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Genetic parameters for nematode resistance in dairy sheep

Bapst, B.; Schwarz, K.; Thüer, S. and Werne, S. (2023) Genetic parameters for nematode resistance in dairy sheep. Poster at: Frühjahrstagung der Schweizerischen Vereinigung für Tierwissenschaften (SVT), Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19.4.2023. [Completed]

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Summary in the original language of the document

Resistance of gastrointestinal nematodes (GIN) in sheep to anthelmintics is rapidly increasing. The results of several studies indicate that selection for increased nematode resistance in sheep is possible, and the trait of interest is faecal egg count (FEC). Phenotyping of FEC is rather timeconsuming and often costly, auxiliary traits that are more effective and easier would be greatly appreciated. The extent of Haemonchus contortus infestation is often measured by the coloration of the conjunctiva and the so-called FAMACHA© test. In our study, we aimed to test whether FAMACHA© could also be used as auxiliary trait for FEC. Additionally we aimed to provide genetic parameters for FEC, milk yield and packed cell volume (PCV). We phenotyped 1150 naturally infected Lacaune ewes on 15 commercial Swiss farms. Phenotypic correlation between FEC and FAMACHA© as well as FAMACHA© and PCV resulted in 0.25 (SE 0.03) and -0.35 (SE 0.08), respectively. Subsequent genetic analysis was carried out with a multi-trait animal model in order to estimate the genetic parameters of the traits mentioned above. We found moderate heritabilities of FEC, FAMACHA©, PCV and milk yield in the range of 0.30 to 0.36 (SE 0.08 for all traits). The particular focus was on the genetic correlation of FEC and FAMACHA© and was estimated to be 0.03 (SE 0.22). The distribution of the FAMACHA© score indicated a medium to high worm infestation, but FEC was relatively low compared to other studies. Eventually the infection pressure was not high enough to yield a good genetic correlation of FEC and FAMACHA©. In general, it can be concluded that the heritability for FEC is very appealing and that a selection program could be based on them. FAMACHA© as an auxiliary trait could not be confirmed in this study. Either further studies need to be designed differently to better explore the relationship between FAMACHA© and FEC or other possible auxiliary traits need to be sought of and developed.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:animal breeding, small ruminants, parasitology, Abacus, FiBL5009508, SMARTER
Agrovoc keywords:
dairy sheep
resistance to disease -> disease resistance
animal breeding
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Breeding and genetics
Animal husbandry > Production systems > Sheep and goats
Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Animal > Animal welfare & housing > Grassland-based livestock systems
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Animal > Animal health > Parasitology
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Animal > Small ruminants
Switzerland > Other organizations Switzerland
Related Links:https://www.fibl.org/en/themes/projectdatabase/projectitem/project/1510, https://www.svt-assa.ch/tagungen-workshops/fruehjahrstagung/april-2023.html
Deposited By: Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, FiBL
ID Code:52174
Deposited On:15 Dec 2023 08:39
Last Modified:15 Dec 2023 08:44
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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