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Postgraduate course (‘Train-the trainers’) - Participatory Plant Breeding & Resilient Seed Systems: Options for Stakeholder Engagement and Benefit Sharing

Lammerts van Bueren, Edith T.; Almekinders, Conny; Chable, Veronique; Bocci, Riccardo; Messmer, Monika; Weltzien, Eva; Rattunde, Fred and van de Vijver, Claudius (2020) Postgraduate course (‘Train-the trainers’) - Participatory Plant Breeding & Resilient Seed Systems: Options for Stakeholder Engagement and Benefit Sharing. .

[thumbnail of Course guide] PDF - English (Course guide)
[thumbnail of Further reading_Resilient Seed Systems Shared Action Framework] PDF - English (Further reading_Resilient Seed Systems Shared Action Framework)
[thumbnail of Further reading_Lammerts_ Towards systems-based breeding concept] PDF - English (Further reading_Lammerts_ Towards systems-based breeding concept)
[thumbnail of 1.1 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Participatory Plant Breeding and its challenges – Local solutions to global problems_Salvatore Ceccarelli (RSR-Italy)] PDF - English (1.1 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Participatory Plant Breeding and its challenges – Local solutions to global problems_Salvatore Ceccarelli (RSR-Italy))
[thumbnail of 1.1.1 Further reading_ Ceccarelli _Evolutionary plant breeding] PDF - English (1.1.1 Further reading_ Ceccarelli _Evolutionary plant breeding)
[thumbnail of 1.2	Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Participatory research for organic agriculture: the case of Brassica plant breeding in Brittany_Veronique Chable (INRA Rennes-France)] PDF - English (1.2 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Participatory research for organic agriculture: the case of Brassica plant breeding in Brittany_Veronique Chable (INRA Rennes-France))
[thumbnail of 1.2.1 Further reading_Chable_Embedding Cultivated Diversity] PDF - English (1.2.1 Further reading_Chable_Embedding Cultivated Diversity)
[thumbnail of 1.3 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Example of PPB cotton in India (including involvement/financing by cotton industry)_Monika Messmer (FiBL-Switzerland)] PDF - English (1.3 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Example of PPB cotton in India (including involvement/financing by cotton industry)_Monika Messmer (FiBL-Switzerland))
[thumbnail of 1.3.1 Further reading_Messmer_Participatory non-GM cotton] PDF - English (1.3.1 Further reading_Messmer_Participatory non-GM cotton)
[thumbnail of 1.3.2 Further reading_ Messmer_ Factors Influencing Farmers’ Choice to Adopt Organic or Conventional Farming Systems for  Cotton] PDF - English (1.3.2 Further reading_ Messmer_ Factors Influencing Farmers’ Choice to Adopt Organic or Conventional Farming Systems for Cotton)
[thumbnail of 1.4 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Sorghum breeding for grain and stover quality through a farmer-researcher network in West Africa: case of Malin_Baloua Nebie (ICRISAT-Burkina Faso/Mali)] PDF - English (1.4 Participatory Plant Breeding Experiences_Sorghum breeding for grain and stover quality through a farmer-researcher network in West Africa: case of Malin_Baloua Nebie (ICRISAT-Burkina Faso/Mali))
[thumbnail of 2.1 Involving actors of the value chain_Involving actors of the value chain in valuing Native Maize and Indigenous Communities_Martha Willcox_ (CIMMYT, Mexico)] PDF - English (2.1 Involving actors of the value chain_Involving actors of the value chain in valuing Native Maize and Indigenous Communities_Martha Willcox_ (CIMMYT, Mexico))
[thumbnail of 2.1.1_ Further reading_ Willcox_ Evolutionary and food supply implications] PDF - English (2.1.1_ Further reading_ Willcox_ Evolutionary and food supply implications)
[thumbnail of 2.2 Involving actors of the value chain_PPB creating a value chain for breeding new plant varieties meeting farmers’ needs and supporting on-farm conservation_Pratap Shrestha - (SeedChange, previously USC Canada)] PDF - English (2.2 Involving actors of the value chain_PPB creating a value chain for breeding new plant varieties meeting farmers’ needs and supporting on-farm conservation_Pratap Shrestha - (SeedChange, previously USC Canada))
[thumbnail of 2.2.1 _ Further reading_ Shrestha _Agricultural innovation through participatory research_Honduras] PDF - English (2.2.1 _ Further reading_ Shrestha _Agricultural innovation through participatory research_Honduras)
[thumbnail of 2.2.2_ Further reading_ Shrestha _Participatory Plant Breeding] PDF - English (2.2.2_ Further reading_ Shrestha _Participatory Plant Breeding)
[thumbnail of 2.2.3_ Further reading_ Shrestha _ Farmer participatory crop improvement_Nepal] PDF - English (2.2.3_ Further reading_ Shrestha _ Farmer participatory crop improvement_Nepal)
[thumbnail of 2.2.4_ Further reading_ Shrestha _ Highly client-oriented plant breeding] PDF - English (2.2.4_ Further reading_ Shrestha _ Highly client-oriented plant breeding)
[thumbnail of 2.2.5_ Further reading_ Shrestha _Participatory crop improvement_rice Nepal] PDF - English (2.2.5_ Further reading_ Shrestha _Participatory crop improvement_rice Nepal)
[thumbnail of 2.2.6_Further reading_ Shrestha _ References] PDF - English (2.2.6_Further reading_ Shrestha _ References)
[thumbnail of 2.3 Involving actors of the value chain_Establishing gender-aware value chains for biofortified sweet potato products in Rwanda_Jan Low (CIP/SSA, Kenya)] PDF - English (2.3 Involving actors of the value chain_Establishing gender-aware value chains for biofortified sweet potato products in Rwanda_Jan Low (CIP/SSA, Kenya))
[thumbnail of 2.3.1_ Further reading_ Low _ Flyer Spot Super Foods] PDF - English (2.3.1_ Further reading_ Low _ Flyer Spot Super Foods)
[thumbnail of 2.3.1_ Further reading_ Low _Understanding innovation] PDF - English (2.3.1_ Further reading_ Low _Understanding innovation)
[thumbnail of 3.1 Facilitating Seed System Innovations_collaborative learning for sustainable seed-system development_Eva Weltzien (Mali/Michigan-USA/Germany)] PDF - English (3.1 Facilitating Seed System Innovations_collaborative learning for sustainable seed-system development_Eva Weltzien (Mali/Michigan-USA/Germany))
[thumbnail of 3.1.1 _ Further reading_ Weltzien_Long-term collaboration] PDF - English (3.1.1 _ Further reading_ Weltzien_Long-term collaboration)
[thumbnail of 3.1.2 _ Further reading_ Weltzien_Working paper] PDF - English (3.1.2 _ Further reading_ Weltzien_Working paper)
[thumbnail of 3.2 Facilitating Seed System Innovations_Pathways of Seed System Development and the politics of knowledge_Conny Almekinders (Wageningen University, the Netherlands)] PDF - English (3.2 Facilitating Seed System Innovations_Pathways of Seed System Development and the politics of knowledge_Conny Almekinders (Wageningen University, the Netherlands))
[thumbnail of 3.2.1 _ Further reading_ Almekinders_Agri food system dynamics] PDF - English (3.2.1 _ Further reading_ Almekinders_Agri food system dynamics)
[thumbnail of 4.1 Policy Options_Participatory Plant Breeding and implications for seed and IPR policy: the Oxfam Novib project on seed systems_Bert Visser (OXFAM NOVIB, the Netherlands/Germany)] PDF - English (4.1 Policy Options_Participatory Plant Breeding and implications for seed and IPR policy: the Oxfam Novib project on seed systems_Bert Visser (OXFAM NOVIB, the Netherlands/Germany))
[thumbnail of 4.1.1_ Further reading_Visser_ Governance of Agrobiodiversity] PDF - English (4.1.1_ Further reading_Visser_ Governance of Agrobiodiversity)
[thumbnail of 4.2 Policy Options_Guiding seed sector transformation in Ethiopia _Gareth Borman (Wageningen University & Research, the Netherland)] PDF - English (4.2 Policy Options_Guiding seed sector transformation in Ethiopia _Gareth Borman (Wageningen University & Research, the Netherland))
[thumbnail of 4.2.1_Further reading_Borman_ So you want to be a policy entrepreneur] PDF - English (4.2.1_Further reading_Borman_ So you want to be a policy entrepreneur)
[thumbnail of 4.3 Policy Options_The new openings on seed marketing in Europe (e.g. organic heterogeneous materials, conservation varieties)_Riccardo Bocci (RSR, Italy)] PDF - English (4.3 Policy Options_The new openings on seed marketing in Europe (e.g. organic heterogeneous materials, conservation varieties)_Riccardo Bocci (RSR, Italy))
[thumbnail of 4.3.1_ Further reading_ Bocci_ Yield stability and farmers preferences] PDF - English (4.3.1_ Further reading_ Bocci_ Yield stability and farmers preferences)
[thumbnail of 4.4 Policy Options_Framing policy options for seed market development for low/middle-income countries_David Spielman (IFPRI, Rwanda) and Margaret McEwan (CIP, Kenya )] PDF - English (4.4 Policy Options_Framing policy options for seed market development for low/middle-income countries_David Spielman (IFPRI, Rwanda) and Margaret McEwan (CIP, Kenya ))
[thumbnail of 4.4.1_ Further reading_ Spielman - Policy Options to Accelerate Variety Chang] Other format - English (4.4.1_ Further reading_ Spielman - Policy Options to Accelerate Variety Chang)
[thumbnail of 4.4.1_ Further reading_ Spielman _ Towards better metrics and policymaking] PDF - English (4.4.1_ Further reading_ Spielman _ Towards better metrics and policymaking)


Scope of the course:
Resilient seed systems play a central role in sustainable food systems that are robust, dynamic, equitable, diverse, healthy and interconnected. Developing and strengthening these systems offers vital entry points for responding to critical global challenges of climate change, agricultural biodiversity, and sustainable development. Training in participatory breeding and seed system concepts, issues and approaches will support engaged professionals and graduate students to contribute to resilient seed system development. In the Shared Action Framework for Resilient Seed Systems of the Global Alliance of the Future of Food it defined as one the most important actions needed (https://futureoffood.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Resilient-Seed-Systems-Shared-Action-Framework-English.pdf).
This course serves professionals who seek longer-term solutions for sustainable, agro-ecological agriculture and answers to the question: How can food systems be moved forward in the South and the North?
Key aspects of this course include:
- Concepts, strategies, methods and experiences with decentralised and participatory approaches to plant breeding and seed system development to increase agrobiodiversity and cope with climate changes
- Governance issues such as seed quality control, property rights, co-ownership and benefit sharing
- Specific approaches for different crop types and socio-economic contexts
- Multi-actor approaches, collaborative learning, knowledge sharing and networking approaches to engage food system and value chain actors into participatory plant breeding and resilient seed system programs
- The interaction of technical solutions and social choices: considering trade-offs and issues of inclusion/social equity and other values

EPrint Type:Teaching resource
Keywords:participatory, plant breeding, seed systems, course, workshop, food systems, FiBL2006405, FiBL65141, Abacus
Agrovoc keywords:
food systems
plant breeding
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation
Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Special crops > Cotton
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Seeds and breeding > Plant breeding
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Crops > Seeds and breeding
European Union > Horizon 2020 > Liveseed
International Projects > Other funders
Deposited By: Ferrari, Leone
ID Code:38731
Deposited On:22 Dec 2020 10:32
Last Modified:31 Jan 2021 11:46
Document Language:English

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