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Determination of virulence of European races of common bunt using a differential set of wheat cultivars

Borgen, Anders; Sedaghatjoo, Somayyeh; Dennis Kjær, Christensen and Maier, Wolfgang (2023) Determination of virulence of European races of common bunt using a differential set of wheat cultivars. In: Bürstmayr, Hermann (Ed.) Book of Abstracts - XXII International Workshop on Bunt and Smut Diseases, pp. 16-18.

Full text not available from this repository.

Document available online at: https://boku.ac.at/fileadmin/data/H03000/H97000/H97100/pdf/Book_of_Abstracts_Bunt_and_Smut_Workshop_2023.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Testing of virulence of common bunt (Tilletia Tritici) i Europe. Our study suggests that the virulence against Bt2
and Bt7 is most common in this region, whereas virulences against Bt1, Bt3, Bt5, Bt9, Bt10 and BtZ are more rare. There are no races with virulence against Bt11 and Bt12 and the variety Blizzard.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:DIVERSILIENCE, common bunt, winter wheat, organic agriculture, resistance breeding, virulence survey
Agrovoc keywords:
plant breeding
plant pathology
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Cofund > Third Call > DIVERSILIENCE
Denmark > Agrologica
Denmark > Organic RDD 7 > BOOST
Deposited By: Borgen, Ph.D. Anders
ID Code:50472
Deposited On:07 Jul 2023 09:05
Last Modified:07 Jul 2023 09:05
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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