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Innovating out of the Fishmeal Trap: The role of Insect-Based Fish Feed in Consumers’ Preferences for Fish Attributes

Ankamah-Yeboah, Isaac; Jacobsen, Jette Bredahl and Olsen, Sø'ren Boye (2018) Innovating out of the Fishmeal Trap: The role of Insect-Based Fish Feed in Consumers’ Preferences for Fish Attributes. [Betydningen af insekt-baseret fiskefoder på forbrugernes præferencer for at spise fisk.] British Food Journal, 1, pp. 4-19.

[thumbnail of Innovating out of the fishmeal trap_The role of insect-based fish feed in.pdf]
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The purpose of the study was to examine the potential market impacts of the use of insect-based protein for fish feed as an innovative approach out of the fish-meal trap.
An online questionnaire was used to elicit information on fish consumption choices among 610 German consumers using a Discrete Choice Experiment. Mixed logit and latent class logit models were used to model consumers’ preference heterogeneity.
Results showed, that consumers’ preferences for fish attributes such as filets, freshness, ecolabelling and domestic production are heterogeneous and important in consumption choices. The minor share of the respondents was sensitive, while the remaining was indifferent regarding the use of insect based protein as feed in trout production. For this sensitive segment, consumption would be expected to be reduced unless the price is reduced or other attributes such as convenience aspects are improved.
The implication is that firms can substitute without a significant impact on the market demand given that the majority of consumers are indifferent regarding feed sources for trout production. As a result, it provides an innovative way to ensure sustainable use of resources and reduces the threat of fish meal trap while reducing pressure on the already over-exploited marine life.
The results provide first insights into the market impact of using insects in the animal protein value chain. It is important especially with Europe’s recent lift of the ban on using insect-based protein in the animal food industry.

Summary translation

Formålet med studiet var at undersøge potentielle markeds effekter af at bruge insekt-baseret protein i fiske foder som erstatning for fiskemel.
Et online spørgeskema blev anvendt til at skaffe oplysninger om 610 tyske forbrugeres valg af fiskeprodukter.
Resultaterne viste, at kun en mindre del af forbrugerne var forbeholdne, mens resten var indifferente med hensyn til at bruge insekt-baseret foder til opdræt af ørred. For den forbeholdne del må forbruget ventes at blive reduceret med mindre prisen reduceres eller andre aspekter forbedres.
Det betyder, at ørred foder producenter delvis kan erstatte fiskemel med insekt-mel uden væsentlig indflydelse på markedet.
Resultaterne giver et første indblik i markeds effekten af at bruge insektmel i den animalske protein værdi kæde. Dette har fået fornyet aktualitet efter EU’s tilladelse til at anvende insekt baseret protein i den animalske foder industri.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Insect as feed, preference heterogeneity, choice modelling, fishmeal trap
Subjects: Farming Systems > Farm economics
Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Farming Systems > Social aspects
Food systems > Markets and trade
Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
Research affiliation: Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > RobustFish
Deposited By: Jokumsen, Senior Advisory Scientist Alfred
ID Code:33632
Deposited On:13 Aug 2018 12:41
Last Modified:13 Aug 2018 12:41
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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