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Feasibility of Vis/NIR spectroscopy and image analysis as basis of the development of smart-drying technologies

Sturm, B.; Moscetti, R.; Crichton, S.O.J.; Raut, S.; Bantle, M. and Massantini, R. (2018) Feasibility of Vis/NIR spectroscopy and image analysis as basis of the development of smart-drying technologies. In: Editorial Universitat Politecnica de Valencia (Ed.) Proceedings of the IDS 2018, 21st International Drying Symposium, September 11-14, 2018, Valencia, Spain, pp. 171-178.

[thumbnail of Proceedings IDS2018.pdf] PDF - English

Document available online at: https://sintef.brage.unit.no/sintef-xmlui/handle/11250/2582847

Summary in the original language of the document

Drying is a complex, dynamic, unsteady and nonlinear process that, when not optimized on a system level, may be responsible for (1) significant quality degradation and (2) energy wastage. Consequently, new drying technologies must be designed combining non-invasive at-/on-/in-line advanced measurement and control systems with models cross-linking all relevant aspects of product quality changes and heat and mass transfer phenomena. This paper presents preliminary results on the use of RGB imaging, NIR spectroscopy and Vis-NIR hyperspectral imaging for real-time monitoring of physicochemical changes of apples and carrots during drying.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:BÖLN, BOELN, BÖL, BOEL, FKZ 14OE006, SusOrgPlus, SusOrganic, chemometrics, artificial intelligence, deep learning
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Food systems > Processing, packaging and transportation
Research affiliation: European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Cofund > SusOrgPlus
European Union > CORE Organic > CORE Organic Plus > SusOrganic
Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL > Food > Processing
Germany > University of Kassel > Department of Agricultural Engineering and Agricultural Engineering in the Tropics and Subtropics
Italy > Univ. Tuscia
Norway > SINTEF
Horizon Europe or H2020 Grant Agreement Number:727495
Related Links:https://www.bundesprogramm.de, https://orgprints.org/cgi/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&keywords=14OE006&projects=BOEL&_order=bypublication&_action_search=Suchen, https://projects.au.dk/coreorganiccofund/core-organic-cofund-projects/susorgplus/, https://www.susorgplus.eu/, https://projects.au.dk/coreorganicplus/research-projects/susorganic/
Deposited By: von Gersdorff, Gardis J.E.
ID Code:36587
Deposited On:12 Nov 2019 10:23
Last Modified:29 Jan 2020 11:08
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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