupine seed meal and seedlings used as N fertilizer in organic vegetable production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Katsoulas, Nikolaos and Schmutz, Ulrich (2021) Current Use Of Copper And Mineral Oils Inputs In Organic Production Across 10 Countries In Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Katto-Andrighetto, Joelle (2014) Overview of organic standards globally, Trends in standard development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Kauppinen, T.; Valros, A. and Vesala, K.M. (2010) Farmer's attitudes affect piglet production parameters. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 7.

Kauppinen, Tiina; Vainio, Annukka; Valros, Anna and Vesala, Kari (2006) Production animal welfare - farmers' attitudes and practices. In: Proceedings of the 18th Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 16.

Kauppinen, Tommi; Katajajuuri, Juha-Matti; Pesonen, Inkeri and Kurppa, Sirpa (2009) Carbon footprint of food maintenance in Finnish households. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 171-176.

Kautz, Timo; Athmann, Miriam and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) Growth of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) roots in biopores with differing carbon and nitrogen contents. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 391-394.

KAZIMIERCZAK, RENATA; JABŁOŃSKA , PAULINA and REMBIAŁKOWSKA, EWA (2014) Analysis of organic and conventional beetroot juice assortment in Warsaw shops and consumer sensory evaluation of selected products. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 917-920.

Keatinge, Ray; Jackson, Frank; Kyriazakis, Ilias and Cork, Susan A (2002) Developing parasite control strategies in organic systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 341-346.

Keil, S.; Benker, Dr. M. and Zellner, Dr. M. (2008) The use of copper seed treatments to control potato late blight in organic farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kelderer, M. and Casera, C. (2008) The “Rodenator”: an efficient device for controlling field mice and root voles? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 335-338.

Kelderer, M.; Thalheimer, M.; Andreaus, O.; Topp, A.; Burger, R. and Schiatti, P. (2008) The mineralization of commercial organic fertilizers at 8°C temperature. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 160-166.

Kelderer, Markus; Casera, Claudio and Lardschneider, Ewald (2006) First results of the use of potassium bicarbonate against scab in South Tyrol. [Erste Ergebnisse mit dem Einsatz von K-hydrogencarbonat in Südtirol.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 93-97.

Kelderer, Markus; Claudio, Casera and Lardschneider, Ewald (2008) Formulated and unformulated carbonates to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) on organic apple. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 47-53.

Kelderer, Markus; Lardschneider, Ewald and Casera, Claudio (2008) Tree shading: an efficient method to control alternate bearing? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 310-313.

Kelderer, Markus; Lardschneider, Ewald and Casera, Claudio (2008) Winter treatments against the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum): products and timing of applications. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 196-202.

Kelderer, Markus; Lardschneider, Ewald and Casera, Claudio (2002) Results of 5 years of thinning trials with lime sulphur in South Tyrol. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 112-117.

Kelderer, Markus; Matteazzi, Aldo and Casera, Claudio (2008) Degradation behaviour of potassium K-phosphite in apple trees. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Boos, Markus, (Hrsg.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 59-61.

Kelemen, Eszter; Balazs, Katalin; Choisis, Jean Philippe; Choisis, Norma; Gomiero, Tiziano; Kovács, Aniko; Nguyen, Geneviève; Paoletti, Maurizio; Podmaniczky, László; Ryschawy, Julie and Sarthou, Jean-Pierre (2011) Competing perceptions on biodiversity and its benefits: theoretical and methodological implications of a focus group study. 9. International Conference of the European Society for Ecological Economics, Istanbul, Turkey.

Kellehals, Markus and Duffy, Brion (2006) Use of genetic resources and partial resistances for apple breeding. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 151-156.

Keller, Chigusa; Rüegg, Johanna; Campos Villanueva, Consuelo; Durot, Chloé; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika and Saj, Stéphane (2023) Effects of pruning on workload and yields of native cacao under agroforests in Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 336.

Keller, Chigusa; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneidewind, Ulf; Armengot, Laura and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Challenges and approaches in data management of LTE trials in tropical field sites: Experiences from two trials in India and Bolivia. Paper at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, UK, 20.-22. June 2023. [Completed]

Keller, Olivia (2018) “What is sustainability?” The 58 sustainability goals of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Poster at: Workshops zum Thema Nachhaltige Entwicklung in der Landwirtschaft mittels Nachhaltigkeitsanalysen, CH-Wildegg, CH-Landquart, CH-Yverdon und CH-Münsingen, 22.10.2018, 24.10.2018, 9.11.2018 und 19.11.2018. [Completed]

Kellerhals, Markus and Duffy, Brion (2006) Use of genetic resources and partial resistances for apple breeding. [Nutzen von Genressourcen und Teilresistenzen in der Apfelzüchtung.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 157-160.

Kellerhals, Markus and Eigenmann, Christian (2006) Beurteilung der Fruchtqualität beim Apfel im Rahmen des EU-Projekts Hidras. [Evaluation of apple fruit quality within the EU project Hidras.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 165-171.

Kellerhals, Markus; Kesper, Cornelia; Koller, Bernhard and Gessle, Cesare (2002) Breeding apples with durable disease resistance. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 5-10.

Kellerhals, Markus; Patocchi, Andrea; Duffy, Brion and Frey, Jürg (2008) Modern approaches for breeding high quality apples with durable resistance to scab, powdery mildew and fire blight. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 226-231.

Kelly, Hilary; Shiel, Robert; Edwards, Sandra; Day, Jon and Browning, Helen (2002) The effect of different paddock rotation strategies for organic sows on behaviour, welfare and the environment. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 273-276.

Kelly, Terry; Butcher, Natalie; Harrington, Kerry; Holmes, Colin; Horne, Dave; Kemp, Peter; Palmer, Alan; Quinn, Alison; Shadbolt, Nicola and Thatcher, Alan (2005) Organic-Conventional Dairy Systems Trial in New Zealand: Four Years’ Results. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kelm, Dr. Michael; Loges, Dr. Ralf and Taube, Prof. Dr. Friedhelm (2008) Comparative analysis of conventional and organic farming systems: Nitrogen surpluses and nitrogen losses. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kemper, Laura; Willer, Helga; Basler, Andreas and Weidmann, Gilles (2021) Practice Abstracts: A New Challenge For Researchers Participating In Horizon 2020 Projects. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kemper, Laura; Willer, Helga; Basler, Andreas and Weidmann, Gilles (2021) Practice abstracts: A new challenge for researchers participating in Horizon projects. Poster at: Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, 6-10 September 2021.

Kemper, Roman; Müller, Phillip; Döring, Thomas F. and Athmann, Miriam (2021) Exploring The Total Soil Volume: Root Length Densities And Rooting Depth Of Different Cover Crops Determined With The Profile Wall Method. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kennedy, T.; Merfield, C. and Mahon, T. (2008) Results from the arable crop rotation study at Oak Park 2000 - 2007. In: Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Ireland, pp. 59-70.

Kerckhoffs, Dr. L.H.J. (2008) Development of organic farming in distant rural Māori communities in New Zealand through successful participatory approaches. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kerckhoffs, Dr LHJ (Huub) (2006) Development of organic farming in distant rural Maori communities in New Zealand. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kern, Simone (2002) First Examinations to date the exactly Time of Infection of Sooty Blotch. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 49.

KEROUANTON, Annaëlle; CHIDAINE, Bérengère; ROSE, Valérie; KEMPF, Isabelle and DENIS, Martine (2014) Campylobacter in organic and conventional pig productions in France: occurrence, antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity. In: Proceeding of FoodMicro2014 , p. 462.

KEROUANTON, Annaëlle; CHIDAINE, Bérengère; ROSE, Valérie; KEMPF, Isabelle and DENIS, Martine (2014) Campylobacter in organic and conventional pig productions in France: occurrence, antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity. In: Proceeding of FoodMicro2014 , p. 462.

Kerouanton, Annaëlle; Nagard, Bérengère; Rose, Valérie; Samson, Vivien and Denis, Martine (2017) First description of Campylobacter lanienae from feces of organic and conventional pigs, in France. Poster at: 19th International Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms (CHRO), Nantes, 11-14 septembre 2017.

KEROUANTON, Annaëlle; ROSE, Valérie; CHIDAINE, Bérengère; KEMPF, Isabelle and DENIS, Martine (2013) Comparison of organic and conventional pig productions on prevalence, antibiotic resistance and genetic diversity of Escherichia coli. Speech at: 9th International Symposium On Epidemiology and Control Of Foodborne Pathogens In Pork, Portland, Maine, USA, 9-12 September, 2013. [Completed]

KEROUANTON, Annaëlle; ROSE, Valérie; EVEN, Maxime; HOUARD, Emmanuelle and DENIS, Martine (2013) Prevalence and genetic diversity of Salmonella in organic and conventional pig productions in France. In: Proceedings I3S, Genevière Clément et Pierre Colin, Saint-Malo, France, pp. 279-280. [Unpublished]

KEROUANTON, Annaëlle; ROSE, Valérie; HOUARD, Emmanuelle and DENIS, Martine (2013) Occurrence and genetic diversity of Salmonella in organic and conventional pig productions in France. In: Proceedings IMMEM 10, p. 98. [Completed]

Keskitalo, M.; Fabritius, A.-L.; Hakala, K.; Hannukkala, A.; Ketoja, E.; Lehtinen, A.; Mikkonen, P. and Vuorema, A. (2005) Control of potato late blight by caraway oil in organic farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 77-79.

Keskitalo, Marjo; Jauhiainen, Lauri and Peltonen, Sari (2010) Crop diversification in the future cropping systems: current situation of crop rotations in Finland. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 110.

Keskitalo, Marjo; Ketoja, Elise; Kontturi, Markku; Mäki, Maarit; Pihlava, Juha-Matti; Rantamäki, Pirjo and Tupasela, Tuomo (2007) Buckwheat - an old crop with new health prospects. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), pp. 23-26.

Keskitalo, Marjo and Mäkinen, Taina (2011) Crop diversification in the future cropping systems. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Kesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle (2017) Sustainability in dietary patterns accounting for farming practices: findings from the bionutrinet project. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

Kesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle (2015) Organic food consumers profiles from the large Nutrinet cohort follow-up in France. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, Berlin, Germany.

Kessler, Sabine; Kanthak, Sonja and Zimmer, Stéphanie (2021) Co2Mpositiv- Optimization Of Organic Materials Cycles Of Viticulture In Luxembourg. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Khazaei, Hamid; Santanen, Arja; Stoddard, Fred and Street, Ken (2011) Variation in leaf morpho-physiological traits in a world collection of faba bean germplasm. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 91.

Khazaei, Hamid; Street, Ken; Abdallah, Bari and Fred, Stoddard (2014) Root traits differ between wet- and dry-adapted sets of faba bean accessions selected by FIGS. In: Applied Mathematics and Omics Technologies for Discovering Biodiversity and Genetic Resources for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation for Sustainable Agriculture in Drylands.

Kidane, Alemayehu; Steinshamn, Håvard; Eik, Lars Olav and Sørheim, Kristin (2015) Lamb finishing on chicory containing swards relative to grass-clover mixtures. Poster at: Bioforsk conference, Hamar.

Kidmose, Ulla; Christensen, Lars P.; Brandt, Kirsten and Thybo, Anette (2005) Sensory evaluation of organic, processed vegetables. In: Abstract Collection. Danish Food Science 2005. From Molecule to man, Food Congress 2005., Centre for Advanced Food Studies (LMC), DTU, Søltofts Plads, Building 221, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark, p. 82.

Kidmose, Ulla; Christensen, Lars P.; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne and Thybo, Anette K. (2006) Sensory evaluation of juice from different organic blackcurrant cultivars. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kieft, Henk and Znaor, Darko (2000) Impact of agricultural development scenarios on water resources in Bulgaria, Hungary and Romania. In: Proceedings of the international conference “Water and agriculture”, World Wide Fund for Nature, Brussels, pp. 47-56.

Kienzle, J. (2008) Fruitgrowers towards a new approach to enhance biodiversity in organic orchards. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 339-349.

Kienzle, J.; Triloff, P. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Codling moth populations less susceptible to CpGV: What about higher concentrations? [Minderempfindlichkeit des Apfelwicklers gegenüber CpGV: Kann durch eine Erhöhung der Aufwandmenge die Wirksamkeit verbessert werden?] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 25-29.

Kienzle, J.; Zimmer, J.; Maxin, P.; Rank, H.; Bathon, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Control of the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug in organic fruit growing. [Zur Regulierung der Apfelsägewespe im Ökologischen Obstbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 25-29.

Kienzle, J.; Zimmer, J.; Maxin, P.; Rank, H.; Bathon, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Efficacy of Quassia extract on the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug. [Wirkung von Quassiaextrakt auf die Apfelsägewespe Hoplocampa testudinea Klug.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 239-242.

Kienzle, J.; Zimmer, J.; Maxin, P:; Rank, H.; Bathon, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Control of the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug in organic fruit growing. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 25-29.

Kienzle, J.; Zimmer, J.; Volk, F. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2008) Experiences with entomopathogenic nematodes for the control of overwintering codling moth larvae in Germany. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 277-283.

Kienzle, J.; Zimmer, J.; Volk, F. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2008) Field tests with Madex Plus against CpGV-resistant codling moth populations in organic orchards in 2006. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 261-264.

Kienzle, Jutta; Kopp, Barbara and Schulz, Christof (2002) Control of the apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea Klug) with extracts from Quassia amara L.: Quality and combination. [Regulierung der Apfelsagewespe mit Auszugen aus Quassia amara und Kombination mit NeemAzal-T/S.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 28-34.

Kienzle, Jutta; Küpp, Barbara; Schlüter, Dietmar and Zebitz, Claus P.W. (2002) Main problems and first approach for solutions in organic nursery production. [Die wichtigsten Probleme und erste Losungsansatze in der Oko-Baumschule.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 209-211.

Kienzle, Jutta; Schulz, Christof; Zebitz, Claus P.W. and Huber, Juerg (2002) Persistence of the biological effect of codling moth granulovirus in the orchard - preliminary field trials. [Dauer der biologischen Wirksamkeit des Apfelwicklergranulovirus in Feldversuchen.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 187-191.

Kienzle, Jutta and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Codling moth populations less susceptible to CpGV: What about higher concentrations? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 19-24.

Kienzle, Jutta; Zimmer, J.; Maxin, P.; Rank, H.; Bathon, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (2006) Wirkung von Quassiaextrakt auf die Apfelsägewespe Hoplocampa testudinea Klug. [Efficacy of Quassia extract on the apple sawfly Hoplocampa testudinea Klug.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 239-242.

Kießling, Daniela and Köpke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich (2008) Intercropping of oilseeds and faba beans. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kijlstra, A.; Cornelissen, J.B. and Meerburg, B.G. (2007) Characteristics of Organic Pig Production and risk analysis concerning Toxoplasma infection. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Kijlstra, Prof.Dr. A. (2005) No difference in paratuberculosis seroprevalence between organic and conventional dairy herds in the Netherlands. In: Hovi, M.; Zastawny, J. and Padel, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 3rd SAFO Workshop; Enhancing Animal Health Security and Food Safety in Organic Livestock Production., University of Reading, Reading, UK, pp. 51-56.

Kijlstra, Aize (2006) If hens are kept outside, how does this affect the dioxin levels of their eggs? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kijlstra, Prof. Dr. Aize (2006) Challenges for avoiding and handling disease problems in organic herds. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kijlstra, Prof.Dr. Aize and Bos, Dr. Bram (2008) Animal welfare and food safety: danger, risk and the distribution of responsibility. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kilcher, Lukas (2005) Organic Citrus: Challenges in Production and Trade. In: Cuaderno de Resumenes I Conferencia Internacional de Citricultura Ecologica BIOCIITRICS, pp. 22-27.

Kilcher, Lukas; Eisenring, Tobias and Menon, Manoj (2008) Organic market development in Africa, Asia and Latin America: Case studies and conclusions for national action plans. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

KILIÇ, MERVE AYTEN (2014) BUILT ENVIRONMENT, CHILDREN AND NATURAL HABITAT. Permaculture Garden Application in School. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Kinane, J. and Lyngkjær, M. (2002) Effect of Barley-Legume Intercrop and Major Nutrients on Disease Frequency in an Organic Farming System. Paper at: EFPP (European Foundation for Plant pathology) 2002: Disease Resistance in Plant Pathology., Prague, Czech Republic., 9-14 September 2002.

Kinane, Dr. J. and Lyngkjær, Dr. M. (2003) Effect of Barley-Legume Intercrop and Major Nutrients on Disease Frequency in an Organic Farming System. Paper at: (International Congress for Plant Pathology). 8th International Congress for Plant Pathology, Christchurch, New Zealand., 2-7th February 2003.

Kir, Alev; Cetinel, Barbaros; Turan, Hatice Sevim and Aydogdu, Erol (2021) Olive Branch Pruning Material And Biodegradable Alternative Performances On Organic Pepper (Capsicum Annuum L.) Production In Turkey. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kir, Alev; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Cetinel, Barbaros; Turan, Hatice Sevim; Aydogdu, Erol; Pacenka, Ralf; Dittrich, Christian; Caceres, Rafaela; Lennartsson, Margi; Rayns, Francis; Conroy, Judith and Schmutz, Ulrich (2021) Testing peat-free growing media based on olive wood residues for olive saplings. In: Testing peat-free growing media based on olive wood residues for olive saplings, Acta Horticultura, 1317, pp. 23-31.

Kir, A.; Tepecik, M. and Abaci, O. (2013) The effect of different compost applications in organic production of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.). In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 173-174.

Kirchner, S.M.; Hiltunen, L.; Virtanen, E.; Döring, T.F. and Valkonen, J.P.T. (2009) Potato virus Y transmitting aphids in a Finnish seed potato area. In: Book of abstracts, p. 167.

Kirchner, Cornelia (2014) Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS. How PGS can intensify knowledge exchange between farmers. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Kirchner, Marlene Katharina (2014) Welfare state of dairy cows in three European low-input and organic systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 33-36.

Kirk, Anne; Fox, Dr. Stephen; Entz, Dr. Martin and Tenuta, Dr. Mario (2008) Preliminary Findings on the Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Colonization of Organic Wheat. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kissing Kucek, Lisa; Baker, Brian; Dyck, Elizabeth; Dawson, Julie; Benscher, David; Davis, Mike; Kutka, Frank; Perry, Robert; Roth, Greg; Russell, June; Zwinger, Steve and Sorrells, Mark (2014) Value Added Grains for Local and Regional Food Systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1183-1186.

Kivelä, J.; Helenius, J. and Kangas, A. (2009) Meat and bone meal as fertilizer for oats - From slaughter house waste to fertilizer. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 27.

Kivela, J. and Westerling, K. (2013) The impact of conversion to ecological recycling agriculture (ERA) on farm nitrogen budgets and production levels. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 55-56.

Kivijärvi, P. (2004) The effect of different mulches on the growth and yield of organically grown strawberry. Paper at: The International school-conference plant cultivation in the European North, November 24-26, 2004.

Kivijärvi, P.; Tuovinen, T. and Kemppainen, R. (2005) Mulches and pheromones - plant protection tools for organic black currant production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 87-90.

Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2006) Weed management with different mulches under organic strawberry production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 35.

Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Kauppinen, Sanna; Tuovinen, Tuomo and Lindqvist, Isa (2006) A new touch for berry and apple production in South Savo region. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 25.

Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Parikka, Päivi and Tuovinen, Tuomo (2002) The effect of different mulches on yield, fruit quality and strawberry mite in organically grown strawberry. In: Organic production of fruit and berries, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists.

Kivijärvi, Pirjo and Prokkola, Soile (2003) The effect of different mulches on the growth and yield of organically grown strawberry. Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Hannukkala, Asko; Haapalainen, Minna and Iivonen, Sari (2017) Onion seedlings versus onion sets in organic onion production. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 73-74.

Kivinen, Tapani (2004) Visions for buildings and systems for dairy production in Finland in year 2010. In: NJF Report, pp. 7-9.

Kivinen, Tapani (2003) Organic piggery models for Finnish climate. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Kiær, Lars; Skovgaard, Ib and Østergård, Hanne (2007) Yield of spring barley mixtures as a function of varietal and environmental characteristics. Paper at: Varietal characteristics of cerealsin different growing systems with special emphasis on below ground traits, Velence, Hungary, 29-31 May, 2007.

Kiær, Lars; Skovgaard, Ib and Østergård, Hanne (2006) Meta-analysis is a powerful tool to summarize variety mixture effects - exemplified by grain yield and weed suppression of spring barley. In: Østergård, H. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.) Cereal crop diversity: Implicatons for production and products, ITAB, Paris, France, pp. 49-52.

Kjaer, Katrine Heinsvig (2016) Protective rain shields alter leaf microclimate and photosynthesis in organic apple production. In: Acta Horticulturae, 1134, pp. 317-326.

Kjaer, Katrine Heinsvig (2016) Protecting apple trees from rain –better fruit quality and maintenance of yield. Speech at: ISHS 2016 - VIII International Symposium on Light in Horticulture, Michigan, USA, 22 - 26 May 2016.

Kjeldsen, Chris and Alrøe, Hugo Fjeldsted (2006) Localness as the new orthodoxy? Critical reflections on localisation of food systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kjærgård, Bente; Bransholm Pedersen, Kirsten and Land, Birgit (2006) The Future Path of Organic Farming - Values, Standards and Controversy. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Borgen, Anders; Lechner, Miriam; Thüringer, Angela; Feher, Judit; Petcu, Victor; Bouchet, Jean-Pierre and REY, Frederic (2021) Common bunt managent on organic wheat: multi-factorial, knowledge- based. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Virtual Bunt and Smut Workshop, 1. [Completed]

Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Borgen, Anders; Thüringer, Angela; Feher, Judit; Petcu, Victor; Bouchet, Jean-Pierre and REY, Frederic (2021) BOOSTING COMMON BUNT MANAGEMENT IN EUROPE. In: EUCARPIA Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems, 1, pp. 105-106.

Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Borgen, Anders; Thüringer, Angela; Feher, Judit; Petcu, Victor; Bouchet, Jean-Pierre and REY, Frederic (2021) BOOSTING COMMON BUNT MANAGEMENT IN EUROPE. Poster at: nternational Conference on BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS By EUCARPIA Section Organic and Low Input Agriculture jointly with LIVESEED, BRESOV, ECOBREED, FLPP projects and ECO-PB, online from Latvia, 8 – 10 March 2021. [Completed]

Klaedtke, Stephanie Mathilde; Andrianne, Catherine; Rey, Frédéric and Chable, Véronique (2021) Plant And Seed Health In Organic Systems: Embedded In Or Disconnected From Interactions With Microbial Communities? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Klaedtke, Stephanie; Stassart, Pierre and Chable, Véronique (2014) AN ALTERNATIVE APPROACH TO PLANT HEALTH: THE PROCEDURAL CONCEPT APPLIED TO COMMON BEAN SEED SYSTEMS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 307-310.

Klaiss, Matthias; Baux, Alice; Barendregt, Christoph; Blessing, Carola; Herrera, Juan; Schneider, David; Schraml, Martine; Vonlanthen, Tiziana; Wendling, Marina; Messmer, Monika and Betrix, Claude-Alain (2022) EVAluation of Soybean varieties for low Input and Organic productioN under stressed conditions (EVASION) 2021–2024. In: Bulletin 32 - SGWP Jahrestagung 2022, p. 23.

Klaiss, Matthias; Messmer, Monika; Forster, Dionys; Verma, Rajeev; Baruah, Rajeev; Rawal, Vivek; Mandloi, Lokendra S. and Shrivas, Yogendra (2012) Influence of the Fast Spread of Bt Cotton on Organic Cotton Production: Examples from India and Burkina Faso. In: Scientific Conference 2012 Advancing the Understanding of Biosafety, GMO Risk Assessment, Independent Biosafety Research and Holistic Analysis, European Network of Scientists for Social and Environmental Responsibility (ENSSER), Tara Foundation and Third World Network (TWN), pp. 107-118.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2008) Organic farming - an opportunity for Developing countries? Speech at: Rural Economic Development, Danish Development Research Network, Copenhagen, Denmark, 8-9 April 2008.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2008) Retailer globalization. Speech at: Workshop on retailer globalization, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, 4th of April 2008.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2005) Organic food and farming: Between market subordination and retailer growth prospects. Paper at: International Farm Management Association nr. 15: Developing Entrepreneurship abilities to Feed the World in a Sustainable Way, Sao Paolo, Brazil, 14 - 19th of August 2005.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2004) Resistance, globalization and "conventionalization". In: Book of abstracts.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2003) Organic production in the Third Food regime. Paper at: Northern consumption/ Southern production. A mini-conference on cross-continental food commodity chain systems, Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-11 October, 2003.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2003) The Political Economy of Organic Foods. Paper at: SAFO: Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organing Farming. "Socio Economic Aspects of Health and Food Safety in Organic Livestock", Florence, Italy, 5-7th of September 2003. [Unpublished]

Kledal, Paul Rye and Sulitang, Tuerxunbieke (2007) The organization of Organic vegetable supply chains in China - Flexible property rights and different regimes of smallholder inclusion. Paper at: 106th EAAE Seminar Pro-poor development in low income countries: Food, agriculture, trade, and environment, Montpellier, France, 25-27th of October 2007.

Kledal, Researcher Paul Rye (2002) Who are the potential organic farmers? Limits to growth in organic farming in Denmark. Paper at: 13th International IFMA Congress of Farm Management, Wagening, Holland, July 2002. [Unpublished]

Kledal, Paul Rye (2006) Growing bargain power of supermarkets putting pressure on organic vegetable producers. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kledal, P.R. (2009) The four food systems in developing countries and the challenges of modern supply chain inclusion for organic small-holders. Paper at: The International Rural Network Conference in India, Udaipur , 23-28 of August 2009. [Completed]

Klein, Daniela; Kumar, Ramesh and Koepke, Ulrich (2005) Influence of management practices on quality and biodiversity of tomatoes in Germany. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kleinschmidt, N.; von Samson-Himmelstjerna, G.; Demeler, J. and Koopmann, R. (2008) Incidence of anthelmintic resistance in cattle farms in Northern Germany – first results. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Klimek, Milena and Freyer, Bernhard (2014) Merging Ethics and Economics: Modernizing Values in Viennese Farmers' Markets. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 41-44.

Klimeková, M. and Lehocká, Z. (2007) Comparison of organic and conventional farming system in term of energy efficiency. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Klimekova, Marta and Lehocka, Zuzana (2006) The effect of three different forecrops on yield height and selected qualitative characters of spring barley cultivated organically in the years 2003 – 2005. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Klinkert, Heleen and van Bree, Miriam (2014) From soy to egg: Solidarity in the poultry sector. Taking the next step towards social soy production. oral presentation at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Klocke, Peter; Fidelak, Christian; Garbe, Sylvia; Rothe, Johanna; Paal, Kerstin; Spranger, Joerg and Merck, Carl-Christian (2004) Are homeopathics able to replace antibiotics in the therapy of bovine mastitis? A placebo controlled randomized double-blind trial. Poster at: World Buiatrics Congress, Quebec (Canada), 11.-16.7.2004. [Unpublished]

Klocke, Peter; Garbe, Sylvia; Spranger, Joerg and Merck, Carl-Christian (2002) Effects of homeopathic and antibiotic mastitis treatment considering mediumterm parameters in an organic dairy herd. Poster at: World Buiatrics Congress, Hannover, Germany, 18.-23.8.2002. [Unpublished]

Klocke, Peter; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Heil, Fritz; Walkenhorst, Michael and Notz, Christophe (2007) Treatment of bovine sub-clinical mastitis with homeopathic remedies. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Klocke, Peter; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Walkenhorst, Michael; Maeschli, Ariane and Heil, Fritz (2006) Handling the dry-off problem in organic dairy herds by teat sealing or homeopathy com-pared to therapy omission. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Klumpp, C. and Häring, A.M. (2002) Finishing pigs: conversion is more than respecting the standards. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress.

Klumpp, Carolin and Häring, Anna Maria (2005) Organic sheep husbandry in Germany - how to tap its full potential. Paper at: 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress "Researching and Shaping Sustainable Systems", Adelaide, Australien, 20. - 23. September 2005. [Unpublished]

Klumpp, Carolin and Häring, Anna Maria (2004) Status Quo and barriers of the expansion of organic sheep husbandry in Germany. Paper at: 1st International Congress on Organic Animal Production and Food Safety, Kusadasi, Turkey, 28.4. - 1.5.2004. [Unpublished]

Knage-Drangsfeldt, Kristian and Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove (2021) Optimal Utilization Of Natural Phytase Activity In Feed Grains For Monogastric Animals. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Knebl, Lucas; Leithold, Günter and Brock, Christopher (2014) THE RELEVANCE OF SUBSOIL C AND N FOR THE ASSESSMENT OF CROPPING SYSTEM IMPACT ON SOIL ORGANIC MATTER. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy , U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 387-390.

Kneifel, Wolfgang (2017) Raw milk and allergy prevention – a possible feature for organic milk? In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 85-86.

Knickel, Dr. Karlheinz; Schaer, Dipl. Ing. agr. Dr. Burkhard and Strauch, Dipl. Wirtsch. Ing. Claudia (2006) Sustainable Food Supply Chains in Europe. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Knickel, Karlheinz (2014) From organic principles to wider application and a resilient agriculture: a reflections paper. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 407-410.

Knickel, Karlheinz; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Peter, Sarah (2006) Strengthening the positive links between organic farming and a sustainable development of rural areas. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Knierim, U.; Staack, M.; Gruber, B.; Keppler, C.; Zaludik, K. and Niebuhr, K. (2008) Risk factors for feather pecking in organic laying hens –starting points for prevention in the housing environment. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Knierim, Ute (2020) Results from the ProYoungStock survey on CCC rearing systems in practice, and attempts to automatically monitor suckling behaviour and cow-calf interactions under extensive conditions. Paper at: Cow-calf contact - current and future research, Second Round Table Conference, Thünen-Institute of Organic Farming, Trenthorst, 17th & 18th February 2020. [Completed]

Knierim, U. (2011) HealthyHens. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Knight, C. and Stanley, R. (2007) HACCP based quality assurance systems for organic food production systems. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Knight, Stella (2002) Organic Horticulture Research at HDRA. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 224.

Knoll, M.; Bokkers, E.A.M.; Leeb, C.; Wimmler, C.; Andersen, H.M.-L.; Thomsen, R.; Früh, B. and Holinger, M. (2021) Mixing feed in compost increases use but not cleanliness of rooting areas for growing-finishing pigs. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 534.

Knoll, Maximilian; Bokkers, Eddie A.M.; Leeb, Christine; Wimmler, Cäcillia; Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Thomsen, Rikke; Früh, Barbara and Holinger, Mirjam (2021) Mixing feed in compost increases use of rooting areas for lying behaviour but not cleanliness for growing-finishing pigs. Paper at: 8th INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE ASSESSMENT OF ANIMAL WELFARE AT FARM AND GROUP LEVEL, Virtual Conference, 16 - 19 August 2021. [Completed]

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2021) Sustainability in organic agriculture and food. [Bæredygtighed i økologisk jordbrug og af økologiske fødevarer.] In: Nordic Baltic meeting on organic agriculture and food, Tjele.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Halberg, Niels (2007) How to include on-farm biodiversity in LCA on food? Poster at: 5th International Conference on LCA in Foods, Gothenburg, Sweden, 25-26 April 2007. [Unpublished]

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Cereal-grain legume intercropping in organic farming - a Danish survey. In: Jacobsen, Sven-Erik; Jensen, C. R. and Porter, J. R. (Eds.) VIII ESA Congress: Book of proceedings, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2019) Life cycle assessment and soil carbon. Speech at: World Soil Day, AU Foulum, Denmark, 5. december 2019.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2019) Achieving low emissions through food choice. In: iClimate conference.

Knuhtsen, Jens Axel; Asmussen Lange, Conny Bruun; Holst Laursen, Kristian Holst and Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin (2023) AN EXTENSIVE INVESTIGATION OF A GENE BANK POPULATION OF PEA. Poster at: [Unpublished]

Knuhtsen, Jens Axel; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin; Holst Laursen, Kristian and Asmussen Lange, Conny Bruun (2023) An extensice invenstigation of a gene bank population of pea (pisum sativum L.) with emphasis on nutritional quality, drought tolerance and morphological diversity, through the combination of phenotyping, genotyping and chemical analysis. Poster at: [Unpublished]

Knuthsen, Pia; Soeltoft, Malene; Laursen, Kristian Holst; Bysted, Anette; Madsen, Katja H; Nielsen , John; Halekoh, Ulrich and Husted, Søren (2011) OrgTrace – No Difference in Levels of Bioactive Compounds found in Crops from Selected Organic and Conventional Cultivation Systems. In: Proceedings of the First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research.

Koczura, Madeline; Nicolao, Alessandra; Bouchon, Matthieu; Sturaro, Enrico; Pomiès, Dominique; Martin, Bruno and Coppa, Mauro (2020) Is dairy calves grazing behaviour influenced by cow-calf contact experience? Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, Online, France.

Koehl, Juergen; Kastelein, Pieter; Elderson, Janneke and Blok, Wim J. (2005) Identification of measures for prevention of black spots in organically produced stored carrots. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Koesling, Matthias; Birkeland, Liv and Behrens, Gesine (2007) Organic hospital food is desired by patients and engages the kitchen. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Koesling, Matthias and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2009) Presentation: Comparing reasons for opting out inAustria, Denmark, Estonia and Norway. Speech at: NJF seminar 422; Fostering healthy food systems through organic agriculture - Focus on Nordic-Baltic Region, Tartu, Estonia, 25-27 August 2009.

Koesling, Matthias and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2008) Norwegian lunch packages - fruit and milk schemes -. Speech at: Open iPOPY workshop on Organic School Food Provision, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, February 23, 2008.

Koesling, Matthias; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Flaten, Ola and Lien, Gudbrand (2008) Dropping organic certification - effects on organic farming in Norway. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Koesling, Matthias; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Flaten, Ola and Lien, Gudbrand (2008) Poster: Dropping organic certification - effects on organic farming in Norway. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Caporali, Fabio; Halberg, Niels and Hermansen, John (Eds.) Book of Abstracts of the 16th IFOAM World Congress, IFOAM, ISBN: 978-3-03736-024-8, p. 378.

Koesling, Matthias; Solemdal, Liv and Birkeland, Liv (2006) Food is important for health and well-being. Results from a hospital survey in Norway with focus on organic food, and implications for future research needs. Speech at: Conference on Healthy and Sustainable Public Food Network in Nordic countries, Copenhagen, 24.-25. April 2006. [Unpublished]

Koesling, M.; Hansen, S. and Fystro, G. (2013) Embedded energy in dairy stables. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 105-106.

Köhl, J. (2008) New approaches in biological control of apple scab. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 23-28.

Köhl, J.; de Haas, B.H. and Molhoek, W.M.L. (2006) Selection of antagonists suppressing conidia production of Venturia inaequalis. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Köhl, J.; van Tongeren, C.; de Haas, B.H. and Driessen, R.G. (2006) Epidemiology of dark leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicicola in organic seed production of cauliflower. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Köhl, Jürgen (2006) Integrated disease management. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Köhl, Jürgen; Heijne, Bart; Hockenhull, John; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Trapmann, Marc; Eiben, Ute and Tamm, Lucius (2006) Contributions of EU-project REPCO to apple scab control. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 73-76.

Köhl, Jürgen; Heijne, Bart; Hockenhull, John; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Trapman, Marc; Eiben, Ute and Tamm, Lucius (2006) Contributions of EU-project REPCO to apple scab control. [Beitrag des EU-Projektes REPCO zur Bekämpfung von Apfelschorf.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 73-76.

Köhler, Anna-Sophie; Huber, Julia; Wolfrum, Sebastian; Schmid, Harald and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2014) Earthworm abundance and species richness: Contribution of farming system and habitat type. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 473-476.

Kokare, A.; Legzdina, L. and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T. (2010) Spring barley grain quality changes in conventional and organic growing conditions. [Kwaliteit van zomergerst verandert onder conventionele en biologische teeltomstandigheden.] Poster at: Breeding for Resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems? Eucarpia 2nd Conference of the Organic and Low-Input Agriculture section, Paris, 1 - 3 december 2010.

Kokko, Harri; Hukkanen, Anne and Kärenlampi, Sirpa (2007) Cultivated sweet rowanberries have high phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 17.

Kokko, Harri; Hukkanen, Anne; Kostamo, Katri; Markkula, Paavo and Kärenlampi, Sirpa (2007) Arctic bramble, berry with unique aroma is a rich source of phytochemicals. Cultivation is still problematic. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 45.

Kokornaczyk, Maria; Kahl, Dr. Johannes; Roose, Marco; Busscher, Dr. Nicolaas and Ploeger, Prof. Dr. Angelika (2008) Organic wheat quality from a defined Italian field-trial. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kolbe, Hartmut (2006) Effects of organic fertilizers on yield and quality of potato tubers in organic farming. Speech at: Academy of Technology and Agriculture, Bydgoszcz, Polen, 25.10.2006.

Kolbe, Hartmut (2005) Grain legume nitrogen fixation and balance model for use in practical (organic) agriculture. In: Li, C. J.; Zhang, F. S. and et, al. (Eds.) Plant nutrition for food security, human health and environmental protection, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, pp. 1152-1153.

Kolbe, Dr. Hartmut (2007) Site adjusted organic matter balance method for use in arable farming systems. Speech at: Practical Solutions for Managing Optimum C and N Content in Agricultural Soils IV, Praha, June 20-22, 2007.

Kolbe, Dr. Hartmut (2005) Grain legume nitrogen fixation and balance model for use in practical organic agriculture. Poster at: Fifteenth International Plant Nutrition Colloquium, Beijing, P. R. China, 14. - 19. 09.2005. [Unpublished]

Kongsted, A.G. (2022) Later weaning in organic piglet production – what happens from seven to ten weeks? Paper at: EAAP - The European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, Portugal, Sep. 2022. [draft]

Kongsted, A.G. (2021) Presentation of the OUTFIT project at ICROFS status meeting 04-03-2021. Speech at: ICROFS status meeting 04-03-2021, 04-03-2021. [Unpublished]

Kongsted, A.G. (2021) Pig welfare from birth to slaughter in sustainable concepts. Keynote presentation at: Organic Knowledge Network on Monogastric Animal Feed, 26.01.2021.

Kongsted, A.G. (2021) Improving sustainability and welfare in organic poultry and pig production. Speech at: joint conference of four research projects, OK-Net EcoFeed, PPILOW, FreeBirds and POWER, 25-26/01/2021.

Kongsted, A.G.; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Hermansen, J.E. and Andersen, B.H. (2008) Strategies for a diversified organic pork production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kongsted, Anne Grete and Hermansen, John E. (2006) Outdoor multi-sire mating system: A feasible way for organic piglet production? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kongsted, A.G. (2019) Proven welfare and resilience in organic pig production. Poster at: The CORE Organic Research Seminar, Bari, Italy, January 2019.

Kongsted, A.G.; Claudi-Magnussen, C.; Horsted, K.; Hermansen, J.E. and Andersen, B.H. (2009) Seasonal organic pig production with a local breed. In: Book of Abstracts of the 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, p. 75.

Kongsted, A.G.; Horsted, K. and Hermansen, J.E. (2013) Free-range pigs foraging on Jerusalem artichokes. In: Book of Abstracts of the 64 Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, p. 277.

Kongsted, A.G.; Studnitz, M.; Knage-Drangsfeldt, Kristian and Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis (2017) Ten weeks of lactation in organic pig production - a case study. EAAP - 68th annual meeting, Tallinn, 2017.

Kongsted, A.G.; Therkildsen, M. and Hermansen, J.E. (2013) FREE-RANGE GROWING PIGS - EFFECT OF FEEDING STRATEGY AND GENOTYPE ON ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, PERFORMANCE AND MEAT QUALITY. Workshop at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production, Hovborg Kro, 12 June 2013. [Unpublished]

Kongsted, Anne Grete; Hermansen, John E.; Claudi-Magnussen, Chris; Andersen, Bent Hindrup and Jensen, Helle Frank (2007) Strategies for a diversified organic pork production – an upcoming project. In: Lund, Mogens; Larsen, Torben Ulf; Thøgersen, Jens Ole; Christensen, Svend; Børsting, Christian; Plauborg, Finn; Munkholm, Lars J.; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Callesen, Ole; Askegaard, Margrethe; Hansen, Jens Grønbech and Hvelplund, Torben (Eds.) NJF 23rd Congress 2007: Trends and perspectives in agriculture, 3 (2), pp. 105-106.

Kongsted, Anne Grete; Hermansen, John E. and Jakobsen, Malene (2015) Improved sustainability in organic pig production. In: International conference on pig welfare: Improving Pig Welfare - what are the ways forward?, p. 151.

Kongsted, Anne Grete and Therkildsen, M. (2014) Effect of genotype and feed allowance on behavior, performance and meat quality of free-range pigs. 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-29 August 2014.

König, Sven (2016) Towards preventive health management in native dual-purpose cattle via novel breeding strategies. Paper at: EAAP 2016 - 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, UK, 29 Aug – 2 Sept 2016. [Completed]

Kontturi, Markku and Pahkala, Katri (2007) Straw biomass - potential raw material for ethanol production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (4), pp. 104-108.

Konvalina, Petr; Capouchova, Ivana and Janovska, Dagmar (2018) Participatory Plant Breeding Concept as Tool for Creating Adapted Varieties for Local Conditions. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 293-298.

Konvalina, Petr; Capouchova, Ivana and Stehno, Zdenek (2012) Genetic resources of hulled wheat species in Czech organic farming. In: 62. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs 2011, Lehr- und Forschungszentrum für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Lehr- und Forschungszentrum für Landwirtschaft Raumberg-Gumpenstein, pp. 81-86.

Konvalina, Petr; Capouchova, Ivana; Stehno, Zdenek; Moudry, Jan (Jr.) and Moudry, Jan (2011) Spring forms of spelt landraces (Triticum spelta L.) and their suitability for Organic Farming. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of ISOFAR, ISOFAR, Bonn, 1, pp. 284-287.

Konvalina, Petr; Stehno, Zdenek; Capouchova, Ivana; Huda, Petr; Moudry, Jan and Moudry, Jan (Jr.) (2011) Current situations in organic cereal seed offer in the Czech Republic. In: Sarapatka, Borivoj (Ed.) Proceedings, Bioinstitut, Olomouc, 1, pp. 33-37.

Koocheki, Professor Alireza; Jahan, Instructor Mohsen and Nassiri Mahallati, Associated Prof. Mehdi (2008) Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and free-living nitrogen- fixing bacteria on growth characteristics of corn(Zea mays L.) under organic and conventional cropping systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Koopmann, R.; Ganter, M. and Link, M. (2008) Veterinary treatment in organic husbandry. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Koopmann, Regine; Dämmrich, Michaela and Ploeger, Harm (2014) Online decision trees to support the control of gastrointestinal worms in ruminants. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 331-334.

Koopmans, C.J. and Zanen, M. (2007) Organic Soil Management: Impacts on Yields, Soil Quality and Economics. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Koopmans, C.J.; Zanen, M. and Bokhorst, J. G. (2008) Organic fertilisers of the MAC trial and their impact on soil quality, environment and climate change. Paper at: The 5th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Farming Systems - ECOMIT, Piešťany, Slovakia, November 5-7, 2008. [In Press]

Koopmans, Dr. C.J. and Smeding, Dr. F.W. (2008) A Conceptual Framework for Soil management and its effect on Soil Biodiversity in Organic and Low Input Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Koopmans, Chris (2005) Case study: Hydrolysed proteins. Paper at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brussels, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Koopmans, Chris; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Hondebrink, Merel; Mäkinen, Joonas; Trinchera, Alessandra; Valero, Constantino and Blom, Marian (2021) Workshop Diversified strip- and inter-cropping systems: what can we gain in modern organic farming? In: Workshop publised at the OWC website.

Koopmans, Chris J. and van der Burgt, Geert-Jan (2005) NDICEA as a user friendly model tool for crop rotation planning in organic farming. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Koopmans, Chris J.; van Veluw, K. and Wijnands, F.G. (2014) PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT AS A WAY TO INNOVATIONS: FIVE KEY ELEMENTS FOR SUCCESS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 791-794.

Koort, Angela and Vangdal, Eivind (2017) The effect of organic fertilizers and thinning methods on quality parameters and the yield on apple cultivars ‘Aroma’ and ‘Discovery’ in Norway. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 75-77.

Köpke, Ulrich; Cooper, Julia; Petersen, Hanne Lindhard; van der Burgt, Geert J. H. M. and Tamm, Lucius (2008) QLIF Workshop 3: Productivity of Organic and Low Input Systems (Crops). Paper at: 4th QLIF Congress in the Frame of the 2nd ISOFAR Conference, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Köpke, Prof. Ulrich and Schulte, Harald (2008) Direct Seeding of Faba Beans in Organic Agriculture. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Koponen, Jani M.; Buchert, Johanna; Poutanen, Kaisa S. and Törrönen, A. Riitta (2007) Effect of enzyme-aided juice production on the extractability and profile of berry anthocyanins. Paper at: Beneficial health substances from berries and minor crops - how to increase their concentration in cultivated species, eliminate losses in processing and enhance dietary use : NJF seminar 399, Piikkiö, Finland, 14-15 March 2007.

Koppelmäki, Kari; Hagolani-Albov, Sophia; Parviainen, Tuure; Virkkunen, Elina and Helenius, Juha (2017) Palopuro Agroecolocial Symbiosis – Increasing sustainability in organic farming. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 137-138.

Köppler, K.; Kaffer, T. and Vogt, H. (2008) Bait sprays against the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi: Status Quo & Perspectives. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Boos, Markus, (Hrsg.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 102-108.

Köppler, Kirsten; Storch, Volker and Vogt, Heidrun (2006) Bait sprays - an alternative to control the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi ? [„Bait Sprays“ - eine Alternative zur Bekämpfung der Europäischen Kirschfruchtfliege Rhagoletis cerasi ?] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 61-66.

Korhonen, Kirsi; Muilu, Toivo; Hiltunen, Lea; Vorne, Virpi; Virtanen, Elina; Degefu, Yeshitila and Tausta-Ojala, Maija-Liisa (2017) Demand for organic potato in professional kitchens and new production potential in Northern Ostrobothnia, Finland. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 120-121.

Korkuc, Paula; Arends, Danny; Scheper, Carsten; May, Katharina; König, Sven and Brockmann, Gudrun A. (2018) 1-step versus 2-step imputation: a case study in German Black Pied cattle. In: Proceedings of the 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Wageningen Academic Publishers.

Korkuc, Paula; Neumann, Guilherme B.; Arends, Danny; Wolf, Manuel J.; May, Katharina; König, Sven and Brockmann, Gudrun A. (2022) Improved genome-wide associations using a breed-specific 200K SNP chip for German Black Pied (DSN) cattle. In: Veerkamp, R.F. and De Haas, Y. (Eds.) Proceedings of 12th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production (WCGALP), Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 1567-1570.

Korn, Antje and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) DIFFERENTIATION OF REARING SYSTEMS: IS THERE A MARKET FOR ORGANIC BEEF FROM EXTENSIVE SUCKLER COW HUSBANDRY? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 449-452.

Korn, Antje and Janssen, Meike (2014) THINKING ALOUD ABOUT SUSTAINABLE AQUACULTURE PRODUCTS: CONSUMER PERCEPTIONS AND BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 395-398.

Korsgaard, Maren (2016) Effect of Strategic Irrigation on infection of Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis). In: Proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 45-52.

Korsgaard, Maren (2014) Strategic irrigation can reduce apple scab (Venturia inaequalis (Cke.)Wint.). In: Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 52-58.

Koskiaho, Jari (2005) Use of wetlands, ponds and buffer zones in Finland. In: Proceedings from NJF seminar no. 374, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 70-72.

Kotcon, Dr. James (2008) Impact of Organic Crop and Livestock Systems on Earthworm Population Dynamics. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kotschi, Johannes (2008) Agrobiodiversity is essential for coping with climate change. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2008, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-14, 2008.

Kotschi, Johannes (2008) How transgenic crops impact on biodiversity. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kotschi, Johannes (2007) Adaptation to Climate Change and the Role of Agrobiodiversity. [Adaptation to climate change and the role of agrobiodiversity.] Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Kottila, Marja-Riitta (2009) Knowledge sharing in organic food supply chains. Paper at: 1st Nordic organic conference : towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain, Gothenburg, Sweden, 18-20 May 2009.

Kottila, Marja-Riitta; Maijala, Adeline and Roenni, Paeivi (2005) The organic food supply chain in relation to information management and the interaction between actors. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kottila, Marja-Riitta; Maijala, Adeline and Rönni, Päivi (2005) The organic food supply chain in relation to information management and the interaction between actors. Paper at: Researching sustainable systems : first scientific conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held in cooperation with IFOAM and NASAA, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-23 September 2005.

Kottila, Marja-Riitta and Rönni, Päivi (2006) Consumption of organic products: Challenge for performance of supply chain. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kousa, T.; Heinonen, M.; Suoniitty, T. and Peltonen, K. (2013) Ashes for organic farming. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 53-54.

Koutis, Kostantinos; Bolliger, Niklaus; Lateur, Mark; Kellerhals, Markus; Liouza, Sevi; Korsgard, Maren and Dapena, Enrique (2019) Organic apple breeding in Europe-Common strategy and networking to face coming up organic sector challenges and market opportunities. Workshop at: Biofach, Nürnberg, Germany, 13-16 February 2019. [draft]

Koutis, Konstantinos; Francois, Warlop; Nicolaus, Bollinger; Steinemann, Beatrice; Rodriguez Buruezzo, Adrian; Mendes Moreira, Piedro and Messmer, Monika (2018) Perspectives on European organic apple breeding and propagation under the frame of LIVESEED Project. In: Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit -Growing from February 19 to February 21, 2018 at Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 104-107.

Kovačević, Dragan; Čabilovski, Ranko; Baker Brayek, Abou; Petković, Klara; Štrbac, Mirna and Manojlović, Maja (2021) Nitrogen Mineralization And Carbon Dynamic In Soil Affected By Biogas Residues. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kowalska, Jolanta (2008) Laboratory Studies of the Activity of Spinosad against Leptinotarsa decemlineata (Say) Depending on Different Temperature. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kowalska, Jolanta and Remlein-Starosta, Dorota (2014) Efficacy of microbiological treatments and trap crop against pests of winter oilseed rape. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 913-916.

Kozacki, D.; Soika, Grażyna; Tartanus, Małgorzata and Malusa, Eligio (2020) The impact of different organic fertilizers on the soil nematode assemblages in an organic apple orchard. In: Proceedings of XIX International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 184-186.

Kramer, M.; Biscarini, F.; Bapst, B.; Stricker, C. and Simianer, H. (2011) Estimation of genomic breeding values for traits with high and low heritability in Brown Swiss bulls. Paper at: 62nd Annual Meeting of EAAP - “The importance of animal production for food supply, food quality and environment”, Stavanger - Norway, 29th of August to the 2nd of September 2011. [Completed]

Kramer, Michael; Bieber, Anna; Bapst, Beat and Simianer, Henner (2012) Möglichkeiten der genomischen Selektion für neue funktionale Merkmale. [Possibilities of genomic selection for new functional traits in Brown Swiss.] Paper at: Bruna World Congress 2012, St. Gallen, Schweiz, 6.-8.12.2012. [Completed]

Krarup, Signe; Christensen, Tove and Denver, Sigrid (2008) Are Organic Consumers Healthier than Others? Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kratochvil, R.; Fromm, E.; Heß, J. and Freyer, B. (2000) Ökologischer Kreislauf Moorbad Harbach: Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) for Agricultural Plant Production and Transportation. In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference., vdf Hochschulverlag, Zürich, p. 169.

Krause, Hans-Martin; Hohmann, Pierre; Thürig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas and Bodenhausen, Natacha (2021) Microbiome Research at FiBL. Workshop at: Open FiBL Day, online, 27.5.2021. [Completed]

Krause, Hans-Martin; Lori, Martina; Jarosch, Klaus; Hartmann, Martin; Meyer, Marius; Steffens, Markus; Müller, Ralf; Oberson, Astrid; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2023) Benefits and Challenges of organic soil management. Paper at: Geowissenschaftliches Kolloquium, Tübingen, Germany, 18.12.2023. [Completed]

Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen; Lori, Martina; Jarosch, Klaus A.; Hartmann, Martin; Müller, Ralf; Oberson, Astrid; Fliessbach, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2024) Crop production and environmental performance in organic and conventional farming systems. Results from a 42 years old field experiment. Paper at: Bonares Conference, Berlin, Germany, 16.5.2023. [Completed]

Krause, Tanja; Böhm, Herwart; Loges, Ralf; Taube, Friedrich and Haase, Norbert U. (2005) Production of potato crisps and chips in organic farming: Effect of sprinkler irrigation, manure and preceeding crop management of clover grass on yield and quality. In: 16th Triennial Conference of EAPR - Abstracts of papers and poster, I Programme and oral presentations.

Krause, Tanja; Haase, Thorsten; Böhm, Herwart; Heß, Jürgen; Loges, Ralf and Haase, Norbert U. (2005) Influence of variety and site on yield structure and quality of potatoes for processing to chips in organic farming. In: 16th Triennial Conference of the EAPR, Abstracts of papers and posters, II Poster presentations, pp. 699-703.

Krauss, Maike; Chiodelli Palazzoli, Marco; Cuperus, Fogelina; Don, Axel; Gattinger, Andreas; Gruber, Sabine; Haagsma, Wiepie; Hegewald, Frank; Peigné, Joséphine; Schulz, Franz; Van Der Heijden, Marcel; Vincent-Caboud, Laura; Wiesmeier, Martin; Wittwer, Raphaël; Zikeli, Sabine and Steffens, Markus (2021) Carbon Sequestration By Organic Conservation Tillage – A Comprehensive Sampling Campaign In Nine European Long-Term Trials. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Krauss, Maike and Mäder, Paul (2021) Organic reduced tillage - Evidence from 15 years of research in the Frick trial. Paper at: Geneva Eurosoil 2021, Online, 23.-27.08.2021. [Completed]

Krauss, Maike and Mäder, Paul (2019) Organic conservation tillage – evidence from more than 15 years of research. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 67.

Krauss, Maike; Perrochet, Frédéric; Rindisbacher, Stefan and Mäder, Paul (2018) FE 8: Complex arable-ley rotation in organic farming. Poster at: First DiverIMPACTS annual meeting, Almere, The Netherlands, 5-7 June, 2018. [Completed]

Krawczyk, Wojcieck; Walcek, Jacek and Musial, Kamila (2018) Effect of organic fertilizers on permanent grasslands in the Lower Beskids – the Polish part of the Western Carpathians. In: Procc. of 1st European Symposium on Livestock Farming in Mountain Areas. 20-22.06.2018, Bolzano, Italy., 1. [draft]

Krebs, Heinz; Dorn, Brigitte and Forrer, Hans-Rudolf (2002) Medicinal plants in late blight management of organic potato. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 217.

Kreipe, Victoria and Boecking, Otto (2013) Flying doctors zur Grauschimmel Bekämpfung und als Bestäuber im ökologischen Erdbeeranbau - erste Untersuchungsergebnisse im BICOPOLL Projekt. In: Apidologie , Springer, 44, p. 6.

Kreismane, D. and Naglis-Liepa, K. (2017) Organic Agriculture in Latvia. Poster at: 2017: NJF Seminar 495 - Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli, Finland, 19-21 June 2017. [Completed]

Kreismane, Dzidra; Popluga, Dina; Berzina, Laima; Naglis-Liepa, Kaspars; Lenerts, Arnis and Rivza, Peteris (2017) Organic Farms and Agricultural GHG Emissions in Latvia. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 139-141.

Krenn, Klervi; Hamon, Céline; Detterbeck, Amelie Sophie; Infurna, Matteo Guiseppe; Di Bella, Maria Concetta; Catara, Vittoria; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio; Bella, Patricia; Bova, Nicasio; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Prohens, Jaime; Floury, Hervé; Perennec, Solenn; Nigro, Sebastian; Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent and Branca, Ferdinando (2021) Validation of efficient tools to improve the quantity and quality of organic seed production in broccoli, tomato and snap bean (BRESOV EU project, 2018-2023). Poster at: III International Organic Fruit Symposium and I Organic Vegetable Symposium, Catania (Italy), December 14-17, 2021.

Kretzschmar, U.; Ploeger, A. and Schmid, O. (2007) Development of a framework for the design of minimum processing strategies which guarantee food quality and safety - Principles, concepts and recommendations for the future. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Kretzschmar, Ursula (2023) Quality of organic food, food processing. Lecture at: Introduction to organic farming systems, Uni Basel, CH-Basel, 14.4..2023. [Completed]

Kretzschmar, Ursula (2021) Organic food processing, actual principles, new challenges and possible ways to go. Workshop at: Webinar SusOrgPlus, online, 15 April 2021. [Submitted]

Kretzschmar, Ursula; Uthe, Pia; Beck, Alexander; Meier, Matthias; Stumpner, Johanna and Bickel, Regula (2021) WP4. Asseement framework. Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Kretzschmar, Ursula and Schmid, Otto (2006) Approaches Used in Organic and LowInput Food Processing: Impact on Food Quality and Safety, Results of a delphi survey from an expert consultation in 13 European countries. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Krieger, Margret; Madouasse, Aurélien; Sjöström, Karin; Emanuelson, Ulf; Blanco-Penedo, Isabel; Duval, Julie; Bareille, Nathalie; Fourichon, Christine and Sundrum, Albert (2016) Prevalence of production diseases in organic dairy herds in Germany, Spain, France, and Sweden. 16. International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD), Wageningen, Netherlands.

Kristensen, E.F and Kristensen, J.K (2005) Intra-Row Weed Control by use of Band Steaming. In: Sharping Sustainable System, CD Conference Proceedings.

Kristensen, E.S. and Halberg, N. (1997) A systems approach for assessing sustainability in livestock farms. In: Livestock farming systems. More than food production, EAAP Publication, no. 89.

Kristensen, Erik F. and Elmholt, Susanne (2002) High-temperature drying of organically grown bread rye. Paper at: International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Budapest, 30 June - 4 July.

Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard; Jørgensen, Martin Heide and Kristensen, Jens Kristian (2005) Intra-Row Weed Control by use of Band Steaming. In: NJF Report, 1 (1), pp. 185-187.

Kristensen, Erik Steen and Knudsen, Marie Trydemann (2004) Impact of Organic farming on aquatic environment. Speech at: Lednice, Lednice, 1st July 2004.

Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under 1 meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøders optagelse af nitrat.] In: CD-rom "The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, USA. No. 205-9., CD-rom "The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, November 12-16, 2006, Indianapolis, USA., no. Abstract No. 205-9..

Kristensen, Hanne L. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2006) Roots below one meters depth are important for nitrate uptake by annual crops. [Rødder under 1 meters dybde er vigtige for et-årige afgrøders optagelse af nitrat.] Speech at: The American Society of Agronomy - Crop Science Society of America - Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meetings, Indianapolis, USA, November 12-16, 2006.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2022) Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resource-efficient intensive vegetable production – SureVeg. Poster at: Final CORE organic COFUND Research Seminar, Bruxelles, University Foundation, 17 May 2022. [Completed]

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Gebremikael, Mesfin and Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2022) Combination of plant-based fertilisers and compost can replace farmyard manure for nitrogen fertilization- and builds soil fertility in organic vegetable production. In: Abstract_Book_XXI_N_workshop_Madrid 2022, p. 54.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Xie, Yue and Hefner, M. (2021) Intercropping of vegetables - why does it work or not. Speech at: Seminar at Aarhus University Dept. Food Science, Århus N, 15. Dec. 2021. [Completed]

Kristensen, K. and Willads, J. (2005) Incomplete split-plots in variety trials - based on alpha-designs. Speech at: PAGEN Workshop, Poznan, Poland, October 11-13, 2005.

Kristensen, Dr. K. (2003) Incomplete split-plots in variety trials - based on a-designs. In: Biuletyn Oceny Odmian, 31, pp. 7-17.

Kristensen, Kristian and Willads, Jakob (2003) Experiences with incomplete block designs in Denmark. Speech at: 49. Biometriches Kolloquium, Wuppertal, Germany, 18.-21. March 2003.

Kristensen, Niels Heine; Hansen, Mette Weinreich and Nielsen, Thorkild (2010) innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth (iPOPY). Lessons learned from implementing organic into European school meals – policy implications. In: Strassner, Carola; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Nölting, Benjamin and Kristensen, Niels Heine (Eds.) Organic Food for Youth in Public Settings: Potentials and Challenges. Preliminary Recommendations from a European Study. Proceedings of the iPOPY session held at BioFach Congress 2010. CORE Organic Project Series Report. , ICROFS, CORE Organic Project Series Report, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 11-16.

Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard; Melander, Bo and Nørremark, Michael (2010) New optimized technique for mechanical control of Elymus repens. Paper at: AgEng 2010. International Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Clemont Ferrand, France, 6-8 September, 2010.

Kristensen, Erik Steen; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Hansen, Birgitte (2002) Food safety in an organic perspective. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Canadian Organic Growers (COG), p. 210.

Kristensen, H.L. (2011) InterVeg. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic , Horsens, Denmark, 16 November 2011. [Submitted]

Kristensen, Hanne L. (2013) Nitrogen management in organic cauliflower. In: Nitrogen management in cauliflower.

Kristensen, Hanne L.; Kidmose, Ulla; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2011) ARE HARVEST AND SENSORY QUALITY OF LETTUCE AND ONION INFLUENCED BY GROWING CONDITIONS IN A CONVENTIONAL AND THREE ORGANIC CROPPING SYSTEMS? In: Book of abstracts for the First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research. Prague, 18.-20. May 2011, p. 76.

Kristensen, Hanne L.; Kidmose, Ulla; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2011) Vegetable quality in a conventional and three organic cropping systems. Poster at: First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, Prague, 18-20 May 2011.

Kristensen, Hanne L.; Xie, Yue; Bavec, F.; von Fragstein, Peter; Campanelli, Gabriele; Ortolani, Livia and Canali, Stefano (2014) Can new organic cropping systems produce vegetables with lower use of resources and losses of nitrate? Poster at: The IARU Sustainability Science Congress 22 -24 October 2014 in Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen, 22-24 Oct. 2014.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resource-efficient intensive vegetable production. Poster at: ICROFS status meeting, Middelfart, Denmark, 9. April 2019.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resource-efficient intensive vegetable production. Poster at: Core Organic Cofund Research and Outreach Seminar, CIHEAM Bari, 29. January 2019.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Campanelli, G.; Bavec, Franc; von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Canali, S. and Tittarelli, F. (2014) EFFECT OF AN IN-SEASON LIVING MULCH ON LEACHING OF INORGANIC NITROGEN IN CAULIFLOWER (BRASSICA OLERACEA L. VAR. BOTRYTIS) CROPPING IN SLOVENIA, GERMANY AND DENMARK. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 199-202.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Hefner, M. (2019) Sustainable Intensification and Nitrogen Management in Organic Vegetable Production. Speech at: The 3rd workshop EUVRIN: fertilisation and irrigation of vegetables, Pisa Italy, 9.-11. Sept. 2019. [Completed]

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Hefner, M.; Shanmugam, Sindhuja and Xie, Yue (2019) Any general conclusions to draw on deep roots from the complex effects of cropping systems? Workshop at: Deep Frontier, Copenhagen University, 26. Nov. 2019. [Completed]

Kristensen, Kristian; Bigongiali, Federica and Østergård, Hanne (2008) Efficiency of incomplete split-plot designs – a compromise between traditional split-plot designs and randomised complete block design. In: Proceedings of IAMFE 2008, pp. 47-53.

Kristensen, Kristian and Ericson, Lars (2007) Relation between growth characteristics and yield of barley in different environments. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Goldringer, I. and Østergård, H. (Eds.) Plant breeding for organic and sustainable, low-input agriculture: dealing with genotype-environment interactions, Wageningen University, p. 16.

Kristensen, Kristian and Ericson, Lars (2007) Will growth characteristics describe yield differently in different environments? In: Østergård, Hanne; Backes, Gunter and Kovacs, Geza (Eds.) Procedings of the COST SUSVAR workshop on Varietal characteristics of cereals in different growing systems with special emphasis on below ground traits, pp. 45-48.

Kristensen, N.H. and Hansen, M.W. (2013) Transition to organic food in Danish public procurement: can a top-down approach capture the practice? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 87-88.

Kristiansen, Mr P; Sindel, Dr B and Jessop, Dr R (2003) Agronomic and economic evaluation of weed management methods in organic herb and vegetable production systems. In: Proceedings of the 11th Australian Agronomy Conference, CD-ROM. Australian Society of Agronomy.

Kristiansen, P.; Sindel, B.M.; Jessop, R. and Cerrai, D. (2005) Brassica cover crops for weed control in organic vegetable production. Paper at: Shaping Sustainable Systems. Proceedings of the 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Adelaide Australia, 20-23 September 2005.

Križman, Nataša and Poštrak, Nevenka (2011) Presentation of AOANS,Pilot Training Session for advisors in Slovenia and The farmers’ seminar in Slovenia. Workshop at: OrganicBalkanet meeting, Bucharest, 16.-18.11.2011. [Submitted]

Krogh, Uffe; Eskildsen, Maria; Sørensen, Martin T. and Theil, Peter Kappel (2018) Heat production in free-range sows estimated by heart rate recordings. Poster at: 14th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Brisbane Australia, 21-24 August.

Krogh, P.H.; Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, Jørgen and Holmstrup, Martin (2001) Ecological properties of earthworm burrows in an organically managed grass-clover system. Speech at: Science for the environment - environment for society, Aarhus, 5-6 Oct. 2011.

Kromp, Bernhard (2005) Case study: Spinosad. Paper at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brussels, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Kroupová, P.; Šoch, M. and Čermák, B. (2006) The application of homeopathic preparation as a prevention of diarrhoea of newborn calves. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Krtkova, Veronika; Schulzová, Věra; Novotna, Hana; Dvorak, Petr and Hajšlová, Jana (2011) Quality of potatoes from different farming systems. In: New findings in organic farming research and their possible use for Central and Eastern Europe, Bioinstitut, Olomouc 2011, pp. 85-89.

Krus, Anne; Valero, Constantino; Ramirez, Juan José; Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Barrientos, Antonio and Cerro, Jaime (2021) Distortion and mosaicking of close-up multi-spectral images. [Distorsión y mosaicado de imágenes multiespectrales muy próximas.] In: Stafford, John V. (Ed.) Precision Agriculture '21 - Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Precision Farming, Wageningen Academic Publ., Wageningen, The Neherlands, pp. 363-370.

Krus, Anne; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Valero, Constantino and Ramirez, José Juan (2019) Acquiring plant features with optical sensing devices in an organic strip-cropping system. In: Book of Abstractsof All the Posters, Montpellier, France, pp. 104-105.

Kubota, Hiroshi; Spaner, Dean; Quideau, Sylvie and Hucl, Pierre (2014) WEEDS PROMOTE THE DEVELOPMENT OF ARBUSCULAR MYCORRHIZAL FUNGI IN ORGANIC WHEAT FIELDS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 105-108.

Kuchtova, Perla; Plachka, Eva; Hajkova, Miroslava; Kazda, Jan and Dvorak, Petr (2010) Results of trials with poppy seed (Papaver somniferum) in organic and integrated production technology. In: Sekerkova, Maria; Malovcova, Lubica and Babulicova, Maria (Eds.) Pestovatelske technologie a ich význam pre prax, Centrum vyskumu rastlinnej vyroby Piestany, Piestany, 1 (1), pp. 14-19.

Kucińska, Katarzyna; Pelc, Irmina; Golba, Jan and Popławska, Anna (2008) The Prospects of Organic Agriculture Development in the Chosen Regions of Poland – Podkarpacie and Kurpie. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kucińska, dr Katrzyna; Pelc, MsC Irmina and Artyszak, dr Arkadiusz (2006) Development of Organic Agriculture in Poland. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Kuehne, Stefan; Verschwele, Arnd; von Hoersten, Dieter and Jahn, Marga (2005) Implementation of bioherbicides and seed treatment in organic farming. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kuestermann, B. and Huelsbergen, K.-J. (2008) Emission of Climate-Relevant Gases in Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kuestermann, Bjoern and Huelsbergen, Kurt-Juergen (2005) Modelling Carbon Cycles as Basis of an Emission Inventory in Farms – The Example of an Organic Farming System. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Kühling, Insa; Brinkmeyer, Therese; Schreiber, Johann; Reuter, Tobias and Trautz, Dieter (2021) Potential Of Mixed Intercropping For Enhanced Brewing Quality Of Malting Barley (Hordeum Vulgare) Under Organic Growing Conditions In North-Western Germany. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kühn, Birka Falk (2004) Susceptibility to Apple Scab, Nectria Cancer and Powdery Mildew of Different Unsprayed Apple Varieties. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 221-226.

Kühne, Stefan; Reelfs, Torben; Ellmer, Frank; Moll, Eckard; Kleinhenz, Benno and Gemmer, Christine (2008) Efficacy of biological insecticides to control the Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotasara decemlineata) in organic farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kühne, Stefan (2014) Minimising strategies for copper pesticides in organic potato cultivation. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 335-338.

Kuisma, M. and Seuri, P. (2005) Measurement of nutrient leakage from organic crop rotation in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), p. 248.

Kuisma, Miia; Mäkinen, Hanna and Kahiluoto, Helena (2017) Is there transition going on towards nutrient recycling and renewable energy in dairy farming? In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 135-136.

Kujala, Jouni and Kristensen, Niels Heine (2005) Organic marketing initiatives and rural development - lessons learned for the organic industry. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 25-29.

Kumar, Dinesh and Shivay, Y. S. (2021) Yield, Profitability And Soil Health As Influenced By Long-Term Application Of Biomanures, Biofertilizers And Crop Residues In Organic Rice-Based Cropping Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kumar, Pranav; Prahlad Singh, Slathia; Peshin, Rajinder and Singh, Amandeep (2021) Development And Standardization Of Knowledge Test On Organic Dairy Farming (Odf) Practices In Sub Tropics Of Jammu Region Of Jammu And Kashmir State (India). Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kumar, Dinesh (2014) INFLUENCE OF NUTRIENT SOURCES AND INCLUSION OF MUNGBEAN ON PRODUCTIVITY, SOIL FERTILITY AND PROFITABILITY OF ORGANIC RICE-WHEAT CROPPING SYSTEM. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 655-658.

Kumar Ghosh, Sunil (2021) Sustainable Control Of Yellow Mite (Polyphagotarsonemus Latus Banks) Infesting Chilli (Capsicum Annum L.) By Using Biopesticides. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Kummer, Susanne (2021) Strengthening organic agriculture in Austria until 2030: measures and strategic implementation. Paper at: Implementation of the EU action plan for the development of organic production. EESC Public Haering, Online event, Brussels, Belgium, 11.06.2021. [Completed]

Kummer, Susanne; Ninio, Racheli; Leitgeb, Friedrich and Vogl, Christian Reinhard (2008) How do farmers research and learn? The example of organic farmers’ experiments and innovations: A research concept. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kumpmann, S.; Kienzle, J.; Schulz, C.; Zebitz, C.P.w.; Trapp, A. and Kelderer, M. (2002) Control of Adoxophyes orana F.v.R. with entomopathogens and NeemAzal-T/S: first approach for optimal combination strategies. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 35-42.

Kundaji, Deepika (2014) Conserving Vegetable Diversity in a Home-Based Seed Production Garden. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Kundel, D.; Bigalke, M.; Fliessbach, A.; Stehle, B.; Hammer, M.; Nitzsche, K, N. and Bünemann, E. K. (2023) Driving Soils to Change: Tyre Particles Modulate Microbial-Mediated Soil Functions & Nutrient Status in Vegetable Crops. Poster at: AgrifoodPlast, Piacenza, Italy, 10-12 September 2023. [Completed]

Kundel, Dominika; Lori, Martina; Lipp, Carina; Mäder, Paul; Thonar, Cécile and Symanczik, Sarah (2024) Microbial inoculations - Potentials, limitations and Alternatives. Paper at: Gesunder Boden und gesunde Pflanzen für einen produktiven und nachhaltigen Pflanzenbau. Gemeinsame Jahrestagung der BGS, SGP, SGPW 2024, Zollikofen, Schweiz, 21./22. März 2024. [Completed]

Kundel, Dominika; Truu, J.; Fliessbach, A.; Bracht Jørgensend, H.; Bodenhausen, N. and Mäder, P. (2019) Profiling soil microbial communities influenced by reduced summer precipitation and farming system history. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 91.

Kunz, S.; Mögel, G.; Hinze, M. and Volk, F. (2008) Control of apple scab by curative applications of biocontrol agents. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 62-67.

Kunz, S.; Schmitt, A. and Haug, P. (2008) Field testing of strategies for fire blight control in organic fruit growing. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau.e.V., D-Weinsberg, pp. 299-305.

Kunz, Stefan (2006) Fire blight control in organic fruit growing – systematic investigation of the mode of action of potential control agents. In: Zeller, Wolfgang and Ullrich, Cornelia (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Biological Control of Bacterial Plant Diseases, Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft (bba), Berlin-Dahlem, Mitteilungen aus der biologischen Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft, pp. 249-253.

Kunz, Stefan (2004) Development of "Blossom-Protect" - a yeast preparation for the reduction of blossom infections by fire blight. [Entwicklung von "Blossom-Protect"- ein Hefepräparat zur Reduktion von Blüteninfektionen durch Feuerbrand.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 108-112.

Kunz, Stefan and Ernst, Annegret (2000) Wirkungsweise von Myco-Sin bei der Feuerbrandbekämpfung. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 25-29.

Kunz, Stefan and Haug, Philipp (2006) Development of a strategy for fire blight control in organic fruit growing. [Entwicklung einer Strategie zur Feuerbrandbekämpfung im ökologischen Obstbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 145-150.

Küpper, Paul Martin; Perkons, Ute; Pries, Charlotte; Antar, Philipp Martin; Kautz, Timo and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) Rates of photosynthesis and transpiration of spring wheat and barley as influenced by fodder precrops and their cropping period. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 547-550.

Kuptsou, N.; Christiansen, J.L.; Raza, S. and Joernsgaard, B. (2002) Greenhouse screening for Fusarium wilt resistance in lupine. Paper at: Proceedings of the 10' international lupin conference, Island, 19-24 June 2002. [In Press]

Kuptsov, N.; Christiansen, J.L.; Raza, S. and Joernsgaard, B. (2002) Greenhouse screening for Fusarium wilt resistance in lupine. Poster at: Paper presented at Proceedings of the 10' international lupin conference, Island, 19-24 June 2002.

Kurppa, Sirpa (2008) Interrelation of food supply, environment and security - a life cycle assessment approach. In: NJF Report, 4 (7), pp. 47-50.

Kurppa, Sirpa; Grönroos, Juha; Hyvärinen, Helena; Katajajuuri, Juha-Matti; Kauppinen, Tommi; Mäkelä, Johanna; Nissinen, Ari; Nousiainen, Jouni; Saarinen, Merja; Usva, Kirsi; Viinisalo, Mirja and Virtanen, Yrjö (2009) Environmental impacts of a lunch plate - challenges in interpreting the LCA results. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, pp. 185-193.

Kurppa, Sirpa and Virtanen, Yrjö (2010) Finnish food chain impacts on climate change. In: NJF report, vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 51.

Kushwa, Sawan; Singh, Akanksha and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Measures to increasing availability of phosphorous in organic farming. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 106.

Kuske, Stefan; Daniel, Claudia; Sarraquigne, J.-P.; Jermini, M.; Conedera, M.; Peters, A. and Grunder, J. M. (2005) Field evaluation of entomopathogenic nematodes against orchard pests. Poster at: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Phytomedizin, Grossdietwil, 23.09.2004. [Unpublished]

Kuusela, Eeva (2005) Grazing management for Nordic organic dairy farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 143-146.

Kuusela, Eeva (2003) Survival of white, red and alsike clover at pasture under Nordic organic farming conditions. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Kuusela, Eeva; Khalili, Hannele and Nykänen-Kurki, Päivi (2003) Annual pastures, seed mixtures and supplementary feeding in organic milk production. Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Kuusela, E.; Okker, L.; Krogh-Jensen, S.; Purup, S. and Hansen-Møller, J. (2009) Fatty acid characterization of Finnish organic milk - a farm survey. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 66.

Kuusela, Eeva and Uusitalo, Elina (2010) Effect of all organic or field organic feeding on milk omega-3 and omega-6 milk fatty acid concentration. Paper at: IX Finnish symposium on plant science, Joensuu, Finland, May 17-19, 2010.

Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2014) Healthy growth in mid-scale values based food chains. In: Programme and Books of Abstracts - Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014 in Berlin, Germany, p. 57.

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2014) State of the art review - On healthy growth initiatives in the mid-scale values-based chain of organic food. Paper at: IFSA 2014, Berlin, Germany, 1-4 April 2014.

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2013) Volume Growth in Quality Food Firms – Lessons and Reflections from Norway. Paper at: XXVth ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29 July -1 August 2013 .

Kwon, S.B. and Chung, J.S. (2013) The introduction of the new control method of plant viruses infection for organic farming. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 177-178.

Kymäläinen, Hanna-Riitta (2007) Cadmium and fatty acid contents of linseed in Finland. Paper at: Trends and perspectives in agriculture : NJF 23 rd congress, Copenhagen, 26 to 29 June 2007.

La Torre, Anna; Spera, Guido; Gianferro, Marika and Scaglione, Massimo (2007) More years of field trials against Plamopara viticola in organic viticulture. Poster at: Communications in Agricultural and Applied Biological Sciences, Gent (Belgium), May 22, 2007.

La Torre, Anna; Spera, Guido; Talocci, Silvia and Cargnello, Giovanni (2007) EVALUATION OF THE EFFECTIVENESS OF NATURAL ALTERNATIVE COPPER PRODUCTS AND LOW RATE COPPER FORMULATIONS AGAINST GRAPE DOWNY MILDEW IN ORGANIC VITICULTURE. Speech at: XVth Internationl Symposium Gesco, Porec-Croatia, 20-23 june 2007.

Labrador, J; Gonzálvez, V and Pajarón, M (2011) Organic olive selected innovations in the production systems in Spain. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstract. International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURSIM in the Mediterranean, DIO.

Ladurner, E.; Benuzzi, M.; Fiorentini, F. and Franceschini, S. (2008) Beauveria bassiana strain ATCC 74040 (Naturalis®), a valuable tool for the control of the cherry fruit fly (Rhagoletis cerasi). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 93-97.

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Lahdenperä, Marja-Leena (2006) Gliocladium catenulatum as an antagonist against grey mould on strawberry. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 15.

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Lähdesmäki, Merja and Siltaoja, Marjo (2017) Pioneer organic farmers as institutional entrepreneurs in the agricultural context. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 99-100.

Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu (2009) Ethics vs. law in the food business. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 205-210.

Laine, A.H.; Salo, Y.H. and Mikkola, H.J. (2006) Influence of straw residue cover on the sprouting and yield of spring cereals in direct seeding on clay soil in Southern Finland. In: Extended abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 122-125.

Laine, A.H.; Salo, Y.H. and Mikkola, H.J. (2006) Influence of straw residue cover on the sprouting and yield of spring cereals in direct seeding on clay soil in Southern Finland. In: Book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (4), NJF Report, p. 29.

Laithier, C.; Bedoin, F.; Albert, F.; Legrand, I.; Nicolazo De Barmon, A.; Bourin, M.; Berton, M.; Bühl, V.; Eppenstein, R.; Cartoni Mancinelli, A.; Kenny, D.A.; Kowalski, E.; McLaughlin, S.; Plesch, G.; Couzy, C.; Berri, C. and Martin, B. (2023) The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ perceptions and points of view on products quality. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 829.

Lakhani-Goel, Sujata (2014) The Science behind Ecological Farming Practices. Lecture at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne; Nygaard Soerensen, Joern; Hefner, Margita and De Visser, Richard (2021) Double Cropping, Plant-Based Fertilization And Winter Plant Cover In Vegetable Production For Sustainable Intensification – A System’S Approach. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, J.; Krogh, P.H. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2010) Cattle trampling reduces the risk of nitrate leaching in organic dairy rotations. Poster at: ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2010 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach Convention Center, November.

Lambertz, C.; Leopold, J.; Ammer, S.; Thesing, B.; Wild, C.; Damme, K. and Leiber, F. (2020) Requirement-oriented supply of organic broilers with riboflavin from fermentation of Ashbya gossypii. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 433.

Lambertz, C.; Leopold, J.; Damme, K.; Vogt-Kaute, W.; Ammer, S. and Leiber, F. (2019) Effect of riboflavin dosage and source on growth, slaughter traits and welfare of broilers. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26 - 30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium (25), p. 407.

Lambion, Jérôme and Bertrand, Cyril (2005) Optimisation of cultural practices for organic potato: effect of irrigation regimes on the development of late blight, crop yield and quality. Speech at: Final congress of the EU FP5 RTD project "Development of a systems approach for the management of late blight in EU organic potato production" (Blight MOP ; QLK5-CT-2000-01065), University of Newcastle, 6th January 2005.

Lamine, Dr Claire (2006) The ‘intermittent’ organic consumers: a sociological interpretation of the variability of organic consumption. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lamine, Dr. Claire (2008) Local food networks and the change of the agrofood system. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lamine, Claire (2015) Sustainability and resilience in agrifood systems: reconnecting agriculture, food and the environment. In: Sociologia Ruralis, 55 (1), pp. 41-61.

Lamine, Claire (2013) Sustainability and resilience in agrifood systems: Claims, controversies and paradigms. Speech at: XXV ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29 july - 1st August 2013. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2014) Territorial transitions dynamics towards organic farming Confrontation of Italian, Austrian and French case studies. Speech at: Journée d’échanges Biovallée, Biovallée, DRôme, France, December 4th, 2014. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire and Renting, H (2015) Governance and controversies within and around growing mid-scale organic chains: how are shared values maintained over time? Speech at: ESRS 2015, WG XXVI, Aberdeen, August 2015. [Completed]

Lammerts van Bueren, prof.dr. Edith T. (2006) Organic plant breeding: a challenge for practice and science. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. (2019) Commitment of organic value chain for marketing phytophthora resistant potato varieties by 2020. Speech at: Biofach Messe LIVESEED Workshop, Nürnberg, Germany, 12. February 2019.

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. (2016) Enhancing Resilience Through Plant Breeding Requires an Integrated and Interdisciplinary Approach. In: Proceedings of the 8th Organic Seed Growers Conference, pp. 133-134.

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. (2010) Future breeding for organic and low-input agriculture: integrating values and modern breeding tools for improving robustness. In: Breeding for Resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems? , pp. 7-9.

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Engelen, Christel and Hutten, R.C.B. (2014) Participatory potato breeding model involving organic farmers and commercial breeding companies in the Netherlands. In: 7th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Organic Seed Alliance, Port Townsend, WA, pp. 69-73.

Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T. and Nuijten, Edwin (2019) Workshop on system based breeding with Sativa and GZPK and hosted by FiBL. Workshop at: Workshop on System Based Breeding, Frick, 16. April 2019.

Lampkin, N; Fowler, S M; Jackson, A; Jeffreys, I; Lobley, M; Measures, M; Padel, S; Reed, M; Roderick, S and Woodward, L (2006) Sustainability assessment for organic farming - integrating financial, environmental, social and animal welfare benchmarking. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 9-13.

Lampkin, N H (1999) Organic Farming and Agricultural Sustainability. In: Turner, S D and Alford, D (Eds.) Agriculture and the Environment: Challenges and conflicts for the new millenium, ADAS, Wolverhampton, pp. 146-154.

Lampkin, Nic (2002) Development of policies for organic agriculture. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 321-324.

Lampkin, Nic (1999) Converting Europe - the potential for organic farming as mainstream. Paper at: 11th National Organic Farming, Cirencester, January 1999. [Unpublished]

Lampkin, Nic and Dabbert, Stephan (2003) Organic farming – can policy and markets mix? Paper at: ‘Reform, Trade and Sustainability’, Agra-Europe Outlook 2003, London, 31st March-1st April 2003. [Unpublished]

Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Policy support for organic farming in the European Union – past achievements and future challenges. Paper at: 97th Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, University of Warwick, United Kingdom, 27-29 March 2023.

Lampkin, Nicolas (1999) Organic Farming in the European Union – overview, policies and perspectives. In: Organic Frarming in the European Union - Perspectives for the 21st Century. Proceedings of EU Commission/Austrian Governmnet Conference, Baden/Vienna, pp. 23-30.

Lampkin, Nicolas; Boone, Koen; Kramer, Klaas Jan; Rippin, Markus; Willer, Helga and Wolfert, Sjaak (2006) Improving farm-level physical and financial data availability at EU level. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lampkin, Nicolas; Sanders, Juern and Stolze, Matthias (2021) Future Options For Organic Farming Policy Support In Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Lampkin, Dr Nicolas (2006) Organic farming’s role in European agricultural and environmental strategies. Paper at: European Joint Organic Congress: Organic farming and European rural development, Odense, Denmark, 30-31 May 2006.

Lampkin, Dr Nicolas (2000) Organic Farming in Europe - Growth, Policy Support and Future Potential. In: Proceedings of Organic Foods 2000 Conference, Access Conferences International, London.

Lampkin, Nicolas (2014) TIPI Action Plan for Global Organic Research. Paper at: TIPI Workshop "Practitioners’ research agenda" at the Organic World Congress, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 12, 2014. [Completed]

Landert, Jan (2023) Sustainable Urban Food Systems – concepts, policies, challenges. Lecture at: Module: Natural resource management in urban areas, ZHAW Wädenswil, Schweiz, 9. Mai 2023. [Completed]

Landert, Jan; Andreola, Corinne and de Baan, Laura (2023) Life cycle assessment (LCA) of bio-based fertilizers from fisheries and aquaculture sidestreams. Paper at: ESPP WARM Research Meeting, Brussels (BE) & Rotterdam (NL), 6-9 June, 2023. [Completed]

Landert, Jan; de Baan, Laura; Fabre, Jean-Francois; Vialle, Claire; Sablayrolles, Caroline; Teixeira, Diogo A.; Monteiro, Helena I.; Andreola, Corinne; Soone, Marie; Olsen, Tommy C.; Candy, Laure; Chastrette, Clement; Raymoud, Christine; Bald, Carlos; Chastagnol, Bruno Iñarra; Gutierrez, Monica; Dominguez, Haizea; Ramos, Saioa; Romero, Joaquin and Aramburu, Iñaki (2024) What drives environmental impacts of fertilizers produced from fish wastes? Paper at: NERM 2024 – Nutrients in Europe Research Meeting, Brussels, Belgium, 16 – 17 April 2024. [Completed]

Landert, Jan; Pfeifer, Catherine; Carolus, Johannes; Schwarz, Gerald; Albanito, Fabrizio; Müller, Adrian; Smith, Pete; Sanders, Jürn; Schader, Christian; Vanni, Francesco and Prazan, Jaroslav (2022) Combined farm sustainability assessments: how are agro‐ecological practices captured by different assessment tools? In: Programm and Book of Abstracts, 14th European IFSA Symposium "Farming Systems Facing Climate Change and Resource Challanges", 8-14 April 2022, Évora, Portugal, p. 74.

Landert, Jan; Schwarz, Gerald and Miller, David (2020) UNISECO Project: Multi‐actor engagement for tool development and application. Paper at: Landsupport EU Workshop, 30. January 2020. [Completed]

Landi, S.; D'Errico, G.; Gagnarli, E.; Simoni, S.; Goggioli, D.; Guidi, S.; D'Avino, L.; Lagomarsino, A.; Valboa, G.; Castaldini, M.; Agnelli, A.E.; Fantappiè, M.; Lorenzetti, R.; Priori, S. and Costantini, E.A.C. (2017) Assessment of soil ecosystem in degraded areas of vineyards after organic treatments. Speech at: EGU 2017, Vienna, 23-28 April 2017.

Langat, Linda; Driscoll, Daniel; Baker, Charlotte; Stephens, Kevin; Langat, Moses; Thuerig, Barbara; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Tamm, Lucius and Mulholland, Dulcie (2023) Short Lecture "Development of analytical methods for the quantification ofanti-oomycete diterpenoids from larch extracts". In: Planta Medica, 89 (14), pp. 1294-1295.

Lange, Dipl-Ing. agr. Katja and Möller, Prof. Dr. Detlev (2008) Profitability of sow husbandry in organic farming– Performance and construction costs for group housing of lactating sows. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Langer, Vibeke and Frederiksen, Pia (2008) Diversity as a key concept for organic agriculture. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Langer, Vibeke; Frederiksen, Pia and Jensen, Jørgen Dejgaard (2005) The development of farm size on danish organic farms - a comment on the conventionalisation debate. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Langer, V.; Strandberg, B.; Hansted, L.; Dupont, Y.; Madsen, H.B. and Sørensen , P. B. (2015) BeeFarm – mapping resources for pollinators at the farm. Speech at: Scandinavian Association for Pollination Ecologists (SCAPE) , Silkeborg, Denmark, Oct. 23-24, 2015 . [Completed]

Langer, Vibeke (2014) Bridging the gap between scientific knowledge and practice: how can we assist organic farmers in sustaining wild bees and pollination on their farms? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 219-222.

Langford, F; Rutherford, K; Sherwood, L; Jack, M and Haskell, M (2006) Behaviour of dairy cows on organic and non-organic farms. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 39-42.

Langhout, MSc, BSc J. and Wagenaar, MSc J.P. (2006) Suckling, a natural calf rearing system for organic dairy farms. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Langhout, Jos and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul (2004) Suckling as an alternative rearing system for replacement calves on dairy farms. Paper at: organic livestock farming: potential and limitations of husbandry practice to secure animal health and welfare and food quality, proceedings of the 2nd safo workshop, Witzenhausen, Germany, 25-27 march 2004.

Lanzon, N. and Sans, F.X. (2014) ORGANIC FARMING MASTER AT BARCELONA UNIVERSITY. Fourteen years training specialists in Mediterranean Organic Farming. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Larsen, Thomas; Krogh, Paul Henning; Magid, Jakob; Hobbie, Erik and Marc, Ventura (2006) Collembola’s role in regulating mass fluxes in soil and the effects of contrasting life histories. Poster at: The 5th International Conference on Applications of Stable Isotope Techniques to Ecological Studies, Belfast, 13-18 August 2006. [Unpublished]

Larsen, Thomas; Krogh, Paul-Henning; Magid, Jakob and Gorissen, Antonie (2006) Dual-labelled (13C/15N) green manure to differentiate between plant uptake of organic and inorganic N. Poster at: Iso Life.

Larsen, Mette Krogh; Fretté, Xavier C.; Kristensen, Troels; Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, Karen and Nielsen, J.H. (2011) Content of fatty acids, vitamin E and carotenoids in milk and herbage as affected by sward composition and period of grazing. In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague Czech Republic, p. 153.

Lassen, Jesper (2015) Technologies in organic farming: consumers' values and acceptance. In: Know your food! – Food Ethics and Innovation, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Eursage Congress Proceedings. [Unpublished]

Latacz-Lohmann, Uwe and Renwick, Alan (2002) An economic evaluation of the Organic Farming Scheme. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 311-312.

Latruffe, Laure; Bougherara, Douadia and Sainte-Beuve, Jasmin (2012) Economic performance in organic farming in France: incentive or disincentive to convert? Conference Economic and Non-economic Concerns with regards to Farmers’ Adoption of Organic Farming, Avignon, France.

Latruffe, Laure and Nauges, Celine (2010) UNSPECIFIED [Converting to organic farming in France: is there an adverse selection problem?] 120. EAAE Seminar: "External cost of farming activities: economic evaluation, risk consideration, environmental repercussions and regulatory framework", Chania, Greece.

Latruffe, Laure; Nauges, Céline and Desjeux, Yann (2014) Technical efficiency and technology adoption: a study of organic farming in the French dairy sector. 12. International Conference on Data Envelopment Analysis, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Lätti, M.; Koikkalainen, K.; Kuisma, M.; Lötjönen, T. and Nykänen, A. (2005) Specialisation through co-operation between farms in organic farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), p. 266.

Latvala, Terhi (2007) Food safety risks and consumers' demand for credence characteristics. Paper at: Trends and perspectives in agriculture : NJF 23 rd congress, Copenhagen, 26 to 29 June 2007.

Laugale, Valda; Lepse, Līga and Zeipiņa, Solvita (2023) Influence of Intercropping on Soil Microbial Activity and Strawberry Development. In: Teirumnieks, Edmunds (Ed.) Environment. Technology. Resources. Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific and Practical Conference, 1, pp. 101-107.

Laukkanen, R.; Ortiz, P.; Hellström, S.; Siekkinen, K.-M.; Ranta, J.; Nuotio, L.; Maijala, R. and Korkeala, H. (2005) Pathogenic Yersinia and Listeria monocytogenes in organic pork production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 43-46.

Launay, doctor Marie; Brisson, doctor Nadine; Corre-Hellou, doctor Guenaëlle; Dibet, Audrey; Crozat, doctor Yves; Hauggard-Nielsen, doctor Henrik; Kasyanova, doctor Elena; Monti, doctor Michele and Dahlmann, Christopher (2006) Evaluation of the STICS crop model within the INTERCROP EU project to simulate pea-barley intercropping systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lauri, Pierre-Eric; Pitchers, Benjamin; Dufour, Lydie and Simon, Sylvaine (2018) Apple farming systems – Current initiatives and some prospective views on how to improve sustainability. 30. International Horticultural Congress IHC2018, Istanbul, Turkey.

Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Christensen, Lars Porskjær (2005) Organic food and health - status and perspectives. In: NJF-Seminar 369 - Organic Farming for a New Millennium - status and future challenges, pp. 55-58.

Lauridsen, Charlotte; Halekoh, Ulrich; Jacobsen, M. and Jørgensen, Henry (2011) Effect of organic diet on biomarkers of health and well-being in rat models. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 41.

Lauridsen, Charlotte; Jørgensen, Henry; Halekoh, Ulrich and Christensen, Lars Porskjær (2005) Organic food and health – status and future perspectives. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lauridsen, Senior Scientist Charlotte; Halekoh, Scientist Ulrich and Jørgensen, Senior Scientist Henry (2006) USE OF A RAT MODEL TO ELUDICATE IMPACT OF ORGANIC FOOD ON HEALTH. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Laurila, Jaana; Joutsjoki, Tiina; Lehtinen, Ari; Ahola, Virpi; Hannukkala, Asko and Pirhonen, Minna (2006) Characterisation of erwinias causing blackleg and soft rot in Finland. In: NJF report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (1), NJF Report, p. 25.

Laurinen, Jaakko (2008) Consumer needs information about environmental impact of foods. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 7.

Laurinen, Jaakko (2007) Camelina success story. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 30.

Laursen, K.H. and Husted , S. (2012) Is it really organic? Authenticity testing of organic plant products using elemental and isotopic fingerprinting. Keynote presentation at: Scientific Seminar on Organic Food – open, critical and collaborative approaches, Mikkeli, Finland, November 1-2, 2012.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2014) The paradox of organic food systems: Inclusion through exclusion. Speech at: Dansk Sociologikongres, Copenhagen, 23-24/1 2014. [Completed]

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2014) Organic consumption: a form of hybrid communication. Paper at: Hybrids - Observed with Social systems Theory, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18/5 2014. [Completed]

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2016) Together we can do it – partnerships in value based food chains. PowerPoint presentation at: IRSA, Toronto, 9-14 August 2016.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2015) Partnerships as an organizational form in midscale values based food chains. PowerPoint presentaion at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 August 2015.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2014) Dynamics and stability in growth of value based food chains: Understanding organizational evolution in organic food systems. Speech at: Nordic Sociology Association Conference, Lund, Sweden, 2014. [Completed]

Laursen, Kristian Holst and Husted, Søren (2012) Fingerprint analysis of biological samples using ICP-MS and IR-MS. Keynote presentation at: 6th Nordic Conference on Plasma Spectrochemistry, Loen, Norway, June 10-13, 2012.

Lauvie, P. and Bellon, S. (2008) Construction of prices for organic products enhancing farmers’ profiles diversity in the South East of France. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Law-Ogbomo, K.E.; Osaigbovo, A.U. and Ogedegbe, S. (2014) Soil nutrient status and okra pod yield as influenced by plant density and cattle dung manure application. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 827-830.

Lawson, A.; Sundberg, C.; Bowen, D. and Koritzke, L. (2014) Organic Agriculture in the landscape of sustainability initiatives. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Lund, Ivar; Skov, Peter V.; Jokumsen, Alfred; Gesto, Manuel; Nguyen, Huy Quang and Pedersen, Per Bovbjerg (2017) Crosstalk between Innate Immunity and Circadian Rhythm: Do fish immune defences have a sense of time? [Krydstale mellem naturlig immunitet og døgnrytme: Har fiske immun forsvars systemer en fornemmelse af tid?] Poster at: European Aquaculture 2017, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17 - 20 October 2017.

Lazaro, Evelyne A.; Halberg, Niels; Andreasen, Lise; Karantininis, Kostas; Rye Kledal, Paul; Mugisha, Johnny; Sibuga, Kalunde P. and Mbapila, Shadrack (2014) Urbanization and transformation of agri-food system: Opportunities for organic producers in developing countries. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Lazzaro, Mariateresa and Arncken, Christine (2023) Overview of lupin crops - How much do the consumers know lupins? Paper at: Webinar: Lupins - a neglected, underused crop, online, 29.11.2023. [Completed]

Lazzaro, Mariateresa and Petitti, Matteo (2023) Multi-actor culinary breeding methodologies: from theory to practical examples in Europe. Workshop at: 12th LLD Forum "Let's Liberate Diversity! ", Dublin, Ireland, 26-28 October 2023. [Completed]

Lazzaro, Mariateresa; de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel; Schäfer, Freya; Neff, Anet Spengler and Messmer, Monika (2020) Securing organic animal and plant breeding through a common cross-sector financing strategy. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Organic Animal Husbandry systems - challenges, performance and potentials, FiBL, pp. 99-100.

Lazzaro, Mariateresa; Messmer, Monika M.; Völkle, Herbert; Nauta, Wytze; Walbaum, Sigmund; Schäfer, Freya and Seyffert, Mitja (2020) The taste of diversity: Organic breeding for biodiversity increase and high-quality organic food. Keynote presentation at: #BreedingABrightFuture, Online Event, 15th October 2020.

Le Cozler, Y.; Dishenhaus, C.; Arnaud, E.; Beugnet, L.; Charleuf, M.; Denis, P.; Roig-Pons, M.; Pomiès, D.; Martin, B.; Chassaing, C. and Michaud, A. (2018) A descriptive study of natural nursing procedures in French dairy farms. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores, Cambridge University Press, 9 (3), p. 692.

Le Gall, Cécile; Gazzola, Mathieu; Micheneau, Arnaud and Hélias, Régis (2021) Sunflower Associated With Legumes-Based Cover Crop : A Way To Increase Nitrogen Availability For The Following Winter Wheat? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Le Velly, Ronan (2010) UNSPECIFIED [Sustainable Public Procurement : a new policy paradigm in France ?] 4. International Public Procurement Conference. IPPC 2010, Séoul, South Korea.

Leach, Katharine; Barker, Zoe; Maggs, Clare; Sedgwick, Anouska; Whay, Helen; Bell, Nick and Main, David (2012) Activities of organic farmers succeeding in reducing lameness in dairy cows. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, D (Eds.) Agriculture and Forestry Research (362), pp. 143-146.

Leach, Katharine; Gerrard, Catherine L; Kudahl, Anne Braad; Nykänen, Arja; Vaarst, Mette; Weissensteiner, Roswitha and Padel, Susanne (2012) Assessing the sustainability of EU dairy farms with different management systems and husbandry practices. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, D (Eds.) Agriculture and Forestry Research (362), pp. 277-281.

Leach, Katharine; Palomo, Gonzalo; Waterfield, William; Zaralis, Konstantinos and Padel, Susanne (2014) Diverse swards and mob grazing for dairy farm productivity: A UK case study. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1155-1158.

Leach, Katharine; Richmond, Robert and Waterfield, William (2013) Monitoring Productivity of A UK Dairy System Aiming to Increase Soil Carbon, based on Diverse Swards and Incorporating Mob Grazing. In: Proceedings Proc. British Grassland Society 11th Research Conference, Dumfries, 2-3 Sept 2013.

Lebleu, Flore; Del Cueto, Jorge; Stefani, Patrick and Christen, Danilo (2019) Organic substances against Monilia laxa on apricot – in-vitro and on-farm experiments. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2019. [Completed]

Lebleu, Flore; Del Cueto Chocano, Jorge-Luis; Stefani, Patrick and Christen, Danilo (2019) Sensibilities against Monilia laxa of different varieties of apricot. Poster at: XVII International Symposium on Apricot Breeding and Culture, Malatya, Turkey, 6-10 July, 2016. [Completed]

Lebrun, Remy and Chable, Véronique (2014) On farm research for quality of maize. Populations evaluation for old and new recipes in France. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Leduc, Gaëlle; Manevska, Gordana; Hansson, Helena; Arndt, Marie; Bakucs, Zoltán; Böhm, Michael; Chitea, Mihai; Florian, Violeta; Hitouche, Salim; Legras, Sophie; Luca, Lucian; Martikainen, Anna; Pham, Hai Vu; Rusu, Marioara; Schaer, Burkhard and Wavresky, Pierre (2021) How Are Ecological Approaches Justified In Eu Agricultural Policy? A Textual Analysis Of Cap And Rural Development Discourses Across Six Eu Member States. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Lee, Howard and Fowler, Susan (2002) A critique of methodologies for the comparison of organic and conventional farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 281-284.

Lee, Yong Hwan; Lee, Sang Min; Choi, Doo Hoi; Lee, Sang Kae and Sohn, Sang Mok (2005) Odor and Irrigation Water contamination by Duck-Rice System and its Effect in Weed Control, Rice Growth and Yield. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lee, Brian S. (2014) Sustenance Local Community via Youth Program of Organic Agriculture. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Lee, Minho; Han, Eun-Jung; Park, Jong-Ho; Hong, Sung-Jun; Kang, Seong-Min and Kim, Jin-Ho (2014) Utilization of Organic Farming for In Situ Conservation of Biodiversity. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 953-956.

Lee, Sang Beom; Kim, Jin Ho; Yun, Jong Chul and Lee, Min Ho (2014) Availability of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth) as leguminous green manure crops for organic rice in reclaimed saline land. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 949-952.

Lee, Tae Geun (2014) Heuksalim City Farming System and Native Seed Preservation Movement. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Leeb, Christine; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, G.; Edwards, S.; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Rousing, T.; Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, G. and Dippel, Sabine (2014) PigSurfer- SURveillance, FEedback & Reporting within ProPIG for communication with 75 pig farmers. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level: WAFL, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Leeb, C. (2011) ANIPLAN. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Leeb, C. (2011) ProPIG. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Leeb, Christine (2014) Presentation at Research Seminar - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs. Paper at: Core Organic II Research Seminar, Stockholm, 1st October 2014.

Leeb, Christine (2013) Assessment of animal welfare and environmental impact. Paper at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production, Hovborg, Denmark, 12.-13.6.2013.

Leeb, Christine (2013) Introduction and First Results of ProPIG at 2nd CoreOrganic II Research Seminar. Paper at: 2nd CoreOrganic II Research Seminar, Amsterdam, 15.May 2013.

Leeb, Christine; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Dippel, Sabine (2014) PigSurfer – SURveillance, FEedback & Reporting within ProPIG for communication with 75 pig farmers. In: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group level.

Leenstra, Ferry; Maurer, Veronika; Bestman, Monique; van Sambeek, Frans; Zeltner, Esther; van Niekerk, Thea; Galea, Fabien and Reuvekamp, Berry (2011) Search for the ideal laying hen for organic and free range systems. In: proceedings and speaker’s presentations from the 7th European Symposium on Poultry Genetics, Peebles, 5-7 October 2011, pp. 32-34.

Leenstra, Ferry; Maurer, Veronika; Bestman, Monique; Zeltner, Esther; van Niekerk, Thea; Galea, Fabien and Reuvekamp, Berry (2011) Selection and characterization of ‘low input’ farm groups in 3 macro-climatic regions in Europe for inclusion in a “farmer participatory” performance recording network (FP-PRN) and performance recording of currently used layer genotypes. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Legendre, Heloïse; Goby, Jean Pierre; Le Stum, Jean; Hoste, Hervé; Cabaret, Jacques and Gidenne, Thierry (2021) Organic Rabbit Farming: Should We Be Afraid Of Gastro-Intestinal Parasites? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Leger, François; Bellec-Gauche, Agnès; Morel, Kévin and WARLOP, FRANCOIS (2018) Agroforestry market gardening: a strategic choice to improve sustainability in agroecological transition ? Paper at: 13th European IFSA Symposium. Farming Systems: Facing Uncertainties and Enhancing Opportunities, Chania, GR, July 2018.

Legler, Sara Elisabetta; Armengol Forti, Josep; Kehrli, Patrik; Ranca, Aurora-Maria; Širca, Saša; Wipf, Daniel and Rossi, Vittorio (2019) Exploit biodiversity in viticultural systems to reduce pest damage and pesticide use, and increase ecosystems services provision: the BIOVINE project. Poster at:

Legler, Sara Elisabetta; Caffi, Tito; Poni, Stefano; Kassemeyer, Hanns-Heinz; Rosner, Franz; Reisenzein, Helga; Strauss, Gudrun; Gorfer, Markus; Storchi, Paolo; Schroers, Hans-Josef; Tardaguila, Javier and Rossi, Vittorio (2013) VineMan.org: innovative strategies for enhancing disease management in organic vineyards. Speech at: 10th Intenational Congress of Plant Pathology, Beijing, China, 25-30 August 2013. [In Press]

Legrand, I.; Nicolazo De Barmon, A.; Albert, F.; Berton, M.; Bourin, M.; Bühl, V.; Cartoni Mancinelli, A.; Eppenstein, R.; Kenny, D.A.; Kowalski, E.; McLaughlin, S.; Plesch, G.; Bedoin, F.; Couzy, C.; Berri, C.; Martin, B. and Laithier, C. (2023) The INTAQT project: stakeholders’ opinions on future multicriteria scoring tools for animal products. In: Book of Abstracts of the 74nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Lyon, France. 26 August - 1 September, 2023, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 29, p. 827.

Legzdiņa, Linda; Bleidere, Māra; Flipon, Emma; Chable, Véronique; Piliksere, Dace; Ločmele, Indra; Strazdiņa, Vija; Serpolay, Estelle and Rey, Frederic (2021) Highlights on recent heterogeneous population research results. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

Legzdina, L.; Kokare, A.; Beinarovica, I. and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T. (2010) Comparison of interconnections between barley breeding material traits under organic and conventional growing conditions. [Vergelijking van verbindingen tussen kenmerken van veredelingsmateriaal voor gerst onder biologische en conventionele omstandigheden.] In: Goldringer, I. (Ed.) Comparison of interconnections between barley breeding material traits under organic and conventional growing conditions, INRA and ITAB, Paris.

Lehmann, Jesper Overgaard and Mogensen, Lisbeth (2020) Mother-bonded calf rearing in organic milk production: Lessons from pioneer farmers in northern Europe. In: IAHA Proceedings 2021 (submitted for 2020, but postponed due to Covid-19). [Submitted]

Lehmann, Jesper Overgaard; Vaarst, Mette and Mogensen, Lisbeth (2020) Dam-reared calves: Lessons from pioneer farmers for Danish dairy producers. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 26.

Lehmann, Jesper Overgård; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Kristensen, Troels (2014) Extended lactation may improve cow health and productivity and reduce greenhouse gas emission from organic dairy cows. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Istanbul, Turkey, no. 20, pp. 171-174.

Lehocka, Zuzana; Klimekova, Marta and Bielikova, Magdalena (2008) Soil quality indicators in organic and conventional farming systems in Slovakia. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lehtonen, Heikki (2005) Some key factors in economic adaptation of agricultural sector to climate change in Finland. Paper at: Adaptation of crops and cropping systems to climate change : NJF Seminar 380, Odense, Denmark, November 7-8, 2005.

Lehtonen, Päivi; Saikkonen, Kari and Helander, Marjo (2003) Fungal endophytes decrease aphid performance in grasses: effects on virus transmission? Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Leiber, F.; Mukaliev, A. and Vitra, A. (2021) Sustainable productivity of livestock in European and Asian alpine grassland: a case study roadmap. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 288.

Leiber, F.; Quander-Stoll, N.; Ayrle, H.; Amsler, Z.; Maurer, V.; Leopold, J.; Damme, K. and Lambertz, C. (2021) Requirement recommendations for riboflavin in organic broilers. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 493.

Leiber, Florian (2022) Roundtable “Organic Feeding”. Paper at: @feedinfo summit 2022, Barcelona, Spain, 27.09.2022. [Completed]

Leiber, Florian and Fuchs, Nikolai (2008) Towards cognitive holism in organic research. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Leiber, Florian; Holinger, Mirjam; Maeschli, Ariane; Früh, Barbara; Lambertz, Christian; Maurer, Veronika and Ayrle, Hannah (2020) Effects of riboflavin concentration in premixes on performance, egg quality and health indicators in laying hens. In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, Frick/Frankfurt, 29, p. 88.

Leiber, F.; Amsler, Z.; Leubin, M.; Baki, C.; Eppenstein, R.C.; Lambertz, C.; Maurer, V. and Ayrle, H. (2020) Riboflavin requirements in organic poultry: graded supplementation to layers and parent hens. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 593.

Leiber, F.; Jouven, M.; Martin, B.; Priolo, A.; Coppa, M.; Prache, S.; Heckendorn, F, and Baumont, R. (2014) Potentials and challenges for future sustainable grassland ultilisation in animal production. In: Options Méditerranéennes, A 109, pp. 33-47.

Leiber, Florian (2015) Livestock production from grasslands with improved management compared to traditional management. In: Proceedings of 23rd International Grassland Congress 2015 - Keynote Lectures, Jhansi, UP; India, pp. 147-153.

Leiber, Florian (2014) Resigning protein concentrates in dairy cattle nutrition: a problemor a chance? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1055-1058.

Leiber, Florian; Dorn, Katharina; Probst, Johanna K. and Spengler Neff, Anet (2015) Milk yields and protein efficiency of dairy cows at restricted concentrate feeding. In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 24, p. 20.

Leiber, Florian; Stadtlander, Timo; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Sandrock, Christoph and Maurer, Veronika (2018) Effects of black soldier fly meal in poultry and fish diets on performance and product quality. In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 470.

Leifert, C.; Rembiałkowska, E.; Nielson, J.H.; Cooper, J.M.; Butler, G. and Lueck, L. (2007) Effects of organic and ‘low input’ production methods on food quality and safety. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Leifert, Carlo; Koepke, Ulrich; Bonde, Marianne; Stanley, Richard; Hamm, Ulrich; Wyss, Gabriela; Benbrook, Chuck; Hajslova, Jana; Lueck, Lorna and Cooper, Julia (2008) QLIF Workshop 2: Safety of foods from organic and low input farming systems. Paper at: 4th QLIF Congress in the frame of the 2nd ISOFAR Conference, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Leimbrock, Laura; Rock, Gilles; Diederich, René; Reiland, Guy; Richard, David and Zimmer, Stéphanie (2021) Effects Of Mechanical Weed Control In Organic Soybean Cultivation On Yield And Weed Biomass In Luxembourg. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Lein, G; Hardaker, J B and Flaten, O (2006) Economic sustainability and risk efficiency of organic versus conventional cropping systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 63-66.

Leinonen, P. and Närkki, V. (2004) Lay-down working cart improves efficacy of hand weeding. Paper at: 6th EWRS workshop on physical and cultural weed control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March 2004.

Leinonen, P.; Saastamoinen, A. and Vilmunen, J. (2004) Finger weeder for cabbage and lettuce cultures. Paper at: 6th EWRS workshop on physical and cultural weed control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March 2004.

Leinonen, P. and Lötjönen, T. (1996) Small Scale Weed Control Technology. In: 11th IFOAM International Scientific Conference, Programme Abstracts, Landsforeningen Oekologisk Jordbrug and IFOAM, Copenhagen, p. 194.

Leitner, DI Heidrun and Axmann, Mag. Paul (2006) Regional Players in between conventionalisation and regional development: Are supermarkets the wolves in sheep’s clothing? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Leksinaj, Elvira (2010) ANALYSIS OF THE POSSIBILITY FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING IN ALBANIA. Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Leksinaj, E. (2013) Opportunities of organic agriculture in Albania. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 101-102.

Lemming, Camilla; Oberson, Astrid; Jensen, Lars Stoumann and Magid, Jakob (2014) Maize root growth and P uptake dependency on spatial distribution of sewage sludge, sewage sludge ash, and TSP. Poster at: Phosphorus in Soils and Plants, Montpellier, 26-29 August 2014.

Lemola, R.; Esala, M. and Turtola, E. (2009) Nitrogen leaching in organic and conventional farming in a 8-year field study. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 43.

Lenc, Leszek; Sadowski, Czeslaw; Nowacki, Wojciech and Lukanowski, Aleksander (2006) Research on health of organically cultivated potatoes. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lennartsson, Margi and Conroy, Judith (2021) It Is Time To Phase Out The Use Of Peat In Organic Horticulture. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Leona, Brockamp and Eis, Birgit (2008) Influence of different soil preparation techniques on organically grown strawberries. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 148-151.

Lepp, Birgit; Zikeli, Sabine; Hartmann, Tobias Edward; Buchleither, Sascha and Möller, Kurt (2020) Improving Fertilisation Strategies in Organic Apple Cultivation. In: Proceedings of XIX International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 179-180.

Lepp, Birgit; Zikeli, Sabine and Möller, Kurt (2021) Field Balances Of Organic Apple Orchards In Two Regions Of Germany. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Lepse, Liga and Jansone, Inga (2017) Influence of Agricultural Service Crops on the fluctuations of the soil mineral composition. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 67-69.

Lernoud, Pipo (2006) Latin America: Overview. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2006, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Lernoud, Julia (2015) Results of the global survey on Voluntary Sustainability Standards. Paper at: Trade for Sustainable Development Forum 2015, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-2 October 2015. [Completed]

Lespinasse, Yves (2000) The role of plant breeders in organic fruit production. Organic Fruit - opportunities and challenges conference, Ashford, United Kingdom.

Leu, André (2015) Science Day Opening Speech. Paper at: Science Day 2015 BioFach Congress 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 13.2.2015. [Completed]

Leu, Andre (2014) IFOAM President’s Science Day Speech BIOFACH 2014. Paper at: Science Day 2014, BIOFACH 2014, NürnbergMesse, Nürnberg, Germany, February 14, 2014. [Completed]

Levin, Gregor (2004) Studying the effect of organic farming on rural landscapes: Issues of methodology and scale. In: Cristováo, Artur (Ed.) Proceedings of the Sixth European IFSA Symposium, European Farming and Society In Search of a New Social Contract - Learning to Manage Change, UTAD, Portugal, 2, pp. 325-334.

Levin, Gregor (2003) A methodological framework for analysing landscape dynamics in relation to organic farming. Speech at: Crossing the boundary between natural and social sciences, University of Copenhagen, Department of Geography, August 18-20, 2003.

Lévite, D.; Adrian, M. and Tamm, L. (2000) Preliminary Results on Contents of Resveratrol in Wine of Organic and Conventional Vineyards. In: Willer, Helga and Meier, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Stiftung Ökologie und Landbau, SÖL Sonderausgabe 77, pp. 256-257.

Lewis, Joanna and Leech, Amy (2014) An organic lesson for life – transforming food culture in schools. Speech at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Li, Tzu-Ying and Chu, KIathy Yuchi (2002) The study of consumption patterns and expectations of organic catering consumers in Taiwan. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 337-338.

Li, Yan and Li, Gang (2014) Regional Organic Sector Development Planning in China - Case Study in Suichang County of Zhejiang Province. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Liang, Song and Chiu, Siu-Wai (2007) Dual roles of spent mushroom substrate on soil improvement and enhanced drought tolerance of wheat Triticum aestivum. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Liang, Zhi; Elsgaard, Lars and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2017) Effect of root litter quality on carbon turnover and soil microbiology in topsoil and subsoil horizons. In: To be decided. [draft]

Lieblein, Dr. Geir; Caporali, Prof. Fabio; von Fragstein, Prof. Peter and Francis, Prof. Charles (2008) Research - Teaching Integration in Agroecology and Organic Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lien, Dr. Gudbrand; Hardaker, Prof. J. Brian and Flaten, Dr. Ola (2006) Risk and economic sustainability of crop farming systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lindenthal, Thomas; Markut, Theresia; Hörtenhuber, Stefan and Rudolph, Gwendolyn (2010) Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Organic and Conventional Foodstuffs in Austria. Paper at: VII. International conference on life cycle assessment in the agri-food sector, Bari, Italy, 22-24 September . [Submitted]

Lindgen, Kristina; Lindahl, Cecilia; Höglund, Johan and Roepstorff, Allan (2008) Occurrence of intestinal helminths in two organic pig production systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lindhard, Senior scentist Hanne and Korsgaard, Mrs Maren (2000) Organic fruit production in Denmark. In: Organic fruit production in Denmark.

Lindhard Pedersen, H. (2007) Effect of Rapid or slow release nitrogen supply and cover crop/weed management on crop yield, pest incidence and fruit quality in intensive organic apple production. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Lindhard Pedersen, H.; Olsen, A.; Pedersen, B.; Korsgaard, M. and Horsted, K. (2004) Combined production of broilers and fruits. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 131-136.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Christensen, Lars P.; Bengtsson, Marianne; Paaske, Klaus and Hockenhull, John (2005) Organic field-testing of compounds to control apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) in combination with alleyway cover crops. Poster at: 7th International IOBC/WPRS Workshop on Orchard Diseases, Italy, Aug.-Sept. 2005.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne and Pedersen, Birgitte (2004) Soil treatments and rootstocks for organic apple production. In: Eco-fruit, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologicher Obstbau e. V. Weinsberg, pp. 137-143.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Sapoukhina, Natalia; Gladieux, Pierre; Durel, Charle-Eric; Lannou, Christian and Le Cam, Bruno (2005) Spatially explicit modeling of pathogen adaptation to hosts with multiple resistance genes. Paper at: International workshop on differential equations in mathematical biology.

Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Sapoukhina, Natalia; Gladieux, Pierre and Le Cam, Bruno (2006) Spreading of virulence regarding spatial distribution resistant cultivars inferred from population modeling coupled with genetics. Paper at: VIe rencontres de Phytopathologie/Mycologie, Aussois, France, 16-19 janvier.

Lindner, Marcus; Suominen, Tommi; Savolainen, Mikko; Zudin, Sergey; Palosuo, Taru; Vötter, Diana; Werhahn-Mees, Wendelin; Roubalova, Martina; Kneblik, Petr; Cerny, Martin and Verweij, Peter (2009) A tool for sustainability impact assessment (ToSIA)of forest-wood chains linked with a database of sustainability indicators collected within the EFORWOOD project. Paper at: Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-24 September 2009.

Lindqvist, Isa and Tuovinen, Tuomo (2009) Occurrence of insects in three everbearing strawberry cultivars in a polythene tunnel compared to an outdoor cultivation. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (9), NJF Report, p. 14.

Lindqvist, Isa and Tuovinen, Tuomo (2006) Black vine weevil and other wingless weevils: are there any effective conrol methods applicable in outdoor strawberry in Nordic countries? In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 33.

Lips, Dr. Markus (2008) Do organic livestock farms in Switzerland earn higher work incomes? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Litterick, Audrey M; Watson, Christine A and Atkinson, David (2002) Crop protection in organic agriculture - a simple matter? In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 203-206.

Litterick, Audrey M; Watson, Christine A and Robson, Melissa C (2002) An investigation into the relationship between preceding break crops and weed populations in barley crops in organic ley/arable rotations. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 227-228.

Little, T and Padel, S (2006) Communicating with organic producers in Wales. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 167-170.

Liu, Yuexian; Høgh-Jensen, Henning and Egelyng, Henrik (2008) The Circular Economy of a Local Organic Food Chain: Xiedao in Beijing. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Liu, Dibo; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Lazado, Carlo Cabacang; Strauss, David L. and Meinelt, Thomas (2016) ”Pulse vs. Continuous Treatment: which is better for applying peracetic acid in RAS?”. [“Puls- eller kontinuerlig dosering: På hvilken måde anvendes pereddikesyre bedst muligt i recirkulerede akvakultur anlæg?”.] Speech at: The 11th International Conference on Recurculating Aquaculture, Virginia, USA, 19 - 21 August 2016.

Liu, Q; Borgen, Anders and Trust, Beta (2009) Comparative evaluation of phytochemical profiles and identification of flavonoids in cereal grains. In: Proceedings of the AACC International Annual meeting, 2009..

Lizarazo, Clara; Santanen, Arja and Stoddard, Fred (2010) Nutritive quality of Finnish grown grain legumes. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Lizarazo, Clara and Stoddard, Fred (2011) Lentil: a new crop in Finland. Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, 24 th NJF congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011.

Lizarazo, Clara and Stoddard, Frederick (2011) Lentil - a new crop for Finland. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 87.

Lloren, Regie (2021) Economic evaluation of broiler supplemented with fermented Mansanitas (Muntingia calabura) leaves. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Towards Shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future /Book of Abstracts, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen, Germany, p. 281.

Lo, Ming and Matthews, Dave (2002) Results of routine testing of organic food for agro-chemical residues. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 61-64.

Lo Scalzo, R.; Iannoccari, T.; Genna, A.; Di Cesare, L. F.; Viscardi, D.; Ferrari, V. and Campanelli, G. (2008) Organic vs. conventional field trials: the effect on cauliflower quality. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lockeretz, W and Boehncke, E (2000) Agricultural systems research. In: Hovi, M and Trujillo, R G (Eds.) Diversity of livestock systems and definition of animal welfare, pp. 5-15.

Lockeretz, Willie (2002) Strategies for organic research. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 25-32.

Ločmele, Indra; Legzdina, Linda; Piliksere, Dace; Gaile, Zinta and Kronberga, Arta (2019) Assessment of Spring Barley Populations in Comparison to Homogenous Varieties. Speech at:

Loconto, Allison; Fouilleux, Eve; Bendjebbar, Pauline; Lemeilleur, Sylvaine and Alpha, Arlène (2021) Institutional Innovations For Organic Agriculture In Africa. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Loconto, Allison Marie; Adeoluwa, Olugbenga O. and Akinbamijo, Yemi (2015) Achieving social and economic development in africa through ecological and organic agricultural alternatives. Proceedings of the plenary presentations of the 3rd african organic conference. 3. African Organic Conference (AOC), NA, Nigeria.

Loconto, Allison Marie; Poisot, Anne Sophie; Santacoloma, Pilar and Vicovaro, Marcello (2015) Institutional Innovations in Ecological Organic Agriculture. 3. African Organic Conference (AOC), Lagos, Nigeria.

Lodal, J.; Knorr, M. and Leirs, H. (2003) Mammalian pest problems in organic pig farming, preventive measures and control. Poster at: 4th European Vertebrate Pest Management Conference, University of Parma, Italy, 9-12 September 2003. [Unpublished]

Lodesani, Dr Marco and Costa, Dr Cecilia (2008) Residues in beeswax after conversion to organic beekeeping. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Loes, A.-K. (2011) iPOPY. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Loeser, Rainer (2006) Pig Husbandry in Germany - financial and physical results of a benchmarking analysis 2004/2005. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Loges, Ralf; Ingwersen, Kathrin; Kaske, Axel and Taube, Friedhelm (2000) Methodological aspects of determining nitrogen fixation of different forage legumes. [Methodische Aspekte zur Bestimmung der symbiontischen N2-Fixierungsleistung verschiedener Futterleguminosen.] In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, -92.

Loges, Ralf; Kaske, A.; Ingwersen, K. and Taube, F. (2000) Yield, forage quality, residue nitrogen and nitrogen fixation of different forage legumes. [Ertrag, Futterqualität, Stickstoff der Ernterückstände sowie N-Fixierung verschiedener Futterleguminosen.] In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic - Proceedings of the 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, -83.

Loges, Ralf; Kaske, A. and Taube, F. (1999) Dinitrogen fixation and residue nitrogen of different managed legumes and nitrogen uptake of subsequent winter wheat [N2-Fixierung und residualer Stickstoff verschiedener Futterleguminosen sowie N-Aufnahme der Folgefrucht Winterweizen.]. In: Olesen, J.E.; Eltun, R.; Gooding, M.J.; Jensen, E.S. and Köpke, U. (Eds.) Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming, DARCOF Report, no. 1, pp. 181-190.

Loges, Ralf; Kelm, Michael and Taube, Friedhelm (2008) Nitrate leaching and energy efficiency of stockless arable systems compared with mixed farming and a non-organic system on fertile soils in Northern Germany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Loges, Ralf; Mauscherning, Inken and Taube, Friedhelm (2008) Autumn sown catch crop understoreys as strategy to reduce nitrate leaching in winter cereals. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Loges, Ralf and Taube, Friedhelm (2002) Methodological aspects of determination of biological N-fixation of different forage legumes [Methodische Aspekte der Bestimmung der biologischen N-Fixierung verschiedener Futterleguminosen]. In: Helgadóttir, A. and Dalmannsdóttir, S. (Eds.) Proceedings of the kick-off meeting, Solsona, Spain. Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments., Reykjavík: Agricultural Reserach Institute, pp. 101-104.

Loges, Dr. Ralf and Henriksen, John (2006) Plants for health - primary production of plants containing bioactive compounds that hold a preventive effect towards diabetes II. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Logo, Anja; Flury, Pascale; Thürig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Widmer, Franco; Mauerhofer, Monika and Mayerhofer, Johanna (2023) Can we diagnose the suppressive properties of a compost against soil-borne diseases? In: Köhl, Jürgen; Jimenez, Georgina Elena; Jimenez, Beatriz Andreo; Gorter, Florien and Bardin, Marc (Eds.) Proceedings of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group "Biological and Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens", Wageningen, Netherlands, 6-9 June 2023., 165, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, p. 50.

Logo, Anja; Thürig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Maurhofer, Monika; Widmer, Franco; Mayerhofer, Johanna and Flury, Pascale (2023) What makes a compost suppressive to soilborne pathogens? In: Book of Abstracts. ICPP 2023 One Health for all plants, crops and trees, 20-25 August, Lyon, France, p. 129.

Lohr, Luanne (2005) Economic, Social, and Environmental Benefits Associated With U.S. Organic Agriculture. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lohr, Luanne and Park, Timothy (2008) The Impact of Labor and Hiring Decisions on the Performance of U.S. Organic Farms. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lohr, Dr. Luanne and Park, Dr. Timothy (2008) Gender Effects on Adoption of Organic Weed Management Techniques. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lopez Ridaura, Santiago; Delmotte, Sylvestre and Mouret, Jean-Claude (2012) Regional conversion to organic farming in Camargue, south France: a multiscale integrated assessment of scenarios. 10. European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, Aarhus, Denmark.

Lopez Ridaura, Santiago and Mouret, Jean-Claude (2010) Co-innovation of organic rice production systems in Camargue. 1. Latin American and European congress on co-innovation of sustainable rural livelihood systems, Minas, Uruguay.

López-Gómez, Miguel; Wille, Lukas; Messmer, Monika and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Beneficial effects of Trichoderma on nitrogen fixation and root rot disease symptoms in pea. Poster at: Connectivity - Plant interactions reloaded, Zurich, Switzerland, 2nd December, 2020. [Completed]

Lorenz, Norbert; Klause, Stefan; Müller, Karl-Josef and Spieß, Hartmut (2006) Screening of winter barley varieties (Hordeum vulgare) for resistance against loose smut (Ustilago nuda) and covered smut (Ustilago hordei) in Germany. In: Czech Journal of Genetics and Plant Breeding, Research Institute of Crop Production, CZ-Prague, Vol. 42.

Loreto, Maria; Filson, Glen; Cebotarev, Nora and Ferrao, Liliam (2005) Conversion to organic farming and sustainability: a socio-ecological analysis. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lori, Martina; Symanczik, S.; Piton, G.; Mäder, P. and Gattinger, A. (2019) Nitrogen transformations and its underlying microbial communities in differently managed soils under future projected rainfall variability. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 58.

Lötjönen, T.; Vanhala, P.; Hurme, T. and Salonen, J. (2005) Sonchus arvensis - a challenge for organic farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 189-192.

Lötjönen, Timo and Mikkola, Hannu (1997) Weed control with inter-row hoeing in cereals. Paper at: NJF technia 97, technology of cost-efficient agricultural production : NJF seminar nr. 272, Pärnu, Estonia, 23.-25.10.1997.

Lötjönen, Timo and Vanhala, Petri (2003) Does mechanical weed control take effect on Sonchus arvensis? Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Lötjönen, Timo (2017) Efficiency of different bare fallow strategies to control perennial weeds. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 54-55.

LOUARN, Sébastien; Jensen, Birgit; NAWROCKI, Arkadiusz and NØRREGAARD JENSEN, Ole (2008) Proteomic analysis of the Mycocentrospora acerina-carrot interaction during storage. Paper at: Proteomlux 2008, Luxembourg, 22 to 25 October 2008.

LOUARN, Sébastien; JENSEN, Dan Funck; JENSEN, Birgit; NØRREGAARD JENSEN, Ole and NAWROCK, Arkadiusz (2007) Proteome analysis of stored carrots grown in different cropping systems for evaluating changes in susceptibility to liquorice rot during storage. Poster at: XIII International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interaction, Sorrento, Italy, July 21-27 2007. [Unpublished]

Lübeck, Mette (2018) Refining proteins from green crops for high quality feed products for monogastricanimals and dairy cows. Speech at: 1st International Conference on Microbial Food and Feed Ingredients, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2.-4. April, 2018.

Lübeck, Mette (2018) Refining proteins from green crops for high quality feed products for monogastric animals and dairy cows. Speech at: Protein Feed Vision, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 6.-7. March 2018.

Lubomirova, Miglena; Vassileva, Elka; Ivanova, Daniela and Mishev, Plamen (2006) The quality and safety through organic foods supply chain in Bulgaria. In: Proceeding of 22nd National Congress of Commodity Science, National Association of Commodity Science in Italy, Rome, Italy.

Lucas-Barbosa, Dani (2023) Resilient cropping systems & functional agro-biodiversity. Keynote presentation at: EPS Get2gether, Soest, The Netherlands, 1-2 May, 2023. [Completed]

Lücke, Friedrich-Karl; Raabe, Christina and Hampshire, Jörg (2007) Changes in sensory profile and microbiological quality during chill storage of cured and uncured cooked sliced emulsion-type sausages. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Ludwig, T.; Jansen, B.; Mayer, J.; Kühne, S.; Böhm, H.; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Hermansen, John (2011) Organic control of oilseed rape pests through natural pesticides and mixed cultivation with turnip rape. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Sohn, Sang Mok; Ssekyewa, Charles and Halberg, Niels (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow - Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of the International Scoiety of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Vol.1, Organic Crop Production, pp. 591-594.

Lueck, L.; Schmidt, C.S.; Cooper, J.M.; Shotton, P.N.; Hajslova, J.; Schulzova, V. and Leifert, C. (2007) Effect of organic, low-input and conventional production systems on pesticide and growth regulator residues in wheat, potato and cabbage. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Lueck, Lorna; Brandt, Kirsten; Seal, Chris; Rembialkovska, Ewa; Huber, Machtheld; Butler, Gillian; Bennett, Richard; Oughton, Liz; Nicholas, Philipa; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Sundrum, Albert and Leifert, Carlo (2008) QLIF Workshop 1: Product quality in organic and low input farming systems. Paper at: 4th QLIF Congress in the Frame of the 2nd ISOFAR Conference, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Lueck, Dr. Lorna; Velimirov, Dr. Alberta; Shiel, Dr. Robert S.; Cooper, Dr. Julia M. and Leifert, Prof. Carlo (2008) Effect of wheat production system components on food preference in rats. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Luka, Grace Lamba; Odion, Ehiabhi Cyril and Maiyaki, Mustafa Mohammad (2018) Effect of Poultry and Green Manure Sources on the Productivity of Popcorn (Zea mays everta L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 259-262.

Lukanowski, Aleksander; Baturo, Anna; Sadowski, Czeslaw and Kus, Jan (2006) Results of studies on plant health in organic cultivation on the background of other farming systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lukas, Martin and Cahn, M. (2008) Organic agriculture and rural livelihoods in Karnataka, India. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Lukas, Melanie (2010) Opinions in Europe on Certification on Mass Catering. Paper at: BioFach, Nuremberg, Germany, 20th February 2010. [Completed]

Lukas, Melanie and Strassner, Carola (2010) School food supply in North Rhine-Westphalia - Analysis of the current situation. In: Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; He, Chen; Mikkola, Minna; Nielsen, Thorkild and Nymoen, Lena (Eds.) Novel Strategies for Climate Mitigation, Sustainability and Healthy Eating in Public Foodscapes. Proceedings of the seminar held at Aalborg University, Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Denmark, November 25th-26th, 2009., ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 85-86.

Lukashyk, P.; Berg, M. and Köpke, U. (2006) Strategies for controlling Cirsium arvense in organic crop production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lukashyk, Pavel and Koepke, Ulrich (2005) Combination of different methods for direct control of Vicia hirsuta in winter wheat. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lukashyk, Pavel and Koepke, Ulrich (2005) Strategies to control Cirsium arvense under organic farming conditions. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lund, Ivar; Dalsgaard, Johanne; Larsen, Bodil and Jokumsen, Alfred (2010) Organic vegetable proteins and oil in feed for organic rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). [Økologiske planteproteiner og olie i foder til økologiske regnbueørreder (Oncorhynchus mykiss).] Poster at: XIV International Symposium on Fish Nutrition and Feeding, Qingdao, China, May 31 - June 4 2010.

Luo, Min; Zhang, Jibing; Wei, Qin and Hu, Yunfeng (2014) Organic Anti-counterfeiting Techniques in China. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Luomala, Harri (2004) Exploring origin of food as a source of meanings for Finnish consumers: A qualitative comparison of meanings in Swedish, German and French food. In: Report from NJF seminar 366, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 53-55.

Lüscher, A.; Häring, D.A.; Heckendorn, F.; Scharenberg, A.; Dohme, F.; Maurer, V. and Hertzberg, H. (2005) Use of tanniferous plants against gastro-intestinal nematodes in ruminants. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Lüscher, Gisela; Arndorfer, Michaela; Balazs, Katalin; Bernhardt, Karl Georg; Bogers, Marion; Bunce, Robert; Choisis, Jean Philippe; Dennis, Peter; Dramstad, Wenche E.; Eiter, Sebastian; Engan, Gunnar; Fjellstad, Wendy; Frank, Thomas; Friedel, Jürgen K.; Geijzendorffer, Ilse; Gillingham, Pippa; Herzog, Felix; Hülsbergen, Kurt Jürgen; Jeanneret, Philippe; Jerkovich, Gergely; Jongman, Rob H.G.; Kainz, Max; Oschatz, Marie-Louise; Papaja-Hülsbergen, Susanne; Pointereau, Philippe; Sarthou, Jean-Pierre; Schneider, Manuel K.; Siebrecht, Norman and Wolfrum, Sebastian (2012) Plant, earthworm, spider and bee diversity in agriculture fields of grazing and field crop farming systems in eight regions across Europe. Department of Agricultural Sciences publications, Helsinki, Finland.

Luske, B. and van Eekeren, N. (2014) Renewed interest for silvopastoral systems in Europe – an inventory of the feeding value of fodder trees. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 811-814.

Lüth, Dr. Maren; Spiller, Prof. Dr. Achim and Lülfs, M. Sc. Frederike (2006) The Future of Organic Retailing Stores: A Customer Satisfaction Survey. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Luttikholt, Drs Louise W. M. (2006) Principles of Organic Agriculture ) Worldwide participatory stakeholder process. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Luttikholt, Louise; Batcha, Laura; Willer, Helga; Xing, Jianping; Flores, Patricia; Menon, Manoj and Sahota, Amarjit (2019) Papers presented at the Session "Global Organic Market Overview". BIOFACH Congress 2019, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany, February 13 to 16, 2019. [Completed]

Lutzeyer, Hans-Jörg (2014) Societal Challenge 2: Food security, sustainable agriculture and forestry, marine and maritime and inland water research and the bioeconomy. Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Luxhøi, Jesper; Brøgger, Morten; Knudsen, Inge M.B.; Poulsen, Pernille H.B.; Møller, Jacob; Jensen, Birgit; Jensen, Dan F. and Magid, Jakob (2006) Functional Compost. In: The ORBIT 2006 Conference Proceedings publication.

Lynch, Derek H; Roberts, Cory and Voroney, Paul (2006) SUSTAINABILITY OF ORGANIC DAIRYING IN CANADA. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Lyons, Dr Kristen and Burch, Prof David (2008) Socio-Economic Effects of Organic Agriculture in Africa. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Læssøe, Jeppe; Ljungdalh, Anders; Kastberg, Peter; Noe, Egon; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Christensen, Tove; Dubgaard, Alex; Olsen, Søren Bøye and Kærgård, Niels (2012) Theories on motivation and their implication for supporting communication, learning and decisionmaking in relation to organic food systems. Paper at: 10th European IFSA symposium: Producing and Reproducing Farming Systems: New modes for sustainable food systems of tomorrow , Aarhus, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) Fertilisers from aquaculture and other marine waste. In: ESPP (European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform) Scope newsletter 149, ESPP. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) Contentious inputs: fertilisers, peat and plastic. Results of WP 5 activities considering publications. Lecture at: Anne-Kristin Løes, Gaziemir, Izmir, Türkiye, May 27-29, 2022. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) Nutrients from residual materials applied as fertilisers: possibilities, challenges and potential effects on soil biology. Lecture at: EFB (Environmental Biotechnology) Spring Congress 2022: Biotechnology for resource recovery, virtual conference, Web, May 10, 2022. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2021) Marine-derived fertilisers: significant possibilities, and some challenges to solve. Lecture at: The NorthWest verdiskapingsdagen (day of value creation), Ålesund, Norway, September 2, 2021. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2021) Recycling P from residues of captured fish. Speech at: 4th Phosphorus in Europe Research Meeting (PERM), Session «Fertiliser properties and user uptake of recycled nutrient materials”, Webinar arranged by ESPP (European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform) and others, June 2, 2021. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2010) The iPOPY project – a research commitment to more sustainable public food. Lecture at: iPOPY-Foodprint conference 2009, Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Denmark,, November 25th-26th, 2009.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2009) CORE Organic pilot project iPOPY - presentation at mid-term: innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (1995) Sustainable Norway - can Norwegians become self-sufficient with ecologically grown food? How can we achieve fair food prices? In: Christie, Helge (Ed.) Sust. Agriculture and Rural Development. Røros-Norway 10.-16.3.1995. The 3rd International Symposium for Sust. Agric. and Rural Dev. Final report. Submission to the United Nation's Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), 11-28 April 1995, New York, pp. 139-140.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Ahuja, Ishita and De Boer, Anne (2021) Harvesting Our Fertilisers From The Sea - An Approach To Close The Nutrient Gaps In Organic Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Ahuja, Ishita and de Boer, Anne (2019) Harvesting our fertilisers from the sea - an approach to close the nutrient gaps in organic farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress, Rennes, France, September 23-25, 2020. [Submitted]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Frøseth, Randi Berland; Dieseth, Jon Arne and Lindö, Caroline (2021) What Should Organic Farmers Grow: Heritage Or Modern Spring Wheat Varieties? Report From A Study Comparing Yields, Grain And Bread Quality. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Henriksen, Trond M. and Eltun, Ragnar (2006) Repeated undersowing of clover in stockless organic grain production. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Henriksen, Trond Maukon and Eltun, Ragnar (2007) N supply in stockless organic cereal production under northern temperate conditions. Undersown legumes, or whole-season green manure? Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Koesling, Matthias; Flaten, Ola and Lien, Gudbrand (2008) Presentation: Dropping organic certification - effects on organic farming in Norway. Speech at: 2nd Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 16-20, 2008.

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Noelting, Benjamin (2009) State of the art of the project “innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth” (iPOPY). In: Noelting, Benjamin (Ed.) Providing organic school food for youths in Europe - Policy strategies, certification and supply chain management in Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway. Proceedings of the iPOPY seminar held at the BioFach February 20th 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany, International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), CORE Organic Series Report, pp. 9-13.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Nölting, Benjamin; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Spigarolo, Roberto; Strassner, Carola; Roos, Gun; Mikkola, Minna and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2008) iPOPY – innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth. School meals – and more! Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Schmutz, Ulrich; Katsoulas, Nikolaos; Caceres, Rafaela; de Cara, Manuel; Cirvilleri, Gabriella; Kir, Alev; Knebl, Lucas; Malinska, Krystyna; Oudshoorn, Frank; Raskin, Ben; Rayns, Francis; Valleix, Sophie and Conroy, Judith (2019) Peat, plastic and fertiliser in organic growing across Europe - current use and future options. Paper at: Organic World Congress, science forum, Rennes, France, September 23-25, 2020. [Submitted]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Schmutz, Ulrich; Katsoulas, Nikolaos; Caceres, Rafaela; Manuel De Cara, Francisco; Cirvillieri, Gabriella; Kir, Alev; Knebl, Lucas; Malinska, Krystyna; Oudshoorn, Frank; Raskin, Ben; Rayns, Francis; Valleix, Sophie and Conroy, Judith (2021) Peat, Plastic And Fertilisers In Organic Growing Across Europe - Current Use And Future Options. Poster at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2018) Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe: WP SOIL (WP5). Poster at: Kick-off meeting project Organic PLUS, Padova, Italy, June 13-16, 2018. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Adler, Steffen A. (2018) INCREASED UTILIZATION OF RENEWABLE RESOURCES: DILEMMAS FOR ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. Paper at: 2nd International GRAB-IT workshop, Anacapri, Italy, June 27, 2018. [In Press]

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Ahuja, Ishita (2020) Marine-derived fertilisers for fodder crops. In: https://orgprints.org/38484, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK).

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Dýrmundsson, Ó.R.; Kreismane, D.; Mikkola, Minna; Pehme, Siril; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus and Wivstad, Maria (2015) The organic sector in the Nordic-Baltic region - what is achieved, and what is challenging future growth? In: Nordic view to sustainable rural development. Proccedings of the 25th NJF Congress, NJF Latvia, Riga, pp. 79-84.

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Ebbesvik, Martha (2017) Phosphorus deficits by long-term organic farming? In: Rahmann, Gerold and Andres, Christian (Eds.) Innovative research for Organic Agriculutre 3.0. Proceeedings of the Scientific Track, Organic World Congress 2017, ISOFAR, TIPI and NCOF (India), pp. 531-534.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Frøseth, Randi Berland; Dieseth, Jon Arne; Skaret, Josefine and Lindö, Caroline (2019) What should organic farmers grow: heritage or modern spring wheat varieties? Report from a study comparing yields, grain and bread quality. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2020, Rennes, France, September 23-25, 2020. [Submitted]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Johansen, A.; Pommeresche, R. and Riley, H. (2013) Anaerobic digestion of manure - consequences for plant production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 117-118.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Johansen , Anders; Pommeresche, Reidun and Riley, Hugh (2014) ANIMAL MANURE – REDUCED QUALITY BY ANAEROBIC DIGESTION? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 891-894.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Johansen , Anders; Pommeresche, Reidun and Riley, Hugh (2011) Animal manure for biogas production - what happens to the soil? In: Hultgren, Jan; Persson, Paula; Nadeau, Elisabet and Fogelberg, Fredrik (Eds.) Book of abstracts of the 24th NJF congress. NJF Report 7 (3) 2011, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, NJF, Uppsala, Sweden, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 153.

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Rittl, Tatiana (2019) Farm level management of phosphorus (P): organic farmers need recycled fertilisers. Lecture at: 1st EU/North-African Conference on Organic Agriculture, Marrakesh, Morocco, November 11-12, 2019.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Schmutz, Ulrich; Evans, Adrian; Sørensen, Claus Grøn; DeMarchi, Massimo and Nikolaos, Katsoulas (2018) Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe (Organic -PLUS): POSTER. Poster at: 2nd International GRAB-IT workshop 2018, Organic farming and agro-ecology as a response to global challenges, Capri (NA), Italy, June 27 to 29, 2018.

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Solemdal, Liv (2011) Responsible consumption – public procurement of organic food. In: Hultgren, Jan; Persson, Paula; Nadeau, Elisabet and Fogelberg, Fredrik (Eds.) Seminar 428, Energy conversion from biomass production - EU-AgroBiogas, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Uppsala, Sweden, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 246.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Thakur, Maitri; Eilertsen, Aleksander and Fløan, Tore (2016) Case: Ecopro biogas. Energy and nutrients towards the end of the food chain. Poster at: NoRest conference, Copenhagen, October 26-27, 2016. [Completed]

Løjtnant, Christina L.; Damgaard, Christian F. and Jørgensen, Rikke B. (2007) Modelling pollen dispersal - relevant to co-existence in white clover (Trifolium repens). Poster at: 6th International Herbage Seed Conference AND GMCC 2007, Norway AND Seville, Spain, 17-20 June 2007 AND 20-21 November 2007. [Unpublished]

Ma, Fanyi; Liu, Xiuhua; Tikkanen-Kaukanen, Carina; Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo and Mynttinen, Sinikka (2017) Perception of food and locality among Chinese tourist experiences in Finland. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 104-105.

Maag Eigaard, N.; Permin, A.; Christensen, J.P. and Bisgaard, M. (2003) Mortality in organic free-range chickens and molecular characterization of the involved pathogens. Poster at: XIII Congress of the World Veterinary Poultry Association, Denver, Colorado, July 19-23, 2003.

Machado Pinto, Rui Manuel (2014) Nitrogen management in organic horticultural rotation. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 933-936.

MacMillan, Tom and Pearce, Bruce (2014) Duchy Originals Future Farming Programme – A practical, farmer led approach to innovation. IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Macrae, J C (2006) Linking livestock production to human health - creating sustainability through farming. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 33-37.

Madaleno, I. (2008) Ancestral Livelihoods in Amazon River Floodplains. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Madau, Fabio (2005) Technical Efficiency in Organic Farming: an Application on Italian Cereal Farms using a Parametric Approach. In: Conference Proceedings, CD-ROM.

Mäder, P. (2011) TILMAN-ORG. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Mäder, Paul (2013) Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable cropping systems - Overview of the TILMAN-ORG project. Paper at: Organic Producer’s Conference, Birmingham, UK, January 22 - 23. [Completed]

Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Berner, Alfred and Gattinger, Andreas (2014) Soil Micro-Organisms as influenced by Farming Systems and Management Practices. Paper at: ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting. Symposium-Managing Microbial Communities and Processes in Organic, Transition and Hybrid Agroecosystems: I, Long Beach, California, November 2-5, 2014. [Completed]

Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; David, Christophe and Cooper, Julia (2014) The Potential Use and Benefits of Reduced till in Organic Agriculture Systems. Paper at: ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting: Innovations in Organic Food Systems: Opportunities for Meeting Ecosystem Services Challenges with Organic Farming - Part I, Long Beach, California, November 2-5, 2014. [Completed]

Mäder, Paul; Krause, H.-M.; Fliessbach, A.; Jarosch, K.; Oberson, A.; Gattinger, A.; Birkhofer, K.; Knapp, S.; Frossard, E.; Niggli, U. and Mayer, J. (2019) The DOK long-term experiment - lessons learned from 40 years of interdisciplinary research. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 21.

Madsen, H.K.; Bertelsen, I. and Askegaard, M. (2013) Post-harvest sown catch crops – results from two years of organic field trials. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 113-114.

Madsen, Helena; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Sanches De Cima, Diego and Luik, Anne (2016) THE EFFECT OF FARMING SYSTEM ON SOIL MICROBIAL HYDROLYTICAL ACTIVITY. In: Bagdoniene, A (Ed.) Long-term Agroecosystem Sustainability: Links between Carbon Sequestration in Soils, Food Security and Climate Change..

Madsen, Helena; Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Vyacheslav; Alaru, Maarika; Maeorg, Erkki and Luik, Anne (2017) Winter cover crops decrease weediness in organic cropping systems. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 35-37.

Madsen, K.H.; Bertelsen, I. and Askegaard, M. (2014) Fertilizer placement and competitive ability of spring barley varieties - Results from two years of organic field trials. In: Cloutier, D.C. (Ed.) Abstracts 10th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control.

Madsen, Lone and Dalsgaard, Inger (2015) Infection models with Flavobacterium psychrophilum. In: Flavobacterium 2015. Abstracts book, p. 34.

Madsen, Lone and Dalsgaard, Inger (2015) Infection models with Flavobacterium psychrophilum. In: Abstracts book, Flavobacterium 2015. [Completed]

Madsen, Lone and Dalsgaard, Inger (2010) Yersinia ruckeri challenge on rainbow trout fed different diet types. In: Kane, Andrew S. and Poynton, Sarah L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Sixth International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health, September 5-9, 2010, Tampa, Florida USA, Aquatic Pathobiology Lab Press 2010, Gainesville, FL USA, pp. 1-220.

Madsen, Lone; Ingerslev, Hans-Christian; Boye, Mette and Dalsgaard, Inger (2014) Rainbow trout fed diets with varying content of marine and plant origin; how does that influence the outcome of experimental infections of the fry with Flavobacterium psychrophilum and Yersinia ruckeri? In: Proceedings. Seventh International Symposium on Aquatic Animal Health. August 31 - September 4, 2014. Portland, Oregon, USA, American Fisheries Society, Fish Health Section, p. 219.

Madsen, Lone; Ingerslev, Hans-Christian; Boye, Mette and Dalsgaard, Inger (2012) Influence of organic diets and probiotics on an experimental Flavobacterium psychrophilum infection in rainbow trout fry. In: Program and abstracts for the conference Flavobacterium 2012.

Maeschli, A.; Walkenhorst, M. and Jakob, M. (2019) Effect of an advisory project in veterinary homeopathy for livestock on health and antibiotic use. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26 - 30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium (25), p. 393.

Magado, Ronald and Ssekyewa, Charles (2018) Impact of climate change on cassava farming a case study of Wabinyonyi sub county Nakasongola District. [Impacto del cambio climático en la producción de mandioca: estudio de caso del distrito de Nakasongola, sub condado de Wabinyonyi.] In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 99-110.

Maghirang, Rodel; Rodulfo, Gloria; Madrid, Ivy Jane; Ferry, Elmer; de la Cruz, Carlos; Vilbar, Lorna and Misterio, Jocelyn (2014) Participatory Breeding on Organic Vegetables. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 909-912.

Magid, Jakob (2022) CRUCIAL -Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle -Investigations through Agronomic Long-term experiments. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Magid, Jakob; Rasmussen, Lasse Dam and Moeller, Jacob (2004) Measuring degradation of transgenic DNA and screening for horizontal gene transfer from GMO-plant material during composting. Poster at: 1st international Conference on SOIL AND COMPOST ECOBIOLOGY, Leon – Spain, September 15th-17th, 2004. [Unpublished]

Magid, Jakob (2002) Hard and soft science issues to be negotiated to improve urban metabolism. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Arthur; Dýrmundson, Ólafur; Kahilouto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) DARCOF report nr. 3, DARCOF.

Magnusson, C. and Holgado, R. (2013) Plant parasitic nematodes - problems related to clover and organic farming. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 61-62.

Mahmood, Khalid; Sarup, Pernille; Oertelt, Lukas; Jahoor, Ahmed and Orabi, Jihad (2024) Assessing myBait Target Capture Sequencing Methodology using Short Read Sequencing for Variant detection in Oat Genomics and Breeding. In: Assessing myBait Target Capture Sequencing Methodology using Short Read Sequencing for Variant detection in Oat Genomics and Breeding, p. 1.

Maisenbacher, Gregor; Hung, Man-Tzu; Kuhl, Isabell; Lauvie, Pierre and Eichert, Christian (2007) The OrganiST Project - Recommendations for small and medium organic shops to compete better in the organic market. In: Sorensen, Neill (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Marketing of Organic and Regional Values, IFOAM, pp. 57-60.

Maisenbacher, Gregor; Hung, Man-Tzu; Kuhl, Isabell; Lauvie, Pierre and Eichert, Christian (2007) The OrganiST Project - Recommendations for small and medium organic shops to compete better in the organic market. [The OrganiST Project - Recommendations for small and medium organic shops to compete better in the organic market.] Paper at: 1. International IFOAM Conference on Marketing of Organic and Regional Values, Schwäbisch Hall, 26.-28.08.2007. [Unpublished]

Majidi, Ariel; Shade, Jessica; Leach, Allison and Galloway, James (2014) FARMING PRACTICE EFFECTS ON NITROGEN FOOTPRINTS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1131-1134.

Mäkelä, Matti and Raussi, Satu (2008) Habituating Highland Cattle calves to tolerate humans. Paper at: Human-animal bond : theory research practice : annual conference of the International Society for Anthrozoology, August 13 to 15, 2008.

Malhi, Sukhdev S.; Brandt, Stewart A.; Zentner, R. P.; Knight, Diane J.; Gill, Kabal S.; Sahota, Tarlok S. and Schoenau, J. J. (2008) Management Strategies and Practices for Preventing Nutrient Deficiencies in Organic Crop Production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Malkki, Sirkka (1999) Human faeces as a resource in agriculture. Paper at: NJF congress no. 21, Ås, Norway, 28 June - 1 July 1999.

Mallia, Silvia; Escher, Felix; Rehberger, Brita and Schlichtherle-Cerny, Hedwig (2007) Aroma-active secondary oxidation products of butter. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Malusa, Eligio; Canfora, Loredana; Tartanus, Malgorzata; Pinzari, Flavia; Sas, Lidia and Mocali, Stefano (2021) Exploiting The Multifunctional Potential Of Belowground Biodiversity In Organic Farming: A Chance For Improving Horticultural Productions. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Malusa, Eligio; Tartanus, Malgorzata; Tkaczuk, Cezary and Furmanczyk, Ewa (2021) Holistic Approach To Control Soil-Borne Pests In Organic Orchards: The Case Of May Beetle. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mänd, Marika and Karise, Reet (2013) Bumble bees as entomovectors in open fields of strawberry. In: Proceedings of the 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, p. 122.

Mänd, Marika; Karise, Reet and Muljar, Riin (2013) Bombus terrestris as an entomovector for suppressing Botrytis cinerea in open field strawberry. Poster at: International conference “Behaviour 2013”, The Sage, Newcastle-Gateshead, UK, 04–08.08.2013.

Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, Sitaram; Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Zundel, Christine; Forster, Dionys and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Participatory Technology Development (PTD) Trials in India. Poster at: Symposium “Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed]

Mandolesi, Serena; Solfanelli, Francesco; Naspetti, Simona; Zanoli, Raffaele; Cicia, Gianni; Del Giudice, Teresa; Migliore, Giuseppina; Schifan, Giorgio and Testa, Riccardo (2021) Organic Consumers’ Viewpoints Towards New Breeding Techniques In Italy. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Manici, L. M.; Kelderer, M.; Erschbaumer, G.; Caputo, F.; Babini, V. and Casera, C. (2002) Replant problems in South Tyrol: role of fungal pathogens and microbial populations in conventional and organic apple orchards. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 218-223.

Manici, L. (2011) BIO-INCROP. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Manici, L.M. ; Baab , G.; Canet, R.; Kaymak, S.; Kelderer, M.; Insam , H.; Naef, A.; Pinar, H.; Rühmer, T and Whittle , I. (2012) Exploitation of natural resources to increase soil health: BIO-INCROP, a project on organic fruit tree cropping systems. In: ESA12 Abstracts, University of Helsinky, Department of Agricultural Science publication series , Helsinki, Finland, Vol 14, pp. 24-25.

Manici, L.M. ; Kelderer, Markus; Caputo, F.; Nicoletti , F. and Topp , A. (2014) ENDOPHYTIC FUNGAL POPULATIONS ACTING ON SOIL SUPPRESSIVENESS IN FRUIT TREE ORCHARDS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 713-716.

Manici , L.M.; Kelderer, M.; Caputo, F.; De Luca Picione , F. and Topp, A. (2014) Benefits from cover crops based on plant-microbial interaction. In: Pepó, P and Csajbók, J. (Eds.) Proceeding of 13th ESA Congress, University of Debrecen, Debrecen Hungary, pp. 133-134.

Männle, Julia; Rüegg, Johanna; Milz, Joachim and Probst, Lorenz (2023) Does training in dynamic agroforestry change doing, organising, meaning, and knowing in smallholder systems in Bolivia? In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 291.

Manns, Mrs. Hida R.; Murray, D. L. and Beresford, D. V. (2008) The use of mulch to increase Spider (Arachnidae) numbers; a habitat approach to biological insect control. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Manojlovic, M.; Cabilovski, R. and Kalentic, M (2011) Soil Fertility: Organic vs. Conventional Farming Systems in Vojvodina, northern Serbia. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstract. International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURSIM in the Mediterranean, DIO.

Manstretta, Valentina; Si Ammour, Melissa; Armengol Forti, Josep; Kehrli, Patrik; Ranca, Aurora-Maria; Širca, Saša; Wipf, Daniel and Rossi, Vittorio (2018) Exploit biodiversity in viticultural systems to reduce pest damage and pesticide use, and increase ecosystems services provision: the BIOVINE Project. In: Book of Abstract.

Mapusua, K and Hossain, S.T. (2014) Regional strategy implementation, global collaboration. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Maquet, Dr Alain and Anklam, Prof Elke (2006) Which strategy to develop for the authentication of organic food products? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Marc, Benoit; Hervé, Tournadre; Jean-Pierre, Dulphy; Jacques, Cabaret and Sophie, Prache (2005) CONVERSION OF A LAMB PRODUCTION SYSTEM TO ORGANIC FARMING: HOW TO MANAGE, FOR WHICH RESULTS? Paper at: ISOFAR.

March, Solveig; Brinkmann, Jan and Haager, Daniela (2021) Public Benefits Of Organic Livestock Farming As For Aspects Of Animal Welfare Compared To Con-Ventional Agriculture - Results Of A Systematic Literature Review -. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

March, Solveig; Brinkmann, Jan and Winckler, Christoph (2006) Dairy health in German organic farming - an intervention study on lameness and the implementation of herd health plans. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

March, Solveig; Brinkmann, Jan and Winckler, Christoph (2014) IMPROVEMENT OF ANIMAL HEALTH INDICATORS IN GERMAN ORGANIC DAIRY FARMS THROUGH 'STABLE SCHOOLS'. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 339-342.

MARCHAND, Patrice A. (2013) Basic substances: a new opportunity for approval copper at EC phytopharmaceutical regulation 1107/2009. [Grundstoffe: eine neue Chance für die Genehmigung Kupfer bei Pflanzenschutzmitteln EG Verordnung 1107/2009.] Keynote presentation at: Kupfer als Pflanzenschutzmittel, BERLIN, Dec. 5 2013. [In Press]

Marchetti, Rosa; Casadei, Nerio; Marino, Antonio and Sghedoni, Lidia (2008) Inorganic nitrogen in soil green manured with biocidal crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Marchetti, Rosa; Lazzeri, Luca; Malaguti, Lorena; Orsi, Anna and Ponzoni, Gilda (2008) Potentially mineralizable nitrogen is soils green manured with biocidal crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Marchi, Chiara ; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Damgaard, Christian F.; Olsen, Kent; Jensen Secher, Thomas and Loeschcke, Volker (2010) Wildlife friendly agriculture: which factors do really matter? A genetic study on field vole. Poster at: 90th Annual Meeeting of the American Society of Mammalogists, Laramie, Wyoming, USA, 11th-15th June 2010.

Marchi, Chiara ; Andersen, Liselotte Wesley; Holm, Lars-Erik and Loeschcke, Volker (2009) Landscape population genetics and the role of organic farming. Poster at: Conservation Genetics, Trondheim, Norway, 23 May - 26 May 2009.

Marconi Ripa, Luis; Seidel, Renate and Armengot, Laura (2020) Herbaceous Species Cacao Production Systems: Biotic Homogenisation and Dynamics Over Time in a Long-Term Trial in Bolivia. In: Proceedings Tropentag "Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises", 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference, p. 129.

María, Ramos and Manuel, Gonzalez de Molina (2006) Local initiatives for sustainable development of Andalusian sector. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Maria, Eskildsen; Uffe, Krogh; Anne Grete, Kongsted and Peter, Theil (2021) Fresh grass-clover intake in summer and energy requirements of organic sows in winter and summer. Poster at: Organic World Congress 2021 (?) eller Pre-conference? (Organic Animal Husbandry Systems – Ways to Improvement), Rennes, France, 6. september 2021. [Completed]

Maria, Calzada and Julia, Lernoud (2014) Mixed Containers - A sustainable path to develop local markets. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Marian, Livia and Krystallis Krontalis, Athanasios (2014) Adding more value to added-value. An exploration of consumers’ perceptions of improved animal welfare standards in organic production processes. Paper at: EMAC conference, Valencia, Spain, 2-6 June 2014.

Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2013) Direct and mediated impacts of product and process characteristics on consumers’ choice of organic vs. conventional chicken (D.6.8). IAREP . [Submitted]

Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2012) Direct and mediated impacts of product and process characteristics on consumers’ choice of organic vs. conventional chicken. Abstract at: IAREP 2012 Conference, Wroclaw, Poland. , 05-09-12 - 08-09-12.

Marian, Livia; Thøgersen, John and Krystallis Krontallis, Athanasios (2012) Do taste expectations mediate the impact of quality cues on consumers’ choice of chicken? Abstract at: International MAPP Workshop, Middelfart, Denmark, 15/05-12-16/05-12.

Maribo, Hanne (2013) Activities with male pigs - Power point presentation. EAAP Working Group 2013 , Monells, Girona, Spain, 2-3 December 2013. [Completed]

Maribo, Hanne (2013) Organic male pigs in Denmark - Power point presentation. EAAP Working Group 2013 , Monells, Girona, Spain, 2-3 December 2013. [Completed]

Maribo, Hanne (2013) Overview - Activities with male pigs in Denmark. In: EAAP Working Group 2013 Production of Utilisation of Meat from Entire Male Pigs, IRTA Research & Technology, Food & Agriculture.

Maribo, Hanne (2013) Reduction of boar taint 2 - trials. Power point presentation at: EAAP Working Group 2013, Monells, Girona, Spain, 2nd-3rd December 2013.

Maribo, Hanne (2013) Production of male pigs in Denmark. Workshop at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production , Hovborg Kro, Holmeåvej 2, 6682 Hovborg, Denmark , June 12th and 13th 2013. [Unpublished]

Maribo, Hanne and Jensen, Bent (2013) Organic male pigs in Denmark. In: EAAP Working Group 2013 Production of Utilization of Meat from Entire Male Pigs, IRTA Research & Technology, Food & Agriculture.

Maribo, Hanne; Jensen, Bent and Møller, S. (2013) Reduction of boar taint in two trials: 1. Chicory or lupins combined with slaughter weight. 2. Feeding pure grain. In: EAAP Working Group 2013 Production of Utilization of Meat from Entire Male Pigs, IRTA Research & Technology, Food & Agriculture.

Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove and Thomsen, Darran Andrew (2013) European workshop: Grain legumes for organic agriculture, Towards better varieties in Faba bean, Lupine and Field Pea. Workshop at: European Workshop: Grain legumes for organic agriculture, Towards better varieties in Faba bean, Lupine and Field Pea , Axelborg, Copenhagen, October 28, 2013. [Completed]

Marinari, S.; Papp, R.; Marabottini, R. and Moscatelli, M.C. (2015) Brassica spp cover crop affects soil microbial activity, carbon and nitrogen nutrient dynamics. Poster at: OSCAR meeting, Son Norway, 29 June - 2 July 2015.

Marinari, S.; Papp, R.; Marabottini, R. and Moscatelli, M.C. (2015) Impact of leguminous living mulch on soil microbial biomass and activity in different European climatic zones. Poster at: Third General Assembly OSCAR, Son Norway, 29 June - 2 July 2015.

Marinari, S.; Papp, R.; Sripada, U.; Thami-Alami, I.; Campiglia, E.; Pearce, B.D.; Bergkvist, G.; van der Heijden, M.; Baresel, J.P. and Finckh, Maria R. (2014) Field homogeneity in OSCAR-MEE. Poster at: Third General Assembly of the OSCAR project, Marrakesh Morocco, 25-29 March 2014.

Marinari, S.; Papp, R.; Sripada, U.; Thami-Alami, I.; Campiglia, E.; Pearce, Bruce; Bergkvist, Göran; van der Heijden, Marcel; Baresel, Jörg Peter and Finckh, Maria R. (2016) Soil quality grouping variables in OSCAR-MEE. Poster at: OSCAR Conference, Marrakech, 21-24 March 2014. [Submitted]

Markkula, I.; Leskinen, M.; Pylkkö, P.; Koistinen, J.; Ooperi, S.; Tiilikkala, K.; Ojanen, H. and Raiskio, S. (2009) Detection of aphid migrations in Finland. In: Book of abstracts, p. 171.

Markkula, Irmeli (2007) Forecasting Rhopalosiphum padi in Finland and experiences of POMO-project. Paper at: Virus vector management : NJF seminar 402, Kristianstad, Sweden, 9-11 October 2007.

Markkula, Irmeli (2007) Forecasting Rhopalosiphum padi in Finland and experiences of POMO-project. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (5), pp. 49-50.

Markkula, Irmeli; Leskinen, Matti; Pylkkö, Pirkko; Ooperi, Sini; Tiilikkala, Kari; Ojanen, Hannu; Raiskio, Sakari and Koistinen, Jarmo (2010) Prediction and detection of long-range migration of pest insects. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 58.

Markkula, Irmeli; Ojanen, Hannu; Tiilikkala, Kari; Raiskio, Sakari; Pylkkö, Pirkko; Koistinen, Jarmo; Leskinen, Matti and Ooperi, Sini (2008) Insect migration case study by polarimetric radar. Paper at: ERAD 2008 - the fift European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June - 4 July 2008.

Markussen, Mads Ville; Østergård, Hanne; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Schmidt, Jens Ejby and Pugesgaard, Siri (2009) Energy and emergy evaluation of potentials for energy self-sufficiency in Danish organic dairy farms by production of biogas and bioethanol. In: Fredriksson, Pelle and Ullvén, Karin (Eds.) Proceedings from 1st Nordic Organic Conference. Towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain. 18-20 May 2009. Gothenburg, Sweden, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL), SLU, p. 168.

Marley, Dr C.L.; Scott, M.B.; Bakewell, E.L.; Leemans, D.K.; Sanderson, R. and Davies, Dr D.R. (2008) Effects of red clover and maize silages on the carriage of gut pathogens in steers. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Marquez, T. and Niggli, U. (2014) Organic Agriculture can norish the world: Eco-internsification and productivity devvelopment. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Marshall, Athole H and Humphreys, Mervyn O (2002) Challenges in organic forage seed production. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 95-96.

Martel, Gilles; Mischler, Pierre; Durant, Daphne and Choisis, Jean-Philippe (2021) Evaluating The Level Of Integration Between Livestock And Crops On Farms To Promote The Benefits Of Integrated Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Martin, Guillaume; Bancarel, Alexandre; Baron, Benoît; Beciu, Brigitte; Belleil, Aurélie; Blanc, Mathilde; Bouttes, Maëlys; Cassel, Séverine; Doumayzel, Stéphane; Durand, Mathilde; Dominique, Eve; Grenier, Julie; Guilhou, Robin; Lacarce, Eva; Maleysson, François; Mouchard, Thierry; Nael, Elsa; Nayet, Christelle; Patout, Olivier; Perrin, Augustine; Piquard-Hebert, Anne; Roy, David; Uzureau, Anne; Varchavsky, Marc; Verger, Martine; Experton, Catherine and Pavie, Jérôme (2021) Resilience Along The Organic Dairy Cattle, Sheep And Goat Farms And Sectors. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Martin, Guillaume; Bernes, Gun; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Hübner, Severin; Prache, Sophie; Mosnier, Claire; Launay, Fabienne and Godoc, Brendan (2021) Presentations from Mix-Enable project's final Webinar.

Martin, Pierre; Keip, Priscilla; Gutierrez, Alain; Huchard, Marianne; Ilboudo, Zakara; Sarter, Samira; Tagne, Appolinaire and Silvie, Pierre (2019) The Knomana knowledge base -A tool to promote exchange of knowledge and identify local plants for addressing sanitary problems in EOA. WAOC: West African Organic Conference, Accra, Ghana.

Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Blanc, Mathilde; Dumont, Bertrand; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Mosnier, Claire; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Werne, Steffen and Winckler, Christoph (2019) Diversified farming systems for improved sustainability of agriculture: potentialities and challenges. Speech at: 6th Farming Systems Design Symposium, Montevideo, 18-21 August 2019.

Martini, Andrea; Migliorini, Paola; Lorenzini, Giangiacomo; Lotti, Claudia; Rosi Bellière, Samanta; Squilloni, Stefano; Riccio, Federica; Giorgetti, Alessandro and Casini, M. (2008) Production of grain legume crops alternative to soya bean and their use in organic dairy production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Martini, Andrea; Zanoli, Raffaele; Tripaldi, Carmela; Lorenzini, Giangiacomo and Migliorini, Paola (2006) An integrated Italian research project on organic animal husbandry. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Martinis, Aristotelis; Halvatzaras, Dimitrios and Kabassi, Katerina (2011) Promotion of Eco-Tourism Using the Practice of Wikipedia: The Case-Study of Environmental and Cultural Paths in Zakynthos. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic , Drazen; Hashem, Yousri and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Agro-Eco Tourism, DIO.

Martins, Juliana Trindade (2023) How additional inoculation can improve N2 fixation and yield in soybean under field conditions in Denmark. Speech at: World Soybean Research Conference, Vienna, Austria, 18-23 of June 2023.

Martins, Juliana Trindade; Enggrob, Kirsten Lønne and Rasmussen, Jim (2023) How inoculation can improve N2 fixation and yield in soybean under field conditions in Denmark. Poster at: Annual EJP Soil days, Vilnius, Latvia, 10 June 2023.

Martins, Juliana Trindade; Liang, Zhi; Enggrob, Kirsten Lønne and Rasmussen, Jim (2023) Carbon sequestration potential of legume based cropping systems. Poster at: Annual EJP Soil days, Vilnius, Latvia, 10-6-2023.

Mascher, Fabio; Borgen, Anders; Dumalasova, Veronika; Müller, Karl-Josef; hole, David; dell’Avo,, F; Liatukas, Žilvinas; Müllner, A; Henriksson, Tine; Pregitzer, Anjana; Al-maroof, Emoud and Morgounov, Alexey (2016) Multilocal resistance assessment against common bunt of wheat (Triticum aestivum). In: Grausgruber, Heinrich (Ed.) Abstracts of the 67. Tagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs, pp. 37-38.


Masucci, Dr Felicia; Di Francia, Prof Antonio; De Rosa, Dr Giuseppe; Romano, Prof Raffaele; Varicchio, Dr Maria Luisa and Grassi, Dr Carlo (2008) Pisum sativum as alternative protein source in diets for buffalo cows in middle and late stage of lactation. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mata, Macarena; Garrido, Marisol; Longhurst, Phil and Seaton, Roger (2002) A method for soil health assessment in the conversion to organic farming. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 149-151.

Mata, Macarena; Longhurst, Phil; Seaton, Roger and Garrido, Marisol (2002) Policy-relevant research and integrative indicators in the conversion to organic farming. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 329-330.

Matasci, C.L.; Gobbin, D.; Stutz, Ch. and Gessler, C. (2006) Analysis of selection pressure exerted on Plasmopara viticola by organically based fungicides. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Matheri, Felix; Kambura, Anne Kelly; Mwangi, Eva; Karanja, Edward; Adamtey, Noah; Munyoki, Nancy; Mwangi, Edwin; Bautze, David and Runo, Steven (2023) How do composting materials and duration impact compost evolution and quality in the tropics? In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 100.

Mathu, Samuel; Thonar, Cécile; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Messmer, Monika and Frossard, Emmanuel (2012) Multi-purpose cowpea inoculation for improved yields in small holder farms in Kenya. Poster at: Integrated Soil Fertility Management in Africa: From Microbes to Markets, Nairobi, Kenya, 22. - 26. October 2012. [Completed]

Matray, Silvia; Herz, Annette; Pfiffner, Lukas and Sigsgaard, Lene (2016) EcoOrchard.Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards. In: Tagungsband 60. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung.

Matray, Silvia; Herz, Annette; Pfiffner, Lukas; Warlop, Francois and Sigsgaard, Lene (2018) EcoOrchard Boosting functional biodiversity in European apple orchards. Poster at: 61. Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, Stuttgart-Hohenheim, 11.-14.09.2018.

Matt, Darja; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Tein, Berit; Roasto, Mati; Pehme, Sirli and Luik, Anne (2014) The metabolomic fingerprint and microbiological quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in different organic growing systems "TILMAN-ORG Session". In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 227-230.

Matt, Darja; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Tein, Berit; Roasto, Mati; Pehme, Sirli and Luik, Anne (2014) The metabolomic fingerprinting and microbiological quality of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in different organic growing systems. Poster at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 13.-15.10.2014. [Submitted]

Mattedi, L.; Forno, F.; Varner, M. and Umberto, P. (2008) Field observations about the behaviour of codling-moth in Trentino (North-Eastern Italy). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 238-246.

Mattedi, Luisa; Flavia, Forno and Mauro, Varner (2000) Beobachtungen über das Verhalten der Mehligen Apfelblattlaus (Dysaphis plantaginea) in Trentino (Italia). [Observation about the Behaviour of the Rosy Apple Aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in Trentino.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 64-66.

Mattila, Tuomas; Rajala, Jukka; Mynttinen, Ritva and Väisänen, Hanna-Maija (2017) OSMO - a collaborative network testing knowledge and tools for resource-efficient soil health management. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 70-72.

Maurer, V.; Athanasiadou, S.; Oberhänsli, T.; Shepherd, F.; Thüer, S. and Werne, S. (2021) Duddingtonia flagrans: a promising biocontrol agent for gastrointestinal nematodes. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 493.

Maurer, Veronika; Oberhänsli, Thomas and Werne, Steffen (2021) Duddingtonia Flagrans: A Promising Fungal Biocontrol Agent For Gastrointestinal Nematodes In Small Ruminants. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Maurer, Veronika (2011) Poultry: Ethical Problems and Breeding Goals. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Maurer, Veronika; Amsler, Zivile; Heckendorn, Felix; Koller, Martin; Perler, Erika and Zeltner, Esther (2012) Run management for organic layers. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Braunschweig, Germany, Landbauforschung Sonderheft 362, pp. 153-155.

Maurer, Veronika; Amsler, Zivile; Heckendorn, Felix and Perler, Erika (2007) Development of prevention and treatment strategies for parasites in poultry. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Maurer, Veronika; Amsler, Zivile; Stamer, Andreas and Leiber, Florian (2015) Replacement of soybean oilcake by Hermetia illucens meal in diets for layers. In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt/Main, 24, p. 46.

Maurer, Veronika; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Experton, Catherine; Leiber, Florian; Steinshamn, Håvard and Tamm, Lucius (2020) Replacement of anthelmintics, antibiotics, and syn-thetic vitamins in organic animal husbandry – the contribution of the Horizon 2020 project RELACS. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Proceedings of the IAHA Video Pre‐Conference on “Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials", 21-22 September 2020, online, pp. 53-56.

Maurer, Veronika and Perler, Erika (2006) Silicas for control of the poultry red mite Dermanyssus gallinae. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Mauscherning, Inken; Loges, Ralf; Pedersen, Lene and Taube, Friedhelm (2006) Growing systems for quality baking wheat: the effects of catch crops on yield and nitrate leaching. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Maxin, P and Heyne, P. (2008) Leaf by Leaf: An improved method of describing apple scab infections in field trials using MS Excel. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 35-37.

Maxin, Peter; Fieger-Metag, Nicole; Benduhn, Bastian; Kruse, Petra and Heyne, Peter (2006) Hot Water Dipping in Northern Germany- on farm results after four years of scientific work. [Stand der Umsetzung des Heißwassertauchverfahrens nach vierjähriger Versuchsarbeit auf den Obstbaubetrieben in Norddeutschland.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 118-120.

May-Roberts, S; Robertson, J; Killham, K and Paton, G (2006) Soil sustainability in organic agricultural production. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 307-310.

Mayer, J.; Scheifele, M.; Diener, M.; Agostini, Lucilla; Krause, H. M.; Efosa, N. and Bünemann, E. K. (2023) Can digestate applicatin improve nitrogen use efficiency, reduce nitrate leaching and greenhouse gas enissions in organic farming? In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 101.

Mayer, Jochen; Knapp, Samuel; Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, Klaus; Hammelehle, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2021) The Multifunctional Challenge Of Future Agriculture – Answers From 40 Years Dok Research. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mayer, Jochen; Scheid, Susanne and Oberholzer, Hans-Rudolf (2008) How effective are ‘Effective Microorganisms’? Results from an organic farming field experiment. Speech at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mayer, Marius; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul and Steffens, Markus (2021) Carbon distribution between density and particle size classes of differently managed soils in a 40-year agronomic long-term trial. In: EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9801, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-9801, 2021, EGU General Assembly 2021.

Mayer, Jochen; Gunst, L.; Mäder, P. and Knapp, S. (2019) The performance of yields in organic and conventional cropping systems. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 22.

Mayer, Jochen; Oberson, Astrid; Lüscher, Andreas; Frossard, Emmanuel and Hammelehle, Andreas (2014) Below ground nitrogen dynamics in the sequence clover-grass maize in the DOK long term experiment. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1031-1034.

Mayr, U. and Späth, S. (2008) Sooty blotch of apple: Efficacy of different application strategies. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 82-86.

Mazzoncini, M; Barberi, P; Belloni, P; Cerrai, D and Antichi, D (2006) Sunflower under conventional and organic farming systems: results from a long term experiment in Central Italy. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 125-129.

Mazzoncini, Marco; Belloni, Paola; Risaliti, Rosalba and Antichi, Daniele (2007) Organic Vs Conventional Winter Wheat Quality and Organoleptic Bread Test. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Mazzoncini, Marco; Migliorini, Paola; Antichi, Daniele and Vazzana, Concetta (2008) Effects of green-manure and organic fertiliser on organic maize (Zea Mays L.) in south Tuscany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

McCalman, Heather; Evans, Bryan; Morgan, Charlie; Duller, Chris and Courtney, Deborah (2002) Organic grassland extension in Wales – experiences. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 109-112.

McDonnell, James (2009) Profitability of Organic Farming Systems. In: Teagasc Organic Conference - Opportunities for Organic Producers Proc.

Mckinnon, Kirsty (2021) Phasing Out Peat As Growing Media – Is It Possible? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

McKinnon, Kirsty and Synnes, Olav Martin (2022) Low valued wool as a resource in agriculture. In: 27th Congress of The Nordic Association of Agricultural Sciences, NJF, pp. 31-32.

McKinnon, Kirsty (2015) TOWARDS A NEW SOIL AWARENESS – EDUCATIONAL TOOLS FOR USE IN PRIMARY SCHOOL. In: proceedings of the 25th NJF Congress, Latvia.

McKinnon, Kirsty; Pommeresche, Reidun; Hansen, Sissel; Sørheim, Kristin; Svahn, Ola and Björklund, Erland (2018) Safe recycling of horse manure for agricultural purposes. Paper at: 26th NJF Congress Agriculture for the next 100 years, Kaunas Litauen, 27th-29th June 2018. [Submitted]

McKinnon, Kirsty; Serikstad, Grete Lene and Eggen, T. (2013) Contaminants in manure - a problem for organic farming? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 51-52.

McKinnon, Kirsty; Serikstad, Grete Lene and Eggen, Trine (2014) Contaminants in manure – a problem for organic farming? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 513-516.

McLean, Barbara; Frost, David; Evans, Eifion; Clarke, Aldwyn and Griffiths, Bernard (2005) The inclusion of diatomaceous earth in the diet of grazing ruminants and its effect on gastrointestinal parasite burdens. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

McLean, Barbara M L; Frost, David and Evans, D Eifion (2002) The use of feed blocks as supplementation for the upland hill flock: (2) Cost effective lamb production. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 279-280.

McLean, Barbara M L; Frost, David and Evans, D Eifion (2002) The use of feed blocks as supplementation for theupland hill flock: (1) Improving organic ewe productivity and performance. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 277-278.

McLeod, Anni; Ndungu, Beth; Karanja, Daniel and Karanja, Peter (2002) Farmer evaluation of biocontrol methods against rootknot nematodes in tomatoes. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 123-124.

Md Saleh, Rosalizan; Emiliozzi, Andrea; Kulig, Boris; Hensel, Oliver and Sturm, Barbara (2019) The effect of intermittent drying on drying kinetics and quality change dynamics of organic carrot (daucus carota v. laguna). In: Proceedings of Eurodrying 2019, 10-12 July 2019, Torino, Italy, p. 164.

Measures, Mark (2004) Farm Auditing for Sustainability. In: Hopkins, A (Ed.) Organic Farming: Science & Practice for Profitable Livestock and Cropping, British Grassland Society, Reading, BGS Occasional Symposium, no. 37, pp. 27-30.

Measures, Mr Mark (2008) Research into Practice: Mind the Gap. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Méda, Bertrand; Bellande, Antoine; Dutin, Gilles; Busnot, Sylvain; Germain, Karine and Walter, Christian (2010) Influence of organic chicken dejections on the soils of two contrasting outdoor-runs of AlterAviBio experimental facility: Ex-ante assessment of variations in C, N, P, Cu and Zn soil stocks. 13. European Poultry Conference (EPC 2010), Tours, France.

Medina, Charito P. (2014) Practice of Biodiversity conservation and Agroecology Enhance Climate Change Resilience of Organized Small Scale Organic Farmers in the Philippines. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Meerburg, MSc. Bastiaan G.; Reimert, BSc. Henny G. M. and Kijlstra, Prof. Aize (2006) Live-traps vs. Rodenticides on Organic Farms: which method works best? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Meeusen, Marieke JG (2002) Organic chains in the United Kingdom and Germany: lessons for Dutch organic agribusiness. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 331-332.

Meier, Claudia and Oehen, Bernadette (2019) How to communicate the added value of biodiverse vegetables? Paper at: Biofach 2019, Nuremberg, Germany, 13 February, 2019. [Completed]

Meier, Claudia; Stolze, Matthias; Bhullar, Umesh; Moakes, Simon; Grovermann, Christian; Sakamma, Srinivasaiah and Quiédeville, Sylvain (2018) Consumer's WTP for enhanced bioavailability of iron in finger millet - experimental evidence from South India. Paper at: Organics and Mittets 2018 International Trade Fair, Bengaluru Palace, India, January 19-21, 2018. [Completed]

Meier, Claudia and Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Consumer preferences for farmers’ varieties. Poster at: Cultivating diversity and food quality. DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress, Rennes, France, December 10 - 12, 2018. [Completed]

Meier, Matthias S.; Schader, Christian; Berner, Alfred and Gattinger, Andreas (2012) Modelling N2O emissions from organic fertilisers for LCA inventories. Paper at: 8th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-Food Sector, Saint-Malo, France, 1-4 October 2012. [Completed]

Meier-Ploeger, Angelika (1996) A New Definition of Food Quality. In: Stolton, Sue and Dudley, Nigel (Eds.) Seeking Permanence - 15 years and into the future, Elm Farm Research Centre (EFRC), Hamstead Marshall, Newbery, Berkshire, UK, p. 34.

Mejer, Helena (2013) Parasite impact, transmissions and control. Workshop at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production , Hovborg Kro, Holmeåvej 2, 6682 Hovborg, Denmark , June 12th and 13th 2013. [Unpublished]

Mejer, Helena; Andersen, Stefan and Roesptorff, Allan (2011) Survival and development of Ascaris suum and Trichuris suis eggs in deep-litter on an organic pig farm. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, p. 109.

Mejer, Helena; Katakam, Kiran Kumar; Gautam, Susmita; Dalsgaard, Anders and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2013) Transmission and control of the parasite Ascaris suum (large round worm) in Danish organic farms. Lecture at: European Federation of Animal Science, Copenhagen 2014. [Completed]

Mejer, Helena; Leeb, Christine; Heinonen, Mari; Cartaud, Gerald; Prunier, Armelle; Sundrum, Albert; Bochicchio, Davide; Lindgren, Kristina; Wiberg, Sofia; Früh, Barbara; Bonde, Marianne and Roepstorff, Allan (2009) Intercalibration of a concentration McMaster Technique between eight European laboratories. Lecture at: The 22nd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Calgary Canada, 10-13 August 2009. [Submitted]

Mejer, Helena and Roepstorff, Allan (2011) Long-term survival of Ascaris suum and Trichuris suis eggs in relation to pasture management. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, p. 113.

Melander, Bo (2006) Current achievements and future directions of physical weed control in Europe. Paper at: AFPP 3rd International conference on non-chemical crop protection methods, Lille, France, 13, 14 and 15 March 2006.

Melander, B. (2007) Status on physical and cultural weed control methods for field crops in Europe. Paper at: Novel and Sustainable Weed Management in Arid and Semi-Arid Ecosystems, Rehovet, Israel, October.

Melander, Bo (2022) Weed dynamics in the Danish long-term experiments on organic arable crop rotation systems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Melander, Bo (2006) Current European weed control methods and strategies against annual and perennial weeds in organic farming. Paper at: CHANNEL conference FOOD-CT-2004-003375, Budapest, Hungary, 4-7 April.

Melander, Bo (2003) INTERGRATING PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL METHODS OF WEED CONTROL – EXAMPLES FROM EUROPEAN RESEARCH. Paper at: North Central Weed Science Society’s annual meeting, December 2003, Lousville, USA, 1-4 December 2003.

Melander, Bo and Barberi, Paolo (2004) PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL WEED CONTROL IN MINOR CROPS. Paper at: 4th International Weed Science Congress, Durban, 20-24 June 2004.

Melander, Bo; Nørremark, Michael and Fløjgaard, Erik (2008) Exposure and destruction of Elymus repens rhizomes and Rumex crispus rootstocks. In: Perennial Weeds - A growing problem, EWRS, Wageningen, p. 8.

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2005) Integration of Elymus repens control and post-harvest catch crop growing in organic cropping systems. Paper at: 13th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19 - 23 June 2005. [Unpublished]

Melander, Bo and van der Weide, Rommie (2006) Emerging technologies for physical weed control in row crops in Euro. Paper at: 46th Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America (WSSA), New York, USA, 13-16 February 2006.

Melander, Scientist Bo and Heisel, Scientist Torben (2002) Prospects and limitations for agricultural engineering in the development of sustainable weed control methods – examples from European research. Paper at: Australian Conference on Agricultural Engineering, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga, September 2002.

Melander, Scientist Bo; Jørgensen, Scientist Martin Heide and Elsgaard, Scientist Lars (2004) Recent results in the development of band steaming for intra-row weed control. In: Abstracts 6th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 21.

Melander, Senior Scientist Bo (2003) The importance of crop competition in physical and cultural weed control strategies. In: Proceeding of the workshop, p. 11.

Melander, Senior scientist Bo (2001) Danish research on physical weed control in bulb onion (Allium cepa L.) and leek (Allium porrum L.). Paper at: EWRS Workshop on "Weed Mangement Systems in Vegetables", Zaragoza, Spain, 4-5 June.

Melander, Senior scientist Bo (2000) Mechanical weed control in transplanted sugar beet. In: Proceedings of the 4th EWRS Workshop on Physical Weed Control Elspeet, the Netherlands, p. 25.

Melander, Senior scientist Bo (1999) A 2-year cropping system for intra-row weed control in row crops. In: Proceedings of the 11th EWRS (European Weed Research Society) Symposium 1999, p. 101.

Melander, Senior scientist Bo (1998) Economic Aspects of Physical Intra-Row Weed Control in Seeded Onions. In: Foguelman, Dina and Lockeretz, Willie (Eds.) Proceedings og the 12th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, pp. 180-185.

Melander, Senior scientist Bo and Hartvig, Technician Peter (1995) Weed harrowing in seeded onions. In: Proceedings of the Symposia, pp. 543-549.

Melander, Senior scientist Bo and Jørgensen, Scientist Martin Heide (2003) Band steaming for intra-row weed control in direct-sown vegetables. In: Dobrzanski, Dr. Adam (Ed.) Abstracts, EWRS, Skierniewice, 2003, Research Institute of Vegetable Crops, Instytut Warzywnictwa, pp. 13-15.

Melander, B. and Olesen, J.E. (2013) Improved weed management in organic crop production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 81-82.

Melander, Bo (2017) Intra-row weeds surviving inter-row cultivation in organic spring cereals - do they harm the crop and how can they be suppressed? In: Physical and cultural weed control tools as moderators of crop weed interactions, p. 6.

Melander, Bo (2014) PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL WEED CONTROL – STATUS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS. Keynote presentation at: XXIX Brazilian Weed Science Conference, 1-4 September 2014, Gramado, Brazil , Gramado, Brazil, 2-4 September 2014.

Melander, Bo (2011) Tools for minimising laborious hand-weeding in row crops. Speech at: 17th IFOAM OWC 2011, Namyangju, Korea, 28 September - 01 October 2011. [Completed]

Melander, Bo (2011) Mechanical, thermal and robotic weeding for minimising laborious hand-weeding in row crops. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) ISOFAR International Scoiety of Organic Agriculture Research, ISOFAR, 1, Organic crop production, pp. 688-691.

Melander, Bo; Green, Ole and Znova, Liubava (2016) Optimization of Inter-Row Spacing and Nitrogen Rate for the application of Vision Guided Inter-Row Weeding in Organic Spring Cereals. In: 56th Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America .

Melander, Bo and Heisel, Torben (2002) Band-steaming for intra-row weed control. In: Proceedings of the 5th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group: Physical and Cultural Weed Control, pp. 216-219.

Melander, Bo and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) The dynamics of Cirsium arvense and Elytrigia repens in long-termed organic crop rotation experiments. In: 10th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 33.

Melander, Bo and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) The suppression of Cirsium arvense and Elytrigia repens exerted by competitive crops plays a key role for their management in organic cropping systems. In: NJF seminar 471.

Melander, Bo; Znova, Liubava and Green, Ole (2018) Inter-row hoeing for weed control in organic spring cereals. Paper at: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Ljubljana, 17-21 June 2018.

Mele, Prof. Marcello; Morbidini, Prof. Luciano; Cozza, Dr. Francesca; Pauselli, Prof. Mariano and Pollicardo, Dr. Alice (2008) Organic beef production by Maremmana breed: qualitative meat characteristics. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Melece, Ligita (2008) Environmentally Friendly Agriculture: Development Issues in Latvia. Paper at:

Mellin, Matthias; Spiller, Achim and Zühlsdorf, Anke (2007) From field to plate: Farmer-to-consumer direct marketing for organic and regional products. [From field to plate: Farmer-to-consumer direct marketing for organic and regional products.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Meludu, Nkiru T. and Adesina, Jimoh B. (2014) BRIDGING THE GAP BETWEEN OLD AND NEW TECHNOLOGY: CONSIDERATION OF INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGE IN MAIZE PESTS MANAGEMENT PRACTICES IN NIGERIA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 851-854.

Meludu, Nkiru Theresa; Okanlawon, Oluwatoyin Mayowa; Olanrewaju, Peter Olatunde and Olopade, Tolulope (2015) Perception of Leafy Vegetable Farmers on Neem Extract for the Control of Insects in Akinyele Local Government Area of Oyo State, Nigeria. In: Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rAfrican Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 213-218.

Menasseri-Aubry, Safya; Viaud, Valérie; Samson, Marie-Elise and Vanasse, Anne (2021) How Do Agricultural Practices Implemented In Organic Systems Balance Soil Organic Matter Storage, Nutrient Availability And Resulting Crop Yields. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mendes Moreira, Pedro (2021) Program - Section ORGANIC & LOW-INPUT agriculture. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online fromThe Netherlands, Rotterdam, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

Mendes Moreira, Pedro; de Buck, Abco; Kokare, Aina; Pereira, André; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Christine, Arncken-Karutz; van Malland, Floor; Stalenga, Jarosław; Müller, Karl-Josef; Leitão, Ricardo; Nuijten, Edwin; Legzdina, Linda; Bruszik, Ágnes and Messmer, Monika (2021) Breeding for Crop Mixtures and Agroforestry in Organic and Low Input. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress EUCARPIA "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 22 - 27th August 2021. [Completed]

Meng, Xiaoyi (2021) The effect of post-digestion fertilizers on greenhouse gases, N use efficiency, and soil microbes. Speech at: iCLimate annual meeting, Roskilde, 5-6 October 2021.

Meng, Xiaoyi; Møller, Henrik B.; Sørensen, Peter; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Petersen, Søren O. (2021) Greenhouse gas balance of new organic fertilizers derived from anaerobic digestion. Poster at: Technologies for a Danish Zero Greenhouse Gas Emission Agriculture, Middelfart, 28.6. 2021.

Menoud, V.; Holinger, M.; Walkenhorst, M. and Hirsbrunner, G. (2023) Clinical cure of endometritis in cattle - comparison of an antibiotic versus an herbal product. Poster at: 1st European Symposium on Animal Reproduction, Nantes, France, 21 – 23 September 2023. [Completed]

Menoud, Valérie; Holinger, Mirjam; Graf-Schiller, Sandra; Mayer, Philipp; Gerber, Luc; Walkenhorst, Michael and Hirsbrunner, Gaby (2023) Short Lecture “Clinical cure rates of endometritis in dairy cows after intrauterine application of an antibiotic or an herbal veterinary medicinal product”. In: Planta Medica, 89 (14), p. 1292.

Menzler-Hokkanen, I.; Hokkanen, Heikki; Maccagnani, B.; Lahdenperä, Marja-Leena; Mommaerts, Veerle; Smagghe, Guy; Karise, Reet; Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2013) Entomovectored biocontrol of strawberry grey mould shows promise Europe-wide. In: Proceedings of the 65th International Symposium on Crop Protection, p. 40.

Mercer, P C (2006) Growing oganic cereals in Northern Ireland - disease and weed problems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 229-232.

Merfield, Charles (2008) Fundamentals of Nutrient Management: Why Nutrient Replacement is Essential in Organic and all Agriculture. In: Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings, Teagasc, Ireland, pp. 71-98.

Merks, Jan (2011) Aim of the breeding research in LIB-SP3 and the methods to be used. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Merlot, Elodie; Pauwels, Maud; Herve, Gwendoline; Müller, Vincent; Belloc, Catherine and Prunier, Armelle (2021) Do piglets need iron supplementation in organic farms? In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Proceedings of the IAHA Pre-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry.

Merlot, Elodie; Pauwels, Maud; Leblanc-Maridor, Mily; Herve, Gwendoline; Müller, Vincent; Belloc, Catherine and Prunier, Armelle (2021) Do piglets need iron supplementation in organic farms? In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Proceedings of the IAHA Pre-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, 1.

Merlot, Elodie; Robert, C; Clouard, C; Resmond, Rémi; Ferchaud, S and Prunier, Armelle (2021) Testing natural alternatives to iron injection for organic piglets. Paper at: EAAP 2021, Davos - Switzerland.

Merlot, Elodie; Robert, Camille; Clouard, Caroline; Resmond, Rémi; FERCHAUD, Stéphane and Prunier, Armelle (2021) Testing natural alternatives to iron injection for organic piglets. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1, p. 361.

Merot, Anne (2015) Conversion towards organic farming leads to a complexification of the farming system management: application to vineyard systems. 5. International Symposium for Farming Systems Design (AGRO2015), Montpellier, France.

Merot, Anne; Barbier, Jean Marc; Del'homme, Bernard and Alonso Ugaglia, Adeline (2012) What brings an adapted ESR-based integrated approach of the farm to support conversion to organic farming? 10. European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, Aarhus, Denmark.

Messéan, Antoine (2022) Role of field experiments to support crop diversification. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2021) ECO-PB: 20th Anniversery. Keynote presentation at: OWC 2021 Pre-Conference: Seed Ambassadors - Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems, France, Rennes, 6-7 September 2021. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Bruszik, Ágnes and Moeskops, Bram (2021) Legal framework and temporary experiment on organic varieties. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Lazzaro, Mariateresa and Iossa, Mariano (2023) Organic seed and plant breeding to accelerate sustainable and diverse food systems in Europe. Paper at: 2nd European Organic Seed Policy Conference, Poznan, Poland, 29 September 223. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Moeskops, Bram and Bruszik, Ágnes (2021) Boosting organic seed and plant breeding efforts across Europe – Highlights and Main achievements of LIVESEED. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika M.; Nuijten, Edwin; Chable, Véronique; Colley, Micaela; Gutzen, Kaja; Bruszik, Agnes and Mendes Moreira, Pedro (2021) LIVESEED: Taste the innovation of seed ambassadors. Keynote presentation at: OWC 2021 Pre-Conference: Seed Ambassadors - Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems, France, Rennes, 6-7 September 2021. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika M.; Vonzun, Seraina; Schaefer, Freya; Raaijmakers, Maaike; Rey, Frederic; Chable, Veronique; Nuijten, Edwin; De Buck, Abco; Lammerts Van Bueren, Edith T.; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Zanoli, Raffaele; Petitti, Matteo; Fehér, Judit; Moeskops, Bram and Bruszik, Agnes (2021) Liveseed - Improving The Performance Of Organic Agriculture By Boosting Organic Seed And Plant Breeding Efforts Across Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Messmer, M.; Berner, A.; Krauss, M.; Jansa, J.; Presterl, Th.; Schmidt, W. and Mäder, P. (2010) Genetic variation for nutrient use efficiency in maize under different tillage and fertilization regimes with special emphasis to plant microbe interaction. In: Breeding for the resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems? Proceedings of the Eucarpia 2nd conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section , pp. 72-75.

Messmer, Monika (2020) Impact of future GMO regulation scenarios on the Organic Sector. Keynote presentation at: International Leopoldina-DFG conference on scientific advice to policy-makers and society on the occasion of the German Presidency of the European Union Council, Online, Thursday, 1. to Friday, 2. October 2020. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2020) Züchtungstechniken im Ökolandbau. Keynote presentation at: LFL Ökozuchtbeirat, Online, 16.9.2020. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2018) LIVESEED - Boosting organic seed and Plant breeding across Europe 2017-2021. Paper at: BRESOV Kickoff Meeting, Catalania, 26.6.2018. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2018) Organic Plant Breeding. Paper at: Forum for the Future of Agriculture (FFA) Dinner Talk Brussels, Brussels, Belgium, 29.05.2018. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2018) Biggest challenges and research gaps for organic plant breeding in the Global South. Paper at: Science Day: Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM - Organics International (TIPI), Biofach, Nuremberg, Germany, 16.02.2018. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2017) Advances in Organic Plant Breeding. Paper at: Global Forum for Innovations in Agriculture, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 10.05.2017. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2012) Challenges of Participatory Plant Breeding. Paper at: NUE Crops Workshop, Crete, Greece, 9. - 10. June 2012. [Submitted]

Messmer, Monika (2011) Epigenetics and organic plant breeding. In: Lammerst van Bueren, E.T.; Messmer, M.M.; Spiegel, A.-K. and Wilbois, K.-P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the ECO-PB 10 year's Anniversary Conference, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), Frankfurt, Germany, pp. 20-21.

Messmer, Monika; Berset, Estelle; Zimmer, Steffi; Haase, Thorsten; Habekuss, Antje; Paláez, Sarah; Hertenstein, Florian; Thonar, Cécile; Salomé, Clémence; Ordon, Frank; Hess, Jürgen and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (2012) Breeding for improved soybean-Bradyrhizobia symbiosis for cool growing conditions in Central Europe. Poster at: 10th European Nitrogen Fixation Conference (ENFC), Munich, Germany, 2. - 5. September, 2012.

Messmer, Monika; Bocci, Riccardo; Bianchi, Pier Giacomo; Bicker, Charlotte; Kovács, Tina; Pederson, Tove Mariegaard and Rossmanith, Gebhard (2018) Presentations at the LIVESEED – ECO-PB & CPVO workshop on Organic Heterogeneous Material and Organic Varieties. Paper at: LIVESEED – ECO-PB & CPVO Workshop on Heterogeneous Material and Organic VarietiesWorkshop attached to Annual Meeting of Examination Offices (MEA), Angers, France, 6th December 2018. [Submitted]

Messmer, Monika; Burger, Henriette; Schmidt, Walter and Geiger, Hartwig H. (2009) Experimental data confirm the importance of appropriate selection environments for breeding maize adapted to organic farming systems. Paper at: 1st International IFOAM Conference on Organic Animal and Plant Breeding - Breeding Diversity, Sante Fe, NM, USA, August 25-28, 2009.

Messmer, Monika; Hohmann, Pierre; Arncken, Christine; Vonzun, Seraina; Wille, Lukas; Haug, Benedikt; Alemade, Joris and Klaiss, Matthias (2019) Pflanzenzüchtung für den Biolandbau. Keynote presentation at: FiBL-Besuch Grossrat Bern, Frick, Schweiz, 5. September 2019. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Hohmann, Pierre; Christine, Arncken; Vonzun, Seraina; Wille, Lukas; Haug, Benedikt; Alkemade, Joris and Riar, Amritbir (2019) Plant Breeding for Organic and Low-input Agriculture. Keynote presentation at: Presence and Future for Plant Breeding, Hohenheim, 29. March 2019.

Messmer, Monika; Joshi, Tanay and Riar, Amritbir (2019) Seeding the Green Future - Participatory breeding for Securing Organic Cotton and Genetic Diversity. Paper at: Meeting Point Organic right from the start at Biofach Messe, Biofach Messe, Nuremberg, Germany, 15.02.2019. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Meglic, Vladimir; Branca, Ferdinando and Gatzert, Xenia (2021) Innovation on Organic Seed & Plant Breeding: Strategies of Horizon2020 projects LIVESEED, ECOBREED, BRESOV and Showcase the new EU‐wide router database on organic seed. Workshop at:

Messmer, Monika and Moeskops, Bram (2019) Boosting organic seed and Plant breeding across Europe 2017‐2021. Keynote presentation at: CPVO MEO, Angers, 4. December 2019.

Messmer, Monika and Riar, Amritbir (2017) Organic Cotton Breeding. Opportunities and Challenges. Paper at: IFOAM SEED PLATFORM & ECO-PB Pre-Conference on Organic Seed and Plant Breeding, New Delhi, India, 8th November 2017. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Riar, Amritbir; Cicek, Harun and Sana, Ramprasad (2018) Organic cotton breeding. Opportunities and Challanges. Paper at: Biofach Messe Nürnberg, Organic breeding exhibition, Nuremberg, Germany, 16.02.2018. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Riar, Amritbir; Vonzun, Seraina; Shrivas, Yogendra; Mandloi, Lokendra; Birla, Mahesh; Patidar, Ishwar; Sana, Ramprasad; Mahapatra, Gobinda; Ambatipudi, Arun; Kencharaddi, H. G. and Patil, Shreekant S. (2017) Participatory non-GM cotton breeding to safeguard organic cotton production in India. Poster at: 19th Organic World Congress, New Delhi, India, 9.11. November 2017. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Roner, Tina; Finckh, Maria R.; Forster, Dionys; Rajeev, Verma; Rajeev, Baruah and Shreekant S, Patil (2011) Participatory cotton breeding for organic and low input farming in India. Poster at: ECO-PB Breeding Conference 2011: Organic Plant Breeding: What makes the difference? 10 years’ Anniversary Conference, Frankfurt, Germany, 3rd and 4th November 2011. [Submitted]

Messmer, Monika; Roner, Tina; Verma, Rajeev; Baruah, Rajeev; Forster, Dionys and Patil, Shreekant S. (2012) Participatory Cotton Breeding for Organic and Low External Input Conditions. Paper at: NUE Crops Workshop, Crete, Greece, 9. -.10. June 2012. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Schäfer, Freya; Raaijmakers, Maaike; REY, Frederic; Chable, Véronique; Nuijten, Edwin; Hoeve, De Beersche; Edith, Lammerts van Bueren; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; Bocci, Riccardo; Drexler, Dora; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Padel, Susanne; Zanoli, Raffaele; Bruszik, Ágnes and Moeskops, Bram (2020) European project on improving the competitiveness of organic agriculture by boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe (2017 – 2021). Poster at: [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Schäfer, Freya; Raaijmakers, Maaike; Rey, Frédéric; Chable, Véronique; Nuijten, Edwin; Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; Bocci, Riccardo; Drexler, Dora; Padel, Susanne; Zanoli, Raffaele; Fuss, Alexandra and Moeskops, Bram (2018) LIVESEED boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe. In: Proceedings of the DIVERSIFOOD Congress 2018, "Cultivating Diversity and Food Quality", 12-12 December 2018, Rennes, France, p. 95.

Messmer, Monika; Schäfer, Freya and Winter, Eva (2019) Need for integrated approach for Organic Plant Breeding to secure integrity of organic food. Paper at: LIVESEED workshop on Organic plant breeding in a systems-based approach and integration in value chain partnerships, Biofach Messe, Nuremberg, Germany, 12. February 2019. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika; Uehlinger, Noemi; Berner, Alfred; Scholberg, Johannes and Mäder, Paul (2013) Genotype x management interaction for nutrient use efficiency (NUE) of maize varieties tested under different tillage and fertilization regimes. Paper at: Eucarpia Conference on "Breeding for Nutrient Efficiency", Göttingen, Germany, 24 - 26 September 2013. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika M. (2013) Welcome to the 7th European Workshop on Organic Seed Regulation in Brussels 2013. Speech at: 7th European Workshop on Organic Seed Regulation of the European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding, Brussels, Belgium, 9th -10th October 2013. [Submitted]

Messmer, Monika M.; Joshi, Tanay; Raghuwanshi, Shivraj; Sana, Ramprasad; Verma, Rajeev; Deshmukh, Surendra; Kumar, Ashok; Raghuwanshi, Vikram; Paslawar, Adinath; Mondal, Ashis; Shastry, Prakash; Ambatipudi, Arun; Vonzun, Seraina and Riar, Amritbir (2020) Participatory breeding for Securing Organic Cotton and Genetic Diversity. Keynote presentation at: 10th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, 12-15th February 2020. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika M.; Raghuwanshi, Shivraj; Ramprasad, Sana; Verma, Rajeev; Joshi, Tanay; Deshmukh, Surendr; Ashok, Kumar; Vikram, Raghuwanshi; Adinath, Paslawar; Mondal, Ashis; Shastry, Prakash; Ambatipudi, Arun; Vonzun, Seraina and Riar, Amritbir (2018) Seeding the Green Future - Participatory organic cotton breeding. In: Proceedings of the DIVERSIFOOD Congress 2018, "Cultivating Diversity and Food Quality", 12-12 December 2018, Rennes, France, p. 94.

Messmer, Monika M.; Shivas, Yogendra; Verma, Rajeev; Ramprasad, Sana; Ambatibudi, Arun and Patil, Shreekant S. (2014) PARTICIPATORY COTTON BREEDING AND CULTIVAR EVALUATION FOR ORGANIC SMALLHOLDERS IN INDIA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 671-674.

Messmer , Monika (2011) Epigenics and organic plant breeding. Paper at: Organic Plant Breeding: What makes the difference?, Frankfurt, November 3-4, 2011.

Metay, Aurélie; Durocher, Eve; Garcia, Léo; Fried, Guillaume; Richarte, Jean; Ohl, Bénédicte; Bouisson, Yvan; Enard, Clément; Metral, Raphaël; Gary, Christian and Kazakou, Elena (2017) Spontaneous cover crop characterization is relevant to define a sustainable soil management strategy in vineyard. In: Proceedings of the 20th GiESCO international meeting, pp. 628-633.

Metral, Raphaël; Dubuc, Morgane; Delière, Laurent; Petitgenet, Morgane and Gary, Christian (2015) Dexipm-Grapevine: a multicriteria assessment tool of the sustainability for grapevine farming systems. Speech at: 19èmes Journées Internationales de Viticulture GiESCO, Gruissan (France), 2015-05-31 - 2015-06-05.

Metral, Raphaël; Rapidel, Bruno; Delière, Laurent; Petitgenet, Morgane; Lafond, David; Chevrier, Christel; Bernard, François-Michel; Serrano, Eric; Thiollet-Scholtus, Marie and Wéry, J (2015) A prototyping method for the re-design of intensive perennial systems: the case of vineyards in France. Speech at: 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design : FSD5, Montpellier (France), 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-10.

Meyling, Nicolai V. (2010) Distribution, Abundance and Diversity of Fungal Entomopathogens: Foundations for Conservation Biological Control. Speech at: International Mycology Congress IMC9, Edinburgh, UK, 1-6 August 2010. [Completed]

Meyling, Nicolai V. (2009) Distribution patterns of fungal entomopathogens in soil habitats: Natural occurrence, diversity and dynamics. Speech at: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Park City, Utah, USA, 16-20 August 2009. [Unpublished]

Meyling, Nicolai V. and Eilenberg, Jørgen (2008) Entomopathogenic fungi infecting non-pest insects: Implications for ecosystem services and relevance of behavioural ecology. Speech at: "Role of disease in regulation of non-pest host populations". Symposium at the 41th Annual Meeting of the Society for Invertebrate Pathology, University of Warwick, UK, 4-7 August 2008.

Meyling, Nicolai V.; Ormond, Emma; Roy, Helen E. and Pell, Judith K. (2008) Pathogen avoidance by insect predators. Poster at: Biannual workshop of Multitrophic Interactions, Göttingen, Germany, University of Göttingen, Germany, 6-7 March 2008. [Unpublished]

Miceli, F; Centa, M; De Infanti, R and Signor, M (2014) Food Soybean Varieties in Low-Input Conditions Grain Yield and Quality from Three NE Italy Environments. In: Chable, Véronique; Goldringer, I.; Howlett, Sally; Barberi, Paolo; Miko, P; Mendes-Moreira, P; Rakszegi, M; Ostergaard, H; Borgen, Anders; Finckh, Maria R.; Pedersen, T and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) Book of abstracts of SOLIBAM final congress.

Miceli, F.; Centa, M.; De Infanti, R. and Signor, M. (2014) Food Soybean Varieties in Low Input Conditions. Grain Yield and Quality from three NE Italy Environments. In: Chable, Véronique; Goldringer, Isabelle; Howlett, Sally; Barberi, Paolo; Miko, Peter; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; Rakszegi, Marianna; Ostergaard, Hanne; Borgen, Anders; Finckh, Maria R.; Pedersen, Tove and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) Book of Abstracts of SOLIBAM final congress, pp. 65-66.

Michel, Jennifer; Thonar, Cécile; Vanderschuren, Hervé; Blum, Adrien; Quenon, Alice; Xayphrarath, Anna; Leon, Claire; Cao, David; Vanderstraeten, Dominique; Serre, Frederic; Balanzategui, Inaki; Le Gouis, Jacques; Bin, Jimmy; Moya-Larano, Jordi; Weinmann, Markus; Waibel, Matthias; Antoine, Maurine; Persyn, Mayliss; Börger, Rachel; Sánchez-Moreno, Sara; Symanczik, Sarah; Biver, Simon; Him, Sok Lay; Leemans, Vincent and Delaplace, Pierre (2023) Time travelling with Triticum: An Ecotron experiment to study the wheat of the future. Poster at: TERRA Innovation Day, Gembloux, Belgium (Wallonie), 24.05.2023. [Completed]

Michel, Jennifer; Thonar, Cécile; Vanderschuren, Hervé; Leon, Claire; Vanderstraeten, Dominique; Serre, Frederic; Balanzategui, Inaki; Le Gouis, Jacques; Moy-Larano, Jordi; Feher, Judit; Haller, Lisa; Weinmann, Markus; Waibel, Matthias; Antoine, Maurine; de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel; Manfroy, Sandy; Sánchez-Moreno, Sara; Symanczik, Sarah and Delaplace, Pierre (2023) Biodiversity of soils and farming innovations for improved resilience of European wheat agrosystems (BIOFAIR). Poster at: Le rendez-vous franco-belge de l’AgriTech, Gembloux, Belgium (Wallonie), 23.5.2023.

Micheloni, Cristina (2005) New criteria for inputs. Paper at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brussels, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Micheloni, MSc Cristina (2007) ORWINE: towards a European regulation for organic wine-making. Poster at: European Organic Congress, Brussels, 4-5 December 2007. [Unpublished]

Micheloni, MSc Cristina and Roviglioni, MSc Raffaella (2006) Dependence of organic vegetable production on conventional seeds: are we ready for emancipation? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Micheloni, Cristina (2014) The potentials of organic farming in the European Innovation Policy. Keynote presentation at: II Jornada Agriecol, Madrid (Spain), 10 Diciembre 2014. [Unpublished]

Midmore, Peter and Padel, Susanne (2002) Attitudes towards conversion to organic production of farmers in England. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 325-326.

Midmore, Prof Peter; Ayres, Ms Natasha; Lund, Mr Thomas Bøker; Naspetti, Dr Simona; Zanoli, Prof Raffaele and O'Doherty Jensen, Dr Katerine (2008) Understanding the Organic Consumer through Narratives: an International Comparison. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Midmore, Prof Peter; Wier, Prof Mette and Zanoli, Prof Raffaele (2006) Consumer attitudes towards the quality and safety of organic and low input foods. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Miettinen, Antti and Huhtala, Anni (2005) Biodiversity and economic incentives in agriculture : integrating bird fauna values into decision-making. Paper at: Economics and the analysis of ecology and biodiversity : the 7th international BIOECON conference, Cambridge, September 20-21, 2005.

Miettinen, Antti and Huhtala, Anni (2005) Modelling environmental effects of agriculture : the case of organic rye and grey partridge. Paper at: The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food system : the XIth international congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24-27, 2005.

Migliorini, Paola; Tavoletti, Stefano; Moschini, Valentina and Iommarini, Linda (2008) Performance of grain legume crops in organic farms of central Italy. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Migliorini, Paola and Vazzana, Concetta (2006) Evaluation of sustainability: results from long term experimental arable systems in Tuscany. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 175-179.

Migliorini, Dr Paola; Vazzana, Prof Concetta and Moschini, Dott Valentina (2008) Effect of green manure on weeds and soil fertility in two organic experimental agroecosystems of different ages. Results from 2 years. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Migliorini, P (2011) Development of organic olive cultivation and its importance for the sustainability in the Mediterranean. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstract. International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURSIM in the Mediterranean, DIO.

Migliorini, Paola and Scaltriti, Bruno (2014) Sustainability assessment of the farmers market. A case study in Tuscany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 757-760.

Mihai, Prof. Gheorghe; Chis, Prof. Margareta; Odagiu, Ing. Antonia; Mihai, Econ. Valentin and Balint, Econ. Lenke (2006) Development of organic livestock production in Romania. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2010) Food, Football & Foodprints. Keynote presentation at: BRAZILIAN FAMILY FARMING SEMINAR: Brazilian Social Footprint , Nürnberg, Holiday Inn, February 16, 2010. [Submitted]

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2009) Young peoples’ voice on organic food and health in schools. Speech at: Organic food, health and sustainable development in schools, Helsinki, Finland, 21.-22.1.2009.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2008) Learning and lifeskills through organic and healthy foods at school - The Scandinavian experience. Speech at: BioFach, Latina Sao Paulo, 25. October 2008.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2008) Overcoming constraints and barriers for organic public procurement – Applying the theory of loosely coupled systems to the case of organic conversion in Danish municipalities. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2008) Public food systems strategies to protect environment, soil and groundwater - the case of organic food in Copenhagen. Speech at: “Agua y Alimento Sostenible” seminar, Expo Zaragoza, 4th, July 2008.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg and Olsen, Tenna Doktor (2009) Organic foods in Danish municipal school food systems – a multi stakeholder analysis of available evidence on constraints and perspectives. Speech at: [Submitted]

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg and He, Chen (2010) Nutritional implications of organic conversion in large scale food service: Preliminary results from Core Organic research. Speech at: Foods for Health Workshop, arranged by Foods for Health Institute (FFHI), UC Davis and Centre for Advanced Food Studies (LMC), Denmark , Copenhagen, Denmark, Denmark June 21 – 22, 2010. [Completed]

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg and He, Chen (2010) Organic and healthy – two goals in one go. A comparative analysis study among public primary schools in Denmark and Germany. In: Strassner, Carola; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Nölting, Benjamin and Kristensen, Niels Heine (Eds.) Organic Food for Youth in Public Settings: Potentials and Challenges. Preliminary Recommendations from a European Study. Proceedings of the iPOPY session held at BioFach Congress 2010. CORE Organic Project Series Report. , ICROFS, CORE Organic Project Series Report, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 37-44.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg and He, Chen (2009) HEALTH POLICY INTERVENTION IN SCHOOLS PROMOTE PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES AMONG THE PUPILS. Poster at: International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Lisbon, Portugal, June 17 - 20, 2009.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg and Olsen, Tenna Doktor (2009) Organic foods in Danish municipal school food systems – a multistakeholder analysis of available evidence on constraints and perspectives. In: Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; He, Chen; Mikkola, Minna; Nielsen, Thorkild and Nymoen, Lena Lie (Eds.) Novel Strategies for Climate Mitigation, Sustainability and Healthy Eating in Public Foodscapes. Proceedings of the seminar held at Aalborg University, Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Denmark, November 25th-26th, 2009. CORE Organic Project Series Repo, ICROFS, CORE Organic Project Series Report., Tjele, Denmark, pp. 29-34.

Mikkelsen, Camilla; Blake, Francis; Huber, Beate and van Boxem, Herman (2009) The new organic import scheme in the EU. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 19-22, 2009.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2007) Evidence on the effect of healthy and sustainable school meals system. Speech at: International Alimenterra Conference: The role of public food service in promoting sustainable rural development, health environmental and food education., Sevilla, November 7-9, 2007.

Mikkola, M. and Mikkelsen, B. E. (2008) Promoting Organic Food in Public Catering: A Theory Based Approach to Sustainable Public Catering Systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mikkola, M. (2009) Catering for sustainability: building a dialogue on organic milk. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 76.

Mikkola, M. (2009) Catering for sustainability: building a dialogue on organic milk. In: Agronomy Research, 7 (Special issue II), Agronomy Research, pp. 668-676.

Mikkola, M. and Roos, G. (2009) Tackling discursive challenge: institutional consumers' ambiguous response to organic message. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 77.

Mikkola, Minna (2009) How to integrate sustainable consumption and healthy eating in curriculum - An in-depth probing of the concept of whole school approach. In: Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; He, Chen; Mikkola, Minna; Nielsen, Thorkild and Nymoen, Lena Lie (Eds.) CORE Organic Project Series Report, ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 35-38.

Mikkola, Minna (2008) Common People’s Sustainability: Connectivity within a Food System Rhizome. In: Warren, Martyn (Ed.) RURAL FUTURES: DREAMS, DILEMMAS, DANGERS, University of Plymouth, no. ISBN: 978-1-84102-185-0.

Mikkola, Minna (2004) Strenthening local food systems: tracing learning of knowledge and skills by content and discourse analysis. In: (Pre)Proceedings of the 6th European IFSA symposium, pp. 663-671.

Mikkola, Minna and Risku-Norja, Helmi (2008) Institutional consumers' views of GHG emission reduction by optional milk systems within sustainability frame. Paper at: Empowerment of the rural actors: a renewal of the farming systems perspective : 8th European IFSA symposium, Clermont Ferrand, France, 6-10 July 2008.

Mikkola, Minna; Risku-Norja, Helmi and Post, Anna (2010) Sustainability dilemmas and their solution strategies by committed food business. Paper at: 4th International European forum (Igls-Forum) on system dynamics and innovation in food networks, Innsbruck, February 8-12, 2010.

Mikkola, Minna and Roos, Gun (2010) Tracing Food Education for Sustainable Development in iPOPY countries. Recommendations for learning about sustainability and organic food within educational contexts. In: Strassner, Carola; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Nölting, Benjamin and Kristensen, Niels Heine (Eds.) Organic Food for Youth in Public Settings: Potentials and Challenges. Preliminary Recommendations from a European Study. Proceedings of the iPOPY session held at BioFach Congress 2010. CORE Organic Project Series Report. , ICROFS, CORE Organic Project Series Report, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 29-35.

Mikkola, Minna (2017) Narrative framing of the (heroic and rebellious) actors in the struggle for organic food and farming. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 101-103.

Mikó, Péter; Földi, Mihály; Megyeri, Mária; Vida, Gyula; Bencze, Szilvia; Fehér, Judit and Drexler, Dóra (2021) On-farm comparison of trials based on different plot sizes to help farmers’ wheat cultivar choice. Poster at: EUCARPIA-LIVESEED Conference – Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic food systems, online, 8 - 10 March 2021. [Completed]

Mikó, P.; Megyeri, M.; Molnár-Lang, M.; Rakszegi, M. and Vida, G. (2018) Selection of winter cereals for organic agriculture. Paper at: EUCARPIA Cereal section meeting and 2nd International Wheat Innovation workshop, March 19th - 22th, 2018, Polydôme, Clermont-Ferrand, France, Polydôme, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 19.-22. 2018.

Mikó, P.; Vida, G.; Rakszegi, M.; Lafferty, J.; Lorentz, B.; Longin, F. and Megyeri, M. (2017) Performance and selection of winter durum wheat genotypes in different European conventional and organic fields. In: Cereal Research Communications, 45 (Suppl.), pp. 51-52.

Mikulas, J.; Kutasi, Cs.; Mark, V. and Balog, A. (2002) Effects of different cultivation techniques on vineyard fauna. [Auswirkung unterschiedlicher Weinbergsbewirtschaftung auf die Fauna.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 168-174.

Milestad, R.; Björklund, J.; Westberg, L.; Geber, U. and Ahnström, J. (2008) Exploring close consumer-producer links to maintain and enhance on-farm biodiversity. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Milestad, Rebecka; Wivstad, Maria and Röös, Elin (2021) Tensions Between Local And Organic Foods And How To Overcome Them. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Milestad, Rebecka; von Oelreich, Jacob and von Münchhausen, Susanne (2015) Exploring the adaptive capacity of growing mid-scale organic value chains in Europe. Conference proceeding and presentation at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18. - 21. august 2016.

Milford, Anna Birgitte (2013) Co-operative or coyote? Producers' choice between intermediary purchasers and Fairtrade and organic cooperatives in Chiapas. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 31-32.

Millock, Katrin and Hansen, Lars Gårn (2002) Willingness to Pay for Organic Foods: A Comparison between Survey Data and Panel Data from Denmark. Paper at: Paper presented at the 12th annual EAERE (European Association of Environmental and Resource Economists) Conference, June 2002, Monterey, USA. [Unpublished]

Millock, Katrin; Hansen, Lars Gårn; Wier, Mette and Mørch Andersen, Laura (2002) Willingness to Pay for Organic Foods: A Comparison between Survey Data and Panel Data from Denmark. Paper at: The 12th Annual EAERE Conference, Monterey, USA, June 2002.

Millock, Katrin; Wier, Mette and Andersen, Laura M (2004) Consumer demand for organic foods – attitudes, values and purchasing behaviour. Paper at: 13th annual EAERE Conference, Budapest, June 2004.

Minin, Vladislav; Popov, Vladimir; Maksimov, Dmitry and Ustroev, Anatoly (2018) Effects of compost and bio-fungicide application on organic potato yields in northwestern Russia. In: Wiesinger, Klaus and Heuwinkel, Hauke (Eds.) Angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern Öko-Landbautag 2018, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Freising, D - Freising, Tagungsband, pp. 81-85.

Minin, Vladislav; Ustroev, Anatoly; Mbaiholoie, Esteme and Subbotin, Igor (2017) Technical provision of organic farming in Russia: problems and prospects. [Техническое обеспечение органического земледелия в России: проблемы и перспективы.] In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 133-134.

Minkin, Beti (2014) Organic Heirloom Seed Revival in Kars, Turkey. A Holistic Approach to Sustainable Village Projects. [Kars'ta Organik Yerel Tohum Yaşatmak! Sürdürülebilir Köy Projelerine Bütünsel Bir Bakış.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Minuto, Giovanni; Guerrini, Sara; Versari, Marco; Pisi, Luisa; Tinivella, Federico; Bruzzone, Cinzia; Pini, Stefano and Capurro, Marco (2008) Use of biodegradable mulching in vegetable production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Modesto, Monica; D'Aimmo, Maria Rosaria; Stefanini, Ilaria; Mazzoni, Maurizio; Bosi, Paolo and Biavati, Bruno (2008) Antimicrobial effect of dietary nitrate in weaning piglets challenged or not with Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Modesto, Monica; Stefanini, Ilaria; D'Aimmo, Maria Rosaria; Mazzoni, Maurizio; Trevisi, Paolo; Tittarelli, Carla; Bosi, Paolo and Biavati, Bruno (2007) Effect of probiotic inocula on the population density of lactic acid bacteria and enteric pathogens in the intestine of weaning piglets. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Modig, P.; Albertsson Juhlin, M.-L.; Gunnarsson, A. and Gissén, C. (2013) Goal conflicts in long-term cropping system trials - the example of carrots. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 135-136.

Moeskops, Bram (2015) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda of TP Organics. Paper at: Science Day at Biofach 2015, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, 13.02.2015. [Completed]

Moeskops, Bram and Messmer, Monika (2019) Boosting organic seed and Plant breeding across Europe 2017‐2021. Keynote presentation at: CPVO AEM, Angers, 10. October 2019.

Moeskops, Bram and Monika, Messmer (2019) Boosting organic seed and Plant breeding across Europe 2017‐2021: A multi‐actor approach. Keynote presentation at: 2ndSymposium on Participatory Research to Foster Innovation in Agriculture, Zurich, Switzerland, 28. august 2019.

Moeskops, Bram; Torremocha, Eva; Häring, A.M.; Padel, Susanne; Brunori, Gianluca and Micheloni, Cristina (2014) ACTION PLAN FOR INNOVATION AND LEARNING. AGROECOLOGY AND ORGANICS IN EU INNOVATION POLICY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 69-72.

Mogensen, L.; Kristensen, T.; Søegaard, K. and Jensen, S.K. (2009) Self-sufficiency with vitamins and minerals on organic dairy farms. Paper at: The 60th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP).

Mogensen, L.; Kristensen, T.; Søegaard, K. and Jensen, S.K. (2008) How can the organic dairy farmer be self-sufficient with vitamins and minerals? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Kristensen, Troels and Jensen, Søren K. (2006) A decision support model simulating the vitamin supply over the year on a farm. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Vaarst, Mette; Jensen, Margit Bak and Lehmann, Jesper Overgaard (2019) Systems for mother-bonded calf rearing during the milk feeding period in organic dairy farming. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 25.

Mogensen, Lisbeth; Vaarst, Mette; Jensen, Margit Bak and Lehmann, Jesper Overgaard (2019) Systems for mother-bonded calf rearing during the milk feeding period in organic dairy farming. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production (EAAP).

Moghaddam, Ali; Raza, Amir; Vollmann, Johann; M.Reza, Ardakani; Wolfgang, Wanek; Gabriela, Gollner and Juergen K., Friedel (2014) Biological nitrogen fixation and growth parameters correlations of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) genotypes under organically managed fields with limited irrigation. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 687-690.

Mogoi, Kenyanya Teresa; Moturi, Wilkister Nyaora; Nyaanga, Jane; Macharia, Joseph Kinyoro and Birech, Rhoda Jerop (2018) Determination of Pesticide Residues in Organic and Conventional Exotic Vegetables. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 47-52.

Mohammed, Abdulraheem and Hamdoon, Marwa (2014) Effect of Seaweed Extract and Phosphorous Application on Growth and Yield of Pea Plant. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Istanbul, Turkey, 3, Building Organic Bridges, no. 20, pp. 695-696.

Mohotti, Dr (Mrs) A. J; Damayanthi, Mrs N; Anandacoomaraswamy, Dr A and Mohotti, Dr K. M (2008) Comparative dynamics of tea (Camellia sinensis L.) roots under organic and conventional management systems with special reference to water use. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Möhring, Anke; Meier, Claudia and Grovermann, Christian (2024) Modelling the Adoption of Nature-Based Solutions (NBS). 187th Seminar of the European Association of Agricultural Economists (EAAE), “Food System Transformation - Role of Research”, FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, 12-14.06.2024. [Completed]

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Mokhtari Karchegani, Hossein; Mottaghi Jahromi, M; Kazemeini, S,A and Zarei, M (2018) Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Inoculation on Redroot Pigweed on Sesame under salt stress. In: Simončič, Andrej (Ed.) European Weed Research Society Symposium, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia (AIS) under the auspices of the European Weed Research Society., Kmetijski inštitut Slovenije, 18th, p. 291.

Molinuevo-Salces , Beatriz; Santamaria, Maria; Kiel, Pauli; Uellendahl, Hinrich and Lübeck, Mette (2015) ORGANOFINERY: FROM GREEN CROPS TO PROTEINS, ENERGY AND FERTILISER. Poster at: 11th International Conference on Renewable Resources & Biorefineries, York, June 3-5 2015. [Completed]

Möller, Kurt; Stinner, Walter and Leithold, Günter (2006) Biogas in organic agriculture: Effects on yields, nutrient uptake and environmental parameters of the cropping system. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Möller, Dr. Kurt; Stinner, Walter and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2008) Effects of Biogas Digestion of Slurry, Cover Crops and Crop Residues on Nitrogen Cycles and Crop Rotation Productivity of a Mixed Organic Farming System. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Monika, Messmer (2021) Next Steps to strengthen international seed network and engage with other seed ambassadors. Keynote presentation at: OWC 2021 Pre-Conference: Seed Ambassadors - Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems, France, Rennes, 6-7 September 2021. [Unpublished]

Monika, Messmer and Moeskops, Bram (2020) Boosting organic seed and Plant breeding across Europe 2017‐2021. Keynote presentation at: LIVESEEED‐ECOBREED‐BRESOV Meeting with policy-makers., Brussels, 23. January 2020.

Montag, Jurith; Schreiber, Lukas and Schönherr, Jörg (2006) The post-infection activity of hydrated lime against conidia of Venturia inaequalis. [Die postinfektionelle Wirkung von Calciumhydroxid auf Konidien von Venturia inaequalis.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 77-82.

Montecchio, D.; Francioso, O.; Gioacchini, P. and Ciavatta, C. (2008) How Perennial Grass has Modified Distribution of Organic Carbon in a Peach Orchard in Emilia-Romagna Region (Italy). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Montero Aparicio, Andrés (2014) H2020 and its relations to the EIP agriculture: Funding opportunities for research and innovation in the organic farming sector. Keynote presentation at: II Jornada Agriecol, Madrid (Spain), 10 Diciembre 2014. [Unpublished]

Monti, Michele; Crozat, Yves; Dahlmann, Christoff; Dibet, Audrey; von Fragstein, Peter; Gooding, Mike J.; Hauggaard Nielsen, Henrik; Jensen, Erik S.; Kasyanova, Elena; Bellostas Muguerza, Natalia and Pristeri, Aurelio (2006) Agronomic performance and yield stability of pea-barley intercropping in European organic farming system. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Moorby, Dr J. M.; Ellis, Miss N. M.; Fisher, Mr W. J.; Davies, Mr D. W. R. and Davies, Dr D. R. (2008) Effects of mixing red clover and maize silages on milk production and whole-body N partitioning in dairy cows. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Moorby, Dr JM; Ellis, Miss NM; Fisher, Mr WJ; Davies, Dr DR and Scollan, Prof ND (2008) Use of grass and red clover silage mixtures for milk production and whole-body N partitioning by dairy cows. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Moos, Jan Hendrik; Paulsen, Hans-Marten; Schrader, Stefan and Rahmann, Gerold (2014) Effects of temporarily reduced tillage in organic crop rotations on yield, earthworm biomass and development of weed pressure. First results of a case study from Schleswig-Holstein/Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Braunschweig, Germany, Istanbul, Turkey, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 423-426.

MORAINE, Marc; Fuselier, Manon and MOERMAN, Marie (2020) Pathways of sustainability in organic mixed livestock farms are based on local embeddedness: case studies in France and Belgium. In: Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, -111.

Morcote Martinez, Melissa; Cotter, Marc; Bosch, Christine and Birkenberg, Athena (2023) Water management practices and adaptation to climate change: Cocoa farmers perceptions in Alto Beni, Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 273.

Moreira, Cassio Franco; De Nadai Fernandes, Elisabete A. and Tagliaferro, Fábio Sileno (2008) Shaded Coffee: A way to Increase Sustainability in Brazilian Organic Coffee plantations. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Morel, Kevin; Appert, Paul; Amardeilh, Florence; Delaporte, Gilles; Daniel, Anne-Cécile; Bellec-Gauche, Agnes and Perrin, Maxime (2021) Digital Technology To Support Organic Growers ? Mesclun: A Web App To Help Designing Complex Organic Vegetable Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Morel, Kevin; Guégan, Charles and Leger, Francois (2015) Can an organic market garden without motorization be viable through holistic thinking? International Symposium on Innovation in Integrated and Organic Horticulture (INNOHORT),, Avignon, France.

Morel, Kevin and Léger, François (2015) Strategies to manage crop planning complexity in very diversified direct selling farming systems: the example of organic market gardeners. 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design (FSD), Montpellier, France.

Moreno-Peñaranda, Raquel and Egelyng, Henrik (2008) Organic Agriculture as Livelihood Strategy: A Case Study in a Rural Community of Southern Brazil. In: Cultivating the Future Based on Science, 2, pp. 484-487.

Morse, Suzanne R.; Lieblein, Geir; Breland, Tor Arvid; Francis, Charles and Nicolaysen, Anna Marie (2014) Cultivating multi-cultural teams: lessons learned in the "milpa" of an Agroecology MSc course. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Mortensen, T.; Eriksen, J. and Søegaard, K. (2013) Management of forb species mixtures for high biomass production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 115-116.

Mortensen, T.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2012) Effect of seed mixture composition and management on competitiveness of herbs in temporary grasslands. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 17, pp. 76-78.

Moscetti, Roberto; Ferri, Serena; Neri, Lilia; Santarelli, Veronica; Pittia, Paola and Massantini, Riccardo (2019) Use of blanching and vacuum impregantion with trehalose and green tea as drying pre-treatments of organic sliced carrots. In: Proceedings of the Eurodrying 2019, 10-12-July 2019, Torino, Italy, p. 108.

Moscetti, Roberto; Massaro, Simone; Chillemi, Giovanni; Sanna, Nico; Sturm, Barbara; Nallan Chakravatula, Swathi Sirisha and Massantini, Riccardo (2019) Recognition of inlet wet food in drying process through a deep learning approach. In: Proceedings of Eurodrying 2019, 10-12 July 2019, Torino, Italy.

Moscetti, Roberto; Massaro, Simone; Monarca, Danilo; Cecchini, Massimo and Massantini, Riccardo (2019) Recognition of inlet wet food in drying process through a deep learning approach. Lecture at: 6th International Symposium on Modelling in Horticulture Supply Chain, Molfetta (Italy), 9-12 June 2019. [Submitted]

Moscetti, Roberto; Raponi, Flavio; Cecchini, Massimo; Monarca, Danilo and Massantini, Riccardo (2019) Feasibility of computer vision as Process Analytical Technology tool for the drying of organic apple slices. Paper at: 6th International Symposium on Modelling in Horticulture Supply Chain, Molfetta (Italy), 9-12 June 2019. [Submitted]

Moscetti, Roberto; Raponi, Flavio; Sturm, Barbara; Nallan Chakravatula, Swathi Sirisha and Massantini, Riccardo (2019) Feasibility of computer vision as Process Analytical Technology tool for the drying of organic apple slices. In: Proceedings of Eurogrying 2019, July 10-12, 2019, Torino, Italy.

Moschitz, Heidrun (2008) Knowing food - a privilege for the concerned consumer? A research programme on organic urban-rural relationships. Speech at: European Summer School of Rural Sociology, Nagykanizsa, 24.-30.08.2008.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Stolze, Matthias (2005) Making policy – A network analysis of Institutions involved in organic farming policy. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Moschitz, Heidrun and Stolze, Dr. Matthias (2006) Organic farming policy in Europe. A network analysis. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Home, Robert (2012) Studying learning and innovation networks – a conceptual and methodological framework. Paper at: Agriculture in an urbanizing society. International Conference on Multifunctional Agriculture and Urban-Rural Relations, Wageningen, 1-4 April 2012.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Home, Robert (2011) Methods For Understanding Learning And Innovation Networks To Support Transition Towards Sustainable Agriculture – The Approach Of The EU Research Project SOLINSA. In: Book of Abstracts by Working Group, pp. 68-69.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Jahrl, Ingrid (2014) GROWING UNDER THE COMMON AGRICULTURAL POLICY - THE INSTITUTIONAL DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC FARMING IN CENTRAL AND EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES FROM 2004-2013. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1039-1042.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Oehen, Bernadette (2017) Beer from the mountains – Value creation through bridging rural/urban and local/global. In: Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University Krakow (Ed.) XXVII European Society for Rural Sociology congress On-line Proceedings, pp. 248-249.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Portmann, Madlen (2013) Frames of food – a case study of the Swiss city Basel. Paper at: XXV ESRS Congress, Florence, 29.7.-1.8.2013.

Moschitz, Heidrun and Stolze, Matthias (2018) How can we make sense of smart technologies for sustainable agriculture? - A discussion paper. In: International Farming Systems Association (Ed.) 13th European IFSA Symposium. Book of Abstracts.

Moser, F.; Bieber, A.; Maeschli, A.; Spengler Neff, A. and Leiber, F. (2020) Predicting longevity based on lactation curve, cell count and calving interval in organic cows. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 371.

Moudry, Jan (Jr.); Bernas, Jaroslav; Moudry, Jan; Konvalina, Petr and Kopecky, Marek (2018) Evaluation of Environmental Impacts of Organic Farming by LCA method - Greenhouse Gases from Corn Production. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 209-214.

Mourão, Isabel; Gil Sá, Carlos; Moura, Luísa; Brito, L. Miguel; Vieira Santo, M. Clara and Costa, Sofia R. (2021) Yield And Fruit Quality Of Tomato Grafted Onto Rootstocks Partially Resistant To Root-Knot Nematodes In A Naturally Infested Greenhouse. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mourão, Isabel; Mouro, Cláudia V.; Brito, L. Miguel; Fernandes, Luis P. and Almeida, Telma C. (2021) Benefits Of Therapeutic Horticulture In Institutionalized Patients With Mental Health Disorders Within An Organic Environment. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mourão, Dr. Isabel; Brito, Dr. L Miguel and Coutinho, Dr. João (2008) Yield and quality of organic versus conventional potato crop. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mourão, Isabel; Monteiro, Ana Teresa; Gonçalves, Maria Custódia; Rodrigues, Raul and Brito, L Miguel (2014) EFFECTIVENESS OF ORGANIC HORTICULTURE TRAINING FOR YOUNG PEOPLE WITH MENTAL DISORDERS. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 937-940.

Mourão, Isabel; Teixeira, Joana; Brito, L Miguel; Ferreira, Maria Elvira and Moura, Maria Luisa (2014) PRUNING SYSTEM EFFECT ON GREENHOUSE GRAFTED TOMATO YIELD AND QUALITY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 941-944.

Mouret, J.C.; Hammond, R.; Dreyfus, F.; Desclaux, D.; Marnotte, P. and Mesléard, F. (2004) An integrated study of the development of organic rice cultivation in the Camargue (France)-. Paper at: International Conference on Challenges and Opportunities for Sustainable Rice-Based Production Systems., Torino, 13-15 Sept 2004.

Mouret, Jean-Claude and Hammond, Roy (2014) Production of agronomic knowledge useful to aid rice growers with change: the case of organic rice growers in the Camargue (France). 4. International Rice Congress, Bangkok, Thailand.

Moutier, Nathalie; Gauffreteau, Arnaud; Floriot, Matthieu; Le Gall, Cécile; Boissinot, François; Quirin, Thierry; Fintz, Christine; Bernicot, Marie-Hélène; Conseil, Mathieu; Baranger, Alain and Fontaine, Laurence (2021) Are The Traits Of Wheat And Pea Cultivars In Sole Crop Predictive Of Their Behavior In Mixtures? Consequences For Advisors And Breeders. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Mueller, Adrian (2024) The SOL Model SOL. Paper at: Environmental Modelling Lab, Frick, Switzerland, May 28, 2024. [Completed]

Mueller, Simone; Sirieix, Lucie and Remaud, Hervé (2011) UNSPECIFIED [Les valeurs des individus sont-elles liées à leur choix d'attributs durables ?] 6. International conference of the Academy of wine business research (AWBR), Bordeaux, France.

Muhammad, S.B; Sobayo, R.A; Oso, A.O; Sogunle, O.M; Ayoola, A.A; Basiru, Y.T and Abotinde, R.O (2018) Haematological indices of ISA brown birds fed diets containing Guinea hen weed (Petiveria alliacea) leaf and root meals. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 171-174.

Mühlrath, Daniel; Möller, Detlev and Schumacher, Jörg (2014) Fairness and satisfaction in business relationships: results of a survey among Swiss organic farmers and buyers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1027-1030.

Mukhtar, Aishatu Abubakar (2014) RESPONSE OF GROUNDNUT (Arachis hypogaea L.) VARIETIES TO VARYING DEFOLIATION INTENSITIES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 921-924.

Mukhtar, Aishatu Abubakar; Odion, Ehiabhi Cyril; Ahmed, Adamu; Babaji, Bashir Ahmad; Aminu, Maryam and Arunah, Uthman Lucky (2014) Comparative effects of organic manure sources and rates on performance of groundnut varieties. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 843-846.

Muljar, Riin (2011) Using honey bees to disseminate the biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to strawberries for grey mould control. Speech at: 28th Nordic-Baltic Apicultural Research Symposium, the Nordic-Baltic Bee-Council and Estonian Beekeepers Winter days, Tartu, Estonia, 04–06.02.2011.

Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet; Veromann, Eve and Mänd, Marika (2013) The effect of biofungicide Prestop Mix on metabolic rate, water loss and longevity of bumblebee Bombus terrestris L. Poster at: International conference „Agroforum Balticum - Food and Agricultural Potential of the European Region“, Tartu, Estonia, 17–19.04.2013.

Muljar, Riin; Karise, Reet; Veromann, Eve and Mänd, Marika (2013) The effect of biofungicide Prestop Mix on respiration, water loss and longevity of bumblebee Bombus terrestris L. In: Book of Abstracts of the Future IPM in Europe, p. 57.

Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Bees as entomovectors and the biological control agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446. Poster at: Next generation insights into geosciences and ecology, Tartu, Estonia, 12–13.05.2011.

Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Effect of Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to the respiration rate of the bumble bee Bombus terrestris. Poster at: VIIth International Conference on Arthropods, Bialka Tatrzanska, Poland, 18–23.09.2011.

Muljar, Riin and Mänd, Marika (2011) Using honey bees to disseminate the biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 to strawberries for Botrytis cinerea control. In: Proceedings of the 28th Nordic-Baltic Apicultural Research Symposium, pp. 29-30.

Muljar, Riin; Mänd, Marika; Karise, Reet and Smagghe, Guy (2014) The effect of kaolin and the microbial biopesticides Prestop Mix and BotaniGard on respiratory physiology and longevity of bumblebees (Bombus terrestris L.). Speech at: 12th International Symposium: Hazards of Pesticides to Bees, Ghent, Belgium, 15–17.09.2014.

Müller, Adrian (2024) Agroecology and sustainable Food Systems. Lecture at: Master course on "Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation", Wyss Academy for Nature, University of Berne, Switzerland, February 8, 2024. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2024) Food system modelling - the SOL model. Paper at: Webinar on Sustainability Assessment Approaches, online, 18.4.2024. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2023) Agroecology and sustainable Food Systems. Lecture at: Master course on "Nature-Based Solutions for Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation", Wyss Academy for Nature, University of Berne, Switzerland, February 6, 2023. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2023) Diets and dietary scenarios in food system modelling. Paper at: FQH Seminar, International Research Network for Food Quality and Health, online, 17.11.2023. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2022) Resilience and organic agriculture. Paper at: R&D Days for Organic Agriculture, online, 26.10.2022. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2022) Some thoughts on replacing palm oil with rapeseed oil. Paper at: TABLE webinar: How to squeeze fat into a sustainable food future, online, 13.4.2022. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Assessing livestock systems – how indicators, system boundaries and methods may influence results. Paper at: EAAP 2021, Davos, Switzerland, September 2, 2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) The Incompatibility of Large-scale Bioenergy with Large-scale Organic Agriculture. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes/online, September 9, 2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Modelling Organic Agriculture and Agroforestry. Paper at: FABLE Technical Working Group, Online, 25.5.2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Organic agriculture and aspects of food security. Paper at: Organic Sri Lanka – International Stakeholder Discussion on Building Sustainable Supply Chain for Organic Inputs in Sri Lanka, Online, 22.6.2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Scale, Scope, Functions, Performance Measures and Circular Food Systems. Paper at: Circular@WUR – Webinar on Theme 1: Biosphere, Online, 3.2.2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Some thoughts on the relation between Organic Agriculture and Agroecology. Workshop on “Organics and Agroecology: Boundaries and Synergies between Sustainable Systems and Approaches”. Workshop at: Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes/online, September 9, 2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2021) Sustainability in global agriculture driven by organic farming. Paper at: BIOFACH 2021, Online, February 17 - 19, 2021. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian and Frehner, Anita (2021) Agroecology. Paper at: One Health Summer School, University of Bern, Switzerland, 16 August 2021. [Completed]

Müller, Karl-Josef; Kunz, Peter; Spieß, Hartmut H.; Heyden, Bertold; Irion, Eckart and Karutz, Christine (2000) An overnational cereal circuit for developing locally adapted organic seeds of wheat. [Ein länderübergreifender Ringversuch zur Entwicklung von standortangepasstem ökologischen Weizensaatgut.] In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic, Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel 28-31 August 2000, vdf Hochschulverlag Zürich, p. 224.

Müller, Dr. Torsten; Magid, Dr. Jakob; Jensen, Dr. Lars Stoumann; Nielsen, Dr. Niels Erik and Thorup-Kristensen, Dr. Kristian (2002) Catch Crops in Organic Farming Systems without Livestock Husbandry - Model Simulations. In: Kheoruenromme, Dr. Irb (Ed.) Conference Transactions, International Union of Soil Science, 830.1-830.9.

Müller, Dr. Torsten and Thorup-Kristensen, Dr. Kristian (2002) Total N difference method and 15N isotope dilution methode - A comparative study on N-fixation. In: Mitteilgn. Dtsch. Bodenkundl. Gesellsch.,, 98, pp. 23-24.

Müller-Lindenlauf, Maria; Deittert, Christine and Köpke, Prof. Ulrich (2008) Environmental Impacts and Economic Differences in grassland based Organic Dairy Farms in Germany – Modelling the Extremes. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mulyadi, Tommy (2014) History of the Internal Control System at the Association of Organic Cacao Farmers (APKO) in Pidie. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Münchhausen, Susanne, von and Knickel, Karlheinz (2014) Growth, business logic and trust in organic food chains: an analytical framework and some illustrative examples from Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges: Vol.2, Germany - India, Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference at the Organic World Congress 2014, 13-15 October 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, Vol 2, Thünen Report, no. 20, pp. 403-406.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Juister, Evelyn (2013) Evaluating the contribution of innovation networks to resilient farming systems. Paper at: ISEE 2014 Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13.-15. August 2014. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Milestad, Rebecka (2015) The role of the business logic for growing value chains of organic food - first results of an international case study analysis. In: European Rural Sociology Society (Ed.) Places of Possibilities? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, Aberdeen, Scotland, On-line Proceedings, pp. 197-198.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Noe, Egon (2013) Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust - working group III at the ESRS-Conference 2013. In: Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis, 2013, ESRS2013_eProceedings.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Schulz, Kristin; Häring, Anna Maria and Llamas Vacas, Rocio (2014) Strategies for medium-sized value-based food chains during growing process with a particular focus on the business logic and management concept. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, IFSA Europe, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Book of abstracts In: http://project2.zalf.de/IFSA_2014/documents/ifsa-2014-berlin-book-of-abstracts.pdf, p. 58.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Borec, Andreja (2015) Healthy Growth of Value Based Organic Food Chains: Management, value communication and perspectives of growing values-based food chains. Workshop at: Agrimba-Ava Conference, Porec, Croatia, 17.-19. June 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Braun, Charis Linda; Anja, Hradetzky and Žiga, Drev (2015) Innovations in the organic sector: New business models of value addition at the local level. TO Organics: Organic Innovation Days, Brussels, Belgium, 1-2 December 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2017) Methodological Challenges in Analysing Farmers’ Business Strategies for More Sustainability in Farming. In: Institute of Sociology, Jagiellonian University in Krakow (Ed.) Proceedings of the XXVII Congress. Uneven processes of Rural Change: On Diversity, Knowledge and Justice, pp. 297-298.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) Participation in an organic farm and food network – experiences of HNEE team (Pre-Conference). Paper at: Pre-Conference "Understanding Organic Farming Worldwide" at the "Organic World Congress", Istanbul, Turkey, 12.-15.10.2014. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2016) Understanding ‘healthy’ growth processes in organic food businesses and values-based chains. Paper at: XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, Toronto, Canada, August 10 – 14, 2016.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Healthy Growth of Values-Based Organic Food Chains - Managing Major Challenges of Expansion: Business Strategies and Instruments Ensuring the Maintenance of Core Organic Values and Consumers’ Trust. Workshop at: Science Forum at BIOFACH 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Lasner, Tobias and Milestad, Rebecka (2016) Adaptation strategies and performances of three producer groups during times of change: lessons learned from the application of the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) concept in three case studies. In: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways.

Munkholm, L.J. and Schjønning, P. (2003) Mechanical subsoiling: Mitigation of recompaction by light traffic and on-land ploughing. In: Proceedings, 16th International Conference of the International Soil Tillage Research Organization (CD-ROM).

Munkholm, L.J.; Schjønning, P. and Rasmussen, K.J. (1998) Non-inverting soil tillage as a means of optimising soil tilth. [Ikke-vendende jordbearbejdning til sikring af en bekvem jord.] In: Børresen, T. (Ed.) NJF-UTREDNING/RAPPORT, 124, pp. 26-33.

Munkholm, Lars J; Schjønning, Per and Rasmussen, Karl J (2000) Non-inverting Tillage: Early-Stage Effects on Soil Mechanical Behaviour. In: Morrison, J.E. (Ed.) CD-ROM: Proceedings 15th ISTRO Conference, Texas, June 2000, pp. 1-10. [Unpublished]

Munkholm, Lars J. (2005) The spade analysis. In: ISTRO Info, ISTRO.

Munkholm, Lars J.; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Schjønning, Per (2005) Subsoil loosening eliminated plough pan but had variable effect on crop yield. In: NJF Report, NJF, 1 (1), pp. 95-98.

Munkholm, Lars J.; Schjønning, Per and Elmholt, Susanne (2002) Soil structure dynamics: Effects of management and water content. Paper at: Advances in Soil Structure Research workshop, Prince Edward Island, Canada, July 7-9 2002.

Muoneke, C.O.; Okpara, D.A.; Offor, C.O.; Orji, R.C. ; Onwuka, J. and Ibiam, B. (2014) ORGANIC/INORGANIC LEAF AMARANTH PRODUCTION: THE CASE OF POULTRY MANURE, FISH EFFLUENT AND NPK FERTILISER. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) urn:nbn:de:gbv:253-201407-dn053621-1, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 847-850.

Muriuki, Anne; Musyoka, Martha; Fließbach, Andreas and Forster, Dionys (2012) Resilience of Organic versus Conventional Farming Systems in Tropical Africa: The Kenyan Experience. In: Tielkes, E. (Ed.) Tropentag 2012 - Resilience of agricultural systems against crises - Book of abstracts, CUVILLIER VERLAG, Göttingen, Germany, p. 180.

Muriuki, Anne; Musyoka, Martha; Zundel, Christine; Schulthess, F and Mwangi, K (2009) First season maize performance in a long-term farming systems comparison trial at KARI-Thika, Kenya. In: Towards the Realisation of Sustainable Growth and Development, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya.

Murphy, Dr. Kevin; Hoagland, Dr. Lori; Reeves, Dr. Philip and Jones, Dr. Stephen (2008) Effect of cultivar and soil characteristics on nutritional value in organic and conventional wheat. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Mustonen, Leo (2006) Effects of pre-sprouting and nitrogen fertilization on the yield of table potatoes. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (1), NJF Report, p. 46.

Musyoka, Martha; Zundel, Christine; Chabi-Olaye, Adenirin; Muriuki, Anna; Mucheru-Muna, Monica and Vanlauwe, Bernard (2010) Site-specific organic and conventional crop yields in a long-term farming systems comparison in sub-humid central Kenya. Paper at: Tropentag, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2010.

Muth, PC.; Tietgens, G.; Pöhlmann, I.; Reiber, Christoph and Valle Zárate, Anne (2017) Breeding for resistance to nematode infections in organic goat production in Germany – A way forward? In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen; Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen and Heuwinkel, Hauke (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, pp. 442-443.

Mutlu, M. Nusret (2014) Organic Agriculture Cluster in Southeast Anatolia Region of Turkey: A collaborative initiative to foster local economic development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Muukka, E ; Vidgren, H and Mykkänen, H (2008) The Feasibility of Use of Organic Products at Child-Care Centre. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Muwanga, S.; Tenywa, J. S.; Owuori, C.; Esele, P. and Woomer, P.L. (2005) Enhancing sorghum (Sorghum bicolar L)-cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L.) intercrop productivity through row arrangements and orientation. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Mwine, Julius Tedson; Murongo, Marius Flarian and Ssemakula, Joseph (2018) The use of cartoons in promoting Ecological organic agriculture among children and youths in smallholder farming communities. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 299-302.

Myers, Jim; Tracy, Bill; Colley, Micaela; Mazourek, Michael; Labate, Joanne; Uchanski, Mark; Dawson, Julie; Zystro, Jared; Mckenzie, Laurie; Mccluskey, Cathleen and Selman, Lane (2021) Participatory Plant Breeding And Trialing To Increase Farmer Choice In Vegetable Varieties Through The Novic Project. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Myllys, Merja; Palojärvi, Ansa and Alakukku, Laura (2011) Internet-based soil quality test for Finnish farmers. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 228.

Mzoughi, Naoufel (2009) Farmers adoption of integrated crop protection and organic farming: do moral and social incentives matter. [Adoption de la protection intégrée et de l’agriculture biologique: rôle des incitations morales et sociales.] 3. Journées de recherche en sciences sociales INRA-SFER-CIRAD, Montpellier, France.

Mølgaard, Jens Peter (2004) The Perspective in Organic Farming in Relation to Human Health. Paper at: 1st International Symposium on Healthy Diet and Organic Foods, Ankara, Turkye, 9 May 2004. [Unpublished]

Møller, J.; Forslund, A. and Dalsgaard, A. (2003) REDUCTION OF FAECAL MICROBIOLOGICAL INDICATORS IN DIFFERENT COMPOST TOILETS. Poster at: ECOSAN 2end International Symposium on Ecological Sanitation, Lübeck, Germany, 7-11 April, 2003.

Nachimuthu, Gunasekhar; Kristiansen, Paul; Lockwood, Peter and Guppy, Chris (2007) Soil phosphorus status in organic and conventional vegetable farms in Southeast Queensland, Australia. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Nachimuthu, Gunasekhar; Kristiansen, Paul; Lockwood, Peter and Guppy, Chris (2005) A comparison of soil properties under organic and conventional farming in Australia. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Nachtman, Grażyna and Żekało, Marcin (2006) "Economic results achieved by a selected group of organic farms in Poland in 2004". Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Nagel, MSc Philipp; Domig, PhD Konrad J.; Hagmüller, PhD Werner; Pfalz, MSc Silvia; Kronsteiner, MSc Sophie; Ortner, Birgit; Sundrum, PhD Albert and Zollitsch, PhD Werner (2008) Effects of silage or probiotics on performance and gut microbial composition of organic growing-finishing pigs. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nagy, Fruzsina; Gabrielli, Monica; Qin, Chen; Zhang, Yaoyun and Ge, Ying (2021) Food Systems Sustainability Transition: A Multi-Level Analysis Of Conventional, Vertical And Organic Vegetable Production In The Yangtze River Delta Golden Triangle (China). Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Nalubwama, Sylvia; Vaarst, Mette; Kabi, Fred and Kiggundu , Muhammad (2014) ANIMAL HUSBANDARY PRACTICES OF SMALLHOLDER ORGANIC FARMERS IN UGANDA: CHALLENGES AND FUTURE PROSPECTS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1123-1126.

Nametougli, Jacques (2014) Training for Transformation. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nanetti, Dr Antonio; Rovida, Dr Angela; Piazza, Dr Paolo; Martini, Prof. Andrea; Besana, Dr Andrea Maria and Tampieri, Prof. Maria Paola (2006) Treatments of honey bee colonies affected by Varroa destructor in organic apiculture. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Napolitano, Prof Fabio; De Rosa, Dr Giuseppe; Ferrante, Dr Valentina; Braghieri, Dr Ada and Barbieri, S. (2008) Monitoring the welfare of sheep in conventional and organic farms using an ANI 35 L derived method. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nardo, N; Foddai, MS; Azzini, E; Baiamonte, I; Di Ferdinando, S; Paoletti, S; Vizioli, V and Paoletti, F (2011) Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum, cv CXD271BIO) yield and quality during converion from conventional to organic production. In: Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 29.

Narin, Meziyet; Polater, Isik and Yörük, Bahar (2014) Sarıbeyler Mobilization Scone: A traditional sourdough, sesame bread variety. [Sarıbeyler Seferberlik Çöreği.] Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Närvänen, Aaro; Jansson, Håkan; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana and Jansson, Helena (2006) The treatment of surface run-off waters from an equine paddock area with ferric sulphate. In: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (5), NJF Report, pp. 149-153.

Naspetti, Simona and Zanoli, Raffaele (2005) CONSUMERS’ KNOWLEDGE OF ORGANIC QUALITY MARKS. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Naspetti, Dr Simona; Paladini, Ms Maria Elena; Bteich, Dr Marie Reine and Zanoli, Prof Raffaele (2008) Collaborative relationships in the organic wheat supply chain: a case study on three EU Countries. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Naspetti, Simona; Alberti , Francesca and Solfanelli, Francesco (2014) IMPROVING FOOD QUALITY FOR THE ORGANIC POULTRY MEAT SECTOR: A QUALITY FUNCTION DEPLOYMENT APPROACH. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 729-732.

Naudin, Christophe and Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle (2011) Producing organic wheat with high grain protein content: the significance of intercropping and the need for diagnostic tools. Speech at: 3rd ISOFAR Scientific Conference , Gyeonggi Paldang, South Korea, September 26-October 5 2011. [In Press]

Nauta, Msc. W.J.; Saatkamp, Dr. H.; Baars, Dr. T. and Roep, Dr. D. (2006) Breeding in organic farming: different strategies, different demands. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Nauta, MSc W.J.; Brascamp, Prof. E.W.; Veerkamp, Dr. R.F. and Bovenhuis, Dr. H. (2006) Genotype Environment Interaction between Organic and Conventional Dairy Production. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Nauta, MSc W.J. and Roep, Dr. D. (2008) Principles and practicality of organic dairy cattle breeding: different options and implications. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nauta, Wytze; Slingenbergh, Gerjan; Vredevoogd, Wim; Wagenaar, Jan-Paul and Bestman, Monique (2011) FARM BASED BREEDING OF DUAL PURPOSE POULTRY - Experiences from a biodynamic poultry farm in The Netherlands. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Navarrete, Mireille; Dupre, Lucie; Lamine, Claire and Marguerie, Mathieu (2012) Species diversification in market-garden farms and consequences on crop management, labour organization and marketing at farm and territorial scales. 10.European IFSA Symposium : Producing and reproducing farming systems. New modes of organisation for sustainable food systems of tomorrow, Aarhus, Denmark.

Nawa Raj, Dhamala; Karen, Søegaard and Jørgen , Eriksen (2015) Competitive forbs in high-producing temporary grasslands with perennial ryegrass and red clover can increase plant diversity and herbage yield. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 20, pp. 209-211.

Nawrocki, Arkadiusz; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Nørregaard Jensen, Ole (2008) Proteomics in the backyard: 2DE based comparison of vegetables grown at conventional farming conditions and organic farming conditions. Poster at: From genome to proteome: integration and proteome completion, Siena, Italy.

Nazareno, N.R.X.; Custódio, A.A.P.; Canalli, L.B.S.; Skora Neto, F. and CALEGARI, A. (2015) Influence of winter cover crops and tillage systems on corn stalk rot incidence in Paraná, Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 48º CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE FITOPATOLOGIA.

Nazareno, N.R.X.; Skora Neto, F.; Canalli, L.B.S.; Araujo, A.G. and Campos, J.F. (2015) Use of mulching to curb late blight epidemics on potatoes in Paraná, Brazil. In: Proceedings of the 48º CONGRESSO BRASILEIRO DE FITOPATOLOGIA.

Nderitu Mwangi, Edwin; Nyambura Ngamau, Catherine; Mwibanda Wesonga, John; Nderitu Karanja, Edward; Wangu Musyoka, Martha; Matheri, Felix; Mbi Tanga, Chrysantus; Kouma Mokpokpo Komi, Fiaboe; Bautze, David and Adamtey, Noah (2021) Improving Phosphate Rock Use Efficiency In Organic Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Ndonga, L.K. (2014) Organic Grain Amaranth: Inspiring Global Actions to Impact on Non-Communicable Diseases. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nechwatal, Jan and Zellner, Michael (2015) Suitability of various copper-free leaf treatment products for the control of Phytophthora infestans in organic potato farming. In: Qu, Dongyu (Ed.) Develop together for a better future , China Agriculture Press, Beijing /China, pp. 231-232.

Nelder, Rebecca (2009) On Farm Feeding Poultry Trial: Wholegrain Wheat in the Commercial System. Poster at: [Completed]

Nelder, Rebecca (2009) On Farm Feeding;Replacing Bought in Pig Feed with Home-Grown Straights at Sheepdrove Organic Farm. Poster at: [Completed]

Nelder, Rebecca; Smith, Jo; Clements, Ruth and Pearce, Bruce (2012) 100% local and organic: closing the protein gap for poultry in the ICOPP Project. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, D (Eds.) Agriculture and Forestry Research (362), pp. 385-387.

Nellithanam, Jacob and G., Krishnaprasad (2014) Reviving "Guli-Ragi" – a traditional agronomic practice of Finger Millet cultivation in India – as a solution to malnutrition of Indian women and children A look at similarities to popular ecological principle of System of Rice Intensification. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nelson, Alison; Frick, B.; Clapperton, J.; Quideau, S. and Spaner, Dr. Dean (2008) Does Wheat Cultivar Choice Affect Crop Quality and Soil Microbial Communities in Cropping Systems? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nelson, Erin; Gomez Tovar, Laura; Schwentesius Rindermann, Dr. Rita and Gomez Cruz, Dr. Manuel Angel (2008) Participatory Guarantee Systems: New Approaches to Organic Certification - The Case of Mexico. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nemecek, T; Dubois, D; Huguenin-Elie, O and Gaillard, G (2006) Life cycle assessment of Swiss organic farming systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 15-18.

Nemecek, Thomas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie and Gaillard, Gérard (2005) Life Cycle Assessment of Conventional and Organic Farming in the DOC trial. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Nemes, Gusztav; Home, Robert and Moschitz, Heidrun (2012) Is there added value in transdisciplinary research? Paper at: XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology. The New Rural World: From Crises to Opportunities, Lisbon, 29.7.-4.8.2012.

Nemli, Yildiz; Kaynar, Ahmet; Kayandan, Akın and Er, Tülin (2014) SOLUTION OF RESIDUE SUSPICION IN ORGANIC CUMIN AND ANISEED. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Neri, Davide (2021) Strawberry Living Mulch In Organic Vineyards. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Neri, L.; Baraldi, R.; Osti, F. and Di Marco, S. (2008) Effects of Trichoderma harzianum applications on fresh pruning wounds in Actinidia deliciosa for the protection against pathogens associated with the “wood decay” of kiwifruit. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Neri, Lilia; Giancaterino, Marianna; Moscetti, Roberto; Massantini, Riccardo; Faieta, Marco and Pittia, Paola (2021) Influence Of Encapsulation On The Technological Functionality And Stability Of Organic Natural Plant Extracts. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Neri, Davide (2019) Light spectrum modifications under photo-selective hail-nets. Workshop at: SOLUZIONI TECNICHE ORIENTATE ALLA FRUTTICOLTURA DI PRECISIONE, Faenza, 23/01/2019.

Neri, Davide and Zikeli, Sabine (2018) Start-Up Workshop �of the CORE Organic project “DOMINO”. Workshop at: 18th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, Schloss Hohenheim, Aula, Schloß Hohenheim 1,D-70599 Stuttgart, 19-21/02/2018.

Neri, L.; Santarelli, V.; Di Mattia, C.D.; Sacchetti, G.; Mastrocola, D. and Pittia, P. (2017) Effect of freezing on Quality of organically grown apples. Poster at: [Completed]

Neri, Lilia; Santarelli, Veronica; Moscetti, Roberto; Massantini, Riccardo and Pittia, Paola (2019) Quality and stability of frozen carrots fortified with green tea polyphenols. In: Proceedings of the 33rd EFFoST International Conference 2019, 12-14-November 2019, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Ness, Mitchell (2007) Development of a Methodology for Modelling Consumers’ Low Input Food Purchases. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Nettier, B.; Dufour, A.; Chabrat, S. and Madelrieux, S. (2012) Conversion to organic farming and consequences on work organisation and work perception. The 10th European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark.

Neuendorff, Jochen (2014) IRM-ORGANIC - Training on improved risk management tools for organic inspectors. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Neuhoff, Daniel; Schulz, Dirk and Koepke, Ulrich (2005) Potential of decision support systems for organic crop production: WECOF-DSS, a tool for weed control in winter wheat. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Neuhoff, Daniel; Schulz, Dirk Gerhard and Köpke, Ulrich (1999) Yield and quality of potato tubers: Effects of different intensity and kind of manuring (biodynamic or organic). In: Foguelman, D. and Lockeretz, W. (Eds.) Organic Agriculture - the Credible Solution for the XXIst Century - Proceedings of the 12th IFOAM Scientific Conference, IFOAM, pp. 142-146.

Neuhoff, Daniel (2014) An agronomic approach to yield comparisons between conventional and organic cropping systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 453-456.

Neumann, Helge; Loges, Ralf and Taube, Friedhelm (2008) Comparative analysis of conventional and organic farming systems: Diversity and abundance of farmland birds. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Neumann, Dr. Helge; Bisschop-Larsen, Leif; Loges, Dr. Ralf and Taube, Prof. Dr. Friedhelm (2006) Impact of organic agriculture on diversity and abundance of farmland birds in an arable landscape with hedges. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Neumann, Angelika; Torstensson, Gunnar and Aronsson, Helena (2011) Identification of key factors for reducing N and P leaching from organic crop rotations. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of ISOFAR: Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow, ISOFAR, Vol. 1, Organic Crop Production, pp. 186-189.

Nicholas, P; Jeffreys, I and Lampkin, N (2006) Effects of European organic farming policies at sectoral and societal levels. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 163-166.

Nicholas, P; Padel, S; Lampkin, N; Fowler, S; Topp, K and Weller, R (2004) Modelling Organic Dairy Production Systems. In: Hopkins, A (Ed.) Organic farming: science and practice for profitable livestock and cropping. Occasional Symposium of the British Grassland Society, British Grassland Society (37), pp. 145-148.

Nicholas, Dr. Phillipa; Lampkin, Dr. Nicolas; Leifert, Prof. Carlo; Butler, Dr. Gillian; Klocke, Peter and Wagenaar, J.P.T.M. (2008) A pilot socio-economic analysis of QLIF dairy projects. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nicholas, Phillipa K; Padel, Susanne; Fowler, Sue; Lampkin, Nic; Topp, Cairistiona F E and Weller, Richard (2002) The validation of a computer simulation model for use in organic dairy farm systems in the United Kingdom. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 199-200.

Nicholas, Phillipa; Mandolesi, Serena; Naspetti, Simona and Zanoli, Raffaele (2014) Innovations in low input and organic dairy supply chains – what is acceptable in Europe? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1167-1170.

Nicolae, Carmen Georgeta; Bahaciu, Gratziela Victoria; Ţeca, M.; Badulescu, Liliana; Pogurschi, Elena and Marin, Monica (2017) The effect of frozen storage on lipids and fatty acids content in Atlantic salmon. Case study. In: Scientific Papers-Animal Science Series: Lucrări Ştiinţifice - Seria Zootehnie, 68, pp. 98-103.

Nicolae, Carmen Georgeta; Bahciu, Graziela Victoria; Elia, Ehut; Dumitrache, Florentina; Marin, Monica Paula; Pogurschi, Elena and Badulescu, Liliana (2016) A review of the quality standards for frozen beef meat and fish. In: Scientific Papers: Series D, Animal Science - The International Session of Scientific Communications of the Faculty of Animal Science, 59, pp. 302-307.

Nicolao, Alessandra; Koczura, Madeline; Mathieu, Anna; Bouchon, Matthieu; Sturaro, Enrico; Martin, Bruno and Pomiès, Dominique (2020) Which compromise between milk production and cow-calf contact in dairy systems? Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, Online, France.

Nicolay, Gian L. (2014) Farmer-Researcher Networks in West African Organic Value Chains. Economic and Sociological Challenges. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nicolay, Gian L.; Dabire, Rémy; Fliessbach, Andreas; Glin, Laurent and Sissoko, Fagaye (2013) Syprobio: Farmer-led innovation platforms to address food security, poverty alleviation and resilience to climate change in West African cotton-growing communities. Paper at: International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA) , Nairobi, Kenya, 29-31 May 2013. [Completed]

Nicolay, Gian L. and Fliessbach, Andreas (2012) Production of Innovations within Farmer–Researcher Associations Applying Transdisciplinary Research Principles. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2012). Research for Global Transformation, Theme 4: Enabling Research in Global Transformation Session 26: Integrated Development Research Approach, NCCR North-South Dialogue, no. 44, p. 164.

Nicolaysen, A.M. (2014) BIODIVERSITY AND CLIMATE CHANGE IN INDIA. Biodiversity as adaptation strategy to climate change in India. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nicolaysen, A.M. (2013) Conversion to organic farming; experiences from Punjab and Uttarakhand. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 33-34.

Nicolaysen, Anna Marie; Breland, Tor Arvid; Francis, Charles; Lieblein, Geir and Morse, Suzanne (2014) EVALUATION OF STUDENT REFLECTIVE DOCUMENTS IN AGROECOLOGY EDUCATION: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF EXPERIENTAL LEARNING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 905-908.

Nieberg, Hiltrud; Offermann, Frank and Zander, Katrin (2005) The financial significance and impact of support payments for organic farms. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Nieberg, Dr. Hiltrud and Offermann, Dr. Frank (2008) Financial success of organic farms in Germany. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Nieberg, Dr. Hiltrud; Offermann, Dr. Frank; Thobe, Petra and Zander, Dr. Katrin (2006) Profitability and policy dependency of organic farms in selected European countries. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Nielsen, B.J. (2004) Screening for resistance to leaf stripe (Pyrenophora graminea) in barley. In: Yahyaoui, A.H; Brader, L.; Tekauz, A.; Wallwork, H. and Steffenson, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the second International Workshop on barley Leaf Blights, 7-11 April 2002, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, pp. 277-280.

Nielsen, B.J. (2003) Resistance to leaf stripe (Pyrenophora graminea) in barley and common bunt (Tilletia tritici) in wheat and use of integrated strategies to control seed-borne diseases. In: Abstracts of Offered Papers, p. 321.

Nielsen, B.J. (2003) The science of increasing production of organic grains. In: Conference Proceedings, pp. 19-22.

Nielsen, B.J. (2003) Strategies for avoiding seed borne diseases. In: Conference Proceedings, pp. 75-79.

Nielsen, B.J. (2002) Threshold values for seed borne diseases of cereals and legumes. In: Proceedings of ECO-PB 1rst International symposium on organic seed production and plant breeding, pp. 28-31.

Nielsen, Ph.D. student Bea Klinzing (2003) Organic Beef Production with Emphasis on Welfare, Health and Product Quality. Paper at: European Association of Animal Production, Rome, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2003. [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Bent; Borgen, Anders and Kristensen, Lars (2000) Control of seed borne diseases in production of organic cereals. In: Proceedings of The Brighton Conference 2000 - Pest and Diseases, pp. 171-176.

Nielsen, Bent; Borgen, Anders; Nielsen, Ghita and Shceel, Christiane (1998) Strategies for controlling seed-borne diseases in cereals and possibilities for reducing fungiside seed treatments. In: Proceedings of the Brighton conference - Pest and Diseases, pp. 893-900.

Nielsen, Dr. Birte L. (2003) The relationship between breast blisters and the availability and use of perches by organic broilers. In: Ferrante, Valentina (Ed.) Proceedings of the 37th International Congress of the ISAE (International Society for Applied Ethology), Fondazione Iniziative Zooprofilattiche e Zootechnie, p. 122.

Nielsen, Kai Lønne and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2001) GROWING MEDIA FOR ORGANIC TOMATO PLANTLET PRODUCTION. Paper at: Symposium on Growing Media & Hydroponics, Alnarp, September 2001.

Nielsen, Dr. Kai Lønne and Thorup-Kristensen, Dr. Kristian (2001) Root Growth and Nitrogen Utilization of a Leek Crop and an Undersown Catch Crop. In: Horst, Dr. W.J. (Ed.) Plant Nutrition - Food security and sustainability of agro-ecosystems through basic and applied research, Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 1010-1011.

Nielsen, Merete Møller (2007) Content of vitamin E in fractions of milled wheat. [Indhold af vitamin E i fraktioner af formalet hvede.] Speech at: 6th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, Montpellier, 2 may 2007.

Nielsen, Otto (2001) Entomopathogenic nematodes in agricultural cropping systems. In: Conference abstract book.

Nielsen, Otto and Philipsen, Holger (2005) Abundance of naturally occurring entomopathogenic nematodes and establishment of inoculated Steinernema feltiae in an organic cropping system. In: IOBC Bulletin, 28 (3), pp. 31-34.

Nielsen, Thorkild and Kristensen, Niels Heine (2003) The concept of 'care'in product and process development in organic food production. Poster at: LMC congres, Copenhagen, April 2003. [Unpublished]

Nielsen, Thorkild; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Mikkelsen, Bent E. (2009) Ecological modernisation in the public catering sector. Danish experiences with use of organic food. In: Noelting, Benjamin (Ed.) Providing organic school food for youths in Europe - Policy strategies, certification and supply chain management in Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway. Proceedings of the iPOPY seminar held at the BioFach February 20th 2009 in Nuremberg, Germany, International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), CORE Organic Series Report, pp. 14-17.

Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø and Angelidaki, Irini (2008) Codigestion of manure and organic waste at centralized biogas plants: Process imbalances and limitations. Speech at: 5th international symposium of anaerobic digestion of solid waste & energy crops, Hammamet, Tunisia, May 25-28, 2008.

Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø and Schmidt, Jens Ejbye (2010) Biogas production from clover-grass. Poster at: 3rd International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorization, Beijing, China, 17–19 May.

Nielsen, Søren Hundevadt; Bøgild, Anders; Jensen, Kjeld and Bertelsen, Keld Kjærhus (2011) Implementations of FroboMind using the Robot Operating System framework. In: NJF Seminar 441 Automation and System Technology in Plant Production, 7 (5), NJF Report, no. 441, pp. 10-14.

Niemeläinen, Oiva; Jauhiainen, Lauri; Kontturi, Markku; Nissinen, Oiva; Vuorinen, Martti and Niskanen, Markku (2007) Undersown catch crops as a source of biomass for energy. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (4), pp. 109-110.

Niemi, Jarkko K.; Sinisalo, Alina; Valros, Anna and Heinonen, Mari (2011) The timing and treatment of tail biting in fattening pigs. Keynote presentation at: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, 24 th NJF congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011.

Nieri, Marco and Singhania, Pawan Kumar (2014) BIOENERGETIC LANDSCAPES REDUCE STRESS AND RESTORE HEALTH USING ELECTROMAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF PLANTS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 701-704.

Niessen, Jan and Hamm, Ulrich (2008) Identifying the gap between stated and actual buying behaviour on organic products based on consumer panel data. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Niether, Wiebke; Maldonado, Carla; Silva, Erika; Schneider, Monika and Gerold, Gerhard (2013) Comparison of Canopy Openness in Different Cocoa (Theobroma cacao) Production Systems in Alto Beni, Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2013 - Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum - Book of Abstracts, p. 479.

Niggli, U.; Hepperly, P.; Fliessbach, A. and Maeder, P. (2008) Does Organic Farming have Greater Potential to Adapt to Climate Change? In: Conference CD of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Consorzio ModenaBio, Modena.

Niggli, Urs (2006) Schweizer Bioforschung im internationalen Vergleich – Stärken und Schwächen. [Swiss Organic Farming Research. An International Comparison.] Speech at: 3. Bioforschungstag: Akzente setzen für die Zukunft, Frick, Schweiz, 3. Mai 2006.

Niggli, Urs (2006) Strengthening research on organic food and farming: a strategic advantage for the EU and European countries. Paper at: VII CONGRESO ESTATAL SEAE SOBRE AGRICULTURA Y ALIMENTACIÓN ECOLÓGICA, Zaragoza, 18-23 de septiembre 2006. [Unpublished]

Niggli, Urs (2005) Organic Research - Definitely out of the Niche. Speech at: BioFACH Kongress, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremburg, Germany, 24.2.2005-27.2.2005.

Niggli, Urs (2002) The contribution of research to the development of organic farming in Europe. In: Powell, Jane (Ed.) UK Organic Research 2002: Proceedings of the COR Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth, UK, Frick, pp. 19-24.

Niggli, Urs; Alföldi, Thomas and Willer, Helga (2007) Added value from working together. Paper at: CORE Organic meeting, Vienna, 13-14 September 2007 .

Niggli, Urs; Earley, Jane and Ogorzalek, Kevin (2007) Organic Agriculture and the Environmental Stability of Food Supply. Paper at: International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, Rome, Italy, May 3-5, 2007. [Unpublished]

Niggli, Urs and Fried, Padrout (2002) Status quo of Organic Farming Research in Switzerland. In: European Commission, Research Directorate General (Ed.) Seminar on Organic Farming Research in Europe - Brussels, 24-25 September 2002, Consolidated report summarising individual contributions, European Commission, Research Directorate General, Directorate E.03, Safe food production systems, pp. 88-94.

Niggli, Urs; Slabe, Anamaija; Schmid, Otto; Halberg, Niels and Schlüter, Marco (2008) Food, Fairness & Ecology: An organic research agenda for a sustainable future. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Niggli, Urs and Willer, Helga (2001) Stimulating the potential for innovation in organic farming by research. In: Danish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (Ed.) Organic Food and farming - Towards Partnership and Action in Europe, 10 - 11 MAY 2001, COPENHAGEN, Denmark, Danish Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Copenhagen, Frick, pp. 194-199.

Niggli, Urs; Willer, Helga and Fried, Padrout (2004) Seminar on Organic Food and Farming research in Europe, Brussels, November 26 2004. National report from: Switzerland. Speech at: Seminar on Organic Food and Farming research in Europe, Brussels, 26 November 2004.

Niggli, Urs (2019) Why does organic farming need more varieties derived from organic breeding? Paper at: Biofach 2019, Nuremberg, Germany, February 14, 2019. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs (2014) The Vision 2014 to 2020. Nine Years After. Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BIOFACH Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs (2014) How will organic farming look like in 20 years and to which challenges will it have to respond to? Paper at: Science Day, BIOFACH Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, February 14, 2014.

Niggli, Urs; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and et, al. (2016) OK-Net Arable: State of the art research results and best practices – Task 3.1: D 3.1. OK-Net Arable review Meeting, IFOAM EU, Brussels, November 3, 2016. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs and Leifert, Carlo (2007) Improving the quality and safety of organic and low input foods and maximizing the benefits to consumers and producers. [.] Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems., University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Niggli, Urs and Leifert, Carlo (2006) Improving quality and safety and maximizing benefits to consumers and producers. [.] Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31.

Niggli, Urs (2015) Organic 3.0. Principles of organic agriculture – vision for a best sustainable practice – standards for a best sustainable practice. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2015 (SOAAN Meeting), Nuremberg, Germany, 10th February 2015. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs (2015) TIPI Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research, Summary. Paper at: Science Day 2015 Biofach Nuremberg, Nuremberg, 13.02.2015. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs (2014) Organic agriculture: a global vision and research strategy. Paper at: TIPI Workshop "Practitioners’ research agenda" at the Organic World Congress, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, October 12, 2014. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs (2010) Organic agriculture and biodiversity – a global review of research results. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Niinimäki, Kirsi (2009) Consumer values and eco-fashion in the future. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 125-134.

Nilsdotter-Linde, Nilla and Bergkvist, Göran (2005) Regulation of clover content by choice of ryegrass variety or by mixing varieties in short rotation leys. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Niskanen, Markku; Niemeläinen, O.; Jauhiainen, L. and Kurri, O. (2006) Effect of quality assessment on cultivar performance in timothy variety testing in Finland. In: Rit Lbhl, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (10), pp. 107-110.

Niskanen, Suvi; Raussi, Satu; Veissier, Isabelle; Kaihilahti, Jutta; Hänninen, Laura; Hepola, Helena and Jauhiainen, Lauri (2008) Development of social behaviour and importance of social relations in calves. In: Proceedings, International Society for Applied Ethology, p. 6.

Nissinen, A.; Heiskanen, E.; Grönroos, J.; Honkanen, A.; Katajajuuri, J.-M.; Kurppa, S.; Mäkinen, T.; Seppälä, J.; Timonen, P.; Usva, K.; Virtanen, Y. and Voutilainen, P. (2005) Developing LCA-based benchmarks for sustainable consumption - for and with users. Paper at: 10th European roundtable on sustainable consumption and production, Antwerp, Belgium, October 5-7, 2005.

Nitschelm, Laure; Flipo, Blanche; Chambaut, Hélène; Colomb, Vincent; Gac, Armelle; Dauguet, Sylvie; Espagnol, Sandrine; Le Gall, Cécile; Perrin, Aurélie; Ponchant, Paul; Renaud-Gentié, Christel; Roinsard, Antoine; Sautereau, Natacha; Tailleur, Aurélie and Van Der Werf, Hayo (2021) Using Life Cycle Assessment To Assess And Improve The Environmental Performance Of Organic Production Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Niva, Mari; Sandell, Mari and Kirveennummi, Anna (2009) Individual choices? Bioscience, culture and society as approaches to genes, eating and health. In: FFRC eBOOK (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 118-124.

Nkurunziza, L. and Streibig, J.C. (2013) Temperature effect on fructan storage and regeneration of Canada thistle (Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop). In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 79-80.

Nobili, Dr. F; Finotti, Dr. E; Foddai, MS; Azzini, E; Garaguso, I; Raguzzini, A; Tisselli, Dr. V; Piazza, Dr. C and Maiani, Dr. G (2008) Bioactive compounds in tomatoes: effect of organic vs conventional management in Parma in 2006. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Noe, Egon (2003) Farm management, knowledge and multidimensional farming - some reflections from the perspective of farm enterprises as heterogeneous self-organising systems. Paper at: XXth ESRS Congress: Working group 1.5, Labour skills and training for multidimensional agricultures, Sligo, Ireland, 18-22 August 2003. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo F. (2007) Quality dimensions as an analytical tool to study food networks and development trajectories – A Pirsigian based framework illustrated by Danish organic food chains. Paper at: ESRS conference in Wageningen, 20 – 24. August 2007: WG 14 – The different trajectories of European organics and their sustainability. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2003) Combining Luhmann and Actor-Network Theory to see Farm Enterprises as Self-organizing Systems. Paper at: Opening of systems theory conference, Copenhagen, 23 - 25 May 2003. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) Farm enterprises as self-organizing systems: A new framework for studying farm enterprises? Paper at: XVth ISA World Congress of sociology, RC40 Sociology of agriculture and food, Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13th July 2002. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2002) Luhmann and Actor-Network Theory combined: Farm enterprises as self-organizing systems. Paper at: XVth ISA World Congress of Sociology, RC51 Sociocybernetics, Brisbane, Australia, 7 – 13th July, 2002. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Langvad, Anne Mette Sørensen (2005) A semiotic polyocular framework for multidisciplinary research in relation to multifunctional farming and rural development. Paper at: XXI ESRS Congress, Hungary, 22-25 August 2005. [Unpublished]

Noe, E. (2011) MULTI-TRUST. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16. november 2011. [Completed]

Noe, E.; Sørensen, P.; Melander, B.; Olesen, J.E. and Fog, E. (2013) Barriers for developing more robust organic arable farming systems in practice. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 151-152.

Noe, Egon (2016) Agriculture and bio based economy a driver of rural transformation and livelihood? 4th Biannual Conference on Nordic Rural Research, Akureyri, Island, 22/05/2016 - 24/05/2016.

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences. In the perspectives of multidisiplinarity. Paper at: AGROECOLOGY AND LAW: A TRANSDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUE, Lecca, Italy, NOVEMBER 15-16, 2013. [Completed]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences Regulation of Agroecosystems. Agroecology and Law: A Transdisciplinary Dialogue, Lecce, Italy, November 15-16, 2013. [Completed]

Noe, Egon; Kjeldsen, Chris; Bjørkhaug, Hilde and Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2015) Values-based food chains – Recoupling man and soil? In: Places of posibilities? Rural societies in a neoliberal world.

Noe, Egon; Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2016) Mediation of quality in values-based food chains. In: IRSA: RC 58 - Assessing the Potential of Values Based Food Chains for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods: Conceptualizing Values-Based Supply Chains and Agriculture of the Middle..

Noe, Egon and Schermer, M. (2015) How can new forms of food governance contribute to creating alternative economic spaces for the revitalisation of rural areas? Abstract at: The XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Noelting, Dr. Benjamin (2008) The German organic sector from the perspective of social-ecological research on agriculture and nutrition. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Noelting, Dr. Benjamin (2006) Improving the regional institutional context for the organic agriculture and food industry. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Norah, Efosa; Krause, Hans-Martin; Bünemann, Else K.; Hüppi, Roman; Häni, Christoph and Six, Johan (2018) Climate effects of recycled fertilizers and biochar: emissions of nitrous oxide, methane and ammonia in a field experiment. Poster at: Annual ETH PhD Symposium, Zurich, Swirtzerland, October 15, 2018. [Completed]

Nordentoft, Steen (2013) BioConval – Conversion of manure to high value poultry feed. Keynote presentation at: Second international conference on organic food quality and health research, Warsaw, Poland, 5-7 June 2013. [Completed]

Nordentoft, Steen; Cederberg, Tommy Licht; Fischer, Christian Holst and Bjerrum, Lotte (2014) Accumulation of Dioxins and PCB in House Fly larvae (Musca domestica) reared in poultry manure and used in feed for organic laying hens. Poster at: [Completed]

Nordentoft, Steen; Cederberg, Tommy Licht; Fischer, Christian Holst and Bjerrum, Lotte (2014) Accumulation of dioxins and PCB in house fly larvae (Musca domestica) reared in poultry manure and used in feed for organic laying hens. Poster at: Dioxin 2014, Madrid, August 31st - September 5th 2014. [Completed]

Nordentoft, Steen and Hald, Birthe (2013) Composting poultry manure by fly larvae (Musca domestica) eliminates Campylobacter jejuni from the manure. Poster at: CHRO 2013, Aberdeen, 15-19 september 2013.

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Novoa-Garrido, Margarita; Aanensen, Lise; Jensen, Søren K. and Steinshamn, Håvard (2010) Effect of feeding vitamin E from different sources on the immune system and intestinal microbiota in small ruminants. Presentation of an on going Norwegian project. Poster at: Gut Microbiology: new insights into gut microbial ecosystems, Aberdeen, Scotland (UK), June 23rd-25th, 2010. [Completed]

Novoa-Garrido, Margarita; Aanesen, Lise; Lind, Vibeke; Larsen, Hans J.S.; Govasmark, Espen and Steinshamn, Håvard (2012) Immunological effects of feeding different sources of vitamin E and seaweed in a sheep herd during the winter season. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2008, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, Braunschweig, Germany, Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue No. 362, no. 362, pp. 207-210.

Novoa-Garrido, Margarita; Bay-Larsen, Ingrid; Heckendorn, Felix; Weisbjerg, Martin R.; Molina-Alcaide, Eduarda and Lind, Vibeke (2014) Locally produced legumes and seaweed. Sustainable protein sources for a self-sufficient European animal production? Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Novotná , Hana; Schulzova, Vera; Krtkova, Veronika and Hajslova, Jana (2013) Authentication of organic tomatoes, wheat, and related products. In: Kahl, J.; Rembialkowska, E.; Zalecka, A. and Lesinski, G (Eds.) Book of Abstracts, p. 91.

Novrizal (2014) Lessons from the Internal Control System of the CoCoA Aceh Utara Cooperative. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Nowacka, Malgorzata; Tylewicz, Urszula; Romani, Santina; Dalla Rosa, Marco and Witrowa-Rajchert, Dorota (2016) Selected chemical and physico-chemical properties of ultrasound-assisted osmodehydrated kiwifruit. In: Pittia, Paola; Schleining, Gherard; Silva, Cristina L.M; Neri, Lilia and Habershuber, Anita (Eds.) Book of Abstracts, p. 344.

Nuijten, Edwin (2021) A Better Balance In Quantity And Quality: Opportunities For Vegetable Varieties Bred For Quality And Taste. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Nuijten, Edwin and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith (2021) LIVESEED: Systems-based breeding approach: How to implement it? Keynote presentation at: OWC 2021 Pre-Conference: Seed Ambassadors - Building an International Network to Advance Organic Seed Systems, France, Rennes, 6-7 September 2021. [Completed]

Nuijten, Edwin; Messmer, Monika; Mendes Moreira, Pedro; Rodriguez Burruezo, Adrian; Chable, Veronique and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith (2021) IMPLEMENTING THE SYSTEMS-BASED BREEDING CONCEPT. Keynote presentation at: International Conference on BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS By EUCARPIA Section Organic and Low Input Agriculture jointly with LIVESEED, BRESOV, ECOBREED, FLPP projects and ECO-PB, online from Latvia, 8 – 10 March 2021. [Completed]

Nuijten, Edwin; Messmer, Monika; Mendes Moreira, Pedro; Rodriguez Burruezo, Adrian and Lammerts Van Bueren, Edith (2021) Systems-Based Breeding Approach: How To Implement It? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Nuijten, E. and Prins, Udo (2015) Potential for breeding white lupin for calcareous rich soils in the Netherlands. Paper at: The XIV International Lupin Conference: Developing lupin crop into a major and sustainable food and feed source, Milan, Italy, 21-26 June 2015.

Nuijten, Edwin (2019) System-based breeding approach. Speech at: Biofach Messe LIVESEED Workshop, Nürnberg, Germany, 12. February 2019.

Nunoo, Isaac; Owusu, Victor and Darko Obiri, Beatrice (2014) Cocoa agroforestry a bridge for sustainable organic cocoa production. In: Rahmann, G. and Oksay, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 555-558.

Nurmi, Tarja; Mursu, Jaakko; Nurmi, Anna; Hiltunen, Raimo; Heinonen, Marina and Voutilainen, Sari (2007) Absorption and metabolism of berry polyphenols. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 9-10.

Nuutila, J. (2013) The new tendencies in the scientific research of the organic food system in Finland. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 91-92.

Nuutila, Jaakko (2017) A Path of Actions to Develop Organics in the Finnish Food Chain. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 111-113.

Nuutila, Jaakko (2015) Acceptance of the most common quality attributes of organic food in the Finnish food chain. In: Nordic view to sustainable rural development, NJF, Riga, 25, NJF proceedings, no. 25, pp. 318-323.

Nuutila, Jaakko and Kurppa, Sirpa (2014) Finnish Organic Food Chain - An Activity Theory Approach. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 235-238.

Nuutila, Jaakko; Olowe, Victor and Rembialkowska, Ewa (2018) Improving the food sovereignty in Africa – an Activity Theory approach. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 13-18.

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Nykänen, A.; Jauhiainen, L. and Rinne, M. (2009) Biomass production and feeding value of whole-crop cereal-legume silages. In: Agronomy Research, 7 (Special issue II), Agronomy Research, pp. 684-690.

Nykänen, A.; Jauhiainen, L. and Rinne, M. (2009) Biomass production and feeding value of whole-crop cereal-legume-silages. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 57.

Nykänen, A.; Leinonen, P. and Nykänen-Kurki, P. (2003) Preliminary evaluation of perennial forage legumes for organic farming in Finland. In: Helgadóttir, Á. and Dalmannsdóttir, S. (Eds.) COST-852 Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments, pp. 131-133.

Nykänen, A.; Leinonen, P. and Nykänen-Kurki, P. (2002) Management of red clover content of organic grassland. In: Scientific aspects of organic farming, Latvia University of Agriculture, pp. 101-103.

Nykänen, A.; Leinonen, P. and Väisänen, J. (2000) Clover content and yield of swards on organic farms - maintenance and estimation. In: Viiralt, Rein; Lillak, Rein and Michelson, Maria (Eds.) Conventional and ecological grassland management : comparative research and development, Estonian Grassland Society, pp. 149-152.

Nykänen, Arja (2005) Research program for organic food and farming in Finland. Paper at: Researching sustainable systems : first scientific conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held in cooperation with IFOAM and NASAA, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-23 September 2005.

Nykänen, Arja (2004) On-farm estimation of clover content of mixed swards. Paper at: European Society for Agronomy VIII ESA congress, Copenhagen, Denmark, July 11-15, 2004.

Nykänen, Arja (2004) Soils characteristics affecting BNF of organically grown red clover in Finland. Paper at: 14th International congress on nitrogen fixation, Beijing, China, Oct 27 - Nov 1, 2004.

Nykänen, Arja and Nykänen-Kurki, Päivi (2003) How to establish a perennial legume-grass sward? Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, Turku, July 1-4, 2003.

Nykänen, Arja; Kurki, Päivi and Rinne, Marketta (2014) EXPERIENCES ON DIFFERENT TYPES OF ON-FARM RESEARCH IN EASTERN FINLAND. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 255-258.

Nykänen, Arja; Kymäläinen, Maritta and Lemola, Riitta (2011) Effective green manuring via biogas production. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 170.

Nykänen-Kurki, P.; Leinonen, P. and Nykänen, A. (2004) Dry matter production of annually cultivated forage legumes in organic farming. In: The International school-conference plant cultivation in the European North: the present situation and the prospects dedicated to the 50th anneversary of the Department of Agriculture and Soil Science, the Pedrozavodsk State University, pp. 189-191.

Nykänen-Kurki, P.; Leinonen, P. and Nykänen, A. (2003) Preliminary evaluation of annually cultivated forage legumes for organic farming in Finland. In: Helgadóttir, Á. and Dalmannsdóttir, S. (Eds.) COST-852 Quality legume-based forage systems for contrasting environments, pp. 72-75.

Nørgaaard, Jan Værum; Steenfeldt, Sanna; Theil, Peter Kappel; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Studnitz, Merete (2021) Fulfil The Expectation Of 100% Organic Feed To Organic Pigs And Poultry. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Nørremark, Michael and Griepentrog, Hans W. (2004) Analysis and Definition of the close-to-crop Area in Relation to Robotic Weeding. Paper at: 6th Workshop of the EWRS Working Group 'Physical and Cultural Weed Control', Lillehammer, Norway, 8th March 2004.

Nørremark, Michael and Griepentrog, Hans W. (2003) A method for high accuracy geo-referencing of data from field operations. Paper at: 4th European Conference on Precision Agriculture, Berlin, Germany, July 2003.

Nørremark, Michael; Swain, Kishore and Melander, Bo (2009) Advanced Non-Chemical and Close to Plant Weed Control system for Organic Agriculture. In: Salokhe, V.M. and Soni, P. (Eds.) Proceedings of the conference 'Role of agricultural engineering in advent of changing global landscape' , p. 8.

Nørskov, Natalja P; Curtasu, Mihai; Olaf Nielsen, Mette and Grønkjær Hansen, Arne (2023) Extract of polyphenols such as natural tannins and flavonoids from willow and hemp as organic feed additive for methane reduction in dairy cows. Poster at: AgriFood Climate Circle. [Completed]

O'Brian, J; Philips, L and Aspray, C (2006) Developing an agro-forestry system for production of a commercial organic chicken flock focusing on profits on a 'Triple bottom Line'. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 67-71.

O'Brien, Miss Josie; Aspray, Miss Claire and Philipps, Ms Lois (2006) Research and development into the viability of a one hundred per cent organic ration for organic table birds within a silvo-poultry system. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

O'Doherty Jensen, Katherine (2004) Moral Concerns about Food Products and Production Methods among Consumers of Organic Foods: A Report of Some Preliminary Results from an On-Going Qualitative Study. Paper at: Bi-annual Meeting of the Consumer Network of the European Sociological Association, Copenhagen, August 26-28th, 2004. [Unpublished]

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Oates, Liza; Cohen, Marc and Braun, Lesley (2014) Organic Diets Reduce Exposure to Organophosphate Pesticides. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 13-16.

Oba, Beyza (2014) Why it failed? A case study in Turkish organic stock-raising. IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Oberhänsli, Thomas; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Thürig, Barbara; Peter, Nadine; Vonzun, Seraina; Scheiner, Christine; Dolder Laaraichi, Barbara; Kussmann, Sebastian and Messmer, Monika M. (2023) Development of a quantitative Pea Necrotic Yellow Dwarf Virus (PNYDV) screening system for the selection of resistant pea (Pisum sativum L.) accessions. Poster at: 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology, Lyon, France, 20-25 August 2023. [Completed]

Oberhänsli, Thomas; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Thürig, Barbara; Peter, Nadine; Vonzun, Seraina; Scheiner, Christine; Dolder Laaraichi, Barbara; Kussmann, Sebastian and Messmer, Monika M. (2023) Development of a quantitative Pea Necrotic Yellow Dwarf Virus (PNYDV) screening system for the selection of resistant pea (Pisum sativum L.) accessions. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP 2023, 20-25 August 2023, Lyon, France, p. 806.

Oberhänsli, T.; Leschenne, V.; Dalbosco, A.; Patocchi, A.; Bohr, A.; Buchleither, S.; Wille, L.; Tamm, L. and Schärer, H.J. (2020) Genetic diversity of the apple leaf blotch fungus Marssonina coronariain Europe. In: Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, ecofruit, 17-19 February, 2020, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 213-214.

Oberholtzer, Lydia; Dimitri, Carolyn and Lohr, Luanne (2008) Factors Affecting Market Outlet Use by U.S. Organic Handlers. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Oberholtzer, Lydia; Dimitri, Carolyn and Pressman, Andy (2014) Organic Agriculture in U.S. Urban Areas: Building Bridges Between Organic Farms and Education. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Oberholzer, H.R.; Mäder, Paul and Fliessbach, Andreas (2000) DOC-trail: 20 years of organic and conventional farming affect soil microbial properties. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, p. 14.

Oberson, A.; Jarosch, K.A.; Frossard, E.; Hammelehle, A.; Fliessbach, A.; Mäder, P. and Mayer, J. (2023) Higher than expected: Nitrogen use efficiencies over 35 years of organic and conventional cropping. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 21.

Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, K. A.; Bosshard, C.; Dubois, D.; Frossard, E.; Hammelehle, A.; Mayer, J. and Mäder, P. (2019) Nitrogen budgets and soil nitrogen stocks of organic and conventional cropping systems: how reconcile efficiency and sustainability of nitrogen use? In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 30.

Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, Klaus A.; Bosshard, Christine; Dubois, David; Frossard, Emmanuel; Hammelehle, Andreas; Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2018) Nitrogen Budgets and Soil Nitrogen Stocks of Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems: Trade-Off between Efficiency and Sustainability of Nitrogen Use. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 44.

Obey, Jackie; Ngeiywa, Moses; von Wright, Atte; Kauhanen, Jussi and Tikkanen-Kaukanen, Carina (2017) Antimicrobial activity of Finnish organic honeys against human pathogenic bacteria. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 94-95.

Obiedzinska, Agnieszka and Kwasek, Mariola (2014) Organic vs. Conventional: comparison of online shopping food prices in Poland. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Odeyemi, Olubukola Motunrayo; Odetola, Ibrahim Olayinka and Ojetayo, Abiola Elizabeth (2018) Physico-chemical composition of sweet orange (Citrus sinensis. cv Agege 1) with fruit maturity in an organic production system. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 181-186.

Odion, Ehiabhi Cyril; Ibrahim, Usman; Sambo, Banake Elisha; Ahmed, Adamu and Mukthar, Aisha (2018) Developing a Strategy for Sustainable Improved Soil Productivity in the Tropics - Efficient Management of Crop Residue/Farm Waste. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor; Olabiyi, Timothy; Azim, Khalid and AdeOluwa, Olugbenga (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 241-244.

Oehen, Bernadette (2022) FiBL – “Tradition” in participatory on-farm research. Paper at: EENoLL Agriculture and Agri-food Working Group session, Online Meeting, 11 April 2022. [Completed]

Oehen, Bernadette; Costa-Font, Montserrat; Morgner, Marion; Gil, José M. and Stolze, Matthias (2007) Co-existence in maize supply chains in Spain and Switzerland. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Oehen, Bernadette; Gieseke, Alina; Müller, Adrian and Frehner, Anita (2023) Session "Vegan diets and organic farming: opportunities, challenges, and impacts on nutrition, food security and the environment". Paper at: Biofach 2023, Nuremberg, Germany, 14-17 February, 2023. [Completed]

Oehen, Bernadette; Vaarst, Mette; Spaans, Annick and Beaugrand, Florence (2023) Living Lab Methodologies and expamples of Living Labs in animal agriculture. First experiences from H2020 Project Roadmap. Lecture at: Roadmap online trainings (Episode 2), online, 14th of February 2023. [Completed]

Oehen, B.; Meier, C.; Holzherr, P. and Förtser, I. (2018) Strategies to valorise agrobiodiversity. In: Book of Abstracts. 13th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium, Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece, ISFA, pp. 1-11.

Oehen, Bernadette and Moschitz, Heidrun (2018) More than wheat - the market potential of currently underutilised cereal crops. In: Book of Abstracts. 13th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium, Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece, ISFA, pp. 1-11.

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Offermann, Frank; Nieberg, Hiltrud and Hecht, Judtih (2008) Potential of differentiated payment levels based on standard cost approaches: A case study of selected rural development measures in Germany. Paper at: The 82nd Annual Conference of the Agricultural Economics Society, Royal Agricultural College, 31st March to 2nd April 2008. [Completed]

Oggiano, Philipp; Rastorgueva, Natalia; Taran, Alieksei; Torri, Luisa; Piochi, Maria; Masoero, Giorgio and Migliorini, Paola (2021) Impact Of A Mycorrhizal Inoculum On Tomato And Pepper Organic Production: A Transdisciplinary Approach In Northern Italian Context. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Öhlinger, B.; Spornberger, A. and Keppel, H. (2008) Suitability of peach and nectarine cultivars for organic production under pannonic climate conditions in Austria. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Boos, Markus, (Hrsg.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 123-126.

Ohm, M.; Paulsen, H.M.; Eichler-Löbermann, B. and Rahmann, G. (2013) Development of phosphatase and dehydrogenase activities in soils of annual cropland and permanent grassland in an organic farm. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 123-124.

Ohm, Magdalena; Schüler, Maximilian; Paulsen, Hans Marten; Warnecke, Sylvia and Rahmann, Gerold (2014) Measurement methods on pastures and their use in environmental life-cycle assessment. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 419-422.

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Olesen, Jørgen E. and Sørensen, P. (2013) Estimating nitrogen supply and cereal crop yield in organic crop production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 121-122.

Oleskowicz-Popiel, P; Ambus, P; Carter, M.S.; Dalgaard, T.; Hauggaard-Nielsen, H; Johansen, A; Jørgensen, U; Nielsen, A.M; Nielsen, H.B.; Nielsen, L.H; Olesen, J.E.; Roepstorff, A; Skytte, K; Schmidt, J.E.; Thomsen, A.B.; Thomsen, M.H. and Jensen, E.S. (2008) BioConcens: Biomass and bioenergy production agriculture – consequences for soil fertility, environment, spread of animal parasites and socio-economy. Paper at: vth International Symposium on anaerobic digestion of solid wastes and energy crops.

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Olowe, Victor I and Somefun, Olabisi (2021) A Synthesis Of The 2Nd, 3Rd, 4Th And 5Th Isofar Scientific Conferences: Pointers To Future Frontiers Of Knowledge. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

OLOWE, VICTOR; ADEJUYIGBE, CHRIS; OSHUNDIYA, FOLASAHDE; AJIBADE, FOLASHADE; AJIBOYE, OLAOLU and BAKARE, JEREMIAH (2014) AGRONOMIC PERFORMANCE OF SOYBEANS (Glycine max (L.) Merrill)) IN AN ORGANIC CROP ROTATION SYSTEM. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 835-838.

Olowe, Victor; Adeoluwa, Olugbenga O.; Orimoloye, Julius and Yekinni, Taofeeq (2018) Towards mapping Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) research into use in Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 193-198.

Olowoake, A. A. (2015) Efficacy of Compost, NPK and Organomineral Fertilizers on Growth and Yield of Celosia argentea L. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria.

Olowoake, Adebayo A. (2014) EVALUATION OF DIFFERENT RATES OF JATHROPHA (Jathropha curcas) SEED CAKE ON THE GROWTH OF AMARANTHUS CAUDATUS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 855-858.

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Onwonga, Richard Ndemo; Lelei, Joyce J. Ndemo and Namoi, Nictor Litunya (2015) Effectiveness of Agroecological Intensification Techniques Towards Enhancing Soil Nutrient Status, Moisture Content, and Crop Productivity in Semi-Arid Lands of Kenya. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 247-256.

ONYENALI, TOBECHI and OLOWE, VICTOR (2015) Agronomic performance and seed quality of advanced breeding lines of soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) as influenced by organic fertilizer application. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 31-35.

Onyenali, Tobechi; Olowe, Victor; Fabunmi, Thomas and Adeniyi, Soretire (2018) Organic fertilizers improve the growth, seed quality and yield of newly released soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merrill) varieties in the tropics. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 143-148.

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Ortolani, L; Micheloni, C; Barberi, P and Bonazinga, M (2011) Italian networking of public experimental sites working on Organic Farming: an experience of networking in research. In: Neuhoff, D; Halberg, N; Rasmussen, I; Hermansen, J; Ssekyewa, C and Sohn, S (Eds.) Proceedings, ISOFAR, 2, Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow, pp. 338-341.

Ortolani, Livia; Kristensen, Hanne L.; Campanelli, Gabriele; Bavec, Martina; Bavec, Franc; von Fragstein, Peter; Bergmam, Astrid; Leteo, Fabrizio and Canali, Stefano (2014) Cost and energy evaluation of organic cauliflower in sole crop and living mulch systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 179-182.

Oshunsanya, S. O.; Fagbenro, J. A.; Aliku, O. and Oke, O. A. (2015) Nursery Establishment of Moringa Oleifera as Affected by Pre-Sowing Seed Treatments in a Coarse Textured Soil. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 1-6.

Ostrowski, Kasper (2013) New Nordic Rurality. Enacting terroir as rootless American innovation or soiled European tradition. Keynote presentation at: The 2013 Annual International Conference at the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG) in London., London, 28.-30. August 2013. [Completed]

Ostrowski, Kasper (2013) Enacting New Nordic terroir as rootless American innovation or soiled European tradition? Keynote presentation at: First Nordic STS Conference, Norway, Trondheim, Værnes, Rica Hell Hote, 24.-26. April, 2013. [Completed]

Ostrowski, Kasper (2012) Unwrapping The Northern Sea cheese - Enacting place in the Danish dairy food sector. Paper at: The 10th European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus University, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012. [Completed]

Oudshoorn, F.W. and de Boer, I.J.M. (2008) Is automatic milking acceptable in organic dairy farming? Quantification of sustainability indicators. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Oudshoorn, Frank (2019) Rapidly growing Annexes? EGTOP's role in assessing new and existing inputs in organic growing. What is the scientific basis for Annex changes? In: Organic PLUS workshop in Norway, Fokhol farm, Stange October 28-29, 2019, Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK).

Oudshoorn, Frank and de Boer, Imke (2005) Survey of the sustainability aspects of Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) in organic dairy production. In: Cox, Sydney (Ed.) Book: Precision Livestock Farming 05, Wageningen academic press, pp. 193-199.

Oudshoorn, Frank W.; de Boer, Imke J.M. and Renes, Reint Jan (2005) Sustainability Aspects of Automatic Milking Systems (AMS) in Organic Dairy Production in Denmark and the Netherlands. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Oudshoorn, F.W. and Spörndly, E. (2013) Operational strategies for optimizing grazing when using automatic milking systems in organic dairy production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 129-130.

Oudshoorn, Frank W. and Lauridsen, Kirstine (2014) Facilitating grazing for organic dairy farms with expanding herd size. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 183-186.

Owen, D; LeBlanc, S and Fillmore, S A E (2006) Short-term effect of soil disturbance by mechanical weeding on plant available nutrients in an organic vs conventional rotations experiment. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 301-305.

Owen, Ms. Josée; LeBlanc, Mr. Serge and Fillmore, Ms. Sherry (2008) Season-long supply of plant-available nutrients from compost and fertiliser in a long term organic vs. conventional snap bean rotations experiment. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Owen, Ms. Josée; Lynch, Dr. Derek and Fillmore, Ms. Sherry (2008) Changes in light fraction soil organic matter and in organic carbon and nitrogen in compost amended soils. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Owens, Katie and Watson, Christine (2002) Nutrient budgeting for trace elements: Examples from Scottish organic farms. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 147-148.

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Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Salmane, Ineta; Warlop, Francois and Sigsgaard, Lene (2017) Functional agrobiodiversity techniques to support beneficial organisms in apple orchards of Latvia. Speech at: 59th International Scientific Conference of Daugavpils University., Daugavpils, Latvia, 06.-07.03.2017..

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Padel, Susan (2002) Studying conversion as a human activity system. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 101-104.

Padel, Susanne (2007) How do ethical values of organic agriculture relate to standards and current pratice? In: Zollitsch, Werner; Winkler, Christoph; Waiblinger, Susanne and Hasleberger, Alexander (Eds.) Sustainable Food Production and Ethics. Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 26-30.

Padel, Susanne (2007) Principles of organic agriculture and the market place. In: Sorensen, Neil (Ed.) Conference Proceedings, IFOAM, Bonn, pp. 49-55.

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Padel, Susanne (2002) In-depth case studies of the conversion process. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 289-292.

Padel, Susanne (2001) Information and Advisory Services for Organic Farming in Europe. Paper at: 15th ESEE Workshop (European Society for Extension Education: ), Wagningen, 2001. [Unpublished]

Padel, Susanne; Messmer, Monika; Sommer, Martin and Zanoli, Raffaele (2021) New Plant breeding Techniques and Organic Farming: scientific, regulatory and consumer issues. Keynote presentation at: Biofach 2021, Forum Wissenschaft, Stream 1, Nuremberg, Germany, 17 February 2021. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne and Midmore, Peter (2007) Organic Marketing Initiativesand Rural Development: Summary of results and conclusions. Speech at: Presentation of EU research results to the Standing Committee for Organic Farming, Brussels, 12 March 2007.

Padel, Susanne; Nicholas, Phillipa; Jasinska, Aleksandra and Lampkin, Nicolas (2008) Ethical concerns associated with organic food in Europe. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of 16 IFOAM world congress (CD).

Padel, Susanne and Sundrum, Albert (2006) How can we achieve 100% organic diets for pigs and poultry? Poster at: What will organic farming deliver COR 2006, Edinburgh, 18-20 September 2006. [Unpublished]

Padel, Susanne; Tzilivakis, John; Measures, Mark; Stockdale, Elizabeth and Watson, Christine (2002) Development of software to plan conversion to organic production (OrgPlan). In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 169-172.

Padel, Susanne and Zander, Katrin (2009) OrganicPlus values and their relevance to consumers: First results from the CORE FCP project. In: Frediksson, P and Ullven, K (Eds.) Towards increased sustainablity in the food supply chain. 1st Nordic Organic Conference, Centre for sustainable land use CUL at SLU, pp. 104-106.

Padel, Susanne; Zander, Katrin; Lampkin, Nicolas Harry and Hildert Sanders, Juern (2021) The Consumer Or The Citizen: Who Should Pay For The Benefits Of Organic Farming? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Padel, S. (2013) Organic Farming as an European Innovation System. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 15-17.

Padel, Susanne (2011) Can certification encourage organic operators to become better organic operators? In: Organic is Life. Paper presented at 17th IFOAM world congress. Namyanju, Republic of South Korea, Systems value track- Standards and verification.

Padel, Susanne; Gerrard, Catherine L; Leach, Katharine; Smith, Laurence G; Topp, C F E and Watson, Christine (2013) The devil is the detail: finding meaning indicators of nutrient management on organic and low-input farms. In: Aspects of Applied Biology , Association of Applied Biologists, Wellesborne, UK, 121, pp. 83-88.

Padel, Susanne; Gerrard, Catherine L and Vieweger, Anja (2014) The case studies of the Organic Data network. Paper at: 2nd OrganicDataNetwork Workshop, Bari, Italy, July 10 & 11, 2014. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne and Lampkin, Nicolas (2011) European Organic Farming Policy and CAP Reform. In: Organic is Life: IFOAM Organic world congress South Korea.

Padel, Susanne; Pearce, Bruce; Cuoco, Eduardo; Schlueter, Marco; Niggli, Urs ; Schmid, Otto ; Willer, Helga; Huber, Machteld; Halberg, Niels and Micheloni, Cristina (2011) Technology Platform Organics: Knowledge Generation and Exchange in Organic Food And Farming Research. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life: Knowledge for tomorrow, ISOFAR, Bonn, 2, pp. 330-333.

Padel, Susanne; Rippin , Markus; Schaack, Diana; Schaer, Burkhard and Willer, Helga (2011) Presentations of the Session "The European Market for Organic Food". Paper at: BioFach Congress 2011, Session "The European Market for Organic Food", Nuremberg, Germany , February 15-18, 2011. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne and Zander, Katrin (2010) Regional production’ and ‘Fairness’ in organic farming: Evidence from a CORE Organic project. In: Darnhofer, Ika and Grötzer, Michaela (Eds.) WS4.3 – Fair and regional: New trends of organic and sustainable food systems, Universität für Bodenkultur , Vienna .

Pagani, Elena; Zanetti, Federica; Facciolla, Erica and Monti, Andrea (2022) Camelina and Pea Intercropping For Weed Control In Organic Farming. Poster at: Italian Society for Agronomy Congress, 19-21.09.2022.

Pahkala, Katri and Kontturi, Markku (2009) Potential of straw as bio-energy raw material in northern European countries. In: NJF Report, Vol 5, No 3, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 56.

Pak, Chang Nam (2014) Organic Agriculture in DPRK. A Strategy for Sustainable Development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Pakpahan, Juniper (2014) LOCAL WISDOM AND BIO-DIVERSITY. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Palacios, C.; Revilla, I.; Vivar-Quintana, A.M.; Lurueña-Martínez, M.A. and Severiano-Pérez, P. (2008) Consumer Appreciation of Carcass Quality of Organic vs Conventional Suckling Lamb Production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Palacios, C.; Lafuente, M.A. and de la Fuente, L.F. (2009) Alternative treatments in the control of psoroptic mange in a flock of organic production sheep. In: Options Méditerranéennes.

Pali, P.N; Freyer, B.; Kaaria, S. K and Delve, R.J (2007) Human Capacity Development for Income Generation and Organic Market Linkages in Uganda. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Pall, Emoke; Olah, Diana; Vasiu, Aurel; Sandru, Dana Carmen; Cerbu, Constantin; Potarniche, Adrian; Cozma, Vasile and Spinu, Marina (2023) RAISING TECHNOLOGY INDUCED SPATIAL DYNAMICS OF ANTIMICROBIAL RESISTANCE AND ZOONOTIC RISK IN E. COLI ISOLATED FROM SWINE. Poster at: HealthyLivestock/ArMoR event, Wageningen, Netherlands, 16.02.2023.

Pall, Emoke; Spinu, Marina; Olah, Diana; Cozma, Vasile and Vasiu, Aurel (2023) Synergistic antimicrobial potential of lactoferrin and oregano extract on potentially pathogenic ported bacteria isolated from swine. Paper at: [Completed]


Pallari, Maarit (2006) Towards sustainable well-being and new modern eco-marketing argumentation - Smart EcoCuva is analysis tools for a food marketing. Poster at: World food day, Helsinki, Finland, 13.10.2006. [Unpublished]

Palm, Gerd; Klopp, Karsten and Kruse, Petra (2002) Control of venturia inaequalis: substitutes for and reduced use of copper. [Schorfbekämpfung: Ersatz und Minimierung des Kupfereinsatzes.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 75-81.

Palmer, M.; Cooper, J.M; Fließbach, A.; Melville, J.; Turnbull, C.; Shotton, P. and Leifert, C. (2007) N released from organic amendments is affected by soil management history. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Palojärvi, Ansa (2008) Impact of crop species and tillage on potentially suppressive soil microbes. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 3.

Palojärvi, Ansa; Myllys, Merja and Alakukku, Laura (2003) On-farm soil quality estimations. Poster at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Palojärvi, Ansa; Sipilä, Timo; Yrjälä, Kim; Hatakka, Annele and Alakukku, Laura (2009) Ecosystem services of soil microbial communities - developing sustainable cultivation methods for agriculture. In: Program & Abstract, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, p. 282.

Palosuo, T.; Rötter, R.P.; Lehtonen, H.; Kahiluoto, H.; Aakkula, J.; Helin, J.; Salo, T.; Helenius, J.; Granlund, J.K.; Rankinen, K. and Carter, T. (2009) A modelling framework for the assessment of the impacts of alternative policy and management options on the sustainability of Finnish agrifood systems. Poster at: Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-24 September 2009.

Panneerselvam, P.; Halberg, N. and Hermansen, J.E. (2009) Organic agriculture in relation to food security of developing countries. In: Organic agriculture in relation to food security of developing countries , SLU, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, pp. 149-151.

Panozzo, Anne and Desclaux, Dominique (2018) Durum wheat in olive orchard: more income for the farmers? 4. European Agroforestry Conference. EURAF 2018, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Paoletti, Flavio (2021) An introduction to the project "Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg". Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Paoletti, Flavio (2021) CORE Organic Cofund Project: Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg. Workshop at: BioFach 2021, Nurnberg (done remotely), 18/02/2021.

Papadopoulos, A; Bird, N R A; Whitmore, A P and Mooney, S J (2006) The effects of organic farming on the soil physical environment. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 263-267.

Paponov, Ivan Alekseevic (2021) Agronomic performances and nutrient dynamics in the Danish trial. Ivan A. Paponov, Rome, 21.09.2021. [draft]

Paponov, Ivan Alekseevic (2021) Agronomic performances of tomato and winter vegetables in the Danish trial. Ivan A. Paponov, Rome, 21.09.2021. [draft]

Papp, Orsolya; Bencze, Szilvia; Barta, Lili and Drexler, Dora (2021) Testing Microbial Inoculants And Precrop Effect On Organic Potato In Hungary. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Papp, Orsolya (2014) On-farm examination of resistant early and maincrop potato varieties in Hungarian organic farming. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 603-606.

Papp, Orsolya; Drexler, Dora; Bársony, Kristóf; Barta, Lili and Bencze, Szilvia (2019) Testing microbial inoculants and precrop effect on organic potato in Hungary. Poster at:

Pappa, V A; Rees, R M and Watson, C A (2006) Nitrogen transfer between clover and wheat in an intercropping experiment. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 291-295.

Parikka, P. and Lemmetty, A. (2008) Plant diseases in changing environment. In: Book of abstracts, COST-Action 863 Euroberry Research.

Parikka, Päivi (2006) Screening strawberry plant resistance to Phytophthora cactorum with two techniques. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 38.

Parikka, Päivi (2003) The effect of irrigation method on the quality and shelf-life of strawberry fruit in organic production. In: Plant protection in sustainable strawberry production, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 22.

Parikka, Päivi (2003) The effect of irrigation method on the quality and shelf-life of strawberry fruit in organic production. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Parikka, Päivi; Hietaniemi, Veli; Rämö, Sari; Jalli, Heikki and Vihervirta, Tuija (2008) The effect of reduced tillage on mycotoxin contents of oat and barley grain. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 12.

Parikka, Päivi; Karhu, Saila and Hietaranta, Tarja (2009) Everbearing strawberry cultivars - susceptibility to crown rot. In: NJF Report, vol 5, no 9, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 28.

Parikka, Päivi and Lemmetty, Anne (2009) Survival of Colletotrichum acutatum on alternative hosts. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (9), NJF Report, p. 17.

Parikka, Päivi; Tuovinen, Tuomo; Lindqvist, Isa; Kemppainen, Riitta; Hietaranta, Tarja and Karhu, Saila (2009) Everbearing strawberry cultivars in tunnels and outdoor production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (9), NJF Report, p. 23.

Parikka, Päivi; Rämö, Sari; Hietaniemi, Veli; Alakukku, Laura; Känkänen, Hannu and Salo, Yrjö (2011) Fusarium infection and mycotoxins on cereals in reduced tillage. Lecture at: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, 24 th NJF congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011.

Partanen, Birgitta (2017) Organic wild collection in forests. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report1, pp. 92-93.

Partanen, Kirsi; Valaja, Jarmo and Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka (2013) Feeding value of red clover-grass, Persian clover and common vetch for pigs. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 69-70.

Parveaud, Claude Eric; Brenner, Johanna; Ondet, Sophie-Joy; Gomez, Christelle; Libourel, Gilles; Warlop, François; Brun, Laurent; Mercier, Vincent; Clauzel, Guy and Audergon, Jean Marc (2015) Assessment of diseases susceptibility of peach cultivars in experimental plots and on-farm for organic and low-input systems. Baseline of french case studies. Innovation in Integrated & Organic Horticulture, INNOHORT 2015, Avignon, France.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle; Bussi, Claude and Capowiez, Yvan (2010) Effect of permanent ground cover on agronomic properties and soil fertility in an organic peach orchard. Poster at: 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbonne, Portugal, 22-27 August 2010.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle; Chovelon, Marc; Lambion, Jérôme; Dagostin, Silvia and Pertot, Ilaria (2010) Alternatives to copper-based treatments for the control of grapevine downy mildew (Plasmopara viticola): 5-year synthesis of trials in France and Italy. [Alternatives aux traitements à base de cuivre pour la lutte contre le mildiou de la vigne (Plasmopara viticola): Synthèse de 5 années d'expérimentation en France et en Italie.] Poster at: 28th International Horticultural Congress, Lisbon, Portugal, 22-27 August 2010.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle; Libourel, Gilles; Romet, Lionel; Warlop, Francois; Simon, Sylvaine; Brun, Laurent; Pouzoulet, Didier; Delebecq, Alain; Tournant, Ludovic; Oste, Sandrine and Laurens, François (2010) Assessment of the susceptibility to pests and diseases of 36 apple cultivars in four low-input organic orchards in France. [Evaluation de la sensibilité variétale auw bioagresseurs de 36 variétés de pommiers dans quatre vergers semi-extensifs conduits en agriculture biologique en France.] Speech at: 14th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, ECOFRUIT, Universität Hohenheim, Germany, February 22 to 24, 2010.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle; Libourel, Gilles; Romet, Lionel; Warlop, François; Simon, Sylvaine; Brun, Laurent; Pouzoulet, Didier; Delebecq, Alain; Tournant, Ludovic; Oste, Sandrine and Laurens, Francois (2010) Assessment of the susceptibility to pests and diseases of 36 apple cultivars in 4 low-input organic orchards in France. 14. International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing. Ecofruit, Hohenheim Universität, Germany.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Jacquot, Maxime; Fermond, Nicolas; Brenner, Johanna; Gomez, Christelle and Mallet, Olivier (2021) Screening Of Alternatives To Decrease Copper Dependency For Plasmopara Viticola Control In Organic Grape Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Brenner , Johanna; Ondet, Sophie-Joy; Gomez, Christelle; Libourel, Gilles; Warlop, François; Brun, Laurent; Mercier, Vincent; Clauzel, Guy and Audergon, Jean-Marc (2015) Assessment of diseases susceptibility of peach cultivars in experimental plots and on-farm for organic and low-input systems. Baseline of French case studies. [Evaluation variétale de la sensibilité aux maladies du pêcher en parcelle expérimentale et chez des producteurs pour des systèmes biologiques et faibles intrants.] Poster at: INNOHORT ISHS International Symposium, Avignon, France, 8-12 June 2015.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Broquaire, Jean-Michel; Mercier, Vincent; Gomez, Christelle; Brun, Laurent; Clauzel, Guy; Guillermin, Armand and Audergon, Jean-Marc (2012) Apricot susceptibility to blossom brown rot (Monilinia spp.) and leaf rust (Tranzschelia spp.) under low-input production system. [Sensibilité variétale de l'abricotier au monilia sur fleur (Monilinia app.) et à la rouille (Tranzschelia spp.) dans un sytème à faible intrant.] Poster at: ECOFRUIT, Hohenheim, 20-20 February 2012.

Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Gomez, Christelle; Gros, Christophe; Asencio, Pedro; de le Vallee, Damien and Brun, Laurent (2014) IS LEAF LITTER REMOVAL MORE EFFICIENT THAN LEAF LITTER SHREDDING TO CONTROL APPLE SCAB? A FIRST ANSWER IN A COMMERCIAL ORGANIC ORCHARD. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 275-278.

Paszkowski, Artur (2023) Opportunities and challenges in organic seed sector in Poland. [Szanse i wyzwania w sektorze nasiennictwa ekologicznego w Polsce.] Paper at: 2nd European Organic Seed Policy Conference, Poznan, Poland, 29 September 223. [Completed]

Patel, Dharmendra; Singh, Akanksha and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Protecting organic cotton: Biopesticides tested against the American bollworm. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 81.

Patel, M.; Wredle, E.; Spörndly, E.; Bertilsson, J. and Kumm, K.-I. (2013) Profitability of organic and conventional dairy production with different dietary proportions of high-quality grass silage. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 65-66.

Pathak, Prabir Kumar and Chander, Mahesh (2011) Assessment of Farm Animal Welfare using Organic Animal Husbandry Standards as Yardstick: A micro-level study in India. In: Sang , Mok Sohn (Ed.) Prcoceedings of 6th IFOAM -Asia Scientific Conference on Organic agriculture, , Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Dankook University, pp. 95-104.

Patidar, Ishwar and Singh, Akanksha (2023) Effect of long-term management on yield of dicotyledon plants in cotton systems. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 64.

Patsaki, E.E.; Bourbos, V.A.; Balis, C. and Barbopoulou, E.A. (2005) Use of liohumus extract for ecological control of potato late blight. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Patyi, Andras; Schneider, Michael; Arncken, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Schwertfirm, Grit; Schweizer, Günther and Lazzaro, Mariateresa (2023) Development and validation of molecular markers tagging anthracnose resistance in white lupin (Lupinus albus, L.). Paper at: 16th International Lupin Conference, Rostock, Germany, 19.- 23.6. 2023. [Completed]

Patyi, András; Schneider, Michael; Arncken, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Schwertfirm, Grit; Schweizer, Günther and Lazzaro, Mariateresa (2023) Development and validation of molecular markers tagging anthracnose resistance in white lupin (Lupinus albus, L.). Paper at: XVI. International Lupin Conference, Rostock, Germany, 19.-23.6.2023. [Completed]

Paul, Carsten; Don, Axel; Bartkowski, Bartosz; Wiesmeier, Martin; Weigl, Sebastian; Mayer, Steffi; Steffens, Markus; Wolf, Cenk and Helming, Katharina (2022) Suitability of soil carbon certificates for climate change mitigation. Paper at: EGU22, Austria Center Vienna (ACV) in Vienna, Austria, 23.05.2022 - 27.05.2022. [Completed]

Paull, John (2024) Koberwitzer for a Day: Keynote Address. Keynote presentation at: Biodynamic Federation Demeter International (BFDI) Members Assembly, Krzyzowa, Poland, 26-28 June 2024.

Paull, John (2024) Evolution of Rudolf Steiner’s ‘Agriculture Course’ from 1924 to 1929. Lecture at: Biodynamics 100 (BD100), Nailsworth,Gl, UK, 24-26 May 2024.

Paull, John (2021) Organic Agriculture - Invented in Kent. Paper at: Kent Maps Symposium, Canterbury Christ Church University, 5 May 2021.

Paull, John (2009) The Path to Otopia: an Australian Perspective. Paper at: Launch of the Historical Research Archive of the Soil Association of South Australia (SASA), State Library of South Australia, Adelaide, 4 February 2009. [Unpublished]

Paull, John (2008) Climate Change, Carbon Offsets and Certified Organic Forestry. In: Proceedings of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), pp. 1-4.

Paull, John (2008) The Greening of China’s Food - Green Food, Organic Food, and Eco-labelling. Paper at: Sustainable Consumption and Alternative Agri-Food Systems Conference, Liege University, Arlon, Belgium, 27 - 30 May 2008. [Unpublished]

Paull, John (2008) Price Premiums for Organic Food from Australia and China. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Paull, John (2008) Price Premiums for Organic Food from Australia and China. In: Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), 2 (2008), pp. 412-415.

Paull, John (2008) The Surprising History and Geography of the First "Organic Farming" Association. Paper at: Agri-Food XV, University of Sydney, Australia, 26-28 November 2008. [Unpublished]

Paull, John (2007) Certified Organic Forests & Timber: the Hippocratic Opportunity. In: Proceedings ANZSEE Conference, ANZSEE (Australia New Zealand Society for Ecological Economics), 2007, pp. 1-14.

Paull, John (2007) Organics Olympiad 2007 - Perspectives on the Global State of Organic Agriculture. Paper at: AGRI-FOOD XIV, The University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, 25 -29 November, 2007. [Unpublished]

Paull, John (2007) Our Organic Future - Cottage, Corporate, Commodified or Containerized? Paper at: National Conference of Organics Aotearoa New Zealand: Our Organic Future - Cottage or Corporate?, Lincoln University, New Zealand, 17 -19 August 2007. [Unpublished]

Paull, John and Bietkowski, Pawel (2024) Stanisław Karłowski: an unlikely BD pioneer, opportunity to calamity. Lecture at: Biodynamic Federation Demeter International BFDI Members Assembly, Juchowo, Poland, June 2024.

Paull, John and Lyons, Kristen (2008) Nano-in-food - Threat or Opportunity for Organic Food? In: Proceedings of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), pp. 1-4.

Paull, John (2020) GMOs & SA: Food Sovereignty & Consumer Sentiment. Keynote presentation at: GMO Forum, Parliament House, Adelaide, South Australia.

Paull, John (2019) The Failures of Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs): Australia as a case study. In: AGROSYM 2019: X International Scientific Agriculture Symposium, AGROSYM 2019, Bosnia and Herzegovina, pp. 1-40.

Paull, John (2019) GMOs: the wisdom of crowds & the folly of deregulation. In: Parliament of Australia Forum: GMOs, Regulation or Deregulation.

Paull, John (2019) Organic Directions:The World, Australia & WA. Keynote presentation at: Directions Workshop, Ocean Reef, Perth, Western Australia, February 8, 2019.

Paull, John (2018) Tasmania's Organic Spring: The 99.8% Opportunity. Paper at: Tasmanian Organics Network, Burnie, Tasmania, 18 April 2018.

Paull, John (2017) From Clean & Green to Organic: Opportunities and Impediments to Achieving an Organic Tasmania. In: School of Land and Food Research Conference.

Paull, John (2016) Angels of the First Class: The Anthroposophic Art of Ernesto Genoni, Goetheanum, 1924. Paper at: Vital Years Conference 2016 - Cradle of a Healthy Life, Tarremah Steiner School, Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 5-9 July 2016.

Paull, John (2016) Marsh v Baxter, Kojonup to Canberra: Foresight, Hindsight and Insight. Paper at: Geography & Spatial Sciences Conference 2016, University of Tasmania, 7-8 June 2016.

Paull, John (2015) Organic versus GMOs: A case study. Keynote presentation at: Agriculture & Food 2015 3rd International Conference, Elenite, Bulgaria, 1-6 June.

Paull, John (2015) Ernesto Genoni: Artist, Pacifist, Anthroposophist. Keynote presentation at: The Inaugural Uriel Lecture, Christian Community Church, Hawthorn, 14 May 2015.

Paull, John (2014) GMO AGRICULTURE VERSUS ORGANIC AGRICULTURE - GENETIC TRESPASS, A CASE STUDY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 17-20.

Paull, John (2014) It’s organic because Germany invaded Poland: How and why organic got its name and the Oxford connection. In: Proceedings: 3rd Global Conference: Food, Inter-disciplinary.net (IDN), Witney, Oxfordshire, pp. 1-9.

Paull, John (2013) China-Australia: Organic opportunities. [中国 - 澳大利亚: 有机=机会.] In: Proceedings of the Knowledge Exchange of Quality Food Production and Distribution: China and Australia Forum, 2013 (1), pp. 87-93.

Paull, John (2011) Nanomaterials in food and agriculture: The big issue of small matter for organic food and farming. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, I.A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of ISOFAR, ISOFAR, Bonn, 2, pp. 96-99.

Paull, John and Hennig, Benjamin (2020) Sustainable Agriculture: The Distribution of Biodynamics and Organics in Australia. In: Environmental Development and Sustainability Beyond 2020, Faculty of Science & Natural Resources, University Malaysia Sabah, Sabah, pp. 1-24.

Paulsen, H M; Schochow, M; Ulber, B; Kuhne, S and Rahmann, G (2006) Mixed cropping systems for control of weeds and pests in organic oilseed crops. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 215-219.

Paulsen, Hans Marten; Schochow, Martin; Ulber, B; Kühne, Stefan and Rahmann, Gerold (2006) Mixed cropping systems for biological control of weeds and pests in organic oilseed crops. In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology, no. 79, pp. 215-220.

Paulsen, Hans Marten and Weißmann, Friedrich (2002) Relevance of mycotoxins to product quality and animal health in organic farming. In: Proceedings 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Ottawa , Canadian Organic Growers, p. 212.

Paulsen, Dr. Hans Marten (2008) Growing rapeseed in mixed cropping with cereals. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Paulsen, H. M.; Schumacher, H.; Gau, A. E.; Sass, O.; Jürgens, H.-U. and Dieterich, R. (2010) Phenotypic indicators to identify methionine rich European grain legumes and the correlation of grain methionine contents with the sulphur supply. In: Hera, Christina; Dumitru, Mihail; Schnug, Ewald; Dorneanu, Aurel; Haneklaus, Silvia; Popescu, Ana; Anton, Iulia and Panoiu, Ioana (Eds.) Meeting the fertilizer demand on a changing globe: Biofuels, climate change and contaminats - Proceedings, pp. 90-97.

Paulsen, Hans Marten; Warnecke, Sylvia and Rahmann, Gerold (2014) Options to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from enteric fermentation and manure handling in dairy farming – An analysis based on farm network data. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 441-444.

Pauselli, Prof. Mariano; Mele, Prof. Marcello; Morbidini, Prof. Luciano; Cozza, Dr. Francesca and Pollicardo, Dr. Alice (2008) Rearing improvement in organic Maremmana beef production: “in vivo” performance and carcass characteristics. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Pearce, Dr. Bruce; Gibbon, Dr. David; Watson, Dr. Christine; Fowler, Ms S. and Moore, Dr. Charlotte (2006) Organic food and farming research needs in the UK:A report on a stakeholder participatory consultation process. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Pearson, David (2014) STRENGTHENING THE BRIDGE BETWEEN CONSUMERS AND THEIR ORGANIC FOOD CHOICES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 5-8.

Pedersen, Amalie; Jørgensen, Isabella; Williams, Andrew R.; Sengupta, Mita Eva; Mejer, Helena and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2023) Parasite infections in organic free-ranging pigs in Danish agroforestry systems. Speech at: World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP), Chennai, India, 21.08.2023. [Submitted]

Pedersen, Anders (2007) Simulating Root Density Dynamics and Nitrogen Uptake – Can a Simple Approach be Sufficient? Speech at: 37th Annual Biological Systems Simulation Conference, Holiday Inn, College Park, Maryland USA, 17-19 april.

Pedersen, Anders (2005) If modelling modelling with Daisy. Speech at: 14th N WORKSHOP “N management in agrosystems in relation to the Water Framework Directive”, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-26 October 2005.

Pedersen, Anders; Stoumann Jensen, Lars and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2005) A model analysis on nitrate leaching under different soil and climate conditions and use of catch crops. Poster at: at 14th N WORKSHOP “N management in agrosystems in relation to the Water Framework Directive”, Maastricht, The Netherlands, 24-26 October 2005,. [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Anders and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2004) Modelling root distribution and nitrogen uptake. Poster at: International Congress Rhizophere, Perspective and Challenges - A tribute to Lorenz Hiltner, Munich, Germany, 12-17 september 2004. [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Jensen, Lars Stoumann and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Simulating Root Density Dynamics and Nitrogen Uptake -Field Trials and Root Model Approach in Denmark. Poster at: 37th Biological Systems Simulation Conference, Holiday Inn, College Park, Maryland,, 17-19 April.

Pedersen, Anders; Zhang, Kefeng; Jensen, Lars Stoumann and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2007) Simulating Root Density Dynamics and Nitrogen Uptake – Can a Simple Approach be Sufficient? In: 37th Annual Biological Systems Simulation Conference, Program and Abstract, USDA-ARS, pp. 11-12.

Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard and Pedersen, Birgitte (2004) Soil treatments and rootstocks for organic apple production. [Bodenbearbeitung und Unterlagen für den ökologischen Apfelanbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 137-143.

Pedersen, Senior Scientist Hanne Lindhard (2006) Integration of fertility management and planting distance on diseases incidence, crop yield and fruit quality in intensive organic ap-ple production systems. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Pedersen, Senior scientist Hanne Lindhard and Bertelsen, Senior scientist Marianne (2002) Lower nitrogen supply gave better fruit quality in organic apples. In: NJF website: www.njf.dk, NJF.

Pedersen, Senior scientist Hanne Lindhard; Brandt, Senior scientist Kirsten; Nørbæk, Senior scientist Rikke and Ejlersen, A. (2003) Effects of culivation conditions for apples on growth rates of fruit fly larvae and contents of phenolics. Poster at: Levnedsmiddel kongres, April 2003.

Pedersen, Seniorscientist Hanne Lindhard; Paaske, Klaus; Bengtsson, Marianne and Hockenhull, John (2006) Field testing of potential new compounds for apple scab control in organic apple production. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Pedersen, Henne Lindhard (2002) Cover crops in Black currant. In: Brennan, R.M.; Gordon, S.L. and Williamson, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the Eighth International Rubus and Ribes Symposium, Acta Horticulturae, 2 (585), pp. 633-638.

Pedersen, Lene; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Loges, Ralf (2006) Wheat baking quality: The effect of catch crop strategies and species. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Pedersen, Aenior sceintist Lene (2002) Quality assessment of organic wheat. In: Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, Danmarks JordbrugsForskning.

Pedersen, Scientist Lene and Thomsen, Senior scientist Ingrid Kaag (2003) Properties of gluten from organic wheat measured by oscillation. Speech at: Nordic Rheology Conference, Torshavn, The Faroe Islands, 2-3 June 2003.

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Pride and prejudice - a comparison of consumer preferences for country-of- origins of imported organic foods in Germany and China. Abstract for EMAC 2018. Paper at: EMAC 2018, Glasgow, Scotland, May 29 - June 1, 2018. [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Deliverable 1.3.(b): Conference paper: German consumers’ evaluation of imported organic food products – the importance of geographical distance. Paper at: IAREP (International Association of Research in Economic Psychology), Tel Aviv, Israel, September 3.-6. 2017. [Unpublished]

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Deliverable 1.3.(a): Conference paper: Consumer evaluation of imported organic food products in emerging economies in Asia. Paper at: International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-16th of June, 2017. [draft]

Pedersen, T.M.; Döring, T.F.; Baresel, P.; Borgen, A.; Finckh, M.R.; Howlett, S.A.; Ortolani, L.; Pearce, B.D. and Wolfe, M.S. (2013) COBRA: a new European research project for organic plant breeding. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 143-144.

Pedersen , Hanne Lindhard and Bertelsen, Marianne (2002) Alleyway groundcover management and scab resistant apple varieties. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference, pp. 16-21.

Pedrol, Nuria and Martínez, Antonio (2004) Organic Forage Crop Production in Atlantic Zones: an Ecophysiological Approach. In: Hopkins, Alan (Ed.) Organic Farming: Science and Practice for Profitable Livestock and Cropping. Occasional Symposium No. 37, British Grassland Society, 2004. Proceedings of the BGS/AAB/COR Conference., British Grassland Society, British Grassland Society Occasional Symposium Series, no. 37, pp. 105-109.

Peetsmann, Elen (2021) Green Knowledge Transfer - Estonia. Rural Inspiration Awards, 2021.

Peetsmann, Elen (2017) Organic Agriculture in Estonia. Poster at: 2017: NJF Seminar 495 - Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli, Finland, 19-21 June 2017. [Completed]

Peetsmann, Elen; Talgre, Liina and Luik, Anne (2018) Knowledge transfer in organic farming in Estonia. In: Book of Abstracts. DYNAMIC DEVELOPMENTS IN ORGANIC RESEARCH Strengthening partnerships across Europe and beyond, p. 36.

Pehme, Sirli; Luik, Anne and Liivaauk, Pille (2007) Estonian consumers attitudes to organic food. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Pehme, Sirli; Peetsmann, Elen; Matt, Darja; Luik, Anne and Veromann, Eve (2013) Organic farming research in Estonia. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 97-98.

Peigné, Joséphine; Aveline, Anne; Cannavaccuiolo, Mario; Giteau, Jean-Luc and Gautronneau, Yvan (2007) Soil structure and earthworm activity under different tillage systems in organic farming. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Peigné, Dr. Joséphine; Aveline, Dr. Anne; Cannavaccuiolo, Dr. Mario; Giteau, Ing. Jean-Luc and Gautronneau, Ing. Yvan (2008) Soil tillage in organic farming: impacts of conservation tillage on soil fertility, weeds and crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Peigne, Joséphine; Casagrande, Marion; David, Christophe; Sans, Francesc Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José Manuel; Cooper, Julia; Gascoyne, Kate; Antichi, Daniele; Bàrberi, Paolo; Bigongiali, Federica; Surböck, Andreas; Kranzler, Andreas; Beeckman, Annelies; Willekens, Koen; Luik, Anne; Matt, Darja; Grosse, Meike; Heß, Jürgen; Clerc, Maurice; Dierauer, Hansueli and Mäder, Paul (2014) DIVERSITY OF CONSERVATION AGRICULTURE PRACTICES AMONG EUROPEAN ORGANIC FARMERS “TILMAN-ORG SESSION”. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 287-290.

Peigné, Joséphine; Vian, Jean-François; Cannavaccuiolo, Mario; Aveline, Anne and Gautronneau, Yvan (2010) Weeds and crop yields under conservation tillage in organic farming. In: Wery, Jacques; Shili-Touzi, I. and Perrin, Aurélie (Eds.) Proceedings of AGRO2010, XIth Congress of the European Society of Agronomy.

Peil, A.; Dunemann, F.; Richter, K.; Hoefer, M.; Király, I.; Flachowsky, H. and Hanke, M.-V. (2008) Resistance Breeding in Apple at Dresden-Pillnitz. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 220-225.

Peltola, Rainer and Hallikainen, Ville (2010) Public reactions to utilization of everyman's rights in wild berry business. In: Circumpolar agricultural and land use resources - prospects and perspectives for circumpolar productions and industries : abstract booklet, Bioforsk, p. 33.

Peltola, Rainer and Stark, Sari (2010) Differences in metal concentrations in juniper (Juniperus communis) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) shoots collected from northern and southern Finland. In: Circumpolar agricultural and land use resources - prospects and perspectives for circumpolar productions and industries : abstract booklet, Bioforsk, pp. 16-17.

Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo and Hakala, Kaija (2008) Climate change and Nordic crop production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (7), NJF Report, pp. 93-94.

Peña-Espinoza, Miguel; Boas, Ulrik; Williams , Andrew R.; Thamsborg , Stig M. and Enemark, Heidi L. (2015) Sesquiterpene lactone-containing extracts from two chicory cultivars show different anthelmintic activity in vitro against Ostertagia ostertagi. In: Abstracts of the 25th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP). [Unpublished]

Peña-Espinoza, Miguel; Desrues, Olivier; Hansen, Tina; Thamsborg, Stig M. and Enemark, Heidi L. (2015) Feeding chicory (Cichorium intybus) selectively reduces Ostertagia ostertagi infection levels in cattle. In: Abstracts of the 25th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement in Veterinary Parasitology (WAAVP). [Unpublished]

Péneau, Sandrine; Virecoulon-Guidici, Kelly; Baudry, Julia; Méjean, Caroline; Lairon, Denis; Bénard, Marc; Hercberg, Serge and Kesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle (2018) Associations between cognitive restraint, history of weight loss diet and organic food consumption in a large population-based sample of adults. 42. Anniversary Meeting of the British Feeding and Drinking Group (BFDG), Ecullly-Lyon, France.

Peneau, Sandrine; Virecoulon-Guidici, Kelly; Baudry, Julia; Méjean, Caroline; Lairon, Denis; Benard, Marc; Touvier, Mathilde; Hercberg, Serge; Bellisle, France and Kesse-Guyot, Emmanuelle (2019) Cognitive restraint and history of weight-loss diet are associated with organic food consumption in a large population-based sample of adults. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society, Dublin, Ireland.

Penfold, Mr. Chris and McNeill, Dr. Ann (2008) Agronomic options for the management of phosphorus in Australian rain-fed organic broadacre farming systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Pennino, G.; Pane, G.; Raiti, G.; Perri, E.; Carovita, M.A.; Macchione, B.; Tucci, P.; Socievole, P.; Pellegrino, M.; Cartabellotta, D. and Di Martino, V. (2006) Three years field trials to assess the effect of kaolin made particles and copper on olive-fruit fly (B.oleae Gmelin) infestations in Sicily. In: Proceedings, DCA - UNiversità di Palermo; Regione Siciliana - Assessorato Agricoltura e Foreste, II, pp. 303-306.

Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Tchamitchian, Marc; Dufils, Arnaud; Swiergiel, Weronika; Tasin, Marco; Korsgaard, Maren; Herz, Annette and Sigsgaard, Lene (2021) Farmers Appreciation And Management Of Functional Functional Biodiversity In Organic Apple Orchards. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Penvern, Servane; Fauriel, Joel and Bellon, Stephane (2008) Peach aphid management in organic and conventional orchards: how to reconnect efficiency and ecology ? Acta Horticulturae, Vignola, Italy.

Pepin, Steeve; Dorais, Martine; Gruyer, Nicolas and Ménard, Claudine (2008) Changes in mineral content and CO2 release from organic greenhouse soils incubated under two different temperatures and moisture conditions. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Perälä, Paula; Kapuinen, Petri; Esala, Martti; Tyynelä, Sanna and Regina, Kristiina (2005) Influence of slurry and mineral fertiliser application technique on N2O and CH4 fluxes from a barley field. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (2), pp. 37-40.

Perälä, Paula; Kapuinen, Petri; Esala, Martti; Tyynelä, Sanna and Regina, Kristiina (2005) Influence of slurry and mineral fertiliser application technique on N2O and CH4 fluxes from a barley field. In: Stenberg, Maria; Nilsson, Hans; Brynjolfsson, Rikhard; Kapuinen, Petri; Morken, John and Søndergaard Birkmose, Torkild (Eds.) NJF-seminar 372 : book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 16.

Perdana-Decker, Sari; Velasco, Elizabeth; Werner, Jessica and Dickhoefer, Uta (2020) Milk performance, feed intake and nitrogen utilisation of grazing dairy cows supplemented with different roughage mixtures. Poster at: 28th General Meeting of European Grassland Federation, online, 19-21 October 2020. [Completed]

Pérès, Guénola; Jacquot, Anne-Lise; Groud, Eloïse; Vanrenterghem, Théodore; Fariascandia, Ivan-Manuel; Frichot, Victor; Angot, Jeanne and Roy, David (2021) What Alternative To The Use Of Conventional Straw In Organic Farming System? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Pérès, Guénola; Lelu, Florent; Cluzeau, Daniel; Cotinet, Patrice; Bénard, Yannick; Hallaire, Vincent; Heddadj, Djilali; Manceau, Olivier and Menasseri, Safya (2021) Relevance Of Reduced Tillage Practices On Soil Biological, Chemical And Physical Quality And Ecosystem Services Under Organic Farming Context In Britany. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Perez, Martha-Cecilia and Ramirez-Guerrero, Hugo (2005) Comparing Fertilization Regims Under Three Onion Farming Systems in a Semiarid Tropical area. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Perez-H, Elimar; Pina, Ruben; Rodriguez, Josefina and Ramirez-Guerrero, Hugo (2005) Different compost fertilizations on growth, yield and quality of Organic Melon in Venezuela. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Perfecto, Ivette (2010) The impact of agro-biodiversity and eco-system services in development or A new vision for a just, sustainable and productive agriculture. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Perkons, Ute; Kautz, Timo and Köpke, Ulrich (2014) Root growth response of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and mallow (Malva sylvestris L.) to biopore generating precrops. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 477-480.

Perot, N.; Le Cocguen, A.; Carre, D.; Lamotte, H.; Duhart-Barone, Anne and Pointeau, I. (2018) Sampling strategy for dihydrogen flow rate characterization of radioactive waste. DEM 2018 - Dismantling Challenges: Industrial Reality, Prospects and Feedback Experience, Avignon, France.

Perri, Dr Enzo; Iannotta, Dr Nino; Muzzalupo, PhD Innocenzo; Russo, Dr Anna; Caravita, Dr Maria Anna; Pellegrino, Mr Massimiliano; Parise, Mr Attilio and Tucci, Mr Paolo (2006) Kaolin protects olive fruits from Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) infestations unaffecting olive oil quality. In: IOBC/WPRS Bulletin. [In Press]

Perri, Dr Enzo; Muzzalupo, PhD Innocenzo and Sirianni, Ms Raffaella (2002) RAPD-PCR amplification of DNA from virgin olive oil. In: Vitagliano, C. and Martelli, G. P. (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae, 586, pp. 583-586.

Perschke, YML; Feng, L; Fontaine, D; Nikolausz, M; da Rocha, UN; Borim Carrêa, F; Ward, AJ; Eriksen, J; Sørensen, P and Møller, HB (2019) Biogas production by co-ensiling catch crops and straw, effect of substrate blend and microbial communities. Poster at: 16th IWA World Conference, Delft, the Netherlands, 23-27 June 2019.

Peruzzi, A.; Raffaelli, M.; Fontanelli, M.; Frasconi, C.; Ginanni, M. and Lulli, L. (2008) Physical Weed Control in Organic Carrot in Sicily (Italy). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Peruzzi, A.; Raffaelli, M.; Fontanelli, M.; Frasconi, C.; Lulli, L. and Ginanni, M. (2008) Innovative Mechanization of Garlic in Vessalico (North Italy). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Peruzzi, A.; Raffaelli, M.; Ginanni, M.; Lulli, L.; Frasconi, C. and Fontanelli, M. (2008) Innovative strategies for physical weed control on processing tomato in the Serchio Valley (Central Italy). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Petcu, Victor; Popescu, Gabriel and Todirică, Ioana Claudia (2022) ADDING VALUE TO WINTER WHEAT CROP BY ORGANIC SEED PRODUCTION – SOCIO-ECONOMIC CASE STUDY. In: Subić, Jonel; Vuković, Predrag and Jean Vasile, Andrei (Eds.) Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Development, Institute of Agricultural Economics, Belgrade, no. III, pp. 87-97. [Submitted]

Peters, A.; Katz, P. and Elias, E. (2008) Entomopathogenic nematodes for biological control of codling moth. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 284-286.

Petersen, Anders; Bruun, Sander; Jensen, Dr. Lars Stoumann and Hansen, Dr. Søren (2001) Simulating Soil Organic Matter Transformations with the New Implementation of the Daisy Model. In: Recous, Dr. S. (Ed.) Conference Transactions, INRA.

Petersen, B.M. and Berntsen, J. (2004) Modelling Long Term Soil Carbon and Radiocarbon Dynamics with CN-SIM. In: Biological Systems simulation conference, Gainesville, Florida, 8-10 March 2004. Book of abstracts, pp. 61-62.

Petersen, B.M. and Berntsen, J. (2004) Modelling soil C and 14C development. In: International COST ACTION symposium 3rd - 6th June 2004, Ghent, Belgium. Book of abstracts, p. 59.

Petersen, B.M. and Berntsen, J. (2001) Using C-Tool to simulate soil carbon and radiocarbon development. In: COST 627. Carbon storage in European Grasslands. Danish Institute of Agricultual Sciences, Research Centre Foulum. Book of Abstracts, DIAS.

Petersen, B.M.; Berntsen, J.; Jensen, L.S. and Hansen, S. (2003) Modelling long term carbon and radiocarbon development. In: Abstracts for the 12th N workshop. 21-24 September, 2003 Exeter, Devon, UK.

Petersen, B.M.; Jensen, L.S.; Berntsen, J.; Hansen, S. and Pedersen, A. (2003) Modelling short term carbon and nitrogen development. In: Abstracts for the 12th N workshop.

Petersen, Søren O.; Bol, Roland; Dittert, Klaus; Christofides, Calliopi; Roslev, Peter and Hansen, Martin N. (2004) Short-term C and N dynamics in urine patches: Response of nitrifiers to different urinary urea levels. Speech at: COST 627 Carbon Storage in Grasslands, Ghent, BE, 3-5 June 2004.

Petersen, Søren O.; Simek, Miloslav; Stamatiadis, Stamatis and Yamulki, Sirwan (2004) Nitrous oxide emissions from grazed grassland: effects of cattle management and soil conditions. In: Weiske, Achim (Ed.) Greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture. Mitigation options and strategies, Institute for Energy and Environment. Leipzig, Germany, pp. 75-78.

Petersen, Søren O.; Stamatiadis, Stamatis; Christofides, C.; Yamulki, Sirwan and Bol, . Roland (2003) Urea concentration affects short-term N turnover and N2O production in grassland soil. [Koncentrationen af urea i urin påvirker kvælstofomsætning og lattergasproduktion i afgræsningsmarker.] Poster at: 12th Nitrogen Workshop, North Wyke, UK, 22-24 Sept 2003. [Unpublished]

Petersen, Dr. Søren O. (2003) Greenhouse gas emissions from animal manure. [Udledning af drivhusgasser fra husdyrgødning.] Speech at: Joint specific studies: SS2 Specific study on Agricultural greenhouse gas budget - SS3 Specific study on Grasslands greenhouse gas budget, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 4-5 Sept 2003.

Petersen, Heidi Huus; Mejer, Helena; Jianmin, Wang; Katakam, Kiran Kumar; Thamsborg, Stig Milan; Dalsgaard, Anders; Olsen, Annette and Enemark, Heidi L. (2013) PREVALENCE OF THE PROTOZOAN PARASITE CRYPTOSPORIDIUM IN THREE ORGANIC PIG FARMS IN DENMARK. In: Spring Symposium of the Danish Society for Parasaitology. [Completed]

Petersen, Søren O. (2011) Nitrous oxide emissions from arable soil: Effects of crop rotation, tillage and manure management. Keynote presentation at: ASA Meetings, San Antonio,TX, 16-19 October 2011.

Petersen, Søren O. (2009) Flow of nutrients and climate relevant gases in experimental rotations on three soil types. Workshop at: Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in agriculture, Witzenhausen, Germany, November 12th to 13th, 2009.

Petitti, Matteo (2021) From Cereal Populations to Organic Heterogeneous Material: success stories and lessons learned in Italy. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed]

Pfeifer, Catherine (2021) Livestock production within planetary boundaries : looking beyond the farm. Paper at: 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences, Davos, Switzerland, 30th August - 3rd September, 2021. [Completed]

Pfeifer, Catherine; Moakes, Simon and Müller, Adrian (2021) Landscape based metrics to assess livestock carrying capacities associated with selected planetary boundaries. In: Diversity for sustainable and resilient Agriculture. Book of abstracts. Landscape 2021, 20-22 September 2021, online conference, p. 304.

Pfeifer, Catherine; Moakes, Simon; Quiédeville, Sylvain and Leiber, Florian (2021) Farm system characterization across Europe, and climate change impacts on farm system resilience. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 276.

Pfeifer, Catherine and Müller, Adrian (2021) Modelling as a Mediation Tool - Developing agricultural options/scenarios. Paper at: Online training for Finnish MFA and Finnish Water Diplomacy Network, ETH Zürich, Switzerland, April 15, 2021. [Completed]

Pfeiffer, B. (2008) Results from scab trials with Armicarb in the years 2006 and 2007. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 41-46.

Pfeiffer, B. (2008) Testing of strawberry-varieties (with/without biodegradable mulch film) for organic cultivation. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Boos, Markus, (Hrsg.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 133-137.

Pfeiffer, B.; Alt, S.; Schulz, C.; Hein, B. and Kollar, A. (2004) Investigations on alternative substances for control of apple scab - Results from Conidia germinating tests and experiments with plant extracts. [Untersuchungen zum Einsatz alternativer Stoffe zur Regulierung des Apfelschorfes - Ergebnisse aus Konidienkeimtests und Versuchen zu Pflanzenextrakten.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 101-107.

Pfeiffer, B.; Eis, B.; Zimmer, J. and Fieger-Metag, N. (2008) Optimizing crop loading of apples and pears - results 2004-2006 (foliar fertilizers, thinning). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 324-329.

Pfeiffer, B. and Englert, M. (2004) Results from thinning experiments in 2002 and 2003. [Ergebnisse aus Ausdünnungsversuchen in den Jahren 2002 und 2003.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 157-162.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) New Results from scab-experiments (treatments on fallen leaves and summer-applications). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 101-107.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) New Results from scab-experiments (treatments on fallen leaves and summer-applications). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 101-107.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) New Results from scab-experiments (treatments on fallen leaves and summer-applications). [Neue Ergebnisse aus den Schorfversuchen (Behandlungen des Falllaubs und Sommerspritzungen).] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 101-107.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2006) Results from an experiment about pruning of the apple variety ‘GoldRush’. [Ergebnisse eines Schnittversuchs bei der Apfelsorte ‘GoldRush’.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 178-182.

Pfeiffer, Barbara (2002) Greenhouse-Experiments on control of Venturia inaequalis - First Results. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 81-85.

Pfeiffer, Barbara and Rueß, Franz (2002) Screening of agents for thinning blossoms of apple trees. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 106-111.

Pfiffner, Lukas; Häring, Anna Maria; Dabbert, Stephan; Stolze, Matthias and Piorr, A. (2001) Contributions of organic farming to a sustainable environment. In: Organic Food and Farming. Towards Partnership and Action in Europe. 10-11 May 2001, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dänish Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, pp. 115-123.

Pfiffner, Lukas (2014) Functional biodiversity to improve pest control in annual and periennial cropping systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1065-1068.

Pfiffner, Lukas; Schärer, Hans-Jakob and Luka, Henryk (2013) Functional biodiversity to improve pest control in organic cropping systems. Paper at: Korean organic conference, Suwon, Korea, 25th October, 2013. [Submitted]

Phan, Hong TT and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) Optimizing a green manure-based row cropping system for organic cereal production. Paper at: 13th European International Farming System Association symposium, Greece, 1-5 July 2018. [Submitted]

Phan, Hong TT and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) Upward N redistribution - Postharvest effect of cover crops on creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense). Conference abstract at: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Slovenia, 17-21 June 2018.

Phan, Hong TT and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2015) Combination of undersown catch crops and row-hoeing for optimizing nitrogen supply and weed control in organic spring barley. Paper at: 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Conference, Montpellier, 7-10 September 2015.

Philippe, FLEURY and Carole, CHAZOULE (2014) Local organic food supply chains in Rhône-Alpes (France): form of resistance or vehicle for conventionalisation of organic agriculture? Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Philipps, Lois; Engel, Cindy and Wolfe, Martin (2002) Development of an agroforestry system for chicken production. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 257-258.

Philipps, Ms Lois and Bently-Fox, Miss Helen (2006) Organic Farming and the Energy Crisis: Saint or Sinner? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Philipps, Ms Lois; Stockdale, Dr Elizabeth A. and Waston, Dr Christine A. (2006) Do Farm Management Practices Alter Soil Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function? Implications for Sustainable Land Management. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Philipsen, Holger and Nielsen, Otto (2003) Host potential of insects from cruciferous crops to entomopathogenic nematodes and augmentation of nematodes through oil seed rape growing. In: IOBC Bulletin, 26 (1), pp. 141-146.

Philipsen, Holger and Nielsen, Otto (2003) Host potential of insects from cruciferous crops to entomopathogenic nematodes and augmentation of nematodes through oil seed rape growing. In: IOBC Bulletin, 26 (1), pp. 141-146.

Piamonte Peña, Rene (2014) Innovation in training processes on organic agriculture. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Piamonte Peña, Rene (2014) Resilience based on the principle of the individual living organism. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Piazza, C. and Conti, M. (2008) Weed Control in Organic Onion. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Piazza, C.; Foutry, H.; Reggiani, R.; Poli, M. and Bolognesi, S. (2008) Variety Recommended Lists of Organic Cereals in Emilia-Romagna. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Piazza, C.; Giudici, P.; Corbellini, M.; Gianinetti, A.; Morcia, C. and Terzi, V. (2008) An integrated approach project for the revaluation of a traditional sourdough bread production chain. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Picchi, V; Bianchi, G; Guerrieri, A; Fibiani, M; Campanelli, G; Sabatini, E and Lo Scalzo, R (2016) Effects of the processing technique on the retention of bioactive compounds and volatiles in organic and conventional strawberry jams. In: Renard, Catherine (Ed.) Book of Abstracts, PQ-16, p. 111.

Pick, Doris (2008) Consumers and their impact on food and farming systems in North America and Germany – Examples relating to GMO issues. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Pick, Doris (2006) Product and process protection in the organic farming sector - organic terminology and image at risk. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Picucci, Marco; Schneider, Monika; Hansen, Jon Kehlet; Milz, Joachim and Armengot, Laura (2020) Evaluation of Local and International Cacao Cultivars in Monoculture and Agroforestry Systems. In: Proceedings Tropentag "Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises", 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference, p. 125.

Pietola, Liisa (2008) Gypsum-based management practices to prevent phosphorus transportation. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (4), pp. 78-82.

Pietola, Liisa (2008) Gypsum-based management practises to prevent phosphorus transportation. Paper at: Phosphorus management in Nordic-Baltic agriculture - reconciling productivity and environmental protection : NJF seminar 401, 22-23.9.2008.

Pietsch, Gabriele; Friedel, Juergen K. and Freyer, Bernhard (2005) Management effects on nitrogen fixation and water use of lucerne under dry site conditions. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Pihlap, Evelin; Steffens, Markus and Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid (2020) The role of SOM and CaCO3 on soil aggregate development in reclaimed soils. In: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-13644, p. 13644.

Pihlap, Evelin; Steffens, Markus and Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid (2018) Development of SOM and aggregation in an agriculturally managed re-cultivated loess. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-1933.

Pihlava, Juha-Matti; Reinikainen, Pekka; Hietaniemi, Veli and Kaukovirta-Norja, Anu (2010) The content of phenolics in barley, oats, rye and wheat cultivars. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Pilar , Reagan (2014) Organic agriculture in Palimbang. Reviving the bayanihan spirit for food and peace. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Piliksere, Dace and Zarina, Livija (2017) Spring cereal variety mixtures and their relevance for weed suppression in agroecological conditions of Latvia. Poster at: Joint workshop of the EWRS working groups: Physical and cultural weed control and Crop-weed interactions, Nyon, Switzerland, 2 – 5 April 2017. [Submitted]

Piliyarmattathil Augusthy, Joseph (2014) Organic Agriculture. Farmers' Problems, Research needs and challenges. Paper at: TIPI workshop Practitioners' Research Agenda, Pre-conference of the Organic World Congress 2014, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 October 2014. [Unpublished]

Pinnschmidt, H.O. (2004) Analysis of multivariate genotype - environment data using Nonlinear Canonical Correlation Analysis. Speech at: COST 860 SUSVAR Focus Finding Workshop, University Kassel-Witzenhausen, 11-13 October 2004.

Pinnschmidt, H.O. and Justesen, A.F. (2005) Compensating damage effects of seed-borne Fusarium culmorum and Microdochium nivale in winter wheat by increased seeding rates. In: ISTA (Ed.) Abstract booklet of the 5th ISTA - SHC seed health symposium 10-13 May, Angers, France, ISTA, p. 29.

Pinnschmidt, H.O.; Nielsen, B.J. and Hansen, H.J. (2005) Quantitative relationships in the infection cycle of seed-borne net blotch. In: Abstract booklet of the 5th ISTA - SHC seed health symposium 10-13 May, Angers, France, ISTA, p. 7.

Pinnschmidt, Hans; Vollmer, Jeanette H.; Hovmøller, Mogens S.; Munk, Lisa and Østergård, Hanne (2002) Multiple diseases, host resistance and the role of variety mixtures for disease control in organically grown spring barley. In: Proceedings of the 1. international symposium on organic seed production and plant breeding, p. 73.

Pinnschmidt, Hans O.; Nielsen, Bent J. and Hansen, Henrik J. (2004) Thresholds for Net Blotch Infestation in Organic Barley Seed Production. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.; Ranganathan, R. and Sorensen, N. (Eds.) Proc. of the The First World Conference on Organic Seed: Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, FAO, p. 184.

Pinschof, A.; Grandi, C. and Walsum, E. van (2014) The future of Family farming amidst changing structures in the Agricultural sector. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Pinxterhuis, Ina; Boer, H. de; Eekeren, N. van and Stienezen, M.W.J. (2013) Integrating maize and triticale in grass/clover based dairy systems: examining yields and autumn soil nitrate levels. In: Proceedings of the New Zealand Grassland Association, 75, pp. 251-256.

Pirc, Manca; Bevk, Danilo; Čokl, Andrej; Ravnikar, Maja and Dreo, Tanja (2013) The development of new methods for monitoring biocontrol agent, Gliocladium catenulatum J1446, to control gray mold on strawberries. [Razvoj novih metod za spremljanje biotičnega agensa Gliocladium catenulatum J1446 za zatiranje sive plesni na jagodah.] Lecture at:

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Høgh-Jensen, H.; Rasmussen, J.; Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2010) 15Nitrogen transfer from legumes to neighbouring plants in multi-species grassland. In: NJF Report 6 (3), pp. 75-78.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Høgh-Jensen, H.; Rasmussen, J.; Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2010) 15Nitrogen uptake from shallow- versus deep-rooted plants in multi-species mixtures and monoculture grassland. In: Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 830-832.

Pisanelli, Andrea; Holzner, Valerie; Borek, Robert; Gliga, Adrian; den Herder, Michael; Arguille, Lisa and Wustenberghs, Hilde (2022) FOODLEVERS project: Leverage points for organic and sustainable food systems. In: EURAF 2022 - Book of Abstracts.

Ploeger, Prof. Dr. Angelika; Roeger, Monika; Lueck, Dr. Lorna and Leifert, Prof. Dr. Carlo (2008) Sensory evaluation of processed wheat from a defined field- trial (QualityLowInputFood). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ploeger, Prof. Dr. Angelika; Roeger, Monika and Weibel, Dr. Franco (2008) Authenticity tests of organic products (Golden Delicious and Elstar) applying sensory analysis. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ploomi, Angela; Luik, Anne; Metspalu, Luule and Hiiesaar, Külli (2006) Plant extracts as biopesticides against pests. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Ploomi, Dr Angela; Luik, Dr Anne and Kurg, BSc Anu (2006) Why do organic farmers quit in Estonia? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Podstatzky, Leopold and Starz, Walter (2018) Lämmermast auf Weide - Möglichkeiten und Potential: erste Ergebnisse. In: Wiesinger, Klaus and Heuwinkel, Hauke (Eds.) Angewandte Forschung und Entwicklung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern Öko-Landbautag 2018, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Freising, D - Freising, Tagungsband, pp. 87-90.

Pohl, Walther; Mentler, Axel; Okalany, Emmanuel; Probst, Lorenz and Zechmeister-Boltenstern, Sophie (2014) Ecosystem services in smallholder coffee farming systems: a case study in Uganda using chemical soil indicators. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germay, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1119-1122.

Pol, Françoise; Dubarry, Estelle; Rose, Nicolas and Fablet, Christelle (2021) The Positioning Of Organic Pig Farms In The Landscape Of Alternative Pig Production In France. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Polat, Muazzez and Sayan, Yilmaz (2004) Development of organic animal production in Turkey. Workshop at:

Polverigiani, Serena and Neri, Davide (2019) DOMINO: Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic fruit orchards and vineyards. Poster at: CORE Organic Cofund Research Seminar, Bari, Italy, 29 January 2019.

Pomiès, Dominique; Nicolao, Alessandra; Veissier, Isabelle; Alvåsen, Karin and Martin, Bruno (2022) Stress in dairy calves suckled or not by their dam assessed from cortisol in hair. Speech at: EAAP, Porto, Portugal, 5-9 September 2022.

Pommeresche, Reidun; Hansen, Sissel; Eltun, Ragnar and Korsaeth, Audun (2006) Long-term effects of cropping systems on the earthworm populations in a loam soil. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Pommeresche, Reidun and Rittl, Tatiana (2023) Assessing on-farm soil health indicators under Norwegian conditions. Speech at: Annual Science Days, Riga, Lativa, 12-14 June, 2023.

Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2012) Collembola in grassland – included in the new project SoilEffects. In: Fransson, Petra; Elsgaard, Lars; Palojärvi, Ansa; Sverrisson, Halldor and Øgaard, Anne Falk (Eds.) Biotic soil factors and plant growth, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Uppsala, 8 (2), NJF Report, pp. 28-29.

Pommeresche, Reidun; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Hansen, Sissel and Riley, Hugh (2012) Earthworms: Interactions with management; impacting plant growth? In: Fransson, Petra; Elsgaard, Lars; Palojärvi, Ansa; Sverrisson, Halldor and Øgaard, Anne Falk (Eds.) NJF Seminar 449 Biotic soil factors and plant growth, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Uppsala, Sweden, 8 (2), NJF Report, pp. 26-27.

Pommeresche , Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2012) Collembola in grassland - included in the new project SoilEffects. In: Fransson, Petra; Elsgaard, Lars; Palojärvi, Ansa; Sverrisson, Halldor and Øgaard, Anne Falk (Eds.) NJF Seminar 449 Biotic soil factors and plant growth, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, Uppsala, Sweden, 8 (2), NJF Report, pp. 28-29.

Ponti, Luigi; Altieri, Miguel A. and Gutierrez, Andrew P. (2008) Compost enhances parasitization of Brevicoryne brassicae (L.) by Diaeretiella rapae (M’Intosh) in broccoli under different levels of crop diversification and plant competition. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Popov, Vladislav H. (2013) Partnership of organic farming, eco-tourism and wilderness conservation – experiences of the pilot project "New Thracian Gold" in Bulgaria. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Porgo, Harouna (2014) Presenting the Organisation APN-Sahell. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Porter, Paul; Feyereisen, Gary; De Bruin, Jason and Johnson, Gregg (2005) No-till Organic Soybean Production Following a Fall-planted Rye Cover Crop. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Posch, Dipl.-Ing. Alois (2006) Welcome address: Alois Posch on behalf of the Austrian presidency for the European Union (A). Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30 - 31, 2006. [Unpublished]

Postma, Joeke; Schilder, Mirjam and Speksnijder, Arjen (2007) Soil suppressiveness and functional diversity of the soil microflora in organic farming systems. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Hein, Lisa; Gregersen, Sandra Beyer; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Larsen, L.B.; Kargo, Morten and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2017) Detailed milk fatty acid profiling of the Danish dairy cattle population. Poster at:

Pouta, Eija; Salmiovirta, Maija; Soini, Katriina; Kivinen, Tapani and Uusitalo, Marja (2009) Benefits of the management of agricultural landscape: an application of the landscape value trade. Paper at: ISSRM 2009 15th International symposium on society and resource management, Vienna, 6.7.-8.7.2009.

Poutanen, Kaisa (2010) Exploiting grain bioactivity for improved nutrition and health. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Poux, Xavier; Lumbroso, Sarah and Aubert, Pierre-Marie (2021) What Are The Policies Needed To Upscale Organic Food Chains? Findings From The Tyfa Scenario Exercise. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Povlsen, Karen Klitgaard (2012) Qualitative methodologies: Media Use in Relation to Food. In: submitted to Media Food: Practices, Politics and Identities, Ashgate, Critical Food Studies. [Completed]

Prache, S.; Ballet, J.; Meteau, K.; Guy, F.; Musset, M.A. and Vannier, E. (2012) Comparaison des qualités sensorielles de la viande et de la carcasse d’agneaux élevés au pâturage en production biologique ou conventionnelle à deux niveaux de disponibilités en herbe. [Comparison of meat and carcass sensory quality in organically and conventionally pasture-fed lambs at two levels of herbage availability.] Paper at: 14th Meeting of the Sub-Network on Nutrition of the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Sheep and Goat and 2nd LowInputBreeds Symposium, Tunis, Tunisia, 15-18 may 2012. [Completed]

Pradel, Marilys and Déchaux, C. (2016) LCA applied to residual organic fertilizing materials. An overview of substitution methodological options and quantitative substitution rates. [ACV appliquée aux matières fertilisantes d'origine résiduaire. Aperçu des méthodes et taux de substitution utilisées.] Life Cycle Assessment and Other Assessment Tools for Waste Management and Resource Optimization, Cetraro, Italy.

Pridham, Jackie and Entz, Martin (2007) Mixtures of modern and historical wheat cultivars under organic management in western Canada. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Prins, U.; Eekeren, N. van and Oomen, G.J.M. (2006) Bi-cropping fodder maize in an existing (grass)clover sward. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Prins, U. and Wit, J. de (2006) Intercropping cereals and grain legumes: a farmer’s perspective. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Prins, Udo; de Wit, Jan and Nauta, Wytze (2005) Combining on-farm, participatory research methodologies with modelling in order to create a regionally based organic agriculture in Holland. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Prins, Udo and Nuijten, E. (2015) Optimizing lupin production for human consumption in The Netherlands. Paper at: The XIV International Lupin Conference: Developing lupin crop into a major and sustainable food and feed source, Milan, Italy, 21-26 June 2015.

Prins, Udo and Nuijten, E. (2015) Using a multi-actor approach to getting lupins ‘back on the menu’ in The Netherlands: involving breeders, farmers, food and feed industry and consumers. Paper at: The XIV International Lupin Conference: Developing lupin crop into a major and sustainable food and feed source, Milan, Italy.

Prinsen, R.T.M.M.; Strillacci, M.G.; Schiavini, F.; Rossoni, A.; Gredler, B.; Dolezal, M.A.; Bagnato, A. and Bieber, A. (2016) A genome-wide association study using CNVs for production traits in Brown Swiss dairy cattle. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, p. 344.

Priori, S.; Agnelli, A.E.; Castaldini, M.; D'Avino, L.; D'Errico, G.; Gagnarli, E.; Guidi, S.; Goggioli, D.; Lagomarsino, A.; Landi, S.; Leprini, M.; Pellegrini, S.; Perria, R.; Puccioni, S.; Simoni, S.; Storchi, P.; Valboa, G.; Zombardo, A. and Costantini, E.A.C. (2016) Assessment and restoring soil functionality in degraded areas of organic vineyards. The preliminary results of the ReSolVe project in Italy. In: Assessment and restoring soil functionality in degraded areas of organic vineyards. The preliminary results of the ReSolVe project in Italy, 18.

Priori, S.; Costantini, E.A.C.; Van Helden, M.; Fulchin, E.; Tardaguila, J.; Tangolar, S.; Akca, S.; Kìraz, M.E.; Martensson, A. and Schroers, H.J. (2015) ReSolVe project-Restoring optimal Soil functionality in degraded areas within organic Vineyards. In: Congress Material.

Priori, S.; Tardaguila, J.; Diago, M.P; Aquino, A.; D'Avino, L.; Lagomarsino, A.; Pellegrini, S.; Valboa, G. and Costantini, E.A.C. (2016) Monitoring and mapping soil functionality in degraded areas of organic European vineyards. In: Proceedings of the XI International Terroir Congress.

Priori, Simone; Costantini, Edoardo A.C.; Van Helden, Marteen; Fulchin, Emma; Tardaguila, Javier; Tangolar, Semih; Akca, Erhan; Kiraz, Mehmet E.; Martensson, Anna and Schroers, Hans-Josef (2015) ReSolVe project – Restoring optimal Soil functionality in degraded areas within organic Vineyards. In: Congress Material, Moscow, p. 107.

Prišenk, Jernej and Borec, Andreja (2015) CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE BASED FOOD CHAIN IN ORGANIC SECTOR (case studies from Slovenia). Paper at: Smart Agribuisness for the society of tomorrow, Poreč, Croatia, 16.6.2015-20.6.2015. [Completed]

Pristeri, Aurelio; Dahlmann, Christoff; von Fragstein, Peter; Gooding, Mike J.; Hauggaard Nielsen, Henrik; Kasyanova, Elena and Monti, Michele (2006) Yield performance of Faba bean– Wheat intercropping on spring and winter sowing in European organic farming system. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Probst, Johanna K.; Hillmann, Edna; Leiber, Florian; Kreuzer, Michael and Spengler Neff, Anet (2011) Can early handling of suckler beef calves reduce their timidity towards humans? In: Widowski, Tina; Lawlis, Penny and Sheppard, Kimberly (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands, p. 67.

Probst, Johanna K.; Leiber, Florian; Hillmann, Edna; Kreuzer, Michael and Spengler Neff, Anet (2011) Reduction of slaughterhouse stress in beef cattle by facilitating animal tameness. Poster at: Humane Slaughter Association Centenary International Symposium: Recent Advances in the Welfare of Livestock at Slaughter, Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, UK , 30th June and 1st July 2011.

Probst, Johanna K.; Leiber, Florian; Hillmann, Edna; Kreuzer, Michael and Spengler Neff, Anet (2008) Stress Reduction in Beef Cattle by Improving Human-Animal-Relationships. Poster at: [Completed]

Prunier, Arrmelle; Ferchaud, Stéphane; Lebret, Bénédicte; Canario, Laurianne and Merlot, Elodie (2021) Porganic, a research organic pig farm: overall presentation and two examples of research programs. Lecture at: the 31st European congress of AI VETS, France, October 20 to 22, 2021.

Prunier, Armelle; Dippel, Sabine; Bodicchio, David; Bourgoin, Aude; Goebel, Amke; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Wiberg, Sofia; Sundrum, Albert and Bonde, Marianne (2010) Piglet mortality in organic herds. Paper at: Annual meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Heraklion, Greece, 23-27 August 2010.

Prunier, Armelle; Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bodicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine and Leeb, Christine (2014) Nutritional characteristics of the diets in organic pig production. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, NL, p. 249.

Puech, Camille; Aviron, Stéphanie and Baudry, Jacques (2013) Spatial organization of organic and conventional farming in agricultural landscapes: impacts on beneficial insects. 4th International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, Pucon, Chile.

Puech, Camille; Aviron, Stéphanie and Baudry, Jacques (2012) Are ladybirds affected by farming practices at different spatial scales? BES ANNUAL MEETING, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

Puech, Thomas; Barataud, Fabienne and Mignolet, Catherine (2021) Design Of An Agri-Food System On The Mirecourt Territory : Articulation Between Technical And Food Logics. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Pugesgaard, S.; Dalgaard, T.; Jørgensen, U.; Olesen, J.E.; Møller, H. and Jensen, E.S. (2008) Can on-farm bioenergy production make organic farming more sustainable? - A model for energy balance, nitrogen losses, and green house gas emissions in a 1000 ha energy catchment with organic dairy farming and integrated bioenergy production. Poster at: FAO Workshop on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change. , Modena, Italy., June 18 2008.

Pugliese, Massimo and Gullino, M. Lodovica (2008) The development of an international curriculum on organic farming in China. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Pugliese, Massimo; Gullino, M. Lodovica and Garibaldi, Angelo (2008) The use of organic certified compost to control soilborne diseases caused by Phytophthora spp. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Puhakka, L; Kokkonen, S; Jaakkola, S; Kokkonen, T and Vanhatalo, A (2017) Blue lupin as an alternative protein supplement for dairy cows fed grass silage-based diets. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 80-81.

Puliga, S.; Marzetti, A.M.S.; Canali, S. and Zecca, F. (2005) Organic food and farming research in Italy: a review by Italian Ministry of agriculture and forestry policies(MIPAF). Speech at: ISOFAR 2005, Adelaide, Australia, 21-23 September 2005.

Puliga, Serenella; Marzetti, Annamaria; Canali, Stefano and Zecca, Francesco (2005) Organic food and farming research in Italy: A review by the Italian Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Policies (MIPAF). Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Pulkkinen, Hannele; Katajajuuri, Juha-Matti; Saarinen, Merja; Kauppinen, Tommi; Hartikainen, Hanna; Krogerus, Kristoffer and Silvenius, Frans (2011) Finnish metedology developments for carbon and other footprints of food products. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 252.

Puppel, Kamila; Grodkowski, Grzegorz; Solarczyk, Paweł; Kostusiak, Piotr; Klopcic, Marija; Grodkowska, Kinga and Sakowski, Tomasz (2021) Age of cows, as a factor shaping the level of immunostimulating properties of colostrum. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, 27, p. 444.

Puppel, Kamila; Sakowski, Tomasz; Grodkowski, Grzegorz and Stachelek, Magdalena (2019) Changes in colostrum bioactive components depend on cytological quality. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 25, p. 544.

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Puumala, Maarit; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana; Nykänen, Arja and Heinonen-Tanski, Helvi (2003) Exercise yards in Finland - structures and environmental impact. Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, July 1-4, 2003.

Puupponen-Pimiä, Riitta (2007) Antimicrobial properties of berries. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), pp. 11-12.

Puupponen-Pimiä, Riitta; Biedermann, Olivier; Nohynek, Liisa and Oksman-Caldentey, Kirsi-Marja (2007) Production of bioactive phenolic compounds by berry cell cultures. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 47.

Pylkkö, Pirkko; Koistinen, Jarmo; Markkula, Irmeli; Ojanen, Hannu; Tiilikkala, Kari; Raiskio, Sakari; Leskinen, Matti and Ooperi, Sini (2008) Alarm system for insect migration using weather radars. Paper at: ERAD 2008 - the fift European conference on radar in meteorology and hydrology, Helsinki, Finland, 30 June - 4 July 2008.

Qin, Feifei; Xu, Hui-lian and Takano, Tetsuo (2014) Applications of signal transduction and xerophytophysiology by exposing hypocotyls in organic peanut production. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 137-140.

Quander, Nele; Früh, Barbara and Leiber, Florian (2018) Growth, health and body condition of piglets fed 100% organic diets. In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 139.

Quander-Stoll, N.; Bautze, D.; Zollitsch, W.; Leiber, F. and Früh, B. (2021) Effect of 100% organic feeding on performance, carcass composition and fat quality of fattening pigs. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 491.

Quevedo-Cascante, Monica; Mogensen, Lisbeth; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2022) The environmental impacts of agroforestry in agri-food systems: a life cycle assessment approach. Poster at: 6th European Agroforestry Conference (EURAF 2022), Sardinia, Nuoro, Italy, 16 May 2022 - 20 May 2022.

Quiédeville, Sylvain (2021) Social & economic effects of digitalization in organic agriculture: The example of robots for weed control in Switzerland. Poster at: Organic World Congress, Rennes / Online, 08.09.2021. [Completed]

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Hoste, Herve; Lefrileux, Yves and Moakes, Simon (2021) Socio-Economic Impacts Of Alternative Gin Control Practices In French Organic Dairy Goat Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Quiédeville, Sylvain and Moschitz, Heidrun (2021) The Social And Economic Impacts Of Digitalization In Organic Agriculture: The Example Of Robots For Weed Control In Switzerland. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Quiédeville, Sylvain (2019) Influence of heat and drought stress on economic efficiency and resilience of EU dairy farms. Paper at: Agroeconet 2019, Zürich, Switzerland, 29.10.2019. [Completed]

Quiédeville, Sylvain (2017) Contribution of Social Network Analysis for evaluating Impacts of Science-Based Research and Innovation Program: The example of the farmers’ conversion to organic crop production in Camargue. In: fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation - Proceedings of the openevaluation 2016, 24-25 November, Vienna, Austria (43), pp. 30-33.

Quiédeville, Sylvain (2016) Contribution of Social Network Analysis for evaluating Impacts of Science-Based Research and Innovation Program: The example of the farmers’ conversion to organic crop production in Camargue. In: June 14-16, 2017.

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Barjolle, Dominique and Schmid, Otto (2016) Transition to organic production. Poster at: Final IMPRESA conference, Rome, 04 novembre 2016.

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Barjolle, Dominique; Stolze, Matthias and Mouret, Jean-Claude (2015) Impacts of science-based research and innovation program: The case of farmers’ transition to organic production in Camargue. Paper at: Impacts of agricultural research - an approach of societal values, Paris, 3-4 novembre 2015.

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Slavova, Petya; Touzard, Jean-Marc and Barjolle, Dominique (2018) Assessing the role of the research in the transition to organic farming by using the Actor Network Theory: lessons from two case studies in France and Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the 13th European IFSA Symposium, Theme 1 – Learning and knowledge systems, education, extension and advisory services. 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Greece.

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Stolze, Matthias; Mouret, Jean-Claude and Barjolle, Dominique (2015) Impacts of science-based research and innovation programmes: The case of farmers' transition to organic rice in Camargue. Paper at: Second International Conference on Systems of Organic Rice Production, Pavia, September 1-4, 2015.

Quinn, Robert M. (2014) Growing Vegetables Without Irrigation. More locally grown food in semi-arid regions is possible. Speech at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Quintern, Michael (2005) Integration of organic outdoor pig production within crop rotation. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Quispe, Moisés; Van den Eeckhout, Hannes and Ugás, Roberto (2014) A collective mark for Peruvian non-certified organic products: smallholder market differentiation and product development. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2005) Bathroom practices today. Paper at: 7th Conference of European Sociological Association, Torun, Poland, 9th-12th September 2005. [Unpublished]

Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2005) Bathrooms as context for daily water practices. Speech at: Traces of water: developing the social science of domestic water consumption, Workshop 2 - Water practices in everyday life, UKWIR, London, 9th June 2005.

Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2005) Environmental impacts of embedded bathroom practices. Speech at: Kitchen and bathrooms: Changing technologies, practices and social organisation - implications for sustainability, CRIC, University of Manchester, England, 27-28 January 2005.

Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2004) Changing ideas of bodily cleanliness. Paper at: 6th International Summer Academy on Technology Studies. Urban Infrastructure in Transition: What can we learn from history?, Deutschlandsberg, Austria, July 11-17 2004.

Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2004) Danish bathroom stories – a socio-technical study of what the present renovation boom is about. Paper at: 4S & EASST Conference 2004: Public Proofs - Science, Technology and Democracy, Paris, 25-28th of August 2004.

Quitzau, Maj-Britt (2003) Urine, faeces and culture. Poster at: Dry Toilet 2003, 1st International Dry-toilet Conference, Tampere, Finland, August 20-23rd 2003.

Quitzau, Maj-Britt; Christensen, Toke H.; Gram-Hansen, Kirsten; Røpke, Inge and Godskesen, Mirjam (2005) Greening the Danes. Paper at: 7th Nordic Environmental Social Science Research Conference, Göteborg, Sweeden, 15-17 June 2005. [Unpublished]

Råberg, T.; Kreuger, E.; Björnsson, L. and Jensen, E.S. (2013) Strategic management of nitrogen within an organic cropping system using digestate from biogas production of recirculated crop residues. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 109-110.

Råberg, Tora; Carlsson, Georg and Jensen, Erik Steen (2014) Management of biomass resources within the crop rotation for eco-functional intensification on stockless organic farms. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1011-1014.

Radics, László and Ertsey, Anna (2005) Possible agents for organic seed treatment. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Radics, László; Pusztai, Péter; Bíró, Borbála; Bíró, Zsolt; Németh, Tamás and Monori, István (2008) Element composition and quality of lettuce (Lactuca sativa var. Biweri), grown with sheep-manure composts. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Radin, Ms Lada; Šimpraga, prof. Miljenko; Vojta, dr. Aleksandar and Marinculić, A. (2008) Indigenous sheep breeds in organic livestock production in karst areas of Croatia. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rae, R G; Robertson, J F and Wilson, M J (2006) Organic slug control using Phasmarhabditis hermaphrodita. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 211-214.

Raffo, Antonio and Paoletti, Flavio (2020) Organic fruits and vegetables processing: development and innovation in compliance with the organic principles. Speech at:

Raffo, A; Baiamonte, I; Nardo, N; Nicoli, S and Paoletti, F (2011) Distribution chain effects on quality parameters of organically grown tomatoes. In: Pulkrabova, Jana; Tomaniova, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic, p. 89.

Rahmann, G (2006) Do endangered sheep breeds have an advantage in organic farming? In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 247-251.

Rahmann, G; Paulsen, H; Hotker, H; Jeromin, K; Schrader, S; Haneklaus, S and Schnug, E (2006) Contribution of organic farming to conserving and improving biodiversity in Germany avi-fauna as an example. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 187-190.

Rahmann, Gerold (2007) Organic Sheep and Goat Farming. [Organic Sheep and Goat Farming.] In: Tagungsreader der Pillnitzer Sommerakademie, Ecoconnect, pp. 30-45.

Rahmann, Gerold (2006) Do endangered sheep breeds have an advantage in organic farming? In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology, no. 79, pp. 247-252.

Rahmann, Gerold (2003) Why do humans keep animals? Does the answer help to define standards for organic animal husbandry? Paper at: 1 st SAFO Workshop "Socio-Economic Aspects of Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming Systems", Florenz, 05. - 07. September 2003.

Rahmann, Gerold (2002) On farm organic dairy sheep and goat breeding in Germany. In: Proceeding of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, p. 94.

Rahmann, Gerold (2002) The standards, regulations and legislation required for organic ruminant keeping in the European Union. In: Kyriazakis, I. and Zervas, G. (Eds.) Organic meat and milk from ruminants, Proceedings of a joint international conference organised by the Hellenic Society of Animal Production and the British Society of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, no. 106, pp. 15-26.

Rahmann, Gerold (2001) Breeding goats for organic production in Germany. In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) Breeding and feeding for health and welfare in organic livestock systems, Proceedings of the Fourth NAHWOA Workshop, Wageningen, 24-27 March 2001, Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture (NAHWOA).

Rahmann, Gerold (2001) Special aspects of ecological farm management on pre-harvest food safety in meat and milk. Paper at: WHO consultation on Pre-Harvest Food Safety, Berlin, Germany, 26-28 March 2001. [Unpublished]

Rahmann, Gerold and Böhm, Herwart (2005) Organic Fodder Production in Intensive Organic Livestock Production in Europe: Recent Scientific Findings and the Impact on the Development of Organic Farming. [Organic Fodder Production in Intensive Organic Livestock Production in Europe: Recent Scientific Findings and the Impact on the Development of Organic Farming.] In: Integrating Livestock-Crop Systems to meet the challenges of globalisation, British Society of Animal Science, 1, pp. 471-485.

Rahmann, Gerold; Paulsen, Hans-Marten; Hötker, Hermann; Jeromin, Knut; Schrader, Stefan; Haneklaus, Silvia and Schnug, Ewald (2006) Contribution of organic farming to conserving and improving biodiversity in Germany – the example avi-fauna. In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology, no. 79, p. 187.

Rahmann, Gerold and Seip, Hannah (2006) Alternative strategies to prevent and control endoparasite diseases in organic sheep and goat farming systems – a review of current scientific knowledge. [.] In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2006, Sonderhefte der Landbauforschung Völkenrode, no. 298, pp. 49-90.

Rahmann, G. (2017) Going towards Organic 3.0. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 30-31.

Rahmann, Gerold; Hülsebusch, Christian; Isele, Judith and Idel, Anita (2015) Organic Livestock Production Sustainable increase of meat production on natural grasslands in Namibia - research methodology and preliminary results -. In: Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 145-154.

Rahtola, M. (2009) System learning comparison of organic apple growing in four Nordic-Baltic region countries. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 53.

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Ralle, Baiba; Cross, Jerry; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Hall, David; Trandem, Nina; Sigsgaard, Lene; Baroffio, Catherine; Fountain, Michelle and Wibe, Atle (2013) Traps for Lygus rugulipennis and Anthonomus rubi: preliminary results from Softpest Multitrap activities in Latvia. In: Sigsgaard, Lene; Jensen, Birgit; Trandem, Nina; Parikka, Päivi and Svensson, Birgitta (Eds.) NJF seminar 465 IPM in Nordic and Baltic berry crops.Copenhagen, Denmark 12-13 November, 2013, NJF Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists and University of Copenhagen, 9 (8), NJF report, pp. 17-18.

Ralle, Baiba; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Herz, Annette; Penvern, Servane; Warlop, Francois; Porcel, Mario; Tchamitchian, Marc; Pfiffner, Lukas; Jamar, Laurent; Kruczynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; Kelderer, Markus and Sigsgaard, Lene (2016) Functional agrobiodiversity (FAB) in apple pest management in Latvia: what do we know? In: RPD Abstracts “3rd international scientific conference „Sustainable Fruit Growing: From Plant to Product” and 4th European Workshop on Seabuckthorn EuroWorkS 2016”, Vol.2, RPD Science, Dobele, 2, p. 44.

Ramert, Birgitta; Lennartsson, Margi and Davies, Gareth (2002) The use of mixed species cropping to manage pests and diseases – theory and practice. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 207-210.

Ramirez-Guerrero, Hugo; Moyeeja-Guerrero, J.; Renaud-Rodriguez, D.; Paz-Leon, R.; Lugo-Gonzalez, J. and Anzalone-Grazi, A. (2008) “Aurora Tropical”: a model of Ecological Horticulture, Case studies of 11 Onion and Shallot cultivars. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rana Bhat, Basanta and Yubak, Dhoj GC (2005) EFFECT OF Melia azedarach ON APHID (Brevcorinae brassicae) OF ORGANIC CABBAGE FARMING. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Rana Bhat, Mr Basanta (2008) Use of Tharu Ethnobotanical Knowledge for Organic Insect Pests Management of Cucurbita pepo L. cv. 'zucchini'. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rana Bhat, Mr Basanta and Ghimire, Mr Rajan (2008) Promotion of Organic Vegetable Production through Farmers’ Field School in Chitwan, Nepal. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Ranaldo, Marzia; Carlesi, Stefano; Costanzo, Ambrogio and Bàrberi, Paolo (2016) Designing cover crop mixtures to enhance potential weed suppression in organic no-till vegetable systems. Speech at: ESA 14 - Growing landscapes - Cultivating innovative agricultural systems, Edinburgh, 5-9 September 2016.

Ranaldo, Marzia; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Carlesi, Stefano and Barberi, Paolo (2015) Can weed management in vegetable systems be improved by cover crop species mixture? Step 1: Screening of cover crop species and varieties. Poster at: 17th EWRS Symposium, Weed Management in Changing Environments, Montpellier, France, 23-26 June 2015,.

Ranaldo, Marzia; Carlesi, Stefano; Costanzo, Ambrogio and Bàrberi, Paolo (2016) Can weed management in vegetable systems be improved by cover crop species mixtures? Step 2: field implementation. In: Conference: 7th International Weed Science Congress, At Prague (CZ).

Ranca, Aurora-Maria; Artem, Victoria; Petrescu, Anamaria; Fragnière, Anne-Laure and Kehrli, Patrik (2020) Using cover crop to control Lobesia botrana in organic vineyards. Poster at: 55 Croatian & 15 International Symposium on Agriculture, Vodice, Croatia, 16-21 February 2020.

Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena (2015) Piglet mortality in Danish organic herds. Keynote presentation at: Pig welfare - What are the ways forward?, København, 29. april 2015.

Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena (2015) Potential risk factors for piglet mortality in Danish organic pig production. Poster at: Pig welfare - what are the ways forward?, København, 29.-30. april 2015.

Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena (2015) RISK FACTORS FOR PIGLET MORTALITY IN DANISH ORGANIC PIG PRODUCTION. Keynote presentation at: Internal Workshop, Skarrildhus, Denmark, 12-13 March 2015. [Completed]

Rankinen, Katri; Palojärvi, Ansa; Regina, Kristiina; Pietola, Liisa; Granlund, Kirsti and Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2006) Modelling of water balance and nitrogen cycle in vegetative filter strips. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006.

Rapidel, Bruno; Meziere, Delphine; Metral, Raphaël; Dupraz, Christian; Mérot, A; Allinne, Clémentine and Gary, Christian (2015) Evaluation and design of multispecies cropping systems with perennials: are current methods applicable? Speech at: 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design : FSD5, Montpellier (France), 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-10.

Rasa, Kimmo; Kulmala, Airi and Talola, Sami (2008) More effective agricultural water protection (TEHO project 2008-2010). In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), NJF Report, p. 18.

Rasa, Kimmo; Räty, Mari; Nikolenko, Olga; Horn, Rainer; Yli-Halla, Markku; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana and Pietola, Liisa (2006) Buffer zone water repellency: effects of the management practice. In: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (5), NJF Report, pp. 140-144.

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Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Perennial weed control and nitrogen leaching in long-term organic crop rotation experiments for cereal production. In: Melander, B.; Cloutier, D. and Gerowitt, B. (Eds.) Proceedings 7th EWRS sorkshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 133.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Perennial weeds in organic arable farming – challenges & dilemmas. In: Lund, M.; Larsen, T.U.; Thøgersen, J.O.; Christensen, S.; Børsting, C.; Plauborg, F.; Munkholm, L.J.; Olesen, J.E.; Callesen, O.; Askegaard, M.; Hansen, J.G. and Hvelplund, T. (Eds.) NJF Report, 3 (2), pp. 316-317.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2005) Development of weeds in organic crop rotation experiments. In: Bàrberi, P.; Bastiaans, L.; Christensen, S.; Fernandez-Quintanilla, C.; Froud-Williams, B.; Grundy, A.; Hatcher, P.; Kudsk, P.; Marshall, J.; Melander, B.; Quadranti, M.; Tei, F.; Thompson, A. and Vurro, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2005, European Weed Research Society (EWRS), pp. 1-2.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2005) Long-term organic crop rotation experiments for cereal production - perennial weed control and nitrogen leaching. In: Köpke, U.; Niggli, U.; Neuhoff, D.; Cornish, P.; Lockeretz, W. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Researching Sustainable Systems: Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), pp. 227-230.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2005) Management of perennial weeds and nitrogen leaching in arable cropping systems. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), 1 (1), pp. 153-156.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Bastiaans, L.; Holst, N.; Grundy, A. and Melander, B. (2007) 'All models are wrong - but some are useful' - a report from an EWRS workshop on modelling weed population dynamics. In: Bàrberi, P.; Bastiaans, L; Bohren, C.; Christensen, S.; Gerowitt, B.; Grundy, A.; Hatcher, P.; Kudsk, P.; Melander, B.; Rubin, B.; Streibig, J.; Tei, F.; Thompson, A. and Vurro, M. (Eds.) 14th EWRS Symposium 17-21 June 2007 Hamar Norway, p. 116.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Bastiaans, L.; Holst, N.; Grundy, A. and Melander, B. (2007) Report from an EWRS workshop on modelling weed population dynamics. In: Melander, B.; Cloutier, D. and Gerowitt, B. (Eds.) Proceedings 7th EWRS workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 174.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Holst, N.; Pedersen, L. and Rasmussen, K. (2002) Computer model for simulating the long-term dynamics of annual weeds under different cultivation practices. In: Barberi, P. and Cloutier, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 5th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, pp. 6-13.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2006) Perennial weeds in a crop rotation perspective. Speech at: Ecological Agriculture course at KVL, Research Centre Flakkebjerg, 2 March 2006.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2000) Sowing time, false seedbed, row distance and mechanical weed control in organic winter wheat. In: Cloutier, Daniel (Ed.) Abstracts 4th EWRS Workshop on Physical Weed Control, pp. 5-7.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Organic crop rotation experiments - short-term versus longer-term results. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2005) LONG-TERM ORGANIC CROP ROTATION EXPERIMENTS FOR CEREAL PRODUCTION – PERENNIAL WEED CONTROL AND NITROGEN LEACHING. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Weed control in organic crop rotation experiments for grain production. In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, p. 182.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Plant protection in an organic crop rotation experiment for grain production. In: Olesen, Jørgen E.; Eltun, Ragnar; Gooding, Mike J.; Jensen, Erik Steen and Köpke, Ulrich (Eds.) DARCOF report no. 1: Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming. Proceedings from an international workshop, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, pp. 321-330.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Weed control in organic crop rotations for grain production. In: Kropff, M.J.; Gut, D.; Streibig, J.C. and Baumann, D.T. (Eds.) Proceedings 11th EWRS Symposium, European Weed Research Society, p. 98.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Holst, Niels (2004) Computer model for simulating the long-term dynamics of annual weeds. In: Cloutier, Daniel C. and Ascard, Johan (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, CD-ROM, Europeon Weed Reserach Society, p. 69.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Holst, Niels and Madsen, Kathrine Hauge (2003) Modeling the effect of management strategies on the seed bank dynamics of volunteer oilseed rape. In: Boelt, Birte (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on the Co-existence of Genetically Modified Crops with Conventional and Organic Crops, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 184-186.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2015) Open research repository for organic agriculture. Paper at: 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indiana, USA, 8-11.06.2015. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck and Willer, Helga (2021) Organic Eprints - Helping science go to work. Poster at: Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck and Willer, Helga (2021) Organic Eprints - Helping Science Go To Work. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Karsten; Jensen, Rikke K.; Hansen, Preben K.; Rasmussen, Gitte; Christensen, Svend and Rasmussen, Jesper (2000) Recent advances in weed management in cereals in Denmark. Paper at: 13th IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 28 to 31 August 2000.

Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2010) Biomass production and N2-fixation in seven grass-legume mixtures. Paper at: NJF Seminar 432, Hvanneryri, Iceland, 20-22 June.

Rasmussen, Jesper (2009) Unifying parameters in mechanical weed control research - report of the roundtable. In: Proceedings 8th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, pp. 142-145.

Rasmussen, Jesper (2004) Are we making progress in mechanical weed control research? Speech at: 6th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March 2004.

Rasmussen, Jesper (2004) Are we making progress in mechanical weed control research? In: Proceedings 6th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, Lillehammer, Norway, 115-122., pp. 115-122.

Rasmussen, Jesper; Helgadóttir, Á.; Frankow-Lindberg, B.; Loges, R. and Eriksen, J. (2010) The contribution of grass and clover root turnover to N leaching. In: Schnyder, H. (Ed.) Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 1028-1030.

Rasmussen, Jesper and Nørremark, Michael (2007) Digital images for assessing soil cover of crop plants. In: Proceedings 7th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, pp. 123-129.

Rasmussen, Jesper and Nørremark, Michael (2007) Digital images for assessing soil cover of crop plants. Speech at: 7th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, Salem, Germany, 11-14 March 2007.

Rasmussen, Jesper; Nørremark, Michael and Bibby, Bo Martin (2008) New Technologies Call for New Research Priorities in Physical Weed Control with Low Selectivity. Speech at: 5th International Weed Science Congress, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 23-27 June 2008.

Rasmussen, Jim and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2005) DOC and DON from grass-clover - results from a field experiment. Poster at: Cost Action 852 - Workshop, Grado, Italy, November 9-11, 2005.

Rasmussen, Jim and Høgh-Jensen, Henning (2004) Origin and composition of Dissolved Organic C and N from grass-clover mixtures. Poster at: Cost Action 627 - Carbon Storage in European grasslands, Ghent, Belgium, June 3-6 2004. [Unpublished]

Rasmussen, Søren K.; Steffan, Philipp; Torp, Anna-Maria; Borgen, Anders and Backes, Gunter (2016) Mapping resistance genes for common bunt in wheat. In: Morgounov, Alexey (Ed.) Abstract of the XIX international Workshop on Smuts and bunts.

Rasmussen, Camilla Ruø; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) Chicory Grows Roots Below 3 m Is That Beneficial under Water Stress? Poster at: ISRR 2018, Jerusalem, Israel, 8-12/7-2018.

Rasmussen, Claus and Madsen, Henning Bang (2017) Current status and trends of Danish wild bees. Speech at: Pollinator Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, Dec. 7, 2017.

Rasmussen, I.A. (2011) Organic Eprints - the international archive for research publications about organic agriculture. Workshop at: Third Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research, held at the 17th IFOAM Organic World Conference - Organic is Life, Namyangju, Gyeonggi Paldang, Republic of Korea, 28th Sept. - 1st Oct. 2011. [Completed]

Rasmussen, I.A. (2011) Use of competitive crops to reduce Cirsium arvense. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow. Organic Crop Production. Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research, 1, pp. 692-695.

Rasmussen, I.A. and Halberg, N. (2013) 15 years of research in organic food systems in Denmark – effects on the sector and society. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 99-100.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Jensen, A.L.; Jørgensen, M.S.; Kristensen, H.; Conder, M.; Micheloni, C. and Moeskops, B. (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 130-132.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Meier, J. and Willer, H. (2011) Organic Eprints - making research in Organic Food and Farming more visible. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is life - knowledge for tomorrow. Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research , ISOFAR, Bonn, Germany, 2, pp. 326-329.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2018) Instruction on How to Submit a Full Paper Submission in Organic Eprints for the 4th African Organic Conference 2018. 4th African Organic Conference, 2018. [Submitted]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) Organisation of organic agriculture research in Denmark - background, use of knowledge syntheses, analysis of results. Keynote presentation at: Il Jornada Agriecol, INIA, Madrid, Spain, 10 de diciembre de 2014. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) TP Organics Workshop:�Adapting the vision of TPO to the new challenges and policy context. Workshop at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Introduction of Organic Eprints. Lecture at: The 2nd Workshop on the construction of the Asian Network for Sustainable Organic Farming Technology (ANSOFT), International Technology Cooperation Center (ITCC) of Rural Development Administration (RDA), Suwon, Republic of Korea, 26th - 28th September, 2011. [Submitted]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Halberg, Niels (2014) 15 years of research in organic food systems in Denmark – effects on the sector and society. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 203-206.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene and Christensen, Dennis (2017) Farmknowledge.org - knowledge platform of OK-Net Arable. Speech at: BioFach 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, 15-18 February. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Conder, Malgorzata; Micheloni, Cristina and Moeskops, Bram (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. In: Rahmann, G; Andres, C.; Yadav, A.K.; Ardakani, M.R.; Babalad, H.B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S.L.; Olowe, V; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track, Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, 2, Thünen report, no. 54, pp. 622-624.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene and Moeskops, Bram (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. Speech at: 3rd Organic Innovation Days, Brussels, 15-17 November. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck and Willer, Helga (2014) Organic Eprints – helping research results go to work. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 207-210.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Sønderskov, Mette; Damgaard, Christian and Kristensen, Kristian (2009) Effect of Elymus repens on yield of winter wheat, spring barley and faba bean in an organic crop rotation experiment. In: Cloutier, D.C. (Ed.) Proceedings 8th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, Zaragoza, Spain, p. 129.

Rasmussen, Jesper; Henriksen, Christian Bugge and Griepentrog, Hans W. (2011) Less intra-row weeds – experiences with a punch planter and a cycloid hoe based on GPS. Paper at: 9th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, Samsum, Turkey, 28-30 March 2011.

Rasouli, Mrs. Shabnam; Azizi, Prof. Pirouz; Forghani, Dr. Akbar and Asghar Zade, Dr. Ahmad (2008) Comparison of effect of zinc-enriched pod of Phaseolus vulgaris and inner rice husk composts with zinc sulphate and zinc 14% chelate on zinc availability in maize plant in a calcareous soil. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rattler, Sabine; Briviba, Karlis; Birzele, Barbara and Koepke, Ulrich (2005) Effect of agronomic management practices on lettuce quality. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Rattler, Sabine; Thiel, Barbara and Köpke, Ulrich (2006) The effect of different fertilisers on hygienic quality of lettuce. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Räty, Mari; Rasa, Kimmo; Nikolenko, Olga; Yli-Halla, Markku; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana and Pietola, Liisa (2006) Nutrient retention by differently managed vegetation of buffer zones. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006.

Rault-Léonardon, Magali; Mazzia, Christophe; Denoyelle, Renaud; Mascle, Odile and Capowiez, Yvan (2006) UNSPECIFIED [Validation of cholinesterase inhibition as a biomerker of exposure for earthworms in apple orchards.] 8. International Symposium on Earthworm Ecology, Cracovie, France.

Raupp, J. and Oltmanns, M. (2008) Organically fertilized plants can manage water-limited growth conditions better than minerally fertilized plants. Results from a multi-year experiment. In: Proceedings of the 17th International Symposium of CIEC, NRC, Cairo, Egypt, pp. 159-164.

Raupp, Joachim (2009) Long-term trials in Europe and North America, experience and research approaches. In: International Workshop of Organic Agriculture Research and Development.

Raupp, Joachim and Oltmanns, Meike (2006) Farmyard manure, plant based organic fertilisers, inorganic fertiliser - which sustains soil organic matter best? In: Aspects of Applied Biology, Assoc. Applied Biologists, 79, pp. 273-276.

Raupp, Joachim and Oltmanns, Meike (2006) What will long-term experiments deliver? Key results of 12 experiments on different continents. In: Aspects of Applied Biology, Assoc. Applied Biologists, 79, pp. 89-92.

Raupp, Joachim and Oltmanns, Meike (2005) Nutrient turnover and losses during composting of farmyard manure. Results of outdoor experiments over 11 years. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Raupp, Dr Joachim (2002) Enzymatic browning of potatoes is greatly reduced with organic fertilization compared to mineral fertilization. In: Proceedings 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, p. 67.

Raupp, Dr Joachim (2002) Monitoring nutrient turnover during composting has to be based on a constant reference parameter. Is total ash content really a good choice? In: Thompson, Robert (Ed.) Proceedings 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, p. 66.

Raupp, Dr Joachim (2000) The well-proportioned farm organism. Just a pleasing image of a mixed farming system or rather a basic requirement for functioning organic husbandry? In: Alföldi, Th; Lockeretz, W and Niggli, U (Eds.) Proc. 13th Int. IFOAM Sci. Conf., August 2000 Basel, vdf Hochschulverlag (ETH Zürich), pp. 700-703.

Raupp, Dr Joachim (1999) Biodynamic approaches in research and development. In: Zanoli, R. and Krell, R. (Eds.) FAO Regional Office for Europe, FAO, Rome, REU Technical Series, no. 58, pp. 41-47.

Raupp, Dr Joachim and Oltmanns, Meike (2006) Effects of plant based organic fertilizer (faba bean meal) compared to farmyard manure on yield and quality of potatoes and soil organic matter levels. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Raupp, Dr Joachim and Oltmanns, Meike (2006) Reducing nitrogen and potassium losses during farmyard manure composting by improving composting techniques. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Raupp, Dr Joachim and Oltmanns, Meike (2002) Fractions of particulate organic matter in soils depending upon farmyard manure and mineral fertilization. In: Proceedings 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, p. 25.

Raussi, S.; Boissy, A.; Delval, E.; Andanson, S. and Veissier, I. (2003) Do changes of pen and penmate affect the behaviour of heifers? Paper at: 37th International congress of the ISAE, Abano Terme, Italy, June, 24-28 2003.

Raussi, S.; Mäntysaari, P.; Jauhiainen, L.; Siivonen, J.; Tuomisto, L.; Räsänen, K. and Rinne, M. (2010) Own or shared silage feeding place for dairy cows? In: Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 28.

Raussi, Satu and Kaihilahti, Jutta (2004) Cow welfare aspects in automatic milking systems. In: Rønningen, Odd (Ed.) NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (337), pp. 71-76.

Raussi, Satu; Saastamoinen, Seija; Kaihilahti, Jutta; Eriksson, Christian; Jauhiainen, Lauri and Hepola, Helena (2008) Time budget and lying synchronisation of cows in conventional and automatic milking system departments. In: Proceedings, International Society for Applied Ethology, p. 11.

Raussi, Satu; Saarinen, Kati; Kauppinen, Tiina and Veissier, Isabelle (2011) Intuitive versus scientific knowledge of cattle behaviour. Paper at: 23rd Nordic symposium of the ISAE, Tartu, Estonia, January 19-21, 2011.

Raut, Sharvari; von Gersdorff, Gardis; Wittkamp, Sarah; Münsterer, Jakob; Kammhuber, Klaus; Kulig, Boris; Hensel, Oliver and Sturm, Barbara (2019) Influence of storage time on essential oil components in dried hops. In: Proceedings ao Eurodrying 2019, 10-12 July 2019, Torino, Italy, p. 86.

Raven, Hugh (2006) What can resaerch deliver for organic farming? Key note presentation. Paper at: What can organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 18-20 September 2006.

Raviv, Michael; Iviani, Ido and Laor, Yael (2006) The changing needs with time for mineral nutrition of organic stone fruit orchard under Mediterranean conditions. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, p. 111.

Ravn, Helle Weber; Christensen, Trine F.; Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard; Brandt, Kirsten; Diedrichsen, Birgitte; Kristensen, Charlotte V.; Jensen, Anders K.; Husted, Carina L. and Andersen, Jan Buch (2004) Plant Biomarker Pattern, Apples grown with various availability of organic nitrogen and with or witout the use of pesticides. In: 11th International Conference on Cultivation technique and Phytopathological in Organic Fruit-Growing.

Ravnskov, Sabine; Jensen, Birgit; Nielsen, Steen Lykke and Larsen, John (2004) Quantification of root fungi using signature fatty acids. Poster at: Rhizosphere Congress, Perspectives and Challenges – a tribute to Lorenz Hiltner”, September 12-17, 2004, Munich, Germany, Munich, Germany, September 12-17, 2004. [Unpublished]

Rayns, Francis; Conroy, Judith; Goncalves Geiger, Anya and Schmutz, Ulrich (2021) Evaluating Alternatives To Fossil Fuel-Derived Plastic Mulches For Weed Control In An Organic Field Vegetable System. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Rayns, Francis; Schmutz, Ulrich; Firth, Chris; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Zhang, Kefeng and Rahn, Clive (2006) The use of computer modelling to evaluate the agronomic, economic and environmental impacts of N management in contrasting organic rotations. In: Atkinson, C.; Ball, B.; Davies, D.H.K.; Rees, R.; Russell, G.; Stockdale, E.A.; Watson, C.A.; Walker, R. and Younie, D. (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 171-174.

Rayns, Francis W; Harlock, Simon and Turner, Rebecca J (2002) Fertility building strategies during the conversion period – assessment of performance in a stockless field vegetable rotation. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 125-128.

Rayns, Francis W; Jackson, Lorna R; Bending, Gary D; Turner, Mary K; Wood, Marting and Marx, Mare-Claude (2002) The effect of organic management on soil quality indicators. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 139-140.

Rebours, Celine; Friis Pedersen, Susanne; Øvsthus, Ingunn and Roleda, Michael (2014) Seaweed - a resource for organic farming. In: Fløistad, Erling and Günther, Morten (Eds.) Bioforsk FOKUS, Bioforsk, Ås Norway, 9 (2), Bioforsk FOKUS, p. 107.

Recke, Guido and Hamm, Ulrich (2005) Stand und Entwicklungsperspektiven für ein europäisches Marktinformationssystem für Öko-Produkte. [Status quo and development prospects for a European Information System for Organic Markets.] Speech at: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften (GeWiSoLa), Göttingen, Germany, 5.-7.10.2005.

Reckling, Moritz; Bergkvist, Göran; Watson, Christine A.; Stoddard, Frederick L. and Bachinger, Johann (2021) Systems Agronomy For Re-Designing Organic Grain Legume Cropping Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Reckling, Moritz and Preißel, Sara (2009) Application of Internal Control Systems in Organic Export Companies: Two Case Studies from Uganda. Poster at: Tropentag 2009, Hamburg, 6.-8.10.2009. [Completed]

Reents, Dr. H.J. and Baresel, Dr. J. P. (2008) Annual clovers and medics in living mulch systems: Competition and effect on N supply and soil fertility. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rees, Dr Robert; Baddeley, Dr John; Bingham, Dr Ian and Watson, Dr Christine (2006) Nitrogen uptake by spring barley grown with red and white clover. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Reeve, Jennifer; Smith, Jeffrey L.; Carpenter-Boggs, Lynne and Reganold, John P. (2005) PLANT UPTAKE OF SOLUBLE ORGANIC MOLECULES AS N SOURCE. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Reganold, J. P. (2017) Organic Agriculture in the 21st Century. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 21-22.

Regina, Kristiina (2010) Mitigation of greenhouse gas fluxes from cultivated organic soils by raised water table. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 69.

Regina, Kristiina; Simojoki, Asko; Alakukku, Laura; Silvennoinen, Hanna; Dörsch, Peter and Keller, Thomas (2011) Effect of persistent subsoil compaction on N2O emissions from arable soils. Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, 24 th NJF congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011.

Rehberger, B.; Bisig, W.; Eberhard, P.; Mallia, S.; Piccinali, P.; Schlichtherle-Cerny, H.; Wyss, U.; Busscher, N.; Kahl, J.; Roose, M. and Ploeger, A. (2007) Assessment of processing technologies which may improve the nutritional composition of dairy products – Overview of progress. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Rehus, Lubomir (2012) Comparison of selected essential oil components of Achillea millefolium agg. from the nature, organic and conventional farming. Poster at: international scientific conference "Dendrology, floriculture and landscape gardening, Yalta, 2012.

Reimer, Marie (2023) Recycled fertilizer for organic farming – assessing the effect on soil fertility and associated risks with potentially toxic elements. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 196.

Reimer, Marie; Hartmann, Tobias; Oelofse, Myles; Bünemann, Else K.; Müller-Stöver, Dorette; Magid, Jakob and Möller, Kurt (2021) Nutrient Budgets And Their Implication On Soil Fertility In Organic Farming Across Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Reimer, Marie; Möller, Kurt; Magid, Jakob and Bruun, Sander (2024) Recycling Nitrogen from urban wastes to organic farming – a scenario analysis. Speech at: XXII International N Workshop, Aarhus, Denmark, 17.-21.06.2024.

Reimer, Marie; Oelofse, Myles; Magid, Jakob; Hartmann, Tobias Edward and Möller, Kurt (2019) Farm gate nutrient budgets in organic farms – a case study in Germany. Poster at: International Conference of the German Society of Plant Nutrition 2019, Berlin, Germany, 25.-27.09.2019. [Completed]

Reimer, Marie and Sørensen, Peter (2023) Nitrogen fertiliser value of digestates and untreated cattle slurry differs in organic and conventional crop management. In: RAMIRAN 2023 book of abstracts, p. 24.

Reimer, Marie; Sørensen, Peter and Møller, Henrik B. (2024) Optimizing nitrogen fertilizer value by post-treatment of digestates. In: Proceedings of the XXII Internaltional N Workshop, p. 26.

Reimer, Marie; Sørensen, Peter and Møller, Henrik B. (2024) Different fertiliser values in organic and conventional field trials. Speech at: Plantekongres 2024.

Reinbacher, Lara; Muller, Roxane; Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Amsler, Sara; Baumgartner, Fabian; Pfiffner, Lukas; Saussure, Stephanie and Lucas-Barbosa, Dani (2023) Flower reservoirs in stone fruit orchards: creating self- regulating systems with a low input strategy. Poster at: 39th Annual Meeting of the Working Group “Beneficial Arthropods and Entomopathogenic Nematodes”, Köln-Auweiler, Germany, 29. – 30. November 2023,. [Completed]

Reintam, Endla; Kahu, Greete; Are, Mihkel; Talgre, Liina and Luik, Anne (2016) Fertilization and field crops effect on earthworms. In: Hallam, S.W. (Ed.) International Fertiliser Society, United Kingdom, pp. 16-17.

Rembialkowska, Ewa; Hallmann, Ewelina; Rusaczonek, Anna; Bennett, Richard; Brandt, Kirsten; Lueck, Lorna and Leifert, Carlo (2007) The content of bioactive compounds in rat experimental diets based on organic, low-input and conventional plant materials. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Rembialkowska, Ewa; Ponder, Alicja; Hallmann, Ewelina; Średnicka-Tober, Dominika and Kazimierczak, Renata (2021) Nutritional Value And Content Of Bioactive Compounds In Raspberry Fruit From Organic, Biodynamic And Conventional Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Rembiałkowska, Ewa; Hallmann, Ewelina and Rusaczonek, Anna (2007) Influence of Processing on Bioactive Substances Content and Antioxidant Properties of Apple Purée from Organic and Conventional Production in Poland. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, May 31-June 3 2005.

Rembiałkowska, prof. Ewa (2006) Animal dietary intervention study of effect of organic vs conventional food production methods on health and well – being of rats. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Rembiałkowska, prof. Ewa (2006) Organic food quality – axioms and ambiguities. [Organic food quality – axioms and ambiguities.] Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Renaud, E.N.C; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Jiggins, J.; Maliepaard, C.; Paulo, J.; Juvik, J.A. and Myers, J.R. (2010) Breeding for specific bioregions: a genotype by environment study of horticultural and nutritional traits integrating breeder and farmer priorities for organic broccoli cultivar improvement. In: Breeding for Resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?, pp. 124-127.

Renaud-Gentié, Christel; Dieu, Valentin; Thiollet-Scholtus, Marie; Perrin, Aurélie; Julien, Séverine; Beauchet, Sandra; Jourjon, Frédérique and Merot, Anne (2018) Addressing organic viticulture environmental burdens by better understanding causes of inter-annual impacts variations. 11. International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food 2018 (LCA Food), Bangkok, Thailand.

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL (2021) Nährstoffkreisläufe schliessen. [Closing nutrient cycles.] Paper at: Open FiBL Day, online, 27.05.2021. [Unpublished]

Reveredo Giha, C; Topp, C F E; Toma, L and Wu, L (2006) Economic and environmental analysis of the introduction of legumes in livestock farming systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 199-203.

Revilla, I.; Vivar-Quintana, A.M.; Lurueña-Martínez, M.A.; Palacios, C. and Severiano-Pérez, P. (2008) Organic vs Conventional Suckling Lamb Production: Product Quality and Consumer Acceptance. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Revilla, I.; Palacios, C.; Hidalgo, C.; Alvarez, R. and Rodriguez, P. (2014) Evolution of fat soluble vitamin content of ewe’s milk from conventional semi-extensive and organic production systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 983-986.

Rey, Frédéric; Chable, Veronique and Sinoir, Nicolas (2012) Breeding for Low Input and Organic systems : stakeholders expectations – French inputs on vegetables. SOLIBAM 1st Stakeholder congress, Rome, Italy.

REY, Frederic and HAZARD, Laurent (2014) Community-based management of cultivated biodiversity - A French initiative on forage crops to design agro-ecological systems. [Gérer collectivement la biodiversité cultivée.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Reymann, Wiebke; Wendling, Marina; Charles, Raphael; Frossard, Emmanuel and Bünemann, Else K. (2024) Humus management practices affect soil structural quality and nutrient availability of arable fields in Western Switzerland. Poster at: 17. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Giessen, Germany, 5.-8. März 2024. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir; Heer, Alexander; Riar, Rajwinder; Ferrari, Leone; Joshi, Tanay; Hamadou, Ibrahim; Massawe, Veronika; Clément, Jous; Basset, Etienne and Messmer, Monika (2023) Practising agroecology strengthens farmers’ perceived ability to cope with climate change. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 252-253.

Riar, Amritbir and Messmer, Monika (2021) Participatory organic cotton breeding approach to achieve sustainable development goals. In: Abstract E-Book. International Conference on Breeding and seed sector innovation for organic food systems. 8-10 March 2021, Online from Latvia, p. 176.

Riar, Amritbir; Joshi, Tanay and Messmer, Monika (2018) National Workshop of Organic Cotton Stakeholders - A Dialogue on Challenges and Persepective of Organic Cotton Production in India. Paper at: National Workshop on Organic Cotton Stakeholders, Indore, India, 20.11.2018. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Poswal, Randhir S.; Messmer, Monika and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2017) What socially motivates farmers to grow organic cotton in central India? Paper at: 19th Organic World Congress, New Delhi, India, 9-11. November 2017. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir and Messmer, Monika (2018) OCRT Regional Meeting: South Asia. Paper at: Orgnic Cotton Round Table, Milano, Italy, 22.10.2018. [Completed]

Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2017) Quality and drying behavior of organic fruit products. Workshop at: SECOND NORDIC BALTIC DRYING CONFERENCE, Hamburg, Germany, June 7 to 9, 2017.

Richard, David; Zimmer, Stéphanie; Naudin, Christophe and Leimbrock, Laura (2021) Impact Of Different Mechanical Weed Control Methods On Weed Communities, In Organic Soybean Cultivation, In Luxembourg. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Richardson, Katherine (2010) Biodiversity, a global threshold - Why preserving biodiversity should go hand-in-hand with climate mitigation in agro-ecosystems. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Richter, Sebastian; Müller, Adrian; Stolze, Mathias; Schneider, Isabelle and Schader, Christian (2023) Stakeholder acceptance of policy measures to reduce meat consumption in Switzerland. Poster at: 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023, Belgrad, Serbien, 16.11.2023. [Completed]

Richter, Toralf (2023) Integrity of third-country organic imports. Paper at: Department Meeting, Frick, Switzerland, 25th July 2023. [Completed]

Richter, Toralf (2021) Results Of A European Market And Stakeholder Survey About Organic Processing Technologies. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Richter, Toralf (2021) Results of a Market and Stakeholder Survey about Organic Processing Methods. Paper at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Richter, Toralf (2008) Retailing organic food in Europe 2008: Latest trends in distribution channels and driving forces. Paper at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, February 21 - 24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Richter, Toralf (2006) The need for a European harmonised data collection on private organic consumption – methodological and economic issues -. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Richter, Toralf (2006) Trends in the European Organic Markets - What is hot, what is new? Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Richter, Toralf (2005) The European Organic Market between strong Growth and Consolidation. Current State and Prospects. Speech at: Biofach Kongress 2005, Nürnberg Messe, Nürnberg, Deutschland, 24.02.2005.

Richter, Toralf (2005) Organic in the supermarkets – global trends. Speech at: Biofach, Nürnberg, 24. -27. 2. 2005.

Richter, Toralf (2005) Visual Merchandising for Organic Retailers. Paper at: Biofach, DE-Nürnberg, 24. -27. 2. 2005. [Unpublished]

Richter, Toralf (2004) „Are the organic consumer labels conveying the right message?“. Paper at: European Hearing on Organic Food and Farming - Towards a European Action Plan, Brussels, 22 January 2004.

Richter, Toralf (2004) Marketing organic products via European chains. Speech at: Biofach 2004, Nuremburg, 19.2.2004-22.2.2004. [Unpublished]

Richter, Toralf (2004) Results of the EISfOM project investigation into the current situation of data collection and processing. Speech at: 1st EISfOM Seminar Development of European Information Systems for Organic Markets - improving the availability, quality and comparability of statistical data, Germany, Berlin, 26.-27.04.2004.

Richter, Toralf (2003) The Market for Organic Products in Europe, Focus: Animal Production. In: Proceedings of the International Symposium: Organic Animal Production: National and International Experiences, Italian Society for Organic and Biodynamic Animal Husbandry / Associazione Italiana di Zootecnia Biologica e Biodinamica, I-Mailand.

Richter, Toralf and Hempfling, Gabriele (2003) Organic in the Supermarket - Results of a recent trend study on selected European Countries. Speech at: Biofach, Nürnberg, 15.02.2003.

Richter, Toralf and Kovacs, Annamaria (2005) Strategies to support domestic organic markets in countries with emerging organic sectors. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Richter, Toralf and Meinshausen, Florentine (2021) Current and future challenges for ICS certified groups. Workshop at: Biofach eSpecial 2021, Nürnberg, Germany, February 19, 2021.

Richter, Toralf; Vaclavik, Tom and Garibay, Salvador (2007) Retailing organic food in Europe – latest trends in the distribution channels for organic products in Europe. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

Richter, Toralf; Willer, Helga and Hamm, Ulrich (2005) Organic Market Data Collection in Europe - Current State and Prospects // European Information System for Organic Markets: Project Communication // Organic Market Data Collection in Europe - Recommendations. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2005, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremburg, Germany, 24.2.2005-27.2.2005.

Richter, Toralf (2006) Review of organic market development in Europe - from OFCAP to QLIF. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Riefer, Dipl.Soziologin Angelika and Hamm, Prof. Dr. Ulrich (2008) Juveniles’ organic food preferences and how parents deal with them. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Riesch, F.; Raab, C.; Tonn, B.; Gerber, N.; Zetsche, M.; Signer, J.; Meißner, M.; Herzog, S.; Balkenhol, N. and Isselstein, J. (2023) Red deer browsing decelerates shrub regrowth despite increasing wolf presence. In: Proceedings of the XXV International Grassland Congress, 14-19 May 2023, Covington, Kentucky, USA, pp. 1700-1703.

Riesinger, Paul and Herzon, Irina (2014) High variability of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in farming conditions. In: Rahmann, G. and Oksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 239-242.

Rietberg, P.I.; Burgt, G.J.H.M.; Tein, Berit; Luik, Anne and Sans, F. Xavier (2014) IMPROVING NITROGEN MANAGEMENT IN REDUCED TILLAGE SYSTEMS BY USE OF GREEN MANURES AND APPROPRIATE OFF-FARM INPUTS: REUSLTS OF TILMAN-ORG. TILMAN-ORG SESSION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 807-810.

Rinaldi, Michele; Vonella, Alessandro Vittorio and Garofalo, Pasquale (2007) Organic Fertilization In A “Tomato – Pea” Rotation In Southern Italy. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Ringselle, B.; Andersson, L.; Bergkvist, G. and Aronsson, H. (2013) Resource effective control of Elymus repens. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 77-78.

Rinne, Marketta; Dragomir, Catalin; Kuoppala, Kaisa; Marley, Christina; Smith, Jo and Yanez Ruiz, David (2012) Novel and underutilized feed resources – potential for use in organic and low input dairy production. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, D (Eds.) Agriculture and Forestry Research (362), pp. 404-407.

Rinne, Marketta; Dragomir, Catalin; Kuoppala, Kaisa; Smith, Jo and Yanez Ruiz, David (2014) NOVEL FEEDS IN ORGANIC DAIRY CHAINS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 243-246.

Rios Thomson, Carolina; Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de and Grespan de Oliveira, Diego (2014) The Natural Agriculture Association of Campinas’ Participatory Guarantee System: a case study in the metropolitan area of San Paolo, Brazil. [O Sistema de Garantia Participativa da Associação de Agricultura Natural de Campinas: um estudo de caso da área metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil.] In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 85-88.

Rippin, Markus (2008) Organic Market Data for 2006/2007. Paper at: BioFach Kongress 2008, Nürnberg, February 21-24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Risku-Norja, H.; Mäenpää, I.; Koikkalainen, K.; Rikkonen, P. and Vanhala, P. (2004) Towards more ecoefficient food production: MFA approach. In: (Pre)Proceedings of the 6th European IFSA symposium, pp. 805-814.

Risku-Norja, H.; Mäenpää, I.; Koikkalainen, K.; Rikkonen, P. and Vanhala, P. (2002) Towards more ecoefficient food production: MFA approach. Paper at: Farming and rural systems research and extension - local identities and globalisation : 4th European IFSA symposium, Florence, Italy.

Risku-Norja, H. and Mikkola, M. (2009) Systemic sustainability characteristics of organic farming: a review. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 45.

Risku-Norja, H. and Mikkola, M. (2009) Systemic sustainability characteristics of organic farming: a review. In: Agronomy Research, 7 (Special issue II), Agronomy Research, pp. 728-736.

Risku-Norja, Helmi and Korpela, Elli (2010) School goes to the farm: conceptualisation of rural-based sustainability education. In: Contemporary science education research: scientific literacy and social aspects of science, ESERA, pp. 175-184.

Risku-Norja, Helmi; Kurppa, Sirpa and Helenius, Juha (2009) Impact of consumers' diet choices on greenhouse gas emissions. In: Proceedings, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 159-170.

Risku-Norja, Helmi and Mikkola, Minna (2010) Towards sustainable food systems through innovative networks in public catering. Paper at: 9th European IFSA symposium, Vienna, 4-7 July, 2010.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2016) Local food and municipal food services: case Kiuruvesi, Finland. Paper at: Challenges for the new rurality in a changing world , 7th International conference on localized agri-food systems,,, Stockholm, 8-10 May 2016.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2016) Local food and public food procurement. Paper at: 12th European IFSA Symposium, Harper Adams University, 12/7-15/7 2016.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2014) Policy goals regarding the organic sector in Finland. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 263-266.

Risku-Norja, Helmi; Mikkola, Minna and Nuutila, Jaakko (2014) Policy goals, research needs and research regarding organic sector in Finland. Paper at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium. Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies. , Berlin , 1-4 April 2014.

Ristic, D.; Heines, W.; Coudron, C.; Schiavone, A.; Claeys, J.; Gai, F. and Smetana, Sergiy (2021) Environmental impact of feeds utilized for poultry protein productions: soybean vs insect larvae. Oral Presentation at: 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Davos, Switzerland, 30/08/2021-03/09/2021.

Ristic, Dusan; Silva, Beatriz Q.; Heines, W.; Coudron, Carl; Schiavone, Achille; Claeys, Jonas; Gai, Francesco and Smetana, Sergiy (2022) Chicken: feed or insects, eggs or meat? Oral Presentation at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022.

Rittenhofer, Iris (2012) An intercultural concept of trust in management. Paper at: 19th NIC conference on intercultural communication, Aarhus, 22-24 November 2012.

Rittenhofer, Iris and Povlsen, Karen Klitgaard (2012) Trust and credibility. Towards a cross-disciplinary perspective on organics combining media and management research. In: IFSA 2012 conference proceedings, IFSA , pp. 1-25.

Rittl, Tatiana and Barcena, Teresa G. (2023) Contribution of cover crop species to soil organic matter fractions. Speech at: Nordic exchange of experiences: Cover crops & climate change mitigation, Webinar, 27.2.2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Barcena, Teresa G.; Farkas, E; Henriksen, T.M.; Kjær, S.T.; Dörsch, Peter and Frøseth, Randi Berland (2023) Contribution of different cover crop species to soil organic matter fractions and N2O emissions under Norwegian cereal production. Poster at: Annual Science Days, Riga, Latvia, June 12-14, 2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Grønmyr, Frode; Bakken, Ivar; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) Organic amendments and cover crop effects on soil organic matter and disease suppression in potatoes. Poster at: 8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Seoul, South Korea, 26-30 June 2022.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Ebbesvik, Martha (2023) Long-term changes in soil characteristics and ley yields on an organic dairy farm in Norway. Poster at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Harpenden, UK, 20-22 June, 2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) The impact of long-term anaerobic digestion treated manure on soil organic matter, soil nutrients and ley yields in Norway. Poster at: Long Term Experiments: Meeting future challenges, Harpenden, UK, 20-22 June, 2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) Anaerobic digestion of cow manure – long-term implications for soil fertility and crop yield. Annual Scientific Days. Poster at: Annual Science Days 2023, Riga, Latvia, 12-14 June, 2023.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) Long-term effects of slurry and anaerobically digested slurry on soil organic matter. Speech at: 8th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, Seoul, South Korea, 26-30 June 2022.

Rittl, Tatiana and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2019) Perennial leys for dairy cows: soil and plant attributes, yield and botanical composition with long-term low and high N input. In: Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems: what can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, 6-10 October, 2019. Program and abstract book., ETH, Agroscope, FiBL, Switzerland, p. 80.

Ritttenhofer, Iris (2013) Trust and responsible management. The case of state controlled repacking. In: EURAM 2013 proceedings, EURAM, Istanbul, EURAM proceedings.

Rivera, Elba and Schnepel, Gerd (2014) Obstacle Government. Education and Ecology - too important as to leave them with politicians. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Rizzo, Roberto and Caleca, Virgilio (2006) Resistance to the attack of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) of some Sicilian olive cultivars. In: Caruso, Tiziano and Motisi, Antonio (Eds.) Proceedings of Olivebioteq 2006, Second International Seminar “Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the Mediterranean Basin” November 5th –10th, Mazara del Vallo, Marsala, Italy;, 2, pp. 291-298.

Roberto, Moscetti and Riccardo, Massantini (2017) Smart drying: use of sensors and machine learning for the supervision and control of drying processes. Workshop at: SECOND NORDIC BALTIC DRYING CONFERENCE, Hamburg, Germany, June 7 to 9, 2017.

Roberto, Moscetti; Serena, Ferri; Andrea, Colantoni and Riccardo, Massantini (2016) Drying behavior of organic apples and carrots by using k-means unsupervised learning. Workshop at: 11th International AIIA Conference, Bari, Italy, July 5-8, 2016.

Roberto, Moscetti; Serena, Ferri; Riccardo, Massantini and Massimo, Cecchini (2016) Real-time monitoring of apples (Malus domestica var. Gala) during hot-air drying using NIR spectroscopy. Workshop at: 11th International AIIA Conference, Bari, Italy, July 5-8, 2016.

Robertson, J F (2006) Balancing soil nutrient availability on commercial organic farms. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 297-299.

Robertson, J F; Daniel, C and Edwards, I E (2006) Five-year financial analysis of two commercial farms converting to organic: 2000-2005. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 145-149.

Robin, Marie-Hélène (2021) Cultivated Landraces Wheat, Old Crops But Promising Future For Resistance To Biotic Stresses: The Specific Case Of A Fungus Disease, Fhb (Fusarium Head Blight). A Review. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Roderick, Stephen; Hovi, Malla and Taylor, Nick (2002) The productivity of organic dairy herds. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 185-188.

Roderick, Dr Stephen; Ellis, Dr Kathryn and Bassett, Anna (2008) Knowledge Transfer in the Animal Health Planning Process: Putting Research into Practice. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Roderick, Steve; Padel, Susanne and Younie, David (2006) Diversity of organic livestock systems in Europe. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Rodrigues, Lénia; Nogales, Amaia; Hansen, Lee; Santos, Fátima; Groot, Steven P.C.; Rato, Ana Elisa and Cardoso, Hélia (2021) Calorespirometry as a phenotyping tool for selection of genotypes with high plasticity for temperature stress – analysis of pea seeds. In: 71. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs, 23.-24. November 2020, Online Conference, pp. 31-32.

Rodriguez Burruezo, Adrian; Moreno-Peris, Estela; Fita, Ana; Bosland, Paul W. and Gonzalez-Mas, Maria Del Carmen (2021) The Taste-Of-The-Past From Ancient Landraces. How Modern Non-Organic Breeding Has Affected Aroma Quality In Peppers And Tomatoes. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Roepstorff, Allan; Mejer, Helena; Nejsum, Peter and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2011) Helminth parasites in pigs: challenges and current research highlights. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, p. 107.

Rogers, D.J.; Walker, J.T.S.; Moen, I.C.; Weibel, F.; Lo, P.L. and Cole, L.M. (2003) Understory influence on leafroller pupunations in Hawke's bay organic apple orchard. In: Proceedings of 56th Conference of The New Zealand Plant Protection Society Incorporated (2003). [Unpublished]

Roiha, Ulla (2000) Evaluation of animal welfare on organic dairy farms in Finland. In: Hermansen, John E.; Lund, Vonne and Thuen, Erling (Eds.) Ecological animal husbandry in the Nordic countries : proceedings from NJF-seminar no. 303, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, DARCOF Report, no. 2/2000, pp. 187-196.

Rokka, Susanna; Hellström, Jarkko; Mattila, Pirjo and Marnila, Pertti (2007) pH dependence of antimicrobial activity of berries. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 48.

Rokka, Susanna; Järvenpää, Eila and Tahvonen, Raija (2010) Glycemic index of buckwheat bread. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Rokka, Veli-Matti; Gavrilenko, Tatjana; Virtanen, Elina and Valkonen, Jari P.T. (2010) Bioactive compounds - added value for potato from genetic resources and waste streams. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Rolf, Angelika and Strassner, Carola (2010) School food supply in Lower Saxony - Analysis of the current situation. Poster at: Novel Strategies for Climate Mitigation, Sustainability and Healthy Eating in Public Foodscapes, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-26th November 2009.

Rolland, B.; Al Rifai, M.; Bataillon, P.; Fontaine, L.; Gardet, O. and Oury, F. X. (2008) Wheat trials networks for determining characters for organic breeding. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rolland, Bernard; Perronne, Rémi; Auzanneau, Jérôme; Deffains, Denise; Delarue, Patrick; Gilles, Stéphane; Helleisen, Jean-Christophe; Le Campion, Antonin; Monnier, Alain; Morlais, Jean-Yves; Navier, Hélène; Pichard, Alexandre; Trottet, Maxime and Walczak, Patrice (2021) Low Incidence Of Fusarium In Organic Farming On Bread Wheat Grains Over A 13-Year Period. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Rolland, Bernard; Fontaine, Laurence; Maillard, Aurélie and Oury, François-Xavier (2014) From selection to cultivation with the support of all stakeholders: first registration in France of two bread wheat varieties after VCU in organic farming system. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 303-306.

Romano, Rosaria ; Næs, Tormod and Brockhoff, Per Bruun (2007) The use of analysis of variance and three-way factor analysis methods for studying the quality of a sensory panel. In: Cladag07 Abstracts.

Romano, Ida; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Ventorino, Valeria; Schneider, Michael; Reinhard, Sonja; Magaraci, Giuseppina; Müller, Ralf; Walser, Jean-Claude and Pepe, Olimpia (2024) Advancing Microbial Identification in Complex Matrices: Oxford Nanopore Sequencing in High-Throughput Analysis. Paper at: 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium, Frick, Switzerland, 11 April 2024. [Completed]

Romano, Rosaria; Vestergaard, Jannie S. and Bredie, Wender L. P. (2009) Panel performance: Modelling variation in sensory profiling data by multiway analysis. In: Delegate Manual.

Romano, Rosaria; Vestergaard, Jannie S.; Kompany-Zareh, Mohsen and Bredie, Wender L. P. (2008) Monitoring panel performance within and between sensory experiments by multi-way analysis. In: Book of short papers.

Romanyà, Joan and Rovira, Pere (2008) N availability after long-term organic farming in irrigated and rain-fed Mediterranean semi-arid grassy crops. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Romero, A.; Chamorro, L. and Sans, F.X. (2005) Weed vegetation of organic and conventional dryland cereal fields in the mediterranean region. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Romero, Albert; Chamorro, Lourdes; Blanco-Moreno, José Manuel; Armengot, Laura; Jose María, Laura and Sans, Francesc Xavier (2008) Effects of landscape agricultural intensification and management on weed species richness in the edges of dryland cereal fields. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Romet, L. and Severac, G. (2008) An innovative strategy to control codling moth: “ALT'CARPO” Concept. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 291-294.

Ronceux, Aïcha; Favrelière, Elise; Meynard, Jean-Marc and Salembier, Chloé (2021) A Co-Design Process Based On On-Farm Innovation Tracking To Build Creeping Thistle Control Strategies Suited To Local Issues. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Roner, T.; Messmer, M. M.; Finckh, M.; Forster, D.; Verma, R.; Baruah, R. and Patil, S. S. (2012) Participatory cotton breeding for organic and low input farming in Central India. In: Tielkes, E. (Ed.) Tropentag 2012 - Resilience of agricultural systems against crises - Book of abstracts, CUVILLIER VERLAG, Göttingen, Germany.

Röös, Elin; Mayer, Andreas; Müller, Adrian and Ferguson, Shon (2021) Territorial impacts of agro-ecological farming practices and food systems transformation in the European Union in 2050. Paper at: AES 94th Annual Conference, Online, 29-30 March 2021. [Completed]

Roos, Gun (2010) Organic food in the canteen - Perceptions among cadets in the Norwegian Defense. Lecture at: 18th International Ethnological Food Research Conference, Turku, Finland, August 18-21, 2010. [Completed]

Roos, Gun and (2009) One size fits all? – Differences in school food cultures identified in iPOPY research. In: Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; He, Chen; Mikkola, Minna; Nielsen, Thorkild and Nymoen, Lena Lie (Eds.) CORE Organic Project Series Report, ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 54-56.

Roos, Gun and Mikkola, Minna (2009) The iPOPY project and how to communicate with the young generation. In: Fredriksson, Pelle and Ullvén, Karin (Eds.) 1st Nordic organic conference : towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL), SLU, Ultuna, Sweden, pp. 55-57.

Roos, Gun; Vramo, Lill and Vittersø, Gunnar (2009) Organic food and youth at a Norwegian music festival. Lecture at: "Informing possibilities for the future of food and agriculture", Joint annual meeting of AFHVS & ASFS, State College, Pennsylvania, May 28-31 2009. [Completed]

Roos, Gun (2012) Organic food in the canteen: Perceptions of organic food among cadets in Norwegian defence. In: Lysaght, Patricia (Ed.) Time for food: Everyday food and the changing meal habits in a global perspective, Åbo Akademi University Press, Åbo, Finland, pp. 321-329.

Rosegrant, Dr. Mark W.; Sulser, Mr. Timothy B. and Halberg, Dr. Niels (2006) ORGANIC AGRICULTURE AND FOOD SECURITY. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Rosenfeld, A and Firth, C (2006) Innovation in organic vegetable growing. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 103-106.

Rosenfeld, Dr Anton; Collier, Dr Rosemary and Jayasinghe, Celenika (2006) Evaluation of module-sown companion plants as a method of controlling cabbage root fly. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Rosenfeld, Simon; Parzies, Heiko; Grando, Stefania and Ceccarelli, Salvatore (2010) A user-friendly database for Participatory Plant Breeding programs. In: Goldringer, Isabelle; Dawson, Julie; Rey, Frédéric and Vettoretti, Alice (Eds.) Breeding for resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?, INRA, ITAB, France, p. 146.

Rosenfeld, Simon; Voegele, Ralf T.; Messmer, Monika; Finckh, Maria R.; Szuszkiewicz, Roderick; Oberhänsli, Thomas and Hohmann, Pierre (2017) Pushing forward white lupin as a local source for protein and nitrogen in Central Europe. Poster at: World Food System Center 2017 Research Symposium, Zürich, 09.11.2017.

Rosengren, Heidi; Heikkilä, Jaakko; Siekkinen, Kirsi-Maarit and Tammiranta, Niina (2008) Biosecurity in poultry production: a disease classification exercise. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (7), NJF Report, p. 82.

Rossi, V. (2011) VineMan.Org. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Rossi, Vittorio; Berbegal, Monica; Armengol Forti, Josep; Kehrli, Patrik; Ranca, Aurora-Maria; Širca, Saša and Wipf, Daniel (2019) Exploit biodiversity in viticultural systems to reduce pest damage and pesticide use, and increase ecosystems services provision: the BIOVINE Project. In: Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Grapevine Trunk Diseases.

Rossmanith, Gebhard (2019) Better market access for organic varieties. Biofach Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, 13. - 16. February 2019.

Rossmanith, Gebhard (2019) Involving the food chain in Organic Breeding. Biofach Messe LIVESEED Workshop, February 14th 2019.

Roth, Aline; Trachsel, Sonja; De Castelberg, Sabine and Schneider, Monika (2020) How Is the Issue of Overageing of Cocoa Farming Households Influenced by their Endowment with Livelihood Capitals? In: Proceedings Tropentag "Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises", 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference, p. 290.

Rötter, R.; Lehtonen, H.; Palosuo, T.; Salo, T.; Helin , J.; Kahiluoto, H.; Aakkula, J.; Granlund, K.; Rankinen, K. and Carter, T. (2009) A modelling framework for assessing adaptive management options of Finnish agricultural systems to climate change. In: Extended abstracts, University of Natural Ressources and Applied Life Sciences (17), BOKU-Met Report, pp. 138-139.

Rötter, R.P.; Lehtonen, H.; Kahiluoto, H.; Palosuo, T.; Aakkula, J.; Salo, T.; Helenius, J.; Helin, J.; Granlund, K.; Rankinen, K. and Carter, T. (2009) A modelling framework for assessing adaptive management options of Finnish agrifood systems to global change. Poster at: Climate change : global risks, challenges & decisions, Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009.

Rötter, Reimund; Kahiluoto, H.M.; Lehtonen, H.; Aakkula, J. and Carter, T.R. (2009) A modeling framework for assessing adaptation options of Finnish agriculture to climate variability and change. In: Abstract book : session # 37, University of Copenhagen, P37.33.

Rousing, T. (2011) COREPIG. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Rousing, T. and Sørensen, J.T. (2011) PROPIG. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16 November 2011. [Submitted]

Roy, M.; You, D.; Mertens, V.; Lecocq, R.; Verelst, L.; Delaunay, S.; Tireau, J. and Bretelle, J.L. (2018) Behaviour of two products containing film forming amines (FFA) in the secondary circuit physico-chemical conditions of the pressurized water reactor (PWR). International Conference on Film Forming Substances, Prague, Czech Republic.

Roy, Sabyasachi and Satpati, Subrata Kumar (2012) Sustainable Agriculture And Food Security In West Bengal. Paper at: Advances in Agricultural Research towards Food Security and Environmental Sustenance, Palli Siksha Bhavana, Visva-Bharati, Santiniketan, 1-3 September 2012.

Royer, E.; Cazaux, J.G.; Maupertuis, F.; Crepon, K. and Albar, J. (2009) Effects of increasing the farm produced content in organic feeds on pig performances. Paper at: 60th Annual meeting of the EAAP, Barcelona, August 24-27, 2009.

Rudolph, G.; Bochicchio, Davide; Brandhofer, R.; Berner, Alfred; Butler, G.; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean-Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Holinger, M.; Holmes, David; Illmann, Gudrun; Knop, D.; Meier, M.; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, T.; Salomon, E.; Silerova, J.; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jakub; Vertès, Francoise; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2012) 'ProPIG’ Organic pig health, welfare and environmental impact across Europe. Minding Animals, Utrecht, Netherlands.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Dippel, Sabine; Bochicchio, Davide; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Knop, Denise; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2017) Does animal health and welfare of organic pigs differ between husbandry systems? 7. International conference on the assessment of animal welfare at farm and grip level (Walf), Ede, Netherlands.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Brandhofer, Roland; Berner, Alfred; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Knop, Denise; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Salomon, E.; Silerova, Jitka; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jiri; Vertes, Francois; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2014) ‘ProPIG’ Challenges and opportunities for on farm pig researchers: How to collect sound scientific data on animal health, welfare, nutrition and environmental impact AND act as a facilitator to improve these aspects at the same time? Poster at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium, Berlin, 1.4.-4.4.2014.

Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel , Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards , Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Salomon, Eva; Silerova, Jitka; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jiri; Vertes, Francois; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2012) ProPIG - Organic pig health, welfare and environmental impact across Europe. Poster at: Minding Animals, Utrecht, The Netherlands, 4-6 July 2012.

Rudolphi, S.; von Witzke-Ehbrecht, S. and Becker, H.C. (2006) Development of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy to Estimate Oil Content in Safflower. In: Proceedings: VIth International Safflower Conference, pp. 344-347.

Rudolphi, Sabine; Becker, Heiko C. and von Witzke-Ehbrecht, Sabine (2008) Outcrossing rate of safflower (Carthamus tinctorius L.) genotypes under the agro climatic conditions of Northern Germany. Poster at: 7th International Safflower Conference, Safflower: Unexploited Potential and World Adaptability, Wagga Wagga, NSW, Australia, 3rd-6th November 2008.

Rüegg, Johanna (2022) Agroforestry systems for cocoa production. Workshop at: Tage der Agrarökologie, Frick und weitere Orte der Schweiz, 1.10.2022 - 31.10.2022. [Completed]

Rüegg, Johanna (2022) Chances and challenges of agroforestry systems - Introduction to agroforestry in Switzerland. Speech at: Organics Europe Youth Event, Frick, Switzerland, 1.- 2.9.2023. [Completed]

Rüegg, Johanna (2021) Agroforestry systems for climate change mitigation and adaptation. Paper at: Open FiBL Day, virtuell, 27.5.2021. [Completed]

Rüegg, Johanna; Armengot, Laura; Milz, Joachim; Schneidewind, Ulf and Schneider, Monika (2021) Economic Performance of Five Different Cacao Production Systems. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2021 - Towards shifting paradigms in agriculture for a healthy and sustainable future - Book of Abstracts.

Rüegg, Johanna; Armengot, Laura; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim and Schneider, Monika (2021) Productivity and income in 5 different cocoa production systems. Poster at: Tropentag 2021, University of Hohenheim, Germany, September 15-17, 2021.

Rüegg, Johanna; Milz, Joachim; Tůmová, Barbora; Schneider, Monika; Velazquez, Fortunato; Yana, Walter and Dreher, Bastian (2022) Participatory training approach of sharing knowledge and research results for better adoption of organic cocoa agroforestry systems. Workshop at: 5 th world congress on agroforestry, Québec, Canada, 17. - 19.7.2022. [Completed]

Rüegg, Johanna; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika and Armengot, Laura (2022) Different agroforestry designs for diversified organic cocoa production – cocoa and by-crop yield development in 11 years of a long-term trial. Speech at: 5 th world congress on agroforestry, Québec, Canada, 17. - 19.7.2022. [Completed]

Rüegg, Johanna; Schneidewind, Ulf; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika and Armengot, Laura (2022) Cocoa and by-crop yields in three organic production systems entering mature stage. In: Book of Abstracts - Latest Research of Swiss Research Institutions. International Symposium on Cocoa Research, 5-7 December 2022, Montpellier, France,, p. 14.

Ruess, Franz (2006) Experience with new fireblight resistant rootstocks in South Germany. [Erfahrungen mit neuen feuerbrandresistenten Unterlagen in Süddeutschland.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 161-164.

Rufener, Christina; Lopez, Sarah and Holinger, Mirjam (2022) Can straw or compost satisfy the rooting motivation of fattening pigs? Poster at: The 55th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 4.-8.9.2022. [Completed]

Rühe, Ferdinand; Felix, Jacqueline; Rahmann, Gerold; Ulverich, Jürgen and Weißmann, Friedrich (2011) Comparison of European hare (Lepus europaeus) population densities between an eco-farm and a conventional farm. Poster at: XXXth IUGB Congress and Perdix III, Barcelona, Spain, 5th - 9th September 2011. [Completed]

Ruis, Dr. M.A.W. and Pinxterhuis, Dr. J.B (2008) Animal welfare standards in organic farming in The Netherlands. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rundgren, G.; Ugás, R. and Siemon, G. (2014) What changes do we want to see at the next OWCs? Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Runge, Silke; Cornehl, Michaela and Häring, Anna Maria (2008) Opportunities for small organic shops despite the rise of organic supermarkets. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Rutkoviene, Vida and Abraityte, Gerda (2006) Organic markets / consumers in Lithuania. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30 -31, 2006. [Unpublished]

Rydhmer, Lotta and Slagboom, Margot (2017) Tuning up sustainable organic animal production. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 23-27.

Ryu, Kyoung Yul; Jee, Hyeong-Jin; Choi, Du-Hoi; Kim, Jeom-Soon; Landeo, Juan A. and Cho, Hyun-Mook (2005) SELECTION OF QUANTITATIVE RESISTANCE POTATO CLONES AGAINST PHYTOPHTHORA LATE BLIGHT IN KOREA. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Røen, Dag; Hjeltnes, Stein Harald and Jaastad, Gunnhild (2004) Apple and Pear Cultivars for Organic Production in a Cool Climate. [Apfel- und Birnesorten für den organischen Anbau in klimatisch kühleren Gebieten.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 179-184.

Rønn, Marie; Hald Jensen, Rikke; Thorsteinsson, Mirka; W. Olijhoek, Dana; Olaf Nielsen, Mette and P. Nørskov, Natalja (2022) Evaluation of the methane mitigating potential of hemp using solid phase extraction, untargeted metabolomics and in vitro rumen fermentation. Poster at: Nordic Metabolomics Conference, 2022.

S De Abreu, Lucimar; Bellon, Stephane and Faggion Alencar, Maria Cleofas (2009) Brazilian multifaceted ecologically-based agriculture: between conventionalization and agroecological principles application. 23. Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology (ESRS), Vaasa, Finland.

Saarela, Into (2008) Changes of yield responses and soil test values in Finnish soils in relation to cumulative phosphorus and potassium balances. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (2), pp. 52-55.

Saarela, Into (2008) Estimating bioavailable reserves and potential leaching of soil P by simple chemical tests. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (4), pp. 166-170.

Saari, Susanna; Sundell, Janne; Huitu, Otso; Helander, Marjo; Ketoja, Elise; Ylönen, Hannu and Saikkonen, Kari (2009) Grass endophytes in diet protect sibling voles from least weasel predation. Paper at: Ecology in a changing climate : the 10th international congress of ecology, Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009.

Saarinen, Merja; Hongisto, Mikko; Usva, Kirsi; Kurppa, Sirpa; Nissinen, Ari and Katajajuuri, Juha-Matti (2010) Outline of the Finnish system of certified carbon footprints of food products. Paper at: 9th European IFSA symposium, Vienna, 4-7 July, 2010.

Saastamoinen, Marketta; Pihlava, Juha-Matti and Eurola, Merja (2010) Content of lignan, cadmium and some other chemical components in linseed and oil hemp varieties in south-western part of Finland. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Saastamoinen, Markku (2011) Bedding choices for horses - an overview. In: Housing and management of horses in Nordic and Baltic climate, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (2), NJF Report, pp. 33-36.

Saastamoinen, Markku (2011) Outdoor feeding management and needs of horses - an overview. In: Housing and management of horses in Nordic and Baltic climate, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (2), NJF Report, pp. 44-47.

Saavedra, Francisco; Jordan, Ernesto; Schneider, Monika and Naoki, Kasuya (2020) Microenvironment and Leaf Traits Regulate Transpiration of Cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) under Different Cultivation Systems. In: Proceedings Tropentag "Food and nutrition security and its resilience to global crises", 9-11 September 2020, Virtual Conference, p. 126.


Sadowski, Czeslaw; Lenc, Leszek; Domoradzki, Marek; Korpal, Wojciech; Weiner, Wojciech and Lukanowski, Aleksander (2006) Studies on plant health in organic production of vegetable seeds. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Sahin, Fikrettin and Turan, Metin (2014) The effect of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacter strain on wheat yield and quality parameters. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Sahota, Amarjit (2008) The Global Market for Organic Food & Drink. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nürnberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Sahota, Amarjit (2006) The Global Market for Organic Food & Drink. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2006, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Sahota, Amarjit (2010) The Global Market for Organic Food & Drink. In: Weltleitmesse für Bio-Produkte, pp. 1-13. [Unpublished]

Saikkonen, K.; Huusela-Veistola, E.; Korpela, S.; Laitinen, P.; Markkula, I.; Nissinen, A.; Tiilikkala, K.; Tuovinen, T.; Worner, S. and Vänninen, I. (2010) Potential alien invertebrate pests in Finland. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 57.

Saikkonen, Kari (2009) Asexual grass endophyte symbiosis - mutual exploitation or reciprocal cooperation? Poster at: The 12th congress of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology, Turin, Italy, August 24-29, 2009.

Saikkonen, Kari (2009) Grass-endophytes in plant protection. Paper at: Ecology in a changing climate : the 10th international congress of ecology, Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009.

Salat, A.; Armengot, L.; Sans, F.X. and Blanco-Moreno, J.M. (2014) SHORT-TERM EFFECTS OF CROP HUSBANDRY ON THE WEED COMMUNITY OF A CEREAL-LEGUME ROTATION, “TILMAN-ORG session”. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 973-976.

Salembier, Chloé; Aare, Ane Kirstine; Bedoussac, Laurent; Daniau, M.; de Buck, Abco; Chongtham, Iman R.; Dordas, Christos; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Krysztoforski, Marek; Lund, Søren; Luske, Boki; Pinel, Bertrand; Timaeus, Johannes; Vito, Christina; Walker, Robin; Wendling, Marina and Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène (2021) Managing experimental networks to support the design of crop mixtures: lessons from 11 cases. In: Abstract from 7th Farming System Design Webinars, Tunisia. https://fsd7.sciencesconf.org/.

Salo, Tapio and Turtola, Eila (2008) N balance as an indicator of N leaching in long-term leaching fields. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (2), pp. 89-90.

Salomon, Eva; Andresen, Niels; Gustafsson, Mats; Nyman, Magnus; Ringmar, Anders and Tersmeden, Marianne (2008) Development of a mobile organic piggery for outdoor pork production – function, productivity, animal behaviour and environmental risk assessments. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Salomon, Eva; Benfalk, Christel; Lindahl, Cecilia and Lindgren, Kristina (2005) Mobile and stationary systems for pigs – nutrient excretion, distribution on outdoor areas and environmental impact. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Salomon, Eva; Wahlund, Lotten; Odelros, Åsa; Aronsson, Helena and Lovang, Malin (2021) Phosphorus Retention Materials In Outdoor Paddocks And Distribution Of Laying Hens During The Grazing Period. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Salomon, Eva; Mjöfors, Kristina and Tersmeden, Marianne (2020) Ammonia emissions from outdoor fattening pigs on concrete pad – a farm case study. In: Proceedings of the IAHA Video Pre-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, pp. 44-47.

Salomon, Eva and Wivstad, Maria (2014) Use of digestate from Swedish biogas production in organic agriculture – possibilities for efficient plant nutrient recycling. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1003-1006.

Salomonsson, Lennart; Cuadra, Margarita; Tesfay, Girmay; Ssekyawa, Charles; Mendieta, Bryan; Francis, Charles; Lieblein, Geir and Breland, Tor Arvid (2014) BRIDGING FIELD EXPERIENCE AND ACADEMIA: AN INTERNATIONAL AGROECOLOGY DOCTORAL PROGRAMME. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 887-890.

Salonen, Jukka (2009) Comparison of three tillage intensities on grass weed occurrence in cereal rotation. In: Proceedings, European Weed Research Society, p. 77.

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Salonen, Jukka; Brandsæter, Lars Olav; Melander, Bo and Fogelfors, Håkan (2008) Activities of the NJF working group on Perennial Weeds - Comparison of seasonal sprouting readiness of three perennial weeds. Paper at: Perennial weeds a growing problem : an EWRS-NJF workshop, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 10-12 November 2008.

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Salonen, Jukka; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Zarina, Livija; Krawczyk, Roman; Verwijst, Theo and Melander, Bo (2018) Farmers deserve credit for contributing to the weed surveys. Paper at: Maataloustieteen päivät 2018, Helsinki, 10.-11.01.2018.

Salonen, Jukka; Melander, Bo; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Lundkvist, Anneli; Verwijst, Theo; Krawczyk, Roman; Kaczmarek, Sylvia and Zarina, Livija (2016) Crop diversification and weeds in organic cereal production. In: Maataloustieteen Päivät 2016, Suomen Maataloustieteellinen Seura, Helsinki, Suomen Maataloustieteellisen seuran tiedote No 32, no. 32, p. 161.

Salonen, Jukka and Zarina, Livija (2017) Potential of cover crops for weed management in organic cropping. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäk, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 33-34.

Salonen, Jukka; Zarina, Livija and Melander, Bo (2018) Crop diversity - a crucial remedy for weed management in organic cropping. In: Simoncic, Andrej (Ed.) Book of Abstracts - 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Kmetijski Institut Slovenije, Ljubljana, p. 40.

Salonen, Jukka; Zarina, Livija and Melander, Bo (2016) Cover crops in cereals – better companions than weeds? In: Proceedings of the 7th International Weed Science Congress, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Kamycka 129, 16521 Prague 6 – Suchdol, Czech Republic, p. 639.

Salvioli, Dr. Alessandra; Novero, Dr. Mara; Lacourt, Dr. Isabelle and Bonfante, Prof. Paola (2008) The impact of mycorrhizal symbiosis on tomato fruit quality. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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Sanches De Cima, Diego; Reintam, Endla and Luik, Anne (2012) Soil physical properties under different cropping systems in Estonia. In: NJF Report seminar 448: Soil compaction – effects on soil functions and strategies for prevention , 8 (1), pp. 65-67.

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Sanders, Jürn; Stolze, Matthias and Lampkin, Nicolas (2008) Impact of agricultural liberalisation on the relative importance of price premiums for the profitability of organic farming. In: Cultivating the Future Based on Science, International Society of Organic Agriculture Research and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick, 2, pp. 238-241.

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Sanders, Jürn; Hamm, Ulrich; Kuhnert, Heike; Nieberg, Hiltrud and Strohm, Renate (2014) REVERSION OF ORGANIC FARMS TO CONVENTIONAL FARMING IN GERMANY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 439-440.

Sanders, Jürn; Nieberg, Hiltrud and Offermann, Frank (2008) Impact of the 2003 CAP reform on organic farming in Germany. Paper at: 109th EAAE Seminar " THE CAP AFTER THE FISCHLER REFORM", Viterbo, Italy, 20-21.11.2008.

Sandrock, C.; Kaya, C.; Kapun, M.; Wohlfahrt, J. and Blanckenhorn, W.U. (2021) Deciphering the evolutionary history of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, on a global scale. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 295.

Sandrock, C.; Wohlfahrt, J.; Hasselmann, M.; Brunner, W. and Brunner, P. (2022) Novel heat-treatment sufficiently controls Varrtoa levels in honeybees colonies. In: Book of Abstracts of the 73rd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Porto, Portugal, 5 – 9 September, 2022, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands (28), p. 271.

Sandrock, Christoph (2023) Global population genetic patterns and demographic history of the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). Paper at: The first Black Soldier Fly conference (BSFCON23), Cambrige, UK, 11. - 12.09.2023. [Completed]

Sandrock, C.; Leupi, S.; Wohlfahrt, J.; Leiber, F. and Kreuzer, M. (2019) Genotype x environment interactions in black soldier fly larvae grown on different feed substrates. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26 - 30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium (25), p. 239.

Sandrock, C.; Leupi, S.; Wohlfahrt, J.; Leiber, F.. and Kreuzer, M. (2019) Performance of larvae of different black soldier fly genotypes on different feed substrates – a first step towards genotype-specific feeding recommendations. In: AgroVet-Strickhof: Conference Abstract. Erste AgroVet-Strickhof Tagung, 1. Juli 2019, Lindau, Schweiz, p. 66.

Sandrock, C.; Walter, C.; Wohlfahrt, J.; Krauss, M.; Amelchanka, S.L.; Berard, J.; Leiber, F. and Kreuzer, M. (2019) Effects of feeding substrate on greenhouse gas emissions during black soldier fly larval development. In: Book of Abstracts of the 70th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 26 - 30 August 2019, Ghent, Belgium (25), p. 156.

Sandrock, Christoph; Leupi, Simon; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Leiber, Florian and Kreuzer, Michael (2019) G x E interactions: Larval performance of distinct black soldier fly genotypes grown on different feed substrates. In: Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V., Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, no. Heft 103, p. 49.

Sandrock, Christoph; Walter, Christina; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Krauss, Maike; Amelchanka, Sergej; Berard, Joel; Leiber, Florian and Kreuzer, Michael (2019) Greenhouse gas emissions of black soldier fly larvae grown on different feed substrates throughout larval development. In: Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, Leibniz-Institut für Agrartechnik und Bioökonomie e.V., Bornimer Agrartechnische Berichte, no. Heft 103, p. 79.

Sandru, Dana Carme; Spinu, Marina; Pall, Emoke; Olah, Diana; Potarniche, Adrian and Vasiu, Aurel (2023) IS BOVINE MASTITIC BACTERIOME SENSITIVE TO PLANT EXTRACTS? In: MESMAP – 9 PROCEEDINGS BOOK ABSTRACTS & FULL PAPERS, p. 290.

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Sangakkara, Dr Ravi; Bandaranayake, Mr P; Dissanayake, Ms U and Gajanayake, Ms J (2008) Organic matter addition in organic farming – Impact on root development and yields in maize and cowpea over dry seasons. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sangakkara, Dr Ravi; Weerasekera, Mr Danesh; Attanayake, Mr K B and Attanayake, Ms A M U (2008) Inoculation affects nitrogen balances of composts and growth, yield and microflora of Phaseolus beans. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sangakkara, U. R.; Pietsch, G.; Gollner, M. and Freyer, B. (2005) Effect of incorporating rice straw or leaves of gliricidia (g. Sepium) on the productivity of mungbean (vigna radiata) and on soil properties. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Sangakkara, U.R.; Amerasekera, P. and Bandaranayake, P.R.S.D. (2014) A COMPARISON OF STRATEGIES FOR WEED MANAGEMENT IN NATURE FARMING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 551-554.

Sangakkara, U.R.; Wijesinghe, D.B. and Attanayake, K.B. (2014) SOIL QUALITY AND CROP YIELDS AS AFFECTED BY MICROBIAL INOCULANTS IN NATURE FARMING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 987-990.

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Sans, F. Xavier; Armengot, Laura; Blanco-Moreno, José Manuel; Bocci, Gionata; Carlesi, Stefano and Barberi, Paolo (2014) EFFECT OF CONSERVATION PRACTICES ON FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY AND ASSEMBLY OF WEED COMMUNITIES: A DATABASE OF FUNCTIONAL TRAITS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 977-978.

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Sans Serra, Xavier F; Rotchés-Ribalta, R.; Mayer, J. and Mäder, P. (2019) Effects of farming system on weed seed bank and on invasibility in arable fields: evidences from the long-term DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 59.

Santamaria, Maria; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Lübeck, Mette and Uellendahl, Hinrich (2015) Combining protein extraction and anaerobic digestion to produce feed, fuel and fertilizer from green biomass – An organic biorefinery concept. Poster at: 14th World Congress on Anaerogic Digestion, Chile, 15-18. november 2015.

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Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo; Leskinen, Marita and Ölmez, Hulya (2008) Pilot scale application of ozonated water wash – effect on microbiological and sensory quality parameters of processed iceberg lettuce during shelf-life. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

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Sarmiento, Ainhoa; Revilla, Isabel; Palacios, Carlos and Gonzalez-Martín, Inmaculada (2021) Effect Of Weather Conditions On The Fatty Acid Profile Of Medium-Growth Chicken Meat Reared In Organic Production Systems. Nir System Evaluation. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Sassi, Khaled; Ben Said, Asma and El-Akram Znaïdi, Ibrahim (2021) Pomological, Physico-Chemical And Organoleptic Characterization Of Organic And Conventional Pomegranates (Punica Granatum L.). Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Sassi, Khaled; Abid, Ghassen; Dridi Al Mohandes, Bouthaina and Daaloul, Abderrazak (2014) PERFORMANCE OF DURUM WHEAT VARIETIES (TRITICUM DURUM Desf.) UNDER CONVENTIONAL AND ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1081-1084.

Sathiya Bama, K Somasundaram; Shanmugasundaram, S Porpavai; Kandasamy, G Selvakumari and Thangamuthu, T Jayaraj (2008) MAINTENANCE OF SOIL QUALITY PARAMETERS THROUGH HUMIC ACID APPLICATION IN AN ALFISOL AND INCEPTISOL. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sautereau, Natacha; Benoit, Isabelle and Savini, Isabelle (2021) How Do We Evaluate And Give Economical Values To Organic Farming And Food Externalities? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Sautereau, Natacha; Benoit, Marc; Coiffard, Adrien; Kuentz-Simonet, Vanessa; Lacarce, Eva and Fléchet, Dorian (2021) Diversity As A Key To Analyze French Organic Farms: Methodological Elements. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Sautereau, Natacha; Geniaux, Ghislain; Bellon, Stephane; Petitgenet, Morgane and Lepoutre, Jérôme (2010) QUANTITY VERSUS QUALITY AND PROFIT VERSUS VALUES ? DO THESE INHERENT TENSIONS INEVITABLY PLAY IN ORGANIC FARMING? Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food, Montpellier, France.

Sautereau, Natacha; Fourrié, Laetitia; Experton, Catherine; Cresson, Céline; Mundler, P.; Bellon, Stéphane; Le Tailleur, F.; Garnier, J.F.; Dumontier , A. and Willot , M. (2012) Co-Designing an organic framework: the ”REF’AB” Project in France. Paper at: 10th European ISFA Symposium (International Farming System Association), Aarhus, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012.

Sautereau, Natacha; Géniaux, Ghislain; Bellon, Stéphane; Petitgenet, Morgane and Lepoutre, Jérôme (2010) Quantity versus quality and profit versus values ? Do these inherent tensions inevitably play in organic farming? Innovation and Sustainable Development in Agriculture and Food (ISDA), Montpellier, France, 28 june - 1st July 2010.

Savard, M.B.; MacKenzie, J.L. and Hammermeister, A.M. (2014) TRANSFERRING THE SCIENCE OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE THROUGH ACCESSIBLE WRITTEN AND ORAL COMMUNICATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 113-116.

Savikko, Riitta; Himanen, Sari; Rimhanen, Karoliina and Mäkinen, Hanna (2017) How to find pathways towards climate-smart agriculture -Views of farmers, educators and advisers in Finland. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 124-126.

Saviranta, Niina; Veeroos, Laura; Granlund, Lars; Hassinen, Viivi; Julkunen-Tiitto, Riitta; Kaarniranta, Kai; Salminen, Antero and Karjalainen, Reijo (2010) Red clover (Trifolium pratense L.): Identification and characterization of phenolic compounds and protective action against oxidative stress and inflammation. In: Abstracts, University of Eastern Finland, Publications of the University of Eastern Finland. Reports and Studies in Forestry and Natural Sciences, no. 1, p. 85.

Savisalo, Leena (2004) The role of consumer in saving the cultural landscape in the countryside. Poster at: 6th European IFSA symposium, Vila Real, Portugal, 4-7 April, 2004.

SAYGILI, SEVİNÇ (2014) THE IMPORTANCE OF PRODUCER ORGANIZATIONS IN ORGANIC FARMING. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Schaack, Diana (2014) Publication and Dissemination Strategies. Paper at: 2nd OrganicDataNetwork Workshop, Bari, Italy, July 10 & 11, 2014. [Completed]

Schaack, Diana (2010) Organic area and sales in Europe 2008. Paper at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg, 17. – 20.02.2010. [Unpublished]

Schader, Christian (2007) Ecological-economic impact assessment of Swiss Direct Payments on sector level: A quantitative approach for the evaluation of the cost-effectiveness of policy measures. Paper at: 3rd EAAE PhD Workshop, Rennes, 3-5 September 2007.

Schader, Christian; Müller, Adrian; Frehner, Anita; Richter, Sebastian and Rojas, Zaray (2023) Strategies for feeding the world more sustainably with organic and more biodiverse agriculture. Paper at: 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023, Belgrade, Serbia, 14-17 November 2023. [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Sanders, Jürn; Lampkin, Nic and Stolze, Matthias (2006) CH-FARMIS 2.0: A Sector-Model to Assess the Economic and Environmental Impacts of Swiss Direct Payment Schemes. Poster at: Symposium on Farmers' Decisions, Land Use and Environmental Impact, Zürich, University Zürich, Department of Geography, SIE, 18 October 2006.

Schader, Christian and Stolze, Matthias (2007) Governance Structures for the Multifunctionality of Agriculture in the EU - Bottom-up View of Local Stakeholders in Europe. In: Kuhlmann, F. and Schmitz, P.M. (Eds.) Good Governance in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwisssenschaften des Landbaues e.V. (GEWISOLA).

Schader, Christian; Stolze, Matthias and Moschitz, Heidrun (2007) The societal demand for multifunctionality – priorities from the perspective of regional stakeholders. Paper at: MEA-Scope Final Workshop, Florence, Italy, 17. -20. September 2007.

Schader, C.; Lampkin, N.; Christie, M. and Stolze, M. (2011) How cost-effective are direct payments to organic farms for achieving environmental policy targets? Paper at: EAAE 2011 Congress: Change and Uncertainty; Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Zurich, Switzerland, 30th August to 2nd September 2011 . [Completed]

Schader, Chistian; Nemecek, Thomas; Gaillard, Gérard; Sanders, Jürn and Stolze, Matthias (2008) Using LCA data for agri-environmental policy analysis at sector level. In: Nemecek, Thomas and Gaillard, Gérard (Eds.) Proc. of the 6th Int. Conf. on LCA in the Agri-Food Sector, Zurich, November 12–14, 2008, pp. 211-218.

Schader, Christian; Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian; Nathani, Carsten; Kopainska, Birgit; Alig, Martina; Rohrmann, Sabine and Brombach, Christine (2020) Trade-offs and synergies between human health and sustainability of Swiss dietary scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food, pp. 269-272.

Schader, Christian; Heidenreich, Anja; Landert, Jan; Blockeel, Johan; Baumgart, Lukas; Ssebunya, Brian; Moakes, Simon and Marton, Silvia (2017) Uncertainty Assessment in Multi-Criteria Sustainability Assessments. Poster at: EAE congress 2017, Parma, Italy, 29.8. - 1.9.2017. [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Jancso, Leonhardt; Hofstetter, Joerg and Niggli, Urs (2018) Enhancing supply chain stability, resilience and sustainability through improved sub-supplier management – chocolate and cotton apparel case studies. Poster at: Kick-off Conference of the National Research Programme 73 “Sustainable Economy” of the Swiss National Research Foundation, January 23-23, 2018, Nottwil, Switzerland. [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Meier, Matthias; Grenz, Jan and Stolze, Matthias (2012) The trade-off between scope and precision in sustainability assessments of food systems. Paper at: The 10th European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012 . [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Stolze, Matthias and Niggli, Urs (2015) How the organic food system contributes to sustainability. In: Meybeck, Alexandre; Redfern, Suzanne; Paoletti, Flavio and Strassner, Carola (Eds.) Assessing sustainable diets within the sustainability of food systems. Proceedings of an International Workshop, 15–16 September 2014, CREA, Rome, Italy, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), pp. 27-36.

Schaerer, Hans-Jakob; Amsler, Thomas; Thürig, Barbara and Tamm, Lucius (2006) Efficacy testing of novel organic fungicides and elicitors: from the lab to the field. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schäfer, Prof. Dr. Martina (2006) The role of organic agriculture in networks for rural development. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schafer, Melissa (2006) The Sustainable Food and Agricultural Movement in Munich, Germany. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schäfer, W.; Evers, L.; Lehto, M.; Sorvala, S.; Teye, F. and Granstedt, A. (2005) Biogas from manure – a new technology to close the nutrient and energy circuit on-farm. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 165-168.

Schäfer, Winfried (2008) Sustainability, overall and process efficiency of energy crops. In: Lehocka, Zuzana; Klimekova, Marta and Sukkel, Wijnand (Eds.) ECOMIT: proceedings of the 5th International Scientific Conference on Sustainable Farming systems, CD-ROM: Slovak Association for Sustainable Agriculture, c/o Slovak Agricultural Research Centre – Research Institute of Plant Production, Piešťany, pp. 82-87.

Schäfer, Winfried (2008) Two phase automatic digestion of solid dairy manure. Speech at: Lahti Science Day, Lahti, Finland, 25.11.2008.

Schäfer, Winfried (2007) The role of engineering in organic farming – case energy crops. [The role of engineering in organic farming – case energy crops.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Schäfer, Winfried (2003) Biogas on-farm: energy and material flow. Paper at: Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists 22nd Congress, "Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4 2003. [Unpublished]

Schäfer, Winfried (2003) Technique of pneumatic pest control. In: Niemeläinen, Oiva and Topi-Helmi, Mari (Eds.) Proceedings of the NJF's 22nd Congress "Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective", MTT Agrifood Research Finland and NJF, p. 186.

Schäfer, Winfried (2002) Methodical Problems in Organic Farming Research. Speech at: Research Seminar "Approaches of research on organic agri-food systems", Mikkeli, Finland, 12.-13. December 2002.

Schäfer, Winfried (2001) Spelt - a pilot crop to strengthen co-operation between farmers, food processors, distributors and consumers. In: Magid, Jakob; Lieblein, Geir; Granstedt, Artur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Dýrmundsson, Ólafur (Eds.) Proceedings from NJF-seminar No. 327, Danish Research Centre for Organic Agriculture, DARCOF, DARCOF Report, no. no. 3, pp. 51-58.

Schäfer, Winfried; Evers, Lars; Lehto, Marja; Sorvala, Sanna; Teye, Frederick and Granstedt, Artur (2005) Nutrient balance of a two-phase solid manure biogas plant. In: Stenberg, Maria; Nilsson, Hans; Brynjolfsson, Rikhard; Kapuinen, Petri; Morken, John and Søndergaard Birkmose, Torkild (Eds.) NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (2), pp. 43-46.

Schäfer, Winfried; Evers, Lars; Lehto, Marja; Sorvala, Sanna; Teye, Frederick and Granstedt, Artur (2005) Two phase continuous digestion of solid manure on-farm: design, mass and nutrient balance. In: Ullvén, Karin and Alm, Jessica (Eds.) Att navigera i en ny tid, Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, pp. 310-311.

Schäfer, Dr. Winfried (2003) Gantry technology in organic crop production. In: Niemeläinen, Oiva and Topi-Helmi, Mari (Eds.) Proceedings of the NJF's 22nd Congress "Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective", MTT Agrifood Research Finland and NJF, p. 212.

Schäfer, Freya (2019) Financing Organic Plant Breeding Activities. Workshop at: Workshop in the framework of the LIVESEED project on the financing of organic breeding in Italy, Scandicci, Italy, 20. September 2019. [Completed]

Schäfer, W.; Pihala, M.; Lötjönen, T.; Mikkola, H.; Granstedt, A. and Lilja, T. (2000) Organic nitrogen fertilisation of spring cereals. In: IFOAM 2000 - The World Grows Organic, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, IOS Press, IFOAM, FiBL, p. 77.

Schäfer, Winfried (2016) Energy efficiency of fossil and renewable fuels. Paper at: Maataloustieteen päivät 2016, , Viikki, Helsinki, 12.–13.1.2016.

Schäfer, Winfried (2016) Idea and practice of inclusive farming. Paper at: Maataloustieteen päivät 2016, Viikki, Helsinki, 12.–13.1.2016.

Schäfer, Winfried (2014) LIVING ON FARM – A NEW APPROACH OF COMMUNITY SUPPORTED AGRICULTURE (CSA). In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 247-250.

Schäfer, Winfried (2012) Fibre crops for energy production and energy saving. In: Rivza, Peteris (Ed.) Renewable energy and energy efficiency. Proceedings of the international scientific conference , Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Jelgava, 7-12.

Schantl, Mag Micaela and Karner, DI Erika (2006) Information about the markets of organic farming through household panel. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schanz, Lisa; Hintze, Sara; Hübner, Severin; Barth, Kerstin and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Single or mixed: Comparing behaviour of single- and multi-species groups of young cattle and broiler chickens on pasture. In: Proceedings of the 54th Congress of the ISAE, p. 236.

Schanz, Lisa; Hintze, Sara; Hübner, Severin; Barth, Kerstin and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Cattle or no cattle? Presence of cattleon pasture does not affect fearfulness in broiler chickens. Speech at: International Student Symposium Animal Behavior & Cognition, online, 17-20th May 2021.

Schanz, Lisa and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Something new, upside down and on my back – Presence of cattle does not affect measures of fearfulness in broiler chickens. In: Abstract Book, p. 34.

Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph and Oehen, Bernadette (2021) Farmer satisfaction and animal welfare - insights from a sample of organic multi-species livestock farms in seven European countries. Speech at: One Welfare World Conference, online, 15-16th of September 2021.

Schanz, Lisa; MOERMAN, Marie and Winckler, Christoph (2020) Animal welfare on organic mixed livestock farms across seven European countries. In: Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, -111.

Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Peter, Nadine; Thürig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Vonzun, Seraina; Scheiner, Christine; Dolder Laaraichi, Barbara; Kussmann, Sebastian and Messmer, Monika M. (2023) Development of an Ascochyta blight screening system in vivo and in vitro for the selection of resistant pea (Pisum sativum L.) accessions. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP 2023, 20-25 August 2023, Lyon, France, p. 978.

Schärer, H.-J.; Ludwig, M.; Oberhaensli, T. and Tamm, L. (2018) Testing resistance of apple cultivars to Marssonina coronaria. In: Proceedings of the Ecofruit Conference 2018, February 19 - 21, 2018, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 226-227.

Schärer, H.-J.; Ludwig, M.; Oberhänsli, T.; Bohr, A.; Buchleither, S. and Tamm, L. (2018) Multi-dimensional approach against Marssonina coronaria in apple (Abstr.). In: Phytopathology, 108 (S1), p. 177.

Schaub, Dagmar; Paulsen, Hans Marten; Böhm, Herwart and Rahmann, Gerold (2008) Mineral nitrogen in the course of a cash crop and two livestock rotations - first results from the long-term monitoring Trenthorst. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Scheer, Christian and Trautmann, Martin (2006) Trials to control European pear sucker. [Versuche zur Regulierung des Birnenblattsaugers.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 45-46.

Scheifele, Michael; Buegger, Franz; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Schulin, Rainer and Gattinger, Andreas (2013) Biochar decomposition in agricultural soils of temperate climate. Poster at: Soil Carbon Sequestration, for climate, food security and ecosystem services, Reykjavík, Iceland, 26-29 May 2013.

Schermer, Markus (2006) A territorial approach to organic farming: the case of eco-regions in Austria. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schermer, Dr Markus (2002) The Formation of „Eco-regions“ in Austria and the Role of the Structural Fund. Paper at: Regional Sustainable Development - The Role of the Structural Funds, Seggau, Austria, September 9th – 11th 2002. [Unpublished]

Schermer, Dr. Markus and Kirchengast, Mag. Christoph (2008) Eco-Regions: How to link organic farming with territorial development. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Schermer, Markus (2015) Values Based Supply Chains for Mountain Products. The Example of BioAlpin in Tyrol/Austria. In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Society,, pp. 25-37.

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2015) Communicating trust? The role of Facebook for establishing producer-consumer relations. In: online proceedings: Rural societies in a neoliberal world, JAMES HUTTON INTITUTE, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB15 8QH.

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2013) Value based supply chains to meet the expectations of organic consumers - A case study from Austria. Paper at: XXV ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29.07.-01.08.2013.

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2013) Value(s) based supply chains to meet organic consumers’ expectations - a case study from Austria. Paper at: XXVth ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29th July - 1st August 2013. [Unpublished]

Schermer, Markus; Lamine, Claire; Pugliese, Patrizia; Furtschegger, Christoph and Bui, Sibylle (2015) Organic farming as a factor for territorial development: a comparative perspective. In: online proceedings: Places of Possibility? Rural societies in a neoliberal world, James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB15 8QH, pp. 162-163.

Schied, Johannes; Leimgruber, Andrea; Willareth, Martin; Nagel, Peter; Pfiffner, Lukas; Luka, Henryk and Wyss, Eric (2009) Do wildflower strips enhance pest control in organic cabbage? In: Mason, Peter G.; Gillespie, David R. and Vincent, Charles (Eds.) Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Biological Control of Arthropods, United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Morgantown, WV, FHTET-2008-06, Christchurch, New Zealand, pp. 601-602.

Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard; Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena and Pedersen, L.J. (2016) Behaviour of organic lactating sows given access to poplar trees. [Adfærd hos økologiske søer med adgang til poppel træer.] Speech at: ISAE, Edinburg, UK, 12.-16. July 2016.

Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard ; Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena and Pedersen, L.J. (2016) Increase sustainability of organic pig production with more vital piglets. Paper at: [In Press]

Schildberger, B.; Wurm, L. and Kickenweiz, M. (2008) Evaluation of an active mating disruption concept against codling moth (Cydia pomonella) under the aspects of different application systems and varieties. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 295-298.

Schilder, A.M.C.; Gillett, J.M.; Sysak, R.W. and Wise, J.C. (2002) Evaluation of environmentally friendly products for control of fungal diseases of grapes. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 163-167.

Schjøll, Alexander and Alfnes, Frode (2011) Consumer preferences for organic and welfare labbeled meat: A natural field experiment conducted in a high class restaurant. Paper at: 5th Nordic Conference on Behavioral and Experimental Economics , Helsinki, Finland, 12-13 November 2010.

Schjønning, P. (2007) The role of soil science in optimization of soil resource management. Speech at: NJF's 23rd Congress: Trends and Perspectives in Agriculture, Copenhagen, June 26-29 2007.

Schjønning, P. (2004) The soil quality concept as a tool for exposing values in science and promoting sustainability considerations. In: Kertész, A.; Kovács, A.; Csuták, M.; Jakab, G. and Madarász, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the ESSC, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45, Hungary, pp. 108-112.

Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J. and Elmholt, S. (2004) Soil quality in organic farming - effects of crop rotation, animal manure and soil compaction. Poster at: EUROSOIL 2004, Freiburg, Germany, 6-10. September 2004.

Schjønning, P.; Thomsen, I.K. and Christensen, B.T. (1998) Soil porosity as a habitat for microorganisms. [Jordens porer som habitat for mikroorganismer.] In: Børresen, T. (Ed.) NJF-UTREDNING/RAPPORT, 124, pp. 49-56.

Schjønning, Per; Munkholm, Lars J.; Debosz, Kasia and Elmholt, Susanne (2000) Multi-level assessment of soil quality – linking reductionistic and holistic methodologies. In: Elmholt, Susanne; Stenberg, Bo; Grønlund, Arne and Nuutinen, V. (Eds.) DIAS Report, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, 38, pp. 43-52.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P.; Christensen, B.T. and Olesen, J.E. (2010) Searching the critical soil organic carbon threshold for satisfactory tilth conditions – test of the Dexter clay:carbon hypothesis. [På jagt efter et nedre, kritisk indhold af organisk stof i jord - test af Dexter's ler:kulstof hypotese.] In: de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P. and Vendelboe, A.L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st international conference and exploratory workshop on soil architecture and physico-chemical functions "Cesar", Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 341-346.

Schleiffer, Mirjam (2023) Perspective on Youth in Organics- Why does the organic sector need Youth? Paper at: Let’s Discuss Organic – Youth in Sustainable Food Systems, online, 10 October 2023. [Completed]

Schleiffer, Mirjam; Smith, Barbara; Frick, Rebekka; Bredin, Yennie; Sabir, Ghezal; Udall, Donna; Pataki, György; Cooke, Grania; Singaas, Frode; Soliev, Ilkhom; Czett, Carmen; Bonetti, Marta; Villa, Matteo; Fitzka, Linda; Loučková, Blanka; Mendes, Vinícius and Home, Robert (2023) Using biodiversity to persuade: A discourse analysis. Paper at: Transformations Community, Prague, Czech Republic, 13-15 July, 2023. [Completed]

Schliephake, Ulrike and Trautz, Dieter (2014) Tuber Development Rates of six Potato Varieties in Organic Farming in Osnabrück, Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 383-386.

Schlittenlacher, T.; Knubben-Schweizer, G.; Maeschli, A. and Walkenhorst, M. (2021) Ethnoveterinary use of medicinal plants for treatment of dogs - a survey in Bavaria. In: Planta Medica, 87 (15), p. 1261.

Schlittenlacher, T.; Knubben-Schweizer, G.; Maeschli, A. and Walkenhorst, M. (2021) Ethnoveterinary use of medicinal plants in the treatment of equids – a survey in Bavaria. In: Planta Medica, 87 (15), p. 1245.

Schlittenlacher, T.; Maeschli, A. and Walkenhorst, M. (2022) Ethnoveterinary use of medicinal plants in the treatment of small ruminants – a survey in Bavaria. In: Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie, 43 (Suppl1), S56.

Schlittenlacher, Theresa; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Maeschli, Ariane and Walkenhorst, Michael (2023) Contributed Short Lecture "Ethnoveterinary use of herbal mixtures in the treatment of livestock– a survey in Bavaria". In: Planta Medica, Georg Thieme Verlag KG, Stuttgart, Germany, 89, p. 1281.

Schlittenlacher, Theresa; Knubben-Schweizer, Gabriela; Maeschli, Ariane and Walkenhorst, Michael (2023) Contributed Short Lecture “Ethnoveterinary use of herbal mixtures in the treatment of livestock– a survey in Bavaria”. In: Planta Medica, 89 (14), pp. 1281-1282.

Schmid, Andi and Daniel, Claudia (2003) Reduced copper treatments in strawberries by cultural methods. Poster at: IOBC/WPRS Woking Group "Integrated Plant Protection in Fruit Crops; Sub-group Soft Fruits": Workshop on Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Soft Fruit Crops, Centre d'arboriculture et d'horticulture des Fougeres, CH-1964 Conthey, Switzerland, 14.-16.10.2003.

Schmid, Erwin and Sinabell, Franz (2007) Impacts of Alternative Implementations of the Single Farm Payment on Organi-cally and Conventionally Producing Farms in Austria. [Konsequenzen von alternativen Implementierungen der Betriebsprämie für biologisch und konventionell produzierende Betriebe in Österreich.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Schmid, O.; Huber, B.; Ziegler, K.; Hansen Jens, G. and Plakolm, G. (2007) Analysis of differences between EU regulation 2092/91 related to other stan-dards – Potentials for harmonisation, simplification and regionalisation. Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Schmid, O.; Lampkin, N.; Jeffreys, I.; Dabbert, St.; Eichert, Ch.; Michelsen, J.; Zanoli, R.; Vairo, D. and Gonzalvez, V. (2008) Development of criteria und procedures for the evaluation of the European Action Plan of Organic Food and Farming. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schmid, O.; Stolz, H.; Lampkin, N.; Jeffreys, I.; Dabbert, S.; Eichert, C.; Michelsen, J.; Zanoli, R.; Vairo, D. and Gonzalvez, V. (2008) Lessons learnt from ORGAP Project – planning, implementation and evaluation of Action Plans for Organic Food and Farming. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schmid, Otto (2010) New ways of regulating organic food and farming in Europe. In: The future for regulating organic food and farming in Europe - Evaluating the present and pointing out future directions, IFOAM EU-GROUP, Brussels, Belgium, pp. 47-50.

Schmid, Otto (2008) Import - Implementation rules, reasons and concerns. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Schmid, Otto (2006) From principles to decision procedures and criteria - 3 case studies resulting from EU policy oriented research project work: criteria for feed, for food processing and for crop inputs. Speech at: Biofach Workshop on principles, Biofach Workshop Nuernberg, 16 th February 2006.

Schmid, Otto (2004) French study on Quality and Safety of Organic Food (AFSSA 2003 Evaluation nutritionnelle et sanitaire des aliments issus de l’agriculture biologique). Speech at: Biofach, D-Nürnberg, 20.02.2004.

Schmid, Otto (2002) Food Safety Debate and Development of Standards/Regulations for Organic Farming and Organic Food. Paper at: 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress. Cultivating Communities, Victoria, Canada, 21.-24.08.2002.

Schmid, Otto; Gonzalvez, Victor; Lampkin, Nic; Jeffreys, Ian; Dabbert, Stephan; Eichert, Christian and Michelsen, Johannes (2007) ORGAP Project – Evaluation toolbox for the evaluation of action plans for organic food and farming. In: Proceedings "The Future of Organic Food and Farming within the Reformed CAP, IFOAM EU, pp. 78-79.

Schmid, Otto; Huber, Beate; Ziegler, Katia; Jespersen, Lizzie Melby and Plakolm, Gerhard (2008) Analysis of differences between EU Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 in relation to other national and international standards. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schmid, Otto; Katia, Ziegler and Beate, Huber (2006) Regional variations in standards – problem or opportunity? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schmid, Otto; Kilchsperger, Rahel and Bodini, Antonella (2007) Organic farming values in Switzerland – results of a focus group study. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Schmid, Otto; Michelsen, Johannes; Eichert, Christian and Gonzalvez, Victor (2008) Stakeholder involvement in action plans and/or policies for organic food and farming – ORGAP project recommendations. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schmid, Otto; Patzel, Nikola and Plagge, Jan (2010) Values and value conflicts in organic farming - Images and symbolic ideas as starting point for strategic planning in advisory and research work. In: Darnhofer, Ika and Grötzer, Michaela (Eds.) Building sustainable rural futures. The added value of systems approaches in times of change and uncertainty. Proceedings, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, A-Vienna, pp. 1237-1243.

Schmid, Otto; Sanders, Jürn and Midmore, Peter (2005) Organic Market Initiatives and Rural Development – perspectives and potential. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Schmid, Otto (2014) Strategic options for sensory quality communication for organic products to different target groups and research needs – results from ECROPOLIS project. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1023-1026.

Schmid, Otto (2012) TP Organics Proposal for HORIZON 2020. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2011, Nuremberg, Germany, 15.-18. Februar 2012. [Completed]

Schmid, Otto and Näf, Philippe (2014) Assessment of two modern milk farms (low input versus high external input) in Switzerland focused on sustainability and resilience criteria. In: Proceedings of the 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014 in Berlin/Germany. WS 2.11. , pp. 1845-1850.

Schmid, Otto ; Brunori, Gianluca; Galli, Francesca; van de Graaf , Pieter; Prior, Alistair and Ruiz, Roberto (2014) Contribution of short food supply chains to sustainability and health. In: Proceedings of the 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014 in Berlin/Germany , IFSA - International Farming System Association - Europe Group, pp. 1247-1253.

Schmidt, Dr. Christoph S; Lueck, Dr. Lorna; Shotton, Peter; Seal, Dr. Chris J; Brandt, Dr. Kirsten and Leifert, Prof. Carlo (2006) Effect of organic and conventional crop production systems on food quality and safety. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schmidt, Jan Henrik; Šišić, Adnan; Bacanovic, Jelena; Hallmann, Johannes and Finckh, Maria R. (2014) Shifts in the composition of plant parasitic nematodes under different tillage sytems, living mulch, and compost application. Poster at: 47th Brazilan Phytopathological Conference, Londrina (Paraná), Brasilia, 17.-22. August 2014. [Completed]

Schmidt, Jens Ejbye; Thomsen, Anne Belinda; Thomsen, Mette Hedegaard; Nielsen, Henrik Bangsø and Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr (2009) Bioenergy in organic farming. Consequences for soil fertility, environment, spread of animal parasites and socio-economy. Poster at: 1st Nordic Organic Conference, Goeteborg, Sweden, 18-20 May .

Schmidtke, Knut (2008) How to optimise symbiotic nitrogen fixation in organic crop rotations. Paper at: ISOFAR Conference 'Organic Agriculture in Asia', Dankook University, Republic of Korea, 13-14 March 2008. [Unpublished]

Schmitt, Annegret; Kunz, Stefan; Nandi, Sunil; Seddon, Barrie and Ernst, Annegret (2002) Use of Reynoutr;a sachalinens;s plant extracts, clay preparations and Brev;bacillus brev;s against fungal diseases of grape berries. [Verwendung von Pflanzenextrakten aus Reynoutria sachalinensis, Gesteinsmehlen und Brevibacillus brevis gegen pilzliche Krankheiten an Weintrauben.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 146-151.

Schmitt, Annegret; Pertot, Ilaria; Verrastro, Vincenzo; Magid, Jakob; Moeskops, Bram; Möller, Kurt; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Experton, Catherine; Steinshamn, Håvard; Leiber, Florian; Maurer, Veronika; Bünemann, Else K.; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Tamm, Lucius (2018) RELACS: a new EU-project on the Replacement of Contentious Inputs in Organic Farming Systems. In: Julius Kühn Archiv, Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Braunschweig, 461, pp. 472-473.

Schmitt, Annegret; Wenthe, Ursula; Perazzolli, Michele; Giovannini, Oscar; Pertot, Ilaria; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Apostolov, Stoilko and Tamm, Lucius (2023) Strategies for copper reduction - results from the EU-project RELACS. In: Köhl, Jürgen; Jimenez, Georgina Elena; Jimenez, Beatriz Andreo; Gorter, Florien and Bardin, Marc (Eds.) Proceedings of the IOBC/WPRS Working Group "Biological and Integrated Control of Plant Pathogens", Wageningen, Netherlands, 6-9 June 2023., 165, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, p. 16.

Schmoock, S.; Kürkcüoglu, S. and Gau, A. E. (2008) Biological control of apple scab and fire blight by the application of the non-pathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas fluorescens Bk3 to the leaf surface. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 306-309.

Schmutz, U; Rayns, F and Sumpton, P (2006) 10-year interdisciplinary monitoring of organic stocklass, vegetable rotations at Warwick-HRI, Kirton, South Lincolnshire, UK. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 29-32.

Schmutz, Ulrich; Firth, Chris and Rayns, Francis (2005) Economic analysis of stockless, horticultural crop rotations on a model farm in temperate zone organic systems. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Schmutz, Dr Ulrich; Rayns, Dr Francis; Firth, Mr Chris; Nendel, Dr Claas; Lillywhite, Mr Rob; Zhang, Dr Kefeng and Rahn, Dr Clive (2008) National-scale modelling of N leaching in organic and conventional horticultural crop rotations - policy implications. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schmutz, Dr Ulrich; Rayns, Dr Francis; Firth, Mr Chris; Rosenfeld, Dr Anton; Thorup-Kristensen, Dr Kristian; Zhang, Dr Kefeng and Rahn, Dr Clive (2006) Environmental and economic modelling of organic, stockless, horticultural crop rotations. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schmutz, Ulrich (2018) Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs. Workshop at: ICOAS '18. 6th International Confernce on Organic Agriculture Sciences: Dynamic developments in organic Research. Strengthening partnerships across Europe and beyond, Eisenstadt, Austria, 7 - 9 Novermber 2018.

Schneider, Flurina; Stolze, Matthias; Kriege-Steffen, Astrid; Lohscheidt, Julia and Boland, Hermann (2009) How can consumer trust in organic products be enhanced? In: Millar, Kate; West, Pru Hobson and Nerlich, Brigitte (Eds.) Ethical futures: bioscience and food horizons, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 271-276.

Schneider, Michael (2024) Advancing Microbial Identification in Complex Matrices: Oxford Nanopore Sequencing in High-Throughput Analysis. Paper at: 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium, Frick, Switzerland, 11 April 2024. [Completed]

Schneider, Michael; Gfeller, Valentin; Ariza-Suarez, Daniel; Wille, Lukas; Oldach, Klaus; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hartmann, Martin; Hohmann, Pierre; Studer, Bruno and Messmer, Monika M. (2023) Genetic basis of microbiome recruitment in pea roots challenged by root rot disease. In: Fourth International Legume Society Conference 2023 – ILS4. Book of Abstract. 19.-22.9.2023, Granada, Spain, pp. 108-109.

Schneider, Michael; Gfeller, Valentin; Ariza-Suarez, Daniel; Wille, Lukas; Oldach, Klaus; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hartmann, Martin; Hohmann, Pierre; Studer, Bruno and Messmer, Monika M. (2023) Genetic basis of microbiome recruitment in pea roots challenged by root rot disease. Poster at: Fourth International Legume Society Conference 2023 – ILS4, Granada, Spain, 19.-22.9.2023. [Completed]

Schneider, Michael; Léon, Jens; Ballvora, Agim and Messmer, Monika (2023) Experimental evolution in barley – 2 decades of natural adaptation to farming systems. Poster at: Evolution in Action 2023, Ascona, Switzerland, 11.06.2023-15.06.2023. [Unpublished]

Schneider, Monika (2006) Gaining trust in emerging markets. Principles of FiBL projects and its cooperation in South East Europe. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Schneider, Monika; Amurrio, Patricia; Aparicio, James; Gômez, Isabel; Limachi, Miguel; Milz, Joachim; Schneidewind, Ulf; Seidel, Renate and Trujillo, German (2010) Research Design, Soil and Biodiversity Baseline for Long-term Farming Systems Comparison of Full Sun and Shaded Agroforestry Cocoa Production under Conventional and Organic Management in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Paper at: Tropentag, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2010.

Schneider, Monika and Andres, Christian (2013) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics. Paper at: SFIAR Meeting, FiBL Frick, Switzerland, March 26, 2013. [Completed]

Schneider, Monika; Andres, Christian; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy; Amurrio, Patricia; Seidel, Renate; Weibel, Franco and Milz, Joachim (2014) Cocoa in Full-sun Monocultures vs. Shaded Agroforestry Systems under Conventional and Organic Management in Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 282.

Schneider, Monika; Perez, Eucebio; Alcon, Freddy; Choque, Romero; Trujillo, German and Andres, Christian (2014) Cocoa Yield Development in Alto Beni, Bolivia: Influence of Sites, Varieties and Years. Poster at: Symposium cum Workshop on Participatory Research to Foster Innovation in Agriculture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed]

Schneider, Monika; Perez, Eucebio; Alcon, Freddy; Choque, Romero; Trujillo, German and Andres, Christian (2013) Cocoa Yield Development of Different Sites, Varieties, Production Systems and Years, in Alto Beni, Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2013 - Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum - Book of Abstracts, p. 456.

Schnug, E; Haneklaus, S; Kratz, S and Fan, X (2006) Aspects of phosphorous fertilisation in organic farming. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 277-281.

Schnug, E; Haneklaus, S; Rahmann, G and Walker, R (2006) Organic farming - stewardship for food security, food quality, environment and nature conservation. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 57-61.

Schnug, Ewald; Haneklaus, Silvia; Rahmann, Gerold; Paulsen, Hans-Marten and Walker, Robin (2006) Organic farming - stewardship for food security, food quality, environment and nature conservation. In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology, no. 79, pp. 57-62.

Schober Lima, Juliana and Focken, Ulfert (2007) Analysis of Soil Nutrients and Organic Matter in organic and conventional Marine Shrimp ponds at Guaraíra Lagoon, Rio Grande do Norte State, Brazil. Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Scholten, Bruce A (2002) Organic-industrial complex or herbal remedy? A case near Seattle and Vancouver. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 339-340.

Scholten, Dr. Olga E.; Galvan-Vivero, Guillermo; Burger-Meijer, Karin; Baar, Dr. Jacqueline and Kik, Dr. Chris (2006) Effect of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi on growth and development of onion and wild relatives. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Scholten, Dr. Olga E.; Steenhuis-Broers, Greet; Osman, Aart and Bremer, Esther (2006) Screening for resistance to Fusarium head blight in spring wheat cultivars. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schori, Fredy (2008) Effects of different stocking rates with dairy cows on herbage quality and milk production in organic farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schrader, S; Kiehne, J; Anderson, T-H; Paulsen, H-M and Rahmann, G (2006) Development of Collembolans after coversion towards organic farming. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 181-185.

Schrader, Stefan; Kiehne, Jahn; Anderson, Traute; Paulsen, Hans-Marten and Rahmann, Gerold (2006) Development of collembolans after conversion towards organic farming. In: Atkinson, Chris and Younie, David (Eds.) What will organic farming deliver?, AAB Office, Warwick, UK, Aspects of Applied Biology, no. 79, pp. 181-184.

Schrum, H. W.; Kotcon, J. and Verlinden, S. (2008) Organic Methods for Control of Root Rot in Pea and Spinach in Northeastern U.S. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schubert, P.; Golldack, J.; Schwärzel, H. and Lentzsch, P. (2008) Pathogenicity in Verticillium on strawberry plants. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 138-143.

Schuld, Michael; White, Duncan; Seddon, Barrie; Ernst, Annegret and Schmitt, Annegret (2002) Versuche mit Milasana@ und B.brevis auf Nebeneffekte gegen Typhlodromus pyri (Acari, Phytoseiidae) und Aphidius rhopalosiphi (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). [Tests with Milsana@ and Brevibacillus brevis for side-effects against Typhlodromus pyri (Acari, Phytoseiidae) and Aphidius rhopalosiphi (Hymenoptera, Braconidae).] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 231-235.

Schuler, Christiana; Raupp, Joachim and George, Eckhard (2008) The importance of amino-N for humus formation studied by comparing amino-N input to the soil and soil total nitrogen content in long-term experiments. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schulz, D.G. and Köpke, U. (1997) The Quality Index: A holistic Approach to describe Quality of Food. In: Lockeretz, W. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Agricultural Production and Nutrition.

Schulz, Dr. D.G.; Koch, K.; Kromer, Prof K.-H. and Köpke, Prof. U. (1997) Quality Comparison of Mineral, Organic and Biodynamic Cultivation of Potatoes: Contents, Strength Criteria, Sensory Investigations and Picture-Creating Methods. In: Proceedings of the Int. Conf. on Agricultural Production and Nutrition.

Schulz, Franz; Brock, Christopher and Leithold, Günter (2008) Effects of Farm Type and Different Intensities of Soil Tillage on Cash Crop Yields and Soil Organic Matter. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schulz, Franz; Brock, Christopher and Leithold, Günter (2014) LIVESTOCK IN ORGANIC FARMING – HOW IMPORTANT IS IT FOR SOIL FERTILITY MANAGEMENT? In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 459-462.

Schulz, Kristin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2013) Strengthening organic food value chains in Germany - first results of the EU-project HalthyGrowth – From niche to volume with integrity and trust. Paper at: FOODSCAPES Conference: Access to Food – Excess of Food, Seggau, Austria, 22.-25.9.2013.

Schulze, Holger; Sidali, Katia Laura and Spiller, Achim (2007) Success factors in the development of farm vacation tourism. Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Schulze Westerath, Heike; Probst, Johanna; Gygox, Lorenz and Hillmann, Edna (2010) Repeated gentle handling in beef cattle: heart rate and behaviour. In: Lidfors, Lena; Blokhuis, Harry and Keeling, Linda (Eds.) Proceedings of the 44th Congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE), Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Schulzova, Vera; Botek, P.; Hajslova, Jana; Babička, L.; Kouřimská, L. and Václavíková, K. (2008) Influence of fertilisation on furanocoumarins content in two celeriac varieties. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schulzová, Věra and Hajšlová, Jana (2007) Biologically active compounds in tomatoes from various fertilisation systems. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Schulzová, Věra; Hajšlová, Jana; Diviš, Jiří and Botek, Petr (2006) Organic versus conventional potatoes – is there basis for consumers preference? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schumacher, Jörg and Eichert, Christian (2010) Domestic Fair Trade – Principles and Business. Paper at: BioFach 2010 Kongress: Putting social fairness at the heart of organic trade, Nuremberg, 20.02.2010. [Unpublished]

Schumacher, Valérie; Kehraus, Saskia and Südekum, Karl-Heinz (2023) Eine einfache Labormethode zur Schätzung der standardisiert praecaecal verdaulichen Aminosäuren beim Schwein. [A simple laboratory method to estimate standardised precaecally digestible amino acids for pigs.] In: 77. GfE Tagung. Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 7.-9. März 2023, D-Göttingen, DLG, Frankfurt am Main, 32, p. 32.

Schumacher, Valérie; Kehraus, Saskia and Südekum, Karl-Heinz (2022) A simple laboratory method for estimating the standardised precaecal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in pigs. Poster at: DPP 2022, Rotterdam, The Netherland, May 17th and 20th 2022. [Completed]

Schumacher, Jörg (2014) Fairness in the organic food chain – practical experiences from Bio Suisse. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Schwab, A. L.; Knott, R. and Schottdorf, W. (2001) Environmental and economic benefit of new fungus-tolerant grape varieties and their usability for different training systems. [Benefice écologique et économique de nouveaux cepages tolerant aux maladies fongiques et leur emploi dans différents systèmes de conduite.] In: Proceedings of the 12th GESCO congress 2001 in Montpellier, France, I, pp. 201-204.

Schwab, A. L.; Knott, R. and Schottdorf, W. (2000) Results from new fungus-tolerant grapevine varieties for Organic Viticulture. In: Willer, Helga and Meier, Urs (Eds.) Proceedings 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture, Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau, Bad Dürkheim, SÖL-Sonderausgabe, no. 77, pp. 225-227.

Schwank, Othmar (2008) The role of the carbon market in transformation of agriculture towards organic and sustainability. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Schwarz, K.; Bapst, B.; Holinger, M.; Steiner, A.; Schleip, I. and Werne, S. (2020) Potentials of milk performance data as indicator for targeted selective treatment in Lacaune sheep. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 173.

Schweikert, Carmen; Mildner, Manuel; Vollrath, Claudia and Kassemeyer, Dr. Hanns-Heinz (2006) Systems for testing the efficacy of biofungicides and resistance inducers against grapevine downy mildew (REPCO project). Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Schwentesius, Rita (2014) PARTICIPATIVE TECHNOLOGIES TO IMPROVE DIETS IN MEXICO AND FOR ADAPTATION TO CLIMATE CHANGE. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Scialabba, N.E.-H.; Henderson, E.; Huber, B.; John, M.; Niggli, U. and Savory, A. (2014) Sustainability of Organic Agriculture. Achievements and shortcomings. Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Seal, A; Bera, R; Datta, A; Saha, S; Chatterjee, AK and Barik, AK (2016) Effective and Economically Viable Organic Agriculture under Inhana Rational Farming (IRF) Technology – A Potential Alternative to Support India Organic Movement. Lecture at: Bifach India, Delhi, India, 10 - 12 November. [Submitted]

Sehested, Jakob; Monrad, J.; Søegaard, Karen and Danielsen, Viggo (2000) Performance and parasitosis in heifers grazing mixed with sows. Paper at: EAAP 2000, Session M 5.8.

Seibicke, Tobias; Rügner, Alexander; Neuhaus, Gunther; Kassemeyer, Hanns-Heinz and Buchholz, Günther (2002) Assay system to screen for compounds inducing PR-gene expression in grape vine (Vitis spec.). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 225.

Seidel, Kathrin (2011) Quality Assessement of Organic Baby Food Made of Different Pre-Processed Raw Material Under Industrial Processing Conditions. In: Kahl, Johannes; Paoletti, Flavio; Birlouez, Ines; Sinesio, F. and Kretzschmar, Ursula (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ITC Prague Press, Prague, Czech Republic.

Seidel, Kathrin (2008) Organic baby food: quality and product range requirements. Paper at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Seidler-Lozykowska, Dr Katarzyna; Golcz, Dr Anna; Kozik, Dr Elzbieta and Wojcik, Joanna (2008) Quality of thyme herb (Thymus vulgaris L.) from organic cultivation. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Selle, Margret; Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne and Sundrum, Albert (2014) A deductive approach to animal health planning in organic dairy farming: Method description. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, pp. 540-548.

Selle, Margret; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Spengler Neff, Anet; Reiber, Christoph and Valle Zárate, Anne (2012) The influence of farm and herd factors on the health status of organic dairy cattle under low concentrate feeding considering an assessment-tool for siterelated breeding. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, vTI Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue, no. 362 , pp. 324-330.

Selleck, Lindsey (2021) The potential of biodynamic farming to respond to the current crises in UK food and farming systems. Poster at: 2nd International Biodynamic Research Conference, Virtual, 30th August - 2nd September 2021. [Unpublished]

Semenas, Svetlana (2014) Development of organic agriculture in Belarus: main actors, challenges, barriers and first successes. In: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014. [Completed]

Seppänen, L. and Koskimies, H. (2002) Farming across the years: temporal and spatial dimensions of learning organic farming. Paper at: Farming and rural systems research and extension - local identities and globalisation : 4th European IFSA symposium, Florence, Italy.

Seppänen, Laura (2005) Farmers' joint reflection on strategies: example of using a learning tool. Paper at: Strategic planning and management on farms : NJF seminar 362, Vantaa, Finland, June 15-17, 2005.

Seppänen, Laura (2000) Activity theoretical view on crop rotation planning in organic vegetable farming. Paper at: European farming and rural systems research and extension into the next millenium: Environmental, agricultural and socio-economic issues : European IFSA symposium, Volos, Greece, 3-7 April, 2000.

Seppänen, Mervi; Kontturi, Juha and Hartikainen, Helinä (2010) Biofortification of food chain with selenium. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Seremesic, Mr Srdjan; Milosev, Dr Dragisa and Manojlovic, Dr Maja (2008) Evaluation of Crop Rotation on Organic Farms in Northern Serbia. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Serikstad, G.L.; Løes, A.-K.; Brunberg, E.; Grøva, L.; Steinshamn, H. and Sørheim, K. (2013) Organic production and consumption in Norway - new knowledge through research and dissemination. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 93-94.

Serikstad, Grete Lene; de Boer, A. and Magnusson, C. (2013) Clover fatigue - a reason for precaution in organic farming? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 59-60.

Serikstad, Grete Lene; Magnusson, Christer; Brodal, Guro and de Boer, Anne (2015) Searching for the cause of clover fatigue. In: Zeverte-Rivza, Sandija (Ed.) Proceedings of the 25th NJF Congress, NJF Latvia, Riga, pp. 61-64.

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Serpolay-Besson, Estelle; Schermann, Nicolas; Dawson, Julie and Lammerts Van Bueren, E.T. (2011) Phenotypic evolution of different spinach varieties grown and selected under organic conditions. Congrès international de IFOAM, NA, South Korea.

Serup, T. (2013) Robust breeds for organic pig production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 165-166.

Sessitsch, Angela (2009) CORE Organic pilot project PathOrganic - presentation at mid-term: risks and recommendations regarding human pathogens in organic vegetable production chains. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Setboonsarng, Sununtar; Leung, PingSun and Cai, Junning (2008) Impacts of Institutional Arrangements on the Profitability and Profit Efficiency of Organic Rice in Thailand. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Setboonsarng, Sununtar; Stefan, Adam; Leung, PingSun and Cai, Junning (2008) Profitability of Organic Agriculture in a Transition Economy: the Case of Organic Contract Rice Farming in Lao PDR. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Setyowati, Theresia Eko (2014) Through Internal Control System, Jatirogo Organic Coconut Sugar Farmers Gained Access to the Export Market. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

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Seuri, Pentti (2008) Key issue in nutrient recycling: Integration between crop and animal production - conclusion about BERAS-project. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 17.

Seuri, Pentti (2008) Nitrogen Utilization in Integrated Crop and Animal Production. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Seuri, Pentti (2002) Nutrient utilization with and without recycling within farming systems. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Artur; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) Urban areas - rural areas and recycling - the organic way forward?, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, DARCOF Report, no. 3, pp. 175-181.

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Seuri, Pentti and Kahiluoto, Helena (2005) Evaluation of nitrogen utilizsation by means of the concept of primary production balance. Paper at: Researching sustainable systems : first scientific conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held in cooperation with IFOAM and NASAA, Adelaide, South Australia, 21-23 September 2005.

Seuri, Pentti and Kuisma, Miia (2006) Water discharge and nutrient leaching from organic mixed crop rotation. In: Tamm, Toomas and Pietola, Liisa (Eds.) NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (5), pp. 41-46.

Seuri, Pentti (2017) Evaluation of nutrient (nitrogen) efficiency - the concept of primary nutrients. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 41-43.

Seuri, Pentti (2014) Optimizing nitrogen utilization by integrating crop and animal production. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 259-262.

Seuri, Pentti (2013) Optimizing nitrogen utilization by ecological recycling agriculture (ERA). In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 49-50.

Severine, Donasian; Lazaro, Evelyne; Kledal, Paul Rye; Karantininis, Kostas; Sibuga, Kalunde and Mbapila, Shadrack (2014) WHY TRANSACTION COSTS IMPEDE SMALLHOLDER FARMERS’ PARTICIPATION INTO EXPORT ORGANIC MARKETS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1077-1080.

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Shamekh, Salem (2017) Sustainable Cultivation of Truffles in Rural Regions of Finland. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 122-123.

Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Gebremikael, Mesfin; Gabard, Sandra; Konnerup, Dennis and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) COMPOST FOR FERTILE SOILS AND HIGH QUALITY VEGETABLES. Poster at: Aarhus Food Week 2021, AROS Aarhus, 13-15. Sept. 2021.

Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, Margita; Willekens, Koen; Trinchera, Alessandra; Pirjo, Kivijärvi; Koopmans, Chris; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Lepse, Liga; Barbry, Joran; Valero, Constantino and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Faba Bean: A Potential Intercrop In Organic Vegetable Production In A European Perspective? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Shapo, Haider Elsafi and Adam, Hussien Suliman (2008) Influence of alleycropping microclimate on the performance of groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.) and sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) in the semi-desert region of northern Sudan. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sharifi, Mehdi; Vanvolkenburg, Heather; Vasseur, Liette and Rosa, Daniel (2021) Screening Cover Crop Species For In-Row And Inter-Row In Canadian Organic Vineyards. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Sharma, Sundar Kumar and Sharma, Ravina (2014) Building Organic Institutions in Nepal: Transformational Organic Leadership Perspectives. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Shechambo, L.; Sibuga, K. P.; Msogoya, T.J. and Sigsgaard, L. (2015) Yield Response to Type of Mulch and Time of Mulch Application in Organic Production of Tomato(SOLANUM LYCOPERSICUM L.). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 209-212.

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Shetty, Nisha; Janss, Luc; Zaalberg, Roos Marina; Kargo, Morten and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2018) Lactation stage dependent genome-wide association mapping for longitudinal data of milk fatty acids in dairy cattle using Bayesian mixture models. Paper at: The 11th World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11 - 16 February 2018.

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Shrestha, L.; Moscetti, R.; Crichton, S.O.J.; Hensel, O. and Sturm, B. (2018) Organic apples (cv. Elstar) quality evaluation during hot-air drying using Vis/NIR hyperspectral imaging. Poster at: 21st International Drying Symposium, IDS 2018, Valencia, Spain, 11-14 September 2018. [Completed]

Shubha, S. (2014) Effect of Seed treatment, Panchagavya application, Growth and yield of Maize. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 631-634.

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Siegmeier, Torsten; Kluth, Jacob; Weedon, Odette; Finckh, Maria and Möller, Detlev (2021) Heterogeneous Populations Vs. Pure Line Varieties For Organic Winter Wheat Production In Germany - Economic Performance. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Siegmeier, Torsten; Kluth, Jacob; Weedon, Odette; Finckh, Maria and Möller, Detlev (2021) Heterogeneous Populations Vs. Pure Line Varieties For Organic Winter Wheat Production In Germany - Production Risk. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Siegmeier, Torsten; Blumenstein, Benjamin; Mühlrath, Daniel and Möller, Detlev (2014) STRUCTURE AND DEVELOPMENT OF SCIENTIFIC JOURNAL PUBLICATIONS ON ORGANIC AGRICULTURE: A SCIENTOMETRIC REVIEW. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 327-330.

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Sigsgaard, Lene (2014) Conservation biological control of codling moth, Cydia pomonella. In: Landscape Management for Functional Biodiversity. IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, 100, pp. 123-126.

Sigsgaard, Lene and Jacobsen, Stíne K. (2017) Functional agrobiodiversity –a novel approach to optimize pest control in fruit production. In: Begg, Graham; Bianchi, Felix; Birch, Nick; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Holland, John; Lupi, Daniela; Moonen, Camilla; Ramsden, Marc and Rijn, van, Paul (Eds.) IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, International organisation for Biological Control-Western Palearctic Regional Section, Darmstadt, 122, pp. 26-28.

Sigsgaard, Lene; Pfiffner, Lukas; Penvern, Servane; Tchamitchian, Marc; WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Herz, Annette; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; Kruzynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; Tasin, Marco and Jasko, Janis (2018) Functional agrobiodiversity in apple orchards. In: ECE 2018, XI EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, p. 30.

Sigsgaard, Lene; Trandem, Nina; Fountain, Michelle; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Hall, David; Cross, Jerry; Ralle, Baiba; Baroffio, Catherine and Wibe, Atle (2014) Mass trapping Anthonomus rubi and Lygus rugulipennis in strawberries. In: ENTOMOLOGY 2014.

Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Tchamitchian, Marc; Pfiffner, Lukas; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; tasin, Marco and Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura (2017) EcoOrchard – collecting existing knowledge and generating new knowledge on functional biodiversity of organic orchards. In: Begg, Graham; Bianchi, Felix; Birch, Nick; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Holland, John; Lupi, Daniela; Moonen, Camilla; Ramsden, Marc and Rijn, van, Paul (Eds.) IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, International organisation for Biological Control-Western Palearctic Regional Section, Darmstadt, 122, IOBC-WPRS Bulletin, pp. 147-150.

Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Tchamitchian, Marc; Porcel, Mario; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; Korsgaard, Maren; Ralle, Baiba; Penvern, Servane; Pfiffner, Lukas and Weibel, Franco (2016) Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards. Poster at: Ecofruit 2016, Hohenheim, DE, 15-17/02/2016.

Sihombing, Samuel (2014) Greening Indonesia. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Sihombing, T.I. (2014) Lessons from Internal Control System Development in the Sentarum Lake Region-Indonesia. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Siiskonen, Pirjo and Nuutila, Jaakko (2017) Development of Organic Food Production in some European Countries. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 106-107.

Siivari, J. and Galambosi, B. (2007) Processing of Rhodiola rosea and Bergenia crassifolia raw materials for dry extracts. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 20.

Sijtsema, Siet (2007) Health perception and food attributes. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Silva, Edmilson Evangelista da; Azevedo, Pedro Henrique Sabadin; Almeida, Maxwell Merçon Tezolin Barros; De-Polli, Helvécio and Guerra, José Guilherme Marinho (2008) Influence of intercropping and irrigation frequencies in the leaf development and taro (Cocoyam) productivity under organic management. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Silva, Vera; Alaoui, Abdallah; Schlünssen, Vivi; Vested, Anne; Graumans, Martien; van Dael, Maurice; Trevisan, Marco; Suciu, Nicoleta; Mol, Hans; Beekmann, Karsten; Figueiredo, Daniel; Harkes, Paula; Hofman, Jakub; Kandeler, Ellen; Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; de los Ángeles Martínez, María; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Goossens, Dirk; Gandrass, Juergen; Debler, Freya; Lwanga, Esperanza Huerta; Jonker, Marlot; Langevelde, Frank; Sorensen, Martin T.; Wells, Jerry M.; Boekhorst, Jos; Huss, Anke; Mandrioli, Daniele; Sgargi, Daria; Nathanail, Paul; Nathanail, Judith; Tamm, Lucius; Fantke, Peter; Mark, Jennifer; Grovermann, Christian; Frelih-Larsen, Ana; Herb, Irina; Chivers, Charlotte-Anne; Mills, Jane; Alcon, Francisco; Contreras, Josefina; Baldi, Isabelle; Pasković, Igor; Matjaz, Glavan; Norgaard, Trine; Aparicio, Virginia; Ritsema, Coen; Geissen, Violette and Scheepers, Paul (2022) A Field Study ProtoCol for Collection of Human and Environmental Data on Pesticide Use in Europe and Argentina. In: Abstract Book SETAC Europe 32nd Annual Meeting, Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.

Simba, J.T. Muriithi (2014) THE ORGANIC FARMING FROM SMALL-HOLDER FARMERS GENERAL PERSPECTIVE. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Simeone, F.C. and van Ruth, Saskia (2014) ANALYTICAL AUTHENTICATION OF ORGANIC FOODS. Speech at: Scientific Seminar on Organic Food 2014, Mikkeli, Finland, Mikkeli, Finland, 6-8 November 2014. [Completed]

Simola, Antti; Kola, Jukka; Törmä, Hannu and Kinnunen, Jouko (2008) Bioenergy production in Finland - effects on growth, employment, and environment at regional level. Poster at: Risk assessment of global agrifood production chains - NJF's 90 year jubilee symposium : NJF seminar 410, Helsinki, Finland, 5-6 November 2008.

Simon, Phil; Colley, Micaela; Hoagland, Lori; Silva, Erin; Dawson, Julie; Dutoit, Lindsey; Water, Tim; Roberts, Philip and Sidhu, Jaspreet (2021) Carrot Improvement For Organic Agriculture With Added Grower And Consumer Value. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

SIMON, S.; DEFRANCE, H.; RIEUX, R. and SAUPHANOR, B. (2002) Hedgerows and beneficial phytophagous arthropods. In: Proceedings, Canadian Organic Growers (COG), Ottawa, Canada, p. 145.

Simon, Sylvaine; Alaphilippe, Aude; Borne, Solène; Rosiès, Blandine; Penvern, Servane; Dufils, Arnaud; Ricard, Jean-Michel; Millan, Muriel and Lauri, Pierre-Éric (2021) Co-Design Of Agroecological Temperate Fruit Tree Systems: Approach, Tradeoffs And Outputs. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Sinesio, Fiorella (2021) Message framing for processed organic foods. Results from a Conjoint Analysis study. Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Singh, Akanksha; Riar, Amritbir; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Sisodia, Bhupendra, S. and Patidar, Ishwar (2022) Using best practice approach to build resilience in organic cotton systems in central India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2022. Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 154.

Singh, Akanksha; Riar, Amritbir; Cotter, Marc; Goldmann, Eva; Bautze, David and Huber, Beate (2023) Power relations and socio-ecological resilience in small-scale farming systems: Learnings from a long-term research program. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 701.

Singh, Om (2021) Effect Of Vermi-Compost And Sesbania Acculata Green Manuring On Fallow Land Toria Oilseed Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Singh, Y. V.; Singh, B. V.; Pabbi, S. and Singh, P. K. (2007) Impact of Organic Farming on Yield and Quality of BASMATI Rice and Soil Properties. Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Singh, Jai Prakash; Mansata, Bharat; Nellithanam, Jacob and Kundaji, Deepika (2014) A Treasure of Crop Diversity from Outstanding Farmer-Breeder, JP Singh (India). Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Singh Riar, Amritbir; Joshi, Tanay; Raguwanshi, Shivraj; Deshmukh, Surendra; Sana, Ramprasad; Verma, Rajeev; Yadav, Deepak; Mahavadi, Ashok; Shrivastava, Devendra and Messmer, Monika (2021) Rescuing Non-Gm Organic Cotton Seed Through Participatory Breeding Approach. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Singh Sisodia, Bhupendra; Singh, Akanksha and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Effect of conventional and organic practices on cotton quality parameters compared across 15 years. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 66.

SINGHANIA, PAWAN KUMAR and SINGHANIA, ARCHANA (2014) BIODYNAMIC LANDSCAPE DESIGNING WITH BIOPONICS. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Singhania, Pawan Kumar and Singhania, Archana (2014) HOMOEOPATHY IN AGRICULTURE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 667-670.

Sinkkonen, Aki; Kauppi, Sari; Romantschuk, Martin and Strömmer, Rauni (2009) Expedited evolution of soil bacteria exposed to organic contaminants. Paper at: Ecology in a changing climate : the 10th international congress of ecology, Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009.

Sinkkonen, Marko (2002) Impact of production method and production area on energy balance of rye consumed in Helsinki. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Artur; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) Urban areas - rural areas and recycling - the organic way forward?, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, DARCOF Report, no. 3/2002, pp. 33-41.

Sipilä, Timo P.; Palojärvi, Ansa; Knuutila, Ossi; Lankinen, Pauliina; Yrjälä, Kim and Alakukku, Laura (2011) Impact of tillage intensity on arable soil microbial communities, physical parameters and plant pathogen suppressiveness. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 188.

Sipiläinen, T. and Oude Lansink, A. (2005) Learning in switching to organic farming. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), pp. 169-172.

Sirieix, Lucie; Kledal, Paul and Santiago de Abreu, Lucimar (2008) Consumers motivations for buying local and organic products in developing vs developed countries. In: Cultivating the Future Based on Science, 2, pp. 276-279.

Sirieix, Pr Lucie and Tagbata, Dr Didier (2008) Consumers willingness to pay for Fair trade and organic products. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sirieix, Lucie; Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de; Watanabe, Maria Aico and Kledal, Paul Rye (2007) Comparing organic urban consumers in developing and developed countries: First results in Brazil and France. Paper at: AIEA2 and SOBER international conference, Londrina, Parana-Brazil, 22-27 of July 2007.

Šišić, Adnan; Bacanovic, Jelena; Bruns, Christian and Finckh, Maria R. (2014) Suppression of pathogens causing foot rot of pea by application of yard waste compost. Poster at: 47th Brazilan Phytopathological Conference, Londrina (Paraná), Brasilia, 17.-21. August 2014. [Completed]

Sisodia, Bhupendra, S.; Verma, Rajeev; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, S.; Bhat, Nissar, A.; Iqbal, S.; Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Zundel, Christine; Forster, Dionys and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Long-term Farming System Comparison Trial in India. Poster at: Symposium “Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed]

Siura, Saray and Davila, Susana (2008) Effect of green manure rotation, biol and cultivar on the production of organic spinach (Spinacea oleracea). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sjursen, Helge; Brandsæter, Lars Olav and Seljåsen, Randi (2008) Change of the weed seed bank during the first four years of a five-course crop rotation with organic vegetables. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Skinner, Colin; Buol, Amanda; Gattinger, Andreas; Fliessbach, Andreas and Mäder, Paul (2014) Soil GHG fluxes under organic & non-organic agriculture compared: First results from measurements taken in the DOK-Experiment. In: BGS Jahrestagung – Böden und ihre Rolle im Ökosystem besser verstehen: Eine systemische Betrachtung, BGS Geschäftsstelle, CH-Changins.

Skinner, Colin; Krauss, M.; Krause, H.M.; Mäder, P. and Gattinger, A. (2019) Determination of greenhouse gas sources and sinks in Swiss arable soils under organic and non-organic management. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 98.

Skov, Peter V. (2018) Boldness in fishes: A selection tool for aquaculture or a personality type with no apparent return? [Robusthed hos fisk: Et selektionsredskab i akvakultur eller karaktertræk med begrænset profit?] Keynote presentation at: University of Stirling, School of Aquaculture seminar series., University of Stirling, 8 February 2018.

Skov, Peter Vilhelm; Gregersen, Joao de Jesus and Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Costs and benefits of farming fish with selected behavioural and physiological traits. [Omkostninger og fordele ved opdræt af økologiske fisk med udvalgte adfærds og fysiologiske træk.] Paper at: Aquaculture 2015 – Cutting Edge Science in Aquaculture, Montpellier, France, 23-26 August 2015.

Skrabule, Ilze and Legzdina, Linda (2006) The assessment of some crop management methods in barley and potato seed production for organic farming. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Skrabule, Ilze and Dimante, Ilze (2019) Policy and Regulation on Organic seed case of the Baltic states. Poster at: Zinātniskais seminārs "Ražas svētki Vecaucē", Vecauce, Latvia, 07.11.2019.

Skulskis, Virgilijus and Girgzdiene, Vilija (2017) Potential for raw milk in Lithuanian organic dairy supply chain. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 114-116.

Skulskis, Virgilijus and Girgzdiene, Vilija (2011) Organic food products:direct marketing and consumer's trust in Lithuania. In: Pulkrabová, Jana; Tomaniová, Monika; Kahl, Johannes and Hajšlová, Jana (Eds.) Book of Abstracts. First International Conference on Organic Food Quality and Health Research, ICT Prague Press, Prague, p. 56.

Slabe, Anamarija; Häring, Anna Maria and Hrabalova, Andrea (2006) Addressing the specific needs of organic farming in the New EU Member States by the Rural Development Programmes 2007-2013. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Slagboom, Margot; Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Mulder, H. A.; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2019) Possibilities for a specific breeding program for organic dairy production. In: Proceedings of the 70th Annual EAAP Meeting.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Edwards, David; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Hjortø, Line (2016) Preferences for Breeding Goal Traits for Danish Red and Jersey Cattle. Keynote presentation at: 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, United Kingdom, 29 August - 2 September 2016.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Edwards, David; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Hjortø, Line (2016) Organic and conventional dairy farmers prefer different improvements in breeding goal traits. Poster at: 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, United Kingdom, 29 August - 2 September 2016.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Edwards, David; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Hjortø, Line (2016) Organic dairy farmers put more emphasis on production traits than conventional farmers. Keynote presentation at: Nordic workshop in dairy cattle genetics and genomics, Park Inn, København, 25. - 26. april 2016.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Hjortø, Line; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Edwards, David (2015) Heterogeneity in farmer preferences for breeding goal traits - effects of herd characteristics and production system. Keynote presentation at: Meeting at VikingGenetics, VikingGenetics, Ebeltoftvej 16, DK-8960 Randers SØ, 4. december 2015.

Slagboom, Margot; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2017) Simulating consequences of choosing a breeding goal for organic dairy production. Keynote presentation at: European Federation of Animal Science, Tallinn, Estonia, 28 August - 1 September 2017.

Slagboom, Margot; Wallenbeck, Anna; Rydhmer, Lotta; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2018) Breeding Goals for Organic Dairy Farming in Denmark Based on the Principles of Organic Agriculture. Paper at: World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11–16 February 2018.

Slagboom, Margot; Wallenbeck, Anna; Rydhmer, Lotta; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2018) Breeding goals for organic dairy farming in Denmark based on the principles of organic agriculture. Keynote presentation at: World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Aotea Centre, Auckland, New Zealand, 11–16 February 2018.

Slagboom, Margot; Wallenbeck, Anna; Rydhmer, Lotta; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2018) Breeding Goals for Organic Dairy Farming in Denmark Based on the Principles of Organic Agriculture. Paper at: World Congress on Genetics Applied to Livestock Production.

Slamet (2014) The Winding Road towards Recognition of the Quality of Brenjonk Organic Produce. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Šlhavá, M; Šoch, M; Čermák, B; Kroupová, P and Písek, L (2006) The homeopathy as a possibility for treating inflammations of the mammary gland in dairy cows. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Slimi, Celina; Marianne, Cerf; Prost, Lorène and Prost, Magali (2021) Building narratives of farmers’ experiencing agroecological transition and peer group support. [Construire des récits d'expériences d'agriculteurs faisant l'expérience de la transition agroécologique et du soutien entre pairs.] International Symposium on Work in agriculture, Clermont-Ferrand, France.

Slots, Tina; Leifert, Carlo; Butler, Gillian; Kristensen, Troels and Nielsen, Jacob Holm (2006) Effect of dairy management on quality characteristics of milk. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine L.; Nelder, Rebecca; Clements, Ruth; Pearce, Bruce and Zaralis, Konstantinos (2014) 100% Organic Feed for Pigs – Results of Feed Trials in the UK. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1151-1154.

Smith, Jo; Leach, Katharine; Rinne, Marketta and Kuoppala, Kaisa (2012) Integrating willow-based bioenergy and organic dairy production – the role of tree fodder for feed supplementation. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, D (Eds.) Agriculture and Forestry Research (362), pp. 394-397.

Smith, Jo; Pearce, Bruce; Döring, Thomas F. and Wolfe, M S (2012) Developing modern multifunctional agroforestry systems for sustainable intensification. Poster at: SAC-SEPA Biennial conference: Valuing Ecosystems: Policy, Economic and Management Interactions, Edinburgh, UK, 3rd-4th April 2012.

Smith, L.G.; Williams, A.G. and Pearce, B.D. (2014) Energy use in organic farming. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1159-1162.

Smith, Laurence; Padel, Susanne; Pearce, Bruce; Lampkin, Nic; Gerrard, Catherine L; Woodward, Lawrence; Fowler, Sue and Measures, Mark (2011) Assessing the public goods provided by organic agriculture: lessons learned from practice. In: Proceedings of the third scientific conference of ISOFAR: Organic is life - knowledge for tomorrow, 2, pp. 59-63.

Smolders, Gidi (2008) Assessment of skin damages in dairy cows. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Smolders, Gidi; Eekeren, Nick van and Govaerts, Wim (2012) Effect of vitamin E and selenium and different types of milk on health and growth of organic goat kids. Paper at: Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, 2nd OAHC, Hamburg/Trenthorst, Germany, Sep 12-14, 2012.

Smukler, S.M.; Jackson, L.E.; Sánchez Moreno, S.; Fonte, S.J.; Ferris, H.; Klonsky, K.; O'Geen, A.T.; Scow, K.M. and Cordova-Kreylos, A.L. (2008) Enhancing Biodiversity and Multifunctionality of an Organic Farmscape in California’s Central Valley. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Šoch, M.; Trávníček, J.; Čermák, B. and Písek, L. (2006) Influence of brown seaweed on selected parameters of non-specific immunity in sheep. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Soeltoft, Malene; Knuthsen, Pia and Nielsen, John (2008) Comparison of extraction methods for analysis of flavonoids in onions. In: Polyphenol Communications, 1.

Sohn, Sang-Mok; Kim, Young-Ho; Yoon, Deok-Hoon and Kuecke, Martin (2005) Leaching of Mineral Nitrogen, Organic Nitrogen and Phosphorous in Conventional & Organic Farming in Korean Greenhouse. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Solemdal, Liv and Glørstad, Anne Grethe (2014) Organic meals as environmental commitment - an example from Trondheim municipality. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Solfanelli, Francesco; Orsini, Stefano; Schäfer, Freya; Ozturk, Emel and Zanoli, Raffaele (2021) Improving The Quality Of Organic National Seed Databases To Increase The Use Of Organic Seed And Propagation Materials In Europe. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Soltaniband, Veedaa; Bregard, Annie; Desjardins, Yves and Dorais, Martine (2021) Biostimulants Influenced Growth And Productivity Of The Organic Strawberries. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Somasundaram, Eagan; Kuttimani, R. and Velayudham, K. (2014) ECOFRIENDLY NUTRIENT MANAGEMENT PRACTICES FOR YIELD AND QUALITY OF BANANA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 619-622.

Somasundaram, Eagan and Shanthi, G. (2014) SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION PACKAGES FOR ORGANIC TURMERIC. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 615-618.

Sommer, Hendrik and Sundrum, Albert (2014) Leaf mass of clover-like legumes as a protein source in organic pig nutrition. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 489-492.

Sonko, Mariama (2014) Diola Women, Seed Conservers. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Soto, G.; Herrmann, G.A.; Schmidt, H.; Montenegro, L. and Zuck, L. (2014) Must Organic certification fundamentally change for an Organic World? Workshop at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Soulignac, Vincent; Ermine, J.L.; Paris, J.L.; Devise, O. and Chanet, J.P. (2011) A knowledge management system for exchanging and creating knowledge in organic farming. 8th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management & Organisational Learning ICICKM 2011, Bangkok, Thailand.

Soulignac, Vincent; Pinet, François; Vallas, Myriam and Ermine, Jean-Louis (2016) Experiments on the use of knowledge management tools for agriculture. [Expérimentation d'outils de gestion de connaissance en agriculture.] 12th European IFSA Symposium. "Social and technological transformation of farming systems: diverging and converging pathways", Newport, United Kingdom.

Sousa, Fernando; Nicolay, Gian and Home, Robert (2018) Video on mobile phones as an effective way to promote sustainable practices by facilitating innovation uptake in Mali. Poster at: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2018 "Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in a Digital World", EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15 November 2018. [Completed]

Sousa, Fernando; Nicolay, Gian L.; Spurk, Christoph; Adamtey, Noah and Fliessbach, Andreas (2018) Dissemination and adoption of bottom-up agriculture to improve soil fertility in Africa: An interdisciplinary approach. In: Program and abstract Book of the XXIII International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology "Navigating Complexity: Human-Environmental Solutions for a Challenging Future", July 7-10, 2018; Lisbon, Portugal.

Souza, Maria Celia M.; Ramos, Soraia F.; Monteiro, Ana Victoria V.M.; Sampaio, Renata M.; Otani, Malimiria N. and Saes, Maria Sylvia (2014) Building organic strategies: actions to promote organic agriculture in São Paulo, Brazil. [Construindo estratégias: ações para promover agricultura orgânica em São Paulo, Brasil.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Špaček, Martin; Kluvánková, Tatiana; Gežík, Veronika; Baštáková, Stanislava; Štecová, Iveta and Louda, Jiří (2019) Role Board Games as a Tool for Reconfiguration of Innovation Factors in Forest Ecosystem Services Governance. In: Proceedings of TERRAenVISION 2019, 2–7 September 2019, Barcelona, Spain, 30 (1), p. 13.

Spadaro, Dr. Davide; Ciavorella, Dr. Annalisa; Frati, Dr. Sandro; Garibaldi, Dr. Angelo and Gullino, Dr. Maria Lodovica (2008) Occurrence and level of patulin contamination in conventional and organic apple juices marketed in Italy. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Spadaro, D.; Herforth-Rahmé, J. and van der Wolf, J. (2017) Organic seed treatments of vegetables to prevent seedborne diseases. In: Acta Horticulturae, 1 (1164), pp. 23-32.

Sparkles, D L; Rollett, A J and Wilson, P (2006) The legacy of stockless organic conversion strategies. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 139-143.

Späth, S. and Mayr, U. (2008) Sensibility of Scab-resistant Varieties to Sooty Blotch. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 38-40.

Speiser, B. and Seidel, K. (2009) How to evaluate applications of nanotechnology for the packaging of organic food. Poster at: BioFach Congress 2009, NürnbergMesse, Nürnberg, Germany, February 19-22, 2009. [Unpublished]

Speiser, B.; Tamm, L.; Bale, J.; Fjelsted, A.; Hokkanen, H.; Menzler-Hokkanen, I.; Kuhlmann, U.; Strasser, H.; Hauschild, R.; Strauch, O. and Ehlers, R.U. (2008) Facilitating the registration of biocontrol organisms, plant extracts and semiochemicals in Europe. Poster at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Speiser, B.; Tamm, L. and Schmid, O. (2006) Evaluation and registration of plant protection inputs for organic farming. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Speiser, Bernhard (2008) Nano-particles in organic production? Issues and opinions. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Speiser, Bernhard (2005) Why change the existing input evaluation system, and how? Speech at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brussels, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Speiser, B. and Schärer, H.-J. (2018) Translocation of phosphonate from frigoplants to fruits in strawberries. In: Proceedings of the Ecofruit Conference 2018, February 19 - 21, 2018, University of Hohenheim, Germany,, pp. 218-220.

Speksnijder, Arjen; Lombaers- van der Plas, Carin and Köhl, Jürgen (2006) Screening of micro-organisms for Venturia inaequalis control by means of DGGE. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Spengler Neff, A.; Von Däniken, C.; Haug, S. and Probst, S. (2021) Reducing concentrate feeding in organic dairy cows with the help of body condition-monitoring. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 237.

Spengler Neff, Anet (2021) How do separation and weaning work with little stress? How can we achieve reliable performance testing of dams that are suckled. Paper at: Workshop ProYoungStock / GrazyDaisy, Online, 30.09.2021. [Completed]

Spigarolo, Roberto; Bechini , Luca and Bocchi , Stefano (2009) The footprint of organic farms. Some ecological indicators to evaluate it Department of Food crops – State University of Milan. In: Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; He, Chen; Mikkola, Minna; Nielsen, Thorkild and Nymoen, Lena Lie (Eds.) CORE Organic Project Series Report, ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 57-65.

Spigarolo, Roberto; Sarti, Valerio and Nölting, Benjamin (2010) Providing organic food for millions of Italian pupils. How do we make it? In: Strassner, Carola; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Nölting, Benjamin and Kristensen, Niels Heine (Eds.) Organic Food for Youth in Public Settings: Potentials and Challenges. Preliminary Recommendations from a European Study. Proceedings of the iPOPY session held at BioFach Congress 2010. CORE Organic Project Series Report. , ICROFS, CORE Organic Project Series Report, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 17-28.

Spinu, Marina; Olah, Diana; Sandru, Carmen Dana; Vasiu, Aurel; Pall, Emoke; Duca, Gheorghita and Cerbu, Constantin (2023) TAXONOMY INFLUENCES THE EFFICACY OF PLANT EXTRACTS AGAINST ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANT BACTERIOME. In: MESMAP – 9 PROCEEDINGS BOOK ABSTRACTS & FULL PAPERS, p. 290.

Spînu, Marina and Pall, Emoke (2022) Species-specific in vitro immune responses in cohabiting animals on a low-input farm. In: MESMAP – 8 PROCEEDINGS BOOK ABSTRACTS & FULL PAPERS, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 1-272. [Completed]

Spitaler, Renate; Marschall, Klaus; Zidorn, Christian; Kelderer, Markus; Zelger, Roland and Stuppner, Hermann (2004) Apple scab control with grapefruit seed extract: no alternative to chemical fungicides. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 208-211.

Spoolder, H. A. M.; Mejer, H. E.; Vermeer, H. M.; Meerburg, B. G.; van Krimpen, M. and Kijlstra, H. A. (2007) Prevention and treatment of parasitic infections in organic pigs. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Spoolder, Hans; Biavati, Bruno; Borgsteede, Fred; Davies, David; Klocke, Peter; Maurer, Veronika; Nagel, Philip; Nicholas, Phillipa; van Krimpen, Marinus; Mejer, Helena; Modesto, Monica; Strozzi, Gian Paolo; Thamsborg, Stig Milan; Vermeer, Herman; Wagenaar, Jan-Paul; Zollitsch, Werner and Sundrum, Albert (2008) Performance of organic and low input livestock systems: a matter of sound design? Paper at: 4th QLIF Congress in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress and the 2nd ISOFAR Conference, Modena, Italy, June 19-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Spoolder, H.A.M.; Maurer, V. and Sundrum, A. (2007) Development of strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce cost of production in organic and “low input” livestock production systems. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Spornberger, A.; Brunmayer, R.; Fischer, G.; Kaufmann, C. and Osterc, G. (2008) Testing of pear trees on their own roots in comparison with important used rootstocks under organic farming conditions with special regard to fire blight (E. amylovora). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 216-219.

Spornberger, A.; Sinkovits, D. and Pieber, K. (2000) Untersuchungen zur Verringerung von direkten Bekämpfungsmaßnahmen bei einigen Obstarten im biologischen Anbau. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 80-86.

Spornberger, A.; Steffek, R.; Stich, K.; Scheiblauer, J.; Altenburger, J.; Gosch, C.; Halbwirth, H. and Jezik, K. (2006) Possible solutions for replant problems caused by soil-borne pathogens in organic strawberry production. [Lösungsansätze für Nachbauprobleme durch bodenbürtige Pathogene im biologischen Erdbeeranbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 145-150.

Spornberger, A.; Weissinger, H.; Steffek, R.; Scheiblauer, J.; Jezik, K.; Altenburger, J. and Stich, K. (2008) Results from a three year testing project of new strawberry cultivars in Verticillium infested soils and under organic farming conditions. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 127-132.

Sriskandarajah, N.; Mulley, R.; Christie, M.; Taji, A.; Wals, A.; Abbott, L.; von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, P.; Williams, R.; Langer, V.; Olsen, H.; Parvez, Q.; Ward, P.; Packham, R.; Scullion, J.; Daniel, H.; Kristiansen, P. and Galea, V. (2005) Learning through exchange about organic agriculture - case of Europe and Australia. Paper at: Shaping Sustainable Systems. Proceedings of the 15th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Adelaide Australia, 20-23 September 2005.

Srivastava, R.; Berset, E.; Mäder, P.; Fried, P.M. and Sharma, A.K. (2012) Improving rice yield and quality through inoculation with mycorrhiza and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria in India. Paper at: Roots to the futuere - 8th Symposium of the International Society of Root Research (ISRR), Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee, 26-29 June 2012.

Srivastava, Rashmi; Berset, Estelle; Mäder, Paul; Adholeya, Alok; Padruot, Fried and Sharma, Anil K. (2011) Effects of mycorrhiza and plant growth promoting rhizobacteria inoculants on rice crops in Northern India. In: Becker, Mathias; Kreye, Christine; Ripken, Christina and Tielkes, Eric (Eds.) Tropentag 2011 - Development on the margin - Book of abstracts, DITSL GmbH, Witzenhausen, Germany, p. 206.

Ssekyewa, Charles (2005) Organic Agriculture Research in Uganda. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture ISOFAR, Adelaide, South Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Ssekyewa, Charles (2014) The Multi-stakeholder Centre. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1127-1130.

Stadtlander, T.; Rosskothen, D.; Tschudi, F.; Seitz, A.; Sigrist, M.; Pietsch, C. and Leiber, F. (2021) Duckweed as fishmeal-protein replacement for omnivorous and carnivorous fish fry. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 321.

Stadtlander, T.; Surber, J.; Pietsch, C.; Tschudi, F.; Sigrist, M.; Seitz, A.; Kreuzer, M. and Leiber, Florian (2020) Utilization of duckweed as fish meal replacement in common carp (Cyprinus carpio). In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology = Berichte der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie, DLG-Verlag GmbH, 29, p. 39.

Stadtlander, Timo (2020) Fishmeal Replacement by Duckweed and its Effects on Growth and Feed Utilization in Rainbow Trout Fry. Paper at: 8. Treffen der Innovationsgruppe Aquakultur, online, 27. Oktober 2020.

Stalenga, Dr Jaroslaw; Kus, Prof. Jan and Kopinski, Dr Jerzy (2006) Evaluation of the organisation and economic efficiency of organic and conventional farms in the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Stalenga, Jarosław and Jończyk, Krzysztof (2021) Yield Performance And Ler Of Selected Organic Mixtures Of Lupins With Spring Cereals. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Stalenga, Jarosław and Jończyk, Krzysztof (2008) Yielding and Selected Leaf Diseases of Old Winter Wheat Cultivars in the Organic System. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stalenga, Jarosław and Jończyk, Krzysztof (2005) Usefulness of some winter wheat varieties for cultivation in organic farming. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Stalenga, Jarosław; Kuś, Jan and Madej, Andrzej (2005) ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF SELECTED ORGANIC FARMS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON GREENHOUSE GASES EMISSION. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Stamer, A.; Wessels, S.; Neidigk, R. and Hoerstgen-Schwark, G. (2014) Black Soldier Fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae-meal as an example for a new feed ingredients’ class in aquaculture diets. Paper at:

Stan, Andreea; Bujor, Oana-Crina; Dobrin, Aurora; Frîncu, Mihai and Bădulescu, Liliana (2021) Quality Parameters Variation Of Organic Strawberry Regina Cv. During Freezing And Storage. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Stan, Andreea; Bujor, Oana-Crina; Ion, Violeta Alexandra; Dobrin, Aurora; Mot, Andrei and Badulescu, Liliana (2021) Effects Of Processing Treatments In Carotenoids And Vitamin C ContentsFor Different Organic Tomato Varieties. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Stan, Andreea; Dobrin, Aurora; Zugravu, Mihaela; Bezdadea-Catuneanu, Ioana; Iancu, Alexandra; Lagunovschi-Luchian, Viorica and Badulescu, Liliana (2017) Perception and preference of the Romanian consumers regarding organic vs. conventional products quality – survey study. In: JOURNAL of Horticulture, Forestry and Biotechnology, 21 (3), pp. 1-7.

Stark, Dr C.H. (2008) Are soil biological properties and microbial community structure altered by organic farm management? Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stark, Christine; Condron, Leo M.; Stewart, Alison; Di, Hong J. and O’Callaghan, Maureen (2005) Effects of past and current crop management on leaching losses, soil microbial community composition and activity. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, September 21-23, Adelaide, Australia. [Unpublished]

Starz, Walter; Steinwidder, Andreas; Pfister, Rupert and Rohrer, Hannes (2010) Continuous grazing in comparison to cutting management on an organic meadow in the eastern Alps. In: Grassland in a changing world - Proceedings of the 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation - Volume 15 Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 1009-1011.

Starz, Walter; Steinwidder, Andreas; Pfister, Rupert and Rohrer, Hannes (2011) Forage feeding value of continuous grazed sward on organic permanent grassland. In: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Organising Committee of the 16th Symposium of the EGF 2011 and Agricultural Research and Education Centre (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein 8952 Irdning, Austria, Grassland Science in Europe, no. 16, pp. 356-358.

Stassart, Dr. Pierre; Stilmant, Dr. Didier and Jamar, Ir. Daniel (2006) How to fear farming system sustainability ? Application to organic cattle meat production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Stauss, R. (2013) Quantitative Population Epigenetics a Catalyst for Sustainable Agriculture. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 145-146.

Stauss, R. (2013) Quantitative Population Epigenetics in Screening and Development of Regulator-Active Factors of the Farming System. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 147-148.

Stavridou, Eleftheria; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Lauersen, Kristian Holst (2008) Effects of catch crops on the content of sulfur (S) and selenium (Se) in vegetables. Poster at: NJF seminar 415 - Future Field Experiments, Horsens, Denmark, October 2008.

Stavridou, Eleftheria; Broadley, Martin R.; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Young, Scott D. (2009) Net mineralization rate of selenium from plant material and inorganic salts. In: Banuelos , Gary S.; Lin, Zhiqing and Yin, Xuebin (Eds.) Selenium deficiency toxicity and biofortification for human health, University of Science and Technology of China Press, China, pp. 44-45.

Stavridou, Eleftheria; Schreiner, Monika; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Krumbein, Angelika (2010) Intercropping affects glucosinolate content in broccoli. In: Abstracts of 28th International Horticultural Congress, II, p. 354.

Steenfeldt, Sanna (2022) Reduced dietary phosphorous in organic egg-production. Lecture at: Nordic Poultry Conference (NPC) 2022, Aalborg, Denmark, 8 - 10 November 2022.

Steenfeldt, Sanna and Horsted, Klaus (2021) Nutrient Digestibility In Organic Slow-Growing Broilers Fed With Grass And Chicory As Supplements. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Steenfeldt, Sanna and Jensen, Sofie Knorr (2023) New feeding strategies for organic egg production with reduced dietary phosphorus. Poster at:

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Steenfeldt, Sanna; Lübeck, Mette and Engberg, Ricarda M. (2018) Alternative Protein sources in poultry nutrition. Paper at: XVth EUROPEAN POULTRY CONFERENCE, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 17.-21. september 2018.

Stefanakis, Alexandros and Sotiraki, Smaros (2011) Subproject 2: Sheep: Ethical Problems and Breeding Goals. Paper at: First LowInputBreeds Symposium on Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding, Wagningen, The Netherlands, March 15 and 16, 2011. [Completed]

Stefani, Patrick (2020) Modern technologies of organic berries production. Paper at: Organic Berry Business: Challenges 2019 - Perspectives 2020, Kyiv, Ukraine, January 30-31, 2020. [Unpublished]

Stefano, Dr. Canali; Alessandra, Dr. Trinchera; Emanuela, Dr. Di Bartolomeo; Luigi, Dr. Nisini; Anna, Dr. Benedetti and Francesco, Dr. Intrigliolo (2002) Soil fertility comparison among organic and conventional managed citrus orchards in Sicily. Speech at: 17th World Congress of Soil Science, Bangkok (Thailand), 14 – 21 August.

Steffan, Philipp; Backes, Gunter; Rasmussen, Søren Kjærgaard and Borgen, Anders (2014) Genome Wide Association Study for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat and Creation of Common Bunt Resistant Composite Cross Populations. In: Abstract for the Proceedings of the XVIII Biennial International Workshop on the Smuts and Bunts.

Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Torp, Anna-Maria; Rasmussen, Søren K. and Backes, Gunter (2021) Association mapping for common bunt resistance in wheat. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Virtual Bunt and Smut Workshop. [Unpublished]

Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter and Rasmussen, Søren K. (2013) Association Mapping for Common Bunt Resistance in Wheat. In: proceedings of the Plant Biotech Denmark Annual Meeting.

Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Backes, Gunter and Rasmussen, Søren K. (2013) Common bunt resistant wheat composite cross populations. In: Abstract from International Symposium on Evolutionary Breeding in Cereals.

Steffan, Philipp; Borgen, Anders; Lazzaro, Mariaterresa; Backes, Gunter and Rasmussen, Søren Kjærgaard (2011) Marker assisted breeding and mass selection of wheat composite cross populations. In: Organic Plant Breeding: What makes the difference?, pp. 50-51.

Steffens, M.; Cupterus, F.; Don, A.; Gattinger, A.; Gruber, S.; Haagsma, W.; Hegewald, F.; Peigné, J.; Chiodelli Palazzoli, M.; Schulz, F.; van der Heijden, M.G.A.; Vincent-Caboud, L.; Wiesmeier, M.; Wittwer, R.; Zikeli, S. and Krauss, M. (2019) Does conversion to reduced tillage really increase soil organic carbon stocks in organic arable farming? Paper at: Jahrestagung BGS und DBG, Bern, Switzerland, 28 August 2019. [Completed]

Steffens, Markus; Chiodelli Palazzoli, Marco; Cuperus, Fogelina; Don, Axel; Gattinger, Andreas; Gruber, Sabine; Haagsma, Wiepie; Wittwer, Raphael; Zikeli, Sabine and Krauss, Maike (2019) Does conversion to conservation tillage really increase soil organic carbon stocks in organic arable farming? In: Symposium. Oral Abstracts. 7th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, 6 - 11 October 2019, Hilton Adelaide, South Australia, p. 100. [Completed]

Steffens, Markus; Mayer, J.; Mäder, P. and Fliessbach, A. (2019) Carbon sequestration and stabilization in a 40-year agronomic long-term experiment. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 83.

Steffens, Markus; Rogge, Derek; Höschen, Carmen; Lugmeier, Johan; Mueller, Carsten W. and Kögel-Knabner, Ingrid (2018) Few recurring types of microdomains define smallest units of soilfunctioning. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 20, EGU2018-11614.

Stein-Bachinger, Karin and Gottwald, Frank (2021) Organic Farming And Biodiversity: Status Quo And Acceptance For Improving Options. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Zander, Peter; Schobert, Heike and Frielinghaus, Helmut (2005) NEW WAYS OF INCREASING BIODIVERSITY ON ORGANIC FARMS AND THEIR EFFECT ON PROFITABLILITY – the Nature Conservation Farm Brodowin –. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Stein-Bachinger, Dr. Karin and Fuchs, Sarah (2008) Organic farming and biodiversity – how to create a viable farm business including conservation issues. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stein-Bachinger, Karin; Gottwald, Frank; Dräger de Teran, Tanja and Rühs, Michael (2014) Development of a nature conservation standard for enhancing biodiversity and marketing in organic farming systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 543-546.

Steinshamn, H.; Bleken, M.A.; Langeland, Å. and Thuen, E. (2006) Influence of clover species in mixtures with grasses on fatty acid composition of mixtures. In: Lloveras, J.; Gonzáles-Rodríguez, A.; Piñeiro, J.; Santamaría, O.; Olea, L. and Poblaciones, M.J. (Eds.) Grassland Science in Europe, Organizing Commitee of the 21st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, 11, pp. 351-353.

Steinshamn, Håvard (2009) Effect of forage legumes on milk quality – a review. Workshop at: Workshop on quality and nutrition value of organic milk and meat, Jastrzębiec, Poland, 19.-20. November 2009.

Steinshamn, Håvard (2008) The unique properties of red clover in the diet of ruminants. In: Sarapatka, Borivoj and Samsonova, Pavlina (Eds.) Bioacademy 2008 - Proceedings. New developments in science and research on organic agriculture., pp. 106-109.

Steinshamn, Håvard; Bleken, Marina A and Thuen, Erling (2006) Feed production on farms without animals is not environmentally sustainable. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Steinshamn, Håvard; Höglind, Mats; Havrevoll, Øystein; Saarem, Kristin; Lombnæs, Inger Helene and Svendsen, Asgeir (2008) Growth and carcass quality of suckler calves grazing at the farm or in the mountain. In: Hopkins, A.; Gustafson, T; Bertilson, J.; Dalin, G.; Nilsdotter-Linde, N. and Spörndly, E. (Eds.) Grassland Science in Europe, Organizing Commitee of the 22st General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, 13, pp. 397-399.

Steinshamn, Håvard and Leiber, Florian (2021) Revision of vitamin E recommendations for ruminants in organic agriculture. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, p. 489.

Steinshamn, Håvard; Mydland, Liv Torunn; Volden, Harald and Thuen, Erling (2006) The effect of red clover proportion in timothy silage on nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows. In: Wachendorf, Michael; Helgadóttir, Áslaug and Parente, Giuseppe (Eds.) Sward Dynamics, N-flows and Forage Utilisation in Legume-Based Systems, ESA-Azienda regionale per lo sviluppo rurale, Via Montesanto, 15/6, 34170 Gorizia, Italy, pp. 293-297.

Steinshamn, Håvard; Thuen, Erling and Brenøe, Ulrik Tutein (2006) Effect of clover species in grass-clover silages and concentrate supplementation on milk fatty acid composition. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Steinshamn, Håvard; Luteberget, Ingvild Steinnes; Jensen, Søren K. and Thuen, Erling (2012) α-Tocopherol in plasma and milk from organically managed dairy cows fed natural or synthetic vitamin E or seaweed. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling The Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, (German) Agriculture and Forestry Research, Braunschweig, Germany, Agriculture and Forestry Research, Special Issue No 362 , no. 362, pp. 450-453.

Steinwidder, Andreas; Schneider, Manuel; Wachendorf, Michael; Starz, Walter and Pötsch, Erich M. (2011) The future of organic grassland farming in mountainous regions of Central Europe. In: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Organising Committee of the 16th Symposium of the EGF 2011 and Agricultural Research and Education Centre (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein 8952 Irdning, Austria , Grassland Science in Europe, no. 16, pp. 286-296.

Steinwidder, Andreas; Starz, Walter; Podstatzky, Leopold; Gasteiner, Johann; Pfister, Rupert; Rohrer, Hannes and Gallnböck, Markus (2011) Milk production from grazed pasture in mountainous regions of Austria - impact of calving season. In: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Organising Committee of the 16th Symposium of the EGF 2011 and Agricultural Research and Education Centre (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein 8952 Irdning, Austria , Grassland Science in Europe, no. 16, pp. 329-331.

Steinwidder, Andreas; Starz, Walter; Podstatzky, Leopold; Kirner, Leopold; Pötsch, Erich M.; Pfister, Rupert and Gallnböck, Markus (2010) Changing towards a seasonal low-input pastoral dairy production system in moutainous regions of Austria - results from pilot farms during reorganisation. In: Grassland in a changing world - Proceedings of the 23rd General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, EGF, Grassland Science in Europe, no. 15, pp. 1012-1014.

Stergiadis, S.; Bieber, A.; Chatzidimitriou, E.; Franceschin, E.; Isensee, A.; Rempelos, L.; Baranski, M.; Maurer, V.; Cozzi, G.; Bapst, B.; Butler, G. and Leifert, C. (2016) Seasonal variation of milk fatty acid profiles from dairy cows crossbred with US Brown Swiss in low-input farms in Switzerland. In: British Society of Animal Science Annual Conference, 6-7 April 2016, Chester, United Kingdom, p. 118.

Stilmant, Didier; Dupuis, Brice; Dubois, Ludowic; De Reycke, Caroline; Rolot, JL; Seutin, Yves and Laguesse, Laurent (2007) Multilocal field trials to test alternative products to reduce copper applications to control potato late blight in organic systems. [Essais multilocaux sur le terrain pour tester des produits alternatifs afin de réduire l'utilisation du cuivre dans la lutte contre le mildiou en agriculture biologique.] In: PPO-Special Report, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving, PPO, Lelystadt, Netherlands, 12, pp. 227-232.

Stilmant, Didier; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Abras, Morgan; Farinelle, Arnaud; Lefèvre, Adeline; Froidmont, Eric; Moerman, Marie; Vankeerberghen, Audrey and Van Damme, Julie (2015) Contribution to the definition of an overall research program for organic farming in Wallonia: identification of priorities for the 2015-2020 period. Paper at: Renc. Rech. Ruminants, Franee, 2015.

Stinner, Walter; Möller, Dr. Kurt and Leithold, Prof. Dr. Günter (2008) Biogas in stockless organic Farming: Effects of Digestion of Clover/grass, Cover Crops and Crop Residues on Nitrogen Cycles and Crop Rotation Productivity. Speech at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stockdale, E A; Phillips, L and Watson, C A (2006) Impacts of farming practice within organic farming systems on below-ground ecology and ecosystem function. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 43-46.

Stockdale, Elizabeth A and Watson, Christine A (2002) Nutrient budgets on organic farms: a review of published. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 129-132.

Stockebrand, Nina and Spiller, Achim (2007) Regional marketing for organic retailers: Status quo and capabilities. In: Proceedings of the 1st IFOAM International Conference on Marketing of Organic and Regional Values.

Stöckli, Sibylle; Felber, Raphael and Haye, Tim (2018) Simulating the Potential Distribution and Abundance of the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (Halyomorpha halys) under Future Climate Scenarios in Switzerland. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 77.

Stöckli, Sibylle; Pfiffner, Lukas; Chevillat, Véronique; Jenny, Markus and Birrer, Simon (2014) An innovative approach to enhance biodiversity on farmland: the credit point system. Poster at: Xth European Congress of Entmology, York, UK, 3 - 8th August 2014. [Completed]

Stöckli, Sibylle and Pierluigi, Calanca (2014) Quantification of climate change impacts on agricultural pests. Paper at: IOBC-WPRS Working Group "Integrated Plant Protection in Fruit Crops" Sub Groups "Pome fruit arthropods" and "Stone fruits", AGES, Vienna, Austria, 6-9 October, 2014. [Completed]

Stockmann, M. Sc. Falko; Graeff, Dr. Simone; Weber, A. and Claupein, Prof. Dr. Wilhelm (2008) Influence of cropping systems on the potential formation of acrylamide in different cultivars of wheat. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stoddard, Fred; Helenius, Juha; Mäkelä, Pirjo; Niemi, Elisa; Seppänen, Mervi and Turakainen, Marja (2007) The role of legumes in bioenergy poduction. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (4), pp. 26-27.

Stoddard, Fred; Nykänen, Arja and Lizarazo, Clara (2010) Fitting legumes into an established farming system. Lecture at: 5th International food legumes research conference (IFLRC V) & 7th European conference on grain legumes (AEP VII), Antalya, April 26-30, 2010.

Stoeva, Svetla; Slavova, Petya and Georgieva, Zdravka (2014) DEVELOPMENT OF THE ORGANIC SECTOR IN POST-SOCIALIST BULGARIA 1990-2013. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 93-96.

Stoll, Evelyne; Schader, Christian; Bohn, Torsten; Reckinger, Rachel; Leimbrock, Laura; Altmann, Gilles and Zimmer, Stéphanie (2021) Integrated Analysis Of The Impacts Of Organic Farming At Farm And Food System Level In Luxembourg. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Stoll, Evelyne; Schader, Christian; Bohn, Torsten; Reckinger, Rachel; Leimbrock, Laura; Altmann, Gilles and Zimmer, Stéphanie (2020) Climate SMART Agriculture: How well does the agricultural sector in Luxembourg perform in terms of climate change? In: EGU General Assembly 2020, Online, 4–8 May 2020, EGU2020-18677, p. 18677.

Stolz, Hanna (2023) Organic Barometer Switzerland. [Biobarometer Schweiz.] Paper at: Session "Consumers of organic food - drivers, barries and trends" at the Biofach 2023, Nuremberg, Germany, February 14-17, 2023. [Completed]

Stolz, Hanna and Schmid, Otto (2008) Consumer attitudes and expectations of organic wine. Paper at: Organic wine and viticulture conference, Levizzano near Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Stolz, Hanna and Stolze, Matthias (2006) Comparison of action plans for organic agriculture in the European Union. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Stolz, Hanna (2010) Preference and willingness to pay for products with OrganicPlus arguments. Paper at: [Unpublished]

Stolz, Hanna; Hamm, Ulrich and Stolze, Matthias (2007) Applicability of analysis techniques to determine consumer behaviour. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Stolze, Matthias (2005) The current agri-policy context: The European Action Plan for Organic Farming and the current CAP Reform. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2005, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremburg, Germany, 24.2.2005-27.2.2005.

Stolze, Matthias (2002) Direct payments coupled to labour force – socio-economic consequences to organic farming –. In: Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress, IFOAM, p. 279.

Stolze, Matthias and Lampkin, Nic (2006) European organic farming policies: an overview. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Stolze, Matthias; Bahrdt, Katja; Bteich, Marie-Reine; Lampkin, Nicolas; Naspetti, Simona; Nicholas, Phillipa and Zanoli, Raffaele (2007) Strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce costs along the food supply chain. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Stopes, Christopher (2005) Putting the Criteria into Practice A Description of the Criteria & Evaluation Matrix. Paper at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brüssel, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Storberget, Sverre; Trandem, Nina; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Cross, Jerry; Fountain, Michelle; Hall, David; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene and Wibe, Atle (2013) Trapping of Lygus rugulipennis in Norwegian strawberry crops. In: NJF Report, 9 (465), pp. 35-36.

Strack, Timo; Cahenzli, Fabian and Daniel, Claudia (2018) Drosophila suzukii control using Kaolin, lime and rock dusts. Paper at: 18th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, Hohenheim/Germany.

Strack, Timo; Cahenzli, Fabian and Daniel, Claudia (2017) Kaolin, lime and rock dusts to control Drosophila suzukii. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologschen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernhemen, Vertrauen stärken, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, pp. 262-263.

Strack, Timo; Cahenzli, Fabian and Daniel, Claudia (2016) Kaolin, lime and rock dusts to control Drosophila suzukii. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7.-10. März 2017.

Strandberg, B. (2013) Plants as food resources for pollinators and other insects. Speech at: Workshop on plant-insect interactions, Skanderborg, 24. Sep. 2013.

Strandberg, B. (2012) Hayfields – Floral resources and pollinators. Workshop at: STEP/CanPolin workshop, Silkeborg , 22.-24. Aug. 2012 .

Strandberg, B. (2012) More than Honey. Speech at: Copenhagen DOX Food on Film , Grand Teatret, København , 10. nov. 2012 . [Completed]

Strandberg, B. (2011) EcoServe – Organic hayfields as resource for pollinators. Speech at: 25th SCAPE meeting , 27-30 Oct. 2011 . [Completed]

Strandberg, Beate (2010) REFUGIA WP4 Hedgerows as refugees for biodiversity. Speech at:

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Strassner, Carola and Roehl, Rainer (2009) Organic Certification of Hotels, Restaurants and Catering in Germany. [Organic Certification of Hotels, Restaurants and Catering in Germany.] In: Fredriksson , Pelle and Ullvén, Karin (Eds.) Proceedings from 1st Nordic Organic Conference. Towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain, Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk (CUL), SLU (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences), Ultuna, Sweden, p. 176.

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Stumm, Christoph; Reinhard, Isabelle; Schmitt, Dominik; Kemper, Roman and Döring, Thomas (2021) Nitrogen Conservation With Cover Crops: Effect Of Cn Ratio And N Losses Over Winter On The Potential To Supply Succeeding Crops. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Stumm, Chistoph; Neuhoff, Daniel and Koepke, Ulrich (2014) Effect of storage temperature during tuber pre-sprouting on sprout and yield development of organically grown potatoes. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 445-448.

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Sugimoto, Hideki; Takuya, Araki; Masahiro, Morokuma and Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2017) Combined Application of Oil Cake and Rice Bran Reduced the Number of Weeds and Increased the Yield of Paddy Rice in a Pad Field Incorporated with White Clover. In: Proceedings of 9th Crop Science Association Conference.

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Sundar, Thapa; Meyling, Nicolai V.; Katakam, Kiran Kumar; Thamsborg, Stig Milan and Mejer, Helena (2013) Evaluation of soil microfungi as biological control agents against ascarid eggs. Poster at: Spring Symposium of the the Danish Society for Parasitology. [Completed]

Sundberg, C.; Kimming, M.; Nordberg, Å.; Baky, A. and Hansson, P.-A. (2013) Organic farming without fossil fuels - life cycle assessment of two Swedish cases. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 103-104.

Sundberg, C.; Röös, E.; Salomon, E. and Wivstad, M. (2013) How can organic agriculture contribute to long-term climate goals? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 37-38.

Sundrum, Albert (2008) Organic livestock production - trapped between aroused consumer expectations and limited resources. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Sundrum, Albert (2002) Carcass quality of organic pork. In: Journée d´Echanges sur l´Agriculture Biologique, pp. 50-52.

Sundrum, Albert; Vaarst, M; Arsenos, G; Kuzniar, A; Henriksen, B; Walkenhorst, M and Padel, S (2006) Recommendations to the formulation of EU regulation 2092/91 on livestock production. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Sundrum, Prof. Dr. Albert (2006) From a standard to an output oriented ap-proach in organic livestock farming. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

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Sundrum, Prof. Dr. Albert; Schneider, Dr. Kerstin and Richter, Diplo. Biologe Uwe (2006) Possibilities and limitations of protein supply in organic poultry and pig production. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

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Sundrum, Albert; Goebel, Amke; Bochicchio, Davide; Bonde, Marianne; Bourgoin, Aude; Cartaud, Gerald; Dietze, Klaas; Dippel, Sabine; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Hegelund, L.; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Prunier, Armelle and Wiberg, Sofia (2010) Health status in organic pig herds in Europe. In: Proc. of the 21st Int. Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress, p. 277.

Sundrum, Albert; Goebel, Amke and Werner, Christina (2010) Diagnostic of post-weaning diarrhoea on the farm level. Poster at: 21st Int. Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 18.-21. July 2010.

Sundrum, Albert and Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne (2014) BRIDGING THE GAP - IMPACT MATRIX ANALYSIS AND COST-BENEFIT CALCULATIONS TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES REGARDING HEALTH STATUS IN ORGANIC DAIRY FARMING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 467-468.

Sundrum, Albert and Werner, Christina (2010) Endoparasite infections and hygiene management in organic fattening herds. Poster at: 21st Int. Pig Veterinary Society (IPVS) Congress, Vancouver, Canada, 18. - 21. July 2010.

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Swensson, Luana and Tartanac, Florence (2021) Using Public Food Procurement To Promote Organic Production And Consumption: The Role Of The Regulatory Framework For Multiple Policy Goals. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

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Sylvander, B.; Le Floch-Wadel, A. and Couallier, C. (2005) The strategic turn of Organic Farming in Europe : a resource based approach of Organic Marketing Initiatives. Speech at: International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Researching Sustainable Systems, Adelaide, Australia, September 21 – 23, 2005.

Sylvander, B.; Schieb-Bienfait, N.; Le Floch-Wadel, O. and Couallier, C. (2004) The strategic turn of Organic Farming in Europe : a resource based approach of Organic Marketing Initiatives. Paper at: XI World Congress of Rural Sociology, Trondheim, Norway, July 25-30, 2004. [In Press]

Sylvander, Bertil (2003) Crédibilité et flexibilité de la certification dans un contexte de globalisation et de crises alimentaires: le cas de l'Agriculture biologique. [Certification’s Credibility and flexibility in the globalisation’s and food crisis framework : the case of Organic Farming.] In: Economies et Sociétés (26).

Sylvander, Bertil and François, Martine (2006) ORGANIC AND LOW INPUT FOOD CONSUMERS: CONCERNS AND PERSPECTIVES FOR DEVELOPING THE ORGANIC MARKET IN THE FUTURE. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Sylvander, Bertil and François, Martine (2005) Organic and Low Input Food Consumers: Concerns and Perspectives for Developing the Organic Market in the Future. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Sylvander, Bertil and François, Martine (2005) Organic and Low Input Food Consumers: Concerns and Perspectives for Developing the Organic Market in the Future,. Speech at: International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Researching Sustainable Systems, Adelaide, Australia, September 21 – 23, 2005.

Sylvander, Bertil; François, Martine; Persillet, V. and Sirieix, L. (2005) Consumer competence and loyalty in a highly uncertain market: a novel learning mechanism in relation to organic farming. Speech at: International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Researching Sustainable Systems, Adelaide, Australia, September 21 – 23, 2005.

Sylvander, Bertil; François, Martine; Persillet, Vanessa and Sirieix, Lucie (2005) Consumer competence and loyalty in a highly uncertain market: a novel learning mechanism in relation to organic farming. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Sylvander, Director of Research Bertil (2006) Organic Farming and food quality chains in Europe. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Sylvander, Dr Bertil; Bellon, Dr Stephane and Benoit, Dr Marc (2006) Facing the organic reality : the diversity of development models and their consequences on research policies. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Szafirowska, Dr Anna and Kolosowski, MSc Slawomir (2008) The effect of companion plants on Lygus feeding damage to bean. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Szente, Viktória; Szakály, Sándor; Bukovics, Zsolt; Szigeti, Orsolya; Polereczki, Zsolt; Székely, Olivér; Berke, Szilárd; Takács, Györgyi; Nagyné Farkas, Rita and Szakály, Zoltán (2006) The role of CLA content of organic milk in consumers’ healthcare. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Søegaard, K.; Sehested, J. and Jensen, S.K. (2010) Vitamin and mineral content and feeding value of different legumes and grass species grown in seven legume-grass mixtures. In: Rasmussen, J.; Schacht, M. and Helgadottir, A. (Eds.) The potential of forage legumes to sustain a high agricultural productivity - a Nordic perspective, pp. 141-144.

Søegaard, K.; Sehested, J. and Jensen, S.K. (2010) Micro-mineral profile in different grassland species. In: Schnyder, H. et. al. (Ed.) Grassland in a changing world, pp. 566-568.

Søegaard, Karen; Eriksen, Jørgen and Askegaard, Margrethe (2008) Herbs in grasslands - effect of slurry and grazing/cutting on species composition and nutritive value. In: Hopkins, A.; Gustafsson, T.; Bertilsson, J.; Dalin, G.; Nilsdotter-Linde, N. and Spörnly, E. (Eds.) Grassland Science in Europe, 13, pp. 200-202.

Søegaard, Karen; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Eriksen, Jørgen (2009) The competitiveness of different herbs in grass/clover pastures. In: NJF Seminar 422. Fostering healthy food systems through prganic agriculture - Focus on Nordic-Baltic region, p. 29.

Søegaard, Karen and Møller, Kaare (2006) Can higher legume diversity reduce clover soil fatigue? Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Søegaard, K.; Eriksen, J. and Askegaard, M. (2011) Herbs in high producing organic grasslands – effect of management. Paper at:

Søegaard, K.; Mortensen, T.B. and Eriksen, J. (2013) Designing high-yielding, high-diversity and low-input temporary grasslands. In: Proceedings 22th International Grassland Congress , pp. 472-475.

Søegaard, Karen and Eriksen, Jørgen (2015) The effect of cutting strategy on production and quality of high-yielding multispecies grasslands. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 20, pp. 319-321.

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Sønderskov, Mette; Melander, Bo; Kaczmarek, Sylvia and Zarina, Livija (2018) Can variety mixtures of spring barley benefit weed management? In: Book of Abstracts - 18th European Weed Research Sciety Symposium.

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Sørensen, Claus G.; Nørremark, Michael; Jørgensen, Rasmus N.; Jensen, Kjeld; Maagaard, Jørgen and Jensen, Lars Aa. (2007) Hortibot: Feasibility study of a plant nursing robot performing weeding operations – part IV. Paper at: 2007 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Minneapolis, Minnesota, US, 17 - 20 June 2007.

Sørensen, Martin T. and Højsgaard, Søren (2007) Effects of field crops on animals: Considerations with regard to design using Chlormequat-treated wheat crop as an example. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Sørensen, Peter (2024) Higher fertiliser value by slurry injection after ploughing. In: Plantekongres 2024, Tjele.

Sørensen, Peter (2022) Nutrient cycling in the Danish long-term experiment with arable cropping -examples. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Sørensen, Poul (2001) Breeding strategies in poultry for genetic adaptation to the organic environment. In: Hovi, Malla and Baars, Tom (Eds.) Breeding and feeding for animal health and welfare in organic livestock systems, Proccedings of the Fourth NAHWOA Workshop, pp. 51-62.

Sørensen, Cand.agro Søren (2003) Simple artificial infection method of Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. with the obligate pathogen Puccinia punctiformis and regrowth from root. In: Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists 22nd Congress, Nordic agriculture in Global Perspective, MMT Agrifood Research Finland and NJF, p. 101.

Sørensen, Anders Christian (2015) Subjective definition of traits and economic values for selection of organic sows in Denmark. Poster at: 66th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Warsaw, Poland, 31 August - 4 September 2015.

Sørensen, Anders Christian (2015) Subjective definition of traits and economic values for selection of organic sows in Denmark. 66th Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Poland, 31 August - 4 September 2015.

Sørensen, Jan Tind; Bonde, Marianne; Rousing, Tine and Møller, Steen Henrik (2006) Herd health surveillance and management in an integrated HACCP based system. Paper at: Proc. XI International Symposium of Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics, Australia, 6-10 August 2006.

Sørensen, Lars Peter and Hein, Lisa (2017) Individual fatty acid measurements in milk from Danish dairy cows. Keynote presentation at: Nordic Workshop in Dairy Cattle Genomics, April 27, 2017.

Sørensen, Peter; Khan, A R; Møller, Henrik B. and Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag (2012) Effects of anaerobic digestion of organic manures on N turnover and N utilization. In: Richards, K.G.; Fenton, O. and Watson, C.J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen Workshop –Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources., pp. 80-81.

Sørensen, Peter; Kristensen, E.; Odokonyero, K. and Petersen, S.O. (2013) Utilization of nitrogen in legume-based mobile green manures stored as compost or silage. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 157-158.

Sørensen, Peter; Mejnertsen, Peter and Møller, Henrik B. (2011) Nitrogen fertilizer value of digestates from anaerobic digestion of animal manures and crops. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (8), NJF seminar, no. 443, pp. 42-44.

Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Aasen, Inga Marie (2019) Extract from Norwegian spruce bark against Eimeria in lambs. Poster at: IFOAM Animal Husbandry Alliance (IAHA) pre-conference to OWC 2020, Rennes, France, September 21-22, 2020. [Submitted]

Sørheim, Kristin; Brunberg, Emma; Grøva, Lise; Lande, Unni Støbet; Tovsen, Marianne Lilletvedt; Grønlien, Kristoffer Gjestvang; Tønnesen, Hanne Hjorth; Mysterud, Ivar; Karlsen, Jan and Skulberg, Olav (2016) Can we prevent alfabruni in lambs? In: Groeneveld, Linn Fenna and Kettunen, Anne (Eds.) Book of abstracts, The Nordic genetic Resource Center, Ås, Norway, p. 44.

Tabaglio, Prof. Vincenzo; Gavazzi, Dott. Carolina and Nervo, Dott. Giuseppe (2008) A comparison of organically and conventionally grown vegetable crops: results from a 4-year field experiment. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Tabrika, Ilyass; Azim, Khalid; Mayad, El Hassan and Zaafrani, Mina (2018) Composting of tomato wastes and sheep manure: An eco-friendly waste valorisation for enhancing the environmental sustainability in Souss Massa region (Morocco). In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 215-220.

Tabrizi, Leila; Koocheki, Alireza and Ghorbani, Reza (2008) Effect of Biofertilizers on Agronomic Criteria of Hyssop (Hyssopus officinalis). Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Tadesse, Mekuria and Neuhoff, Daniel (2005) POTENTIAL OF EXTRACTS OF SOME ETHIOPIAN MEDICINAL PLANTS FOR LATE BLIGHT CONTROL IN ORGANIC POTATOES. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Tahamtani, Fernanda; Berenjian, Atefeh; Gunnarsson, Stefan and Riber, Anja B. (2019) Presentation at ISAE 2019 - Bergen, Norway. In: Proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the ISAE, Wageningen academic publishers, p. 199.

Tahir, Muhammed; Arif, Akhmad and Setyo, Yull (2014) Experience of KORMA in Developing an Internal Control System. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Tahvonen, Raija (2017) Health effects of organic food – what can we say? In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 87-88.

Tahvonen, Raija (2010) Northern berries are superfruits - how to increase consumption and appreciation? Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Takacs, J; Messelink, Gerben and Woelke, J (2019) Effect of entomopathogenic fungi as root endophyte on the development of a specialist & generalist herbivore. Poster at: Dutch Entomology Day, December 13, 2019. [Unpublished]

Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Denwood, Matt; Hansen, Tina; Halasa, Tariq; Rattenborg, Erik; Boes, Jaap; Enemark, Heidi Larsen and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2015) Farm-level risk factors for Fasciola hepatica infection in Danish dairy cattle. Poster at: WAAVP (World Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology) conference, Liverpool, 18 August 2015. [Completed]

Takeuchi-Storm, Nao; Denwood, Matt; Petersen, Heidi Huus; Enemark, Heidi L. and Thamsborg, Stig MIlan (2017) Farm specific transmission patterns of Fasciola hepatica in Danish dairy cattle based on different diagnostic methods and monitoring of grazing management. Lecture at: WAAVP (World Association for Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology) conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, 7 September 2017.

Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Sanchez de Cima, Diego; Tein, Berit; Reintam, Endla; Matt, Darja and Luik, Anne (2014) Green manures as winter cover crops enhance soil improvement and weed regulation in crop rotation. Poster at: TILMAN-ORG project meeting in Lyon, France, Lyon, France, 25.-27.06.2014.

Talgre, Liina; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Tein, Berit; Madsen, Helena and Luik, Anne (2016) Winter cover crops impact on plant nutrients in an organic crop rotation. In: 19th Nitrogen workshop. Efficient use of different sources of nitrogen in agriculture – from theory to practice., pp. 382-383.

Talgre, Liina; Madsen, Helena; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Alaru, Maarika; Reintam, Endla; Kahu, Greete; Loit, Evelin and Luik, Anne (2017) Winter cover crops improve soil properties in organic cropping systems. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 51-53.

Talgre, Liina; Madsen, Helena; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Kuht, Jaan; Alaru, Maarika; Peetsmann, Elen and Luik, Anne (2018) Impact of winter cover crops on soil quality and weeds in organic cropping systems. Poster at: 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences, Austria, 6-7 November 2018.

Talgre, Liina; Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Matt, Darja; Reintam, Endla; Sanches De Cima, Diego and Luik, Anne (2013) In crop rotation green manures as winter cover crops enhance ecosystem services of farming. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), p. 57.

Taliyil, Vanaja; Neema, V. P.; Mammootty, K. P.; Balakrishnan, P. C. and Jayaprakash, Naik (2021) Development Of The First Organic Saline Tolerant Rice Varieties. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Tamm, L.; Fuchs, J.G.; Böger, N.; Mühletaler, L.; Amsler, A.; Levite, D. and Häseli, A. (2004) Eigenschaften von Tonerdepräparaten: Erfahrungen aus der Schweiz. [Properties of acidified clay preparations: the Swiss experience.] Paper at: Internationales Symposium für ökologischen Weinbau. Intervitis Stuttgart, Stuttgart, 12.-13. Mai 2004. [Unpublished]

Tamm, L.; Koepke, U.; Cohen, Y. and Leifert, C. (2007) Development of strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce cost of production in organic and ‘low input‘ crop production systems. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Tamm, L.; Pertot, I.; Schmitt, A.; Verrastro, V.; Magid, J.; Bünemann, E. K.; Möller, K.; Athanasiadou, S.; Experton, C.; Leiber, F.; Steinshamm, H.; Moeskops, B.; Herforth-Rahmé, J. and Maurer, V. (2018) Replacement of Contentious Inputs in Organic Farming Systems (RELACS) – a comprehensive Horizon 2020 project. In: Book of Abstracts. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), 7 - 9 November 2018, Eisenstadt, Austria, p. 47.

Tamm, Lucius; Amsler, Thomas; Schaerer, Hansjakob; Lévite, Dominique and Häseli, Andreas (2006) Current downy mildew control strategies in Swiss organic vineyards. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Tamm, Lucius; Amsler, Thomas; Schärer, Hansjakob and Refardt, Matthias (2006) Efficacy of Armicarb (potassium bicarbonate) against scab and sooty blotch on apples. [Einfluss von Armicarb (Kalium Bicarbonat) auf den Schorf und Regenfleckenkrankheit des Apfels.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 87-92.

Tamm, Lucius; Amsler, Thomas; Schärer, Hansjakob and Refardt, Matthias (2006) Efficacy of Armicarb (potassium bicarbonate) against scab and sooty blotch on apples. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg, pp. 87-92.

Tamm, Lucius; Amsler, Thomas; Schärer, Hansjakob and Refardt, Matthias (2006) Efficacy of Armicarb (potassium bicarbonate) against scab and sooty blotch on apples. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Tamm, Lucius; Häseli, Andy; Amsler, Thomas; Jiménez, Sonia; Thürig, Barbara and Lévite, Doninique (2003) Crop protection strategies in European organic viticulture protection strategies in European organic viticulture. Paper at: 54th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture (ASEV), Reno, Nevada, 20.06.2003.

Tamm, Lucius; Heng, Ming Yuan; Thürig, Barbara; Danton, Ombeline; Ramseyer, Justine; Gupta, Mahabir P.; Hamburger, Matthias; Potterat, Olivier and Oberhänsli, Thomas (2023) Ingadosides A-C, acacic acid-type saponins from Inga sapindoides with potent inhibitory activity against grapevine downy mildew as potential alternatives to copper fungicides. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP, pp. 935-936.

Tamm, Lucius; Thürig, Barbara; Apostolov, Stoilko; Blogg, Hugh; Borgo, Esmeralda; Corneo, Paola Elisa; Fittje, Susanne; de Palma, Michelangelo; Donko, Adam; Experton, Catherine; Alcazar Marin, Evelyne; Morell Perez, Angela; Pertot, Ilaria; Rasmussen, Anton; Steinshamn, Håvard; Vetemaa, Airi; Willer, Helga; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Oberhänsli, Thomas (2023) Use of Copper-Based Fungicides in Organic Agriculture in Twelve European Countries. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP, pp. 964-965.

Tamm, Lucius; Werthe, Ursula; Thuerig, Barbara; Perazzolli, Michele; Giovannni, Oscar; Pertot, Ilaria; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Apostolov, Stoilko and Schmitt, Annegret (2023) Strategies for copper reduction in grapevine, apple, roses and vegetables by using alternative experimental products. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP, pp. 994-995.

Tamm, L.; Thürig, B.; Bongiorno, G.; Postma, J.; Fuchs, J. G. and Oberhänsli, T. (2018) Management of soil suppressiveness against soil-borne diseases. Poster at: International Congress of Plant Pathology (ICPP) 2018: Plant Health in A Global Economy, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, July 29 - August 3, 2018. [Completed]

Tamm, Lucius; Amsler, Thomas; Schaerer, Hansjakob; Lévite, Dominique and Häseli, Andreas (2006) Current downy mildew control strategies in Swiss organic vineyards. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Tamm, Lucius; Bruns, Christian; Leifert, Carlo; Fuchs, Jacques G.; Thürig, Barbara; Specht, Nicole and Fliessbach, Andreas (2006) Impact of soil management practices on soil fertility and disease suppressiveness. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Tanhuanpää, Pirjo; Kalendar, Ruslan; Schulman, Alan and Kiviharju, Elina (2008) A major gene for grain cadmium accumulation in oat (Avena sativa L.). In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (7), p. 88.

Tanhuanpää, Pirjo; Kalendar, Ruslan; Schulman, Alan and Kiviharju, Elina (2008) A major gene for grain cadmium accumulation in oat. Poster at: Risk assessment of global agrifood production chains - NJF's 90 year jubilee symposium : NJF seminar 410, Helsinki, Finland, 5-6 November 2008.

Taniguch, Yoko (2021) Estimating The Japanese Organic Food Market In 2018 Using Consumer Panel Data:A Tentative Result. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Taniguchi, Yoko (2008) Strategies to Induce Cooperation from Farmers in an Organic Food Supply Chain: the Case of Bio Market, Inc., Japan. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Taniguchi, Yoko (2014) The Level of Trust and the Consumer Attitude toward Organic Vegetables: Comparison between Japanese and German Consumers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 773-778.

Taniguchi, Yoko and Matuura, Tatsu (2017) Private Formation of Trust by Non-certified Organic Farms: Findings in Five Case Studies in Japan. Poster at: International Conference on Organic Agriculture in the Tropics, Yogyakarta, Indonesia, August 20-24, 2017. [Submitted]

Tapio, I.; Tapio, M.; Li, M.-H.; Popov, R. and Kantanen, J. (2009) Relatedness among cryo-bank bulls of the Yakutian Cattle breed as estimated with microsatellite data. In: Book of abstracts no. 15, p. 126.

Tarun, Dr. Mercedes (2008) Growth performance of broilers fed with different strains of probiotics. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Taylor, Dick; Younie, David; Coutts, Michael; Matheson, Stella and Mayer, Claus (2002) Experiences with designing and managing organic rotation trials. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 37-42.

Tchamitchian, Marc; Favre, Martial; Bellon, Stephane and Priac, Amandine (2012) Natural regulations and agricultural practices in organic vegetable production. 10. European IFSA Symposium, Aarhus, Denmark.

Tchamitchian, Marc; Penvern, Servane; Cresson, Céline; Fourrié, Laetitia; Taupier-Letage, Bruno; Clement, Rodolphe and Abecassis, Joel (2017) A methodology to go from stakeholder’s expectations to research questions: implementation on organic food processing. Proccedings of the Scientific Track “Innovative Research for Organic Agriculture 3.0”: 19 th. Organic World Congress., New Delhi, India.

Teasdale, John R. and Cavigelli, Michel A. (2008) Performance of Organic Grain Cropping Systems in Long-Term Experiments. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM, Organics International (2016) Challenges for organic farming research in the tropics and research policies. Science Day 2016. Paper at: BIOFACH Congress 2016, Nuremberg, Germany, February 10-13, 2016. [Completed]

Tein, Berit; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Reintam, Endla; Talgre, Liina; Sanchez de Cima, Diego and Luik, Anne (2013) Effect of green manures on weeds, crop yields and soil properties in Estonia. Poster at: 7th ORC Organic Producers Conference: Making producer-led innovation a reality, Birmingham, UK, January 2013.

Tein, Berit; Kauer, Karin; Eremeev, Viacheslav; Luik, Anne and Loit, Evelin (2013) Effect of conventional and organic cropping systems on SOC dynamics. In: Proceedings of the International conference “Soil carbon sequestration for climate food security and ecosystem services” Reykjavík, Iceland 26-29 May 2013.

Termorshuizen, Aad J. and Blok, Wim J. (2005) An Overview of Phytosanitary Risk Aspects of Composting by Organic Farmers. Poster at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

TEWARI, HARISH CHANDER and TEWARI, POONAM (2014) ORGANIC FARMING INTERNSHIP AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS IN INDIA. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Thamsborg, S.M.; Mejer, H.; Bandier, M. and Larsen, M. (2003) Influence of different forages on gastrointestinal namatode infections in grazing lambs. In: Harrington, Kathleen Story (Ed.) Proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, August 10th-14th 2003, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA, p. 189, p. 189.

Thamsborg, Stig (2001) Options for parasite control using tanniferous forages in livestock in Northern temperate areas. Speech at: The 18th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement og Veterinary Parasitology: Promoting Advancement, Preserving Tradition, Stresa, Italy, 26.-30. August 2001.

Thamsborg, Stig; Mejer, Helena and Roepstorff, Allan (2001) Sainfoin reduces the establishment of nematode infections in grazing lambs. Speech at: The 18th International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement og Veterinary Parasitology: Promoting Advancement, Preserving Tradition, Stresa, Italy, 26.-30. August 2001.

Thapa, Sundar; Meyling, Nicolai V.; Katakam, Kiran Kumar; Thamsborg, Stig Milan and Mejer, Helena (2013) Evaluation of soil microfungi as biological control agents against eggs of animal parasitic nematodes. Poster at: Society for Invertebrate Pathology, 46th annual meeting, Pittsburgh, USA. [Completed]

Thatcher, A; Petrovski, K; Holmes, C; Dowson, K; Kelly, T and McLeod, K (2008) A Longitudinal Study of Mastitis on an Experimental Farm with Two Herds, One Managed Organically, the other Conventionally. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Thatcher, A.; Petrovski, K.; Shadbolt, N. and Martin, N. (2014) A STUDY OF SUBCLINICAL MASTITIS IN TWO HERDS, ONE MANAGED ORGANICALLY, THE OTHER CONVENTIONALLY, AND THE EFFECT OF DIFFERENT MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johan Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 823-826.

Theodoropoulou, A.; Giotis, C.; Hunt, J.; Gilroy, J.; Toufexi, E.; Liopa-Tsakalidis, A.; Markellou, A.; Lueck, L.; Seal, C. and Leifert, C. (2007) Effect of variety choice and use of resistant rootstock on crop yield and quality parameters of tomato plants grown in organic, low input and conventional production systems/growth media. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Therkildsen, M.; Andersen, Barbara Vad; Chaaban, Nora; Vestergaard, M.; Christiansen, Iben Alber; Jørgensen, Kirstine Flintholm; Kramer, Camilla; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Kristensen, Troels (2023) GRASS-BASED ORGANIC BEEF FOR SUSTAINABLE EATING. In: Abstract fra 69th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology (ICoMST), Aarhus N, 69, p. 85.

Therkildsen, M.; Andersen, Barbara Vad; Chaaban, Nora; Vestergaard, M.; Christiansen, Iben Alber; Jørgensen, Kirstine Flintholm; Kramer, Camilla; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Kristensen, Troels (2023) Grass-based beef for sustainable eating. In: International Agri Food & Climate Circle 2023, pp. 3-6.

Therkildsen, M.; Andersen, Barbara Vad; Chaaban, Nora; Vestergaard, M.; Christiansen, Iben Alber; Jørgensen, Kirstine Flintholm; Kramer, Camilla; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Therkildsen, Troels (2023) Can quality replace quantity? Pleasure-driven reduction in red meat consumption. In: International Agri Food & Climate Circle 2023.

Therkildsen, M. (2013) Fulfilling demand about organic meat: physical product development with a consumer mind. Speech at: MAPP 2013 Conference, Middelfart, 2-3/12 2014.

Therkildsen, M. (2012) Superb and marketable meat from efficient and robust animals. Speech at: LMC Muscle Food Network Symposium, Tune, 11 October 2012. [Completed]

Therkildsen, M.; Horsted, K. and Steenfeldt, S. (2013) Improved texture of breast meat after a short finishing feeding period of broilers in an organic free-range system. Paper at: EggMeat Symposia 2013, Bergamo, Italy, 15-19 September 2013.

Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Eating quality of Holstein bull calves fed only grass or purely herbs matches that of concentrate-fed veal calves. Poster at: ICOMST, Montreal, Canada, 12-17 August 2012.

Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Eating quality of bull calves fed only grass or herbs match that of concentrate-fed veal calves. Abstract at: Book of Abstracts of the 63nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (2014) Eating quality of filet and round from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein Bulls and Heifers. In: Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (Eds.) Aarhus Universitet, p. 1.

Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (2014) Eating quality of meat from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers. In: Book of Abstracts of the the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 260.

Thioye, Babacar; Castel, Lisa; Hirissou, François; Trinsoutrot-Gattin, Isabelle and Legras, Marc (2019) Behavior of mycorrhizal communities in agroforestry: Case of the walnut plantations associated with maize and faba bean. [Behavior of mycorrhizal communities in agroforestry: Case of the walnut plantations associated with maize and faba bean.] 4th World Congress on Agroforestry, Montpellier, France.

Thommen, Andreas (2003) A common database - the basis for granting derogations. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E. T. and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (Eds.) Report on the ECO-PB Workshop on the proposed EC organic seed regime 2004., pp. 4-5.

Thommen, Andreas and Schmid, Otto (2006) The use of organic cereal seed in selected European countries. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Thomopoulos, MSc P.; Bilalis, Ass. Prof. D.; Konstantas, MSc A. and Efthimiadou, MSc A. (2008) The effect of green manure on root development and cotton yield under Mediterranean conditions. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Thomopoulos, Rallou and Bakalis, Serafim (2017) Information systems and computational methods for decision support in agricultural and food policies: A worst-case scenario in the wheat-to-bread chain. European conference dedicated to the future use of ICT in the agri-food sector, bioresource and biomass sector, Montpellier, France.

Thompson, Michael; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Stadtlander, Timo; Leiber, Florian and Sandrock, Christoph (2020) Environmental impact assessment of black soldier fly larvae production as a feed. In: Eberle, Ulrike; Smetana, Sergiy and Bos, Ulrike (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCAFood2020), 13-16 October, 2020, Berlin Virtually, Germany. DIL, Quakenbrück, Germany, pp. 703-704.

Thomsen, Ingrid K. (2008) Long-term experiments as a platform for monitoring bread wheat quality. In: Christensen, Bent T.; Petersen, Jens and Schacht, Margit (Eds.) Long-term field experiments - a unique research platform, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 84-85.

Thomsen, MH; Tajoacha, N; Wu, C; Hovgaard, S; Houmøller, LP; Holm-Nielsen, JB and Thomsen, AB (2007) Bioethanol from Germinated Grains. Poster at: 29th Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals., Denver, USA, 29/4 – 2/5 2007.

Thomsen, Anne Belinda; Arvaniti, Efthalis; Xu, Jian; Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr; Frenqvist, Tomas; Schultz-Jensen, Nadja; Kádár, Zsófia; Jensen, Morten; Thomsen, Sune T. and Thygessen, Anders (2010) Pretreatment technologies for production of 2G bioethanol from agricultural waste and crops. Speech at: 11th European Workshop on Lignocellulosic and Pulp, Hamburg, Germany, August 16-19.

Thomsen, M.G.; Brandsæter, L.O.; Mangerud, K. and Riley, H. (2013) Control of perennial weeds based on weed biology and environmental considerations. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 75-76.

Thomsson, O.; Bergqvist, A.-S.; Eliasson-Selling, L.; Sjunnesson, Y. and Magnusson, U. (2013) Could a different management routine that strengthens the mother-offspring bond contribute to a more efficient organic piglet production? In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 171-172.

Thorsøe, Martin H.; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2012) Review of perspectives applied in the assessment of organic food networks. In: Proceedings 10th International Farming Systems Association Symposium.

Thorsøe, Martin H. and Kjeldsen, Chris (2012) Complexity and trust – experiences from local Danish Food Communities. Paper at: NJF Seminar 456. Local Food – a step towards better and more environmentally friendly products, Sorø, Denmark, 19-20 September 2012. [Completed]

Thorsøe, Martin H. and Noe, Egon (2014) Conventionalization or diversification? Development in the Danish organic production sector following market expansion. Paper at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1-4 April, 2014.

Thorup-Kristensen, K (2002) Utilising differences in rooting depth to design vegetable crop rotations with high nitrogen use efficiency (NUE). In: Booij, R and Neeteson, J (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae, ISHS, 571, pp. 249-254.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2007) Effect of crop management practices on the sustainability and environmental impact of organic and low input food production systems. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2005) Biodiversity as a tool in crop nutrition. Paper at: Ecosystem services as a tool for production improvement in organic farming - the role and impact of biodiversity, FiBL, Schweitz, April 2005.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2005) Use of green manure, catch crops, and deep rooted crops for nutrient management in an organic vegetable crop rotation. [Brug af grøngødning, efterafgrøder og afgrøder med dyb rodvækst til forbedret næringsstofhusholdning i et økologisk grønsagssædskifte.] In: Book of abstracts.

Thorup-Kristensen, K. (2001) Root growth and soil nitrogen depletion by onion, lettuce, early cabbage and carrot. In: Rahn, CR; Lillywhite, RD; De Neve, S; Fink, M and Ramos, C (Eds.) Acta Horticulturae, ISHS, 563, pp. 201-205.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Brassicas in sustainable production and organic farming. In: Programme and Abstract book, 5th ISHS International Symposium on Brassicas and the 16th Crucifer Genetics Workshop, p. 30.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2008) Nitrogen use efficiency in organic and conventional vegetable rotations.: Measured and model simulated results. In: Acta Horticulturea - Towards ecologically sound fertilization strategies for field vegetable production, p. 71.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Optimising nutrition in organic tomato production. [Gødningsoptimering i økologisk tomatproduktion.] In: Book of abstracts, HDC/HRIA/TGA Tomato Conference, pp. 14-15.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2002) Six years results from an organic vegetable crop rotation aimed at self-sufficiency in nitrogen. Speech at: XXVIth International Horticultural Congress & Exhibition (IHC2002), Toronto, Canada, Agust 2002.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (1999) An organic vegetable crop rotation aimed at self-sufficiency in nitrogen. In: Olesen, J.E.; Eltun, R.; Goulding, M.J.; Jensen, E.S. and Köpke, U. (Eds.) Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming, DARCOF (1), DARCOF report, no. 1, pp. 133-140.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian; Brennan, Mary; Halberg, Niels; Cooper, Julia; Lampkin, Nic and Niggli, Urs (2008) Resource efficiency of organic and low input systems in comparison to intensive agriculture. Paper at: 4th QLIF Congress in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress and the 2nd ISOFAR Conference, Modena, Italy, June 19-20, 2008.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Pedersen, Lene (2006) Cropping systems with winter wheat or spring wheat? Root growth, catch crops, nitrogen leaching and baking quality. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2013) Combining agronomic and breeding approaches for improved nutrient use efficiency. In: Bekker, Heiko (Ed.) Proceedings of the EUCARPIA conference "Breeding for nutrient use efficiency", p. 5.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Kristensen, Hanne L. (2010) Comparing conventional and improved organic vegetable rotations, yields and nitrogen husbandry. In: Book of afstracts from the 28th International Horticultural Congress, p. 641.

Thrupp, Ann (2010) Biodiversity in Organic Vineyards Case Studies from California’s North Coast Region. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Thürig, B.; Schärer, H.-J.; Ludwig, M.; James, E. E.; Langat, M. K.; Mulholland, D. A.; Kleeberg, I. and Tamm, L. (2018) Development of a botanical plant protection product from Larix by-products to protect grapevine from Plasmopara viticola. Poster at: Nationale Bio-Forschungstagung 2018, FiBL, Frick, Schweiz, 23. November 2018. [Completed]

Thyme, Mette and Ambus, Per (2004) From N2 fixation to N2O emission in a grass-clover mixture. In: Hatch, D.J.; Chadwick, D.R.; Jarvis, S.C. and Roker, J.A. (Eds.) Controlling nitrogen flows and losses, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, pp. 365-366.

Thyme, Mette and Ambus, Per (2003) From N2 fixation to N2O emission in a grass-clover pasture. Poster at: 12th N workshop "Controlling N flows and losses", Exeter, UK, 21st - 24th September 2003. [In Press]

Thyme, Mette and Ambus, Per (2002) Production of N2O in grass-clover pastures. In: van Ham, J; Baede, APM; Guicherit, R and Williams-Jacobse, JGFM (Eds.) Non-CO2 greenhouse gases: Scientific understanding, control options and policy aspects, Millpress, Rotterdam, Holland, pp. 149-150.

Thyme, Ph.D. stud. Mette and Ambus, Dr Per (2002) Production of N2O in grass-clover pastures. In: van Ham, J; Baede, APM; Guicherit, R and Williams-Jacobse, JGFM (Eds.) Non-CO2 greenhouse gases: Scientific understanding, control options and policy aspects, Millpress, Rotterdam, Holland, pp. 149-150.

Thøgersen, Professor John (2006) Predicting Consumer Choices of Organic Food: Results from the CONDOR Project. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Thøgersen, John; Pedersen, Susanne and Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica (2017) Impact of Country of Origin and Organic Certification on Consumer Food Choices in Developed and Emerging Economies. Abstract for EMAC 2018. Paper at: EMAC 2018, Glasgow, Scotland, May 29-June 1, 2018. [Submitted]

Tibasiima, Thaddeo; Dissing, Inge Lis; Dissing, Aage; Nalunga, Jane; Isgren, Ellinor and Masereka, Longino (2015) The Potential of ecological farming in delivering social and economic development to small holder farming families (The Rwenzori experience). In: Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 125-128.

Tiemens-Hulscher, M.; Lammerts van Bueren, E. T.; Osman, A.; Jeuken, J.; Groenen, R. and de Heer, R. (2006) Participatory plant breeding: a way to arrive at better-adapted onion varieties. Paper at: workshop ECO-PB, France, june 2006.

Tiemens-Hulscher, Marjolein; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. and Struik, Paul (2012) Crop traits relevant for selecting potato genotypes adapted to low nitrogen availability. Paper at: 19th EUCARPIA general congress, Budapest, 21-24 May 2012.

Tiemens-Hulscher, Marjolein; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. and Struik, Paul (2010) Searching for crop characteristics correlated with nitrogen efficiency in potato. Poster at: Eucarpia 2nd Conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section: Breeding for resilience: A strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?, Paris, 1-3 December 2010.

Tijani, Sarafat A. and Owolabi, Grace (2015) Level of Compliance to Organic Agricultural Practice in the Practical Year Training Programme of University of Ibadan, Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 141-144.

Tilcher, R.; Schmidt, C.; Lorenz, D. and Wolf, G. A. (2002) About the use of antagonistic bacteria and fungi. [Untersuchungen zur Anwendung von antagonistischen Bakterien und Pilzen.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 142-145.

Timmermann, Martin (2007) Farmer's Eye and Breeder's Eye - Fields of Knowledge Exchange as a Condition of a Participatory Breeding Approach. Poster at: EUCARPIA Symposium, Wageningen (NL), 07.-09.11.2007. [Unpublished]

Timmermann, Martin (2006) The Breeder’s Eye – Theoretical Aspects of the Breeder’s Decision-Making. In: Ostergard, Dr. Hanne and Fontaine, Laurence (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR workshop on cereal crop diversity: Implications for production and products, ITAB, Paris, France, pp. 118-123.

Timmermans, B.G.H and Osman, A.M. (2007) Differences between spring wheat cultivars for emergence and early development after seed infection with Fusarium culmorum. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Timmermans, Dr. B.G.H. and Osman, Ir. A.M. (2008) Differences between spring wheat cultivars in susceptibility to Fusarium caused seedling blight. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Timmermans, B.G.H. and Eekeren, N. van (2014) Organic farmers grow grassclover in nature areas to remove soil phosphate for development of specious rich grasslands. In: Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 799-802.

Timmermans, B.G.H. and Eekeren, N. van (2014) Organically grown grassclover in nature areas to remove soil phosphate for development of specious rich grasslands. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Aksoy, Uygun (Eds.) Thünen Report 20, 3.

Timmermans, B.G.H. and Hospers - Brands, Monique (2014) Soil and water salinization and the development of organic saline crops. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 795-798.

Timmermans, B.G.H. and Jansonius, PieterJans (2012) Differences in leaf litter, ascospore production and infection of pear scab (Venturia pirina) in Dutch organic orchards. Paper at: Eco-fruit : 15th international conference on cultivation technique and phytopathological problems in organic fruit-growing and viticulture, Hohenheim, 20-22 February 2012.

Tinatin, Doolotkeldieva (2014) Natural, economic conditions, scientific and technical potential for the development of organic agriculture in Kyrgyzstan. Speech at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Tittarelli, Fabio; Alsanius, Beatrix; De Groote, Stefanie; Fleury, Yannick; Kemper, Laura; Koefoed Petersen, Karen; Lambion, Jerome; Morra, Luigi and Willekens, Koen (2021) Greenresilient: Innovative Cropping Systems In Organic Greenhouse Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Tittarelli, Fabio; Baiano, S; Trotta, S; Bilotto, M; Ciaccia, Corrado; Testani, Elena and Morra, Luigi (2021) Agronomic performances of organic rocket cultivation in greenhouse: a comparison among intensive (Business as Usual), biodynamic and agroecological systems of production. In: Bautze, Lin; Brock, Christopher; Code, Jonathan; Derkzen, Petra; Fritz, Jürgen; Hach, André; Peschke, Jasmin; Ravenscroft, Neil; Sharmila Dass, Regina; Spengler-Neff, Anet; Swann, Richard; Von Diest, Saskia; Wahl, Verena; Wirz, Johannes; Wright, Julia and Florin, Jean-Michel (Eds.) Growing beyond resilience: 2nd International Conference on Biodynamic Research, Section for Agriculture at the Goetheanum, Dornach, Switzerland (online).

Tittarelli, F.; Campanelli, G.; Farina, R.; Napoli, R.; Ciaccia, C.; Testani, E.; Leteo, F. and Canali, S. (2013) EFFECTS OF COVER CROP MANAGEMENT AND COMPOST APPLICATION ON SOIL FERTILITY OF ORGANIC MELON. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 709-712.

Tittarelli, Fabio; Kristensen, H.L.; Campanelli, G.; Bavec , F.; von Fragstein, P.; Testani, E.; Robacer , M. and Canali, S. (2014) EFFECT OF LIVING MULCH MANAGEMENT ON NITROGEN DYNAMICS IN THE SOIL – PLANT SYSTEM OF CAULIFLOWER. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 737-740.

Tittarelli, Fabio; Morra, Luigi; Testani, Elena and Ciaccia, Corrado (2018) Greenrelisient: Agroecological approch to organic greenhouse production in Europe. Poster at: 2nd International GRAB-IT Workshop “Organic farming and agroecology as a response to global challenges”, Capri Island (Naples), Italy, 27-29 June, 2018.

Toenshoff, E. R.; Brunner, H.; Tamm, L.; Schärer, H.-J. and Oberhänsli, T. (2018) Identification and quantification of ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma pyri’ in declining trees of a Swiss cider pear orchard after incision treatment at the stem base. In: Proceedings of the Ecofruit Conference 2018, February 19 - 21, 2018, University of Hohenheim, Germany, pp. 43-49.

Togun, V.A.; Amao, O.A.; Adebisi, J.A.; Okwusidi, J.I. and Williams, O.S. (2014) EFFECT OF ORGANIC TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) FEEDING ON TESTICULAR HISTOLOGY OF RABBITS EXPOSED TO ULTRAVIOLET RADIATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 867-870.

Toivanen, Marko; Huttunen, Sanna; Riihinen, Kaisu; Obey, Jackie and Tikkanen-Kaukanen, Carina (2017) Natural product based anti-adhesion therapy- innovative prevention against bacterial infections. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 96-98.

Tolderlund Rasmussen, Hanne (2009) From grain to feed – process development concerning production of high protein fractions from grain and legum products to be used in extruded fish feed pellets. Poster at: American Association of Cerial Chemists (AACC), Baltimore, USA, 13 - 16 September 2009. [Submitted]

Tolstorebrov, Ignat; Eikevik, Trygve Magne and Bantle, Michael (2017) Low Temperature Drying and Thermo-Physical Properties of Brown Seaweeds (Saccharina Latissima). In: Second Nordic Baltic Drying Conference, 7-9.June 2017, Hamburg, Germany : Proceedings.

Tomasek, Jaroslav and Dvorak, Petr (2009) Alternative protection of potatoes in organic farming. In: Bioacademy 2009 -Proceedings, pp. 42-44.

Tomasek, Jaroslav; Dvorak, Petr and Hlavová, Andrea (2010) Preparatoirs for potatoes in organic farming. In: 45th Croatian and 5th International Symposium on Agriculture, pp. 142-146.

Tontti, T.; Mäkelä-Kurtto, R. and Halinen, A. (2004) Effects of municipal waste composts on soil and crop heavy metals in grass cultivation in Finland. Paper at: The International school-conference plant cultivation in the European North, Petroskoi, November 24-26, 2004.

Tontti, Tiina and Lehtonen, Keijo (2003) The effect of municipal waste composts on grass nutrient yields. Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Tontti, Tiina; Lehtonen, Keijo and Mäkelä-Kurtto, Ritva (2002) Sustainable recycling of compost products in plant production. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Artur; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) Urban areas - rural areas and recycling - the organic way forward?, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, DARCOF Report, no. 3, pp. 183-184.

Toom, Merili; Lauringson, Enn; Talgre, Liina; Tamm, Sirje and Narits, Lea (2017) Finding new cover crops for Estonian conditions. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 49-50.

Topp, C F E; Watson, C A; Rees, R M and Stockdale, E A (2006) Indicator systems - resource use in organic systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 25-28.

Topp, Cairistiona F E; Doyle, Chris J and Watson, Christine A (2002) A framework for assessing crop production from rotations. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 33-36.

Topp, Cairistiona F E; Watson, Christine A and Stockdale, Elizabeth (2002) Utilising the concept of nutrients as a currency within organic farming system. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 157-160.

Torremocha, Eva; Ramos, M.; Guzmán, G.I. and González de Molina, M. (2014) Participatory Action Research experiences in Andalusia. Linking science and day-to-day life. Role of public policies. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Toups, I.; Zimmer, J.; Trautmann, M.; Fieger-Metag, N.; Buchleither, S. and Bathon, H. (2008) Control of the woolly apple aphid (Erisoma lanigerum Hausm.) by releasing earwigs (Forficula auricularia L.) and support oil applications - an interim report of first year results. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 203-207.

Toups, Ina; Zimmer, Jürgen; Trautmann, Martin; Fieger-Metag, Nicole; Buchleither, Sascha and Bathon, Horst (2008) Control of the woolly apple aphid (Erisoma lanigerum Hausm.) by releasing earwigs (Forficula auricularia L.) and support oil applications - an interim report of first year results. In: Proceedings to the Conference, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V., D-Weinsberg, pp. 203-207.

Tovignan, Dansinou Silvère and Nuppenau, Ernst-August (2005) Profit and gender in organic cotton farming in Benin: implication for policy. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Traffano-Schiffo, Maria Victoria; Tylewicz, Urszula; Laghi, Luca; Castro-Giraldez, Marta; Romani, Santina; Rocculi, Pietro; Ragni, Luigi; Dalla Rosa, Marco and Fito, Pedro J. (2017) Effect of pulsed electric field pre-treatment on microstructure and internal transport throughout osmotic treatment of organic kiwifruit. In: Mahnic-Kalamiza, Samo and Heller, Richard (Eds.) Book of Abstract of the 2nd World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine, and Food & Environmental Technologies, Norfolk, VA, USA.

Traoré, Linda Cletchio Gabriella; Coulibaly, Mamadou; Beye, Aminata; Heckendorn, Felix; Sanon, H. Oumou; Sanou, Sita; Coulibaly, Hawa; Coulibaly, Drissa; Mbaye, Tamsir; Fall Ba, Mariéme; Schlecht, Eva and Roessler, Regina (2023) Prevalence and intensity of gastrointestinal nematode infection in small ruminants in three West African countries. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, pp. 369-370.

Trapman, M. (2008) Practical experience with the use of Baking Powder (potassium bicarbonate) for the control of Apple Scab (Venturia ineaqualis). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 68-75.

Trapman, M.; Helsen, H. and Polfliet, M. (2008) Development of a dynamic population model as a decision support system for Codling Moth (Cydia pomonella L) management. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 247-251.

Trapman, Marc (2006) Observations on the epidemiology of Sooty Blotch in Organic orchards in the Netherlands. [Beobachtungen zur Epidemiologe der Regenfleckenkrankheit.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 125-132.

Trapman, Marc (2006) Resistance management in Vf apple scab resistant organic apple orchards. [Resistenz Management in Vf Schorf resistente ökologische Apfelanlagen.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 108-112.

Trapman, Marc (2005) A new system to evaluate Organic Inputs in EU. How does if affect the grower. Paper at: Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system, Belgium, Brussels, 13.10.2005. [Unpublished]

Trapman, Marc (2004) Evaluation of grapefruit seed extract as natural fungicide to control apple scab in organic apple growing. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 202-207.

Trapman, Marc (2004) A simulation program for the timing of fungicides to control Sooty Blotch in organic apple growing. First results in 2003. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 56-66.

Trapman, Marc (2002) The post infection use of Lime sulphur to control apple scab. Experiences in the Netherlands 1999-2002. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 63-75.

Trapman, Marc and Jansonius, Pieter Jans (2008) Disease management in organic apple orchards is more than applying the right product at the correct time. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 16-22.

Trapman, Marc; Maxin, Peter and Weber, Roland W. S. (2008) Diplodia seriata, cause of black fruit rot in organically grown apples in Holland, Belgium and Northern Germany. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 177-181.

Trapman, Marc; Tamm, Lucius and Fuchs, Jacques G. (2004) The effectiveness of winter treatments with copper or lime sulphur to control Sooty Blotch on apple. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 67-72.

Trautmann, Martin and Lange, Eckhard (2000) Zweijährige Ergebnisse der RAK 5-Verwirrung gegen den Kleinen Fruchtwickler am Bodensee. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 62-63.

Trautmann, Martin and Scheer, Christian (2006) Trial to control woolly aphid by earwigs. [Versuch zur Regulierung der Blutlaus mittels Ohrwurmansiedlung.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 43-44.

Trautz, Prof. Dr. Dieter; Koops, Dipl. Ing. (FH) Bianka and Herrmann, Prof. Dr. M.-E. (2006) Cultivation and analysis of anthocyanins containing-, blue potatoes. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Trávníček, Jan; Schaack, Diana and Willer, Helga (2021) Organic Agriculture in Europe: Current Statistics. BIOFACH eSPECIAL, Online, February 17 - 19, 2021. [Unpublished]

Trebbi, Ph.D. Grazia; Fantino, Ph.D. Maria Grazia; Dinelli, Prof. Giovanni; Marotti, Ph.D. Ilaria; Burgio, Prof. Giovanni; Nani, M.D. Daniele and Betti, Prof. Lucietta (2008) Effects of homeopathic and mineral treatments on dark leaf spot caused by Alternaria brassicicola on cauliflower. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Trei, Gerriet; Brandt, Benjamin and Hörning, Bernhard (2008) Experiences of Veterinarians Using Acupuncture on Farm Animals. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

TRIANTAFYLLIDIS, ALESSANDRO (2014) Local Governance through Organic Farming. The bio-district of the Vara Valley, a private/public partnership to assure vitality to a rural area. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Trierweiler, Bernhard and Schirmer, Helmut (2002) Erste Ergebnisse der HeiBwasserbehandlung an okologisch erzeugten Apfeln. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 56.

Trinchera, Alessandra; Parisi, Bruno; Baratella, Valentina; Roccuzzo, Giancarlo; Riva, Francesco; Soave, Ivano; Finotti, Mauro; Bazzocchi, Carlo; Fichera, Daniele; Brigliadori, Marco; Mocciaro, Giacomo and Lazzeri, Luca (2021) Solving Phosphites Emergency In Organic Fruit And Vegetables: The Participatory Biofosf Project. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Trinchera, Alessandra; Debode, Jane; Willekens, Koen; Dane, Sandra and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2018) Functional biodiversity of belowground organism groups. Speech at: SUREVEG 2nd Meeting, Gent, Belgium, 24-26 September 2018. [Completed]

Trouillard, Martin; Bérud, Myriam; Dufils, Arnaud; Lèbre, Amélie and Heckendorn, Felix (2021) Sheep Grazing Organic Vineyards And Orchards: What About Copper Poisoning? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Trouillard, Martin; Lèbre, Amélie; Chevalier, Elise; Ferreyra, Sophie; Groulard, Nathalie and Heckendorn, Felix (2019) Sheep in organic vineyards: landmarks for the risk of Chronic Copper Poisoning. Poster at: 4th World Congress of Agroforestry, Montpellier, France, 20-22 May 2019. [Completed]

Truninger, Monica (2006) Exploring trust in organic food consumption. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Tu Tuyet, Nhung and Whitney, Cory W. (2017) Changes in Organic Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Northern Vietnam. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Andres, Christian; Yadav, A. K.; Ardakani, M. Reza; Babalad, H. B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S. L.; OLOWE, VICTOR; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Proceedings of the Scientific Track at the Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 54, pp. 784-786.

Tully, Katherine; Mcaskill, Cullen and Shade, Jessica (2021) Promoting Soil Health In Organically Managed Systems. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Tůmová, Barbora; Rüegg, Johanna; Armengot, Laura and Schneider, Monika (2022) Participatory agroforestry design – a flexible approach for locally adapted systems. Poster at: International Symposium on Cocoa Research - ISCR 2022, Montpellier, France, 5-7 December, 2022. [Completed]

Tung, Shih-Jui (2007) Interrelationships between consumers’ attitudes, behaviour toward organic food and dietary habits. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Tuovinen, Tuomo (2006) Integration of biological mite control into outdoor strawberry production: a matter of efficacy and economy. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 13.

Tuovinen, Tuomo (2003) Biological control of the strawberry mite by using predatory mites. In: Plant protection in sustainable strawberry production, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 14.

Tuovinen, Tuomo; Kemppainen, Riitta; Kivijärvi, Pirjo and Kauppinen, Sanna (2005) Pheromones in pest control on currants : experiences of monitoring, disruption and mass trapping. Poster at: Environmentally friendly fruit growing -conference, Estonia, Tartu, 8.9.2005. [Unpublished]

Tuovinen, Tuomo; Kikas, Ave; Tolonen, Timo and Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2006) Organic mulches compared to black plastic in organic strawberry production: effects on ground beetles. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 28.

Tuovinen, Tuomo; Kukkonen, Sanna and Järvinen, Outi (2006) Preceding crop has great influence on the density of Pratylenchus crenatus on strawberry. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 22.

Tuovinen, Tuomo and Lindqvist, Isa (2009) Threats of emerging pests due to a warming climate in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (9), NJF Report, p. 6.

Tuovinen, Tuomo and Lindqvist, Isa (2006) Introduction and maintenance of predatory mites as a preventive biocontrol buffer against strawberry tarsonemid mite in greenhouses. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 32.

Tuovinen, Tuomo; Lindqvist, Isa and Karhu, Saila (2003) Heating of strawberry plants for elimination of strawberry tarsonemid mite - possibilities and risks. Poster at: Plant protection in sustainable strawberry production : NJF seminar no 352, Honne, Biri, Norway, 5-6 November 2003.

Tuovinen, Tuomo; Lindqvist, Isa; Kivijärvi, Pirjo and Kauppinen, Sanna (2005) Biocontrol of mites on berries : natural and introduced predatory mites. Poster at: Environmentally friendly fruit growing -conference, Estonia, Tartu, 8.9.2005. [Unpublished]

Tupasela, Tuomo; Tahvonen, Raija; Marnila, Pertti; Vilkki, Johanna and Viitala, Sirja (2017) Milk - new research and product development innovations (Milk-Inno). In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 84-86.

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Turtola, Eila; Lemola, Riitta; Esala, Martti; Kiljala, Janne and Joki-Tokola, Erkki (2003) Nutrient losses from organic and conventional crop rotations - a case study on fine sand soil. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Tuulos, Antti; Stoddard, Frederick ; Yli-Halla, Markku and Mäkelä, Pirjo (2011) Winter turnip rape: a potential N catch crop. In: Food, feed, fuel and fuel : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 207.

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Tylewicz, Urszula; Mannozzi, Cinzia; Romani, Santina; Dellarosa, Nicolò; Laghi, Luca; Ragni, Luigi; Tappi, Silvia; Rocculi, Pietro and Dalla Rosa, Marco (2016) Effect of PEF pre-treatment coupled with osmotic dehydration on physico-chemical characteristics of organic strawberries. In: Pittia, Paola; Schleining, Gherard; Silva, Cristina L.M.; Neri, Lilia and Habershuber, Anita (Eds.) book of abstract, p. 81.

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Uddin, M. Nazim; Hasan, Tuhina; M., Hossain and Siddiky, M. Alamgir (2021) Yield And Quality Evaluation Of Capsicum Genotype Under Mesh Net (Umn) And Open Field At Organically Managed Soil In Bangladesh. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Uddin, M. Nazim; Islam, Ferdouse; Hasan, Tuhina; Quamruzzaman, A. K. M. and Nandwani, Dilip (2021) Organic System Based Evaluation Of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum) For Participatory Plant Breeding In Bangladesh. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Uddin, Md. J. and Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2013) Advisory services on organic farming using ICT’s in Bangladesh. In: Advisory services on organic farming using ICT’s in Bangladesh, IFOAM, CD.

Uddin, Md. J.; Mohiuddin, ASM and Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer (2018) Identification of vulnerable sites for the adoption of organic farming using geo-spatial technologies in Bangladesh. In: Proceedings of 3rd Organic Asia Congress, pp. 1-4.

Udupa, S.M.; Elhaddoury, J.; Krimi Bencheqroun, S.; Thami-Alami, I.; Henkrar, F.; Baresel, J.P. and Finckh, M.R. (2012) Optimising Subsidiary Crop Applications in Rotations (OSCAR): A Perspective for the North Africa Region. In: Second edition of the international congress: "Microbial Biotechnology for Development".

Udupa , S. M.; Elhaddoury , J.; Krimi Bencheqroun , S; Thami-Alami , I.; Henkrar , F.; Baresel , J.P. and Finckh , M.R. (2014) Towards identification of novel legume species of potential interest as cover crops and living mulches for the North Africa region. In: 2nd International Conference of Plant Biodiversity.

Ulfet, Erdal and Adler, Steffen Andreas (2021) Protein From Fractionated Forage Legumes As Feed For Monogastric Animals. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (2017) Organic agriculture in Sweden. Poster at: 2017: NJF Seminar 495 - Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli, Finland, 19-21 June 2017. [Completed]

Ulmann, Selina; Gräub, Benjamin; Maiyo, Faith and Dusabe, Lise (2023) Can SMS, IVR and apps enhance organic farming practices in Africa? In: Labarthe, Pierre (Ed.) Sustainability transitions of agriculture and the transformation of education and advisory services: convergence or divergence?: Book of abstract of the 26th European Seminar on Extension & Education (Toulouse, 10-13 July 2023), pp. 181-185.

Ulvila, Kukka-Maaria; Paloviita, Ari and Puupponen, Antti (2009) Consumers' perceptions of sustainably produced food - a focus group study. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 177-184.

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Urban, Laurent; Aarrouf, Jawad and Nicot, Philippe C. (2013) Prospects for using environmental levers in greenhouses to stimulate plant defences and the quality of fruits and vegetables. 2ème symposium international Organic Greenhouse Horticulture, Avignon, France.

Urban, Jiri (2012) Organic Agriculture in the Czech Republic (Country Report 2011). In: Wiesinger, Klaus and Cais, Kathrin (Eds.) Angewandte Forschung und Beratung für den ökologischen Landbau in Bayern, Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Freising, Schriftenreihe der Bayerischen Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, no. 4/2012, pp. 169-178.

Urban, Jiri (2011) Research for organic farming in the Czech Republic in 2010 and vision of organic research for Eastern Europe. [Výzkum pro ekologické zemědělství v roce 2010 v České republice a vize organického výzkumu pro východní Evropu.] Speech at: BIONET 2011 Conference - new ideas for organic farming, Vienna, 3.3.2011. [Completed]

Urbatzka, Peer; Graß, Rüdiger; Schüler, Christian; Schliephake, Ulrike; Trautz, Dieter and Heß, Jürgen (2008) Grain yield of different winter pea genotypes in pure and mixed stands. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Utz, Claudia; Zweifel, Juliana; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Andres, Christian; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 146.

Utz, Claudia; Zweifel, Juliana; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Andres, Christian; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Poster at: Symposium, “International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field”, HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19 June 2014. [Completed]

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2008) The effects of vegetated buffer zones on erosion and nutrients in surface runoff. Paper at: Mitigation options for nutrient reduction in surface water and groundwaters : COST Action 869, Waidhofen, Austria, 18th-22th May, 2008.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2008) Evaluating vegetated buffer zones for P retention in cereal and grass production. Paper at: Phosphorus management in Nordic-Baltic agriculture - reconciling productivity and environmental protection : NJF seminar 401, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-23.9.2008.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2008) Evaluating vegetated buffer zones for phosphorus retention in cereal and grass production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (4), pp. 68-73.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2006) Nutrient retention of vegetated buffer strips on a cropped field and a pasture. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2005) Faecal bacteria and coliphages in run-off from dairy farms. Paper at: XIIth congress of International Society for Animal Hygiene, (ISAH), Warszawa, Poland, 4-8 September, 2005.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana; Granlund, Kirsti; Palojärvi, Ansa; Rankinen, Katri; Regina, Kristiina and Valkama, Anna-Mari (2003) Buffer strips as filters for nutrients from grazed lands and nutrient cycling on the buffer strips. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana; Huuskonen, Arto; Kuisma, Miia; Nykänen, Arja and Heinonen-Tanski, Helvi (2006) Faecal microorganisms in run-off from cattle farming. In: Tamm, Toomas and Pietola, Liisa (Eds.) NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (5), pp. 101-105.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana; Närvänen, Aaro and Jansson, Håkan (2011) Mitigation of phosphorus and faecal bacteria losses to water from horse paddocks. In: Housing and management of horses in Nordic and Baltic climate, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (2), NJF Report, pp. 22-25.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana; Turtola, Eila; Regina, Kristiina; Ylivainio, Kari; Österholm, Peter; Yli-Halla, Markku; Virtanen, Seija and Nuotio, Eeva (2011) Tools for environmental risk mitigation of acid sulphate soils. Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, 24 th NJF congress, Uppsala, Sweden, June 14-16, 2011.

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Vaarst, M.; Leeb, C.; Nicholas, P.; Roderick, S.; Smoulders, G.; Walkenhorst, M.; Brinkman, J.; March, S.; Ströger, E.; Gratzer, E.; Winckler, C.; Lund, V.; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Hansen, B.; Neale, M. and Whistance, L.K. (2008) Development of animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming in Europe. In: Neuhoff, Daniel et al. (Ed.) Cultivating the Future Based on Science, 2, pp. 40-43.

Vaarst, M.; Roderick, S.; Lund, V. and Lockeretz, W. (2004) Combining Ethological Thinking and Epidemiological Knowledge to Enhance the Naturalness of Organic Livestock Systems. Paper at: Practical Forage and Livestock Production.

Vaarst, Mette (2009) Organic concepts for animal health and welfare. Keynote presentation at:

Vaarst, Mette (2009) CORE Organic pilot project ANIPLAN - presentation at mid-term: Minimising medicine use in organic dairy farms through animal health and welfare planning. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Vaarst, Mette; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Walkenhorst, Michael; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig; Whistance, Lindsay K.; Smolders, Gidi; Stöger, Elisabeth; Huber, Johann; Leeb, Christine; Roderick, Stephen; Winckler, Christoph; Henriksen, Britt I.F.; Nicholas, Pip; Hansen, Berit and Mejdell, Cecilie M. (2010) Farmer groups for animal health and welfare planning in European organic dairy herds. 9th European IFSA Symposium, Vienna (Austria), 4‐7 July 2010.

Vaarst, Mette; Leeb, Christine; Nicholas, Pip; Roderick, Stephen; Smolders, Gidi; Walkenhorst, Micheal; Brinkman, Jan; March, Solveig; Stöger, Elisabeth; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Winckler, Christoph; Lund, Wonne; Henriksen, Britt I.F.; Hansen, Berit; Neale, Madeleine and Whistance, Lindsay K. (2008) Development of animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming in Europe. Speech at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Vaarst, Mette; Nissen, Thorkild B.; Christensen, jens; Klaas, Ilka; Bennedsgaard, Torben W. and Østergaard, Søren (2006) ’Stable Schools’ as a concept for animal health and welfare promotion. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Vaarst, Mette; Roderick, Stephen; Martin, Guillaume; Gunnarson, Stefan; Spengler Neff, Anet; Grete Kongsted, Anne and Bieber, Anna (2021) Strategies And Visions For The Future Of Organic Animal Farming. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Vaarst, Mette; Verwer, Cynthia; Constancis, Caroline; Sørheim, Kristin and Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. (2021) ‘Whose views and ways are changing?’ Perspectives of change and transition related to cow-calf contact systems in European dairy farming. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Organic Animal Husbandry Systems - ways to improvements, Organic Eprints, pp. 35-38.

Vaarst, Mette (2005) Enhancing animal health security and food safety in organic livestock production. 3rd SAFO Workshop, Falenty, Poland, 16-18 September 2004.

Vaarst, Mette; Roderick, Stephen; Martin, Guillaume; Gunnarson, Stefan; Neff, Anet Spengler; Bieber, Anna and Kongsted, A.G. (2020) Potentials, challenges and visions for future European organic animal farming. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Proceedings of the Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, pp. 11-22.

Vaclavik, Tom (2008) Organic retailing development in Europe. Paper at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, February 21 - 24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Vaclavik, Tom (2010) How the organic retailers cope with the economic downturn. Paper at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg, 17. – 20.02.2010. [Unpublished]

Vainio-Mattila, Birgitta (2007) Various measures to achieve the EU goal for the use of bioenergy with special focus on field energy. Challenges for agricultural policy. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (4), pp. 83-85.

Vairo, Daniela; Gambelli, Danilo; Solfanelli, Francesco and Zanoli, Raffaele (2021) Opportunities And Barriers To The Development Of Organic Aquaculture. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Vairo, Dr Daniela and Zanoli, Prof Raffaele (2008) Potential implementation problems of the EU OAP: a failure mode and effects analysis. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Väisänen, Jaana; Forsman, Kristian and Kakriainen-Rouhiainen, Sanna (2003) Possibilities to improve yield of green manured spring barley crop by delayed sowing in organic production. Paper at: Nordic agriculture in global perspective: NJF's 22nd congress, Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Väisänen, Jaana and Pihala, Marjo (1999) The effect of pre-crop and fertilization on baking quality of organic spring wheat. Paper at: NJF congress no. 21, Ås, Norway, 28 June - 1 July 1999.

Väisänen, Hanna-Maija and Iivonen, Sari (2017) Value creation in a successful organic potato supply chain from grower to professional kitchen. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 117-119.

Vakali, Christina; Ulrich, Köpke; Sidiras, Nikolaos and Dimitrios, Bilalis (2002) Possibilities and limits of reduced primary tillage in organic farming. In: Thompson, Robert (Ed.) Proceedings of the 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress "Cultivating Communities", Canadian Organic Growers, CA-Ottawa, Ontario, p. 27.

Vakali, Dr. Christina; Fokion, Dr. Papathanasiou; Ioannis, Dr. Papadopoulos and Eustathios, Dr. Tamoutsidis (2009) Prelimenary results on a comparative study evaluating landraces of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in organic agriculture in a protected area (Northern Greece). In: Sarapatka, Prof. Borivoj (Ed.) Bioacademy 2009-Proceedings, pp. 22-26.

Vakali, Christina and Koutis, Kostas (2014) CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY FOR ORGANIC FARMING IN GREECE. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Valantin-Morison, Muriel (2006) New crop management to improve perform-ance of Organic Winter oilseed in a network of farmer’s fields. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Valero, Constantino; Barrientos, Antonio; Cerro, Jaime; Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Krus, Anne; Roldán, Juan Jesús; Lima, Matheus Cardim Ferreira; Willekens, Koen; Koopmans, Chris J.; Rossing, Walter; Trinchera, Alessandra; Himanen, Sari; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Līga and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) Diversified strip and inter cropping systems: what can we gain in modern organic farming? Workshop at: Workshop at OWC2021, Rennes, France, 08/09/2021.

Valero, Constantino; Krus, Anne; Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Barrientos, Antonio; Cerro, Jaime and Ramirez, Juan José (2021) Single Plant Fertilization using a Robotic Platform in an Organic Cropping Environment. [Fertilización planta a planta empleando un robot en un entorno de cultivo ecológico.] In: Proceedings of AgEng2021, online.

Valros, A.; Ahlström, S.; Rintala, H.; Häkkinen, T. and Saloniemi, H. (2003) Prevalence of tail biting in pigs and associations to carcass condemnations - a Finnish pilot study. Paper at: 37th International congress of the ISAE, Abano Terme, Italy, June, 24-28 2003.

Valtari, Heidi (2008) Local food and supply security. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (7), p. 57.

Van Asseldonk, Drs. Tedje and Beijer, Helen (2006) Herbal folk remedies for animal health in the Netherlands. In: Ertug, Dr. Z. Füsun (Ed.) Proceedings of the IVth International Congress of Ethnobotany (ICEB 2005) Istanbul, pp. 257-263.

van Boxem, Herman (2008) Importing into the EU - Council Regulation (EEC) No 1991/2006. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2008, Nuremberg, February 21-24, 2008.

van Boxem, Herman; Huber, Beate and Schmid, Otto (2007) Exporting to Europe. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

van de Ven, Gerrie and Bos, Jules (2005) Closing nutrient cycles in Dutch organic farming: an explorative scenario study of agronomic consequences. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

van de Vijver, L.P.L.; Broex, N.; Hoogenboom, L.A.P.; van der Roest, J.; Bokhorst, J.G.; Northolt, M.D.; Mevius, D. and Meijs, J.A.C. (2006) Contaminants and micro-organisms in organic and conventional food products. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Van den Eeckhout, Hannes; Luján Sánchez, Ángel and Ugas, Roberto (2014) Organic smallholder women supplying the gastronomic sector in Cusco, Peru. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

van der Burgt, G.J.H.M.; Oomen, G.J.M. and Rossing, W.A.H. (2006) The NDICEA model as a learning tool: experiences in 2005. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

van der Burgt, G.J.H.M. and Wagenaar, J.P. (2007) International training and exchange – a useful instrument in knowledge and attitude dissemination. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

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Volkmann, Ariane; Rahmann, Gerold and Knaus, Wilhelm (2014) FATTY ACID COMPOSITION OF GOAT MILK PRODUCED UNDER WITH DIFFERENT FEEDING REGIMES AND THE IMPACT ON GOAT CHEESE. In: Rahmann, G. and Akosy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 991-994.

Vollenweider, Carl; Finckh, Maria Renate; Weedon, Odette; Buhmann, Kathrin; Eder, Barbara; Spieß, Hartmut; Vogt-Kaute, Werner; Ebert, Ulrich; Völkle, Herbert; Locher, Michael; Weyermann, Verena and Haak, Annette (2021) Agronomic Performance Of Heterogeneous Cereal Populations. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Vollmer, J.H.; Pinnschmidt, H.O.; Munk, L. and Østergård, H. (2005) Simultaneous epidemic development of scald and net blotch on single leaf layers of a spring barley crop. Poster at: 9th international workshop on plant disease epidemiology, Landerneau, France, 11-15 April 2005.

Vollmer, Jeanette and Østergård, Hanne (2004) Studies of interaction between pathogens. Paper at: 11th International Cereal Rusts & Powdery Mildews Conference, John Innes Centre Norwich, UK, 22-27 August 2004.

von Bennewitz Alvarez, Eduardo (2007) Effects of the inoculation with arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungus of the genus Glomus on growth and leaf mineral concentrations of grapevine (Vitis vinifera cv. Cabernet Sauvignon). Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Geyer, Bernd and Reents, Hans-Jürgen (2005) Organic vegetable production in Germany – status quo. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Prof. Dr. Peter; Knudsen, Marie T.; Gooding, Dr. Mike J.; Dibet, Dr. Audret and Monti, Prof. Dr. Michele (2007) Experiences with intercropping design – a survey about pulse cereal-combinations in Europe. Paper at: ISOFAR 2008, Modena, Jun 18-20 2008. [Unpublished]

von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Briz, Teresa; Bavec, Franc; Batista, Joao; Moudry, Jan; Moudry, Jan, Jr.; Konvalina, Petr; Luik , Anne; Matt, Darja; Basile, Salvatore; Langeveld, Cor; Jansen, Bernhard; Nikolova, Svetla; Mynttinen, Rytva; Hytönen, Anne; Mancinelli , Roberto; Radics , Laszlo; Kazimierczak, Renata and Rembialkowska, Ewa (2014) The knowledge transfer from science to practice – a survey with EU researchers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 485-488.

Von Gersdorff, Gardis; Kirchner, Sascha; Hensel, Oliver and Sturm, Barbara (2021) Development Of Sustainable Drying Strategies For Beef Drying. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

von Gersdorff, G. J.E.; Kirchner, S.M.; Hensel, O. and Sturm, B. (2019) First steps towards smart drying of beef slices seasoned with different pre-treatments. In: Proceedings of Eurodrying 2019, 10-12 July 2019, Torino, Italy.

von Gersdorff, G. J.E.; Shrestha, L.; Raut, S.; Retz, S.K.; Hensel, O. and Sturm, B. (2018) Impact of processing temperature on drying behavior and quality changes in organic beef. Poster at: 21st International Drying Symposium, IDS 2018, Valencia, Spain, 11-14 September 2018. [Completed]

von Gersdorff, GardisJ.E.; Crichton, StuartO.J.; Retz, Stefanie K.; Hensel, Oliver and Sturm, Barbara (2016) Drying of fresh organic beef with differnt pretreatments. In: Proccedings of the 20th International Drying Symposium (IDS 2016), 7-10 August 2016, Gifu, Japan.

von Oelreich, Jacob and Milestad, Rebecka (2015) Transformations towards resilience within the food system: scaling up two organic food value chains in Sweden. Conference proceeding and presentation at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 August 2015.

Vondrášková, B.; Čermák, B.; Vašátková, L.; Fabiánová, R.; Lád, F. and Jílek, R. (2006) The influence of herbage on selected parameters of milk and meat quality. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Vonzun, Seraina; Blatter, Anna; Wuest, Samuel; Hiltbrunner, Jürg and Messmer, Monika (2023) Investigating mixed cropping systems with pea and lentils for climate-smart and demand oriented agriculture. In: Fourth International Legume Society Conference 2023 – ILS4. Book of Abstract. 19.-22.9.2023, Granada, Spain, pp. 50-51.

Vonzun, Seraina; Messmer, Monika; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Wuest, Samuel; Blatter, Anna; Oppliger, Corina; Haug, Benedikt; Wille, Lukas and Hohmann, Pierre (2021) Optimising species complementarities in mixed cropping systems to secure local protein supply. Poster at: AAB Conference: Intercropping for sustainability, Online, via Zoom, 18.-20.01.2021. [Completed]

Voorrips, Roeland E.; Steenhuis-Broers, Greet; Tiemens-Hulscher, Marjolein and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T. (2008) Plant traits affecting thrips resistance in cabbage. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Voorrips, Roeland E.; Steenhuis-Broers, Greet; Tiemens-Hulscher, Marjolein and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T. (2006) Factors affecting thrips resistance in cabbage. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Voorrips, Roeland E.; Zijlstra, Sierd; Köhl, Jürgen and Kastelein, Pieter (2006) Black spot diseases in carrot. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Vorstermans, B.; Van Laer, S.; Creemers, P.; Jijakli, H. and Pujos, P. (2008) Improving control of storage diseases on apple by combining biological and physical post-harvest methods. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 172-176.

Voutila, L.; Partanen, K. and Siljander-Rasi, H. (2013) Feed intake and weight and body condition changes of 100% organically fed lactating sows. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 73-74.

Wagenaar, J.P.T.M. and Langhout, J. (2007) Suckling systems in calf rearing in organic dairy farming in the Netherlands. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Wagenaar, J.P.T.M. and Smolders, E.A.A. (2008) Mastitis incidence and milk quality in organic dairy farms which use suckling systems in calf rearing. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Wagenaar, Jan-Paul (2009) Happy Dutch organic calves: suckling systems in organic dairying in the Netherlands. In: Lund, Vonne and Mejdell, C.M. (Eds.) Calf welfare in organic herds - planning for the future, National Veterinairy Institute, pp. 17-22.

Wahab, Adesina A; Dada, Olasunkanmi A; Aina, Oluseyi; Agbanna, Kola and Hamza, Abdulmajeed (2018) Influence of poultry composted manure on soil organic carbon and selected soil properties under Tomato cultivation. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 175-180.

Wahyudi, David (2021) Organic Rice Standard: Transition Toward Sustainable Organic Food System. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Waiblinger, Susanne; Mülleder, Cornelia and Menke, Christoph (2006) The human-animal relationship and animal health management. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Wald, Fabian; Pekrun, Carola and Claupein, Wilhelm (2000) Effect of tillage intensity and timing on nitrogen mineralization after a perennial forage crop. In: Proceedings of the 3rd International Crop Science Congress, p. 40.

Walkenhorst, M.; Maurer, V.; Athanasiadou, S.; Still, K.; Yanez-Ruiz, D.; Fauriat, A.; Chemin, E.; Tavares, O. and Experton, C. (2021) Animal health and welfare planning for European organic dairy herds – development and expansion. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Davos, Switzerland. 30 August - 3 September 2021, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, no. 27, p. 494.

Walkenhorst, Michael; Heil, Fritz; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Klocke, Peter; Mäschli, Ariane and Notz, Christoph (2006) Focussing on health promotion on organic farming in practice – the example of the Swiss pro-q project. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Walkenhorst, Michael; Notz, Christophe; Klocke, Peter; Spranger, Jörg and Heil, Fritz (2004) Organic conform udder health concepts. How to reduce therapies. Speech at: 2nd SAFO workshop. Development of organic livestock farming: potential and limitations of husbandry practice to secure animal health, welfare and food quality, University of Kassel in Witzenhausen, 25.-27.03.2004.

Walkenhorst, M.; Hamburger, M.; Ivemeyer, S. and Schmid, K. (2011) Traditional use of herbs for treatment of farm animals by organic farmers in three Swiss cantons. In: Herbal Product in Animal Health and Nutrition - Book of Abstracts.

Walker, R L; Svoboda, K; Booth, E J and Walker, K C (2006) Coloured mulch as a weed control technology and yield booster for summer savory. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 233-236.

Walker, R L; Watson, C A; Rees, R M and Stockdale, E A (2006) Improving supply and phosphorous use efficiency in organic farming systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 311-315.

Walker, Dr R L; Taylor, Dr B R; Watson, Dr C A and Younie, Mr D (2006) Sustainability of long-term organic ley/arable crop rotations in Northern Scotland. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Wallenbeck, Anna and Rydhmer, Lotta (2008) Relationships between sow and piglet traits in organic production outdoors and indoors. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Wallenbeck, A.; Bieber, A.; Spengler Neff, A.; Fuerst-Walt, B; Winckler, C.; Ivemeyer, S.; Simantke, C.; March, S.; Brinkmann, J.; Rousing, T.; Sorensen, J.T.; Walczak, J.; Wojcik, P. and Ribikauskas, V. (2016) Characteristics of organic dairy farm types in seven European countries. In: Book of Abstracts of the 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publisher, Book of abstracts, no. 22, p. 306.

Wallenbeck, A.; Eliasson, C. and Alarik, M. (2013) Associations between pig leg health and lean meat growth in commercial organic herds. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 167-168.

Wallenbeck, A.; Neil, M; Lundeheim, N. and Andersson, K.H. (2014) Mussel meal diets to growing/finishing pigs: influence on performance and carcass quality. In: Book of Abstracts of the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, p. 249.

Walther, B.; Fülling, O.; Malevez, J. and Pelz, H.-J. (2008) How expensive is vole damage? In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Proceedings to the Conference, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau.e.V., D-Weinsberg, pp. 330-334.

Walther, B. and Pelz, H.-J. (2004) Prevention of vole damage in organic pomiculture. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 55.

Wander, Michelle; Eastman, Catherine; Zaborski, Edmond; Eastburn, Darin; Masiunas, John; Engiseth, Nicki; Ugarte, Carmen; Marzano, Shinyi and Rosa, Isabel (2008) Cropping Intensity and Organic Amendments in Transitional Farming Systems: Effects on Soil Fertility, Weeds, Diseases and Insects. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Wander, Michelle M.; Marriott, Emily E. and Wang, Yun (2005) Interpreting soil organic matter characteristics in organic farming systems. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Wang, Wen-Xiu; Hempel, Corinna and Roosen, Jutta (2023) A means-end chain approach to investigate motives for the choice of bread made from heritage cereals (conference abstract). In: Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V..

Wang, Wen-Xiu; Hempel, Corinna and Roosen, Jutta (2023) A means-end chain approach to investigate motives for the choice of bread made from heritage cereals. Paper at: 63. GEWISOLA-Jahrestagung 2023, Göttingen, Deutschland, 20.09.-22.09.2023. [Completed]

Wang, Lina; Gruber, Sabine and Claupein, Wilhelm (2011) Lentil-barley mixed cropping with different lentil varieties and sowing dates. [Anbau verschiedener Linsengenotypen in Mischkultur mit Gerste bei variierten Aussaatzeiten.] Poster at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 16.-18. März 2011.

Wang, Run-Chi; Zong, Liang-Gang; Yan, Jia; Luo, Min and Hu, Yun-Feng (2014) SIMULATION EXPERIMENT OF ORGANIC FARMING SYSTEM: CHANGES OF SOIL ORGANIC CARBON AND MICROBIAL COMMUNITIES BY ORGANIC FERTILIZATION. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 125-128.

Wanke, Diethild and Boehncke, Engelhard (2002) Conservation of livestock genetic resources by targeted on-farm management: a case study of Hinterwälder Cattle in the Southern Black Forest. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 237-242.

Wannemacher, Daniela (2014) BNN-Guidelines for organic retail ranges. Meeting consumer expectations and defining ecological ranges. [BNN-Sortimentsrichtlinien für den Naturkost-Fachhandel.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Warlop, F. (2008) Can models be useful for deciding to convert to organic fruit growing ? An introduction to the discussion. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 182-185.

Warlop, Franç,ois (2002) Efficacy and Pertinence 01 Heat Treatments against Monilia Decay in Commerciai Condition. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, p. 57.

Warlop, François; Bellec-Gauche, Agnès; Léger, François and Morel, Kévin (2021) Agroforestry Market Gardening: A Strategic Choice ToImprove Sustainability In Agroecological Transition? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

WARLOP, Francois and BOMPEIX, Gilbert (2005) Relevance of hot water treatments for decay control. Paper at: FRUTIC 05, Montpellier, France, October 2005. [Unpublished]

WARLOP, FRANCOIS; LATEUR, MARC and DAPENA, ENRIQUE (2010) Urgent need for new apple breeding methods better adapted to low-input agro ecosystems. Keynote presentation at: Breeding for resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?, Paris, 1-3 dec. 2010. [In Press]

Warlop, Francois (2016) SMART PROJECT : Agroforestry systems using fruit trees and vegetables in France. In: Book of Abstracts of the 3rd European Agroforestry Conference.

Warlop, Francois; Penvern, Servane; Weibel, Franco; Herz, Annette; Porcel, Mario; Tchamitchian, Marc and Sigsgaard, Lene (2015) Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards : the ECOORCHARD project. Poster at: INNOHORT 2015, Avignon, 8-12 June 2015.

Warlop, Francois; Timmermans, B.G.H.; Brouwer, Gerjan; Nybom, Hilde; LATEUR, MARC; Kelderer, Markus; Weibel, Franco; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; GARCIN, Alain; Haug, Philipp and DAPENA, ENRIQUE (2014) How to optimize fruit and berry cultivar selection for organic farmers ? A comparison of European approaches. In: ECOFRUIT 2014 proceedings.

Warnars, Lavinia (2014) Bioslurry: a supreme fertilizer. Positive effects of bioslurry on crops. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Warnecke, Sylvia; Schulz, Franziska; Paulsen, Hans Marten and Rahmann, Gerold (2014) DIFFERENCES IN FEEDING PRACTICES ON ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL DAIRY FARMS – DATA FROM A FARM NETWORK. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 343-346.

Waterfield, William (2002) Benchmarking as a means of improving the financial wellbeing of organic dairy farms. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 293-294.

Watson, C A; Chamberlain, D E; Norton, L R; Fuller, R J; Atkinson, C J; Fowler, S M; McCracken, D I; Wolfe, M S and Walker, R L (2006) Can organic farming deliver natural heritage goals in the UK uplands? In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 5-8.

Watson, Dr C A; Walker, Dr R L; Rees, Dr R M and Stockdale, Dr E A (2006) Phosphorus in organic farming systems: Improving supply and use efficiency. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Watson, Christine; Walker, Robin and Topp, Kairsty (2022) A tale of two rotations 1991-date. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Watson, Christine and Stockdale, Elizabeth (2013) Long-term management of nutrients in organic farming - priciples and practice. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 23-26.

Waweru, Esther Wanjiku (2015) How to Submit a Paper for 3rd African Organic Conference 2015. Paper at:

Waweru, Esther Wanjiku; Namuwoza, Chariton D.B; Gachanja, Eustace and Gama, Jordan (2015) Strengthening Collaboration Between Researchers and Practitioners within the Organic Sector in East Africa. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 193-196.

Weber, Dipl.-Ing. sc. agr. Ernst Albrecht; Elfadl, Msc. Elfadl; Reinbrecht, Dr. agr. Carsten; Graeff, Dr. agr. Simone and Claupein, Prof. Dr. agr Wilhelm (2008) Searching for an alternative oil crop for organic farming systems in temperate climates. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Weber, M. (2008) Sustainable apple breedings needs sustainable marketing and management. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 232-237.

Weber, Roland W. S. and Klopp, Karsten (2006) Nectria galligena as the cause of a collar rot disease in organically grown Topaz apple trees. [Nectria galligena als Ursache einer Kragenfäule-ähnlichen Krankheit bei der Apfelsorte Topaz im ökologischen Obstbau.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 121-124.

Weedon, Odette; Brumlop, Sarah; Heinrich, Sven; Boening, Andreas; Elsner, Maren; Finckh, Maria R.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Nuijten, E.; Messmer, Monika; Baresel, Jörg Peter; Goldringer, I.; Péter, Mikó; Megyeri, Maria; Borgen, Anders; Rasmussen, Søren K.; Pearce, Bruce and Wolfe, Martin (2016) Agronomic performance of two generations (F12 and F13) of thirteen winter wheat composite cross wheat populations with differing cultivation histories in 2014/15. Poster at: EUCARPIA Conference 2016, Zürich, Switzerland, 29-1 September 2016. [Unpublished]

Weedon, Odette; Brumlop, Sarah; Heinrich, Sven and Finckh, Maria R. (2016) Yield stability analysis for three winter wheat composite cross populations under organic and conventional management over five years. In: Plant Breeding: the Art of bringing Science to Life. Abstracts of the 20th EUCARPIA General Congress..

Weedon, Odette and Finckh, Maria R. (2015) Yield stability in winter wheat composite cross populations under organic and conventional conditions from the F5 to the F13. In: COBRA Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity: Program and Abstracts for the final COBRA Conference.

Weedon, Odette; Haak, Jette; Brumlop, Sarah; Heinrich, Sven and Finckh, Maria R. (2015) The effect of changing environmental conditions on composite cross winter wheat populations over six years from the F8 to the F14. In: Conference Proceedings COBRA, 1 (1).

Weedon, Odette; Haak, Jette; Heinrich, Sven and Finckh, Maria R. (2015) Performance and variability of thirteen winter wheat composite cross populations (CCP) with differing cultivation histories. In: Conference Documents Plant 2030 Status Seminar, 15 (1).

Wegner, Karin; Hilger, Hilmar and Schlage, Marion (2014) Monitoring Sustainability Functioning, aims and results of the BNN-Monitor on Sustainability. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Weibel, F.P.; Bickel, R.; Leuthold, S. and Alfoeldi, T. (2000) Are organically grown apples tastier and healthier? A comparative field study using conventional and alternative methods to measure fruit quality. In: Herregods, M. (Ed.) Acta Horticulturae, pp. 417-426.

Weibel, Franco and Leder, Alfred (2004) Consumer Reaction to the «Flavour Group Concept» to introduce Scab Resistant Apple Varieties into the Market. «Variety-Teams» as a Further Development of the Concept. In: 11th Conference on Cultivation Technique und Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit Growing. Proceedings to the Conference February 3rd to 5th 2004 at Weinsberg / Germany. D-Weinsberg, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau.e.V. Weinsberg, pp. 196-201.

Weibel, Franco and Leder, Alfred (2004) Consumer Reaction to the «Flavour Group Concept» to introduce Scab Resistant Apple Varieties into the Market. «Variety-Teams» as a Further Development of the Concept. [Konsumenten-Reaktion auf das «Geschmacksgruppen-Konzepte» zur Markteinführung schorfresistenter Apfelsorten. «Sorten-Teams» als weitere Entwicklungsstufe des Konzepts.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 196-201.

Weibel, Franco P.; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Tschabold, Jean-Luc and Stadler, Walter (2006) Fruit thinning in organic apple growing with optimized timing and combination strategies including (new) natural spray products and mechanical rope-devices. [Fruchtausdünnung im ökologischen Apfelanbau mit optimiertem Timing und Kombinationen von (neuen) natürlichen Mitteln und mechanischer Ausdünnung mit dem Fadengerät.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) ecofruit - 12th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 31st January to 2nd February 2006 at Weinsberg/Germany, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V. (FÖKO), Weinsberg, Germany, pp. 183-197.

Weibel, Franco P.; Saikov, Aleksander and Bigler, Christoph (2005) First results with the Gas Discharge Visualisation (GDV) method (Kirlian photography) to assess the inner Quality of apples. In: Organic Food Quality and Health Association (FQH) (2005): Where we achieved - where we will go. Proceedings of the First Scientific FQH Conference held in Frick, Switzerland. Kassel, p. 77.

Weibel, Franco P.; Treutter, Dieter; Graf, Ursula and Häseli, Andi (2004) Geschmack- und gesundheitsrelevante Qualität von ökologisch angbauten Äpfeln: Eine 3jährige Feldvergleichsstudie mit standard- und ganzheitlichen Untersuchungsmethoden. [Sensory and Health-related Quality of Organic Apples: A comparative Field Study over three Years using Conventional and Holistic Methods to Assess Fruit Quality.] Paper at: 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing, Weinsberg/ Germany, 03.-05.02.2004. [Unpublished]

Weibel, Franco P.; Treutter, Dieter; Häseli, Andi and Graf, Ursula (2004) SENSORY AND HEALTH-RELATED FRUIT QUALITY OF ORGANIC APPLES. A COMPARATIVE FIELD STUDY OVER THREE YEARS USING CONVENTIONAL AND HOLISTIC METHODS TO ASSESS FRUIT QUALITY. [GESCHMACKS- UND GESUNDHEITSRELEVANTE QUALITÄT VON ÖKOLOGISCH ANGEBAUTEN ÄPFELN: EINE 3JÄHRIGE FELDVERGLEICHSSTUDIE MIT STANDARD- UND GANZHEITLICHEN UNTERSUCHUNGSMETHODEN.] In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 185-195.

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Weihrauch, Florian; Eckert, Markus and Engelhard, Bernhard (2007) An ancient compound rediscovered: perspectives of aphid control in organic hop growing by the use of quassia products. In: Proceedings of the Scientific Commission of the International Hop Growers´ Convention, Scientific Commission, I.H.G.C., Hop Research Center Hüll, D-Wolnzach, pp. 105-108.

Weihrauch, Florian; Schwarz, Johannes and Engelhard, Bernhard (2008) Quassia, an Effective Aphid Control Agent for Organic Hop Growing. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Weiler, Carolin Susanne; Sana, Sadia; Zikeli, Sabine and Möller, Kurt (2021) Effects Of Alternative Fertilisers From Food And Household Waste And Clover Based On Yield Of Organic Cabbage (Brassica Oleracea Convar. Capitata Var. Alba L.). Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Weinhappel, M. (2017) LIVESEED - A project boosting varieties and seeds in organic farming funded by EU. In: Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs (Ed.) Tagungsband der 68. Jahrestagung der Vereinigung der Pflanzenzüchter und Saatgutkaufleute Österreichs, 20.-22. November 2017, Raumberg-Gumpenstein, p. 63.

Weißmann, Friedrich; Bussemas, Ralf and Falk, Anna (2012) A study on four feeding strategies of 100% organic origin for piglets concerning performance, health status, losses and economy in organic agriculture. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, pp. 288-290.

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Weisshaidinger, R.; Frick, R.; Moakes, S.; Müller, A.; Bartel, A.; Schwank, O.; Biedermann, R. and Stolze, M. (2018) Opportunities for farming in alpine countries – pathways to truly grassland-based beef and milk production in Austria and Switzerland. In: Book of Abstracts. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), 7 - 9 November 2018, Eisenstadt, Austria, p. 55.

Weisshaidinger, R.; Petrasek, R.; Hörtenhuber, S.; Scheuch, M.; Scheurich, A.; Schweiger, S.; Gadermaier, J.; Bartel-Kratochvil, R.; Drapela, T.; Teriete, M.; Lindenthal, T. and Schader, C. (2018) Sustainability assessment of organic dairy farms in mountainous areas of Austria. In: Book of Abstracts. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), 7 - 9 November 2018, Eisenstadt, Austria, p. 54.

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Welsh, James P; Philipps, Lois and Cormack, William F (2002) The long-term agronomic performance of organic stockless rotations. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 47-50.

Welsh, Jean; Braun, Hayley; Brown, Nicole; Um, Caroline; Ehret, Karen; Figueroa, Janet; Boyd Barr, Dana and Shade, Jessica (2021) Production-Related Contaminants (Pesticides, Antibiotics And Hormones) In Organic And Conventionally Produced Milk Samples Sold In The Usa. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Wendling, Marina; Büchi, Lucie; Jeangros, Bernard; Walter, Achim and Charles, Raphael (2018) Cover Crop Productivity in Contrasting Growing Conditions and Influence on the Subsequent Crop. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, Frick, p. 47.

Wenker, Margret L.; Keyserlingk, Marina A.G.Von; Bokkers, Eddie A.M.; Lecorps, Benjamin; Reenen, Cornelis G. van; Verwer, Cynthia and Weary, Daniel M. (2019) Effect of cow-calf contact on motivation of dairy cows to access their calf. In: Newberry, Ruth C. and Braastad, Bjarne O. (Eds.) ISAE 2019 Proceedings of the 53rd Congress of the ISAE Animal Lives Worth Living, Wageningen Academic Publisher, Wageningen, NL, 53, p. 259.

Werne, S.; Arnold, N.; Perler, E. and Leiber, F. (2018) Sainfoin pellets for preventive parasite control and improved protein efficiency in dairy goats. In: Book of Abstracts of the 69th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 220.

Werne, S.; Bam, J.; Holinger, M.; Steiner, A.; Thüer, S.; Leubin, M. and Leiber, F. (2020) Young steers do not benefit from short term sequential grazing with lambs. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 334.

Werne, S.; Maurer, V.; Perler, E.; Amsler, Z.; Probst, J.; Zaugg, C.; Krenmayr, I.; Schwery, M.; Volken, H. and Heckendorn, F. (2012) Sainfoin – New Data on Anthelmintic Effects and Production in Sheep and Goats. In: Rahmann, Gerold and Godinho, Denise (Eds.) Tackling the Future Challenges of Organic Animal Husbandry, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut Federal Research Institute for Rural Areas, Forestry and Fisheries, Landbauforschung Sonderheft 362, pp. 240-245.

Werne, Steffen; Arnold, Nadine; Perler, Erika and Leiber, Florian (2020) Sainfoin pellets for preventive parasite control and improved protein efficiency in dairy goats. In: Proceedings of the International Congress on the Breeding of Sheeps and Goats, p. 122.

Werne, Steffen; Moakes, Simon; Hoste, Herve; Verkaik, Jan; Verwer, Cynthia; Petkevičius, Saulius and Athanasiadou, Spiridoula (2019) Worm control on organic farms in the EU: Management and the farmers’ point of view. Paper at: Joint meeting of the COMBAR Working Groups and the ACSRPC "Anthelmintic resistance in ruminants: who cares", Ghent, Belgium, 27-29 August, 2019. [Completed]

Werner, Christina and Sundrum, Prof. Dr. Albert (2006) Comparison of homeopathic and chemotherapeutic treatment strategies in the case of bovine clinical mastitis. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Werner, Christina; Goebel, Amke and Sundrum, Albert (2009) Relationship between hygiene management and endoparasite infections in 20 sow herds. In: Proceedings of the XIV ISAH-Congress 2009 (International Society of Animal Hygiene), 19th to 23rd July, Vechta, Germany, pp. 561-564.

Weronika, Swiergiel; Mario, Porcel; Joakim, Pålsson and Marco, Tasin (2017) Konceptuell modell  Övervakningsmetoder för naturliga fiender i relation till skadegörarförekomst, biologi och metodernas styrkor och svagheter. [Monitoring methods for natural enemies in relation to pests, biology and the strengths and weaknesses of different methods.] In: Trädgårdskonferensen 2017. [Completed]

Werries, Andreas; Kahl, Dr. Johannes; Fleck, Michael; Arncken, Christine; Schaefer, Betram; Treutter, Prof. Dieter and Ploeger, Prof. Angelika (2006) Validation of HPLC-methods for measurements of secondary plant compounds in carrots followed by multivariate statistical analysis. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Westphal, M.Sc. Derk; Loges, Dr. Ralf and Taube, Prof. Dr. Friedhelm (2008) Winter grazing as an alternative to mulching or mowing grass clover swards. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Wheeler, Sarah (2005) What do agricultural professionals think about organic agriculture and biotechnology? Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Whistance, Lindsay and Moeskops, Bram (2021) OK-Net EcoFeed: working towards 100% organic and regional feed for monogastrics in Europe. In: Proceedings of the IAHA Video-Conference on Organic Animal Hunsbandry. 21. and 22. September 2020, linked to the 20th Organic World Congress of IFOAM 2021, pp. 91-95.

Whitney, Cory; Gebauer, Jens and Anderson , Molly (2014) Wild Collection and Cultivation of Native Species in Iceland. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 607-610.

Whitney, Cory W.; den Braber, Koen; Từ Tuyết, Nhung and Thorndal Jørgensen, Søren (2014) Measurable Impacts of the “Principles of Organic Agriculture”; Survey of a Vietnamese Organic PGS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy , U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1191-1194.

Whitney, Cory W. and Gebauer, Jens (2014) Homegardens in Uganda. Diversity and Potential. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1115-1118.

Whitney, Cory W. and Từ Tuyết, Nhung (2014) Building Food Communities: Farm Management Schemes within Organic PGS; Survey and Analysis in Soc Son, Hanoi, Vietnam. In: Proceedings of the OWC Pre-Conference Building Food Communities is Bringing Together Community- Supported Agriculture (CSA) and Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS), pp. 1-2.

Whitney, Cory W. ; den Braber, Koen; Từ Thị Tuyết, Nhung and Jørgensen, Søren Thorndal (2014) Farm Management Schemes within Organic PGS Survey and Analysis in Sóc Sơn, Hanoi, Vietnam. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1187-1190.

Wibe, Atle (2019) The use of ozonised water in plant production. Lecture at: Controvèrsia de l'ús del coure en horta ecològica: reducció i alternatives, Manresa, Spain, 12 December 2019.

Wibe, Atle (2005) Organic production in Norway. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin (Ed.) Organic Farming for a New Millennium - status and future challenges. NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF) and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU), Alnarp, 1 (1), p. 280.

Wibe, A. (2011) Softpest Multitrap. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Wibe, Atle (2017) Progress in pest management in organic strawberry production. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 78-79.

Wibe, Atle; Apenite, I; Baroffio, Catherine; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Cross, J and Sigsgaard, Lene (2012) Softpest Multitrap. Management of strawberry blossom weevil and European tarnished plant bug in organic strawberry and raspberry using semiochemical traps. In: Li, Zhang (Ed.) Book of abstracts VII International Strawberry Symposium ISHS Beijing China 18-22 February 2012, ISHS, International Society for Horticultural Science and China Agriculture Press, Beijing, China , p. 383.

Wibe, Atle; Apenite, Ilze; Baroffio, Catherine; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Cross, Jerry; Hall, David; Sigsgaard, Lene and Trandem, Nina (2012) Management of strawberry blossom weevil and European tarnished plant bug in organic strawberry and raspberry using semiochemical traps. Poster at: XXIV International Congress of Entomology, Daegu, Republic of Korea, 19-25 August.

Wibe, Atle; Baroffio, Catherine; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Cross, Jerry; Fountain, Michelle; Hall, David; Mozuraitis, Raimondas; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene and Trandem, Nina (2016) Semiochemical-based pest insect management in strawberry and raspberry. Paper at: ICE 2016 International Congress of Entomology, Orlando, Florida, USA, 25-30 September 2016.

Wibe, Atle; Cross, Jerry; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Hall, David; Sigsgaard, Lene; Baroffio, Catherine; Ralle, Baiba and Fountain, Michelle (2013) MANAGEMENT OF STRAWBERRY BLOSSOM WEEVIL AND EUROPEAN TARNISHED PLANT BUG IN ORGANIC STRAWBERRY AND RASPBERRY USING SEMIOCHEMICAL TRAPS “Softpest Multitrap”. Speech at: NJF seminar 465 - IPM in Nordic and Baltic berry crops, Copenhagen University, Denmark, 12-13 November 2013. [Submitted]

Wibe, Atle; Cross, Jerry V.; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Hall, David R.; Trandem, Nina; Sigsgaard, Lene; Baroffio, Catherine; Ralle, Baiba and Fountain, Michelle T. (2014) SOFTPEST MULTITRAP - MANAGEMENT OF STRAWBERRY BLOSSOM WEEVIL AND EUROPEAN TARNISHED PLANT BUG IN ORGANIC STRAWBERRY AND RASPBERRY USING SEMIOCHEMICAL TRAPS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 883-886.

Wibe, Atle and Serikstad, Grete Lene (2017) Norway: Organic Agriculture and food 2017. Poster at: 2017: NJF Seminar 495 - Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli. Finland, 19-21 June 2017. [Completed]

Widmer, A.; Kockerols, K.; Schwan, S.; Stadler, W. and Bertschinger, L. (2008) Towards Grower-friendly Apple Crop Thinning by Tree Shading. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 314-318.

Wiedenhoeft, Mary; Porter, Paul; Dehaan, Robert and Francis, Charles (2014) COMBINING FARMER EXPERIENCE AND ACADEMIC KNOWLEDGE: SUMMER AGROECOSYSTEMS ANALYSIS COURSE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 895-898.

Wier, Mette; Hansen, Lars Gaarn; Moerch Andersen, Laura and Millock, Katrin (2002) Consumer Preferences for Organic Foods. Paper at: OECD Workshop on Organic Agriculture, Washington D.C., USA, Sept. 2002.

Wier, Mette; Hansen, Lars Gårn and Smed, Sinne (2001) Explaining Demand for Organic Foods. Paper at: 11th annual EAERE Conference, Southhampton, UK, June 2001.

Wier, Mette; Millock, Katrin and Rosenkvist, Lars (2005) New tendencies in the organic food market. Paper at: Int. Conf. on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, Sept. 2005. [Unpublished]

Wier, Mette and Smed, Sinne (2000) Modeling demand for organic foods. Paper at: The 13th International Scientific IFOAM Conference, Basel, Switzerland.

Wiesmeier, M.; Steffens, M.; Kölbl, A. and Kögel-Knabner, I. (2020) Intensive grazing leads to degradation and spatial homogenization of topsoils in two major steppetypes in Inner Mongolia , P .R . China. In: The 21st International Grassland Congress / 8th International Rangeland Congress took place in Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008. Hohhot, China from June 29 through July 5, 2008., p. 350.

Wiget, Andrea; Kundel, Dominika; Zenker, Armin; Fliessbach, Andreas and Bigalke, Moritz (2023) Tyre wear particles in soils alongside different roads in the Canton of Solothurn. Poster at: European Healthy Soils Conference Series, Muttenz, Switzerland, 13.9.2023 - 15.9.2023. [Completed]

Wihersaari, Margareta; Agar, David and Kallio, Markku (2009) Scenario analysis of fuel-pellet production - the influence of torrefaction on material flows and energy balances. Paper at: Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-24 September 2009.

Wijesinghe, D.B. and Sangakkara, U.R. (2014) SUCCESSFUL POTATO PRODUCTION IN NATURE FARMING WITH EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS – A CASE STUDY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 995-998.

Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (2005) Challenges and problems of organic seed production in the EU – the EU Organic Seed Regulation. In: Belicka, Ina; Viklante, Mara and Arbidans, Maris (Eds.) Proceedings of the seminar Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production (ENVIRFOOD) FP-2003-SSA-1-007003, pp. 24-27.

Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and Vogt-Kaute, Werner (2005) Discussion paper: Importance of different variety characteristics for organic farming. Poster at: SUSVAR Workshop, Edinburgh, 4 to 6 July 2005. [Unpublished]

Wilkinson, A.; Young, D.; Lueck, L.; Cooper, J. M.; Wilkockson, S and Leifert, C. (2007) Effect of clover management (Rhizobium seed inoculation and greenwaste compost amendments) and variety choice on yield and baking quality of organic spring and winter wheat. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress, Universtiy of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Wilkinson, Julie Anne; Tourigny, Alexandre; Thibodeau, Michel and Weill, Anne (2021) Development, Evaluation And Demonstration Of A No-Till Technique With A Modified Roller Crimper In Organic And Conventionnally-Managed Systems In Eastern Canada. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika and Studer, Bruno (2019) Resistant and susceptible pea lines harbour different root-rot pathogens and antagonistic fungi. Poster at: WFSC Symposium 2019, Zürich, Switzerland, 31.10.2019. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Kurmann, Mario; Messmer, Monika; Studer, Bruno and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) Resistant and susceptible pea lines harbour different root-rot pathogens and antagonistic fungi. Poster at: Plant Science Center Symposium 2019 Plant Response Across Scales, Zürich, Switzerland, 11.12.2019. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika and Studer, Bruno (2019) Resistant and susceptible pea lines harbour different root-rot pathogens and antagonistic fungi. Poster at: MiCROPe 2019, Vienna, Austria, 2. - 5.12.2019. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika and Studer, Bruno (2019) Genome-wide association study for resistance of pea against a complex of root rot pathogens. Paper at: ICLGG, International conference on legume genetics and genomics, Dijon, France, 13. - 17.5.2019. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika and Studer, Bruno (2017) Improving disease resistance of pea - clues from plant-microbe interactions. Poster at: WFSC Symposium 2017, ETH, Zürich, 25.10.2017.

Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika and Studer, Bruno (2017) Improving disease resistance of pea through selection at the plant-soil interface. Poster at: PhD Symposium 2017 - Institute of Agricultural Sciences, ETHZ, Einsiedeln, 25.9.2017.

Wille, Lukas; Hohmann, Pierre; Messmer, Monika and Studer, Bruno (2016) Improving disease resistance of pea through selection at the plant-soil interface. Poster at: WFSC Symposium 2016, Zürich, 4.11.16. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Messmer, Monika; Studer, Bruno and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Pea root rot: Will understanding plant-microbiota interaction support resistance breeding? Paper at: World Food System Center Research Symposium 2020, Online, 10.12.2020. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Messmer, Monika; Studer, Bruno and Hohmann, Pierre (2019) Screening pea for resistance against a root rot complex on naturally infested field soil. Paper at: 2 nd EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Breeding, Tuln, Austria, 6.12.2019. [Completed]

Wille, Lukas; Studer, Bruno; Messmer, Monika; Bodenhausen, Natacha and Hohmann, Pierre (2018) Resistance screening of pea against a complex of root-rot pathogens. Poster at: DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress: Cultivating diversity and food quality, Rennes, Frances, 10. - 12.12.2018.

Willekens, Koen; De Vliegher, Alex; Vandecasteele, Bart and Carlier, Lucien (2008) Effect of Compost versus Animal Manure Fertilization on Crop Development, Yield and Nitrogen Residue in the Organic Cultivation of Potatoes. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Willekens, Koen; Van Gils, Bert; De Vliegher, Alex; Delanote, Lieven; Beeckman, Annelies and Vandecasteele, Bart (2014) The effect of tillage prctices on a leek crop's nitrogen utilization from a grass-clover sward. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 57-60.

Willekens, Koen; Vandecasteele, Bart and De Vliegher, Alex (2014) SOIL QUALITY AND CROP PRODUCTIVITY AS AFFECTED BY DIFFERENT SOIL MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE "TILMAN-ORG Session". In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 65-68.

Willems, H.; Kreuzer, M. and Leiber, F. (2013) Alpine vegetation type affects composition of nutritionally important C18 fatty acids in tissues of lambs from different breeds. In: Lombardi, G.; Mosimann, E.; Golier, A.; Iussig, G.; Lonati, M.; Pittarello, M. and Probo, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th Meeting of the FAO‐CIHEAM Mountain Pasture Network ‐ Pastoralism and ecosystem conservation, pp. 37-39.

Willer, Helga (2021) Organic Share Of Total Farmland And Of Total Retail Sales As Indicators To Measure Progress Towards Sdgs 2 And 12. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Willer, Helga (2010) Organic Horticulture World-wide. Paper at: 28th International Horticultural Congress, Symposium Organic Horticulture: Productivity and Sustainability, Lisbon, Portugal , August 22-27, 2010. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga (2008) Current status of organic farming world-wide. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga (2008) The Main Results of the Global Survey on Organic Agriculture 2008. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 21 - 24, 2008.

Willer, Helga (2008) Organic Agriculture in Europe. Statistics 2006. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 21-24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga (2005) Continued growth in Europe: Current trends in organic production. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2005, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremburg, Germany, 24.2.2005-27.2.2005.

Willer, Helga (2003) The European Project and Literature Database for Organic Farming Research. In: Associazione Italiana di Zootecnia Biologica e Biodinamica, x (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Symposium: Organic Animal Production: National and International Experiences, Italian Society for Organic and Biodynamic Animal Husbandry / Associazione Italiana di Zootecnia Biologica e Biodinamica, Frick. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga; Alföldi, Thomas; Hermanowski, Robert; Meier, Julia; Morgner, Marion and Wörner, Frank (2002) The Internet Activities of FiBL. Poster at: 14th IFOAM Organic World Congress. Cultivating Communities, Victoria, Canada, 21.-24.08.2002.

Willer, Helga and Bouagnimbeck, Hervé (2008) Workshop on how to improve global data collection on organic farming. In: Conference CD of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, ConsozioModenaBio, Modena, Italy. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga; Häseli, Andreas; Levite, Dominique and Tamm, Lucius (2002) Organic Viticulture in Europe. In: Canadian Organic Growers, x (Ed.) Proceedings of the The 7th international Congress on Organic Viticulture and Wine. August 20-21, Victoria, Canada, Canadian Organic Growers, Victoria, Canada.

Willer, Helga; Meier, Claudia; Schlatter, Bernhard and Trávníček, Jan (2022) The state and evolution of organic fruit and vegetables: production and market at a world scale. Paper at: XII International Symposium on Banana: Celebrating Banana Organic Production, Angers, August 14-18, 2022. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Moeskops, Bram; Roinsard, Antoine; Basler, Andreas; Kemper, Laura and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2021) The online platform “Organic Farm Knowledge”. In: OWC 2020 Paper Submission - Stakeholder Forum, pp. 1-3. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga; Richter, Toralf; Rippin, Markus; Vaclavic, Tom and Garibay, Salvador (2009) The European Market for Organic Food and Drink. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2009, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremberg, Germany, February 19-22, 2009.

Willer, Helga; Rippin, Markus; Schaack, Diana; Lampkin, Nicolas; Padel, Susanne and Lowman, Steve (2006) European Organic Production Statistics:Data Collection and Dissemination. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, May 30-31. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga; Sahota, Amarjit and Huber, Beate (2009) The World of Organic Agriculture at BioFach 2009. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 19-22, 2009.

Willer, Helga; Schmid, Otto and Römmelt, Wolfram (2009) BioWein in Europa und Trends und Entwicklungen insbesondere für Deutschland. [Organic viticulture in Europe and trends in Germany.] Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2009, Nürnberg Messe. Deutschland, 19. - 22. Februar 2009.

Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (2007) Organic Agriculture Statistics 2007 – The Main Results of the global organic survey 2007 by FiBL and SOEL. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremburg, February 15-18, 2007.

Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (2004) Global Organic Statistics 2004. Speech at: Biofach 2004, Nuremburg, 19.2.2004-22.2.2004.

Willer, Helga; Yussefi, Minou; Sahota, Amarjit and Huber, Beate (2007) The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremberg, Germany, February 15-17, 2009.

Willer, Helga and Zerger, Uli (1999) Demand of Research and Development in Organic Farming in Europe. Paper prepared for the FAO-Workshop "Research Methodologies in Organic Farming" at the Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), October 1998. In: Krell, Rainer and Zanoli, Raffaele (Eds.) Proceedings - First SREN Workshop "Research Methodologies in Organic Farming" at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Food and Agriculture Organisation FAO, REU Technical Series, no. 58, pp. 57-92.

Willer, H. and Lernoud, J. (2018) How to improve collection on organic agriculture in the countries of Central and Eastern Europe. In: Book of Abstracts. 6th International Conference on Organic Agriculture Sciences (ICOAS), 7 - 9 November 2018, Eisenstadt, Austria, p. 57.

Willer, Helga (2014) Update on organic viticulture in Europe. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (2014) Data on organic agriculture worldwide – Developing organic data collection activities further. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Sahota, Amarjit (2019) The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends 2019 at BIOFACH 2019. BIOFACH Congress 2019. Session: The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Germany, February 13-16, 2019. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Sahota, Amarjit (2018) The World of Organic Agriculture at BIOFACH 2018. Paper at: Session "The World of Organic Agriculture" at BIOFACH 2018, Nürnberg, February 14, 2018. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Sahota, Amarjit (2017) The World of Organic Agriculture (Session at the BIOFACH 2017). Paper at: BIOFACH Congress 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, February 15, 2017. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia and Zanoli, Raffaele (2016) The challenge of collecting and publishing data on organic agriculture worldwide. Paper at: The International Conference on Agricultural Statistic VII, Rome, Italy, 26-28 October 2016. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Mitchell, Alexandra and Ong, Kung Wai (2011) Presentations from the Workshop on Data Collection in Organic Agriculture, held at the 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress. Workshop at: 17th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Namyangju Sports & Culture Center, Namyangju City, Gyeonggi Province, Republic of Korea, September 28 to October 2, 2011. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Rasmussen, Ilse (2011) Organic Eprints – www.orgprints.org: The Online Archive for Information on Organic Food and Farming Research. Workshop at: Training Challenges for the Agricultural Professionals: The Organic.Balkanet Experience, Bucharest, Romania, November 16, 2011. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Sahota, Amarjit (2020) The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends 2020 at BIOFACH 2020. BIOFACH Congress 2020. Session: The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Germany, February 12-15, 2020. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2014) The OrganicDataNetwork online database – and the challenge of presenting European market data in a common database. Workshop at: Workshop on organic market data collection and publication procedures, Istanbul, October 15, 2014. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2014) The Organic Market in Europe – Results of a Survey of the OrganicDataNetwork Project. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1015-1018.

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2014) Building an Organic Market Database - OrganicDataNetwork Training. Paper at: 2nd OrganicDataNetwork Workshop, Bari, Italy, July 10 & 11, 2014. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2014) Classification issues. Paper at: 2nd OrganicDataNetwork Workshop, Bari, Italy, July 10 & 11, 2014. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Schaack, Diana; Arnaud, Marc and Solfanelli, Francesco (2018) The European Market for Organic Food. Paper at: BIOFACH Congress 2018, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Nürnberg, Germany, February 14, 2018. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga; Schaack, Diana; Padel, Susanne; Lacarce, Eva and Solfanelli, Francesco (2017) The European market for organic food (Session at the BIOFACH 2017). Paper at: BIOFACH Congress 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, February 15-17, 2017. [Completed]

Willett, A. V.; Edge, S. J. E. and Phelps, E. C. (2014) Promoting good health and welfare in European organic laying hens. Poster at: "Recent advances in animal welfare science" UFAW's one-day conference, York, UK, June 26th 2014. [Completed]

Williams, A G; Audsley, E and Sandars, D L (2006) Energy and environmental burdens of organic and non-organic agriculture and horticulture. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 19-23.

Williams, Leslie R (2002) Monitoring of organic hay meadows to provide feedback for public access, biodiversity, and crop management. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 93-94.

Williams, Michelle (2011) FruitGrowth - Novel organic solutions securing future growth. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16. november 2011. [Completed]

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Holinger, Mirjam; Knoll, Maximilian; Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Thomsen, Rikke; Bochicchio, Davide; Kongsted, A.G. and Leeb, Christine (2021) Multi-centre approach to improve outdoor runs for organic pigs:Preliminary results of on-farm experiments. In: Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) Organic Animal Husbandry systems – Ways to improvement.

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Kunert, Esther; Leeb, Christine and Holinger, Mirjam (2021) Showers in outdoor runs of organic growing-finishing pigs: effects on behaviour, soiling and skin surface temperature. Paper at: 8th International Conference on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at the Farm and Group Level.

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Leeb, Christine; Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Bochicchio, Davide; Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman and Kongsted, A.G. (2020) Transdisciplinary approach to improve concrete outdoor runs for organic pigs: Identification of innovations. In: Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, pp. 48-52.

Winkelhausen, Eleonora; Pospiech, Robert and Laufenberg, Günther (2004) Growth inhibition of moulds by natural pesticides derived from olive oil residues. Poster at: 18th Congress of Chemists and Technologists of Macedonia, Ohrid, Macedonia, 23.-25. September 2004. [Unpublished]

Winter, Eva (2021) Assessing the economic impacts of interventions to increase organic seed use. Paper at: Eucarpia, Digital, 10.03.2012. [Completed]

Winter, Eva; Auerbacher, Joachim; Grovermann, Christian; Orsini, Stefano and Messmer, Monika (2021) Organic seed use and farmers’ attitudes towards organic breeding in long and short value chains. Paper at: Schweizerische Agrarökonomen Konferenz, Digital, 19.03.2021. [Completed]

Winter, Eva; Grovermann, Christian; Messmer, Monika and Aurbacher, Joachim (2021) Boosting The Use Of Organic Seed And Cultivars –How To Assess Public And Private Sector Interventions. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Winter, Eva; Grovermann, Christian; Messmer, Monika M. and Aurbacher, Joachim (2021) Analysing Interventions in the Seed and Breeding System for Organic Carrot Seed Use in Germany - a Multi-Agent Value Chain Approach. In: International Conference of Agricultural Economists (IAAE), 2021 Conference, August 17-31, 2021.

Winter, Eva; Grovermann, Christian; Orsini, Stefano; Solfanelli, Francesco; Messmer, Monika and Aurbacher, Joachim (2021) Assessment of policies aiming at boosting organic seed use. In: Abstract E-Book. International Conference on Breeding and seed sector innovation for organic food systems. 8-10 March 2021, Online from Latvia, p. 152.

Wirthgen, Antje (2007) Do Organic Consumers Oppose Genetically Modified Food Stronger than Others? Results of a Consumer Research in Germany. [Sind Öko-Käufer stärker gegen gentechnisch veränderte Lebensmittel als andere Konsumenten? Ergebnisse einer Konsumentenbefragung in Deutschland.] Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Wiśniewska, MSc Katarzyna; Rembiałkowska, prof. Ewa; Hallmann, dr Ewelina; Rusaczonek, MSc Anna; Lueck, dr Lorna and Leifert, prof. Carlo (2008) The antioxidant compounds in rat experimental diets based on plant materials from organic, low-input and conventional agricultural systems. Speech at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Witharange, Kushala; Singh, Akanksha; Bosch, Christine and Briner, Regina (2023) How do gender-caste intersectionalities influence the involvement of communities in organic cotton farming? In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 617.

Witmer, Lesha (2009) Efficiency of water management, key to sustainable food production. Paper at: Riksdagens närmatsseminarium, Helsinki, 29.9.2009.

Witten, Stephanie; Machner, Marie; Wiskandt, Julia; Stepczynski, Sina; Bussemas, Ralf and Aulrich, Karen (2024) Effects of feeding vetch whole plant silage to fattening pigs on fattening performance and slaughter characteristics. [Effekt der Fütterung von Wicken-Ganzpflanzensilage an Mastschweine auf Mastleistung und Schlachtkörperqualität.] Poster at: 78. Tagung der Gesellschaft für Ernährungsphysiologie, Göttingen, Deutschland, 05.-07.03.2024. [Completed]

Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2019) Application of an in vitro multi-enzyme assay to estimate the precaecal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in broiler chicken. [Anwendung einer in vitro Multienzymmethode zur Schätzung der praecaecalen Rohprotein- und Aminosäurenverdaulichkeit bei Broilern.] In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 28 (69), p. 91.

Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2018) Investigations on the amount of crude protein and amino acids of organically cultivated winter cereal grains (wheat, rye, and triticale). [Untersuchungen zum Rohprotein- und Aminosäurengehalt ökologisch erzeugter Wintergetreidekörner (Weizen, Roggen und Triticale).] In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 27 (26), p. 56.

Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2018) Investigations on thiamine contents in organically produced cereals and grain legumes for poultry diets. [Untersuchungen zu Thiamingehalten von ökologisch angebautem Getreide und Körnerleguminosen für Geflügelrationen.] In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 27 (108), p. 138.

Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2017) Investigations on vitamin B2 and B6 contents in organically produced cereal and grain legume varieties. [Untersuchungen zum Gehalt an Vitamin B2 und B6 in ökologisch angebauten Getreide- und Körnerleguminosensorten.] In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, 26 (116), p. 136.

Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2015) Relations between the crude protein content and the amino acid profile of organically produced field beans (Vicia faba L.) and field peas (Pisum sativum L.). In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, 24 (148), p. 166.

Witten, Stephanie and Aulrich, Karen (2014) Investigations on the contents of crude protein and essential amino acids in various organically produced pea cultivars (Pisum sativum L.). In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, 23 (49), p. 75.

Witten, Stephanie; Aulrich, Karen and Böhm, Herwart (2016) Effect of sulfur fertilization and variety on yield and contents of crude protein and amino acids of organically produced blue lupins (Lupinus angustifolius L.). [Effekt der Schwefeldüngung und Sortenwahl auf den Ertrag und den Gehalt an Rohprotein und Aminosäuren von ökologisch erzeugten Blauen Lupinen (Lupinus angustifolius L.).] In: Univeriddade Nova (Ed.) Legumes for a Sustainable World: ILS2, p. 254.

Witten, Stephanie; Bokemeyer, Jörg and Aulrich, Karen (2016) Investigations on the nitrogen-to-protein conversion factor in organically produced crops. In: Society of Nutrition Physiology (Ed.) Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, 25 (10), p. 26.

Witten, Stephanie; Grashorn, Michael and Aulrich, Karen (2019) Faba beans (Vicia faba L.) and field peas (Pisum sativum L.) as feedstuffs for broiler chicken: Precaecal protein and amino acid digestibility. [Ackerbohnen (Vicia faba L.) und Futtererbsen (Pisum sativum L.) als Futtermittel für Broiler: Praecaecale Verdaulichkeit des Rohproteins und der Aminosäuren.] In: Legumes for a Sustainable World: ILS3, p. 48.

Witten, Stephanie; Ritteser, Carolin; Grashorn, Michael and Aulrich, Karen (2019) Anwendung einer in vitro Multienzymmethode zur Schätzung der praecaecalen Rohprotein- und Aminosäurenverdaulichkeit bei Broilern. [Application of an in vitro multi-enzyme assay to estimate the precaecal digestibility of crude protein and amino acids in broiler chicken.] In: Proceedings of the Society of Nutrition Physiology, DLG-Verlag, Frankfurt, 28, p. 91.

Wittwer, Raphaël; Walder, Florian; Büchi, Lucie; Schlaeppi, Klaus; Banerjee, Samiran; Hirte, Juliane; Mayer, Jochen; Colombi, Tino; Keller, Thomas; Seitz, Steffen; Scholten, Thomas; Loaiza Puerta, Viviana; Six, Johan; Charles, Raphael and van der Heijden, Marcel (2018) Impact of conventional, organic and conservation agriculture on soil functions and multifunctionality. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Lausanne, 20, p. 17002.

Witzgall, Peter (2004) Sex pheromones and plant volatiles for control of orchard insects. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 11th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 3rd February to 5th February 2004 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 21-22.

Wivstad, Maria and Naetterlund, Henrik (2008) Learning in context – improved nutrient management in arable cropping systems through participatory research. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Wivstad, M.; Fredriksson, P.; Gunnarsson, S.; Hoffman, R.; Johansson, B.; Mie, A.; Nilsson, U.; Röös, E.; Salomon, E.; Sundberg, C.; Ullvén, K. and Wallenbeck, A. (2013) Importance of organic farming research in Sweden for innovations and increased sustainability in agriculture. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 89-90.

Wivstad, M. and Röös, E. (2017) Organic 3.0 in Sweden – gathering perspectives through stakeholder dialogue. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 127-129.

Wivstad, Maria (2014) Critical review of organic research world-wide. Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BIOFACH Congress, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Wivstad, Maria; Fredriksson, Pelle; Salomon, Eva; Sundberg, Cecilia and Ullvén, Karin (2014) Developing an organic research agenda with stakeholder involvement promotes increased relevance in research. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 999-1002.

Wivstad, Maria and Micheloni, Cristina (2014) On-going work of Focus Group Organic Farming. Keynote presentation at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Wolf, Birge; Szerencsits, Manfred; Gaus, Hansjörg; Müller, Christoph E. and Heß, Jürgen (2014) Developing a Documentation System for Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science. In: Keith, Jeffery; Clements, Anna; De Castro, Pablo and Luzi, Daniela (Eds.) Procedia Computer Science, 33, pp. 289-296.

Wolf, Stefanie; Zikeli, Sabine; Fleck, Michael; Graeff-Hönninger, Simone and Claupein, Wilhelm (2014) Open Pollinated Broccoli Genotypes: Agronomic Parameters and Sensory Attributes. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 427-430.

Wolfe, M S; Hinchsliffe, K E; Clarke, S M; Jones, H and Haigh, Z (2006) Evolutionary breeding of healthy wheat: from plot to farm. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 47-50.

Wolfe, Prof. Martin; Boyd, Ms Helen; Clarke, Dr Sarah; Haigh, Ms Zoe and Jones, Dr Hannah (2008) Wheat populations: population performance and stability in organic and non-organic environments. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Wolfe, Martin S (2002) Organic plant breeding. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 303-306.

Wolfe, Prof Martin S.; Hinchsliffe, Miss Kay S.; Clarke, Dr Sarah M; Jones, Dr Hannah; Haigh, Miss Zoe; Snape, Prof John and Fish, Dr Leslie (2006) Evolutionary breeding of wheat for low input systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Wolfe, Martin; Howlett, Sally; Fradgley, Nick; Winkler, Louisa; Pearce, Bruce and Döring, Thomas F. (2013) Composite Cross Populations of Cereals in Practice: Arguments and Recent Developments in the Legal Framework Revision. In: Becker, H.C.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Leifert, C. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (Eds.) Breeding for Nutrient Efficiency, p. 69.

Wolfrum, Sebastian; Siebrecht, Norman; Papaja-Hülsbergen, Susanne; Kainz, Maximilian and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2014) Anecic, endogeic, epigeic or all three - acknowledging the compositional nature of earthworm ecological group data in biodiversity analysis. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 531-534.

Wong, Louisa (2014) Assessing sustainability of organic apple orchards. The case of small scale apple production in Ningxia Province, PR China. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Woodward, Lawrence (2005) SOIL, FOOD QUALITY AND HEALTH. Paper at: Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association - Spring Conference, Maine UK, March 2005. [Unpublished]

Woodward, Lawrence (2002) Organic research - driven and directed by funders? In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 7-12.

Woon-Chung Wong, Jonathan; Zhou, Ying; Manu, M.K. and Selvam, Ammaiyappan (2021) Biopesticide Compost From Food Waste And Chinese Medicinal Herbal Residues. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Wright, Dr Julia (2008) Imposing organic standards or rekindling local values? Encouraging local ownership of the organic concept for raisin exports from Kandahar, Afghanistan. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of the 16 IFOAM world congress (CD).

Wright, Dr Julia (2008) Organic Agriculture and HIV/AIDS - the Nutritional Response. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of 16 IFOAM world congress (CD).

Wurm, L. and Urschler, W. (2008) Influence of plastic cover on fruit-quality and monilia laxa infestations with organically produced apricots. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 116-122.

Wurtz, Marion; Armengot, Laura; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Alcon, Freddy and Schneider, Monika (2015) Comparison of Methods to Assess Dry Bean Yield of Different Cocoa Cultivars. In: Tropentag 2015, Book of abstracts - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, p. 323.

Wynen, Els (2005) Impact of organic guarantee systems on trade in organic products. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Wynen, Els (2002) What are the key issues faced by organic producers? In: Organic Agriculture - Sustainability, Markets and Policies.

Wynen, Els and Vanzetti, David (2000) Research in organic agriculture - Assessment and future directions. In: David, C.; Allard, G. and Henning, J. (Eds.) Organic Agriculture Faces its Development: The Future Issues, ISARA - Universite LAVAL - INRA, no. 12 emes Entretiens Jacques Cartier.

Wyss, Eric; Luka, Henryk; Pfiffner, Lukas; Schlatter, Christian; Gabriela, Uehlinger and Daniel, Claudia (2005) Approaches to pest management in organic agriculture: a case study in European apple orchards. In: Cab International: Organic-Research.com May 2005, 33N-36N.

Wyss, Gabriela (2005) Assessing the risk from mycotoxins for the organic food chain: results from Organic HACCP-project and other research. In: Hovi, M.; Walkenhorst, M. and Padel, S. (Eds.) Systems development: quality and safety (ISBN: 07049 9851 3), pp. 133-136.

Wyss, Gabriela (2004) Pesticide and mycotoxin contamination of organic products and strategies for prevention. In: Proceedings of the First World Congress on Organic Food. Meeting the Challenges of Safety and Quality for Fruits, Vegetables, and Grains..

Wyss, Gabriela and Brandt, Kirsten (2005) Assessment of current procedures for animal food production chains and critical control points regarding their safety and quality: preliminary results from the Organic HACCP-project. In: Hovi, M.; Walkenhorst, M. and Padel, S. (Eds.) Systems development: quality and safety (ISBN: 07049 9851 3), pp. 127-132.

Wyss, Gabriela; Buchecker, Kirsten; Spiller, Achim; Schmid, Otto and Röder, Elke (2009) Organic Sensory Information System – a European project that cares about organic taste at BioFach 2009. Paper at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 19-22, 2009. [Unpublished]

Wyss, Gabriela and Lück, Lorna (2005) Critical control points along the organic food supply chain. Paper at: Final Workshop of the EU FP5 Concerted Action “Recommendations for improved procedures for securing consumer oriented food safety and quality of certified organic foods from plough to plate (“Organic HACCP”), University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK, 6 January 2005.

Wyss, Gabriela; Nowack, Karin; Koller, Martin and Mäder, Paul (2004) Managing strategies for organochlorine contaminated soils for a safe food production. In: Proceedings of the Working Group 3: Improving nutritional quality and safety of food crops, COST 859.

Xi, Yunguan (2014) COMPARATIVE STUDY ON RUNOFF N, P FROM ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL RICE-WHEAT ROTATION FIELD IN THE TAI LAKE REGION IN CHINA. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy , U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 129-132.

Xie, Yue and Kristensen, Hanne L. (2014) Complementary root systems in organic intercropping of vegetables. In: Complementary root systems in organic intercropping of vegetables.

Xie, Yue and Kristensen, Hanne L. (2013) Complementary root systems in organic intercropping of vegetables. In: Complementary root systems in organic intercropping of vegetables.

Xu, Q.; Huet, S.; Perret, Eric; Boisdon, I. and Deffuant, G. (2018) Population characteristics and the decision to convert to organic farming. "Looking into the mirror", Stockholm, Sweden.

Xu, Qing; Huet, Sylvie; Poix, Christophe; Boisdon, Isabelle and Deffuant, Guillaume (2017) Why do farmers not convert to organic farming? Modeling conversion to organic farming as a major change. Natural Resource Modeling, Barcelone, Spain.

Xu, Hui-lian; Li, Fenglan; Su, Feifei; Qin, Feifei and Chang, Tingting (2014) ORGANIC POTATO CROPS ARE IMPROVED BY INOCULATING A MICROBIAL INOCULUM TO THE CUT SURFACE OF SEED TUBERS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 133-136.

Yang, Baoru; Zheng, Jie and Kallio, Heikki (2010) Compositional variation in fruits of currants as function of genotypes and their interactions with growth environments. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Yang, Raymond H. (2014) Organic Certification Evolution. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Yao, William (2014) Development Strategy of Organic Agriculture in China: A Case of Rural Urbanization in Xingyi. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Yeboah, Paul (2018) Ecological Agriculture as an Integral Part of Permaculture. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 43-46.

Yli-Mattila, T.; Kalko, G.; Hannukkala, A. and Hakala, K. (2005) Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifolium) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), p. 258.

Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Kalko, Galina; Hannukkala, Asko; Paavanen-Huhtala, Sari and Hakala, Kaija (2008) Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifoliorum) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 21.

Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Lahtinen, Taina; Rämö, Sari and Hietaniemi, Veli (2008) Effects of direct drilling on Fusarium DNA levels. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 13.

Yli-Mattila, Tapani (2010) Problems in cereal resistance to toxigenic Fusarium species. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Yli-Viikari, Anja and Savisalo, Leena (2004) Use of indicators as tools of decision-making. In: (Pre)Proceedings of the 6th European IFSA symposium, pp. 879-882.

Ylivainio, Kari and Turtola, Eila (2008) Phosphorus uptake patterns and yield responses of barley fertilized with meat and bone meal. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (4), pp. 171-175.

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YOSHINO, Keiko; KUBOTA, Hiroko; UOZUMI, Michio and FURUSAWA, Koyu (2014) Organic agriculture and teikei in Japan after nuclear plant explosion in March, 2011. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Younie, David and Blanke, Bettina (2002) Effect of calcified seaweed application on grazing preference by dairy cows. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 173-178.

Younie, David; Taylor, Dick; Coutts, Michael; Matheson, Stella; Wright, G and Squire, Geoff (2002) Effect of organic crop rotations on long-term development of the weed seedbank. In: Jane, Powell (Ed.) Research in context. Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, 26-28 March 2002, Aberystwyth, Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth, pp. 215-220.

Yue, Xie and Hanne L., Kristensen (2014) Complementary root systems in organic intercropping of vegetables. Poster at: FOOD festival Århus, Århus, 5.-7. Sept. 2014.

Yun, Tae Yu; Kim, Hong Joe and Park, Jung Ho (2014) Biodiv: Business approach to protect biodiversity in agriculture. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Yurlina, Mary (2014) Growing a Local and Organic Movement in the State of Maine, USA; How MOFGA (Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association) succeeds as an organic farm advocacy NGO with an associated USDA-accredited certification agency. Poster at: 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Yussefi, Minou (2006) The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2006. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2006, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Yusuf, Olayinka J.; Olowoake, Adebayo A.; Ojo, James A. and Afe, Isaac A. (2018) Comparative training needs’ assessment of actors within the Ecological Organic Agriculture value chain in Northern Nigeria. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 71-76.

Zacchino, Valentina ; De Boni, Annalisa; Gorgoni, Paola; Novelli , Andrea; Centoducati, Gerardo and Roma, Rocco (2014) TECHNICAL AND ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY OF SEABASS FRY PRODUCTION ACCORDING TO ORGANIC TECHNIQUES. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 749-752.

Zakowska-Biemans, S. (2007) Consumers and consumption of organic food in Central and Eastern European new member states of the European Union. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Zakowska-Biemans, Sylwia (2008) Consumers Values and Motives regarding Organic Food Products in Poland. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zakowska-Biemans, Sylwia and Hrabalova, Andrea (2006) Development of organic farming in Central and Eastern European new EU member states. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Zalecka, Aneta; Skjerbaek, Kirsten; Doesburg, Paul; Pyskow, Bent; Huber, Machteld; Kahl, Dr. Johannes and Ploeger, Prof. Angelika (2006) The capillary dynamolysis method as a char-acterized tool for crop quality determination. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Zambotto, Valeria; Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Gasco, Laura; Daniele, Giulia Maria; Cianciabella, Marta; Schiavone, Achille; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl and Predieri, Stefano (2022) Sensorial evaluation of breast of chicken reared in organic system and supplemented with live black soldier fly larvae. Poster at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022.

Zanasi, Dr. Cesare and Venturi, Dr. Paolo (2008) Impact of the adoption of participatory guarantee systems (PGS) for organic certification for small farmers in developing countries: the case of Rede Ecovida in Brasil. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zander, Katrin (2008) Diversification and specialisation as development strategies in organic farms. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lueck, Lorna; Caporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Cultivating the Future Based on Science, Vol. 2., International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick, pp. 316-319.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2008) Communication of ethical values in organic farming. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 16-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Zander, Katrin; Hüppe, Ronja; Koch, Karlotta; Meier, Claudia; Stolz, Hanna and Borghoff, Lisa (2020) Careful, Gentle, Minimal - What are the principles of organic processing? Consumer perspectives. Keynote presentation at: BioFach 2020, Nuremberg, Germany, 13 February, 2020. [Completed]

Zander, Katrin and Thobe, Petra (2007) Economic Impacts of the Adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy on Typical Organic Farms in Selected New Member States. [Auswirkungen der Übernahme der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik auf die Wirtschaftlichkeit ökologischer Betriebe in ausgewählten neuen Mitgliedsländern.] In: Pöchtrager, Siegfried (Ed.) Ländliche Betriebe und Agrarökonomie auf neuen Pfaden - Jahrbuch der Österrreichischen Gesellschaft für Agrarökonomie, 16, pp. 85-96.

Zander, Katrin; Thobe, Petra and Nieberg, Hiltrud (2006) Organic farming in selected CEEC after accession to the EU - different market scenarios and their impacts on the economic performance of organic farms. Speech at: IAMO Forum 2006, Halle (Saale), 29.6. bis 1.7.2006.

Zander, Dr. Katrin (2008) Diversification and specialisation as development strategies in organic farms. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zander, Katrin; Hamm, Ulrich; Freyer, Bernhard; Goesssinger, Katharina; Naspetti, Simona; Padel, Susanne; Stolz, Hanna; Stolze, Matthias and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Consumer concerns regarding additional ethical attributes of organic food. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life: Knowledge for tomorrow , ISOFAR, Bonn, 2, pp. 22-24.

Zanen, M.; Bokhorst, J.G. and Koopmans, C.J. (2008) Soil Fertility and Biodiversity effects from Organic Amendments in Organic Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zanen, Ir. M. and Koopmans, Dr. Ir. C.J. (2008) Improving Soil Structure and Nitrogen Use Efficiency by GPS-controlled Precision Tillage Technology in Organic Farming. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zanen, Marleen and Koopmans, Chris (2005) Nitrogen efficiency in organic farming using a GPS precision farming technique. Paper at: Researching Sustainable Systems - International Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture, Adelaide, Australia, September 21-23, 2005. [Unpublished]

Zanoli, R.; François, M.; Midmore, P.; O’Doherty-Jensen, K. and Ritson, C. (2007) Determining consumer expectations, attitudes and buying behaviour towards “low input” and organic foods. Paper at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007.

Zanoli, Prof. Raffaele and Naspetti, Dr. Simona (2006) The positioning of organic products: which way forward? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Zanoli, Raffaele (2014) Introduction. Paper at: 2nd OrganicDataNetwork Workshop, Bari, Italy, July 10 & 11, 2014. [Completed]

Zanoli, Raffaele (2014) Organic market & trade: what current figures don't say. Paper at: 8th European Organic Congress, Bari, Italy, 10-12 September 2014. [Completed]

Zanoli, Raffaele; Feldmann, Corinna and Willer, Helga (2013) Workshop on collection and quality of organic market data. Workshop at: 18th Organic World Congress, Istanbul, October 10-14, 2014. [Submitted]

Zanoli, Raffaele; Gambelli, Danilo and Bruschi, Viola (2014) AN ECONOMETRIC ANALYSIS FOR THE EVALUATION OF RISK OF NON-COMPLIANCES IN TURKEY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 721-724.

Zanoli, Raffaele; Gambelli, Danilo and Solfanelli, Francesco (2013) Effectiveness of organic certification: a study on an italian organic certificator's data. Workshop at: [Unpublished]

Zanoli, Raffaele; Padel, Susanne; Willer, Helga; Schaack, Diana; Feldmann, Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) OrganicDataNetwork - How to improve the organic data collection system. Paper at: How to improve the organic data collection system, BUSINESSEUROPE in Brussels, Belgium, 3rd December, 2014. [Completed]

Zanoli, Raffaele; Willer, Helga; Schaack, Diana; Padel, Susanne and Rison Alabert, Nathalie (2015) The European market for organic food (Session at the BIOFACH 2015). Paper at: BioFach Congress 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed]

Zarb, John; Ghorbani, Reza; Juntharathep, Pintip; Shotton, Peter; Santos, Joanna; Wilcockson, Steve; Leifert, Carlo; Litterick, Audrey M; Bain, Ruaridh A and Wolfe, Martin (2002) Control strategies for late blight in organic potato production. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 221-222.

Zarea, Mohammad Javad; Ghalavand, Amir and Jamshidi, Ehsan (2008) Role of forage legumes mixed cropping on biomass yield and bacterial community composition. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zarina, Livija and Alekse, Ilona (2017) Genotype and environment interaction on field pea cultivars in organic cropping system. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 63-64.

Zarina, Livija; Gerowitt, Barbel; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Krawczuk, Roman and Verwijst, Theo (2016) Crop diversification for weed management in organic arable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 10 th International Scientific and Practical Conference , R ē zeknes Augstskola, 2, pp. 333-336.

Zarina, Livija; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Krawczyk, Roman and Verwijst, Theo (2015) Crop diversification for weed management in organic arable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 10 th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rēzeknes Augstskola, Rezekne, 2, pp. 333-336.

Zarina, Livija; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Melander, Bo; Salonen, Jukka; Krawczyk, Roman and Verwijst, Theo (2015) Crop diversification for weed management in organic arable cropping systems. In: Proceedings of the 10 th International Scientific and Practical Conference, Rezekne Higher Education Institution, Rezekne, 2, pp. 333-336.

Zarina, Livija; Kaczmarek, Sylvia and Melander, Bo (2016) Mixtures of varieties of spring cereals for weed suppression in organic crop production. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Weed Science Congress.

Zarina, Livija; Kaczmarek, Sylvia; Melander, Bo and Sonderskov, Mette (2016) Mixtures of varieties of spring cereals for weed suppression in organic crop production. In: Proceedings of the 7th International Weed Science Congress, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague.

Zarina, Livija; Salonen, Jukka; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Lundkvist, Anneli; Verwijst, Theo; Sonderskov, Mette; Melander, Bo; Kaczmarek, Sylvia and Krawczyk, Roman (2017) Undersown effect in weed management in organic cropping systems. In: Book of Abstracts.

Zarina, Livija and Zarina, Liga (2017) Effect of crop rotation on soil nutrient balance and weediness in soddy podzolic organic farming fields. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 1.

Zehetgruber, Rosemarie and Kaiblinger , Karin (2014) Climate Friendly Communal Catering. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Zellner, Michael; Keil, Sven and Benker, Marianne (2008) The Control of Stem Blight and the Spread of Potato Late Blight by Copper Seed Treatment. In: Abstracts of the 17th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research, European Association for Potato Research, AV Zeist, The Netherlands, pp. 294-296.

Zellner, Michael; Hofbauer, Johann; Keil, Sven and Benker, Marianne (2011) Main source of stem blight infections and possibilities of reducing symptoms. In: Abstracts of the 18th Triennial Conference of the European Association for Potato Research, European Association for Potato Research, Leuven, Belgium, p. 120.

Zellweger-Fischer, Judith; Birrer, Simon; Jenny, Markus; Stoeckli, Sibylle and Pfiffner, Lukas (2015) A Credit Point System for assessing and enhancing biodiversity at the farm scale – and beyond. In: Ó hUallacháin, D. and Finn, J.A. (Eds.) Farmland Conservation with 2020 Vision, Teagasc, Wexford, pp. 54-55.

Zeltner, Esther (2008) Evaluation of Laying Hen Strains for biodynamic Farms. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zeltner, Esther and Hirt, Helen (2006) Applied research as interplay between farm and group level: What attracts laying hens to the hen run? Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Zeltner, Esther and Hirt, Helen (2005) Applied research as interplay between farm and group level: What attracts laying hens to the hen run? Poster at: Proceedings of the 38th International Congress of the ISAE, .3rd International Workshop on the Assessment of Animal Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Vienna / Austria, September 22nd-24th 2005. [Unpublished]

Zeltner, Esther and Hirt, Helen (2005) Ethological investigation on moulting laying hens in organic farming. Paper at: 7th European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Lublin, Polen, June 15 - 19, 2005. [Unpublished]

Zeltner, Esther and Hirt, Helen (2005) Optimising the use of hen runs by structures. Poster at: European workshop for scientists, farmers, environmental specialists, policymakers and consumer organisations, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 18-20 April 2005. [Unpublished]

Zeltner, Esther; Hirt, Helen and Hauser, J. (2005) Optimising the use of hen runs by structures and management. Poster at: 7th European Symposium on Poultry Welfare, Lublin, Polen, 15-19 June 2005. [Unpublished]

Zeltner, Esther and Maurer, Veronika (2009) Welfare of organic poultry. In: World's Poultry Science Journal, World’s Poultry Science Association, pp. 104-112.

Zemmer, Franziska; Marschall, Klaus; Kelderer, Markus and Zelger, Roland (2002) Inhibition of the germination of conidia from Venturia inaequalis using lime sulphur, sulphur, copper and Ulmasud in comparison to Dithianon. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 96-97.

Zemmer, Franziska; Marschall, Klaus; Kelderer, Markus and Zelger, Roland (2002) Mode of action of lime sulphur against apple-scab (Venturia inaequalis). In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 94-95.

Zenner, S.; Foster, C.; Padel, S. and Wirthgen, B. (2000) Comparative analysis of the impacts of marketing instruments on the organic market in Austria, the United Kingdom and Germany. In: Alföldi, Th.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, p. 523.

Zepeda, Professor L (2008) The US Organic Food Shopper. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zhang, Fusuo; Qiao, Yuhui; Wang, Fanghao and Zhang, Weifeng (2007) A Perspective on Organic Agriculture in China - Opportunities and Challenges. Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Zhang, Yade; Dai, Xun; Zhang, Tianshun; Wang , Minglu and Lu , Shaokun (2014) THE THREE-DIMENSIONAL STRUCTURE OF LIGNITE HUMIC ACID FERMENTATION TEMPERATURE BASED ON MATLAB. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 145-150.

Zhukova, Ya.F.; Petrov, P.I. and Petryshchenko, S.S (2016) APPLICATION OF THE FATTY ACID ANALYSIS FOR THE ORGANIC COW’S MILK AUTHENTICATION. Paper at: IV Interantional Scientific-Practical Conference "Chemistry, Bio- and Nanotechnology, Ecology and Economy in Food and Сosmetics Industry" [In Russian], Kharkiv, Ukraine, 17-18.10.2016.

Zhukova, Yaroslava; Petov, Pylyp and Mudrak, Tatyana (2016) STRUCTURE OF NITROGEN FRACTIONS ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL COW'S MILK. In: Collection of scientific papers "Innovations in science and education:Challanges of our time", International Academy of Science and Higher Education, London, UK, London.

Zikeli, S.; Boutry, C.; Dzhuvinov, V.; Friedli, M.; Furmanczyk, E.; Holtz, T.; Kelderer, M.; Lepp, B. and Malusa, E. (2022) DOMINO – Synthesis of Soil Management Strategies Integrating Plant and Waste Based Alternative Fertilizers. In: FOEKO e.V. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Organic Fruit-Growing, pp. 43-45.

Zimmer, Jürgen (2002) Apfelschorfbekämpfung 2001 unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Berostung. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 10th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing and Viticulture. Proceedings to the Conference from 4th to 7th Feb. 2002 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 86-93.

Zimmer, Jürgen (2000) Bekämpfung der Apfelsagewespe (Hoplocampa testudinea) 1999. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) 9. Internationaler Erfahrungsaustausch über Forschungsergebnisse zum Ökologischen Obstbau. Beiträge zur Tagung vom 3.-4. Februar 2000 in Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 53-57.

Zimmer, Stéphanie and Leimbrock-Rosch, Laura (2021) Soybean Demand Of Organic And Conventional Farms In Luxembourg. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

Zimmer, Stephanie; Messmer, Monika; Haase, Thorsten; Mindermann, Anke ; Schulz, Hannes; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and Hess, Jürgen (2014) ABILITY OF COMMERCIALLY AVAILABLE SOYBEAN BRADYRHIZOBIA INOCULANTS FOR COOL GROWING CONDITIONS IN CENTRAL EUROPE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 787-790.

Zingg, D. (2008) Madex Plus and Madex I12 overcome Virus Resistance of Codling Moth. In: Boos, Markus (Ed.) Ecofruit - 13th International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing: Proceedings to the Conference from 18thFebruary to 20th February 2008 at Weinsberg/Germany, pp. 256-260.

Zipp, Katharina A.; Barth, Kerstin and Knierim, Ute (2014) Agitation behaviour and heart rate of dairy cows with and without calf-contact during different stimuli in the parlour. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 463-466.

Znaor, Darko (2011) What Can Organic Farming Deliver? Lessons Learnt From 20 Years of Organic Pioneering Projects in New Member States. In: Proceedings of the 5th European Organic Congress: Organic Farming as Opportunity for European Agriculture, IFOAM EU Group, Brussels, pp. 28-30.

Znaor, Darko (2009) Impact of Large-Scale Conversion to Organic Farming on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In: Znaor, Darko (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change, Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 58-68.

Znaor, Darko (2001) Overview of Development of Organic Food and Farming in the CEE: Elements for a Regional Action Plan. In: DMFAF, (Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries) (Ed.) Proceedings of the “European Conference - Organic Food and Farming, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Copenhagen, pp. 137-145.

Znaor, Darko (2001) Policy options for environmentally friendly agriculture in Central and Eastern Europe: a three-track policy approach. In: Hontelez, John (Ed.) EEB and the EU Enlargement, European Environmental Bureau, Brussels, pp. 121-122.

Znaor, Darko (2000) Policy instruments on water protection of the selected European countries in relation to organic agriculture. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, Willie and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) IFOAM 2000, the World Grows Organic, p. 627.

Znaor, Darko (1996) Demonstration Centres for Sustainable Agriculture. In: 11th IFOAM International Scientific Conference, p. 173.

Znaor, Darko (1995) Report working group 1 Bulgaria. In: Proceedings of the international workshop on the introduction of demonstration centres for sustainable practices in Central and Eastern Europe, Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 97-103.

Znaor, Darko (1994) Sprays Used in Ecological Agriculture: Potential and Constraints for Use. In: Hills, S (Ed.) Proceedings of the 10th IFOAM Scientific Conference , p. 232.

Znaor, Darko and Goewie, Eric (1999) Agro-designing: sustainability-driven, vision-oriented, problem preventing and knowledge-based methodology for improving farming systems sustainability. In: Zanoli, R and Krell, R (Eds.) Research methodologies in organic farming, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, pp. 173-174.

Znaor, Darko and Karyotis, Theodore (2011) Capacity building and public awareness raising on Nitrates Directive in the countries aspiring to EU accession. In: Karyotis, T.; Gabriels, D. and Noulas, C. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th International Congress of the European Society for Soil Conservation “Innovative Strategies and Policies for Soil Conservation”, National Agricultural Research Foundation , Athens, pp. 172-173.

Znaor, Darko and Kieft, Henk (2000) Environmental impact and macro-economic feasibility of organic agriculture in the Danube River Basin. In: Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, Willie and Niggli, Urs (Eds.) IFOAM 2000, the World Grows Organic, pp. 160-163.

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Zundel, Christine; Schneider, Monika; Musyoka, Martha; Muriuki, Anne; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Chabi-Olaye, Adenirin and Niggli, Urs (2009) Long-term performance of organic crop rotations in the tropics: First results from a high and a medium potential site in sub-humid Central Kenya. In: Ssekyewa, Charles and Neuhoff, Daniel (Eds.) Fast tracking sustainable development in Africa through harnessing Organic Agriculture and Bio-technology , Uganda Martyrs University, Faculty of Agriculture, Kampala, Uganda, pp. 30-31.

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Zute, Sanita; Vicupe, Zaiga and Bleidere, Mara (2017) Evaluation of different oat varieties to identify prospective breeding lines for organic agriculture. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, MInna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 58-60.

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Østergård, H. (2005) Composition of variety mixtures in barley and wheat. In: http://www.cost860.dk/activities/workshops/Assessment/default.asp.

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Østergård, H.; Kristensen, K.; Hovmøller, M.S. and Jensen, J.W. (2004) Disease severity and grain yield of spring barley variety mixtures grown under organic and conventional conditions. Paper at: Workshop on Resistance of cereals to biotic stresses., IHAR Radzikóv, Poland, November 28 - December 1, 2004. [Unpublished]

Østergård, H.; Kristensen, K. and Jensen, J.W. (2005) Stability of variety mixtures of spring barley. In: Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Goldringer, I. and Østergård, H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on Organic Plant Breeding Strategies and the Use of Molecular markers, 17-19 January 2005. Driebergen, The Netherlands, pp. 28-30.

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Østergård, Hanne; Kristensen, Kristian; Hovmøller, Mogens and Willas, Jakob (2006) Genetic potential for grain yield in spring barley varieties and variety mixtures in variable organic environments. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Østergård, Hanne; Markussen, Mads Ville; Kullak, Michal; Nemecek, Thomas and Smith, Laurence (2014) RESOURCE USE IN A LOW-INPUT ORGANIC VEGETABLE FOOD SUPPLY SYSTEM IN UK - A CASE STUDY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 215-218.


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Lichtfouse, Eric (Ed.) (2009) Organic Farming, Pest Control and Remediation of Soil Pollutants. Springer.

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Lammerts Van Bueren, E.T. and Goldringer, I. (Eds.) (2005) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB workshop on organic plant breeding strategies and the use of molecular markers : 17 - 19 January 2005 Driebergen, The Netherlands. Louis Bolk Institute, Driebergen, NL.

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Trávníček, Jan; Schaack, Diana; Le Douarin, Sarah; Holdstock, Lee; Solfanelli, Francesco; Padel, Susanne and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2024) The European Market for Organic Food. . Proceedings of Session "The European Market for Organic Food" at the BIOFACH Congress, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Nuremberg, February 13, 2024. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga; Figeczky, Gabor and Sahota, Amarjit (Eds.) (2024) Presentions of the Session "The World of Organic Agriculture - Latest Statistics". . Proceedings of Session "The World of Organic Agriculture - Latest Statistics" at the Biofach Congress 2022, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Nürnberg, February 13-16, 2024. [Unpublished]

Oberhänsli, Thomas (Ed.) (2024) 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium on April 11, 2024 at Frick, Switzerland. . Proceedings of 2nd Oxford Nanopore-Symposium, Frick, Switzerland, 11 April 2024. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Behr, Hans-Christoph; Holdstock, Lee; Padel, Susanne; Trávníček, Jan and Zanoli, Raffaele (Eds.) (2023) The European Market for Organic Food. . Proceedings of Session "The European Market for Organic Food" at Biofach Congress 2023, NürnbergMesse, Nürnberg, Germany, February 14-17, 2023. [Completed]

Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Vaarst, Mette and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) (2021) Organic Animal Husbandry systems – Ways to improvement. IAHA Animal Husbandry Alliance pp. 1-129. Proceedings of IAHA Pre-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, Rennes, France + virtual, 6th-7th September 2021.

Rahmann, Gerold; Rey, Frédéric; Ardakani, M. Reza; AZIM, Khalid; CHABLE, Véronique; Heckendorn, Felix; Migliorini, Paola; Moeskops, Bram; Neuhoff, Daniel; Rembialkowska, Ewa; Shade, Jessica and Tchamitchian, Marc (Eds.) (2021) From its roots, organic inspires science, and vice versa. Book of Abstracts of the Science Forum at the Organic World Congress 2021. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunwschweig, Thünen Report, no. 88, pp. 1-236. Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, September 8-10.

Lazzaro, Mariateresa; Zschunke, Amadeus; Nauta, Wytze; Lieffering, Gert-Jan; Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T.; Jzerman, Steven I; Federica, Bigongiali and Bavo, van den Idsert (Eds.) (2021) Transition towards 100% organic seeds and the role of organic animal and crop breeding in the new Organic Regulation Which implications for the processing and trade sector? . Proceedings of Workshop, Online event, 05 May 2021.

Devīte, Marta; Rābante, Lāsma; Dzedule, Līga; Bleidere, Māra and Skrabule, Ilze (Eds.) (2021) Abstract E-book and E-poster collection. . Proceedings of International Conference on BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS. By EUCARPIA Section Organic and Low Input Agriculture jointly with LIVESEED, BRESOV, ECOBREED, FLPP projects and ECO-PB, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia, 8-10 March 2021.

IFOAM, Organics International (Ed.) (2021) Book of Abstracts: Organic World Congress 2021. . Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2021, Rennes, France, September 8-10, 2020. [Completed]

Società Italiana di Economia Agraria, SIDEA (Ed.) (2021) LVII Convegno SIDEA: 16-17 Settembre Bologna 2021 - Book of Abstracts-Sessioni Parallele. . Proceedings of LVII Convegno SIDEA, Bologna, Italia, 16-17 Settembre 2021. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Katsoulas, Nikolaos; Conroy, Judith and Schmutz, Ulrich (Eds.) (2020) HOW TO PHASE OUT COPPER, PEAT, FOSSIL DERIVED PLASTIC AND CONVENTIONAL FERTILISERS FROM ORGANIC GROWING IN EUROPE? Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK). Proceedings of Organic PLUS webinar for WP3 and 5, Webinar, October 21, 2020.

Kidane, Alemayehu; Sørheim, Kristin and Steinshamn, Håvard (Eds.) (2020) Lamb growth on pastures containing chicory (Cichorium intybus) under spring and summer conditions. The Organising Committee of the 28th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Helsinki, 25, Grassland Science in Europe, pp. 294-296. Proceedings of General meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Helsinki, Finland, 19.-22. October 2020.

Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E.; Aasen, Inga Marie; Steinshamn, Håvard and Enemark, Heidi L. (Eds.) (2020) Can extract from Norwegian Bark extract control coccidiosis in suckling lambs? pp. 57-61. Proceedings of IAHA Video Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry 2, Video, 21. and 22. September 2020.

Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Früh, Barbara and Vaarst, Mette (Eds.) (2020) Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials-Proceedings of the IAHA Video-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry - 21. and 22. September 2020 linked to the 20th Organic World Congress of IFOAM 2021. 3 p. 1. Proceedings of IAHA Video-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, video, 21. and 22. September 2020. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Schaack, Diana; Lacarce, Eva; Zanoli, Raffaele and Holdstock, Lee (Eds.) (2020) The European Market for Organic Food at BIOFACH 2020. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. Proceedings of BIOFACH Congress 2020. Session: The European Market for Organic Food, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Germany, February 12, 2020. [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre; Trognitz, Friederike and Messmer, Monika M. (Eds.) (2019) 2nd EUCARPIA workshop booklet. . Proceedings of 2nd EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant-Microbe Interactions in Plant Breeding, Tulln, Vienna, 6 Dec 2019.

Vittersø, Gunnar and Torjusen, Hanne (Eds.) (2019) Seminar on involving citizens in deliberative processes. . Proceedings of Seminar.

Azim, Khalid; Hafidi, Mohamed; Bouizgarne, Brahim and Rahman, Gerold (Eds.) (2019) BOOK OF ABSTRACTS: 1st EU/North-African Conference on Organic Agriculture (EU-NACOA) “Bridging the Gap, Empowering Organic Africa”. pp. 1-143. Proceedings of 1st EU/North-African Conference on Organic Agriculture (EU-NACOA), Marrakesh, 11-12 november 2019.

Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) (2019) Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Program and abstract book. . Proceedings of Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials?, Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Hefner, M. (Eds.) (2019) Proceedings of the 3rd workshop: EUVRIN fertilisation and irrigation. The 9.-11. Sept. 2019 Pisa University, Italy. Eds. L. INCROCCI, D. MASSA, R. B. THOMPSON, J. ZINKERNAGEL p. 32-33 Abstract: Sustainable Intensification and Nitrogen Management in Organic Vegetable Production. . Proceedings of The 3rd EUVRIN Workshop: fertilisation and irrigation, Pisa University, Italy, , 9.-11. Sept. 2019.

Incrocci, L; Massa, D; Thompson, R and Zinkernagel, J (Eds.) (2019) Proceedings of the EUVRIN 3rd workshop fertilisation and irrigation of vegetables. pp. 32-33. Proceedings of EUVRIN, Pisa Italy, 9.-11. Sept. 2019.

Willer, Helga; Schaack, Diana; Flechet, Dorian; Sawyer, Martin and Solfanelli, Francesco (Eds.) (2019) The European Market for Organic Food at BIOFACH 2019. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. Proceedings of BIOFACH Congress 2019. Session: The European Market for Organic Food, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Germany, February 13, 2019. [Completed]

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, ECO-PB (Eds.) (2018) Invitation and proceedings of LIVESEED, ECO-PB, CPVO workshop on Heterogeneous Material and Organic Varieties. . Proceedings of Workshop on Heterogeneous Material and Organic Varieties directly after the annual Meeting of Examination Offices MEO, Terra Botanica, Angers, France, 6.12.2018. [Completed]

TIPI, TP Organics (Ed.) (2018) Science Day 2018. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. Proceedings of Science Day 2018, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Nürnberg Germany, February 16, 208. [Unpublished]

Hubbard, Kristina (Ed.) (2018) Proceedings of the 9th Organicn Seed Growers Conference. Synergie that Sustains. Organic Seed Alliance. Proceedings of 9th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, February 14 - 17, 2018.

Bacanovic, Jelena; Dennenmoser, Dominic and Finckh, Maria R. (Eds.) (2018) Symposium on breeding for diversification. . Proceedings of EUCARPIA - A Joint Meeting of the EUCARPIA Section Organic and Low - Input Agriculture, ECO - PB, DIVERSify, INSUSFAR, HealthyMinorCereals, LIVESEED, ReMIX and Wheatamix, Witzenhausen, 19. - 20. February 2018.

TIPI, Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM (Ed.) (2017) Pre-conference at the Organic World Congress 2017: "Accelerating innovation - the role of science, policy and practice" - Presentations. . Proceedings of Pre-conference at the Organic World Congress 2017: "Accelerating innovation - the role of science, policy and practice", Constitution Club, New Dehli, November 8, 2017. [Unpublished]

Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) (2017) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems. 13(1), NJF Report pp. 1-141. Proceedings of NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, Mikkeli, Finland, 19 - 21 June 2017.

Rahmann, G; Andres, C.; Yadav, A.K.; Ardakani, M.R.; Babalad, H.B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S.L.; Olowe, V; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, H. (Eds.) (2017) Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, 1, Thünen report, no. 54, pp. 1-511. Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2017, Delhi, India, 9-11 November 2107.

Rahmann, G; Andres, C.; Yadav, A.K.; Ardakani, M.R.; Babalad, H.B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S.L.; Olowe, V; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, H. (Eds.) (2017) Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, 2, Thünen report, no. 54, pp. 512-808. Proceedings of Organic World Congress 2017, Delhi, India, 9-11 November 2107.

Schmid, Otto; Ghotge, Nitya; Johnson, Mation; Atkinson, Chris and Chander, Mahesh (Eds.) (2017) Role of Livestock in Sustainable Agriculture. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements - Animal Husbandry Alliance (IFOAM-IAHA), Bonn and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. Proceedings of Proceedings of the IAHA Pre-Conference on Animal Husbandry 6.-8. November 2017 at 19thOrganic World Congress in India, India, 6.-8. November 2017. [Completed]

Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard (Ed.) (2015) COBRA - Coordinating Organic Plant BReeding Activities - for diversity. pp. 1-77. Proceedings of The Cobra Final Conference, Vingsted Hotel and Conferencecentre, Denmark, November 24th - 25th 2015. [Completed]

Ngouajio, Mathieu (Ed.) (2015) Innovations in Organic Food Systems for Sustainable Production and Enhanced Ecosystem Services. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 4 (3), pp. 1-184. Proceedings of International Conference, Long Beach, California, 1-2 November 2014.

Rahmann, Gerald; Olowe, Victor Idowu and Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola (Eds.) (2015) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives. Vol. 1 pp. 1-299. Proceedings of 3rd can Organic Conference, Lagos, Nigeria, 5-9 October 2015.

EUCARPIA - European Association for Research on Plant Breeding, ECO-PB - European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding (Eds.) (2015) First EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant - Microbe Interaction in Plant Breeding. . Proceedings of First EUCARPIA Workshop on Implementing Plant - Microbe Interaction in Plant Breeding, Technische Universität München, Freising Weihenstephan, 25th June ‐ 26th June 2015.

Rosner, Franz (Ed.) (2015) Innovative disease control strategies for European organic and integrated vineyards`. Proceedings of the VineMan.org project congress. . Proceedings of Final congress of the VineMan.org project, Vienna, 09.01.2015. [In Press]

OrganicDataNetwork (Ed.) (2014) Presentations from the workshop "Organic market data collection and publication procesures: the Code of Practice of the OrganicDataNetwork (OrMaCode)". . Proceedings of 18th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, October 13-15, 2014. [Completed]

Schmid, Otto; Chander, Mahesh; Escosteguy, Angela and Früh, Barbara (Eds.) (2014) Organic Animal Husbandry across the world: Towards an Action Plan for development and strengthening of Organic Animal Husbandry. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements - Animal Husbandry Alliance (IFOAM-IAHA), Bonn and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. Proceedings of IAHA Preconference and Workshop at the 18th Organic World Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 12. and 15. October 2014.

Chable, Véronique; Goldringer, I.; Howlett, Sally; Barberi, Paolo; Miko, P; Mendes-Moreira, P.M.R.; Rakszegi, M; Østergård, Hanne; Borgen, Anders; Finckh, Maria R.; Pedersen, T and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) (2014) Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems. . Proceedings of Solibam Final Congress, Nantes, 7 - 9 July 2014.

OrganicDataNetwork (Ed.) (2014) Presentations from the session "How to improve market data quality? Case studies on improved organic market data collection methods in selected countries" at the BioFach Congress 2014. . Proceedings of BioFachCongress 2014, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, February 12-15, 2014. [Completed]

HELVETAS , Hivos, ICEA, IFOAM, FiBL (Eds.) (2014) Organic family farming and fair trade for rural development. . Proceedings of Pre-Conference on "Orgnaic family farming and fair traide for rural development" at the Organic Wolrd Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 12th October 2014. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) (2013) Organic farming systems as a driver for change. NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 1-184. Proceedings of NJF Seminar 461, Bredsten, Denmark, 21 - 23 August 2013.

Döring, Thomas F.; Howlett, S. A.; Winkler, Louisa and Wolfe, Martin (Eds.) (2013) International Symposium on Evolutionary Breeding in Cereals. The Organic Research Centre, Hamstead Marshall, UK, pp. 1-22.

OrganicDataNetwork (Ed.) (2013) Presentations from the session "The European Market for Organic Food" at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of BioFachCongress 2013, NürnbergMesse, Nürnberg, Germany, February 13-16, 2013. [Completed]

Strassner, Carola (Ed.) (2013) Presentations from the HoReCa Forum International Sessions at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of BioFach Congress 2013, Nuremberg, Germany, 13-16 February 2013. [Completed]

Burny, Philippe and Debode, Frédéric (Eds.) (2013) Is organic farming the solution for the future of Walloon agriculture ? ASU Publishing Center, pp. 514-517. Proceedings of The Sixth International Scientific Conference "Rural Development 2013, Akademija, Lithuania.

MacKenzie, Joanna and Savard, Margaret (Eds.) (2012) Proceedings of the 2012 Canadian Organic Science Conference. Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Truro, Nova Scotia, Canada, pp. 1-143. Proceedings of Canadian Organic Science Conference and Organic Science Cluster Strategic Meetings, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, February 21-23, 2012.

Korsgaard, Maren (Ed.) (2012) Strategic irrigation against apple scab. Foerdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau e.V. (FOEKO). Proceedings of The 15th International Conference on Organic Fruit Growing, Hohenheim, Germany, 2012, February 20-22.

Leenstra, Ferry; Klint Jensen, Karsten; Butler, Gillian; Baker, Brian; Willer, Helga and Maurer, Veronika (Eds.) (2012) Ethical Consideration in Livestock Breeding. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland. Proceedings of First LowInputBreeds Symposium, Wageningen, The Netherlands, 15-16 March 2011.

Dvorak, Petr; Tomasek, Jaroslav and Hamouz, Karel (Eds.) (2011) Effect of mulching materials on the soil temperature, soil water potential, number and weight tubers of organic potatoes. .

Stolz, Hanna; Obermowe, Tim and Buchecker, Kirsten (Eds.) (2011) Sensory characteristics of organic food: positioning and sensory marketing strategies. . Proceedings of BioFach Congress 2011, Session Sensory characteristics of organic food: positioning and sensory marketing strategies, Nürnberg Messe, Nürmberg, February 15-18, 2011. [Completed]

Forster, Dionys; Messmer, Monika; Baruah, Rajeev and Patil, Shreekant S. (Eds.) (2011) Disappearing non-GM cotton - ways forward to maintain diversity, increase availability and ensure quality of non-GM cotton seed. [Proceedings.] . Proceedings of National Workshop - Disappearing non-GM cotton - ways forward to maintain diversity, increase availability and ensure quality of non-GM cotton seed, Dharwad, Karnataka, 21 June 2011. [Completed]

Sarapatka, Borivoj (Ed.) (2011) New findings in organic farming research and their possible use for Central and Eastern Europe. Bioinstitut. Proceedings of 3rd Scientific Conference 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, 14th – 15th November 2011.

Kerekes, Sandor; Csutora, Maria and Szekely, Mozes (Eds.) (2011) Sustainable consumption 2011 Conference. pp. 1-66.

Goldringer, Isabelle; Dawson, Julie; Rey , Frederic and Vettoretti, Alice (Eds.) (2010) Breeding for resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems? . Proceedings of EUCARPIA 2nd Conference of the "Organic and Low-Input Agriculture" Section, Paris, France, 1-3 December 2010.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; Husby, Sofie and Brandhøj, Mia (Eds.) (2010) Foodservice at events as a strategy for sustainable food consumption. Workshop held as a part of the conference: Joint Actions on Climate Change, Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre, Denmark, June 9th-10th, 2009. ICROFS, International Centre for Research in Organic Farming Systems, Tjele, Denmark, CORE Organic Project Series Report. Proceedings of Joint Actions on Climate Change, Aalborg Congress & Culture Centre, Denmark, June 9th-10th, 2009.

Strassner, Carola; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Nölting, Benjamin and Kristensen, Niels Heine (Eds.) (2010) Organic Food for Youth in Public Settings: Potentials and Challenges. Preliminary Recommendations from a European Study. ICROFS, International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Proceedings of iPOPY session held at the BioFach Congress 2010, Nuremberg, Germany, February 20, 2010.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; He, Chen; Mikkola, Minna; Nielsen, Thorkild and Nymoen, Lena Lie (Eds.) (2010) Novel Strategies for Climate Mitigation, Sustainability and Healthy Eating in Public Foodscapes. Proceedings of a seminar held at Aalborg University, Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Denmark,November 25th-26th, 2009. ICROFS, International Centre for Research in Organic Farming Systems, Tjele, Denmark, CORE Organic Project Series Report. Proceedings of iPOPY-Foodprint conference 2009, Copenhagen Institute of Technology, Denmark,, November 25th-26th, 2009.

Strassner, Carola and Mikkelsen, Camilla (Eds.) (2010) Certifying Out Of Home Operators in Europe. European Forum for Certification. University of applied sciences, Münster, Germany and IFOAM EU group. Proceedings of European Forum for Certification at BioFach 2010, Nuremberg, Germany, 20th February 2010.

La Torre, A.; Pompi, V. and Coramusi, A. (Eds.) (2010) NATURAL PRODUCTS ALONE OR WITH COPPER VS. GRAPE DOWNY MILDEW: EFFICACY, COSTS, CU IMPACT. Ghent University, Ghent. Proceedings of 62nd International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent University, Belgium, Tuesday May 18, 2010.

Turtola, Eila; Ekholm, Petri and Chardon, Wim (Eds.) (2010) Novel methods for reducing agricultural nutrient loading and eutrophication. MTT Agrifood Research Finland, MTT Science, no. 10. Proceedings of Meeting of Cost 869, Jokioinen, Finland, 14-16 June, 2010.

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Mikkola, Minna; Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg and Roos, Gun (Eds.) (2009) Like what you get? Is it good for you? Organic food, health and sustainable development in schools. University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute, no. ISBN: 978-87-991343-8-0. Proceedings of Like what you get? Is it good for you? Organic food, health and sustainable development in schools, University of Helsinki, Finland, Ruralia Institute, 21.- 22. January 2009.

Znaor, Darko (Ed.) (2009) Organic Agriculture and Climate Change. Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 181. Proceedings of International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change, Sofia , September 28-29, 2009.

Znaor, Darko (Ed.) (2009) Organic Agriculture, Biodiversity and Business. Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 177. Proceedings of International Conference on Organic Agriculture, Biodiversity and Business, Sofia , September 30 - October 01, 2009.

Strassner, Carola; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Spigarolo, Roberto (Eds.) (2009) Proceedings of the Workshop on Organic Public Catering at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, 19th June 2008 in Modena, Italy. ICROFS, Denmark, Core Organic Project Series Report. Proceedings of Workshop on Organic Public Catering at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 19, 2008.

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Hospers-Brands, M.Sc. Monique and van der Burgt, M.Sc. Geert-Jan (Eds.) (2009) Towards Improved Quality in Organic Food Production. . Proceedings of 5th QLIF Training and Exchange Workshop, Driebergen (Netherlands), 21 - 23 January 2009.

Sarapatka, Borivoj and Samsonova, Pavlina (Eds.) (2008) Bioacademy 2008 - Proceedings. [Sborník Bioakademie 2008.] Bioinstitut, Olomouc, Czech Republic. Proceedings of Bioacademy 2008, 3.– 5. 9. 2008.

He, Chen; Marley, Elin and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (Eds.) (2008) The iPOPY Young Researchers Workshop on Organic and Healthy Foods in Schools - Methods and Early Results. . [Completed]

LA TORRE, A.; GIANFERRO, M. and SPERA, G. (Eds.) (2008) OPTIMIZATION OF PLANT PROTECTION PRODUCTS TREATMENTS AGAINST PLASMOPARA VITICOLA. Ghent University, Ghent . Proceedings of 60th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent University, Belgium , Tuesday May 20, 2008.

van der Burgt, Ir. G.J.H.M and Timmermans, Dr. B.G.H. (Eds.) (2008) Soil Nitrogen: research and extension. . Proceedings of 4th QLIF workshop, Driebergen, the Netherlands, 13-15 February 2008.

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van de Vijver, Lucy P.L. (Ed.) (2007) Measuring food quality: concepts, methods and challenges - Proceedings seminar February 2007. . Proceedings of 3rd QLIF training and exchange workshop “Measuring food quality: concepts, methods and challenges”, Louis Bolk Institute, Driebergen, The Netherlands, February 12-14, 2007.

Schmid, Otto and Kretzschmar, Ursula (Eds.) (2007) Organic Food Processing: Principles and future concepts including the further development of Annex VI of EU regulation 2092/91. . Proceedings of BioFach Congress, Session on Organic Food Processing, Nuremberg, Germany, 15 February 2007. [Unpublished]

Lammerts van Bueren, E.; Goldringer, I.; Scholten, O. and Østergård, H. (Eds.) (2007) Plant breeding for organic and sustainable, low-input agriculture: dealing with genotypeenvironment interactions. Book of Abstracts. Wageningen University, Plant Sciences, Laboratory of Plant Breeding, Chair Organic Plant Breeding, NL-Wageningen. Proceedings of Eucarpia symposium of Working Group Organic Plant Breeding, Wageningen, The Netherlands,, November 7-9, 2007.

Rouhiainen, Vesa (Ed.) (2007) Researching and developing in knowledge based society : workshop presentations of 1st MUC Researcher Seminar 2007. University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute, University of Helsinki. Ruralia Institute. Reports, no. 18. Proceedings of 1st MUC Researcher Seminar, Mikkeli, Finland, March 16-17, 2007.

Østergård, H. and Fontaine, L. (Eds.) (2006) Cereal crop diversity: Implications for production and products. ITAB, Paris. Proceedings of COST SUSVAR workshop, La Besse, Paris (FR), 12-15 Jun 2006.

Rymer, Caroline; Vaarst, Mette and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2006) Future perspective for animal health on organic farms: main findings, conclusions and recommendations from SAFO Network. University of Reading, SAFO - Sustaining Animal Health and Food Quality in Organic Farming. Proceedings of 5th SAFO Workshop, Odense, Denmark, 1 June 2006.

Monique, Bestman and Wagenaar, Jan-Paul (Eds.) (2006) Towards animal oriented rearing methods in organic production systems. . Proceedings of International Training and Exchange workshop, QLIF project, Driebergen, February 2006.

La Torre, A.; Leandri, A. and Lolletti, D. (Eds.) (2005) COMPARISON OF HEALTH STATUS BETWEEN ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL PRODUCTS. University of Ghent, Ghent. Proceedings of 57th International Symposium on Crop Protection, Ghent, Belgium, May 10, 2005.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (Ed.) (2005) Organic Farming for a New Millennium - status and future challenges. Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists and Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, 1, NJF Report, no. 1. Proceedings of NJF seminar 369 Organic Farming for a New Millennium - status and future challenges., Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden, June 15-17, 2005.

Sundrum, Albert and Weissmann, Friedrich (Eds.) (2005) Organic pig production in free range systems. Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft, FAL (Federal Agricultural Research Centre), Landbauforschung Völkenrode (FAL Agricultural Research): Sonderheft (Special Issue), no. 281. Proceedings of Outdoor systems with fattening pigs – status quo and future developments in Western European countries, Trenthorst, 18. December 2003.

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. and Østergård, H. (Eds.) (2005) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on organic plant breeding strategies and the use of molecular markers. Louis Bolk Institute. Proceedings of COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on organic plant breeding strategies and the use of molecular markers, Driebergen, Netherlands, 17-19 January 2005.

Belicka, Ina; Viklante, Mara and Arbidans, Maris (Eds.) (2005) Proceedings of the seminar Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production. NGO "Aleksandra Pelēča lasītava" at Dižstende:State Stende Plant Breeding Station. Proceedings of Environmental friendly food production system: requirements for plant breeding and seed production (ENVIRFOOD) FP-2003-SSA-1-007003, Talsi, Latvia, May 31-June 3, 2005.

Hovi, Malla; Walkenhorst, Michael and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2005) Systems development: quality and safety of organic livestock products. . Proceedings of 4th SAFO Workshop, Frick, 17.03.2005 - 19.03.2005.

La Torre, A.; Spera, G.; Lolletti, D. and Cargnello, G. (Eds.) (2005) TESTING NEW COPPER COMPOUNDS AND CUPRIC ALTERNATIVE PRODUCTS AGAINST DOWNY MILDEW IN ORGANIC VITICULTURE. . Proceedings of GESCO XIVth Internationales Weinbau-Symposium, Geisenheim, 23-27 Agust 2005.

International Food Quality and health Association, FQH (Ed.) (2005) What we achieved - where we will go. International Research Association for Organic Food Quality and Health, Witzenhausen, Germany. Proceedings of Proceedings of the 1st scientific FQH Conference, CH-Frick, 28.11.2005 - 29.11.2005.

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Korean Organic Farmers Association (Ed.) (2004) Benign Environment and Safe Food. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Dankook University. Proceedings of 6th IFOAM-Asia Scientific Conference, Yangpyung, Korea, 7.-9. September 2004. [Unpublished]

Hovi, Malla; Sundrum, Albert and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2004) Organic livestock farming: potential and limitations of husbandry practice to secure animal health and welfare and food quality. SAFO Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming. A European Commission funded Concerted Action Project. Proceedings of 2nd SAFO Workshop, Witzenhausen, Germany, 25.-27.03.2004.

Brandt, Dr. Kirsten (Ed.) (2004) Proceedings and conclusions of "Workshop on Assurance of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains" in the EU project "Recommendations for improved procedures for securing consumer oriented food safety and quality of certified organic foods from plough to plate" (Organic HACCP). . Proceedings of Workshop on Assurance of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains, Hotel Bildungszentrum 21, Basel, Switzerland, 13-14th Janurary 2004. [Unpublished]

Lammerts van Bueren, Edith; Ranganathan, Radha and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) (2004) Proceedings of the First World Conference on Organic Seed. . Proceedings of First World Conference on Organic Seed - Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Agriculture and the Seed Industry, Rome, 05.07.2004 - 07.07.2004.

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Halberg, Niels (Ed.) (2003) Life Cycle Assessment in the Agri-food sector. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, DIAS Report, Animal Husbandry, no. 61. Proceedings of 4th International Conference, Bygholm, Denmark, 6-8 October 2003.

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Hovi, Malla; Martini, Andrea and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2003) Socio-economic aspects of animal health and food safety in organic farming systems. The University of Reading / Concerted Action: Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming. Proceedings of the 1st SAFO Workshop, Florence, Italy, 5-7 September 2003. [Unpublished]

Hovi, Malla and Vaarst, Mette (Eds.) (2002) Positive health: preventive measures and alternative strategies (5th NAHWOA Workshop). . Proceedings of NAHWOA: Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, Røddinge, Denamrk, 11-13 November 2001.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Nielsen, Thorkild (Eds.) (2002) Seminar report: Organic foods in Nordic catering - a multidisciplinary challenge. Danish Veterinary and Food Administration. Nutrition Department - The Danish Catering Centre. Proceedings of Organic foods in Nordic catering - a multidisciplinary challenge, Copenhagen, 28-29 September 2001.

Hovi, Malla and Baars, Ton (Eds.) (2001) Breeding and feeding for animal health and welfare in organic livestock systems (4th NAHWOA Workshop). . Proceedings of NAHWOA: Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, Wageningen, Netherlands, 24-27 March 2001.

Hovi, Malla and Bouilhol, Michel (Eds.) (2001) Human - animal relationship: stockmanship and housing in organic livestock systems (3rd NAHWOA Workshop). . Proceedings of NAHWOA: Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, Clermont-Ferrand, France, 21-24 October 2000.

Hovi, Malla and Trujillo, R. Garcia (Eds.) (2000) The diversity of livestock systems and definition of animal welfare (2nd NAHWOA Workshop). . Proceedings of NAHWOA - Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture, Córdoba, Spain, 8-11 January, 2000.

Kleeberg, H. and Zebitz, C.P.W. (Eds.) (2000) Practice Oriented Results on Use and Production of Neem - Ingredients and Pheromones. Trifolio, Germany. Proceedings of 9th Workshop „Practice Oriented Results on Use and Production of Neem-Ingredients and Pheromones", Hohensolms, Germany, 13.03.2000 - 15.03.2000.

Haest, Carol and Meier, Urs (Eds.) (2000) Proceedings 2nd International Seminar "Organics in the Supermarket". Researcg Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, Frick, FiBL-Proceedings. Proceedings of IFOAM 2000: The World Grows Organic, Basel, Switzerland, 28.-30. August 2000.

Willer, Helga and Meier, Urs (Eds.) (2000) Proceedings 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) und Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau (SÖL), SÖL-Sonderausgabe, no. Nr. 77. Proceedings of 6th International Congress on Organic Viticulture, Convention Center Basel, 25 and 26 August 2000.

Raupp, Dr Joachim (Ed.) (1996) Quality of plant products grown with manure fertilization. IBDF Darmstadt, Germany, 9, Publications of the Institute for Biodynamic Research, Darmstadt. Proceedings of 4th workshop on Fertilization in Organic Farming, Juva, Finland, 6-9 July 1996.

Znaor, Darko (Ed.) (1994) Contribution of Organic Agriculture to Sustainable Rural Development in Central and Eastern Europe. Avalon Foundation, Edens, pp. 221. Proceedings of Proceedings of the International Conference for Policy Makers, Castle Rdlec, Bodhalov, Czech Republic, October 14-17, 1993.

Willer, Helga (Ed.) (2022) The European Market for Organic Food. . Proceedings of Session "The European Market for Organic Food" at Biofach-Kongress 2022, Nürnberg Messe, Nürnberg, July 26-29, 2022. [Unpublished]

Teagasc (Ed.) (2008) Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference Proceedings 2008. Teagasc, Oakpark, pp. 1-121. Proceedings of Teagasc Organic Production Research Conference, Tullamore Court Hotel, Tullamore, Co. Offaly, Ireland, 2 December 2008.

Elmholt, Susanne; Stenberg, Bo; Grønlund, Arne and Nuutinen, Visa (Eds.) (2000) Soil Stresses, Quality and Care. Danish Institute of Agricultural Research, DIAS Report, no. 38. Proceedings of Soil Stresses, Quality and Care. NJF Seminar 310, Ås, Norway, 10-12 April 2000.

Fuchs, Jacques G.; Kupper, Thomas; Tamm, Lucius and Schenk, Karina (Eds.) (2008) Compost and digestate: sustainability, benefits, impacts for the environment and for plant production. [Proceedings of the international congress CODIS 2008. February 27-29, 2008, Solo.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Hinsinger, Philippe and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2018) Proceedings of the First SolACE Stakeholder Event. . Proceedings of First SolACE Stakeholder Event, Montpellier, France, June 27, 2017.

Huber, Beate (Ed.) (2008) Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework. Second Round Table of the Eastern European Countries. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Proceedings of Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework. Second Round Table of the Eastern European Countries, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 5&6, 2008. [Unpublished]

Jorgensen, K. F.; Kjeldsen, A. M.; Strudsholm, F. and Vestergaard, M. (Eds.) (2005) Factors causing a higher level of liver abscesses in organic compared with conventional dairy herds. [Faktorer af betydning for et højere niveau af leverbylder hos økologiske sammenlignet med konventionelle malkebesætninger.] Wageningen Academic Publisher, The Netherlands, EAAP Book of Abstracts, no. 11. Proceedings of Annual Meeting of the European Association for Animal Production, Uppsala, Sweden, 5.-8. June 2005.

Kemper, Laura; Rust, Niki; Symanczik, Sarah; Batelli, Giorgia; De Vries, Michiel; Deva, Eleonora; Dupré de Boulois, Hervé and David, Jacques (Eds.) (2020) Proceedings of the Third SolACE Stakeholder Event. . Proceedings of Third SolACE Stakeholder Event, Dundee, Scotland, October 9, 2019.

Kongsted, A.G.; Claudi-Magnussen, C. and Andersen, B.H. (Eds.) (2008) A diversified organic pork production – presentation of a concept based on seasonal outdoor rearing of very small entire males. p. 100. Proceedings of EAAP annual meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania, 24-27th August 2008.

CREA, Italy (Ed.) (2021) Oral presentations of ProOrg. . Proceedings of SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Serikstad, Grete Lene (Eds.) (2019) Organic-PLUS workshop in Norway. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK). Proceedings of Organic-PLUS workshop in Norway, Fokhol farm, Stange, Norway, October 28-29, 2019.

Pecchioni, Nicola; Jones, Glyn; Rust, Niki; Hinsinger, Philippe and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2018) Proceedings of the Second SolACE Stakeholder Event. . Proceedings of 2nd SolACE Stakeholder Event, Foggia, Italy, May 16, 2018.

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (Ed.) (2016) Presentations of the session "The World of Organic Agriculture" at BIOFACH 2016. . Proceedings of BIOFACH Congress 2016, Nuremberg, Germany, February 10-13, 2016. [Submitted]

Spera, G.; La Torre, A. and Alegi, S. (Eds.) (2003) Organic viticulture: efficacy evaluation of different fungicides against Plasmopara viticola. University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium. Proceedings of 55^ International Symposium on Crop Protection (2003), Ghent, Belgium, Tuesday May 6, 2003.

Steenfeldt, S.; Horsted, K. and Sørensen, P. (Eds.) (2014) Contribution of feeds from range in organic broiler production. . Proceedings of Proceedings of the XIVth European Poultry Conference, Stavanger, Norway , 23-27 June, 2014.

Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (Eds.) (2014) Eating quality of filet and round from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers. . Proceedings of Proceedings of the 60th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Punta del Este, Uruguay, 17-22 August 2014.

TP Organics (Ed.) (2016) Research and innovation for organic food companies. . Proceedings of Science Day 2016 at BIOFACH Congress 2016, Nuremberg, Germany, February 12, 2016. [Submitted]

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (Ed.) (2013) Presentations from the session "The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2013" at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of Biofach Congress 2013, NürnbergMesse, Nürnberg, February 13, 2013. [Completed]

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (Eds.) (2013) Presentations from the session "Global Organic Market Overview" at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of Biofach Congress 2013, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 14, 2013. [Completed]

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick (Ed.) (2013) Presentations from the session "How sustainable are fairtrade and organic?" at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of Biofach Congress 2013, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 14, 2013. [Completed]

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick (Ed.) (2013) Presentations from the session "The revised EU import scheme: ensuring organic integrity?!" at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of Biofach Congress 2013, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 15, 2013. [Completed]

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (Ed.) (2016) Presentations of the session "The European market for organic food" at BIOFACH 2016. . Proceedings of BIOFACH Congress 2016, Nuremberg, Germany, February 10-13, 2016. [Submitted]


Demeter (2018) Demeter: voorwaarden. Demeter, Driebergen, NL.

Wageningen UR, Centre for Genetic Resources (2011) Farm seed opportunities : conservation, breeding and production. Centre for Genetic Resources, Wageningen , NL, , UR.

Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Department of Trade and Industry (2008) Organic agriculture market development : 'working towards a robust and independent sector’. Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, Department of Trade and Industry, The Hague, NL.

Dietemann, Lauren; Kemper, Laura; Kanner, Elsa and Huber, Beate (Eds.) (2024) Cultivating change with agroecology and organic agriculture in the tropics: Bridging science and policy for sustainable production systems. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Kemper, Laura; Dietemann, Lauren and Huber, Beate (Eds.) (2024) The potential of agroecology and organic - Insights from scientific evidence in the tropics. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland .

EU Cap Network (Ed.) (2023) EU CAP Network - Focus Group - Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features. EU Cap Network Final Report. .

Eko-Zadar (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Croatia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

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Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (ICROFS) (editor): Jensen, Kirsten Lund; Ingvartsen, Klaus Lønne; Magid, Jakob; Sehested, Jakob; Andreasen, Lise; Uller-Kristensen, Helene and Studnitz, Merete (Eds.) (2019) Forsknings- og udviklingsstrategi 2019-2021 inden for Økologisk jordbrug og fødevaresystemer. [Research and Development Strategy 2019-2021 for Organic Agriculture and Food Systems.] International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Otte, Pia Piroschka; Zahl-Thanem, Alexander and Hansen, Sissel (Eds.) (2019) Norwegian farmers’ willingness to participate in a local climate crowdfunding program - results from a national survey. [Norske bønders vilje til å delta i et program for folkefinansiering av klimatiltak på gårdsbruk - resultat fra en nasjonal undersøkelse.] Ruralis report, no. R-5/2019. Ruralis, Trondheim.

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Diversifood (editor): Rey, Frederic and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2018) Innovative approaches to embed diversity in food systems: DIVERSFOOD outcomes from field to plate. Diversifood Booklets, no. #6. ITAB.

IFOAM-Organics International Working Group on Replacing Cell Fusion Cultivars (2017) Situation Analysis and Strategy for Replacing Cell Fusion Cultivars in Organic Systems. IFOAM - Organics International .

IFOAM Working Group on New Plant Breeding Techniques (2017) Compatibility of Breeding Techniques in Organic Systems. Position Paper. IFOAM - Organics Intermnational, Bonn, Germany .

Eilertsen, Aleksander; Aursand, Marit and Carvajal, Ana Karina (Eds.) (2017) Project Cycle 2013-2017: Total utilization of raw materials in the supply chain for food with a bio-economical perspective. SINTEF Ocean AS, Trondheim, Norway.

Padel, Susanne; Zaralis, Konstantinos; Measures, Mark and Sumption, Phil (Eds.) (2016) Farmer Handbook reporting the outcome of participatory research findings. SOLID Deliverable 1.5. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

Nordlund Othén, Janne and Ullvén, Karin (Eds.) (2015) Swedish Research on Organic Food and Farming 2008–2018 – Updated version november 2018. SLU, EPOK – Centre for Organic Food and Farming, Uppsala, Sweden.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Krabsen, Janne; Kristensen, Helene and Halberg, Niels (Eds.) (2015) The Contribution of Organic Farming to Public Goods in Denmark Knowledge Synthesis 2015. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

AgroKnow (2015) Organic-AgriWare: an application for the organic agriculture community. Smart Agri Food Milestone Report. .

Louis Bolk Institute (Ed.) (2015) Seed availability for non-GM cotton production - An explorative study. Seed & Soils Task Force, OCRT, Textile Exchange .

Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine L and Hermansen, John E. (Eds.) (2014) Improved Contribution of local feed to support 100% Organic feed supply to Pigs and Poultry. Organic Research Centre .

Moeskops, Bram; Blake, Francis; Tort, Marie-Chiara and Torremocha, Eva (Eds.) (2014) Action Plan for Innovation and Learning. TP Organics , Brussels, Belgium.

OrganicDataNetwork (2014) D7.1 Data Network for better European Organic Market Information - Recommendations. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy .

OrganicDataNetwork (2014) D7.1 Data Network for better European Organic Market Information - Synthesis Report. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy .

OrganicDataNetwork (2014) D7.2 Code of Practice and Manual (OrMaCode). Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy .

OrganicDataNetwork (2014) D8.4 Multimedia presentation on Data collection experiences: case study results. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy .

Sanders, Jürn (Ed.) (2013) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Thünen-Institut , Germany, Braunschweig.

Leach, Katharine; Gerrard, Catherine L and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2013) Rapid sustainability assessment of organic and low-input farming across Europe and identification of research needs. Deliverable 1.1, no. EU- SOLID project. ORC, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury.

OrganicDataNetwork (2013) D8.2 Multimedia presentation on comprehensiveness compatibility of organic market data collection methods. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy .

Wivstad, Maria (Ed.) (2013) Research Agenda for Organic Agriculture 2013 – Research challenges and knowledge requirements for organic food and farming. SLU, EPOK – Centre for Organic Food and Farming, Uppsala, Sweden.

FOODLINKSCOMMUNITY (2013) Revaluing Public Sector Food Procurement in Europe: An Action Plan for Sustainability. Wageningen University, The Netherlands .

Galli, Francesca and Brunori, Gianluca (Eds.) (2013) Short Food Supply Chains as drivers of sustainable development. Evidence Document. Document developed in the framework of the FP7 project FOODLINKS (GA No. 265287). Laboratorio di studi rurali Sismondi .

Alastair, Penny and Moeskops, Bram (Eds.) (2012) Agro-ecology. Ten examples of successful innovation in agriculture. IFOAm EU Group, TP Organics, Arc2020 , Brussels, Belgium.

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Vaarst, Mette, De Passillé, Anne Marie, Wagenaar, Jan-Paul, Winckler, Christoph, Henriksen, Britt, Langford, Fritha M., Mejdell Cecilie, Nicholas, Philippa, Ruud, Lars Erik, Nyhus, Sissel, Lund, Vonne (editor): Lund, Vonne and Mejdell, Cecilie M. (Eds.) (2009) Calf welfare in organic herds - planning for the future. Veterinærinstituttet, National Veterinary Institute (Norway) .

Niemi, Jorma (Ed.) (2009) Environmental monitoring in Finland 2009-2012. Finnish Environment Institute.

Furman, Eeva; Peltola, Taru and Varjopuro, Riku (Eds.) (2009) Interdisciplinary research framework for identifying research needs : case: bioenergy-biodiversity interlinkages. Finnish Environment Institute.

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Willer, Helga; Yussefi-Menzler, Minou and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) (2008) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2008. IFOAM, Bonn and FiBL, Frick.

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ADAS (2006) The development of improved guidance on the use of fertility building crops in organic farming (CTE0204). ADAS , Wolverhampton.

Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Artur; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) (2002) Urban Areas - Rural Areas and Recycling - The organic way forward? Proceedings from NJF-seminar No. 327. Copenhagen, Denmark 20-21 August 2001. DARCOF Report, no. 3. Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming .

Hermansen, John E.; Lund, Vonne and Thuen, Erling (Eds.) (2000) Ecological Animal Husbandry in the Nordic Countries. Proceedings from NJF-seminar No. 303. Horsens, Denmark 16-17 September 1999. DARCOF Report, no. 2. Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming .

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Eltun, Ragnar; Gooding, Mike J.; Jensen, Erik Steen and Köpke, Ulrik (Eds.) (1999) Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming. Proceedings from an international workshop. DARCOF Report, no. 1. Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming .

Saidia, Paul Sabas; Chilagane, Emmanuel Amos; Maro, Janet Fares and Wostry, Alexander (editor): Sustainable Agriculture Tanzania (SAT), Morogoro, Biovision Africa Trust, Nairobi, Tanzania Organic Movement (TOAM), Dar es Salam (Eds.) (2013) Ecological Organic Agriculture in Africa: Researches done from 2002 to 2012 on Ecological Organic Agriculture in Tanzania. .

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Adler, Steffen A.; Honkapää, Kaisu; Saarela, Maria; Slizyte, Rasa; Sterten, Hallgeir; Vikman, Minna and Løes, Anne-Kristin (editor): Wibe, Atle; Aursand, Marit and Carvajal, Ana Karina (Eds.) (2014) Utilisation of co-streams in the Norwegian food processing industry. Bioforsk Report, no. Vol. 9 Nr. 82 2014. Bioforsk, Bioforsk - Organic Food and Farming Division.

Ahuja, Ishita and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2019) Effect of fish bones and algae fibre as fertilisers for ryegrass. NORSØK Report, no. 7 Vol 4. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Ahuja, Ishita; Ween, Ola; Ebbesvik, Martha; Kvande, Ingvar; Boer, Anne de and Ahlin, Johan Petter (2021) Fish waste as fertiliser - effect of drying methods on fish waste and supplementing fish waste with other residual raw materials to form an organic fertiliser. NORSØK Rapport, no. 7, Vol 6. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Alfoeldi, Thomas; Gantner, Urs; Vaarst, Mette; Algers, Bo; Nicholas, Phillipa; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Mejdell, Cecilie; Hansen, Berit; Whay, Becky; Walkenhorst, Michael; Smolders, Gidi; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Hassing, M.; Roderick, Stephen; Leeb, Christine; Winckler, Christoph; Stöger, Elisabeth; Huber, Johann; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig and Whistance, Lindsay (editor): Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) (2011) The process of minimising medicine use through dialogue based animal health and welfare planning, Workshop report FIBL. In: CORE Organic project no. 1903 - ANIPLAN. .

Alföldi, Thomas; Niggli, Urs; Anil, Sahin and Bellon, Stéphane (2013) Deliverable 2.2: List of topics prioritised according to national and common criteria to be considered for transnational calls. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland; Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Policy (GDAR), Turkey and French Nataional Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA), France , Frick.

Almekinders, C. and Jongerden, J. (2002) On visions and new approaches : case studies of organisational forms in organic plant breeding and seed production. Working paper / Wageningen University, Technology and Agrarian Development.. Wageningen University, Wageningen, NL.

Alminger, Marie (2018) Innovative and eco-sustainable processing and packaging for safe and high quality organic products with enhanced nutritional quality. Final report. .

Alonso Adame, Alba (2023) D3.2_Generic Agent-based Model. ILVO, Belgium .

Alvarado Chacon, Fresia; Van der Zee, Maarten; Hofer, Sheila and Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2022) Deliverable 3.1: Report on the typology of farms and their plastic practices in the CSS; feedback and expectations of stakeholders. MINAGRIS .

Andersen, Stine ; Burkal, Anna ; Olsen, Malene Falster and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2010) Pupils’ Conception of Organic Foods and Healthy Eating in School. Qualitative insights from focus group interviews with 5th and 7th grade pupils in a Copenhagen elementary school. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo; Howlett, Sally; Pearce, Bruce; Dunsire, Gaina; Rey, Frederic; Nuijten, E.; Andersen, Rikke Thomle; Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard; Miceli, F. and Slabe, Anamarija (editor): Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard and Rey, Frederic (Eds.) (2016) Breeding for diversity – political implications and new pathways for the future. .

Andreasen, Claus Bo (2002) Midterm evaluation of DARCOF II. Increased production and closer relationships between organic and inherent qualities. .

Andreasen, Lise; Collison, Martin; Couco, Eduardo; de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel; Früh, Barbara; Gernert, Maria; Haller, Lisa; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Keijzer, Peter; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Lampkin, Nic; Lazenby, Andrew; Leiber, Florian; Loes, Anne-Kristin; Martin, Guillaume; Messmer, Monika; Padel, Susanne; Paree, Peter; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Riedel, Judith; Sehested, Jakob; Schlüter, Marco; Speiser, Bernhard; Stadtlander, Timo; Strassner, Carola; Ulmer, Karin; Vaarst, Mette; Wivstad, Maria and Zanoli, Raffaele (editor): Barabanova, Yulia and Moeskops, Bram (Eds.) (2019) Strategic Research & Innovation Agenda for Organics and agroecology. TP Organics , Brussels, Belgium.

Andrivon, Didier; Bardin, Marc; Bertrand, Cédric; Brun, Laurent; Daire, Xavier; Fabre, Frédéric; Gary, Christian; Montarry, Josselin; Nicot, Philippe C.; Reignault, Philippe; Tamm, Lucius and Savini, Isabelle (2018) UNSPECIFIED [Can organic agriculture give up copper as a crop protection product? Summary of the scientific assessment report.] Inra - DEPE.

Andrivon, Didier; Bardin, Marc; Bertrand, Cédric; Brun, Laurent; Daire, Xavier; Fabre, Frédéric; Gary, Christian; Montarry, Josselin; Nicot, Philippe C.; Reignault, Philippe; Tamm, Lucius and Savini, Isabelle (2018) Can organic agriculture give up copper as a crop protection product? Synthesis of the scientific assessment report. [Peut-on se passer du cuivre en protection des cultures biologiques ? Synthèse du rapport d'expertise scientifique collective.] Inra - DEPE.

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Nielsen, Max and Nielsen, Rasmus (2017) Market Conditions for Organic Aquaculture - Market and Price Analysis. RobustFish work package 6.2 report. [Markedsforhold for økologisk akvakultur - Markeds- og prisanalyse.] IFRO Report, no. 259. University of Copenhagen, Rolighedsvej 25, DK 1958 Frederiksberg , Department of Food and Resource Economics.

Anne, Matilainen (ed.) (2007) Sustainable hunting tourism - business opportunity in Northern areas? Overview of hunting and hunting tourism in four Northern countries: Finland, Sweden, Iceland and Canada. University of Helsinki. Ruralia Institute. Reports, no. 19. .

Anon (2006) Study of the market for organic vegetables. Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Anon (2005) Welfare benchmarking and herd health plans on organic dairy farms (OF0343). Duchy College Organic Studies Centre .

Anon (2005) The use of homeopathic nosodes in the prevention of mastitis in organic dairy herds (OF0186). University of Bristol .

Anon (2005) Factors influencing biodiversity within organic and conventional systems of arable farming (OF0165). British Trust for Ornithology .

Anon (2005) Stakeholders issues and aspirations to inform future public funded research in organic farming (OF0350). Elm Farm Research Centre .

Anon (2004) Organic Food: Understanding the consumer and increasing sales. Soil Association .

Anon (2003) Better School Dinners:. Sustain/Wye Valley AONB .

ANON (2003) Review of obstacles to meeting the Defra Action Plan targets for organic cereals. ADAS Consulting Ltd , Terrington.

Anon (2003) A review of UK research and development for organic food and farming. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Anon (2002) ‘Local and local organic food in schools and hospitals – contributing to the health of our nation’. Powys Public Procurement Partnership .

Anon (2002) Advantages and disadvantages of different break crops in organic grass/arable rotations (OF0143). Scottish Agricultural College .

Anon (2002) Desk study to apply knowledge developed for conventional horticulture to the control of pests in organic vegetables (OF0179). Horticulture Research International , Wellesbourne.

Anon (2002) Growth and competition model for organic weed control. Horticulture Research International , Wellesbourne.

Anon (2002) Improving N use and performance of arable crops on organic arable farms using an expert group approach (OF0178). ADAS , Boxworth.

Anon (2002) Modelling manure NPK flows in organic farming systems to minimise nitrate leaching, ammonia volatilization and nitrous oxide emissions (OF0197). ADAS , Gleadthorpe.

ANON (2002) Organic beef and sheep production in the uplands. ADAS Consulting Ltd. , Redesdale.

Anon (2001) A review of the Organic Conversion Information Service (OCIS) in Wales (1996 – 2001). Organic Centre Wales .

Anon (2001) Integrated grain storage - technology transfer for organic farming. Central Science Laboratory .

Anon (2001) Knowledge transfer to organic fruit industry. Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Anon (2001) Review on the possible interactions of pests, diseases & weeds in cereals grown in organic and conventional agriculture. Central Science Laboratory .

Anon (2001) A study tour of organic poultry production in France - current & future implementation of standards & EU legislation. ADAS , Gleadthorpe.

Anon (1999) Organic fruit production: Review of current practice and knowledge (OF0150). Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Anon (1998) Desk study on the control of weeds in organic arable and horticultural production systems OF0152. Horticulture Research International .

Anon, AN (2009) Providing Access, Collation and Analysis of Defra Research for the Organic Sector (OF 0347). Institute of Organic Training & Advice (IOTA) , Newcastle on Clun.

Antón, Assumpció; Montemayor, Erica; Caceres, Rafaela; Johnson, Marion; Schmutz, Ulrich; Andrivon, Didier; De Marchi, Massimo; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Katsoulas, Nikolaos; Sørensen, Claus Grøn; Malinska, Krystyna; Postawa, Przemyslaw; Stachowiak, Tomasz; de Cara, Miguel; Kir, Alev; Oudshoorn, Frank; Cirvilleri, Gabriella and Valleix, Sophie (2021) Deliverable 6.3: Environmental sustainability report (LCA). Aarhus University , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Arbenz, Markus; Bernet, Thomas; Ssebunya, Brian and Riahi, Jouhaina (2022) Evaluation Report for the project: Mainstreaming Ecological Organic Agriculture (EOA) into Agricultural Systems in Africa for the Period 2019-2023. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Arbenz, Markus; Richter, Toralf and Deriilaa, Onon (2023) Evaluation Report of the Project: Inclusive and sustainable vegetable production and marketing project (MONVEGI), Mongolia. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Arendt, Christoph and Lozan, Andrei (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2020) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Moldova. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Arfini, Filippo; Amilien, Virginie; Bellassen, Valentin; Bodini, Antonio; Boehm, Michael; Brečić, Ruzica; Chiussi, Sara; Csillag, Peter; Cozzi, Elena; Curzi, Daniele; Donati, Michele; Dries, Liesbeth; Drut, Marion; Duboys De Labarre, Matthieu; Ferrer, Hugo; Filipović Jelena, -; Guareschi, Marianna; Gauvrit, Lisa; Gil, Chema; Gorton, Matthew; Hoang, Viêt; Hilal, Mohamed; Knutsen Steinnes, Kamilla; Lilavanichakul, Apichaya; Malak-Rawlikowska, Agatha; Majewski, Edward; Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette; Mancini, Maria-Cecilia; Muller, Paul; Napasintuwong, Orachos; Nikolaou, Kalliroi; Nguyễn Quỳnh, An; Olper, Alessandro; Papadopoulos, Ioannis; Pascucci, Stefano; Peerlings, Jack; Raimondi, Valentina; Poméon, Thomas; Ristic, Bojan; Stojanovic, Zaklina; Tomic Maksan, Marina; Veneziani, Mario; Vitterso, Gunnar and Wilkinson, Adam (2019) Assessing the contribution of food quality schemes to rural economies and territorial cohesion based on the case study analysis. HAL CCSD.

Arncken, Christine and Dierauer, Hansueli (2006) Hybrid Varieties for Organic Cereals? Prospects and acceptance of hybrid breeding for organic production. Final Report. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Arncken, Christine; Klaiss, Matthias; Wendling, Marina and Messmer, Monika (2020) Cultivation of white lupin - A cool-season and environmentally friendly protein crop. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 4. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL .

Arndt, Christoph (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Albania. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Arndt, Christoph and Lozan, Andrei (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Länderberichte zur Situation der ökologischen Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft in Moldawien 2020. [Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Moldova 2020.] Öko-Länderbericht. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Aspray, Claire (2004) Organic Cereal Variety and Variety Mixture Trials 1999 - 2003. .

Athanasiadou, Spiridoula (2016) Tackling the parasitological challenges arising from organic farming practices - ProPara Mid Term report. ProPara midterm report. Scotland's Rural College (SRUC) .

Ayers, N. (2008) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective: An Exploratory Study among British Consumers. Aberystwyth: University of Wales, School of Business and Management .

Ayres, N and Midmore, P (2009) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective: An Exploratory Study of British Consumers. Aberystwyth University, UK , School of Management and Business.

Azeez, Ms G (2001) MYTH AND REALITY:ORGANIC VS NON-ORGANIC. Soil Association .

Baars, Ton; Baars, Erik; Bruin, de, Anja and Ellinger, Liesbeth (2003) Desk study on homeopathy in organic livestock farming: Principles, obstacles and recommendations for practice and research. Louis Bolk Instituut , Livestock production.

Bahrdt, Katja; Sanders, Jürn and Schmid, Otto (2006) National status-quo reports on Collective Farmers Marketing Initatives in Switzerland. [Encouraging Collective Farmers Marketing Initatives Project Report D 3.2.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Baker, Brian P; Meints, Brigid M and Hayes, Patrick M (2019) Improving Barley for Organic Producers: What Do Organic Producers Want? Oregon State University , Crop and Soil Science, eOrganic.

Baldinger, Lisa; Bussemas, Ralf and Heidbüchel, Katharina (2022) Design and use of piglet nests in commercial farms and the effects of improved piglet nest design. Thünen-Institut für Ökologischen Landbau .

Ball, Jason (2003) Lepidoptera – A Baseline Study. .

Ball, Jason (2004) Lepidoptera 2004: A Baseline Study of Moths at Sheepdrove Organic Farm. .

Ball, Jason (2003) Birds Benchmark Study. Sheepdrove Organic Farm 2003. .

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Baltenweck, I.; Mubiru, S.; Nanyeenya, W.; Njororge, L.; Halberg, N. and Romney, D. (2007) Dairy farming in Uganda. Production Efficiency and Soil Nutrients under Different Farming Systems. Research Report, no. 1. International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI) .

Bantle, Michael; Claussen, Infrid Camilla and Tolstorebrov, Ignat (2016) Superchilling of organic food. Part 1: Concept, State-of-the-art and Potential for small scale implementation. SINTEF Energy Research, Norway .

Bantle, Michael; Claussen, Ingrid Camilla and Tolstorebrov, Ignat (2016) Superchilling of organic food. Report. SINTEF, Trondheim, Norway .

Bantle, Michael and Tolstorebrov, Igant (2017) Thermal Properties of Organic Foods. SINTEF Energy Research and Norwegian University of Sciences and Technology .

Bårdsen, Mari Greta and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2010) Organic food in schools and kindergartens in Trondheim. A case study report. Bioforsk, Tingvoll, Norway.

Bark, Linnea and Salomon, Eva (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs: automatic manure scrapers. POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.5. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Bark, Linnea; Salomon, Eva and Eppenstein, Rennie (2021) Automatic manure scrapers for reduced ammonia emissions. POWER Practice Abstracts. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Bark, Linnea; Wahlund, Lotten and Salomon, Eva (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Sweden: multi-suckling pens with access to pasture in the summer. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.9. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Barret, Philippe; Marq, Pascal; Mayer, Carolin and Padel, Susanne (2015) Research for transition: Europeans deserve a better agricultural and food policy. Université catholique de Louvain and Organic Research Centre commissioned bythe Greens/EFA in the European Parliament , Brussel.

Barrientos, Antonio; Cerro, Jaime; Roldán, Juan Jesús; Valero, Constantino and Krus, Anne (2019) Definition of specifications for robotic prototype for strip-cropping systems. CSIC-CAR .

Bassett, Anna (2003) Organic red meat development in Wales. Organic Centre Wales .

Bassett, Anna (2003) Improving market intelligence for the organic red meat sector in Wales. Organic Centre Wales,University of Wales, Aberystwyth and Producer Services, Soil Association, Bristol .

Bassler, Arnd and Ciszuk, Paul (2002) Pilot studies in organic broiler production – management and cross-breeds. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 34. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture .

Bataković, Ratko and Matavulj, Miodrag (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Montenegro. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Baudry, Jacques; Alomar, Oscar; Begg, Graham; Büren, Christoph; Chenaux, Barthélémy; Elmquist, Helena; Flamm, Clemens Walter; Gosme, Marie; Guerin, Olivier; Jeanneret, Philippe; Keena, Catherine; Korevaar, -; Oppermann, Rainer; Palma, Francisco; Reubens, Bert; Robinson, Claire; Schönhart, Martin; Theocharopoulos, Sideris; Wäckers, Felix; Winspear, Richard; Dubois, Gaetan; Deberg, Ann-Sophie and Stubbe, Franck (2016) EIP-AGRI Focus Group Benefits of landscape features for arable crop production. HAL CCSD.

Baumgartner, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence (2023) Direct control of sooty blotch in organic pome fruit production. [Direkte Bekämpfung der Regenfleckenkrankheit im ökologischen Kernobstbau.] Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 049. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Baumgartner, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence (2023) List of varieties suited for organic table apple production in Central Europe (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). [Geeignete Sorten für den ökologischen Apfelanbau in Mitteleuropa (BIOFRUITNET Praxistipp).] BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract, no. 36. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Bazoche, Pascale; Berjano, Manuela; Combris, Pierre; Giraud-Heraud, Eric; Hannus, Caroline; Maia, Raquel and Seabra Pinto, Alexandra (2009) Evaluation of different instruments for signalling the reduction of pesticides, survey of the literature about the role of extrinsic cues which include the pesticide reduction in their production requirements for improving the WTP. HAL CCSD.

Bazoche, Pascale; Berjano, Manuela; Combris, Pierre; Giraud-Heraud, Eric; Maia, Raquel; Seabra Pinto, Alexandra and Hannus, Caroline (2009) Estimation of consumers’ willingness to pay to reduce pesticides, based on experimental markets. HAL CCSD.

Bazoche, Pascale; Bunte, Frank; Combris, Pierre; Giraud-Heraud, Eric; Seabra Pinto, Alexandra and Tsakiridou, Efthimia (2011) A report on the efficient way to take into account the consumer WTP in order to improve the European regulation of pesticides for fresh and processed agricultural products. HAL CCSD.

Bazoche, Pascale; Combris, Pierre; Giraud-Heraud, Eric; Seabra Pinto, Alexandra and Tsakiridou, Efthimia (2010) Consumers’ willingness to pay for organic products, both with existing brands as the exclusive signal of quality and with additional signals incorporated. HAL CCSD.

Beck, Alexander; Milan, Marlene Ariana and Furtwengler, Jana (2021) „Wie gehe ich mit Informationen zu einem möglichen Verstoß gegen die Bio-Verordnung (VO (EU) 2018/848 gemäß Artikel 27 bzw. 28 (2) um?“ - Leitfaden für das Qualitätsmanagement. [„How do I proceed in case of a possible non-compliance with the Organic Regulation (Regulation (EU) 2018/848) according to Article 27 or Article 28 (2)?“ - Quality Management Guide.] FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt .

Beck, Alexander; Bouilhol, M.; Ball, K.; Cabaret, Jacques; Halberg, Niels; Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Guiseppe; Moritz, Robin F.A.; Ruiz, R.G.; Speiser, Bernhard and Tittarelli, Fabio (2013) Final report on aquaculture (Part A). European Commission Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Developoment , Expert Group for Technical Advice on Organic Production - EGTOP, Brussels.

Beck, Alexander; Cabaret, Jacques; Halberg, Niels; Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Kretschmar, Ursula; Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Guiseppe; Monod, Mariane; Moritz, Robin F.A.; José Luis, de la Plaza Pérez; Speiser, Bernhard and Tittarelli, Fabio (editor): European Commission, (Ed.) (2011) Final report on Fertilizers and soil conditioners. European Commission , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Beck, Alexander; Cabaret, Jacques; Halberg, Niels; Ivanova-Peneva, Sonya; Melby Jespersen, Lizzie; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Guiseppe; Monod, Mariane; Moritz, Robin; de la Plaza Pérez, José Luis; Speiser, Bernhard and Tittarelli, Fabio (editor): European Commission, (Ed.) (2011) Final Report on Feed. European Commission , Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development.

Beck, Alexander; Cuoco, Eduardo; Häring, Anna Maria; Kahl, J.; Koopmans, Chris; Micheloni, Cristina; Moeskops, Bram; Niggli, Urs ; Padel, Susanne and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (editor): Moeskops, Bram and Cuoco, Eduardo (Eds.) (2014) Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda for Organic Food and Farming. TP Organics, Brussels, Belgium.

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula and Schmid, Otto (2006) Concept papers outlining parameters for further development of Organic Food Processing - Crucial topics for the revision of the EU regulation 2092/91. [with contributions from: Leskinen, Marita, Särkkä-Tirkkonen Marjo, Thorkild Nielsen and Niels Heine Kristensen.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

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Bellassen, Valentin; Arfini, Filippo; Amilien, Virginie; Antonioli, Federico; Bodini, Antonio; Boehm, Michael; Brečić, Ruzica; Chiussi, Sara; Csillag, Peter; Diallo, Abdoul; Donati, Michele; Dries, Liesbeth; Drut, Marion; Duboys De Labarre, Matthieu; Ferrer, Hugo; Filipović Jelena, -; Gauvrit, Lisa; Gil, Chema; Gorton, Matthew; Hoang, Viêt; Hilal, Mohamed; Knutsen Steinnes, Kamilla; Lilavanichakul, Apichaya; Malak-Rawlikowska, Agatha; Majewski, Edward; Monier-Dilhan, Sylvette; Muller, Paul; Napasintuwong, Orachos; Nikolaou, Kalliroi; Nguyễn Quỳnh, An; Papadopoulos, Ioannis; Pascucci, Stefano; Peerlings, Jack; Poméon, Thomas; Ristic, Bojan; Schaer, Burkhard; Stojanovic, Zaklina; Tomic Maksan, Marina; Veneziani, Mario; Vitterso, Gunnar and Wilkinson, Adam (2019) Report on assessment of the social, environmental and economic sustainability of food quality schemes. HAL CCSD.

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Bellassen, Valentin; Arfini, Filippo; Antonioli, Federico; Bodini, Antonio; Brennan, Mary; Courbou, Rémi; Delesse, Lisa; Drut, Marion; Donati, Michele; Duboys De Labarre, Matthieu; Dupont, Orane; Filipovic, Jelena; Gauvrit, Lisa; Giraud, Georges; Gorton, Matthew; Hilal, Mohamed; Husson, Elisa; Laitala, K. M.; Majewski, Edward; Malak-Rawlikowska, Agatha; Monier Dilhan, Sylvette; Muller, Paul; Poméon, Thomas; Ristic, Bojan; Sayed, M.; Schaer, Burkhart; Stojanovic, Zaklina; Paget, Amaury; Tocco, Barbara; Toque, Emilie; Tregear, Angela; Veneziani, Mario; Vergote, Marie-Hélène; Vitterso, G. and Wilkinson, Adam (2017) Results and lessons from pilot studies and final set of verified indicators for impact measurement of FQS, PSFP and SFSC: Evidence from the Comté PDO cheese, Parmigiano Reggiano PDO cheese, Serbian organic raspberries, County Durham school meals, Locavorium shop and Korycin Cheese. HAL CCSD.

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Bieber, Anna; Nicolao, A.; Pomiès, D.; Mathieu, A.; Koczura, M.; Bouchon, M.; Constant, I.; Walkenhorst, M.; Eppenstein, R.; Probst, J.; Thüer, S.; Baki, C.; Spengler Neff, A. and Martin, B. (2021) Report: Deliverable 2.2.2 Passive transfer of immunity from cows to calves and antibodies in nursing cows’ milk. Core Organic - ProYoungStock .

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Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella; SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2019) A comprehensive, integrated and democratic approach for diversified food systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #17. .

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Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Kutelmach, Margaux (Ed.) (2019) Examples of the different types of populations developed within Diversifood. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #3. .

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Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Meier, Claudia; Holzherr, Philipp and Oehen, Bernadette (Eds.) (2019) Valorisation strategies : shift from food labels to citizen's responsibility for commons. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #23. .

Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Chable, Véronique; Rossi, Adanella; Nuijten, Edwin; REY, Frederic; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2018) A paradigm shift. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #16. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle; Rivière, Pierre; REY, Frederic and Constanzo, Ambrogio (Eds.) (2018) Smart methods for decentralized on-farm breeding. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #11. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Chable, Véronique (Ed.) (2018) Buckwheat. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheed #6. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Chable, Véronique (Ed.) (2018) The Rivet Wheat. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #5. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Bartha, Béla; Bocci, Riccardo; Andersen, Regine and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2018) National crop diversity management systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #10. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Holzherr, Philipp and Oehen, Bernadette (Eds.) (2017) Labels for underutilized crops. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #8. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Bartha, Béla; Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2017) Landrace tomatoes in Hungary DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #15. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2017) Farmer's rights. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #9. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Constanzo, Ambrogio (Ed.) (2017) Underutilized crops. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #4. .

Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Kovács, Tina and Drexler, Dora (Eds.) (2017) Minor cereals : Einkorn in Hungary. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #7. .

Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle and SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle (Eds.) (2017) Varieties and populations for on-farm participatory plant breeding. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #2. .

Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle; Thomas, Mathieu; Naino, Jika Abdel Kader; Bussi, Bettina; Petitti, Matteo and Carascosa, Maria (Eds.) (2017) Participatory approach to model community seed systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #20. .

Collective work, Diversifood Partners (editor): Koller, Beate and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) (2016) Community seed banks. DIVERSIFOOD innovation factsheet #1. .

Cormack, Bill (2002) Testing the sustainability of stockless arable organic farming on a fertile soil (Extension to OF0 145). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Terrington.

Cormack, Dr W F (1998) Organic Arable Systems at ADAS Terrington OF0112. ADAS .

Cormack, W. F. (2001) Testing the sustainability of stockless arable organic farming on a fertile soil (OF0145). ADAS , Terrington.

Cormack, William (2005) Assessing the sustainability of a stockless arable rotation (OF0318). ADAS UK Ltd .

Cormack, Dr William F. (2000) Energy use in organic farming systems (OF0182). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Terrington.

Corona Ramírez, Andrea; Symanczik, Sarah and Bodenhausen, Natacha (2023) Absolute qPCR quantification of arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi in crop plants (Roots2Res Practice Abstract). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Costantini, E.A.C.; Priori, S.; Landi, S.; Lagomarsino, A.; Castaldini, M.; Giffard, B.; Fulchin, E.; Tardaguila, J.; Schroers, H.J.; Martensson, A.; Tangolar, S. and Akca, E. (2018) Protocols for soil functionality assessment in vineyards. .

Costanzo, Ambrogio; Amos, Dominic and Bickler, Charlotte (2021) Farm-based organic variety trials: A collective experiment with an organic farmers network. ORC 40th Anniversary Factsheets, no. 2. The Organic Research Centre .

Costanzo, Ambrogio and Bickler, Charlotte (2020) Proposal for a toolbox for identification and description of organic heterogeneous material. .

Costanzo, Ambrogio; Seroplay, Ester and Rey, Frederic (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2019) A guide to participatory experiments with underutilised genetic resources. Diversifood Booklet, no. #2. ITAB.

Crawley, K. (editor): Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine L. and Sumption, Phil (Eds.) (2015) Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Concentrates. ICOPP Technical Notes, no. 3. Organic Research Centre.

Crawley, Kenny (editor): Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine L and Sumption, Phil (Eds.) (2015) Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Feeding roughage and foraging from the range. ICOPP Technical Notes, no. 4. Organic Research Centre.

Crawley, Kenny (editor): Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine L. and Sumption, Phil (Eds.) (2015) Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: Roughage and foraging from the range. ICOPP Technical Notes, no. 2. Organic Research Centre.

Crawley, Kenny and van Krimpen, Marinus (editor): Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine L and Sumption, Phil (Eds.) (2015) Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: Concentrates. ICOPP Technical Notes, no. 1. Organic Research Centre.

Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Krus, Anne; Barrientos, Antonio; Cerro, Jaime and Valero, Constantino (2021) Deliverable 4.2: Integrated prototype. Project deliverable WP4 of the SureVeg project. CAR-CSIC and UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID .

Cruz Ulloa, Christyan; Krus, Anne; Barrientos, Antonio; Valero, Constantino and Cerro, Jaime (2021) Algorithms for sensing and actuation. Project deliverable. .

Cullen, Richard; Lampkin, Nic and Moakes, Simon (2007) Review of the market for Welsh organic meat, 2007. Organic Centre Wales, Hybu Cig Cymru, MLC , Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Cullen, Beth; Amos, Dominic and Padel, Susanne (2016) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D2.1 Description of farmer innovation groups. Deliverable OK-Net Arable. Organic Research Centre , Newbury, UK.

Curran, Michael (2022) Using farm sustainability assessment tools to assess the impacts of diversification. DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Cuttle, Dr Steve (2002) Influence of level of self-sufficiency on the nutrient budgets of an organic dairy farm (OF0180). Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research , Ty Gwyn.

Dale, Phillip; Clarke, Belinda; Fontes, Eliana; Martin, Wolfe; Pearce, Bruce and Welsh, James (2001) A review of knowledge of the potential impacts of GMOs on organic agriculture. John Innes Centre .

Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric (2003) Efficacy of different insecticides against the woolly apple aphid (Eriosoma lanigerum). Mittelprüfung 2003, no. 03/11e. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Daniel, Claudia and Wyss, Eric (2003) Efficacy of Surround® WP against the European pear psyllid (Cacosylla pyri) in large-scale field trials. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick , Pflanzenschutz: Schädlinge, Nützlinge.

Daniel, Marie (2006) Effect of intercropping on disease severity in organic farming. Risø National Laboratories .

Daniel, Claudia (2017) Controlling pollen beetles in Switzerland. EIP-AGRI Nwesletter, no. April 2017. .

Daniel, Claudia (2013) Effect of essential oils on host plant location of pollen beetles – Olfactometer and field-cage experiments 2013. Bericht FiBL. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) .

Daniel, Claudia; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Use of rock dust against the rape pollen beetle. Practice Abstract, no. 032. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

David, C.; Celette, F.; Abecassis, J.; Carcea, M.; Dubois, D.; Friedel, J. K.; Hellou, G.; Jeuffroy, M.-H.; Mäder, P. and Thomsen, I. K. (2012) Techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality. ISARA - Institut supérieure de l'agriculture Lyon , Lyon, France.

David, C.; Celette, F.; Abecassis, J.; Carcea, M.; Dubois, D.; Friedel, J. K.; Hellou, G.; Jeuffroy, M.-H.; Mäder, P. and Thomsen, I. K. (2012) Technological quality of organic wheat in Europe. ISARA - Institut supérieure de l'agriculture Lyon , Lyon, France.

David, C.; Celette, F.; Abecassis, J.; Carcea, M.; Dubois, D.; Friedel, J.K.; Hellou, G.; Jeuffroy, M.-H.; Mäder, P. and Thomsen, I. K. (2012) Techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality. ISARA - Institut supérieure de l'agriculture Lyon , Lyon, France.

David, C.; Celette, F.; Abecassis, J.; Carcea, M.; Dubois, D.; Friedel, J.K.; Hellou, G.; Jeuffroy, M.H.; Mäder, P. and Thomsen, I.K. (2012) Agronomical techniques to improve technological and sanitary quality. ISARA - Institut supérieure de l'agriculture Lyon, Lyon, France.

Davide, Neri; Michael, Friedli; Markus, Kelderer; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Sabine, Zikeli; Eligio, Malusa and Hristina, Kutinkova (editor): Davide, Neri (Ed.) (2020) DYNAMIC SOD MULCHING AND USE OF RECYCLED AMENDMENTS TO INCREASE BIODIVERSITY, RESILIENCE AND SUSTAINABILITY OF INTENSIVE ORGANIC FRUIT ORCHARDS AND VINEYARDS - Deliverable 3.6. .

de Baan, Laura; Rojas, Zaray Conzuelo; Pfeifer, Catherine; Müller, Adrian; Gossel, Christian; Davison, Nicholas; Rolo, Victor; Einarsson, Rasmus and Röös, Elin (2024) Methodological development report for carbon sequestration and GHG metrics in LCAs. Deliverable 5.1: Re-Livestock project. .

De Groote, Stefanie; Willekens, Koen and Viaene, Nicole (2018) Agro-ecological production systems for organic greenhouses. .

De Luca, Kevin and Müller, Adrian (2023) Less, better and circular use – how to get rid of surplus nitrogen without endangering food security. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel; Niggli, Urs; Love, Nicola; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Schmutz, Ulrich; Lehejček, Jiří; Beck, Alexander; Müller, Adrian; Ulmer, Karin; Chable, Véronique; Levidow, Les and Mulvany, Patrick (2018) Scientific evidence on how organic food and farming contributes to sustainable food security. TP Organics Research Briefing. TP Organics - European Technology Platform for Organic Food and Farming, B-Brussels .

De Simone, Ambra and Moeskops, Bram (2021) News stories 3rd project year (Deliverable 3.5 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

De Simone, Ambra and Moeskops, Bram (2021) Press release at the final conference (Deliverable 1.12 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

De Simone, Ambra and Moeskops, Bram (2020) News stories 2nd project year (Deliverable 3.4 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Deineko, Olena and Shor, Kateryna (2024) Gender study of the Organic Sector in Ukraine. Organic Initiative Public Association, Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL (Switzerland), UA-Kyiv .

Delanote, Lieven; Temmerman, Femke and Dewaele, Karel (2014) Composite cross populations keep up with winter wheat varieties. Inagro vzw .

Deremetz, Valentin (2017) Effects of Agroforestry on the agro-ecosystem: a study of the crops-soil-climate-biodiversity system in Short Rotation Coppice temperate agro-silvopastoral system. Organic Research Centre and IUT Amiens .

Detterbeck, Amelie; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia; Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent; Danan, Sarah and Branca, Ferdinando (2023) PROTOCOLS AND GUIDELINES TO MAXIMIZEORGANIC SEED PRODUCTION FOR BROCCOLI, TOMATO AND SNAP BEAN. .

Detterbeck, Amelie Sophie; Branca, Ferdinando; Catara, Vittoria; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio; Bella, Patrizia; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia; Gamper Cardinali, Carlo; Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent and Danan, Sarah (2023) BRESOV D4.2 - Protocol and guidelines to maximize organic seed production and to control the sanitary quality of produced seeds in tomato, brassicas and snap bean. .

Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano; Kongsted, Anne Grete; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Papi, Eugenio; Perez, Angela Morell; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Roinsard, Antoine; Steenfeldt, Sanna; Studnitz, Merete; Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene; Theil, Peter Kappel and Åkerfeldt, Magdalena (editor): Studnitz, Merete (Ed.) (2019) Feeding monogastrics 100% organic and regionally produced feed. .

Dierauer, Hansueli; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Reducing weed seed pressure with the false seedbed technique. Practice Abstract, no. 007. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Blackgrass control in winter cereals with hoeing. Practice Abstract, no. 004. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Commercial organic fertiliser as supplementary fertilisers in potato crop production. Practice Abstract, no. 011. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Controlling potato beetles with Bt. Practice Abstract, no. 031. Reserach Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) No-till cultivation of maize in rolled forage peas. Practice Abstract, no. 005. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Reducing the use of copper in potatoes. Practice Abstract, no. 012. Reserarch Institute of Oranic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Rolling of grains to prevent winter kill damage. Practice Abstract, no. 030. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Using crop rotation to control wireworms. Practice Abstract, no. 027. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska (2017) Calculate the risk of wireworm infestation in the field. Practice Abstract, no. 029. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska (2017) Control of creeping thistle by stubble cultivation. Practice Abstract, no. 001. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Dietemann, Lauren; Willer, Helga; Basler, Andreas and De Simone, Ambra (2020) Practice abstracts (Deliverable 5.3 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Dietvorst, J. and Kamphorst, M. (2003) Salmonella and Campylobacter on Broiler Farms : a kinetic research of Salmonella and Campylobacter contamination's on organic and conventional commercial broiler frams in relation to farm management in the Netherlands. WUR, Wageningen, NL.


Dinnage, Gerard (2008) Organic Poultry Nutrition and Rations. Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA), Craven Arms .

Djurhuus, Jørgen and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Characterisation of four sites in Denmark for long-term experiments on crop rotations in organic farming. DIAS report, no. 33. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences .

Dorais, Martine; Alsanius, Beatrix W..; Voogt, Wim; Pepin, Steeve; Tüzel, Hakki; Tüzel, Yüksel and Möller, Kurt (2016) Impact of water quality and irrigation management on organic greenhouse horticulture. BioGreenhouse, Netherlands, NE.

Döring, T F; Baddeley, J. A.; Brown, R; Collins, R; Crowley, O; Cuttle, S P; Howlett, S A; Jones, H E; McCalman, H; Measures, M; Pearce, B D; Pearce, H; Roderick, S; Stobart, R; Storkey, J; Tilston, E; Topp, K; Watson, C A; Winkler, L and Wolfe, M S (2013) Using legume-based mixtures to enhance the nitrogen use efficiency and economic viability of cropping systems - Final report (LK09106/HGCA3447). HGCA PROJECT REPORT, no. 513. HGCA, Kenilworth.

Drexler, Dora (2012) Organic market in Hungary. Ökológiai Mezőgazdasági Kutatóintézet Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft., Gödöllő.

Duncan, Amanda and Knage-Drangsfeldt, Kristian (2018) Comparison of Organic swine production data across 6 different organic farms. .

Eekeren, van, Nick (editor): Wagningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic goat and sheep dairy in the Netherlands. Biokinnis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Eggers Pedersen, Kathrine; Brandt, Kristian Kofoed; Hansen, MAx; Cedergreen, Nina and Magid, Jakob (2019) Assessment of risks related to agricultural use of sewage sludge, pig and cattle slurry. Copenhagen University , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences University of Copenhagen Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C, Copenhagen.

Ejderyan, Olivier; Frick, Rebekka; Home, Robert; Lapuh, Lucija; Kapgen, Diane; Rybol, Judith; Stadler, Lena; Tessier, Louis and Vardhan, Apoorva (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of pathways towards SFS. Deliverable 1.1 Conceptual Framework. Deliverable 1.1 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. .

Ekbladh, G.; Grönlund, E.; Ingemarson, F.; Karlsson, L.; Nilsson, S. and Strid Eriksson, I. (editor): Doherty, S. and Rydberg, T. (Eds.) (2002) Ecosystem properties and principles of living systems as foundation for sustainable agriculture – Critical reviews of environmental assessment tools, key findings and questions from a course process. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 32. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture .

El Hage, Nadia (2012) Guidelines for Sustainability Assessment in Food and Agriculture. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations, Rome.

Eligio, Malusa; Sabine, Zikeli; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Davide, Neri; Carlo, Ponzio; Boutry, Clémence; Michael, Friedli and Kelderer, Markus (2021) D6.5 - Final Report on economic and environmental sustainability management practices at farm level. .

Elliot, Mr J; Keatinge, Mr R; Powell, Mr L and Unwin, Mr R (1995) Finishing store lambs from organic hill and upland farms OF0119. ADAS .

Emanuelson, J.; Wollenweber, B.; Jørgensen, J.R.; Andersen, S.B.F. and Jensen, C.R. (2003) Wheat grain composition and implications for bread quality. DIAS Report, no. 92. .

Emous, R.A. Van and Fiks-Van Niekerk, T.G.C.M. (2003) Praktijkinventarisatie volièrebedrijven met uitloop = Inventory on commercial layer farms with aviaries and free range. PraktijkRapport / Praktijkonderzoek Veehouderij. Pluimvee 7. Praktijkonderzoek Veehouderij, Lelystad, NL.

Eppenstein, Rennie (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs: temporary access to pasture. POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.6. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Eppenstein, Rennie and Jenni, Anna (2022) Innovative farming in Switzerland: breeding Berkshire Pigs outdoors year-round. POWER-Factsheet, no. 4.1. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Eppenstein, Rennie and Jenni, Anna (2022) Innovative farming in Switzerland: the “pig caravan”. POWER-Factsheet, no. 4.0. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Eppenstein, Rennie; Jenni, Anna and Moakes, Simon (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Switzerland: evening outings for increased welfare. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.4. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Eppenstein, Rennie; Jenni, Anna and Moakes, Simon (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Switzerland: large scale production inclusive of animal welfare. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.3. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Erisman, Jan Willem; Eekeren, Nick Van; Doorn, Anne Van; Geertsema, Willemien and Polman, Nico (2017) Measures for nature-based agriculture. Wageningen Environmental Research report 2821.. Wageningen Environmental Research, Wageningen, NE.

Eurola, Merja; Alfthan, Georg; Aro, Antti; Ekholm, Päivi; Hietaniemi, Veli; Rainio, Heikki; Rankanen, Riitta and Venäläinen, Eija-Riitta (2003) Results of the Finnish selenium monitoring program 2000-2001. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 36. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Eurola, Merja (ed.) (2005) Proceedings : twenty years of selenium fertilization, September 8-9, 2005, Helsinki, Finland. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 69. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Everaerts, Vicky (2022) Literature research bioactive compounds in grape press cake. .

Everaerts, Vicky (editor): Drönner, Carola and Villegas, Tomas Roman (Eds.) (2021) Consumer research SPiwi-project. .

Evers, A.; Haan, M. De; Water, K. and Jager, J. (2008) Praktische kostprijs biologische melk = Practical cost price of organic milk. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 178.. Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, NL.

Experton, Catherine and Launay, Fabienne (2021) The new version of dissemination Plan of the Core Organic project MIX-ENABLE 2021. .

Experton, Catherine (2018) Dissemination Plan of the Core Organic project MIX-ENABLE. ITAB .

Eyhorn, Frank; Mäder, Paul and Ramakrishnan, Mahesh (2005) The Impact of Organic Cotton Farming on the Livelihoods of Smallholders. Evidence from the Maikaal bioRe poject in central India. Research Report. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Farahbakhsh, Siavash; Wustenberghs, Hilde; Lorenzoni, Deborah and Petrangeli, Enrico (2023) D2.4_Report on consumer behaviour change. EV ILVO (Belgium), CNR (Italy) .

Feher, Judit; Padel, Susanne; Rossi, Adanella; Drexler, Dora and Oehen, Bernadette (2019) Diversified food system: Policy to embedding crop genetic diversity in food value chains. Diversifood Booklet, no. #5. ITAB.

Feldmann, Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) D5.1 Report on the methodologies for data quality improvement along the whole supply chain. University of Kassel, Germany-Witzenhausen , Department of Agriculture and Food Marketing.

Feldmann , Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2013) Executive summary report on the comprehensiveness and compatibility of organic market data collection methods ( = Deliverable 3.2 of the OrganicDataNetwork project). OrganicDataNetwork project, c/o University of Ancona, Italy .

Feldmann , Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2013) Classification of data collection methods (= Deliverable 3.1 of the OrganicDataNetwork project - Report on collection methods). OrganicDataNetwork project, c/o University of Ancona, Italy .

Feret, Samuel and Moore, Oliver (2015) Transitioning towards agroecology. Using th CAP to build new Food systems. ARC2020, Friends of the Earth Europe, IFOAM-EU Group, D-Berlin, B-Brussels.

Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Malusa, Eligio; Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Lepp, Birgit; Zikeli, Sabine; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D 3.7 - Yearly report of biodiversity data. .

FertilCrop, Consortium (2015) How to build additional soil fertility in organic cropping systems. CORE Organic Plus, c/o International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems , DK-Tjele.

Firth, C; Geen, N and Hitchings, R (2003) Study of the market for organic vegetables. Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Firth, Chris (2005) Economics of Organic Top Fruit Production (OF0305). The Initiative on Organic Research (IOR) , Henry Doubleday Research Association (HDRA).

Firth, Chris and Lennartsson, Margi (1999) Economics of organic fruit production (OF0151). Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Foresi, Lucia; Schmutz, Ulrich; Antón, Assumpció; Vieweger, Anja; Bavec, Martina; Meier, Matthias; Shadid, Muhammad; Peña, Nancy; Petrasek, Richard; Stajnko, Denis; Vukamaniĉ, Tjaŝa; Landert, Jan and Weißhaidinger, Rainier (2016) Sustainability assessment tools for organic greenhouse horticulture. BioGreenhouse, Netherlands, NE.

Foster, Carolyn and Lampkin, Nicolas (2000) FAIR3-CT96-1794 Organic and in-conversion land area, holdings, livestock and crop production in Europe. .

Fowler, S; Wynne-Jones, I and Lampkin, N (2001) Economics of organic farming (extension to OF0125)(0F0190). University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Studies.

Fowler, Sue; Green, Michael; Hitchings, Roger; Jedwell, Andrew; Kennard, Bob; Little, Tony; McCalman, Heather; Pearson, Neil; Powell, Jane; Rowlands, Gareth; Spiller, Gary; Thomas, Huw; Wacher, Carolyn and Weller, Richard (2004) Organic Farming in Wales 2003 - 2004. Organic Centre Wales .

Fowler, Sue; Lampkin, Nicolas and Wynne-Jones, Iwan (2001) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 1998/99. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Fowler, Susan; Frost, David and de Carle, Caroline (editor): Fowler, Susan (Ed.) (2004) Environmental and biodiversity impacts of organic farming in the hills and uplands of Wales. Organic Centre Wales .

Fowler, Susan; Lampkin, Nicolas and Midmore, Peter (2000) Economics of organic farming: economic modelling OF0125. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Fowler, Susan; Lampkin, Nicolas and Midmore, Peter (2000) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 1995/96 - 1997/98. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Franke-Whittle, Ingrid (2014) Deliverable BIO-INCROP WP1.2, WP2. Activities in Innsbruck, Austria. University of Innsbruck .

Franković, Matija; janev Hutinec, Biljana; Karoglan Todorović, Sonja and Znaor, Darko (2004) Agri-Environment Programme for Žumberak-Samoborsko Gorje Nature Park. Ecologica, Zagreb.

Fredshavn, Jesper; Tybirk, Knud and et al. (2003) FØJOII-29: Nature Quality in Organic Farming. Midterm Status Report 2003. National Environmental Research Institute , Dept. Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity.

Friedli, Michael; Amsler, Sara; Boutry, Clémence and Lateur, Marc (2023) Deliverable No. 1.2 + 1.3 - Report on organic fruit breeding methods,tools, genetic resources, social / nontechnological, innovation and on understanding the organic breeding needs and lack of knowledge across Europe. InnOBreed Consortium .

Friedli, Michael; Amsler, Sara; Boutry, Clémence and Lateur, Marc (2023) InnOBreed survey results 2023. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Friedli, Michael and Boutry, Clémence (2023) Deliverable No. 1.1 - Report on national organic fruit breeding innovation providers and listing the key stakeholders involved in the participatory approach. InnOBreed Consortium .

Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Malusa, Eligio; Hristina, Kutinkova; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2019) Outcomes from the stakeholder surveys (2019). .

Friis Pedersen, Susanne and Løes, Anne-Kristin (editor): Strøm, Turid and Serikstad, Grete Lene (Eds.) (2022) Phasing out peat in growing media - results from Scandinavian studies. NORSØK REPORT, no. 1, vol 7. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll.

Friis-Hansen, Dr Esbern and Egelyng, Dr. Henrik (2007) Supporting local innovation for rural development: Analysis and review of five innovation support funds. DIIS REPORT, no. 2007:4. Danish Institute of International Studies .

Frost, D and Clarke, A (2006) The use of composted woodchip as a substrate for growing varieties of edible mushrooms. Organic Centre Wales .

Frost, D and Clarke, A (2005) Potato Blight (Phytophthora infestans) field demonstrations, 2004. Organic Centre Wales .

Frost, D; Clarke, A and McLean, B M L (2002) Wireworm Control using Fodder Rape and Mustard – evaluating the use of brassica green manures for the control of wireworm (Agriotes spp.) in organic crops. ADAS Pwllpeiran .

Frost, David (2003) Improving knowledge of pest and weed control in organic crop production in Wales. Organic Centre Wales .

Frost, David (2001) Organic Farming at ADAS PwllPeiran 1993 - 2001. .

Frost, David and Clarke, Aldwyn (2007) Organic tree propagation under Welsh nursery conditions. Organic Centre Wales, ADAS Pwllpeiran , University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Frost, David; Padel, Susanne; Wynne-Jones, Sophie; Sanderson, Rebecca and Powell, Jane (2015) Communicating organic food values: A guide for producers. Better Organic Business Links, no. BOBL. Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth.

Früh, Barbara; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette (2023) Successful weaning of piglets – without antimicrobial use. ROADMAP Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette (2023) Improving veterinarian’s knowledge of animal husbandry in organic agriculture in Switzerland. ROADMAP Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Alföldi, Thomas and Gearing, Jessica (2020) Feeding insects for organic layers (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 037. Research Institute of Organic Agricuculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, David; Edwards, Sandra; Hegelund, Lene; Leeb, Christine; Heinonen, Mari; Maupertuis, F.; Sundrum, Albert; Werne, Steffen; Wiberg, Sophia; Mejer, Helena; Prunier, Armelle; Roepstorff, Allan; Lubac, Stanislas; Bonde, Marianne; Rousing, Tine; Sundrum, Albert and Lindgren, Kristina (editor): Edwards, Sandra (Ed.) (2011) Knowledge synthesis: Animal health and welfare in organic pig production - Final Report COREPIG. .

Früh, Barbara; Schlatter, Bernhard; Isensee, Anne; Maurer, Veronika and Willer, Helga (2014) Report on organic protein availability and demand in Europe = Deliverable 1.2 of the CORE Organic project (ICOPP). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Fuchs, Jacques; Hohmann, Pierre; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Conder, Malgorzarta; Gelencsér, Tobias and Weidmann, Gilles (2021) Testing soil for legume fatigue. Practice abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Case study report - Bio vom Berg(Austria). University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Case study report - Biohof Achleitner (Austria). Univesity of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Case study report - Bioregion Mühlviertel (Austria). University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Full case study report: Bioregion Mühlviertel - Austria. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Full case study report: Bio vom Berg - Austria. University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Full case study report: Biohof Achleitner - Austria. University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2013) HealthyGrowth - WP2: State of the art report Austria. , Innsbruck.

Furtschegger, Christoph; Schermer, Markus; Borec, Andreja and Prišenk, Jernej (2016) How is the communication of values, qualities, and motivations supported along the value chain from producer to consumer and vice versa? .

Fuss, Alexandra; Kovács, Tina; Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove; Raaijmakers, Maaike; Schäfer, Freya; Gatzert, Xenia; Brühl, Katharina; Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo (editor): Petitti, Matteo; Bocci, Riccardo; Moeskops, Bram; Fuss, Alexandra and Messmer, Monika (Eds.) (2018) How to implement the organic regulation to increase production & use of organic seed. Policy recommendations for national and regional authorities. IFOAM EU, SEGES, ÖMKI, ITAB, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali, IUNG and AEGILOPS .

Gaëlle, Chastaing; Østergård, Hanne; Pødenphant, Lars; Jørnsgård, Bjarne and Skovgaard, Ib (2009) Meta-Analysis on grain yield effects of cereals-legume intercropping. .

Gai, Francesco; Rieder, Anne and Rødbotten, Rune (2022) Report on meat composition of medium growing poultry breed. .

Gaifami, Tommaso and Pacini, Gaio Cesare (2017) Influence in time and space of non-crop elements with associated functional traits on biocontrol, within the Montepaldi Long-Term Experiment, Tuscany. , University of Florence.

Gaile, Zinta (2005) Organic seed propagation: current status and problems in Europe. State Stende Plant Breeding station .

García Victoria, Nieves; Baeza Romero, Esteban; Hertel, Erik; Boxtel, Mark Van and Doornebosch, Berdi (2022) roadmap for the introduction of Vital Fluid natural nitrogen in the Spanish (organic) horticulture : a desk and field study. Report / Stichting Wageningen Research, Wageningen Plant Research, Business Unit Greenhouse Horticulture, WPR-1088.. Stichting Wageningen Research, Wageningen Plant Research, Business Unit Greenhouse Horticulture, Bleiswijk, NE.

Gardner, Sarah M.; Brown, R. W. and R & D Associates (1998) Comparative review of the effects of organic farming on biodiversity (OF0149). ADAS Consulting Ltd .

Garibay, Salvador V. and Jyoti, Katke (2003) Market Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Organic Products. Research Institue of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Garibay, Salvador and Richter, Toralf (2005) The European Market for organic Fairtrade Products. .

Gattinger, Andreas; Jawtusch, Julia; Müller, Adrian and Mäder, Paul (editor): Piepenbrink, Nicole and Schroeder, Anika (Eds.) (2011) No-till agriculture – a climate smart solution? Bischöfliches Hilfswerk MISEREOR e.V., Aachen, Germany.

Gauche, Agnès; Chiffoleau, Yuna and Maffezzoli, Camille (2015) Glamur project multidimensional comparison of local and global fresh tomato supply chains. HAL CCSD.

Gengenbach, Heinz (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Azerbaijan. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Gengenbach, Heinz (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Georgia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Gerber, Barbara; Stamer, Andreas and Stadtlander, Timo (2015) Environmental Enrichment and its effects on Welfare in fish. Review. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick .

Gerrard, C.L.; Vieweger, A.; Alisir, L.; Bteich, M.-R.; Cottingham, M.; Feldmann, C.; Flechet, D.; Husak, J.; Losták, M.; Moreau, C.; Pugliese, P.; Rison, N.; Schaack, D.; Solfanelli, F.; Willer, H. and Padel, S. (2014) D6.7 Report on the experience of conducting the case studies. The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm, UK-Newbury .

Gerrard, Catherine L; Padel, Susanne and Lampkin, Nic (2014) English Organic Producer Survey 2013. Report, no. 2/2014. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

Gerrard, Catherine L; Smith, Laurence; Padel, Susanne; Pearce, Bruce; Hitchings, Roger; Measures, Mark and Cooper, Nick (2011) OCIS Public Goods Tool Development. Organic Research Centre , Newbury.

Gerrard, Catherine L; Vieweger, Anja and Padel, Susanne (2012) Inventory of data collecting and publishing institutions(= Deliverable 2.1 of the OrganicDataNetwork project: Report on data collectors). OrganicDataNetwork project, c/o University of Ancona .

Gesto, Manuel (2021) Insight on the use of shelters and their effect on the welfare of rainbow trout in organic aquaculture. [Effekter af skjulesteder på velfærd hos regnbueørreder I økologisk opdræt.] .

Giovannucci, Daniele and Villalobos, Andres (2007) The State of Organic Coffee: 2007 US Update. Centro de Intelegencia para los Mercados Sostenibles (INCAE) .

Gjettermann, Birgitte (2005) Modeling dissolved organic matter mobilization and immobilization in the root zone: Effect of soil treatment on denitrification and N leaching. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultual University , Department of Agricultural Science.

Gjettermann, Birgitte (2004) Modelling P Dynamics in soil - Decomposition and Sorption: Concepts and User Manual. DHI - Institut for vand og Miljø , Hydrology, Solid and Waste Department.

Gladders, Dr Peter (2002) Development of disease control strategies for organically grown field vegetables (DOVE) (OF0168). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Boxworth.

Gleirscher, Norbert; Schermer, Markus; Wroblewska, Marta and Zakowska-Biemans, Sylvia (2005) Report on the evaluation of the pilot case studies (= Deliverable D4 of the Project European Information System for Organic Markets, QLK5-2002-02400), including Annex 1: National working papers on pilot applications (DCPS) in eight European countries and Annex 2 Guidelines on evaluating pilot applications (DCPS) in eight European Countries. Publications of the European Information System for Organic Markets, QLK5-2002-02400. University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria .

Glen, David (2002) Integrated control of slug damage in organic vegetable crops- OF 0158. Institute of Arable Crops Research (IACR), Bristol.

Goggins, Gary; Zurbrügg, Corinne; Karoglan Todorović, Sonja and Moosmann, Simona (2023) EU CAP NETWORK - The role of knowledge and promotion. Mini Paper, no. 1. EU CAP Network - Focus Group - Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features .

Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre (editor): REY, Frederic; Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre (Eds.) (2018) Methods and Tools for decentralized on farm breeding. Booklet, no. 3. Diversifood .

Goodlass, G.; Halberg, N.; Verschuur, G.W. and Hanegraff, M.C. (editor): Goodlass, G.; Halberg, N; Verschuur, G.W. and Hanegraff, M.C. (Eds.) (2001) Study on Input/Output Accounting Systems on EU agricultural holdings. CLM .

Gordon, S (2005) Validation of the HEN model for organic laying hens and assessment of nutrition in organic poultry (CTE0202). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Gleadthorpe.

Gordon, S (2003) Workshop and desk study to appraise technical difficulties associated with organic breeder flocks and organic hatching. ADAS , Gleadthorpe.

Gordon, S (2001) Workshop and desk study to appraise technical difficulties associated with organic pullet rearing. ADAS Consulting Ltd , Gleadthorpe.

Gordon, Sue (2002) Desk study – Optimising the synergism between organic poultry production and whole farm rotations, including home grown protein sources. ADAS Consulting Ltd .

Gordon, Mrs Sue (2002) Effect of breed suitability, system design and management on welfare & performance in traditional & organic poultrymeat (OF0153). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Gleadthorpe.

Grando, Stefano; Ollivier, Guillaume; Capolino, Elena; Trkulja, Ivana and Bellon, Stéphane (2020) CORE ORGANIC - 15 YEARS OF JOINT RESEARCH FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING SYSTEMS. CORE Organic 15-year activity report (2004-2019). CORE Organic Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems.

Grando, Stefano; Jahrl, Ingrid; Hegger, Els; Ortolani, Livia; Carey, Joy; Hochberg, Katrin; Marolf, Brigitte; van den Bosch, Drees Peter and di Pierro, Marta (2015) Tools for the assessment of short food supply chains’ sustainability. SUPURBFOOD WP5 summary of tools .

Granstedt, Artur; Seuri, Pentti and Thomsson, Olof (2004) Effective recycling agriculture around the Baltic Sea: background report. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 41. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet , Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk.

Green-Pedersen, Ditte ; Hyldig, Grethe; Jacobsen, Charlotte; Baron, Caroline and Nielsen, Henrik Hauch (2010) The effect of feed composition on the sensory quality of organic rainbow trout during ice storage. [Effekter af fodersammensætning på sensorisk kvalitet af regnbueørred under is-lagring.] .

Green-Pedersen, Ditte Pedersen; Hyldig, Grethe; Jacobsen, Charlotte; Baron, Caroline and Nielsen, Henrik (2011) The effects of feed composition on the sensory quality of organic rainbow trout during ice storage. .

Grönroos, Juha; Mattila, Pasi; Regina, Kristiina; Nousiainen, Jouni; Perälä, Paula; Saarinen, Kristina and Mikkola-Pusa, Johanna (2009) Development of the ammonia emission inventory in Finland : revised model for agriculture. Finnish Environment Institute.

Groot, M.J.; Kluivers-Poodt, M. and Mul, M.F. (2012) Monitoring infecties and zoönosen in de biologische varkenshouderij. Rapport / RIKILT 2012.015. RIKILT Wageningen UR, Wageningen , NL.

Groot, Maria; Asseldonk, Tedje van and Puls-van der Kamp, Ineke (2011) Natural poultry health. biokennis, Wageningen.

Groot, Maria; Kleijer-Ligtenberg, Gerdien and Van Asseldonk, Tedje (2011) natural swine health. bioKennis, Wageningen.

Groot, Maria; Kleijer-Ligtenberg, Gerdien; van Asseldonk, Tedje and Hansma, Hanneke (2011) Natural dairy cow health. bioKennis, Wageningen.

Groot, Steven P.C.; Klaedtke, Stephanie; Messmer, Monika and REY, Frederic (2020) Organic seed health. An inventory of issues and a report on case studies. Liveseed deliverable D2.5. .

Grousset, Fabienne (2009) Joint meeting of CORE Organic Pilot Research Projects and CORE Organic Funding Body Network (8 June 2009 - Rome, Italy). International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems .

Grovermann, Christian; Chuluunbaatar, D.; Blockeel, J.; Sulaiman, R.V.; Djamen, P. and Holley, A. (editor): FAO (Ed.) (2022) The Extension and Advisory Service Systems Yardstick (EAS-Y). Report. FAO , Rome, Italy.

Grundin, Johanna; Eriksson, Hanna; Fall, Nils; Knierim, Ute; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Simantke, Christel; Bieber, Anna; Spengler Neff, Anet; Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Winckler, Christoph; Martin, Bruno; Pomiès, D.; Coccamo, Margerita; Priolo, Alessandro; Sakowski, Tomasz and Alvåsen, Karin (2019) Review of the regulations concerning organic dairy calf rearing in seven European countries. , Uppsala, Sweden.

Grundy, Dr Andrea (2006) Using weeds to reduce pest insect numbers in organic vegetable crops - a desk study (OF0329). Warwick HRI .

Gunnarsson, Stefan (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2021) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Optimizing the use of the free-range as the key to improve organic chicken production FreeBirds". .

Gylling, M.; Lübeck, Mette and Fog, Erik (2017) Green biomass – protein production through bio-refining. DCA Report, no. 093. National Centre for Food and Agriculture, Aarhus Unviersity, Denmark.

Haakon, Johnson (editor): Haakon, Johnson (Ed.) (2014) Global Organic Food & Beverages Market to Reach USD 211.44 Billion by 2020. Grand View Research, Inc, San Francisco, California.

Haan, J.J. De (2002) Integrated and ecological nutrient management. VEGINECO project report no. 3. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad , NL.

Haan, J.J. De and Garcia Diaz, A. (2002) Manual on prototyping methodology and multifuncitonal crop rotation. VEGINECO project report no. 2. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad , NL.

Hackl, E. and Sessitsch, A. (2011) CORE Organic Project Series Report: PathOrganic Deliverables. .

Hackl, E.; Sessitsch, A.; Arthurson, V.; Baggesen, D.L.; Dalsgaard, A.; Friedel, J.K.; Hartmann, A.; Koller, M.; van Bruggen, A.H.C.; Widmer, F.; Wyss, G. and Zijlstra, C.A. (2012) Final report "PathOrganic. Risks and Recommendations Regarding Human Pathogens in Organic Vegetable Production Chains". .

Haden, Andrew C. (2003) Emergy Evaluations of Denmark and Danish Agriculture Assessing the Limits of Agricultural Systems to Power Society. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 37. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture .

Haggar, Roger and Padel, Susanne (1996) Conversion to Organic Milk Production (OF0103). Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research , Ty Gwyn.

Haidl, Viktoria; Leeb, Christine; Moakes, Simon and Wimmler, Cäcillia (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Austria: benefits of keeping sows and piglets on large pastures and growingfinishing pigs indoors. https://projects.au.dk/coreorganiccofund/core-organic-cofund-projects/power/, no. 3.1. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Haidl, Viktoria; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Leeb, Christine (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Austria: indoor reared pigs are finished on the pasture. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.2. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Halberg, N.; Kledal, P.R.; Rasmussen, I.A.; Mathiesen, C.; Sørensen, L.S.; Jespersen, L.M. and Madsen, K.H. (editor): Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (Eds.) (2012) Organic research and development 1996-2010 - effects on industry and society. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Halberg, Niels; Andreasen, Lise; Ravnskov, Sabine; Steenberg, Tove; Enkegaard, Annie; Sigsgaard, Lene; Eilenberg, Jørgen; Munk, Lisa; Langer, Vibeke; Korsgaard, Maren; Wu, Wenliang; Qiao, Yuhui; Zhang, Long; Guo, Yanbin; Liu, Yunhui; Zhu, Zengrong and Wang, Jianwu (editor): Andreasen, Lise (Ed.) (2013) Research collaboration between China and Denmark for development of systemic approaches to agro-ecological pest management without pesticides with focus on vegetable, fruit and berry crops. Proceedings and recommendations from two network workshops. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) .

Hancock, Jake and Haward, Rob (2003) Improving market intelligence for organic dairy production in Wales. Organic Centre Wales, University of Wales, Aberystywyth and Producer Services, Soil Association, Bristol .

Hancock, Jake; Weller, Richard and McCalman, Heather (2003) 100% Organic Livestock Feeds – preparing for 2005. Organic Centre Wales .

Hansen, Janne (2019) Organic greenhouse vegetables can become sustainable and resilient. Aarhus University, Aarhus.

Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj; Jensen, Jens Askov; Henckel, Poul; Hansen-Møller, Jens and Syriopoulos, Kostas (2007) Effect of feeding fermentable fibrerich feedstuffs lupin and chicory prior to slaughter with special emphasis on the effect on chemical boar taint in organic entire male and female pigs and technological meat quality. [Korttidsindflydelsen af fodring med fermenterbare fiberrige fodermidler (lupiner og chikorie) før slagtning med særligt henblik på indflydelsen på kemisk ornelugt og teknologisk kødkvalitet.] Fuculty of Agricultural Sciences, University of Aarhus , Department of Food Science.

Hansen, Mette; Laursen, Rikke Pilmann and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (2009) Design and pilot testing of a dietary assessment methodology for children at school. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2004) Important values in the PhD-project "Crop-Weed interaction determined by sensor techniques (COMSENS)" and the project "Characteristics of spring barley varieties for organic farming (BAR-OF)". Danisk institute og Agricultural Sciences , Department for Crop Protection.

Hansen, Stine Rosenlund; Nielsen, Thorkild and Kristensen, Niels Heine (2010) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Denmark – a national overview. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Hansen, Stine Rosenlund; Schmidt, Hannah W.; Nielsen, Thorkild and Kristensen, Niels Heine (2008) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Denmark. Bioforsk Report, no. 40. Technical University of Denmark , Innovation and Sustainability.

Hansen, Flemming (2014) Antimicrobial effect of 4 formulations from 8 plants after storage for > 1 year at -18°C. Danish Meat Research Institute .

Hartmann, Monika; Yeh, Ching-Hua; Amilien, Virginie; Z., Čeliković; Csillag, Peter; Filipovic, Jelena; Giraud, Georges; Gorton, Matthew; Menozzi, Davide; Quarrie, Steve; Roos, Gun; Saïdi, Monia; Tocco, Barbara; Veneziani, Mario and T., Vreden (2018) ”Report on quantitative research findings on European consumers’ perception and valuation of EU food quality schemes as well as their confidence in such measures”. HAL CCSD.

Haselberger, Thomas; Gatzert, Xenia and Sommer, Martin (2019) National Report for Bulgaria: How to improve the production and the use of organic seeds? National recommendations for Bulgaria. .

Haselberger, Thomas; Sommer, Martin and Gatzert, Xenia (2019) National Report for Greece: How to improve the production and the use of organic seeds? National recommendations for Greece. .

Hatakka, Tarja; Mäkelä-Kurtto, Ritva; Tarvainen, Timo; Laakso, Pirkko; Laitonen, Annukka and Eurola, Merja (2007) Trace elements in top- and subsoil on selected crop and dairy farms in Finland in 2004. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 108. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Hauenstein, Samuel; Hofer, Sheila and Kemper, Laura (2021) Greenresilient case study of Economic Performance: Deliverable 5.10. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Hauenstein, Samuel and Rochat, Armelle (2021) Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops. Greenresilient Practice Abstracts. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Hauenstein, Samuel; Rochat, Armelle and Schwitter, Patricia (2021) Mulch de transfert dans les serres biologiques. Factsheet. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick .

Hauenstein, Samuel; Rochat, Armelle and Schwitter, Patricia (2021) Transfer mulch in organic greenhouses. Factsheet. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Haward, Rob and Green, Michael (2004) Improving market intelligence for organic horticulture in Wales. Organic Centre Wales, University of Wales, Aberystwyth and Producer Services, Soil Association, Bristol .

He, Chen and Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg (editor): Løes, Anne Kristin (Ed.) (2009) Organic school meals in three Danish municipalities. Bioforsk Report, no. No. 66. Institute of Development and Planning, Aalborg University , Researchgroup for Nutrition & Sustainability in Novel Foodscapes.

Heidbüchel, Katharina and Baldinger, Lisa (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Germany: year-round outdoor housing for pregnant sows. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.5. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Heidbuechel, Katharina (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: how to encourage piglets to use their nest. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.2. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Heidbuechel, Katharina; Baldinger, Lisa and Vermeer, Herman (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: designing an organic farrowing pen. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.1. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Helin, Janne; Laukkanen, Marita and Koikkalainen, Kauko (2006) Abatement costs for agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loads: a case study of South-Western Finland. MTT Discussion Papers, no. 8. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Helmstedt, Cornelia; Manouselis, Nikos; Martín-Moncunill, David; Protonotarios, Vassilis; Sicilia, Miguel-Angel; Stracke, Christian M.; Adamides, George; Aventurier, Pascal; Belsis, Petros; Beyer, Jenny; Biniari, Katerina; Bouza, Despoina; Ciotoli, Fabio; Engel-Vermette, Sebastian; Ghiradi, Nicola; Koutoumanos, Anastasios; Jensen, Allan Leck; Le Henaff, Diane; Masselin-Silvin, Sylvie; Mathiesen, Camilla; Ninou, Elizabeth G.; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Sánchez, Salvador; Scipione, Gabriella; Sgouropoulou, Cleo E.; Stavrakaki, Maritina; Stavrakakis, Manolis N.; Tannhäuser, Anne-Christin; Toquero, Xenia Rodriquez; Tsetsekas, Charilaos A. and Tsiflidou, Effie (editor): Stracke, Christian M.; Manouselis, Nikos and Sicilia, Miguel-Angel (Eds.) (2013) Opening Up Access to Scientific Information: Recommendations for Improving Virtual Repositories and Online Communities. University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2023) BRESOV D5.4 Performance of the varieties in on-farm trials: Quality assessment (resistance to diseases, yield, physical appearance, ease of harvest, acceptability from the farmers) of each new variety and analysis of soil samples during the two years rotation model. .

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2023) BRESOV D5.6 A comprehensive and agricultural practice relevant synthesis of the results of WP5. .

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Alföldi, Thomas (2021) BRESOV Audio visual material: guide of tools and methods made available and used in BRESOV for the production of the project video and short informative videos. , Frick.

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Schwitter, Patricia (2022) Strategies to produce tomato seeds during regular tomato harvest. Bresov practice abstract, no. 14. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia and Hauenstein, Samuel (2021) BRESOV D5.1 - Comprehensive list of varieties per crop and location to be grown on-farm along with fact sheets concerning their growing, harvesting and taste characteristics. .

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia; Hauenstein, Samuel; Timpanaro, Giuseppe; Cammarata, Mariarita; Scuderi, Alessandro and Branca, Ferdinando (2021) BRESOV D5.2 - List of crop performance measurements to be collected at all location and a questionnaire for the farmers involved. FiBL , Crop sciences, Frick.

Hermansen, John E. (2015) Organic pig and poultry systems in Europe based on 100% organic feed supply - Overall assessment report, D6.1 and D 6.2. Aarhus University, DK , Dept Agroecology.

Herpen, E. Van; Trijp, H. Van and Kuipers, T. (2005) influence of assortment organization on product compaisons and choice. Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Herren, Hans Rudolf; Hilbeck, Angelika; Hoffmann, Ulrich; Home, Robert; Levidow, Les; Müller, Adrian; Nelson, Erin; Oehen, Bernadette and Pimbert, Michel (editor): Hilbeck, Angelika and Oehen, Bernadette (Eds.) (2015) Feeding the People: Agroecology for Nourishing the World and Transforming the Agri-Food System. IFAOM EU Group, Brussels, Belgium.

Hiller, S.; Onduru, D.D. and Jager, A. De (2009) Sustainable tea production : an assessment of farmer field schools in Kenya. Report / LEI. Development issues 2008-078. LEI Wageningen UR, The Hague, NL.

Hitchings, Roger (editor): The Organic Research Centre, Better Organic Business Links - A project of Organic Centre Wales (Eds.) (2013) Key factors determining the long term success of CSA projects in Wales. The Organic Research Centre.

Hitchings, Roger (2007) Market Review of the Welsh Organic Horticulture Sector, 2007. Organic Centre Wales, Organic Research Centre Elm Farm, HDRA, ADAS , Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Hitchings, Roger; Clarke, Sarah and Trump, Andrew (2007) Market Review of the Welsh Organic Arable Sector, 2007. Organic Centre Wales, Organic Research Centre Elm Farm, Organic Arable Marketing Group , Insitutue of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Hodge, A; Gosling, Paul; Goodlass, G and Bending, Gary (2004) Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in organic systems. HRI Warwick .

Hoffman, Ruben and Wivstad, Maria (2015) Why do (don’t) we buy organic food and do we get what we bargain for? SLU, EPOK – Centre for Organic Food and Farming, Uppsala, Sweden.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, Livija; Salonen, Jukka and Gerowitt, Bärbel (editor): Hofmeijer, Merel A.J. (Ed.) (2017) Geographical distribution of challenging weed species - Current knowledge in organic arable farming in the Baltic sea region. Rostock University , Crop Health.

Holtz, Thomas; Kelderer, Markus; Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Zucchini, Matteo and Neri, Davide (2020) Deliverables number 5.2-5.5. YEARLY REPORT OF PLANT PHYSIOLOGICAL STATUS, CROPS’ YIELD AND QUALITY DATA AS INFLUENCED BY OVERHEAD NETTING. .

Holzherr, Philipp; Förster, Iris and Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Embedding Diversity: Communication and Label Concept for Underutilized Crops – Checklist for your First Evaluation. Deliverable 5.3 of DIVERSIFOOD Project .

Holzner, Valerie; Riekötter, Nicklas; Chen, Hoi Ki Stefan and Cullen, Ruth (2023) D2.3_Report on value chain assessment. FOODLEVERS Consortium .

Home, Robert; Frick, Rebekka; Stadler, Lena; Felder, Tamina and Bazrafshan, Mahsa (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of Pathways Towards SFS. D1.2: Mapping lock-ins, interventions and transition pathways to SFS. Deliverable 1.2 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. .

Home, Robert; Stadler, Lena; Felder, Tamina and Frick, Rebekka (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of Pathways Towards SFS. M1:Understanding of pathways towards SFS by all partners. Milestone 1 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. .

Home, Robert; Lošťák, Michal and Stolze, Matthias (2013) Report on the demand for data by end users of organic market data (= Deliverable 1.1 of the OrganicDataNetwork project. Survey of the organic market data needs of end users). OrganicDataNetwork project, c/o University of Ancona , Ancona, Italy.

Hondebrink, M; Barbry, J; Himanen, Sari; Lakkenborg, H; Lepse, Liga; Trinchera, A. and Koopmans, Chris J. (2019) Overview of farmers expected benefits of diversification. Report on national stakeholder involvement. Lous Bolk institute, Driebergen.

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Hospers-Brands, M. and Burgt, G.-J. Van Der (2009) Towards improved quality in organic food production : proceedings of the 5th QLIF training and exchange workshop, Driebergen, 21-23 January 2009. LBI publication / Louis Bolk Instituut LB 28.. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

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Hovi, M (2001) Organic dairy cows: milk yield and lactation characteristics in thirteen established herds and development of a herd simulation model for organic milk production. University of Reading , VEERU.

Hovi, Malla (2003) Vaccine use in organic cattle and sheep systems: Development of a decision support tool based on risk assessment. University of Reading , Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit.

Hovi, Malla and Sundrum, Albert; (editor): Hovi, M. and Baars, T. (Eds.) (2001) Feeding for health and welfare. Proceedings of the 4th NAHWOA-Workshop, 24-27.03.2001, Wageningen, NL, p. 198-202.. NAHWOA - Network of Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture .

Hrabalova, Andrea; Handlova, Jitka; Koutna, Kamila and Zdrahal, Ivo (2005) Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe, with Particular Emphasis on EU Enlargement QLK5-2002-00917. [D13: Final report on the development of organic farming in ten selected CEE countries with national report cards.] Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau.

Huber, Machteld; Doesburg, Paul and van de Vijver, Lucy (2007) Biocrystallisations: Milk treatments. Louis Bolk Publications, no. M26. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Hüppe, Ronja and Zander, Katrin (2019) Organic food processing: Discussing technologies with occasional organic consumers. Core Organic Cofund.

Husted, Majken; Oudshoorn, Frank; Montemayor, Erica; Antón, Assumpció; Sørensen, Claus Grøn and Schmutz, Ulrich (2022) Deliverable 6.5: Validity of sustainability assessment report (Part A: RISE, Part B: LCA). Aarhus University , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Husted, Søren (2015) Final report for the CORE Organic II funded project - Fast methods for authentication of organic plant based foods - AuthenticFood. University of Copenhagen , KU-Science.

Højberg, Ole and Canibe, Nuria (2017) Resultater af 2 års forsøg. AU ANIS, MAFFRA Statusmøde, 19. december2017 (Fortroligt). [Results of 2nd year in vitro screening of antibacterial plants (Confidential).] Department of Animal Science, AU-ANIS , AU ANIS, Animal Science.

Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2017) MAFFRA. Report for first years results of screening of antibacterial plant products for replacing antibiotica. [Maffra: Rapport over første års resultater af screening af antibakterielle planter til erstatning for antibiotika.] working report - confidential. Aarhus University, AU -ANIS, Aarhus University, AU -ANIS.

Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2017) MAFFRA: Report for first years results of screening of antibacterial plant products for replacing antibiotica. [MAFFRA: Rapport over første års forsøg med screening af antibakterielle planter til erstatning for antibiotika.] Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science.

IFOAM, Organics International (2012) Organic without Boundaries. IFOAM Celebrating 40 years, 1972-2012. .

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J. P., Welsh; N. D., Tillett; M., Home and J. A., King (2002) A review of knowledge: inter-row hoeing & its associated agronomy in organic cereal & pulse crops. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Jackson, A and Lampkin, N (2006) Organic Farm incomes in England and Wales 2004-05(OF 0189). University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth.

Jackson, Andrew and Lampkin, Nicolas (2008) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2005/06 (OF 0373). Aberystwyth University , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Jackson, Andrew and Lampkin, Nicolas (2005) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2002/03. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Jackson, Andrew and Lampkin, Nicolas (2005) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2003/04 (OF0189). University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Jackson, Andrew; Lampkin, Nicolas and Fowler, Sue (2004) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 1999/00 and 2000/01. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Jackson, Andrew; Lampkin, Nicolas and Fowler, Sue (2004) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2001/02. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Jackson, Andrew; Moakes, Simon and Lampkin, Nicolas (2008) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2006/07 (OF 0373). Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth.

Jackson, Andrew; Rogers, Matt and Lampkin, Nic (2007) Production costs and net margins for Welsh organic milk, beef and lamb. Organic Centre Wales , Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Jacobsen, Brian H.; Madsen, Niels and Ørum, Jens Erik (2005) Organic farming at the farm level - Scenarioes for the future development. Report, no. 178. Food and Ressource Economics Institute , Environment and Regional Analyses.

Jacobsen, Malene (2012) Introducing farmer group learning and development into organic small holder farming systems in the global south -including a case study from the state of Madhya Pradesh, India. .

Jansonius, PieterJans; Zanen, Marleen and Bloksma, Joke (2004) Annual report 2003 LBI organic fruit growing research: including plans for 2004. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. LF78. Louis Bolk Instituut , Fruit growing.

Janssen, Meike and Hamm, Ulrich (2011) Consumer preferences and willingness-to-pay for organic certification logos: Recommendations for actors in the organic sector. Report of the CERTCOST project. .

Jensen, Martin and Grevsen, Kai (2017) Production methods, yield and quality of antibacterial plant products. Variation in plant material quality and reproducibility. Internal Report. Confidential. [Produktionsmetoder, udbytter og kvalitet af antibakterielle planteprodukter.Variation i plantematerialet og reproducerbarhed. Intern Rapport.] Aarhus University , Institut for Fødevarer.


Johansen, Niels Finn and Engberg, Ricarda M. (2014) Nutritional value of fly larvae and larvae meal. Videncentret for Landbrug .

Johansson, Sheshti; Nielsen, Lars Henrik and Østergård, Hanne (2011) Socio-economic analysis of biogas and biogas combined with ethanol from organic agriculture. Technical University of Denmark , Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy .

Jokumsen, Alfred (2022) ShelterFish Review. [ShelterFish review.] .

Jones, Hannah (2008) Cereal variety and population selection. Institute of Organic Training & Advice (IOTA), Carven Arms .

Jong, Ingrid De and Beest, Dennis Te (2022) Development of the ‘animal welfare’ dimension within the Greenwell sustainability assessment model: 2. Data for all production stages andcalculation of scores for the broiler on-farm stage. Report / Wageningen Livestock Research 1260.. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen, NE.

Jongbloed, A.W. and Diepen, J.T.M. Van (2007) Verteerbaarheid (ileaal en faecaal) van biologisch geteelde eiwitrijke voedergrondstoffen bij varkens = Digestibility (ileal and faecal) of organically-grown protein-rich raw materials in pigs. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 51. Divisie Veehouderij. Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, NL.

Jongbloed, A.W.; Maiorano, R. and Wagenaars, C.M.F. (2007) Effect of several plant products on prevention of E. coli adhesion in the gastrointestinal tract of weaned piglets. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 62.. Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen UR, Lelystad, NL.

Jongeneel, Roel; Silvis, Huib; Gonzalez Martinez, Ana and Jager, Jakob (2021) Green Deal: an assessment of impacts of the farm to fork and biodiversity strategies on the EU livestock sector. Report / Wageningen Economic Research 2021-130.. Wageningen Economic Research, Wageningen, NE.

Jukema, Gerben; Ramaekers, Pascal and Berkhout, Petra (2022) Nederlandse agrarische sector in internationaal verband. Rapport / Wageningen Economic Research 2022-001.. Wageningen Economic Research, Wageningen, NE.

Kahiluoto, Helena and Rötter, Reimund (2009) Implications of and possible responses to climate change. University of Helsinki.

Kahl, Johannes (2015) Fast methods for authentication of organic plant based foods. [Fast methods for authentication of organic plant based foods.] Universität Kassel, Fachbreich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen .

Kahl, Johannes; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Kristensen, Hanne L.; Lauridsen, Charlotte; Mengheri, Elena; Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo and Seljåsen, Randi (2010) Quality analysis of critical control points within the whole food chain and their impact on food quality, safety and health (QACCP). Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen , Fachgebiet Ökologische Lebensmittelqualität und Ernährungskultur.

Karoglan Todorović, Sonja and Znaor, Darko (2007) Complementary Financing for Environment in the Context of Accession – Innovative Resources: National Report Croatia. A project for the European Commission (contract 070201/2006/443879/MAR/E3). Ecologica, Zagreb.

Karydi, Emmanouela; Kudahl, Anne Braad and Vaarst, Mette (2015) SOLID participatory research from Denmark: Use of herbs in pastures for dairy cows: Farmers’ experience, pasture coverage analyses, and literature survey of Danish research results. Aarhus University , Animal Science, Aarhus University.

Kata, Gócs; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina and Willer, Helga (2018) D.4.4: Plan for continuation of the knowledge platform. .

Katsoulas, Nikolaos and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2018) Tables describing the use of various inputs during organic growing of important horticultural and arable crops across Europe. Deliverables from the Organic PLUS project: Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe, Annex to Organic PLUS deliverables, no. D3.1 and D5.1, Version 1.1. Coventry University, Coventry, UK.

Katsoulas, Nikolaos; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Andrivon, Didier; Cirvilleri, Gabriella; de Cara, Manuel; Kir, Alev; Knebl, Lucas; Malinska, Krystyna; Oudshoorn, Frank; Raskin, Ben and Schmutz, Ulrich (2018) Current use and legal status of crop protection inputs. Deliverables from the Organic PLUS project: Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe, Deliverable, no. 3.1, Version 1.1. Coventry University, Coventry, UK.

Keatinge, R (2005) Organic production in the hills and uplands (OF0319). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Redesdale.

Keatinge, R (2004) Control of internal parasites in organic livestock without the use of pharmaceutical anthelminthics. ADAS Consulting Ltd , Redesdale.

Keatinge, R (2004) Optimising the production and utilisation of forage for organic livestock (CTE0202). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Redesdale.

Keatinge, Ray (2001) Efficient use of animal manures within an upland organic system (OF0187). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Redesdale.

Keatinge, Ray (2001) Organic beef and sheep production (OF0147). ADAS , Redesdale.

Keatinge, Ray (2000) A review of current European research on organic farming (OF0171). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Redesdale.

Keatinge, Mr Ray (1998) Organic beef and sheep production in the uplands OF0111. ADAS .

Keatinge, Mr Ray (1996) Controlling internal parasites without anthelmintics (a review) OF0132. ADAS .

Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Zikeli, Sabine; Lepp, Birgit; Hristina, Kutinkova; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D5.6 Yearly report of plant physiological status, crops' yield and quality data as influenced by overhead netting and D5.7 Final report on new protection management adopting overhead netting in orchards. .

Kelemen, Eszter; Balazs, Katalin; Choisis, Jean Philippe; Choisis, Norma; Dennis, Peter; Gomiero, Tiziano; Kovacs, Eszter; Nguyen, Genevieve; Paoletti, Maurizio; Podmaniczky, László; Ryschawy, Julie and Sarthou, Jean-Pierre (2011) Assessement of economic benefits linked to organic and low input farmland in 4 BIOBIO case study areas. HAL CCSD.

Kemper, Laura and Willer, Helga (2020) Intermediate report on the implementation of the dissemination and communication strategy - Deliverable 6.5 (SolACE). SolACE Deliverable 6.5. .

Kemper, Laura; De Cock, Lieve; CAVOSKI, Ivana; Chourot, Jean-Marc and Iivonen, Sari (2020) Assessing the potential impact of 11 CORE Organic Plus research projects using a quantitative and qualitative approach. .

Kemper, Laura; Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2018) Fostering sustainability in production and trade of raw materials, horticulture and tropical products (RaMHOT): Assessing the impact of certification schemes on farm incomes, inclusive rural development and market access. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick.

Kerr, Simon (1995) Establishment of, and running, a comprehensive organic seed information database and communication network OF0195. National Institute of Agricultural Botany .

Kijlstra, Aize; Groot, Maria; Roest, van der, Joop; Kasteel, Daniella and Eijck, Ineke (2003) Analysis of black holes in our knowledge concerning animal health in the organic food production chain. Wageningen UR , Animal Sciences Group.

Kijlstra, Aize and van der Werf, Joop (2006) Effects of the compulsory indoor confinement of organic layer poultry: a dust storm! Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen University and Research Centres , Animal Production Division.

Kilchsperger, Rahel; Schmid, Otto and Hecht, Judith (2010) Animal welfare initiatives in Europe - Technical report on grouping method for animal welfare standards and initiatives. Deliverable No 1.1 of Econ Welfare Project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Kimman, T.; Smits, M.; Kemp, B.; Wever, P. and Verheijden, J. (2010) Banning antibiotics, reducing resistance, preventing and fighting infections : white paper on research enabling an antibiotic-free' animal husbandry. Wageningen UR, Wageningen , NL.

Kirik, Heli; Külvet, Airi; Tsopp, Martin and Mark, Elina (2022) Development of biological and technical solutions for blood-sucking insects to reduce numbers around grazing animals. Liivimaa Lihaveis.

Kirsanova, Laura and Ozola, Lasma (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the status of organic agriculture and industry in Latvia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Kitti, Mitri; Heikkilä, Jaakko and Huhtala, Anni (2006) "Fair" policies for the coffee trade - protecting people or biodiversity? MTT Discussion Papers, no. 7. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Kiær, Lars; Scherber, Christoph; Weih, Martin; Rubiales, Diego; Tavoletti, Stefano; Adam, Eveline; Patto, Maria Carlota Vaz; Suzana T., Leitão; Schmutz, Anja; Schöb, Christian; Pakeman, Robin; Newton, Adrian C. and Karley, Alison J. (editor): Kiær, Lars and Scherber, Christoph (Eds.) (2020) DIVERSify Handbook for trait assessment in agricultural plant teams. Deliverable report D2.2 (D17). Developed by the EU-H2020 project DIVERSify (‘Designing innovative plant teams for ecosystem resilience and agricultural sustainability’), funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement Number 727824. .

Kjeldsen, Chris; Noe, Egon and Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2015) The Danish Food Communities - Denmark. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Kjeldsen, Chris; Noe, Egon and Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2014) Danish case report: The Danish Food Communities. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Kjellenberg, Lars and Granstedt, Artur (2005) The K-trial. A 33-years study of the connections between manuring, soils and crops. Biodynamic Research Institute, Sweden .

Klaiss, Matthias (2021) Mulch sowing in organic agriculture (SolACE Practice abstract). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Klaiss, Matthias (2021) Intercropping of grain pea with cereals. Legumes Translated pratice notes, no. 17. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Klaiss, Matthias and Dierauer, Hansueli (2018) Ergebnisse aus den Weizensorten Streifenversuchen 2018. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Klaiss, Matthias; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles (2017) Intercropping grain peas with barley. Practice Abstract, no. 003. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Kledal, Paul Rye (2007) The Danish Organic Pork Chain. Institute of Food and Resource Economis, Copenhagen University .

Kledal, Paul Rye (2006) The Danish Organic Vegetable Chain. Institute of Food and Resource Economics , Production and technology Division.

Klepsvik, Silje; Ralston, Birgitta; McKinnon, Kirsty; Toppe, Jørn Erik; Kleppe, Ida and Hermansen, Kristin (2023) Woolly pot. Bioregion Institute.

Knegsel, A.T.M. Van and Krimpen, M.M. Van (2008) Energie- en eiwitbehoefte van biologisch gehouden pluimvee = Energy and protein requirements of organic housed poultry. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 122.. Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen UR, Lelystad, NL.

Knoll, Maximilian (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs: rooting area. POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.1. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) System description for climate optimized fertilization. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Koekoek, F.J.; Leijdens, M. and Rieks, G. (2010) Entering the organic export market : a practical guide for farmers' organisations. Agrodok 48.. Agromisa foundation, Wageningen, NL.

Köhl, J. (2007) REPCO 501452 : Replacement of copper fungicides in organic production of grapevine and apple in Europe : publishable final activity report. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Köhl, J. and Wolf, J. Van Der (2005) Alternaria brassicicola and Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris in organic seed production of Brassicae: epidemiology and seed infection. Note / Plant Research International 363.. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Kolbe, Hartmut (2009) Effects of conventional and organic land use types on water protection criteria in Germany. Saechsisches Landesamt fuer Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie, D-Dresden , Abteilung Pflanzliche Erzeugung.

Kolbe, Hartmut (2007) Effects of increasing fertilization in organic farming fodder cultivation and market crop systems. Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, DE-Leipzig , FB Pflanzliche Erzeugung.

Kongsted, A.G.; Salomon, Eva; Leeb, Christine and Merlot, Elodie (2022) Welfare and resilience in organic pig production in Europe. .

Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) "Proven welfare and resilience in organic pig production" POWER. Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project. .

Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: extended lactation to improve pig health and growth. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.6. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Kongsted, Anne Grete and Hermansen, John E. (2005) Organic pig production – With particular reference to Danish production conditions. DIAS .

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Kool, A.; Blonk, H.; Ponsioen, T.; Sukkel, W.; Vermeer, H.; Vries, J. De and Hoste, R. (2009) Carbon footprints of conventional and organic pork : assessments of typical production systems in the Netherlands, Denmark, England and Germany. Blonk Milieu Advies, Gouda , NL.

Koopmans, Chris; Rietberg, P.I. and Burgt, G.J.H.M. (2014) Calibration and adaptation of the NDICEA model to reduced tillage systems: Final-report of the Tilman CORE Organic II project. Work package 5.2. .

Kortelainen, Tiina; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka; Tuori, Mikko and Partanen, Kirsi (2014) Digestibility of nutrients in novel organic protein feedstuffs for pigs: grass pea seeds, dehulled sainfoin seeds and soybean pulp (okara). .

Kortelainen, Tiina; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka; Tuori, Mikko and Partanen, Kirsi (2014) Ileal digestibility of amino acids in novel organic protein feedstuffs for pigs: Black soldier fly larvae meal(Hermetia illucens). .

Kortelainen, Tiina; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka; Tuori, Mikko and Partanen, Kirsi (2014) Ileal digestibility of amino acids in novel organic protein feedstuffs for pigs: Mussel meal(Mytilus edulis). .

Kovács, Tina and Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard (editor): REY, Frederic; Messmer, Monika and Costanzo, Ambrogio (Eds.) (2019) Overview on the current organizational models for cultivar testing for Organic Agriculture over some EU countries. LIVESEED project lead by IFOAM EU.

Kretzschmar, Ursula; Schleiffer, Mirjam and Speiser, Bernhard (2022) Dealing with pesticide residues in organic production - in Italy (Extract of D 1.3). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBl, CH-Frick .

Kretzschmar, Ursula; Schleiffer, Mirjam and Speiser, Bernhard (2022) Deliverable 1.3 Report on contaminants present in food Evaluation of survey results. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBl, CH-Frick .

Krimpen, M.M. Van; Bikker, P.; Meer, I.M. Van Der; Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. Van Der and Vereijken, J.M. (2013) Cultivation, processing and nutritional aspects for pigs and poultry of European protein sources as alternatives for imported soybean products. Report / Wageningen UR Livestock Research 662.. Wageningen UR Livestock Research, Lelystad, NL.

Krimpen, M.M. Van; Binnendijk, G.P.; Borgsteede, F. and Gaasenbeek, C. (2008) Effect of some herbs as alternative for conventional treatment of Ascaris suum in pigs. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 169.. Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, NL.

Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard; Sørensen, Claus Grøn and Schmutz, Ulrich (2019) Deliverable 6.2: Feasibility of designed scenarios. Aarhus University , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resoURce-Efficient intensive VEGetable production” SUREVEG. Aarhus University , Food Science.

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Krzyżaniak, Michał; Stolarski, Mariusz; Olba-Zięty, Ewelina and Warmiński, Kazimierz (2022) Description of the boundary system of camelina intercropping systems. University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn , Olsztyn.

Kuenz, Anja and Leiber, Florian (2023) New vitamin B2 producing wild-type yeast strain (GMO-free) (RELACS Practice Abstract). RELACS Practice Abstract. Thünen-Institut, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, IFOAM Organics Europe .

Kuile, B.M. Ter (2006) Veiligheid van biologische producten. VWA, s.l., NL.

Kulmala, Hannes; Miettinen, Antti; Koikkalainen, Kauko; Katajajuuri, Juha-Matti; Forsman-Hugg, Sari; Huan-Niemi, Ellen; Aro-Heinilä, Esa; Vihinen, Hilkka and Vesala, Kari Mikko. (editor): Niemi, Jyrki and Ahlstedt, Jaana (Eds.) (2007) Finnish agriculture and rural industries 2007. Agrifood Research Finland. Economic Research. Publications, no. 107a. MTT Economic Research .

Külvet, Airi; Tamm, Sirje; Tamm, Uuno; Loide, Valli; Oeselg, Marika and de Schaetzen, Olivier (2023) Development of concept grassland seed mixtures. [Uuendusliku pikaealise mitmeliigilise rohumaa segu loomine.] Liivimaa Lihaveis.

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Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2015) Full case study report: Kolonihagen - Norway. Centre for Rural Research .

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Kyntäjä, Soile; Partanen, Kirsi; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka and Jalava, Taina (2014) Tables of composition and nutritional values of organically produced feed materials for pigs and poultry. MTT, Agrifood Research Finland, Animal Production Research.

Kyntäjä, Soile; Siljander-Rasi, Hilkka; Voutila, Liisa and Partanen, Kirsi (2015) Feeding of sows with organic diets containing peas or faba beans during gestation and lactation. MTT, Agrifood Research Finland .

Lambion, Jérôme and van Rijn, Paul (2021) Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses. Fatsheet. Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (GRAB), F-Avignon .

Lamine, Claire (2015) Full case study report: Biocoop - France. INRA , Ecodéveloppement.

Lamine, Claire (2015) HealthyGrowth - France - Biocoop case study Fact sheet. .

Lamine, Claire (2015) Coordination and governance. Healthygrowth Task1 report. .

Lamine, Claire (2014) Healthy Growth - France - Biocoop case study report. .

Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2015) HealthyGrowth - France - Biovallée case study Fact sheet. .

Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2015) Healthy Growth : Biovallée Case Study Report. .

Lamine, Claire; Bui, Sibylle and Cardona, Aurélie (2015) Healthy-growth WP2 - Organic values-based food chains in France. State of the art review. .

Lamine, Claire and Noe, Egon (2016) Values and volume in sustainable organic markets chains – a multiperspectival analysis. .

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Hulscher, M.; Jongerden, J.; Ruivenkamp, G.T.P.; Haring, M.; van Mansvelt, J.D. and den Nijs, A.M.P. (1999) Sustainable organic plant breeding: Final report - a vision, choices, consequences and steps. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G24. Louis Bolk Instituut and Wageningen UR , Plant Breeding.

Lampard, Jenny and Porter, Colin (2001) Developing the Infrastructure for Organic Farming in Wales -Project Evaluation – January 2000 – December 2001. Cambrian Organic Group .

Lampkin, Nic and Powell, Jane (2003) Organic Farming in Wales 1998 - 2003. Organic Centre Wales .

Lampkin, Nicolas; Lembo, Giuseppe and Rehburg, Pia (2024) Deliverable 1.2 - Assessment of agricultural and aquaculture policy responses to the organic F2F targets. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei .

Lampkin, Nicolas; Padel, Susanne; Fowler, Sue; Rajah, Kanes; McDougall, Iain; Langstaff, Lesley; O'Regan, Tony and Sharples, Trevor (editor): Lampkin, Nicolas (Ed.) (1997) Constraints on developing organic poultry production OF0128T. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute or Rural Sciences.

Lampkin, Nicolas and Sanders, Jürn (2022) Policy support for organic farming in the European Union 2010-2020. Thünen Working Paper 200. Thünen-Institut, D-Braunschweig .

Lampkin, Dr Nicolas (1999) Public Support for the Development of Organic Farming in Europe. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Lampkin, N.; Stolze, M.; Meredith, S.; de Porras, M.; Haller, L. and Mészáros, D. (2020) Using Eco-schemes in the new CAP: a guide for managing authorities. IFOAM EU, FiBL and IEEP, Brussels .

Lampkin, Nic; Gerrard, Catherine L and Moakes, Simon (2014) Long term trends in the financial performance of organic farms in England and Wales, 2006/07-2011/12. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

Lampkin, Nicolas; Pearce, Bruce; Leake, Alastair; Creissen, Henry; Gerrard, Catherine L; Gerling, Robbie; Lloyd, Sofie; Padel, Susanne; Smith, Jo; Smith, Laurence; Vieweger, Anja and Wolfe, Martin (2015) The Role of Agroecology in Sustainable Intensification. A report for the Land Use Policy Group. Organic Research Centre and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Newbury and Fordingbridge.

Lampkin, Nicolas; Smith, Laurence and Padel, Katrin (2019) Delivering on net zero: Scottish Agriculture. A report by Organic Policy, Business and Research Consultancy for WWF Scotland , Edinburgh.

Landau, Bettina; Koller, Martin and Mäder, Paul (2011) PathOrganic - Identification of Critical Control Points for organic vegetable crops. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick.

Landert, Jan; Andreola, Corinne and de Baan, Laura (2023) Identifying environmental hotspots of fertilizers produced from fish and mollusc waste. [Identifizierung von Umwelt-Hotspots bei der Herstellung von Recycling-Düngern aus Fisch- und Muschelabfällen.] Sea2Land Practice Abstract, no. 57. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL; Università Politecnica delle Marche .

Lang, Isabella; Tamm, Lucius; Speiser, Bernhard; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Walkenhorst, Michael; Bünemann-König, Else; Maurer, Veronika; Moeskops, Bram; Busacca, Emanuele; Gall, Eric; Magid, Jakob and Schmitt, Annegret (2019) Policy brief on the organic approach to inputs – Plant protection products, fertilisers, veterinary drugs and feed additives explained. Deliverable No7.3 Policy brief explaining the organic approachto inputs. .

Langhout, J; Baars, T and Verhoog, H (2006) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Netherlands. EEC 2092/91 Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Louis Bolk Institute LBI, NL-Driebergen .

Lankester, Martien and Znaor, Darko (2009) Paving the Road to Organic farming in Afghanistan. Avalon Foundation , Wommels.

Larsen, Erling P. (2018) Summery and conclusion of the market possibility for Danish organic trout. [Resume og konklusion på markeds muligheder for danske økologiske ørreder.] .

Latruffe, Laure and Nauges, Celine (2010) Technical efficiency and conversion to organic farming: the case of France. HAL CCSD.

Latruffe, Laure; Nauges, Céline; Allaire, Gilles; Cahuzac, Eric; Garapin, Alexis; Lemarié, Stephane and Poméon, Thomas (2013) Factors favouring and hindering the development of organic farming in France: a multilevel analysis. HAL CCSD.

Latruffe, Laure; Nauges, Céline and Desjeux, Yann (2013) Drivers inducing and preventing conversion to organic farming for dairy and vegetable farmers: findings of a large-scale survey in the French regions of Brittany and Pays de la Loire. HAL CCSD.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd; Noe, Egon and Kjeldsen, Chris (2015) Full case study report: Gram Slot/Rema1000 - Denmark. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Lazzarini, Gianna; Richter, Toralf; Tamina, Felder and Matthias, Stolze (2022) Market Potential for Organic Cocoa - Study on the global market for cocoa beans and semi-finished cocoa products. FiBL Report. Research Institute for Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Lazzaro, Mariateresa; Winter, Eva; Schäfer, Freya; Steiner, Eliane and Messmer, Monika (2023) Financing and governance strategies in organic breeding. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, ENGAGEMENT.BIOBREEDING EUROPE .

Le Douarin, Sarah (2022) Organic Sector in the European Union 2021. Agence Bio, Montreuil.

Le Douarin, Sarah (2020) Organic Farming and Market in the EU. Agence BIO, www.agencebio.org.

Leduc, Gaelle; Manevska-Tasevska, Gordana; Hansson, Helena; Arndt, Marie; Bakucs, Zoltan; Boehm, Michael; Chitea, Mihai; Florian, Violeta; Hitouche, Salim; Legras, Sophie; Luca, Lucian; Martikainen, Anna; Pham, Hai Vu; Rusu, Marioara; Schaer, Burkhard and Wavresky, Pierre (2019) Legislation and political discourse about ecological farming. HAL CCSD.

Leeb, Christine; Whay, Becky and Main, David (2004) Incorporation of conventional animal welfare assessment techniques into organic certification and farming. University of Bristol , School of Veterinary Science.

Leeb, Christine; Butler, Gillian; Bochicchio, Davide; Früh, Barbara; Illmann, Gudrun; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Urban, Jiri and Dippel, Sabine (2015) ProPIG - Farm specific strategies to reduce environmental impact by improving health, welfare and nutrition of organic pigs - Final project report. .

Leeuwen, M.A.E. Van; Voort, M.P.J. Van Der; Sukkel, W. and Balci, S. (2008) Organic agriculture in Turkey : trade opportunities for organic fruit and vegetables. PPO Publication no. 32500743. Applied Plant Research, Arable farming and field production of vegetables, Lelystad, NL.

Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Nigro, Sebastian; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Branca, Ferdinando (2022) BRESOV D5.3 Recommendation for alternative crop fertilization and use of mycorrhiza under water stress conditions. .

Legzdina, Linda and Skrabule, Ilze (2005) Plant breeding for organic farming: current status and problems in Europe. State Stende Plant Breeding station .

Lehmann, Jesper Overgård; Mogensen, Lisbeth; Bertelsen, Maja and Vaarst, Mette (2021) Dam-rearing of dairy calves: Lessons from practice for future research & development. Department of Agroecology & Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University, Tjele, Denmark.

Lehtonen, Heikki; Aakkula, Jyrki and Rikkonen, Pasi (2004) Alternative agricultural policy scenarios, sector modelling and indicators - A sustainability assessment. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Leiber, Florian; Quander-Stoll, Nele and Ayrle, Hannah (2021) Vitamin B2 supplementation for laying and parent hens in organic poultry systems. RELACS Practice abstracts, no. 02. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Leifert, C (editor): Elsgaard, L (Ed.) (2009) Determining the effect of organic and low-input production methods on food quality and safety. QLIF subproject 2: Effects of production methods. .

Leifert, C. and Wilcockson, S.J. (2005) Blight-MOP: Development of a systems approach for the management of late blight (caused by Phytophthora infestans) in EU organic potato production. University of Newcastle, UK .

Lemeilleur, Sylvaine (2012) International standards and small-scale farmer behaviors: evidence from Peru. HAL CCSD.

Lennartsson, Dr Margi (2000) Conversion to organic field vegetable production OF0126T. Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Lenz, Joachim (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Länderbericht zur Situation des ökologischen Lanbaus in der Ukraine. [Country Report on the Organic Market in Ukraine.] Öko Länderbericht. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Lenz, Joachim (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2020) Report on the status of organic agriculture and industry in Ukraine. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Lernoud, Julia; Potts, Jason; Sampson, Gregory; Garibay, Salvador V.; Lynch, Matthew; Voora, Vivek; Willer, Helga and Wozniak, Joseph (2017) The State of Sustainable Markets 2017 - Statistics and Emerging Trends. International Trade Centre (ITC), International Institute for Sustainable (IISD), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Geneva, Switzerland.

Lewis, Sophie (2011) Agroforestry Survey: A Summary of Response. Organic Research Centre , Research.

Litterick, Audrey; Harrier, L.; Wallace, P.; Watson, C. A. and Wood, M. (2003) Effects of composting manures and other organic wastes on soil processes and pest and disease interactions. Scottish Agricultural College .

Little, Tony (2008) Monitoring and Management of Energy and Emissions in agriculture. Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA), Craven Arms .

Little, Tony (2007) Advice and knowledge transfer services for organic producers in Wales. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Organic Centre Wales.

Little, Tony (2006) Organic Horticultural Seed in Wales - A survey of growers’ experiences of varieties grown from organic seed in 2006. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Organic Centre Wales.

Little, Tony; Morris, Cath and Clarke, Aldwyn (2007) Assessing quality of plant raising media for organic systems. Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth, Tan yr Allt and ADAS Wales , Organic Centre Wales.

Lo Scalzo, Roberto; Campanelli, Gabriele; Moor, Ulvi; Schwab, Wilfried; Vangdal, Eivind; Kidmose, Ulla and Speranza, G (Tutor) (2018) Final report for the CORE Organic Plus funded project “Drying, Juices and Jams of Organic Fruit and Vegetables: what happens to Desired and Non-Desired compounds? FaVOR-DeNonDe” Period covered: 30 March 2015 - 29 March 2018. CORE Organic Plus Office .

Lobley, Matt; Reed, Matt and Buttler, Alan (2005) Impacts of organic farming on the rural economy RE0117. University of Exeter , Centre for Rural Research.

Loefs, R. and Eekeren, N. Van (2011) Survey of the marketing concept for organic goat meat in the Netherlands. Report / Louis Bolk Institute no. 2011-028 LbD. Louis Bolk Institute, Driebergen, NL.

Loïc, Labidalle; Roinsard, Antoine; Ahmad, Muhammad Sani; Früh, Barbara and Dietemann, Lauren (2021) Ration planning tool, user manual and webinar: Poultry and swine. ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FR-Angers and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Lozan, Andrei and Arndt, Christoph (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Romania. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Lund, T.B. and O'Doherty Jensen, K. (2008) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective: An Exploratory Study among Danish Consumers. University of Copenhagen, Dept. of Human Nutrition .

Lund, Ivar and Jokumsen, Alfred (2018) Dietary fatty acids and robustness of rainbow trout fry. [Fedtsyre indhold i foder og yngel robusthed.] .

Lund, Ivar and Jokumsen, Alfred (2018) Fatty acid manipulation of rainbow trout fry. [Styring af fedtsyreprofil hos regnbueørred yngel.] .

Lund, Ivar; Lazado, Carlo C. and Jokumsen, Alfred (2018) Manipulation of dietary fatty acids and effects on rainbow trout fry performance. [Effekt af manipulering af fedtsyre indhold i foder til regnbueørred yngel.] .

Lund-Nielsen, Tina; Mejer, Helena; Gunnarsson, Carina; Hansen, Preben Klarskov and Grigalaviciene, Ilona (2003) How is ideologies related to actions? Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University , Unit for Learning and Interdisciplinary Methods.

Luske, Boki (2010) Reduced GHG emissions due to compost production and compost use in Egypt. Louis Bolk Institute .

Luske, Boki and van der Kamp , Joris (2009) Carbon sequestration potential of reclaimed desert soils in Egypt. Louis Bolk Instituut / Soil and more .

Lysenkov, Alexander (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Armenia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Lysenkov, Alexander (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the status of organic agriculture and industry in Kazakhstan. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Lysenkov, Alexander (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2020) Länderrbericht Ökomarkt in Russland. [Country Report on Organic Market in Russia.] Öko Länderbericht. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Lysenkov, Alexander (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2020) Report on the status of organic agriculture and industry in Russia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2010) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Norway. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Ahuja, Ishita; de Boer, Anne and Rittl, Tatiana (2023) Fertilisation effects of marine-derived residual materials on agricultural crops. NORSØK Report, no. 13 Vol 7. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Grønmyr, Frode; Pommeresche, Reidun; Rittl, Tatiana and Stensrud, Anniken Fure (2022) Algae fibre for soil improvement (FIMO). NORSØK Report, no. 8, vol 7. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Koesling, Matthias; Roos, Gun; Birkeland, Liv and Solemdal, Liv (2008) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Norway. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2017) Laying-hens for soil fertilization. NORSØK Report. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.


Løes, Anne-Kristin; Johansen , Anders; Pommeresche, Reidun and Riley, Hugh (2013) SoilEffects - start characterization of the experimental soil. Bioforsk Report, no. Vol 8 no 96. Bioforsk, Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Katsoulas, Nikolaos; Caceres, Rafaela; de Cara, Manuel; Cirvilleri, Gabriella; Kir, Alev; Knebel, Lucas; Malinska, Krystyna; Oudshoorn, Frank; Raskin, Ben; Rayns, Francis; Valleix, Sophie and Schmutz, Ulrich (2018) Current use of peat, plastic and fertiliser inputs in organic horticultural and arable crops across Europe. Deliverables from the Organic PLUS project: Pathways to phase-out contentious inputs from organic agriculture in Europe, Deliverable, no. 5.1, Version 1.1. Coventry University, Coventry, UK.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Mikkola, Minna; Roos, Gun; Spigarolo, Roberto; Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; Strassner, Carola and Nölting, Benjamin (2011) Final report for 1881 Innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth (iPOPY). CORE Organic.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Pommeresche, Reidun and Khalil, Roger (2017) Effects of marble application to manure and anaerobic digestates. [Effekten av å tilsette finmalt marmor til husdyrgjødsel og råtnerest.] NORSØK REPORT, no. VOL.2/ NR. 5. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

Maas, van der, Rien (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic fruit production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Macken-Walsh, Áine; Javornicky, Martin; Forde, Aoife; Naughton, Anita; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Home, Robert; Bettoni, Maddalena; Díaz Puente, José María; Augustyn, Anna Maria and Repede, Dana Christina (2022) Impact Assessment and Evaluation Tools. Practitioner Handbook. .

MacKenzie, Joanna; Nelson, Jody and Hammermeister, Andy (2010) Management Practices for Control of European Wireworms in Canada. OACC Technical Bulletins, no. E2010-37. Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada.

Magid, Jakob (2006) Short-Circuit Short circuiting the carbon and nutrient cycles between urban and rural districts by establishing three new systems for source separation, collection and composting of organic waste in the greater Copenhagen area Final report presented to the EU-Life programme May 2006(LIFE02/ENV/DK/00150). .

Main, Michael; Lynch, Derek; Ward, Amanda; Voroney, Paul; Schneider, Kim and Juurlink, Shelly (2010) Soil P Status and Nitrogen Fixation on Organic Dairy Farms in Ontario and Nova Scotia. [Bilan phosphore du sol et fixation de l'azote dans fermes laitières biologiques de l'Ontario et de la Nouvelle-Écosse.] OACC Technical Bulletins, no. E2010-40. Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada.

Mäkelä-Kurtto, Ritva; Eurola, Merja and Laitonen, Annukka (2007) Monitoring programme of Finnish arable land : agua regia extractable trace elements in cultivated soils in 1998. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 104. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Mäkelä-Kurtto, Ritva; Laitonen, Annukka; Eurola, Merja; Vuorinen, Arja; Pasanen, Titta; Rankanen, Riitta; Suominen, Kimmo; Laakso, Pirkko; Tarvainen, Timo; Hatakka, Tarja and Salopelto, Juha (2007) Field balances of trace elements at the farm level on crop and dairy farms in Finland in 2004. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 111. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Malikova, Alena; Dytrtova, Karolina; Capounova, Katerina; Meindl, Peter and Pfiffner, Lukas (2008) Organic Farmers for Nature - Wildlife-friendly Organic Production. FiBL Switzerland, FiBL Austria, Bioinstitut Czech Republic.

Malusa, Eligio; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Zikeli, Sabine; Lepp, Birgit; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; kutinkova, Hristina; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D6.4 Yearly reports of economic and environmental impact of management practices. .

Malusa, Eligio; Friedli, Michael; Boutry, Clémence; Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Hristina, Kutinkova; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2019) D6.2 - DOMINO_Yearly_report_economic_impact_2019. .

Malusa, Eligio; Zucchini, Matteo and Neri, Davide (2020) Deliverable 6.3. .

Manici , L.M. (2015) BIO-INCROP - Final report. .

March, Solveig; Brinkmann, Jan; Winckler, Christoph; Whistance, Lindsay; Roderick, Stephen; Vaarst, Mette and Smolders, Gidi (editor): Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) (2009) The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. CORE Organic Project Series. Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Department og Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition.

Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Eligio, Malusa; Hristina, Kutinkova; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Davide, Neri and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) D3.9 - Final report on combined agronomical alternatives of row management (2021). Final report. DOMINO, Core Organic.

Marian, Livia (2013) Report on qualitative concept tests (D.6.2). .

Marian, Livia (2013) Case studies/Strategic group analyses report of high value organic products. .

Marian, Livia (2012) Report on Expert Interviews. .

Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2015) Adding more value to added-value. An exploration of consumers’ perceptions and attitudes towards improved animal welfare standards in organic meat production processes. Aarhus University , MAPP Centre, Department of Management, Aarhus.

Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove; de Buck, Abco and Flamm, Clemens (editor): CHABLE, Véronique; REY, Frederic and Messmer, Monika (Eds.) (2020) Guidelines for adapted DUS and VCU testing of organic varieties. .

Mark, Jennifer (2023) Market opportunities and technical challenges for organic seed producers: focus on TECHNICAL CHALLENGES. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Marshall, Athole and McCalman, Heather (2004) Improving the Availability of Organic Forage Seed in Wales. Organic Centre Wales, University of Wales, Aberystwyth and IGER, Aberystwyth .

Martin, Bruno; Nicolao, Alessandra; Pomiès, Dominique; Mathieu, Anna; Koczura, Madeline; Bouchon, Matthieu; Constant, Isabelle; Fall, Nils; Eriksson, Hanna and Alvåsen, Karin (2021) Deliverable 2.1 Keeping cow and calf together – impacts on animal performances, behaviour, welfare and farm economy (INRAE, SLU). .

Martin, Bruno; Nicolao, Alessandra; Pomiès, Dominique; Mathieu, Anna; Koczura, Madeline; Bouchon, Matthieu; Constant, Isabelle and Popova, Milka (2021) Report: Deliverable 2.2.1 Keeping cow and calf together – impacts on gut microbiota development (INRAE). Core Organic - ProYoungStock .

Martin, Guillaume (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “MIX-ENABLE: MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic livestock”. .

Martin, Guillaume; Grillot, Myriam; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Prache, Sophie; Veysset, Patrick; Mosnier, Claire; Mischler, Pierre; Launay, Fabienne; Moerman, Marie; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph; Hübner, Severin; Meischner, Tabea; Brock, Christopher; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Bernes, Gun; Monteiro, Leonardo and Parsons, David (2021) Multi-species livestock farming. MIX-ENABLE Practice Abstracts. INRAE and IDELE, France; CRAW, Belgium; FiBL, Switzerland; BOKU, Austria; Thünen Institute and Forchsungsring, Germany; Tuscia University, Italy; SLU, Sweden .

Martins, Ms Anne and Day, Dr Jon (2002) Optimising production systems for organic pig production (OF0169). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Wolverhampton.

Matavulj, Miodrag (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Matt, Darja; Rembialkowska, Ewa; Luik, Anne; Peetsmann, Elen and Pehme, Sirli (editor): Williams, Ingrid Helvi (Ed.) (2011) Quality of Organic vs. Conventional Food and Effects on Health. Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu, Estonia.

Mattas, Konstadinos; Tsakiridou, Efthimia; Karelakis, Christos; Chousou, Charoula; Lazaridou, Dimitra; Amilien, Virginie; Arfini, Filippo; Bellassen, Valentin; Brecic, Ruzica; Dries, Liesbeth; Giraud, Georges; Gorton, Matthew; Hartmann, Monika; Majewski, Edward; Malak-Rawlikowska, Agatha; Quarrie, Steve; Schaer, Burkhard; Tregear, Angela; Veneziani, Mario and Vitterso, Gunnar (2019) Deliverable 10.1 of the Strength2Food H2020 project. HAL CCSD.

Maurer, Veronika (2022) Duddingtonia flagrans: biocontrol fungus for reducing the use of anthelmintics. RELACS Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL .

McKinnon, Kirsty; Pommeresche, Reidun; Friis Pedersen, Susanne and Lennon, Alana (2012) Guide book. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk.

McLean, Barbara (2007) Alternative forage crops for finishing lambs. ADAS Pwllperian .

McLean, Dr Barbara and Frost, David (2003) Controlling Ectoparasites on Welsh Organic Sheep Farms. ADAS, Pwllpeiran .

Meeusen, Marieke (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) The organic market in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Meier, Matthias; Bickel, Regula; Beck, Alexander and Stumpner, Johanna (2021) Assessment Framework for the Evaluation of Organic Food Processing. BFH-HAFL, CH-Zollikofen; FiBL, CH-Frick; AöL, D-Bad Brückenau .

Meier, C.; Holzherr, P. and Oehen, B. (2019) Evaluation matrix for products from underutilized crops. Factsheet, no. 22. DIVERSIFOOD Project .

Meier, Matthias; Hörtenhuber, Stefan; Schader, Christian and Stolze, Matthias (2017) Life cycle assessments of organic foods. Factsheet. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Meijer, Rob (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2009) Organic greenhouse horticulture in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Meinshausen, Florentine; Rudolph, Marlene; Richter, Toralf; Ssebunya, Brian and Itana, Abdi (2024) Training Handbook: The New EU Organic Regulation (2018/848) for Producer Groups. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Meinshausen, Florentine; Richter, Toralf; Blockeel, Johan and Huber, Beate (2019) Group Certification. Internal Control Systems in Organic Agriculture: Significance, Opportunities and Challenges. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick.

Meischner, Tabea and Brock, Christopher (2019) MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic animal production (MIX-ENABLE) WP 6.1. Map of agricultural consultants active in organic mixed farming. Forschungsring e.V., D-Darmstadt .

Melander, Senior scientist Bo (2003) Visit to Australia and New Zealand. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Crop Protection.

Melander, Bo; Gerowitt, Bärbel; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Zarina, Livija; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Sylwia, Kaczmarek and Roman, Krawczyk (2018) Crop diversification and weeds Acronym: PRODIVA. .

Merfield, Charles and Kennedy, Tom (2008) Organic Stockless Arable Rotation Experiment 199-2007: Review and Analysis Report (Teagasc). .

Merlot, Elodie (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: general information and legislation. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.0. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Merlot, Elodie (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: oral iron supply in neonatal piglets to avoid anaemia. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.4. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Messmer, Monika; Phillips, Ilsa; Zintl, Maria; Vollenweider, Carl; Bender, Maike; Petitti, Matteo; Bocci, Riccardo; Rossmanith, Gebhard; Schäfer, Freya and de Buck, Abco (2024) Policy Brief - EU reform on seed marketing regulation and its implications for the organic seed sector. Policy brief. LiveSeeding .

Messmer, Monika; Vonzun, Seraina and Nuijten, Edwin (2019) State of the art of existing breeding initiatives & actions planned to strengthen collaborations. Luis Bolk, FiBL Institute, IFOAM EU GROUP .

Meyling, Nicolai V. (2008) PCR-based characterisation of entomopathogenic fungi for ecological studies. University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology.

Micheloni, C. and Plakolm, G. (2007) Report on quality characteristics of varieties to be used in organic farming. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Reports), no. D 5.2. Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), Rome .

Micheloni, C.; Plakolm, G. and Schärer, H. (2007) Report on seed born diseases in organic seed and propagation material. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Reports), no. D 5.1. Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), Rome .

Micheloni, Cristina; Bortolussi, Stefano; Moeskops, Bram; Conder, Malgorzarta and Willer, Helga (2018) D.3.3: Collection of end-user material. OK-Net Arable Report D.3.3. .

Midmore, Peter; Padel, Susanne; McCalman, Heather; Isherwood, Jon; Fowler, Susan and Lamkpin, Nic (2001) Attitudes Towards Conversion To Organic Production Systems: A Study Of Farmers In England. University of Wales, Aberytwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Mie, Axel and Wivstad, Maria (2015) ORGANIC FOOD – food quality and potential health effects. A review of current knowledge, and a discussion of uncertainties. SLU, EPOK – Centre for Organic Food & Farming, Uppsala, Sweden.

Miettinen, Antti; Hietala-Koivu, Reija and Lehtonen, Heikki (2003) On diversity effects of alternative agricultural policy reforms in Finland: An agricultural sector modelling approach. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Miftari, Iliriana (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Kosovo. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Migchels, Gerard (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic dairy production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Mikkelsen, Bent Egberg; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Nielsen, Thorkild (2002) Organic foods in catering – the Nordic perspective. Danish Veterinary and Food Administration , Nutrition Department – The Danish Catering Centre.

Mikkola, Minna (2010) Role of public catering and use of organic food in educational contexts: Creating centres for sustainable food systems. Finnish national report of innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth (iPOPY) 2007-2010 research project. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Mikkola, Minna (2008) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Finland. Bioforsk Report, no. 41. University of Helsinki , Ruralia Institute.

Milan, Marlene; Bickel, Regula and Speiser, Bernhard (2019) Improving the handling of residue cases in organic production – part 1 "Quick Scan". Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2016) TASK 6: Resilience of the value chain and the business/initiative – dealing with change and crises. .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Full Case study report Upplandsbondens - Sweden. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Full case study report: Ekolådan - Sweden. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Full case study report: Upplandsbondens - Sweden. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Fact sheet Sweden Ekolådan. .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Factsheet Sweden Upplandsbondens. .

Milovanović, Olga Kešelj (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Serbia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Miran, Bülent; Uysal Karahan, Özlem; Abay, Canan and Boyacı, Murat (editor): Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, 35100 Ýzmir, Turkey (Ed.) (2009) Stakeholders’ views on improving the organic certification system: Results from an EU level workshop. Ege University, Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Agricultural Economics, Ýzmir, Turkey.

MISCHLER, PIERRE (2019) Effects of livestock species diversity on the economic performance of commercial farms compared to specialized ruminant farms. Institut de l'élevage (IDELE) .

Mitchell, A.; Kristiansen, P.; Bez, N. and Monk, A. (2010) Australian Organic Market Report 2010. BFA Publication, no. 10/01. Biological Farmers of Australia, Chermside.

Mitikka, Sari; Britschgi, Ritva; Granlund, Kirsti; Grönroos, Juha; Kauppila, Pirkko; Mäkinen, Risto; Niemi, Jorma; Pyykkönen, Sonja; Raateland, Arjen and Silvo, Kimmo (2005) Report on the implementation of the Nitrates Directive in Finland 2004. Finnish Environment Institute.

Mitrovic, Marija Sijan (2012) Best Practice Case Study of the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) application as part of the SDC funded project “Sustainable Agriculture Support to Albania” 2009 to 2011. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) .

Moakes, Simon and Lampkin, Nicolas (2010) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2008/09 (OF 0373). Aberystwyth Universityand Organic Research Centre, Aberystwyth and Newbury.

Moakes, Simon and Lampkin, Nicolas (2009) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2007/08 (OF 0373). Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth.

Moakes, Simon and Pfeifer, Catherine (editor): Kongsted, A.G. and Salomon, Eva (Eds.) (2021) Deliverable 4.4: Modelling of the environmental performance of best practice and innovative organic pig farms. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL , Department of Socioeconomics.

Moakes, Simon and Lampkin, Nicolas (2011) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2009/10 (OF 0373). Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Aberystwyth and Newbury.

Moakes, Simon; Lampkin, Nicolas and Gerrard, Catherine L (2015) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2013/14. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Aberystwyth and Newbury.

Moakes, Simon; Lampkin, Nicolas and Gerrard, Catherine L (2014) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2012/13. Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Aberystwyth and Newbury.

Moakes, Simon; Lampkin, Nicolas and Gerrard, Catherine L (2013) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2011/12 (OF0373). Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Aberystwyth and Newbury.

Moakes, Simon; Lampkin, Nicolas and Gerrard, Catherine L (2012) Organic farm incomes in England and Wales 2010/11 (OF 0373). Aberystwyth University and Organic Research Centre, Aberystwyth and Newbury.

Moeskops, Bram (2018) News stories 1st project year (Deliverable 3.3 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Moeskops, Bram (2018) Press release at the launch of the extended Farm knowledge platform (Deliverable 1.11 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Moeskops, Bram (2018) Press release about the project start (Deliverable 1.10 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Moeskops, Bram (2014) The European Innovation Partnership: opportunities for innovation in organic farming and agroecology. IFOAM EU Group, TP Organics, ARC20020 .

Mohamad, Ramez; Al Bitar, Lina; Alwanney, Deaa and Madzaric, Suzana (2018) D 4.2: Facilitated and self-learning courses. .

Möller, Kurt (2016) Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Chars, Ashes and Slags. Dossier/Fact sheet, no. First edition. Universität Hohenheim, ETH Zürich, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Bioforsk, BOKU, Newcastle University, University of Copenhagen .

Möller, Kurt (2016) Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Compost and Digestates from Urban Organic Wastes. FiBL, Universität Hohenheim, ETH Zürich, Newcastle University, University of Copenhagen, Bioforsk, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien .

Möller, Kurt (2015) Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Meat and Bone Meal. Fact Sheet. Universität Hohenheim, ETH Zürich, FiBL, Bioforsk, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Newcastle University, University of Copenhagen .

Molnar, Mariann (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Hungary. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Monk, Dr Andrew (2004) The Future of Australian Organics in a Changing Marketplace. Biological Farmers of Australia .

Moragues, A.; Morgan, K.; Moschitz, H.; Neimane, I.; Nilsson, H.; Pinto, M.; Rohtacher, H.; Ruiz, R.; Tisenkops, T. and Halliday, J. (2013) Urban Food Strategies. The rough guide to sustainable food systems. Document developed in the framework of the FP7 project FOODLINKS (GA No. 265287) .

Morgan, Kevin and Morely, Adrian (2002) Relocalising the food chain: the role of creative public procurement. Cardiff University , The Regeneration Institute.

Mormont, Marc; Stilmant, Didier; Van Huylenbroeck, Guido; Stassart, Pierre; Jamar, Daniel and Aertsens, Joris (2005) HOW CAN ORGANIC FARMING CONTRIBUTE TO THE SUSTAINABLE PRODUCTION AND CONSUMPTION PATTERNS? Belgian Science Policy, Belgium.

Morris, Leigh (2004) Ultraviolet blocking greenhouse polythene covers for insect pest control on organic crops: May 2003 - September 2004. Organic Centre Wales .

Moschitz, Heidrun; Stolze, Matthias and Michelsen, Johannes (2004) Report on the development of political institutions involved in policy elaborations in organic farming for selected European states. Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe with Particular Emphasis on EU Enlargement. QLK5-2002-00917, no. D7. .

Moschitz, Heidrun; Tisenkopfs, Talis; Brunori, Gianluca; Home, Robert; Kunda, Ilona and Sumane, Sandra (2014) Final Report of the SOLINSA project. Project Deliverable D8.2 of the SOLINSA project (GA 266306). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick.

MOSNIER, Claire and MOUFID, Nassima (2021) Assessing and reducing the vulnerability of mixed organic cattle-sheep farms. Inrae, Clermont-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes research center, 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France .

Mosnier, Claire and Parsons, David (2021) Mixenable Deliverable D5.1: Development of the IAT and ORFEE models for simulating mixed livestock farms. .

Mostert, P.; Kernebeek, H. Van; Holsteijn, F.H. Van; Paassen, M. Van and Boer, J. De (2022) Greenhouse gas emissions related to organic feed production : estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of organic feed ingredients by using the model FeedPrint. Report / Wageningen Livestock Research 1367.. Wageningen Livestock Research, Wageningen, NE.

Moutier, Nathalie; Wendling, Marina; Moeskops, Bram and Justes, Eric (2021) Intercropping for boosting organic farming in Europe. ReMIX Policy brief. .

Moyes, Catherine L. and Dale, Philip J. (1999) Organic farming and gene transfer from genetically modified crops. John Innes Centre .

Muenchhausen, Susanne (2015) Full case study report: Bohlsener Mühle - Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development .

Muenchhausen, Susanne (2015) Full case study report: EVG Landwege - Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development .

Müller, Adrian; Frehner, Anita; Pfeifer, Catherine; Moakes, Simon and Schader, Christian (2020) SOLm Model Documentation. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Müller, Adrian; Steffens, Markus; Gattinger, Andreas and Sanders, Jürn (2022) Carbon farming – key challenges, what works and what does not work. Report on behalf of Bioland and IFOAM-EU. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Müller, A.; Leippert, F.; Lichtenegger, M. and Herren, M. (2019) Submission for Koronivia joint work on agriculture (KJWA) on topics 2(b) and 2(c) for SBI/SBSTA 50. KJWA Technical Input. Biovision and FiBL .

Müller, Adrian; Bautze, Lin; Meier, Matthias; Gattinger, Andreas; Gall, Eric; Chatzinikolaou, Effimia; Meredith, Stephen; Ukas, Tonći and Ullmann, Laura (2016) Organic Farming, Climate Change Mitigation and Beyond. Reducing the environmental impacts of eu agriculture. IFOAM EU and FiBL, Brussels and Frick.

Muller, Adrian; Jawtusch, Julia and Gattinger, Andreas (2011) Mitigating Greenhouse Gases in Agriculture. Diakonisches Werk der EKD e.V. for Brot für die Welt.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust, FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for the Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege cooperative – Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for Bohlsener Mühle – Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) The concept of the business logic for the management of values-based food businesses and chains - Task 2 report, HealthyGrowth WP5. .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) HealthyGrowth: How can organic supply chains grow without losing their added value? Results and recommendations. .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Knickel, Karlheinz and Haack, Michaela (2016) HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. [Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren?] HNE Eberswalde, Fachgebiet Politik und Märkte in der Agrarwirtschaft, D-Eberswalde .

Musati, Martino (2019) Impact of roughage feeding and pasture strategies on health traits of heifers and cows (Work Package 4). ProYoungStock, National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment (INRAe) .

Muukka, Eija; Kuosmanen, Leena; Ylinampa, Meeri; Blomquist, Ulla; Kärkkäinen, Irma; Malaska, Kirsi; Soininen, Taira and Soininen, Jukka (2008) Local food in municipal catering - a survey of local food purchasing in Finnish municipalities. Publication series A of Savo Consortium for Education, Studies and reports, publication, no. 4. EkoCentria .

Nagy, Gabriella Mária; Jahrl, Ingrid; Jonasz, Gerda; Feher, Judit; Setiawan, Nuri Nurlaila; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Padel, Susanne and Krall, Attila (2023) Deliverable 1.1: Assessment of the knowledge and innovation systems for organic agriculture, aquaculture and value chain actors. IFOAM EU .

Naspetti, Simona; Zanoli, Raffaele and Bracchi, Luca (2008) Consumption of Organic Foods from a Life History Perspective:An Explorative Study among Italian consumers. Università Politecnica delle Marche , Dipartimento di Ingegneria e in formatica Gestionale - DIIGA.

Nauta, W. (2003) Vision of breeding for organic agriculture. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

Nauta, Wytze; Baars, Nauta; Groen, Ab; Veerkamp, Roel and Roep, Dirk (2001) Animal breeding in organic farming:Discussion paper. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. LV45. Louis Bolk Instituut, Wageningen UR , Livestock production / Animal.

Nelson, Karen; MacKenzie, Joanna and Hammermeister, Andy (2010) Winter and Spring Cereal Production in the Maritimes. [Production de cérérales d'hiver et de printemps dans les Maritimes.] OACC Technical Bulletins, no. E2010-56. Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada.

Neri, Davide; Friedli, Michael; Maria-Martha, Fernandez; Sabine, Zikeli; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Eligio, Malusa; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy; kutinkova, Hristina; Polverigiani, Serena and Zucchini, Matteo (2020) Mid-term report of the DOMINO Project. .

Neri, Davide; Zikeli, Sabine; Lepp, Birgit; Malusa, Eligio; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; kutinkova, Hristina; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy and Carlo, Ponzio (2022) Final report: “Dynamic sod mulching and use of recycled amendments to increase biodiversity, resilience and sustainability of intensive organic apple orchards and vineyards” (DOMINO). .

Neri, Davide; Malusa, Eligio; Kelderer, Markus; Friedli, Michael; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; kutinkova, Hristina; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy; Polverigiani, Serena; Lepp, Birgit and Holtz, Thomas (2019) D3_1.Guideline-for-analysis-on-plant-and-mulches. .

Neri, Davide; Malusa, Eligio; Kelderer, Markus; Friedli, Michael; Zikeli, Sabine; kutinkova, Hristina; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Holtz, Thomas; Lepp, Birgit; Polverigiani, Serena and Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy (2019) D4_2-D4_5-D3_2.Yearly report of crops yield and quality data as influenced by soil management 2019. .

Neri, Davide; Malusa, Eligio; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Zikeli, Sabine; Lepp, Birgit; kutinkova, Hristina; Friedli, Michael; Polverigiani, Serena; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy and Boutry, Clémence (2019) D5_1-5_4.Yearly reports of plant physiological status, crops yield and quality data as influenced by overhead netting. .

Neri, Davide; Malusa, Eligio; Kelderer, Markus; Zikeli, Sabine; Friedli, Michael; kutinkova, Hristina; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy; Holtz, Thomas; Lepp, Birgit and Polverigiani, Serena (2019) D4_1.Guidelines for standardized soil sampling and analysis. .

Neri, Davide; Malusa, Eligio; Zikeli, Sabine; Friedli, Michael; kutinkova, Hristina; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; Kelderer, Markus and Polverigiani, Serena (2019) D6_1.Guidelines_economic assessment. .

Neri, Davide; Malusa, Eligio; Zikeli, Sabine; Kelderer, Markus; Friedli, Michael; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; kutinkova, Hristina; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy; Polverigiani, Serena and Lepp, Birgit (2019) D3_5.Yearly reports of biodiversity data 2018_2019. .

Neri, Davide and Polverigiani, Serena (2018) D1_3.meeting-minutes Ancona 2018. .

Neri, Davide; Zikeli, Sabine; Malusa, Eligio; Friedli, Michael; Kelderer, Markus; Holtz, Thomas; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; kutinkova, Hristina; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy and Polverigiani, Serena (2019) D2_2.DOMINO_trials_description. .

Neri, Davide; Zikeli, Sabine; Malusa, Eligio; Friedli, Michael; Kelderer, Markus; kutinkova, Hristina; Fernandez, Maria-Martha and Polverigiani, Serena (2019) D6_2.Yearly_report_economic_impact_2019. .

Neri, Davide; Zikeli, Sabine; Malusa, Eligio; Kelderer, Markus; Friedli, Michael; kutinkova, Hristina and Fernandez, Maria-Martha (2018) Domino - Consortium agreement. .

Neumann, Natalie; Speiser, Bernhard; Rüegg, Elisabeth and Liebl, Boris (2016) Survey 2016 of the Residue Situation in Turkish Organic Products. ARGE FiBL Türkei, D-Germany .

NIAB (2001) Varieties of Field Vegetables and Potatoes for Organic Production and Marketing (OFO142). National Institute of Agricultural Botany .

NIAB (editor): National Institute of Agricultural Botany (Ed.) (1996) Varieties for Organic Production and Marketing (OF0110). National Institute of Agricultural Botany .

Nicholas, P; Sundrum, A and Padel, S (2007) Guidance notes to operators including recommendations in relation to nutrient supply. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Report), no. D 4.3. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Insitute of Rural Sciences.

Nicolay, Gian L.; Adamtey, Noah; Kadzere, Irene; Gräub, Benjamin and Huber, Beate (2021) Africa Strategy of FiBL 2021-2025. Strategy Paper. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Nielsen, L.H. and Hjort-Gregersen, K. (2002) Socio-economic Analysis of Centralised Biogas Plants. .

Nielsen, Sandra Stolzenbach; Hansen, Laurits Lydehøj and Byrne, Derek Victor (2007) Sensory emphasis on pork quality related to the diet content of fermentable fibre-rich feedstuffs (chicory and lupine) with special emphasis on the effect on boar taint. University of Copenhagen , Faculty of Life Sciences.

Nielsen, Thorkild (editor): Thorkild Nielsen, Thorkild (Ed.) (2006) ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN SOCIAL ENTIRETY - PRINCIPLES VERSUS PRACTICES. DTU , IPL.

Nielsen, Thorkild; Nölting, Benjamin; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2009) A comparative study of the implementation of organic food in school meal systems in four European countries. Bioforsk, Tingvoll, Norway.

Nielsen, Thorkild and Kristensen Dahl, Johan (2018) Research report on organic aquaculture and consumer perception – PART I. [Forsknings rapport om økologisk akvakultur og forbruger opfattelse – Del I.] .

Niggli, U.; Schmid, O.; Stolze, M.; Sanders, J.; Schader, C.; Fließbach, A.; Mäder, P.; Klocke, P.; Wyss, G.; Balmer, O.; Pfiffner, L. and Wyss, E. (2009) Gesellschaftliche Leistungen der biologischen Landwirtschaft. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, 5070 Frick, Schweiz .

Niggli, Urs; Slabe, Anamarija; Schmid, Otto; Halberg, Niels and Schlüter, Marco (2008) Vision for an Organic Food and Farming Research Agenda 2025. Organic Knowledge for the Future. Technology Platform Organics. IFOAM Regional Group European Union (IFOAM EU Group), Brussels and International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Bonn, Germany .

Niggli, Urs; Andres, Christian; Willer, Helga and Baker, Brian P. (2017) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research - Condensed version. Version February, 2017. TIPI - Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM - Organics International, c/o Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Niggli, Urs; Jawtusch, Julia and Oehen, Bernadette (2011) Do standards and certification in the agricultural sector matter for sustainability ? A review of the state of research. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Niggli, Urs; Jawtusch, Julia and Oehen, Bernadette (2011) Do standards and certification in the agricultural sector matter for sustainability? A review of the state of research. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Niggli, Urs; Schmidt, Jennifer; Watson, Christine; Kriipsalu, Mait; Shanskiy, Merrit; Barberi, Paolo; Kowalska, Jolanta; Schmitt, Annegret; Daniel, Claudia; Wenthe, Ulla; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Schild, Marion; Dierauer, Hansueli; Krauss, Maike; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina; Constanzo, Ambrogio; Thonar, Cécile and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (2016) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.3.1 State-of-the-art research results and best practices. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Niggli, Urs; Willer, Helga and Baker, Brian (2016) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. TIPI - Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM - Organics International, c/o Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick, Switzerland.

Nilsson, Ulf; Porcel, Mario; Świergiel, Weronika and Wivstad, Maria (2016) Habitat manipulation – as a pest management tool in vegetable and fruit cropping systems, with the focus on insects and mites. SLU, EPOK – Centre for Organic Food and Farming, Uppsala, Sweden.

Niva, Mari; Mäkelä, Johanna and Kujala, Jouni (2004) "Trust weakens as distance grows" : Finnish results of the OMIaRD consumer focus group study on organic foods. Working papers, no. 83. National Consumer Research Centre .

Noe, Egon; Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Kjeldsen, Chris (2016) Mediation of values from production to consumption - a relational analysis of values based organic food chains. .

Nölting, Benjamin; Løes, Anne-Kristin and Strassner, Carola (2009) Constellations of public organic food procurement for youth. An interdisciplinary analytical tool. Bioforsk Report, no. Vol. 4 No. 7. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Nordborg, Maria (editor): Röös, Elin (Ed.) (2016) Holistic management – a critical review of Allan Savory’s grazing method. SLU/EPOK – Centre for Organic Food & Farming & Chalmers, Uppsala.

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Parasites and fly larvae in Poultry manure. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Report on the impact on the intestinal flora when feeding organic layer chicken fresh larvae. National food institute, DTU .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Report on the microbial changes in manure and inside larvae during composting. National food institute, DTU .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Report on the possibilities to decontaminate living fly larvae v.2. DTU Fødevareinstituttet .

Nordentoft, Steen (2014) Risk assessment of using live Musca domestica larvae as feed for ecological egg layers. DTU Fødevareinstituttet .

Nordentoft, Steen and Engberg, Ricarda M. (2014) Feeding chickens fly larvae (Musca domestica) protein improves gut health and performances. National Food Institute, Technical University of Denmark .

Northolt, Martin; van der Burgt, Geert-Jan; Buisman, Thiemo and Vanden Bogaerde, Arne (2004) Parameters for Carrot Quality: and the development of the Inner Quality concept. [Met Nederlandse samenvatting: Parameters voor wortelkwaliteit en de ontwikkeling van het Innerlijke Kwaliteitsconcept / mit deutscher Zusammenfassung: Parametern für Möhrenqualität und die Entwicklung des Begriffs der Inneren Qualität.] Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. GVV05 / FQH04. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Nuijten, Edwin (2019) LIVESEED workshop on new concepts and strategies for organic plant breeding: Internal report on the results of Workshop 1 for input from formal and informal breeders involved in breeding for organic farming systems for priority setting of research needs for organic plant breeding and selection methods. LIVESEED DELIVERABLES, no. D3.10. .

Nuijten, Edwin; Lazzaro, Maria Teresa; Costanzo, Ambrogio; CHABLE, Véronique; Annicchiarico, Paolo; Rodriguez Burruezo, Adrian; Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Ceccarelli, Salvatore; Kolling, Antje and Messmer, Monika (2020) Innovative organic breeding concepts: challenges and examples. LIVESEED DELIVERABLES, no. D3.5. .

Nykänen, Arja (2007) Report on improved use of research facilities and topics relevant for integration, and training schemes. CORE Organic .

Nykänen, Arja and Canali, Stefano (2006) Analysis of facilities in OFF research in participating countries of CORE Organic. CORE Organic .

Nykänen, Arja and Canali, Stefano (2006) Analysis of OFF research topics in CORE Organic participating countries. CORE Organic .

Nørfelt, Tomas Fibiger (2016) Report on assessment of the prototype of the user interface in the project Organic-AgriWare: an application for the organic agriculture community. SEGES .

O'Brien, Josie (2004) Sheepdrove Organic Farm Breed and Feed 1a Interim Report. .

O'Brien, Josie (2004) Investigation into the effect of “day one weight” on bird weight gain of ISA 257 table birds within the Sheepdrove Organic Farm organic silvo-poultry system. .

Odefey, Lars; Berner, Anja; Offermann, Frank; Gerrard, Catherine L; Padel, Susanne and Lampkin, Nic (2011) Organic farming: implications for costs of production and provisioning of environmental services. FACEPA Deliverable No. 7.3. von Thünen Institute and Organic Research Centre , Braunschweig and Newbury.



Oehen, B. and Meier, C. (2019) Consumers and Food. Factsheet, no. 21. DIVERSIFOOD Project .

Oehen, Bernadette; De Gregorio, Julia; Petrusan, Janos and Moschitz, Heidrun (2015) Deliverable D8.1: Report on the market potential of minor cereal crops and consumers perceptions about them in different European regions (Deliverable D8.1, HealthyMinorCereals). .

Oehen, Bernadette; Früh, Barbara and Schneider, Claudia (2011) Alternatives for the substitution of synthetic vitamin B2 or vitamin B2 produced from GMOs. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH Frick .

Oehen, Bernadette; Padel, Susanne and Rossi, Adanella (2019) Guidance Document and Considerations for the Marketing of Biodiverse Food Products. Diversifood Booklet, no. #7. ITAB.

Oehen, Bernadette; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Stolze, Matthias; Verrière, Pauline and Binimelis, Rosa (editor): Gall, Eric and Verrière, Pauline (Eds.) (2018) Socio-economic impacts of GMOs on European Agriculture. IFOAM EU.

Ollikainen, Markku and Lankoski, Jussi (2005) Multifunctional agriculture: The effect of non-public goods on socially optimal policies. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Ölmez, Hülya and Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo (2008) Case study: Assesment of chlorine replacement strategies for fresh-cut vegetables. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Opheusden, A. H. M.; Burgt, Geert-Jan H.M. and Rietberg, P.I. (2012) Decomposition rate of organic fertilizers: effect on yield, nitrogen availability and nitrogen stock in the soil. [Afbraaksnelheid van organische mest: effect op opbrengst, stikstof beschikbaarheid en stikstof voorraad in de bodem.] Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. 2012-033 LbP. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen.

Orsini, Stefano; Solfanelli, Francesco; Winter, Eva; Padel, Susanne and OZTURK, Emel (2019) Report describing three crop case studies investigating in detail the socio-economic factors influencing the behaviour of various stakeholders regarding the use of organic seed. LIVESEED DELIVERABLES, no. D4.2. .

Ortolani, livia; Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo (2019) Report on National Workshop in Italy - Organic seeds in Italy: problems and perspectives. .

Ortolani, Livia and Micheloni, Cristina (2016) Identification of the best methods for learning and knowledge exchange. Organic Knowledge Network Arable Report D 3.2. .

Osman, A. and Chable, V. (2007) Breeding initiatives of seeds of landraces, amateur varieties and conservation varieties : an inventory and case studies. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen , NL.

Oudshoorn, Frank; Husted, Majken; Sørensen, Claus Grøn and Schmutz, Ulrich (2022) Deliverable 6.4: Sustainability assessment report of case farms working with alternatives to contentious inputs. Aarhus University , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Oudshoorn, Frank; Kristensen, Cecilie; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Caceres, Rafaela; Kir, Alev; Pecenka, Ralf; Knebl, Lucas; Postawa, Przemyslaw; Stachowiak, Tomasz; Szczypior, Agnieszka; Montemayor, Erica; Malinska, Krystyna; Zikeli, Sabine; Conroy, Judith; Rayns, Francis and Schmutz, Ulrich (2019) Report on alternatives to contentious inputs (WP SOIL). Organic-PLUS deliverables, no. Deliverable 5.2. .

Oudshoorn, Frank and Maresca, Alberto (2021) Climate footprint of winter feeding of organic sows. .

Oughton , E (editor): Elsgaard, L (Ed.) (2009) Determining consumer expectations and attitudes towards organic/lo-input food quality and safety. QLIF subproject 1: Consumer expectations and attitudes. .

Paaske, Klaus (2013) Testing of plant extracts for control of apple sawfly. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Padel, Susanne (2006) Report of the second stakeholder workshop of the Organic Revision Project. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. D 6.3. Univerisity of Wales, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth .

Padel, Susanne (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of organic producers and other stakeholders. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Reports), no. D 2.1. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, Susanne (2005) Overview of supply and demand for concentrated organic feed in the EU in 2002 and 2003 with a particular focus on protein sources for mono-gastric animals. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Report), no. D 41. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, Susanne (2001) Conversion to Organic Production Software (OrgPlan, OF0159). University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, Susanne and Deane, Joanne (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report UK. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, Susanne and Gössinger, Katherina (2008) Farmer Consumer Partnerships Communicating Ethical Values: a conceptual framework. CORE Organic Project Report, no. 1897. Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth & University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna .

Padel, Susanne and Lowman, Steve (2004) 2004 update of overview supply and demand of organic concentrated feed in the EU. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. D 41(2) 2004 update. University of Wales Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, Susanne and Olmos, Santiago (editor): Haward, Rob and Green, Michael (Eds.) (2003) Europe and the EU: IRS contribution for the 2003 Organic Food and Farming Report. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, Susanne; Powell, Jane and Lampkin, Nic (2001) 2001 Consultation of organic farming research priorities in the UK. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Organic Centre Wales.

Padel, Susanne; Röcklinsberg, Helena; Verhoog, Henk; Fjelsted Alrøe, Hugo; de Wit, Jan; Kjeldsen, Chris and Schmid, Otto (2007) Balancing and integrating basic values in the development of organic regulations and standards: proposal for a procedure using case studies of conflicting areas. EEC 2092/91 (0rganic Revision Project Report), no. D 2.3. Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF), Tjele, and University of Wales, Aberystwyth (UWA), Aberystwyth .

Padel, Dr Susanne (2003) Testing of OrgPlan Conversion Planning software (OF0331). University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences.

Padel, S.; Melby Jespersen, L. and Schmid, O. (2007) Final project report: EEC 2092/91 (ORGANIC) Revision. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Report), no. Final report. Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF), Tjele and University of Wales, Aberystwyth .

Padel, Susanne; Gerrard, Catherine L; Cottle, Finn and Owen, D (2015) The Organic Retail Market in Wales. Organic Centre Wales, Aberystwyth.

Padel, Susanne; Gerrard, Catherine L; Smith, Laurence; Schader, Christian; Baumgart, Lukas; Stolze, Matthias and Pearce, Bruce (2015) Further Development of Methodologies for Sustainability Assessment and Monitoring in Organic/Ecological Agriculture. ORC reports, no. 2015/1. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

Padel, Susanne; Niggli, Urs; Pearce, Bruce; Schlüter, Marco; Schmid, Otto ; Cuoco, Eduardo; Willer, Helga; Huber, Machteld; Halberg, Niels and Micheloni, Cristina (2010) Implementation Action Plan for organic food and farming research. Technology Platform TP organics, Brussels.

Padel, Susanne; Rossi, Adanella; D'Amico, Simona; Sellars, Anna and Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Case studies of the marketing of products from newly bred lines and underutilized crops. Diversifood Project Reports, no. D 5.1. Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems. EU H2020, Grant Agreement n°: 633571. .

Padel, Susanne; Rubenstein, Oliver; Woolford, Amelia; Egan, Jim; Leake, Alastair; Levidov, Les; Pearce, Bruce and Lampkin, Nicolas (2018) Transitions to Agroecological Systems: Farmers’ Experience. A report for the Land Use Policy Group. Organic Research Centre and Game & Wildlife Conservation Trust, Newbury and Fordingbridge.

Padel, Susanne; Seymour, Catherine and Foster, Carolyn (2003) SWP5.1: Report of all three rounds of the Delphi Inquiry on the European Market for Organic Food. .

Padel, Susanne; Vine, Jane; Huber, Beate; Stolze, Matthias; Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Rüegg, Elisabeth; Meinshausen, Florentine; Puliga, Alessandro; Compagnioni, Antonio and Belliere, Samanta Rosie (editor): Padel, Susanne (Ed.) (2010) The European Regulatory Framework and its implementation in influencing organic inspection and certification systems in the EU. Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall.

Paoletti, Flavio and Sinesio, Fiorella (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg". Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura a l'analisi dell'economia agraria - CREA .

Papi, Eugenio; Whistance, Lindsay and De Simone, Ambra (2021) Report of testing activities (Deliverable 3.2 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Paull, John (2019) Tasmania’s GMO Moratorium: 17 Good Reasons. Submissions to the Review of Tasmania’s GMO Moratorium. DPIPWE, Hobart.

Paull, John (2019) A Review of the Independent Review of the South Australian GM Food Crop Moratorium and Fourteen Alternative Findings. Public Submissions to the GM Independent Report. Primary Industries and Regions SA (PIRSA), Adelaide.

Paull, John (2018) Compensation for GMO contamination. International Sustainable Development Research Society Newsletter, no. 3. International Sustainable Development Research Society.

Paull, John (2018) Evidence to: Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material. Standing Committee on Environment and Public Affairs, Parliament of Western Australia, Perth.

Paull, John (2018) Submission to: Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material. WA Inquiry, Perth.

Pearce, Bruce (2024) Every Garden Matters. Garden Organic, Coventry, UK.

Pearce, Bruce (2004) Organic Cereal Varieties: The Results of four years of Trials. EFRC technical and Research note series. Elm Farm Research Centre , Research Department.

Pearce, Bruce (2003) Is Weather (temperature) Having a Major Influence on the Final Weights of Chickens in Sheepdrove Organic Farm Organic Silvo-Poultry System? .

Pearce, Dr Bruce (2006) Developing a participatory approach to seed production and varietal selection (OF0330). Elm Farm Research Centre .

Pearce, Dr Bruce; Woodward, Mr Lawrence and Sanders, Mr Richard (2006) Engineering Coexistence. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Pearce, Bruce (2016) Final Report: Coordinating Organic Breeding Activities for Diversity - COBRA. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

Pedersen, Lars-Flemming and Jokumsen, Alfred (2022) Organic trout production in Denmark – A review with focus on water quality and water treatment. [Økologisk ørred produktion i Danmark – En oversigt med fokus på vand kvalitet og vand behandling.] .

Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Jokumsen, Alfred ; Larsen, Villy J. and Henriksen, Niels Henrik (2014) Promising water treatment practices with peracetic acid products. [Lovende vandbehandlings procedurer med pereddikesyre produkter.] DTU Aqua and The North Sea Research Centre .

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Survey database covering five countries (WP3) Deliverable 3.4., SOMDwIT. Aarhus University , Department of Management, MAPP, Aarhus.

Pedersen, Susanne; Schwendel, Eva; Paternoga, Maria; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2016) Deliverable 2.2: Interviewguide, SOMDwIT project. Aarhus University , Department of Management.

Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. Van Der; Binnendijk, G.P. and Henniphof, C.J. (2007) Effect van temperatuur tijdens de opfok op de slachtkwaliteit van biologisch gehouden vleesvarkens = Effect of temperature during weaning on performance of organic pigs. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 60.. Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, NL, , UR.

Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. Van Der; Krimpen, M.M. Van; Kemme, P.; Binnendijk, G.P.; Diepen, J.T.M. Van; Jongbloed, A.W. and Henniphof-Schoonhoven, C. (2006) Alternative protein crops in diets of organically housed weanling pigs. PraktijkRapport / Animal Sciences Group. Varkens 47. Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, NL.

Peetsmann, Elen (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Estonia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Pegg, Vanessa ; Dyke, Kirstie and Pearce, Bruce (2003) Chopped Straw As A Litter In Sheepdrove Organic Farm Organic Silvo-Poultry System. .

Pegg, Vanessa and Pearce, Bruce (2003) Does the Source of Chicks have an Impact on Performance of Birds within Organic Table Bird Production Systems ? .

Pegg, Vanessa; Aspray, Claire and Pearce, Bruce (2004) To establish whether there are differences in performance between 757 (Lloyd Maunders) birds and the Maurice Millard 257 those currently used within the Sheepdrove system. .

Pegg, Vanessa and Pearce, Bruce (2004) Between Sheds Migration: establish whether, and if they do how far birds migrate between field sheds on the Sheepdrove Organic Farm silvo-poultry production system. .

Pegg, Vanessa and Pearce, Bruce (2004) The Effect of Removing Synthetic Amino Acids from the Poultry Ration on the Final Live and Dressed Weight of Birds from the Sheepdrove Organic Farm Organic Silvo-Poultry System. .

Pegg, Venessa; Dyke, Kirstie; Philipps, Lois; Phillips, Scott and Pearce, Bruce (2003) The Establishment of a Preliminary Weight Profile for the 257 Table Birds within the Sheepdrove Organic Farm Organic Silvo-Poultry System. The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm .

Pegg, Vanessa and Pearce, Bruce (2003) SUMMARY OF SHEEPDROVE ORGANIC FARM SILVO-POULTRY PRODUCTION SYSTEM. The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm .

Peigne, Joséphine; Huber, Kathrin and Pfiffner, Lukas (2018) Earthworm sampling. FertilCrop Technical Note. ISARA Lyon and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Lyon and Frick.

Peters, Michael (2013) Farmers Markets - Social and Economic Benefits. .

Petersen, Karen Koefoed (2018) Organic greenhouse vegetables can become more sustainable and resilient. Aarhus University , Food Science.

Pfeifer, Catherine and Moakes, Simon (2022) Resilience of organic pig producers. POWER-Policy briefing. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland .

Pfiffner, Lukas and Stöckli, Sibylle (2023) Organic Agriculture and Biodiversity. Impacts of different farming systems on biodiversity. Fact sheet. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Philipps (2003) Utilisation of Compost at Sheepdrove Organic Farm. Sheepdrove Organic Farm and Elm Farm Research Centre .

Philipps, Lois (2004) Soil Monitoring Programmes at Sheepdrove Organic Farm 2003-2004. .

Philipps, Lois (2003) Sheepdrove Organic Farm Soils Programme Report 2003 Interim Report. .

Philipps, Lois and Clark, Fergus (2003) Development of Cattle Housing for Sheepdrove Organic Farm. .

Pickett, JA; Wadhams, LJ; Pye, BJ; Smart, LE and Wolfe, M (2000) Studies on exploiting semiochemicals for pest management in organic farming systems OF0188. Institute of Arable Crops Research , Biological Chemistry Division.

Pierrot, Joost; Giovannucci, Daniele and Kasterine, Alexander (editor): International Trade Centre (Ed.) (2011) Trends in the Trade of Certified Coffees. Technical Paper, no. MAR-11-197.E. International Trade Centre, Geneva.

Pijnenburg, J.; Sala, G.; Valenberg, H. Van and Meinders, M.B.J. (2012) Foaming behaviour of organic and regular milk. Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Pilley, Mr Greg (2001) A Share in the Harvest- A Feasiblity study for community supported agriculture. Soil Association .

Pommeresche, Reidun and Hansen, Sissel (2017) Examining root nodule activity on legumes. FertilCrop Technical Note. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Frick and Tingvoll.

Poppe, Krijn; Sonnino, Roberta; Ahrné, Lilia; Brennan, Loraine; Jacobs, Nick; Carlo, Mango; Menrad, Klaus; Moutou, Katerina; Schmid, Otto; Treyer, Sébastian; Varela, Ortega and Consuelo and Westhoek, Henk (2018) A Recipe for change: An agenda for a climate-smart and sustainable food system for a healthy Europe. Report of the EC FOOD 2030 Independent Expert Group. European Commission Directorate-General for Research and Innovation Directorate F., Bioeconomy Unit F.3, Brussels .

Powell, Dan (2008) The role and management of whole-crop forage for organic ruminants. Institute of Organic Training & Advice (IOTA), Craven Arms .

Preston, Keith (2008) Management & sustainability of stockless organic arable and horticultural systems. Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA), Craven Arms .

Preus, Nina (2021) Organic Consumers Opinions about New Types of Recirculation in Organic Production. Danish Agriculture and Food Council.

Preus, Nina (2021) Økologi-forbrugeres holdninger til nye former for recirkulering i økologisk jordbrug. Landbrug & Fødevarer, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Pugliese, Patrizia and Antonelli, Annarita (2015) Full case study report: Bio-Distretto Cliento -Italy. CIHEAM, Bari and AIAB .

Pugliese, Patrizia; Antonelli, Annarita and Basile, Salvatore (2015) Case study fact sheet. Bio-distretto Cilento - Italy. CIHEAM - Bari .

Quander-Stoll, Nele and Leiber, Florian (2021) Recommendations for Vitamin B2 supplements in organic slow-growing broilers. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 06. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Quiédeville, Sylvain and Ejderyan, Olivier (2022) Weed control in Swiss organic vegetable farming. DESIRA Policy brief, no. February 2022. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Barjolle, Dominique; Stolze, Matthias and Schmid, Otto (2016) IMPRESA WP3: Case Study Report - Transition towards organic farming in the Camargue. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Department of Socioeconomic Sciences, Frick.

Quiédeville, Sylvain and Moakes, Simon (2018) Socio-economic impacts of alternative GIN control practices. Project deliverable 11 (WP4). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Quiédeville, Sylvain and Moakes, Simon (2018) PrOPara project workshop Focus Group Manual: Step-wise Approach (Project deliverable 10.(WP4)). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Schmid, Otto; Stolze, Matthias and Barjolle, Dominique (2016) IMPRESA case study brief: Transition to organic production - The case of the Camargue in France. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Department of Socio Economics, Frick, Switzerland.

Raaijmakers, Maaike; Bruszik, Ágnes and Schäfer, Freya (2020) Report on the National Visits of the LIVESEED project. .

Raaijmakers, Maaike and Schäfer, Freya (2020) Report on Political Obstacles and Bottlenecks on the Implementation of the Rules for Organic Seed in the Organic Regulation. LIVESEED DELIVERABLES, no. D1.9. .

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Willer, Helga and Lindemann, Mine (2023) Organic Eprints – An International Online Archive 20-year anniversary report. ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Rasmussen, Jim (2021) Lessons learned from 23 years of cover cropping. Internal report, Viborg.

Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) The Global Organic Food Market and Transformation Deductive Definition of Empiric Indicators The Demand Explanation The Institutional Explanation & Comparative Country Report: Denmark versus Sweden. Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration.

Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) The Global Organic Food Market and Transformation. A Conceptual Theoretical Framework. Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration.

Rasmussen, Camilla Ruø (2019) Deep roots help crops to survive - but not necessarily to thrive. .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2016) D4.1: Online Knowledge Platform. OK net arable Report D 4.1. ICROFS, Tjele.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Moeskops, Bram; Micheloni, Cristina; Gócs, Christina; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Willer, Helga and Padel, Susanne (2018) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.4.3 Final report on evaluation of end-user material. Deliverable OK-Net Arable, no. D.4.3. .

Ravn, Dr. Helle Weber; Kristensen, Charlotte V.; Christensen, Trine F.; Diedrichsen, Brigitte and Brandt, Kirsten (2002) A New Phytochemical Screening Programme used for Crops grown with Organic and Conventional Methods. National Environmental Research Institute (NERI) , Dept. of Terrestrial Ecology.

Recke, Guido; Hamm, Ulrich; Lampkin, Nicolas; Zanoli, Raffaele; Vitulano, Susanna and Olmos, Santiago (2004) Report on proposals for the development, harmonisation and quality assurance of organic data collection and processing systems (DCPS). EISFOM-Report. European Information System for Organic Markets (EISFOM) // University of Kassel - Agricultural and Food Marketing, Germany .

Reimer, Marie; Oelofse, Myles; Bünemann, Else; Magid, Jakob and Möller, Kurt (2020) NutriGadget - Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming (Relacs Practice Abstract). Relacs Practice Abstract, no. 02. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick; University of Hohenheim, DE-Stuttgart; University of Copenhagen IK, DK-Copenhagen .

Reinbacher, Lara and Boutry, Clémence (2023) Management strategies for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB). [Bekämpfungsstrategien gegen die Marmorierte Baumwanze.] Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 060. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Reinecke, Sabine; Jahrl, Ingrid; Willer, Helga and Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Deliverable 1.3 - Synthesis of key drivers and lock-ins for organic sector development. OrganicTargets4EU .

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, (FiBL) (2009) e-Learning Course on Successful Organic Production and Export (SOPE). [Module 3: Organic market and trade.] UNEP-UNCTAD, Frick.

Reuler, van, Henk (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic tree sector in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Rey, F.; Drexler, D.; Bocci, R.; Oehen, B.; Constanzo, A.; Goldringer, I.; Padel, S. and Chable, V. (2018) Cultivating diversity and food quality. Proceedings of Diversifood EU Forum, Brussels, 11 April 2018. .

REY, Frederic; Rivière, Pierre; Flipon, Emma; de Buck, A.J.; Feher, Judit; Constanzo, Ambrogio and Lazzaro, Mariateresa (2021) Frugal, multi-actor and decentralised cultivar evaluation models for organic agriculture: methods, tools and guidelines. Liveseed deliverable D2.3. .

Riar, Amritbir and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2016) Major bottlenecks of cotton production in Nimar valley of central India. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Richter, Toralf; Kampermann, Ivonne; Strassner, Carola and Borghoff, Lisa (2021) Results of an Organic Market and Stakeholder Survey about methods in processing of organic food. FiBL, Frick.

Richter, Toralf; Bickel, Regula; Speiser, Bernhard; Huber, Beate; Batlogg, Verena; Guliyeva, Ksenia and Neuendorff, Jochen (2018) Assessment of irregularities in organic imports from Ukraine to the EU in 2016, notified in OFIS. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Riemens, M.M.; Scheepens, P.C. and Weide, R.Y. Van Der (2004) Dormancy, germination and emergence of weed seeds, with emphasis on the influence of light : results of a literature survey. Note / Plant Research International 302.. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Rippin, Markus; Vitulano, Susanna; Zanoli, Raffaele and Lampkin, Nicolas (2006) Synthesis and final recommendations on the development of a European Information System for Organic Markets. = Deliverable D6 of the European Project EISfOM QLK5-2002-02400. Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales .

Risgaard, Marie-Louise; Langer, Vibeke and Frederiksen, Pia (2006) Organic Farming - structure, production and nature management. The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, KVL; National Environmental Research Institute, DMU .

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: Järvifisu - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: Kiuruvesi Municipal Catering - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: PolarShiitake - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society .

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2013) Development of organic sector. Status quo report Finland CoreOrganic Project HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. WP 2. University of Helsinki , Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.

Rittl, Tatiana; Bakken, Ivar; Grønmyr, Frode; Heltolft, Pia; Stewart, Lærke; Husby, Annbjørn; Fløystad, Kari and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2021) Biochar coating potential to suppress storage diseases in carrots and potatoes (CHARCOAT). NORSØK Report, no. 12, vol 6. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Rittl, Tatiana; Grønmyr, Frode; Bakken, Ivar and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) Effect of soil organic matter management on soil characteristics, potato yield and potato disease in an intensive potato growing system (MERMOLD). NORSØK Report, no. 10, Vol 7. NORSØK, Tingvoll.

Rittl, Tatiana; Krogstad, Tore; Eikås, Sondre; Saltnes, Torgeir; Sørensen, Gjermund; Glestad, Hans Emil and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2019) Effects of struvite application on soil and plants: a short‐term field study. NORSØK report, no. Vol. 4 No. 10 2019. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Roberto, Lo Scalzo (2015) MIDI 2015 Milan Demonstrative Initiatives. Innovative Solutions for Food Processes, Preservation, Safety and Control, 8 September 2015. CREA-Consiglio per la Ricerca in Agricoltura e l'Analisi dell'Economia Agraria , Research Unit of Food Technology, Italy.

Robertshaw, Paul and Hitchings, Roger (2004) Organic Horticultural Seed Trials in Wales. Organic Centre Wales .

Roderick, Stephen and Burke, Jean (2003) Organic Farming in Cornwall: Results of the 2002 Farmer Survey. Duchy College , Organic Studies Centre.

Roderick, Stephen and Hovi, Malla (2001) Organic Livestock: Animal Health, Welfare and Husbandry Assessment of existing knowledge and production of an advisory resource compendium(OF0162). University of Reading , Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics Research Unit (VEERU).

Rodriguez Burruezo, Adrian; Koutis, Kostas; Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nuijten, Edwin and Messmer, Monika (2020) Report on breeding gaps and key factors for strengthening small breeding initiatives: Experiences on five crops. LIVESEED DELIVERABLES, no. D3.4. .

Rodriguez-Burruezo, Adrian; Annicchiarico, Paolo; Uehlinger, Noemi; Koutis, Kostas; Bollinger, Niklaus; Baćanović-Šišić, Jelena; Backes, Gunter; Borgen, Anders; Petitti, Matteo; Sestili, Sara; Campanelli, Gabriele; Nuijten, Edwin; Lazzaro, Maria Teresa and Messmer, Monica (2021) Progress report on breeding activities of white lupin, cell fusion free brassica vegetables, apple, common bunt resistance in winter wheat and participatory tomato breeding. LIVESEED DELIVERABLES, no. D3.8. .

Roinsard, Antoine; De Simone, Ambra and Moeskops, Bram (2021) Overview of adapted and translated tools (Deliverable 4.1 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Roinsard, Antoine; Früh, Barbara and De Simone, Ambra (2021) Ration planning tools (Deliverable 4.3 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Roos, Gun and Mikkola, Minna (2010) Education about organic food and sustainability in Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway: Findings from the iPOPY project. SIFO - National Institute for Consumer Research, Oslo, Norway.

Rosberg, Anna Karin; Will, Lena and Alsanius, Beatrix W. (2021) Insights in interaction between soil biodiversity and root disease suppression in organic production systems - preliminary results. Reports from Landscape Architecture, Horticulture and Crop Production Science, no. 2021:6. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Alnarp.

Roskam, J.L.; Meer, R.W. Van Der and Veen, H.B. Van Der (2021) Sample for the Dutch FADN 2018. Report / Wageningen Economic Research 2021-089.. Wageningen Economic Research, Wageningen, NE.

Rossi, Vittorio and Caffi, Tito (2021) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “Exploit biodiversity in viticultural systems to reduce pest damage and pesticide use, and increase ecosystems services provision (BIOVINE)” Period covered: March 2018 – May 2021. .

Rossi, A.; D'Amico, S.; Oehen, B. and Kovács, T. (2018) Building Valorisation Strategies for Biodiverse Products - Case Studies. Factsheet, no. 13. DIVERSIFOOD Project .

Rossi, A.; D'Amico, S.; Oehen, B. and Kovács, T. (2018) Building valoristaion strategies for biodiverse products - the approach. Factsheet, no. 12. DIVERSFOOD Project .

Rossier, Raphael; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Stolz, Hanna; Barjolle, Dominique and Stolze, Matthias (2015) Study on Investment in Agricultural Research: Review for Switzerland. impresa The Impact of Research on EU Agriculture .

Rousing, Tine (2011) Final report for Project no. 1904. Prevention of selected diseases and parasites in organic pig hreds - by means of HACCP based management and surveillance programme (CorePig). University of Aarhus .

Roviglioni, Raffaella (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Italy. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), IT-Rome .

Rüegg, Elisabeth and Ertem, Atila (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the status of organic agriculture and industry in Turkey. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Ruth, Saskia Van and Nielen, Linsey (2022) Evaluation and deconstruction of fraud incidents, vulnerabilities, and social networks in organic ‘hotchpotch’ supply chains : report on fraud incident reports, vulnerability assessments, and social network analysis in the Dutch organic potatoes’, carrots’, and onions’ supply chains. Report / Wageningen Food Safety Research WFSR 2022.023. Wageningen Food Safety Research, Wageningen, NE.

Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Boutry, Clémence; Dhzuvinov, Vasily; Fumancyk, Ewa; Holtz, Thomas; Malusa, Eligio; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) Deliverable 4.8: Final Report on new fertilization management to improve soil fertility and health in intensive organic orchards. .

Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Malusa, Eligio; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael; Dhzuvinov, Vasily; Fumáncyk, Ewa; Holtz, Thomas; Kelderer, Markus; Neri, Davide; Fernandez, Maria-Martha and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) Deliverable 4.9 Guidelines for strategies to improve fertilization in intensive organic apple orchards. .


Sanders, R; Woodward, L; Fleming, D; Jones, Dr H; Hinchsliffe, K and Hitchings, R (editor): Sanders, R and Woodward, L (Eds.) (2007) The Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm:Bulletin 87. The Organic Research Centre Bulletin, no. 87. The Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm .

Sanders, Richard (2006) Vaccination nation? Civilised strategies for protecting outdoor poultry from Avian Flu H5N1. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Sanders, Richard; Whiltley, Andrew; Haigh, Zoe; Clarke, Sarah; Hitchings, Roger and O'Brien, Josie (editor): Sanders, Richard (Ed.) (2006) Elm Farm Organic Research Centre December 2006. The Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm. Bulletin., no. 86. Elm Farm Organic Research Centre .

Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo; Väisänen, Hanna-Maija; Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula and Seidel, Katrin (2010) Overview on different sterilization techniques for baby food. University of Helsinki (Eigenverlag), Mikkeli, Finnland.

Schaack, Diana; Quaing, Henriette; Nusch, Tanja; Rampold, Christine; Els, Thomas; Scheungraber, Lukas; Behr, Hans-Christoph and Ganz, Fabian (2019) Mehr Transparenz auf dem deutschen Bio-Markt – Verbesserung der jährlichen Marktschätzung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels und der „sonstigen Einkaufsstätten“. [More transparency in the German organic market - Improvement of the annual market estimation with an emphasis on food retailing and "other retail outlets".] Agrarmarkt Informations-Gesellschaft mbH, D-Bonn .

Schader, Christian (2022) Enhancing supply chain stability, resilience and sustainability through improved sub-supplier management –chocolate and cotton apparel case studies. NRP 73 "Sustainable Economy". Final scientific report. .

Schader, C.; Sanders, J.; Offermann, F.; Lampkin, N.H. and Stolze, M. (2008) Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Swiss Agri-Environmental Measures on Sector Level. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), von-Thünen-Institut, Aberystwyth University , Frick, Braunschweig, Aberystwyth.

Schader, Christian; Grovermann, Christian; Frick, Rebekka; Grenz, Jan and Stolze, Matthias (2017) Towards a new public goods payment model for remunerating farmers under the CAP Post-2020. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Schader, Christian and Stolze, Matthias (2005) EU governance structures for the multifunctionality of agriculture. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick .

Schäfer, Winfried; Lehto, Marja and Teye, Frederick (2006) Dry anaerobic digestion of organic residues on-farm - a feasibility study. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 77. Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists.

Schäfer, Winfried; Väisänen, Jaana and Pihala, Marjo (2001) Technique of green mulch spreading. Vakolan tutkimusselostus, no. 79, ISSN 0782-0054. MTT Agrifood Research Finland , Agricultural Engineering Research (Vakola).

Schans, D. Van Der; Bleeker, P.; Molendijk, L.; Plentinger, M.; Weide, R. Van Der; Lotz, B.; Bauermeister, R.; Total, R. and Baumann, D.T. (2006) Practical weed control : in arable farming and outdoor vegetable cultivation without chemicals. PPO publication no. 352. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad, NL, , UR.

Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Perazzolli, Michele and Treutwein, Jonas (2022) Decision support systems to optimise the efficacy of novel copper alternatives. RELACS Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBl, CH-Frick .

Schjønning, P.; Heckrath, G. and Christensen, B.T. (2009) Threats to soil quality in Denmark - A review of existing knowledge in the context of the EU Soil Thematic Strategy. [Trusler mod jordkvalitet i Danmark - En gennemgang af eksisterende viden set i lyset af EU's tematiske jordstrategi.] DJF Report Plant Science, no. 143. Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark.

Schleiffer, Mirjam; Frey, David; Huber, Kathrin and Home, Robert (2021) Better Gardens Schlüsselbotschaften. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Schweizer Nationalfonds, Eidg. Forschungsanstalt für Wald, Schnee und Landschaft.

Schleiffer, Mirjam; Kretzschmar, Ursula and Speiser, Bernhard (2021) Pesticide contamination of the environment and its impact on organic food production. Research Institute of organic Agriculture FiBL, Ch-Frick .

Schleiffer, Mirjam; Smith, Barbara; Frick, Rebekka; Bredin, Yennie; Ghezal, Sabir; Udall, Donna; Pataki, György; Cooke, Grania; Singsaas, Frode; Soliev, Ilkhom; Czett, Carmen; Bonetti, Marta; Villa, Matteo; Fitzka, Linda; Loučková, Blanka; Mendes, Vinícius and Home, Robert (2023) Report on biodiversity and related concepts perceptions. Delivrable number: D1.1. PLANET4B .

Schmid, Otto (2009) Analysis of Regulatory Framework affecting Sensory Properties of Organic Products. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland.

Schmid, Otto; Huber, Beate; Ziegler, Katia; Jespersen, Lizzy Melby; Hansen, Jens Gonbech; Plakolm, Gerhard; Gilbert, Jo; Lomann, Steve; Micheloni, Cristina and Padel, Susanne (2007) Analysis of EEC Regulation 2092/91 in relation to other national and international organic standards. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Schmid, Otto and Kilchsperger, Rahel (2010) Overview of animal welfare standards and initiatives in selected EU and third countries. Deliverable No 1.2 of EconWelfare Project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Schmid, Otto; Kilchsperger, Rahel and Bodini, Antonella (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Switzerland. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Schmid, Otto; Lampkin, Nicolas; Dabbert, Stephan; Zanoli, Raffaele; Michelsen, Johannes and Gonzalvez, Victor (2008) Development of criteria and procedures for the evaluation of the European Action Plan for Organic Agriculture. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland .

Schmid, Otto and Jahrl, Ingrid (2014) SUPURBFOOD project report of the case study Zurich: Agri-food dynamics and governance of the urban food system. Report, no. 2014 update. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Schmid, Otto; Padel, Susanne; Lampkin, Nic and Meredith, Stephen (2015) Organic Action Plans: A Guide for Stakeholders. IFOAM EU, Brussels, Belgium.

Schmid, Otto; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Sterly, Simone; Barjolle, Dominique and Midmore, Peter (2016) IMPRESA WP3: Case Study Synthesis Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Schmid, Otto; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Sterly, Simone; Barjolle, Dominique and Midmore, Peter (2016) Policy Brief: Factors Fostering the Effectiveness and Performance of Agricultural Research. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Department of Socio Economics, Frick.

Schmid, Otto; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Sterly, Simone; Barjolle, Dominique and Midmore, Peter (2016) Research Brief: Analysis of Impact Pathways of Research on Agriculture. FIBL , Socioeconomics Department.

Schmidt, Jacob Günther (2022) Effect of induced immunity against red mark syndrome (RMS). [Effekt af induceret immunitet mod rødplet syge (RMS).] .

Schneider, Anke and Lysenkov, Alexander (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the situation of organic agriculture and food business in Slovenia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Schneider, Claudia; Bieber, Anna; Spengler Neff, Anet and Ivemeyer, Silvia (2021) Separation and weaning of calves reared in cow-calf contact systems. ProYoungStock - Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick and University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen .

Schneider, Monika; Richter, Toralf; Spahn, Christoph and Portmann, Katrin (2005) Overview of international organic market development and potential export markets for organic products of Ukraine. FiBL Project Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) .

Scholten, Olga (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Vigorous propagation material and organic breeding in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Schooten, H.A. Van; Eekeren, N. Van; Hanegraaf, M.C.; Burgt, G.J. Van Der and Visser, M. De (2006) Effect meerjarige toepassing groenbemester en organische mest op bodemkwaliteit bij continuteelt mais̈ : 2e rapport project Zorg voor Zand = Effect of long-term application of cover crops and organic manure on soil quality in a continuous maize production system : 2nd report project Care for Sand. Rapport / Animal Sciences Group 1.. Animal Sciences Group, Lelystad, NL.

Schulz, Kristin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2013) Organic food marketing in Germany: Moving from small and local to large and anonymous - or different channels converging? M2.1 National report Germany, WP2 "State-of-the-art", HealthyGrowth Project. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Scientific Committee on Animal Health and Animal Welfare (2001) The Welfare of Cattle kept for Beef Production. European Commission , Health and Consumer Protection, Directorate C - Scientific Health Opinions, Unit C2 - Management of scientific committees.

Scullion, John (1995) Earthworm populations in conventional/organic arable-based systems and their contribution to soil fertility OF0117T. University of Wales, Aberystwyth .

Seidel, Kathrin; Kretzschmar, Ursula and Zanoli, Raffaele (2008) Quality aspects of processed organic baby food - Results of a case study from an expert consultation in the baby food industry in 10 European countries. Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Sengstschmid, Helmut; Sprong, Niels; Schmid, Otto; Stockenbrand, Nina; Stolz, Hanna and Spiller, Achim (2011) EU Ecolabel for food and feed products – feasibility study. Oakdene Hollins. UK, FiBL, CH and University Göttingen, D .

Serpolay, Estelle; Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella and Chable, Véronique (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2018) Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity. Booklet, no. 1. Diversifood.

Shepherd, Dr M. A. (2002) Understanding soil fertility in organically farmed systems (OF0164). ADAS Consulting Ltd .

Shepherd, Dr M. A. (2000) The environmental implications of manure use in organic farming systems (OF0161). ADAS .

Shepherd, Mark; Pearce, Bruce; Cormack, Bill; Philipps, Lois; Cuttle, Steve; Bhogal, Anne; Costigan, Peter and Unwin, Roger (2003) Organic farming: technology transfer (Environmental impact and soil fertility) (OF0405). ADAS Consulting Ltd , Gleadthorpe.

Siekmann, Gitta and Hommes, Martin (2005) Controlling root flies with exclusion fences? Biologische Bundesanstalt für Land- und Forstwirtschaft , Institut für Pflanzenschutz im Gartenbau.

Simianer, H. and Bieber, A. (2014) Genomic breeding programs - a large step forward for low-input dairy cattle breeding? LowInputBreeds Technical Note. .

Simons, David (2005) Organic produce Value Chain Analysis (OF0344). Cardiff University , Food Process Innovation Unit.

Singh, Akanksha; Schöb, Christian; Iannetta, Pietro and Kruetli, Pius (2019) DiverBeans - Report of the first stakeholder workshop held in North Macedonia. Working Paper. .

Skambraks, Anne (2014) Smallholder Farmers' Adaptation to Climate Change in Zenzelima, Ethiopia. Aarhus University .

Skulskis, Virgilijus (2015) Full case study report: EKO Zemaitija -Lithuania. Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics .

Skulskis, Virgilijus and Girgždienė, Vilija (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust, FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for the Dairy cooperative EKO Žemaitija - Lithuania. Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics .

Slagboom, Margot (2017) Quantifying the value of genetically specific organic lines within dairy breeding. .

Smith, Carolyn; Frost, David; van Diepen, Pauline and Chrisholm, Claire (2007) Market Review of the Organic Dairy Sector in Wales, 2007. Organic Centre Wales, ADAS Wales , University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Smith, Jo (2010) The History of Temperate Agroforestry. Organic Research Centre , Research.

Smith, Jo and Westaway, Sally (editor): Sumption, Phil (Ed.) (2020) Wakelyns Agroforestry: Resilience through diversity. Organic Research Centre, Cirencester, UK.

Smith, Jo (2010) Agroforestry Policy Review. The Organic Research Centre , Research.

Smith, Jo (2010) Agroforestry: Reconciling Production with Protection of the Environment A Synopsis of Research Literature. Organic Research Centre, Elm Farm , Research, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury.

Smith, Jo and Bauer, Christine (2014) ICOPP Report: Can the range contribute to the nutritional needs of organic pigs and poultry? ICOPP REPORTS. Organic Research Centre, UK.

Snels, J.C.M.A. and Westra, E.H. (2009) Sustainable conventional and organic vegetable flow to Europe: supply chain optimization. Report / Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research 1104.. Wageningen UR Food & Biobased Research, Wageningen, NL.

Solfanelli, Francesco; Ozturk, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Orsini, Stefano; Petitti, Matteo; Ortolani, Livia; Schäfer, Freya and Messmer, Monika (2021) The State of Organic Seed in Europe. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 2. IFOAM, UNIVPM, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali and ORC .

Solfanelli, Francesco; Ozturk, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Orsini, Stefano and Schäfer, Freya (editor): Petitti, Matteo; Ortolani, Livia; Schäfer, Freya and Messmer, Monika (Eds.) (2019) The State of Organic Seed in Europe. Liveseed Booklet. .

Sommer, Martin; Barta, Lili; Gatzert, Xenia; Meyer, Katharina and Raaijmakers, Maaike (2021) European Progress Report on Organic Seed: Conclusions & Recommendations. .

Speiser, B.; Blake, F.; Micheloni, C.; Stopes, C.; Andersen, M.; Baker, B.; Bywater, S.; Canali, S.; Eriksen, R. Ø.; Gonzalvez, V.; Hozzank, A.; Jespersen, L. M.; Jørgensen, L. N.; Kelderer, M.; Kleeberg, H.; Koopmans, C.; Kromp, B.; Manstretta, M.; Maurer da Costa, A.; Monnier, MC.; Pauler, A.; Schmid, O.; Schreyer, A.; Slabe, A.; Tamm, L.; Trapman, M. and von Fragstein, P. (2005) Evaluating inputs for organic farming – a new system. Proposals of the ORGANIC INPUTS EVALUATION project. Final Report. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Speiser, Bernhard and Kretzschmar, Ursula (2023) Kupfergehalt von Chia-Samen. [Copper content of chia seeds.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick .

Speiser, Bernhard (Ed.) (2005) Proposed Criteria for Evaluation of Plant Protection Products, Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners Used in Organic Agriculture. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick , Crop Proctection: Pests and Diseases.

Speiser, Bernhard (Editor) (2005) Draft Criteria for Evaluation of Plant Protection Products, Fertilizers and Soil Conditioners Used in Organic Agriculture. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland , Proceedings of a workshop held September 23-24, 2004 in Rome, Italy.

Speiser, Bernhard; Bickel, Regula; Huber, Beate and Urban, Jiri (2013) Guideline for handling pesticide residues in Czech organic production. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Speiser, Bernhard; Bickel, Regula; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Beck, Alexander and van den Idsert, Bavo (2020) Concepts for handling residue cases in organic products. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Speiser, Bernhard; Ertem, Sena; Rüegg, Elisabeth and Huber, Beate (2013) Survey of the Residue Situation in Turkish Organic Products. ARGE FiBL Türkei.

Spengler Neff, Anet; Bieber, Anna; Knierim, Ute; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Simantke, Christel; Sakowski, Tomasz; Klopčič, Marija; Alvåsen, Karin; Eriksson, Hanna; Fall, Nils; Fuerst-Waltl, Birgit; Winckler, Christoph; Martin, Bruno; Pomiès, Dominique; Niderkorn, Vincent; Priolo, Alessandro; Luciano, Giuseppe and Menci, Ruggero (2021) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “Promoting young stock and cow health and welfare by natural feeding systems- ProYoungStock”. .

Spengler Neff, Anet (2020) Grassland and grazers - What Swiss mountain farming does for the environment. FiBL-Study. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Fischinger, Stephanie; Padel, Susanne and Moeskops, Bram (2018) D.2.4: Recommendations for a common European research agenda. .

Spigarolo, Roberto; Donegani, Giorgio; Giorgi, Giulio and Sarti, Valerio (2010) Differences between real and perceived quality among users of school catering – survey on 40 Italian schools. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Spigarolo, Roberto; Sarti, Valerio; Bocchi, Stefano and Giorgi, Giulio (editor): Spigarolo, Roberto (Ed.) (2010) Main constraints in developing public organic procurement. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Spigarolo, Roberto; Sarti, Valerio; Bocchi, Stefano and Giorgi, Giulio (2010) School catering supply chains: study on 5 cases. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Spigarolo, Roberto; Sarti, Valerio and Giorgi, Giulio (2010) Organic and conventional public food procurement for youth in Italy. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming.

Spinu, Marina (2023) ANTIMICRIOBIAL RESISTANCE IN FREE RANGE PIGS: THE SLOVENIAN-ROMANIAN EXPERIENCE. , https://projects.au.dk/coreorganicpleiades/news-and-events/single/artikel/coreorganicpleiades/news-and-events/single/artikel/new-intensive-and-sustainable-methods-for-organic-production-of-berries-1-1.

Spiridoula, Athanasiadou; Allamand, Ana and Maurer, Veronika (2022) A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems. RELACS Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, IFOAM Organics Europe and SRUC - Scotland's Rural College .

Spoolder, H (editor): Elsgaard, L (Ed.) (2009) Development of strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce cost of production in organic and low-input livestock production systems. QLIF subproject 4: Livestock production methods. .

Spulerova, Jana; Dreisiebner-Lanz, Sabrina; Moosmann, Simona; Petrov, Petar and Karoglan Todorović, Sonja (2023) EU CAP NETWORK - Benefits of HDLFs for on-farm adaption to climate change. Mini Paper, no. 5. EU CAP NETWORK - Focus Group - Enhancing the biodiversity on farmland through high-diversity landscape features .

Stanghellini, Cecilia; Baptista, Fatima; Eriksson, Evert; Gilli, Celine; Giuffrida, Francesco; Kempkes, Frank; Muñoz, Pere; Stepowska, Agnieszka and Montero, Juan Ignacio (2016) Sensible use of primary energy in organic greenhouse production. BioGreenhouse, Netherlands, NE.

Stegeman, D. and Verkleij, T.J. (2008) Reducing the amount of nitrites in the production of pasteurized organic meat products : summary of the project and implications. Report / Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group nr. 940. Agrotechnology & Food Sciences Group, Wageningen, NL.

Steinshamn, Håvard (2023) Vitamin E supplementation - revised recommendations for organic dairy cow production. .

Steinshamn, Håvard; Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Ptochos, Sokratis; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Enemark, Heidi L.; Aasen, Inga Marie; Mahnert, Karl-Christian and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (editor): Steinshamn, Håvard (Ed.) (2020) Newsletter BarkCure No. 3. [Nyhetsbrev BarkCure nr. 3.] Newsletter BarkCure, no. 3. www.barkcure.no, Tingvoll, Norway.

Steinshamn, Håvard; Sørheim, Kristin; Blomstrand, Berit Marie; Ptochos, Sokratis; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Woolsey, Ian; Enemark, Heidi; Aasen, Inga Marie and Mahnert, Karl-Christian (2018) Newsletter Barkcure No. 2. [Nyhetsbrev Barkcure nr 2.] NORSØK.

Stockdale, E (2001) Optimisation of phosphorus and potassium management within organic farming systems (OF0114). Institute or Arable Crops Research , Rothamsted.

Stojcheska, Aleksandra Martinovska; Kotevska, Ana; Simonovska, Ana; Gjoshevski, Dragan; Dimitrievski, Dragi; Tuna, Emelj; Stamenkovska, Ivana Janeska; Nacka, Marina; Elenov, Riste and Chanevski, Zlatko (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2022) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in North Macedonia. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Stolz, Hanna and Stolze, Matthias (2010) Farmer Consumer Partnerships: WP 5 Report on the results of Consumer Choice Experiments. ICROFS and FiBL, Tjele, Denmark, and Frick, Switzerland.

Stolz, Hanna; Jahrl, Ingrid; Baumgart, Lukas and Schneider, Flurina (2010) Sensory Experiences and Expectations of Organic Food. Results of Focus Group Discussions. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick and D-Frankfurt .

Stolz, Hanna and Schmid, Otto (2007) Organic viticulture and wine-making: development of environment and consumer friendly technologies for organic wine quality improvement and scientifically based legislative framework. Deliverable: D 2.7 Public report about first round qualitative consumer research and market needs. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-5070 .

Stolze, Matthias; Sanders, Jürn; Kasperczyk, Nadja and Madsen, Gudula (2016) Organic farming and the prospects for stimulating public goods under the CAP 2014-2020. IFOAM EU , Brussels, Belgium.

Stolze, Matthias; Schader, Christian; Muller, Adrian; Frehner, Anita; Kopainsky, Birgit; Nathani, Carsten; Brandes, Julia; Rohrmann, Sabine; Krieger, Jean-Philippe; Pestoni, Giulia; Brombach, Christine; Flückiger, Stefan; Stucki, Matthias; Frischknecht, Rolf; Alig, Martina and Hayer, Angelika (2019) Sustainable and healthy diets: Trade-offs and synergies. Final scientific report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Stonkus, Ramūnas (editor): Lenz, Joachim and Neumann, Claudia (Eds.) (2021) Report on the Status of Organic Agriculture and Industry in Lithuania. Country Report Organic. EkoConnect e.V., D-Dresden .

Stopes, Christopher and et al (2001) Overwinter transplant production for extended season organic cropping (OF 0144). Elm Farm Research Centre .

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Strassner, Carola (2009) Certifying Out of Home Operators in Europe. European Forum for Certification. Summary of a Forum held at the BioFach Congress 2009. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark.

Strassner, Carola; Lukas, Melanie and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2010) Certification of public organic procurement in Denmark, Finland, Italy and Norway as compared to Germany. Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Studnitz, Merete and Moeskops, Bram (2018) OK-Net EcoFeed Advisors' knowledge mapping exercise (Deliverable 2.1 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Sturm, B. (2018) SusOrganic - Development of quality standards and optimised processing methods for organic produce - Final report. .

Sukkel, W. and Diaz, A. (2002) Integrated and ecological crop protection. VEGINECO project report no. 4. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad , NL.

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Sukkel, W. and Hommes, M. (2009) Research on organic agriculture in the Netherlands : organisation, methodology and results. Wageningen UR, Wageningen , NL.

Sukkel, Wijnand (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Climate impact of organic production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge Update. .

Sukkel, Wijnand (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Dutch soil management and soil fertility. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Sukkel, Wijnand (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic open field cultivation in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. .

Sulaiman, R.V.; Chuluunbaatar, D.; Djamen, P.; Grovermann, C. and Holley, A. (2022) Indicator framework for national extension and advisory service systems - Metrics for performance and outcome measurement. FAO, Rome, Italy.

Sumelius, John; Bäckman, Stefan; Kahiluoto, Helena and Rötter, Reimund (2009) Sustainable rural development with emphasis on agriculture and food security within the climate change setting : SARD-climate final report. University of Helsinki.

Sumption, Phil (2004) Conversion to Organic Field Vegetable Production (Phase 2). Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Sundrum, A. and Padel, S. (2006) Evaluation criteria for including feed materials in Annex II C and dietary supplements in Annex II D of the EC-Regulation 2092/91. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Report), no. D 4.2. University of Kassel, Kassel .

Sundrum, A.; Schneider, K. and Richter, U. (2005) Possibilities and limitations of protein supply in organic poultry and pig production. Final Project Report EEC 2092/91 (Organic) Revision, no. D 4.1 (Part 1). University of Kassel, Witzenhausen , Department of Animal Nutrition and Animal Health.

Sundrum, Albert; Goebel, Amke; Bochicchio, Davide; Bonde, Marianne; Bourgoin, Aude; Cartaud, Gerald; Dietze, Klaas; Dippel, Sabine; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Hegelund, Lene; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina; Lubac, Stanislas; Prunier, Armelle and Wiberg, Sofia (editor): Sundrum, Albert (Ed.) (2011) Epidemiological study concerning the characteristics of organic pig farming in selected European countries. .

Symanczik, Sarah and Bodenhausen, Natacha (2022) Quantification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (SolACE Practice abstract). SolACE Practice abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Symanczik, S.; Bouamri, R.; Rachidi, F. and Mäder, P. (2018) Mycorrhizal fungi as natural bio-fertilizers: How to produce and use. Technical Handbook. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) & Ecole National d’Agriculture (ENA), Frick & Meknes .

Sørensen, Claus Grøn; Kristensen, Erik Fløjgaard; Oudshoorn, Frank; Antón, Assumpció; Montemayor, Erica; Kir, Alev; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Schmutz, Ulrich; Zikeli, Sabine and De Marchi, Massimo (2018) Deliverable 6.1: Targeted design of user-centric scenarios for organic production systems phasing out contentious inputs. Aarhus University , Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering.

Sørensen, Poul; Danell, Brigitte; Brenøe, Ulrik and Tuiskula-Haavisto, Maria (2004) A review of Poultry Breeding stock in the Nordic Countries. Nordisk Genbank Husdyr. Nordisk Genbank Husdyr .

Sørensen, Jan Tind; Winckler, Christoph; Wallenbeck, Anna; Spengler, Anet; Knierim, Ute; Kargo, Morten; Walczak, Jacek and Ribikauskas, Vytautas (2018) Improving animal health and welfare in organic cattle milk production through breeding and management. Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science.

Tali, Kadri; Heinsoo, Katrin; de Schaetzen, Olivier and Külvet, Airi (2020) Development of an adaptive multi paddock grazing (AMPG) system suitable for Estonian climate conditions. Liivimaa Lihaveis.

Tame, Mike (2008) Management of trace elements and vitamins in organic ruminant livestock nutrition in the context of the whole farm system. Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA), Craven Arms .

Tamm, Lucius and Schärer, Hans-Jakob (2022) Larch extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines. RELACS Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM Organics Europe .

Tamm, L. (editor): Elsgaard, L (Ed.) (2009) Strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce cost of production in organic and low-input crop production systems. QLIF subproject 3: Crop production methods. Danish Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF) on behalf of the QualityLowInputFood project , Tjele, Denmark.

Tamm, L.; Smit, A. B.; Hospers, M.; Janssens, S.R.M.; Buurma, J.S.; Molgaard, J.-P.; Laerke, P.E.; Hansen, H. H.; Hermans, A.; Bodker, L.; Bertand, C.; Lambion, J.; Finckh, M.R.; Schüler, Chr.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.; Ruissen, T.; Nielsen, B. J.; Solberg, S.; Speiser, B.; Wolfe, M. S.; Phillips, S.; Wilcoxon, S. J. and Leifert, C. (2004) Assessment of the Socio-Economic Impact of Late Blight and State-of-the-Art Management in European Organic Potato Production Systems. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Tauson, R. and Alm, M. (2014) Mussel shells as a combined occupational- and Ca source in floor kept laying hens. .

Thommen, Andreas (2007) Report on criteria list and evaluation guide for derogation regime. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Reports), no. D 5.3. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Thompson, Michael and Moakes, Simon (2021) Environmental assessment: LCA of innovative agroecological protected vegetable cropping systems. GreenResilient Deliverable 5.9.. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Thomsen, Rikke (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Denmark: special outdoor feed troughs for pregnant sows. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.7. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Thomsen, Rikke (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Denmark: year-round outdoor housing for sows and piglets. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.6. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Thomsen, Rikke (2022) Innovative farming in Denmark: mobile wagons with fenced pasture area. POWER-Factsheet, no. 4.3. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Thomsen, Rikke (2022) Innovative farming in Denmark: special huts for sows on the pasture. POWER-Factsheet, no. 4.2. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Thomsen, Rikke; Eppenstein, Rennie and Moakes, Simon (2022) Best practice examples in combined housing and pasture systems. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.0. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Thorup-Kristensen, K.; Lampkin, N.; Elsgaard, L. and van der Burgt, Geert-Jan (editor): Elsgaard, Lars (Ed.) (2009) Horizontal activites. QLIF subproject 7: Horizontal activities. .

Thøgersen, John; Paternoga, Maria; Schwendel, Eva and Pedersen, Susanne (2016) Deliverable 2.1. and 3.1., Literature reviews, SOMDwIT project. Aarhus University , Department of Management.

TILMAN-ORG, (2014) Reduced TILlage and Green MANures for sustainable ORGanic Cropping Systems. Project leaflet. .

Timmermans, B. and Berg, M. Van Den (2019) Stepping stones towards saline organic production systems : Saline organic, final report. Louis Bolk Institute, Bunnik.

Tittarelli, Fabio; Willekens, Koen; Alsanius, Beatrix and Kemper, Laura (2021) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “Organic and biodynamic vegetable production in low-energy GREENhouses – sustainable, RESILIENT and innovative food production systems - GREENRESILIENT”. .

Tittatelli, Fabio; Bȧth, Birgitta; Ceglie, Francesco Giovanni; Garcia, María Del Carmen; Möller, Kurt; Reents, Hans Jürgen; Védie, Hélène and Voogt, Wim (2016) Soil fertility management in organic greenhouses in Europe. BioGreenhouse, Netherlands, NE.

Ton, P. (2007) Organic Cotton: An Opportunity for Trade. International Trade Centre UNCTAD/WTO, Geneva, Switzerland.

Tong, Bennan; Schild, Marion; Bickel, Regula and Dierauer, Hansueli (2017) Tropanalkaloide in Biolebensmitteln. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Topping, C.J. and Odderskær, P. (2006) Landscape scenarios to evaluate the impact of organic farming on selected animal species. .

Traag, W.; Kan, K.; Zeilmaker, M.; Hoogerbrugge, R.; Eijkeren, J. Van and Hoogenboom, R. (2004) Carry-over of dioxins and PCBs from feed and soil to eggs at low contamination levels : influence of binders on the carry-over from feed to eggs. Report / RIKILT 2004.016. RIKILT, Institute for Food Safety, Wageningen , NL.

Travnicek, Jan; Schlatter, Bernhard; Meier, Claudia and Willer, Helga (2021) Organic in Europe - An overview of the most recent data. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Trinchera, Alessandra; Migliore, Melania; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Hefner, Margita; Debode, Jane; Willekens, Koen; Lepse, Liga and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2018) Guidelines for indicators of belowground functional biodiversity assessment - SUREVEG Project. .

Trump, Andrew (2008) Non-inversion tillage in organic arable cropping. Institute of Organic Training and Advice (IOTA), Craven Arms .

UCat, Italy and INRA, France (2019) D 5.1 Report : Selection of the sources of plant bioactive compounds. .

Unspecified (2004) Varieties of field vegetables and potatoes for organic production and marketing OF0304. National Institute for Agricultural Botany .

Unspecified (2003) Alternative, non-animal based nutrient sources, for organic plant raising OF0308. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Unspecified (2003) Provision of information on organic soft fruit production OF0306. Henry Doubleday Research Association .

Unspecified (2000) Organic wheat survey (OF0107). ADAS Consulting Ltd .

Unspecified (1999) Animal health and welfare in organic livestock sysytems identification of constraints and priorities OF0172. Reading University .

Unspecified (1998) Organic milk production: post conversion phase - IGER OF0113. IGER .

Unwin, Roger; Bell, Barbara; Shepherd, Mark; Webb, John; Keatinge, Ray and Bailey, Steven (1995) The effect of organic farming systems on aspects of the environment - desk study OF0123. ADAS .

Uusitalo, Marja (2004) European bird cherry (Prunus padus L.) - a biodiverse wild plant for horticulture. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 61. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Vaarst, Mette (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Innovative and sustainable grazing-based systems integrating cows and youngstock; GrazyDaiSy". Aarhus University .

Vaarst, Mette (2007) Participatory Common Learning in Groups of Dairy Farmers in Uganda (FFS approach) and Danish Stable Schools. DJF Animal Science, no. 78. Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Inst. of Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition.

Vaarst, M.; Brinkmann, J.; Gratzer, E.; Jansen, B.; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Huber, J.; Ivemeyer, S.; Leeb, C.; March, S.; Mejdell, C.; Neale, M.; Nicholas, P.; Roderik, S.; Rogerson, I.; Smolders, G.; Stöger, E.; Walkenhorst, M.; Whistance, L.K. and Winckler, C. (2010) Minimising medicine use in organic dairy herds through animal health and welfare planning. [Minimierung des Tierarzneimitteleinsatzes in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung durch aktive Tiergesundheitsplanung.] Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Departement Nutztierwissenschaften.

Vaarst, Mette; Hellec, Florence; Sørheim, Kristin; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Verwer, Cynthia (2019) Calves with their dams in dairy cow systems. GrazyDaiSy, Randers, Denmark.

Vaarst, Mette; Leeb, Christine; Nicholas, Phillipa; Roderick, Stephen; Smolders, Gidi; Walkenhorst, Michael; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig; Stöger, Elisabeth; Winkler, Christoph; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Lund, Vonne; Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Hansen, Inger; Neale, Madeleine and Atkinson, Chris (editor): Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) (2008) Planning for better animal health and welfare, Report from the 1st ANIPLAN project workshop, Hellevad, October 2007. .

Vaarst, Mette; Tibasiima, Thaddeo; Dissing, Aage and Dissing, Inge Lis (2019) Taking our future in our hands - storytelling from Uganda to inspire action. , Fjerritslev, Denmark.

Vaarst, Mette; Zaralis, Konstantinos and Padel, Susanne (2016) Recommendations on innovative strategies related to health management and quality. SOLID Deliverable 1.3. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

van der Burgt, Ir. G.J.H.M. and Timmermans, Dr. B.G.H. (2009) Fusarium in wheat. Effects of soil fertility strategies and nitrogen levels on mycotoxins and seedling blight. .

van Diepen, Pauline (2007) Organic Vegetable Storage in Wales – Opportunities and Constraints. Organic Centre Wales, University of Wales, Aberystwyth and ADAS Wales .

van Diepen, Pauline (2007) Adding Value to Organic Milk Production Systems: opportunities for marketing meat and milk from dual purpose breeds. Organic Centre Wales, ADAS Wales , Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth.

Van Diepen, Pauline; McLean, Dr Barbara and Frost, David (2007) Livestock breeds and Organic farming systems. ADAS Pwllpeiran .

van Krimpen, PhD M.M.; Binnendijk, BSc G.P.; Borgsteede, PhD F. and Gaasenbeek, BSc C. (2007) In vivo testing of alternatives for conventional treatment of Ascaris suum in pigs. Reports of Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen UR, no. 82. Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen UR .

van Krimpen, M.M.; Bikker, P.; van der Meer, I.M.; van der Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. and Vereijken, J.M. (2013) Cultivation, processing and nutritional aspects for pigs and poultry of European protein sources as alternatives for imported soybean products. Wageníngen UR Livestock Research - partner in livestock innovations, no. Report 662. Wageningen UR Livestock Research , The Netherland, Lelystad.

van Opheusden, A.H.M.; van der Burgt, G.J.H.M. and Rietberg, P.I. (2012) Decomposition rate of organic fertilizers: effect on yield, nitrogen availability and nitrogen stock in the soil. [Afbraaksnelheid van organische mest: effect op opbrengst, stikstofbeschikbaarheid en stikstof voorraad in de grond.] Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, The Netherlands.

Van Stappen, Florence (2022) Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) to capture indirect effects of crop diversification – how to consider the multiple functions of diversified cropping systems? [Analyse du cycle de vie (ACV) pour saisir les effets indirects de la diversification des cultures - comment prendre en compte les fonctions multiples des systèmes de culture diversifiés ?] Walloon agricultural Research Center.

Venerito, Pasquale; Friedli, Michael and Boutry, Clémence (2023) Deliverable No. 1.4 - Report on Fruit organic breeding-related policy analysis including an inventory of current supporting governance framework. InnOBreed Consortium .

Verhagen, Jan; Blom, Greet; Beek, Christy Van and Verzandvoort, Simone (2017) Approaches aiming at sustainable production. Report / WPR 677.. Wageningen Plant Research, Wageningen, NE.

Vermeer, H. M. (2022) Farrowing pen size and maternal behaviour. Wageningen Livestock Research, www.wur.nl/livestock-research (under Wageningen Livestock Research publications).

Vermeer, Herman M. (2022) Farrowing pen size and maternal behaviour of organic sows. Wageningen Livestock Research .

Vermeer, Herman M.; Borgsteede, Fred H.M.; Gaasenbeek, Cor P.A. and Altena, Henk (2006) Effect of rooting area and drinker in the outdoor run on behaviour and Ascaris infection of organic pigs. QLIF final report, no. Animal Sciences Group of Wageningen University and Research Centre .

Vermeer, Herman M.; Borgsteede, Fred H.M.; Gaasenbeek, Cor P.H. and Blanken, Klaas (2008) Effect of cleaning /disinfection strategies on helminth infections in finishing pigs. QLIF final report, no. WP .

Vermeer, Herman (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic pig sector in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Vermeer, Herman M. (2014) Impact of roughage on growth, health and behaviour in pigs and poultry. .

Verriere, Pauline; Gall, Eric and Gill, Alejandro (2014) Preventing GMO contamination. IFOAM EU Group, B-Brussels .

Verriere, Pauline; Nuijten, Edwin and Messmer, Monika M. (2019) M3.5 ‐ Organic plant breeding in a systems‐based approach and integration of organic plant breeding in value chain partnerships. IFOAM EU GROUP, FiBL,Louis Bolk Institute .

Verwijst, Theo and Lundkvist, Anneli (2015) PRODIVA WP2. Crop mixtures for weed suppression. Annual Report 2015. .

Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Krawczyk, Roman and Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2016) PRODIVA WP2. Crop mixtures for weed suppression. Annual Report 2016. .

Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Pers Berglund, Anna; Krawczyk, Roman and Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2018) PRODIVA, Crop species mixtures for weed suppression: Deliverability No. D2.3 Technical report. .

Vetemaa, Airi; Mikk, Merit; Luik, Anne and Ader, Eve (2005) Organic Agriculture in Estonia. State Stende Plant Breeding station .

Vijver, L. Van De (2007) Zijn gezondheidsclaims op biologische eieren mogelijk : deskstudie. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

Vijver, Lucy Van De; Verwer, Cynthia; Smolders, Gigi; Hospers-Brands, Monique and Eekeren, Nick Van (2016) cycle of veterinary antibiotics in the ecosystem. Publication / Louis Bolk Instituut 2016-024 VG.. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NE.

von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter (2015) Förderung multi-funktionaler Vorteile von Untersaat-Gemüse-Mischanbau. [Enhancing multifunctional benefits of cover crops - vegetable intercropping.] Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen .

von Gersdorff, Gardis (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Development of smart and low energy input processing chains, natural food additives colourants, and supportive material for a code of practice to increase sustainability and consumer acceptance of organic food stuffs - SusOrgPlus". University of Kassel .

Vries, A. De and Wit, J. De (2007) Kristallisaties en biofotonen : verschillen in melkkwaliteit tussen biologische bedrijven in beeld gebracht. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

Vries, A. De and Wit, J. De (2007) Meer goede vetzuren in biologische melk : het verhogen van het CLA en Omega-3 gehalte. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

Vries, A. De and Wit, J. De (2006) Rantsoen en melkvetzuren : verschillen in melkkwaliteit tussen biologische bedrijven in beeld gebracht. Publicatie / Louis Bolk Instituut LV64.. Louis Bolks Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

Waarts, Y.; Bakker, J.; Snels, J. and Danse, M. (2009) Organic produce from the Republic of South Africa : exploring the conditions for enhancing trade in organic vegetables, fruit and wine. Report / LEI. Werkveld 3, Consumers and supply chains 2009-046. LEI Wageningen UR, Den Haag, NL.

Wacher, Carolyn (2007) The Development of Agri-tourism on Organic Farms in new EU countries – Poland, Estonia and Slovenia: Report of a Winston Churchill Travelling Fellowship 2006. Organic Centre Wales .

Waeyenberge, Lieven; Viaene, Nicole and Willekens, Koen (2020) Nematodes as suitable indicators for soil health. Factsheet. ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Belgium .

Wagenberg, C.P.A. Van; Haas, Y. De; Hogeveen, H.; Krimpen, M.M. Van; Meuwissen, M.P.M.; Middelaar, C.E. Van and Rodenburg, T.B. (2016) Sustainability of livestock production systems : a comparing conventional and organic livestock husbandry. Wageningen Economic Research report 2016-035.. Wageningen University & Research, Wageningen, NE.

Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette (2023) Cow based calf rearing as a strategy to reduce antimicrobial use in dairy production. ROADMAP Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette (2023) Phytotherapy – A strategy to reduce antimicrobials use. ROADMAP practice abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Walkenhorst, Michael; Tavares, Olivia and Experton, Catherine (2021) Deliverable No 5.2: Handbook: RELACS-AHWP protocol. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick and ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FR-Angers .

Warwick, Hugh and Meziani, Gundula (2002) Seeds of Doubt: North American farmers' experiences of GM crops. Soil Association .

Weissmann, Friedrich (2014) Impact of different types of local concentrates on productivity, health, behaviour and welfare of pigs and poultry in different production phases, D3.4. Thünen-Institut of Organic Farming, Trenthorst, Germany .

Weissmann, Friedrich and Zollitsch, Werner (2012) ICOPP: WP3 progress report. Thuenen-Institute .

Weller, R (2006) The development of organic milk production systems. Institute for Grassland and Environmental Research , Trawscoed.

Weller, Richard; Nicholas, Philipa and Fowler, Susan (2002) Comparison of the physical and financial performance of organic dairy farming systems (OF0146). Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research , Ty Gwyn.

Werne, Steffen; Thüer, Susann; Grovermann, Christian and Moakes, Simon (2018) PrOPara: Report on helminth parasite control strategies cross organic farms in Europe. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Westley Consulting Ltd. (2004) London Hospital Food Project. Sustain , London Food Link.

Whistance, Lindsay; Moeskops, Bram and De Simone, Ambra (2021) Descriptions of innovation groups (Deliverable 3.1 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Wibe, Atle (2019) Lab and field trial evaluation (Ozonated water against lite blight in potato). .

Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and Messmer, Monika (2016) Survey on the requirements in organic plant breeding. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick and D-Frankfurt am Main .

Willer, Helga (2017) SolACE Public Website - Deliverable 6.3. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Willer, Helga; Basler, Andreas; De Simone, Ambra and Moeskops, Bram (2020) Fact sheets (Deliverable 4.4 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Willer, Helga; Basler, Andreas and Moeskops, Bram (2020) Videos (Deliverable 4.2 OK-Net EcoFeed Project). .

Willer, Helga; Rüger, Madelaine; Schlatter, Bernhard and Trávníček, Jan (editor): Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL (Ed.) (2023) Organic Agriculture in Africa. Statistical Yearbook 2023. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (editor): Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) (Ed.) (2013) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2013. Slide collection. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Willer, Helga; Sampson, Gregory; Voora, Vivek; Dang, Duc and Lernoud, Julia (2019) The State of Sustainable Markets 2019 - Statistics and Emerging Trends. International Trade Centre (ITC), International Institute for Sustainable (IISD), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Geneva, Switzerland.

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2014) D4.3 Final report on compilation of key organic market data. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2014) D4.4 Final revised database. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland , Frick.

Willer, Helga and Schaack, Diana (2013) Intermediate report on compilation of key organic market data = Deliverable 4.2 of the OrganicDataNetwork project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) , Communication, Frick, Switzerland.

Wimmler, Cäcillia (2022) POWER - WP1 model farm. .

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Dinesen Jensen, Line; Leeb, Christine and Thomsen, Rikke (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs roughage in a rack – how to do it? POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.3. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Holinger, Mirjam and Leeb, Christine (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs: showers. POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.4. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Knoll, Maximilian; Andersen, Heidi Mai-Lis; Dinesen Jensen, Line and Leeb, Christine (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs: benefits of roughage as nutritive enrichment. POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.2. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Wimmler, Cäcillia; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine and Vermeer, Herman (2022) Improved concrete outdoor runs in housing systems for growing-finishing pigs: general information and legislation. POWER-Factsheet, no. 1.0. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Wolfe, M. S. and Cormack, W. F. (2002) Companion cropping for organic field vegetables (OF0181). ADAS , Terrington.

Wolfe, Prof Martin (2000) Production of organic seed for the organic sector (OF0154). Elm Farm Research Centre .

Wolfert, Sjaak; Kramer, Klaas Jan; Richter, Toralf; Hempfling, Gabriele; Lux, Susanne and Recke, Guido (2004) European Information System for Organic Markets (EISFOM QLK5-2002-02400): WP 2: “Data collection and processing systems (DCPS) for the conventional markets” and WP 3: “Data collection and processing systems for organic markets” = Deliverable D2. Unpublished Report of the project QLK5-2002-02400: European Information System for Organic Markets (EISfOM). Agricultural Economics Research Institute (LEI), Wageningen, The Netherlands, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick Switzerland .

Wollmann, Iris and Möller, Kurt (2015) Assessment of Alternative Phosphorus Fertilizers for Organic Farming: Sewage Precipitation Products. Dossier/Fact sheet, no. First edition. Universität Hohenheim, ETH Zürich, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Bioforsk, BOKU, Newcastle University, University of Copenhagen .

Wood, Robin (2003) Economic and agronomic feasibility of organic vegetable seed production in the UK, and subsequent seed quality (OF0166). Horticulture Research International , Kirton.

Woodward, Lawrence and Jones, Andy (2002) Eating Oil. EFRC Pamphlet Series. Elm Farm Research Centre , Policy Research Department.

Woolf, Dominic (2008) Biochar as a Soil Amendment: A Review of the Environmental Implications. Swansea University , School of the Environment and Society.

Wurff, A.W.G. Van Der; Janse, J.; Kok, C.J. and Zoon, F.C. (2010) Biological control of root knot nematodes in organic vegetable and flower greenhouse cultivation: state of science : report of a study over the period 2005-2010. Report / Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture 321.. Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Bleiswijk, NL.

Wurff, André W. G. Van Der; Fuchs, Jacques; Raviv, Michael and Termorshuizen, Aad J.. (2016) Handbook for composting and compost use in organic horticulture. BioGreenhouse, Netherlands, NE.

Wynen, Els (2003) Organic Agriculture in Australia - Research Levies and Expenditure. RIRDC Publication, no. No 03/002. Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation .

Wynen, Els (1998) Organic Agriculture in Denmark - Economic Implications of a Widespread Change. SJFI report, no. 99. SJFI .

Wynen, Els (1996) Research Implications of a Paradigm Shift in Agriculture: The Case of Organic Farming. Resource and Environmental Studies, no. 12. Centre for Resource and Environmental Studies , Australian National University, Canberra.

Wynen, Els (1990) Sustainable and Conventional Agriculture in South-Eastern Australia - A Comparison. Economics Research Report, no. 90.1. School of Economics and Commerce , La Trobe University, Melbourne.

Wynen, Els (2019) Levies and organic agricultural in Australia: 2010-11 and 2015-16. OTARE Research Paper, no. 1902. Organic Trust Australia - Research and Education.

Wynen, Els (2019) Organic agricultural production in Australia: 2010-11 and 2015-16. OTARE Research Paper, no. 1901. Organic Trust Australia - Research and Education, Australia.

Wyss, Eric and Daniel, Claudia (2003) Effects of autumn kaolin, pyrethrin, and ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) applications on the spring populations of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in an experimental apple orchard (cv. Glockenapfel). Product Evaluation (Mittelprüfungsbericht). FiBL Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick .

Wyss, Eric and Daniel, Claudia (2003) Effects of autumn kaolin, pyrethrin, and ladybird larvae (Adalia bipunctata) applications on the spring populations of the rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in an on-farm apple orchard (cv. Topaz). Product Evaluation (Mittelprüfungsbericht). FiBL Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick (and Engelhard Co. for Surround) .

Wytze, Nauta; Groen, Ab; Roep, Dirk; Veerkamp, Roel and Baars, Ton (2003) Vision of breeding for organic agriculture. Louis Bolk Instituut , Livestock production.

Yanez Ruiz, David; Arsenos, Georgioa; Zaralis, Konstantinos and Martin-Garcia, Ignacio (2016) Recommendations on innovative strategies related to nutrition, health and welfare of small ruminants. SOLID Deliverable 1.4. Spanish National Research Council, Madrid.

Yli-Viikari, Anja; Risku-Norja, Helmi; Nuutinen, Visa; Heinonen, Esa; Hietala-Koivu, Reija; Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Hyvönen, Terho; Kantanen, Juha; Raussi, Satu; Rikkonen, Pasi; Seppälä, Anu and Vehmasto, Elina (2002) Agri-environmental and rural development indicators: a proposal. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 5. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

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Willer, Helga (2014) Organic Farming in Europe. In: Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends. FiBL and IFOAM, Frick and Bonn.

Willer, Helga; Moeskops, Bram; Busacca, Emanuele and De La Vega, Nicolas (2019) Organic in Europe: Recent Developments. In: Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends 2019. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, IFOAM - Organics International , pp. 208-216.

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Wynen, Els (2019) Australia: Organic Agriculture in 2010/11 and 2015/16. In: Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2019. FIBL and IFOAM- Organic International, Frick, pp. 302-306.


Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Photovoice: Ecuador - Sustainability through the eyes of Ecuadorian cocoa farmers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Photovoice: Spain - Sustainability through the eyes of Andalusian olive and almond farmers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Willer, Helga; Trávníček, Jan and Schlatter, Bernhard (Eds.) (2024) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2024. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

Willer, Helga; Schlatter, Bernhard and Trávníček, Jan (Eds.) (2023) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2023. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

Willer, Helga; Trávníček, Jan; Meier, Claudia and Schlatter, Bernhard (Eds.) (2022) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2022. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2021) Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke.

Wright, Julia and Parrott, Nicholas (Eds.) (2021) Subtle agroecologies, farming with the hidden half of nature. Advances in Agroecology. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, UK.

Willer, Helga; Trávníček, Jan; Meier, Claudia and Schlatter, Bernhard (Eds.) (2021) The World of Organic Agriculture 2021 - Statistics and Emerging Trends. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn., CH-Frick and D-Bonn.

Willer, Helga; Schlatter, Bernhard; Trávníček, Jan; Kemper, Laura and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2020) The World of Organic Agriculture Statistics and Emerging Trends 2020. 21st edition. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and IFOAM – Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2019) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2019. 20 edition. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2019) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2019. 20 edition. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

Auerbach, Raymond (Ed.) (2019) Organic food systems: meeting the needs of Southern Africa. CABI, Boston, USA.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2018) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2018. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Bonn.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2017) The World of Organic Agriculture 2017. Statistics and Emerging Trends. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and IFOAM - Organics International, Frick and Brussels.

Lampkin, Nicolas; Measures, Mark and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2017) 2017 Organic Farm Management Handbook. 11 edition. The Organic Research Centre, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury.

De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2016) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2015-2016. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2015-2016.] 4 edition. Network for Organic food and farming research (NOBL), Merelbeke.

Meredith, Stephen and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2016) Organic in Europe - Prospects and Developments 2016. IFOAM EU Group, Brussels.

Koller, Martin; Rayns, Francis; Cubison, Stella and Schmutz, Ulrich (Eds.) (2016) Guidelines for Experimental Practice in Organic Greenhouse Horticulture. Research Report. BioGreenhouse COST Action FA 1105, www.biogreenhouse.org.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2015) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2015. FiBL-IFOAM Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Frick and Bonn.

Bellon, Stéphane and Penvern, Servane (Eds.) (2014) Organic Farming, Prototype for Sustainable Agricultures. [L'agriculture biologique, prototype d'agricultures durables.] Springer, Dordrecht.

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (Eds.) (2014) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2014. 15 edition. The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends. FiBL and IFOAM, Frick and Bonn.

Meredith, Stephen and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2014) Organic in Europe - Prospects and Developments. IFOAM EU Group, Brussels.

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) (2013) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2013. 14 edition. The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements, Frick and Bonn.

Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Bhullar, Navreet K. (Eds.) (2013) Agricultural Sustainability - Progress and Prospects in Crop Research. 1st edition. Academic Press. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Bosten, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Fransisco, Singapore, Sidney, Tokyo, .

Halberg, Niels and Müller, Adrian (Eds.) (2013) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods. Routledge, London and New York.

Stefanova, Vyara; Hart, Kaley; Znaor, Darko and Kazakova, Yannka (Eds.) (2012) Farmers and Nature Together: High Nature Value Farming and Agri-Environment Payments for the Republic of Macedonia. Avalon Foundation, Wommels.

Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) (2012) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2012. 13 edition. The World of Organic Agriculture . Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Frick and Bonn .

Weidmann, Gilles and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) (2011) African Organic Agriculture Training Manual. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Vorne, Virpi and Patrikainen, Lila (Eds.) (2011) The Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness : Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013. MTT Report, no. 34. MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen, Finland.

Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) (2011) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2011. IFOAM, Bonn and FiBL, Frick.

Schwarz, Gerald; Nieberg, Hiltrud and Sanders, Jürn (Eds.) (2010) Organic Farming Support Payments in the EU. Landbauforschung Sonderheft , no. 339. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut (vTI ), D-Hamburg.

Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) (2010) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2010. IFOAM, Bonn and FiBL, Frick.

Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) (2009) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2009. IFOAM, Bonn; FiBL, Frick; ITC, Genf.

Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lück, Lorna; Carporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2008) Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Volume 2 - Livestock, Socio-economy and Cross disciplinary Research in Organic Agriculture. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio, 18 – 20 June 2008 in Modena, Italy. International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lück, Lorna; Carporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2008) Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Volume 1: Organic Crop Production. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio, 18 – 20 June 2008 in Modena, Italy. International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. [Unpublished]

Vesala, Kari Mikko and Jarkko, Pyysiäinen (Eds.) (2008) Understanding Entrepreneurial Skills in the Farm Context. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Willer, Helga; Yussefi-Menzler, Minou and Sorensen, Neil (Eds.) (2008) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2008. Earthscan, London.

Cooper, J.; Leifert, C. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) (2007) Handbook of Organic Food Safety and Quality. Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.

Niggli, Urs; Leifert, Carlo; Alföldi, Thomas; Lück, Lorna and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2007) Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress of the European Integrated Project Quality Low Input Food (QLIF). University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20 – 23, 2007. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick, Frick. [In Press]

Lockeretz, William (Ed.) (2007) Organic Farming. An International History. CAB International, Wallingford, UK.

Canavari, Maurizio and Olson, Kent D. (Eds.) (2007) Organic Food. Consumers 'Choices and Farmers' Opportunities. Springer, New York.

International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, (2007) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2007. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, DE-Bonn and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL, CH-Frick, Bonn.

Halberg, Niels; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Kristensen, Erik Steen (Eds.) (2006) Global Development of Organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, United Kingdom.

Raupp, Joachim; Pekrun, Carola; Oltmanns, Meike and Köpke, Ulrich (Eds.) (2006) Long Term Field Experiments in Organic Farming. ISOFAR Scientific Series, no. 1. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.

Kristiansen, Paul; Taji, Acram and Reganold, John (Eds.) (2006) Organic Agriculture: A Global Perspective. CSIRO Publishing, Collingwood / CABI, Wallingford / Cornell University Press, Ithaca / Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, Australia.

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula and Schmid, Otto (Eds.) (2006) Organic Food Processing - Principles, Concepts and Recommendations for the Future. Results of a European research project on the quality of low input foods. [With contributions from Angelika Ploeger, Marita Leskinen, Marjo Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Monika Roeger, Thorkild Nielsen and Niels Heine Kristensen.] FiBL-Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2006) Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany.

Rippin, Markus; Willer, Helga; Lampkin, Nicolas and Vaughan, Alison (Eds.) (2006) Towards a European Framework for Organic Market Information. Proceedings of the Second EISfOM European Seminar, Brussels, November 10 & 11, 2005. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, Frick.

Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) (2006) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2006. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Bonn, Germany and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, Bonn.

Köpke, Ulrich; Niggli, Urs; Neuhoff, Daniel; Cornish, Peter; Lockeretz, Willie and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2005) Researching Sustainable Systems. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), Held in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the National Association for Sustainable Agriculture, Australia (NASAA), 21 – 23 September 2005, Adelaide Convention Centre, Adelaide, South Australia. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick, and International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o Institute of Organic Agriculture (IOL), DE-University of Bonn, Frick.

Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) (2005) The World of Organic Agriculture 2005 - Statistics and Emerging Trends. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), DE-Bonn, Bonn.

Speiser, Bernhard and Schmid, Otto (Eds.) (2004) Current evaluation procedures for plant protection products used in organic agriculture. Proceedings of a workshop held September 25–26, 2003 in Frick, Switzerland. FiBL-Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Recke, Guido; Willer, Helga; Lampkin, Nic and Vaughan, Alison (Eds.) (2004) Development of a European Information System for Organic Markets - Improving the Scope and Quality of Statistical Data. Proceedings of the 1st EISfOM European Seminar, held in Berlin, Germany, 26-27 April, 2004. FiBL-Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick, Frick.

Schjønning, P.; Elmholt, S. and Christensen, B.T. (Eds.) (2004) Managing Soil Quality: Challenges in Modern Agriculture. CABI Publishing, Wallingford, UK.

Midmore, Peter; Foster, Carolyn and Schermer, Markus (Eds.) (2004) Organic Producer Initiatives and Rural Development: Four European Case Studies. Organic Marketing Initiatives and Rural Development: Volume Three. School of Management and Business, University of Wales Aberystwyth, Wales, United Kingdom.

Vossenaar, René and Wynen, Els (Eds.) (2004) Trading Opportunities for Organic Food Products from developing Countires - Strengthening Research and Policy-making capacity on Trade and Environment in Developing Countries. UNCTAD.

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Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová , Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara (2015) Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. FiBL, Bioinstitut, BOKU, CRA-SUI, Aarhus University, Friedrich-Löffler-Institut, Institute of Animal Science, INRA and School of Agriculture, CH-Frick, CZ-Olomouc, A-Wien, I-Rom, DK-Aarhus, D-Celle, CZ-Prag, F-Saint-Gilles and UK-Newcastle upon Tyne.

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Aarnoudse, J.J. (2022) inconvenient truth : the impact of Nutri-Score and Eco-Score labels on consumers’ evaluations of the healthfulness and environmental impact of organic food products. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Ács, S. (2006) Bio-economic modelling of conversion from conventional to organic arable farming. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Adelais Boulata, Kyriaki (2020) Root growth in different soil depths and sap flow of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) under drought. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed]

Adelhart Toorop, Roos De and Gosselink, Kawire (2013) Analysis of positive deviants among organic dairy farmers in The Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Adler, Steffen A. (2003) Research Design and Communication in Production System Experiments - A Multiple-Case Study in the Nordic Countries. Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences. . [Unpublished]

Aertsens, Joris (2011) ORGANIC FOOD AS AN EMERGING MARKET: PERSONAL DETERMINANTS OF CONSUMPTION, SUPPLY GOVERNANCE AND RETAIL STRATEGIES. PhD thesis, Ghent University , Department of Agricultural Economics. Doctoral Thesis. Ghent University.. , Gent (Belgium).

Ahmed, Abdel Munem (2005) Attitudes towards organic foods among consumers from the Mediterranean Arabic countries living in Italy. [L’attitude à l’égard des aliments biologiques des consommateurs originaires des pays arabes méditerranéens résidents en Italie.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 407. . [Unpublished]

Al-Fraih, Abdulrahman M.E.A. (2015) Effect of soil amendments and root containment on nematode populations in organic greenhouse tomatoes in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

ALBAKRI, Mamoun (2004) RAPD markers for the characterization of the olive fruit fly parasitoid Opius concolor (Spzel.) used in biological control programs. [Marqueurs RAPD pour la caractérisation de l’Opius concolor (Spzel.) le parasitoïde de la mouche de l’olivier utilisé dans les programmes de lutte biologique.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 348. . [Unpublished]

Almuhanna, M. (2014) Unconventional risks in free-range meats: legal perspectives and economic performance. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Amprako, Jessica L. (2016) Optimisation of herb dryers: Case study on the drying process for three hop farms in Strassbourg, France. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed]

Andersen, Mette Klindt (2005) Competition and complementarity in annual intercrops - the role of plant available nutrients. Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark , Department of Soil Science. Samfundslitteraur Grafik, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen.

Andrea, Emiliozzi; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) STUDY OF SOME PRETREATMENTS FOR OPTIMIZING THE DEHYDRATION OF BIOLOGICAL CARROTS. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished]

Anecho, Stephen (2015) CONSUMER CHARACTERISTICS AND PREFERENCES FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTS IN KAMPALA, UGANDA. Masters thesis, Makerere University . . [Submitted]


ASLAN, Burcay (2011) Effect of vetch wheat mixture and broccoli as preceding crops on organic summer vegetables: on farm trial in western Turkey. Masters thesis, Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari . . [Completed]

Aude, Erik (2004) The effects of nutrients and disturbance on dry grass-dominated vegetation. Thesis, National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of the Environment , Department of Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity. .

Autret, Bénédicte (2017) Quantification and modelling of carbon and nitrogen fate in alternative cropping systems experiments on the long term. [Quantification et modélisation du devenir du carbone et de l'azote de systèmes de culture alternatifs en situation expérimentale de longue durée.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Ayoub, Mohamed (2002) Study on the introduction of organic tomato greenhouse in Massa plain, Agadir, South Morocco. Thesis, Mediterranean agronomic institute of bari , Organic Agriculture. . [Unpublished]

Ayoub, Dr. Mohamed (2003) Agronomic performances of self-reseeding legumes on alkaline soil under Mediterranean climate. [Les pérformances agronomiques des légumineuses auto-régéneratrices sur un sol alcalin sous le clima Méditerranéen.] Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Italy , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. Collection CIHEAM, no. 300. .

AZIM, Khalid (2005) The nematicidal and the fertilizing effect of argan, castro and neem cake on cucurbits (cucumber and melon) grown under greenhouse in Agadir region (South of Morocco). [L’effet nématicide et fertilisant des tourteaux d’argan, ricin et neem sur les cucurbitacées (concombre et melon) cultivées sous serre dans la région d’Agadir (sud du Maroc).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 406. . [Unpublished]

Baars, Ton (2002) Reconciling scientific approaches for organic farming research: Part I- Reflection on research methods in organic grassland and animal production at the Louis Bolk Institute, The Netherlands. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut , Department of Livestock production. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G38. Louis Bolk Instituut.

Baars, Ton (2002) Reconciling scientific approaches for organic farming research: Part II - Effects of manure types and white clover (Trifolium repens) cultivars on the productivity of grass-clover mixtures grown on a humid sandy soil. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut , Department of livestock Production. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G38. Louis Bolk Instituut.

Bakker, T. (2009) autonomous robot for weed control : design, navigation and control. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Barbieri, Pietro (2018) Can the availability of mineral nutrient be an obstacle to the development of organic agriculture at the global scale ? [La disponibilité en éléments minéraux pourrait-elle contraindre le développement de l'Agriculture Biologique à l'échelle mondiale ?] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Bashirat, O.O. (2012) Feasibility study on the import of fresh organic coconut from Nigeria to Germany : a case study of BioTropic import company, Germany. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Beban-France, Alice (2008) Organic agriculture: an empowering development strategy for small-scale farmers? A Cambodian case study. Thesis, Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand , Institute of Development Studies. . [Unpublished]

Bellora, Cecilia (2014) International trade in agriculture: land use changes, biodiversity and environmental sustainability. [Echanges internationaux en agriculture : changements d'utilisation des sols, biodiversité et durabilité environnementale.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

BEN MOSBAH, Amira (2005) Presence of predators and parasitoids of Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) in the Mediterranean vineyard. [Présence des prédateurs et parasitoïdes de Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. (Lépidoptères: Tortricidés) dans le vignoble méditerranéen.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 409. . [Unpublished]

Bertelsen, Maja (2023) Comparing Cow-Calf Contact Systems. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal and Veterinary Sciences. .

Bestman, Monique Willempje Pieternella; Rodenburg, T.B. and Arndt, S.S. (2022) Welfare and health aspects of free ranges for laying hens. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Bilen, Emre (2008) Evaluation of pre-crops and fertilization on organic zucchini under Mediterranean conditions: case of Turkey. Masters thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. , Bari, Italy.

Blomstrand, Berit Marie (2023) The impact of bark extracts from Norway spruce and Scots pine on gastrointestinal parasites in ruminants. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of health and medical sciences . .

Blæsbjerg, Laura (2023) Compost quality for cultivation of vegetables. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University Master Thesis. Aarhus University, Aarhus University.

Boesen, Ninna Rieper (2015) Termination of cover crops with reduced tillage methods in organic agriculture. Thesis, University of Copenhagen , Dept. Plant and Environmental Sciences. .

Bomford, Michael K. (2004) Yield, pest density, and tomato flavor effects of companion planting in garden-scale studies incorporating tomato, basil, and Brussels sprout. Thesis, West Virginia University , Plant and Soil Science. . [Unpublished]

Boniface, Maxime (2017) Nanoscale evolution of silicon electrodes for Li-ion batteries by low-loss STEM-EELS. [Suivi à l'échelle nanométrique de l'évolution d'une électrode de silicium dans un accumulateur Li-ion par STEM-EELS.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Borum, Anna (2017) The effect of pre-harvest shielding and spraying on yield, scab incidence, phenolic compounds and fruit quality in organic apple production. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Food Science, AU. . [Submitted]

Bosse, Antonia (2017) Development and experimental comparison of peat-free potting media for organic horticulture. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Bosseaux, Jessica (2020) Impacts of official quality signs on market value : the case of agrifood products. [Les influences des signes officiels de qualité sur la valeur de marché : Le cas des produits agroalimentaires.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Bouttes, Maëlys (2018) UNSPECIFIED [Evolution de la vulnérabilité des élevages laitiers permise par leur conversion à l’agriculture biologique.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

BRANKO, Djuric (2003) Bioethology differences between Orius laevigatus and Orius niger (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae) in Mediterranean region. [Différences bioéthologiques entre Orius laevigatus et Orius niger (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) dans la région méditerranéenne.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 297. . [Unpublished]

Brooshooft, S. (2014) Economic optimization of animal welfare in the Dutch broiler sector using the Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for poultry. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Brühl, Katharina (2017) Incentives and constraints for the use of organic seeds in organic farming: example of Capsicum annuum seeds in the Netherlands and Spain. Masters thesis, University College Dublin, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Professur für Organischen Landbau, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL Deutschland) . . [Submitted]

BTEICH, Marie Reine (2002) Towards a strategy for organic agriculture development in Lebanon. [Vers une stratégie pour le développement de l’agriculture biologique au Liban.] Thesis, IAMB - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 275. . [Unpublished]

Buckham, Lael (2015) An analysis of organic market information in the EU-15. Lessons for the Irish organic sector. Masters thesis, University of Limerick
MSc International Management and Global Business , Kemmy Business School. . [Completed]

Busch, Selina (2021) Classification of non-compliances in the organic certification system of the EU regarding imported products : an analysis of audit reports from the European Commission and the new organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Caillaud, Caroline (2017) Establishment of three strategies in degraded areas within organic vineyards and relevance on soil behaviour, vine physiology and yield components. EngD thesis, Bordeaux Science Agro . . [Completed]

Cappello, Vincenzo (2020) Scale-up of gas-liquid agitated bioreactors Three-dimensional modeling of hydrodynamics, mass transfer and kinetics. [Extrapolation des réacteurs agités gaz-liquide par modélisation tridimensionnelle de l'hydrodynamique, transferts et cinétique.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Gariglio, Marta and Bongiorno, Valentina (2022) The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare in organic chicken production. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO , DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE AGRARIE, FORESTALI E ALIMENTARI. .

Caquot, Sophie (2022) The influence of reduced tillage on soil fertility indicators in two long-term organic field experiments. Masters thesis, Research Institute of Organic Farming FiBL . Master Thesis. .

Carter, Mette S. (2005) Production of N2O in grass-clover pastures. Thesis, Risø National Laboratory , Biosystems. .

Casagrande, Marion (2008) Early assessment of organic winter wheat performances (yield and grain protein content): a combination of regional agronomic diagnosis, modelling with weed indicators and analysing information sampled by farmers to manage their technical practices. [Evaluation précoce des performances du blé biologique (rendement et teneur en protéines) : une approche combinée de diagnostic agronomique, de modélisation à l'aide d'indicateurs de nuisibilité et d'études des pratiques dans les exploitations agricoles.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

CAVOSKI, Ivana (2004) The effects of compost and compost extract on soil properties and lettuce growth. [Les effets du compost et des extraits de compost sur les propriétés du sol et sur la croissance de la laitue.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 352. . [Unpublished]

CHEHIDI, Hatem (2002) New methodology to design, test and improve organic agroecosystem prototyping under Mediterranean conditions. Case study: application to a pilot farm in the South of Italy. [Nouvelle méthodologie pour concevoir, tester et améliorer le prototyping des agroécosystèmes biologiques dans les conditions méditerranéennes. Cas d’étude: application dans une exploitation pilote en Italie du Sud.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 279. . [Unpublished]

Chen, Guanying (2021) Differential effects on water and nitrogen uptake from deep soil layers by increasing crop rooting depth : Case studies on chicory and oilseed rape. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . , Copenhagen.

Chepkoech, Caroline; Onwonga, Richard; Wahome, Raphael Githaiga and Henning Høgh, Jensen (2016) EFFECT OF LEGUME INTEGRATION AND APPLICATION OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON SOIL NUTRIENT STATUS AND KALE YIELD IN KABETE, KENYA. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi , Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology. .

Chiara, Di Pietro; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2016) DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTIVE MODELS FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF CARROTS DURING DRYING. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished]

Chirinda, N. (2010) Influence of cropping systems on greenhouse gas emissions. PhD thesis, Copenhagen University . .

Christensen, Jesper Ørsnes; Bennedsgaard, Torben Werner and Capion, N. (2011) Evaluation of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Used in Footbaths as Treatment and Prevention of Digital Dermatitis in Dairy Cattle. Masters thesis, Aarhus Universitet , Institute of Animal Science. . [Unpublished]

Clement, Corentin (2021) Deep water uptake of perennial crops. A case study on intermediate wheatgrass and alfalfa. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. .

Clottu, Ophélie (2008) Treatment of equine sarcoid with the mistletoe extract ISCADOR(R) P (viscum album austriacus) : a double-blind placebo controlled study. PhD thesis, Vetsuisse Fakultät der Universität Bern . .

Coll, Patrice (2011) Qualité des sols viticoles en Languedoc Roussillon : effets des pratiques. [Vineyard soil quality in Languedoc-Roussillon : effects of agricultural practices.] PhD thesis, Montpellier SupAgro . . [Completed]

Concaro, Frederico (2017) Risk assessment in the conversion from conventional to organic production: case studies of the potato and tomato farming in the Netherlands and in Italy? Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Cormouls-Houles, Mathilde (2018) Underlying factors influencing the technical parameters of organic rabbit farms in France. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Corsten, Frank (2011) Community-Supported Financing / how transparency on the web promotes good food production. Bachelor of Science thesis, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy . .

Cuperus, Fogelina (2016) explorative case study on soil micronutrient availability in the province Groningen, The Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

D'Alessandro, Cecilia (2018) Participatory Guarantee Systems for the development of small-scale organic agriculture: The case of Ogiek honey in Kenya. [Sistemi di garanzia partecipata per lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura biologica su piccola scala: Il caso del miele Ogiek in Kenya.] Masters thesis, Università degli Studi di Firenze , Economics and Management. . [Submitted]

Daniel, Claudia (2009) Entomopathogenic fungi as a new strategy to control the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae). PhD thesis, Technische Universität München, Freising-Weihenstephan . .

DANO, Stefan (2005) The status of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Albania and its management with Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki & aizawai. [La présence de Lobesia botrana (Lépidoptère: Tortricidé) en Albanie et la stratégie de lutte basée sur le Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki & aizawai.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 390. . [Unpublished]

Datema, Marieke (2021) effect of grass mulch and strip cropping on Phytophthora infections and Colorado Potato Beetle infestation in potato. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Dekker, S.E.M. (2012) Exploring ecological sustainability in the production chain of organic eggs. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Delobel, Vincent JMM (2014) Les Indomptables: an ethnography of niche novelty production in Walloon agriculture. Masters thesis, Wageningen University , Rural Development Sociology chairgroup. . [Completed]


Dhamala, NR (2017) Nitrogen dynamics in temporary multi-species grasslands. PhD thesis, Aarhus University . .

DIMITRIJE, Markovic (2005) Influence of new socio-political forces on land use, and on farm and landscape biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (study areas: Banja Luka and Derventa). [Influence des nouvelles forces socio-politiques sur l’utilisation des terres, l’exploitation et la biodiversité du paysage en Bosnie-et-Herzégovine (zones d’étude : Banja Luka and Derventa).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 400. . [Unpublished]

Dong, J. (2014) Country-of-origin effect on consumer’s product preference of labelled organic food. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Döring, Thomas F. (2004) Straw mulch in organically grown potatoes - evaluation and optimisation for virus vector control. PhD thesis, University of Kassel, Germany , Ecological Plant Protection. . [Submitted]

Dragieva, Y. (2015) Possible effects of social proof and commitment and consistency on consumption and purchase intention towards organic products. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Drakopoulos, D. (2014) Influence of reduced tillage and organic amendments on an organic potato production system. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin (2004) Optimisation of growing media for organic greenhouse production. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Horticulture. .

Driouech, Noureddin (2008) Annual self-reseeding legumes and their application into mediterranean cropping systems. [Légumineuses annuelles d'autoressemis et leur application dans les systèmes culturels méditerranéens.] Thesis, University of Tuscia, Viterbo , Vegetable Production. .

Ebregt, E. (2007) Are millipedes a pest in low-input crop production in north-eastern Uganda? : farmer's perception and experimentation. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Eidsmo, Julia Thyra Wood (2022) Effects of shelters on the performance and welfare of rainbow trout fingerlings in an organic farm. [Effekter af skygge på trivsel og velfærd hos yngel af regnbueørred på et økologisk dambrug.] Masters thesis, Technical University of Denmark, Section for Aquaculture (DTU Aqua) . . [Submitted]

EL GHARAAS, Youssef (2003) Preliminary study of the organic citrus nursery management. [Etude préliminaire sur la gestion d’une pépinière d’agrumes.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science, no. 299. . [Unpublished]

EL HANAFI SEBTI, Kawtar (2005) Compost tea effects on soil fertility and plant growth of organic tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill) in comparison with different organic fertilizers. [Effets du jus de compost sur la fertilité du sol et la croissance de la plante chez la tomate biologique (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill) par rapport aux différents fertilisants. biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 405. . [Unpublished]

EL KHOURY HANNA, Youssef (2002) Biological control of Frankliniella occidentalis on table grapevine using predation and plant association. [Lutte biologique contre Frankliniella occidentalis chez le raisin de table à travers la prédation et l’association culturale.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 276. . [Unpublished]

EL MALOUI, Hamid (2002) Production and marketing of organic fruits and vegetables in Morocco. [Production et commercialisation de fruits et légumes biologiques au Maroc.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 277. . [Unpublished]

Elsgaard, Karen Rose (2022) Effect of a new organic management system with plant-based fertilisers on phosphorus in soil and crop, and yields in a 5-year vegetable rotation. Masters thesis, AU . , AU.

Eskildsen, Asger Sten (2023) The effect of sulfur deficiency and drought stress on general performance and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Submitted]

Eskildsen, Maria (2020) Nutrition of organic sows. [Økologiske søers ernæring.] PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal Science. , Aarhus.

Eyhorn, Frank (2006) Assessing the potential of organic farming for sustainable livelihoods in developing countries - The case of cotton in India. PhD thesis, Universität Bonn , Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät. . [Completed]

Fani, R.M. (2014) Organic versus conventional citrus farming : a case study on the region of Arta (Greece). Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

FARES, Roula (2003) Study and assessment of organic potato production in relation to fertilization and varietal aspect. [Etude et évaluation de la production biologique de la pomme de terre en relation avec la fertilisation et l’aspect variétal.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 325. . [Unpublished]

Fawole, P. O.; Badiru, I. O. and Bello, M. A. (2014) Agricultural students' perception of organic farming in selected universities South-western Nigeria? Masters thesis, University of Ibadana , Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Department. . [draft]

Feldmann, C. (2010) What does the consumer take up? : a case study on communication in the rural web around the dairy in Andeer. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Félix, Georges F. (2019) Slash-and-mulch: Exploring the role of shrub-based agroforestry systems for smallholder farmers in the Sahel. PhD thesis, Wageningen University , Farming Systems Ecology. , Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Fernandez, Maria Santamaria (2018) A NOVEL GREEN BIOREFINERY CONCEPT: Protein refining by lactic acid fermentation and biogas production from green biomass. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Chemistry and Bioscience. .

Flavio, Raponi; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) OPTIMIZATION OF THE ORGANIC FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DRYING PROCESS BY USING NON-DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES. PhD thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished]

Flink, I. (2013) Slow food Riga: a case study on frames of inclusion and exclusion. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Flora, Rhea Joy D. (2013) Improvement of an empirical model for the quantification of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in grass-clover mixtures. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Fomsgaard, Saki Ichihara (2014) Institutionalisation of Social Movements: A Comparative Perspective on Organic Agriculture Organisations in Denmark and Japan. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Department of Culture and Global Studies. . [Submitted]

Fontaine, Doline (2021) Management of nitrogen and sulfur in arable cropping systems integrating anaerobic digestion. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Agroecology. .

Fossing, Elisabeth Christine (2005) Researching alternative medicine for treatment of mastitis in cattle: possibilities and limitations. Thesis, DIAS , Department of Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition. .

Franz, E. (2007) Ecology and risk assessment of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium in the primary production chain of lettuce. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Frei, Rachel (2019) Short Term Effects of Crop Intensity, Surface Disturbance and Plant-Based Fertilizers on an Organically Managed Top Soil. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Dept. AgroEcology. Master thesis Aarhus University. Aarhus University, Aarhus University.

Fufa, B.G. (2014) Performance of several generations of winter wheat composite crosses populations with a modern cultivar for grain yield and disease resistance under organic farming. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Fuselier, Manon (2019) Studying mixed livestock farming systems in Languedoc Roussillon: connecting innovations, adapting capacities and territory embeddedness. Masters thesis, Université Paris-Saclay - AgroParisTech . .

Gabay, G. (2012) Characterization of apple accessions for traits of relevance for organic agriculture. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Gaiardoni, Lara (2017) Milk authenticity and fraud mitigation in dairy supply chains : a case study among dairy processors and food retailers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

GALAL ELGHARABLY, Ahmed (2002) Improving Compost Quality for Organic Vegetable production. [Amélioration de la qualité du compost pour la production biologique de cultures maraîchères.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 281. . [Unpublished]

Garmo, Randi Therese (2010) The Significance of Sustainable Breeding and Management Programs on Reproductive Performance in Norwegian Red Cows. PhD thesis, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science . Series of dissertations submitted to the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science No. 67. Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway.

Gasparro, Donatella (2019) From the Atlantic forest to the Mediterranean shrub land: a Farm Performance Assessment and a Functional Design Framework for Large-Scale Successional Agroforestry Systems (SAFS). Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Gautam, Susmita (2014) Transmission dynamics of Ascaris suum in organic pigs. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed]

Geiger, F. (2011) Agricultural intensification and farmland birds. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Genga, Quintar; Onwonga, Richard; Kimenju, Wangai and Jensen, Henning Høgh (2014) Effect of Organic Based Soil Fertility Management Strategies on Soil Nutrient Status And Marketable Quality Of Kale (Brassica Oleracea Var. Acephala) In Kabete, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi , College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences. . [Submitted]

Giordana, Ventriglia; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) EFFECT OF HOT-WATER BLANCHING IN TREHALOSE SOLUTIONS ON BOTH NUTRITIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL QUALITY OF SLICED ORGANIC CARROTS. Thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished]

Givaudan, Nicolas (2014) Adaptation strategies of soil biodiversity (earthworms) to pesticides : mechanisms in play and ecosystemic cost assessment. [Potentiel d'adaptation des lombricidés aux pollutions environnementales résiduelles établies en paysage agricole : mécanismes en jeu et coûts à l'écosystème.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Gonzales Dupuy, H. (2012) Adapting maize breeding to organic agriculture. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Govasmark, Espen (2005) Trace element status of soil and organically grown herbage in relation to animal requirements. [Sporstoffer i jord og økologisk dyrket grovfôr vurdert i henhold til dyrenes behov.] Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Department of Plant- and Environmental Sciences. Norwegian University of Life Sciences.

Granado, Fernando Jose Torres (2018) Interactions between soil fertility, green manure quality, temperature and nutrients mineralization. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences. , Frederiksberg.

Grimsby, Lars Kåre (2005) Measurement of microbial numbers, activity, biomass and diversity as a response to different methods of treatment of Tanzanian soil. Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food sciences. . [Unpublished]

Grøva, Lise (2011) Tick-borne fever in sheep - production loss and preventive measures. PhD thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) , Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis, no. 2011: 32. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Ås.

Gu, Shiyu (2016) Comparing organic and conventional dairy farms in the Netherlands : a Monte Carlo analysis. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Gu, Xiangqian (2014) First year's crop and soil response to different tillage methods under organic management. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Gundersen, Sofia (2020) Strategies for keeping cow and calf together in six European countries. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Clinical Sciences. SLU Epsilon, Uppsala.

Guo, Huanxiu (2013) The "New Rural Reconstruction" : movement and sustainable agricultural development in China. [La "nouvelle reconstruction rurale" : le mouvement et le développement agricole durable en Chine.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Gutzen, Kaja (2019) Organic Variety Testing - Qualitative content analysis approach to assess organic variety testing, case study of Germany. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Agrobiology. . [Submitted]

Haesen, Esther (2018) Efficacy of non-synthetic seed treatments against anthracnose (Colletotrichum lupini) in white lupin. Masters thesis, Research Institut of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick
ETH Zurich, CH-Zurich . . [Completed]

Haldy, MBA Hanns-Michael (2004) Organic Food Subscription Schemes in Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. Definitions and Patterns of Development in an International Context. Thesis, Klein Management Consulting, Darmstadt, Germany . ASTON BUSINESS SCHOOL / Birmingham / UK.

Halvorsen, Ane Charlotte Hermansen (2023) Drought resistance of old pea varieties - Stomata and root trait responses to drought. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Submitted]

HAMDY EL NAGGAR, Ahmed (2002) Effect of using water extracts of compost and organic materials on soil fertility and plant nutrition. [Effets de l’utilisation d’extraits liquides de compost et de substances organiques sur la fertilité du sol et la nutrition des plantes.] Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 274. . [Unpublished]

Hansen, Martin N. (2005) Technologies to reduce the environmental impacts and nitrogen losses of livestock manure. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Agricultural Engineering. . [Unpublished]

Hardeman, E. (2010) Sustainable food consumption and the regret of consumers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Härri, Tobias (2023) Assessing the diversity of post-harvest pathogens on Swiss beetroot and evaluating the efficacy of pre-harvest treatments on storage diseases. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH); Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL . . [Submitted]

Hassan, Affendy (2020) Root methods for intercropping. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed]

He, Chen (2008) Does organic food intervention in school lead to change dietary patterns? Masters thesis, National Food Institute , Technical University of Denmark. . [Unpublished]

Hecht, Judtih (2010) Decision Making of Rural Farm Households in Namibia: Lessons Learned From Multi-Annual Programming Optimisation Models. PhD thesis, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen , Institut für Agrarpolitik und Marktforschung. .

Heckendorn, Felix (2007) The control of gastrointestinal sheep nematodes with tanniferous forage plants. Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, CH . . [Unpublished]

Hegelund, Lene (2007) Management Systems for Organic Egg Production - Aiming to Improve Animal Health and Welfare. Thesis, University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Dept. of Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition. DJF Animal Science, no. 80. .

Helmerichs, Juliane (2014) Paddock management systems for organic growing pigs: Effect of land allocation strategies on foraging activity and excretory behaviour. Masters thesis, Science and Technology , Department of Agroecology. Aarhus University, Aarhus.

Hernández Romero, Ambar Giovanna (2016) Population densities of pests and natural enemies in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in a diverse strip cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Hildermann, Isabell (2010) Performance of Winter Wheat Cultivars in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. PhD thesis, Botanisches Institut , Sektion Pflanzenphysiologie an der Universität Basel. .

Hinrichsen, Lena Karina (2015) Animal welfare in organic egg production - Emphasis on Mortality and Helminth Infections. PhD thesis, Science and Tehnology , Department of Animal Science. Aarhus University.

Hochreiter, Claudia (2011) Certified with trust and solidarity? Attitude, benefits and challenges of organic farmers in Participatory Guarantee Systems, Cacahoatán, Mexico. Masters thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna . . [Completed]

Hohmann, Pierre (2011) Understanding Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the root ecosystem of Pinus Radiata seedlings. PhD thesis, Lincoln University, New Zealand . .

Holinger, Mirjam (2012) A cow type for concentrate-free feeding systems - What characteristics does it display? Masters thesis, FiBL Schweiz . .

Holten, Jon Magne (2002) Phosphorus Uptake in Six Selected Scandinavian Wheat and Barley Cultivars at Low Soil Phosphorus Availability as Related to Root Hair Length. [Fosforopptak i seks utvalgte skandinaviske hvete-og byggsorter ved låg fosfortilgjengelighet i jorda i forhold til rothårslengde.] Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Soil and Water Sciences. .

Honkatukia, Mervi (2010) Molecular genetics of chicken egg quality. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 14. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Horner, Jason (2010) An investigation into the potential for effecting change, delivering advice and supporting Irish Organic Growers through Farmer Field Schools. Masters thesis, Scottish Agricultural College , Environmental Teaching Group. . [Completed]

Horsted, Klaus (2006) Increased foraging in organic layers. Thesis, University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Agroecology. .

Hougaard, A.B. (2010) Instant infusion pasteurization for heat treatment of milk - Physical-chemical and functional properties. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . .

Hsung, Ming-Hui (Maggie) (2019) Effects of Intercropping and Plant Variety on Root Fungal Community. Masters thesis, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), CH-Zürich and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Master Thesis. . [Completed]

Hu, Teng (2018) Soil carbon balances and stock changes under different cropping and management systems. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. .

Huuskonen, Arto (2009) Concentrate feeding strategies for growing and finishing dairy bulls offered grass silage-based diets. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 1. .

Iho, Antti (2010) Essays on socially optimal phosphorus policies in crop production. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 13. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Ineichen, Lorin (2023) Competition between Bombus terrestris and Osmia cornuta and its effects on their foraging behavior in indoor facilities. Masters thesis, ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management, CH-Wädenswil and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . . [Submitted]

Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz (2014) Climate Change Effects on Plant Ecosystems – Genetic Resources for Future Barley Breeding. PhD thesis, DTU , Department of Chemical and Biochemical . .

IYED, Kacem (2002) Phytosanitary protocol for the establishment of grapevine certified organic mother plant fields. [Protocole phytosanitaire pour l’établissement de parcelles de plantes mères biologiques certifiées.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 278. . [Unpublished]

Jakob, Johannsen, Christoffer (2021) Effect of reduced dietary protein and roughage intake on metabolites in plasma, urine and milk from gestating and lactating organic sows during winter. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. .

Jakobsen, Malene (2018) Integrating foraging and agroforestry into organic pig production - Environmental and animal benefits. PhD thesis, Aarhus University, Blichers Allé 20, 8830 Tjele - Denmark , Dept. of Agroecology. .

Jakobsen, Malene (2014) Organic growing pigs in pasture systems – effect of feeding strategy and cropping system on foraging activity, nutrient intake from the range area and pig performance. Økologiske slagtesvin på friland – effekt af foderstrategi og afgrødesystem på fourageringsaktivitet, næringsstofindtag fra udearealet samt tilvækst og foderudnyttelse. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Institute of Agroecology. .

Jalli, Marja (2010) The virulence of Finnish Pyrenophora teres f. teres isolates and its implications for resistance breeding. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 9. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Jamar, Laurent (2011) Innovative strategies for the control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis [Cke.] Wint.) in organic apple production. [Stratégies innovantes de protection vis-à-vis de la tavelure du pommier (Venturia inaequalis [Cke.] Wint.) en production biologique.] PhD thesis, Université de Liège, ​Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, ​​Belgium . .

Jansen, J.P. (2016) Inoculating field soils after potato harvest with donor soils from established grass-clover fields decreases the yields of subsequent grass-clover crops. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Jareborg, Isac (2019) Determining the primary energy demand and greenhouse gas emission of carrots: Comparing organic and conventional small scale carrot production and supply in Sweden. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Energy and technology. .

Jensen, Marianne Nygaard (2003) Organic diet and fertility-possible effects of diet on male reproductive parameters. Thesis, Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark, Odense , Biomedical Laboratory. . [Unpublished]

Jensen, Janne Guldbæk Kirstejn (2018) An early Assessment of a Plant-based Organic Vegetable System: Analysis of inorganic-N and soil enzyme activity. Masters thesis, Copenhagen University , PLEN. Master thesis Copenhagen University 30 ECTS. Copenhagen University.

Jensen, Maja Melballe (2012) Health and immune responses in a rat model after intake of organically or conventionally grown foods. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal Science. .

Jensen, Rikke Lassen (2012) Feed interventions and skatole deposition. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Large Animal Science. .

Johansen, Natasha H. (2019) Agronomic strategies for improving crop pollination in organic Hokkaido pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima spp. maxima) cropping systems. Masters thesis, Aarhus University, Dept. of Bioscience , Bioscience. Aarhus University, Aarhus.

Johansson, Lisa (2017) The impact of gastrointestinal parasites on weight gain, activity patterns and behaviours in cattle on pasture. Masters thesis, Institutionen för husdjurens miljö och hälsa . . [Completed]

Jönsson, Lotta (2009) Mussel meal in poultry diets - with focus on organic production. PhD thesis, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science , Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Uppsala. .

Kaegi Trejo, A.Z. (2015) Sustainability assessment of wheat production in the Netherlands - a comparison between organic and conventional production. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Kahiluoto, Helena (2000) A systems approach to the management of arbuscular mycorrhiza: Bioassay and study of the impact of phosphorus supply. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Department of Applied Biology. University of Helsinki. Department of Applied Biology. Publications, no. 1. University of Helsinki.

Kampus, Katarina (2017) Consumer's right to informed choice regarding organic labelling. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Känkänen, Hannu (2010) Undersowing in a northern climate: effects on spring cereal yield and risk of nitrate leaching. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 8. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Kaptijn, Gerdine and Lantinga, Egbert (2016) Evaluation of the performance of dual-purpose cows in European pasture-based systems. Masters thesis, University of Wageningen , Farming Systems Ecology Group. . [Completed]

KARAM, Nisrine (2005) Genetic characterization of Apulian wild population of the parasitoid Psyttalia (Opius) concolor (Szepligeti) for biological control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin). [Caractérisation génétique de la population sauvage des Pouilles du parasitoïde Psyttalia (Opius) concolor (Szepligeti)pour la lutte biologique contre Bactrocera oleae. (Gmelin).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 404. . [Unpublished]

Kassie, M.M. (2013) Comparisons of several generations of winter wheat composite cross populations with a modern cultivar under organic farming. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Katakam, Kiran Kumar (2014) Ecology and viability of eggs of the pig round worm (Ascaris suum) – on-farm and laboratory studies. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . .

Kennedy, Bradley (2018) Bio-acidification of livestock slurry with soja - melasse. Masters thesis, Copenhagen University , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed]

Khorchani, Slaheddine (2003) Comparison between the effect of compost teas and copper on potato crop protection. [Eude comparative de l’effet de compost liquide et de cuivre sur la protection de la culture de pomme de terre.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 327. . [Unpublished]

Kiarii, Eustace Gacanja (2017) An evaluation of willingness to pay for organic vegetables in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University . . [Submitted]

Kiesel, Bernadette (2017) Influence of process setting in convective apple drying on selected parameters. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed]

Kiggundu, Muhammad (2015) Potential of ensiling pineapple by-products as dairy cattle feed on organic certified farms. Masters thesis, Makerere University . . [Submitted]

Kledal, Paul Rye (2007) Future developments of the Danish Organic Sector. Thesis, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Copenhagen University . .

Kleeblatt, Jenny (2018) Revealing Consumer Beliefs on Organic Food Using Qualitative Content Analysis of Online Comments. Masters thesis, Technische Universität München , Marketing und Konsumforschung. . [Completed]

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2011) Environmental assessment of imported organic products - focusing on orange juice from Brazil and soybeans from China. PhD thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. .

KOÇ, Fulya (2002) Rearing and releasing of Opius concolor in organic olive orchards. [Elevage et lâcher d’Opius concolor dans les oliveraies biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 280. . [Unpublished]

Koesling, Matthias (2017) Nitrogen and Energy Utilization on Conventional and Organic Dairy Farms in Norway. Thesis, University of Kassel , Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences. .

Kooring, Rozemarijn (2016) Welfare of goats on organic goat systems in the Netherlands : testing a protocol. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Kort, C. De (2006) Biologisch on the move! : een onderzoek naar het profiel van de klant van de natuurvoedingswinkel. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Kristiansen, Paul Erik (2003) Sustainable Weed Management in Organic Herb and Vegetable Production. Thesis, University of New England , School of Rural Science and Agriculture. . [Unpublished]

Kröger, Laura (2009) Policy change and learning: Implementing EU environmental policies affecting agriculture. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 2. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Kuoppala, Kaisa (2010) Influence of harvesting strategy on nutrient supply and production of dairy cows consuming diets based on grass and red clover silage. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 11. .

Kurmann, Mario (2019) Quantification of selected pathogens of the root-rot complex of pea using qPCR. Masters thesis, ETH Zurich, FiBL CH . .

Laitinen, Pirkko (2009) Fate of the organophosphate herbicide glyphosate in arable soils and its relationship to soil phosphorus status. PhD thesis, University of Kuopio, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences . MTT Science, no. 3. MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen.

Lakhal, F. (2014) Customized composting for organic vegetable production : use of compost and different Pseudomonas fluorescens inoculation techniques to reduce root-knot nematode damage in organic greenhouse cucumbers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Lammerts van Bueren, Edith (2002) Organic plant breeding and propagation: concepts and strategies. Thesis, Wageningen University,The Netherlands / Louis Bolk Instituut, Netherlands , Department of Plant breeding. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G36. Louis Bolk Instituut.

Langhout, MSc Jos (2003) Suckling as rearing method on dairy farms: The effect on farm system aspects of two dairy farms in the Netherlands. Thesis, Wageningen University / Louis Bolk Instituut , Biological Farming Systems (WUR) / Department of Livestock production (LBI). .

Langousi, Ioanna (2014) Incorporation of organic broiler production in barley cultivation: the effects on crop performance and soil properties. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Lankoski, Jussi (2003) The environmental dimension of multifunctionality: economic analysis and implications for policy design. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 20. .

Lao, Emanuel Joel (2015) Combined free-range piglets and energy crop production: Impact on nitrate leaching. Masters thesis, Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology . .

Larsen, Thomas (2007) Unravelling collembolan life belowground: Stoichiometry, metabolism and release of carbon and nitrogen. Thesis, Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Laboratory, University of Copenhagen and Dept. of Terrestrial Ecology, NERI. National Environmental Research Institute . National Environmental Research Institute © University of Aarhus - Denmark.

Lasithiotaki, E. (2012) Individual differences in response to minority descriptive norms for organic food. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Laursen, K.H. (2012) Multi-elemental and Isotopic Analysis of Organic and Conventional Crops using Atomic Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. .

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2016) Coming together: Organic food in a systemic perspective. PhD thesis, Institut for Agroøkologi . . [Submitted]

Lehmann, Jesper O. (2012) Production of Hay milk. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Large Animal Sciences. , Copenhagen, Denmark. [Submitted]

Lehner, Matthias (2009) Hindrances local organic farmers are facing in the Turkish organic agricultural sector. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) , Department of Crop Production Ecology. , Uppsala, Sweden.

Lehtimäki, Tomi (2021) Organizing natures: Justification and critique in the development of organic agriculture in Finland. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Faculty of Social Sciences. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences, no. 198. Unigrafia, Helsinki.

Leimann, Lea (2020) Changing behaviours to change the system? Dairy system transformation in Germany. Masters thesis, CAT - Centre for Alternative Technology, UK . . [Submitted]

Lelieveld, W. (2005) Organic convenience : possibilities of distributing local products via child day care centers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Levin, Gregor (2006) Dynamics of Danish Agricultural Landscapes and the Roles of Organic Farming. Thesis, National Environmental Research Intitute , Department of Policy Analysis. National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of the Environment.

LI, Mrs Zhifang (2002) New eco-compatible technologies of durum wheat production: a case study on winter wheat living mulch by sub clover in Southern Italy. [Nouvelles technologies éco-compatibles pour la production de blé dur: cas d’étude sur un mulching de trèfle souterrain dans une parcelle de blé en Italie du Sud.] Thesis, IAMB - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 273. . [Unpublished]

Li, Xiaoxi (2015) Legume-based catch crops for ecological intensification in organic farming. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Agroecology. .

Liang, Zhi (2019) Organic carbon mineralization and microbiology in subsoil. PhD thesis, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University . .

Lin, S.J. (2010) Agro-ecological impact assessment of the Karnataka State Policy of Organic Farming (KSPoOF) in five districts of Karnataka State, India. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Lindemann, Mine (2021) Generating conversion to organic farming: An evaluation of factors influencing the adoption of organic farming practices. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , School of Culture and Society. .

Lorentzen, Marc (2018) Diversity and genomic characteristics of Oenococcus oeni. [Diversité et caractéristiques génomiques d'Oenococcus oeni.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Lund, Vonne L. (2002) Ethics and animal welfare in organic animal husbandry: an interdisciplinary approach. Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Animal Environment and Health. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, no. 137. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Luth, Luth (2011) Effect of the association of vermifiltration and macrophyte lagooning on manure recycling on the animal farm. [Effet de la combinaison de la lombrifiltration et du lagunage à macrophytes sur le recyclage des effluents sur le site d'élevage.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Lyhne-Kjærbye, Annemette (2019) Exploring the microbiota of deep-rooted crops - Culture-independent characterization of the bacterial and fungal communities in association with roots down to 3 m depth. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2003) Studies of the availability of soil phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in organic farming systems, and of plant adaptations to low P- and K-availability. [Undersøkelser av tilgjengeligheten av P og K i jorda i økologiske dyrkingssystemer, og av planters tilpasning til lav tilgjengelighet av disse næringsstoffene.] Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Soil and Water Sciences. Doctor Scientiarum Thesis, no. 2003: 29. Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, P.O.Box 5028, N-1432 Ås.

Macht, Janine (2019) Do expectations about organic matter? : analysis of taste perception and purchase intentionat the example of wine. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Maesa, S.F. (2014) impact of mobile green manures on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) yield and quality. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Majuga, Jean Claude Noel (2016) Influence of grass-clover silage quality and application rate on crop performance in organic potato production. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Mäkinen, Joonas Kristian (2019) EFFECTS OF STRIP CROPPING ON GROUND DWELLING INSECT ABUNDANCE AND DIVERSITY. Masters thesis, University of Eastern Finland, faculty of Science and Forestry . .

MAMEN, Nassima (2004) Production of compost of high quality from bovine wastes and organic olive and vineyard wastes. [Production de compost de haute qualité à partir de déchets bovins, oléicoles et viticoles biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 347. . [Unpublished]

Marchi, Chiara (2012) Landscape genetics: applications to the agricultural habitat. PhD thesis, Aarhus University . .

Marchi, Chiara (2010) Landscape genetics and the role of organic farming. PhD thesis, Dept. of Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity Aarhus University . . [Completed]

Marescaux, Audrey (2018) Carbon cycling across the human-impacted Seine River basin : from the modeling of carbon dioxide outgassing to the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. [Le cycle du carbone dans le bassin anthropisé de la Seine : de la modélisation du dioxyde de carbone à l’évaluation des émissions des gaz à effet de serre.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Marescaux, Audrey (2018) Carbon cycling across the human-impacted Seine River basin:from the modeling of carbon dioxide outgassing to the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. [Le cycle du carbone dans le bassin anthropisé de la Seine :de la modélisation de l'évasion du dioxyde de carbone à la quantification des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Markiet, V. (2011) future prospect of community supported agriculture farm 'De Nieuwe Ronde': a profile analysis of the potential new consumer. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Marley, Elin Kaia (2008) Food for Thought - Introducing Organic Food in Norwegian Schools. Thesis, Senter for Utvikling og Miljø/Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo . Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo.

Marzban, Nasim (2016) An investigation on dietary phenolic compounds of apple fruit and the impact of drying time and temperature on total phenolic content of dried apple slices. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed]

Massop, E. (2019) New Breeding Techniques in Organic Agriculture : The Limits of Biotechnology for Organic Plant Breeding. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Mattausch, Nancy (2010) Impact of sustainable development principles on the food service and hospitality sector in the Western Cape (South Africa). Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster - University of Applied Sciences . . [Submitted]

Mattila, Pasi K. (2006) Ammonia emissions from pig and cattle slurry in the field and utilization of slurry nitrogen in crop production. Thesis, University of Helsinki . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 87. Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen.

Mbapila, Shadrack Jacob (2019) Social Networks, Governance and Transaction Cost Effects on Organic Tomato and Sweet Pepper Tourist Hotels Market in Arusha and Unguja. PhD thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania . .

Medrano, Dorian Valentin (2022) New Composting Technology: Evaluation of Compost Quality and its Effects on Soil Fertility. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Master thesis. Aarhus University.

Meer, L. Van Der (2016) Influence of perceive health effects of organic produce on consumer choice : a literature review on the motivation ' health' for choice organic food. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Meerburg, Dr BG (2006) Zoonotic Risks of Rodents in Livestock Production. Thesis, University of Amsterdam , Faculty of Medicine. Muisketier, Wageningen.

Meier, Edith (2021) Elimination behaviour of fattening pigs in the new housing system Wiesenschwein. Thesis, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Schweiz . . [Completed]

Meilvang, Linn Vanja (2020) Mobilization of nutrients with cover crops on a moderate- and a low-fertility soil. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen. , Frederiksberg.

Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed]

Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed]

Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed]

Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed]

Meriluoto, Linda (2015) Consumers' Understanding of Sustainability of Organic Food Products and its Effect on Quality Perception. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed]

Meshesha, J.G. (2011) Impact of contract farming on household income of smallholder farmers: the case of organic honey production in South West Ethiopia, Sheka Zone. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Metselaar, J. (2010) Tillage effects on soil organic matter preservation and weed suppression by Trifolium repens. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Metz, J. (2014) Personality traits and food choice motives : explaining the intention of choosing organic products in restaurants. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Meyer-Schwickerath, E. (2011) Increasing sustainable consumer behaviour: for reasons of desirability and feasibility? : the case of organic cotton. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Mikkola, Minna (2011) Social dynamics for sustainable food systems. Actors' orientations towards sustainability in primary production and public consumption. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Ruralia institute. Publications 21. University of Helsinki, Ruralia institute, Helsinki, Finland.

Mirko, Grilli; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2016) DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTIVE MODELS FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF GALA APPLES DURING DRYING. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished]

Mogensen, Lisbeth (2004) Organic milk production based entirely on home-grown feed. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) . .

Möhring, N.P. (2015) role of the natural hedge in organic farming – an adoption barrier? Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Munkholm, Lars J. (2002) Soil Fragmentation and Friability. Effects of Soil Water and Soil Management. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences.

Mursec, Mateja (2011) Agricultural practices impact on soil quality and health : case study of slovenian irrigated or organic orchards. [Influence de différentes pratiques agricoles sur la qualité et la santé des sols : étude de cas sur des vergers slovènes irrigués ou en agriculture biologique.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Mutlu, Nihan (2007) Consumer Attitude and Behaviour towards Organic Food: Cross-cultural study of Turkey and Germany. Thesis, University of Hohenheim , Institute for Agricultural Policy and Markets. . [Unpublished]

Najdek, Beata Ewa (2023) Can increased sensory quality drive a lower beef intake? The effect of grass-based feeding strategy on beef's sensory characteristics, consumer satisfaction, appetite, and sensory desires. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Food Science. Master thesis Aarhus University. .

Nauta, Wytze (2009) Selective Breeding in Organic Dairy Production. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instutuut; Wageningen UR . .

Ndukhu, Haggai Onyango (2015) Evaluating influence of organic amendments and legume integration on soil chemical properties and crop performance in Central Kenya. PhD thesis, University of Nairobi . . [Submitted]

Ndungu, Samuel Kiruku (2015) Economic analysis of smallholder organic vegetable production system in Kiambu and Kajiado counties of Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University . . [Submitted]

Neqal, Mehdi (2017) Smart polymeric materials by ring-opening metathesis polymerization. [Préparation de matériaux polymères submicroniques "intelligents" par ROMP.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Neuenschwander, Hanna (2023) No Broccoli without a head: A New Push-Pull-Disruption System to Control Swede Midge. Masters thesis, ETH Zürich, CH-Zürich and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . . [Submitted]

Nicolao, Alessandra (2018) Suckling of dairy calves by their dams: consequences on animal performances, behaviour and welfare. Masters thesis, ProYoungStock, Universita degli studi di Padova , Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente. . [Completed]

Niezabitowski, Patrick (2024) Assessment of four flowering plant mixtures - Studying their attractiveness to beneficial insects for pollination and biocontrol. Thesis, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, D-Kleve and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Bachelor Thesis. . [Submitted]

NIKOLIC, Jovan (2003) Overall study of compost water extract application through fertigation system in organic farming. [Etude sur l’application d’extrait liquide de compost à travers le système de fertigation en agriculture biologique.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 301. . [Unpublished]

Njastad, Kari Marie (2011) Metabolism of phytoestrogens in dairy cows - effect of botanical composition of silages. Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Animal and Aqualcultural Sciences. . [Submitted]

Njenga Gichure, Josphat (2012) Analysis of the Networks and Traceability Systems of Organic Kales Value Chains in Nairobi and its Environs, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi . . [Submitted]

Nkurunziza, Libère (2010) Phenology and Source-Sink Dynamics of Carbohydrates in Relation to Management of Perennial Weeds: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop and Tussilago farfara L. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Agriculture and Ecology. .

Nundu, Raya Joseph Amara (2016) Effects of organically managed tillage systems on soil quality, weed competitiveness, and winter triticale performance. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Nuutila, Jaakko (2016) THE FINNISH ORGANIC FOOD CHAIN Modelling towards 2020 goals with change and innovation. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Institute of Behavioural Sciences. University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, no. Studies in Educational Sciences 272. Unigrafia, Helsinki.

Nyandi, Muhoja Sylivester (2017) Efficacy of neem and netting in management of Tomato leafminer, Tuta Absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on tomato productivity among smallholder producers as compared to synthetic insecticides use in Morogoro, Tanzania. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of plant and environmental science (PLEN). . [Submitted]

Nykänen, Arja (2008) Nitrogen dynamics of organic farming in a crop rotation based on red clover (Trifolium pratense) leys. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 121. .


Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr (2010) Biogas and Bioethanol Production in Organic Farming. PhD thesis, Risø DTU . .

Omoleye, Oluwadamilola (2020) Assessment of food losses and waste and related greenhouse gas emissions along fresh apple value chain. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Energy and technology. , Uppsala.

Oudshoorn, F.W. (2009) Innovative technology and sustainable development of organic dairy farming : the case of automatic milking systems in Denmark. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished]

Özbilge, Zeynep (2006) Analysis of the Domestic Organic Product Market in Turkey in Comparison with the European Union Experience. Thesis, Marmara University, European Community Institute , European Union Economics. . [Unpublished]

OZTURK, Emel (2003) Socio-economic Impact of Organic Farming in Rural Turkey: the Case of Rapunzel Turkey Project. [Impact socio-économique de l'agriculture biologique dans le milieu rural en Turquie: Cas de projet Rapunzel Turkey.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 302. . [Unpublished]

Padel, Susanne (2002) Conversion to Organic Milk Production: the change process and farmers' information needs. Thesis, Univeristy of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Studies. . [Unpublished]

Palomba, Ivan (2016) Effects of C : N ratio in cut-and-carry green manure and nitrogen application rate in organic potato production. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Patoju, Sri Krishna Sudheer (2011) Economics of Organic Farming: A Study in Andhra Pradesh. PhD thesis, Andhra University , School of Economics. Thesis. . [Submitted]

Pedersen, Anders (2008) Modelling crop root development and nitrate uptake. PhD thesis, The Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agricultural Sciences. .

Peña-Espinoza, Miguel (2016) Anthelmintic activity of forage chicory (Cichorium intybus) and field efficacy of ivermectin against gastrointestinal nematodes in Danish cattle. PhD thesis, Technical University of Denmark , National Veterinary Institute. , Copenhagen, Denmark.

Pers Berglund, Anna (2016) Weed suppressive ability of crop mixtures. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Production Ecology. .

Pfiffner, Lukas (2004) Impact of different farming systems on epigeic beneficial arthropods and earthworm fauna in arable crops. Thesis, Universität Bern , Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät am Zoologischen Institut der Universität Bern. .

Pigou, Maxime (2018) Modeling the kinetic behaviour, mixing and local transfer pheonmena and biologicial population heterogeneity effects in industrial fermenters. [Modélisation du comportement cinétique, des phénomènes de mélange et de transfert locaux, et des effets d'hétérogénéité de population dans les fermenteurs industriels.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Pirhofer-Walzl, Karin (2011) Performance of multi-species grassland mixtures. Mineral accumulation, nitrogen transfer and nitrogen uptake. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. .

Plopeanu, Georgel-Cici (2022) The use of colored roots of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) in root studies in organic intercropping systems with white cabbage. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University.

Poirier, Caroline; Heller, Elizabeth Louise; Di Martino, Enrico and Alix, Sébastien (2006) The characterisation of the Danish e-business - Aarstiderne as an alternative food network: A case study. Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) of Copenhagen . University of Copenhagen.

Poldermans, Ralph (2022) Value propositions by organic specialty stores and customer response in the region of Utrecht. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Ponzio, Carlo (2011) On-farm research for efficient organic matter management in low-input farming systems. PhD thesis, Polythecnic University of the Marche Region, Faculty of Agriculture, Italy , SAPROV Department of Environmental Sciences and Crop Production. . [Completed]

Pöytäniemi, Pinja O. V. (2022) Communication for development: The case of promoting organic farming in northern Ghana. Bachelor's Degree Work thesis, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences , Life Sciences. . [Submitted]

Prause, Katharina (2016) Identifying the diversity of Alternative Food Networks: exploring consumer-producer relationships and consumer involvement practices : a multiple case study on AFN categorisation, its underlying dimensions and forms of consumer involvement in Oldenburg, Germany. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Preissel, S.R. (2011) Strategies and selection criteria for participatory cotton breeding in Uganda : a diagnostic study. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Puska, Petteri (2019) Organic is the new black - Sending and interpreting reputational signals in the context of organic food choices. PhD thesis. Acta Wasaensia, no. 415. University of Vaasa, Vaasa.

Qiao, Y. (2009) Developing selection criteria for breeding organic nitrogen-efficient potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties: root characteristics of potato crops under different levels of organic nitrogen treatments. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Quiedeville, Sylvain (2017) Evaluation ex-post des impacts de la recherche sur les innovations pour l’agriculture biologique : enjeux, méthodes, outils et instruments. [Ex-post assessment of impacts of research on innovations for organic farming : issues, methods, tools and instruments.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Quiédeville, Sylvain (2017) Ex-post assessment of impacts of research on innovations for organic farming : issues, methods, tools and instruments. PhD thesis, INRA; SupAgro; FiBL . .

Quinio, Maude (2014) Influence of tillage systems and organic amendments on weed dynamics in an organic potato system. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Radicetti, Emanuele (2012) ECOLOGICAL WEED MANAGEMENT. PhD thesis, University of Tuscia . .

Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena (2017) Risk factors for piglet mortality in Danish organic sow herds. [Risiko faktorer for pattegrise dødelighed i dansk økologisk svineproduktion.] PhD thesis, University of Aarhus, Denmark . . [Completed]

Rasa, Kimmo (2011) Physical properties of a boreal clay soil under differently managed perennial vegetation. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 17. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Rasmussen, Jim (2007) Below ground C and N transformation processes in perennial grass-clover mixtures. Thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agricultural Sciences. .

Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) Evolution of Organic Agriculture within Theoretical Frameworks of Structural Change and Transformation. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration. . [Completed]

Rasmussen, Martin Krøyer (2012) Regulation of Porcine Hepatic Cytochrome P450 by Chicory Root - Implication of Boar Taint. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. .

Raussi, Satu (2005) Group management of young dairy cattle in relation to animal behaviour and welfare. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 71. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Refsgaard, Ph. D. Karen (2001) Evaluation of sustainability in farm and wastewater systems – decision theoretical applications. [Vurdering av bærekraftighet i jordbruks- og avløpssystemer - beslutningsteoretiske tilnærmelser.] Thesis, Norges landbrukshøgskole. Now called "Norwegian University of Life sciences" , Institutt for økonomi og samfunnsfag. Now called Economics and Resource Management. Doctor Scientiarum theses 2001, no. 5. Agricultural University of Norway.

Reusch, Babette (2019) Analysis of changes and developments in the organic cereal seed market based on a statistical evaluation of the German national organic seed database organicXseeds. Masters thesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, FiBL . .

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2011) From environmental concerns towards sustainable food provisioning. Material flow and food consumption scenario studies on sustainability of agri-food systems. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 15. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Risthaus, J. (2015) Social exclusion and organic food consumption : framing organic consumption as pro-social behaviour. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Rodrigues Florence, Ana Carolina (2013) Physiological responses of bifidobacteria subjected to acid, cold and gastro-intestinal stress in organic and conventional milks. [Réponses physiologiques de bifidobactéries soumises aux stress acide, froid et gastro-intestinal en laits biologique et conventionnel.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Rokka, Susanna (2008) Bovine colostral antibodies and selected lactobacilli as means to control gastrointestinal infections. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 131. .

Rommel, Marlon (2019) Developping a Concept of the International Community Supported Agriculture in order to foster Sustainability in Global Food Systems. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg . . [Submitted]

Rutten, Annemieke (2022) Raspberry cane propagation : phenotype, leaf sap composition and disease susceptibility of organic and conventional raspberry canes. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Saarijärvi, Kirsi (2008) Nitrogen cycling on intensively managed boreal dairy pastures. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 134. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Sàbat, G.B. (2005) Comparing suckling and artificial milk systems for rearing organic beef cattle : case study at Droevendaal farm. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Saint-Guily, E. (2005) Organic cotton in Peru: why do farmers convert? : confronting agro-ecology principles with smallholders' reality. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Salamanca Fresno, Carlos (2015) Effects of different tillage practices on soil water and N dynamics of an organic potato production system. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

SALAME, Nadine (2004) Motivations towards farming in Lebanon: a comparison between organic and conventional farmers. [Les motivations des agriculteurs au Liban: une comparaison entre les agriculteurs conventionnels et biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 349. .

SALEM, Assem (2005) Biological control of Phytophthora nicotianae and organic media standardization in citrus nurseries. [La lutte biologique contre Phytophthora nicotianae et la standardisation des substrats biologiques dans les pépinières d’agrumes.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 401. . [Unpublished]

Sanchez de Cima, Diego (2016) Soil Properties affected by cover crops and fertilization in a crop rotation experiment. [Vahekultuuride ja väetamise mõju mulla omadustele külvikorrakatses.] EngD thesis, Eesti Maaülikool
(Estonian University of Life Sciences) . , Tartu.

Sanders, Jürn (2007) Economic Impact of Agricultural Liberalisation Policies on Organic Farming in Switzerland. EngD thesis, Aberystwyth University, Institute of Rural Sciences . .

Saoke, L.A. (2011) Organic farming in the kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Saria, A (2013) Weed Management and insects dynamics in selected organically produced vegetables in Usambara mountain valleys, Tanzania. Masters thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture . . [Submitted]

Schader, Christian (2009) Cost-effectiveness of organic farming for achieving environmental policy targets in Switzerland. PhD thesis, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Wales. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland . .

Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard (2018) Giving birth outdoors: Impact of thermal environment on sows parturition and piglet survival. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Sciences and stress biology. .

Schlittenlacher, Theresa (2022) Collection of empirical knowledge on the treatment of livestock with medicinal plants and natural substances in Bavaria. PhD thesis, Zentrum für Klinische Tiermedizin der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und FiBL Schweiz . . [Completed]

Schmidt, Franka (2012) The organic sector in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic: Comparison of economic aspects and potential development. Masters thesis, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen . . [Completed]

Schnaider, Paula (2016) Heterogeneity of plural forms : a revised transaction cost approach. [Hétérogénéité des formes plurielles : par les coûts de transaction révisée.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Scholl, Francisca (2017) Comparison between dual-purpose and specialized dairy cattle in pasture-based systems: change in body condition, locomotion score and cleanliness from summer to winter season. Masters thesis, Wageningen University , Behavioural Ecology Group. . [Completed]

Schulman, Nina (2007) Quantitative trait loci detection and benefits from marker-assisted selection in dairy cattle. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 109. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Scorzon, A. (2015) Implementation of organic principles and control system in European and national legal framework. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Seppänen, Laura (2004) Learning challenges in organic vegetable farming : an activity theoretical study of on-farm practices. Thesis, University of Helsinki . .

Serenius, Marjo (2006) Population structure of Pyrenophora teres, the causal agent of net blotch of barley. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 78. .

Serenius, Timo (2004) Genetics of sow efficiency in the Finnish landrace and large white populations. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 55. .

Serra, Alberto (2019) Assembling AFNs’ activities in Sheffield, UK. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Severine, Donasian (2016) Analysis of governance of global value chain for organic ginger export market from Same and Lushoto Districts in Tanzania. Masters thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture . . [Submitted]

SFEIR, Thérèse (2003) Quality control of reared parasitoids:preliminary study on the application of RAPD Molecular Marker technique to the model Opius concolor. [Control de qualité de parasites d’élevage: étude préliminaire sur l’application de la technique du marqueur moléculaire RAPD sur le modèle Opius concolor.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 298. . [Unpublished]

Shah, Pratik (2010) “Comparing economic and environmental sustainability of intensive and organic agricultural systems to support land use policy formulation aimed at reducing agrarian distress in Karnataka, India”. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research centre , Plant Production System. . [Submitted]

Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2021) Intercropping and improved fertilization to increase the productivity and sustainability of organic vegetable production systems – focus on crop growth, nitrogen use efficiency and soil fertility. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University, Aarhus. [Submitted]

Shechambo, Lillian (2018) Effects of organic mulch on yield and selected pests of organically grown tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). PhD thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania . .

Shirani Faradonbeh, Mohaddaseh (Sharon) (2020) Novel organic food processing regulations through interaction of SDGs and recommended healthy and sustainable dietary approaches for healthy and sustainable food systems. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, Department of Food and Agricultural Marketing, D-Witzenhausen . . [Submitted]

Shrestha, Luna (2015) Preparation of apple powder as a value added product. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed]

Siegerink, Maud (2020) Baking Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Grown Intercropped with Leguminous Crops. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut . . [Completed]

Silvia, Stellati; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) NEW DIPPING TREATMENTS TO CONTROL ENZYMATIC BROWNING OF APPLES DURING DRYING. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished]

Siraf, Clara (2023) No Broccoli without a Head: Evaluating UV Light Traps as Pull Mechanism for the Control of Contarinia nasturtii. Masters thesis, Wageningen University
FiBL . . [Submitted]

Skulskis, Virgilijus (2010) Modelling the Determinants of Organic Farming. PhD thesis, ISM University of Management and Economics, Kaunas, Lithuania . .

Sleiderink, Joost (2020) The role of the deep roots of perennial cereal kernza in a drying climate. Masters thesis, Wageningen University . .

Smale, R. (2014) Emerging eco-practices : the development and governance of sustainable consumption behavior in Ukraine. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Smit, Marit (2022) impact of nature-based food practices on people’s connectedness with nature according to foragers,small-scale organic growers, and green cooks. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Soeltoft, Malene (2010) Secondary metabolites in organic and conventional crops and diets, and their human bioavailability. PhD thesis, KU-Life and DTU-Food . .

Solgaard, Camilla (2011) Udder Health in Organic Dairy Herds in the US with a Strategy of Non-use of Antimicrobial Drugs - Evaluated on the basis of systematic clinical examinations, test day results, bulk tank milk samples, treatment protocols and interviews. Masters thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University . .

Sondh, Harpreet Singh (2018) Spatial effects of strip cropping on pest suppression and yield in a commercial complex organic cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]


Spoor, BSc Gijs (2002) Organic, fair and social: Cooperation between ethical standards systems in agriculture. Thesis, Wageningen University , Law and Public Administration. . [Unpublished]

Stadhouders, A. (2019) Natural and organic cosmetics : consumer willingness to purchase and willingness to pay for labels. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Stavridou, Eleftheria (2011) The effects of cropping systems on selenium and glucosinolate concentrations in vegetables. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Horticulture. Aarhus University, Aarslev, Denmark.

Stepanov, Riina (2007) Freshness in milk. Masters thesis, The University of Copenhagen , Faculty of Life Sciences. . [Completed]

Stolz, Hanna (2011) Attitudes and behaviour towards food attributes and organic food – a triangular methodological investigation of occasional organic consumers. PhD thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen . .

Svendsen, Gry Hougaard (2012) A quantitative method for detection of probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici in the intestine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry fed diets supplemented with Bactocell. Masters thesis, DTU , National Veterinary Institute. . [Completed]

Svendsen, Mads Rømer and Andersen, Jakob Wulff (2014) The Creation of BugBag. Redesign of Insect Trap for Biological Pest Control. Bachelor thesis, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet , Design & Innovation. . [Completed]

Szabolcs, Elek (2014) Evaluating the benefits and risks of organic raw milk cheese. Challenges in the production of organic cheeses mad from raw milk. Masters thesis, University of Hohenheim, Aarhus University . .

Šubrtová, Kristina (2016) Do priming and spillover effects given by the presence of a sustainable/organic brand affect consumers' preference and choice? : an eye tracking study. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

T. AL DAMRAT, Rasha (2005) The role of ectomychorrizal fungi in nitrogen acquisition in California oak woodlands. [Le rôle des champignons ectomycorhiziens dans l’acquisition de l’azote dans la chênaie en Californie.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 402. . [Unpublished]

Thapa, Sundar (2012) Ovicidal effect of microfungi on thick-shelled eggs of naimal-parasitic nematodes - an in vitro study. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed]

Thomsen, Rikke (2015) Management of organic entire male pigs - boar taint and animal welfare issues. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. .

Thorsøe, Martin H. (2014) Credibility of organics - knowledge, values and trust in Danish organic food networks. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. .

Thyrring, Jakob (2012) Ensuring water and food security in a developing Sub-Saharan Africa. Thesis, University of Aarhus . . [Completed]

Tiet, Tuyen Tong (2020) Individual incentive and pro-environmental behaviors : the role of networks. [Incitations individuelles et comportements pro-environnementaux : le rôle des réseaux.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Timler, Carl (2011) Analysis and (Re)Design of the farm Annapurna, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research , Organic Farming Systems Group. . [Completed]

To, The Nguyen (2015) Economic analysis of farmers' decisions : application to the vietnam's tea production. [Analyse économique des décisions des agriculteurs : applications à la production de thé au Vietnam.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Tolonen, Marja (2004) The formation and antimicrobial activity of nisin and plant derived bioactive components in lactic acid bacteria fermentations. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 43. .

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2010) Effect of outdoor production, slurry management and buffer zones on phosphorus and nitrogen runoff losses from Finnish cattle farms. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 7. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Uusitalo, Risto (2004) Potential bioavailability of particulate phosphorus in runoff from arable clayey soils. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 53. .

V, Alex Albert and V, Krishnasamy (2004) Evaluation of Organic Source of Nutrients on Growth and Yield Parameters of Tomato. Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, INDIA. , Department of Seed Science and Technology. . [Unpublished]

Valkonen, Eija (2010) Egg production in furnished cages. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 12. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

van de Goor, Stijn (2016) Improvement of calculation methods for net grassland production under different grassland utilization systems. Masters thesis, University of Wageningen , Farming Systems Ecology Group Droevendaalsesteeg 1 – 6708 PB Wageningen - The Netherlands. . [Completed]

Vaquié, Agathe (2019) Intra- and intercrop diversification in cereal cropping and effect on pest control. [Diversité intra- et interspécifique dans les systèmes céréaliers et ses effets sur la régulation des ravageurs.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Veenhoven, M. (2019) Exploring farm development strategies : a study on organic farming strategies of farmers located in the North island of New Zealand. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Vertooren, Judith (2006) The performance of heifers reared in a suckling system. Thesis, Wageningen UR , Biological Farming Systems Group. .

Vetouli, Theofano-Elissavet (2008) Animal welfare approaches and the concept of naturalness in organic dairy calf management. Masters thesis, University of Hohenheim , Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics. .

Vian, Jean-François (2009) Comparison of different tillage systems in organic farming : effect of soil structure and organic matter repartition on soil micro-organisms and their activities of carbon and nitrogen mineralization. [Comparaison de différentes techniques de travail du sol en agriculture biologique: effet de la structure et de la localisation des résidus sur les microorganismes du sol et leurs activités de minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished]

Vila Camps, Luis (2005) Improvement of organic pig production with homeopathic and phytotherapeutic prophylaxis and herd health management - Revision of Organic Pig Production and experiences of improvements of post weaning colibacillosis under field conditions. Thesis, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick and Enginyeria Tecnica Agricola en Explotacions Agropecuaries, E-Barcelona . , Frick.

Voigts, Clemens (2015) On-farm meat processing of beef with canned meat production on Farm Krumhuk, Namibia. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed]

Vollmer, Jeanette Hyldal (2006) Interactions between fungal plant pathogens on leaves. Especially simultaneous development of Rhynchosporium secalis and Drechslera teres on barley. PhD thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University; Risø National Laboratory; Danish Institute of Agricultural Science . Risø National Laboratory.

Wacker, Tomke Susanne (2017) Competitive Nitrogen Uptake of Creeping Thistle (C. arvense) and Spring Barley from different soil depths. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. .

WEHBE, Elias (2005) Effect of annual self-reseeding legumes on subsequent crops (particularly durum wheat) into a long-term rotation program under organic farming. [Effet des légumineuses annuelles à ressemis sur les cultures successives (particulièrement,le blé dur) dans un programme de rotation à long terme en agriculture biologique.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 403. . [Unpublished]

Weller, Maren (2015) Beetles, roots and yields: exploring the edge effects of agro-ecosystem diversity on three different scales. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Wietheger, L. (2005) Organic coffee, better life? : impacts of the development programme EPOPA on peasants'livelihoods in Kagera/Tanzania. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Wille, Lukas (2020) The root rot complex of pea - Screening for resistance and quantification of microbial key players in the rhizosphere. PhD thesis, ETH Zurich . .

Williges, Ute (2005) Ökologischer Landbau in Sri Lanka - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Tee-Anbausystemen (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). [Status of organic agriculture in Sri Lanka with special emphasis on tea production systems (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze).] Thesis, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung II (Institute for Agronomy and Plant Breeding II), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany . .

Wilson, Wilson Charles (2017) Comparative evaluation of the behaviour of Holstein-Friesian and Jersey cows under European pasture-based management systems. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research , Farming Systems Ecology (FSE). https://edepot.wur.nl/477481, Wageningen.

Wingren, Josefin (2018) Management practices’ effect on milk production, somatic cell count and mastitis in Swedish organic dairy farms. Masters thesis, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics and Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences . MSc thesis. .

Wolde, T.G. (2011) role of variation in nitrogen and water uptake on the performance of lettuce genotypes under organic field conditions. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Wynen, Els (1989) Sustainable and Conventional Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of Australian Cereal-Livestock Farming. PhD thesis, La Trobe University , Department of Economics. , Bundoora, Victoria, Australia. [Completed]

Xie, Shuang (2015) Natural enemy abundance and pest density at difference scales of crop diversification. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Yang, Zewen (2015) Performance of two potato planting structures within a diverse cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Ylivainio, Kari (2009) Environmentally benign Fe chelates in plant nutrition. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 5. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Zandbergen, Jelmer (2016) Introducing poultry in orchards to restore ecological relationships in agricultural production systems. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Zavrashvili, N. (2013) Influence of consumer’s standing point on final product choice. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Zhang, Yaoyun (2019) Effects of strip diversification on crop performance in strip cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Zhou, M. (2011) Understanding the adoption of organic farming in Zaolinwan Village, China. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

Zhu, Feng (2017) Formalizing and simulating spatial biophysical processes for participatory integrated assessment of agricultural systems in the Camargue Delta, Southern France. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]

ZIANE, Mrs Djamila (2002) Setting up a control and certification system for organic farming in developing countries: the case of Algeria. [Mise au point d’un système de contrôle et de certification en agriculture biologique dans les pays en voie de développement: le cas de l’Algérie.] Thesis, IAMB - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari . Tesi Master of Science, no. 272. . [Unpublished]

Znaïdi, Akram (2001) Sheep and goat organic meat production in the mediterranean region. Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. DSPU thesis in Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. .

Znaor, Darko (2008) Environmental and economic consequences of large-scale conversion to organic farming in Croatia. PhD thesis, University of Essex, UK , Department of Biological Sciences. .

Zschocke, Arnd (2008) Bolivia's local organic market and how it might be affected by the new national organic legislation 3525/06. Masters thesis, University of Kassel , Department of Development Economics, Migration and Agricultural Policy. . [Unpublished]

Zürcher, Stephanie (2023) Wild bee fauna in apple orchards: effects of managed bee populations and surrounding landscape. Masters thesis, University of Fribourg, CH-Freiburg and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . . [Submitted]

Østergaard, U.B.; Bennedsgaard, T.W. and Klaas, Ilka (2011) Comparison of two strategies for the treatment of retained fetal membranes in dairy cows: Manual removal and administration of local intrauterine antibiotics versus nonremoval and no antibiotics. Masters thesis, Aarhus University; department of Animal Sciences . . [Completed]

Organization description

{Organization} DARCOF, the Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming.

{Organization} International Research Association for Organic Food Quality and Health (FQH).

{Organization} International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR) Internationale Gesellschaft der Forschung im Ökologischen Landbau (ISOFAR) Societé Internationale de la Recherche en Agriculture Biologique (ISOFAR).

{Organization} MTT Agrifood Research Finland / Environmental Research / Ecological Production.

{Organization} Cultivating the Future Based on Science = 2nd ISOFAR Conference in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress. Runs 2008 - 2008. Organization Leader(s): Neuhoff, Daniel.

Project description

{Project} SusOrganic - Development of quality standards and optimised processing methods for organic produce. Runs 2015 - 2017. Project Leader(s): Sturm, Dr. Barbara; Bantle, Dr. Michael; Esper, Dr. Albert; Gebresenbet, Dr. Grima; Badulescu, Dr. Liliana; Pittia, Dr. Paola and Massantini, Dr. Riccardo.

{Project} CORE Organic: Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming (CORE Organic). Runs 2004 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Kristensen, Dr. Erik Steen, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF) .

{Project} Research to support revision of the EU Regulation on organic agriculture (Organic Revision). Runs 2004 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Kristensen, Erik Steen and Jespersen, Lizzie Melby.

{Project} Ecofruit: International Conference on Cultivation Technique and Phytopathological Problems in Organic Fruit-Growing. [Internationale Wissenschaftstagung zum ökologischen Obstbau.] Runs 1995 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V., Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Wein- und Obstbau and Eugrof, (European Group of Researchers on Organic Fruit-Growing).

{Project} EISfOM: European Information System for Organic Markets. Runs 2003 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Lampkin, Nicolas, University of Wales .

{Project} EU-CEEOFP: Further Development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe with Particular Emphasis on EU Enlargement. Runs 2003 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Stolze, Mathias, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick ; UWA, UK-Aberystwyth .

{Project} Sustaining Animal Health and Food Safety in Organic Farming (SAFO). Runs 2003 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Vaarst, Dr. Mette, Danish Institute for Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) / Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF) .

{Project} NAHWOA; Network for Animal Health and Welfare in Organic Agriculture. .

{Project} Coordination and synergy – increasing the width and depth of research in organic farming (SYNERGY). Runs 2000 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Kristensen, Erik Steen, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming (DARCOF) .

{Project} Organic & agroecological cases in AgriSpin project: an overview. Runs 2015 - 2017. Project Leader(s): Hundrup Rasmussen, Ms Heidi.

{Project} SIGMEA: SIGMEA: Sustainable introduction of GM crops into European Agriculture. [Nachhaltige Einführung von GV-Nutzpflanzen in die Europäische Landwirtschaft.] Runs 2004 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Stolze, Matthias, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .

{Project} Sustainable organic vegetable systems network. Runs 2003 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Unspecified, Henry Doubleday Research Association .

{Project} Organic Rules Database: to support revision of the EU Regulation on organic agriculture. .

{Project} TILMAN-ORG: Reduced tillage and green manures for sustainable organic cropping systems. Runs 2011 - 2014. Project Leader(s): Mäder, Dr. Paul , Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) .

{Project} POWER: Power to strengthen welfare and resilience in organic pig production. Runs 2018 - 2021. Project Leader(s): Kongsted, Anne Grete.

{Project} BIO-INCROP PROJECT. Runs 2012 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Manici , dr. L.M., Consiglio Nazionale per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura .

{Project} ITADA 2: Vermarktung von nach besonderen Richtlinien erzeugten landwirtschaftlichen Produkten aus dem Oberrhheingebiet. [Marketing of agricultural products in the Souther Upper Rhine Area produced according to special standards.] Runs 1996 - 1999. Project Leader(s): Richter, Toralf, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL .

{Project} Harmonised and Standardised procedures for evaluation of plant protection products, fertilizers and soil conditioners for use in organic agriculture (Organic Inputs). , Reseacrh Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) .

{Project} EU-CEEOFP: Further development of Organic Farming Policy in Europe, with Particular Emphasis on EU Enlargement (EU-CEEOFP). Runs 2003 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Stolze, Matthias, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) .

{Project} PrOven WElfare & Resilience in organic pig production. Runs 2018 - 2021. Project Leader(s): Kongsted, Anne Grete.

Research facility description

{Facility} Entwicklung ökologischer Regionalsorten bei Ackerbohnen. [Development of region-specific organic cultivars in faba bean.] Facility Leader(s): Link, Prof. Dr- Wolfgang, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung Universität Göttingen .

Data set

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Ferrari, Barbara; Nazzicari, Nelson and Pecetti, L. (2021) White lupin phenotypic data. .

Bantle, Michael (2017) Thermal properties examples. SINTEF, Norway .

Cabell, Joshua; Eich-Greatorex, Susanne; Ion, Violeta Alexandra; Krogstad, Tore; Matsia, Sevasti; Perikli, Maria; Salifoglou, Athanasios and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2024) Suitability of residues from seaweed and fish processing for composting and as fertilizer. .

Carillo-Reche, Javier; Le Noc, Titouan and Whestoek, Annet (2021) Cabbage intercropping in literature. .

De Notaris, Chiara; Jensen, Johannes L.; Olesen, Jørgen E.; da Silva, Tiago Stumpf; Rasmussen, Jim; Panagea, Ioanna and Rubæk, Gitte H. (2021) Long-term soil quality effects of soil and crop management in organic and conventional arable cropping systems. .

Everaerts, Vicky (2023) Chemical characterization of must, base wine and finished sparkling wine made from piwi-varieties. .

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2020) Agronomic evaluation tables for broccoli, tomato, and beans used in the BRESOV project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Home, Robert (2019) Bettergardens Subproject A. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Switzerland .

Lynge, Mariane; Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg; Grevsen, Kai and Sørensen, Jørn Nygaard (2022) Data set to Lynge, Kristensen, Grevsen and Sorensen (2022) Production strategies for obtaining high fertilizer value of plant-based fertilizers. Aarhus Univerisity.

Nazzicari, Nelson and Annicchiarico, Paolo (2021) White lupin genotypic data. .

Protonotarios, Vassilios; Palavitsinis, Nikos and Manouselis, Nikos (2011) Organic.Edunet Web Portal: User Satisfaction Analysis. .

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Moakes, Simon; Leiber, Florian and Pfeifer, Catherine (2020) Beef database for prediction of main environmental challenges to resilience and efficiency in cattle production systems at regional resolution (Version V1.0). .

Quiédeville, Sylvain; Moakes, Simon; Leiber, Florian and Pfeifer, Catherine (2020) Dairy database for prediction of main environmental challenges to resilience and efficiency in cattle production systems at regional resolution (Version V1.0). .

Rittl, T.; Thiébeau, P.; Recous, S.; Rees, R.; Abalos, D.; Ahuja, I.; Smith, K.E.; Topp, C. F. E.; Ernfors, M.; Bleken, M. A.; Thorman, R. E.; Pappa, V. and Hansen, S. (2021) Secondary data of N2O emissions associated with the return of crop residues from field studies. .

Rittl, Tatiana; Boer, Anne de; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) Replication data for: Anaerobic digestion of animal manure – long-term effects on crop yields and soil characteristics. Norwegian Centre of Organic Agriculture (NORSØK) .

Rotchés-Ribalta, Roser; Sans, Xavier and Mäder, Paul (2020) Dataset containing data used in the study “Long-term farming systems and last crop sown shape the species and functional composition of the arable weed seedbank”. .

Vanwindekens, Frederic and Moerman, Marie (2019) Mix-Enable database. Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, Gembloux, Belgium.

Werne, Steffen (2021) First year data obtained in experiments in 4.1 and 4.2 delivered for modelling. FiBL , Department of animal sciences.

Teaching resource

Vitalis Organic Seeds (2016) Creating an organic world. Vitalis Organic Seeds, Voorst, NL.

Vitalis biologische zaden (2016) Creating an organic world. Vitalis biologische zaden, Voorst, NL.

Eosta (2016) Opportunities for organic greenhouse vegetables. Eosta, Waddinxveen, NL.

Bartels, J. (2007) Consumer-company-identification and consumer innovativeness : MAPP workshop on consumer behaviour and food marketing, May 8-9, 2007, Middelfart, Denmark. LEI Wageningen UR, Den Haag, NL.

Bautze, David and Dietemann, Lauren (2022) Ecological approach to soil fertility and health in the Tropics. FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland.

Bautze, David; Dietemann, Lauren and Huber, Beate (2022) Ecological approach to organic farming in the Tropics. FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
https://www.fibl.org/ .

Bautze, David; Dietemann, Lauren and Singh, Akanksha (2022) Ecological approach to pest and disease management in the Tropics. FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
https://www.fibl.org/ .

Beaugendre, Amaury; Godin, Bruno; Mingeot, Dominique and Visser, Marjolein (2022) Baking quality of wheat organic heterogeneous material and variety mixtures: much more than flour blends. 20th ICC Conference 2022, Vienna, Austria.

Berg, I. Van Den and Bartels, J. (2008) Consumer perceptions of fresh fruit and vegetables and the added value of antioxidants; differences between non, ligth and heavy organic food users, Monterey, June 14th 2008. LEI Wageningen UR, Den Haag, NL.

Bestman, Monique (2019) Health and welfare in organic egg production. .

Blok, C. (2013) Are growing media a must in organic greenhouse production? Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Wageningen, NL.

Borgen, Anders (2023) Unlocking the resistance to common bunt. Wheat Initiative.

Borgen, Anders (2023) Access to seed diversity in Scandinavia. .

Borgen, Anders (2023) Organic plant breeding. , Kalø Økologiske Landbrugsskole.

Borgen, Anders (2022) Implementing EU seed legislation co-herent with UNDROP in Denmark -the Landsorten example. .

Borgen, Anders (2022) Organic Heterogeneous Material. , Heterogenous seed materials webinar.

Borgen, Anders (2022) Phenotyping for bunt resistance. Workshop on genetic markers for bunt resistance Mariager, DK, 18th July 2022.

Borgen, Anders (2022) Organic plant breeding and seed production. European Consortium for Organic Plant Breeding, ECO-PB Young Breeders Network Florence, Italy, 2nd – 3rd June 2022.

Borgen, Anders (2022) Landsorten - a seed system for improved crop diversity. , GrainLab, Nottingham, 30th April-1st May -2022.

Borgen, Anders (2022) Germination inhibiters and zonulin - keys to understanding the impact of wheat on human health. , GrainLab, Nottingham, 30th April-1st May -2022.

Borgen, Anders (2022) Landsorten and the BOOST project. , Webinar “Ongoing Nordic projects - heritage cereals” 5th April, 2022.

Bosona, Techane and Gebresenbet, Girma (2018) Modul 1: Organic products/Biolebensmittel/ Prodotti alimentari biologici. .

Chable, Véronique (2020) Participatory research for organic agriculture: the case of Brassica plant breeding in Brittany. .

Chable, Véronique (2020) Seed Diversity and Participatory Research for Organic Farming. .

Claussen, Ingrid C. and Bantle, Michael (2018) Module 7.1 Superchilling- General aspects/Superchilling-Verfahren - Generelle Aspekte und Potential der Technologie/Superchilling: Aspetti generali e potenziale della tecnologia. [Module 7.1 Superchilling- General aspects.] SINTEF Energi AS + Thermal energy, Trondheim, Norway .

Cooper, Julia (2014) The need to recycle societal P in organic farming systems. .

Crittenden, S.J.; Eswaramurthy, T.; Goede, R.G.M. De; Brussaard, L. and Pulleman, M.M. (2012) Effect of tillage on earthworms over short- and medium-term in conventional and organic farming. Wageningen University, Department of Soil Quality, Wageningen, NL.

D'Yvoire, Caroline; WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Świergiel, Weronika; Sigsgaard, Lene and Porcel, Mario (2016) Booklet of simplified methods for the monitoring of functional biodiversity in organic orchards. , http://ebionetwork.julius-kuehn.de/.

Deleuran, Lise C. (2016) Organic seed regulation. .

Dietemann, Lauren and Kadzere, Irene (2022) SysCom and ProEcoAfrica/OFSA projects (Project brief). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture - FiBL.

Dietemann, Lauren; Kadzere, Irene and Rüegg, Johanna (2022) Productivity on ecological organic farms in the tropics. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Switzerland.

Dietemann, Lauren; Kadzere, Irene and Singh, Akanksha (2022) Profitability on ecological organic farms in the Tropics. FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture.

Dietemann, Lauren; Rüegg, Johanna and Kanner, Elsa (2022) Biodiversity and climate change adaptation on ecological organic farms in the Tropics. FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
https://www.fibl.org/ .

Dinu, M.M.; Bloemhard, C.M.J.; Holstein-Saj, R. Van and Messelink, G.J. (2016) Exploring opportunities to induce epizootics in greenhouse aphid populations. Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, NL.

Ferri, Serena; Moscetti, Roberto; Raponi, Flavio and Massantini, Riccardo (2018) Module 6.2 Organic vegetable processing (2)/Ökologische Gemüseverarbeitung (2)/Processo degli ortofrutticoli biologici (2). .

Fog, Erik (2016) Production and use of legumes in Denmark – challenges and prospects.�Can changed use of legumes promote a more�sustainable / more organic agriculture? .

Gamper Cardinali, Carlo (2023) Evaluation of seed treatments for the control of bean diseases (Bresov project). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Graeub, Benjamin; Dietemann, Lauren; Nicolay, Gian L.; Bautze, David and Huber, Beate (2023) Advancing ecological organic agriculture in Africa (Policy brief). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture - FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Haan, J. De and Sukkel, W. (2008) New vegetable production systems in the Netherlands. Applied Plant Research, Wageningen, NL, , UR.

Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik (2007) Biomass and bioenergy in organic farming systems - The BioConcens project. Risø National Laboratory for Sustainable Energy, Technical University of Denmark , Biosystems, SOAR course "Research and Publication Biases" at Risø DTU.

Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2021) Sustainable greenhouse production. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Jaeger, Maria (2016) Trait Atlas: Guidelines for standardized measurements of fertility-, health- and milk records. University of Kassel, Department of Animal Breeding, Germany-Witzenhausen .

Jensen, Martin (2012) Antibacterial effect of herbs and berries against Salmonella, Listeria and E. coli. Aarhus University .

Kadzere, Irene; Adamtey, Noah; Bautze, David; Holinger, Mirjam; Maurer, Veronika; Heckendorn, Felix; Richter, Toralf; Ssebunya, Brian; Weidmann, Gilles; Nicolay, Gian; Fliessbach, Andreas; Zeiss, Stefanie; Escobar Zavala, Wendy; Thadzi, Andrew; Kananji, Shaibu and Ching'amba, Mike (2020) Establishing and Managing Organic Farming Demonstrations - A User’s Guide developed for the Organic Agriculture Working Group of the GIZ-GIAE Programme. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) .

Kadzere, Irene; Ssebunya, Brian; van den Berge, Paul and Weidmann, Gilles (2023) Organic Cabbage Production - A Resource Manual for Trainers in Africa. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Kadzere, Irene; Ssebunya, Brian; van den Berge, Paul and Weidmann, Gilles (2023) Organic Vegetable Production - Basic Principles and Methods - A Resource Manual for Trainers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Kopp, Christian and Bantle, Michael (2018) Module 4.4 Smart Drying/Möglichkeiten zur Überwachung der Produktqualität und Anpassung der Trocknungsbedingungen /Monitorare la qualità di un prodotto durante la disidratazione. [Module 4.4 Smart Drying.] SINTEF Energi AS + Thermal energy, Trondheim, Norway .

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2022) Organic Plant Protein. Aarhus University , Food Science.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Agro-Environmental Management 2019: Nutrient cycling and Environmental Management, Experimental exercises at Årslev Research Centre. AU-FOOD .

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Programme 3.-4. October 2019 Crop Nutrition and Physiology course. AU-FOOD .

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2017) Agro-Environmental Management, Nutrient cycling and Environmental Management Experimental exercises at Årslev Research Centre 26.-27. Sept. 2017. Aarhus University , FOOD.

Kulig, Boris (2018) Help Manual – Google Drive Data Exchange – 2-Org-Cows Project. Universität Kassel, Institut für Agrartechnik, D-Witzenhausen .

Kulig, Boris (2016) Database guideline. Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Agrartechnik, D-Witzenhausen .

Lammerts Van Bueren, E.T. (2008) Examples of breeding research for organic farming in the Netherlands. Plant Research International, Wageningen , NL.

Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T.; Almekinders, Conny; Chable, Veronique; Bocci, Riccardo; Messmer, Monika; Weltzien, Eva; Rattunde, Fred and van de Vijver, Claudius (2020) Postgraduate course (‘Train-the trainers’) - Participatory Plant Breeding & Resilient Seed Systems: Options for Stakeholder Engagement and Benefit Sharing. .

Ligita, Melece (2012) Local Food Systems and Sustainability of Agriculture and Rural Areas. .

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) Circular handling of nutrients and risk for accumulation of heavy metals in urban farm soil. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) WP 5: Soil research in Organic-PLUS. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) Marine-derived fertilisers; a new fertiliser product. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2022) FertiCycle 2nd Winter-school: Nutrient cycling and environmental and agronomic impacts - Sustainability of upcycled BBF production and use. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2021) Soil & Nutrients. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2021) Benefits and challenges of marine-derived fertilisers. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), RELACS Webinar series March 2021-April 2021: Organic contaminants in recycled fertilizers and their fate in soil-plant systems: Knowledge gathering and discussion with organic stakeholders..

Løes, Anne-Kristin and Blomstrand, Berit Marie (2022) Alternativer til uønskede innsatsfaktorer i økologisk landbruk: Resultater fra Organic-PLUS. [Alternatives to contentious inputs in organic farming: results form Organic-PLUS.] Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Løes, Anne-Kristin (2019) The role of organic farming in sustainable agricultural production. Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture (NORSØK), Tingvoll, Norway.

Messelink, G. (2016) Pest management in organic greenhouse horticulture. Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Wageningen, NL.

Messmer, Monika and Arncken, Christine (2014) Organic and Participatory Plant Breeding. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Mikkola, Minna (2009) Cultural sustainability of Finnish food system: Young consumers' approach. University of Helsinki, Ruralia Institute, http://www.helsinki.fi/ruralia/julkaisut/pdf/ESRS_Minna_Mikkola.pdf.

Moscetti, Roberto; Ferri, Serena; Raponi, Flavio and Massantini, Riccardo (2018) Module 6.1 Organic vegetable processing (1)/Ökologische Gemüseverarbeitung (1)/Processo degli ortofrutticoli biologici (1). .

Moscetti, Roberto; Raponi, Flavio; Ferri, Serena and Massantini, Riccardo (2018) Module 4.1 Drying - general aspects/Allgemeine Aspekte der Lebensmitteltrocknung/Aspetti generali della disidratazione. .

Nolan, Stephen (2015) A Guide to White Clover. Teagasc, Athenry.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2020) Organic farming as a climate solution? [Er økologisk jordbrug en klimavenlig løsning?] Aarhus University.

Oosterkamp, E.; Grip, K. De and Hoste, R. (2013) Export opportunities on the French organic market. LEI Wageningen UR, Den Haag, NL.

Ponzio, Carlo (2011) From conventional to organic farming: aspects to consider. .

Priori, S. and D'Avino, L. (2018) Guideline for soil restoration techniques in vineyards. CREA .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2019) Presentation of Organic Eprints. .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Fact sheets for editors in Organic Eprints. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS).

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Presentation of Organic Eprints. ICROFS .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Organic Eprints - training for National Editors. ICROFS .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Organic Eprints - meeting for National Editors. ICROFS .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2013) User guide for Organic Eprints in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and Turkish. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS).

Rittl, Tatiana (2020) Biochar projects at NORSØK. NORSØK , Teams.

Santucci, Fabio M. (2011) Farm management issues in organic agriculture. DSEEA - Section of Economics and Appraisal, Italy.

Santucci, Fabio M. (2011) Marketing issues in organic agriculture. DSEEA - Section of Economics and Appraisal, Perugia.

Schelt, J. Van (2016) Obstacles and solutions in pest management in organic greenhouse horticulture in practice nowadays. Koppert biological systems, NL.

Ssebunya, Brian; Kadzere, Irene; Speiser, Bernhard and Weidmann, Gilles (2023) Pest and Disease Management in Selected Organic Crops - A Resource Manual for Trainers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Sukkel, W. (2010) Demand driven research in Dutch organic food chains. Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2009) Design of farming systems : transition to sustainable agriculture. Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2009) Research on organic agriculture in the Netherlands. Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2009) Research on organic agriculture in the Netherlands. Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2005) Innovation of farming systems. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2004) Ecological crop protection in organic farming systems. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2004) Good agricultural practice in organic farming. Applied Plant Research, Lelystad, NL.

Sukkel, W. (2003) Why choosing for organic farming?, 2 October 2003. Applied Plant Research, Wageningen UR, Wageningen, NL.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2020) Organic food and climate. [Økologiske fødevarer og klima.] Copenhagen University , Dept. of Plant and Environmental Science.

Tittonell, P.A. (2013) Farming systems ecology : towards ecological intensification of world agriculture. Wageningen Universiteit, Wageningen, NL.

Vaarst, Mette and Nalunga, Jane (2016) Agro-ecological system analysis (AESA) and farm planning. NOGAMU, Uganda, Kampala, Uganda.

Voogt, W.; Janse, J. and Winkel, A. Van (2012) Fertilisation and water management in organic greenhouse horticulture : current situation in the Netherlands. Wageningen UR Glastuinbouw, Bleiswijk, NL.

Voogt, W.; Visser, P. De; Burgt, G.J. Van Der and Marcelis, L. (2009) Organic greenhouse production, challenge of sustainable management of the root environment. Wageningen UR Greenhouse Horticulture, Wageningen, NL.

Practice tool

{Tool} The new generation of cabernet: How to cross-pollinate a resistant grape vine. [Die neue Cabernet-Generation: Wie man eine resistente Weinrebe fremdbestäubt.] Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2022)

{Tool} Croprotect (App). Issuing Organisation(s): RES - Rothamsted Research. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2015)

{Tool} Bringing the dirt to your doorstep: organic no-till weed management. Issuing Organisation(s): Rodale Institute. https://orgprints.org/view/projects/eu-oknetarable.html. (2014)

{Tool} Cover crop and living mulch toolbox. Issuing Organisation(s): TUM - Technical University of Munich. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014)

{Tool} Green manure and cover crops in organic agriculture: general introduction. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2012)

{Tool} Green manure and cover crops in organic agriculture: guide to the choice of the species. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2012)

{Tool} Mechanical weeding in arable crops. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2012)

{Tool} ROTOR: organic crop rotation planner. Issuing Organisation(s): ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. (2007)

{Tool} Soil quality test kit guide. Issuing Organisation(s): USDA - United States Department of Agriculture. (2001)

{Tool} Design guide for on-farm demonstrations. [Guide de conception pour les démonstrations à la ferme.] Creator(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles; ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries an; JHI - James Hutton Institute and BioSens Institut. Issuing Organisation(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles, ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, JHI - James Hutton Institute, BioSens Institut. (2022)

{Tool} Design guide for virtual demonstrations. [Guide de conception pour les démonstrations virtuelles.] Creator(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles; ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries an; JHI - James Hutton Institute and BioSens Institut. Issuing Organisation(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles, ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, JHI - James Hutton Institute, BioSens Institut. (2022)

{Tool} Bamboo and deadwood: Get them out! Preventive measures to reduce codling moth in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 012. (2023)

{Tool} Beneficial nematodes against codling moth in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 011. (2023)

{Tool} How to control Adoxophyes orana in organic apple production: decision making, mating disruption and direct control measures (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 022. (2023)

{Tool} Importance of robust varieties for sustainable organic pome fruit growing in the future (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 037. (2023)

{Tool} Mating Disruption: Key element of a successful building block strategy against Cydia pomonella in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 009. (2023)

{Tool} Recycling sprayers in pome fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 065. (2023)

{Tool} Use of Carpovirusine products against codling moth in organic fruit cultivation to prevent resistance (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 013. (2023)

{Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Preventive measures in organic pome fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 003. (2022)

{Tool} Control of pear leaf blister moth in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 052. (2022)

{Tool} Enhancing biodiversity with "Anchor plants" in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 035. (2022)

{Tool} Hedges as a valuable component of biodiversity enhancement in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 029. (2022)

{Tool} Insect boxes in organic orchards: Caution on ready-to-use solutions! (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 032. (2022)

{Tool} Integration of high-perennial fringes along edge structures in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 028. (2022)

{Tool} Preventive and indirect measures to regulate woolly apple aphid in organic orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 051. (2022)

{Tool} Regulation of black rot (Diplodia seriata) in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 064. (2022)

{Tool} Regulation of sawflies in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2022)

{Tool} Rosy apple aphid: Direct control with Neem in organic orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 018. (2022)

{Tool} Rosy apple aphid: Promote natural antagonists against the rosy apple aphid (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 020. (2022)

{Tool} Establishing summer cover crops before winter cereals in low tillage systems on sandy soils (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Anbau von Sommerdeckfrüchten vor Wintergetreide bei geringer Bodenbearbeitung auf sandigen Böden (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Ahnemann, Hauke and Meyer, Hendrik. Issuing Organisation(s): Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen. (2022)

{Tool} Single-phase feeding and compensatory growth in growing and finishing pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Åkerfeldt, Magdalena. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 024. (2020)

{Tool} High-grass grazing or mob grazing: Adapting pasture management to the consequences of climate change. [Hochgrasbeweidung oder Mob grazing: Weidebewirtschaftung an die Folgen des Klimawandels anpassen.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024)

{Tool} Catching the European apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea) with adhesive tape (Biofruitnet Video). Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Mechanical weed control in fruit growing - BIOFRUITNET machine demonstration. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} New ways in organic fruit growing: intelligent covers and Guyot training system for apple (Biofruitnet Video). [Neue Wege im Bio-Obstbau: Intelligente Abdeckungen und Guyot-Erziehungssystem bei Apfel (Biofruitnet Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Organic plant-protection: Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid (Biofruitnet Video). [Bio-Pflanzenschutz: Direkte Regulierung der Schwarzen Kirschenblattlaus (Myzus cerasi).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Regulating Monilinia laxa in organic apricots (Biofruitnet Video). [Réguler Monilinia laxa dans les abricots bio (Biofruitnet Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Mobile milking robot and pasture management on the Trévarez organic experimental farm. [Robot de traite mobile et pâturage à la ferme expérimentale biologique de Trévarez.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Low-cost organic milk production: Once a day milking - Crossbreeding - Calf rearing with nurses. [Production de lait bio à faible coût: monotraite, croisement de races, élevage des veaux sous nurses.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Pasture management - Intensive rotational grazing with the Pitt Käch family in Switzerland. [Weidemanagement: Intensive Umtriebsweide auf dem Betrieb von Susanne und Joss Pitt Käch Gampelen/BE.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} The new sickle hoe developed by Dieter Leibing - An alternative to the common hoeing devices? [Sichelhacke entwickelt und vorgestellt von Dieter Leibing an den Oekofeldtagen 2019 in Kassel.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} ANATIS the new weeding robot from Carré. [ANATIS de Carré: Robot de désherbage - Jätroboter - weeding robot (with subtitles).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} Planting vegetable seedlings mechanically in a mulch cover with the Mulchtec-Planter. [Gemüsesetzlinge maschinell in Mulchschicht pflanzen mit dem Mulchtec Planter (Johannes Storch).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} Precision livestock farming: Lely - Isagri - Grunderco - DeLaval - Alptracker - Medria - Quanturi. [Élevage de précision: Lely - Isagri - Grunderco - DeLaval - Alptracker - Medria - Quanturi.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} Harrow with electronic depth control (with Paul Treffler). [Striegeln mit elektronischer Tiefenführung (Treffler).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Low Stress Stockmanship - Philipp Wenz demonstrates how to handle cattle without stress. [Stressfreier Umgang mit Rindern - Philipp Wenz zeigt Methode "Low Stress Stockmanship".] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Oz, the weeding robot for smaller vegetable producers. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2017)

{Tool} Pest control in citrus - Plant protection products and natural enemies (Biofruitnet video). [Schädlingsbekämpfung bei Zitrusfrüchten - Pflanzenschutzmittel und natürliche Feinde (Biofruitnet video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Alfons, Domínguez. Issuing Organisation(s): La Vall de la Casella. (2022)

{Tool} Orange varieties for organic citrus cultivation in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Varietà di arance per l'agrumicoltura biologica in Sicilia.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Ancona, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Videos. (2023)

{Tool} Biological control of Tuta absoluta (Tomato leaf miner) with Necremnus tutae in greenhouses. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Crisol, Eduardo and van der Bloom, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, COEXPHAL - Asociación de Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas de Almería. (2020)

{Tool} Mechanical weed control - Demonstration of 10 harrows and hoeing machines. [Désherbage mécanique – Démonstration de herse étrilles et bineuses.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Delanote, Lieven and Coopman, Franky. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Inagro. (2020)

{Tool} The spade test - visual soil assessment in the field. [Die Spatenprobe: Bodenbeurteilung im Feld.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Fliessbach, Andreas and Hasinger, Gerhard. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2016)

{Tool} Compost for planting - Against Rhizoctonia root rot disease in potatoes. [Kartoffelbau: Mit Kompost zur Pflanzung gegen die Wurzeltöter-Krankheit - Prototyp im Praxiseinsatz.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Gelencsér, Tobias; Klaiss, Matthias and Bruns, Christian. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Kassel. (2020)

{Tool} New techniques to control the supply of water and nutrients to crops in greenhouses. [Nuevas técnicas de control del aporte de agua y nutrientes a cultivos en invernadero.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Giménez, Miguel; Thompson, Rodney and Giagnocavo, Cynthia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Almería. (2020)

{Tool} Mother-bound calf rearing at the Rengoldshausen farm explained by Mechthild Knösel. [Muttergebundene Kälberaufzucht auf dem Hofgut Rengoldshausen erklärt von Mechthild Knösel.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Knösel, Mechthild. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Hofgut Rengoldshausen. (2019)

{Tool} Mechanical weeding in organic vegetable production (finger weeder Kult/Kress, ABRAH, Treffler). [Hackgeräte im Gemüsebau: Duoparallelogramm Fingerhacke Kult/Kress; Abrah Dulks; Striegel Treffler.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Koller, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Machine demo: Incorporating green manure with rotary tillers and pulled machines. [Maschinendemo: Einarbeiten einer Gründüngung mit Fräsen und gezogenen Geräten.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Leumann, Sammy; Dierauer, Hansueli and Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Five simple methods to self-assess the quality of your soil. [5 tests simples pour évaluer son sol : slip - slake - thé - bêche - pot de barber.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Masson, Sandie. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agridea. (2018)

{Tool} Using mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing (Biofruitnet video). [Mykorrhizapilze im Obstbau einsetzen (Biofruitnet video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Pravcová, Gabriela. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. (2022)

{Tool} How to introduce predatory mites into fruit plantations (Biofruitnet video). [Raubmilben in Obstanlagen ausbringen (Biofruitnet video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Radek, Vávra. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. (2022)

{Tool} Precision farming: sowing canola with variable rate application. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Rahko, Juhani and Dietemann, Lauren. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020)

{Tool} Machine demonstration - Destroying an alfalfa crop without plough and herbicides. [Démonstration de machines – Destruction de la luzerne sans labour (Senarclens/VD Aug2018).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Schmid, Nathaniel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Weed control with the robots Dino and Ecorobotix in arable crops - experiences made by Digifermes. [Les robots "Dino" et "Ecorobotics" en grandes cultures - Expériences faites par les Digifermes.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Schott, Francois-Xavier. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est. (2020)

{Tool} Electrical weed control - The ElectroHerb from Zasso. [Désherbage électrique - L'ElectroHerb de Zasso.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Schott, Francois-Xavier. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est. (2020)

{Tool} The OBSALIM Method: Feeding Evaluation on ruminants. [La méthode OBSALIM: Une nouvelle méthode d'évaluation de l'affouragement des vaches laitières.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Spengler Neff, Anet. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} Weed control in organic sugar beet - 4 machines compared (Steketee IC-Weeder, Garford Inrow, Harrow). [Désherbage dans la betterave sucrière bio – Comparaison Steketee IC-Weeder, Garford Inrow.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne. (2020)

{Tool} Planting sugar beets instead of sowing - reducing the time on weed control. [Plantation de la betterave sucrière bio pour mieux maîtriser les adventices.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne. (2020)

{Tool} Biocontrol in organic citrus groves: Aonidiella aurantii/Aphytis and Planococcus citri/Cryptolaemus (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Biocontrollo nel'agrumeto biologico: Aonidiella aurantii/Aphytis e Planococcus citri/Cryptolaemus (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Ancona, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023)

{Tool} Managing the agro-ecosystem in the organic citrus grove: biodiversity and soil management (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Gestione dell'agroecosistema nell' agrumeto biologico: biodiversità e gestione del suolo (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Ancona, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023)

{Tool} Production of beneficial insects in the Ramacca Biofactory for Biocontrol in citrus fruits (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Produzione d'insetti utili per il biocontrollo degli agrumi nella Biofabbrica di Ramacca (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo; D'Angelo, Dario; Strano, Antonio and Calcaterra, Salvatore. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023)

{Tool} Efficient irrigation systems in citrus plantations in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Irrigazione efficiente negli agrumeti (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Stagno, Fiorella. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. (2023)

{Tool} Control of wireworms in organic potato cultivation. [Drahtwurmbekämpfung im Biokartoffelanbau.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016)

{Tool} Cover Crop (Rye) and No-Till System in Wisconsin. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014)

{Tool} Hairy Vetch – an Excellent Green Manure for Dry Conditions. [Veccia vellutata: un’ottima coltura da sovescio per i sistemi colturali mediterranei.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014)

{Tool} Reduced Tillage Systems - Practical Recommendation. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014)

{Tool} Reduced Tillage Stubble Incorporation - Comparsion of Different Machine Types. [Schälpflüge im Vergleich.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Video. (2013)

{Tool} Reduced Tillage: Farmers' Motivations and Problems. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2013)

{Tool} Satellite based and camera-controlled steering systems. [Präzisionslandwirtschaft: Satellitenbasierte und kameragesteuerte Lenksysteme.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Anken, Thomas; Holopp, Martin and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2015)

{Tool} Direct Sowing of Maize. [Mais Direktsaat.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Böhler, Daniel; Dierauer, Hansueli; Hegglin, Django; Böhler, Josef and Breiter, Hanspeter. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2015)

{Tool} Perennial weed control in organic agriculture. [Regulierung von Wurzelunkräutern bei der Stoppelbearbeitung mit Schälpflug oder Grubber.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2016)

{Tool} Feeding organic laying hens with insects (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2020)

{Tool} Incorporating Green Manures. [Comment détruire un engrais vert?] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2013)

{Tool} Mechanical Weed Control in Maize. [Maîtriser mécaniquement les adventices dans le maïs, comment faire?] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Taramarcaz, Josy. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2013)

{Tool} Ley Destruction with Shallow Ploughing or Cultivators. [Kunstwiesenumbruch bei reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Wüthrich, Bertrand. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2016)

{Tool} Heat treatment and dehulling effects on feed value of faba beans (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Innovative Farmers, Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} The potential for increasing the nutritional value of beans for pig and poultry diets (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Innovative Farmers, Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} Sprouted wheat and vetch seeds as a green feed for poultry (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} The potential for sprouted seeds to supply feed for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil association. (2020)

{Tool} Feeding strategies for broiler chickens (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jeremy. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. Practice Abstract, no. 011. (2020)

{Tool} Maize germ cake (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jeremy. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 008. (2020)

{Tool} 2-years rotation, an alternative to maize monocropping in Bearn, France (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [La rotation sur 2 ans, une alternative à la monoculture du maïs en Béarn (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Aliaga, Clémence and Rochepeau, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2021)

{Tool} White lupin breeding - Screening on anthracnose (Liveseed video). [Resistenzzüchtung Lupinen - Anthraknose Screening.] Creator(s): Alkemade, Joris; Bitterlich, Katharina; Trávníček, Jan; Krauss, Maike and Arncken, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed videos, no. 12. (2020)

{Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 1st module: Strategies to enhance soil fertility and assessment of soil fertility and quality. Creator(s): Alwanney, Deaa; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017)

{Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 4th module: Technical tools, strategies and machineries to tackle weeds in organic arable farming. Creator(s): Alwanney, Deaa; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017)

{Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 5th module: Crops specific problems and potential solutions in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Creator(s): Alwanney, Deaa; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017)

{Tool} How to check whether a Rhizobium-based formulation actually increases the production of my snap bean seeds? (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Amelie, Detterbeck and Solenn, Pérennec. Issuing Organisation(s): euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 11. (2022)

{Tool} Rhizobium inoculation for snap bean seed production (Bresov practice abstract). Creator(s): Amelie, Detterbeck and Solenn, Pérennec. Issuing Organisation(s): euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 10. (2022)

{Tool} Soil based seed germination protocol for cauliflower and broccoli (Bresov practice abstract). Creator(s): Amelie, Detterbeck and Solenn, Pérennec. Issuing Organisation(s): euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 13. (0022)

{Tool} Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil biology and to act as a biofertiliser/biofungicide (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Amos, Dominic. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 016. (2017)

{Tool} Climate change: Avocado cultivation instead of citrus fruits in Sicily? - Opportunities and risks (BIOFRUITNET Video). Creator(s): Ancona, Francesco; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023)

{Tool} How to improve organic seed availability in Bulgaria (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoilko and Kirov, Petar. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 12. (2020)

{Tool} Direct sowing with green manure (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Директна сеитба със зелено торене.] Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoylko; Kirov, P. and Tihov, N.. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2018)

{Tool} Comb harrow: efficient weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoylko; Kirov, P and Tihov, N. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 024. (2018)

{Tool} Cultivation of white lupin – a cool-season and environmentally friendly protein crop. Creator(s): Arncken, Christine; Klaiss, Matthias; Wendling, Marina and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 4. (2020)

{Tool} Soybean processing systems (FiBL Factsheet). [Sojaaufbereitungsanlagen.] Creator(s): Asam, Ludwig; Spory, Kerstin; Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Thurner, Stefan; Zeindl, Robert and Carré, Patrick. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2021)

{Tool} Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: Best practices from Denmark (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 036. (2017)

{Tool} Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 038. (2017)

{Tool} Efficient use of nitrogen from livestock manure (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 037. (2017)

{Tool} Brewer's yeast silage for feeding pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). [Ensilaje de levadura de cerveza para alimentación de los cerdos (OK-Net Ecofeed Video).] Creator(s): Asociación Valor Ecológico, Ecovalia. Issuing Organisation(s): ECOVALIA - Asociacion Valor Ecologico. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021)

{Tool} A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Allamand, Ana and Maurer, Veronika. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, SRUC - Scotland's Rural College. (2022)

{Tool} Fruit growing: Control of harmful insects with vibration - biotremology (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Frutticoltura: Controllo degli insetti dannosi con le vibrazioni - biotremologia (Video BIOFRUITNET).] Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022)

{Tool} Vibrations against invasive whiteflies in citrus orchards (RELACS Practice Abstract). [Vibrationen gegen die invasive Weiße Fliege in Zitrusfruchtplantagen (RELACS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina; Mazzoni, Valerio and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Fondazione Edmund Mach, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022)

{Tool} Vibrations to manipulate pest behaviours: new frontiers in pest control. Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 2. (2022)

{Tool} Beneficial insects in organic agriculture: citrus little helpers. Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 1. (2022)

{Tool} Control of Aphis gossypii in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 098. (2022)

{Tool} Control of Mediterranean fruit flies in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 084. (2022)

{Tool} Innovative products for orange spiny whitefly control in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 097. (2022)

{Tool} Rearing of Leptomastix dactylopii for pest control in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 091. (2022)

{Tool} Strengthening calves and piglets with medicinal plants. [Kälber und Ferkel mit Arzneipflanzen stärken.] Creator(s): Ayrle-Stauss, Hanna and Walkenhorst, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Ensiling legume forage pulp (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bani, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022)

{Tool} Ensiling legume forage stems (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bani, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022)

{Tool} SOILapp. [SOILapp.] Creator(s): Barberi, Paolo; Guidotti, Diego; Lazarro, Mariateresa; Conte, Luca and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): Sant’Anna - School of Advanced Studies - Pisa, Scuola Esperienziale Itinerante di Agricoltura Biologica, AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Nurse cow dairy system to promote calf health and welfare (CORE Organic Practice Abstract). [Ammenkuh-Milchsystem zur Förderung der Kälbergesundheit und des Wohlergehens (CORE Organic Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Bareille, Nathalie; Brunet, Laurent; Constancis, Caroline and Hellec, Florence. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021)

{Tool} Automatic manure scrapers for reduced ammonia emissions (POWER Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bark, Linnea; Salomon, Eva and Eppenstein, Rennie. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Organic Cover Cropping and Intercropping. Creator(s): Bary, Andy. Issuing Organisation(s): Washington State University - Puyallup. (2011)

{Tool} Guidelines to the EU Organic Regulation. [Richtlinien zur EU-Öko-Verordnung.] Creator(s): Bauer, Lea. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022)

{Tool} Use of flavourings in organic food. [Verwendung von Aromen in Bio-Lebensmitteln.] Creator(s): Bauer, Lea and Busacca, Emanuele. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022)

{Tool} SMART- Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine. Creator(s): Baumgart, Lukas; Bircher, Richard; Blockeel, Johan; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Curran, Michael; Garibay, Salvador; Harrer, Felix; Keller, Olivia; Landert, Jan; Lazzarini, Gianna; Papagiannakis, Haris; Petrasek, Richard; Pfeifer, Catherine; Schader, Christian; Schlatter, Bernhard; Schwitter, Patricia; Stefani, Patrick; Teriete, Moritz; Weisshaidinger, Rainer and Wirz, Axel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016)

{Tool} Direct control of sooty blotch in organic pome fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Baumgartner, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 049. (2023)

{Tool} List of varieties suited for organic table apple production in Central Europe (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Baumgartner, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 036. (2023)

{Tool} The identification of wheat genetic resources with high dietary fiber content. Creator(s): Bede, Karolina; Rakszegi, M.; Mikó, P.; Megyeri, M.; lang, L. and Bedo, Z.. Issuing Organisation(s): ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research. Chable et al. (eds.): Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems. Book of abstracts of Solibam final congress, 7-9. July 2014. SOLIBAM, Nantes, France. (2014)

{Tool} Wheat-lentil in South-West France (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bedoussac, Laurent and Daniau, Mathilde. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Terrena - La nouvelle agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 8. (2020)

{Tool} Eliminate lentil bruchids as soon as possible after early harvest to reduce yield losses - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Bedoussac, Laurent; Le Gardien, Celine; Lemonnier, Justine and Revel, Annabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ENSFEA, GABBAnjou, Union Cuma Pays de la Loire, FNCUMA. (2024)

{Tool} Healthy Grassland Soils Pocketbook. Creator(s): Bennet, Amanda. Issuing Organisation(s): AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. (2015)

{Tool} The creation of an intercropping sector (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [La mise en place d'une filière valorisant la production de cultures associées (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Benoît, Gillain. Issuing Organisation(s): Walagri. (2022)

{Tool} Growing yellow peas in Wallonia in a pea-wheat intercropping system (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Culture de pois protéagineux en Wallonie en culture associée pois-blé (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Benoît, Gillain. Issuing Organisation(s): Walagri. (2022)

{Tool} Potato Crop Managementn(FiBL Technical Guide). Creator(s): Berner, Alfred; Böhm, Herwart; Buchecker, Kirsten; Dierauer, Hansueli; Dresow, Jana F.; Dreyer, Wilfried; Finckh, Maria R.; Fuchs, Alexander; Keil, Sven; Kaiser, Andreas; Kühne, Stefan; Landzettel, Christian; Mahnke-Plesker, Sylvia; Six, Roswitha; Speiser, Bernhard; Tamm, Lucius and Völkel, Günther. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical Guide. (2010)

{Tool} The Basics of Soil Fertility. [Grundlagen zur Bodenfruchtbarkeit.] Creator(s): Berner, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2013)

{Tool} Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices. Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van de Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Qualitative Soil Analysis - Toolkit. [Qualitative Bodenanalyse - Toolkit.] Creator(s): Beste, Andrea. Issuing Organisation(s): Institute for Soil Conservation & Sustainable Agriculture. (2020)

{Tool} Are we mining the soil ? (OK-Net Arable Video). Creator(s): Bliss, Katie; Davies, Olivia; Smith, Laurence and Mullender, Samantha. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2018)

{Tool} Including diverse leys in arable rotations (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bliss, Katie and Measures, Mark. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Diverse fertility building leys in arable rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bliss, Katie and Measures, Mark. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 013. (2017)

{Tool} A participatory approach to improving farm logistics (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Een participatieve aanpak ter verbetering van de logistiek op het boerenbedrijf (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Blom, Marian and Rossing, Walter. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022)

{Tool} How to organise a field day (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Videos. (2021)

{Tool} Harvest and post-harvest handling of herbs. [Rukovanje biljem tokom i nakon berbe.] Creator(s): Boor, Birgitt and Lefebvre, Nicolas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Caritas Schweiz. (2022)

{Tool} Marketing organic intercropped rapeseed oil - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Booth, Jim; Michie, David and Walker, Robin. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, SRUC - Scotland's Rural College, SAOS - Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society. (2024)

{Tool} Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 41. (2020)

{Tool} Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stephanie; Boffin, Laurane and Bouchet, Jean-Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 59. (2021)

{Tool} Managing common bunt in wheat seed lots (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stéphanie and Thueringer, Angela. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 2. (2019)

{Tool} Cover crop mulches and no-till maize (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 020. (2018)

{Tool} Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 018. (2017)

{Tool} Autumn cover crops (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Colture di copertura autunnali.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 040. (2018)

{Tool} Camera-controlled hoeing of row crops (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Sarchiatura a guida assistita per le colture a fila.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 041. (2018)

{Tool} Direct drilling of winter cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Semina diretta dei cereali vernini.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 042. (2018)

{Tool} Soybean silage (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Trinciato integrale di soia.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 043. (2018)

{Tool} Weed trimming in soybeans (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 019. (2017)

{Tool} Agroforestry: Combining fruit production and poultry farming (BIOFRUITNET Video). [L'agroforesterie: Combiner la production fruitière et l'élevage de volailles (Vidéo BIOFRUITNET).] Creator(s): Bosshardt, Sara. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2022)

{Tool} How to control black cherry aphid (Myzus cerasi) using open beneficial insect rearing (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Le puceron noir du cerisier (Myzus cerasi) - comment contrôler au moyen d'un élevage d'auxiliaires (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural enemies (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 070b. (2022)

{Tool} Use of mason bees for pollination in covered organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 081. (2022)

{Tool} Mason bees for successful pollination in closed cherry orchards (Biofruitnet video). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet video. (2020)

{Tool} Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid in organic table cherry production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 070a. (2022)

{Tool} List of varieties recommended for organic table cherry production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 075. (2022)

{Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Direct control using decision support systems (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence; Ludwig, Mathias and Schärer, Hans-Jakob. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 002. (2022)

{Tool} Encyclopaedia of pests and natural enemies in field crops. Creator(s): Boy, Emily. Issuing Organisation(s): AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. (2014)

{Tool} How to reproduce Brassica oleracea crops in purity (BRESOV Practice abstract). Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 2. (2019)

{Tool} Seed germination protocol for small seed lots of cauliflower and broccoli (BRESOV Practice Abstract). [Protocollo di germinazione dei semi per piccoli lotti di cavolfiori e broccoli (BRESOV Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Detterbeck, Amelie. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania, Euroseeds. (2022)

{Tool} Seed germination protocol for small seed lots of cauliflower and broccoli. Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Detterbeck, Amelie. Issuing Organisation(s): University of catania, euroseeds. (2021)

{Tool} Tomato: Seed treatment for organic agriculture (BRESOV Practice Abstract). [Tomate: Saatgutbehandlung für den ökologischen Landbau (BRESOV Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania. (2022)

{Tool} Tomato: Seed treatment for organic agriculture. Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando; rizzo, giulio flavio and Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): university of catania, itaka crop solution. (2021)

{Tool} How to reproduce Brassica oleracea crops in purity. Creator(s): Branca, F.. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania. (2019)

{Tool} Apple blossom weevil: Offering alternative shelters (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 110. (2023)

{Tool} European canker (Neonectria ditissima): Direct control with lime water (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 109. (2023)

{Tool} How to deal with European canker (Neonectria ditissima) in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 108. (2023)

{Tool} Measures to control codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in organic pear production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 015. (2023)

{Tool} Pear blossom blast and dieback (Pseudomonas syringae) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 058. (2023)

{Tool} Pear varieties in organic production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 061. (2023)

{Tool} Rootstocks suitable for pear production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 063. (2023)

{Tool} Apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea): Catch that fly (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 024. (2022)

{Tool} Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis): Catch that fly (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 025. (2022)

{Tool} Using biodiversity to stimulate wild bees in the orchard (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 031. (2022)

{Tool} What is special about pear scab (Venturia pirina)? (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2022)

{Tool} Scab prevention: reduction of ascospores through increased decomposition of fallen leaves (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Schurftpreventie: vermindering van ascospores door verhoogde afbraak van afgevallen bladeren (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan and Jansonius, Pieter Jans. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. (2022)

{Tool} Pear gall midge (Contarinia pyrivora), too small to see (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan and Kemp, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 059. (2023)

{Tool} Nutrient Budgeting: Organic Considerations for Implementing NRCS CPS 590. Creator(s): Brown, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2014)

{Tool} Organic Weed Management. Creator(s): Brown, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): Garden Organic. (2007)

{Tool} Project outcomes and results: Boosting organic seed and plant breeding across Europe. Creator(s): Bruszik, Ágnes; Nuijten, Edwin; REY, Frederic; CHABLE, Véronique; Moreira, Pedro Mendes; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Schäfer, Freya; Petitti, Matteo; Messmer, Monika; Groot, Steven P.C.; Orsini, Stefano; Klaedtke, Stéphanie and Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB, INRAE, IFOAM, De Beersche Hoeve, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali, ORC, SEGES, Istituto Politecnico de Coimbra, WUR. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 4. (2020)

{Tool} Weed Control in Grass and Forage Crops. Creator(s): Buckingham, Sue; McCalman, Heather and Powell, Huw. Issuing Organisation(s): IBERS Grassland Development Centre. Farming Connect Fact Sheet. (2013)

{Tool} Pest and Disease Control in Grass and Forage Crops. Creator(s): Buckingham, Sue; McCalman, Heather and Powell, Huw. Issuing Organisation(s): Farming Connect. (2013)

{Tool} Phosphorus sources for organic agriculture (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bünemann, Else K.. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022)

{Tool} SoilDoc. Creator(s): Bünemann, Else K.; Fliessbach, Andreas and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} Struvite’s potential as an alternative phosphorus source for organic agriculture (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bünemann-König, Else. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 07. (2021)

{Tool} Processing apple purees under vacuum to limit the loss of health-promoting compounds (ProOrg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bureau, Sylvie and Le Bourvellec, Carine. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020)

{Tool} NDICEA - Nitrogen Planer – version 6.2. [NDICEA - stikstofplanner.] Creator(s): Burgt, G.J.H.M.. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Louis Bolk Institute. (2014)

{Tool} Saving and storing tomato seeds (Liveseed Video). Creator(s): Burruezo, Adrian Rodriguez. Issuing Organisation(s): UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. Liveseed videos, no. 4. (2020)

{Tool} Drosophila suzukii control: Intervention in organic stone fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cahenzli, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 072b. (2022)

{Tool} Drosophila suzukii control: Preventive measures in organic stone fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cahenzli, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 072a. (2022)

{Tool} Legal limitations for the use of organic and new genetically diverse seeds in Spain (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Calafat, S. and Serrano, S.. Issuing Organisation(s): SEAE - Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 23. (2020)

{Tool} Agricology Farming theme: Organic Farming. Creator(s): Caldbeck, Janie. Issuing Organisation(s): Agricology. (2021)

{Tool} Cultivating a diverse wheat population suitable for low-input and organic farming (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Caldbeck, Janie. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 017. (2017)

{Tool} The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Das Potenzial der Biofumigation zur Bekämpfung von bodenbürtigen Schädlingen, Krankheitserregern und Unkräutern (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Caldbeck, Janie; Bickler, Charlotte and Bliss, Katie. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Black bean aphid control in organic bean (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Calin, Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): VRDS - Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau. (2022)

{Tool} Controlling Common blight in organic bean (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Calin, Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): VRDS - Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau. (2022)

{Tool} Living mulch in vegetables. Creator(s): Canali, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. (2015)

{Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 3. (2019)

{Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation. Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Universitat Politècnica de València. (2021)

{Tool} Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Casagrande, Marion and Fontaine, Laurence. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 034. (2018)

{Tool} Monitoring and comparing cover crop performances (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Casagrande, Marion. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 015. (2018)

{Tool} Monitoring weed regulation services by carabids (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Casagrande, Marion; Fontaine, Laurence and Castel, Laurie. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 033. (2017)

{Tool} Plant breeding with farmers. A technical manual. Creator(s): Ceccarelli, Salvatore. Issuing Organisation(s): ICARDA - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. (2012)

{Tool} Managing on farm populations. Mixtures of landraces or old varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 5. (2020)

{Tool} Diversity and Participatory Research for Organic Agriculture. Creator(s): Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2019)

{Tool} Essential oil trials on-farm: an alternative treatment for mastitis (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chemin, Edith. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022)

{Tool} Reducing risk of grain legume production through intercropping in temperate climates - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Chongtham, Raj and Carlsson, Georg. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 2. (2024)

{Tool} Faecal egg counts to improve worm control in organic sheep farming (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chylinski, Caroline; Bowles, Liz; McCulloch, Coleen; Allamand, Ana and Athanasiadou, Spiridoula. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, SRUC - Scotland's Rural College, Soil Association Certification, Soil Association Scotland. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 04. (2020)

{Tool} Agroecological service crops in Southern European greenhouse (Greenresilient Factsheet). Creator(s): Ciaccia, Corrado; Testani, Elena; Morra, Luigi and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Greenreslient Factsheet. (2021)

{Tool} On-farm hatching in organic and low-input outdoor farms (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Collin, Anne; Travel, Angélique and Pluschke, Helen. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024)

{Tool} The introduction of strip cropping into the mid-Adriatic region (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [L'introduzione della coltivazione a strisce nel Medio Adriatico (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Campanelli, Gabriele and Seghetti, Marco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2022)

{Tool} Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Reintroduzione della coltivazione della canapa nelle zone mediterranee (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Dara Guccione, Giovanni; Sciacca, Fabiola; Virzì, Nino and Palumbo, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2021)

{Tool} EU Legislation for the organics sector. [EU Gesetzgebung für den Biosektor.] Creator(s): Commission, European. Issuing Organisation(s): European Commission. (2022)

{Tool} Protocol for soil functionality assessment in vineyards. Creator(s): Costantini, E.A.C.; Priori, S.; Giffard, B.; Fulchin, E.; Tardaguila, J.; Schroers, H.J.; Martensson, A.; Tengolar, S.; Akca, E.; Landi, S.; Lagomarsino, A. and Castaldini, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA-AA Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment, Florence ITA, Bordeaux Sciences Agro, ADERA Vitinnov, University of La Rioja, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, University of Cukurova, Alata Horticultural Research Station. (2018)

{Tool} Organic wheat variety testing by a network of farmers (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Costanzo, Ambrogio. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 50. (2020)

{Tool} A guide to participatory experimentation with underutilised genetic resources. Creator(s): Costanzo, Ambrogio and Serpolay, Estelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 2. (2019)

{Tool} Medicinal plants to limit parasitism and pathogenic bacteria in pigs (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cozma, Vasile; Spînu, Marina and Horea, Baies. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024)

{Tool} Fulfilling 100 % organic poultry diets: roughage and foraging from the range. Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

{Tool} Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Feeding roughage and foraging from the range. Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. ICOPP technical note 4. (2015)

{Tool} Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: Concentrates. Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny; Krimpen, Merinus; Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine and Sumption, Phil. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. ICOPP Technical Note. (2015)

{Tool} Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Concentrates. [Répondre aux exigences d’une alimentation 100% biologique pour les porcs : l’aliment complet.] Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny; Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine and Sumption, Phil. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. ICOPP Technical Note, no. 3. (2015)

{Tool} Crop Rotation in Organic Systems. Creator(s): Dalhousie University/Organic Agriculture Centre of, Canada. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University.

{Tool} Cover crop grazing by sheep: successful partnerships between sheep and arable farmers (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Pâturage de plantes de couverture par des moutons: partenariats réussis entre les éleveurs de moutons et les agriculteurs (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Daniaux, Christel; Regibeau, Cyril and Jamar, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Use of rock dust against the rape pollen beetle (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Einsatz von Gesteinsmehl gegen Rapsglanzkäfer.] Creator(s): Daniel, Claudia; Conder, Malgorzata and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 032. (2017)

{Tool} Nitrogen supply for winter oilseed rape (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Stickstoffversorgung im Winterrapsanbau.] Creator(s): Daniel, Claudia; Dierauer, Hansueli; Clerc, Maurice; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 009. (2017)

{Tool} Overview of intercropping practices in Europe (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): de Buck, Abco. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Luis Bolk Institute, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 9. (2020)

{Tool} Seed health in potatoes (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): de Buck, A.J.. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Louis Bolk Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 28. (2020)

{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020)

{Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Which harrow is suitable for weed control in organic cereals? (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Delanote, Lieven; Dewaele, Karel and An, Jamart. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 026. (2018)

{Tool} Controlled traffic farming: A new track for soil and weed control in organic farming (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Vaste rijpaden: een nieuw spoor voor bodembeheer en onkruidbeheersing in biologische landbouw.] Creator(s): Delanote, Lieven; Dewaele, Karel and Jamart, An. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 044. (2018)

{Tool} Compost tea: innovative management of organic sweet cherry orchards and organic vineyards (OLTRE.BIO practice abstract). [OLTRE.BIO - Oltre il bio: gestione innovativa della cerasicoltura e viticoltura da tavola biologica.] Creator(s): Diacono, Mariangela; Persiani, Alessandro; Fiore, Angelo; Alfano, Vincenzo and Montemurro, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment. (2023)

{Tool} Reducing weed seed pressure with the false seedbed technique (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Reduzieren des Unkrautdrucks mit der Falschen-Saatbettbereitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 007. (2017)

{Tool} Undersowing leys in cereals (SolACE Practice abstract). Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. SolACE Practice abstract. (2019)

{Tool} Avoiding hoeing in organic oilseed rape (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Vermeidung von Hacken im ökologischen Rapsanbau (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Gelencsér, Tobias and Niggli, Jeremias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Creeping thistle - Successful control in organic farming. [Ackerkratzdistel - Im Biobetrieb dauerhaft regulieren.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Kranzler, Andreas and Ebert, Ulrich. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical guide. (2022)

{Tool} Control of creeping thistle by stubble cultivation (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Ganzflächige Bekämpfung der Ackerkratzdistel durch Stoppelbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 001. (2017)

{Tool} Controlling docks by stubble cultivation (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Sommer-Ampferkur durch Stoppelbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 025. (2017)

{Tool} No-till cultivation of maize in rolled forage peas (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Direktsaat von Mais in gewalzte Futtererbse.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 005. (2017)

{Tool} Rolling of grains to prevent winter kill damage (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Getreide gegen Auswinterungsschäden walzen.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 030. (2017)

{Tool} Weed control in soy with the finger weeder (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Unkrautregulierung in Soja mit der Fingerhacke.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 002. (2017)

{Tool} Using crop rotation to control wireworms (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Drahtwürmer durch Fruchtfolgeplanung minimieren.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2017)

{Tool} Undersowing catch crops in cereals. [Untersaat in Getreide.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL. (2018)

{Tool} Black-grass control in winter cereals with hoeing (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Ackerfuchsschwanz in Wintergetreide durch Hacken regulieren.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 004. (2017)

{Tool} Catch crop in maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Untersaat in Mais.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2017)

{Tool} Reducing the use of copper in potatoes (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Reduktion des Kupfereinsatzes in Kartoffeln.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 012. (2017)

{Tool} Calculate the risk of wireworm infestation in the field (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Erheben des Drahtwurmbefallsrisikos im Feld.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 029. (2017)

{Tool} Commercial organic fertiliser as supplementary fertilisers in potato crop production (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Ergänzungsdüngung in Kartoffeln mit organischen Handelsdüngern.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 011. (2017)

{Tool} Controlling potato beetles with Bt (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 031. (2017)

{Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Building a sustainable business. [Una GuÌa para Desarrollar un Plan de Negocios para Granjas y Ranchos.] Creator(s): DiGiacomo, Gigi; King, Robert and Nordquist, Dale. Issuing Organisation(s): MISA - Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, SARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. (2003)

{Tool} How to become an organic seed grower in Latvia. Creator(s): Dimante, Ilze and Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 32. (2020)

{Tool} Healthy citrus propagative material to avoid the introduction of transboundary pests/pathogens (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Djelouah, Khaled and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 101. (2022)

{Tool} Intercropping of wheat and pea can suppress weed growth and enhances water use efficiency under Mediterranean conditions - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Dordas, Christos; Michalitsis, Andreas and Papakaloudis, Paschalis. Issuing Organisation(s): AUTH, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 10. (2024)

{Tool} Success and failure factors of European diversification experiences (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Erfolgs- und Misserfolgsfaktoren der europäischen Diversifizierungserfahrungen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Drexler, Dora. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} How to access organic seeds in Hungary (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Drexler, Dora; Kovács, Tina and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKI - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 1. (2018)

{Tool} Multispectral remote sensing in participatory on-farm variety trials (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Drexler, Dora; Kovács, Tina and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 021. (2018)

{Tool} Ecological plant protection options for grapes, complemented by our experiments on copper replacement (RELACS Video). Creator(s): Ducretot, Jade and Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. RELACS Video. (2021)

{Tool} Monitoring functional agrobiodiversity in orchards : Going to Assessment ! Creator(s): Dufils, A.; Penvern, S.; Fernique, Sarah; LOUDET, Yoan and THOMAS, Cécile. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE PACA - Unite de recherche Ecodeveloppement, INRAE PACA - Unite de recherche Plantes et Systèmes Horticoles. (2015)

{Tool} Pest Management in Organic Production Systems. Creator(s): Dufour, Rex. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2011)

{Tool} Database for ecological pest management. Creator(s): Dufour, Rex. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. (1997)

{Tool} Feeding organic pigs: a handbook of raw materials and recommendations for feeding practice. Creator(s): Edwards, Sandra. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Newcastle. (2002)

{Tool} Organic farming - Innovative approaches to support conversion (EIP-AGRI Broschure). [Agriculture biologique - Approches innovantes pour soutenir la conversion (Brochure EIP-AGRI).] Creator(s): EIP, -AGRI. Issuing Organisation(s): EIP-AGRI - Agricultural European Innovation Partnership. (2022)

{Tool} Sustainable, resilient and climate friendly Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond (Future EU Aqua Online course). [Bærekraftig, spenstig og klimavennlig Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond (Future EU Aqua Online-kurs).] Creator(s): Espmark, Åsa Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): Nofima, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022)

{Tool} Organic Poultry Production: Providing Adequate Methionine. Creator(s): Fanatico, Anne. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2010)

{Tool} Gabonák belső szemfertőzöttség vizsgálata és a fertőzést megelőző praktikák. [Examination of internal cereal seed infection and related prevention practices.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi. LiveSeed videos, no. 7. (2020)

{Tool} Grain cleaning (Liveseed video). [Gabonatisztítás.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. LiveSeed videos, no. 9. (2020)

{Tool} Izolációs megoldás vetőmag keveredés ellen. [Isolation solution for preventing the mixing of sowing seeds.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi. LiveSeed videos, no. 8. (2020)

{Tool} A kalászfuzáriózis azonosítása és a kártétel csőkkentésének lehetőségei. [Identification of head fusariosis and methods for mitigating losses.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi. LiveSeed videos, no. 6. (2020)

{Tool} Bunt control (Tilletia caries). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi, Agrologica. LiveSeed videos, no. 2. (2020)

{Tool} Bunt management (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agrologica. Liveseed videos, no. 1. (2020)

{Tool} Bunt treatment methods (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agrologica. Liveseed videos, no. 3. (2020)

{Tool} How to improve organic cereal seed availability in Hungary (LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Mikó, Peter. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 26. (2020)

{Tool} Designing mixtures to suppress airborne pathogens (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): Finckh, Maria R.. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Kassel, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 11. (2020)

{Tool} Special characters of varieties for organic farming in wheat (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Flamm, Clemens and Oberforster, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 46. (2020)

{Tool} How to evaluate weed competitiveness in cereals (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flamm, Clemens. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 43. (2020)

{Tool} Introducing oats as an energy catch crop in maize monocropping in Bearn, France (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Béarn: introduire une avoine comme culture intermédiaire à vocation énergétique entre 2 maïs (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Fleureau, Nicolas; Rochepeau, Pierre and Aliaga, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2021)

{Tool} Comparison of two breeding strategies for soft wheat populations (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 57. (2021)

{Tool} How to create diversified variety mixtures based on gene bank resources (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 56. (2021)

{Tool} Influence of location and human selection on two soft wheat populations (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 58. (2021)

{Tool} Grass protein - a golden chance to improve organic farming. [Grass protein - a golden chance to improve organic farming.] Creator(s): Fog, Erik. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2018)

{Tool} Assessment of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Forst, Emma and Goldringer, Isabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 20. (2020)

{Tool} Co-design of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Forst, Emma and Goldringer, Isabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstracts, no. 19. (2020)

{Tool} Relevance of roughage feeding to pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 021. (2019)

{Tool} Animal-friendly pig husbandry: an advisory tool for Swaziland. Creator(s): Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Sahee Foundation. Technical guide. (2016)

{Tool} Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production (POWER Factsheet). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcilia and Kongsted, Anne Grete. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Center for Frilandsdyr, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Thünen-Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022)

{Tool} Successful weaning of piglets – without antimicrobial use (ROADMAP practice abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Roadmap Practice Abstracts. (2023)

{Tool} Improving veterinarian’s knowledge of animal husbandry in organic agriculture in Switzerland (ROADMAP Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Roadmap Practice Abstracts. (2023)

{Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017)

{Tool} Feeding insects for organic layers (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Alföldi, Thomas and Gearing, Jessica. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 037. (2020)

{Tool} Organic pig production in Europe: health management in common organic pig farming. Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, Davide; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina and Mejer, Helena. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2011)

{Tool} Testing soil for legume fatigue (DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Fuchs, Jacques; Hohmann, Pierre; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Conder, Malgorzarta; Gelencsér, Tobias and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Testing peas for legume fatigue (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Test auf Leguminosenmüdigkeit im Erbsenanbau.] Creator(s): Fuchs, Jacques G.; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 008. (2017)

{Tool} How to implement the organic regulation to increase production & use of organic seed - policy recommendations for national and regional authorities. Creator(s): Fuss, Alexandra; Kovács, Tina; Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove; Raaijmakers, Maaike; Schäfer, Freya; Gatzert, Xenia; Brühl, Katharina; Petitti, Matteo; Bocci, Riccardo; Moeskops, Bram and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): ifoam, omki, bionext, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali, SEGES, IUNG, AEGILOPS, ITAB. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 1. (2020)

{Tool} Seed treatments allowed in organic farming in certain countries (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Gatzert, Xenia; Leopold, Jochen; Mäder, Rolf and Schäfer, Freya. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 15. (2019)

{Tool} Creating dynamic and diverse populations. Mixtures of landraces or old varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Goldringer, I.; toncea, I.; Lo Fiego, A.; Navarro Chaves, A.; Fuss, A. and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, NARDI - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 4. (2020)

{Tool} Methods and tools for decentralized on farm breeding (Diversifood Booklet). Creator(s): Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 3. (2018)

{Tool} Fodder trees for organic dairy goats. [Voederbomen voor bio melkgeiten.] Creator(s): Golsteyn, Laura; Landuyt, Carmen and Valckx, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): CCBT - Coordination centre for applied research and extension on organic agriculture, Wim Govaerts, Odisee - University of Applied Sciences, Inagro. (2022)

{Tool} Preservation of traditional varieties in the region of Valencia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gonzalvez, Victor. Issuing Organisation(s): SEAE - Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 24. (2020)

{Tool} Diversification of silage maize cultivation by using winter cover crops enabled by ultra-early maize varieties (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Diversificatie van de teelt van snijmaïs door het gebruik van groenbemesters, mogelijk gemaakt door ultravroege maïsrassen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Gorter, M.; Cuperus, Fogelina; Huiting, H. and Wesselink, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020)

{Tool} PIGLOW application for animal welfare self-assessment by farmers. Creator(s): Graat, Evelien; Thys, Mirjan; Warin, Laura; Courboulay, Valérie; Meunier-Salaün, Marie-Christine; Stomp, Mathilde; Leruste, Hélène; Guesdon, Vanessa; Collin, Anne; Giersberg, Mona; Rodenburg, Bas and Tuyttens, Frank. Issuing Organisation(s): ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, IFIP - Institut du Porc, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, JUNIA, Utrecht University. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: Thermophilic compost (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: Thermophilic compost (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: vermicompost (BEST4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Factsheet Best4Soil. (2020)

{Tool} Vermicompost - Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Organic Soybean made easy (OK-Net Arable Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred; Gusenbauer, Isabella; Kranzler, Andreas and Schwarzl, Herman. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Video. (2018)

{Tool} RISE- Response-inducing sustainability evaluation. Creator(s): Grenz, Jan; Sereke, Firesenai; Graf, Martina; Thalmann, Christian; Heeb, Luca; Schoch, Michael; Kaufmann, Madeleine and Wyss, Rebekka. Issuing Organisation(s): BFH-HAFL - Bern University of Applied Sciences/School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences. (2000)

{Tool} Seed vigour, keep it high! (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Groot, S.P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 30. (2019)

{Tool} Proper seed storage (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Groot, Steven P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 25. (2020)

{Tool} Promoting range use in broiler chickens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gunnarsson, Stefan; Ferrante, Valentina; Brinch Riber, Anja; Marchewka, Joanna; Tuyttens, Frank; Ipek, Aydın; Sözcü, Arda; Bestman, Monique; Rodenburg, Bas and van Niekerk, Thea. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Promoting range use in laying hens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gunnarsson, Stefan; Ferrante, Valentina; Brinch Riber, Anja; Marchewka, Joanna; Tuyttens, Frank; Ipek, Aydın; Sözcü, Arda; Bestman, Monique; Rodenburg, Bas and van Niekerk, Thea. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} How to assess weed competitiveness in organic cultivar trials with wheat? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 7. (2020)

{Tool} How to identify potato cultivars which are resistant to late blight? (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 11. (2020)

{Tool} How to minimise damage by aphids in organic faba bean production? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 10. (2020)

{Tool} How to set up a simplified on-farm cultivar trial to assess broccoli? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 8. (2020)

{Tool} How to set up an on-farm cultivar trial to score for leaf blight in carrots? (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 9. (2020)

{Tool} FiBL Collaboration podcast. [FiBL Collaboration Podcast.] Creator(s): Hämmerli, Franziska; Thanner, Sophie; Beermann, Anke; Lüscher, Aline and Gabel, Vanessa M.. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Control of foliar pathogens in organic viticulture (BIOVINE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Hasanaliyeva, Gultakin; Caffi, Tito and Rosi, Vittorio. Issuing Organisation(s): Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020)

{Tool} Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops (Greenresilient Practice abstract). Creator(s): Hauenstein, Samuel and Rochat, Armelle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Greenresilient Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Transfer mulch in organic greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet). [Transfermulch in Bio-Gewächshäusern.] Creator(s): Hauenstein, Samuel; Rochat, Armelle and Schwitter, Patricia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021)

{Tool} Collective knowledge space and needed farmer engagements (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik; Walker, Robin and Aare, Ane Kirstine. Issuing Organisation(s): RUC - Roskilde University, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 12. (2020)

{Tool} The obligation to use organic seed – farmers’ awareness. Creator(s): Heining, Niels and Raaijmakers, Maaike. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 14. (2020)

{Tool} Bean Seed Treatment: a simple approach without specific laboratory equipment (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Randriamanantsoa, Lalajaona. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 1. (2019)

{Tool} Strategies to produce tomato seeds during regular tomato harvest (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Schwitter, Patricia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 14. (2022)

{Tool} Bean Seed Treatment: a simple approach without specific laboratory equipment. Creator(s): Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL. (2020)

{Tool} Dock control (FiBL Technical Guide). [Ampferregulierung (Vorbeugende Möglichkeiten ausschöpfen).] Creator(s): Hermle, Martin; Schaller, Alfred; Thalmann, Hans and Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2018)

{Tool} Grafting tomato to increase seed production (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Hervé, Floury; Thibault, Nordey and Amelie, Detterbeck. Issuing Organisation(s): Euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 9. (2022)

{Tool} Optimizing the run-out design of fattening pigs (POWER video). [Auslaufgestaltung bei Mastschweinen optimieren (POWER video).] Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

{Tool} Feeding of pigs: effect of silage (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed slideshow. (2019)

{Tool} Feeding grass silage to fattening pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Scheibler, Samuel and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 031. (2019)

{Tool} Organic fertilisation of young apple orchards (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holtz, Thomas and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Physical protection barriers to reduce fungal and pest damages (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holtz, Thomas and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia and Brinks, Harm. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia and Brinks, Harm. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Nutrient efficiency in vegetable growing. [Nährstoffeffizienz im Gartenbau.] Creator(s): Huber, Julia and Weissörtel, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2020)

{Tool} Diversification of cereal-based rotations with soybean as a second crop (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [A gabonaalapú vetésforgók diverzifikációja szójával mint második növénykultúrával (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Hunyadi Borbélyné, Éva; Mészáros, Dóra and Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Organic fruit production: Citrus (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course). Creator(s): Jacobson, Stine and Egerer, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen. BIOFRUITNET e-learning course, no. 3. (2023)

{Tool} Organic fruit production: Pome (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course). Creator(s): Jacobson, Stine and Egerer, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen. BIOFRUITNET e-learning course, no. 1. (2023)

{Tool} Organic fruit production: Stone (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course). Creator(s): Jacobson, Stine and Egerer, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen. BIOFRUITNET e-learning course, no. 2. (2023)

{Tool} Cover crops (living mulches) in the tree row of organic orchards: why and how? (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Jacquot, Maxime and Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 079. (2022)

{Tool} Nesting boxes: Improve tree pollination with wild bees (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Jacquot, Maxime and Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 033. (2022)

{Tool} Interesting tomato traits for hobby variety selection (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): jaime, prhoens; teodoro, cardi; pasquale, tripodi and sara, sestili. Issuing Organisation(s): UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 8. (2022)

{Tool} Rapeseed regrowth and white clover cover crop valorisation through sheep grazing (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Valorisation de la repousse du colza et de la culture de couverture du trèfle blanc par le pâturage des moutons (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Jamar, Daniel; Daniaux, Christel and Regibeau, Cyril. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Improving crop yield stability by intercropping (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): Jensen, Erik Steen and Chongtham, Raj. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 2. (2020)

{Tool} Organic living labs and lighthouse farms in Europe. Creator(s): Jonasz, Gerda and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): TP Organics. (2022)

{Tool} How to keep your snap bean varieties? (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Juan Jose, Ferreira; Ana, Campa and Carmen, García-Fernández. Issuing Organisation(s): Serida - Regional Agrifood Research and Development Service. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 12. (2022)

{Tool} To N-fertilize cereal-legume intercrops or not? (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): Justes, Eric and Bedoussac, Laurent. Issuing Organisation(s): Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement, ENSEFA - The National Teacher Training School in Agronomy, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 3. (2020)

{Tool} Conserve and enhance beneficials in organic vineyards (BioVine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kehrli, Patrik; Razinger, Jaka and Ranca, Aurora-Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope, KIS - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, SCV - Research Station for Viticulture and Enology. BioVine Practice Abstract. (2020)

{Tool} Cereal Disease Encyclopaedia. Creator(s): Kelly, Clare; Clark, Bill; Bryson, Rosie; Jellis, Graham and Tonguç, Lindy. Issuing Organisation(s): AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. (2008)

{Tool} Breeding an organic forage crop variety (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kempf, Katharina; Schubiger, Franz Xaver and Grieder, Christoph. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 18. (2020)

{Tool} Strategy to enhance biodiversity in orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kienzle, Jutta. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 027. (2022)

{Tool} Plant health care in organic farming. Creator(s): Kienzle, Jutta; Smith-Weißmann, Kevin; Calmels, Mathilde and Lang, Isabella. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2020)

{Tool} The cell fusion-free vegetable list helps organic farmers to find suitable cultivars (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kimmel, Thomas; Koller, Martin and Zellfelder, Johanna. Issuing Organisation(s): BNN - Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 6. (2019)

{Tool} Practical Guide for drying and storing vegetable seeds in organic small-scale and on-farm seed production. [Guide pratique pour le séchage et le stockage de semences potagères biologiques dans des structures artisanales ou fermières.] Creator(s): Klaedtke, Stéphanie; Gudinchet, Matthias and Groot, Steven P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique, Pro Specie Rara, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, Arche Noah, European Coordination - Let’s Liberate Diversity, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Mulch sowing in organic agriculture (SolACE Practice abstract). Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL). (2021)

{Tool} Intercropping of grain pea with cereals. Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated pratice notes, no. 17. (2021)

{Tool} Machine demonstration: Mechanical weeding in soy (Legumes Translated video). [Maschinen Demonstration: Mechanische Unkrautregulierung in Soja.] Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated video. (2020)

{Tool} Intercropping grain peas with barley (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Zwischenfruchtanbau von Körnererbsen und Gerste (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias; Gelencsér, Tobias and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS Practice abstract. (2020)

{Tool} Intercropping grain peas with barley (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Anbau der Körnererbse in Mischkultur mit Gerste.] Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 003. (2017)

{Tool} Online Course - SALT - Sustainable Aquaculture for Low Trophic Species. Creator(s): Kochanska, Adrianna; Aschan, Michaela; Strand, Åsa; James, Philip; Gombau, Ronan and Gunnarsdóttir, Katrín Hulda. Issuing Organisation(s): UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. (2023)

{Tool} Winter field peas as green manure before nitrogen-demanding crops (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Koller, Martin; Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles; Conder, Malgorzarta and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019)

{Tool} Winter field peas as green manure before maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Winterfuttererbsen als Gründüngung vor Mais.] Creator(s): Koller, Martin; Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Conder, Malgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 010. (2017)

{Tool} Foraging of pigs in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kongsted, Anne Grete. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 003. (2020)

{Tool} How to promote biodiversity in orchards: Flowering strips, hedges, anchor plants (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Biodiversität in Obstanlagen fördern: Blühstreifen, Hecken, Anker-Pflanzen (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Köster, Clemens; Benduhn, Bastian and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖON - Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland. (2022)

{Tool} Organic seed from community seed banks (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Konstantinos and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 13. (2020)

{Tool} Greening urban gardens with local vegetable varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Kostas and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 29. (2020)

{Tool} New vitamin B2 producing wild-type yeast strain (GMO-free) (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kuenz, Anja and Leiber, Florian. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2023)

{Tool} Designing mixtures to control weed pressure (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): Labreuche, Jérôme. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institute du végétal, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 5. (2020)

{Tool} Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Practice abstract). Creator(s): Lambion, Jérôme. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Greenresilient Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet). [Les bandes fleuries : un outil de lutte contre les ravageurs dans les serres.] Creator(s): Lambion, Jérôme and van Rijn, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021)

{Tool} Identification of relevant environmental descriptors. Creator(s): Lantinga, Egbert. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Wageningen. (2018)

{Tool} Managing docks with the WUZI dock cutter (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Laursen, Casper. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 035. (2018)

{Tool} Organic oilseed production. [Cultura ecologică a plantelor oleaginoase.] Creator(s): Lefebvre, Nicolas and Bernet, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Co-designing innovative cropping systems through long-term on-farm experiments (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Co-conception de systèmes de culture innovants par le biais d'expériences à long terme sur l'exploitation (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Legein, Louise; Gyselynck, William and Jamar, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Heterogeneous spring barley populations in Latvia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Legzdina, L. and Ločmele, Indra. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 45. (2020)

{Tool} Vitamin B2 supplementation for laying and parent hens in organic poultry systems (RELACS Practice abstract). [Vitamine B2-suppletie voor leg-en ouder-hennen in biologische pluimveesystemen (RELACS Practice abstract).] Creator(s): Leiber, Florian; Quander-Stoll, Nele and Ayrle, Hannah. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstracts, no. 02. (2021)

{Tool} Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lesur-Dumoulin, Claire; Sorgato, Ambre; Ibgui, Pauline and Lefèvre, Amélie. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021)

{Tool} Rootstock and variety selection in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Choix de porte-greffe et de variété en production fruitière bio (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Libourel, Gilles and Frézel, Julia. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (2022)

{Tool} Quick test for infiltration of arable soils (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Liebl, Boris and Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland, FiBL Projekte GmbH. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 028. (2018)

{Tool} Advantages and disadvantages of weed control in tree rows using soil coverage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 045. (2023)

{Tool} Control of summer fruit tortrix (Leafrollers) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 016. (2023)

{Tool} Apple scab: Robust cultivars for Northern Europe (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne and Bojesen, Maya. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 005. (2022)

{Tool} Recommendations for using soy-based feedstuffs for poultry production (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Empfehlungen zur Verwendung von Futtermitteln auf Sojabasis für die Geflügelproduktion.] Creator(s): Lindner, Christopher and Schmelzer, Elias. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 026. (2020)

{Tool} Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine-grained legumes (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindner, Christopher; Schmelzer, Elias and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 032. (2020)

{Tool} A farmer’s guide to organic fruit and vegetable production. Creator(s): Little, Tony and Frost, David. Issuing Organisation(s): OCW - Organic Centre Wales. (2008)

{Tool} Ration planning tool, user manual and webinar: Poultry and swine. Creator(s): Loïc, Labidalle; Roinsard, Antoine; Ahmad, Muhammad Sani; Früh, Barbara and Dietemann, Lauren. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Foraging of organic finishing pigs on protein-rich fodder (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Lubac, Stanislas. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feed. [Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feed.] Creator(s): Lübeck, Mette; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Fog, Erik and Kiel, Pauli. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. ICROFS news, no. 4. (2014)

{Tool} Interactive Innovation: Network analysis tool for practitioners. Creator(s): Macken-Walsh, Áine; Javornicky, Martin; Forde, Aoife; Naughton, Anita; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Home, Robert; Bettoni, Maddalena; Díaz Puente, José María; Augustyn, Anna Maria and Christina Repede, Dana. Issuing Organisation(s): TEAGASC, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, UPM - Polytechnic University of Madrid. (2022)

{Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 2nd module: Fertilization strategies to enhance nutrient availability in organic arable crops. Creator(s): Madzaric, Suzana; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017)

{Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 3rd module: Monitoring, preventive and curative measures for pest and disease management. Creator(s): Madzaric, Suzana; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017)

{Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 6th module: Recovery and final synthesis. Creator(s): Madzaric, Suzana; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017)

{Tool} Educational toolkit - strategies for sustainable and robust organic mixed livestock farming (Mix-Enable tool). [Mallette pédagogique - stratégies pour un polyélevage biologique durable et robuste (outil Mix-Enable).] Creator(s): Magne, Marie-Angélina; Brown, Juliette; Ulukan, Defne; Martin, Guillaume; Launay, Fabienne; Puech, Thomas; Godoc, Brendan and Schanz, Lisa. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ENSFEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Formation de l'Enseignement Agricole, IDELE - Institute De L'elevage. (2021)

{Tool} Cultivating resilience and protecting the soil: Empowering farmers through data driven decision support. Creator(s): Malingreau, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): Wagralim. (2024)

{Tool} Integrating microbial modulation solutions into agricultural practices. Creator(s): Malingreau, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): Wagralim. (2024)

{Tool} Microbial modulation for climate resilient agriculture. Creator(s): Malingreau, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): Wagralim. (2024)

{Tool} Integration of different agronomical practices for inter-row soil management in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 053. (2023)

{Tool} Organic apple orchard fertilisation: row and inter-row management with legume intercrops (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 044. (2022)

{Tool} Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 056. (2022)

{Tool} Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 055. (2022)

{Tool} Recycling agricultural residues in organic farming by on-farm compost production. Creator(s): Mariangela, Diacono; Alessandro, Persiani; Angelo, Fiore; Claudia, Di Bene; Alessandra, Trinchera; Roberta, Farina and Francesco, Montemurro. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2022)

{Tool} Managing for Soil Health on an Organic Farm - A Farmer's Perspective. Creator(s): Martens, Klaas. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2014)

{Tool} Multi-species livestock farming (MIX-ENABLE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Martin, Guillaume; Grillot, Myriam; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Prache, Sophie; Veysset, Patrick; Mosnier, Claire; Mischler, Pierre; Launay, Fabienne; Moerman, Marie; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph; Hübner, Severin; Meischner, Tabea; Brock, Christopher; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Bernes, Gun; Monteiro, Leonardo and Parsons, David. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Thünen-Institut, Tuscia University, SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Duddingtonia flagrans: biocontrol fungus for reducing the use of anthelmintics (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Maurer, Veronika. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Sustainable control of the greenhouse whitefly: combining solutions (RELACS Practice Abstract). [Nachhaltige Bekämpfung von Mottenschildläusen im Gewächshaus: Kombinierte Lösungen (RELACS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Mazzoni, Valerio and Fattoruso, Valeria. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Fondazione Edmund Mach, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022)

{Tool} Vibrational signals to control the whitefly in organic greenhouse production (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mazzoni, Valerio; Fattoruso, Valeria and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Functional compounds of einkorn and emmer genotypes. Creator(s): Megyeri, Maria; Mikó, P.; molnar, istvan; taborska, jana; Palfi, xenia; Dulai, sandor; Rapi, Sandor; Korozs, Marietta; Forgo, Peter and Molnár-Lang, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research. Chable et al. (eds.): Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems. Book of abstracts of Solibam final congress, 7-9. July 2014. SOLIBAM, Nantes, France. (2014)

{Tool} Training Handbook: The new EU organic regulation (2018/848) for producer groups. [Manuel de formation : Le nouveau règlement biologique de l'UE (2018/848) pour les groupements de producteurs.] Creator(s): Meinshausen, Florentine; Rudolph, Marlene; Richter, Toralf; Ssebunya, Brian and Itana, Abdi. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024)

{Tool} Greek organic aquaculture - European Aquaculture Society talk. [Ελληνική βιολογική υδατοκαλλιέργεια - Συζήτηση European Aquaculture Society.] Creator(s): Mente, Elena; Stelios, Karapanagiotis and Troianou, Eva. Issuing Organisation(s): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. (2022)

{Tool} Organic Weed Management: A Practical Guide. Creator(s): Merfield, Charles. Issuing Organisation(s): Charles Merfield. (2000)

{Tool} Increasing exchanges between farmers to enhance crop diversification (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Augmenter les échanges entre agriculteurs pour faciliter la diversification des cultures (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Mérot, Emmanuel; Miara, Maurice and Berthomier, Jérémy. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2020)

{Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020)

{Tool} Camelina organic cultivation experiences in Italy (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Micheloni, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Camelina processing: experience in Italy (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Micheloni, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Use of organic Camelina in laying hen feed (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Micheloni, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Feeding pigs silage. Creator(s): Michie, David. Issuing Organisation(s): Innovative Farmers. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2016)

{Tool} Comparison of bread wheat varieties with different breeding origin under organic and low input management. Creator(s): Mikó, P.; Löschenberger, F.; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Aebi, Rosalie; Megyeri, M.; Kovacs, Geza; Molnár-Lang, M.; Vida, G. and Rakszegi, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research. Euphytica, no. 199 (1-2). (2014)

{Tool} Organic pumpkin breeding (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Moeskops, Bram. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed videos, no. 13. (2020)

{Tool} Crop rotations on diversified farms. Creator(s): Mohler, Charles L.. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2013)

{Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020)

{Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020)

{Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Best4Soil Video. (2019)

{Tool} Anaerobic digestates as a nutrient source for organic farming (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Möller, Kurt. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Hohenheim, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 08. (2021)

{Tool} Codling moth (Cydia pomonella): Control methods in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 007. (2022)

{Tool} Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) management in organic fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 017. (2022)

{Tool} Control of Neofabraea spp. in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 050. (2023)

{Tool} Developing a fertilisation strategy in organic pome fruit (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 054. (2023)

{Tool} How to control weeds in organic pome fruit (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 041. (2023)

{Tool} Strategies to reduce sooty mould infection in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 048. (2023)

{Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): control strategies for organic pome fruit production (Biofruitnet Video). [Apfelschorf (Venturia inaequalis): Bekämpfungsstrategien für den ökologischen Kernobstbau (Biofruitnet Video).] Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Control strategy for organic pome production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 001. (2022)

{Tool} Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) – Control methods in organic fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Apfelwickler (Cydia pomonella, codling moth) - Kontrollmethoden im ökologischen Obstanbau (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Sooty mould – Control strategies for organic fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Russtauflecken (sooty mold) – Bekämpfungsstrategien für den ökologischen Obstbau (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. (2022)

{Tool} Getting your land ready to grow organically – certified or not. Creator(s): Morrone, Vicki. Issuing Organisation(s): Michigan State University. (2016)

{Tool} Organic no-till systems. Creator(s): Moyer, Jeff. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2013)

{Tool} The Muencheberg Soil Quality Rating (SQR). Creator(s): Mueller, Lothar; Schindler, Uwe; Behrendt, Axel; Eulenstein, Frank and Dannowski, Ralf. Issuing Organisation(s): ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. (2007)

{Tool} NDICEA - A digital tool to model nutrient balances across a crop rotation (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Mullender, Samantha. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 014. (2018)

{Tool} Free choice feeding - an alternative feeding method for laying hens (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). [Fütterung nach freier Wahl - eine alternative Fütterungsmethode für Legehennen.] Creator(s): Müsseler, Olivia and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): Öko-Beratungsgesellschaft. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 038. (2020)

{Tool} Changes for group certification with the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2024)

{Tool} Different concepts of guarantee systems. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023)

{Tool} Labels in organic agriculture. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023)

{Tool} Understanding Internal Control Systems (ICS). Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023)

{Tool} Making poultry feed more sustainable. [Making poultry feed more sustainable.] Creator(s): Nelder, Rebecca. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2012)

{Tool} DSS "Weed Control in Organic Winter Wheat Production". Creator(s): Neuhoff, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Bonn. (2004)

{Tool} Use of variety mixtures to reduce disease, increase resource-use efficiency resulting in enhanced profitability. Creator(s): Newton, Adrian C.. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE.

{Tool} Growing organic faba bean and wheat for food - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Nicod, Ludivine; Wendling, Marina and Charles, Raphael. Issuing Organisation(s): FIBL Switzerland, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 1. (2024)

{Tool} Test with laying hens for feed in the open air area (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). [Tastversuch mit Legehennen zur Futterpräferenz im Auslauf.] Creator(s): Nieland, Corinna; Schmelzer, Elias and Lindner, Christopher. Issuing Organisation(s): V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische Praxisforschung. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021)

{Tool} Increase plant health through mycorrhizal fungi (BIOVINE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Noceto, Pierre Antoine; Courty, Pierre-Emmanuel and Wipf, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020)

{Tool} Establishing forage turnip in the pasture outdoor area as supplementary feed to gestating sows (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} Feeding grass/clover silage to finisher pigs in addition to liquid feeding (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} Using an automatic straw-distributor to feed silage to pigs – A potential to increase pigs’ silage consumption and effect on behaviour and cleanliness of the pen (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} Silage with chicory to weaning pigs in multi-family pens (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. K-Net Ecofeed video. (2020)

{Tool} Guidelines for on-farm variety testing (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 16. (2020)

{Tool} Towards ecological and societal resilience through systems-based plant breeding (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 17. (2019)

{Tool} Cooperatives a model to improve organic seed production (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 3. (2019)

{Tool} Susceptibility of winter wheat cultivars to various isolates of common bunt (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Oberforster, Micheal and Plank, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 62. (2021)

{Tool} Mechanical weed control in organic fruit growing: Thread mowers (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 043. (2023)

{Tool} Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Gyroscopic crumblers (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 042. (2023)

{Tool} Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Roll hoes (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 047. (2023)

{Tool} Weed control in organic pome fruit growing: Combining different approaches (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 046. (2023)

{Tool} Alternate mowing in organic orchards as a biodiversity enhancement measure (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 034. (2022)

{Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Robust cultivars for Central Europe (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 004. (2022)

{Tool} Decision support systems to improve direct control methods of codling moth (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas and Adolphi, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 008. (2023)

{Tool} Participatory apple breeding - breeding new varieties on organic fruit farms (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Partizipative Apfelzüchtung - neue Sorten auf ökologischen Obstbaubetrieben züchten (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas and Sattler, Inde. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖON - Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland. (2022)

{Tool} Organic Arable Farming: Information for farmers considering conversion to organic production. Creator(s): Organic, Farmers & Growers. Issuing Organisation(s): Organic Farmers & Growers. (2019)

{Tool} Organic Field Crop Production. Creator(s): Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University.

{Tool} Pest Management in Organic Cropping Systems. Creator(s): Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University.

{Tool} Soil and Fertility Management in Organic Systems. Creator(s): Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University.

{Tool} Wintamines (Greenresilient Factsheet). Creator(s): Palme, Wolfgang. Issuing Organisation(s): Horticultural College and Research Institute. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021)

{Tool} Dry Forages: Process and techniques (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Papi, Eugenio. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 009. (2020)

{Tool} Okara: Including a soya by-product into the poultry diet (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Papi, Eugenio. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 030. (2020)

{Tool} Apricots cultivars suited for organic production in the Mediterranean region (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 078. (2022)

{Tool} Earwigs’ damage on stone fruits: how to control them (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 074. (2022)

{Tool} Susceptibility of apricot cultivars to blossom brown rot (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 066. (2022)

{Tool} Practical guidelines: How to avoid GMOs contaminations. Creator(s): Pearce, Bruce and Verriere, Pauline. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2018)

{Tool} Rosy apple aphid: Prevent infestation using flower strips (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard and Bojesen, Maya. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 019. (2022)

{Tool} Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Artenübergreifende Sommerbegrünung in geschützten Gemüsesystemen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Perrin, Benjamin; Laure, Parès and Lefèvre, Amélie. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021)

{Tool} How to produce organic heterogeneous material for sweet corn (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petcu, Victor. Issuing Organisation(s): NARDI - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 47. (2020)

{Tool} Rete Semi Rurali community seed bank (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed videos, no. 5. (2020)

{Tool} Conservation varieties in Italy (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 38. (2020)

{Tool} Farm saved seed: what are the rules? (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 37. (2020)

{Tool} How to set up a community seed bank (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 51. (2020)

{Tool} How to produce seed of heterogeneous populations of inbred cereals (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 52. (2020)

{Tool} Control of the parasitic weed Dodder in buckwheat or lentil cultivation through intercropping with linseed in Central Italy - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo; Ponzini, Daniela and Salva, Michele. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 5. (2024)

{Tool} Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture. [Anpassung und Eindämmung des Klimawandels in Fischerei und Aquakultur.] Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2020)

{Tool} Earthworms: architects of fertile soils (FiBL Technical Guide). Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical guide. (2022)

{Tool} Perennial flower strips – a tool for improving pest control in fruit orchards. Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas; Laurent, Jamar; Cahenzli, Fabian; Maren, Korsgaard; Weronika, Swiergiel and Lene, Sigsgaard. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018)

{Tool} Wild bees and pollination. [Wildbienen und Bestäubung.] Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas and Müller, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FIBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016)

{Tool} Organic agriculture and biodiversity. [Landwirtschaft und Biodiversität.] Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas and Stöckli, Sibylle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Designing pasture subdivisions for practical management of hogs. Creator(s): Pietrosemoli, Silvana and Green, James T.. Issuing Organisation(s): CEFS - Center for Environmental Farming Systems. (2015)

{Tool} Agronomical practices to reduce the risk of Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) occurrence in organic fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Piotrowski, Wojciech and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 021. (2022)

{Tool} Novel pheromone delivery system to reduce codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) damage in organic pome fruit orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Piotrowski, Wojciech and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 010. (2022)

{Tool} Cover crop management and termination. Creator(s): Plumer, Mike and Berger, Steve. Issuing Organisation(s): SARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. (2014)

{Tool} The use of strawberries as living mulch in organic orchards and vineyards (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Polverigiani, Serena; Zucchini, Matteo; Murri, Giorgio; Neri, Davide and Marchionni, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche. DOMINO Practice Abstract. (2019)

{Tool} SEMINBIO®: Innovative seeder for weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Ponzio, Carlo; Saia, Sergio and Torriani, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): Con Marche Bio, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 022. (2018)

{Tool} Sunflower oil cake (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Porietti, Lavinia. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 028. (2020)

{Tool} Feeding silage to organic weaning piglets: diarrhoea, gastric health and growth (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Hushållningssällskapet. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Establishing forage turnips in the pasture for gestating sows (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Hushållningssällskapet. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Feeding silage to pigs with an automatic straw distributor (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Hushållningssällskapet. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Phase feeding for growing and finishing pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 015. (2020)

{Tool} Farm branding: Selling your products through storytelling. [Farm Branding: Verkaufen Sie Ihr Produkte durch Geschichte.] Creator(s): Prial, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. (2021)

{Tool} Guidelines Resolve soil restoration techniques ENGLISH. Creator(s): Priori, S. and D'Avino, L.. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA-AA Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment, Florence ITA. (2018)

{Tool} Linseed supplementation for improvement of colostrum quality (Practice abstract ProYoungStock). [Suplementacja krów mlecznych siemieniem lnianym w celu poprawy właściwości immunologicznych siary.] Creator(s): Puppel, Kamila; Sakowski, Tomasz; Grodkowski,, Grzegorz and Klopčič, Marija. Issuing Organisation(s): Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. Practice abstract ProYoungStock. (2021)

{Tool} Inter-row cultivation for mechanical weed control in winter oilseed rape. Creator(s): PURE. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE.

{Tool} Results an lessons learnt from field vegetables activity - cabbage. Creator(s): PURE. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE.

{Tool} Weed harrowing in spring cereals. Creator(s): PURE. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE.

{Tool} Modification/change of sowing date in winter wheat. Creator(s): PURE, .. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. (2015)

{Tool} Results and lessons learnt from wheat-based cropping system activity. Creator(s): PURE, .. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE.

{Tool} Advanced system in wheat: Combination of agronomical levels: The French experiment. Creator(s): PURE, Arvalais – France. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE.

{Tool} Recommendations for Vitamin B2 supplements in organic slow-growing broilers (RELACS Practice abstract). [Aanbevelingen voor vitamine B2 supple-mentatie in biologische traaggroeiende vleeskuikens (RELACS Practice abstract).] Creator(s): Quander-Stoll, Nele and Leiber, Florian. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 06. (2021)

{Tool} Feeding faba bean to poultry in practice. Creator(s): Quendt, Ulrich. Issuing Organisation(s): LLH - Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen. Legumes Translated practice notes, no. 24. (2021)

{Tool} Feeding pea to poultry. Creator(s): Quendt, Ulrich and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): LLH - Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen. Legumes Translated practice notes, no. 20. (2021)

{Tool} Values and benefits of organic seeds (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Raaijmakers, Maaike. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 22. (2020)

{Tool} The difference between certified organic seed and “untreated” conventional seed (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Raaijmakers, Maaike and van Diemen, Marcel. Issuing Organisation(s): Vitalis, Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 21. (2020)

{Tool} Apiculture and honey crops as a diversification of income and crops in small farms (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Bienenzucht und Honiganbau als Diversifizierung von Einkommen und Anbauprodukten in kleinen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Radzikowski, Pawel; Stalenga, Jarosław; Trugly, Bence and Bennet, Callum. Issuing Organisation(s): IUGN - Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, LEAF - Linking Environment and Farming. (2022)

{Tool} Interplay©: a support tool to help novice farmers choose cereal-legume intercrops - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Raoux, Fanny and Alletto, Lionel. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 3. (2024)

{Tool} Nitrogen budget calculator. A tool to calculate N-budgets in organic forage systems. [Stickstoff-SaldoRechner Berechnung von N-Salden im ökologischen Feldfutterbau​.] Creator(s): Reckling, Moritz; Stein-Bachinger, Karin and Bachinger, Johann. Issuing Organisation(s): ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. (2013)

{Tool} Nitrogen efficiency of organic fertilisers (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reimer, Marie and Möller, Kurt. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, University of Hohenheim. (2022)

{Tool} NutriGadget - Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming (Relacs Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reimer, Marie; Oelofse, Myles; Bünemann, Else; Magid, Jakob and Möller, Kurt. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Hohenheim, KU - University of Copenhagen. Relacs Practice Abstract, no. 03. (2020)

{Tool} Management strategies for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reinbacher, Lara and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 060. (2023)

{Tool} Evaluation of the processing method on the bioactive compounds level in the apple juice (ProOrg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): REMBIAŁKOWSKA, EWA; Hallman, E.; Kazimierczak, Renata; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Baranski, Marcin; Kaniewska-Skoczylas, A. and Misztal, Karolina. Issuing Organisation(s): Warsaw University of Life Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020)

{Tool} Success stories on organic seed production & breeding. Creator(s): Rey, Frederic; Bruszik, Ágnes; Moretti, Maddalena; Petitti, Matteo; de Buck, Abco; Meyer, Katharina and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, LBI - Louis Bolk Institute, IFOAM Organics Europe, UBIOS - Union Bio Semences, Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Booklets, no. 3. (2020)

{Tool} Silage as bulk feed for pigs with restricted feeding (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). [El ensilaje como ración de volumen para cerdos con alimentación restringida.] Creator(s): Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Rodríguez-Hernández, Pablo; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano and Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente. Issuing Organisation(s): ECOVALIA - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Whey for fattening organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Suero para cerdos de engorde en ecológico.] Creator(s): Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel and Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 035. (2020)

{Tool} Tools for defining a fair price and strengthening crop diversification value chains (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Définir un « prix juste » dans un contexte de diversification des cultures : critères et outils de réflexion au sein des filières (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Riera, Anton and Antier, Clémentine. Issuing Organisation(s): SYTRA - Transition of food systems, Université catholique de Louvain. (2022)

{Tool} Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with NIR (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021)

{Tool} Using near-infrared tools to monitor heat damage in soya bean products (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Guide for assessing the protein quality in soya feed products (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 005. (2020)

{Tool} Guide for farms to plan small scale soya bean processing equipment (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net-Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 029. (2020)

{Tool} Recommendations for using soya-based feedstuffs in pig husbandry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. Practice Abstract, no. 027. (2020)

{Tool} Toasting soybeans for feeding laying hens (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). [Legehennenfütterung: Soja toasten.] Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020)

{Tool} On-farm soy processing – toasting soy for pig fattening (OK-Net EcoFeed video). [Sojatoasten für die Schweinefütterung.] Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020)

{Tool} Unprocessed soya beans low in trypsin inhibitors in organic pig fattening diets (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold; Raser, Helmut; Puntigam, Reinhard and Slama, Julia. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 025. (2020)

{Tool} Calorespirometry – A phenotyping tool to assess pea germination efficiency under different temperatures (LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rodrigues, Lénia; Nogales, Amaia; Hansen, Lee; Santos, Fatima; Groot, Steven P.C.; Rato, Ana Elisa and Cardoso, Helia. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Évora. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 34. (2020)

{Tool} Acorns for fattening free-range pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Bellotas para el engorde de cerdos en extensivo.] Creator(s): Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina and Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 033. (2020)

{Tool} Brewer’s yeast for organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Levadura de cerveza para cerdos ecológicos.] Creator(s): Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos and Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 034. (2020)

{Tool} 100 % organic feedstuffs for laying hens (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine and Desaint, Brieuc. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Alternatives to soya bean for fattening broilers (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine and Desaint, Brieuc. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine; Maupertius, F.; Gain, C. and Pierre, P.. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire, IDELE - Institute De L'elevage. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2020)

{Tool} Rotating pasture for pregnant sows (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract. (2019)

{Tool} Organic heterogeneous material - A new marketing regime for diversified seed populations. Creator(s): Rolin, Benoît; Pautrat, Adèle; Debuyst, Olivier and Guillemant, Fiona. Issuing Organisation(s): Seeds4All, Artemisia AISBL, Mojo Agency. (2023)

{Tool} Sort Out Your Soil: A practical guide to green manures. Creator(s): Rosenfeld, Anton and Rayns, Francis. Issuing Organisation(s): Cotswold Seeds Ltd., Garden Organic.

{Tool} Decision support systems to optimise the efficacy of novel copper alternatives (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Perazzolli, Michele and Treutwein, Jonas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Fondazione Edmund Mach. (2022)

{Tool} Experiments on the cultivation and feeding of nettles (OK-Net EcoFeed video). [Versuche zum Anbau und zur Fütterung von Brennnesseln.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias. Issuing Organisation(s): V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische Praxisforschung. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021)

{Tool} Nettle cultivation for feeding poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Brennnesselanbau zur Fütterung von Hühnern.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias and Lindner, Christopher. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. Practice Abstract OK-Net Ecofeed. (2021)

{Tool} Nettles for feeding (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Versuche zur Fütterung von Legehennen mit Brennnesseln.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias; Lindner, Christopher and Neumaier, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Varieties of clover in poultry ranges: feed value and feeding preference (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Kleesorten im Hühnerauslauf: Versuch zum Futterwert und zur Präferenz der Hennen.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias; Lindner, Christopher and Nieland, Corinna. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Liquorice extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Schmitt, Annegret; Hermann, Sophie and Treutwein, Jonas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Julius Kühn-Institut. (2022)

{Tool} Free stalls for horn-bearing dairy cows - Recommendations for dimensioning and design. [Laufställe für horntragende Milchkühe - Empfehlungen für die Dimensionierung und Gestaltung.] Creator(s): Schneider, Claudia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL Deutschland, FiBL Österreich, Bioland Beratung. (2022)

{Tool} Separation and weaning of calves reared in cow-calf contact systems (ProYoungStock - Practice abstract). [Trennen und Absetzen von Kälbern in der kuhgebundenen Aufzucht.] Creator(s): Schneider, Claudia; Bieber, Anna; Spengler Neff, Anet and Ivemeyer, Silvia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} SortInfo. Creator(s): SEGES, SEGES. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2023)

{Tool} Growing Spelt and Ensuring a Market (Cerere Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sellars, Anna. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. CERERE Practice abstract. (2018)

{Tool} Crop management for underutilised/minor grains (Cerere Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sellars, Anna and Marriage, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Organic Research Centre. CERERE Practice Abstract. (2018)

{Tool} Baking with the Organic Wakelyns Wheat Population Flour. Creator(s): Sellars, Anna. CERERE Practice abstract. (2018)

{Tool} Intercropping wheat and pea for on-farm pasta production - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Seremesic, Srdjan; Vujić, Svetlana and Vojnov, Bojan. Issuing Organisation(s): UNSFA, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 7. (2024)

{Tool} Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity. Creator(s): Serpolay, Estelle; Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella and CHABLE, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 1. (2018)

{Tool} Introducing maize, bean and courgettes into the diet of foraging pigs (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). Creator(s): Sheard, Carl; Lausell, S.; Lubac, Stanislas and Coulombel, Aude. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net EcoFeed slideshow. (2019)

{Tool} Visual soil assessment: field guide for cropping. Creator(s): Shepherd, Graham. Issuing Organisation(s): Landcare Research. (2000)

{Tool} Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 44. (2020)

{Tool} Organic Research Centre Podcasts. Creator(s): Smith, Vicky. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2021)

{Tool} The State of Organic Seed in Europe. Creator(s): Solfanelli, Francesco; OZTURK, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Orsini, Stefano; Petitti, Matteo; Ortolani, Livia; Schäfer, Freya and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM, UNIVPM, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali, ORC. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 2. (2021)

{Tool} Mother-bonded and fostered calf rearing in dairy farming. [Mutter- und ammengebundene Kälberaufzucht in der Milchviehhaltung.] Creator(s): Spengler Neff, Anet; Schneider, Claudia; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Bigler, Martin; Bindel, Barbara; Haeni, Robert; Hurni, Beatrice; Knösel, Mechthild; Löffler, Thomas; Lutke Schipholt, Herman; Maier, Alexandra; Mika, Peter; Müller, Christian; Müller, Dorothee; Oswald, Hans; Ott, Martin; Rist, Michael; Schmid, Rochus; Sperling, Urs; Streiff, Ricco; Wälle, Andi; Maeschli, Ariane and Lipka, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Increasing crop diversification with flower strips to improve natural pest control and pollination (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Dywersyfikacja upraw poprzez pasy kwietne, w celu poprawy naturalnej kontroli szkodników i efektywności zapylania (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Stalenga, Jarosław; Radzikowski, Pawel and Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): IUGN - Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Silage feeding for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, S.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2019)

{Tool} Dual-purpose poultry genotypes in organic and low-input outdoor farms (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024)

{Tool} Lactic acid bacteria supplements for organic broilers (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna and Engberg, Ricarda M.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Clover-grass protein by bio-refining: nutrient composition and shelf life (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Engberg, Ricarda M. and Ambye-Jensen, Morten. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Clover-grass protein by bio-refining - Nutrient composition and shelf life (OK-Net Ecofeed video). [Kløvergræsprotein ved bioraffinering: næringsstofsammensætning og holdbarhed.] Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Engberg, Ricarda M.; Dietemann, Lauren and Dilling, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University, ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} Adding lactic acid bacteria via maize silage or to drinking water in organic broilers (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Mathiesen, Camila and Jakobsen, Malene. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

{Tool} Protein requirement for slow growing broilers (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, S.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 017. (2020)

{Tool} Foraging of broilers in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2019)

{Tool} Green protein from locally grown crops (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Ambye-Jensen, Morten and Lübeck, Mette. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. Ok-Net-Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 013. (2020)

{Tool} Vitamin E supplementation - revised recommendations for organic dairy cow production (RELACS practice abstract). Creator(s): Steinshamn, Håvard. Issuing Organisation(s): NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research. (2022)

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Estonia (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 039. (2022)

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Latvia (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 038. (2022)

{Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 040. (2022)

{Tool} Cherry varieties suitable for organic cultivation in the Baltic region (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 076. (2022)

{Tool} Modul 4.2 Drying of herbs/Gewürz- und Kräutertrocknung/Essiccamento di erbe. Creator(s): Sturm, Barbara and von Gersdorff, Gardis. Issuing Organisation(s): Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Agrar- und Biosystemtechnik. (2018)

{Tool} Modul(e) 4.3 Fruit drying/Obsttrocknung/Essiccamento (frutta). Creator(s): Sturm, Barbara and von Gersdorff, Gardis. Issuing Organisation(s): Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Agrar- und Biosystemtechnik. (2018)

{Tool} Protein extraction from forage legumes (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. (2022)

{Tool} Mycorrhizal fungi – How to produce your own bio-fertilizer (SolACE Practice abstract). Creator(s): Symanczik, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. SolACE Practice abstract. (2019)

{Tool} Quantification of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi by quantitative polymerase chain reaction (SolACE Practice abstract). Creator(s): Symanczik, Sarah and Bodenhausen, Natacha. Issuing Organisation(s): Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), SolACE. (2022)

{Tool} Biofertilisers. Creator(s): Symnaczik, Sarah; Mäder, Paul and Romano, Ida. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020)

{Tool} Variety mixtures of as a tool in weed management Spring barley. Creator(s): Sønderskov, Mette and Melander, Bo. Issuing Organisation(s): Aarhus University. (2018)

{Tool} Foster cows and calves in co-grazing systems in Norway (CORE Organic Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sørheim, Kristin and Johanssen, Juni Rosann E.. Issuing Organisation(s): NORSØK - Norwegian Centre of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} Hair cortisol – a practical method for measuring chronic stress in cattle? (CORE Organic Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sørheim, Kristin; Wenker, Margret L. and Cao, Yanran. Issuing Organisation(s): NORSØK - Norwegian Centre of Organic Agriculture. (2021)

{Tool} SmartSOIL Tool. Creator(s): Taghizadeh-Toosi, Arezoo. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. (2015)

{Tool} Inoculation of soya seed (Legumes Translated Video). [Impfung von Sojasaatgut.] Creator(s): Taifun-Tofu, Taifun and Soja, LZ. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Legumes Translated video. (2020)

{Tool} Organic Small Grain Production. Creator(s): Tallman, Susan. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2011)

{Tool} Larch extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Tamm, Lucius and Schärer, Hans-Jakob. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022)

{Tool} Monitoring and mass trapping of cherry fruit flies (Rhagoletis cerasi and R. cingulata) in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 071. (2022)

{Tool} Cover crops in soil nutrient management in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Rośliny okrywowe w zarządzaniu glebą i składnikami odżywczymi w sadach ekologicznych (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata; Malusa, Eligio and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. (2023)

{Tool} Intercropping in orchards as innovative practice of soil management (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Uprawy współrzędne w sadach – innowacyjny sposób zarządzania glebą (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata; Malusa, Eligio and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. (2023)

{Tool} Monitoring of major pests of the organic orchard (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Metody monitorowania szkodników w ekologicznym sadzie jabłoniowym (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata; Malusa, Eligio and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. (2023)

{Tool} Farmer Field Schools – Using peer-to-peer advisory to reduce antibiotic inputs and to improve animal health and welfare (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Tavares, Olivia; Walkenhorst, Michael and Experton, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 01. (2018)

{Tool} Increasing awareness of soil microbial ecosystem services (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Mikrobiellen Ökosystemdienstleistungen mehr Beachtung schenken (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Tebbe, Christoph and Liu, Bei. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut. (2020)

{Tool} How to assess weed biodiversity: exploiting weeds' functionality in greenhouses (GreenResilient video). Creator(s): Testani, Elena and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. GreenResilient video. (2021)

{Tool} BIOFRUITNET podcast (five episodes). Creator(s): Thanner, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023)

{Tool} Plants and planting designs for organic poultry ranges. [Beplantning i økologiske hønsegårde.] Creator(s): Thejsen, Jens. Issuing Organisation(s): Økologisk Landsforening (Danish Organic National Association). OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015)

{Tool} Oregon Tilth Webinars. Creator(s): Tilth, Oregon. Issuing Organisation(s): Oregon Tilth. Oregon Tilth 2017 WEBINAR SERIES. (2017)

{Tool} Species mixtures for lentil production in Germany (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Timaeus, Johannes. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Kassel, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 6. (2020)

{Tool} How to set a pitfall trap to assess spiders and predatory beetles (Greenresilient Video). Creator(s): Tittarelli, Fabio and Kemper, Laura. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2019)

{Tool} Transition to organic production. Creator(s): Transition to organic production, Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University.

{Tool} Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract). Creator(s): Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga; Rossing, Walter; Migliore, Melania; Himanen, Sari; Debode, Jane; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Campanelli, Gabriele and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

{Tool} Copper reduction strategies in tomato production (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Copper reduction strategies in viticulture (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 05. (2021)

{Tool} Inter-row cultivation - Mechanical control of weeds in soybean crops. Creator(s): Tubić, Svetlana Balešević; Miladinović, Jegor; Đorđević, Vuk; Miladinov, Zlatica and Vasiljević, Marjana. Issuing Organisation(s): IFVCNS - Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 2. (2020)

{Tool} Host team manual - A guide for host teams and for those who guide host teams at Farmer Family Learning Group (FFLG) facilitator courses. Creator(s): Vaarst, Mette and Nalunga, Jane. Issuing Organisation(s): NOGAMU, Uganda, Aarhus University, Denmark, Organic Denmark, Denmark. (2015)

{Tool} Designing strip intercropping systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Ontwerp van strokenteelt (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Norén, Isabella Selin; Ditzler, Lenora and Rossing, Walter. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020)

{Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020)

{Tool} Blue mussels as feedstuff (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 022. (2020)

{Tool} Seaweed as feed supplement (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2020)

{Tool} Starfish as feedstuff (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 016. (2020)

{Tool} App for mobile devices for the control of bovine fasciolosis (ProPara). Creator(s): van der Meijden, Chris and Knubben-Schweizer, G.. Issuing Organisation(s): Clinic for Ruminants with Ambulatory and Herd Health Services, LMU Munich. (2018)

{Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020)

{Tool} DiverIMPACTs Toolbox. [DiverIMPACTs Toolbox.] Creator(s): VandeWalle, Aline. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2022)

{Tool} Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Augmenter la production de fourrage avec les mélanges légumineuses-céréales en seconde culture (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Vandewalle, Aline; Guibert, Stéphanie; Thiechard, Marion; Guérin, Fabien and Ahnemann, Hauke. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2021)

{Tool} Mobile farrowing huts for sows and piglets (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vanggaard, Staldmontage (ApS) and Lene Juul, Pedersen. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024)

{Tool} Use interstems to improve apricot tree health (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek and Kaplan, Jiří. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 107. (2023)

{Tool} Monitoring, prevention and control of plum moth (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Falta, Vladan and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 073. (2023)

{Tool} Strategy to control Peach Leaf Curl damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Falta, Vladan and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 069. (2023)

{Tool} Characteristics of organic sweet cherry rootstocks (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří and Jan, Tomáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 080. (2022)

{Tool} Suitable European plum cultivars for organic orchards establishment (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří and Jan, Tomáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 077. (2022)

{Tool} Strategy to control Plum Pox Virus damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Schlesingerová, Gabriela and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 067. (2023)

{Tool} Strategy to control Little Cherry Disease (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Valentová, Lucie and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 068. (2023)

{Tool} How to apply mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Stryhalová, Gabriela and Kaplan, Jiří. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 106. (2022)

{Tool} Introducing predatory mites into fruit orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Stryhalová, Gabriela; Kaplan, Jiří and Novotná, Martina. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 103. (2022)

{Tool} Control methods against the whitefly Dialeurodes citri in organic citrus (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 105. (2023)

{Tool} Biological control against the new invasive Mealy-bug Delottococcus aberiae (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 092. (2022)

{Tool} Breeding natural enemies – successful farmers´ experiences (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 089. (2022)

{Tool} Control methods in organic citrus against the new invasive Mealybug Delottococcus aberiae (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 104. (2022)

{Tool} Cover crops for pest control in Mediterranean citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 094. (2022)

{Tool} Functional biodiversity: Mediterranean plants to improve natural enemies in organic citrus (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 083. (2022)

{Tool} Principles of design of intercropping (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): Verret, Valentin; Pelzer, Elise; Bedoussac, Laurent and Jeuffroy, Marie-Hélène. Issuing Organisation(s): ENSEFA, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and the Environment, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 7. (2020)

{Tool} Building successful value chains for diversified cropping systems, using Hodmedods as an example (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Aufbau erfolgreicher Wertschöpfungsketten für diversifizierte Anbausysteme am Beispiel der Hodmedods (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Villa, Abel; Meldrum, Josiah; Bliss, Katie and Dumper-Pollard, Rowan. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

{Tool} Tools to integrate organoleptic quality criteria into breeding programs. Creator(s): VINDRAS, Camille; Sinoir, N.; Coulombel, A.; Taupier-Létage, Bruno and REY, Frederic. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood technical booklets. (2018)

{Tool} RDP Measure 16.2 to overcome barriers of the approach (ReMIX Practice abstract). Creator(s): Virto, Cristina; Sotil, Esther and Bellostas, Natalia. Issuing Organisation(s): INTIA – Navarra Institute for Agrifood Technologies and Infrastructures, IFOAM EU. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 10. (2020)

{Tool} Focus on the amino acid content of energy feedstuff components (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Fokus auf den Aminosäuregehalt von Energiefuttermittelbestandteilen.] Creator(s): Vogt-Kaute, Werner and Schmelzer, Elias. Issuing Organisation(s): Öko-Beratungsgesellschaft, Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 036. (2020)

{Tool} Inoculation of soybean seed – inoculation for an efficient nitrogen supply. Creator(s): von Beesten, Fabian; Miersch, Martin and Recknagel, Jürgen. Issuing Organisation(s): Deutscher Sojaförderring. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 1. (2019)

{Tool} Smart drying of organic food products (SusOrgPlus Practice abstract). Creator(s): von Gersdorff, Gardis; Sturm, Barbara; Esper, Albert and Bantle, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Kassel, Innotech Ingenieursgesellschaft, SINTEF. SusOrgPlus Practice abstract. (2020)

{Tool} Nematodes as suitable indicators for soil health (Greenresilient Factsheet). [Nematoden zijn geschikt als indicatoren ter bepaling van de gezondheid van de bodem.] Creator(s): Waeyenberge, Lieven; Viaene, Nicole and Willekens, Koen. Issuing Organisation(s): ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2020)

{Tool} Cow based calf rearing as a strategy to reduce antimicrobial use in dairy production (ROADMAP Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Roadmap Practice Abstracts. (2023)

{Tool} Phytotherapy – A strategy to reduce antimicrobials use (ROADMAP practice abstract). Creator(s): Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. ROADMAP practice abstract. (2023)

{Tool} Deliverable No 5.2: Handbook: RELACS-AHWP protocol. Creator(s): Walkenhorst, Michael; Tavares, Olivia and Experton, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2021)

{Tool} EBENE application for poultry welfare self-assessment by farmers. Creator(s): Warin, Laura; Bouvarel, Isabelle; Mika, Amandine; Thys, Mirjan; Graat, Evelien; Courboulay, Valérie; Meunier-Salaün, Marie-Christine; Stomp, Mathilde; Leruste, Hélène; Guesdon, Vanessa; Collin, Anne; Giersberg, Mona; Rodenburg, Bas and Tuyttens, Frank. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, IFIP - Institut du Porc, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, JUNIA, Utrecht University. (2018)

{Tool} Nest boxes for birds are powerful tools in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Warlop, Francois. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 030. (2022)

{Tool} Agroforestry system: combined cultivation of fruit and vegetables (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Système agroforestier: culture combinée de fruits et de légumes (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): WARLOP, FRANCOIS and Gaspari, Chloe. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (2022)

{Tool} Codling moth prevention: Preserve antagonists in organic apple and pear orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Warlop, Francois and Kienzle, Jutta. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 014. (2022)

{Tool} Increasing functional biodiversity in the orchard with hedges, nesting boxes and flower strips (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Augmenter la biodiversité fonctionnelle dans le verger avec des haies, des nichoirs et des bandes fleuries (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): WARLOP, FRANCOIS and Lambion, Jérôme. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (2022)

{Tool} Intercropping grain-legumes and cereals for improved protein concentration in the cereal (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Watson, Christine; Dordas, Christos and Pankou, Chrysanthi. Issuing Organisation(s): SRUC - Scotland's Rural College, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 1. (2020)

{Tool} A Guide to Nutrient Budgeting on Organic Farms. Creator(s): Watson, Christine; Topp, Cairistiona F E and Stockdale, Elizabeth. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. IOTA Results of Organic Research: Technical Leaflet, no. 6. (2010)

{Tool} Using a partner crop in maize for weed suppression (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Gebruik van een partnergewas in mais tegen de onkruiddruk (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Wesselink, Marie and Smit, Elsbet. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022)

{Tool} Nutrient digestibility in poultry (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Whistance, Lindsay. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstracts, no. 014. (2020)

{Tool} Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different fertilization strategies (SureVeg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Willekens, Koen; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Bracke, Jolien; Quataert, Paul; Barbry, Joran; Trinchera, Alessandra; Campanelli, Gabriele; Migliore, Melania; Debode, Jane; Lepse, Līga; Dane, Sandra; Himanen, Sari; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Rossing, Walter; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022)

{Tool} How to improve organic seed production for carrots and cauliflower (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Winter, Eva and Kummer, Carmen. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 42. (2020)

{Tool} Must sowing density of intercropping be half of the two sole crops density for providing good performance? (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Zachmann, Julian; Munz, Sebastian; Rémi, Vezy and Søren, Lund. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Hohenheim, Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement, Roskilde University, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 4. (2020)

Web product

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Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Erfahrungen mit der Rotationskreuzung (mit Andreas Melchior und Marc Grüter). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Excellence Classes for managers in agricultural advisory organizations. [Excellence Classes für Führungskräfte in landwirtschaftlichen Beratungsorganisationen.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) FInAL: Förderung von Insekten in Agrarlandschaften - Projektanalyse Cross Visit i2connect. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) GoCitrics: Precision Agriculture in Citrus Irrigation & Fertilization - A Field Peer Review. [GoCitrics: Präzisionslandwirtschaft bei der Bewässerung und Düngung von Zitrusfrüchten.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Hitzestress bei Milchkühen auf der Weide erkennen und vermeiden. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Hochgrasbeweidung oder Mob-Grazing: Weidemanagement an die Folgen des Klimawandels anpassen. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Intercropping with camelina to increase yields of local underutilized crops (SCOOP CORE Organic). [Mischanbau mit Leindotter (Camelina) zur Steigerung der Erträge lokaler, wenig genutzter Kulturen.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Keyline Design and agroforestry on the Aebleten farm - Climate-smart solutions. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Keyline Design und Agroforst auf dem Hof Aebleten - Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Kunstwiesenmischung mit Kräuterzusatz (vorgestellt von Sepp Braun, Bioland). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Latvian farmers successfully cultivate soybeans despite harsh Nordic climate. [Lettische Landwirte bauen trotz des rauen nordischen Klimas erfolgreich Sojabohnen an.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) lebensraum:natur - Menschen für Biodiversität begeistern - Projektanalyse von i2connect. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Mob Grazing: Adapting pasture management to improve drought resistance (Climate-Smart Agriculture). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Organic mixed livestock farming - Results of the animal experiments (MIX-ENABLE). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Pig production in sustainable mixed free-range systems (ROAM-FREE CORE Organic). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Pionierinnen des ökologischen Landbaus - Passion und Profession mit Mathilde Schmitt. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Schlachtmobil - Geflügel auf dem Hof schlachten (vorgestellt von Natalie Cavelti). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2023) Ukraine at Biofach 2023. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Crop sensing and variable rate applications - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 05. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Cross-Visit to Rami Lilja's Farm. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Data driven decisions for dairy farmers - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 02. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) ERA-NET CORE Organic – Achievements & Outlook after 17 years. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) FarmED - A Demo Farm for Food and Farming Education (NEFERTITI Cross Visit). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Grassland & carbon sequestration - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 01. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Improved nutrient use efficiency in horticulture - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 07. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Improving farmers discussion groups - An example of a grassland farmers group in Western Finland. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Increasing productivity and quality in organic arable cropping - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 06. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Innovation for Sustainable Agriculture - FarmDemo Conference (NEFERTITI, IPMWorks, IPM Decisions). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Machines for organic farms: Combcut, Grimme GH4 Eco Ridger, LyckeGård Kvick-Finn. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Milking robots & automatic feeding with Lely ASTRONAUT and VECTOR at Lester Family Farm (NEFERTITI). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Mob-grazing to lower costs and to enhance biodiversity & carbon sequestration (AMP grazing). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) NEFERTITI Achievements & Impacts. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Optimal soil quality in arable crops - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 04. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Pesticide use reduction in the production of grapes, fruits and vegetables - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 09. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Reducing pesticides in fruit production with modern spraying technologies (LIPCO and WANNER). [Weniger Pestizide im Obstanbau mit modernen Spritztechniken (Tunnelsprühgeräte LIPCO und WANNER).] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Robust organic livestock systems - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 03. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Teaser: Join the FarmDemo Conference in Brussel 11 May 2022 organized by Nefertiti - IPMWORKS - IPMDecisions. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Tools to prepare, deliver & evaluate on-farm demonstrations (FarmDemo Tutorial 3/3). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) Water use efficiency in horticulture - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 08. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2022) You can Farm: Farm attractivity for new entrants - Achievements of the NEFERTITI Thematic Network 10. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2016) Video: Stubble cultivation to control root-weed in organic agriculture (OK-Net Arable). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Alexandrova-Stefanova, Nevena (2023) Strengthening Agricultural Extension Services - Experiences from Azerbaijan. [Stärkung der landwirtschaftlichen Beratungsdienste - Erfahrungen aus Aserbaidschan.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Ancona, Francesco (2023) Orange varieties for organic citrus cultivation in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari .

Alföldi, Thomas and Araldi, Flore (2022) Réguler Monilinia laxa dans les abricots bio. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Avosani, Sabina (2022) Frutticoltura: Controllo di insetti dannosi in con vibrazioni (biotremologia). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Bae, Sangeun (2023) Active Learning & Co-Creation: Insights from the i2connect Summer School in Hohenheim. [Aktives Lernen und Ko-Kreation: Einblicke von der i2connect Summer School in Hohenheim.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Beermann, Anke; Debruyne, L.; Marchand, Fleur and Mckee, Annie (2022) Six steps to design your on-farm demonstrations (FarmDemo Tutorial 1/3). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Beermann, Anke; Triste, Laure; Debruyne, Lies; Marchand, Fleur and Mckee, Annie (2022) How to design virtual farm demonstrations (FarmDemo Tutorial 2/3). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Boitelet, Marie (2022) AGLAÉ - Farmers share their agro-ecological practices (i2connect practical case). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Bosshardt, Sara (2022) Agroforesterie: Associer production fruitière et élevage de volailles. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Boutry, Clémence (2022) Bio-Pflanzenschutz: Direkte Regulierung der Schwarzen Kirschenblattlaus (Myzus cerasi). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Boutry, Clémence (2022) Schwarze Kirschenblattlaus (Myzus cerasi): Regulierung mit offener Nützlingszucht. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Cahenzli, Fabian; Muller, Roxane and Luka, Henryk (2022) Insektengemeinschaften im Wandel. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Couzy, Christèle (2022) Analyzing networks using the tool Maps of Actors. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Debruyne, Lies and Viveiros, Francisca (2022) Analyzing the Operational Group ArboNovateur with the Spiral of Innovation. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Frehner, Anita (2022) Vegetarisch oder Bio? Ernährung-Szenarien im Nachhaltigkeits-Check. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Friedli, Michael (2021) New ways in organic fruit growing: intelligent covers and Guyot training system for apple. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Hayes, Martha (2022) Exploring Agroforestry in Organic Dairy – NEFERTITI Cross Visit at Tim and Louise Downes' farm. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2021) BRESOV - Breeding for Resilient, Efficient and Sustainable Organic Vegetable production. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Holinger, Mirjam; Früh, Barbara and Köller, Judith (2022) Auslaufgestaltung bei Bio-Mastschweinen optimieren: Wühlareal, Abkühlung und Raufutter. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hufschmid, Jasmin and Sommer, Léa (2023) Agroforst-Systeme: Anpassung und Minderung des Klimawandels - Planung, Anlage und Förderprogramme. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hufschmid, Jasmin and Sommer, Léa (2023) Climate-Smart Farming - Keyline Design & Water Management - Experiences of the Katzhof farm. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Hufschmid, Jasmin and Sommer, Léa (2023) Keyline Design & Wassermanagement & Agroforst auf dem Katzhof - Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Janežič, Mateja Gorše (2022) Advisors learn about interactive innovation processes on practical case - »Cross Visit« in Slovenia. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Kanthak, Sonja (2021) Agroforestry for feed autonomy - How to use trees and forests in agriculture? (the Agrosyl Project). Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Kanthak, Sonja (2021) Collaboration promotes Innovation - Star’Terre as an example of an agri-food innovation platform. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Keller, Chigusa; Meyer, Simone; Besier, Johanna and Guyer, Urs (2022) Was wäre, wenn im Jahr 2035 50% der Schweizer Landwirtschaft Bio wäre? Zukunftswerkstatt 2021 NBFF. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Klaiss, Matthias; Kemper, Laura and Dierauer, Hansueli (2022) Optimale Backweizensorten für die Bioverarbeitung – Streifenversuche auf Praxisbetrieben. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Lüscher, Andreas and Pauler, Caren (2023) Umgang mit Trockenheit im Naturfutterbau (vorgestellt von Andreas Lüscher, Agroscope/AGFF). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Circle of Coherence - Understanding interaction in networks. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) The Cynefin Framework - Understanding the context is key to choosing the right approach. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Double Diamond - Explore and condense in the problem and solution space. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Head stand - Increasing creativity by changing perspectives. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Network Analysis - Understanding missing links. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Peer Coaching Method - Integrating the experience of your peers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) The right mindset to support interactive innovation. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Spiral of Initiatives - Identifying specific needs of projects in different phases. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Timeline method - reflecting on group dynamic processes. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Triangle of Co-Creation - Understanding roles and positions of actors in your project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Warm and cold processes - both are necessary for innovative projects. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Moser, Ruth (2023) Which tool for which challenge - Introducing the i2connect tools & methods. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Oeser, Niklas (2022) Biodiversität in Obstanlagen fördern: Blühstreifen, Hecken, Anker-Pflanzen. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Papoócsi, László (2021) The role of advisors as „innovation hub” in a project cycle – A practical case from Hungary. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Sattler, Inde and Oeser, Niklas (2022) Partizipative Apfelzüchtung - neue Sorten auf ökologischen Obstbaubetrieben züchten. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Scheurer, Beatrice and Petermann, Remo (2021) Pasture management - Intensive rotational grazing with the Pitt Käch family in Switzerland (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Sturel, Sylvain (2022) The i2connect mid-term conference in Mosonmagyaróvár Hungary, 9-11 November 2022. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Sturla, Alberto and Scherer, Katrin (2022) Biodistricts - a territorial approach to organic farming in Italy. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Vávra, Radek (2022) Jak aplikovat mykorhizní houby v ovocných sadech - How to apply mycorrhizal fungi in orchards. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Vávra, Radek (2022) Jak zavést dravé roztoče do ovocných výsadeb - How to introduce predatory mites into orchards. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Ancona, Francesco (2023) Managing the agro-ecosystem in the organic citrus grove: biodiversity and soil management (BIOFRUITNET Video). CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari .

Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo; D'Angelo, Dario and Calcaterra, Salvatore (2023) Production of beneficial insects in the Ramacca Biofactory for Biocontrol in citrus fruits (BIOFRUITNET Video). CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari .

Alföldi, Thomas and Warlop, François (2022) Choix de porte-greffe et de variété en production fruitière bio. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Warlop, Francois and Gaspari, Chloe (2022) Vergers-maraîchers - Vers des systèmes fruitiers résilients (Agroforesterie à la ferme "La Durette"). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Warlop, François and Lambion, Jérôme (2022) Augmenter la biodiversité fonctionnelle dans le verger (haies, nichoirs, bandes fleuries). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Werne, Steffen and Volken, Herbert (2023) Parasitenkontrolle bei Schafen und Ziegen mit Tanninen: Einblick in Forschung und Praxis. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Wielinga, Eelke (2022) The Circle of Coherence - Tools for analyzing networks (i2connect 3/4). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Wielinga, Eelke (2022) Four tools to analyze networks & project for agricultural innovation - (i2connect 1/4). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Wielinga, Eelke (2022) The Spiral of Initiative/Innovations - Tools for analyzing networks (i2connect 2/4). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas and Wielinga, Eelke (2022) The Triangle of Co-Creation - Tools for analyzing networks (i2connect 4/4). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Zurins, Kaspars; Šarķe, Linda; Lakner, Dora and Wielinga, Eelke (2022) Training for agricultural advisors: Role play on how to use tools for co-creation. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2019) FarmDemo Conference on agricultural demonstration activities and peer-to-peer learning (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas (2019) Drying of herbs and hops - Tips for small drying plants (SusOrganic; CORE Organic) (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas (2018) Alternating grazing to control parasites in young cattle (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas (2018) Mild technologies to improve shelf life and quality of organic berries (Ecoberries) (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas (2018) Small scale processing of jam, tomatoes and apple juice (Favordenonde) (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas (2016) Video: Parasite control for organic ruminants (CORE Organic/PrOPara). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas (2016) Video: Improving health in native dual-purpose cattle (2-Org-Cows). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2016) Video: Improving health of organic dairy cows through breeding and management (OrganicDairyHealth). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2015) Tilman-org: videos on reduced tillage in organic farming. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas (2014) YouTube Video: Improve-P: Re-Use the phosphorus! - Workshop in Istanbul (Oct 2014). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Alföldi, Daniel and Dierauer, Hansueli (2020) Experience with the Farmdroid FD20 field robot: Sowing and in-row weeding of sugar beet. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Anken, Thomas (2018) SwissFutureFarm: E-tractor Fendt e100 - harvester IDEAL - field robot Xaver - Smartbow - iMetos (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Bessai, Ann-Kathrin and Kügler, Michael (2020) The CrossVisit method - Exchange of experience about demo events across countries. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Bieber, Anna; Spengler Neff, Anet and Bapst, Beat (2018) Dual-purpose breeds - an outdated custom or a new opportunity? (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Coopman, Franky (2020) Werktuigendagen - International working days 2019 in Oudenaarde/Flanders. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Costa, Miguel J. and Lopes, Carlos (2020) Efficient Water Use Management in the Alentejo Region, Portugal. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Crisol, Eduardo and van der Bloom, Jan (2020) Biological control of Tuta absoluta (Tomato leaf miner) with Necremnus tutae in greenhouses. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Dierauer, Hansueli and Kemper, Laura (2020) Increasing domestic protein supply with intercropping - Diverimpacts success story from Switzerland. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara (2020) Feeding Insects for Organic Layers (OK-Net EcoFeed). Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Giagnocavo, Cynthia and Giménez, Miguel (2020) Digital Transformation of fertigation in greenhouses - The story of Paqui Ferrer and her father. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Giagnocavo, Cynthia and Giménez, Miguel (2020) How to identify your local Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System AKIS - explained in 7 steps. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Guichaoua, Adrien; Marchand, Fleur; O'Dwyer, Tom and Vér, Andras (2020) Action groups to foster peer to peer learning - example of Red Meat Profit Partnership, New Zealand. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Guichaoua, Adrien; Marchand, Fleur; O'Dwyer, Tom and Vér, Andras (2020) New Zealand's Agricultural policy without subsidies - impact on farmers, innovation and change. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Guichaoua, Adrien; Marchand, Fleur; O'Dwyer, Tom and Vér, Andras (2020) The role of facilitation for innovation and change in agriculture - Experiences from New Zealand. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Hasinger, Gerhard and Fliessbach, Andreas (2016) The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field. [The Spade Test – Visual Soil Assessment in the Field (with Slovenian subtitles).] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, CH-Frick , Frick.

Alföldi, Thomas; Haug, Benedikt; Messmer, Monika; Goldringer, Isabelle; Forst, Emma; Mary-Huard, Tristan; Enjalbert, Jérôme and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Mischkulturen Erbsen/Gerste - Braucht es eine eigene Züchtung? EU-Projekt ReMIX (Video). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle (2020) Bush beans variety trial at the Fondlihof, Dietikon/ZH Switzerland (BRESOV). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Kanavagh, Jane and Sturel, Sylvain (2020) The i2connect project: Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture & forestry. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Kanthak, Sonja (2020) Agroforestry for feed autonomy - How to use trees and forests in agriculture? Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Krauss, Maike (2020) DIVERIMPACTS - Diversifying organic crop rotation with legumes The Swiss trial in Fislisbach. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Marchand, Fleur (2019) Importance of demo-events for policy (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Marchand, Fleur (2019) Value of Demo-events for farmers & advisors (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Marchand, Fleur; Guichaoua, Adrien; O'Dwyer, Tom and Vér, Andras (2020) Forms of agricultural demonstration activities in New Zealand. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Moriarty, John and McEvoy, Redmond (2020) Farm attractiveness event for agricultural science students at Karol Kissane's farm (Kerry, Ireland). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; O'Dwyer, Tom and McEvoy, Redmond (2019) Wie fördert man die Interaktion zwischen den Besuchern an landwirtschaftlichen Demoveranstaltungen? (Video). [How to increase interaction at farm demo-events?] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

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Jensen, Annette Nygaard and Aabo, S. (2014) SafeOrganic - Restrictive use of antibiotics in organic animal farming – a potential for safer, high quality products with less antibiotic resistant bacteria. ICROFS. [Completed]

Jepsen, Per (2023) Pilot Plant for the Production of the Marine Copepod Apocyclops Royi. Roskilde University , Institut for Naturvidenskab og Miljø Miljødynamik.

Jepsen, Per (2023) AR copepod feeding trials with different organic food types, potential sidestreams from other industries. . [Completed]

Jepsen, Per (2023) D1.5 Produce copepods in 3m3 tanks with 200ind. L-1 or higher densities in prototype system. . [Completed]

Jepsen, Per (2023) Document essential omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids in AR copepods. . [Completed]

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. (2022) PhD – Midway seminar: Cow-calf contact (CCC) in dairy farming with emphasis on CCC on pasture. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll.

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. (2022) Interviews with Norwegian dairy farmers with cow-calf contact systems. , Foulum, Danmark.

Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. (2022) Behaviour in dairy calves with and without their dams at pasture. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Nordic ISAE.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2008) Organic Aquaculture – the link between sustainable production and superior products. ICROFS.

Jones, David (2009) Sustainable Farming. .

Jones, Mr Philip (2006) Barriers to the adoption of organic farming in the European Union: Press release. The University of Reading , Centre for Agricultural Strategy.

Kantanen, Juha (2010) Old farm animal breeds are of socio-cultural value. Nordic Genetic Resource Center.

Kastberg, Peter (2012) Multicriteria assessment and communication of effects of organic food systems: International Conference at Aarhus University, Denmark, 25th-26th November, 2013. Aarhus University .

Kiel, Pauli; Andersen, Margrethe and Lübeck, Mette (2015) PCT/DK2015/050185. A METHOD OF PROVIDING FUNCTIONAL PROTEINS FROM A PLANT MATERIAL. Danish Patent and Trademark Office. [Unpublished]

Kilcher, Lukas; Weidmann, Gilles and Garibay, Salvador V. (2007) IFOAM Training Manual for Organic Agriculture in the Humid Tropics. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), D-Bonn.

Kjaer, Katrine Heinsvig (2017) Protecting organic fruit trees from direct rain and sun. , Green Cities conference 12-15 September, Bologna Italy.

Knage-Drangsfeldt, Kristian (2018) Agricultural land use in Danish organic pig production. .

Knight, C and Stolze, M (2009) Transport, trading and retailing. QLIF subproject 6: Development of strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce costs along the food supply chain. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture , Newcstele and Frick.

Kongsted, A.G. (2018) Organic pig producers across Europe set the scene for research to improve animal welfare and reduce ammonia emission. .

Krawczyk, Roman (2016) Work package 2: Crop mixtures for weed suppression. . [draft]

Kretzschmar, U. (2009) Processing strategies. QLIF subproject 5: Development of a framework for the design of minimum and low input processing strategies, that guarantee food quality and safety. .

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2021) Invited talk at CiFOOD international webinar 1. Feb. 2021: Sustainable production of vegetables in the field -innovative and efficient production systems of raw materials. Aarhus University , Food science, CiFOOD webinar. [Completed]

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2020) ComCrop New Composting Technology for On-farm Nutrient and Carbon Recycling to Organic Soils and High-Value Crops. Presentation for ICROFS' board 1. dec.2020. Aarhus University , Food science. [Completed]

Kristensen, K. (2003) Statistical aspects of experimental designs implemented in designs. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Biometry Research Unit, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics. [Unpublished]

Kristensen, Hanne L. and Hansen, Janne (2012) Cauliflower and leeks to have company in the field. .

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Research in nutrient efficient, high-yielding and sustainable vegetable production at AU-FOOD Aarslev. Aarhus University , Food Science.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Strip-cropping and recycling for biodiverse and resource-efficient intensive vegetable production. CORE organic.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2018) D3.1 Guidelines for Task 3.1 Procedures for plant and soil sampling, for N analysis and root investigations. Aarhus University , Food Science. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire and Faugère, Elsa (2014) ESRS Summerschool 2014 : Theoretical Approaches to the Ecologisation of Agrifood Systems and Rural Landscapes. . [Completed]

Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Janmaat, Leen and Zeelenberg, Arend (2015) Get a taste of new talented Robust potato cultivars. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen.

Lampkin, Nic (1999) Development of organic farming Europe – implications for Agenda 2000. Paper presented to Soil Association seminar, Organic Farming and Agenda 2000 CAP Reform, Highgrove, 18th February 1999. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences. [Unpublished]

Lampkin, Nicolas (2006) EISFOM: Project Review and Recommendations for SCOF. Institute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales . [Unpublished]

Langer, Vibeke (2017) Pollinators - services and protection. Symposium Program. . [Completed]

Laursen, Casper (2018) Dock-cutter field trials report. SEGES , Aarhus.

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2017) Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2017: Key data, crops, regions. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick . [Unpublished]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2019) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 1: Global data and survey background. . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2019) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 2: Crop data. . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2019) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2019 Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions. . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2016) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2016 Part 1: Global data and survey background. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2016) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2016 Part 2: Crop data. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), CH-Frick . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2016) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2016 Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions. . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2015) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2015 Part 1: Global data and survey background. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2015) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2015 Part 2: Crop data. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland . [Completed]

Lernoud, Julia and Willer, Helga (2015) Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Key results from the FiBL-IFOAM survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2015 Part 3: Organic agriculture in the regions 2013. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland . [Completed]

Levin, Gregor (2003) The effects of organic farming on the landscape: Reflections on a Ph.D. project in the context of values and ideologies. National Environmental Research Institute , Department of Policy Analysis. [Unpublished]

Levin, Gregor (2003) A holistic framework for the analysis of landscape changes following organic farming. National Environmental Research Institute , Department for Policay Analysis. [Unpublished]

Lindenthal, Thomas; Markut, Theresia; Hörtenhuber, Stefan; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Hanz, Katharina (2010) Climate balance of organic and conventional foodstuffs compared. .

Lindhard, Hanne and Callesen, Ole (1999) Questionnaire on organic fruit and berry production in Europe. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Horticulture. [Unpublished]

Little, Tony (2007) Monitoring and management of energy and emissions in agriculture. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Little, Tony (2006) Organic Centre Wales Factsheet 1: Information on organic conversion for farmers in Wales. Organic Centre Wales .

Little, Tony (2002) Some reasons for non-conversion of horticultural producers in Wales. Organic Centre Wales . [Unpublished]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2013) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 8. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2012) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 7. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2012) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 6. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2011) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 5. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2011) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 4. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2010) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 3. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2010) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 2. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

LowInputBreeds Consortium, (2009) Newsletter of the LowInputBreeds project. Issue 1. EU project LowInputBreeds - Development of integrated livestock breeding and management strategies to improve animal health, product quality and performance in European organic and ‘low input’ milk, meat and egg production. Newcastle University and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

Lucius, Tamm (2009) Strategies to improve quality and safety and reduce cost of peroduction in organic and low-input crop production systems. .

Lynge, Mariane; Gebremikael, Mesfin and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2022) Plan ready for continous and batch studies of composter at AU. AU. [Completed]

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Bünemann-König, Else; Magid, Jakob; Möller, Kurt and Zikeli, Sabine (2019) Workshop: Debating the future of nutrient management in organic farming. . [Submitted]

Maas, M.P. Van Der; Hof, M.C.J. Op 'T and Geijn, F.G. Van De (2009) Extending storage period of organically grown apple cultivar “Topaz”. Applied Plant Research, Randwijk, NL, , UR.

Maas, R. Van Der (2011) Organic fruit production in the Netherlands. Communication Services, Wageningen, NL, , UR.

Madsen, Lone (2015) Optimized infection models with Flavobacterium psychrophilum. . [draft]

Magid, Jakob (2021) Recycling, Consumer Credibility and Ecosystem integrity Discussions and developments in the last 20 years on recycling nutrients from society in organic farming in Denmark. .

Marina, Spinu (2023) RObust Animals in sustainable Mixed FREE-range systems. . [Completed]

Mathias, Middelboe and Moonika, Marana (2023) Towards a green transition in Danish aquaculture: Opportunities, challenges and new directions. .

Mattalia, Sophie (2016) Performances collected on carcass traits and meat quality. . [draft]

Melander, Bo (2013) Tools for minimising laborious hand-weeding in row crops. Seminar 9 April, 2013, Israel . [Completed]

Messmer, Monika (2011) Dharwad Declaration for organic cotton in India. FiBL, Dharwad.

Meyling, Nicolai V. (2007) Methods for isolation of entomopathogenic fungi from the soil environment - laboratory manual. [Metoder til isolering af insektpatogene svampe fra jorden - en laboratoriemaunal.] Department of Ecology, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen .

Mikkola, Minna (2009) Poster: Organic milk as a sustainability strategy for Finnish milk system. University of Helsinki , Ruralia Institute.

Miras-Avalos, José Manuel and Baveye, Philippe (2018) UNSPECIFIED [Editorial: Agroecosystems Facing Global Climate Change: The Search for Sustainability.] Frontiers.

Moeskops, Bram (2017) Innovating for organics. Organic agriculture in EIP-AGRI Operational Groups. TP Organics , Brussels, Belgium.

Möller, Kurt (2016) IMPROVE-P - Assessing the suitability of recycling phosphorus fertilizers for organic farming. University of Hohenheim, Germany .

Müller, Adrian (2018) Comment on "Searchinger et al. (2018), Assessing the efficiency of changes in land use for mitigating climate change (Nature 564: 249)". Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick . [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: Dissemination Targeting Stakeholders, Deliverable 7.2. . [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. Dissemination Targeting Policy, Deliverable 7.3. Eberswalde University (HNEE) . [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Bohlsener Mühle GmbH & Co. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege e.G. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Muukka, Eija (2009) SusCa circles to activate catering services in the public sector in local and organic food procurement. EkoCentria .

Nalubwama, Sylvia; Kabi, Fred; Vaarst, Mette and Kiggundu, Muhammad (2015) Farmer’s perception and experiences in dairy production under organic farming systems in central Uganda. . [Completed]

Nelder, Rebecca and Smith, Jo (2012) ICOPP: Improved contribution of local feed to support 100% organic feed supply to pigs and poultry. . [Completed]

Neri, Davide; Kelderer, Markus; Polverigiani, Serena; Zikeli, Sabine; Malusa, Eligio; Holz, Thomas; Friedli, Michael; Fernandez, Maria-Martha and kutinkova, Hristina (2018) DOMINO project flyer. UNIVPM.

Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) The DOMINO Project: Minutes of the 3rd Annual Meeting, 25-27/11/2020, Poland. . [Submitted]

Neri, Davide; Zikeli, Sabine; Malusa, Eligio; Friedli, Michael; Kelderer, Markus; Fernandez, Maria-Martha; kutinkova, Hristina; Dzhuvinov, Vasiliy and Polverigiani, Serena (2018) DOMINO PROJECT GUIDELINES FOR EXPERIMENTAL PRACTICE. .

Neuendorff, Jochen and Huber, Beate (2009) The new import regulation; More reliability for imported organic products? in The New EU Regulation for organic food and farming: (EC) No 834/2007. .

Niggli, Urs (2009) Advancing organic and low-input food. QLIF Integrated Research Project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL and Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming , Frick and Tjele.

Noe, Egon (2016) Growth of values-based organic food chains. .

Nölting, Benjamin and Nymoen, Lena (2010) Increasing organic food consumption through public procurement Findings and recommendations - With a special focus on school meals. [Forme innovative di Approvvigionamento Pubblico dei prodotti Biologici per i giovani. innovative Public Organic food Procurement for Youth iPOPY.] Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming, Tingvoll, Norway.

Nuijten, E.; Zeelenberg, Arend; Janmaat, Leen and Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. (2015) Various ways for successful Cultivar introduction in the market. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen.

Nuijten, E.H.A.C.P.; Janmaat, Leen and Lammerts van Bueren, E.T. (2013) New models for plant breeding: Key elements for collaboration within the food chain. Louis Bolk Instituut , Driebergen.

Nykänen, Arja; Hakala, Kaija; Halinen, Arja; Hannukkala, Asko; Keskitalo, Marjo; Kirkkari, Anna-Maija; Palojärvi, Ansa; Tolonen, Kaisa and Tontti, Tiina (2005) Plant production and soil science research under research program for organic food and farming in Finland. MTT Agrifood Research Finland , Ecological Production. [Unpublished]

Nykänen, Arja; Heikkilä, Anna-Maija; Huhtala, Anni; Kottila, Marja-Riitta; Lätti, Markku; Mäkelä, Johanna and Seppänen, Laura (2005) Economics, food and markets research under research program for organic food and farming in Finland. MTT Agrifood Research Finland , Ecological Production. [Unpublished]

Nykänen, Arja; London, Laura; Maijala, Riitta; Manninen, Merja; Myllys, Vesa; Rinne, Marketta; Siekkinen, Kirsi-Maarit; Sormunen-Cristian, Riitta and Vanhatalo, Aila (2005) Animal husbandry and food safety research under research program for organic food and farming in Finland. MTT Agrifood Research Finland , Ecological Production. [Unpublished]

Obrist, Robert; Klaiss, Matthias; Edler, Veronika; Beeckman, Annelies; Tuominen, Pirkko; Bertelsen, Inger; Clavin, Dan; Leavy, Elaine; Sobry, Luk; Govaerts, Wim and Andresen, Niels (2015) Feed more on-farm protein. A European strategy in organic agriculture to improve on-farm protein management. FiBL, Switzerland; inagro, Belgium; Jordbruks verket, Sweden; Pro agria, Finland; teagasc, Ireland; SEGES, Denmark; Bio Austria, Austria . [Completed]

Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Deliberative forms for outcomes evaluation of training and dissemination activities during Mix-Enable. .

Olsen, L.E. (2013) Designing for learning: Practical insights from a study on member driven farmer groups. University of Copenhagen .

Padel, Susanne; Sundrum, Albert; Aspray, Claire; Philipps, Lois and Woodward, Lawrence (2005) Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin 78. Elm Farm Research Centre , All departments.

Padel, Susanne (2011) Some results from the Farmer Consumer Partnership project. Presentation given at the 2011 conference "Selling organic" in Oxford. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne (2011) Ethical values of organic food. Presentation given at the 2011 congress at Biofach, Nueremberg. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne; Cullen, Beth; Bliss, Katie and Amos, Dominic (2016) OK-net arable: progress report of the co-ordination of farmer groups (WP2). , Presented at the Review Meeting in Brussels. [draft]

Paull, John (2006) Provenance, Purity & Price Premiums: Consumer Valuations of Organic & Place-of-Origin Food Labelling (Executive Summary). University of Tasmania , School of Geography and Environmental Studies.

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Deliverable 3.3: Questionnaire in five local languages. Aarhus University , MAPP, Department of Management, Denmark. [Submitted]

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica and Thøgersen, John (2017) Deliverable 3.2: Survey instrument. Aarhus University , Department of Management. [Completed]

Pedersen, Susanne; Aschemann-Witzel, Jessica; Thøgersen, John; Schwendel, Eva and Paternoga, Maria (2017) Deliverable 2.3.: Transcripts of all interviews (WP2), SOMDwIT. Aarhus University , MAPP Centre, Department of Management. [Completed]

Peers, David and van Diepen, Pauline (2008) Advisory Tools for Use in Organic Farming. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Petersen, Søren O. (2001) Nitrous oxide emissions and grassland management. . [Unpublished]

Piliksere, Dace and Zarina, Livija (2017) Spring cereal variety mixtures and their relevance for weed suppression in agroecological conditions of Latvia. . [Submitted]

Pinschof, Anton (2018) The early days of IFOAM. , Mael-Pestivien, Brittany, France. [Completed]

Porcel, Mario; Lene, Sigsgaard; Mark, Tchamitchian; Servane, Pernvern; Francois, Warlop; Lukas, Pfiffner; Laurent , Jamar; Annette, Herz and Mark, Lateur (2015) EcoOrchard - Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards. Power point presentation at public stakeholder seminar 2015.04.21 organized by EPOK centre for organic production and consumption, Swedish University of Argicultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden. . [Completed]

Prins, Udo and Nuijten, E.H.A.C.P. (2013) The need for breeding for cereal legume combinability: experiences in The Netherlands. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena; Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard ; Pedersen, L.J. and Sørensen, Jan Tind (2016) Identification of sow level risk factors on early piglet mortality in Danish organic sow herds during different seasons. . [Unpublished]

Reuler, H. Van (2011) Organic tree sector in the Netherlands. Communication Services, Wageningen, NL, , UR.

Rippin, Markus (2006) Classification List for Land Use and Livestock Data. Zentrale Markt- und Preisberichtstelle für Erzeugnisse der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft GmbH, DE-Bonn . [Unpublished]

Rippin, Markus (2006) Classification list for price data. Zentrale Markt- und Preisberichtstelle für Erzeugnisse der Land-, Forst- und Ernährungswirtschaft GmbH, DE-Bonn . [Unpublished]

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Case study fact sheet- PolarShiitake,Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Case study fact sheet. Järvifisu, Finland. Natural Resources Research Finland , Economy & Society.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Case study fact sheet. Kiuruvesi municipal catering, Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society.

Rittl, Tatiana; Pommeresche, Reidun and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2023) Long-term effects of slurry and anaerobically digested slurry on soil fertility. NORSØK , Viken fylkeskommune velferdstur på Tingvoll gard, Tingvoll.

Rittl, Tatiana (2020) Potential use of biochar in Norwegian agriculture, and how projects were established. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk .

Rittl, Tatiana (2019) Biochar in the tropics: lessons learned. . [Completed]

Roderick, Stephen (2008) Dairy cow breeding for organic farming. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Roinsard, Antoine and Moeskops, Bram (2018) OK-Net EcoFeed Project leaflet. .

Roman, Krawczyk (2018) WP2-presentation-workshop-Sweden-2018. . [draft]

Roman, Krawczyk (2017) WP2 presentation workshop - Riga 2017. . [draft]

Roman, Krawczyk (2016) WP2 presentation workshop - Rostock 2016. . [draft]

Rossi, Vittorio (2015) “Integration of plant resistance, cropping practices, and biocontrol agents for enhancing disease management, yield efficiency, and biodiversity in organic European vineyards – VineMan.org” - FINAL PROJECT REPORT. . [Completed]

Sabine, Zikeli; Lepp, Birgit; Neri, Davide and Ponzio, Carlo (2021) Summary of the Online-Workshop: Making organic fruit growing more resilient – lessons learned from the Project DOMINO, March 2021. . [Submitted]

Sanders, Richard; Niedeggen, Barbara; Jones, Hannah; Wolfe, Martin; Hitchings, Roger and Fleming, David (2005) EFRC Bulletin 81 December 2005. Elm Farm Research Centre , all departments.

Santamaria-Fernandez, Maria and Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene (2019) Shelf life of the wet protein pastes upon storage. . [draft]

Scholten, O. and Lammerts Van Bueren, E. (2014) Green breeding : new models for plant breeding: key elements for collaboration within the food chain. Wageningen UR, Wageningen , NL.

Scholten, O.E.; Linden, C.G. Van Der and Vosman, B. (2008) Molecular markers for disease resistance in various crops obtained by NBS profiling. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Scholten, O.E. and Mastenbroek, H.D. (2008) Resistance to Fusarium head blight and DON accumulation in spring wheat cultivars. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Scholten, O.E.; Steenhuis-Broers, G.; Osman, A. and Bremer, E. (2008) Screening for resistance to Fusarium head blight in spring wheat cultivars. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Schooten, H. Van and Pinxterhuis, I. (2003) Quinoa as an alternative forage crop in organic dairy farming. Research Institute for Animal Husbandry, Lelystad, NL.

Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, M. and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Field presentation of the trials at open-house: SureVeg experiment - cabbage and redbeet intercropping. Aarhus University , Food Science.

Sigsgaard, Lene (2012) Present practice, on-going research and future potential for non-chemical pest management in fruit and berry production in Denmark. University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences.

Sigsgaard, Lene (2012) Projects on fruits and berries in Denmark. University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. [Completed]

Sigsgaard, Lene (2012) Systemic Approaches to Pest Management without Pesticides - Biological control of insect pests with predators and parasitoids. University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. [Completed]

Skulskis, Virgilijus and Girgždienė, Vilija (2015) HealthyGrowth Lithuanian Case Study: Fact Sheet of EKO Žemaitija. Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics . [Completed]

Smith, Jo (2010) Agroforestry: Reconciling Production with Protection of the Environment. . [Completed]

Speiser, B.; Blake, F.; Micheloni, C.; Stopes, C.; Andersen, M.; Baker, B.; Bywater, S.; Canali, S.; Eriksen, R. Ø.; Gonzalvez, V.; Hozzank, A.; Jespersen, L. M.; Jørgensen, L. N.; Kelderer, M.; Kleeberg, H.; Koopmans, C.; Kromp, B.; Manstretta, M. and Maurer da Costa, MC., A. (2005) Evaluating inputs for organic farming - a new system. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Stefano, Canali (2017) Midterm press release. .

Stefano, Canali and Marta, Di Pierro (2018) SoilVeg final press release. . [Submitted]

Steinemann, Beatrice; Gattinger, Andreas; Krauss, Maike; Berner, Alfred; Leiber, Florian; Maurer, Veronika; Meier, Matthias; Oehen, Bernadette; Bautze, Lin and Niggli, Urs (2014) Mitigating the impact of agriculture on air quality and climate change: Solutions for improved Nitrogen management. IFOAM EU Group, B-Brussels .

Steinshamn, Håvard and Sakowski, Tomasz (2009) Workshop on quality and nutrition value of organic milk and meat. Polish Academy of Scieneces , Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding .

Stocker, Phil; Hewlett, Kathleen and Brighton, Robbie (2008) Wildlife and Biodiversity: integration and management of farming and wildlife for their mutual benefit. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Stopes, Christopher (2008) Food Quality Strategies for enhancing organic food quality. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene (2019) Increased delay between harvest and processing - effect on protein paste yield and composition. . [draft]

Sumption, Phil and Lennartsson, Margi (2008) Organic plant raising. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Sylwia, Kaczmarek (2018) WP3 presentation of workshop - Sweden 2018. . [draft]

Sylwia, Kaczmarek (2017) WP3 presentation of workshop - Latvia - held 2017 in Poland. . [draft]

Sylwia, Kaczmarek (2016) WP3 presentation of workshop held in Rostock 2016 in Poland. . [draft]

Szeremeta, Andrej (2013) EU rules for organic wine production. IFOAM EU Group, B-Brussels .

Sønderskov, Mette; Kaczmarek, Sylvia; Zarina, Livija and Melander, Bo (2018) Weed Competitiveness of variety mixtures in an organic cropping system. . [draft]

Tahamtani, Fernanda and Brantsæter, Margrethe (2019) Discussion of the project with the manager of the Norwegian Poultry Association. . [Completed]

Tame, Mike (2008) Dairy cow nutrition. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Thapa, Sundar; Meyling, Nicolai V.; Thamsborg, Stig Milan and Mejer, Helena (2013) NEW ORGANIC APPROACH TO PARASITES: Biological control of parasitic roundworms in organic laying hens using microfungi. .

Thomsen , Rikke (2013) NO CAST: Boar Taint and Management. Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. [Completed]

Tiemens-Hulscher, M. (2008) Developing selection criteria for breeding organic nitrogen-efficient potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties. Driebergen, Louis Bolk Instituut, NL.

Tiemens-Hulscher, M.; Lammerts Van Bueren, E.T. Van and Struik, P.C. (2009) Searching for crop characteristics correlated with nitrogen efficiency in potato. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen, NL.

Timmermans, B.G.H.; Jansonius, PieterJans and Bruinenberg, Riekje (2012) Effects of beetroot-Vinasse on ascospore formation of Venturia pirina in a one-year field trial on an organic conference orchard (presentation). Louis Bolk Instituut , Driebergen. [Completed]

Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Innovative systems for organic greenhouse production: transnational European Project just ended (press release). Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) , Rome.

Tittarelli, Fabio (2020) Designing resilient organic greenhouse production systems for Europe: updates from the first half of the Greenresilient project (Press release). .

Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Designing resilient organic greenhouse production systems for Europe – New project started (Press release). .

Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Greenresilient: How to implement agroecological practices in organic greenhouse production in Europe. CREA , Rome.

Topp, Kairsty and Watson, Christine (2008) Nutrient budgets for organic farming. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Torma, Gabriele; Olsen, A.B. and Wetche, Thorsten (2024) Field walk and introduction with Organic+ and EcoMetric participants from AU and Thise. .

TP Organics, Secretariat (2018) Strengthening Research & Innovation for Organics and Agroecology. TP Organics, Brussels.

Trávníček, Jan; Schlatter, Bernhard and Willer, Helga (2024) Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2024 (data 2022) - PowerPoint presentations. Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick. [Unpublished]

Trávníček, Jan; Schlatter, Bernhard and Willer, Helga (2023) Key results from the FiBL survey on organic agriculture worldwide 2023 8data 2021) - Power Point presentations. Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick. [Unpublished]

Usman, Suleiman (2012) Properties and functions of organic materials in poor agricultural soil condition. . [Completed]

Vaarst, Mette; Winckler, Christoph; Leeb, Christine; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Nicholas, Phillipa; Roderick, Stephen; Smolders, Gidi; Walkenhorst, Michael; Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig; Ströger, Elisabeth; Lund, Vonne; Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Hansen, Berit; Neale, Madeleine; Huber, Johann; Whistance, Lindsay; Hofer, T.; Huber, H.; Kilchsperger, Rahel and Ivemeyer, Silvia (2009) Workshop ANIPLAN - Payerbach Reichenau. Programme and presentations. . [Completed]

van der Burgt, G.J. (2005) NDICEA nitrogen planner. Louis Bolk Instituut .

Verwer, C and Eekeren, N. van (2013) Helminth parasite control in organic dairy goats. Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen.

Verwijst, Theo; Lundkvist, Anneli; Krawczyk, Roman and Kaczmarek, Sylvia (2018) PRODIVA Project: Crop species mixtures for weed suppression�. . [Completed]

Vetemaa, Airi and Mikk, Merit (2014) Mahepõllumajandus Eestis 2013 / Organic farming in Estonia 2013. Estonian Ministry of Agriculture.

Vieweger, Anja; Neuhaus, Malte; Schneider, Regina; Barbi, Martina; Scharpenberg, Holger; Bernholt, Hannah; Guillou, Dominique and Marty, Fiona (2023) Nachmeldung Positivliste 2022/2023. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick .

Vildozo, Luis (2007) THE ORGANIC PRODUCTION IN BOLIVIA: The way to an ecological Nation. Institute for Organic Farming, AT-Vienna , Department for Sustainable Agriculture Systems. [Unpublished]

Watson, Christine; Stockdale, Elizabeth and Philipps, Lois (2008) Laboratory mineral soil analysis and soil mineral management in organic farming. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Weller, Richard and Jackson, Andrew (2006) Organic Dairy Farming. Insitute of Rural Sciences, University of Wales, Aberystwyth and ADAS Wales , Organic Centre Wales. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga and Lernoud, Julia (2017) Organic Viticulture Worldwide 2015. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2019) International Online Archive Organic Eprints – Current Status. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. [draft]

Wolf, J.M. Van Der and Birnbaum, Y. (2008) Compounds of natural origin for seed treatment. Plant Research International, Wageningen, NL.

Woodward, Mr L; Armstrong, Mr A; Pearce, Dr B; Sanders, Mr R; Hitchings, Mr T; Hinschliffe, Ms K; Clarke, Dr S; Thomas, J; Philipps, Ms L; O'Brien, Ms J; Norman, Mr K and Wolfe, Prof M (2006) Elm Farm Organic Research Centre Bulletin 83 April 2006. .

Woodward, Mr L; Sanders, Mr R; Pearce, Dr B; Philipps, Ms L; O'Brien, Ms J; Wolfe, Prof M; Hitchings, Mr R and Fleming, Dr D (2006) The Organic Research Centre; Elm Farm Bulletin 84 July 2006. .

Woodward, Lawrence (2004) Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin No. 75. Elm Farm Research Centre , Research, Policy and Organic Advisory Service.

Woodward, Lawrence; Jones, Andy; Hitchings, Roger and Davis, Laura (2005) EFRC Bulletin 77. Elm Farm Research Centre's Research, Policy and Advisory Departments .

Woodward, Lawrence; Philipps, Lois; Wolfe, Martin; Jones, Hannah; Hinchsliffe, Kay; Hitchings, Roger; O'Brien, Josie and Deane, Tim (2005) Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin with Technical Updates from the Organic Advisory Service 80. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Woodward, Lawrence; Sanders, Richard; Wolfe, Prof Martin; Clark, Dr Sarah; Hitchings, Roger and Measures, Mark (2006) Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin 82 February 2006. Elm Farm Research Centre , all.

Woodward, Lawrence; Wolfe, Martin; Hinchsliffe, Kay and O'Brien, Josie (2005) EFRC Bulletin 76 January 2005. With technical Updates from the Organic Advisory Service. Elm Farm Research Centre .

Woodward, Mr Lawrence; Wolfe, Prof Martin; Schweisfurth, Karl Ludwig; Jones, Dr Hannah; Philipps, Ms Lois; Hitchings, Mr Roger and Measures, Mr Mark (2005) Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin 79 July 2005. Elm Farm Research Centre , all.

Wright, Isobel (2008) Combinable protein crop production. Institute of Organic Training and Advice, Craven Arms, Shropshire, UK .

Wyss, Eric (2010) Publikationsliste, 1990-2010. [List of Publications, 1990-2010.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick , Pflanzenschutz: Schädlinge, Nützlinge. [Completed]

Wyss, Gabriela (2005) Publikationen, 2004 und 2005. [Publications, 2004 and 2005.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick , Lebensmittelqualität. [Unpublished]

Zanoli, Raffaele (2014) Methodologies for data quality improvement - A guide on how to check for inconsistencies in organic market data. Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy . [Completed]

Zarina, Livija (2018) The most success action to manage weeds – proper crop sequence plus harrowing in the right time. . [Submitted]

Submit a paper or a poster to a conference

Bugday, Association (2013) How to submit a paper for OWC 2014. Paper submission

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