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Bryophyte colonisation and persistense in experimental microcosms-The role of nutrients, defoliation and vascular vegetation.

Aude, Erik and Ejrnæs, Rasmus (2005) Bryophyte colonisation and persistense in experimental microcosms-The role of nutrients, defoliation and vascular vegetation. Oikos, 109, pp. 323-330.

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Document available online at: https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.0030-1299.2005.13268.x?casa_token=uvo6C9Kta6sAAAAA%3A8o1LdhM2t_Py-8UMTGhZiC55Xf_c7DnjzQidlpIrbdv4fHXETSm_YcMsrrJFIXNg3b-37da728hzPCM

Summary in the original language of the document

A three-year multi-factorial microcosms experiment simulating dry grassland was used to test five hypotheses concerning establishment and persistence of bryophytes in grassland vegetation. The experimental treatments included fertilisation, defoliation and species composition of vascular vegetation. ANOVA-modelling showed a significant response of bryophyte species richness to fertilisation (negative) and defoliation (positive). Species composition of vascular vegetation had no effect on bryophyte richness, but a significant negative relationship was found between vascular plant biomass and species richness of bryophytes. Vascular plant dry weight above 400 g m-2 appeared fatal to bryophytes. At high nutrient levels, bryophytes extinction seemed to be avoided by defoliation, but defoliation did not fully compensate for the negative effect of fertilisation on bryophyte richness. At the single species level, our experiment provided new autecological insight in the responses of Brachytecium rutabulum and Funaria hygrometrica. The relationship between bryophyte richness and bryophyte cover was shown to follow the theoretical species-area relationship, suggesting that bryophyte cover may be used as indicator of habitat quality for subordinate species such as bryophytes and lichens in grassland monitoring. The implications of the results for grassland conservation are discussed.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Biodiversity, conservation, restoration, ecology, indicators, land-use, Global Change
Subjects: Environmental aspects > Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF II (2000-2005) > III.5 Nature quality in organic farming
Deposited By: Ursu, Ancuta
ID Code:43885
Deposited On:24 Mar 2022 06:51
Last Modified:24 Mar 2022 06:51
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Submitted to Oikos for peer review September 15 2003
Accepted 2005

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