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Lessons learnt- agroforestry for organic and free-range egg production in the Netherlands

Bestman, M. (2017) Lessons learnt- agroforestry for organic and free-range egg production in the Netherlands. Agforward, NL.

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Document available online at: https://library.wur.nl/WebQuery/groenekennis/2227952

Summary in the original language of the document

The AGFORWARD research project (January 2014-December 2017), funded by the European Commission, is promoting agroforestry practices in Europe that will advance sustainable rural development. The project has four objectives: 1. to understand the context and extent of agroforestry in Europe, 2. to identify, develop and field-test innovations (through participatory research) to improve the benefits and viability of agroforestry systems in Europe, 3. to evaluate innovative agroforestry designs and practices at a field-, farm- and landscape scale, and 4. to promote the wider adoption of appropriate agroforestry systems in Europe through policy development and dissemination. This report contributes to Objective 2 in that it focuses on the field-testing of an innovation within the “agroforestry for livestock systems” participative research and development network. This report contributes to Deliverable 5.14: Lessons learned from innovations in agroforestry systems.

EPrint Type:Report
Keywords:agroforestry (nl), agroforestry (en), biologische landbouw (nl), organic farming (en), scharrelhouderij (nl), free range husbandry (en), scharreleieren (nl), free range eggs (en), eierproductie (nl), egg production (en), vleeskuikens (nl), broilers (en), dierenwelzijn (nl), animal welfare (en), agroforestrysystemen (nl), agroforestry systems (en), hennen (nl), hens (en), pluimveehouderij (nl), poultry farming (en), pluimvee (nl), poultry (en), uitloop (nl), outdoor run (en), Miscanthus (nl), Miscanthus (en), natuurinclusieve landbouw (nl), nature-inclusive agriculture (en), duurzame ontwikkeling (nl), sustainable development (en), plattelandsontwikkeling (nl), rural development (en), 113-C-1 Ecologische landbouw (nl), 113-C-1 Organic Farming (en), 608-G Pluimvee (nl), 608-G Poultry (en)
Subjects:"Organics" in general
Research affiliation: Netherlands > BioKennisBank
Related Links:https://edepot.wur.nl/428543
Project ID:BKB
Deposited By: Blom, M
ID Code:46809
Deposited On:12 Jun 2023 06:42
Last Modified:12 Jun 2023 06:42
Document Language:English

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