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Agroforestry market gardening: a strategic choice to improve sustainability in agroecological transition ?

Leger, François; Bellec-Gauche, Agnès; Morel, Kévin and WARLOP, FRANCOIS (2018) Agroforestry market gardening: a strategic choice to improve sustainability in agroecological transition ? Paper at: 13th European IFSA Symposium. Farming Systems: Facing Uncertainties and Enhancing Opportunities, Chania, GR, July 2018.

[thumbnail of Leger_2018_Agroforesty market gardening.pdf] PDF - Submitted Version - English

Document available online at: http://www.ifsa2018.gr/uploads/attachments/98/Theme2_Leger.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Among the various forms of agroforestry, spatial combinations of fruit trees and market gardening are currently experiencing strong growth
In France, the SMART project, which brought together several research teams and development organisations, aimed to explore these systems, taking into account
the technical, agro and socio-economic dimensions. The results of the surveys and observations carried out among
farmers associated with this project showed that these systems mainly concerned farms engaged in short food supply chains for which diversity was a central element for ommercial strategy and performance.
Diversification of products is therefore a central justification for the intercropping of fruit trees and shrubs with vegetables.
SMART also sought to assess the effects of synergies and competitions of agroforestry, as perceived by the farmers. The vast majority of them considered that
intercropping fruit trees and vegetables did not create a major problem in terms of work organisation. They consider
ed that it did not create competition which could have a negative impact on the productivity of crops.
Their certainty in this respect was rather limited, given the generally short duration of their experience
. However, the assessment they we re making today led most of them to consider that the choice of agroforestry
was fully justified and could be recommended to other
market gardeners. These first results showed the need, when evaluating such systems, to adopt dynamic and holistic viewpoint on the different performance levels, allowing to consider the evolution of the trade-offs between advantages and disadvantages of such type of agroforestry on the long-term basis.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:agroecology; agroforestry; market gardening; trade -off; performance levels; resilience
Agrovoc keywords:
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop combinations and interactions
Farming Systems > Farm economics
Farming Systems > Social aspects
Environmental aspects > Biodiversity and ecosystem services
Research affiliation: France > GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture biologique
France > INRA - Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique
Deposited By: WARLOP, François
ID Code:33573
Deposited On:05 Nov 2018 11:29
Last Modified:05 Nov 2018 11:29
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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