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Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations: effects of location, manure and catch crop

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations: effects of location, manure and catch crop. Soil Use and Management, 21, pp. 181-188.

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Summary in the original language of the document

Nitrate leaching from crop rotations supporting organic grain production was investigated from 1997 to 2000 in a field experiment at three locations in Denmark on different soil types. Three experimental factors were included in the experiment in a factorial design: (1) proportion of N2-fixing crops in the rotation (crop rotation), (2) catch crop (with and without), and (3) manure (with and without). Three, four-course rotations were compared, two at each location. The nitrate leaching was measured using ceramic suction cells. Leaching losses from the crop rotation with grass–clover green manure and without catch crops were 104, 54 and 35 kgNha21 yr21 on the coarse sand, the loamy sand, and the sandy loam, respectively. There was no effect of manure application or time of ploughing-in the grass–clover green manure crop on the accumulated nitrate leaching from the entire rotation. Catch crops reduced nitrate leaching significantly, by 30–38%, on the sandy soils. At all locations catch crops reduced the annual averaged nitrate concentration to meet drinking water quality standards in the crop rotation with green manure. On the coarse sand there was a time lag between the onset of drainage and the start of N-uptake by the catch crop.

EPrint Type:Journal paper
Keywords:Nitrate leaching, organic farming, crop rotation, catch crop, organic manure
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems
Crop husbandry > Crop combinations and interactions
Crop husbandry > Composting and manuring
Food systems > Recycling, balancing and resource management
Soil > Nutrient turnover
Farming Systems > Farm nutrient management
Research affiliation: Denmark > DARCOF II (2000-2005) > IV.1 (EXUNIT) Experimental units for research in organic farming systems
Denmark > DARCOF III (2005-2010) > CROPSYS - The effect of cropping systems on production and the environment
Denmark > CROPSYS
Deposited By: Askegaard, Margrethe
ID Code:18726
Deposited On:28 Apr 2011 12:51
Last Modified:06 Jun 2022 15:58
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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