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Behaviour of organic lactating sows given access to poplar trees

Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard; Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena and Pedersen, L.J. (2016) Behaviour of organic lactating sows given access to poplar trees. [Adfærd hos økologiske søer med adgang til poppel træer.] Speech at: ISAE, Edinburg, UK, 12.-16. July 2016.

[thumbnail of Schild et al_2016 ISAE Edinburgh.pdf]
PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

The aim of the current study was to investigate how access to poplar trees (an alternative shaded area) affects signs of heat stress and paddock use in lactating sows.

Summary translation

Formålet med dette studie var at undersøge, hvordan adgang til poppeltræer påvirker varme stress og brugen folden hos diegivende søer.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Speech
Keywords:VIPiglets; behaviour; lactating sows; heat stress; poplar trees
Subjects: Animal husbandry > Health and welfare
Research affiliation: Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > AU, DJF - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Denmark > Organic RDD 2 > VIPiglets
Deposited By: Duve, Consultant Linda Rosager
ID Code:31218
Deposited On:10 Mar 2017 09:07
Last Modified:10 Mar 2017 09:07
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted

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