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Entrepreneurial Skills and their Role in Enhancing the Relative Independence of Farmers

Rudmann, Christine (Ed.) (2008) Entrepreneurial Skills and their Role in Enhancing the Relative Independence of Farmers. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick.

[thumbnail of Report]
PDF - English (Report)

Document available online at: https://www.fibl-shop.org/shop/show.php?sprache=EN&art=1522

Summary in the original language of the document

Entrepreneurship is considered a crucial dynamic force in the development of small businesses in general. In agriculture, entrepreneurship is particularly relevant because farmers need to find ways to adapt their businesses to the changing structural environment. This book describes entrepreneurship in terms of its learnable and teachable aspects, and elaborates the concept of entrepreneurial skill in farming. It constitutes the final report of the EU-funded research project Developing Entrepreneurial Skills of Farmers, summarising and synthesising the results. In addition to elaborating a consistent concept of entrepreneurial skills in farming, the project analysed the factors influencing the learning of such skills and produced recommendations on how to adapt the political, institutional and educational framework in order to foster their development. Furthermore, an e-learning tool for farmers, which includes a self-assessment of entrepreneurial skills, was developed in the project and is described in the book.

EPrint Type:Report
Keywords:Entrepreneurial Skills, farmers, EU-fund, recommendations, self-assessment, Sozio-Ökonomie, Politikfolgenabschätzung, Betriebswirtschaft, ESoF
Subjects: Farming Systems
Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication
Research affiliation: Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Knowledge exchange > Advice
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Society > Economics & market > Farm economics
Related Links:http://www.esofarmers.org/, http://www.fibl.org/en/switzerland/research/socio-economics.html, https://www.fibl-shop.org/shop/show.php?sprache=EN&art=1522
Deposited By: Rudmann, Dr. Christine
ID Code:18064
Deposited On:17 Nov 2010 21:59
Last Modified:22 May 2023 07:07
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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