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Genetic diversity of red clover varieties listed in Germany concerning the resistance to Southern Anthracnose

Jacob, Irene; Hartmann, Stephan; Schubiger, Franz Xaver and Struck, Christine (2010) Genetic diversity of red clover varieties listed in Germany concerning the resistance to Southern Anthracnose. In: Schnyder, H.; Isselstein, J.; Taube, F.; Auerswald, K.; Schellberg, J.; Wachendorf, M.; Herrmann, A.; Gierus, M.; Wrage, N. and Hopkins, A. (Eds.) Grassland in a changing world Proceedings of the 23th General Meeting of the European Grassland Federation, Mecke Druck und Verlag, Duderstadt, Grassland Science in Europe, no. 15, pp. 344-346.

[thumbnail of Jacob_et_al_Grassland-in-a-changing-world-Volume-15-Grassland-science-in-europe_pp_344-346_.pdf]
PDF - Published Version - English

Summary in the original language of the document

Rotklee ist als essentielles Fruchtfolgeglied speziell im ökologischen Landbau unentbehrlich. Resistente Sorten wären im Falle einer Ausbreitung der Pilzkrankheit Anthracnose von zentraler Bedeutung.

Summary translation

Recently, there has been evidence both from testing sites and agriculturally used fields concerning the appearance of Colletotrichum trifolii Bain et Essary, causing Southern Anthracnose in red clover and red clover pasture stands. This disease is able to cause large losses in yield. The aim of this investigation was to evaluate all red clover cultivars listed in Germany (in 2009) with regard to their resistance against the pathogen. One foreign genotype ‘Starfire’, bred in the USA and known to be highly resistant to Southern Anthracnose, was also incorporated into this research. A ranking of the cultivars could be generated based on a test for resistance performed in the greenhouse. The resistance of the cultivars was expressed as a percentage of plant survival seven weeks after inoculation. Results showed a wide range in quantitative resistance characteristics towards Colletotrichum trifolii from 29 to 87% survival. Hence the evaluated genotypes can be classified into resistant to susceptible forms. Another important finding was that among the screened varieties diploid cultivars overall seemed to be more resistant than tetraploid genotypes.
Diese Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen des vom BÖLN finanzierten Forschungsvorhabens FKZ 2806OE161 ermittelt.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:Colletotrichum trifolii, red clover, Southern Anthracnose, Trifolium pratense, variety, FKZ 06OE161, BÖL, BOEL, BÖLN, BOELN
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Crop husbandry > Breeding, genetics and propagation
Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: Switzerland > Agroscope > ART - Reckenholz location
Germany > Federal States > Bavaria > State research centre agriculture
Germany > Federal Organic Farming Scheme - BOEL > Plants > Pflanzenzüchtung
Germany > University of Rostock > Institute for Landuse - ILN > Phytotherapy - PM
Related Links:http://www.bundesprogramm-oekolandbau.de/, http://www.bundesprogramm.de/fkz=06OE161, http://orgprints.org/cgi/search/advanced?addtitle%2Ftitle=&keywords=06OE161&projects=BOEL&_order=bypublication&_action_search=Suchen
Deposited By: Jacob, Irene
ID Code:21022
Deposited On:30 Jul 2012 09:21
Last Modified:30 Jul 2012 09:21
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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