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Market Integration Shape Organic Farmers’ Organisation

Sultan, T.; Mursal, A.; Salam, S.G.; Liu, Y.; Oelofse, M.; Knudsen, M.T.; El-Araby, A.; Delve, R.J.; Hauser, M.; Kledal, P.; Egelyng, H.; Halberg, N. and Høgh-Jensen, H. (2008) Market Integration Shape Organic Farmers’ Organisation. In: Cultivating the Future Based on Science, 2, pp. 454-461.

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Summary in the original language of the document

Increasing consumption of organic products in globalised food chains will require the involvement of thousands more smallholder farmers in many regions of the world. A study of Egypt, China and Uganda identified the three key factors of property rights regimes, cultural differences and social organisation as determents of the supply chain organization and farmers’ degree of direct integration in the export markets. Patterns are emerging where smallholder farmers are being socially and economically linked to larger farmers who may do some processing before the raw materials are handed over to the contracting company. Where transactions costs are high, local communities may develop and contract out the land directly to exporting companies who farm using employees. Four organisational patterns are identified which each leads to different types of livelihood benefits for the producers; preliminary results indicate that income and a reliable market access is the dominant benefits.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Market integration, organic food chains, farmers organisation
Subjects: Food systems > Policy environments and social economy
"Organics" in general
Food systems > Markets and trade
Food systems > Processing, packaging and transportation
Food systems > Produce chain management
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2008: IFOAM OWC: Research Track / ISOFAR > 7.3 Livelihood improvement
Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > GLOBALORG - Sustainability of organic farming in a global food chains perspective
Deposited By: Jensen, Dr Henning Høgh
ID Code:11664
Deposited On:02 Oct 2008
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:35
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:This paper is published in the conference proceedings:
Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alfldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lck, Lorna; Carporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hgh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga, Eds. (2008) .Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio, 18 . 20 June 2008 in Modena, Italy.. International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. http://orgprints.org/13672 and http://orgprints.org/13674

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