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Influence of pre‐drying storage time on essential oil components in dried hops (Humulus lupulus L.)

Raut, S.; von Gersdorff, G.J.E; Münsterer, J.; Kammhuber, K.; Hensel, O. and Sturm, B. (2020) Influence of pre‐drying storage time on essential oil components in dried hops (Humulus lupulus L.). Journal of The Science of Food and Agriculture, n.n., pp. 1-9.

[thumbnail of jsfa.10844] PDF - Published Version - English

Document available online at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/jsfa.10844

Summary in the original language of the document

BACKGROUND: It is well known that duration of pre-drying storage impacts on hop quality. However, little knowledge existsregarding its actual effects on valuable hop components. To investigate these effects, fresh hop cones were stored for 5 or24 h and dried for 210 min at 65 °C thereafter. Furthermore, to understand the effect of freezing hop cones on the essentialoil content, both fresh and stored samples were frozen before and after drying.
RESULTS: The results from gas chromatography analysis show an increase in linalool, -caryophyllene, humulene, geraniol con-tent and decrease in myrcene content dependent on the period of storage. Total colour difference ∆E values of 4.61 and 5.27were obtained for fresh and stored hops respectively, indicating discoloration of hops during storage. Modelling of moisturecurves revealed the Wang and Singh model to be suitable, with R2adjvalues of 0.978 and 0.989 and root-mean-square errorvalues of 0.037 and 0.019 for fresh and stored hops respectively.
CONCLUSION: The results from this study provide an in-depth understanding on the changes occurring within the hop conesboth during storage and drying and will further help hop processors optimize their storage times.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:hops drying, gas chromatography, storage, moisture content, essential oils, BÖLN, BOELN, BOEL, BÖL, FKZ 17OE005, SUSORGANICPLUS, Core Organic Cofund, SusOrgPlus
Agrovoc keywords:
gas chromatography
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Food systems > Processing, packaging and transportation
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Cofund > SusOrgPlus
Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL > Food > Processing
Germany > University of Kassel > Department of Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:727495
Related Links:https://www.susorgplus.eu, https://orgprints.org/cgi/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&keywords=17OE005&projects=BOEL&_order=bypublication&_action_search=Suchen
Deposited By: von Gersdorff, Gardis J.E.
ID Code:38726
Deposited On:08 Jan 2021 12:14
Last Modified:08 Jan 2021 12:14
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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