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Submission to: Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material

Paull, John (2018) Submission to: Inquiry into mechanisms for compensation for economic loss to farmers in Western Australia caused by contamination by genetically modified material. WA Inquiry, Perth.

[thumbnail of WA.Inquiry.Submission.Paull.pdf]
PDF - Published Version - English
Available under License Creative Commons Attribution.


Document available online at: http://www.parliament.wa.gov.au/Parliament/commit.nsf/(EvidenceOnly)/CA81A38C140AF895482581EE0081A3CC?opendocument


Consumers around the world avoid GM food and seek organic food. Australia is a global pygmy in the world of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and a giant in the global world of organics. Western Australia (WA) has a GMO moratorium in place with certain exemptions. GM produce sells at a discount compared to non-GM produce and organic produce. GM crops put non-GM growers and organic growers at risk of contamination and this can lead to economic losses. Non-GM produce contaminated with GM is discounted in the market place as GM produce. Such contamination causes economic harm to non-GM farmers and particularly to organic farmers. In the case of Marsh v Baxter, a WA farmer harmed by GM contamination (to the extent of $85,000) went through the courts (with combined legal costs of approximately $2 million) and the law failed to provide any remedy to the harmed party (Marsh). The simplest fix is to revert to the WA GM moratorium without exemptions. In the absence of that, a compulsory third party (CTP) GMO incident insurance is proposed. CTP works successfully in other areas of potential harm (e.g. motor accidents). CTP is an insurance and hence it deals with risk. CTP decouples the premium-payer (the potential source of harm) of the CTP from the claimant (the potential victim of harm) with an independent arbiter. No fault CTP is recommended.

EPrint Type:Report
Subjects: Farming Systems
Values, standards and certification
Food systems
"Organics" in general > Countries and regions > Australia
"Organics" in general > Countries and regions > World
Environmental aspects
"Organics" in general > Countries and regions
Research affiliation:Australia > University of Tasmania
Related Links:https://www.academia.edu/35179966/Four_New_Strategies_to_Grow_the_Organic_Agriculture_Sector, https://www.academia.edu/25648267/Atlas_of_Organics_Four_maps_of_the_world_of_organic_agriculture, https://www.academia.edu/11695152/GMOs_and_organic_agriculture_Six_lessons_from_Australia, https://www.academia.edu/26056119/Marsh_v_Baxter_Kojonup_to_Canberra_Foresight_Hindsight_and_Insight, https://www.academia.edu/13681599/The_threat_of_genetically_modified_organisms_GMOs_to_organic_agriculture_A_case_study_update
Deposited By: Paull, Dr John
ID Code:33158
Deposited On:06 Jun 2018 11:10
Last Modified:06 Jun 2018 11:10
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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