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London Hospital Food Project

Westley Consulting Ltd. (2004) London Hospital Food Project. Sustain , London Food Link.

[thumbnail of London_Food_Link_Hospital_Food_Project_Distribution_Research_Report.pdf] PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

The aim of the London is to incresae the amount of local and organic food served in four London hospitals. It is hoped that the project will not only result in healthier and better quality meals for hospital patients, staff and visitors, but will also benefit local communities, through supporting farming and food businesses in London and the South East.
It is funded by the King's Fund, Defra and the European Agricultural Guidance and Guarantee Fund, and focuses on the food served in the canteens at Ealing and St george's hospitals, and both canteen and ward catering at the Royal Brompton and Lambeth hospitals. The aim is to ensure that 10% of the food served is locally produced - and ideally organic as well.
London Food Link works closely with catering managers to help them develop menus and supply tenders that favour organic, seasonal food that can be supplied locally. A number of events have taken place to help both suppliers and catering staff to reconnect and build understanding of the tendering process, including organic certification teaching, farm visits, and training from public procurement experts. The Soil Association is running a Public Procurement Helpline - on 0117 914 2424 - for enquiries from food suppliers who are interested in taking part in the project.
Research is being carried out to assess the economic and health benefits of sustainable food procurement, as well as a study on the distribution barriers, and the development of local food infrastructure within London. a nationwide replication network has been established to share good practice and advice.

EPrint Type:Report
Location:London Food Link
c/o Sustain
94 White Lion Strret
N1 9PF
Keywords:London, hospital, local, food, meals, patients, staff, visitors, economic, health
Subjects: Food systems > Food security, food quality and human health
Knowledge management > Education, extension and communication
Research affiliation: UK > Soil Association
UK > Other organizations United Kingdom
UK > Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Research funders: European Union > Other projects, departments, etc.
UK > Other organizations United Kingdom
UK > Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA)
Related Links:http://www.londonfoodlink.org
Start Date:1 January 1994
End Date:31 December 1995
Deposited By: Defra, R&D Organic Programme
ID Code:9980
Deposited On:13 Dec 2006
Last Modified:12 Apr 2010 07:34
Document Language:English
Refereed:Not peer-reviewed

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