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Farmers’ Approaches Towards Increased Self-Sufficiency With Feed On Organic Dairy Farms

Adler, Steffen Andreas and Frøseth, Randi Berland (2021) Farmers’ Approaches Towards Increased Self-Sufficiency With Feed On Organic Dairy Farms. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

[thumbnail of OWC2020-SCI-510.pdf] PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

Self-sufficiency with feed (SSF) is a basic principle in organic animal production. The current regulations do not impose strict requirements for SSF at farm level, but further restrictions are expected in future. The aim of the present work was to quantify SSF on a range of organic dairy farms in Norway and study farmers’ strategies to produce milk with a high degree of SSF. Nine farms were selected for interview and data collection. On farm level, the proportion of SSF varied between 66 and 99 %. SSF increased to 88-100 % when expressed on national level. Land area is among the limiting factors for famers to reach higher SSF while maintaining the milk production level. A lower proportion of concentrates in the diet seems to have as strong impact on SSF as using own cereals and protein crops as feed, but milk production per total feed production area was highest for the latter. The farmers’ goals and actions are important driving forces to develop more SSF in dairy production systems.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Dairy, Farmer's perception, feed, land use, Norway, self-suffiency
Subjects: Animal husbandry
Farming Systems
Research affiliation: International Conferences > 2021: Organic World Congress, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB > Transitioning towards organic and sustainable food system
Deposited By: rey, m. frederic
ID Code:42296
Deposited On:07 Sep 2021 13:12
Last Modified:07 Sep 2021 13:12
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:A book of abstracts of papers of the Science Forum at the Organic World Congress 2021, September 8-10, Online and on-site in Rennes, France '6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB' has been published

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