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Labile phosphorus forms in irrigated and rain-fed semiarid Mediterranean grassy crops with long-term organic and conventional farming practices.

Romamyà, Joan and Rovira, Pere (2007) Labile phosphorus forms in irrigated and rain-fed semiarid Mediterranean grassy crops with long-term organic and conventional farming practices. European Journal of Agronomy, 27, pp. 62-71.

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Document available online at: doi:10.1016/j.eja.2007.02.001

Summary in the original language of the document

The availability of organic fertilisers plays a major role in organic farming systems. Such systems exclude the use of synthetic fertilisers, whilst
aiming to optimise internal nutrient cycling. The low availability of manures, particularly in dry areas, can lead to negative nutrient balances inmany
organic farming systems. Such negative nutrient balances are mainly found for P and K. In this paper,we aim to study the availability of P in irrigated
and rainfed semiarid Mediterranean grassy crops with long-term organic and conventional farming practices. NaHCO3 extracts were prepared from
an array of soils from 16 plots, covering organic and conventional management in rainfed and irrigated conditions. Inorganic (NaHCO3-Pi) and
organic P (NaHCO3-Po) were analysed in the extracts and related to soil properties (carbonate content, pH, organic C and N content). Rainfed,
organically managed soils showed low P availability compared to conventionally managed soils. However, organically managed irrigated soils
showed slightly higher NaHCO3-Pi than conventional soils. This is due to the fertilisation regime applied to the irrigated, organically managed
systems. Such systems received four-fold the amount of manure applied to organically managed rainfed soils. In soils with low P availability,
NaHCO3-Pi was largely depleted while NaHCO3-Po remained nearly unchanged. In soils with good or moderate P availability, NaHCO3-Pi
appeared mainly to be regulated by soil organic matter (organic C and N). In conditions of low P availability, NaHCO3-Pi was mainly regulated by
chemical processes related to soil pH and carbonate content. The regulation of NaHCO3-Po was less clear. Under low P availability, NaHCO3-Pi
depletion occurred mainly in soils with high organic C and N and low pH. In low P soils with a high pH and carbonate content, NaHCO3-Pi
appeared to be geochemically protected. In calcareous soils, management practices need to increase or maintain the level of soil organic C to
facilitate mobilisation of the P reserve.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:P availability; Organic P; NaHCO3-P; Soil fertility
Subjects: Soil > Nutrient turnover
Research affiliation: Spain
Deposited By: Romanyà, Professor Joan
ID Code:11486
Deposited On:10 Oct 2007
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:35
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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