Frøseth, Randi Berland; Hansen, Sissel and Bakken, Anne Kjersti (2008) Contribution of N from frequently chopped green manure to a succeeding crop of barley. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lueck, Lorna; Caporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Cultivating the future based on science, International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), University of Bonn, 1, pp. 388-391.
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Summary in the original language of the document
The aim of the present work was to study to what extent N in mulched green manure herbage contributes to spring barley grain yield the subsequent year. The green manure herbage was either chopped and left on stubble (GML) or removed (GMR). On silty clay loam with spring incorporated green manure the subsequent barley grain yield was 10% higher with GML than with GMR. The additional grain N yield of 4 kg ha-1 with GML corresponded to only 3 % of N in above-ground green manure biomass. On loamy soil with late autumn incorporated green manure the treatments did not affect the grain yield the subsequent year. How large part of the N that was lost through leaching or gaseous emissions and how large part that was built into soil organic matter was not measured. However, this investigation confirms that potential N losses from mowed green manure might be large. Alternative ways of using the herbage should be found.
EPrint Type: | Conference paper, poster, etc. |
Type of presentation: | Paper |
Keywords: | cereals, plant residue, N recovery, soil N, ØKOKORNSIP |
Subjects: | Soil > Nutrient turnover Farming Systems > Farm nutrient management |
Research affiliation: | International Conferences > 2008: IFOAM OWC: Research Track / ISOFAR > 2.2 Nutrient management Norway > Bioforsk - Norwegian Institute for Agriculture and Environmental Research > Bioforsk Organic Food and Farming Division |
Deposited By: | Frøseth, Randi Berland |
ID Code: | 14240 |
Deposited On: | 09 Oct 2008 |
Last Modified: | 12 Apr 2010 07:37 |
Document Language: | English |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Peer-reviewed and accepted |
Additional Publishing Information: | This paper is published in the conference proceedings: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alfldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lck, Lorna; Carporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hgh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga, Eds. (2008) .Cultivating the Future Based on Science. Proceedings of the Second Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), held at the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress in Cooperation with the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) and the Consorzio ModenaBio, 18 . 20 June 2008 in Modena, Italy.. International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), c/o IOL, DE-Bonn, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. and |
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