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Row crop cultivation - Perennial crops, tolerance and regrowth

{Tool} Row crop cultivation - Perennial crops, tolerance and regrowth. [RÆKKEDYRKNING EFTERAFGRØDE - TOLERANCE OG GENVÆKST.] Creator(s): Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger. Issuing Organisation(s): SEGES. (2018)

[thumbnail of Row-crop-cultivation_Perennial-crops_Tolerance-regrowth-Seges.pdf] PDF - Published Version - Danish/Dansk
[thumbnail of 2023-09-28 12_21_42-Organic-Farm-Knowledge-Tool-description-form.docx - Word.png]
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Document available online at: https://orgprints.org/id/eprint/34288/2/R%C3%A6kkedyrkning%20efterafgr%C3%B8de%20-%20tolerance%20og%20genv%C3%A6kst.pdf

Summary in the original language of the document

Species tolerance to traffic in the field - The ability of cover crops to tolerate mechanical damage during the harvesting process is important for the benefits of cover crops in row crop system. There are large differences in the tolerance of cover crop species to mechanical damage by field traffic at harvest (table 1). Some species (e.g. vetch and oilseed rape) are heavily by a single pass and are therefore only relevant to only relevant to work with where the need for overdriving during and after harvest is very limited. In contrast, grasses, lance plantain and chicory are much more suitable for the row cropping system as they suffer limited damage from over-driving, and even some of some of the species even show increased growth after over-driving.

Summary translation

Arternes tolerance over for trafik i marken - Efterafgrødernes evne til at tolerere mekanisk skade under høstprocessen er vigtig for at opnå efterafgrødens fordele i rækkedyrkningssystemet. Der er store forskelle i efterafgrødearters tolerance for mekanisk skade ved kørsel i marken ved høst (tabel 1). Nogle arter (bl.a. vikke og raps) skades stærkt af en enkelt overkørsel og er derfor kun relevante at arbejde med, hvor behovet for overkørsel i og efter høst er meget begrænset. Derimod er græsser, lancet vejbred og cikorie meget mere egnede til rækkedyrkningssystemet, da de lider begrænset skade ved overkørsel, og der endda for nogle af arterne ses øget vækst efter overkørsel.

EPrint Type:Practice tool
Teaser:Learn about tolerance of cover crop species to mechanical damage by field traffic at harvest.
What problem does the tool address?:Row crop cultivation of cereals and cover crops requires cover crop species that can tolerate driving during the harvest of the main crop and that do not have regrowth in the following crop.
What solution does the tool offer?:Cover crops sown in the main crop, either at the same time as or later, e.g. in a row crop, will in connection with harvest be chopped off and there will be traffic. Recent experiments have shown that not all species handle this treatment equally well.
Type of Practice Tool:Practice abstracts
Keywords:cover plants, intercropping
Agrovoc keywords:
cover plants
Subjects: Crop husbandry
Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Research affiliation: Denmark > SEGES
European Union > Organic Farm Knowledge
Related Links:https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/51725, https://organic-farmknowledge.org/tool/51723, https://www.facebook.com/organicfarmknowledge/posts/pfbid02SVh4nmyCHG4SCPfftGpncTX6SmFSuizJJkWkfcuzQLNV8YZWaVQ5ZCKbqdK1GGs9l, https://x.com/farm_knowledge/status/1833845557720236190
Project ID:OFK
Deposited By: Rüger, Madelaine Lea
ID Code:51725
Deposited On:10 Jan 2024 08:22
Last Modified:11 Sep 2024 12:31
Document Language:Danish/Dansk

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