Browse eprints by TypeNumber of eprints: 836. AAarnoudse, J.J. (2022) inconvenient truth : the impact of Nutri-Score and Eco-Score labels on consumers’ evaluations of the healthfulness and environmental impact of organic food products. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Abadie, Jean Claude (2008) La nature ordinaire face aux pressions humaines : le cas des plantes communes. Méthodes de suivis et évaluation de l'impact des activités humaines. [The unreserved matrix facing human threats: a case study on common wild flora. Monitoring methods and assessment of human impacts.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Abeler, Anne (2010) Lösungsansätze für die Bildung eines deutschlandweiten CSA-Netzwerkes. [An Approach to the Development of a pan-Germany CSA-network.] Bachelorarbeit (B.Sc. Oecotrophologie) thesis, Fachhochschule Münster , Oecotrophologie. . [Submitted] Abt, Hansjörg (2010) Technische und wirtschaftliche Effizienz in der Rindviehmast - Analyse und Weiterentwicklung der aktuellen Schweizer Verfahren unter Verwendung eines praxisorientierten Kennzahlensystems. Thesis, SHL Zollikofen , Agrarwirtschaft. . [Completed] Acosta-Alba (2010) Quelles valeurs de référence pour l'analyse de la durabilité environnementale des systèmes de production animale ? Méthode de détermination et application aux exploitations laitières de Bretagne. [Which references values for sustainability analysis of animal production ? Metodology of determination and application to milk production in Brittany.] PhD thesis. Editions de Geosciences Rennes. [Unpublished] Acosta-Alba, Ivonne (2010) Quelles valeurs de référence pour l'analyse de la durabilité environnementale des systèmes de production animale? Méthode de détermination et application aux exploitations laitières de Bretagne. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Adelais Boulata, Kyriaki (2020) Root growth in different soil depths and sap flow of barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and pea (Pisum sativum L.) under drought. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed] Adelhart Toorop, Roos De and Gosselink, Kawire (2013) Analysis of positive deviants among organic dairy farmers in The Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Adler, Steffen A. (2003) Research Design and Communication in Production System Experiments - A Multiple-Case Study in the Nordic Countries. Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences. . [Unpublished] Aertsens, Joris (2011) ORGANIC FOOD AS AN EMERGING MARKET: PERSONAL DETERMINANTS OF CONSUMPTION, SUPPLY GOVERNANCE AND RETAIL STRATEGIES. PhD thesis, Ghent University , Department of Agricultural Economics. Doctoral Thesis. Ghent University.. , Gent (Belgium). Affrait, Laura (2020) Amélioration de la durabilité des systèmes maraîchers biologiques sous abris : le projet Greenresilient. Thesis, Groupe de Recherche en Agriculture Biologique(GRAB) . HAL. Aguiar, Jozeneida Lúcia Pimenta de (1993) Análise da eficiência técnica em zonas agroecológicas brasileiras. [Analysis of technical efficiency in Brazilian agro-ecological zones.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . . Ahmed, Abdel Munem (2005) Attitudes towards organic foods among consumers from the Mediterranean Arabic countries living in Italy. [L’attitude à l’égard des aliments biologiques des consommateurs originaires des pays arabes méditerranéens résidents en Italie.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 407. . [Unpublished] Al-Fraih, Abdulrahman M.E.A. (2015) Effect of soil amendments and root containment on nematode populations in organic greenhouse tomatoes in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] ALBAKRI, Mamoun (2004) RAPD markers for the characterization of the olive fruit fly parasitoid Opius concolor (Spzel.) used in biological control programs. [Marqueurs RAPD pour la caractérisation de l’Opius concolor (Spzel.) le parasitoïde de la mouche de l’olivier utilisé dans les programmes de lutte biologique.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 348. . [Unpublished] Allaart, J. (2003) Natuurlijke geneesmiddelen in de biologische varkenshouderij : het testen van een holistisch behandelplan tegen speendiarree. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Allmendinger, Hartmut (2001) Konzept und Durchführung einer Verbraucherbefragung für ein biologisch wirtschaftendes Saatgutunternehmen. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Pflanzenbau und Fachgebiet Betriebswirtschaftslehre und Landeskultur. . [Unpublished] Almeida, Gustavo Fonseca de (2008) Agricultura familiar: estratégias produtivas de base ecológica e aplicação de princípios da agroecologia. [Small farmers: productive strategies on ecological basis and application of the principles of agroecology.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de São Carlos , Centro de Ciências Agrárias. , Araras. Almuhanna, M. (2014) Unconventional risks in free-range meats: legal perspectives and economic performance. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2000) Helhedsorienteret forskning i jordbruget - bidrag til systemisk metodik og etik: En undersøgelse af forholdet mellem videnskab og værdier med særlig reference til økologisk jordbrug. [Wholeness-oriented research in agriculture - contributions to systemic methodology and ethics: An inquiry into the relation between science and values with particular regard to organic agriculture.] Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University and the Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming . . AMADORI, C. (2014) Agregação e proteção física da matéria orgânica em Latossolo Vermelho sob plantas de cobertura de inverno e sistemas de preparo do solo em experimento de longa duração. [Aggregation and physical protection of organic matter in Oxisol under winter cover crops and soil tillage systems in a long-term experiment.] Masters thesis, Federal University of Technology - Paraná , Post-Graduate Program in Agronomy. , Pato Branco, Brazil. Amorim, Míria de (2003) A homeopatia na prevenção das doenças de origem ambiental por agrotóxicos: um estudo de caso com engenheiros agrônomos e técnicos agrícolas. [The homeopathy related to environmental diseases due to agrochemicals: case study with agricultural engineers and technicians.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro . . [Unpublished] Amossé, Camille (2013) Analyse expérimentale de l'effet de couverts de légumineuses associés en relais à un blé d'hiver, conduit en agriculture biologique, sur les performances des cultures, la maîtrise des adventices et la dynamique de l'azote. [Experimental analysis of the effect of relay intercropped legume cover crops with winter wheat, in organic crop rotations, on crop performance, weed control and nitrogen dynamic.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Amprako, Jessica L. (2016) Optimisation of herb dryers: Case study on the drying process for three hop farms in Strassbourg, France. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Andersen, Mette Klindt (2005) Competition and complementarity in annual intercrops - the role of plant available nutrients. Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Copenhagen, Denmark , Department of Soil Science. Samfundslitteraur Grafik, Frederiksberg, Copenhagen. Andersen, Jakob Wulff and Svendsen, Mads Rømer (2014) Redesign af Insektfælde til Biologisk Skadedyrsbekæmpelse. Bachelor thesis, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet , Design & Innovation. Bachelorrapport. . [Completed] Andrea, Emiliozzi; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) STUDY OF SOME PRETREATMENTS FOR OPTIMIZING THE DEHYDRATION OF BIOLOGICAL CARROTS. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished] Anecho, Stephen (2015) CONSUMER CHARACTERISTICS AND PREFERENCES FOR ORGANIC PRODUCTS IN KAMPALA, UGANDA. Masters thesis, Makerere University . . [Submitted] Anglade, Juliette (2015) Agriculture biologique et qualité des ressources en eau dans le bassin de la Seine : caractérisation des pratiques et applications territorialisées. [Organic farming and water quality in the Seine watershed : characterization of agricultural practices and territorialized applications.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Anzalone, Guilhem (2012) LES ÉCONOMIES POLITIQUES DE L'AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE Production et commercialisation de la viande bovine biologique en France. [The political economies of organic farming. Production and commercialization of organic beef meat in France.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Araújo, J.C. (2008) Avaliação de cultivares de feijão (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) para o sistema orgânico de produção. [Evaluation of cultivars of beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to the organic management of production.] Masters thesis, Universidade de São Paulo , Produção Vegetal. . ARSLAN, Kılıç Fehmi and Karaca, Ahmet Ali (2009) A SURVEY OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURAL SECTOR IN THE WORLD IN COMPARISON WITH THE EUROPEAN UNION AND TURKEY PRACTICES. Masters thesis, MARMARA UNİVERSİTESİ , AVRUPA BİRLİĞİ ENSTİTÜSÜ . . [Completed] Arslan, Zübeyde Filiz and Uygur, F.Nezihi (2011) Domates üretiminde sorun olan yabancı otlara karşı organik tarıma uygun bazı mücadele yöntemlerinin araştırılması. [Research on some methods approprıate for organic farming on weed species in tomato cultivation.] PhD thesis, Çukurova Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü , Bitki Koruma Anabilim Dalı. . [Unpublished] Aschemann, Jessica (2002) Ökologischer Landbau und Umweltstandards aus Sicht der Entwicklungsländer: Handelshemmnisse und Handelschancen. [Organic agriculture and environmental standards from the viewpoint of developing countries: Trade restraints and chances for trade.] Thesis, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen , Institut für Agrarpolitik und Marktforschung, Professur für Agrar- und Entwicklungspolitik. . [Unpublished] ASLAN, Burcay (2011) Effect of vetch wheat mixture and broccoli as preceding crops on organic summer vegetables: on farm trial in western Turkey. Masters thesis, Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo di Bari . . [Completed] Assis, Renato Linhares de (2002) Agroecologia no Brasil: análise do processo de difusão e perspectivas. [Agroecology in Brazil: analysis of diffusion process and perspectives.] PhD thesis, UNICAMP , Instituto de Economia. , Campinas. [Unpublished] Assis, Renato Linhares de (1993) Diagnóstico da agricultura orgânica no estado do Rio de Janeiro e propostas para sua difusão. [Diagnosis of organic agriculture in the state of Rio de Janeiro and proposals for its diffusion.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro . . Aude, Erik (2004) The effects of nutrients and disturbance on dry grass-dominated vegetation. Thesis, National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of the Environment , Department of Wildlife Biology and Biodiversity. . Autret, Bénédicte (2017) Quantification and modelling of carbon and nitrogen fate in alternative cropping systems experiments on the long term. [Quantification et modélisation du devenir du carbone et de l'azote de systèmes de culture alternatifs en situation expérimentale de longue durée.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Ayoub, Mohamed (2002) Study on the introduction of organic tomato greenhouse in Massa plain, Agadir, South Morocco. Thesis, Mediterranean agronomic institute of bari , Organic Agriculture. . [Unpublished] Ayoub, Dr. Mohamed (2003) Agronomic performances of self-reseeding legumes on alkaline soil under Mediterranean climate. [Les pérformances agronomiques des légumineuses auto-régéneratrices sur un sol alcalin sous le clima Méditerranéen.] Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari, Italy , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. Collection CIHEAM, no. 300. . Ayukawa, Marcia Lei (2005) Limites e possibilidades do ensino de agroecologia: um estudo de caso sobre o currículo do curso técnico agrícola da Escola Agrotécnica federal de Rio do Sul/SC. [The limits and the possibilities in the Agricultural Technician Course's education in Agroecology of the Federal Agricultural Technician School, Santa Catarina, Brazil.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Faculdade de Ciencias Economicas. , Porto Alegre. Ayukawa, Marcia Lie (2005) Limites e possibilidades do ensino de agroecologia: um estudo de caso sobre o currículo do curso técnico agrícola da escola agrotécnica federal do Rio do Sul/SC. [Limits and possibilities of teaching agroecology: a case study on course curriculum agricultural technical school agrotechnical Federal do Rio do Sul/SC.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul , Faculdade de Ciências Econômicas. , Porto Alegre. AZIM, Khalid (2005) The nematicidal and the fertilizing effect of argan, castro and neem cake on cucurbits (cucumber and melon) grown under greenhouse in Agadir region (South of Morocco). [L’effet nématicide et fertilisant des tourteaux d’argan, ricin et neem sur les cucurbitacées (concombre et melon) cultivées sous serre dans la région d’Agadir (sud du Maroc).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 406. . [Unpublished] BBaars, Ton (2002) Reconciling scientific approaches for organic farming research: Part I- Reflection on research methods in organic grassland and animal production at the Louis Bolk Institute, The Netherlands. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut , Department of Livestock production. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G38. Louis Bolk Instituut. Baars, Ton (2002) Reconciling scientific approaches for organic farming research: Part II - Effects of manure types and white clover (Trifolium repens) cultivars on the productivity of grass-clover mixtures grown on a humid sandy soil. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut , Department of livestock Production. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G38. Louis Bolk Instituut. Bakker, T. (2009) autonomous robot for weed control : design, navigation and control. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Baray, Jérôme (2012) Localisation commerciale multiple: une application du traitement du signal et du modèle p-médian au développement d'un réseau de magasins de produits biologiques. [Optimization of commercial locations : an application of signal processing and p-median model.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Barbieri, Pietro (2018) Can the availability of mineral nutrient be an obstacle to the development of organic agriculture at the global scale ? [La disponibilité en éléments minéraux pourrait-elle contraindre le développement de l'Agriculture Biologique à l'échelle mondiale ?] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Barbosa, Jaqueline Soares (2004) Agroecologia e gênero: a construção de um "Novo Horizonte" em Araponga - MG. [Agroecology and gender: building a "New Horizon" em Araponga - MG.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Vicosa . Universidade Federal de Vicosa, Vicosa. Bardaine, Clémence (2020) La fabrique des paysages et des savoir-faire agroforestiers dans le bassin francilien : acteurs, processus et projets. [The making of landscapes and agroforestry know-how in the Ile-de-France Basin : Actors, processes and projects.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Barré, Kévin (2017) Mesurer et compenser l’impact de l’éolien sur la biodiversité en milieu agricole. [Measure and offset the impact of wind power on biodiversity in agricultural areas.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Bashirat, O.O. (2012) Feasibility study on the import of fresh organic coconut from Nigeria to Germany : a case study of BioTropic import company, Germany. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Basset-Mens, Claudine (2005) Propositions pour une adaptation de l'Analyse de Cycle de Vie aux systèmes de production agricole. Mise en œuvre pour l'évaluation environnementale de la production porcine. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Bäthge, Juliane (2015) Ökologischer Landbau: Beitrag oder Bedrohung für die Welternährung? Analyse der Argumentationsstruktur. [Organic farming: Contribution or thread for the global food supply? Discourse analysis.] Masters thesis, Universität Rostock, Universität Göttingen . . [Submitted] Bayiha, Gérard De La Paix (2020) Développement de l'agriculture biologique au Cameroun : une analyse par l'approche des transitions sociotechniques. [Development of organic agriculture in Cameroon: an analysis using the sociotechnical transition approach.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Beban-France, Alice (2008) Organic agriculture: an empowering development strategy for small-scale farmers? A Cambodian case study. Thesis, Massey University, Aotearoa New Zealand , Institute of Development Studies. . [Unpublished] Bec, Hélène (2018) L’allaitement maternel du veau laitier. Masters thesis, ProYoungStock, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA) . , Saint-Genès-Champanelle. [Completed] Beek, R. Van (2009) herkenbaarheid van Nederlandse wijn : een onderzoek naar de herkenbaarheid van Nederlandse wijn en de beïnvloeding hiervan door visuele toevoegingen en zoektaken. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Beji, Sadreddine (2003) Effet de la fertilisation organique à base de farine de poisson sur 3 types de tomates conduite selon le mode biologique. [Effect of organic fertilization based on fish meal on 3 varieties of tomato in organic farming.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 329. . [Unpublished] Beland, Rémy (2013) Développement d'un biocapteur couplant la résonance des plasmons de surface et la microcalorimétrie pour le suivi des interactions moléculaires à l'interface liquide/solide. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Belaubre, Pascal (2003) Conception et réalisation d'un microsystème robotisé de dépôt de liquide biologiques par microleviers en silicium pour l'élaboration de biopuces. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Bellora, Cecilia (2014) International trade in agriculture: land use changes, biodiversity and environmental sustainability. [Echanges internationaux en agriculture : changements d'utilisation des sols, biodiversité et durabilité environnementale.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Belluz, Mathilde (2018) L’élevage des veaux laitiers par des vaches adultes, une technique innovante en élevage biologique. [The rearing of dairy calves by adult cows, an innovative technique in organic farming.] Masters thesis, INRA , ASTER. . Belmin, Raphael (2016) Construction de la qualité de la clémentine de Corse sous Indication Géographique Protégée. Analyse des pratiques agricoles et du système sociotechnique. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Belmin, Raphael (2016) Construction de la qualité de la clémentine de Corse sous Indication Géographique Protégée. Analyse des pratiques agricoles et du système sociotechnique. [Construction of quality of Corsican Clementine in a Protected Geographical Indication. Analysis of agricultural practices and sociotechnical system.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] BEN MOSBAH, Amira (2005) Presence of predators and parasitoids of Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. (Lepidoptera : Tortricidae) in the Mediterranean vineyard. [Présence des prédateurs et parasitoïdes de Lobesia botrana Den. & Schiff. (Lépidoptères: Tortricidés) dans le vignoble méditerranéen.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 409. . [Unpublished] Bendjebbar, Pauline (2018) Vers un modèle bio africain? : trajectoires comparées d’institutionnalisation de l’agriculture biologique au Bénin et en Ouganda. [Towards an african organic model ? : compared trajectory of institutionalization of organic agriculture in Benin and in Uganda.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Benner, Jana Tabea (2021) Einfluss der Tränkemenge auf die Gewichtsentwicklung und Gesundheit von weiblichen Aufzuchtkälbern. Master-Projektarbeit thesis, Universität Kassel, FB 11, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung . Projektarbeit. . [Completed] Benoit, Marie (2014) Les fuites d'azote en grandes cultures céréalières : Lixiviation et émissions atmosphériques dans des systèmes biologiques et conventionnels du bassin de la Seine (France). [Nitrogen losses in arable cropping systems : nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions in organic and conventional systems in the Seine basin (France).] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Benoit, Marie (2014) Les fuites d'azote en grandes cultures céréalières: Lixiviation et émissions atmosphériques dans les systèmes biolgoiques et conventionnels du bassin de la Seine (France). [Nitrogen losses in arable cropping systems: Nitrate leaching and nitrous oxide emissions in organic and conventional systems in the Seine basin (France).] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Bernard, Marion (2019) La cryptosporidiose chez les veaux élevés sous nourrices en élevages laitiers biologiques. [Cryptosporidiosis in calves reared by nurses in organic dairy herds.] Masters thesis, ONIRIS INRA , BIOEPAR. . Bertelsen, Maja (2023) Comparing Cow-Calf Contact Systems. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal and Veterinary Sciences. . Bertholtz, Erik (2015) Klippträda istället för svartträda – Icke-kemisk kvickrotsbekämpning i växande gröda. [Cut fallow as replacement for black fallow - Non chemical couch grass control in growing crops.] Magisterarbete thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciene, S-Uppsala . . [Completed] Bertholtz, Erik (2013) Inokulummängdens betydelse för utveckling av vetets stråbasröta orsakad Fusarium graminearum – Utvärdering av ett biotest. [The significance of the amount of inoculum for the development of fusarium foot rot of wheat caused by Fusarium graminearum.] Bachelor thesis thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Forest Mycology and Plant Pathology. Självständigt arbete i biologi - kandidatarbete. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Beste, Andrea (2003) Weiterentwicklung und Erprobung der Spatendiagnose als Feldmethode zur Bestimmung ökologisch wichtiger Gefügeeigenschaften landwirtschaftlich genutzter Böden [Further Development and Improvement of Spade Diagnosis as Field Method for the Evaluation of Ecological Significant Structure Parameters of Soils under Agricultural Management]. Thesis, Justus-von-Liebig-Universität Gießen , Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung. Schriftenreihe Agrarwissenschaft, no. 11. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Bestman, Monique Willempje Pieternella; Rodenburg, T.B. and Arndt, S.S. (2022) Welfare and health aspects of free ranges for laying hens. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Bichler, Barbara (2006) Die möglichen Bestimmungsgründe der räumlichen Verteilung des ökologischen Landbaus in Deutschland. PhD thesis, Universität Hohenheim , Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre. Logos Verlag, Berlin. Bigot, Céline (2015) Discrimination des fruits issus de l’agriculture biologique par analyse comparative de leurs communautés microbiennes. [Discrimination of organic fruits by comparative analysis of their microbial communities.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Bilen, Emre (2008) Evaluation of pre-crops and fertilization on organic zucchini under Mediterranean conditions: case of Turkey. Masters thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. , Bari, Italy. Blanck, Gaëtan (2013) Utilisation de produits non traditionnels pour le traitement des matériaux de terrassement : impact sur les propriétés géotechniques et bilan environnemental. [Soil treatment with non-traditional additives: impact on geotechnical properties and environmental assessment.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Blomstrand, Berit Marie (2023) The impact of bark extracts from Norway spruce and Scots pine on gastrointestinal parasites in ruminants. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of health and medical sciences . . Blæsbjerg, Laura (2023) Compost quality for cultivation of vegetables. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University Master Thesis. Aarhus University, Aarhus University. Bochard, Nicolas (2018) Effet de halo santé : une explication en termes de fausse attribution affective. [Health halo effect : an explanation in term of affective misattribution.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Boelskifte, Benjamin (2022) Græsbaseret foders indflydelse på kalvesteaks sensoriske opfattelse, ved undersøgelse af sult- og mæthedsfornemmelser samt lyst og liking af sensoriske smagsprofiler. Bachelorproject thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Food Science. . Boesen, Ninna Rieper (2015) Termination of cover crops with reduced tillage methods in organic agriculture. Thesis, University of Copenhagen , Dept. Plant and Environmental Sciences. . Boissinot, François (2009) Comment optimiser l’implantation de couverts de légumineuses fourragères sous culture de blé en agriculture biologique ? Incidence sur la maîtrise des adventices et les performances agronomiques du blé -. [How to optimize a forage legume/winter wheat intercropped system in organic farming? Impact on weed management and wheat yield performances.] Masters thesis, ESA-Angers; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Bomford, Michael K. (2004) Yield, pest density, and tomato flavor effects of companion planting in garden-scale studies incorporating tomato, basil, and Brussels sprout. Thesis, West Virginia University , Plant and Soil Science. . [Unpublished] Boniface, Maxime (2017) Nanoscale evolution of silicon electrodes for Li-ion batteries by low-loss STEM-EELS. [Suivi à l'échelle nanométrique de l'évolution d'une électrode de silicium dans un accumulateur Li-ion par STEM-EELS.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Boreau De Roincé, Catherine (2012) Biodiversité et aménagements fonctionnels en verger de pommiers : Implication des prédateurs généralistes vertébrés et invertébrés dans le contrôle des ravageurs. [Biodiversity and functional spatial structures in apple orchards : Potential of vertebrate and invertebrate generalist predators in pest control.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Boreau De Roince, Catherine (2012) Biodiversité et aménagements fonctionnels en vergers de pommiers: Implication des prédateurs généralistes vertébrés et invertébrés dans le contrôle des ravageurs. [Biodiversity and functional spatial structures in apple orchards : Potential of vertebrate and invertebrate generalist predators in pest control.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Borgen, Anders (2000) Hvedens stinkbrand - en udfordring for principperne for økologisk jordbrug. Thesis, Den Kongelige Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole , Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab. Anders Borgen. Borges, Marlene (2000) A percepção do agricultor familiar sobre o solo e a Agroecologia. [Perception of the family farmer on soil and Agroecology.] Masters thesis, Universidade de Campinas - UNICAMP , Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola - FEAGRI. , Campinas. Borges Filho, Epaminondas Luiz (2005) Da redução de insumos agrícolas à agroecologia: a trajetória das pesquisas com práticas agrícolas mais ecológicas na Embrapa. [Reduction of agricultural inputs to agroecology: the trajectory of research on ecological agricultural practices over at Embrapa.] PhD thesis, UNICAMP , Instituto de Economia. , Campinas. [Unpublished] Borghuis, J.; Marks, I.; Meijer, L. and Zebeda, S. (2005) Jongeren en biologisch voedsel : een onderzoek naar de biologische consument en de jongere consument in het bijzonder. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Borsatto, Ricardo Serra (2007) Agroecologia: um caminho multidimensional para o desenvolvimento agrário do Litoral Paranaense. [Agroecology: a multidimensional way for agricultural development of the Coastal Paranaense.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Paraná , Setor de Ciências Agrárias. , Curitiba. Borum, Anna (2017) The effect of pre-harvest shielding and spraying on yield, scab incidence, phenolic compounds and fruit quality in organic apple production. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Food Science, AU. . [Submitted] Bosse, Antonia (2017) Development and experimental comparison of peat-free potting media for organic horticulture. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Bosseaux, Jessica (2020) Impacts of official quality signs on market value : the case of agrifood products. [Les influences des signes officiels de qualité sur la valeur de marché : Le cas des produits agroalimentaires.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] BOUSSAADE, Latifa (2003) Etude comparative des principaux ravageurs des agrumes et leurs ennemis naturels en vergers bio, sous protection intégrée et conventionnel. [The status of citrus pests and their natural ennemies in organic orchards as compared to conventional and IPM ones conducted in Marrakech (South of Morocco).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 326. . [Unpublished] Bouttes, Maëlys (2018) UNSPECIFIED [Evolution de la vulnérabilité des élevages laitiers permise par leur conversion à l’agriculture biologique.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] BRANKO, Djuric (2003) Bioethology differences between Orius laevigatus and Orius niger (Hemiptera : Anthocoridae) in Mediterranean region. [Différences bioéthologiques entre Orius laevigatus et Orius niger (Hemiptera: Anthocoridae) dans la région méditerranéenne.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 297. . [Unpublished] Brooshooft, S. (2014) Economic optimization of animal welfare in the Dutch broiler sector using the Welfare Quality® assessment protocol for poultry. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Brugger, Margit (2007) Globalização e desenvolvimento: a abordagem agroecológica como uma alternativa para o terceiro mundo. [Globalization and development: the agroecological approach as an alternative to the third world.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina , Centro de Ciências Jurídicas. , Florianópolis. [Unpublished] Brühl, Katharina (2017) Incentives and constraints for the use of organic seeds in organic farming: example of Capsicum annuum seeds in the Netherlands and Spain. Masters thesis, University College Dublin, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Professur für Organischen Landbau, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL Deutschland) . . [Submitted] BTEICH, Marie Reine (2002) Towards a strategy for organic agriculture development in Lebanon. [Vers une stratégie pour le développement de l’agriculture biologique au Liban.] Thesis, IAMB - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 275. . [Unpublished]
Buckham, Lael
An analysis of organic market information in the EU-15. Lessons for the Irish organic sector.
Masters thesis, University of Limerick Bühl, Verena (2021) Die Bedeutung von Individualität in der Biomastschweinehaltung. Wie nutzen unterschiedliche Tiere einer Gruppe den angebotenen Auslauf? Thesis, Zürcher Hochschule für angewandte Wissenschaften ZHAW, Wädenswil . . Bui, Sibylle (2015) Pour une approche territoriale des transitions écologiques. Analyse de la transition vers l’agroécologie dans la Biovallée (1970-2015). [For a territorial approach of ecological transitions. Analysis of an on-going transition towards agroecology in Biovallée (1970-2015).] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Burger, Henriette (2008) Methodenvergleich zur Entwicklung von Maissorten für den Ökologischen Landbau. Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart , Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung, Saatgutforschung und Populationsgenetik. . [Unpublished] Busch, Selina (2021) Classification of non-compliances in the organic certification system of the EU regarding imported products : an analysis of audit reports from the European Commission and the new organic Regulation (EU) 2018/848. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Bussereau, Floriane (2012) Nouvelles approches dans la lutte contre le méligèthe du colza en agriculture biologique : régulation dynamique à l’aide de Vitalsel. Bachelor thesis, HAFL , Agronomie. . [Unpublished] CCaillaud, Caroline (2017) Establishment of three strategies in degraded areas within organic vineyards and relevance on soil behaviour, vine physiology and yield components. EngD thesis, Bordeaux Science Agro . . [Completed] Camara, Camaldine (2015) Caractérisation statistique d’états d’équilibre et de déséquilibre sanitaires à partir de données de production laitière, de reproduction et de démographie en élevages bovins laitiers conventionnels et biologiques. Masters thesis, ONIRIS (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique) , UMR BIOEPAR. . Cappello, Vincenzo (2020) Scale-up of gas-liquid agitated bioreactors Three-dimensional modeling of hydrodynamics, mass transfer and kinetics. [Extrapolation des réacteurs agités gaz-liquide par modélisation tridimensionnelle de l'hydrodynamique, transferts et cinétique.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Gariglio, Marta and Bongiorno, Valentina (2022) The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare in organic chicken production. Masters thesis, UNIVERSITÀ DEGLI STUDI DI TORINO , DIPARTIMENTO DI SCIENZE AGRARIE, FORESTALI E ALIMENTARI. . Caquot, Sophie (2022) The influence of reduced tillage on soil fertility indicators in two long-term organic field experiments. Masters thesis, Research Institute of Organic Farming FiBL . Master Thesis. . Carimentrand, Aurélie (2008) Les enjeux de la certification biologique et équitable du quinoa (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.) du consommateur au producteur. [: Lo que se pone en juego sobre la certificación orgánica y del comercio justo de la quinua (Chenopodium Quinoa Willd.) desde el consumidor hastael productor.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Carter, Mette S. (2005) Production of N2O in grass-clover pastures. Thesis, Risø National Laboratory , Biosystems. . Casagrande, Marion (2008) Early assessment of organic winter wheat performances (yield and grain protein content): a combination of regional agronomic diagnosis, modelling with weed indicators and analysing information sampled by farmers to manage their technical practices. [Evaluation précoce des performances du blé biologique (rendement et teneur en protéines) : une approche combinée de diagnostic agronomique, de modélisation à l'aide d'indicateurs de nuisibilité et d'études des pratiques dans les exploitations agricoles.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] CASALI, C. A. (2012) Sistemas de culturas sob diferentes manejos por longa duração alteram as formas de fósforo do solo? [DO CROP SYSTEMS UNDER DIFFERENT SOIL MANAGEMENT FOR LONG TERM CHANGE SOIL PHOSPHORUS FORMS?] PhD thesis, Federal University of Santa Maria , Post-Graduate Program in Soil Science. , Santa Maria, Brazil. CAVOSKI, Ivana (2004) The effects of compost and compost extract on soil properties and lettuce growth. [Les effets du compost et des extraits de compost sur les propriétés du sol et sur la croissance de la laitue.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 352. . [Unpublished] Célérier, Frédérique (2016) Vins et vignerons biologiques en France, une approche territoriale : les exemples du Bordelais et de la Vallée du Rhône. [A territorial approach of organic wines and winemakers in France : Case studies of the Bordelais and the Rhône Valley.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Cerveira, Ricardo (2002) Agroecologia & desenvolvimento: estudo de caso do Grupo Curupira, Jaboti-PR. [Agroecology & development: case Study Group Curupira, Jaboti-PR.] Masters thesis, Universidade de São Paulo - USP , Departamento de Geografia. , São Paulo. Channaux, Vicky (2021) Suivi d'infestation par les strongles gastro-intestinaux chez les génisses laitières de seconde saison de pâture élevées sous nourrices en première saison de pâturage. [Monitoring of gastrointestinal strongyles infestation in second season dairy heifers reared by nurses in the first grazing season.] Masters thesis, ONIRIS INRAE , BIOEPAR. . CHEHIDI, Hatem (2002) New methodology to design, test and improve organic agroecosystem prototyping under Mediterranean conditions. Case study: application to a pilot farm in the South of Italy. [Nouvelle méthodologie pour concevoir, tester et améliorer le prototyping des agroécosystèmes biologiques dans les conditions méditerranéennes. Cas d’étude: application dans une exploitation pilote en Italie du Sud.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 279. . [Unpublished] Chen, Guanying (2021) Differential effects on water and nitrogen uptake from deep soil layers by increasing crop rooting depth : Case studies on chicory and oilseed rape. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . , Copenhagen. Chepkoech, Caroline; Onwonga, Richard; Wahome, Raphael Githaiga and Henning Høgh, Jensen (2016) EFFECT OF LEGUME INTEGRATION AND APPLICATION OF ORGANIC FERTILIZERS ON SOIL NUTRIENT STATUS AND KALE YIELD IN KABETE, KENYA. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi , Land Resource Management and Agricultural Technology. . Chiara, Di Pietro; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2016) DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTIVE MODELS FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF CARROTS DURING DRYING. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished] Chirinda, N. (2010) Influence of cropping systems on greenhouse gas emissions. PhD thesis, Copenhagen University . . Christensen, Jesper Ørsnes; Bennedsgaard, Torben Werner and Capion, N. (2011) Evaluation of Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3) Used in Footbaths as Treatment and Prevention of Digital Dermatitis in Dairy Cattle. Masters thesis, Aarhus Universitet , Institute of Animal Science. . [Unpublished] Christensen, K.K. (2008) Herbicidet Starane 180S’ effekt på pollenproduktionen hos mælkebøtte og rødkløver - påvirkninger af fødeudbudet i markhegn på konventionelle og økologiske brug. Masters thesis, Københavns Universitet & Danmarks Miljøundersøgelser . . Christian, Dipl.-Ing. Sven (2004) Die Albanische Landwirtschaft - gegenwärtige Situation und Untersuchungen zu Entwicklungschancen des ökologischen Landbaus. [The albanian agriculture - present situation and analysis for the development chances of ecological agriculture.] Thesis, FH-Eberswale , FB Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz. . [Unpublished] Clement, Corentin (2021) Deep water uptake of perennial crops. A case study on intermediate wheatgrass and alfalfa. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. . Clottu, Ophélie (2008) Treatment of equine sarcoid with the mistletoe extract ISCADOR(R) P (viscum album austriacus) : a double-blind placebo controlled study. PhD thesis, Vetsuisse Fakultät der Universität Bern . . Coll, Patrice (2011) Qualité des sols viticoles en Languedoc Roussillon : effets des pratiques. [Vineyard soil quality in Languedoc-Roussillon : effects of agricultural practices.] PhD thesis, Montpellier SupAgro . . [Completed] Concaro, Frederico (2017) Risk assessment in the conversion from conventional to organic production: case studies of the potato and tomato farming in the Netherlands and in Italy? Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Constancis, Caroline (2021) L’élevage des veaux laitiers sous nourrices en agriculture biologique : description des pratiques et étude épidémiologique de la cryptosporidiose et des strongyloses digestives et respiratoires. [Dairy calf rearing with nurse cow in organic farming: description of practices and epidemiological study of cryptosporidiosis and digestive and respiratory strongylosis.] PhD thesis, UMR BIOEPAR INRAE Oniris . . Cormouls-Houles, Mathilde (2018) Underlying factors influencing the technical parameters of organic rabbit farms in France. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Corno, Fabio (2015) INDAGINI SUI COSTITUENTI DI POMODORI SOTTOPOSTI AD ESSICCAMENTO. [Investigation on the constituents of tomatoes subjected to drying.] Masters thesis, University of Milano, Faculty of Science and Technologies . . Corno, Fabio (2015) INDAGINI SUI COSTITUENTI DI POMODORI SOTTOPOSTI AD ESSICCAMENTO. [Investigation on the constituents of tomatoes subjected to drying.] Masters thesis, University of Milano, Faculty of Science and Technologies . . Corrales, Mariana (2017) Analyse d’un réseau territorial pour soutenir la durabilité des exploitations agricoles : rôle de processus collectifs d'innovation. [Analysis of a territorial network to support farms sustainability : role of collective innovation process.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Corsten, Frank (2011) Community-Supported Financing / how transparency on the web promotes good food production. Bachelor of Science thesis, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy . . Cotrim, Décio Souza (2008) Agroecologia, sustentabilidade e os pescadores artesanais: o caso de Tramandaí (RS). [Agroecology, sustainability and artisanal fishers: the case of Tramandaí (RS).] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS . , Porto Alegre. Cretin, Rémi (2009) Implantation d’un couvert de légumineuse fourragère en association avec un blé d’hiver conduit en agriculture biologique en Rhône-Alpes : diagnostic plurifactoriel des effets de l’implantation et d’une fertilisation de printemps sous différentes conditions pédoclimatiques. [Introduction of a legume cover in an organic winter wheat in Rhône-Alpes region (France): multifactorial diagnosis of the effet of this implantation and of a spring fertilization on various soil and climate conditions.] Thesis, University of Lyon; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Cunha, Lize de Moraes Vieira da (2010) Los sistemas integrados de producción agrícola en el desarrollo sostenible dei norte de Minas Gerais, Brasil. [Integrated systems of agricultural production for the sustainable development of the north of Minas Gerais, Brazil.] Masters thesis, Universidad Internacional de Andalúcia - UNIA , Instituto de Sociologia y Estúdios Campesinos - ISEC. . Cuperus, Fogelina (2016) explorative case study on soil micronutrient availability in the province Groningen, The Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Cuya Gavilano, Alvaro Andrés (2018) Contribution à une détermination de la valeur perçue de l’offre biologique par la mesure du consentement à payer : une application au cas du vin. [Contribution to a determination of the organic attribute by the mesure of consumer willingness to pay : the case of Bordeaux wine.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Cuypere, T. De (2018) Impact van vals zaaibed op de zaadbank en veldopkomst van knopkruiden (Galinsoga spp.) en andere zaadonkruiden op biologische groentenpercelen. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] DD'Alessandro, Cecilia (2018) Participatory Guarantee Systems for the development of small-scale organic agriculture: The case of Ogiek honey in Kenya. [Sistemi di garanzia partecipata per lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura biologica su piccola scala: Il caso del miele Ogiek in Kenya.] Masters thesis, Università degli Studi di Firenze , Economics and Management. . [Submitted] Dagnogo, Olefongo (2018) Polymorphisme des gènes Chloroquine Resistance Transporter (crt), dihydrofolate reductase (dhfr) et Kelch13 propeller (K13 propeller) de Plasmodium falciparum dans la salive et les urines chez le sujet atteint de paludisme. [Polymorphism of the Chloroquine Resistance Transporter (Crt), Dihydrofolate Reductase (dhfr) and Kelch13 Propeller (K13 Propeller) Genes of Plasmodium falciparum in Saliva and Urine in Malaria Patients.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Dahlmann-Hansen, Lisbeth (2002) Hestebønnes tidlige rodudvikling ved dyrkning i kamme. [Early root growth in faba bean grown on ridges.] Thesis, Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole , Department of Agricultgural Sciences. KVL. [Unpublished] Daniel, Claudia (2009) Entomopathogenic fungi as a new strategy to control the European cherry fruit fly Rhagoletis cerasi Loew (Diptera: Tephritidae). PhD thesis, Technische Universität München, Freising-Weihenstephan . . DANO, Stefan (2005) The status of Lobesia botrana (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) in Albania and its management with Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki & aizawai. [La présence de Lobesia botrana (Lépidoptère: Tortricidé) en Albanie et la stratégie de lutte basée sur le Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki & aizawai.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 390. . [Unpublished] Datema, Marieke (2021) effect of grass mulch and strip cropping on Phytophthora infections and Colorado Potato Beetle infestation in potato. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Daub, Holger (2003) Zum Wesenhaften der Natur: Versuch einer Annäherung. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Institut für soziokulturelle Studien (ISOS), Fachgebiet Soziale Ökologie. . [Unpublished] De Oliveira, Tatiana (2012) Dynamique des communautés lombriciennes dans les parcelles conduites en Agriculture Biologique. Modélisation de la dynamique des populations d'Aporrectodea caliginosa. [Dynamics of the earthworm communities in organic farming fields. Modeling of the population dynamics of Aporrectodea caliginosa.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Dekker, S.E.M. (2012) Exploring ecological sustainability in the production chain of organic eggs. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Delmotte, Sylvestre (2011) Evaluation participative de scénarios : quelles perspectives pour les systèmes agricoles camarguais ? [Participatory assessment of scenarios: perspectives for agricultural systems in Camargue, South of France.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Delmotte, Sylvestre (2011) Evaluation participative de scénarios : quelles perspectives pour les systèmes agricoles camarguais ? PhD thesis, Montpellier SupAgro . . [Completed] Delobel, Vincent JMM (2014) Les Indomptables: an ethnography of niche novelty production in Walloon agriculture. Masters thesis, Wageningen University , Rural Development Sociology chairgroup. . [Completed] Deneuville, Laurence (2011) Analyse empirique des bénéfices non-économiques de l’agriculture biologique : cas des agriculteurs en PACA. Masters thesis, Université d'Avignon et des Pays de Vaucluse . . [Completed] Dessane, Mr Damien (2003) ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL OLIVE GROVES IN THE MESSARA VALLEY, CRETE, GREECE. [ENERGY EFFICIENCY AND LIFE CYCLE ANALYSIS OF ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL OLIVE GROVES IN THE MESSARA VALLEY, CRETE, GREECE.] Thesis, Wageningen University , Ecological Production Systems. . [Unpublished] Destruel, Marie (2019) Évaluation de l’intégration des élevages en polyculture-polyélevage en agriculture biologique. [Evaluation of the integration in organic multi-species livestock farms.] Masters thesis, INPT ENSAT and INRA . . Dhamala, NR (2017) Nitrogen dynamics in temporary multi-species grasslands. PhD thesis, Aarhus University . . Di Raimondo, Valeria (2019) Qualità del latte di vacche modicane alimentate con tannini. [Quality of milk from modicana cows fed with tannins.] Masters thesis, University of Catania, Italy , Department Di3A, via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy. . [Completed] Diallo, Ibrahima (2019) Potentiels anti-oxydants et anti-inflammatoires de sporophores de Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) sous différentes conditions de culture. [Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory potentials of Lentinula edodes (Shiitake) sporophores under different growing conditions.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Dib, Hazem (2010) Rôle des ennemis naturels dans la lutte biologique contre le puceron cendré, Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Hemiptera aphididae) en vergers de pommiers. [Role of natural enemies in biological pest control against rosy apple aphid (Dysaphis plantaginea) in apple orchards.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] DIMITRIJE, Markovic (2005) Influence of new socio-political forces on land use, and on farm and landscape biodiversity in Bosnia and Herzegovina (study areas: Banja Luka and Derventa). [Influence des nouvelles forces socio-politiques sur l’utilisation des terres, l’exploitation et la biodiversité du paysage en Bosnie-et-Herzégovine (zones d’étude : Banja Luka and Derventa).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 400. . [Unpublished] Domke, Niklas (2020) Glasmehrwegverpackungssysteme für Bio-Brotaufstriche in Deutschland. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE), D-Eberswalde . . [Completed] Donatiello, Dr. Sergio and Fagnano, Dr. Massimo (2005) Tecniche di gestione della fertilità del suolo in una coltura di pomodoro. [SOIL FERTILITY MANAGEMENT IN A TOMATO CROP.] Thesis, Faculty of agriculture - Naples University , agricultural engineering and agronomy. Proceed. Italian Society of Agronomy, no. 36. University of Foggia (Italy). Dong, J. (2014) Country-of-origin effect on consumer’s product preference of labelled organic food. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Döring, Thomas F. (2004) Straw mulch in organically grown potatoes - evaluation and optimisation for virus vector control. PhD thesis, University of Kassel, Germany , Ecological Plant Protection. . [Submitted] Dragieva, Y. (2015) Possible effects of social proof and commitment and consistency on consumption and purchase intention towards organic products. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Drakopoulos, D. (2014) Influence of reduced tillage and organic amendments on an organic potato production system. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin (2004) Optimisation of growing media for organic greenhouse production. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Horticulture. . Drieu, Léa (2017) Fabrication et usages des poteries durant le Néolithique et la Protohistoire en Europe : les apports de l’archéologie biomoléculaire. [Biomolecular investigation of organic substances related to the manufacture and use of Prehistoric and Protohistoric European ceramic vessels.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Driouech, Noureddin (2008) Annual self-reseeding legumes and their application into mediterranean cropping systems. [Légumineuses annuelles d'autoressemis et leur application dans les systèmes culturels méditerranéens.] Thesis, University of Tuscia, Viterbo , Vegetable Production. . Duarte, Edivânia Maria Gourete (2007) Ciclagem de nutrientes por àrvores em sistemas agroflorestais na Mata Atlântica. [Nutrient cycling by trees in agroforestry systems in the Atlantic Forest.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . , Viçosa. Dulley, Richard Domingues (2006) Ambiente e produção agrícola: principais paradigmas. [Environment and agricultural production: major paradigms.] Masters thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Instituto de Filosofia e Ciências Humanas. , Campinas. Dungen, S. Van Den (2007) Peulvruchten en quinoa als krachtvoervervanger in de Nederlandse biologische varkenshouderij. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Dupre, Marie (2018) La transition agroécologique à l'épreuve des acteurs : de l'analyse des pratiques des agriculteurs à l'aide à la réflexion pour les décideurs politiques. Cas de la production fruitière à La Réunion. [The agroecological transition and its stakeholders : from the analysis of farmers’ practices to the support of policy makers’ actions. The case of fruit production in La Réunion.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Durak Kılıçaslan, Nazlı Seda (2015) TÜRKİYE VE AB’DE ORGANİK TARIM MEVZUATI, UYGULAMALARI VE DEĞERLENDİRİLMESİ. [ORGANIC FARMING LEGISLATION, IMPLEMENTATIONS AND EVALUATION.] Thesis, TR. MINISTRY OF FOOD AGRICULTURE AND LIVESTOCK General Directorate of European Union and Foreign Affairs . . EEbner, Caroline (2020) Handlungsempfehlungen zur Optimierung der "Management Guideline for Organic Food Processors" mittels Experteninterviews mit Verantwortlichen ökologisch orientierter Lebensmittelverarbeitungsunternehmen aus Deutschland. Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster , Studiengang: Nachhaltige Dienstleistungs- und Ernährungswirtschaft. . [Completed] Ebregt, E. (2007) Are millipedes a pest in low-input crop production in north-eastern Uganda? : farmer's perception and experimentation. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Ehrlich, Dipl Ing. Maria Elisabeth (2006) Fettsäurenzusammensetzung (CLA, Omega-3-Fettsäuren) und Isotopensignatur (13C) der Milch ökologischer und konventioneller Betriebe und Molkereien. Thesis, Universität Kassel/ Witzenhausen , Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften. . [Unpublished] Eichert, Christian (2003) Bio im Supermarkt – Zustand und Entwicklungsaussichten des Bio-Angebots im deutschen Lebensmitteleinzelhandel. Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, D-Stuttgart , Institut für landwirtschaftliche Betriebslehre. . Eidsmo, Julia Thyra Wood (2022) Effects of shelters on the performance and welfare of rainbow trout fingerlings in an organic farm. [Effekter af skygge på trivsel og velfærd hos yngel af regnbueørred på et økologisk dambrug.] Masters thesis, Technical University of Denmark, Section for Aquaculture (DTU Aqua) . . [Submitted] EL GHARAAS, Youssef (2003) Preliminary study of the organic citrus nursery management. [Etude préliminaire sur la gestion d’une pépinière d’agrumes.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science, no. 299. . [Unpublished] EL HANAFI SEBTI, Kawtar (2005) Compost tea effects on soil fertility and plant growth of organic tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill) in comparison with different organic fertilizers. [Effets du jus de compost sur la fertilité du sol et la croissance de la plante chez la tomate biologique (Solanum Lycopersicum Mill) par rapport aux différents fertilisants. biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 405. . [Unpublished] EL KHOURY HANNA, Youssef (2002) Biological control of Frankliniella occidentalis on table grapevine using predation and plant association. [Lutte biologique contre Frankliniella occidentalis chez le raisin de table à travers la prédation et l’association culturale.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 276. . [Unpublished] EL MALOUI, Hamid (2002) Production and marketing of organic fruits and vegetables in Morocco. [Production et commercialisation de fruits et légumes biologiques au Maroc.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 277. . [Unpublished] Elsgaard, Karen Rose (2022) Effect of a new organic management system with plant-based fertilisers on phosphorus in soil and crop, and yields in a 5-year vegetable rotation. Masters thesis, AU . , AU. Engelen, C. (2007) Integratie van stadslandbouw en wonen : willen Almerenaren wonen in een stadslandbouwwoonwijk? Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Epprecht, Nils (2007) Gutachten zur zukünftigen Wahl des Verpackungsgebindes von Biobier. Thesis, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick, ETH Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich . . Eskildsen, Asger Sten (2023) The effect of sulfur deficiency and drought stress on general performance and symbiotic nitrogen fixation in pea (Pisum sativum L.). Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Submitted] Eskildsen, Maria (2020) Nutrition of organic sows. [Økologiske søers ernæring.] PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal Science. , Aarhus. Essiane Ondo, Olivier (2014) Caractérisation d'une collection de variétés anciennes de blé pour leur réponse à la mycorhization et impact sur la qualité du grain. [Caracterisation for ancient wheat varieties for their ability to form mycorrhiza and grain quality impact.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Eyhorn, Frank (2006) Assessing the potential of organic farming for sustainable livelihoods in developing countries - The case of cotton in India. PhD thesis, Universität Bonn , Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät. . [Completed] FFani, R.M. (2014) Organic versus conventional citrus farming : a case study on the region of Arta (Greece). Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] FARES, Roula (2003) Study and assessment of organic potato production in relation to fertilization and varietal aspect. [Etude et évaluation de la production biologique de la pomme de terre en relation avec la fertilisation et l’aspect variétal.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 325. . [Unpublished] Favreau, Jean-Luc (2013) Durabilité des exploitations en agriculture biologique : une analyse de la diversité des situations et des trajectoires d'évolution en Midi-Pyrénées. [Sustainability in organic farms : analysis of diversity of situations and trajectories in the French Midi Pyrenees.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Fawole, P. O.; Badiru, I. O. and Bello, M. A. (2014) Agricultural students' perception of organic farming in selected universities South-western Nigeria? Masters thesis, University of Ibadana , Agricultural Extension and Rural Development Department. . [draft] Fehér-Kodde, L. (2007) Naslagwerk Ridderzuring : een overzicht van de literatuur en een verslag van enkele experimenten. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Feldmann, C. (2010) What does the consumer take up? : a case study on communication in the rural web around the dairy in Andeer. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Félix, Georges F. (2019) Slash-and-mulch: Exploring the role of shrub-based agroforestry systems for smallholder farmers in the Sahel. PhD thesis, Wageningen University , Farming Systems Ecology. , Wageningen, The Netherlands. FERES, A.M.B. (2012) A reorganização da agropecuária orgânica do Estado do Rio de Janeiro em face da legislação brasileira atual e a formação do sistema participativo de garantia da Abio. [The reorganization of organic farming in the State of Rio de Janeiro face to the current Brazilian legislation and training of the participative system of Abio assurance.] Masters thesis, UFRJ , Departamento de Geografia. . Fernandez, Maria Santamaria (2018) A NOVEL GREEN BIOREFINERY CONCEPT: Protein refining by lactic acid fermentation and biogas production from green biomass. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Chemistry and Bioscience. . Ferreira, Josie Helen Oliveira (2012) Contribuição da agricultura familiar na construção do conhecimento agroecológico: estudo de caso do projeto raízes da terra. [Contribution of family farming in the construction of agroecological knowledge: a case study of the roots of the project land.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Pará , Núcleo de Ciências Agrárias e Desenvolvimento Rural. . Figi, Rolf (2002) Parasitenproblematik in Betrieben mit Bio Weide-Beef®-Produktion unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Magen-Darmwurm-Befalls. [Parasites on Farms with Bio-Weide-Beef Production.] Thesis, ETH Zürich, Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften . . [Unpublished] Fink, Leonie (2012) Konzeption und Entwicklung von Inhalten für eine Informationswebsite über Community Supported Agriculture (CSA). Thesis, Fachhochschule Münster, D-Münster , Fachbereichs Oecotrophologie - Facility Management. . [Submitted] Flavio, Raponi; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) OPTIMIZATION OF THE ORGANIC FRUIT AND VEGETABLE DRYING PROCESS BY USING NON-DESTRUCTIVE TECHNIQUES. PhD thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished] Flink, I. (2013) Slow food Riga: a case study on frames of inclusion and exclusion. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Flora, Rhea Joy D. (2013) Improvement of an empirical model for the quantification of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in grass-clover mixtures. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Fofonka, Luciana (2006) Espaço agrícola, ambiente e agroecologia: incidência de moscas-das-frutas (Diptera, Tephritidae) nos pomares de laranja do município de Caraá, RS. [Agricultural Space,athmosphere and agroecology: incidence of flies-give-fruits (Diptera, Tephritidae) in the orchards of orange of the municipal district of Caraá, RS.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul - UFRGS , Instituto de Geociências. , Porto Alegre. Fomsgaard, Saki Ichihara (2014) Institutionalisation of Social Movements: A Comparative Perspective on Organic Agriculture Organisations in Denmark and Japan. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Department of Culture and Global Studies. . [Submitted] Fontaine, Doline (2021) Management of nitrogen and sulfur in arable cropping systems integrating anaerobic digestion. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Agroecology. . Forst, Emma (2018) Développement de méthodes d'estimation de l'aptitude au mélange pour la prédiction des performances et la sélection de mélanges variétaux chez le blé tendre, et co-conception d'idéotypes de mélanges adaptés à l'agriculture biologique. [Development of methods for estimating mixing ability for prediction of performance and selecting variety mixtures in bread wheat, and co-design of ideotypes of mixtures adapted to organic farming.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Fossing, Elisabeth Christine (2005) Researching alternative medicine for treatment of mastitis in cattle: possibilities and limitations. Thesis, DIAS , Department of Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition. . Fraatz, Undine (2018) Verleich von Videoaufzeichnungen und Direktbeobachtung zu gegenseitigem Besaugen und Vokalisation von Kälbern. Thesis, Universität Kassel, FB 11, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung, D-Witzenhausen . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Frade, Carmen Oliveira (2000) A construção de um espaço para pensar e praticar a agroecologia na UFRRJ e seus arredores. [The construction of a space for thinking and practicing agroecology in UFRRJ and its surroundings.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro , Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais. . Franco, Cristina (2020) Effetti di un estratto di tannini e della stagione di pascolamento sulla capacità antiossidante del latte di modicana. [Effects of a tannin extract and grazing season on the antioxidant capacity of modicana cow's milk.] Masters thesis, University of Catania, Italy , Department Di3A, via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy. . [Completed] Franz, E. (2007) Ecology and risk assessment of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella typhimurium in the primary production chain of lettuce. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Frei, Rachel (2019) Short Term Effects of Crop Intensity, Surface Disturbance and Plant-Based Fertilizers on an Organically Managed Top Soil. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Dept. AgroEcology. Master thesis Aarhus University. Aarhus University, Aarhus University. Fufa, B.G. (2014) Performance of several generations of winter wheat composite crosses populations with a modern cultivar for grain yield and disease resistance under organic farming. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Furzynski, Sakia (2019) Die Auswirkungen von unterschiedlichen Tränkemengen auf das Verhalten von Kälbern. Eine Literaturrecherche. [The effects of feeding different milk amounts on the behaviour of calves – a review.] Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung, D-Witzenhausen . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Fuselier, Manon (2019) Studying mixed livestock farming systems in Languedoc Roussillon: connecting innovations, adapting capacities and territory embeddedness. Masters thesis, Université Paris-Saclay - AgroParisTech . . GGabay, G. (2012) Characterization of apple accessions for traits of relevance for organic agriculture. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Gabriel, Andréa-Wiktor (2021) Le pluralisme des voies d’écologisation de la gestion des biomasses résiduaires en agriculture : analyse à partir des réseaux métaboliques et étude de cas dans la vallée de la Drôme. [The pluralism of ways of ecologization of residual biomass management in agriculture : an analysis based on metabolic networks and case study in the Drôme Valley.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gaiardoni, Lara (2017) Milk authenticity and fraud mitigation in dairy supply chains : a case study among dairy processors and food retailers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] GALAL ELGHARABLY, Ahmed (2002) Improving Compost Quality for Organic Vegetable production. [Amélioration de la qualité du compost pour la production biologique de cultures maraîchères.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 281. . [Unpublished] Garmo, Randi Therese (2010) The Significance of Sustainable Breeding and Management Programs on Reproductive Performance in Norwegian Red Cows. PhD thesis, Norwegian School of Veterinary Science . Series of dissertations submitted to the Norwegian School of Veterinary Science No. 67. Norwegian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway. Garrido, Marlon da Silva (2005) Manejo agroecológico da cultura do inhame: produtividade, qualidade, controle de nematóides e manchas foliares. [Agroecological yam crop management: productivity, quality, control of nematodes and leaf spot.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal da Bahia , CURSO DE MESTRADO EM CIÊNCIAS AGRÁRIAS. . Gasparro, Donatella (2019) From the Atlantic forest to the Mediterranean shrub land: a Farm Performance Assessment and a Functional Design Framework for Large-Scale Successional Agroforestry Systems (SAFS). Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Gaujour, Etienne (2010) Evaluation des sources d'espèces et des déterminants de la diversité végétale des parcelles agricoles : interchamps, stock semencier, pratiques agricoles et paysage de l'Installation Expérimentale Inra ASTER Mirecourt. [Assessment of species sources and determinants of plant diversity established in agricultural fields : field boundaries, seed bank, farming practices and landscape of the experimental farm of Inra ASTER Mirecourt.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gaujour, Etienne (2010) Évaluation des sources d'espèces et des déterminants de la diversité végétale des parcelles agricoles. [Assessment of species sources and determinats of plant diversity established in agricultural fields.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gautam, Susmita (2014) Transmission dynamics of Ascaris suum in organic pigs. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed] Geiger, F. (2011) Agricultural intensification and farmland birds. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Genga, Quintar; Onwonga, Richard; Kimenju, Wangai and Jensen, Henning Høgh (2014) Effect of Organic Based Soil Fertility Management Strategies on Soil Nutrient Status And Marketable Quality Of Kale (Brassica Oleracea Var. Acephala) In Kabete, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi , College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences. . [Submitted] Gerlach, Florian (1999) Aufzucht von Junghennen ausgewählter Hybridlinien im ökologischen Landbau. [Rearing a selection of hybrid laying hens under the conditions of organic agriculture.] Thesis, Universität-Gesamthochschule Kassel , Fachbereich Landwirtschaft, Internationale Agrarentwicklung und Ökologische Umweltsicherung, Fachgebiet angewandte Nutztierethologie und artgemäße Nutztierhaltung. . [Unpublished] Giancaterino, Marianna; Neri, Lilia; Santarelli, Veronica and Pittia, Paola (2016) CARATTERIZZAZIONE E STUDIO DELLE FUNZIONALITÀ TECNOLOGICHE DI MELE BIOLOGICHE GOLDEN DELICIOUS. [Characterization and study of the technological functionality of organic Golden Delicious apples.] Thesis, University of Teramo , Faculty of Bioscience and Technology for Food Agriculture and Environment. . [Completed] Gillard, Laura (2014) Synthèse de chitooligosaccharides. Utilisation de liquides ioniques supportés. [Chitooligosaccharide synthesis. Use of ionic liquid supports.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Giordana, Ventriglia; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) EFFECT OF HOT-WATER BLANCHING IN TREHALOSE SOLUTIONS ON BOTH NUTRITIONAL AND TECHNOLOGICAL QUALITY OF SLICED ORGANIC CARROTS. Thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished] Giordano, Simona (2015) Agriculture traditionnelle et innovante.Le secteur vitivinicole biologique : une comparaison entre Les Pouilles (Italie) et le Languedoc-Roussillon (France). [Traditional and innovative agriculture.Organic viticulture : a comparison between Apulia region (Italy) and LR (France).] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Girard, Margaux (2017) Les Andes péruviennes à l'heure des agricultures durables : Réflexions sur la transition agroécologique et ses verrouillages socio-techniques à Cusco. [The Peruvian Andes in the age of sustainable agriculture : Reflexions on the agroecological transition and its socio-technical lock-ins in Cusco.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Givaudan, Nicolas (2014) Adaptation strategies of soil biodiversity (earthworms) to pesticides : mechanisms in play and ecosystemic cost assessment. [Potentiel d'adaptation des lombricidés aux pollutions environnementales résiduelles établies en paysage agricole : mécanismes en jeu et coûts à l'écosystème.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gleirscher, DI Norbert (2003) Erfolgsfaktoren für regionale Biovermarkter - Eine Analyse ausgewählter Vermarktungsinitiativen in Österreich. [Success factors of organic markting initiatives - an analysis of selected case studies in Austria.] Thesis, Institut für Wirtschaft Politik und Recht, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien . . Gollner, Manfred (2003) Auswirkungen acker- und pflanzenbaulicher Maßnahmen sowie der Dauer der ökologischen Bewirtschaftung auf die arbuskuläre Mykorrhiza im Ökologischen Landbau. [Effects of agronomic practices and duration of organic management on arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) in organic agriculture.] Thesis, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien , Institut für Ökologischen Landbau. . Gonçalves, Alexandre (2003) Agroecologia, saber local e mercado - um estudo sobre a agricultura familiar de Poço Fundo - MG. [Agroecology, local knowledge and market - a study of family farming of Poço Fundo - MG.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Lavras . . Gonzales Dupuy, H. (2012) Adapting maize breeding to organic agriculture. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished]
Gorioux, Henri
Comparaison de deux stratégies de création de populations diversifiées de blés tendres adaptés à l'agriculture biologique.
Masters thesis, Institut Technique de l'Agriculture et de l'Alimentation Biologique Gouttenoire, Lucie (2010) Modéliser, partager, réinterroger. Une expérience participative pour accompagner les reconceptions de systèmes d'élevage. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gouttenoire, Lucie (2010) Modéliser, partager, réinterroger. Une expérience participative pour accompagner les reconceptions de systèmes d'élevage. [Modelling, sharing, questionning. A participatory experiment to support the redesign of livestock farming systems.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Govasmark, Espen (2005) Trace element status of soil and organically grown herbage in relation to animal requirements. [Sporstoffer i jord og økologisk dyrket grovfôr vurdert i henhold til dyrenes behov.] Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Department of Plant- and Environmental Sciences. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Granado, Fernando Jose Torres (2018) Interactions between soil fertility, green manure quality, temperature and nutrients mineralization. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant & Environmental Sciences. , Frederiksberg. Gratecap, Jean-Baptiste (2014) Agriculture biologique et qualité des eaux dans des aires d’alimentation de captage : diversité des postures techniques d’agriculteurs conventionnels et biologiques et pressions nitrate et pesticide induites. [Organic farming and groundwater quality in water catchment areas : diversity of conventional and organic farmers’ conceptions and induced reduction of nitrate and pesticide leaching.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Greiner, Alexander (2023) Eine multifunktionale Nutztierhaltung als Zukunftskonzept – Kriterien zur Bewertung und Konzipierung einer nachhaltigen Nutztierhaltung mit Fokus Rind. Masters thesis, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE), Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaft (ZHAW) . . [Submitted] Greiner, Alexander (2021) Der wahre Preis unserer Milch: Eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung der wahren Kosten am Beispiel der wesensgemäßen Milchviehhaltung. [The true price of milk: A holistic view of the true costs using the example of species-appropriate dairy farming.] Bachelorarbeit thesis, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (HNEE), D-Eberswalde . . [Submitted] Grimsby, Lars Kåre (2005) Measurement of microbial numbers, activity, biomass and diversity as a response to different methods of treatment of Tanzanian soil. Thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Department of Chemistry, Biotechnology and Food sciences. . [Unpublished] Groen, P. (2013) Consumenten en streekeigen producten. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Grosbellet, Claire (2008) Evolution et effets sur la structuration du sol de la matière organique apportée en grande quantité. [Evolution and effects of great quantities of organic matter on soil structuration.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Grosse, Meike (2017) Der Einfluss von Zwischenfrüchten und reduzierter Bodenbearbeitung in ökologischen Anbausystemen auf Stickstoffflüsse und Beikräuter. PhD thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich 11 Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Witzenhausen . . Grossmann, Cand. agro. Freya (2002) Forbedring af jordkvaliteten efter jordpakning - er løsning løsningen? Thesis, KVL , Sektion for Økologisk Jordbrug. DJVB. Grossmann, Cand. agro. Freya (1999) Betydningen af vækstregulering, bestøvning og skadedyrsangreb (hvidkløversnudebillen Apion Flavipes) for udbytterne i økologisk hvidkløverfrøavl. Thesis, KVL , Sektion for Økologisk Jordbrug. DJVB. Grøva, Lise (2011) Tick-borne fever in sheep - production loss and preventive measures. PhD thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (UMB) , Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences. Philosophiae Doctor (PhD) Thesis, no. 2011: 32. Norwegian University of Life Sciences. Department of Animal and Aquacultural Sciences, Ås. Gu, Shiyu (2016) Comparing organic and conventional dairy farms in the Netherlands : a Monte Carlo analysis. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Gu, Xiangqian (2014) First year's crop and soil response to different tillage methods under organic management. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Gubiani, E. (2015) ESTOQUE DE CARBONO E NITROGÊNIO EM SOLO SOB SISTEMAS DE MANEJO E CULTURAS DE INVERNO. [SOIL CARBON AND NITROGEN STOCK UNDER WINTER COVER CROPS MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS.] Masters thesis, Federal University of Santa Maria , Post-Graduate Program in Soil Science. , Santa Maria, Brazil. Guillemin, Pierre (2020) Les mondes légumiers et maraîchers en Normandie : hétérogénéité sociale et renouvellement de filières agricoles et alimentaires. [Vegetable and market gardening worlds in Normandy : social heterogeneity and renewal of agricultural and food chains.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gundersen, Sofia (2020) Strategies for keeping cow and calf together in six European countries. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Clinical Sciences. SLU Epsilon, Uppsala. Guo, Huanxiu (2013) The "New Rural Reconstruction" : movement and sustainable agricultural development in China. [La "nouvelle reconstruction rurale" : le mouvement et le développement agricole durable en Chine.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Gutzen, Kaja (2019) Organic Variety Testing - Qualitative content analysis approach to assess organic variety testing, case study of Germany. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Agrobiology. . [Submitted] HHaas, Guido (2001) Organischer Landbau in Grundwasserschutzgebieten: Leistungsfähigkeit und Optimierung des pflanzenbaulichen Stickstoffmanagements. Thesis, Universität Bonn , Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät. Schriftenreihe Institut für Organischen Landbau - Universität Bonn. Verlag Dr. Koester, Berlin. Haas, Guido (1995) Auswahl von Feldversuchsflächen auf heterogenem Auenboden: Bestandeskartierung - Uniformitätsernten - Luftbildaufnahmen - Exaktvermessung. [Improved selection of experimental sites on a heterogeneous soil by field crop monitoring and mapping, uniformity trials, aerial photography and precise surveyin.] Thesis, Institut für Organischen Landbau - Universität Bonn . Schriftenreihe Institut für Organischen Landbau - Universität Bonn, no. 1. Verlag Dr. Koester, Berlin. Haase, Maiken S. (2003) Forebyggelse af mykotoksindannelse i økologisk brødkorn - med fokus på Penicillium verrucosum og dannelse af ochratoksin A. [Prevention of Mycotoxin Problems in Organically Grown Bread Grain - with Special Focus on Penicillium verrucosum and its formation of Ochratoxin A.] Thesis, Biologisk Institut , Afd. for Mikrobiel Økologi. .
Haesen, Esther
Efficacy of non-synthetic seed treatments against anthracnose (Colletotrichum lupini) in white lupin.
Masters thesis, Research Institut of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick HAFID, Hicham (2002) Effet de la fertilisation organique sur la production de semences biologiques de deux variétés du haricot vert et sur les propriétés chimiques du sol. [Effect of organic fertilisation on the production of organic seeds of two snap bean varieties and on the soil chemical properties.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 283. . [Unpublished] Haldy, MBA Hanns-Michael (2004) Organic Food Subscription Schemes in Germany, Denmark, The Netherlands and The United Kingdom. Definitions and Patterns of Development in an International Context. Thesis, Klein Management Consulting, Darmstadt, Germany . ASTON BUSINESS SCHOOL / Birmingham / UK. Halvorsen, Ane Charlotte Hermansen (2023) Drought resistance of old pea varieties - Stomata and root trait responses to drought. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Submitted] HAMDY EL NAGGAR, Ahmed (2002) Effect of using water extracts of compost and organic materials on soil fertility and plant nutrition. [Effets de l’utilisation d’extraits liquides de compost et de substances organiques sur la fertilité du sol et la nutrition des plantes.] Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 274. . [Unpublished] HANITRINIALA, Mr ANDRIANJAKA (2004) L'AGRICULTURE BIOLOGIQUE A MADAGASCAR DEPUIS 1960. [ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN MADAGASCAR SINCE 1960.] Thesis, Laulanié Green University , Agriculture and rural development. . [Unpublished] Hansen, Lene (2003) "Først med hjernen - så med hjertet". Et antropologisk speciale om konventionelle landmænds erfaringer med omlægning til økologisk jordbrug. Thesis, Institute of Anthropology, Copenhagen University . Specialerækken, no. 288. Institut for Antropologi, Københavns Universitet. Hansen, Martin N. (2005) Technologies to reduce the environmental impacts and nitrogen losses of livestock manure. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Agricultural Engineering. . [Unpublished] Hansen, Stine Rosenlund and Schmidt, Hannah Wirenfeldt (2008) Muligheder og barrierer for brug af økologiske ingredienser i skolemadsordninger. [Barriers and possibilities for using organic ingredients in school meal systems.] Thesis, Technical University of Denmark , Roskilde Universitetscenter. . [Unpublished] Hardeman, E. (2010) Sustainable food consumption and the regret of consumers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Harder, Dennis (2016) Konzeption und Modellierung eines Konvektionstrockners für biologische Güter. Thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen und Hochschule Aalen, D-Aalen . . [Completed] Härri, Tobias (2023) Assessing the diversity of post-harvest pathogens on Swiss beetroot and evaluating the efficacy of pre-harvest treatments on storage diseases. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich (ETH); Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL . . [Submitted] Hartog, D. Den (2005) Kruidenrijk hooi: bepaling van afzet en meerwaarde in de Hoeksche Waard. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Hasnaoui Amri, Nabil (2018) La participation des agriculteurs à une politique alimentaire territoriale : le cas de Montpellier Méditerranée Métropole. [The farmers'participation to a local food policy : the case of Montpellier, France.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Hassan, Affendy (2020) Root methods for intercropping. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed] Hastoy, Cécile (2018) Caractérisation de la variabilité phénotypique de ressources génétiques de Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) : analyse des composantes du rendement et critères de sélection en condition de production. [Characterisation of the phenotypic variability within Stevia rebaudiana (Bertoni) genetic resources : analysis of yield components and selection criteria in field condition.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Hatunoğlu Durmaz, Dursun and Açma, Bülent (2010) TÜRKİYE VE DÜNYA’DA ORGANİK TARIMIN EKONOMİK BOYUTU: ORGANİK TARIMIN ADANA İLİ EKONOMİSİNDEKİ YERİ. [DIMENSION OF ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN TURKEY AND THE WORLD: ORGANIC AGRICULTURE IN ADANA ECONOMY.] Masters thesis, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü , Iktisat Ana Bilim Dalı. . [Completed]
Haveman, Erwin
Alternatieve maatregelen tegen leverbot-onderzoeksrapport.
Thesis, PPP-Agro Advies He, Chen (2008) Does organic food intervention in school lead to change dietary patterns? Masters thesis, National Food Institute , Technical University of Denmark. . [Unpublished] Hecht, Judtih (2010) Decision Making of Rural Farm Households in Namibia: Lessons Learned From Multi-Annual Programming Optimisation Models. PhD thesis, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen , Institut für Agrarpolitik und Marktforschung. . Heckendorn, Felix (2007) The control of gastrointestinal sheep nematodes with tanniferous forage plants. Thesis, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich, CH . . [Unpublished] Hegedűs, István (2012) A minőségi élelmiszertermelés helyzete és lehetőségei: Az ökológiai gazdálkodás Magyarországon. [The quality food production and its opportunities - The organic farming in Hungary.] Masters thesis, Károly Róbert College, Gyöngyös , Faculty of Natural Resources Management and Rural Development, Institute of Agroinformatics and Rural Development. . [Completed] Hegelund, Lene (2007) Management Systems for Organic Egg Production - Aiming to Improve Animal Health and Welfare. Thesis, University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Dept. of Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition. DJF Animal Science, no. 80. . Heidebur, Nicole (2010) Schulverpflegung in Hessen unter Berücksichtigung der Integration biologischer Lebensmittel. Diplomarbeit vorgelegt dem Prüfungsausschuss des Studienganges Oecotrophologie für die Fachrichtung Ernährung und Hauswirtschaft an der Fachhochschule Münster. Diplomarbeit thesis, Fachhochschule Münster, Deutschland . . Helmerichs, Juliane (2014) Paddock management systems for organic growing pigs: Effect of land allocation strategies on foraging activity and excretory behaviour. Masters thesis, Science and Technology , Department of Agroecology. Aarhus University, Aarhus. Helmholz, Antje (2002) Zur Anwendung von homöopathischen Mitteln in der ökologischen Tierhaltung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Mastitis. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich 11 Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften Witzenhausen , Fachgebiet Tierernährung und Tiergesundheit. . [Unpublished] Henckel, Laura (2015) Effet de l’hétérogénéité des paysages agricoles (composition et configuration) et de l’intensification des pratiques culturales sur la structure des communautés écologiques (oiseaux et adventices) en systèmes intensifs tempérés. [Landscape heterogeneity (crop composition and configuration) and agricultural intensification effects on bird and weed communities in intensive temperate agro-ecosystems.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Hendriks, dr. Karina and Stobbelaar, dr. Derk Jan (2003) Landbouw in een leesbaar landschap: hoe gangbare en biologische landbouwbedrijven bijdragen aan landschapskwaliteit / Agriculture in a legible landscape: how conventional and organic farms contribute to landscape quality. Thesis, Wageningen University , Land Use Planning Group. Alterra Scientific Contributions, no. 10. Blauwdruk, Wageningen (ISBN 90-75271-09-3). Henzl, Paula Margarete (2022) Determinanten der Fleischqualität und -leistung von Kälbern aus der kuhgebundenen Aufzucht. Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften, D-Stuttgart-Hohenheim . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Hernández Romero, Ambar Giovanna (2016) Population densities of pests and natural enemies in wheat (Triticum aestivum) and potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) in a diverse strip cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Hesse, Nina (2002) Milchziegenhaltung in Deutschland - historische Betrachtung und Stand der Milchziegenhaltung im Ökologischen Landbau. [Dairy goat keeping in Germany]. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich 11, Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Tierernährung und Tiergesundheit. . [Unpublished] Hildermann, Isabell (2010) Performance of Winter Wheat Cultivars in Organic and Conventional Farming Systems. PhD thesis, Botanisches Institut , Sektion Pflanzenphysiologie an der Universität Basel. . Hinrichsen, Lena Karina (2015) Animal welfare in organic egg production - Emphasis on Mortality and Helminth Infections. PhD thesis, Science and Tehnology , Department of Animal Science. Aarhus University. Hobeika, Samer (2011) L'investissement socialement responsable: des épargnants particuliers aux investisseurs institutionnels de long terme. [Socially responsible investment: from retail clients to long-term institutional investors.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Hochedez, Camille (2012) Réseaux d'agriculteurs biologiques et développement durable dans la région métropolitaine de Stockholm. Géographies d'un malentendu. [The geographies of a misunderstanding: organic farmers' networks and sustainable development in the Stockholm Metropolitan Area.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Hochreiter, Claudia (2011) Certified with trust and solidarity? Attitude, benefits and challenges of organic farmers in Participatory Guarantee Systems, Cacahoatán, Mexico. Masters thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna . . [Completed] Hoeller, Silvana Cassia (2006) Princípios norteadores para a estruturação de um projeto político pedagógico para a formação de profissionais na área de Agroecologia. [Guiding principles for structuring of political pedagogical project training professionals in the area of Agroecology.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Paraná , Departamento de Fitotecnia e Fitossanitarismo. , Curitiba. Hohmann, Pierre (2011) Understanding Trichoderma bio-inoculants in the root ecosystem of Pinus Radiata seedlings. PhD thesis, Lincoln University, New Zealand . . Holinger, Mirjam (2012) A cow type for concentrate-free feeding systems - What characteristics does it display? Masters thesis, FiBL Schweiz . . Hollander, A. (2012) 'Tegen beter weten in' : de geschiedenis van de biologische landbouw en voeding in Nederland (1880-2001) = The history of organic agriculture in the Netherlands (1880-2001). PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] Holten, Jon Magne (2002) Phosphorus Uptake in Six Selected Scandinavian Wheat and Barley Cultivars at Low Soil Phosphorus Availability as Related to Root Hair Length. [Fosforopptak i seks utvalgte skandinaviske hvete-og byggsorter ved låg fosfortilgjengelighet i jorda i forhold til rothårslengde.] Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Soil and Water Sciences. . Honkatukia, Mervi (2010) Molecular genetics of chicken egg quality. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 14. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Hoppe , Marcelino (2002) Eficiência energética do agroecossistema estufa plástica numa perspectiva agroecológica. [Energy efficiency of a greenhouse agroecosystems agroecological perspective.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Pelotas , Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel. . Horner, Jason (2010) An investigation into the potential for effecting change, delivering advice and supporting Irish Organic Growers through Farmer Field Schools. Masters thesis, Scottish Agricultural College , Environmental Teaching Group. . [Completed] Horsted, Klaus (2006) Increased foraging in organic layers. Thesis, University of Aarhus, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Agroecology. . Hougaard, A.B. (2010) Instant infusion pasteurization for heat treatment of milk - Physical-chemical and functional properties. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . . Hövel, Malte (2015) Erstellung eines betrieblichen Gesamtkonzeptes für das Biologische Beikrautmanagement auf Gut Wegscheid, Aachen. Meisterarbeit thesis, Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für den Gartenbau, Heidelberg . Praxisbezogene Aufgabe im Rahmen der Gärtnermeisterprüfung 2015, Fachrichtung Gemüsebau. . [Submitted] Hsung, Ming-Hui (Maggie) (2019) Effects of Intercropping and Plant Variety on Root Fungal Community. Masters thesis, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ), CH-Zürich and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Master Thesis. . [Completed] Hu, Teng (2018) Soil carbon balances and stock changes under different cropping and management systems. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. . Huuskonen, Arto (2009) Concentrate feeding strategies for growing and finishing dairy bulls offered grass silage-based diets. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 1. . Højgaard, Kenneth S. (2004) Mikrobiologiske og kemiske forandringer i rødkitost - fremstillet af råmælk og pasteuriseret mælk. [Microbiological and chemical changes in red-smeared soft cheese - prepared from raw and pasteurized milk.] Thesis, KVL , Department of Food Science. . IIamamoto, André Toshio Villela (2006) Agroecologia e desenvolvimento rural. [Agroecology and rural development.] Masters thesis, Universidade de São Paulo - USP . , Piracicaba. [Unpublished] Iho, Antti (2010) Essays on socially optimal phosphorus policies in crop production. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 13. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Ineichen, Lorin (2023) Competition between Bombus terrestris and Osmia cornuta and its effects on their foraging behavior in indoor facilities. Masters thesis, ZHAW Life Sciences und Facility Management, CH-Wädenswil and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . . [Submitted] Ingvordsen, Cathrine Heinz (2014) Climate Change Effects on Plant Ecosystems – Genetic Resources for Future Barley Breeding. PhD thesis, DTU , Department of Chemical and Biochemical . . Iuculano, Antonino (2019) La qualità del latte di bovine modicane alimentate con una dieta contenente tannini. [The quality of modicana cow's milk fed on a diet supplemented with tannins.] Masters thesis, University of Catania, Italy , Department Di3A, via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy. . [Completed] Ivemeyer, Silvia (2003) Konstitution und Krankheitsinzidenzen bei Milchkühen. Thesis, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Frick , Tiergesundheit. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, Frick. Ivemeyer, Silvia (2002) Mastitisdisposition in Abhängigkeit von wesenstypischen Verhaltens- und Verdauungseigenschaften in einer Milchviehherde. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Institut für ökologischen Landbau (FAL), Trenthorst und Fachgebiet ökol. Tierhaltung. . [Unpublished] Ivemeyer, Silvia (2010) Einfluss der Mensch–Tier–Beziehung auf die Eutergesundheit von Milchkühen. PhD thesis, Universitaet Kassel , Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung. , Witzenhausen. IYED, Kacem (2002) Phytosanitary protocol for the establishment of grapevine certified organic mother plant fields. [Protocole phytosanitaire pour l’établissement de parcelles de plantes mères biologiques certifiées.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 278. . [Unpublished] JJacintho, Cláudio Rocha dos Santos (2007) A agroecologia, a permacultura e o paradigma ecológico na extensão rural: uma experiência no Assentamento Colônia I - Padre Bernardo - Goiás. [The agroecology, permaculture and ecological paradigm in rural extension: an experience in the Settlement Colônia I - Padre Bernardo - Goiás.] Masters thesis, Universidade de Brasília , Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. , Brasília. Jacobsen, Eva Lykke (2015) Bachelorrapport: Føderessourcer for bier. Thesis, Københavns Universitet , Institut for Plante- og Miljøvidenskab. Københavns Universitet, København. [Completed] Jakob, Johannsen, Christoffer (2021) Effect of reduced dietary protein and roughage intake on metabolites in plasma, urine and milk from gestating and lactating organic sows during winter. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. . Jakobsen, Malene (2018) Integrating foraging and agroforestry into organic pig production - Environmental and animal benefits. PhD thesis, Aarhus University, Blichers Allé 20, 8830 Tjele - Denmark , Dept. of Agroecology. . Jakobsen, Malene (2014) Organic growing pigs in pasture systems – effect of feeding strategy and cropping system on foraging activity, nutrient intake from the range area and pig performance. Økologiske slagtesvin på friland – effekt af foderstrategi og afgrødesystem på fourageringsaktivitet, næringsstofindtag fra udearealet samt tilvækst og foderudnyttelse. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Institute of Agroecology. . Jalli, Marja (2010) The virulence of Finnish Pyrenophora teres f. teres isolates and its implications for resistance breeding. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 9. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Jamar, Laurent (2011) Innovative strategies for the control of apple scab (Venturia inaequalis [Cke.] Wint.) in organic apple production. [Stratégies innovantes de protection vis-à-vis de la tavelure du pommier (Venturia inaequalis [Cke.] Wint.) en production biologique.] PhD thesis, Université de Liège, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, Belgium . . Jannerman, Karin (2021) Ko och kalv tillsammans i mjölkproduktion - fältförsök på två ekologiska gårdar. [Cow and calf together in dairy production - a field study on two organic farms.] Masters thesis, ProYoungStock, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences - Veterinary programme , Clinical Sciences. , Uppsala. [draft] Jansen, J.P. (2016) Inoculating field soils after potato harvest with donor soils from established grass-clover fields decreases the yields of subsequent grass-clover crops. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] JAOUADI, Imen (2002) Adaptation de la pomme de terre au mode de production biologique en relation avec le compost et l’aspect variétal. [Potato adaptation to organic farming in relation with compost and variétal aspect.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 285. . [Unpublished] Jareborg, Isac (2019) Determining the primary energy demand and greenhouse gas emission of carrots: Comparing organic and conventional small scale carrot production and supply in Sweden. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Energy and technology. . Jarosz, Nathalie (2003) Étude de la dispersion atmosphérique du pollen de maïs : contribution à la maîtrise des risques de pollinisation croisée. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Jawtusch, Julia (2008) Mögliche Auswirkungen der novellierten Drittlandsimportregelung der EU-Öko-Verordnung (EG) Nr. 834/ 2007 - Einschätzung anhand einer Expertenbefragung -. Thesis, Universität Kassel - Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Internationales Management. . [Unpublished] Jean, Evens (2011) Maraîchage biologique et organisation du travail : Enjeux et conséquences de la diversification. Etude de cas : Vaucluse et Bouches-du-Rhône, PACA. Masters thesis, AgroParisTech et Museum national d'Histoire naturelle . . [Completed] Jelsma, L. and Kloeze, C. (2004) Effect van bedrijfsvoering op uiergezondheid in de biologische melkveehouderij. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Jensen, Marianne Nygaard (2003) Organic diet and fertility-possible effects of diet on male reproductive parameters. Thesis, Faculty of Health Science, University of Southern Denmark, Odense , Biomedical Laboratory. . [Unpublished] Jensen, Janne Guldbæk Kirstejn (2018) An early Assessment of a Plant-based Organic Vegetable System: Analysis of inorganic-N and soil enzyme activity. Masters thesis, Copenhagen University , PLEN. Master thesis Copenhagen University 30 ECTS. Copenhagen University. Jensen, Maja Melballe (2012) Health and immune responses in a rat model after intake of organically or conventionally grown foods. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal Science. . Jensen, Rikke Lassen (2012) Feed interventions and skatole deposition. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Large Animal Science. . Johansen, Natasha H. (2019) Agronomic strategies for improving crop pollination in organic Hokkaido pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima spp. maxima) cropping systems. Masters thesis, Aarhus University, Dept. of Bioscience , Bioscience. Aarhus University, Aarhus. Johansson, Lisa (2017) The impact of gastrointestinal parasites on weight gain, activity patterns and behaviours in cattle on pasture. Masters thesis, Institutionen för husdjurens miljö och hälsa . . [Completed] Jong, E. De (2017) Biologisch, het nieuwe gangbaar? : onderzoek naar duurzame alternatieven voor gangbare gewasbescherming bij de teelt van tulp en aardbei. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Jonsson, Karin (2019) Inventering av uppfödningssystem som tillåter ko-kalvkontakt i svenska mjölkbesättningar Inventory of young stock rearing systems allowing cow-calf contact in Swedish dairy farms. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Clinical Sciences. Master thesis in Veterinary Medicine, no. EX0869 2019. SLU, Uppsala. Jönsson, Lotta (2009) Mussel meal in poultry diets - with focus on organic production. PhD thesis, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science , Department of Animal Nutrition and Management, Uppsala. . Jost, Dr. Britta (2003) Untersuchungen und Kalkulationstabellen zur Schätzung der N2-Fixierleistung und der N-Flächenbilanz beim Anbau von Lupinus albus und Lupinus luteus in Reinsaat und von Vicia faba und Pisum sativum in Reinsaat und im Gemenge mit Avena sativa. [Estimation of the nitrogen fixation and the N balance in cultivations of Lupinus albus and Lupinus luteus as sole crops and of Vicia faba and Pisum sativum as sole crops and in mixed stands with Avena sativa - resarches and calculation charts -.] Thesis, University Goettingen, Agronomy . Niedersächsische Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Göttingen. Jung, Ruediger (2003) Stickstoff-Fixierleistung von Luzerne (Medicago sativa L.), Rotklee (Trifolium pratense L.) und Persischem Klee (Trifolium resupinatum L.) in Reinsaat und Gemenge mit Poaceen -Experimentelle Grundlagen und Kalkulationsverfahren zur Ermittlung der Stickstoff-Flächenbilanz. [Symbiotic nitrogen fixation by lucerne (Medicago sativa L.), red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) and Persian clover (Trifolium resupinatum L.) in pure stands and in mixtures with poacea - Basic principles and procedures for calculating nitrogen balance.] Thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen , Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften. Elektronische Dissertationen der Georg-August-Universität. . Jørgensen, Line Daa (2019) Effekter på udbytte og kvælstofdynamik af hestebønner og spidskål dyrket som grønsag i samdyrkning og monokultur. Masters thesis, Aarhus Universitet , Food Science. Aarhus Universitet. Jørgensen, Line Daa (2016) Bacheloropgave: Værktøj til vurdering af føderessourcer for bier på landbrugsbedrifter. [Bachelor thesis: Tool for assessment of food resources for bees on farms.] Thesis, Aarhus Universitet , Science and Technology. Aarhus Universitet, Aarhus. [Completed] KKaegi Trejo, A.Z. (2015) Sustainability assessment of wheat production in the Netherlands - a comparison between organic and conventional production. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Kahiluoto, Helena (2000) A systems approach to the management of arbuscular mycorrhiza: Bioassay and study of the impact of phosphorus supply. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Department of Applied Biology. University of Helsinki. Department of Applied Biology. Publications, no. 1. University of Helsinki. Kampus, Katarina (2017) Consumer's right to informed choice regarding organic labelling. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Kangur, Kadi (2020) Eesti mahepiimalehmade jõudlusnäitajate analüüs aastatel 2017-2019. [Estonian organic dairy cattle performance analysis in 2017-2019.] Thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences , Chair of Animal Nutrition. . Känkänen, Hannu (2010) Undersowing in a northern climate: effects on spring cereal yield and risk of nitrate leaching. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 8. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Kaptijn, Gerdine and Lantinga, Egbert (2016) Evaluation of the performance of dual-purpose cows in European pasture-based systems. Masters thesis, University of Wageningen , Farming Systems Ecology Group. . [Completed] KARAM, Nisrine (2005) Genetic characterization of Apulian wild population of the parasitoid Psyttalia (Opius) concolor (Szepligeti) for biological control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin). [Caractérisation génétique de la population sauvage des Pouilles du parasitoïde Psyttalia (Opius) concolor (Szepligeti)pour la lutte biologique contre Bactrocera oleae. (Gmelin).] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 404. . [Unpublished] Kassie, M.M. (2013) Comparisons of several generations of winter wheat composite cross populations with a modern cultivar under organic farming. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Katakam, Kiran Kumar (2014) Ecology and viability of eggs of the pig round worm (Ascaris suum) – on-farm and laboratory studies. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . . Kaya, Seçkin and Düzyaman, Eftal (2012) YEREL SOFRALIK DOMATES POPULASYONLARININ ORGANİK TARIMA UYGUNLUKLARI VE ORGANİK ÇEŞİT GELİŞTİRME AMACIYLA KULLANIM OLANAKLARI ÜZERİNE ARAŞTIRMALAR. [RESEARCHES ON DETERMINING LOCAL TABLE TOMATO POPULATIONS AVAILABLE FOR ORGANIC FARMING AND USAGE OPPORTUNITIES TO IMPROVE ORGANIC CULTIVARS.] PhD thesis, Ege Üniversitesi , Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü/ Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı. . [Completed] Kaya, Seçkin and Kaynaş, Kenan (2003) Çanakkale yöresinde bazı sebze türlerinin organik tarım yöntemiyle yetiştirilmesi. [Growing some vegetable species with organic farming systems in Çanakkale.] Masters thesis, Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart Üniversitesi, Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü , Bahçe Bitkileri Anabilim Dalı. . [Submitted] KEMENT, NURAY (2010) Einstellung und Kaufverhalten der Türkischen Konsumenten in Bio-Lebensmitteln. [Attitude and Purchase Behaviour of Türkish Consumer towards Organic Food.] Masters thesis, Marmara Universitaet , Institut für Soziale Wissenschaften, Marketing und Produktionsmanagement. Marmara Universitaet, Istanbul. [Submitted] Kennedy, Bradley (2018) Bio-acidification of livestock slurry with soja - melasse. Masters thesis, Copenhagen University , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . [Completed] Kerber, Marinês (2009) Análise das trajetórias de transição de produtores de base ecológica de Ibiúna/SP: indentificação e caracterização de indicadores sociais de sustentabilidade. [Analysis of trajectories of transition from producers ecological basis for Ibiúna/SP: indentation and characterization indicators of social sustainability.] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS . . Khamzina, Kamilla (2019) Conformisme ou dissidence ? Les implications psychologiques de l'incongruence entre les attitudes personnelles et la norme collective. [Conformity or dissent? Psychological implications of mismatch between personal attitudes and collective norm.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Khan, Abdul Rehman (2013) Réponse à court terme des populations de blé européens aux conditions agro-climatiques contrastées : analyse génétique et première étape vers le développement de marqueurs épigénétiques dans les gènes précoces VRN-A1. [Short term response of European wheat populations to contrasted agro-climatic conditions : a genetic analysis and first step towards development of epigenetic markers in earliness gene VRN-A1.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Khorchani, Slaheddine (2003) Comparison between the effect of compost teas and copper on potato crop protection. [Eude comparative de l’effet de compost liquide et de cuivre sur la protection de la culture de pomme de terre.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 327. . [Unpublished] Kiarii, Eustace Gacanja (2017) An evaluation of willingness to pay for organic vegetables in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University . . [Submitted] Kiesel, Bernadette (2017) Influence of process setting in convective apple drying on selected parameters. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Kiggundu, Muhammad (2015) Potential of ensiling pineapple by-products as dairy cattle feed on organic certified farms. Masters thesis, Makerere University . . [Submitted] Kjeldsen, Chris (2004) Modernitet, tid, rum og økologiske fødevarenetværk. [Modernity, time, space and organic food networks.] PhD thesis, Aalborg Universitet , Institut for Økonomi, Politik og Forvaltning. . Klabukov, Ilya (2018) Многослойная тканеинженерная конструкция на основе биодеградируемых и биосовместимых материалов для восстановления поврежденных желчных путей. [Multicouche la conception de l'ingénierie tissulaire à base de matériaux biodégradables et biocompatibles pour la réparation du tractus biliaire blessé.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Kledal, Paul Rye (2007) Future developments of the Danish Organic Sector. Thesis, Institute of Food and Resource Economics, Copenhagen University . . Kleeblatt, Jenny (2018) Revealing Consumer Beliefs on Organic Food Using Qualitative Content Analysis of Online Comments. Masters thesis, Technische Universität München , Marketing und Konsumforschung. . [Completed] Klöble, Ulrike (1998) Entscheidungshilfen durch regionale Gruppen im ökologischen Landbau - eine Felduntersuchung von Gruppenentscheidungsprozessen. [Decision support through regional groups in organic farming - field research of group decision processes.] Thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Landwirtschaftliche Beratungslehre . Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, no. Reihe A: Angewandte Wissenschaft Heft 467. Bundesministerium für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Bonn. Knaap, Linde Van Der (2017) Samenwerken met vrijwilligers op kleinschalige tuinderijen in Nederland. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2011) Environmental assessment of imported organic products - focusing on orange juice from Brazil and soybeans from China. PhD thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. . KOÇ, Fulya (2002) Rearing and releasing of Opius concolor in organic olive orchards. [Elevage et lâcher d’Opius concolor dans les oliveraies biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 280. . [Unpublished] Kochbati, Hela (2003) Effects of compost tea and organic fertilizers on organic potato. [Effets de compost et des engrais organique sur la pomme de terre.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 328. . [Unpublished] Koesling, Matthias (2017) Nitrogen and Energy Utilization on Conventional and Organic Dairy Farms in Norway. Thesis, University of Kassel , Faculty of Organic Agricultural Sciences. . König, Sabine (2005) Umweltkommunikation für Bio-Schnittblumen. Thesis, Universität Lüneburg , FB IV Umweltwissenschaften. Diplomarbeit. . [Completed] Kooring, Rozemarijn (2016) Welfare of goats on organic goat systems in the Netherlands : testing a protocol. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Koppelmäki, Kari (2016) Aluskasvien vaikutus luonnonmukaisesti viljellyn ohran ja rikkakasvien kasvuun. [The effect of undersown cover crops on growth of organic barley and weeds.] Masters thesis, Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki , Agricultural Sciences. Helsingin yliopisto / University of Helsinki, Helsinki. Kort, C. De (2006) Biologisch on the move! : een onderzoek naar het profiel van de klant van de natuurvoedingswinkel. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Kremer, Hans-Josef (2002) Gesichtspunkte zum Rind in der Biologisch-Dynamischen Wirtschaftsweise und in der anthroposophischen Literatur. Thesis, Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel , Fachgebiet Angewandte Nutztierethologie und Artgemäße Tierhaltung. Arbeitsmaterialien des Forschungsring, no. 11. Forschungsring für Biologisch-Dynamische Wirtschaftsweise e.V.. Kristiansen, Paul Erik (2003) Sustainable Weed Management in Organic Herb and Vegetable Production. Thesis, University of New England , School of Rural Science and Agriculture. . [Unpublished] Kröger, Laura (2009) Policy change and learning: Implementing EU environmental policies affecting agriculture. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 2. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.
KUNERT, Esther Elisabeth
Effektive Kühlung durch Schweineduschen im Auslauf: Was sagt die Infrarotthermografie?
Masters thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna Kuoppala, Kaisa (2010) Influence of harvesting strategy on nutrient supply and production of dairy cows consuming diets based on grass and red clover silage. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 11. . Kurmann, Mario (2019) Quantification of selected pathogens of the root-rot complex of pea using qPCR. Masters thesis, ETH Zurich, FiBL CH . . Kürmann, Sabine (2021) Hitzestress bei Milchkühen in weidebasierten Haltungssystemen. Thesis, Berner Fachhochschule, Hochschule für Agrar-, Forst- und Lebensmittelwissenschaften, Zollikofen, Schweiz . . [Completed] Køpke, Majken Vitfell (2022) Projekt GrOBEat - Græsfodret økologisk kalvekød - kvaliteten af kød fra 8 måneders kalve. Thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Food Science. , Aarhus N. LLAÂNAYA, Rachid (2002) L’effet de l’association du haricot vert (Phaseolus vulgaris L) avec la courgette (Cucurbita pepo) et d’une fertilisation organique à base de farine de poisson sur le rendement de la courgette dans un système de production biologique. [The effect of the bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L) and zucchini(Cucurbita pepo) association and of fish meal- based organic fertilization on the zucchini yield under an organic production system.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 282. . [Unpublished] Laber, Hermann (1999) Effizienz mechanischer Unkrautregulationsmaßnahmen im Freilandgemüsebau. [Efficiency of mechanical weed control methods in field vegetable farming.] Thesis, Universität Hannover / Germany , Fachbereich Gartenbau. . Laitinen, Pirkko (2009) Fate of the organophosphate herbicide glyphosate in arable soils and its relationship to soil phosphorus status. PhD thesis, University of Kuopio, Faculty of Natural and Environmental Sciences . MTT Science, no. 3. MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen. Lakhal, F. (2014) Customized composting for organic vegetable production : use of compost and different Pseudomonas fluorescens inoculation techniques to reduce root-knot nematode damage in organic greenhouse cucumbers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Lakner, Sebastian (2010) Effizienzanalyse im ökologischen Landbau - Bestandsaufnahme, empirische Analyse und agrarpolitische Schlussfolgerungen. PhD thesis, Georg-August Universität Göttingen , Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung. , Göttingen. Lakner, Sebastian (2004) Ökologischer Landbau und Nachhaltigkeit – Bewertung anhand von ökologischen und ökonomischen Indikatoren. [Organic Farming and Sustainability – an Assessment with ecological and economical Indicators.] Thesis, Universität Göttingen , Institut für Agrarökonomie. . [Unpublished] Lakner, Dipl. Ing. Sebastian (2002) Ökonomische Bewertung der Integration von Naturschutzzielen in den Ökologischen Landbau am Beispiel der Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen. [Economic evaluation of the integration of nature conservation aims in organic agriculture at the state property Frankenhausen.] Thesis, Universität Kassel , Fachgebiet Ökologischer Land und Pflanzenbau. . [Unpublished] Lammerts van Bueren, Edith (2002) Organic plant breeding and propagation: concepts and strategies. Thesis, Wageningen University,The Netherlands / Louis Bolk Instituut, Netherlands , Department of Plant breeding. Louis Bolk Instituut Publications, no. G36. Louis Bolk Instituut. Lanen, M. (2004) Biologisch, heel logisch? : een onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid van tien procent biologische landbouw in Noorwegen en Nederland. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Lang, Elise (2019) Caractérisation des facteurs de durabilité des exploitations de polyculture polyélevage en agriculture biologique. [Characterization of sustainability factors in organic multi-species livestock farms.] Masters thesis, INRA and INPT ENSAT . . Langhout, MSc Jos (2003) Suckling as rearing method on dairy farms: The effect on farm system aspects of two dairy farms in the Netherlands. Thesis, Wageningen University / Louis Bolk Instituut , Biological Farming Systems (WUR) / Department of Livestock production (LBI). . Langousi, Ioanna (2014) Incorporation of organic broiler production in barley cultivation: the effects on crop performance and soil properties. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Lankoski, Jussi (2003) The environmental dimension of multifunctionality: economic analysis and implications for policy design. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 20. . Lao, Emanuel Joel (2015) Combined free-range piglets and energy crop production: Impact on nitrate leaching. Masters thesis, Aarhus University, Department of Agroecology . . Larbi, Mohamed (2006) Influence de la qualité des composts et de leurs extraits sur la protection des plantes contre les maladies fongiques. [Influence of the quality of composts and compost extracts on their capacity to protect plants against fungal diseases.] Thesis, Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick; l' Université de Neuchâtel . . Larsen, Thomas (2007) Unravelling collembolan life belowground: Stoichiometry, metabolism and release of carbon and nitrogen. Thesis, Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility Laboratory, University of Copenhagen and Dept. of Terrestrial Ecology, NERI. National Environmental Research Institute . National Environmental Research Institute © University of Aarhus - Denmark. Lasithiotaki, E. (2012) Individual differences in response to minority descriptive norms for organic food. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Laursen, K.H. (2012) Multi-elemental and Isotopic Analysis of Organic and Conventional Crops using Atomic Spectroscopy and Chemometrics. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Science , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. . Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2016) Coming together: Organic food in a systemic perspective. PhD thesis, Institut for Agroøkologi . . [Submitted]
Le Grumelec, Simon
Gestion des virus sur plants de pomme de terre en Agriculture
[Virus management on seed potatoes in Organic Agriculture.]
Masters thesis, ITAB (Institut de l’Agriculture et de l'Alimentation Biologique) Le Navenant, Adrien (2019) Acquisition d’une tolérance aux insecticides en vergers de pommiers et ses conséquences chez une espèce auxiliaire, le forficule Forficula auricularia L. [Acquisition of insecticide tolerance in apple orchards and its consequences on an auxiliary species, the forficula Forficula auricularia L.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Lèbre, Amélie (2015) L'efficacité de l'aromathérapie en élevage caprin pour lutter contre le parasitisme interne. Masters thesis, Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick, Ecole d'Ingénieurs de PURPAN, F-Toulouse et Syndicat Caprin de la Drome, F-Divajeu . . [Completed] Lederer, Henrike M.; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J. and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2016) Die Ackerunkrautervegetation ökologisch bewirtschafteter Wintergetreideflächen in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern unter dem Einfluss von Standort und Management. Bachelors thesis, University Rostock . . Leeflang, M. (2003) Natuurlijke alternatieven voor antimicrobiële middelen in de biologische varkenshouderij : kansen en knelpunten, een literatuurstudie. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Lefèvre, Vincent (2009) Les conséquences des techniques de travail du sol sur la fertilité des sols conduits en agriculture biologique. [Consequences of soil tillage techniques on soil fertility in organic agriculture.] Masters thesis, ENITA-Clermont; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Legendre, Heloise (2017) Approche agroécologique de la gestion du parasitisme : application en cuniculture biologique. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Lehmann, Jesper O. (2012) Production of Hay milk. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Large Animal Sciences. , Copenhagen, Denmark. [Submitted] Lehner, Matthias (2009) Hindrances local organic farmers are facing in the Turkish organic agricultural sector. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) , Department of Crop Production Ecology. , Uppsala, Sweden. Lehtimäki, Tomi (2021) Organizing natures: Justification and critique in the development of organic agriculture in Finland. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Faculty of Social Sciences. Publications of the Faculty of Social Sciences, no. 198. Unigrafia, Helsinki. Leimann, Lea (2020) Changing behaviours to change the system? Dairy system transformation in Germany. Masters thesis, CAT - Centre for Alternative Technology, UK . . [Submitted] Lelieveld, W. (2005) Organic convenience : possibilities of distributing local products via child day care centers. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Leligois, Morgane (2019) Description de la conduite du pâturage et du risque de strongylose digestive chez des veaux élevés sous nourrice en troupeau laitier biologique. [Description of the pasture management and of the gastro-intestinal strongylosis risk of calves reared by nurses in organic dairy herds.] Masters thesis, INRA Oniris , BIOEPAR. . Lemichez, Solène (2020) Comprendre les performances et l’adaptation de deux variétés-populations de tomate (S. lycopersicum) dans un système agroforestier via l’étude du microbiome racinaire dans le cadre d'une recherche participative. Masters thesis, INRAE, AGROCAMPUS OUEST . . [Unpublished] Levin, Gregor (2006) Dynamics of Danish Agricultural Landscapes and the Roles of Organic Farming. Thesis, National Environmental Research Intitute , Department of Policy Analysis. National Environmental Research Institute, Ministry of the Environment. Lherbier, Jérémy (2005) Valorisation de l'information géographique en agriculture de précision. [Valorization of geographical information in precision agriculture.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] LI, Mrs Zhifang (2002) New eco-compatible technologies of durum wheat production: a case study on winter wheat living mulch by sub clover in Southern Italy. [Nouvelles technologies éco-compatibles pour la production de blé dur: cas d’étude sur un mulching de trèfle souterrain dans une parcelle de blé en Italie du Sud.] Thesis, IAMB - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Agriculture. Tesi Master of Science, no. 273. . [Unpublished] Li, Xiaoxi (2015) Legume-based catch crops for ecological intensification in organic farming. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Agroecology. . Liang, Zhi (2019) Organic carbon mineralization and microbiology in subsoil. PhD thesis, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University . . Lijerón, Elisângela Alves (2006) Produção orgânica em Mato Grosso do Sul: uma investigação sobre a APOMS. [Organic production in Mato Grosso do Sul: an investigation into the APOMS.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sul Universidade de Brasília Universidade Federal de Goiás . , Campo Grande. Lima, Herdjania Veras de (2001) Influência dos sistemas de cultivo orgânico e convencional de algodão sobre a qualidade do solo no município de Tauá - CE. [Influence of organic and conventional cotton farming systems on soil quality in the municipality of Taua - EC.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Ceará . . Lima, Ronaldo Guedes de (2007) A transição agroambiental no contexto da fumicultura: caminhos e obstáculos na ótica dos agricultores familiares da sub-região centro do Vale do Rio Pardo, RS. [The transition in the context of agri-environmental tobacco culture: the optical paths and obstacles of family farmers in the sub-region of Vale do Rio Pardo, RS.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Pelotas , Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel. , Pelotas. Lin, S.J. (2010) Agro-ecological impact assessment of the Karnataka State Policy of Organic Farming (KSPoOF) in five districts of Karnataka State, India. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Lindemann, Mine (2021) Generating conversion to organic farming: An evaluation of factors influencing the adoption of organic farming practices. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , School of Culture and Society. . Löbbering, Sophie (2018) Zukunftsfähige Wirtschaftsgemeinschaften - Übertragung des Community Supported Agriculture-Ansatzes (CSA) auf das Bäckerhandwerk (CSB). [Sustainable economic communities - Transfer of the Community Supported Agriculture approach (CSA) on the bakery trade (CSB).] Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster, Fachbereich Oecotrophologie, D-Münster . .
Ločmele, Indra
PhD thesis, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāte, Lauksaimniecības fakultāte Loges, Ralf (1998) Ertrag, Futterqualität, N2-Fixierungsleistung und Vorfruchtwert von Rotklee- und Rotkleegrasbeständen. [Yield, forage quality, dinitrogen fixation and pre crop value of red clover and red clover/grass-mixtures.] Thesis, Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel , Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung. . Lorentzen, Marc (2018) Diversity and genomic characteristics of Oenococcus oeni. [Diversité et caractéristiques génomiques d'Oenococcus oeni.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Lotgerink, N. (2016) Key players in de communicatie over biologische voeding : een onderzoek naar de communicatie op sociale media over biologische voeding. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Loudhaief, Rihab (2016) Effets des bioinsecticides à base de Bacillus thuringiensis sur la physiologie intestinale de la Drosophile. [Effects of Bacillus thuringiensis bioinsecticides on the Drosophila gut physiology.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Lteif, Ana Paula Alves Silva (2008) A construção social da agroecologia no assentamento Tapera, em Riacho dos Machados, MG. [The social construction of agroecology in the settlement Tapera in Riacho dos Machados, MG.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa , PPG em Extensão Rural. . Lukashyk, Pavel (2005) Problemunkräuter im Organischen Landbau: Entwicklung von Strategien zur nachhaltigen Regulierung von Ackerkratzdistel Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. und Rauhhaarige Wicke Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray. [Noxious weeds in Organic Agriculture: Development of strategies for sustainable control of Canada thistle Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop. and hairy tare Vicia hirsuta (L.) S. F. Gray.] Thesis, Institut für Organischen Landbau, Universität Bonn . Schriftenreihe Institut für Organischen Landbau. Verlag Dr. Köster Berlin. Lund, Vonne L. (2002) Ethics and animal welfare in organic animal husbandry: an interdisciplinary approach. Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Animal Environment and Health. Acta Universitatis Agriculturae Sueciae, no. 137. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. Luth, Luth (2011) Effect of the association of vermifiltration and macrophyte lagooning on manure recycling on the animal farm. [Effet de la combinaison de la lombrifiltration et du lagunage à macrophytes sur le recyclage des effluents sur le site d'élevage.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Luzzi, Nilsa (2007) O debate agroecológico no Brasil: uma construção a partir de diferentes atores sociais. [The agroecological debate in Brazil: a construction from different social.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro , Instituto de Ciências Humanas e Sociais. , Rio de Janeiro. Lyhne-Kjærbye, Annemette (2019) Exploring the microbiota of deep-rooted crops - Culture-independent characterization of the bacterial and fungal communities in association with roots down to 3 m depth. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed] Lynge, Mariane (2019) Evaluering af overvintrende grønsager i økologisk jordbrug. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Dept. Food Science. Master thesis Aarhus University. Aarhus University, Aarhus University. Løes, Anne-Kristin (2003) Studies of the availability of soil phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) in organic farming systems, and of plant adaptations to low P- and K-availability. [Undersøkelser av tilgjengeligheten av P og K i jorda i økologiske dyrkingssystemer, og av planters tilpasning til lav tilgjengelighet av disse næringsstoffene.] Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Soil and Water Sciences. Doctor Scientiarum Thesis, no. 2003: 29. Department of Soil and Water Sciences, Agricultural University of Norway, P.O.Box 5028, N-1432 Ås. MMaalouly Matar, Mariline (2013) Déterminants du parasitisme larvaire du carpocapse du pommier au Sud Est de la France. [Factors affecting larval codling moth parasitism in apple orchards of south-eastern France.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Machado, Raphael (2008) Sistemas de produção orgânicos para a soca da cultura da cana-de-açúcar (Saccharum spp), consorciado com milho(Zea Mays), feijão (Phaseolus Vulgaris) e mandioca (Manihot Esculenta). [Organic production systems for the ratoon crop of cane sugar (Saccharum spp), intercropped with maize (Zea Mays), beans (Phaseolus Vulgaris) and cassava (Manihot Esculenta).] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS , CCA - Programa de Pós-graduação em Agroecologia e Desenvolvimento Rutal. . Macht, Janine (2019) Do expectations about organic matter? : analysis of taste perception and purchase intentionat the example of wine. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Madelin, Camille (2010) Améliorer l’autonomie azotée des systèmes céréaliers en agriculture biologique : Incidence de l’association blé-légumineuses fourragères sur la qualité technologique du blé. [Improving nitrogen autonomy of organic cereal systems: incidence of the association of wheat and forage legumes on wheat grain quality.] Masters thesis, ENITA-Clermont; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Madsen, Niels (2003) En driftsøkonomisk analyse af økologisk jordbrug - med fokus på teknologi og regelændringer. [Farm management analysis of organic farming - with focus on teknology and new legislation.] Thesis, Institute of economics, forestry and landscape , Department of economics. . Maesa, S.F. (2014) impact of mobile green manures on broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. italica) yield and quality. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Maignan, Marion (2016) Le construction d'un prix juste au sein d'un système agro-alimentaire alternatif : Cas de la Société Coopérative d'Intérêt Collectif AlterConso. [The construction of a fair price in an alternative food network : the case of the multi-stakeholder social cooperative AlterConso.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Majuga, Jean Claude Noel (2016) Influence of grass-clover silage quality and application rate on crop performance in organic potato production. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Mäkinen, Joonas Kristian (2019) EFFECTS OF STRIP CROPPING ON GROUND DWELLING INSECT ABUNDANCE AND DIVERSITY. Masters thesis, University of Eastern Finland, faculty of Science and Forestry . . Malagnoux, Laure (2014) Evaluation des impacts environnementaux liés aux pratiques phytosanitaires en vergers de pommiers : approches écotoxicologique et écologique utilisant un auxiliaire des cultures, le forficule. [Evaluation of environmental impacts associated to plant protection practices in apple orchards : ecotoxicological and ecological approaches using a biocontrol agent, the earwig.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] MAMEN, Nassima (2004) Production of compost of high quality from bovine wastes and organic olive and vineyard wastes. [Production de compost de haute qualité à partir de déchets bovins, oléicoles et viticoles biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 347. . [Unpublished] Mancio, Daniel (2008) Percepção ambiental e construção do conhecimento de solos em assentamento de reforma agrária. [Environmental awareness and knowledge building soils for settlement of land reform.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . , Viçosa. Marc, Irena (2006) Wirksamkeitsprüfung des Mistelpräparates Iscador®M in der Mastitistherapie beim Rind. PhD thesis, Vetsuisse Fakultät der Universität Zürich . . Marchi, Chiara (2012) Landscape genetics: applications to the agricultural habitat. PhD thesis, Aarhus University . . Marchi, Chiara (2010) Landscape genetics and the role of organic farming. PhD thesis, Dept. of Wildlife Ecology and Biodiversity Aarhus University . . [Completed] Marescaux, Audrey (2018) Carbon cycling across the human-impacted Seine River basin : from the modeling of carbon dioxide outgassing to the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. [Le cycle du carbone dans le bassin anthropisé de la Seine : de la modélisation du dioxyde de carbone à l’évaluation des émissions des gaz à effet de serre.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Marescaux, Audrey (2018) Carbon cycling across the human-impacted Seine River basin:from the modeling of carbon dioxide outgassing to the assessment of greenhouse gas emissions. [Le cycle du carbone dans le bassin anthropisé de la Seine :de la modélisation de l'évasion du dioxyde de carbone à la quantification des émissions de gaz à effet de serre.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] MARGUERIE, Mathieu (2011) Diversification des cultures dans les exploitations maraîchères biologiques : conséquences sur les gestions agronomique et commerciale. [Crop diversification in organic market-garden farms: consequences on agronomical and marketing management.] Masters thesis, INRA , Unité d'Ecodéveloppement Avignon. . [Unpublished]
Marie, Lucie
Étude du comportement alimentaire des ovins visant à
sécuriser le pâturage estival dans des vergers de pêchers
basses tiges.
Licence Professionnelle Gestion agricole des espaces naturels ruraux thesis, Institut Agro Montpellier Markiet, V. (2011) future prospect of community supported agriculture farm 'De Nieuwe Ronde': a profile analysis of the potential new consumer. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Marley, Elin Kaia (2008) Food for Thought - Introducing Organic Food in Norwegian Schools. Thesis, Senter for Utvikling og Miljø/Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo . Centre for Development and the Environment, University of Oslo. Marliac, Gaëlle (2014) Intensification de l'agriculture biologique : conséquences sur la régulation des phytophages en vergers de pommiers. [Intensification of organic farming : impact on the regulation of phytophagous in apple orchards.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Marques Martins, Guilherme (2012) Communautés microbiennes de la baie de raisin : Incidence des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques: Incidence des facteurs biotiques et abiotiques. [Microbial communities of the grappe berry : effect of biotic and abiotic factors.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Martin, Tristan (2020) L’urine humaine en agriculture : des filières variées pour contribuer à une fertilisation azotée durable. [Human urine in agriculture : various management options contributing to sustainable nitrogen fertilization.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Martin, Laura; Barataud, Fabienne and Hellec, Florence (2010) Agriculture et qualité de l’eau : le dispositif de Lons-le-Saunier Evolution des jeux d’acteurs. Masters thesis, INRA - AgriBio3 . . [Completed] Martin-Chave, Ambroise (2018) Facteurs de régulation naturelle des bio-agresseurs par les cortèges de prédateurs généralistes : effets microclimatiques dans un système maraîcher agroforestier biologique. [Natural regulatory factors of bio-aggressors by generalist predator processions : microclimatic effects in an organic agroforestry market gardening system.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Marzban, Nasim (2016) An investigation on dietary phenolic compounds of apple fruit and the impact of drying time and temperature on total phenolic content of dried apple slices. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Masson, Hélène (2006) Enquête sur le traitement des mammites cliniques en agriculture biologique en Bretagne - utilisation de l'aromathérapie. Masters thesis, ONIRIS (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique) , UMR BIOEPAR. . Massop, E. (2019) New Breeding Techniques in Organic Agriculture : The Limits of Biotechnology for Organic Plant Breeding. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Mathieu, Anna (2019) Conséquences zootechniques, sanitaires et comportementales de trois modalités d'allaitement du veau laitier. PhD thesis, ProYoungStock, ONIRIS - Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation . . [Completed] Matos, Laudiceio Viana (2008) Conhecimentos na análise de ambientes: a pedologia e o saber local em comunidade Quilombola no norte de Minas Gerais. [Knowledge in the analysis of environments: the pedology and local knowledge in community Quilombola in northern Minas Gerais.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . , Viçosa. Mattausch, Nancy (2010) Impact of sustainable development principles on the food service and hospitality sector in the Western Cape (South Africa). Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster - University of Applied Sciences . . [Submitted] Mattila, Pasi K. (2006) Ammonia emissions from pig and cattle slurry in the field and utilization of slurry nitrogen in crop production. Thesis, University of Helsinki . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 87. Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen. Mbapila, Shadrack Jacob (2019) Social Networks, Governance and Transaction Cost Effects on Organic Tomato and Sweet Pepper Tourist Hotels Market in Arusha and Unguja. PhD thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania . . Méda, Bertrand (2011) Une approche dynamique des flux d'éléments et d'énergie des ateliers de production avicole avec ou sans parcours : Conception et application du modèle MOLDAVI. [A dynamic approach of nutrients and energy flows in poultry rearing systems: Conception and application of the model MOLDAVI.] PhD thesis. Agrocampus. [Unpublished] Medrano, Dorian Valentin (2022) New Composting Technology: Evaluation of Compost Quality and its Effects on Soil Fertility. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Master thesis. Aarhus University. Meer, L. Van Der (2016) Influence of perceive health effects of organic produce on consumer choice : a literature review on the motivation ' health' for choice organic food. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Meerburg, Dr BG (2006) Zoonotic Risks of Rodents in Livestock Production. Thesis, University of Amsterdam , Faculty of Medicine. Muisketier, Wageningen. Meier, Edith (2021) Elimination behaviour of fattening pigs in the new housing system Wiesenschwein. Thesis, Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich, Schweiz . . [Completed] Meilvang, Linn Vanja (2020) Mobilization of nutrients with cover crops on a moderate- and a low-fertility soil. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences, University of Copenhagen. , Frederiksberg. Meinert Nielsen, Per (2002) Systemer til styring af græsoptagelsen hos køer og kvier. Thesis, KVL , Institut for Husdyrbrug og Husdyrsundhed. . Melin, Erika (2019) Life cycle assessment of tomato juice – comparison of KRAV-labeled and conventional tomato juice. Thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Energy and technology. . Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Melotti, Edoardo (2016) STUDIES ON THE COSTITUENTS OF SWEET PEPPER (SENISE PEPPER PGI) SUBJECTED TO DIFFERENT DRYING TECHNIQUES. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Faculty of Sciences and Technologies. . [Completed] Mendes , Roberval (2008) Aspectos da produção agroecológica no baixo Acre. [Features of ecological production in low Acre.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Acre . , Rio Branco. Meriluoto, Linda (2015) Consumers' Understanding of Sustainability of Organic Food Products and its Effect on Quality Perception. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Meshesha, J.G. (2011) Impact of contract farming on household income of smallholder farmers: the case of organic honey production in South West Ethiopia, Sheka Zone. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Metselaar, J. (2010) Tillage effects on soil organic matter preservation and weed suppression by Trifolium repens. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Metz, J. (2014) Personality traits and food choice motives : explaining the intention of choosing organic products in restaurants. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Meyer-Schwickerath, E. (2011) Increasing sustainable consumer behaviour: for reasons of desirability and feasibility? : the case of organic cotton. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Mikkola, Minna (2011) Social dynamics for sustainable food systems. Actors' orientations towards sustainability in primary production and public consumption. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Ruralia institute. Publications 21. University of Helsinki, Ruralia institute, Helsinki, Finland. Mirko, Grilli; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2016) DEVELOPMENT OF PREDICTIVE MODELS FOR QUALITY CONTROL OF GALA APPLES DURING DRYING. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished] Modéran, Julien (2010) Estuaire de la Charente : structure de communauté et écologie trophique du zooplancton, approche écosystémique de la contamination métallique. [The Charente estuary : zooplankton community structure and trophic ecology, ecosystem approach to metal contamination.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Mogensen, Lisbeth (2004) Organic milk production based entirely on home-grown feed. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences (DIAS) . . Möhring, N.P. (2015) role of the natural hedge in organic farming – an adoption barrier? Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Monticchio, Benedetta (2020) Effetto di un estratto di tannini e della stagione di pascolamento sulla composizione acidica di formaggi di Modicana. [Effects of a tannin extract and grazing season on the fatty acid profile of modicana cow's cheese.] Masters thesis, University of Catania, Italy , Department Di3A, via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy. . [Completed] Moreira, Claudia Araujo (2006) Produção e mercados de frutas, legumes e verduras orgânicos na região de influência econômica de Goiânia-GO. [The production and the commercialization of organic fruits and vegetables of the economic influence of Goiânia-GO.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Goiás . . [Unpublished] Moreira , Rodrigo Machado (2003) Transição agroecológica: conceitos, bases sociais e a localidade de Botucatu/SP - Brasil. [Agroecological transition: concepts, foundations and social location of Botucatu/SP - Brazil.] Masters thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola - FEAGRI. , Campinas. Morel, Kevin (2016) Viabilité des microfermes maraîchères biologiques. Une étude inductive combinant méthodes qualitatives et modélisation. [Viability of organic market gardening microfarms. An inductive study combining qualitative methods and modelling.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Muneret, Lucile (2018) Déploiement de l’agriculture biologique à l’échelle du paysage : impacts sur les communautés d’ennemis naturels et les services de régulation des bioagresseurs. [Deployment of organic farming at a landscape scale : impacts on natural enemy communities and natural pest control.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Munkholm, Lars J. (2002) Soil Fragmentation and Friability. Effects of Soil Water and Soil Management. Thesis, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Physiology and Soil Science. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences. Mursec, Mateja (2011) Agricultural practices impact on soil quality and health : case study of slovenian irrigated or organic orchards. [Influence de différentes pratiques agricoles sur la qualité et la santé des sols : étude de cas sur des vergers slovènes irrigués ou en agriculture biologique.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Mutlu, Nihan (2007) Consumer Attitude and Behaviour towards Organic Food: Cross-cultural study of Turkey and Germany. Thesis, University of Hohenheim , Institute for Agricultural Policy and Markets. . [Unpublished] NNajdek, Beata Ewa (2023) Can increased sensory quality drive a lower beef intake? The effect of grass-based feeding strategy on beef's sensory characteristics, consumer satisfaction, appetite, and sensory desires. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Food Science. Master thesis Aarhus University. . Nalet, Camille (2015) Influence de la stéréochimie et de la fonctionnalité de molécules organiques sur l'hydratation de composés cimentaires. [Influence of the stereochemistry and of the functionality of organic molecules on the hydration of cementitious compounds.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Nascimento, Alexandre Ferreira do (2008) Calibração e validação dos modelos CENTURY, APSIM e NDICEA de decomposição de materiais orgânicos e mineralização de N para a Mata Atlântica. [Calibration and validation of models CENTURY, APSIM and NDICEA decomposition of organic materials and N mineralization for the Atlantic.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . , Viçosa. Nauta, Wytze (2009) Selective Breeding in Organic Dairy Production. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instutuut; Wageningen UR . . Ndukhu, Haggai Onyango (2015) Evaluating influence of organic amendments and legume integration on soil chemical properties and crop performance in Central Kenya. PhD thesis, University of Nairobi . . [Submitted] Ndungu, Samuel Kiruku (2015) Economic analysis of smallholder organic vegetable production system in Kiambu and Kajiado counties of Kenya. Masters thesis, Kenyatta University . . [Submitted] Neqal, Mehdi (2017) Smart polymeric materials by ring-opening metathesis polymerization. [Préparation de matériaux polymères submicroniques "intelligents" par ROMP.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Neuenschwander, Hanna (2023) No Broccoli without a head: A New Push-Pull-Disruption System to Control Swede Midge. Masters thesis, ETH Zürich, CH-Zürich and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . . [Submitted] Neuhoff, Daniel (2000) Speisekartoffelerzeugung im Organischen Landbau - Einfluß von Sorte und Rottemistdüngung auf Ertragsbildung und Knolleninhaltsstoffe. [Potato production in organic farming - Influence of variety and increased manure application on yield formation and tuber quality.] Thesis, Universität Bonn , Institut für Ökologischen Landbau. . Nicolao, Alessandra (2018) Suckling of dairy calves by their dams: consequences on animal performances, behaviour and welfare. Masters thesis, ProYoungStock, Universita degli studi di Padova , Dipartimento di Agronomia Animali Alimenti Risorse Naturali e Ambiente. . [Completed] Nielsen, Jeppe Østergaard (2008) Metabolsk aktivitet i gulerødder og sammenhæng til produktkvalitet og holdbarhed. Thesis, Syddansk Universitet/Århus Universitet , Institut for Kemi, Bio- og Miljøteknologi/Institut for Råvarekvalitet. . Niezabitowski, Patrick (2024) Assessment of four flowering plant mixtures - Studying their attractiveness to beneficial insects for pollination and biocontrol. Thesis, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences, D-Kleve and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Bachelor Thesis. . [Submitted] NIKOLIC, Jovan (2003) Overall study of compost water extract application through fertigation system in organic farming. [Etude sur l’application d’extrait liquide de compost à travers le système de fertigation en agriculture biologique.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 301. . [Unpublished] Njastad, Kari Marie (2011) Metabolism of phytoestrogens in dairy cows - effect of botanical composition of silages. Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Animal and Aqualcultural Sciences. . [Submitted] Njenga Gichure, Josphat (2012) Analysis of the Networks and Traceability Systems of Organic Kales Value Chains in Nairobi and its Environs, Kenya. Masters thesis, University of Nairobi . . [Submitted] Nkurunziza, Libère (2010) Phenology and Source-Sink Dynamics of Carbohydrates in Relation to Management of Perennial Weeds: Cirsium arvense (L.) Scop and Tussilago farfara L. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Agriculture and Ecology. . Nomberg, Benjamin (2014) Evaluation d'une méthode participative d'analyse de système pour l'amélioration de la santé en élevage bovin laitier biologique. Masters thesis, ONIRIS (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique) , UMR BIOEPAR. . Noto, Fabio (2004) Magen-Darm- und Lungenwurmproblematik der Bio Weide-Beef®-Produktion; Umsetzung von Kontrollmassnahmen. [Parasites / Nematades on Bio-Weide-Beef Farms; Implementation of control measures.] Thesis, ETH Zürich, Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften . . [Unpublished] Nowak, Benjamin (2013) Diminuer la dépendance aux engrais de synthèse par le recyclage local des éléments minéraux : analyse des stratégies d'approvisionnement en éléments minéraux des exploitations agricoles biologiques. [Reducing dependence on artificial fertilisers through local nutrient recycling : analysis of organic farms’ nutrient supply strategies.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Nowak, Benjamin (2013) Diminuer la dépendance aux engrais de synthèse par le recyclage local des éléments minéraux : analyse des stratégies d'approvisionnement en éléments minéraux des exploitations agricoles biologiques. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Nundu, Raya Joseph Amara (2016) Effects of organically managed tillage systems on soil quality, weed competitiveness, and winter triticale performance. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Nuutila, Jaakko (2016) THE FINNISH ORGANIC FOOD CHAIN Modelling towards 2020 goals with change and innovation. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Institute of Behavioural Sciences. University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, no. Studies in Educational Sciences 272. Unigrafia, Helsinki. Nyandi, Muhoja Sylivester (2017) Efficacy of neem and netting in management of Tomato leafminer, Tuta Absoluta (Meyrick) (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) on tomato productivity among smallholder producers as compared to synthetic insecticides use in Morogoro, Tanzania. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of plant and environmental science (PLEN). . [Submitted] Nykänen, Arja (2008) Nitrogen dynamics of organic farming in a crop rotation based on red clover (Trifolium pratense) leys. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 121. . OOdhong', Charles (2014) FEASIBILITY OF INTEGRATING ORGANIC MILK PRODUCTION INTO CERTIFIED SMALLHOLDER ORGANIC FARMS IN KIAMBU AND KAJIADO COUNTIES, KENYA. PhD thesis, University of Nairobi . . Ohlwärter, Annemarie (2019) Potenzialanalyse zur Verwertung der Weißen Lupine (Lupinus albus) in der menschlichen Ernährung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Neuzulassung anthraknosetoleranter Sorten. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf . . [Completed] Oleskowicz-Popiel, Piotr (2010) Biogas and Bioethanol Production in Organic Farming. PhD thesis, Risø DTU . . Oliveira, Fabio Luiz de (2001) Manejo orgânico da cultura do repolho (brassica oleraca var. capitata): adubação orgânica, adubação verde e consorciação. [Organic management of cabbage (brassica oleracea var capitata): organic manuring, green manuring and intercropping.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro , Instituto de Agronomia. . Oliveira, Fernanda Ribeiro de Andrade (2008) Sustentabilidade e qualidade do solo em propriedades de cana-de-açúcar orgânica e convencional. [Sustainability and quality in soil properties cane sugar organic and conventional.] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS . . Olsen, Ditte Køster (0002) Animalsk og plantebaserede gødskningsstrategier i økologisk grønsagsproduktion: Effekter på udbytte, kvælstofdynamik og jordens frugtbarhed. [Animal- and plant-based fertilizer strategies in organic vegetable farming: Effects on yield, nitrogen dynamics and soil fertility.] Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University, Aarhus. Omoleye, Oluwadamilola (2020) Assessment of food losses and waste and related greenhouse gas emissions along fresh apple value chain. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Energy and technology. , Uppsala. Oppermann, Rainer (2001) Ökologischer Landbau am Scheideweg - Chancen und Restriktionen für eine ökologische Kehrtwende in der Agrarwirtschaft. [Organic Farming at the crossroad - Opportunities and restrictions for an about-face in agricultural economy.] Thesis, TU Braunschweig , Soziologie. ASG - Kleine Reihe, no. 62. Agrarsoziale Gesellschaft e.V.. Ostandie, Noémie (2021) Multifonctionnalité des systèmes viticoles conduits en agriculture biologique : une analyse intégrant les performances écologiques, agronomiques et économiques. [Multifunctionality of vineyards under organic farming : an analysis integrating ecological, agronomic and economic performances.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Oudshoorn, F.W. (2009) Innovative technology and sustainable development of organic dairy farming : the case of automatic milking systems in Denmark. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] OZTURK, Emel (2003) Socio-economic Impact of Organic Farming in Rural Turkey: the Case of Rapunzel Turkey Project. [Impact socio-économique de l'agriculture biologique dans le milieu rural en Turquie: Cas de projet Rapunzel Turkey.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Tesi Master of Science, no. 302. . [Unpublished] PPadel, Susanne (2002) Conversion to Organic Milk Production: the change process and farmers' information needs. Thesis, Univeristy of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Studies. . [Unpublished] Padilha, Douglas Ochiai (2008) A construção da racionalidade ambiental no movimento agroecológico em Rio Branco Do Sul/PR. [Construction of rationality in environmental agroecological movement in White River South/PR.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Paraná , Sociologia. , Curitiba. Paglia, Águida Goreti (2003) Produção de mudas de cebola (Allium cepa L.) sob uma perspectiva agroecológica. [Onion (Allium cepa L.) transplant production under an agroecological perspective.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Pelotas , Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel. . Palacios Riocerezo, Carlos (2010) Estudio Técnico-económico de la conversión a la producción ecológica del ganado ovino de leche. [Technical and economic study for the conversion of the milk sheep production to organic management.] PhD thesis, Universidad de León. Facultad de Veterinaria. Departamento de producción animal . . Palomba, Ivan (2016) Effects of C : N ratio in cut-and-carry green manure and nitrogen application rate in organic potato production. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Patoju, Sri Krishna Sudheer (2011) Economics of Organic Farming: A Study in Andhra Pradesh. PhD thesis, Andhra University , School of Economics. Thesis. . [Submitted] Pauvert, Charlie (2019) Comparaison et évaluation d’approches bioinformatiques et statistiques pour l'analyse du pathobiome des plantes cultivées. [Comparison and evaluation of bioinformatic and statistical approaches for the analysis of the pathobiome of crop plants.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Pedersen, Anders (2008) Modelling crop root development and nitrate uptake. PhD thesis, The Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agricultural Sciences. . Peigné, Joséphine (2003) Méthodes d'évaluation des pratiques agri-biologiques sur la qualité de l'air à l'aide d'indicateurs agri-environnementaux. [Assessment method of the impact of oganic farming practices on air quality by means of agro-environmental indicators.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Peña-Espinoza, Miguel (2016) Anthelmintic activity of forage chicory (Cichorium intybus) and field efficacy of ivermectin against gastrointestinal nematodes in Danish cattle. PhD thesis, Technical University of Denmark , National Veterinary Institute. , Copenhagen, Denmark. Pers Berglund, Anna (2016) Weed suppressive ability of crop mixtures. Masters thesis, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences , Department of Crop Production Ecology. . Pesset, Rémi (2010) Association d’une culture de blé avec un couvert de légumineuses en agriculture biologique: Mise en évidence de l’effet du couvert sur la dynamique des bio-agresseurs et des adventices du blé. [Introduction of a legume cover in organic wheat production: incidence on the pests and weeds dynamics.] Thesis, University of Toulouse; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Petersen, Gesche (2003) Zur Anwendung der Homöopathie in der ökologischen Tierhaltung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Fruchtbarkeitsstörungen weiblicher Rinder. [Application of homoeopathy to improve the fertility of cows under conditions of organic farming.] Thesis, Universität Kassel , Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Ökologische Tierhaltung. . [Unpublished] Petit, Caroline (2013) Transitions des exploitations agricoles vers l'agriculture biologique dans un territoire : approche par les interactions entre systèmes techniques et de commercialisation. Application aux aires d'alimentation de captages en Île-de-France. [Transitions to organic farming in a territory : approach via interactions between technical and commercialization systems. Application to water catchment areas in Ile-de-France.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Petitgenet, Morgane (2010) Etude des performances lors des transitions vers l’agriculture biologique dans des systèmes arboricoles en région PACA. [Impacts of the conversion to organic farming in fruit production systems of the PACA region.] EngD thesis, ENITA de Bordeaux (France) . . [Completed] Pfiffner, Lukas (2004) Impact of different farming systems on epigeic beneficial arthropods and earthworm fauna in arable crops. Thesis, Universität Bern , Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät am Zoologischen Institut der Universität Bern. . Phan, Hong TT (2019) An organic cereal row cropping system − A combination of relay undersown cover crop and inter-row hoeing for a balanced Nitrogen and weed management. PhD thesis, Copenhagen University , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. , Denmark. [Submitted] Pibou, Elsa (2016) Paysans de passage : les fermiers du mouvement Terre de Liens en France. [Peasants on the way : farmers of Terre de Liens’s movement in France.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Pieper, Lena (2021) Einfluss von erhöhten Temperaturen auf das Verhalten und den Fliegenbefall bei weidenden Milchkühen. Thesis, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften . . [Completed] Pigou, Maxime (2018) Modeling the kinetic behaviour, mixing and local transfer pheonmena and biologicial population heterogeneity effects in industrial fermenters. [Modélisation du comportement cinétique, des phénomènes de mélange et de transfert locaux, et des effets d'hétérogénéité de population dans les fermenteurs industriels.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Pinho, Lucinéia de (2008) Qualidade físico-química e sanitária de tomate cereja e milho verde, cultivados em sistemas de produção orgânico e convencional. [Physical-chemical and sanitary quality in cherry tomatoes and green corn grown under organic and conventional conditions.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais . . Pirhofer-Walzl, Karin (2011) Performance of multi-species grassland mixtures. Mineral accumulation, nitrogen transfer and nitrogen uptake. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. . Piriou, Solenne (2002) L'institutionnalisation de l'agriculture biologique (1980-2000). PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Pittalà, Sara (2019) Effetto dei tannini condensati e idrolizzabili sulla qualità del latte di bovine modicane. [Effect of condensed and hydrolysable tannins on the quality of "modicana" cow's milk.] Masters thesis, University of Catania, Italy , Department Di3A, via Valdisavoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy. . [Completed] Plopeanu, Georgel-Cici (2022) The use of colored roots of beetroot (Beta vulgaris L.) in root studies in organic intercropping systems with white cabbage. Masters thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University. Poirier, Caroline; Heller, Elizabeth Louise; Di Martino, Enrico and Alix, Sébastien (2006) The characterisation of the Danish e-business - Aarstiderne as an alternative food network: A case study. Thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) of Copenhagen . University of Copenhagen. Poitral, Chloé (2009) Gestion de la nutrition azotée du blé conduit en Agriculture Biologique et incidences sur le rendement et la teneur en protéines des grains. Contribution croisée de légumineuses semées sous couvert et d’une fertilisation de printemps. [Nitrogen management of organic wheat: effects on grain yield and Grain Protein content. Crossing contribution of undersown legumes and spring N fertilization.] Masters thesis, ENITA-Bordeaux; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Poldermans, Ralph (2022) Value propositions by organic specialty stores and customer response in the region of Utrecht. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Ponzio, Carlo (2011) On-farm research for efficient organic matter management in low-input farming systems. PhD thesis, Polythecnic University of the Marche Region, Faculty of Agriculture, Italy , SAPROV Department of Environmental Sciences and Crop Production. . [Completed] Poulain, Max (2009) La spiritualité dans la consommation : explorations, mesures et applications au point de vente. [Spirituality in the consumption : explorations, measures and applications to the point of sale.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Poulsen, Signe Herbers (2010) Communicating Science Online - A study of the international use of organic research communication online. PhD thesis, University of Aarhus . . [Completed] Pöytäniemi, Pinja O. V. (2022) Communication for development: The case of promoting organic farming in northern Ghana. Bachelor's Degree Work thesis, Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences , Life Sciences. . [Submitted] Prai, Federico; Capucchio, Maria Teresa and Colombino, Elena (2022) EFFETTI DELLA SOMMINISTRAZIONE DI LARVE VIVE DI HERMETIA ILLUCENS SULLE PERFORMANCES DI CRESCITA E SULLA SALUTE INTESTINALE DI POLLI A COLLO NUDO IN ALLEVAMENTO BIOLOGICO. [Growth performances and gut health of organic Label Nacked Neck chickens supplemented with live Hermetia illucens larvae.] Masters thesis, University of Turin , Department of Veterinary Sciences. . Prause, Katharina (2016) Identifying the diversity of Alternative Food Networks: exploring consumer-producer relationships and consumer involvement practices : a multiple case study on AFN categorisation, its underlying dimensions and forms of consumer involvement in Oldenburg, Germany. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Preissel, S.R. (2011) Strategies and selection criteria for participatory cotton breeding in Uganda : a diagnostic study. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Preußer, Johanna (2020) Einfluss der Tränkemenge auf das Verhalten von Aufzuchtkälbern. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Universität Kassel, FB 11, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Preußer, Johanna (2020) Einfluss der Tränkemenge auf die Gewichtsentwicklung und die Gesundheit von weiblichen Aufzuchtkälbern. Bachelor-Projektarbeit thesis, Universität Kassel, FB 11, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung . Projektarbeit. . [Completed] Preußer, Johanna (2019) Gegenseitiges Besaugen in der Kälberaufzucht im Rahmen des ProYoungStock Projektes. Bachelor-Praktikumsbericht thesis, Universität Kassel , Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung. . [Completed] Prišenk, Jernej (2015) THE EFFECTS OF VALUE BASED AGRO-FOOD CHAIN ON THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC SITUATION OF DAIRY FARMS IN MOUNTAIN REGIONS. PhD thesis, University of Maribor , Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences. . Probst, Johanna K. (2008) Entwicklung einer Behandlungsmethode zur Stressminderung als Vorbereitung für Rinder auf Transport und Schlachtung und die Auswirkung auf Verhalten, Blutparameter und Fleischqualität. Masters thesis, Universität Hohenheim, D-Stuttgart , Fachgebiet Tierhaltung und Ethologie. . [Completed] Puech, Camille (2014) Hétérogénéité des pratiques agricoles biologiques et conventionnelles dans les paysages bretons: effets sur les communautés d’insectes auxiliaires à différentes échelles. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Puska, Petteri (2019) Organic is the new black - Sending and interpreting reputational signals in the context of organic food choices. PhD thesis. Acta Wasaensia, no. 415. University of Vaasa, Vaasa. QQiao, Y. (2009) Developing selection criteria for breeding organic nitrogen-efficient potato (Solanum tuberosum) varieties: root characteristics of potato crops under different levels of organic nitrogen treatments. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Quadros, Karen Rodak de (2005) A agroecologia e agricultura familiar da região centro-sul do Paraná. [Agroecology and family farming in the south-central region of Paraná.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Paraná . . Quiedeville, Sylvain (2017) Evaluation ex-post des impacts de la recherche sur les innovations pour l’agriculture biologique : enjeux, méthodes, outils et instruments. [Ex-post assessment of impacts of research on innovations for organic farming : issues, methods, tools and instruments.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Quiédeville, Sylvain (2017) Ex-post assessment of impacts of research on innovations for organic farming : issues, methods, tools and instruments. PhD thesis, INRA; SupAgro; FiBL . . Quiédeville, Sylvain (2013) Durabilité systémique de la filière du riz Camarguais: comparatif et interaction entre la sous-filière bio et conventionnelle. Masters thesis, SupAgro . SupAgro. Quinio, Maude (2014) Influence of tillage systems and organic amendments on weed dynamics in an organic potato system. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] RRadicetti, Emanuele (2012) ECOLOGICAL WEED MANAGEMENT. PhD thesis, University of Tuscia . . Rageot, Maxime (2015) Les substances naturelles en Méditerranée nord-occidentale (VIe-Ier millénaire BCE) : chimie et archéologie des matériaux exploités leurs propriétés adhésives et hydrophobes. [The natural substances in North Western Mediterranean (6th-1st millennium BCE) : chemistry and archaeology of products used for their adhesive and hydrophobic properties.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Rakotovololona, Lucia (2018) Quantification expérimentale et modélisation de la production, des flux d'eau et d'azote en systèmes de culture biologiques. [Quantifying and modeling crop yields, water and nitrogen fluxes of in situ organic cropping systems.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Rangstrup-Christensen, Lena (2017) Risk factors for piglet mortality in Danish organic sow herds. [Risiko faktorer for pattegrise dødelighed i dansk økologisk svineproduktion.] PhD thesis, University of Aarhus, Denmark . . [Completed] Rasa, Kimmo (2011) Physical properties of a boreal clay soil under differently managed perennial vegetation. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 17. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Rasmussen, Jim (2007) Below ground C and N transformation processes in perennial grass-clover mixtures. Thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agricultural Sciences. . Rasmussen, Ole Horn (2008) Evolution of Organic Agriculture within Theoretical Frameworks of Structural Change and Transformation. PhD thesis, Aalborg University , Department of Economics, Politics and Public Administration. . [Completed] Rasmussen, Martin Krøyer (2012) Regulation of Porcine Hepatic Cytochrome P450 by Chicory Root - Implication of Boar Taint. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. . Rault, Jeanne-Alice (2015) Analyse des risques de paramphistomose bovine dans les élevages biologiques de Loire-Atlantique et évaluation de l'efficacité de traitements d'aromathérapie. Masters thesis, ONIRIS (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique) , UMR BIOEPAR. . Raussi, Satu (2005) Group management of young dairy cattle in relation to animal behaviour and welfare. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 71. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Refsgaard, Ph. D. Karen (2001) Evaluation of sustainability in farm and wastewater systems – decision theoretical applications. [Vurdering av bærekraftighet i jordbruks- og avløpssystemer - beslutningsteoretiske tilnærmelser.] Thesis, Norges landbrukshøgskole. Now called "Norwegian University of Life sciences" , Institutt for økonomi og samfunnsfag. Now called Economics and Resource Management. Doctor Scientiarum theses 2001, no. 5. Agricultural University of Norway. Reis, Elias Moura (2005) Análisis, desde la perspectiva agroecológica, de los câmbios generados por un proyecto de desarrollo rural en agricultura familiar: el caso del Proyecto Gavião, Bahia - Brasil. [Analysis under the agroecological perspective of the changes on the rural development and small farms because of the Project Gavião, Bahia - Brazil.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Córdoba , Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Agrônomos y de Montes. . Reis, Maria Rita (2012) Tecnologia social de produção de sementes e agrobiodiversidade. [Social technology of the weed production and agrobiodiversity.] Masters thesis, Universidade de Brasília , Centro de Desenvolvimento Sustentável. , Brasília. Remijnse, T. (2013) Potentie van wilgenenergieplantages in kippenuitlopen in Nederland. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Rendtorff, Janne and Holm, Høgni (2004) Påvirkninger af ukrudt og sygdom på udbyttet af økologiske sortsblandinger. [The effects on yield of oprganically grown variety mixtures by weed and disease.] Thesis, Roskilde Universitetscenter , Hus 13.2. . [Unpublished] Reps, Antje (1999) Vergleich verschiedener Aufzuchtverfahren bei Milchschaflämmern, insbesondere unter Berücksichtigung der neuen EU-Richtlinie 2092/91 für die ökologische Tierhaltung. [Comparison of different rearing methods of dairy sheep lambs with particular consideration of EC Regulation No. 2092/91 for organic animal husbandry.] Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Internationale Nutztierzucht und -haltung. . [Unpublished] Reusch, Babette (2019) Analysis of changes and developments in the organic cereal seed market based on a statistical evaluation of the German national organic seed database organicXseeds. Masters thesis, Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, Justus-Liebig-Universität Giessen, FiBL . . Ricci, Benoît (2009) Dynamique spatiale et dégâts de carpocapse dans la basse vallée de la Durance. [Spatial dynamics and damage of codling moth in the low Durance valley.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Riera, Fabien (2017) Trois classes de facteurs qui influencent le cours de la domestication des espèces marines. Une étude de cas : l'halioticulture biologique en France. [Three factors which influence the course of domestication of marine species. A case study : the French abalone organic farming industry.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Rigamonti, Andrea; Speranza, G (Tutor); Morelli, C (Co-Tutor) and Bianchi, G (Co-Tutor) (2017) STUDIO SUI COSTITUENTI DI VARIETÁ LOCALI DI POMODORO (SAPORE ANTICO ABRUZZO E PERBRUZZO) SOTTOPOSTE A DIVERSE TECNICHE DI ESSICCAMENTO. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Chemistry. . Risgaard, Marie-Louise (2005) Drivkræfter bag til- og fravalg af økologisk drift i Danmark - resultater fra casestudier. [Driving Forces Behind Farmers’ Choice of Organic or Conventional Farming in Denmark – Results From Case Studies.] Thesis, Institut for Jordbrugsvidenskab, Den Kgl. Veterinær- og Landbohøjskole, KVL . . Risku-Norja, Helmi (2011) From environmental concerns towards sustainable food provisioning. Material flow and food consumption scenario studies on sustainability of agri-food systems. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 15. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Risthaus, J. (2015) Social exclusion and organic food consumption : framing organic consumption as pro-social behaviour. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Ritz, Tobias (2019) Auswirkungen der Tränkemenge in der weiblichen Kälberaufzucht auf Gewichtsentwicklung und Festfutteraufnahme in den ersten 16 Lebenswochen. [Effects of milk amounts in calf rearing on weight gain and solid food intake in the first 16 weeks of life.] Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung, D-Witzenahusen . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Rivoire, Clémence (2021) Le pâturage ovin: une stratégie de gestion de l'enherbement en arboriculture fruitière. [Sheep grazing in orchards, a strategy to manage orchard grass cover: evaluation of fruit trees protective measures.] Masters thesis, Ecole Supérieure d’Agricultures d’Angers . . Robin, Marion (2017) Performances et santé de vaches laitières en agriculture biologique : Bilan de l’expérimentation-système menée a l’INRA de Mirecourt. Masters thesis, ONIRIS (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique) , UMR BIOEPAR. . Rocha, Everaldo Batista (2006) Agroecologia e desenvolvimento rural (perspectivas do sistema agroflorestal em Bom Jardim - Pernambuco). [Agroecology and rural development (perspectives agroforestry system in Bom Jardim - Pernambuco).] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco , Ciências Geográficas. , Recife. Rodrigues Florence, Ana Carolina (2013) Physiological responses of bifidobacteria subjected to acid, cold and gastro-intestinal stress in organic and conventional milks. [Réponses physiologiques de bifidobactéries soumises aux stress acide, froid et gastro-intestinal en laits biologique et conventionnel.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Rokka, Susanna (2008) Bovine colostral antibodies and selected lactobacilli as means to control gastrointestinal infections. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 131. . Rolf, Angelika (2009) Schulverpflegung in Niedersachsen - Politik, Organisation, Nachhaltigkeit. Bachelorarbeit (B.Sc. Oecotrophologie) thesis, Fachhochschule Münster, Deutschland , Fachbereich Oecotrophologie. . [Submitted] Rommel, Marlon (2019) Developping a Concept of the International Community Supported Agriculture in order to foster Sustainability in Global Food Systems. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg . . [Submitted] Rudolphi, Sabine (2007) Methodische Grundlagen der Züchtung von Saflor (Carthamus tinctorius L.) für den ökologischen Landbau. [Safflower as a new oil crop in organic farming: Breeding methodology and rapid analysis of seed quality.] Thesis, Georg-August Universität Göttingen , Fakultät für Agrarwissenschaften. . Ruggeri, Laura (2012) I sistemi di garanzia partecipata (PGS) come strumento di sviluppo locale rurale: l’impatto dell’inclusione della comunità e dei valori sociali nella certificazione biologica. [Participatory guarantee systems (PGS) as a tool for local rural development: including community and social value in organic certification.] Masters thesis, University of Parma , Faculty of Economics. , Parma, Italy. [Completed] Rutten, Annemieke (2022) Raspberry cane propagation : phenotype, leaf sap composition and disease susceptibility of organic and conventional raspberry canes. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] SSaarijärvi, Kirsi (2008) Nitrogen cycling on intensively managed boreal dairy pastures. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 134. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Sàbat, G.B. (2005) Comparing suckling and artificial milk systems for rearing organic beef cattle : case study at Droevendaal farm. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Saint-Guily, E. (2005) Organic cotton in Peru: why do farmers convert? : confronting agro-ecology principles with smallholders' reality. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Salamanca Fresno, Carlos (2015) Effects of different tillage practices on soil water and N dynamics of an organic potato production system. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] SALAME, Nadine (2004) Motivations towards farming in Lebanon: a comparison between organic and conventional farmers. [Les motivations des agriculteurs au Liban: une comparaison entre les agriculteurs conventionnels et biologiques.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 349. . SALEM, Assem (2005) Biological control of Phytophthora nicotianae and organic media standardization in citrus nurseries. [La lutte biologique contre Phytophthora nicotianae et la standardisation des substrats biologiques dans les pépinières d’agrumes.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 401. . [Unpublished] Salmi, Alexandre Porto (2012) Utilização de Flemingia macrophylla como adubo verde na produção orgânica de hortaliças em sistema de aléias. [Use of Flemingia macrophylla as a green manure for vegetable production under alley cropping.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro , Instituto de Agronomia. . Sanches, Cinara Del´ Arco (2011) A contribuição da sistematização de experiências para o fortalecimento do campo agroecológico e da agricultura familiar no Brasil. [The contribution to the systematization of experiences strengthening the field of agriculture and agro-ecological family in Brazil.] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SÃO CARLOS . .
Sanchez de Cima, Diego
Soil Properties affected by cover crops and fertilization in a crop rotation experiment.
[Vahekultuuride ja väetamise mõju mulla omadustele külvikorrakatses.]
EngD thesis, Eesti Maaülikool Sanders, Jürn (2007) Economic Impact of Agricultural Liberalisation Policies on Organic Farming in Switzerland. EngD thesis, Aberystwyth University, Institute of Rural Sciences . . Santos, Fabio Fraga dos (2005) Políticas fundiárias e desenvolvimento local: o papel do Banco da Terra na reconstrução do rural. [Land policies and local development: the role of the Land Bank in the reconstruction of rural.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Paraná , Departamento de Ciências Sociais. , Curitiba. Saoke, L.A. (2011) Organic farming in the kibera slum in Nairobi, Kenya. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Saria, A (2013) Weed Management and insects dynamics in selected organically produced vegetables in Usambara mountain valleys, Tanzania. Masters thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture . . [Submitted] Sassi, Khaled (2008) Contribution to the study of adaptation of durum wheat cultivars (Triticum durum Desf.) to organic farming: grain yield,stability and technological and nutritional quality. PhD thesis, National Agronomic Institute of Tunis , Agronomy and Plant Biotechnology. . [Completed] Sayed Ahmad, Bouchra (2018) Etude de l'agroraffinage de graines d'Apiaceae, Lamiaceae et Chenopodiaceae pour la production de molécules biosourcées en vue d'application en industrie cosmétique. PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Schader, Christian (2009) Cost-effectiveness of organic farming for achieving environmental policy targets in Switzerland. PhD thesis, Institute of Biological, Environmental and Rural Sciences, Aberystwyth, Aberystwyth University, Wales. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland . . Schaer, Burkhard (2001) Regionales Gemeinschaftsmarketing für Öko-Lebensmittel - dargestellt am Beispiel der Konzeption des Zeichens "Öko-Qualität, garantiert aus Bayern" [Regional cooperative marketing for organic products - the concept of the label "Öko-Qualität, garantiert aus Bayern" (regional organic label from Bavaria) as an example]. Thesis, Technische Universität München (TUM) in Freising-Weihenstephan , Professur für Marktlehre der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Öko-Management - Studien zur ökologischen Betriebsführung, no. 4. Verlag Dr. Kovac, Hamburg. Schäffer, Michael (2018) Bovine Fasciolose in bayerischen "Bio-Betrieben": Prävalenz und Risikofaktoren. [Bovine fasiolosis in organic farms in Bavaria: prevalence and risk factors.] Thesis, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich , Clinic for Ruminants with Ambulatory and Herd Health Services. , Munich. [In Press] Schenkel, Matilde das Graças Soares (2003) Do convencional ao agroecológico: entendendo a transição em grupos de agricultores assistidos pelo Capa no Alto Uruguai catarinense e gaúcho. [Conventional in the agroecological: understand the transition in group of farmers attended by Capa in the Alto Uruguai catarinense and gaúcho.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria . . Schermer, Dr Markus (2003) Bauer,Power, Bioregion: Das Potenzial des Biologischen Landbaues für die ländliche Regionalentwicklung in Österreich. [Farmer, Power, Ecoregion: the potential of organic farming for rural development in Austria.] Thesis, Institute of Sociology, University of Innsbruck , Institute of Sociology,. . [Unpublished] Schiedeck, Gustavo (2002) Ambiência e resposta agronômica do meloeiro (Cucumis melo L.) cultivado sob adubação orgânica em ambiente protegido. [Ambience and agronomic response o f melon plants (Cucumis melo L.) cultivated under organic fertilizer in protected ambient.] PhD thesis, Universidade Federal de Pelotas , Faculdade de Agronomia Eliseu Maciel. . Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard (2018) Giving birth outdoors: Impact of thermal environment on sows parturition and piglet survival. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Sciences and stress biology. . Schipper, Brechtje De (2015) Daar kraait (g)een haan naar! : strategie ontwikkeling keuzegedrag van consumenten voor haantjesvlees. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Schlittenlacher, Theresa (2022) Collection of empirical knowledge on the treatment of livestock with medicinal plants and natural substances in Bavaria. PhD thesis, Zentrum für Klinische Tiermedizin der Tierärztlichen Fakultät der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München und FiBL Schweiz . . [Completed] Schmid, Hanna-Viola (2019) Next Generation der Bio-Lebensmittelbranche: Welche Art des Austausches bringt den größten Nutzen, um mittel- und langfristige Herausforderungen zu bewältigen? Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster . . [Completed] Schmidberger, Ruth (2020) Absetzen und Trennen von Kuh und Kalb in der kuhgebundenen Kälberaufzucht Ergebnisse aus dem ProYoungStock - Forschungsprojekt umgesetzt in einem landwirtschaftlichen Fachartikel. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung, D-Witzenhausen . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Schmidt, Dr Harald (1997) Viehlose Fruchtfolge im Ökologischen Landbau - Auswirkungen systemeigener und systemfremder Stickstoffquellen auf Prozesse im Boden und die Entwicklung der Feldfrüchte. [Organic, arable crop rotation - effects of internal and external nitrogen sources on soil processes and the development of crops.] Thesis, Universität Gesamthochschule Kassel , Fachbereich Landwirtschaft, internationale Agrarentwicklung und ökologische Umweltsicherung. . Schmidt, Franka (2012) The organic sector in Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic: Comparison of economic aspects and potential development. Masters thesis, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen . . [Completed] Schnaider, Paula (2016) Heterogeneity of plural forms : a revised transaction cost approach. [Hétérogénéité des formes plurielles : par les coûts de transaction révisée.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Schneider, Claudia (2002) Entwicklung und Anwendung von Methoden zur vergleichenden Beschreibung des individuellen Wiederkauverhaltens von Milchkühen. Thesis, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau Frick, Institut für umweltgerechte Tierhaltung , Fachbereich Agrarökologie der Universität Rostock . . [Unpublished] Schneider, Claudia (2010) Dimensionierung und Gestaltung von Laufställen für behornte Milchkühe unter Berücksichtigung des Herdenmanagements. PhD thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen , Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung. . Scholl, Francisca (2017) Comparison between dual-purpose and specialized dairy cattle in pasture-based systems: change in body condition, locomotion score and cleanliness from summer to winter season. Masters thesis, Wageningen University , Behavioural Ecology Group. . [Completed] Schulman, Nina (2007) Quantitative trait loci detection and benefits from marker-assisted selection in dairy cattle. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 109. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Schultz, Kristina (2006) Schafft der Bio-Markt den Sprung aus der Nische? Eine Marktanalyse. [The german whole food product market: can a niche become a norm? - A market analysis.] Thesis, Universität Passau . . [Unpublished] Schulz, Dirk Gerhard (2000) Ertrag und Qualität von Kartoffeln im Organischen Landbau: Abhängigkeit von Düngerart und Düngermenge. [Yield and quality of potatoes in organic farming: Dependence of kind and quantity of organic fertilizer.] Thesis, Universität Bonn , Institut für Organischen Landbau. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Schvartzman, Yonatan (2012) Metastyring af markedsudvikling: Policystrategier og netværkskoordinering i udvikling af nye markeder. Et komparativt studie af udviklingen af det danske og det svenske økologimarkeder. [Metasteering of market development: Policy-strategies and network-kooedination in marketdevelopment. A comparative study of the development of the Danish and the Swedish organic food market.] PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Political Science and Government . . Schweizer, Cornelia (2003) Analyse des Preisbildungsprozesses bei Biomilch in der Schweiz. Thesis, Fachhochschule beider Basel FHBB. Departement Wirtschaft . . [Unpublished] Schwemlein, Konstantin (2020) Erläuterung der Blockchain und deren Anwendungsgebiete in der Lebensmittelindustrie. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf . . [Submitted] Scorzon, A. (2015) Implementation of organic principles and control system in European and national legal framework. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Seconda, Louise Lucie (2019) Identification de nouveaux profils alimentaires : Estimation des impacts environnementaux et individuels. [Identification of new dietary pattern : Estimation of environmental and individual impacts.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Seested, Susanne (2001) Økologisk mælkeproduktion baseret på 100% økologisk fodring og 100% selvforsyning - konsekvenser på malkekøers fodring, produktion og sundhed i tidlig laktation med fokus på subklinisk ketose. Thesis, KVL , Husdyrbrug og husdyrsundhed. . Seibt, Perry (2007) Anwendung einer neuen standortabhängigen Methode zur Humusbilanzierung an sächsischen Dauertestflächen und Vergleich mit anderen üblichen Methoden zur Feststellung des Versorgungsgrades mit organischer Substanz im Hinblick auf Sicherung der Nachhaltigkeit der Betriebe im konventionellen und ökologischen Landbau. Thesis, TU Dresden, Fakultät Forst-, Geo- und Hydrowissenschaften , Institut für Bodenkunde und Standortlehre. . [Unpublished] Seppänen, Laura (2004) Learning challenges in organic vegetable farming : an activity theoretical study of on-farm practices. Thesis, University of Helsinki . . Serenius, Marjo (2006) Population structure of Pyrenophora teres, the causal agent of net blotch of barley. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 78. . Serenius, Timo (2004) Genetics of sow efficiency in the Finnish landrace and large white populations. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 55. . Serra, Alberto (2019) Assembling AFNs’ activities in Sheffield, UK. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Serra, Anderson Borges (2005) Indicadores de sustentabilidade do solo em sistemas alternativos ao uso do fogo, baseados nos princípios da agroecologia, desenvolvidos por agricultores familiares na região da rodovia transamazônica - oeste do Pará. [Indicators of soil sustainability in alternative to the use of fire, based on the principles of agroecology, developed by farmers in the region of the trans-Amazon highway systems - west of Pará.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Pará . . Severine, Donasian (2016) Analysis of governance of global value chain for organic ginger export market from Same and Lushoto Districts in Tanzania. Masters thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture . . [Submitted] SFEIR, Thérèse (2003) Quality control of reared parasitoids:preliminary study on the application of RAPD Molecular Marker technique to the model Opius concolor. [Control de qualité de parasites d’élevage: étude préliminaire sur l’application de la technique du marqueur moléculaire RAPD sur le modèle Opius concolor.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic Farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 298. . [Unpublished] Shah, Pratik (2010) “Comparing economic and environmental sustainability of intensive and organic agricultural systems to support land use policy formulation aimed at reducing agrarian distress in Karnataka, India”. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research centre , Plant Production System. . [Submitted] Shanmugam, Sindhuja (2021) Intercropping and improved fertilization to increase the productivity and sustainability of organic vegetable production systems – focus on crop growth, nitrogen use efficiency and soil fertility. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Food Science. Aarhus University, Aarhus. [Submitted] Shechambo, Lillian (2018) Effects of organic mulch on yield and selected pests of organically grown tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) and sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). PhD thesis, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Morogoro, Tanzania . . Shirani Faradonbeh, Mohaddaseh (Sharon) (2020) Novel organic food processing regulations through interaction of SDGs and recommended healthy and sustainable dietary approaches for healthy and sustainable food systems. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, Department of Food and Agricultural Marketing, D-Witzenhausen . . [Submitted] Shrestha, Luna (2015) Preparation of apple powder as a value added product. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Siegerink, Maud (2020) Baking Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Grown Intercropped with Leguminous Crops. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut . . [Completed] Silva, Edmilson Evangelista da (2010) Cultivo orgânico de taro e impacto do manejo fitotécnico na qualidade do solo na região de Paty do Alferes. [Organic cropping of taro and phytotechny management impacts on the quality of soil in Paty do Alferes region.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro . . Silva, Maria Erondina Silveira da (2007) As novas relações estado - sociedade: o papel desempenhado pelos movimentos sociais no Brasil e na Argentina. [The new relationship status - society: the role of social movements in Brazil and Argentina.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria , Centro de Ciências Sociais e Humanas. , Santa Maria. Silva, Pedro Junior da (2006) Escolhas e influências dos consumidores de alimentos na modernidade reflexiva: um estudo em supermercados. [Influences consumer choices and food in reflexive modernity: a study in supermarkets.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal do Paraná , Setor de Ciências Humanas, Letras e Artes. , Curitiba. Silva, Washington Luis Manduca da (2013) Bactérias de filoplano de maracujazeiro como agente de controle biológico da mancha-bacteriana. [Phylloplane bactéria as biological control agent of bacterial spot.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Roraima . . Silvia, Stellati; Riccardo, Massantini and Roberto, Moscetti (2018) NEW DIPPING TREATMENTS TO CONTROL ENZYMATIC BROWNING OF APPLES DURING DRYING. Masters thesis, University of Tuscia (Italy) , Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems. . [Unpublished] Siqueira, Ana Paula Pegorer de (2008) Impactos sobre a dinâmica produtiva e as relações de gênero na transição agroecológica de um grupo de mulheres assentadas. [Impacts on the productive dynamics and gender relations in agroecological transition of a group of women seated.] Masters thesis, Universidade Estadual de Campinas , Faculdade de Engenharia Agrícola. , Campinas.
Siraf, Clara
No Broccoli without a Head: Evaluating UV Light
Traps as Pull Mechanism for the Control of Contarinia
Masters thesis, Wageningen University Skulskis, Virgilijus (2010) Modelling the Determinants of Organic Farming. PhD thesis, ISM University of Management and Economics, Kaunas, Lithuania . . Sleiderink, Joost (2020) The role of the deep roots of perennial cereal kernza in a drying climate. Masters thesis, Wageningen University . . Smale, R. (2014) Emerging eco-practices : the development and governance of sustainable consumption behavior in Ukraine. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Smit, Marit (2022) impact of nature-based food practices on people’s connectedness with nature according to foragers,small-scale organic growers, and green cooks. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Soeltoft, Malene (2010) Secondary metabolites in organic and conventional crops and diets, and their human bioavailability. PhD thesis, KU-Life and DTU-Food . . Solgaard, Camilla (2011) Udder Health in Organic Dairy Herds in the US with a Strategy of Non-use of Antimicrobial Drugs - Evaluated on the basis of systematic clinical examinations, test day results, bulk tank milk samples, treatment protocols and interviews. Masters thesis, Faculty of Life Sciences, Copenhagen University . . Sondh, Harpreet Singh (2018) Spatial effects of strip cropping on pest suppression and yield in a commercial complex organic cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Soulié, Marion (2010) Associer une culture de blé avec un couvert de légumineuses fourragères en AB : mise en évidence d’indicateurs permettant de juger de la performance du système. [Intercropping of wheat and forage legumes in organic agriculture: assessing indicators to evaluate system performances.] Thesis, University of Toulouse; ISARA-Lyon . . [Completed] Soulignac, Vincent (2012) Système informatique de capitalisation de connaissances et d'innovation pour la conception et le pilotage de systèmes de culture durables. [A computing knowledge management system for exchanging and creative knowledge on sustainable farming.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Souza, Helton Nonato de (2006) Sistematização da experiência participativa com sistemas agroflorestais: rumo à sustentabilidade da agricultura familiar na zona da mata mineira. [Systematization of experience with participatory agroforestry systems: towards sustainability of family farming in the forest zone of mining.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de Viçosa . , Viçosa. Spanó, Alessandro (2014) EFFETTO DELLA RAZZA E DEL TIPO DI ALIMENTAZIONE SU ALCUNI PARAMETRI QUALITATIVI DELLA CARNE SUINA. Masters thesis, University of Perugia, Italy . . Spoor, BSc Gijs (2002) Organic, fair and social: Cooperation between ethical standards systems in agriculture. Thesis, Wageningen University , Law and Public Administration. . [Unpublished] Stadhouders, A. (2019) Natural and organic cosmetics : consumer willingness to purchase and willingness to pay for labels. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Starz, Walter (2020) Weidehaltung von Rindern im alpinen Raum Österreichs – eine moderne und innovative Betriebsstrategie. PhD thesis, Universität für Bodenkultur Wien, Department für Nachhaltige Agrarsysteme, Institut für Ökologischen Landbau . , Wien. Starz, Walter (2004) Überprüfung ausgewählter Körner- und Futtererbsensorten im Biologischen Landbau hinsichtlich ihrer Anbaueignung im Pannonikum und ihres Futterwertes. [Verification of selected green and field pea varieties in organic farming regarding to their cultivation suitability in the pannonical region and their feeding value.] Thesis, Universität für Bodenkultur, Wien , Institut für Ökologischen Landbau. . Stavridou, Eleftheria (2011) The effects of cropping systems on selenium and glucosinolate concentrations in vegetables. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Horticulture. Aarhus University, Aarslev, Denmark. Steinmetz, Lucille (2021) Fonctionnement et évaluation des systèmes de productions diversifiés en agriculture biologique : des références pour la transition agro-écologique. PhD thesis, INRAE . . Stepanov, Riina (2007) Freshness in milk. Masters thesis, The University of Copenhagen , Faculty of Life Sciences. . [Completed] Stevenin, Arnaud (2011) Symbiose mycorhizienne : développement de nouvelles méthodes pour la synthèse de glycoconjugues bioactifs. [Mycorrhizal symbiosis : development of new methods for synthesis of bioactive glycoconjugates.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Stokkers, E. and Walderveen, R. Van (2010) Onderzoeksrapport efficiëntie biologische melkveehouderij in beeld. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Stokkers, G. and Pots, M. (2010) Antibiotica vrij ondernemen. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Stolz, Hanna (2011) Attitudes and behaviour towards food attributes and organic food – a triangular methodological investigation of occasional organic consumers. PhD thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen . . Stöwer, Lene (2010) Vernetzung von Erzeugern biologischer Lebensmittel und Verbrauchern am Beispiel einer internetbasierten Plattform. Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster . . Strack, Timo (2016) Maßnahmen zur Bekämpfung von Drosophila suzukii im biologischen Weinbau. Masters thesis, Hochschule Geisenheim . Bachelorarbeit. . Sudo, Ailena (1998) Viabilidade agronômica de consórcios de olerícolas sob manejo orgânico. [Vegetable intercroppings viability under organic management.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro . . Svendsen, Gry Hougaard (2012) A quantitative method for detection of probiotic Pediococcus acidilactici in the intestine of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) fry fed diets supplemented with Bactocell. Masters thesis, DTU , National Veterinary Institute. . [Completed] Svendsen, Mads Rømer and Andersen, Jakob Wulff (2014) The Creation of BugBag. Redesign of Insect Trap for Biological Pest Control. Bachelor thesis, Danmarks Tekniske Universitet , Design & Innovation. . [Completed] Szabolcs, Elek (2014) Evaluating the benefits and risks of organic raw milk cheese. Challenges in the production of organic cheeses mad from raw milk. Masters thesis, University of Hohenheim, Aarhus University . . Sztandarski, Patryk (2020) Charakterystyka wykorzystania wybiegów zielonych przez kurczęta Zielononóżki kuropatwianej oraz Sasso C44 z uwzględnieniem ich dobrostanu ang. Characterization of the outdoor runs use by Green-legged Partridge and Sasso C44 chickens including their welfare. Masters thesis, Warsaw University of Life Science , Faculty of Animal Science. . Sørensen, Frederik Lund (2015) Bacheloropgave: En undersøgelse af muligheden for anvendelse af videokamera til registrering af føderessourcer for vilde bier. Thesis, Københavns Universitet . . Sørum, Helene (2008) Økologisk mat i Forsvaret - soldatenes holdninger til økologisk mat og landbruk. [Organic Food in the Norwegian Defence - the Soldiers` Attitudes to Organic Food and Agriculture.] Thesis, Akershus University College . . [Unpublished] Šubrtová, Kristina (2016) Do priming and spillover effects given by the presence of a sustainable/organic brand affect consumers' preference and choice? : an eye tracking study. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] TT. AL DAMRAT, Rasha (2005) The role of ectomychorrizal fungi in nitrogen acquisition in California oak woodlands. [Le rôle des champignons ectomycorhiziens dans l’acquisition de l’azote dans la chênaie en Californie.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 402. . [Unpublished] Tankam, Chloé (2015) Analyse économique du développement des nouveaux marchés biologiques. Le cas des marchés biologiques domestiques au Kenya. [Economic analysis of the development of new biological markets. The case of domestic biological markets in Kenya.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Teglia, C. (2011) Valorisation par compostage de résidus solides de digestion anaérobie des déchets organiques. [(trad auto)Valorisation by composting of solid waste from anaerobic digestion of organic waste.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Terrazzan, Priscila (2009) Caracterização da logística de distribuição de hortaliças orgânicas na cidade de São Paulo. [Characterization of logistics distribution of vegetables organic in the city of São Paulo.] Masters thesis, UNIVERSIDADE FEDERAL DE SAO CARLOS . . Thapa, Sundar (2012) Ovicidal effect of microfungi on thick-shelled eggs of naimal-parasitic nematodes - an in vitro study. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed] Theilgaard, Malene (2016) Betydningen af afgrødediversificering for forekomsten af ukrudt i økologisk vårsæd. Masters thesis, Aarhus University . . Thiessen, Gesa (2020) Vergleich von Leistung und Gesundheit von Bio-Milchviehherden mit reiner Frischgras- und Heufütterung und Herden mit Silagefütterung. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Universität Kassel, FB 11, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung . Bachelorarbeit. . [Completed] Thomsen, Rikke (2015) Management of organic entire male pigs - boar taint and animal welfare issues. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. . Thorsøe, Martin H. (2014) Credibility of organics - knowledge, values and trust in Danish organic food networks. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. . Thorsøe, Martin H. (2013) Viden, værdier og tillid i økologiske fødevarenetværk. Qualifying exam dokument thesis, Aarhus University , Agroecology. . [Completed] Thyrring, Jakob (2012) Ensuring water and food security in a developing Sub-Saharan Africa. Thesis, University of Aarhus . . [Completed] Tiet, Tuyen Tong (2020) Individual incentive and pro-environmental behaviors : the role of networks. [Incitations individuelles et comportements pro-environnementaux : le rôle des réseaux.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Timler, Carl (2011) Analysis and (Re)Design of the farm Annapurna, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research , Organic Farming Systems Group. . [Completed] To, The Nguyen (2015) Economic analysis of farmers' decisions : application to the vietnam's tea production. [Analyse économique des décisions des agriculteurs : applications à la production de thé au Vietnam.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Tolonen, Marja (2004) The formation and antimicrobial activity of nisin and plant derived bioactive components in lactic acid bacteria fermentations. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 43. . Tönnies, Leona (2020) Einfluss der ökologischen Rohproduktion von Tomaten auf ihre industrielle Weiterverarbeitung. [Influence of the organic raw production of tomatoes on their industrial processing.] Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster , Oecotrophologie - Facility Management. . [Submitted] Tual, Julia (2011) Dynamiques territoriales de transition vers l’agriculture biologique dans la vallée de la Drôme Le développement de l’agriculture biologique dans un territoire pionnier : historique et dynamiques actuelles autour de la production de légumes. Masters thesis, AgroParisTech et Museum national d'Histoire naturelle . . [Completed] Tubli, Tiina (2010) Tartu linna lasteaedade võimalused ja valmisolek mahetoitlustamiseks. [Possibilities and readiness for providing organic food at kindergartens in Tartu.] Masters thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences . . UUde, Birge Michaela (2006) Möglichkeiten einer monetären Bewertung von organischer Substanz für die Betriebszweigabrechnung im ökologischen Landbau. Thesis, Universität Kassel , Fachgebiet Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften. . [Unpublished] Uhl, Christoph (2001) Bewertung der hessischen Agrarumweltprogramme zur Grünlandextensivierung (Eine empirische Untersuchung im Werra-Meißner-Kreis). [Evaluation of Agrienvironment Programms in Germany / Hessen, HELP and HEKUL.] Thesis, Uni Kassel, Fachbereich 11, Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Agrarpolitik. . [Unpublished] Urbatzka, Peer (2010) Anbauwürdigkeit von Wintererbsen - Ein Vergleich zu Sommererbsen in Rein- und Gemengesaat unter den Bedingungen des Ökologischen Landbaus. PhD thesis, Universität Kassel , Fachgebiet Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau. Dr. Kovac, Hamburg. Urbatzka, Peer (2002) Screening verschiedener Herkünfte von Winterebsen. Thesis, University of Kassel-Witzenhausen , Dep. of Organic Farming and Cropping. . [Unpublished] Urien, Charlotte (2015) Diversité des espèces de levures dans des levains naturels français produits à partir de farine issue de l'Agriculture Biologique : une étude pilote pour analyser les pratiques boulangères et les patterns des communautés microbiennes. [Yeast species diversity in French natural organic sourdoughs : a pilot study to analyze baker’s practices and microbial community patterns.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Uthe, Pia (2020) Anwendung und Evaluation eines Bewertungssystem-Prototyps zur Vergleichbarkeit technologischer Verarbeitungsverfahren von Bio-Lebensmittelverarbeitungsunternehmen anhand zweier Getreidevermahlungsverfahren eines Bio-Bäckereibetriebs. Masters thesis, Fachhochschule Münster . . [Completed] Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2010) Effect of outdoor production, slurry management and buffer zones on phosphorus and nitrogen runoff losses from Finnish cattle farms. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 7. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. Uusitalo, Risto (2004) Potential bioavailability of particulate phosphorus in runoff from arable clayey soils. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . Agrifood Research Reports, no. 53. . VV, Alex Albert and V, Krishnasamy (2004) Evaluation of Organic Source of Nutrients on Growth and Yield Parameters of Tomato. Thesis, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, INDIA. , Department of Seed Science and Technology. . [Unpublished] Vae, Anne Holter (2009) Effekt av botanisk sammensetning i beite på oksidativ stabilitet i kumelk. [Effect of botanical composition in pasture on oxidative stability in cow milk.] Masters thesis, Norwegian University of Life Sciences , Animal and Aquacultural Sciences. . [Submitted] Vaga, Merko (2011) Lammaste käitumise ja heaolu uuringud aastaringse väljapääsuga vabapidamisega mahetootmisfarmis. [Behaviour and welfare studies of sheep in year-round free range organic farming system.] Masters thesis, Estonian University of Life Sciences . . Vakali, Christina (2004) Shoot and root growth of cereals under reduced tillage in Organic Farming in field trials in Germany and Greece. Thesis, Institute of Organic Agriculture . Schriftenreihe Institut für Organischen Landbau. Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Valkonen, Eija (2010) Egg production in furnished cages. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 12. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. van de Goor, Stijn (2016) Improvement of calculation methods for net grassland production under different grassland utilization systems. Masters thesis, University of Wageningen , Farming Systems Ecology Group Droevendaalsesteeg 1 – 6708 PB Wageningen - The Netherlands. . [Completed] Vaquié, Agathe (2019) Intra- and intercrop diversification in cereal cropping and effect on pest control. [Diversité intra- et interspécifique dans les systèmes céréaliers et ses effets sur la régulation des ravageurs.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Vassy, Agathe and Vincent, Audrey (2011) Agriculture biologique et protection de la qualité de l’eau : enjeux et perspectives. Etude comparative de différents projets de développement de l’agriculture biologique et de sa filière sur les territoires à enjeu «eau ». EngD thesis, Agrocampus Ouest . . [Completed] Veenhoven, M. (2019) Exploring farm development strategies : a study on organic farming strategies of farmers located in the North island of New Zealand. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Verdorfer, Dipl.Ing. Reinhard (2006) Hindernisse und Potentiale des Biologischen Landbaus in Südtirol. Probleme, Chancen und Handlungsbedarf aus der Sicht von Bauern, Beratern und Agrarpolitikern. [Barriers and Potentials for Organic Farming in Southern Tyrol (Italy).] Thesis, Institut für Ökologischen Landbau (IFÖL), BOKU Wien , Department für nachhaltige Agrarsysteme. . Vermeer, F. (2007) Hoe benutten we dierenwelzijn bij de communicatie voor biologisch vlees: dierenwelzijn en vleeskwaliteit perceptie. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Vertooren, Judith (2006) The performance of heifers reared in a suckling system. Thesis, Wageningen UR , Biological Farming Systems Group. . Vetouli, Theofano-Elissavet (2008) Animal welfare approaches and the concept of naturalness in organic dairy calf management. Masters thesis, University of Hohenheim , Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Institute of Animal Production in the Tropics and Subtropics. . Vian, Jean Francois (2009) Comparaison de différentes techniques de travail du sol en agriculture biologique : effet de la structure et de la localisation des résidus sur les microorganismes du sol et leurs activités de minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote. [Comparison of different tillage systems in organic farming : effect of soil structure and organic matter repartition on soil micro-organisms and their activities of carbon and nitrogen mineralization.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Vian, Jean-François (2009) Comparison of different tillage systems in organic farming : effect of soil structure and organic matter repartition on soil micro-organisms and their activities of carbon and nitrogen mineralization. [Comparaison de différentes techniques de travail du sol en agriculture biologique: effet de la structure et de la localisation des résidus sur les microorganismes du sol et leurs activités de minéralisation du carbone et de l'azote.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Viana, Leonardo Gomes (2010) Desenvolvimento da agricultura orgânica no município de Mata de São João - Bahia. [Development of organic agriculture in the municipality of Mata de São João, Bahia.] Masters thesis, Universidade Federal de São Carlos , Centro de Ciências Agrárias. . Vieira Pak, Manuela (2012) UNSPECIFIED [Le boom de la quinoa dans l’Altiplano Sud de la Bolivie : bouleversement du système agraire, discours et tensions socio-environnementales.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Viester, M. (2003) Hoe zit de vork aan de steel? : een onderzoek naar de biologische consument. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Vignati, Marta; Speranza, Giovanna (Tutor) and Roberto, Lo Scalzo (Co-Tutor) (2017) COMPOSIZIONE NUTRIZIONALE DEL PEPERONE DOLCE (CAPSICUM ANNUUM L.) COLTIVATO IN BIOLOGICO ED IN CONVENZIONALE PRIMA E DOPO L’ESSICCAMENTO. Masters thesis, University of Milano , Department of Chemistry. . [Unpublished] Vila Camps, Luis (2005) Improvement of organic pig production with homeopathic and phytotherapeutic prophylaxis and herd health management - Revision of Organic Pig Production and experiences of improvements of post weaning colibacillosis under field conditions. Thesis, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick and Enginyeria Tecnica Agricola en Explotacions Agropecuaries, E-Barcelona . , Frick. Vincent, Audrey (2016) L’agriculture biologique comme réponse à la pollution de l’eau : apports de la géographie pour comprendre les dynamiques en cours. [Organic farming as a response to the problem of water pollution : how geography helps to understand ongoing dynamics.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Voigts, Clemens (2015) On-farm meat processing of beef with canned meat production on Farm Krumhuk, Namibia. Masters thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Vollmer, Jeanette Hyldal (2006) Interactions between fungal plant pathogens on leaves. Especially simultaneous development of Rhynchosporium secalis and Drechslera teres on barley. PhD thesis, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University; Risø National Laboratory; Danish Institute of Agricultural Science . Risø National Laboratory. WWacker, Tomke Susanne (2017) Competitive Nitrogen Uptake of Creeping Thistle (C. arvense) and Spring Barley from different soil depths. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. . Walkenhorst, Michael (2006) Vergleich von homöopathischer mit antibiotischer Laktationstherapie zur Behandlung von Mastitiden des Rindes. PhD thesis, University of Zurich , Vetsuisse Faculty. University of Zurich, Zurich. Walter, Linda (2003) Milchviehzucht für ökologische Betriebe - Kritische Auseinandersetzung zur aktuellen Frage der Notwendigkeit einer eigenen Zucht für die ökologische Landwirtschaft. [Dairy breeding for organic farms - Evaluation of the necessity of an own breed for organic agriculture.] Thesis, Universität Kassel - Witzenhausen , Fachgebiet Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Landwirtschaft und Landschaftsplanung. . [Unpublished] Wefers, Max (2016) Untersuchungen zum Fressverhalten der bedrohten Rasse „Deutsches Schwarzbuntes Niederungsrind“ unter Berücksichtigung des Grasaufwuchses. [Studies on grazing behaviour of the endangered German dual purpose black and white cattle breed with regard to pasture quality and sword growth.] Masters thesis, University of Kassel, Intitute of Animal Breeding, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] WEHBE, Elias (2005) Effect of annual self-reseeding legumes on subsequent crops (particularly durum wheat) into a long-term rotation program under organic farming. [Effet des légumineuses annuelles à ressemis sur les cultures successives (particulièrement,le blé dur) dans un programme de rotation à long terme en agriculture biologique.] Thesis, IAMB Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Organic farming. Collection Master of Science IAMB-CIHEAM (International Centre for advanced Mediterranean agronomic studies), no. 403. . [Unpublished] Wein, Manuel (2016) Menschen mit besonderem Betreuungsbedarf als Mitarbeiter in landwirtschaftlichen Familienbetrieben - Wirtschaften im Spannungsfeld zwischen sozialem Engagement und ökonomischem Nutzen. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Institut für Sozialwissenschaften des Agrarbereichs , Fachgebiet Ländliche Soziologie. . [Submitted] Weller, Maren (2015) Beetles, roots and yields: exploring the edge effects of agro-ecosystem diversity on three different scales. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Wendling, G.F.D. (2012) FORMAS DE ALUMÍNIO EM SOLO SUBMETIDO A DIFERENTES MANEJOS E ROTAÇÕES DE CULTURAS. [FORMS OF ALUMINUM IN SOIL UNDER DIFFERENT CULTURES OF REVOLUTIONS AND MANAGEMENTS.] Masters thesis, Federal University of Santa Maria , Post-Graduate Program in Soil Science. , Santa Maria, Brazil. Wenger, Matthias and Wenz, Jakob (2012) Die Überwinterung von Gartensalat (Lactuca sativa L.) im Freiland. [Overwintering of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) outdoors.] Diplomarbeit thesis, Hochschule Weihenstephan-Triesdorf, D-Freising , Gemüsebau. . [Submitted] Wiblishauser, Simon (2019) Untersuchungen zur Regulierung des Rapsglanzkäfers (Brassicogethes aeneus) mit Gesteinsmehl und Rapsöl unter dem Aspekt der Pflanzenernährung an Radis (Raphanus sativus var. sativus). Ökologischer Feldversuch. Masters thesis, Universität Hohenheim, Angewandte Entomologie, D-Stuttgart . . [Completed] Wietheger, L. (2005) Organic coffee, better life? : impacts of the development programme EPOPA on peasants'livelihoods in Kagera/Tanzania. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Wietheger, Lena (2003) Im Alter auf den Biohof – Fallstudie eines Pilotprojektes [Elderly people on the organic farm - casestudy of a project]. Thesis, Universität Kassel - Witzenhausen, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Institut für soziokulturelle Studien. . [Unpublished] Wildemann, Theresa Helena (2019) Vereinbarkeit von muttergebundener Kälberaufzucht und automatischen Melksystemen – Einfluss einer Sperrzeit vor dem Kuh-Kalb-Kontakt auf die Saugdauer, Saughäufigkeit und das Fremdsaugen der Kälber. Bachelorarbeit thesis, Universität Kassel, FB 11, Fachgebiet Nutztierethologie und Tierhaltung . Bachelorarbeit. Kobra, Kassel. Wilhelm, Birgit (2010) Konservierende Bodenbearbeitung im Ökolandbau - Analyse einer Verfahrenstechnik im Kontext der Bodenfruchtbarkeit. [Conservation Tillage in Organic Agriculture - Analysis of a technology in the Context of Soil Fertility.] PhD thesis, Universität Kassel/Witzenhausen , Agrartechnik. Forschungsbericht Agrartechnik (VDI-MEG), no. 493. . Wille, Lukas (2020) The root rot complex of pea - Screening for resistance and quantification of microbial key players in the rhizosphere. PhD thesis, ETH Zurich . . Williges, Ute (2005) Ökologischer Landbau in Sri Lanka - unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von Tee-Anbausystemen (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze). [Status of organic agriculture in Sri Lanka with special emphasis on tea production systems (Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze).] Thesis, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung II (Institute for Agronomy and Plant Breeding II), Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Germany . . Wilson, Wilson Charles (2017) Comparative evaluation of the behaviour of Holstein-Friesian and Jersey cows under European pasture-based management systems. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research , Farming Systems Ecology (FSE)., Wageningen. Wimmer, Dipl. Ing. Monika (2006) Der österreichische Biofachhandel: Eine Branchen- und SWOT-Analyse zur Ermittlung strategischer Optionen mit Hilfe qualitativer Experteninterviews. [The Austrian Organic Retailers: An analysis of the sector and a SWOT analysis through qualitative expert interviews to identify strategic options.] Thesis, Universität für Bodenkultur, BIO AUSTRIA , Institut für Marketing und Innovation. . [Unpublished] Wingren, Josefin (2018) Management practices’ effect on milk production, somatic cell count and mastitis in Swedish organic dairy farms. Masters thesis, Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics and Department of Animal Environment and Health, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences . MSc thesis. . Winter, Damian (2020) Potenziale der öffentlichen Beschaffung in Einrichtungen der Stadt Münster im Rahmen einer umweltverträglichen Mittagsverpflegung - Eine Kosten Nutzen Betrachtung. [Potentials of public procurement in facilities of the city of Münster in the context of environmentally friendly lunch catering - A cost-benefit analysis.] Masters thesis, FH Münster . . [Completed] Winters, Jeanet (2016) Gødeadfærd hos økologiske søer i farefolde med energiafgrøder/træer. Thesis, Aarhus Universitet, Institut for Agroøkologi . . Wipke, Mirco (2005) Preisbildung für Bio-Schweinefleisch - Eine industrieökonomische Analyse. Thesis, Fernuniversität Hagen , Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaft. . [Unpublished] Wittkamp, Sarah (2018) Einfluss der Lagerdauer vor der Trocknung auf die Qualität von Flavour-Hopfen. Thesis, University of Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . . [Completed] Wohlers, Jenifer (2002) Konfliktbewältigung in Hofgemeinschaften (am Beispiel von fünf biologisch-dynamischen Hofgemeinschaften). Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Soziale Ökologie, Institut für soziokulturelle Studien (ISOS). . [Unpublished] Wolde, T.G. (2011) role of variation in nitrogen and water uptake on the performance of lettuce genotypes under organic field conditions. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Wolley, Farah (2015) L'intention d'achat des produits biologiques dans un marché en voie de développement : le cas du Liban. [The intention of purchase of organic products in a developing market : the case of the Lebanon.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] Wynen, Els (1989) Sustainable and Conventional Agriculture: An Economic Analysis of Australian Cereal-Livestock Farming. PhD thesis, La Trobe University , Department of Economics. , Bundoora, Victoria, Australia. [Completed] XXie, Shuang (2015) Natural enemy abundance and pest density at difference scales of crop diversification. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Xu, Q. (2018) Modéliser les changements mineurs et majeurs d'individus en interactions : application à la conversion à l'agriculture biologique. [(trad auto)Modeling minor and major changes in interacting individuals: application to conversion to organic agriculture.] PhD thesis. HAL CCSD. [Unpublished] YYang, Zewen (2015) Performance of two potato planting structures within a diverse cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Ylivainio, Kari (2009) Environmentally benign Fe chelates in plant nutrition. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 5. MTT Agrifood Research Finland. ZZambaux, Pauline; Melot, Romain and Aubry, C. (2011) Maîtrise foncière, pratiques agricoles durables et protection de la ressource en eau : quels outils d’intervention sur les AAC ? [Land management, sustainable agricultural practices and protection of the water resources : what are the tools of intervention on the water protection area, in Île-de-France ?] Masters thesis, INRA - AgriBio3 . . [Completed] Zandbergen, Jelmer (2016) Introducing poultry in orchards to restore ecological relationships in agricultural production systems. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Zaplotnik, Špela (2013) Safety of fungal biocontrol agent Gliocladium catenulatum to its vector the Carniolan honey bee. Masters thesis, University of Ljubljana . . [Unpublished] Zavrashvili, N. (2013) Influence of consumer’s standing point on final product choice. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Zeyßig, Hannah and Lemisev, Alena (2021) Online-Kommunikation im selbstständigen Bio-Facheinzelhandel. [Online communication in the owner-managed organic retail trade.] Masters thesis, Hochschule für Nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde , Landschaftsnutzung und Naturschutz. , Berlin; Eberswalde. [Completed] Zhang, Yaoyun (2019) Effects of strip diversification on crop performance in strip cropping system in the Netherlands. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Zhou, M. (2011) Understanding the adoption of organic farming in Zaolinwan Village, China. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] Zhu, Feng (2017) Formalizing and simulating spatial biophysical processes for participatory integrated assessment of agricultural systems in the Camargue Delta, Southern France. Masters thesis. . [Unpublished] ZIANE, Mrs Djamila (2002) Setting up a control and certification system for organic farming in developing countries: the case of Algeria. [Mise au point d’un système de contrôle et de certification en agriculture biologique dans les pays en voie de développement: le cas de l’Algérie.] Thesis, IAMB - Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari . Tesi Master of Science, no. 272. . [Unpublished] Zilz, Claudia (1999) Entwicklung eines Marketingkonzeptes für einen Milchschafbetrieb im unteren Werratal. Thesis, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften , Fachgebiet Betriebswirtschaft und Landeskultur. . [Unpublished] Znaïdi, Akram (2002) Etude et évaluation du compostage de différents types de matières organiques et des effets des jus de composts biologiques sur les maladies des plantes. [Study and assessment of compost of different organic mixtures and effects of organic compost tea on plant diseases.] Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. CIHEAM Collection Master of Science, no. 286. . Znaïdi, Akram (2001) Sheep and goat organic meat production in the mediterranean region. Thesis, Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Bari , Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. DSPU thesis in Mediterranean Organic Agriculture. . Znaor, Darko (2008) Environmental and economic consequences of large-scale conversion to organic farming in Croatia. PhD thesis, University of Essex, UK , Department of Biological Sciences. . Zschocke, Arnd (2008) Bolivia's local organic market and how it might be affected by the new national organic legislation 3525/06. Masters thesis, University of Kassel , Department of Development Economics, Migration and Agricultural Policy. . [Unpublished] Zürcher, Stephanie (2023) Wild bee fauna in apple orchards: effects of managed bee populations and surrounding landscape. Masters thesis, University of Fribourg, CH-Freiburg and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . . [Submitted] ÁÁcs, S. (2006) Bio-economic modelling of conversion from conventional to organic arable farming. PhD thesis. . [Unpublished] ÖÖzbilge, Zeynep (2006) Analysis of the Domestic Organic Product Market in Turkey in Comparison with the European Union Experience. Thesis, Marmara University, European Community Institute , European Union Economics. . [Unpublished] ØØstergaard, U.B.; Bennedsgaard, T.W. and Klaas, Ilka (2011) Comparison of two strategies for the treatment of retained fetal membranes in dairy cows: Manual removal and administration of local intrauterine antibiotics versus nonremoval and no antibiotics. Masters thesis, Aarhus University; department of Animal Sciences . . [Completed] This list was generated on Wed Jan 22 02:11:19 2025 CET. |