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Problematic weed species in organic arable agriculture around the Baltic Sea - an expert database

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, L. and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2017) Problematic weed species in organic arable agriculture around the Baltic Sea - an expert database. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7. -10. März 2017.

[thumbnail of Problematic weed species in organic arable agriculture.pdf]
PDF - German/Deutsch

Summary in the original language of the document

Weeds are a perpetual challenge in Organic agriculture. However, they serve multiple ecosystem services and a low competitive weed cover can be tolerated. Adding to
this, is the fact that only a few species prove problematic for both the crop and the farmer. The international PRODIVA project researches the effect of crop diversity strategies on the diversity of weed communities, hypothesizing that by increasing the weed diversity, the development of problematic weeds will mitigated. A preparatory
study was conducted to list the most problematic weed species in spring sown cereals in the countries involved with PRODIVA. For this a literature review was conducted in
all participating countries, collecting local sources including grey literature. This was combined with the opinion of local extension services and other weed experts. From this a list of 10 most problematic weeds was deducted for each country. We found both annual and perennial species to be mentioned as problematic. A majority of the
more problematic species were shared between countries, such as Cirsium arvensis, Elitrigia repens and Chenopodium album. Still, all countries revealed to have individual
weed challenges as well. These findings are published as a folder that will be available to local stakeholders.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Poster
Keywords:Problemungräser, Provida, Frühjahrssaaten
Agrovoc keywords:
Problematic weeds
spring sown cereals
literature review
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Crop husbandry > Weed management
Research affiliation: Denmark > AU - Aarhus University
Germany > University of Rostock
International Conferences > 2017: Scientific Conference German Speaking Countries > Pflanzenbau
Latvia > State Stende Plant Breeding station
Finland > Luke Natural Resources Institute
Sweden > University of Uppsala
Deposited By: Hasreiter, Anna
ID Code:31583
Deposited On:22 Jul 2017 09:33
Last Modified:22 Jul 2017 09:33
Document Language:English
Refereed:Peer-reviewed and accepted
Additional Publishing Information:Dieser Beitrag ist im Tagungsband der 14. Wissenschaftstagung erschienen.
S. Wolfrum, H. Heuwinkel, H.J. Reents, u.a. (Hrsg.) (2017): Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken - Verantwortung übernehmen - Vertrauen stärken. Beiträge der 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7.-10. März 2017
Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin

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