Items affiliated to "Organic Farm Knowledge"
Jump to: Journal paper | Conference paper, poster, etc. | Report | Project description | Practice tool Number of items at this level: 963. Journal paperBliss, Katie; Padel, Susanne; Cullen, Beth; Ducottet, Charline; Mullender, Samantha; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Moeskops, Bram (2018) Exchanging knowledge to improve organic arable farming: An evaluation of knowledge exchange tools with farmer groups across Europe. Organic Agriculture, online, X. Conference paper, poster, etc.Dietemann, Lauren; Rueger, Madelaine; Basler, Andreas and Willer, Helga (2023) Organic Farm Knowledge – connecting science and practice. Poster at: National Meeting on Integrated Protection, Portugal, 30 - 31 October, 2023. [Completed] Rasmussen, I.A.; Jensen, A.L.; Jørgensen, M.S.; Kristensen, H.; Conder, M.; Micheloni, C. and Moeskops, B. (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 130-132. Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene and Christensen, Dennis (2017) - knowledge platform of OK-Net Arable. Speech at: BioFach 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, 15-18 February. [Completed] Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Conder, Malgorzata; Micheloni, Cristina and Moeskops, Bram (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. In: Rahmann, G; Andres, C.; Yadav, A.K.; Ardakani, M.R.; Babalad, H.B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S.L.; Olowe, V; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track, Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, 2, Thünen report, no. 54, pp. 622-624. Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene and Moeskops, Bram (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. Speech at: 3rd Organic Innovation Days, Brussels, 15-17 November. [Completed] ReportKata, Gócs; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina and Willer, Helga (2018) D.4.4: Plan for continuation of the knowledge platform. . Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2016) D4.1: Online Knowledge Platform. OK net arable Report D 4.1. ICROFS, Tjele. Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Moeskops, Bram; Micheloni, Cristina; Gócs, Christina; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Willer, Helga and Padel, Susanne (2018) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.4.3 Final report on evaluation of end-user material. Deliverable OK-Net Arable, no. D.4.3. . Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette (2023) Cow based calf rearing as a strategy to reduce antimicrobial use in dairy production. ROADMAP Practice Abstract. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Project description{Project} OFK: Organic Farm Knowledge – Online hub for European organic farmers and advisors. Start 2018. Project Leader(s): de Simone, Ambra; Dietemann, Lauren; Willer, Helga and Jakobson, Malene, IFOAM Organics Europe; Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL; ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems . Practice tool{Tool} The fight against mildew fungi: Newly grown PIWI vines in the first year. [Der Kampf gegen die Mehltau-Pilze: Neugezüchtete PIWI-Reben im ersten Jahr.] Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2023) {Tool} Comparison of different PIWI grape varieties. [Vergleich von verschiedenen PIWI-Sorten: Welche sind besonders resistent gegen Pilzkrankheiten?] Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2022) {Tool} The new generation of cabernet: How to cross-pollinate a resistant grape vine. [Die neue Cabernet-Generation: Wie man eine resistente Weinrebe fremdbestäubt.] Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2022) {Tool} "Pedra Seca": Dry stone walls full of biodiversity near Albet in Noya in Penedès. ["Pedra Seca": Trockensteinmauern voller Biodiversität bei Albet in Noya im Penedès.] Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2022) {Tool} Croprotect (App). Issuing Organisation(s): RES - Rothamsted Research. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2015) {Tool} portal for organic in practice. Issuing Organisation(s): BLE - Federal Office for Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2015) {Tool} Bringing the dirt to your doorstep: organic no-till weed management. Issuing Organisation(s): Rodale Institute. (2014) {Tool} Cover crop and living mulch toolbox. Issuing Organisation(s): TUM - Technical University of Munich. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014) {Tool} ECOPHYTOPIC – The portal for integrated crop protection of arable crops. Issuing Organisation(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles. {Tool} Green manure and cover crops in organic agriculture: general introduction. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2012) {Tool} Green manure and cover crops in organic agriculture: guide to the choice of the species. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2012) {Tool} Mechanical weeding in arable crops. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2012) {Tool} Nutrient supply. [Nährstoffversorgung.] Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2011) {Tool} ROTOR: organic crop rotation planner. Issuing Organisation(s): ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. (2007) {Tool} Soil quality test kit guide. Issuing Organisation(s): USDA - United States Department of Agriculture. (2001) {Tool} Agrometeo: decision support tool for pest prognosis and risk assessment. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. {Tool} Atlas of agricultural entomology - a knowledge base of pest insects. Issuing Organisation(s): Rivista di Agraria. {Tool} Knowledge exchange platform for agroecology. Issuing Organisation(s): SOLAGRO. {Tool} Organic farming Guidelines for pest and disease control and weed management in organic farming and crop-specific production recommendations. Issuing Organisation(s): Uprawy ekologiczne. {Tool} Producing zucchini seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de Courgette dans un itinéraire Agrobiologique.] Creator(s): ABATZIAN, V; LIZOT, JF; COLLIN, F; BRUN, L.; LAURENT, E; BROUCQSAULT, LM; REY, Frederic and HAEFLIGER, M. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2003) {Tool} Design guide for on-farm demonstrations. [Guide de conception pour les démonstrations à la ferme.] Creator(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles; ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries an; JHI - James Hutton Institute and BioSens Institut. Issuing Organisation(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles, ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, JHI - James Hutton Institute, BioSens Institut. (2022) {Tool} Design guide for virtual demonstrations. [Guide de conception pour les démonstrations virtuelles.] Creator(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles; ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries an; JHI - James Hutton Institute and BioSens Institut. Issuing Organisation(s): ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles, ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, JHI - James Hutton Institute, BioSens Institut. (2022) {Tool} Bamboo and deadwood: Get them out! Preventive measures to reduce codling moth in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 012. (2023) {Tool} Beneficial nematodes against codling moth in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 011. (2023) {Tool} How to control Adoxophyes orana in organic apple production: decision making, mating disruption and direct control measures (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 022. (2023) {Tool} Importance of robust varieties for sustainable organic pome fruit growing in the future (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 037. (2023) {Tool} Mating Disruption: Key element of a successful building block strategy against Cydia pomonella in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 009. (2023) {Tool} Recycling sprayers in pome fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 065. (2023) {Tool} Use of Carpovirusine products against codling moth in organic fruit cultivation to prevent resistance (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 013. (2023) {Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Preventive measures in organic pome fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 003. (2022) {Tool} Control of pear leaf blister moth in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 052. (2022) {Tool} Enhancing biodiversity with "Anchor plants" in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 035. (2022) {Tool} Hedges as a valuable component of biodiversity enhancement in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 029. (2022) {Tool} Insect boxes in organic orchards: Caution on ready-to-use solutions! (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 032. (2022) {Tool} Integration of high-perennial fringes along edge structures in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 028. (2022) {Tool} Preventive and indirect measures to regulate woolly apple aphid in organic orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 051. (2022) {Tool} Regulation of black rot (Diplodia seriata) in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 064. (2022) {Tool} Regulation of sawflies in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2022) {Tool} Rosy apple aphid: Direct control with Neem in organic orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 018. (2022) {Tool} Rosy apple aphid: Promote natural antagonists against the rosy apple aphid (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Adolphi, Christina and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 020. (2022) {Tool} Establishing summer cover crops before winter cereals in low tillage systems on sandy soils (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Anbau von Sommerdeckfrüchten vor Wintergetreide bei geringer Bodenbearbeitung auf sandigen Böden (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Ahnemann, Hauke and Meyer, Hendrik. Issuing Organisation(s): Landwirtschaftskammer Niedersachsen. (2022) {Tool} Single-phase feeding and compensatory growth in growing and finishing pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Åkerfeldt, Magdalena. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 024. (2020) {Tool} Conversion to full grazing – experiences of Heiko Stelling. [Umstellung auf Vollweide - Erfahrungen von Heiko Stelling | Klimawoche des Grasslandzentrums.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Grünlandzentrum Niedersachsen/Bremen. (2024) {Tool} High-grass grazing or mob grazing: Adapting pasture management to the consequences of climate change. [Hochgrasbeweidung oder Mob grazing: Weidebewirtschaftung an die Folgen des Klimawandels anpassen.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Keyline Design and agroforestry on the Aebleten farm. [Keyline Design und Agroforst auf dem Hof Aebleten - Klimafreundliche Landwirtschaft.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Catching the European apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea) with adhesive tape (Biofruitnet Video). Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Mechanical weed control in fruit growing - BIOFRUITNET machine demonstration. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} New ways in organic fruit growing: intelligent covers and Guyot training system for apple (Biofruitnet Video). [Neue Wege im Bio-Obstbau: Intelligente Abdeckungen und Guyot-Erziehungssystem bei Apfel (Biofruitnet Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Organic plant-protection: Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid (Biofruitnet Video). [Bio-Pflanzenschutz: Direkte Regulierung der Schwarzen Kirschenblattlaus (Myzus cerasi).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Regulating Monilinia laxa in organic apricots (Biofruitnet Video). [Réguler Monilinia laxa dans les abricots bio (Biofruitnet Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Mobile milking robot and pasture management on the Trévarez organic experimental farm. [Robot de traite mobile et pâturage à la ferme expérimentale biologique de Trévarez.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Low-cost organic milk production: Once a day milking - Crossbreeding - Calf rearing with nurses. [Production de lait bio à faible coût: monotraite, croisement de races, élevage des veaux sous nurses.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Pasture management - Intensive rotational grazing with the Pitt Käch family in Switzerland. [Weidemanagement: Intensive Umtriebsweide auf dem Betrieb von Susanne und Joss Pitt Käch Gampelen/BE.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} The new sickle hoe developed by Dieter Leibing - An alternative to the common hoeing devices? [Sichelhacke entwickelt und vorgestellt von Dieter Leibing an den Oekofeldtagen 2019 in Kassel.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} ANATIS the new weeding robot from Carré. [ANATIS de Carré: Robot de désherbage - Jätroboter - weeding robot (with subtitles).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Planting vegetable seedlings mechanically in a mulch cover with the Mulchtec-Planter. [Gemüsesetzlinge maschinell in Mulchschicht pflanzen mit dem Mulchtec Planter (Johannes Storch).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Precision livestock farming: Lely - Isagri - Grunderco - DeLaval - Alptracker - Medria - Quanturi. [Élevage de précision: Lely - Isagri - Grunderco - DeLaval - Alptracker - Medria - Quanturi.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Harrow with electronic depth control (with Paul Treffler). [Striegeln mit elektronischer Tiefenführung (Treffler).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Low Stress Stockmanship - Philipp Wenz demonstrates how to handle cattle without stress. [Stressfreier Umgang mit Rindern - Philipp Wenz zeigt Methode "Low Stress Stockmanship".] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Terrateck's hand tools for market gardening - Vegetable hoe and paperpot transplanter. [Outils manuels de Terrateck pour le maraîchage - Houe maraîchère et transplanteur paperpot.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2017) {Tool} Naio-technologies' "dino" weeding robot presented at Tech&Bio 2017. [Robot de désherbage "dino" de naio-technologies présenté à Tech&Bio 2017.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2017) {Tool} Oz, the weeding robot for smaller vegetable producers. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2017) {Tool} Crop Management of Rapeseed and Pollen Beetle Control. [Anbau von Raps und Bekämpfung Rapsglanzkäfer.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Pest control in citrus - Plant protection products and natural enemies (Biofruitnet video). [Schädlingsbekämpfung bei Zitrusfrüchten - Pflanzenschutzmittel und natürliche Feinde (Biofruitnet video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Alfons, Domínguez. Issuing Organisation(s): La Vall de la Casella. (2022) {Tool} Orange varieties for organic citrus cultivation in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Varietà di arance per l'agrumicoltura biologica in Sicilia.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Ancona, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Videos. (2023) {Tool} Dual-purpose breeds – An outdated custom or a new opportunity? [Zweinutzungsrassen: Alter Zopf oder neue Chance?] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Bieber, Anna; Spengler Neff, Anet and Babst, Beat. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} How to create ponds for water retention in dry areas. [Cómo crear estanques para retener agua en zonas secas | Agricultura climáticamente inteligente en la finca La Junquera.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Bosch, Clara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, The Regeneration Academy. (2024) {Tool} How to make swales for water retention in dry areas. [Cómo hacer hondonadas para retener agua en zonas secas | Prácticas climáticamente inteligentes en la finca La Junquera.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Bosch, Clara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Biological control of Tuta absoluta (Tomato leaf miner) with Necremnus tutae in greenhouses. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Crisol, Eduardo and van der Bloom, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, COEXPHAL - Asociación de Organizaciones de Productores de Frutas y Hortalizas de Almería. (2020) {Tool} Mechanical weed control - Demonstration of 10 harrows and hoeing machines. [Désherbage mécanique – Démonstration de herse étrilles et bineuses.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Delanote, Lieven and Coopman, Franky. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Inagro. (2020) {Tool} The spade test - visual soil assessment in the field. [Die Spatenprobe: Bodenbeurteilung im Feld.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Fliessbach, Andreas and Hasinger, Gerhard. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2016) {Tool} Compost for planting - Against Rhizoctonia root rot disease in potatoes. [Kartoffelbau: Mit Kompost zur Pflanzung gegen die Wurzeltöter-Krankheit - Prototyp im Praxiseinsatz.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Gelencsér, Tobias; Klaiss, Matthias and Bruns, Christian. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Kassel. (2020) {Tool} New techniques to control the supply of water and nutrients to crops in greenhouses. [Nuevas técnicas de control del aporte de agua y nutrientes a cultivos en invernadero.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Giménez, Miguel; Thompson, Rodney and Giagnocavo, Cynthia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Almería. (2020) {Tool} Exploring agroforestry in organic dairy. [Erkundung der Agroforstwirtschaft in der ökologischen Milchwirtschaft - NEFERTITIs Besuch auf dem Betrieb von Tim und Louise Downes.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Hayes, Martha. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Recognising and avoiding heat stress in pastured dairy cows. [Erkennen und Vermeiden von Hitzestress bei Milchkühen auf der Weide.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Holinger, Mirjam. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Keyline Design & Water Management - Experiences of the Katzhof farm. [Keyline Design & Wassermanagement & Agroforst auf dem Katzhof - Anpassung an den Klimawandel.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Hufschmid, Jasmin and Sommer, Lea. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bio Suisse, BFH-HAFL - Bern University of Applied Sciences/School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences. (2023) {Tool} Mother-bound calf rearing at the Rengoldshausen farm explained by Mechthild Knösel. [Muttergebundene Kälberaufzucht auf dem Hofgut Rengoldshausen erklärt von Mechthild Knösel.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Knösel, Mechthild. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Hofgut Rengoldshausen. (2019) {Tool} Mechanical weeding in organic vegetable production (finger weeder Kult/Kress, ABRAH, Treffler). [Hackgeräte im Gemüsebau: Duoparallelogramm Fingerhacke Kult/Kress; Abrah Dulks; Striegel Treffler.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Koller, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Machine demo: Incorporating green manure with rotary tillers and pulled machines. [Maschinendemo: Einarbeiten einer Gründüngung mit Fräsen und gezogenen Geräten.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Leumann, Sammy; Dierauer, Hansueli and Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Dealing with drought in natural forage production. [Umgang mit Trockenheit in der natürlichen Futtermittelproduktion.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Lüscher, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL Film. (2023) {Tool} Five simple methods to self-assess the quality of your soil. [5 tests simples pour évaluer son sol : slip - slake - thé - bêche - pot de barber.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Masson, Sandie. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agridea. (2018) {Tool} Agroforestry at the Adlerzart farm. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Moosmann, Simona. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2025) {Tool} Humus management: Building up humus - Maintaining soil fertility. [Humuswirtschaft: Humus aufbauen – Bodenfruchtbarkeit erhalten.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Niggli, Jeremias and Böhler, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Using mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing (Biofruitnet video). [Mykorrhizapilze im Obstbau einsetzen (Biofruitnet video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Pravcová, Gabriela. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. (2022) {Tool} How to introduce predatory mites into fruit plantations (Biofruitnet video). [Raubmilben in Obstanlagen ausbringen (Biofruitnet video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Radek, Vávra. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. (2022) {Tool} Precision farming: sowing canola with variable rate application. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Rahko, Juhani and Dietemann, Lauren. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Machine demonstration - Destroying an alfalfa crop without plough and herbicides. [Démonstration de machines – Destruction de la luzerne sans labour (Senarclens/VD Aug2018).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Schmid, Nathaniel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Weed control with the robots Dino and Ecorobotix in arable crops - experiences made by Digifermes. [Les robots "Dino" et "Ecorobotics" en grandes cultures - Expériences faites par les Digifermes.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Schott, Francois-Xavier. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est. (2020) {Tool} Electrical weed control - The ElectroHerb from Zasso. [Désherbage électrique - L'ElectroHerb de Zasso.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Schott, Francois-Xavier. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Chambre régionale d'agriculture Grand Est. (2020) {Tool} Agroforestry systems - planning, planting and financing. [Agroforst-Systeme: Planung, Anlage und Förderprogramme (Klimafreundliche Landwirtschaft).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Sommer, Lea and Hufschmid, Jasmin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bio Suisse. (2023) {Tool} The OBSALIM Method: Feeding Evaluation on ruminants. [La méthode OBSALIM: Une nouvelle méthode d'évaluation de l'affouragement des vaches laitières.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Spengler Neff, Anet. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Weed control in organic sugar beet - 4 machines compared (Steketee IC-Weeder, Garford Inrow, Harrow). [Désherbage dans la betterave sucrière bio – Comparaison Steketee IC-Weeder, Garford Inrow.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne. (2020) {Tool} Planting sugar beets instead of sowing - reducing the time on weed control. [Plantation de la betterave sucrière bio pour mieux maîtriser les adventices.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Fondation Rurale Interjurassienne. (2020) {Tool} New plant protection products against mildew in organic winegrowing - Practice report. [Neue Mittel gegen Mehltau im Bio-Rebbau.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Tamm, Lucius; Mouchet, Jean-Charles; Boutry, Clémence; Tuchschmid, Andi and Schärer, Hans-Jakob. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Biocontrol in organic citrus groves: Aonidiella aurantii/Aphytis and Planococcus citri/Cryptolaemus (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Biocontrollo nel'agrumeto biologico: Aonidiella aurantii/Aphytis e Planococcus citri/Cryptolaemus (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Ancona, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023) {Tool} Managing the agro-ecosystem in the organic citrus grove: biodiversity and soil management (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Gestione dell'agroecosistema nell' agrumeto biologico: biodiversità e gestione del suolo (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Ancona, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023) {Tool} Production of beneficial insects in the Ramacca Biofactory for Biocontrol in citrus fruits (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Produzione d'insetti utili per il biocontrollo degli agrumi nella Biofabbrica di Ramacca (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo; D'Angelo, Dario; Strano, Antonio and Calcaterra, Salvatore. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023) {Tool} Efficient irrigation systems in citrus plantations in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Irrigazione efficiente negli agrumeti (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Stagno, Fiorella. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. (2023) {Tool} Sorghum: a more drought-resistant crop compared to maize. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Vonlanthen, Tiziana. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agroscope. (2024) {Tool} Parasite control in sheep and goats with tannins: insight into research and practice. [Parasitenkontrolle bei Schafen und Ziegen mit Tanninen - Einblick in Forschung und Praxis.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Werne, Steffen and Volken, Herbert. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Crop management of linseed. [Anbau von Öllein.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Control of wireworms in organic potato cultivation. [Drahtwurmbekämpfung im Biokartoffelanbau.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Shallow Ploughing of Leys – Comparison of Different Plough and Cultivator Types. [Flacher Kunstwiesenumbruch: Vergleich von Schälpflügen, Grubbern und Geohobeln.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2015) {Tool} Cover Crop (Rye) and No-Till System in Wisconsin. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014) {Tool} Demonstration of Plough Dethatchers. [Démonstration de charrues déchaumeuses.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014) {Tool} Hairy Vetch – an Excellent Green Manure for Dry Conditions. [Veccia vellutata: un’ottima coltura da sovescio per i sistemi colturali mediterranei.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014) {Tool} Reduced Tillage Systems - Practical Recommendation. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014) {Tool} Weed Cutter CombCut in Use. [Maschinendemomonstration des Unkrautschneiders "CombCut".] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Tool Description. (2014) {Tool} Reduced Tillage Stubble Incorporation - Comparsion of Different Machine Types. [Schälpflüge im Vergleich.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Video. (2013) {Tool} New ways of stubble cultivation. [Neue Wege in der Stoppelbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Film. (2010) {Tool} Direct Sowing of Maize. [Mais Direktsaat.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Böhler, Daniel; Dierauer, Hansueli; Hegglin, Django; Böhler, Josef and Breiter, Hanspeter. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2015) {Tool} Intercropping grain peas with barley. [Les cultures associées.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Clerc, Maurice and Stöcklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Video. (2015) {Tool} Perennial weed control in organic agriculture. [Regulierung von Wurzelunkräutern bei der Stoppelbearbeitung mit Schälpflug oder Grubber.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2016) {Tool} Processing Quality of Organic Wheat. [Qualité de la transformation du blé biologique.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Dierauer, Hansueli and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2015) {Tool} Feeding organic laying hens with insects (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2020) {Tool} Incorporating Green Manures. [Comment détruire un engrais vert?] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Stoecklin, Milo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2013) {Tool} Mechanical Weed Control in Maize. [Maîtriser mécaniquement les adventices dans le maïs, comment faire?] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Taramarcaz, Josy. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2013) {Tool} Ley Destruction with Shallow Ploughing or Cultivators. [Kunstwiesenumbruch bei reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Wüthrich, Bertrand. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable video. (2016) {Tool} Heat treatment and dehulling effects on feed value of faba beans (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} The potential feed value of grain tailings for poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Innovative Farmers, Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} The potential for increasing the nutritional value of beans for pig and poultry diets (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Innovative Farmers, Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} Sprouted wheat and vetch seeds as a green feed for poultry (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} The potential for sprouted seeds to supply feed for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Alford, Jerry. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil association. (2020) {Tool} Feeding strategies for broiler chickens (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jeremy. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. Practice Abstract, no. 011. (2020) {Tool} Maize germ cake (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Alford, Jeremy. Issuing Organisation(s): Soil Association. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 008. (2020) {Tool} 2-years rotation, an alternative to maize monocropping in Bearn, France (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [La rotation sur 2 ans, une alternative à la monoculture du maïs en Béarn (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Aliaga, Clémence and Rochepeau, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2021) {Tool} White lupin breeding - Screening on anthracnose (Liveseed video). [Resistenzzüchtung Lupinen - Anthraknose Screening.] Creator(s): Alkemade, Joris; Bitterlich, Katharina; Trávníček, Jan; Krauss, Maike and Arncken, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed videos, no. 12. (2020) {Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 1st module: Strategies to enhance soil fertility and assessment of soil fertility and quality. Creator(s): Alwanney, Deaa; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017) {Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 4th module: Technical tools, strategies and machineries to tackle weeds in organic arable farming. Creator(s): Alwanney, Deaa; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017) {Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 5th module: Crops specific problems and potential solutions in cereals, legumes, fruits and vegetables. Creator(s): Alwanney, Deaa; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017) {Tool} How to check whether a Rhizobium-based formulation actually increases the production of my snap bean seeds? (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Amelie, Detterbeck and Solenn, Pérennec. Issuing Organisation(s): euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 11. (2022) {Tool} Rhizobium inoculation for snap bean seed production (Bresov practice abstract). Creator(s): Amelie, Detterbeck and Solenn, Pérennec. Issuing Organisation(s): euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 10. (2022) {Tool} Soil based seed germination protocol for cauliflower and broccoli (Bresov practice abstract). Creator(s): Amelie, Detterbeck and Solenn, Pérennec. Issuing Organisation(s): euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 13. (0022) {Tool} Tree fruits: organic production overview. [Fruchtbäume: Übersicht ökologischer Produktion.] Creator(s): Ames, Guy K.; Kuepper, George and Baier, Ann. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. (2023) {Tool} Aerated compost tea (ACT) to improve soil biology and to act as a biofertiliser/biofungicide (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Amos, Dominic. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 016. (2017) {Tool} Climate change: Avocado cultivation instead of citrus fruits in Sicily? - Opportunities and risks (BIOFRUITNET Video). Creator(s): Ancona, Francesco; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023) {Tool} Grain Pea in Organic Farming. [Pisello da granella in agricoltura biologica.] Creator(s): Annicchiarico, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Colture Proteiche - Speciale - PROVE CONDOTTE NELL’AREALE PADANO, no. 39. (2006) {Tool} How to improve organic seed availability in Bulgaria (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoilko and Kirov, Petar. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 12. (2020) {Tool} Direct sowing with green manure (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Директна сеитба със зелено торене.] Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoylko; Kirov, P. and Tihov, N.. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2018) {Tool} Comb harrow: efficient weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoylko; Kirov, P and Tihov, N. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 024. (2018) {Tool} Lupin cultivation - Success with new varieties (Legumes Translated video). [Lupinenanbau - Erfolg mit neuen Sorten.] Creator(s): Arncken, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Legume fatigue - Background, measures and instructions for soil testing. [Leguminosenmüdigkeit - Hintergründe, Maßnahmen und Anleitung zum Bodentest.] Creator(s): Arncken, Christine and Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Cultivation of white lupin – a cool-season and environmentally friendly protein crop. Creator(s): Arncken, Christine; Klaiss, Matthias; Wendling, Marina and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 4. (2020) {Tool} Assessing soil structure with two simple methods : Spade Test and mini 3D soil profile. [Evaluer la structure de son sol grâce à deux méthodes simples.] Creator(s): ARVALIS, Institut du végétal. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2017) {Tool} Soybean processing systems (FiBL Factsheet). [Sojaaufbereitungsanlagen.] Creator(s): Asam, Ludwig; Spory, Kerstin; Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Thurner, Stefan; Zeindl, Robert and Carré, Patrick. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2021) {Tool} Efficient use of nitrogen from livestock manure (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 037. (2017) {Tool} Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: Best practices from Denmark (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 036. (2017) {Tool} Efficient nitrogen use from livestock manure. [Udnyttelse af kvælstof i husdyrgødning.] Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2016) {Tool} Professional guide for organic arable farmers. [Faglig Guide til Økologiske Planteavlere.] Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe; Hermansen, Sven and Østergaard, Claus. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. (2021) {Tool} Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 038. (2017) {Tool} Crop rotation and its ability to suppress perennial weeds. [Sædskifter.] Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2016) {Tool} Growing cover crops in organic arable crop rotations: best practices from Denmark. [Efterafgrøder.] Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2016) {Tool} Brewer's yeast silage for feeding pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). [Ensilaje de levadura de cerveza para alimentación de los cerdos (OK-Net Ecofeed Video).] Creator(s): Asociación Valor Ecológico, Ecovalia. Issuing Organisation(s): ECOVALIA - Asociacion Valor Ecologico. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021) {Tool} A basket of options to control worms in organic sheep production systems (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Allamand, Ana and Maurer, Veronika. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, SRUC - Scotland's Rural College. (2022) {Tool} Group suckling in organic pig husbandry (FiBL Factsheet). [Gruppensäugen in der Bioschweinehaltung.] Creator(s): Aubel, Erhard; Baumgartner,, Johannes; Bussemas, Ralf; Früh, Barbara; Hagmüller, Werner and Simantke, Christel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bioland Beratung, KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2011) {Tool} Producing seeds in organic agriculture: Coriander. [Produire des semences en agriculture biologique : Coriandre.] Creator(s): Augagneur, M.; Bouviala, M.; BRUN, L.; Laurent, E.; Etourneau, C. and Conseil, Mathieu. Issuing Organisation(s): FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences, ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique. (2022) {Tool} Producing seeds in organic farming - Lentil. [Produire des semences en agriculture biologique - Lentille.] Creator(s): Augagneur, M.; Bouviala, M.; Brun, Laura; Burel, E. and Ménard, J.. Issuing Organisation(s): FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences, ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique. (2021) {Tool} Producing seeds in organic agriculture: Carrot. [Produire des semences en agriculture biologique : Carotte.] Creator(s): Augagneur, M.; BRUN, L.; LAURENT, E; MABIRE, L.; MOREL, E. and Conseil, Mathieu. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2022) {Tool} Producing seeds organically: Onion. [Production de semences biologiques : Oignon.] Creator(s): Augagneur, M.; Brun, Laura; Laurent, E.; Dorand, P. and Conseil, Mathieu. Issuing Organisation(s): FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences, ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique. (2021) {Tool} Producing seeds organically: Zucchini/Courgette. Creator(s): Augagneur, M.; Etourneau, C.; Garrigues, O.; BRUN, L.; Laurent, E. and Conseil, Mathieu. Issuing Organisation(s): FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences, ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique. (2022) {Tool} Fruit growing: Control of harmful insects with vibration - biotremology (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Frutticoltura: Controllo degli insetti dannosi con le vibrazioni - biotremologia (Video BIOFRUITNET).] Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022) {Tool} Vibrations against invasive whiteflies in citrus orchards (RELACS Practice Abstract). [Vibrationen gegen die invasive Weiße Fliege in Zitrusfruchtplantagen (RELACS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina; Mazzoni, Valerio and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Fondazione Edmund Mach, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022) {Tool} Vibrations to manipulate pest behaviours: new frontiers in pest control. Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 2. (2022) {Tool} Beneficial insects in organic agriculture: citrus little helpers. Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 1. (2022) {Tool} Control of Aphis gossypii in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 098. (2022) {Tool} Control of Mediterranean fruit flies in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 084. (2022) {Tool} Innovative products for orange spiny whitefly control in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 097. (2022) {Tool} Rearing of Leptomastix dactylopii for pest control in organic citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Avosani, Sabina and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 091. (2022) {Tool} Strengthening calves and piglets with medicinal plants. [Kälber und Ferkel mit Arzneipflanzen stärken.] Creator(s): Ayrle-Stauss, Hanna and Walkenhorst, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Ensiling legume forage pulp (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bani, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022) {Tool} Ensiling legume forage stems (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bani, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022) {Tool} Organic soybeans – Managing quality from field to feeding. [Bio-Soja, Qualität vom Feld bis zum Futtertrog.] Creator(s): Bär, Maria and Kögel, Alexander. Issuing Organisation(s): LVÖ - Landesvereinigung für ökologischen Landbau Bayern e.V.. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2016) {Tool} SOILapp. [SOILapp.] Creator(s): Barberi, Paolo; Guidotti, Diego; Lazarro, Mariateresa; Conte, Luca and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): Sant’Anna - School of Advanced Studies - Pisa, Scuola Esperienziale Itinerante di Agricoltura Biologica, AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Nurse cow dairy system to promote calf health and welfare (CORE Organic Practice Abstract). [Ammenkuh-Milchsystem zur Förderung der Kälbergesundheit und des Wohlergehens (CORE Organic Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Bareille, Nathalie; Brunet, Laurent; Constancis, Caroline and Hellec, Florence. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021) {Tool} Automatic manure scrapers for reduced ammonia emissions (POWER Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bark, Linnea; Salomon, Eva and Eppenstein, Rennie. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Organic Cover Cropping and Intercropping. Creator(s): Bary, Andy. Issuing Organisation(s): Washington State University - Puyallup. (2011) {Tool} Guidelines to the EU Organic Regulation. [Richtlinien zur EU-Öko-Verordnung.] Creator(s): Bauer, Lea. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} Use of flavourings in organic food. [Verwendung von Aromen in Bio-Lebensmitteln.] Creator(s): Bauer, Lea and Busacca, Emanuele. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} SMART- Sustainability Monitoring and Assessment RouTine. Creator(s): Baumgart, Lukas; Bircher, Richard; Blockeel, Johan; Chevillat, Véronique S.; Curran, Michael; Garibay, Salvador; Harrer, Felix; Keller, Olivia; Landert, Jan; Lazzarini, Gianna; Papagiannakis, Haris; Petrasek, Richard; Pfeifer, Catherine; Schader, Christian; Schlatter, Bernhard; Schwitter, Patricia; Stefani, Patrick; Teriete, Moritz; Weisshaidinger, Rainer and Wirz, Axel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Direct control of sooty blotch in organic pome fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Baumgartner, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 049. (2023) {Tool} List of varieties suited for organic table apple production in Central Europe (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Baumgartner, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 036. (2023) {Tool} Climate-friendly practices on your farm - a practice manual. [KLIMAFREUNDLICHE LANDWIRTSCHAFT - EINE PRAKTISCHE HANDREICHUNG.] Creator(s): Bautze, Lin; Meier, Matthias; Maarova, Theresa; Griese, Sigrid; Mack, Ralf; Hänsel, Martin; Gehrendes, Stephan; Sjöqvist, Sara; Franzen, Oscar; Andresen, Niels and Fontanive, Daniele. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL Deutschland, IFOAM Organics Europe, Bioland, AIAB - Associazone Italiana Agricultura Biologica, Ekologiska Lantbrukarnas kansli. (2018) {Tool} Biological plant protection in fruit and hop crops. [Biologischer Pflanzenschutz in Obst- und Hopfenkulturen.] Creator(s): Bayer, Jochen. Issuing Organisation(s): Biofa. (2022) {Tool} Quarter selective dry off in dairy cows. [Viertelselektives Trockenstellen.] Creator(s): Beckmann, Alexandra; Knappstein, Karin and Barth, Kerstin. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut. (2023) {Tool} The identification of wheat genetic resources with high dietary fiber content. Creator(s): Bede, Karolina; Rakszegi, M.; Mikó, P.; Megyeri, M.; lang, L. and Bedo, Z.. Issuing Organisation(s): ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research. Chable et al. (eds.): Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems. Book of abstracts of Solibam final congress, 7-9. July 2014. SOLIBAM, Nantes, France. (2014) {Tool} Wheat-lentil in South-West France (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bedoussac, Laurent and Daniau, Mathilde. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Terrena - La nouvelle agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 8. (2020) {Tool} Eliminate lentil bruchids as soon as possible after early harvest to reduce yield losses - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Bedoussac, Laurent; Le Gardien, Celine; Lemonnier, Justine and Revel, Annabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ENSFEA, GABBAnjou, Union Cuma Pays de la Loire, FNCUMA. (2024) {Tool} Healthy Grassland Soils Pocketbook. Creator(s): Bennet, Amanda. Issuing Organisation(s): AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. (2015) {Tool} The creation of an intercropping sector (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [La mise en place d'une filière valorisant la production de cultures associées (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Benoît, Gillain. Issuing Organisation(s): Walagri. (2022) {Tool} Growing yellow peas in Wallonia in a pea-wheat intercropping system (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Culture de pois protéagineux en Wallonie en culture associée pois-blé (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Benoît, Gillain. Issuing Organisation(s): Walagri. (2022) {Tool} Technical guide: tree-planning in poultry outdoor run. [Aménagements arborés des parcours à volailles. Guide technique.] Creator(s): Béral, C.; Guillet, P. and Brun, V.. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture. (2014) {Tool} Promoting biodiversity in vegetable growing. [Biodiversität im Gemüsebau fördern.] Creator(s): Bergmüller, Katharina and Marthe, Eva. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2024) {Tool} Promoting biodiversity in viticulture. [Biodiversität im Weinbau fördern.] Creator(s): Bergmüller, Katharina and Marthe, Eva. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2022) {Tool} Potato Crop Managementn(FiBL Technical Guide). Creator(s): Berner, Alfred; Böhm, Herwart; Buchecker, Kirsten; Dierauer, Hansueli; Dresow, Jana F.; Dreyer, Wilfried; Finckh, Maria R.; Fuchs, Alexander; Keil, Sven; Kaiser, Andreas; Kühne, Stefan; Landzettel, Christian; Mahnke-Plesker, Sylvia; Six, Roswitha; Speiser, Bernhard; Tamm, Lucius and Völkel, Günther. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical Guide. (2010) {Tool} Soil fertility - manure treatment. [Bodenfruchtbarkeit - Mist aufbereiten.] Creator(s): Berner, Alfred and Messerli, Niklaus. Issuing Organisation(s): Landwirtschaftliches Zentrum Liebegg. Merkblatt. (2009) {Tool} The Basics of Soil Fertility. [Grundlagen zur Bodenfruchtbarkeit.] Creator(s): Berner, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2013) {Tool} Organic farming: Basic principles and good practices. Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Weidmann, Gilles; Dierauer, Hansueli; Niggli, Jeremias; Thanner, Sophie and van de Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Organic Soybean production in Europe. [Ökológia szójatermesztés Európában.] Creator(s): Bernet, Thomas; Recknagel, Jürgen; Asam, Ludwig; Messmer, Monika; Borbélyné Hunyadi, Éva and Drexler, Dora. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Field trials for treatments against Tilletia caries (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Berthold, Helene. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed videos, no. 11. (2020) {Tool} Qualitative Soil Analysis - Toolkit. [Qualitative Bodenanalyse - Toolkit.] Creator(s): Beste, Andrea. Issuing Organisation(s): Institute for Soil Conservation & Sustainable Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Technical leaflet: organic faba bean cultivation. Creator(s): Biarnès, Véronique; Chataignon, Marie and Fontaine, Laurence. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2014) {Tool} Plant protection in organic ornamental plant production (FiBL Factsheet). [Pflanzenschutz im Biozierpflanzenbau (FiBL Merkblatt).] Creator(s): Billmann, Bettina; Bongartz, Klaus; Frankenberg, Andrea; Huber, Kathrin; Kern, Nicole; Koch, Robert; Koller, Martin; Planner, Anna-Theresa; Ruisinger, Marion; Servos, Andrea and Wilke, Rainer. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bioland Beratung, Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, LVG - Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für den Gartenbau. (2020) {Tool} Our heritage vegetables. [Τα λαχανικά μας.] Creator(s): Bletsos, Fotis. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Are we mining the soil ? (OK-Net Arable Video). Creator(s): Bliss, Katie; Davies, Olivia; Smith, Laurence and Mullender, Samantha. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2018) {Tool} Including diverse leys in arable rotations (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bliss, Katie and Measures, Mark. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Diverse fertility building leys in arable rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bliss, Katie and Measures, Mark. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 013. (2017) {Tool} A participatory approach to improving farm logistics (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Een participatieve aanpak ter verbetering van de logistiek op het boerenbedrijf (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Blom, Marian and Rossing, Walter. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022) {Tool} How to organise a field day (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Videos. (2021) {Tool} Soil protection and Crop Rotation. [Bodenschutz und Fruchtfolge.] Creator(s): Böhler, Daniel; Niggli, Jeremias; Hauenstein, Samuel and Vieweger, Anja. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2021) {Tool} Maize and beans – Organic roughage with benefits? [Mais-Bohne – Öko Raufutter mit MehrWert?] Creator(s): Böhm, Herwart. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2016) {Tool} Grain legumes and soil fertility - Strategies for a successful cultivation. [Körnerleguminosen und Bodenfruchtbarkeit - Strategien für einen erfolgreichen Anbau.] Creator(s): Böhm, Herwart; Bohne, Björn; Brandhuber, Robert; Bruns, Christian; Demmel, Markus; Finckh, Maria R.; Fuchs, Jacques G.; Gronle, Annkathrin; Hensel, Oliver; Lux, Guido; Möller, Detlev; Schmidt, Harald; Schmidtke, Knut; Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Vogt-Kaute, Werner; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Wild, Melanie and Wolf, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): BfN - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. Leitfaden / Handbuch. (2014) {Tool} Harvest and post-harvest handling of herbs. [Rukovanje biljem tokom i nakon berbe.] Creator(s): Boor, Birgitt and Lefebvre, Nicolas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Caritas Schweiz. (2022) {Tool} Marketing organic intercropped rapeseed oil - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Booth, Jim; Michie, David and Walker, Robin. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, SRUC - Scotland's Rural College, SAOS - Scottish Agricultural Organisation Society. (2024) {Tool} Poultry feeding in organic farming. [Alimentation des volailles en Agriculture Biologique.] Creator(s): Bordeaux, Célia and Roinsard, Antoine. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015) {Tool} Introducing nettle into organic pig feeding. [Introduction de l’ortie dans l’alimentation des porcs bio.] Creator(s): Bordeaux, Célia and Roinsard, Antoine. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2020) {Tool} Feeding pigs in organic farming. [Alimentation des porcins en agriculture biologique.] Creator(s): Bordes, Anne; Calvar, Cathrine; Maupertius, Florence; Alibert, Laurent; Ferchaud, Stéphane; Uzureau, Anne; Roinsard, Antoine and Carrière, Julie. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, IBB - Initiative Bio Bretagne, Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire, IFIP - Institut du Porc. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2014) {Tool} Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 41. (2020) {Tool} Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stephanie; Boffin, Laurane and Bouchet, Jean-Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 59. (2021) {Tool} Managing common bunt in wheat seed lots (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stéphanie and Thueringer, Angela. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 2. (2019) {Tool} Cover crop mulches and no-till maize (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 020. (2018) {Tool} Cover crop mulches and no-till soybean (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 018. (2017) {Tool} Autumn cover crops (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Colture di copertura autunnali.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 040. (2018) {Tool} Camera-controlled hoeing of row crops (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Sarchiatura a guida assistita per le colture a fila.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 041. (2018) {Tool} Direct drilling of winter cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Semina diretta dei cereali vernini.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 042. (2018) {Tool} Soybean silage (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Trinciato integrale di soia.] Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 043. (2018) {Tool} Weed trimming in soybeans (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bortolussi, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 019. (2017) {Tool} Agroforestry: Combining fruit production and poultry farming (BIOFRUITNET Video). [L'agroforesterie: Combiner la production fruitière et l'élevage de volailles (Vidéo BIOFRUITNET).] Creator(s): Bosshardt, Sara. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2022) {Tool} Producing red clover seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de trèfle violet dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): BOUET, S.; COLLIN, F.; DENEUFBOURG, F.; CHEVEREAU, C.; Jonis, Monique; KONATE, K and GAYRAUD, P. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2005) {Tool} How to control black cherry aphid (Myzus cerasi) using open beneficial insect rearing (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Le puceron noir du cerisier (Myzus cerasi) - comment contrôler au moyen d'un élevage d'auxiliaires (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Indirect regulation of aphids in organic stone fruit orchards with natural enemies (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 070b. (2022) {Tool} Use of mason bees for pollination in covered organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 081. (2022) {Tool} Mason bees for successful pollination in closed cherry orchards (Biofruitnet video). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet video. (2020) {Tool} Direct regulation of the black cherry aphid in organic table cherry production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 070a. (2022) {Tool} List of varieties recommended for organic table cherry production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence and Friedli, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 075. (2022) {Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Direct control using decision support systems (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Boutry, Clémence; Ludwig, Mathias and Schärer, Hans-Jakob. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 002. (2022) {Tool} Encyclopaedia of pests and natural enemies in field crops. Creator(s): Boy, Emily. Issuing Organisation(s): AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. (2014) {Tool} How to reproduce Brassica oleracea crops in purity (BRESOV Practice abstract). Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 2. (2019) {Tool} Seed germination protocol for small seed lots of cauliflower and broccoli (BRESOV Practice Abstract). [Protocollo di germinazione dei semi per piccoli lotti di cavolfiori e broccoli (BRESOV Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Detterbeck, Amelie. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania, Euroseeds. (2022) {Tool} Tomato: Seed treatment for organic agriculture (BRESOV Practice Abstract). [Tomate: Saatgutbehandlung für den ökologischen Landbau (BRESOV Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Branca, Ferdinando; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Catania. (2022) {Tool} Pasture parasite management - Decision trees for ruminants. [Weideparasiten-Management - Entscheidungsbäume für Wiederkäuer.] Creator(s): Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig and Bystron, Sonja. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut. (2018) {Tool} Apple blossom weevil: Offering alternative shelters (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 110. (2023) {Tool} European canker (Neonectria ditissima): Direct control with lime water (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 109. (2023) {Tool} How to deal with European canker (Neonectria ditissima) in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 108. (2023) {Tool} Measures to control codling moth (Cydia pomonella) in organic pear production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 015. (2023) {Tool} Pear blossom blast and dieback (Pseudomonas syringae) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 058. (2023) {Tool} Pear varieties in organic production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 061. (2023) {Tool} Rootstocks suitable for pear production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 063. (2023) {Tool} Apple sawfly (Hoplocampa testudinea): Catch that fly (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 024. (2022) {Tool} Pear sawfly (Hoplocampa brevis): Catch that fly (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 025. (2022) {Tool} Using biodiversity to stimulate wild bees in the orchard (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 031. (2022) {Tool} What is special about pear scab (Venturia pirina)? (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2022) {Tool} Scab prevention: reduction of ascospores through increased decomposition of fallen leaves (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Schurftpreventie: vermindering van ascospores door verhoogde afbraak van afgevallen bladeren (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan and Jansonius, Pieter Jans. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. (2022) {Tool} Pear gall midge (Contarinia pyrivora), too small to see (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Brouwer, Gerjan and Kemp, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): Delphy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 059. (2023) {Tool} Nutrient Budgeting: Organic Considerations for Implementing NRCS CPS 590. Creator(s): Brown, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2014) {Tool} Organic Weed Management. Creator(s): Brown, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): Garden Organic. (2007) {Tool} Potassium supply in organic agriculture. [Kaliumversorgung im ökologischen Landbau.] Creator(s): Bruckner, August; Julia, Meier; Schulz, Hannes and Watzka, Alexander. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL Projekte GmbH. (2023) {Tool} Nitrogen supply in organic agriculture. [Stickstoffversorgung im ökologischen Landbau.] Creator(s): Bruckner, August; Meier, Julia; Schulz, Hannes and Watzka, Alexander. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL Projekte GmbH. (2023) {Tool} Phosphorus supply in organic agriculture. [Phosphorversorgung im ökologischen Landbau.] Creator(s): Bruckner, August; Meier, Julia; Schulz, Hannes and Watzka, Alexander. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL Projekte GmbH. (2023) {Tool} Producing seeds organically: Basic techniques. [Produire des semences en agriculture biologique: Techniques de base.] Creator(s): BRUN, L.; Augagneur, M. and Rey, F.. Issuing Organisation(s): FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences, ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique. (2021) {Tool} Weed Control in Grass and Forage Crops. Creator(s): Buckingham, Sue; McCalman, Heather and Powell, Huw. Issuing Organisation(s): IBERS Grassland Development Centre. Farming Connect Fact Sheet. (2013) {Tool} Pest and Disease Control in Grass and Forage Crops. Creator(s): Buckingham, Sue; McCalman, Heather and Powell, Huw. Issuing Organisation(s): Farming Connect. (2013) {Tool} Phosphorus sources for organic agriculture (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bünemann, Else K.. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} SoilDoc. Creator(s): Bünemann, Else K.; Fliessbach, Andreas and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Struvite’s potential as an alternative phosphorus source for organic agriculture (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Bünemann-König, Else. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 07. (2021) {Tool} Processing apple purees under vacuum to limit the loss of health-promoting compounds (ProOrg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Bureau, Sylvie and Le Bourvellec, Carine. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020) {Tool} Yield strategy Estimator for Long term Design of Silvoarable AgroForestry in Europe (Yield-SAFE v2). Creator(s): Burgess, P J and Graves, Anil. Issuing Organisation(s): Cranfield University. (2024) {Tool} NDICEA - Nitrogen Planer – version 6.2. [NDICEA - stikstofplanner.] Creator(s): Burgt, G.J.H.M.. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Louis Bolk Institute. (2014) {Tool} Saving and storing tomato seeds (Liveseed Video). Creator(s): Burruezo, Adrian Rodriguez. Issuing Organisation(s): UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. Liveseed videos, no. 4. (2020) {Tool} Optimising weaning management in piglets. [Optimierung von Haltung und Management der Absetzferkel.] Creator(s): Bussemas, Ralf and Simantke, Christel. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bioland Beratung, KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, Bio Austria. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2011) {Tool} Drosophila suzukii control: Intervention in organic stone fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cahenzli, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 072b. (2022) {Tool} Drosophila suzukii control: Preventive measures in organic stone fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cahenzli, Fabian and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 072a. (2022) {Tool} Legal limitations for the use of organic and new genetically diverse seeds in Spain (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Calafat, S. and Serrano, S.. Issuing Organisation(s): SEAE - Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 23. (2020) {Tool} Agricology Farming theme: Organic Farming. Creator(s): Caldbeck, Janie. Issuing Organisation(s): Agricology. (2021) {Tool} Cultivating a diverse wheat population suitable for low-input and organic farming (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Caldbeck, Janie. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 017. (2017) {Tool} The potential of biofumigation to control soil borne pests, pathogens and weeds (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Das Potenzial der Biofumigation zur Bekämpfung von bodenbürtigen Schädlingen, Krankheitserregern und Unkräutern (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Caldbeck, Janie; Bickler, Charlotte and Bliss, Katie. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Black bean aphid control in organic bean (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Calin, Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): VRDS - Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau. (2022) {Tool} Controlling Common blight in organic bean (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Calin, Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): VRDS - Vegetable Research and Development Station Bacau. (2022) {Tool} Living mulch in vegetables. Creator(s): Canali, Stefano. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. (2015) {Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 3. (2019) {Tool} Monitoring and comparing cover crop performances (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Casagrande, Marion. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 015. (2018) {Tool} Choosing cover crops for arable crop rotations (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Casagrande, Marion and Fontaine, Laurence. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 034. (2018) {Tool} Monitoring weed regulation services by carabids (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Casagrande, Marion; Fontaine, Laurence and Castel, Laurie. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 033. (2017) {Tool} Plant breeding with farmers. A technical manual. Creator(s): Ceccarelli, Salvatore. Issuing Organisation(s): ICARDA - International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas. (2012) {Tool} Managing on farm populations. Mixtures of landraces or old varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 5. (2020) {Tool} Diversity and Participatory Research for Organic Agriculture. Creator(s): Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2019) {Tool} Concerning Brassica vegetables ... [A propos de choux ...] Creator(s): Chable, Véronique and Bellis, Henri. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2006) {Tool} Organic pea production. [Produire du pois en agriculture biologique.] Creator(s): Chaillet, Isabelle; Biarnès, Véronique; Fontaine, Laurence and Chataignon, Marie. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institut du végétal, UNIP - Universidade Paulista, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, IBB - Initiative Bio Bretagne. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2014) {Tool} Essential oil trials on-farm: an alternative treatment for mastitis (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chemin, Edith. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} Reducing risk of grain legume production through intercropping in temperate climates - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Chongtham, Raj and Carlsson, Georg. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 2. (2024) {Tool} Tips for controlling the Colorado potato beetle. [Tipps zur Regulierung des Kartoffelkäfers.] Creator(s): Christen, Mathias and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Organic Hemp - Harvest products products and opportunities. [Biohanf - Ernteprodukte und Möglichkeiten.] Creator(s): Christen, Mathias and Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Faecal egg counts to improve worm control in organic sheep farming (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chylinski, Caroline; Bowles, Liz; McCulloch, Coleen; Allamand, Ana and Athanasiadou, Spiridoula. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, SRUC - Scotland's Rural College, Soil Association Certification, Soil Association Scotland. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 04. (2020) {Tool} Agroecological service crops in Southern European greenhouse (Greenresilient Factsheet). Creator(s): Ciaccia, Corrado; Testani, Elena; Morra, Luigi and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Greenreslient Factsheet. (2021) {Tool} On-farm hatching in organic and low-input outdoor farms (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Collin, Anne; Travel, Angélique and Pluschke, Helen. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024) {Tool} Producing carrot seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de carotte dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): Collin, F; Brun, L; Serpeille, A; Laurent, E; Broucqsault, LM; Jonis, M; Delmont, F and Konaté, K. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2005) {Tool} Producing cabbage seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de chou dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): Collin, F; BRUN, L.; Serpeille, A; Laurent, E; Broucqsault, LM; Jonis, Monique; Delmont, F; Konaté, K; Rey, A. and Lelegadec, F. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2006) {Tool} Producing forage crop seeds for organic agriculture: evolving techniques. [Produire des semences de fourragères en agriculture biologique : des techniques en évolution.] Creator(s): Collin, F; Deneufbourg, F; Brun, Laurent; Bouet, S; Broucqsault, LM and REY, Frederic. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2008) {Tool} Producing cereal seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de céréales dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): COLLIN, F; LIZOT, JF; HOPITEAU, F; SICARD, G; FOUGEREUX, JA; HAEFLIGER, M; DURAND, O; Aubert, C. and MINARD, D. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2002) {Tool} Producing lettuce seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de laitue dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): Collin, F; Lizot, JF; Rey, A.; Brun, Laurent; Broucqsault, LM; Serpeille, A and Laurent, E. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2003) {Tool} Producing onion seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences d'oignon dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): Collin, F.; Brun, L.; Jonis, M.; Lelagadec, F.; Lizot, J.F.; Delmond, F.; Broucqsault, L.M.; Serpeille, A. and Laurent, E.. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2004) {Tool} Producing alfalfa seeds for organic agriculture. [Produire des semences de luzerne dans un itinéraire agrobiologique.] Creator(s): Collin, F.; Brun, Laurent; Deneufbourg, F.; Broucqsault, LM; HACQUET, J; Wohrer, J. and LIZOT, JF. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences. (2003) {Tool} The introduction of strip cropping into the mid-Adriatic region (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [L'introduzione della coltivazione a strisce nel Medio Adriatico (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Campanelli, Gabriele and Seghetti, Marco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2022) {Tool} Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Reintroduzione della coltivazione della canapa nelle zone mediterranee (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Dara Guccione, Giovanni; Sciacca, Fabiola; Virzì, Nino and Palumbo, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2021) {Tool} Feedstuffs for organic pigs. [Alimenti per il suino biologico.] Creator(s): Commellini, Michele; Bochicchio, Davide and Della Casa, Giacinto. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2012) {Tool} EU Legislation for the organics sector. [EU Gesetzgebung für den Biosektor.] Creator(s): Commission, European. Issuing Organisation(s): European Commission. (2022) {Tool} Organic wheat variety testing by a network of farmers (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Costanzo, Ambrogio. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 50. (2020) {Tool} A guide to participatory experimentation with underutilised genetic resources. Creator(s): Costanzo, Ambrogio and Serpolay, Estelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 2. (2019) {Tool} Environmental enrichment to improve pig welfare (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Coutant, Mathilde; Larsen, Mona and Pedersen, Lene. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. (2024) {Tool} Medicinal plants to limit parasitism and pathogenic bacteria in pigs (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cozma, Vasile; Spînu, Marina and Horea, Baies. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024) {Tool} Fulfilling 100 % organic poultry diets: roughage and foraging from the range. Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015) {Tool} Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Feeding roughage and foraging from the range. Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. ICOPP technical note 4. (2015) {Tool} Fulfilling 100% organic poultry diets: Concentrates. Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny; Krimpen, Merinus; Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine and Sumption, Phil. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. ICOPP Technical Note. (2015) {Tool} Fulfilling 100% organic pig diets: Concentrates. [Répondre aux exigences d’une alimentation 100% biologique pour les porcs : l’aliment complet.] Creator(s): Crawley, Kenny; Smith, Jo; Gerrard, Catherine and Sumption, Phil. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. ICOPP Technical Note, no. 3. (2015) {Tool} Using farm sustainability assessment tools to assess the impacts of diversification (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Anwendung von Tools zur Nachhaltigkeitsbewertung, um die Vor-und Nachteile der Diversifizierung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe zu beurteilen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Curran, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Crop Rotation in Organic Systems. Creator(s): Dalhousie University/Organic Agriculture Centre of, Canada. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. {Tool} Simple building blocks for improved soil fertility – Look and judge yourself. [Eenvoudige bouwstenen voor een betere bodemkwaliteit – Zelf de bodem onderzoeken en beoordelen.] Creator(s): Danckaert, Freya and Delanote, Lieven. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. (2007) {Tool} Cover crop grazing by sheep: successful partnerships between sheep and arable farmers (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Pâturage de plantes de couverture par des moutons: partenariats réussis entre les éleveurs de moutons et les agriculteurs (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Daniaux, Christel; Regibeau, Cyril and Jamar, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Using kaolin against the Spotted Wing Drosophila (Drosophila suzukii) in viticulture. [Le kaolin contre la drosophile du cerisier en viticulture (FiBL Fiche technique).] Creator(s): Daniel, Claudia; Cahenzli, Fabian and Stöckli, Sibylle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Use of rock dust against the rape pollen beetle (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Einsatz von Gesteinsmehl gegen Rapsglanzkäfer.] Creator(s): Daniel, Claudia; Conder, Malgorzata and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 032. (2017) {Tool} Nitrogen supply for winter oilseed rape (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Stickstoffversorgung im Winterrapsanbau.] Creator(s): Daniel, Claudia; Dierauer, Hansueli; Clerc, Maurice; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 009. (2017) {Tool} Rape pollen beetle. [Rapsglanzkäfer.] Creator(s): Daniel, Claudia; Messerli, Niklaus and Schmutz, Res. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2014) {Tool} Feed in organic production. [Foder i ekologisk produktion.] Creator(s): Danielsson, Dan-Axel. Issuing Organisation(s): Swedish board of Agriculture. Jordbruksinformation, no. JO16:12. (2016) {Tool} The effects of using wireless fencing on behavior and well-being of dairy cows and other cattle. [De effecten van het gebruik van draadloze afrastering op gedrag en welzijn van melkkoeien en andere runderen.] Creator(s): De Bruijn, Brigitte; Egas, Youri; Bestman, Monique; Strappini, Ana and van Dixhoorn, Ingrid. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Louis Bolk Institute, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2024) {Tool} Seed health in potatoes (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): de Buck, A.J.. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Louis Bolk Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 28. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Resting enrichment for broiler chickens (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): de Jong, Ingrid. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2024) {Tool} Free-range laying hens: providing species-appropriate and sustainable husbandry (FiBL Factsheet). [Freilandhaltung von Legehennen: So wird sie tiergerecht und nachhaltig.] Creator(s): Deerberg, Friedhelm; Maurer, Veronika and Zeltner, Esther. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bioland Beratung, KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, Bio Austria. (2010) {Tool} Which harrow is suitable for weed control in organic cereals? (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Delanote, Lieven; Dewaele, Karel and An, Jamart. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 026. (2018) {Tool} Controlled traffic farming: A new track for soil and weed control in organic farming (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). [Vaste rijpaden: een nieuw spoor voor bodembeheer en onkruidbeheersing in biologische landbouw.] Creator(s): Delanote, Lieven; Dewaele, Karel and Jamart, An. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 044. (2018) {Tool} AVIFAF©. [AVIFAF©.] Creator(s): Delassus, Anne-Sophie and Bordeaux, Célia. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015) {Tool} Compost tea: innovative management of organic sweet cherry orchards and organic vineyards (OLTRE.BIO practice abstract). [OLTRE.BIO - Oltre il bio: gestione innovativa della cerasicoltura e viticoltura da tavola biologica.] Creator(s): Diacono, Mariangela; Persiani, Alessandro; Fiore, Angelo; Alfano, Vincenzo and Montemurro, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment. (2023) {Tool} Organic Cereals. [Biogetreide.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2010) {Tool} Successful cultivation of grain legumes mixed with cereals. [Erfolgreicher Anbau von Körnerleguminosen in Mischkultur mit Getreide.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Clerc, Maurice; Böhler, Daniel; Klaiss, Matthias and Hegglin, Django. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2017) {Tool} Reducing weed seed pressure with the false seedbed technique (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Reduzieren des Unkrautdrucks mit der Falschen-Saatbettbereitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Conder, Malgorzarta and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 007. (2017) {Tool} Organic maize. [Biomais.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2019) {Tool} Undersowing leys in cereals (SolACE Practice abstract). Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. SolACE Practice abstract. (2019) {Tool} Avoiding hoeing in organic oilseed rape (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Vermeidung von Hacken im ökologischen Rapsanbau (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Gelencsér, Tobias and Niggli, Jeremias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract. (2021) {Tool} Organic sugar beets. [Biozuckerrüben.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli and Jenni, Anna. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Creeping thistle - Successful control in organic farming. [Ackerkratzdistel - Im Biobetrieb dauerhaft regulieren.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Kranzler, Andreas and Ebert, Ulrich. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical guide. (2022) {Tool} Control of creeping thistle by stubble cultivation (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Ganzflächige Bekämpfung der Ackerkratzdistel durch Stoppelbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 001. (2017) {Tool} Controlling docks by stubble cultivation (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Sommer-Ampferkur durch Stoppelbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 025. (2017) {Tool} No-till cultivation of maize in rolled forage peas (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Direktsaat von Mais in gewalzte Futtererbse.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 005. (2017) {Tool} Rolling of grains to prevent winter kill damage (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Getreide gegen Auswinterungsschäden walzen.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 030. (2017) {Tool} Weed control in soy with the finger weeder (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Unkrautregulierung in Soja mit der Fingerhacke.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 002. (2017) {Tool} Commercial organic fertiliser as supplementary fertilisers in potato crop production (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Ergänzungsdüngung in Kartoffeln mit organischen Handelsdüngern.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 011. (2017) {Tool} Using crop rotation to control wireworms (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Drahtwürmer durch Fruchtfolgeplanung minimieren.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2017) {Tool} Soil tillage. [Bodenbearbeitung.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2013) {Tool} Organic field beans. [Bioackerbohnen.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Böhler, Daniel; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Kessler, Willy and Schmutz, Res. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2009) {Tool} Organic field peas. [Bioeiweisserbsen.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Böhler, Daniel; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Kessler, Willy and Schmutz, Res. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2009) {Tool} Organic rapeseed. [Bioraps.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Daniel, Claudia; Humphrys, Clay; Hebeisen, Thomas; Aebi, Rosalie; Kessler, Hans-Georg; Messerli, Niklaus; Rohner, Andreas and Schmutz, Res. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2011) {Tool} Organic soya. [Biosoja.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Horisberger, André; Clerc, Maurice and Schmutz, Res. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Merkblatt. (2009) {Tool} Black-grass control in winter cereals with hoeing (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Ackerfuchsschwanz in Wintergetreide durch Hacken regulieren.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 004. (2017) {Tool} Catch crop in maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Untersaat in Mais.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2017) {Tool} Reducing the use of copper in potatoes (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Reduktion des Kupfereinsatzes in Kartoffeln.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 012. (2017) {Tool} Calculate the risk of wireworm infestation in the field (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Erheben des Drahtwurmbefallsrisikos im Feld.] Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 029. (2017) {Tool} Controlling potato beetles with Bt (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Siegrist, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 031. (2017) {Tool} Covering as a preventive measure in organic stone fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Abdecken als vorbeugende Massnahme im Bio-Steinobst Produktion (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Organic Climate Farming defined. Creator(s): Dietemann, Lauren and Harrer, Felix. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Practice Abstract, no. 1. (2024) {Tool} Building a sustainable business. [Una GuÌa para Desarrollar un Plan de Negocios para Granjas y Ranchos.] Creator(s): DiGiacomo, Gigi; King, Robert and Nordquist, Dale. Issuing Organisation(s): MISA - Minnesota Institute for Sustainable Agriculture, SARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. (2003) {Tool} How to become an organic seed grower in Latvia. Creator(s): Dimante, Ilze and Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 32. (2020) {Tool} Healthy citrus propagative material to avoid the introduction of transboundary pests/pathogens (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Djelouah, Khaled and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 101. (2022) {Tool} Intercropping of wheat and pea can suppress weed growth and enhances water use efficiency under Mediterranean conditions - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Dordas, Christos; Michalitsis, Andreas and Papakaloudis, Paschalis. Issuing Organisation(s): AUTH, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 10. (2024) {Tool} Biodiversity measures in the agricultural landscape. [Biodiversitätsmaßnahmen in der Agrarlandschaft.] Creator(s): Drapela, Thomas; Eckerstorfer, Katrin; Hochreiter, Julia; Klingbacher, Elisabeth; Meindl, Peter and Spöck, Katharina. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Success and failure factors of European diversification experiences (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Erfolgs- und Misserfolgsfaktoren der europäischen Diversifizierungserfahrungen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Drexler, Dora. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} How to access organic seeds in Hungary (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Drexler, Dora; Kovács, Tina and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKI - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 1. (2018) {Tool} Multispectral remote sensing in participatory on-farm variety trials (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Drexler, Dora; Kovács, Tina and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 021. (2018) {Tool} Weed control in organic farming. [Ograniczanie zachwaszczenia w uprawach ekologicznych.] Creator(s): Dryjańska, Elżbieta. Issuing Organisation(s): WODR - Wielkopolski Ośrodek Doradztwa Rolniczego w Poznaniu. (2015) {Tool} Ecological plant protection options for grapes, complemented by our experiments on copper replacement (RELACS Video). Creator(s): Ducretot, Jade and Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. RELACS Video. (2021) {Tool} How to assess biodiversity in an apple orchard. [Wie beurteilt man die Artenvielfalt in einer Apfelplantage?] Creator(s): Dufils, Arnaud; LOUDET, Yoan and Penvern, Servane. Issuing Organisation(s): JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2019) {Tool} Monitoring functional agrobiodiversity: Going to Assessment! [Suivi de l'agrobiodiversité fonctionnelle : passer à l'évaluation !] Creator(s): Dufils, Arnaud; Penvern, Servane; Fernique, Sarah; LOUDET, Yoan and THOMAS, Cécile. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2015) {Tool} Pest Management in Organic Production Systems. Creator(s): Dufour, Rex. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2011) {Tool} Database for ecological pest management. Creator(s): Dufour, Rex. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. (1997) {Tool} Animal welfare cattle - Born on the pasture. [Tierwohl Rind – Auf der Weide geboren.] Creator(s): Edler, Veronika and Mayrhofer, Gerhard. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2019) {Tool} Cattle welfare - The path to the pasture. [Tierwohl Rind – Der Weg zur Weide.] Creator(s): Edler, Veronika and Mayrhofer, Gerhard. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2019) {Tool} Feeding organic pigs: a handbook of raw materials and recommendations for feeding practice. Creator(s): Edwards, Sandra. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Newcastle. (2002) {Tool} Extended suckling period in organic piglet production. [Verlängerte Säugezeit in der Bioferkelproduktion.] Creator(s): Eichinger, Anja; Hagmüller, Werner; Raser, Helmut and Zollitsch, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Organic farming - Innovative approaches to support conversion (EIP-AGRI Broschure). [Agriculture biologique - Approches innovantes pour soutenir la conversion (Brochure EIP-AGRI).] Creator(s): EIP, -AGRI. Issuing Organisation(s): EIP-AGRI - Agricultural European Innovation Partnership. (2022) {Tool} Sustainable, resilient and climate friendly Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond (Future EU Aqua Online course). [Bærekraftig, spenstig og klimavennlig Blue Growth of EU Aquaculture and Beyond (Future EU Aqua Online-kurs).] Creator(s): Espmark, Åsa Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): Nofima, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022) {Tool} Organic Poultry Production: Providing Adequate Methionine. Creator(s): Fanatico, Anne. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2010) {Tool} Grain cleaning (Liveseed video). [Gabonatisztítás.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. LiveSeed videos, no. 9. (2020) {Tool} The proper storage of organic seeds and warehouse pest control techniques (Liveseed video). [Az Ökológiai vetőmag megfelelő raktározás és raktárkártevők elleni védekezési lehetőségek.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed video, no. 10. (2020) {Tool} Bunt management (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agrologica. Liveseed videos, no. 1. (2020) {Tool} Bunt treatment methods (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agrologica. Liveseed videos, no. 3. (2020) {Tool} How to improve organic cereal seed availability in Hungary (LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Mikó, Peter. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 26. (2020) {Tool} Lucerne as pig feed. [Apport de fourrages de luzerne a des porcs en croissance.] Creator(s): Ferchaud, Stéphane. Issuing Organisation(s): SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en Production de Monogastriques Biologiques. (2019) {Tool} Pig native breeds for outdoor farming (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Ferrari, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): CRPA - Centro Richerce Produzioni Animali. (2024) {Tool} The European Input List. Creator(s): FiBL Europe. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL Europe. (2024) {Tool} How to successfully convert to organic arable farming. [Bio-Umstellung - Erfolgreich in den Bioackerbau starten.] Creator(s): Fischl, Martin; Surböck, Andreas and Kranzler, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2017) {Tool} Organic quality wheat production - Results of long-term field trials of cultivation and selection of varieties. [Qualitätsweizenerzeugung im Biolandbau - Mehrjährige Ergebnisse zu Kulturführungsmaßnahmen und Sortenwahl aus Bionet-Praxisversuchen.] Creator(s): Fischl, Martin; Traudtner, Franz; Surböck, Andreas and Kranzler, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2016) {Tool} Special characters of varieties for organic farming in wheat (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Flamm, Clemens and Oberforster, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 46. (2020) {Tool} How to evaluate weed competitiveness in cereals (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flamm, Clemens. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 43. (2020) {Tool} Introducing oats as an energy catch crop in maize monocropping in Bearn, France (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Béarn: introduire une avoine comme culture intermédiaire à vocation énergétique entre 2 maïs (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Fleureau, Nicolas; Rochepeau, Pierre and Aliaga, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2021) {Tool} The DOK Trial. [Der DOK-Versuch.] Creator(s): Fliessbach, Andreas; Krause, Hans-Martin; Jarosch, Klaus; Mayer, Jochen; Oberson, Astrid and Mäder, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Comparison of two breeding strategies for soft wheat populations (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 57. (2021) {Tool} How to create diversified variety mixtures based on gene bank resources (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 56. (2021) {Tool} Influence of location and human selection on two soft wheat populations (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 58. (2021) {Tool} Grass protein - a golden chance to improve organic farming. [Grass protein - a golden chance to improve organic farming.] Creator(s): Fog, Erik. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2018) {Tool} Highcrop picture tool. Creator(s): Fog, Erik. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2013) {Tool} FusaProg: risk assessment of fusarium and mycotoxin infestation in wheat production. Creator(s): Forrer, Hans-Rudolf and Musa, Tomke. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2013) {Tool} Assessment of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Forst, Emma and Goldringer, Isabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 20. (2020) {Tool} Co-design of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Forst, Emma and Goldringer, Isabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstracts, no. 19. (2020) {Tool} Relevance of roughage feeding to pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 021. (2019) {Tool} Animal-friendly pig husbandry: an advisory tool for Swaziland. Creator(s): Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Sahee Foundation. Technical guide. (2016) {Tool} Hygiene management in organic pig husbandry (FiBL Factsheet). [Hygienemanagement in der Bioschweinehaltung.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bioland Beratung, KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, Bio Austria. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2011) {Tool} Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production (POWER Manual). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcilia and Kongsted, Anne Grete. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Center for Frilandsdyr, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Thünen-Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022) {Tool} Successful weaning of piglets – without antimicrobial use (ROADMAP practice abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Roadmap Practice Abstracts. (2023) {Tool} Improving veterinarian’s knowledge of animal husbandry in organic agriculture in Switzerland (ROADMAP Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Roadmap Practice Abstracts. (2023) {Tool} Self-rearing of sows on organic farms. [Eigenremontierung von Sauen im Biobetrieb.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara and Sinz, Elisabeth. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Prevent tail biting: watching – thinking – acting. [Schwanzbeissen verhindern: beobachten - erkennen - handeln.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Vermeer, Herman and Dippel, Sabine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FBN - Farmers Business Network, FLI - Friedrich Löffler Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CEA-Leti, DTI - Danish Technological Institute. (2017) {Tool} Feeding insects for organic layers (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Alföldi, Thomas and Gearing, Jessica. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 037. (2020) {Tool} Organic pig production in Europe: health management in common organic pig farming. Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Bochicchio, Davide; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Gunnarsson, Stefan; Leeb, Christine; Lindgren, Kristina and Mejer, Helena. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2011) {Tool} Successful weaning of organic piglets. [Erfolgreiches Absetzen der BioFerkel.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Hagmüller, Werner; Walkenhorst, Michael and Wesselmann, Stefan. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bio Austria, Bioland, Bio Suisse, Demeter, IBLA Luxemburg, KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen. Technical guide. (2014) {Tool} Avoiding too large of a litter and piglet losses. [Zu grosse Würfe und Ferkelverlust vermeiden.] Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Haldemann, Peter; Henning, Luther (Suisag) and Tanner, Christoph. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2015) {Tool} Testing soil for legume fatigue (DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Fuchs, Jacques; Hohmann, Pierre; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Conder, Malgorzarta; Gelencsér, Tobias and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Determine compost quality using the cress tests (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Kompostqualität mittels Kressetests bestimmen.] Creator(s): Fuchs, Jacques G. and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 054. (2018) {Tool} Organic Cultivation of Green Peas. [Bio-Grünerbsenanbau (Informationen zu Kulturführung und Schaderregern sowie Ergebnisse aus Bionet-Praxisversuchen).] Creator(s): Fürnkranz-Tuvshintugs, Michael; Kastelliz, Arno; Pollan, Sieglinde; Schmidt, Harald; Schneeberger, Daniela; Vorderwülbecke, Birgit and Ziebell, Heiko. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2016) {Tool} Organic beekeeping. [Biologische Imkerei.] Creator(s): Garibay, Salvador V.; Bernet, Thomas and Billmann, Bettina. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Seed treatments allowed in organic farming in certain countries (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Gatzert, Xenia; Leopold, Jochen; Mäder, Rolf and Schäfer, Freya. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 15. (2019) {Tool} Producing seeds in organic farming: Regulations. [Produire des semences en agriculture biologique: Réglementations.] Creator(s): Gayraud, A.; BRUN, L.; Augagneur, M. and Rey, F.. Issuing Organisation(s): FNAMS - Fédération Nationale des Agriculteurs Multiplicateurs de Semences, ITAB - Institut Technique en Agriculture Biologique. (2021) {Tool} AgriPerform - An X-ray machine for accounting. [AgriPerform - Ein Röntgenapparat für die Buchhaltung.] Creator(s): Gazzarin, Christian. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2017) {Tool} Organic miracle cure: Nicola Fagotto explains how to make the best compost tea. [Biologisches Wundermittel: Nicola Fagotto erklärt, wie man den besten Komposttee herstellt.] Creator(s): Geissbühler, Olivier. Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2024) {Tool} Viticulture ecosystem: The Delinat method at Château Duvivier. [Ökosystem Weinbau: Die Delinat-Methode auf Château Duvivier.] Creator(s): Geissbühler, Olivier. Issuing Organisation(s): Delinat. (2021) {Tool} Flame weeding. [Abflammen.] Creator(s): Gelencsér, Tobias and Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Creating dynamic and diverse populations. Mixtures of landraces or old varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Goldringer, I.; toncea, I.; Lo Fiego, A.; Navarro Chaves, A.; Fuss, A. and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, NARDI - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 4. (2020) {Tool} Methods and tools for decentralized on farm breeding (Diversifood Booklet). Creator(s): Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 3. (2018) {Tool} Fodder trees for organic dairy goats. [Voederbomen voor bio melkgeiten.] Creator(s): Golsteyn, Laura; Landuyt, Carmen and Valckx, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): CCBT - Coordination centre for applied research and extension on organic agriculture, Wim Govaerts, Odisee - University of Applied Sciences, Inagro. (2022) {Tool} Preservation of traditional varieties in the region of Valencia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gonzalvez, Victor. Issuing Organisation(s): SEAE - Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 24. (2020) {Tool} Feed for organic pigs. [Foder till ekologiska grisar.] Creator(s): Göransson, Leif. Issuing Organisation(s): Gård och djurhälsan. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2009) {Tool} Diversification of silage maize cultivation by using winter cover crops enabled by ultra-early maize varieties (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Diversificatie van de teelt van snijmaïs door het gebruik van groenbemesters, mogelijk gemaakt door ultravroege maïsrassen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Gorter, M.; Cuperus, Fogelina; Huiting, H. and Wesselink, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} PIGLOW application for animal welfare self-assessment by farmers. Creator(s): Graat, Evelien; Thys, Mirjan; Warin, Laura; Courboulay, Valérie; Meunier-Salaün, Marie-Christine; Stomp, Mathilde; Leruste, Hélène; Guesdon, Vanessa; Collin, Anne; Giersberg, Mona; Rodenburg, Bas and Tuyttens, Frank. Issuing Organisation(s): ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, IFIP - Institut du Porc, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, JUNIA, Utrecht University. (2020) {Tool} Compost: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Thermophilic compost (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Thermophilic compost (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: vermicompost (BEST4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand. Factsheet Best4Soil. (2020) {Tool} Vermicompost - Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred. Issuing Organisation(s): Landwirtschaft Grand. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Organic Soybean made easy (OK-Net Arable Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred; Gusenbauer, Isabella; Kranzler, Andreas and Schwarzl, Herman. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Video. (2018) {Tool} Financial and Resource use Model for Simulating AgroForestry in Europe (Farm-SAFE v3). Creator(s): Graves, Anil; Burgess, P J; Wiltshire, Katy; Giannitsopoulos, Michail; Herzog, Félix and Palma, Joao. Issuing Organisation(s): Cranfield University. (2025) {Tool} RISE- Response-inducing sustainability evaluation. Creator(s): Grenz, Jan; Sereke, Firesenai; Graf, Martina; Thalmann, Christian; Heeb, Luca; Schoch, Michael; Kaufmann, Madeleine and Wyss, Rebekka. Issuing Organisation(s): BFH-HAFL - Bern University of Applied Sciences/School of Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences. (2000) {Tool} Strategy options for feeding 100% organic feed to organic monogastric livestock. [Strategieoptionen zur Realisierung einer 100%igen Biofütterung bei Monogastriern im ökologischen Landbau.] Creator(s): Griese, Sigrid; Ebert, Ulrich; Fischinger, Stephanie; Geier, Uwe; Lenz, Annika; Schäfer, Freya; Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Vogt-Kaute, Werner and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter. Issuing Organisation(s): V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische Praxisforschung. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2014) {Tool} Pig health booklet. [Stalboekje Varkens.] Creator(s): Groot, Maria; Kleijer-Ligtenberg, Gerdien and Van Asseldonk, Tedje. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022) {Tool} Seed vigour, keep it high! (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Groot, S.P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 30. (2019) {Tool} Proper seed storage (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Groot, Steven P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 25. (2020) {Tool} Practical advice for organic production of lupines. Creator(s): Gruber, Dr. Harriet. Issuing Organisation(s): Landesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Fischerei Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. (2014) {Tool} PERILBIO: Living labs, research and innovation in poultry and aquaculture. [PERILBIO: I living lab, ricerca e innovazione in avicoltura e acquacoltura.] Creator(s): Guarino Amato, Monica; Pulcini, Domitilla; Capoccioni, Fabrizio and Cali, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2023) {Tool} Promoting range use in broiler chickens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gunnarsson, Stefan; Ferrante, Valentina; Brinch Riber, Anja; Marchewka, Joanna; Tuyttens, Frank; Ipek, Aydın; Sözcü, Arda; Bestman, Monique; Rodenburg, Bas and van Niekerk, Thea. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Promoting range use in laying hens (FreeBirds Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gunnarsson, Stefan; Ferrante, Valentina; Brinch Riber, Anja; Marchewka, Joanna; Tuyttens, Frank; Ipek, Aydın; Sözcü, Arda; Bestman, Monique; Rodenburg, Bas and van Niekerk, Thea. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} How to assess weed competitiveness in organic cultivar trials with wheat? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 7. (2020) {Tool} How to identify potato cultivars which are resistant to late blight? (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 11. (2020) {Tool} How to minimise damage by aphids in organic faba bean production? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 10. (2020) {Tool} How to set up a simplified on-farm cultivar trial to assess broccoli? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 8. (2020) {Tool} How to set up an on-farm cultivar trial to score for leaf blight in carrots? (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 9. (2020) {Tool} FiBL Collaboration podcast. [FiBL Collaboration Podcast.] Creator(s): Hämmerli, Franziska; Thanner, Sophie; Beermann, Anke; Lüscher, Aline and Gabel, Vanessa M.. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} FiBL Focus podcast. Creator(s): Hämmerli, Franziska; Thanner, Sophie; Beermann, Anke; Lüscher, Aline and Gabel, Vanessa M.. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Introduction to organic farming. [Velkommen til økologien.] Creator(s): Handrup, Linda Michelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ICOEL - Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. (2024) {Tool} Introduction to organic plant production. [Kom godt i gang med økologisk planteproduktion.] Creator(s): Handrup, Linda Michelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ICOEL - Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. (2024) {Tool} Control of foliar pathogens in organic viticulture (BIOVINE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Hasanaliyeva, Gultakin; Caffi, Tito and Rosi, Vittorio. Issuing Organisation(s): Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020) {Tool} Plant protection in organic pome fruit cultivation. [Pflanzenschutz im Biokernobstanbau.] Creator(s): Häseli, Andreas; Weibel, Franco; Daniel, Claudia; Schmid, Andi and Tamm, Lucius. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Plant protection recommendations for organic vegetable production. [Pflanzenschutzempfehlungen für den Biogemüsebau.] Creator(s): Hauenstein, Samuel; Hedrich, Tino and Gamper-Cardinali, Carlo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Transfer mulch in organic greenhouse crops (Greenresilient Practice abstract). Creator(s): Hauenstein, Samuel and Rochat, Armelle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Greenresilient Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Transfer mulch in organic greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet). [Transfermulch in Bio-Gewächshäusern.] Creator(s): Hauenstein, Samuel; Rochat, Armelle and Schwitter, Patricia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021) {Tool} Reduced Tillage (FiBL Factsheet). [Reduzierte Bodenbearbeitung (FiBL Merkblatt).] Creator(s): Hegglin, Django; Clerc, Maurice and Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2014) {Tool} Organic cultivation in autumn 2016 - Varieties, Seeds and Crop management. [Bioherbstanbau 2016 (Informationen zu Sorten, Saatgut und Kulturführung).] Creator(s): Hein, Waltraud; Fischl, Martin; Traudtner, Franz; Kober, Wolfgang; Stöbisch, Christian and Kranzler, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2016) {Tool} Organic Cultivation in Spring 2016 - Varieties, Seeds and Crop management. [Biofrühjahrsanbau 2016 - Informationen zu Sorten, Saatgut, und Kulturführung.] Creator(s): Hein, Waltraud; Fischl, Martin; Traudtner, Franz; Stöbich, Christian and Kranzler, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2016) {Tool} The obligation to use organic seed – farmers’ awareness. Creator(s): Heining, Niels and Raaijmakers, Maaike. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 14. (2020) {Tool} LabourScope – The Work Budget for Agricultural and Domestic Activities. [Die Arbeitszeit im Griff mit LabourScope.] Creator(s): Heitkämper, Katja; Besier, Johanna; Umstätter, Christina and Stark, Ruedi. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Bean Seed Treatment: a simple approach without specific laboratory equipment (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Randriamanantsoa, Lalajaona. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 1. (2019) {Tool} Strategies to produce tomato seeds during regular tomato harvest (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Schwitter, Patricia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 14. (2022) {Tool} Dock control (FiBL Technical Guide). [Ampferregulierung (Vorbeugende Möglichkeiten ausschöpfen).] Creator(s): Hermle, Martin; Schaller, Alfred; Thalmann, Hans and Dierauer, Hansueli. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Leaflets and guidelines. (2018) {Tool} Grafting tomato to increase seed production (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Hervé, Floury; Thibault, Nordey and Amelie, Detterbeck. Issuing Organisation(s): Euroseeds. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 9. (2022) {Tool} Promotion of biodiversity in orchards. [Förderung der Biodiversität in Obstanlagen.] Creator(s): Herz, Annette. Issuing Organisation(s): JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, BÖLN - Bundesprogramm Ökologischer Landbau. (2019) {Tool} Organic free-range management of laying hens. [Aire de sortie pour poules pondeuses: respectueux des animaux et de l'environnement.] Creator(s): Hirt, Helen; Maurer, Veronika; Zeltner, Esther; Bapst, Beat and Hartnagel, Siegfried. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2001) {Tool} Optimizing the run-out design of fattening pigs (POWER video). [Auslaufgestaltung bei Mastschweinen optimieren (POWER video).] Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Species-appropriate feeding of fattening pigs. [Artgerechte Fütterung von Mastschweinen.] Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam and Stoll, Peter. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Improving health and welfare of pigs - A handbook for organic pig farmers. Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Ayrle, Hannah; Bochicchio, Davide; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Edwards, Sandra; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Leeb, Christine; Maupertuis, Florence; Melišová, Michala; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Rudolph, Gwendolyn and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015) {Tool} Feeding of pigs: effect of silage (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed slideshow. (2019) {Tool} Boar fattening on organic farms: animal-friendly alternative to castration. [Erbmast im Biobetrieb: Tiergerechtre Alternative zur Kastration.] Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Früh, Barbara and Herrle, Jürgen. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2013) {Tool} Feeding grass silage to fattening pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Scheibler, Samuel and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 031. (2019) {Tool} Organic fertilisation of young apple orchards (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holtz, Thomas and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Physical protection barriers to reduce fungal and pest damages (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holtz, Thomas and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia and Brinks, Harm. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Practical information for soil health (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia and Brinks, Harm. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Nutrient efficiency in vegetable growing. [Nährstoffeffizienz im Gartenbau.] Creator(s): Huber, Julia and Weissörtel, Franziska. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2020) {Tool} Diversification of cereal-based rotations with soybean as a second crop (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [A gabonaalapú vetésforgók diverzifikációja szójával mint második növénykultúrával (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Hunyadi Borbélyné, Éva; Mészáros, Dóra and Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Tool for easy calculation of field economics. [Værktøj til nem beregning af markøkonomi.] Creator(s): Højholdt, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2024) {Tool} Fertiliser when converting to organic production. [Gødning ved omlægning til økologisk produktion.] Creator(s): Ingvorsen, Birgit and Hermansen, Sven. Issuing Organisation(s): ICOEL - Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. (2024) {Tool} LeNiBa - the KTBL / isip app for nitrogen balancing of legumes. [LeNiBa - die KTBL/isip-App für die Stickstoffbilanzierung von Leguminosen.] Creator(s): ISIP - Informationssystem Integrierte Pflanzenproduktion e.V., Bad Kreuznach and KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2020) {Tool} Transfer mulch in organic arable farming. [Transfermulch im ökologischen Ackerbau.] Creator(s): Jäckel, Ulf. Issuing Organisation(s): Sächsisches Landesamt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie. (2021) {Tool} Organic fruit production: Citrus (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course). Creator(s): Jacobson, Stine and Egerer, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen. BIOFRUITNET e-learning course, no. 3. (2023) {Tool} Organic fruit production: Pome (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course). Creator(s): Jacobson, Stine and Egerer, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen. BIOFRUITNET e-learning course, no. 1. (2023) {Tool} Organic fruit production: Stone (BIOFRUITNET e-learning course). Creator(s): Jacobson, Stine and Egerer, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen. BIOFRUITNET e-learning course, no. 2. (2023) {Tool} Cover crops (living mulches) in the tree row of organic orchards: why and how? (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Jacquot, Maxime and Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 079. (2022) {Tool} Nesting boxes: Improve tree pollination with wild bees (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Jacquot, Maxime and Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 033. (2022) {Tool} Interesting tomato traits for hobby variety selection (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): jaime, prhoens; teodoro, cardi; pasquale, tripodi and sara, sestili. Issuing Organisation(s): UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 8. (2022) {Tool} Rapeseed regrowth and white clover cover crop valorisation through sheep grazing (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Valorisation de la repousse du colza et de la culture de couverture du trèfle blanc par le pâturage des moutons (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Jamar, Daniel; Daniaux, Christel and Regibeau, Cyril. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Liquidity planning - Excel version. [Liquiditätsplanung Excel Version.] Creator(s): Jean-Luc, Martrou. Issuing Organisation(s): Agridea. (2024) {Tool} Free-range pigs: high animal welfare with appropriate infrastructure and management. [Freilandhaltung von Schweinen: Viel Terwohl bei passender Infrastruktur und richtigem Management.] Creator(s): Jenni, Anna; Früh, Barbara and Fürst, Eva. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical guide. (2019) {Tool} Organic living labs and lighthouse farms in Europe. Creator(s): Jonasz, Gerda and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): TP Organics. (2022) {Tool} How to keep your snap bean varieties? (Bresov Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Juan Jose, Ferreira; Ana, Campa and Carmen, García-Fernández. Issuing Organisation(s): Serida - Regional Agrifood Research and Development Service. Bresov practice abstracts, no. 12. (2022) {Tool} Recommendations for stunning and slaughtering carp. [Empfehlungen zur Betäubung und Schlachtung von Karpfen.] Creator(s): Jung-Schroers, Verena. Issuing Organisation(s): Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Naturland. (2017) {Tool} Recommendations for stunning and slaughtering rainbow trout. [Empfehlungen zur Betäubung und Schlachtung von Regenbogenforellen.] Creator(s): Jung-Schroers, Verena. Issuing Organisation(s): Stiftung Tierärztliche Hochschule Hannover, Naturland. (2017) {Tool} Make your own tofu in the traditional Japanese way (Legumes Translated video). [Tofu selber machen nach traditioneller japanischer Art.] Creator(s): Kaufmann, Mariko; Alföldi, Thomas and Alexander, Sigrid. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated video. (2021) {Tool} Conserve and enhance beneficials in organic vineyards (BioVine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kehrli, Patrik; Razinger, Jaka and Ranca, Aurora-Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope, KIS - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, SCV - Research Station for Viticulture and Enology. BioVine Practice Abstract. (2020) {Tool} Cereal Disease Encyclopaedia. Creator(s): Kelly, Clare; Clark, Bill; Bryson, Rosie; Jellis, Graham and Tonguç, Lindy. Issuing Organisation(s): AHDB - Agriculture and Horticulture Development Board. (2008) {Tool} Breeding an organic forage crop variety (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kempf, Katharina; Schubiger, Franz Xaver and Grieder, Christoph. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 18. (2020) {Tool} Designing and optimising outdoor areas in organic poultry farming. [Aménagement et valorisation des parcours en volaille bio.] Creator(s): Kéraval, Gérard. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2018) {Tool} Strategy to enhance biodiversity in orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kienzle, Jutta. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 027. (2022) {Tool} Plant health care in organic farming. Creator(s): Kienzle, Jutta; Smith-Weißmann, Kevin; Calmels, Mathilde and Lang, Isabella. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2020) {Tool} The cell fusion-free vegetable list helps organic farmers to find suitable cultivars (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kimmel, Thomas; Koller, Martin and Zellfelder, Johanna. Issuing Organisation(s): BNN - Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 6. (2019) {Tool} Managing common bunt. [Carie : gestion.] Creator(s): Klaedkte, S; Fontaine, Laurence; CHEBANCE, C; PROVOST, R and SALGUES, AS. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2008) {Tool} Intercropping of grain pea with cereals. Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated pratice notes, no. 17. (2021) {Tool} Machine demonstration: Mechanical weeding in soy (Legumes Translated video). [Maschinen Demonstration: Mechanische Unkrautregulierung in Soja.] Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Intercropping grain peas with barley (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Zwischenfruchtanbau von Körnererbsen und Gerste (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias; Gelencsér, Tobias and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS Practice abstract. (2020) {Tool} Intercropping grain peas with barley (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Anbau der Körnererbse in Mischkultur mit Gerste.] Creator(s): Klaiss, Matthias; Siegrist, Franziska and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 003. (2017) {Tool} Online Course - SALT - Sustainable Aquaculture for Low Trophic Species. Creator(s): Kochanska, Adrianna; Aschan, Michaela; Strand, Åsa; James, Philip; Gombau, Ronan and Gunnarsdóttir, Katrín Hulda. Issuing Organisation(s): UiT - The Arctic University of Norway. (2023) {Tool} Nutrient management in farms in conversion to organic. Creator(s): Kolbe, Hartmut. Issuing Organisation(s): LfULG - Sächsische Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie. (2008) {Tool} Regionally adapted humus balance in organic farming. Creator(s): Kolbe, Hartmut. Issuing Organisation(s): LfULG - Sächsische Landesanstalt für Umwelt, Landwirtschaft und Geologie. (2013) {Tool} Winter field peas as green manure before nitrogen-demanding crops (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Koller, Martin; Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles; Conder, Malgorzarta and Gelencsér, Tobias. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Winter field peas as green manure before maize (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). [Winterfuttererbsen als Gründüngung vor Mais.] Creator(s): Koller, Martin; Dierauer, Hansueli; Weidmann, Gilles and Conder, Malgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract, no. 010. (2017) {Tool} Pest control in organic herb cultivation. [Schädlingsregulierung im Biokräuteranbau.] Creator(s): Koller, Martin; Hauenstein, Samuel and Rochat, Armelle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Foraging of pigs in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kongsted, Anne Grete. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 003. (2020) {Tool} Action plan against Drosophila suzukii in vineyards. [Plan d’actions contre la Drosophila suzukii : vignoble.] Creator(s): Köppler, Kirsten. Issuing Organisation(s): LTZ - Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg. (2019) {Tool} Action plan against drosophila suzukii: Stone fruits. [Plan d’actions contre la drosophila suzukii : Fruits à noyaux.] Creator(s): Köppler, Kirsten and Jenrich, Jörg. Issuing Organisation(s): LTZ - Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg. (2019) {Tool} Guidelines for growing organic apple and pear. [Dyrkningsvejledning for økologiske æbler og pærer.] Creator(s): Korsgaard, Maren and Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard. Issuing Organisation(s): Økologisk VKST. (2020) {Tool} How to promote biodiversity in orchards: Flowering strips, hedges, anchor plants (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Biodiversität in Obstanlagen fördern: Blühstreifen, Hecken, Anker-Pflanzen (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Köster, Clemens; Benduhn, Bastian and Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖON - Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland. (2022) {Tool} Organic seed from community seed banks (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Konstantinos and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 13. (2020) {Tool} Ancestral wheat. [Το ντυμένο ή «αρχαίο» σιτάρι.] Creator(s): Koutis, Kostas. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. EΚΠΑΙΔΕΥΤΙΚΟ ΕΓΧΕΙΡΙΔΙΟ, no. 1. (2016) {Tool} Greening urban gardens with local vegetable varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Kostas and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 29. (2020) {Tool} Cultivation of organic sugar beets - challenges and trends. [Anbau von Biozuckerrüben - Herausforderungen und Trends.] Creator(s): Krebs, Adrian and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} BauKost - Investment in farm buildings. [BauKost - Investition Betriebsgebäude.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2024) {Tool} Business management of agricultural businesses. [Betriebswirtschaftliche Ausrichtung landwirtschaftlicher Betriebe.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2024) {Tool} NutriNet - Nutrient accounting. [NutriNet - Nährstoffbilanzierung.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2024) {Tool} BauKost - Greenhouse calculation tool. [BauKost - Gewächshäuser.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2021) {Tool} MaKost - Machine and repair costs. [MaKost - Maschinenkosten und Reparaturkosten.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2019) {Tool} Organic conversion planner. [Öko-Umstellungsplaner.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2018) {Tool} Manure calculator. [Wirtschaftsdünger-Rechner.] Creator(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Darmstadt. Issuing Organisation(s): KTBL - Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft. (2016) {Tool} New vitamin B2 producing wild-type yeast strain (GMO-free) (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kuenz, Anja and Leiber, Florian. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2023) {Tool} Whey in pig feed. [Suero lácteo en la alimentación de cerdos.] Creator(s): La finca de hoy. Issuing Organisation(s): La finca de hoy. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2017) {Tool} Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Practice abstract). Creator(s): Lambion, Jérôme. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Greenresilient Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Flower strips: a tool for pest control in greenhouses (Greenresilient Factsheet). [Les bandes fleuries : un outil de lutte contre les ravageurs dans les serres.] Creator(s): Lambion, Jérôme and van Rijn, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021) {Tool} Profile of a farm with integrated soya production, processing and laying hen husbandry. [Mein Hof, Mein Weg - Monschein - Hebenstreit.] Creator(s): Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich, LFI. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2018) {Tool} Managing docks with the WUZI dock cutter (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Laursen, Casper. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 035. (2018) {Tool} Organic oilseed production. [Cultura ecologică a plantelor oleaginoase.] Creator(s): Lefebvre, Nicolas and Bernet, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Co-designing innovative cropping systems through long-term on-farm experiments (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Co-conception de systèmes de culture innovants par le biais d'expériences à long terme sur l'exploitation (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Legein, Louise; Gyselynck, William and Jamar, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Heterogeneous spring barley populations in Latvia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Legzdina, L. and Ločmele, Indra. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 45. (2020) {Tool} Vitamin B2 supplementation for laying and parent hens in organic poultry systems (RELACS Practice abstract). [Vitamine B2-suppletie voor leg-en ouder-hennen in biologische pluimveesystemen (RELACS Practice abstract).] Creator(s): Leiber, Florian; Quander-Stoll, Nele and Ayrle, Hannah. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstracts, no. 02. (2021) {Tool} Diversified rotations in protected vegetable production systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lesur-Dumoulin, Claire; Sorgato, Ambre; Ibgui, Pauline and Lefèvre, Amélie. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021) {Tool} Rootstock and variety selection in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Choix de porte-greffe et de variété en production fruitière bio (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Libourel, Gilles and Frézel, Julia. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (2022) {Tool} Quick test for infiltration of arable soils (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Liebl, Boris and Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland, FiBL Projekte GmbH. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 028. (2018) {Tool} Organic pig feeding. Feed, rations. [Schweinefütterung im Ökobetrieb I. Futtermittel, Rationen.] Creator(s): Lindermayer, H. and Reichel, P.. Issuing Organisation(s): LfL - Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2020) {Tool} Advantages and disadvantages of weed control in tree rows using soil coverage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 045. (2023) {Tool} Control of summer fruit tortrix (Leafrollers) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 016. (2023) {Tool} Apple scab: Robust cultivars for Northern Europe (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne and Bojesen, Maya. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 005. (2022) {Tool} Recommendations for using soy-based feedstuffs for poultry production (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Empfehlungen zur Verwendung von Futtermitteln auf Sojabasis für die Geflügelproduktion.] Creator(s): Lindner, Christopher and Schmelzer, Elias. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 026. (2020) {Tool} Utilisation of waste heat from biogas plants for drying fine-grained legumes (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Lindner, Christopher; Schmelzer, Elias and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 032. (2020) {Tool} A farmer’s guide to organic fruit and vegetable production. Creator(s): Little, Tony and Frost, David. Issuing Organisation(s): OCW - Organic Centre Wales. (2008) {Tool} Ration planning tool, user manual and webinar: Poultry and swine. Creator(s): Loïc, Labidalle; Roinsard, Antoine; Ahmad, Muhammad Sani; Früh, Barbara and Dietemann, Lauren. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Foraging of organic finishing pigs on protein-rich fodder (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Lubac, Stanislas. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feed. [Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feed.] Creator(s): Lübeck, Mette; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Fog, Erik and Kiel, Pauli. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. ICROFS news, no. 4. (2014) {Tool} Interactive Innovation: Network analysis tool for practitioners. Creator(s): Macken-Walsh, Áine; Javornicky, Martin; Forde, Aoife; Naughton, Anita; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Home, Robert; Bettoni, Maddalena; Díaz Puente, José María; Augustyn, Anna Maria and Christina Repede, Dana. Issuing Organisation(s): TEAGASC, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, UPM - Polytechnic University of Madrid. (2022) {Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 2nd module: Fertilization strategies to enhance nutrient availability in organic arable crops. Creator(s): Madzaric, Suzana; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017) {Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 3rd module: Monitoring, preventive and curative measures for pest and disease management. Creator(s): Madzaric, Suzana; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017) {Tool} Challenges of Organic Arable Farming - 6th module: Recovery and final synthesis. Creator(s): Madzaric, Suzana; Mohamad, Ramez and Al Bitar, Lina. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2017) {Tool} Educational toolkit - strategies for sustainable and robust organic mixed livestock farming (Mix-Enable tool). [Mallette pédagogique - stratégies pour un polyélevage biologique durable et robuste (outil Mix-Enable).] Creator(s): Magne, Marie-Angélina; Brown, Juliette; Ulukan, Defne; Martin, Guillaume; Launay, Fabienne; Puech, Thomas; Godoc, Brendan and Schanz, Lisa. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ENSFEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Formation de l'Enseignement Agricole, IDELE - Institute De L'elevage. (2021) {Tool} Cultivating resilience and protecting the soil: Empowering farmers through data driven decision support. Creator(s): Malingreau, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): Wagralim. (2024) {Tool} Integrating microbial modulation solutions into agricultural practices. Creator(s): Malingreau, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): Wagralim. (2024) {Tool} Microbial modulation for climate resilient agriculture. Creator(s): Malingreau, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): Wagralim. (2024) {Tool} Integration of different agronomical practices for inter-row soil management in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 053. (2023) {Tool} Organic apple orchard fertilisation: row and inter-row management with legume intercrops (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 044. (2022) {Tool} Organic fertilizers in fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 056. (2022) {Tool} Practices to improve soil fertility and nutrient availability in organic fruit orchards (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Malusa, Eligio and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 055. (2022) {Tool} When is grazing sustainable? [Cuando pastar es sostenible?] Creator(s): Manzano, Pablo; del Prado, Augustin and Grigorenko, Yelena. Issuing Organisation(s): BC3 Basque Centre for Climate Change. (2023) {Tool} Outdoor range design for broiler chickens (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Marchewka, Joanna; Sztandarski, Patryk and Jaszczyk, Aneta. Issuing Organisation(s): Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology Polish Academy of Sciences. (2024) {Tool} Recycling agricultural residues in organic farming by on-farm compost production. Creator(s): Mariangela, Diacono; Alessandro, Persiani; Angelo, Fiore; Claudia, Di Bene; Alessandra, Trinchera; Roberta, Farina and Francesco, Montemurro. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2022) {Tool} Managing for Soil Health on an Organic Farm - A Farmer's Perspective. Creator(s): Martens, Klaas. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2014) {Tool} Biodiversity measures in fruit growing. [Biodiversitätsmaßnahmen im Obstbau.] Creator(s): Marthe, Eva; Schlesinger, Andreas; Zöscher, Martin and Scheibl, Nadine. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2023) {Tool} Multi-species livestock farming (MIX-ENABLE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Martin, Guillaume; Grillot, Myriam; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Prache, Sophie; Veysset, Patrick; Mosnier, Claire; Mischler, Pierre; Launay, Fabienne; Moerman, Marie; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph; Hübner, Severin; Meischner, Tabea; Brock, Christopher; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Bernes, Gun; Monteiro, Leonardo and Parsons, David. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Thünen-Institut, Tuscia University, SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Budget tool. [Teilbudget-Tool.] Creator(s): Matthieu, Cassez. Issuing Organisation(s): Agridea. (2024) {Tool} Simplifying feeding management between weaning and culling process: impact on growth performance of organic pigs. [Impact d’une conduite alimentaire sevrage-vente simplifiée sur les performances et les résultats d’abattage en production porcine.] Creator(s): Maupertius, Florence. Issuing Organisation(s): SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en Production de Monogastriques Biologiques. (2019) {Tool} Foraging sows on high-protein grassland. [Pâturage des truies sur parcours à haute valeur protéique.] Creator(s): Maupertius, Florence; Pierre, Patrice and Roinsard, Antoine. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2018) {Tool} Duddingtonia flagrans: biocontrol fungus for reducing the use of anthelmintics (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Maurer, Veronika. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Organic free-range management of laying hens. [Biologische Freilandhaltung von Legehennen.] Creator(s): Maurer, Veronika; Bernet, Thomas; Brenninkmeyer, Christine; Früh, Barbara and Quander-Stoll, Nele. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Controlling endoparasites in laying hens. [Regulierung der Endoparasiten bei Legehennen.] Creator(s): Maurer, Veronika; Perler, Erika and Werne, Steffen. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2018) {Tool} Sustainable control of the greenhouse whitefly: combining solutions (RELACS Practice Abstract). [Nachhaltige Bekämpfung von Mottenschildläusen im Gewächshaus: Kombinierte Lösungen (RELACS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Mazzoni, Valerio and Fattoruso, Valeria. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Fondazione Edmund Mach, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2022) {Tool} Vibrational signals to control the whitefly in organic greenhouse production (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mazzoni, Valerio; Fattoruso, Valeria and Verrastro, Vincenzo. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Functional compounds of einkorn and emmer genotypes. Creator(s): Megyeri, Maria; Mikó, P.; molnar, istvan; taborska, jana; Palfi, xenia; Dulai, sandor; Rapi, Sandor; Korozs, Marietta; Forgo, Peter and Molnár-Lang, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research. Chable et al. (eds.): Diversity strategies for organic and low input agricultures and their food systems. Book of abstracts of Solibam final congress, 7-9. July 2014. SOLIBAM, Nantes, France. (2014) {Tool} Agroforestry - from idea to implementation. [Agroforst – von der Idee bis zur Umsetzung.] Creator(s): Meindl, Peter. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL Österreich. (2023) {Tool} Training Handbook: The new EU organic regulation (2018/848) for producer groups. [Manuel de formation : Le nouveau règlement biologique de l'UE (2018/848) pour les groupements de producteurs.] Creator(s): Meinshausen, Florentine; Rudolph, Marlene; Richter, Toralf; Ssebunya, Brian and Itana, Abdi. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Greek organic aquaculture - European Aquaculture Society talk. [Ελληνική βιολογική υδατοκαλλιέργεια - Συζήτηση European Aquaculture Society.] Creator(s): Mente, Elena; Stelios, Karapanagiotis and Troianou, Eva. Issuing Organisation(s): Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. (2022) {Tool} Organic Weed Management: A Practical Guide. Creator(s): Merfield, Charles. Issuing Organisation(s): Charles Merfield. (2000) {Tool} Increasing exchanges between farmers to enhance crop diversification (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Augmenter les échanges entre agriculteurs pour faciliter la diversification des cultures (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Mérot, Emmanuel; Miara, Maurice and Berthomier, Jérémy. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2020) {Tool} ProfiCost - Software for calculating full costs and contribution margins. [ProfiCost - Vollkosten und Deckungsbeiträge für den Anbau von Gemüse.] Creator(s): Michael, Jenni. Issuing Organisation(s): SZG - Schweizerische Zentralstelle für Gemüsebau und Spezialkulturen. (2018) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Camelina organic cultivation experiences in Italy (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Micheloni, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Camelina processing: experience in Italy (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Micheloni, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Use of organic Camelina in laying hen feed (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Micheloni, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Feeding pigs silage. Creator(s): Michie, David. Issuing Organisation(s): Innovative Farmers. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2016) {Tool} Soya in the course of the year (Legumes Translated Video). [Soja im Jahresverlauf.] Creator(s): Miersch, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Storage of soybeans. [Lagerung von Sojabohnen.] Creator(s): Miersch, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Taifun Sojainfo - Fachinformationen für Sojaerzeuger und -verarbeiter, no. 11. (2015) {Tool} Comparison of bread wheat varieties with different breeding origin under organic and low input management. Creator(s): Mikó, P.; Löschenberger, F.; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Aebi, Rosalie; Megyeri, M.; Kovacs, Geza; Molnár-Lang, M.; Vida, G. and Rakszegi, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): ATK - Centre for Agricultural Research. Euphytica, no. 199 (1-2). (2014) {Tool} Organic pumpkin breeding (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Moeskops, Bram. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed videos, no. 13. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotations on diversified farms. Creator(s): Mohler, Charles L.. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2013) {Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Advantages and disadvantage (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Anaerobic soil disinfestation (ASD): Practical Information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Molendjik, Leendert and Visser, Johnny. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Best4Soil Video. (2019) {Tool} Anaerobic digestates as a nutrient source for organic farming (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Möller, Kurt. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Hohenheim, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 08. (2021) {Tool} Codling moth (Cydia pomonella): Control methods in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 007. (2022) {Tool} Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) management in organic fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 017. (2022) {Tool} Control of Neofabraea spp. in organic fruit production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 050. (2023) {Tool} Developing a fertilisation strategy in organic pome fruit (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 054. (2023) {Tool} How to control weeds in organic pome fruit (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 041. (2023) {Tool} Strategies to reduce sooty mould infection in organic apple production (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 048. (2023) {Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): control strategies for organic pome fruit production (Biofruitnet Video). [Apfelschorf (Venturia inaequalis): Bekämpfungsstrategien für den ökologischen Kernobstbau (Biofruitnet Video).] Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Control strategy for organic pome production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 001. (2022) {Tool} Codling moth (Cydia pomonella) – Control methods in organic fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Apfelwickler (Cydia pomonella, codling moth) - Kontrollmethoden im ökologischen Obstanbau (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Sooty mould – Control strategies for organic fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Russtauflecken (sooty mold) – Bekämpfungsstrategien für den ökologischen Obstbau (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Mora Vargas, Alfredo and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. (2022) {Tool} Agroforestry planning tool. [Agroforst-Planungstool.] Creator(s): Morhart, Christopher. Issuing Organisation(s): Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg. (2024) {Tool} Getting your land ready to grow organically – certified or not. Creator(s): Morrone, Vicki. Issuing Organisation(s): Michigan State University. (2016) {Tool} Organic no-till systems. Creator(s): Moyer, Jeff. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2013) {Tool} The Muencheberg Soil Quality Rating (SQR). Creator(s): Mueller, Lothar; Schindler, Uwe; Behrendt, Axel; Eulenstein, Frank and Dannowski, Ralf. Issuing Organisation(s): ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. (2007) {Tool} NDICEA - A digital tool to model nutrient balances across a crop rotation (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Mullender, Samantha. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 014. (2018) {Tool} Free choice feeding - an alternative feeding method for laying hens (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). [Fütterung nach freier Wahl - eine alternative Fütterungsmethode für Legehennen.] Creator(s): Müsseler, Olivia and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): Öko-Beratungsgesellschaft. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 038. (2020) {Tool} Changes for group certification with the new EU Organic Regulation 2018/848. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2024) {Tool} Different concepts of guarantee systems. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023) {Tool} Labels in organic agriculture. Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023) {Tool} Understanding Internal Control Systems (ICS). Creator(s): Naturland Academy. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2023) {Tool} Making poultry feed more sustainable. [Making poultry feed more sustainable.] Creator(s): Nelder, Rebecca. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2012) {Tool} DSS "Weed Control in Organic Winter Wheat Production". Creator(s): Neuhoff, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Bonn. (2004) {Tool} Use of variety mixtures to reduce disease, increase resource-use efficiency resulting in enhanced profitability. Creator(s): Newton, Adrian C.. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. {Tool} Growing organic faba bean and wheat for food - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Nicod, Ludivine; Wendling, Marina and Charles, Raphael. Issuing Organisation(s): FIBL Switzerland, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 1. (2024) {Tool} Test with laying hens for feed in the open air area (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). [Tastversuch mit Legehennen zur Futterpräferenz im Auslauf.] Creator(s): Nieland, Corinna; Schmelzer, Elias and Lindner, Christopher. Issuing Organisation(s): V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische Praxisforschung. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021) {Tool} Humus management. [Humuswirtschaft (FiBL Merkblatt).] Creator(s): Niggli, Jeremias; Böhler, Daniel and Schmid, Tim. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Increase plant health through mycorrhizal fungi (BIOVINE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Noceto, Pierre Antoine; Courty, Pierre-Emmanuel and Wipf, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020) {Tool} The main diseases of Solanaceae transmitted by seeds. [Solanacee: principali malattie trasmissibili per seme.] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 7. (2009) {Tool} Aubergine (Solanum melogena L.). [Melanzana (Solanum melogena L.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 9. (2009) {Tool} Pepper (Capsicum annum L.). [Peperoni e Peperoncini (Capsicum annum L.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 10. (2009) {Tool} Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). [Patata (Solanum tuberosum L.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 11. (2009) {Tool} Solanaceae. [La famiglia delle solanacee.] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 6. (2009) {Tool} Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). [Pomodoro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 8. (2009) {Tool} Establishing forage turnip in the pasture outdoor area as supplementary feed to gestating sows (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} Feeding grass/clover silage to finisher pigs in addition to liquid feeding (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} Using an automatic straw-distributor to feed silage to pigs – A potential to increase pigs’ silage consumption and effect on behaviour and cleanliness of the pen (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} Silage with chicory to weaning pigs in multi-family pens (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Nordlund Othén, Janne; Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. K-Net Ecofeed video. (2020) {Tool} Guidelines for on-farm variety testing (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 16. (2020) {Tool} Towards ecological and societal resilience through systems-based plant breeding (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 17. (2019) {Tool} Cooperatives a model to improve organic seed production (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 3. (2019) {Tool} Susceptibility of winter wheat cultivars to various isolates of common bunt (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Oberforster, Micheal and Plank, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 62. (2021) {Tool} Mechanical weed control in organic fruit growing: Thread mowers (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 043. (2023) {Tool} Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Gyroscopic crumblers (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 042. (2023) {Tool} Mechanical weed control in organic orchards: Roll hoes (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 047. (2023) {Tool} Weed control in organic pome fruit growing: Combining different approaches (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 046. (2023) {Tool} Alternate mowing in organic orchards as a biodiversity enhancement measure (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 034. (2022) {Tool} Apple scab (Venturia inaequalis): Robust cultivars for Central Europe (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet practice abstracts, no. 004. (2022) {Tool} Decision support systems to improve direct control methods of codling moth (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas and Adolphi, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): FÖKO - Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 008. (2023) {Tool} Participatory apple breeding - breeding new varieties on organic fruit farms (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Partizipative Apfelzüchtung - neue Sorten auf ökologischen Obstbaubetrieben züchten (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Oeser, Niklas and Sattler, Inde. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖON - Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland. (2022) {Tool} Organic Arable Farming: Information for farmers considering conversion to organic production. Creator(s): Organic, Farmers & Growers. Issuing Organisation(s): Organic Farmers & Growers. (2019) {Tool} Soil and Fertility Management in Organic Systems. Creator(s): Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. {Tool} Organic Field Crop Production. Creator(s): Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. {Tool} Pest Management in Organic Cropping Systems. Creator(s): Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. {Tool} Taste of Winter (Greenresilient Factsheet). [De smaak van de winter.] Creator(s): Palme, Wolfgang. Issuing Organisation(s): Horticultural College and Research Institute. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021) {Tool} Wintamines (Greenresilient Factsheet). Creator(s): Palme, Wolfgang. Issuing Organisation(s): Horticultural College and Research Institute. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2021) {Tool} Dry Forages: Process and techniques (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Papi, Eugenio. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 009. (2020) {Tool} Okara: Including a soya by-product into the poultry diet (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Papi, Eugenio. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 030. (2020) {Tool} Apricots cultivars suited for organic production in the Mediterranean region (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 078. (2022) {Tool} Earwigs’ damage on stone fruits: how to control them (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 074. (2022) {Tool} Susceptibility of apricot cultivars to blossom brown rot (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 066. (2022) {Tool} Technical factsheet: Apple sawfly in organic apple production. [Fiche technique : Hoplocampe du pommier en AB.] Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Brenner, Johanna; Stoeffel, Antoine; Corroyer, Natahalie; Tournant, Ludovic and Navarro, Jean-Michel. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2016) {Tool} Technical factsheet: Apple blossom weevil in organic farming. [Fiche technique : Anthonome du pommier en AB.] Creator(s): Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Brenner, Johanna; Stoeffel, Antoine; Corroyer, Nathalie; Tournant, Ludovic; Navarro, Jean-Michel; Gandubert, Benjamin; Le Maguet, Jean and Albert, Laurence. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2016) {Tool} Appropriate feed strategies for organic sows and their piglets. [Bedarfsgerechte Fütterung von Biosauen und ihren Ferkeln.] Creator(s): Patzelt, Sybille; Schubbert, Antje and Stalljohann, Gerhard. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bioland, Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, KÖN - Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, University of Kassel. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2011) {Tool} Practical guidelines: How to avoid GMOs contaminations. Creator(s): Pearce, Bruce and Verriere, Pauline. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. (2018) {Tool} Rosy apple aphid: Prevent infestation using flower strips (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Pedersen, Hanne Lindhard and Bojesen, Maya. Issuing Organisation(s): HortiAdvice. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 019. (2022) {Tool} Spade test. [Test Bêche. Guide d'ultilisation.] Creator(s): Peigne, Joséphine; Gautronneau, Yvan; Vian, Jean François; Achard, Perrine; Chignier-Riboulon, Maxime; Ruffe, Lysiane and Vaskou, Claire. Issuing Organisation(s): ISARA - Institut supérieure d’agriculture Lyon. (2016) {Tool} Organic dairy cattle grazing on different sites in Baden-Württemberg: Optimizing pasture use in a targeted manner with supplementary feeding. [Bio-Milchviehweidehaltung auf unterschiedlichen Standorten in Baden-Württemberg: Mit Zufütterung die Weidenutzung gezielt optimieren.] Creator(s): Perdana-Decker, Sari; Velasco, Elizabeth; Werner, Jessica; Dickhoefer, Uta; Egle, Bettina and Binder, Sören. Issuing Organisation(s): Uni Hohenheim, Demeter, Bioland Beratung. Merkblatt. (2020) {Tool} Guidelines for certification - organic feed processing. [Guía para la certificación - elaboración de piensos ecológicos.] Creator(s): Perez Montero, Juan Carlos. Issuing Organisation(s): CAAE - Servicio Certificación. (2016) {Tool} Feeding phases of poultry: trail synthesis from Lycée Nature. [Alimentation fractionnée Synthèse des essais conduits sur l’élevage avicole du lycée Nature.] Creator(s): Peron, Laure. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2019) {Tool} 100% organic feeding for layers hens: is it feasible? [Faisabilité d’une alimentation 100% biologiques pour les poules pondeuses. Synthèse des essais menés à l’UMT BIRD de Nouzilly (ITAVI-UE PEAT).] Creator(s): Peron, Laure; Bourin, Marie and Dussart, Léonie. Issuing Organisation(s): SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en Production de Monogastriques Biologiques. (2019) {Tool} Protein value of an outdoor area for poultry. [Parcours à haute valeur protéique. Synthèse des essais conduits sur volailles de chair à l’INRA du Magneraud et au Lycée des Sicaudières.] Creator(s): Peron, Laure; German, Karine; Brachet, Mathilde and Couilleau, Laurent. Issuing Organisation(s): SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en Production de Monogastriques Biologiques. (2019) {Tool} Multi-species summer cover crop in protected vegetable systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Artenübergreifende Sommerbegrünung in geschützten Gemüsesystemen (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Perrin, Benjamin; Laure, Parès and Lefèvre, Amélie. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2021) {Tool} EUTERGESUND - Step by step towards better udder health. [Eutergesund - Schritt für Schritt.] Creator(s): Peschel, Ulrike. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖKORING - Berufsverband ökologischer Landbau im Norden. (2023) {Tool} How to produce organic heterogeneous material for sweet corn (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petcu, Victor. Issuing Organisation(s): NARDI - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 47. (2020) {Tool} Row crop cultivation - Cereals with cover crops. [RÆKKEDYRKNING - KORN MED EFTERAFGRØDE.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2019) {Tool} Cultivation in rows – Catch crops - tolerance and regrowth. [Rækkedyrkning – Efterafgrøde - tolerance og genvækst.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University, KU - University of Copenhagen, AgroIntelli, Økologisk VKST, Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug, SEGES. ROWCROP – Højere udbytter med rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder. (2018) {Tool} Cultivation in rows – cereals with catch crops. [Rækkedyrkning – Korn med efterafgrøde.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES, AU - Aarhus University, KU - University of Copenhagen, AgroIntelli, Økologisk VKST, Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug. ROWCROP – Højere udbytter med rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder. (2018) {Tool} Cultivation in rows – Nitrogen fixation by catch crops and their effect on yield. [Rækkedyrkning – Efterafgrødens kvælstoffiksering og effekt på udbytte.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES, AU - Aarhus University, KU - University of Copenhagen, AgroIntelli, Økologisk VKST, Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug. ROWCROP – Højere udbytter med rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder. (2018) {Tool} Cultivation in rows – Sowing time for catch crops. [Rækkedyrkning – Såtid for efterafgrøder.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University, KU - University of Copenhagen, AgroIntelli, Økologisk VKST, Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug, SEGES. ROWCROP – Højere udbytter med rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder. (2018) {Tool} Cultivation in rows – Weed control between stubble rows. [Rækkedyrkning – Radrensning af stubben.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University, KU - University of Copenhagen, AgroIntelli, Økologisk VKST, Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug, SEGES. ROWCROP – Højere udbytter med rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder. (2018) {Tool} Cultivation in rows – Weed control in spring cereal grains. [Rækkedyrkning – Ukrudtsbekæmpelse i vårsæd.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University, KU - University of Copenhagen, AgroIntelli, Økologisk VKST, Barritskov Land- og Skovbrug, SEGES. ROWCROP – Højere udbytter med rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder. (2018) {Tool} Row crop cultivation - Cover crop nitrogen fixation and effect on yield. [RÆKKEDYRKNING - EFTERAFGRØDENS KVÆLSTOFFIKSERING OG EFFEKT PÅ UDBYTTE.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018) {Tool} Row crop cultivation - Perennial crops, tolerance and regrowth. [RÆKKEDYRKNING EFTERAFGRØDE - TOLERANCE OG GENVÆKST.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018) {Tool} Row crop cultivation - Row cleaning of the stubble. [RÆKKEDYRKNING - RADRENSNING AF STUBBEN.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018) {Tool} Row crop cultivation - Sowing time for cover crops. [RÆKKEDYRKNING - SÅTID FOR EFTERAFGRØDER.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018) {Tool} Row crop cultivation - Weed control in spring cereals. [RÆKKEDYRKNING - UKRUDTSBEKÆMPELSE I VÅRSÆD.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018) {Tool} Rete Semi Rurali community seed bank (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed videos, no. 5. (2020) {Tool} Conservation varieties in Italy (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 38. (2020) {Tool} Farm saved seed: what are the rules? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 37. (2020) {Tool} How to set up a community seed bank (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 51. (2020) {Tool} How to produce seed of heterogeneous populations of inbred cereals (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 52. (2020) {Tool} Control of the parasitic weed Dodder in buckwheat or lentil cultivation through intercropping with linseed in Central Italy - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo; Ponzini, Daniela and Salva, Michele. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 5. (2024) {Tool} Ecosystem approach to fisheries - Monitoring and review (FAO e-Learning Academy Course). Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2024) {Tool} Climate change adaptation and mitigation in fisheries and aquaculture (FAO e-Learning Academy Course). [Anpassung und Eindämmung des Klimawandels in Fischerei und Aquakultur (FAO e-Learning Academy Course).] Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2020) {Tool} Climate-smart fisheries and aquaculture (FAO e-Learning Academy Course). Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2020) {Tool} Rinderpest Disease Recognition (FAO e-Learning Academy Course). [Erkennung der Rinderpestkrankheit.] Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2020) {Tool} Climate-smart livestock production (FAO e-Learning Academy Course). [Production animale intelligente face au climat (FAO e-Learning Academy Course).] Creator(s): Petracchi, Cristina. Issuing Organisation(s): FAO elearning Academy. (2018) {Tool} Earthworms: architects of fertile soils (FiBL Technical Guide). Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Technical guide. (2022) {Tool} Perennial flower strips – a tool for improving pest control in fruit orchards. Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas; Laurent, Jamar; Cahenzli, Fabian; Maren, Korsgaard; Weronika, Swiergiel and Lene, Sigsgaard. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2018) {Tool} Wild bees and pollination. [Wildbienen und Bestäubung.] Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas and Müller, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FIBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2016) {Tool} Organic agriculture and biodiversity. [Landwirtschaft und Biodiversität.] Creator(s): Pfiffner, Lukas and Stöckli, Sibylle. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Planting fodder hedges – The basics. [Futterhecken anlegen – Grundlagen für den Einstieg.] Creator(s): Pfister, Christian and Schoop, Johanna. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2024) {Tool} Designing pasture subdivisions for practical management of hogs. Creator(s): Pietrosemoli, Silvana and Green, James T.. Issuing Organisation(s): CEFS - Center for Environmental Farming Systems. (2015) {Tool} Agronomical practices to reduce the risk of Rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) occurrence in organic fruit production (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Piotrowski, Wojciech and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 021. (2022) {Tool} Novel pheromone delivery system to reduce codling moth (Cydia pomonella L.) damage in organic pome fruit orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Piotrowski, Wojciech and Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 010. (2022) {Tool} Cover crop management and termination. Creator(s): Plumer, Mike and Berger, Steve. Issuing Organisation(s): SARE - Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education. (2014) {Tool} The use of strawberries as living mulch in organic orchards and vineyards (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Polverigiani, Serena; Zucchini, Matteo; Murri, Giorgio; Neri, Davide and Marchionni, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche. DOMINO Practice Abstract. (2019) {Tool} Late winter pruning to prevent spring frost damage and maintain the freshness of the grapes/delay ripening. Creator(s): Poni, Stefano and Caffot, Céline. Issuing Organisation(s): Vinidea. (2023) {Tool} SEMINBIO®: Innovative seeder for weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Ponzio, Carlo; Saia, Sergio and Torriani, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): Con Marche Bio, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 022. (2018) {Tool} Sunflower oil cake (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Porietti, Lavinia. Issuing Organisation(s): AIAB - Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 028. (2020) {Tool} Online determination tool for pests. [Online-Bestimmungshilfe für Schaderreger.] Creator(s): Preissel, Sara; Kühne, Stefan and Adler, Cornel. Issuing Organisation(s): BLE - Federal Office for Agriculture and Food. (2017) {Tool} Feeding silage to organic weaning piglets: diarrhoea, gastric health and growth (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Hushållningssällskapet. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Establishing forage turnips in the pasture for gestating sows (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Hushållningssällskapet. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Feeding silage to pigs with an automatic straw distributor (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena and Löfquist, Ingela. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Hushållningssällskapet. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Phase feeding for growing and finishing pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Presto Åkerfeldt, Magdalena. Issuing Organisation(s): SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 015. (2020) {Tool} Farm branding: Selling your products through storytelling. [Farm Branding: Verkaufen Sie Ihr Produkte durch Geschichte.] Creator(s): Prial, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): NCAT - National Center for Appropriate Technology. (2021) {Tool} The consumption of farmed and organic fish in italy. [Il consumo di pesce allevato e Biologico in Italia.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2018) {Tool} Organic aquaculture - Weaknesses and opportunities in the sector. [Acquacoltura Biologica - Debolezze ed opportunita del settore.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2017) {Tool} Linseed supplementation for improvement of colostrum quality (Practice abstract ProYoungStock). [Suplementacja krów mlecznych siemieniem lnianym w celu poprawy właściwości immunologicznych siary.] Creator(s): Puppel, Kamila; Sakowski, Tomasz; Grodkowski,, Grzegorz and Klopčič, Marija. Issuing Organisation(s): Institute of Genetics and Animal Biotechnology Polish Academy of Sciences, Poland. Practice abstract ProYoungStock. (2021) {Tool} Inter-row cultivation for mechanical weed control in winter oilseed rape. Creator(s): PURE. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. {Tool} Results an lessons learnt from field vegetables activity - cabbage. Creator(s): PURE. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. {Tool} Weed harrowing in spring cereals. Creator(s): PURE. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. {Tool} Modification/change of sowing date in winter wheat. Creator(s): PURE, .. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. (2015) {Tool} Results and lessons learnt from wheat-based cropping system activity. Creator(s): PURE, .. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. {Tool} Advanced system in wheat: Combination of agronomical levels: The French experiment. Creator(s): PURE, Arvalais – France. Issuing Organisation(s): PURE. {Tool} Recommendations for Vitamin B2 supplements in organic slow-growing broilers (RELACS Practice abstract). [Aanbevelingen voor vitamine B2 supple-mentatie in biologische traaggroeiende vleeskuikens (RELACS Practice abstract).] Creator(s): Quander-Stoll, Nele and Leiber, Florian. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 06. (2021) {Tool} Feeding faba bean to poultry in practice. Creator(s): Quendt, Ulrich. Issuing Organisation(s): LLH - Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen. Legumes Translated practice notes, no. 24. (2021) {Tool} Feeding pea to poultry. Creator(s): Quendt, Ulrich and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): LLH - Landesbetrieb Landwirtschaft Hessen. Legumes Translated practice notes, no. 20. (2021) {Tool} Pecking enrichment for broiler chickens (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Quirin, Lisa; Knoblauch, Wiebke and Louton, Helen. Issuing Organisation(s): Universität Rostock. (2024) {Tool} Values and benefits of organic seeds (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Raaijmakers, Maaike. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 22. (2020) {Tool} The difference between certified organic seed and “untreated” conventional seed (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Raaijmakers, Maaike and van Diemen, Marcel. Issuing Organisation(s): Vitalis, Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 21. (2020) {Tool} Apiculture and honey crops as a diversification of income and crops in small farms (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Bienenzucht und Honiganbau als Diversifizierung von Einkommen und Anbauprodukten in kleinen landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Radzikowski, Pawel; Stalenga, Jarosław; Trugly, Bence and Bennet, Callum. Issuing Organisation(s): IUGN - Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, LEAF - Linking Environment and Farming. (2022) {Tool} Interplay©: a support tool to help novice farmers choose cereal-legume intercrops - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Raoux, Fanny and Alletto, Lionel. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 3. (2024) {Tool} Nitrogen budget calculator. A tool to calculate N-budgets in organic forage systems. [Stickstoff-SaldoRechner Berechnung von N-Salden im ökologischen Feldfutterbau.] Creator(s): Reckling, Moritz; Stein-Bachinger, Karin and Bachinger, Johann. Issuing Organisation(s): ZALF - Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research. (2013) {Tool} Nitrogen efficiency of organic fertilisers (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reimer, Marie and Möller, Kurt. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, University of Hohenheim. (2022) {Tool} NutriGadget - Farm gate nutrient budgets for organic farming (Relacs Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reimer, Marie; Oelofse, Myles; Bünemann, Else; Magid, Jakob and Möller, Kurt. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University of Hohenheim, KU - University of Copenhagen. Relacs Practice Abstract, no. 03. (2020) {Tool} Management strategies for the Brown Marmorated Stink Bug (BMSB) (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reinbacher, Lara and Boutry, Clémence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 060. (2023) {Tool} Evaluation of the processing method on the bioactive compounds level in the apple juice (ProOrg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): REMBIAŁKOWSKA, EWA; Hallman, E.; Kazimierczak, Renata; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Baranski, Marcin; Kaniewska-Skoczylas, A. and Misztal, Karolina. Issuing Organisation(s): Warsaw University of Life Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2020) {Tool} Success stories on organic seed production & breeding. Creator(s): Rey, Frederic; Bruszik, Ágnes; Moretti, Maddalena; Petitti, Matteo; de Buck, Abco; Meyer, Katharina and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, LBI - Louis Bolk Institute, IFOAM Organics Europe, UBIOS - Union Bio Semences, Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Booklets, no. 3. (2020) {Tool} Innovative techniques for seed treatments compatible with organic farming. [Techniques innovantes de traitements des semences compatibles avec l'AB.] Creator(s): REY, Frederic. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, ACTA - Les Instituts Techniques Agricoles. (2009) {Tool} Pig genetics for sustainable and quality pork production (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Hernández, Pablo; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano and Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente. Issuing Organisation(s): Universidad de Córdoba. (2024) {Tool} Silage as bulk feed for pigs with restricted feeding (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). [El ensilaje como ración de volumen para cerdos con alimentación restringida.] Creator(s): Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Rodríguez-Hernández, Pablo; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano and Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente. Issuing Organisation(s): ECOVALIA - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Whey for fattening organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Suero para cerdos de engorde en ecológico.] Creator(s): Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel and Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 035. (2020) {Tool} Tools for defining a fair price and strengthening crop diversification value chains (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Définir un « prix juste » dans un contexte de diversification des cultures : critères et outils de réflexion au sein des filières (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Riera, Anton and Antier, Clémentine. Issuing Organisation(s): SYTRA - Transition of food systems, Université catholique de Louvain. (2022) {Tool} Detecting heat damages in processed soya bean with NIR (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021) {Tool} Using near-infrared tools to monitor heat damage in soya bean products (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Guide for assessing the protein quality in soya feed products (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 005. (2020) {Tool} Guide for farms to plan small scale soya bean processing equipment (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net-Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 029. (2020) {Tool} Recommendations for using soya-based feedstuffs in pig husbandry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. Practice Abstract, no. 027. (2020) {Tool} Toasting soybeans for feeding laying hens (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). [Legehennenfütterung: Soja toasten.] Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} On-farm soy processing – toasting soy for pig fattening (OK-Net EcoFeed video). [Sojatoasten für die Schweinefütterung.] Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Processing of soybeans - Methods and tips (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). [Verarbeitung von Sojabohnen - Verfahren und Tipps.] Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Unprocessed soya beans low in trypsin inhibitors in organic pig fattening diets (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rittler, Leopold; Raser, Helmut; Puntigam, Reinhard and Slama, Julia. Issuing Organisation(s): Donau Soja. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract, no. 025. (2020) {Tool} Successful organic micro-market gardening: what you need to know. Creator(s): Rivière, Simon; Capliez, M.; Bell, A.; Sautereau, N. and Conseil, Mathieu. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2024) {Tool} Calorespirometry – A phenotyping tool to assess pea germination efficiency under different temperatures (LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rodrigues, Lénia; Nogales, Amaia; Hansen, Lee; Santos, Fatima; Groot, Steven P.C.; Rato, Ana Elisa and Cardoso, Helia. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Évora. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 34. (2020) {Tool} List of weeds traditionally used to feed pigs. [Listado de plantas silvestres usadas tradicionalmente para alimentar a los cerdos.] Creator(s): Rodríguez-Estévez, V.; López-Tirado, J.; Sanz-Fernández, S.; Reyes-Palomo, C. and Díaz-Gaona, C.. Issuing Organisation(s): ECOVALIA - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. (2020) {Tool} Traditional raw materials, alternative products and by-products for organic pig feeding. [Materias primas tradicionales, productos alternativos y subproductos para la alimentación del porcino ecológico.] Creator(s): Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Rodríguez-Hernández, P; López-Tirado, J.; Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel and Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano. Issuing Organisation(s): Universidad de Córdoba. (2020) {Tool} Acorns for fattening free-range pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Bellotas para el engorde de cerdos en extensivo.] Creator(s): Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano; Sanz-Fernández, Santos; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina and Sánchez-Rodríguez, Manuel. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 033. (2020) {Tool} Brewer’s yeast for organic pigs (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Levadura de cerveza para cerdos ecológicos.] Creator(s): Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente; Reyes-Palomo, Carolina; Sanz-Fernández, Santos and Díaz-Gaona, Cipriano. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico, Universidad de Córdoba. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 034. (2020) {Tool} Farm system evaluated: pig farm in Centre region of France. [Cas concret : élevage porcin en région centre.] Creator(s): Roinard, Antoine; Mouchard, Thierry; Valory, Agathe; Lubac, Stanislas and Mazenc, Jean-Marie. Issuing Organisation(s): SECALIBIO - Sécuriser les Systèmes Alimentaires en Production de Monogastriques Biologiques. (2020) {Tool} Using local raw material for broiler feed in organic farming. [Valorisation de matières premières locales pour l’alimentation des poulets en agriculture biologique.] Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine; Bordeaux, Célia; Lubac, Stanislas; Brachet, Mathilde; German, Karine and Juin, Hervé. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire, IBB - Initiative Bio Bretagne, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. Journal Tema, no. 40. (2016) {Tool} 100 % organic feedstuffs for laying hens (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine and Desaint, Brieuc. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Alternatives to soya bean for fattening broilers (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine and Desaint, Brieuc. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Rotational grazing for organic pregnant sows to replace protein components (OK-Net Ecofeed Video). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine; Maupertius, F.; Gain, C. and Pierre, P.. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire, IDELE - Institute De L'elevage. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2020) {Tool} Rotating pasture for pregnant sows (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract. (2019) {Tool} Towards 100 % organic diets for poultry. [Vers une alimentation 100 % AB en agriculture biologique.] Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine; Bordeaux, Célia and Lubac, Stanislas. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015) {Tool} Outdoor breeding of organic sows: a complete technical guide. [L’élevage des truies biologiques en plein-air : un guide technique complet pour accompagner les éleveurs.] Creator(s): Roinsard, Antoine; Maupertius, Florence; Dubois, Aude; Olivier, Denis and Rodríguez-Estévez, Vicente. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2020) {Tool} Organic heterogeneous material - A new marketing regime for diversified seed populations. Creator(s): Rolin, Benoît; Pautrat, Adèle; Debuyst, Olivier and Guillemant, Fiona. Issuing Organisation(s): Seeds4All, Artemisia AISBL, Mojo Agency. (2023) {Tool} Parasites in calves and youngstock on pasture. [Parasitter hos kalve og ungdyr på græs - mød en af vores inspirationsbedrifter.] Creator(s): Rosager Duve, Linda and Bertelsen, Maja. Issuing Organisation(s): ICOEL - Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. (2024) {Tool} Sort Out Your Soil: A practical guide to green manures. Creator(s): Rosenfeld, Anton and Rayns, Francis. Issuing Organisation(s): Cotswold Seeds Ltd., Garden Organic. {Tool} Feeding strategies for laying hens in free-range systems with pasture. [Fütterungsstrategien für Legehennen in Haltungssystemen mit Grünbewuchs im Auslauf.] Creator(s): Roth, Franz Xaver. Issuing Organisation(s): TUM - Technische Universität München. (2005) {Tool} Decision support systems to optimise the efficacy of novel copper alternatives (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Perazzolli, Michele and Treutwein, Jonas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Fondazione Edmund Mach. (2022) {Tool} Pasture – First grazing of cattle on the pasture. [Weide – Erstaustrieb, Familie Heiden.] Creator(s): Scheucher, Agnes and Gadermaier, Jakob. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2020) {Tool} Experiments on the cultivation and feeding of nettles (OK-Net EcoFeed video). [Versuche zum Anbau und zur Fütterung von Brennnesseln.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias. Issuing Organisation(s): V.Ö.P. - Verbund Ökologische Praxisforschung. OK-Net Ecofeed Video. (2021) {Tool} Nettle cultivation for feeding poultry (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Brennnesselanbau zur Fütterung von Hühnern.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias and Lindner, Christopher. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. Practice Abstract OK-Net Ecofeed. (2021) {Tool} Nettles for feeding (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Versuche zur Fütterung von Legehennen mit Brennnesseln.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias; Lindner, Christopher and Neumaier, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract. (2021) {Tool} Varieties of clover in poultry ranges: feed value and feeding preference (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Kleesorten im Hühnerauslauf: Versuch zum Futterwert und zur Präferenz der Hennen.] Creator(s): Schmelzer, Elias; Lindner, Christopher and Nieland, Corinna. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract. (2021) {Tool} Liquorice extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Schmitt, Annegret; Hermann, Sophie and Treutwein, Jonas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, Julius Kühn-Institut. (2022) {Tool} Free stalls for horn-bearing dairy cows - Recommendations for dimensioning and design. [Laufställe für horntragende Milchkühe - Empfehlungen für die Dimensionierung und Gestaltung.] Creator(s): Schneider, Claudia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, FiBL Deutschland, FiBL Österreich, Bioland Beratung. (2022) {Tool} Separation and weaning of calves reared in cow-calf contact systems (ProYoungStock - Practice abstract). [Trennen und Absetzen von Kälbern in der kuhgebundenen Aufzucht.] Creator(s): Schneider, Claudia; Bieber, Anna; Spengler Neff, Anet and Ivemeyer, Silvia. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Use of a robot to feed roughage, improving welfare of broilers. [Grovfoderrobot øger velfærden hos økologiske slagtekyllinger.] Creator(s): SEGES. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018) {Tool} SortInfo. Creator(s): SEGES, SEGES. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2023) {Tool} Growing Spelt and Ensuring a Market (Cerere Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sellars, Anna. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. CERERE Practice abstract. (2018) {Tool} Crop management for underutilised/minor grains (Cerere Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sellars, Anna and Marriage, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Organic Research Centre. CERERE Practice Abstract. (2018) {Tool} Intercropping wheat and pea for on-farm pasta production - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Seremesic, Srdjan; Vujić, Svetlana and Vojnov, Bojan. Issuing Organisation(s): UNSFA, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 7. (2024) {Tool} Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity. Creator(s): Serpolay, Estelle; Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella and CHABLE, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 1. (2018) {Tool} Introducing maize, bean and courgettes into the diet of foraging pigs (OK-Net EcoFeed Video). Creator(s): Sheard, Carl; Lausell, S.; Lubac, Stanislas and Coulombel, Aude. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. OK-Net EcoFeed slideshow. (2019) {Tool} Visual soil assessment: field guide for cropping. Creator(s): Shepherd, Graham. Issuing Organisation(s): Landcare Research. (2000) {Tool} Comparison of organic cereal varieties - trial synthesis, triticale, spelt, winter barley, spring wheat, durum wheat, 2019. [Comparaison de variétés des céréales en agriculture biologique - synthèse des essais, triticale, épeautre, orge d'hiver, blé de printemps, blé dur 2019.] Creator(s): Sicard, H; Fontaine, Laurence and du CHEYRON, P.. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2019) {Tool} Cereal varieties in organic agriculture - memento winter soft wheat 2019. [Variétés des céréales en agriculture biologique - mémento blé tendre d'hiver 2019.] Creator(s): Sicard, H; Fontaine, Laurence; du CHEYRON, P. and Méléard, B. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, ARVALIS - Institut du végétal. (2019) {Tool} RotAB Weed toolbox. [La Boite A Outils RotAB («BAO RotAB»), module Adventices 1.0.] Creator(s): Sicard, H; Gainche, J and Fontaine, L. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2013) {Tool} Soil and climate. [Boden und Klima.] Creator(s): Skinner, Colin; Steffens, Markus; Lori, Martina; Bongiorno, Giulia; Klaiss, Matthias; Arncken, Christine; Dierauer, Hansueli; Bünemann, Else K.; Müller, Adrian; Niggli, Urs; Gattinger, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Krauss, Maike; Fliessbach, Andreas and Krause, Hans-Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 44. (2020) {Tool} Organic Research Centre Podcasts. Creator(s): Smith, Vicky. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2021) {Tool} Soy with less anti-nutritional factors excellent for yields and rations. [Soia con meno antinutrizionali ottima per rese e nelle razioni.] Creator(s): Snidaro, Mariolino and Danelon, Imerio. Issuing Organisation(s): CRPA - Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali. L'Informatore Agrario, no. 19. (2019) {Tool} The State of Organic Seed in Europe. Creator(s): Solfanelli, Francesco; OZTURK, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Orsini, Stefano; Petitti, Matteo; Ortolani, Livia; Schäfer, Freya and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Rete Semi Rurali, ORC - Organic Research Centre. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 2. (2021) {Tool} Avoid drift onto organic parcels. [Abdrift auf Bioparzellen vermeiden.] Creator(s): Speiser, Bernhard and Kretzschmar, Ursula. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Calf feeding and rearing of feeder calves. [Engraissement des veaux et élevage des remontes d’engraissement.] Creator(s): Spengler Neff, Anet; Eppenstein, Rennie; Lerch, Manuela; Schneider, Claudia; Bigler, Martin; Haeni, Robert; Hurni, Beatrice; Knösel, Mechthild; Müller, Christian; Müller, Dorothee; Schmid, Rochus; Sperling, Urs; Streiff, Ricco; Till, Heinrich and Wälle, Andi. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Bio Suisse, Demeter. (2022) {Tool} Milk production testing in herds with cow-based calf rearing. [Milchleistungsprüfung in Herden mit kuhgebundener Kälberaufzucht.] Creator(s): Spengler Neff, Anet; Schneider, Claudia and Bieber, Anna. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Mother-bonded and fostered calf rearing in dairy farming. [Mutter- und ammengebundene Kälberaufzucht in der Milchviehhaltung.] Creator(s): Spengler Neff, Anet; Schneider, Claudia; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Bigler, Martin; Bindel, Barbara; Haeni, Robert; Hurni, Beatrice; Knösel, Mechthild; Löffler, Thomas; Lutke Schipholt, Herman; Maier, Alexandra; Mika, Peter; Müller, Christian; Müller, Dorothee; Oswald, Hans; Ott, Martin; Rist, Michael; Schmid, Rochus; Sperling, Urs; Streiff, Ricco; Wälle, Andi; Maeschli, Ariane and Lipka, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} The use of legumes - Nature-compatible cultivation practices. [Leguminosen nutzen - Naturverträgliche Anbaumethoden aus der Praxis.] Creator(s): Spiegel, Ann-Kathrin; Gronle, Annkathrin; Arncken, Christine; Bernhardt, Theresa; Heß, Jürgen; Schmack, Julia; Schmid, Janina; Spory, Kerstin and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter. Issuing Organisation(s): BfN - Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. (2014) {Tool} Increasing crop diversification with flower strips to improve natural pest control and pollination (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Dywersyfikacja upraw poprzez pasy kwietne, w celu poprawy naturalnej kontroli szkodników i efektywności zapylania (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Stalenga, Jarosław; Radzikowski, Pawel and Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): IUGN - Institute of Soil Science and Plant Cultivation, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Silage feeding for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, S.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2019) {Tool} Dual-purpose poultry genotypes in organic and low-input outdoor farms (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024) {Tool} Lactic acid bacteria supplements for organic broilers (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna and Engberg, Ricarda M.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Clover-grass protein by bio-refining: nutrient composition and shelf life (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Engberg, Ricarda M. and Ambye-Jensen, Morten. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Clover-grass protein by bio-refining - Nutrient composition and shelf life (OK-Net Ecofeed video). [Kløvergræsprotein ved bioraffinering: næringsstofsammensætning og holdbarhed.] Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Engberg, Ricarda M.; Dietemann, Lauren and Dilling, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University, ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} Adding lactic acid bacteria via maize silage or to drinking water in organic broilers (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Mathiesen, Camila and Jakobsen, Malene. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021) {Tool} Foraging of broilers in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2019) {Tool} Green protein from locally grown crops (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Ambye-Jensen, Morten and Lübeck, Mette. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. Ok-Net-Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 013. (2020) {Tool} Production of soybean seeds (Legumes Translated Video). [Saatgutvermehrung von Sojabohnen (Legumes Translated Video).] Creator(s): Stefan, Paul and Recknagel, Jürgen. Issuing Organisation(s): LTZ - Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg, Deutscher Sojaförderring. Legumes Translated video. (2021) {Tool} Breeding mason bees - strengthening pollination in fruit crops. [Mauerbienen züchten - Bestäubung in Obstkulturen stärken.] Creator(s): Stefani, Patrick; Häseli, Andreas; Gurten, Sabrina; Weidmann, Gilles and Moosmann, Simona. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Vitamin E supplementation - revised recommendations for organic dairy cow production (RELACS practice abstract). Creator(s): Steinshamn, Håvard. Issuing Organisation(s): NIBIO - Norwegian Institute of Bioeconomy Research. (2022) {Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Estonia (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 039. (2022) {Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Latvia (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 038. (2022) {Tool} Apple varieties suitable for organic cultivation in Lithuania (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 040. (2022) {Tool} Cherry varieties suitable for organic cultivation in the Baltic region (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Strazdins, Gints. Issuing Organisation(s): Association of Latvian Organic Agriculture. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 076. (2022) {Tool} Manual for conversion checks. Creator(s): Stubsgaard, Anke and Hermansen, Sven. Issuing Organisation(s): ICOEL - Innovation Centre for Organic Farming. (2025) {Tool} Plant protection in organic farming. [Ochrona roślin w rolnictwie ekologicznym.] Creator(s): Studzińska, Beata. Issuing Organisation(s): Ekogwarancja PTRE. (2008) {Tool} Protein extraction from forage legumes (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. (2022) {Tool} Special cereal species. [Besondere Getreidearten.] Creator(s): Surböck, Andreas; Engleder, Petra and Himmelfreundpointner, Elisabeth. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Spelt in organic farming. [Dinkel im Bio-Landbau.] Creator(s): Surböck, Andreas; Fischl, Martin and Pölz, Andrea. Issuing Organisation(s): LFI - Ländliches Fortbildungsinstitut Österreich, FiBL Österreich. (2022) {Tool} Mycorrhizal fungi – How to produce your own bio-fertilizer (SolACE Practice abstract). Creator(s): Symanczik, Sarah. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. SolACE Practice abstract. (2019) {Tool} Biofertilisers. Creator(s): Symnaczik, Sarah; Mäder, Paul and Romano, Ida. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Resistant varieties for fruit growers - Malidae group. [Ellenálló fajták gyümölcstermesztők részére – Almatermésűek.] Creator(s): Szani, Zsolt and Papp, Orsolya. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2014) {Tool} Foster cows and calves in co-grazing systems in Norway (CORE Organic Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sørheim, Kristin and Johanssen, Juni Rosann E.. Issuing Organisation(s): NORSØK - Norwegian Centre of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} Hair cortisol – a practical method for measuring chronic stress in cattle? (CORE Organic Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Sørheim, Kristin; Wenker, Margret L. and Cao, Yanran. Issuing Organisation(s): NORSØK - Norwegian Centre of Organic Agriculture. (2021) {Tool} SmartSOIL Tool. Creator(s): Taghizadeh-Toosi, Arezoo. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. (2015) {Tool} Mechanical weed control in soybeans (Legumes Translated Video). [Mechanische Beikrautregulierung in Soja.] Creator(s): Taifun-Tofu, Taifun. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Combine harvesting soybeans properly (Legumes Translated Video). [Soja richtig dreschen.] Creator(s): Taifun-Tofu, Taifun and Soja, LZ. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Inoculation of soya seed (Legumes Translated Video). [Impfung von Sojasaatgut.] Creator(s): Taifun-Tofu, Taifun and Soja, LZ. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Soy cultivation for tofu (Legumes Translated Video). [Sojaanbau für Tofu.] Creator(s): Taifun-Tofu, Taifun and Soja, LZ. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Organic Small Grain Production. Creator(s): Tallman, Susan. Issuing Organisation(s): Southern Regional Extension Forestry. (2011) {Tool} Larch extract as an alternative to reduce copper use in grapevines (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Tamm, Lucius and Schärer, Hans-Jakob. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe. (2022) {Tool} Monitoring and mass trapping of cherry fruit flies (Rhagoletis cerasi and R. cingulata) in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 071. (2022) {Tool} Cover crops in soil nutrient management in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Rośliny okrywowe w zarządzaniu glebą i składnikami odżywczymi w sadach ekologicznych (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata; Malusa, Eligio and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. (2023) {Tool} Intercropping in orchards as innovative practice of soil management (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Uprawy współrzędne w sadach – innowacyjny sposób zarządzania glebą (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata; Malusa, Eligio and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. (2023) {Tool} Monitoring of major pests of the organic orchard (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Metody monitorowania szkodników w ekologicznym sadzie jabłoniowym (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Tartanus, Małgorzata; Malusa, Eligio and Alföldi, Thomas. Issuing Organisation(s): IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research. (2023) {Tool} Farmer Field Schools – Using peer-to-peer advisory to reduce antibiotic inputs and to improve animal health and welfare (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Tavares, Olivia; Walkenhorst, Michael and Experton, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 01. (2018) {Tool} Increasing awareness of soil microbial ecosystem services (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Mikrobiellen Ökosystemdienstleistungen mehr Beachtung schenken (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Tebbe, Christoph and Liu, Bei. Issuing Organisation(s): Thünen-Institut. (2020) {Tool} Infloweb. Creator(s): Terres, Inovia. Issuing Organisation(s): Terres Inovia. (2017) {Tool} How to assess weed biodiversity: exploiting weeds' functionality in greenhouses (GreenResilient video). Creator(s): Testani, Elena and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. GreenResilient video. (2021) {Tool} BIOFRUITNET podcast (five episodes). Creator(s): Thanner, Sophie. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Plants and planting designs for organic poultry ranges. [Beplantning i økologiske hønsegårde.] Creator(s): Thejsen, Jens. Issuing Organisation(s): Økologisk Landsforening (Danish Organic National Association). OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2015) {Tool} Animal welfare - Goats: Organic dairy goats on pasture. [Tierwohl Ziege Bio-Milchziegen auf der Weide.] Creator(s): Thut, Theresa and Klüglein, Arno. Issuing Organisation(s): Bio Austria. (2019) {Tool} Oregon Tilth Webinars. Creator(s): Tilth, Oregon. Issuing Organisation(s): Oregon Tilth. Oregon Tilth 2017 WEBINAR SERIES. (2017) {Tool} Species mixtures for lentil production in Germany (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Timaeus, Johannes. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Kassel, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 6. (2020) {Tool} How to set a pitfall trap to assess spiders and predatory beetles (Greenresilient Video). Creator(s): Tittarelli, Fabio and Kemper, Laura. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2019) {Tool} Sowing of soybeans (Legumes Translated Video). [Aussaat von Sojabohnen.] Creator(s): Tofu GmbH, Taifun and Soja, LZ. Issuing Organisation(s): Taifun-Tofu, LZ Soja. Legumes Translated video. (2020) {Tool} Description of biological control agents and agroenvironmental measures for plant protection. Creator(s): Tomalak, Marek. Issuing Organisation(s): AgEngPol - Agroengineering for sustainable agriculture, industry and rural areas. (2009) {Tool} Transition to organic production. Creator(s): Transition to organic production, Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada. Issuing Organisation(s): OACC - Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Dalhousie University. {Tool} Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract). Creator(s): Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga; Rossing, Walter; Migliore, Melania; Himanen, Sari; Debode, Jane; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Campanelli, Gabriele and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Copper reduction strategies in tomato production (RELACS Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Copper reduction strategies in viticulture (RELACS Practice abstract). Creator(s): Trugly, Bence. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. RELACS Practice abstract, no. 05. (2021) {Tool} Late blight on potatoes in organic farming - prognosis (Öko-SIMPHYT). [Kraut- und Knollenfäule an Kartoffeln im ökologischen Anbau – Prognose (Öko-SIMPHYT).] Creator(s): Tschöpe, Beate; Kleinhenz, Benno; Keil, Sven and Zellner, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): ISIP - Informationssystem Integrierte Pflanzenproduktion e.V.. (2010) {Tool} Inter-row cultivation - Mechanical control of weeds in soybean crops. Creator(s): Tubić, Svetlana Balešević; Miladinović, Jegor; Đorđević, Vuk; Miladinov, Zlatica and Vasiljević, Marjana. Issuing Organisation(s): IFVCNS - Institute of Field and Vegetable Crops Novi Sad. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 2. (2020) {Tool} Agricultural biodiversity: Meaning and role for the producer. [Γεωργική βιοποικιλότητα - Σημασία & ρόλος για τον παραγωγό.] Creator(s): Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Εκπαιδευτικό εγχειρίδιο, no. 2. (2016) {Tool} Bio-étagères – Virtual "shelves". [Bio-étagères – Etagères virtuelles.] Creator(s): Valleix, Sophie and Ribeiro, Esméralda. Issuing Organisation(s): ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised in Organic Farming. (2021) {Tool} Biobase - the most important french document archive specialised in organic farming. [Biobase – La plus importante base de données documentaire spécialisée en agriculture biologique.] Creator(s): Valleix, Sophie and Ribeiro, Esméralda. Issuing Organisation(s): ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised in Organic Farming. (2021) {Tool} Biopresse – monthly French bibliographic review on organic agriculture. [Biopresse – une revue bibliographique mensuelle sur l’agriculture biologique.] Creator(s): Valleix, Sophie and Ribeiro, Esméralda. Issuing Organisation(s): ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised in Organic Farming. (2021) {Tool} Thematic newsletters from Abiodoc. [Infolettres thématiques – newsletters mensuelles sur une thématique précise.] Creator(s): Valleix, Sophie and Ribeiro, Esméralda. Issuing Organisation(s): ABioDoc - French Documentation Centre specialised in Organic Farming. (2021) {Tool} Designing strip intercropping systems (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Ontwerp van strokenteelt (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Norén, Isabella Selin; Ditzler, Lenora and Rossing, Walter. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Good agricultural practice in irrigation management. [Buenas prácticas agrícolas en la gestión del riego.] Creator(s): van den Berge, Paul. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2020) {Tool} Blue mussels as feedstuff (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 022. (2020) {Tool} Seaweed as feed supplement (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2020) {Tool} Starfish as feedstuff (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 016. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) {Tool} DiverIMPACTs Toolbox. [DiverIMPACTs Toolbox.] Creator(s): VandeWalle, Aline. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2022) {Tool} Increasing feed production using legume and cereal mixtures as a second crop (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Augmenter la production de fourrage avec les mélanges légumineuses-céréales en seconde culture (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Vandewalle, Aline; Guibert, Stéphanie; Thiechard, Marion; Guérin, Fabien and Ahnemann, Hauke. Issuing Organisation(s): Chambres d’agriculture Pays de la Loire. (2021) {Tool} Mobile farrowing huts for sows and piglets (PPILOW Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vanggaard, Staldmontage (ApS) and Lene Juul, Pedersen. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. (2024) {Tool} Use interstems to improve apricot tree health (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek and Kaplan, Jiří. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 107. (2023) {Tool} Monitoring, prevention and control of plum moth (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Falta, Vladan and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 073. (2023) {Tool} Strategy to control Peach Leaf Curl damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Falta, Vladan and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 069. (2023) {Tool} Characteristics of organic sweet cherry rootstocks (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří and Jan, Tomáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 080. (2022) {Tool} Suitable European plum cultivars for organic orchards establishment (Biofruitnet Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří and Jan, Tomáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 077. (2022) {Tool} Strategy to control Plum Pox Virus damage (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Schlesingerová, Gabriela and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 067. (2023) {Tool} Strategy to control Little Cherry Disease (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Kaplan, Jiří; Valentová, Lucie and Maryška, Lukáš. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 068. (2023) {Tool} How to apply mycorrhizal fungi in fruit growing (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Stryhalová, Gabriela and Kaplan, Jiří. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 106. (2022) {Tool} Introducing predatory mites into fruit orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vávra, Radek; Stryhalová, Gabriela; Kaplan, Jiří and Novotná, Martina. Issuing Organisation(s): VSUO - Research and Breeding Institute of Pomology Holovousy. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 103. (2022) {Tool} GrazyDaiSy - Organic dairy cattle grazing on different sites in Baden-Württemberg: results and recommendations for action from a practical research project. [GrazyDaiSy - Bio-Milchviehweidehaltung auf unterschiedlichen Standorten in Baden-Württemberg: Ergebnisse und Handlungsempfehlungen aus einem Praxisforschungsprojekt.] Creator(s): Velasco, Elizabeth; Perdana-Decker, Sari; Werner, Jessica; Dickhoefer, Uta; Egle, Bettina and Binder, Sören. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Hohenheim, Demeter e.V., Bioland Beratung. Merkblatt. (2022) {Tool} Control methods against the whitefly Dialeurodes citri in organic citrus (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 105. (2023) {Tool} Biological control against the new invasive Mealy-bug Delottococcus aberiae (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 092. (2022) {Tool} Breeding natural enemies – successful farmers´ experiences (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 089. (2022) {Tool} Control methods in organic citrus against the new invasive Mealybug Delottococcus aberiae (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 104. (2022) {Tool} Cover crops for pest control in Mediterranean citrus orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 094. (2022) {Tool} Functional biodiversity: Mediterranean plants to improve natural enemies in organic citrus (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vercher Aznar, Rosa. Issuing Organisation(s): Ecovalia - Asociación Valor Ecológico. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 083. (2022) {Tool} On-farm production and application of compost tea. Creator(s): Verrastro, Vincenzo and Admane, Naouel. Issuing Organisation(s): CIHEAM Bari - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari. (2023) {Tool} Plant protection in organic vegetable production. [Pflanzenschutz im Biogemüsebau.] Creator(s): Vieweger, Anja; Hauenstein, Samuel and Koller, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2023) {Tool} Building successful value chains for diversified cropping systems, using Hodmedods as an example (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Aufbau erfolgreicher Wertschöpfungsketten für diversifizierte Anbausysteme am Beispiel der Hodmedods (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Villa, Abel; Meldrum, Josiah; Bliss, Katie and Dumper-Pollard, Rowan. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) {Tool} Tools to integrate organoleptic quality criteria into breeding programs. Creator(s): VINDRAS, Camille; Sinoir, N.; Coulombel, A.; Taupier-Létage, Bruno and REY, Frederic. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood technical booklets. (2018) {Tool} Downy mildew management in organic viticulture. Creator(s): Visintini, Oliviero. Issuing Organisation(s): FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica, AIAB - Associazone Italiana Agricultura Biologica, Associazione per l'Agricoltura Biodinamica, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2018) {Tool} Strategic guide - Short Food Supply Chains (SFSCs). Creator(s): Vittersø, Gunnar; Borgen, S.O.; Majewski, Edward; Malak-Rawlikowska, Agata and Tocco, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): Oslomet – Oslo Metropolitan University. (2021) {Tool} Litter for broilers (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vogt, Lukas and Vogt-Kaute, Werner. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2024) {Tool} Focus on the amino acid content of energy feedstuff components (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). [Fokus auf den Aminosäuregehalt von Energiefuttermittelbestandteilen.] Creator(s): Vogt-Kaute, Werner and Schmelzer, Elias. Issuing Organisation(s): Öko-Beratungsgesellschaft, Bioland Beratung. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 036. (2020) {Tool} Slow-growing broiler breeds (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Vogt-Kaute, Werner and Vogt, Lukas. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2024) {Tool} Roughage for organic laying hens. [Økologisk grovfoder til høns.] Creator(s): Volmar, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): Økologisk Landsforening (Danish Organic National Association). (2009) {Tool} Inoculation of soybean seed – inoculation for an efficient nitrogen supply. Creator(s): von Beesten, Fabian; Miersch, Martin and Recknagel, Jürgen. Issuing Organisation(s): Deutscher Sojaförderring. Legumes Translated Practice Note, no. 1. (2019) {Tool} Smart drying of organic food products (SusOrgPlus Practice abstract). Creator(s): von Gersdorff, Gardis; Sturm, Barbara; Esper, Albert and Bantle, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Kassel, Innotech Ingenieursgesellschaft, SINTEF. SusOrgPlus Practice abstract. (2020) {Tool} Nematodes as suitable indicators for soil health (Greenresilient Factsheet). [Nematoden zijn geschikt als indicatoren ter bepaling van de gezondheid van de bodem.] Creator(s): Waeyenberge, Lieven; Viaene, Nicole and Willekens, Koen. Issuing Organisation(s): ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food. Greenresilient Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Cow based calf rearing as a strategy to reduce antimicrobial use in dairy production (ROADMAP Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Roadmap Practice Abstracts. (2023) {Tool} Phytotherapy – A strategy to reduce antimicrobials use (ROADMAP practice abstract). Creator(s): Walkenhorst, Michael; Helbing, Manuela and Oehen, Bernadette. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. ROADMAP practice abstract. (2023) {Tool} EBENE application for poultry welfare self-assessment by farmers. Creator(s): Warin, Laura; Bouvarel, Isabelle; Mika, Amandine; Thys, Mirjan; Graat, Evelien; Courboulay, Valérie; Meunier-Salaün, Marie-Christine; Stomp, Mathilde; Leruste, Hélène; Guesdon, Vanessa; Collin, Anne; Giersberg, Mona; Rodenburg, Bas and Tuyttens, Frank. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAVI - Institut Technique de l'Aviculture, ILVO - Flanders Research Institute for Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, IFIP - Institut du Porc, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, JUNIA, Utrecht University. (2018) {Tool} Nest boxes for birds are powerful tools in organic orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Warlop, Francois. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 030. (2022) {Tool} Monitoring of functional biodiversity in organic orchards. [Monitoring der funktionalen Biodiversität in ökologischen Obstanlagen.] Creator(s): Warlop, Francois; D'Yvoire, Caroline; Świergiel, Weronika; Sigsgaard, Lene and Porcel, Mario. Issuing Organisation(s): KU - University of Copenhagen, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Laimburg Research Centre, SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, IO-PIB - National Institute of Horticultural Research, JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2019) {Tool} Handbook for designing & managing Agroforestry mixing fruits & vegetables. [Concevoir et conduire un verger-maraîcher. Guide pratique à l'usage des porteurs de projet.] Creator(s): WARLOP, FRANCOIS and Fourrié, Laetitia. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2017) {Tool} Agroforestry system: combined cultivation of fruit and vegetables (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Système agroforestier: culture combinée de fruits et de légumes (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): WARLOP, FRANCOIS and Gaspari, Chloe. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (2022) {Tool} Codling moth prevention: Preserve antagonists in organic apple and pear orchards (BIOFRUITNET Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Warlop, Francois and Kienzle, Jutta. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. Biofruitnet Practice Abstract, no. 014. (2022) {Tool} Increasing functional biodiversity in the orchard with hedges, nesting boxes and flower strips (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Augmenter la biodiversité fonctionnelle dans le verger avec des haies, des nichoirs et des bandes fleuries (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): WARLOP, FRANCOIS and Lambion, Jérôme. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique. (2022) {Tool} Choosing fruit trees for agroforestry. Creator(s): WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Paut, Raphaël and Volant, Anthony. Issuing Organisation(s): GRAB - Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, RMT AgroforesterieS. (2024) {Tool} Intercropping grain-legumes and cereals for improved protein concentration in the cereal (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Watson, Christine; Dordas, Christos and Pankou, Chrysanthi. Issuing Organisation(s): SRUC - Scotland's Rural College, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 1. (2020) {Tool} A guide to nutrient budgeting on organic farms. Creator(s): Watson, Christine; Topp, Cairistiona F E and Stockdale, Elizabeth. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. IOTA Results of Organic Research: Technical Leaflet, no. 6. (2010) {Tool} Naturland app for farmers and advisers. [Naturland app für Landwirte und Berater.] Creator(s): Weiss, J.. Issuing Organisation(s): Naturland. (2020) {Tool} Sustainably controlling pasture parasites in sheep and goats. [Weideparasiten bei Schafen und Ziegen nachhaltig kontrollieren.] Creator(s): Werne, Steffen and Heckendorn, Felix. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2019) {Tool} Using a partner crop in maize for weed suppression (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Gebruik van een partnergewas in mais tegen de onkruiddruk (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Wesselink, Marie and Smit, Elsbet. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022) {Tool} Nutrient digestibility in poultry (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Whistance, Lindsay. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstracts, no. 014. (2020) {Tool} Weed control in organic farming through mechanical solutions. Creator(s): Wilhelm, Birgit and Hensel, Oliver. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Kassel. (2011) {Tool} Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different fertilization strategies (SureVeg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Willekens, Koen; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Bracke, Jolien; Quataert, Paul; Barbry, Joran; Trinchera, Alessandra; Campanelli, Gabriele; Migliore, Melania; Debode, Jane; Lepse, Līga; Dane, Sandra; Himanen, Sari; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Rossing, Walter; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022) {Tool} How to improve organic seed production for carrots and cauliflower (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Winter, Eva and Kummer, Carmen. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 42. (2020) {Tool} Must sowing density of intercropping be half of the two sole crops density for providing good performance? (ReMIX Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Zachmann, Julian; Munz, Sebastian; Rémi, Vezy and Søren, Lund. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Hohenheim, Cirad - La recherche agronomique pour le développement, Roskilde University, IFOAM Organics Europe. ReMIX Practice abstracts, no. 4. (2020) {Tool} Inducing moulting in organic hens. [Mauser auslösen bei Biohennen.] Creator(s): Zeltner, Esther. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL-Merkblatt. (2020) {Tool} The southern green shield bug (Nezara viridula). [Grüne Reiswanze (Nezara viridula).] Creator(s): Zimmermann, Olaf; Reißig, Anna; Wendland, Sebastian and Dieckhoff, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): LTZ - Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg, JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, PIK - Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung. (2022) {Tool} The brown marmorated stink bug (Halyomorpha halys). [Marmorierte Baumwanze (Halyomorpha halys).] Creator(s): Zimmermann, Olaf; Reißig, Anne; Dickhoff, Christine and Lutsch, Björn. Issuing Organisation(s): LTZ - Landwirtschaftliches Technologiezentrum Augustenberg, JKI - Julius Kühn-Institut, PIK - Potsdam-Institut für Klimafolgenforschung. (2022) {Tool} Agri-food industry by-products and functional additives for pig feeding (mEATquality Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Łodyga, Dagmara; Zaworska-Zakrzewska, Anita; Kasprowicz-Potocka, Małgorzata and Sell-Kubiak, Ewa. Issuing Organisation(s): PULS - Poznan University of Life Sciences. (2024) This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 00:43:22 2025 CET. |