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Incentives and constraints for the use of organic seeds in organic farming: example of Capsicum annuum seeds in the Netherlands and Spain

Brühl, Katharina (2017) Incentives and constraints for the use of organic seeds in organic farming: example of Capsicum annuum seeds in the Netherlands and Spain. Masters thesis, University College Dublin, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Professur für Organischen Landbau, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL Deutschland) . . [Submitted]

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Summary in the original language of the document

The EU legislation on organic farming was aimed at forcing the use of organic seeds in organic production. However, there are striking differences in its implementation across the EU and the use of organic seeds is still sparse. This study examines the use of organic seeds for sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) production in a pilot study for the Netherlands and Spain. In order to identify existing incentives and constraints, a supply chain analysis is applied, derogation requests for using non-organic seeds are analysed and interviews with stakeholders of the supply chain are conducted. Based on the findings, recommendations are given on how each stakeholder can participate in improving the implementation of the EU law, promoting the use of organic seeds.

EPrint Type:Thesis
Thesis Type:Masters
Keywords:organic seed use, derogation requests, organic agriculture, case study, netherlands, spain, pepper
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation
"Organics" in general > Countries and regions > Netherlands
"Organics" in general > Countries and regions > Spain
Values, standards and certification > Regulation
Research affiliation:Other countries
Germany > FiBL Germany - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture
Germany > University of Gießen > Institute of Agronomy and Plant Breeding II
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:727230
Deposited By: Brühl, Katharina
ID Code:35331
Deposited On:20 Jun 2019 14:14
Last Modified:20 Jun 2019 14:14
Document Language:English

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