Items in the subject area " Systems research and participatory research"
Number of items at this level: 501. Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Fotovoz: España - La sostenibilidad a través de los ojos de las y los agricultores de olivo y almendra en Andalucía. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau/Instituto de Investigación de Agricultura Ecológica FiBL, Frick, Schweiz. Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Fotovoz: Ecuador - La sostenibilidad a través de los ojos de las y los agricultores de cacao en Ecuador. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau/Instituto de Investigación de Agricultura Ecológica FiBL, Frick, Schweiz. Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Photovoice: Ecuador - Sustainability through the eyes of Ecuadorian cocoa farmers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland. Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Photovoice: Ecuador. Nachhaltigkeit durch die Augen ecuadorianischer Kakaobäuerinnen und -bauern. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Frick, Schweiz. Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Photovoice: Spain - Sustainability through the eyes of Andalusian olive and almond farmers. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland. Egger, Moritz; Curran, Michael and Kanner, Elsa (Eds.) (2024) Photovoice: Spanien - Nachhaltigkeit durch die Augen andalusischer Oliven- und Mandelbäuerinnen und -bauern. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Frick, Schweiz. Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) (2019) Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Program and abstract book. . Proceedings of Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials?, Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019. {Organization} Organic farming in arid zone / low rainfall area of India. Organization Leader(s): Sharma, Dr. Arun K. Leach, Katharine; Gerrard, Catherine L and Padel, Susanne (Eds.) (2013) Rapid sustainability assessment of organic and low-input farming across Europe and identification of research needs. Deliverable 1.1, no. EU- SOLID project. ORC, Hamstead Marshall, Newbury. Znaor, Darko (Ed.) (2009) Organic Agriculture and Climate Change. Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 181. Proceedings of International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change, Sofia , September 28-29, 2009. Znaor, Darko (Ed.) (2009) Organic Agriculture, Biodiversity and Business. Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 177. Proceedings of International Conference on Organic Agriculture, Biodiversity and Business, Sofia , September 30 - October 01, 2009. Brandt, Dr. Kirsten (Ed.) (2004) Proceedings and conclusions of "Workshop on Assurance of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains" in the EU project "Recommendations for improved procedures for securing consumer oriented food safety and quality of certified organic foods from plough to plate" (Organic HACCP). . Proceedings of Workshop on Assurance of Quality and Safety in Organic Production Chains, Hotel Bildungszentrum 21, Basel, Switzerland, 13-14th Janurary 2004. [Unpublished] Serikstad, Grete Lene (Ed.) (1998) Evalueringsseminar om gårdsstudier i økologisk landbruk. NORSØK Rapport. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk. {Project} AVOeL: Authentizität und Vertrauen bei Bio-Lebensmitteln:Innovative Kommunikationsansätze entlang der Produktkette und in der Gesellschaft (Verbundvorhaben). [Authenticity and Trust with Organic Food: Innovative communication approaches along the value chain and in society.] Runs 2019 - 2022. Project Leader(s): Risius, Dr. Antje; Bendix, Prof. Dr. Regina; Wiemer, Matthias and Grieshop, Carolin, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, D-Göttingen und Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, D-Visselhövede . {Organization} Azienda Sperimentale "Campo 7" - CREA AA (Metaponto, MT). [Experimental farm "Campo 7" - CREA AA (Metaponto, MT).] Organization Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco; Fiore, Dr Angelo and Persiani, Dr Alessandro. {Project} Biologisk mångfald, ekosystemtjänster och brukare i samverkan för ett rikt odlingslandskap. [Participatory Supply Chain Management for the Sustainable Development of Local Agrifood Networks.] Runs 2002 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Haden, Andrew and Ahnström, Johan, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} FR: CASDAR Covalience. Développement agricole et rural (CASDAR): Co-concevoir des outils de pilotage de la sélection sur allogames pour l’adaptation locale et la résilience des agroécosystèmes - cas du maïs. [CASDAR Covalience. Agricultural and rural development (CASDAR): Co-designing cross-pollination breeding management tools for local adaptation and resilience of agroecosystems - the case of maize.] Runs 2018 - 2021. Project Leader(s): REY, ITAB FR and HAZARD, INRA LH, Projet français porté par l'ITAB (Frédéric Rey) et l'INRA (Laurent Hazard) . {Project} Deltagande forskning och nyckeltal på ekologiska gårdar. [Documentation and participatory learning on organic farms.] Runs 2002 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Svanäng, Karin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} Deltagardriven forskning, Teori och praktik för svenskt lantbruk? [Exploring the theory och practice of participatory research in Swedish agriculture.] Runs 2004 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Eksvärd, Karin, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} Den gröna gården – en ekologisk gård självförsörjande med energi från förnybara källor. Runs 2007 - 2009. Project Leader(s): Hansson, Per-Anders; Nordberg, Åke and Palm, Ola. {Project} EcoMetric: EcoMetric projekthjemmesider. Runs 2024 - 2026. Project Leader(s): Dupont, Y. L., Aarhus University . { Programme part} Formas I: Ekologisk jordbruks- och trädgårdsproduktion, Formasprogrammet 2001-2004, Kunskapshantering. [Organic agricultural and horticultural production, Formas programme 2001-2004 - Knowledge management.] Runs 2001 - 2004. {Project} Ekologisk oljeväxtblandning: beståndsetablering, ogräsreglering och strategier mot spillraps. [Organic production of winter oilseed rape.] Runs 2002 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Wallenhammar, Ann-Charlotte, The Rural Economy and Agricultural Societies . {Facility} EFRC: Elm Farm Research Centre: Farm network. Facility Leader(s): Pearce, Dr Bruce, Elm Farm Research Centre . {Project} PRAXIS-IMPACT: Entwicklung eines Leitfadens zur Bewertung von praxisbezogener Forschung zur Ökologischen Landwirtschaft ausgehend von einer Analyse der bestehenden Evaluierungsinstrumente der Forschung. Runs 2008 - 2010. Project Leader(s): Heß, Prof. Jürgen and Lindenthal, Dr. Thomas, Universität Kassel-Witzenhausen, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften . {Project} CUCONSULT: Entwicklung und Validierung eines Software-Instruments für eine gezielte Gruppenberatung zur nachhaltigen Minimierung der Risiken des Einsatzes von Kupferpräparaten im Ökologischen Obstbau (Verbundvorhaben). [Development and validation of a software-tool for use in advisory groups for a sustainable preventive minimization of possible risks of the application of copper products.] Runs 2010 - 2012. Project Leader(s): Kienzle, Jutta; Benduhn, Bastian; Zimmer, Jürgen and Strassemeyer, Jörn, Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Obstbau e.V., D-Weinsberg; Öko-Obstbau Norddeutschland Versuchs- und Beratungsring e.V., D-Jork; Dienstleistungszentrum Ländlicher Raum - Rheinpfalz, D-Rheinbach; Julius Kühn-Institut, D-Kleinmachnow . {Project} Zerti 4.0: Entwicklungs-orientierte Anerkennungsverfahren als Bestandteil der Verbandszertifizierung (Verbundvorhaben). [Certi 4.0: Fostering Whole-Farm Development Through New Forms of Organic Certification.] Runs 2020 - 2024. Project Leader(s): Brock, Dr. Christopher; Bieling, Prof. Dr. Claudia and Brock, Dr. Christopher, 1. Demeter e.V., D- Darmstadt 2. Universität Hohenheim, D-Hohenheim 3. Büro Lebensmittelkunde und Qualität GmbH. D-Bad Brückenau . {Project} FOODLEVERS: FOODLEVERS - Leverage points for organic and sustainable food systems. Runs 2020 - 2023. Project Leader(s): Hassler, Prof. Dr. Markus; Holzner, Valerie and Riekötter, Nicklas. {Project} BienenHaltenHof: Förderung widerstandsfähiger Bienenpopulationen auf landwirtschaftlichen Betrieben durch extensive Bienenhaltung als Motor für ein insektenfreundliches Biodiversitätsmanagement(Verbundvorhaben). [Promotion of non-commercial extensive beekeeping to foster biodiversity management on farms.] Runs 2021 - 2024. Project Leader(s): Brock, Dr. Christopher and Olbrich-Majer, Michael, 1. Forschungsring e.V., D-Darmstadt; 2. Demeter Beratung e.V., D-Darmstadt . {Project} Framtagning av lokalanpassade stråsädessorter för ekologisk odling genom deltagande forskning. [Development of locally adapted cereal varieties for organic farming through participatory research.] Runs 2001 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Svensson, Gunnar, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} Gemensamt lärande inom lokala distributionsnät, en drivkraft för ökad hållbarhet i lantbruket? [Learning in Local distribution systems, a driving force for sustainable development in agriculture?] Runs 2004 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Geber, Ulrika, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} Grön traktor, långsiktiga lösningar för det ekologiska lantbrukets självförsörjning med biobaserade drivmedel. [Green tractor, bio-based fuels for use in organic farming in long term perspective.] Runs 2004 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Hansson, Per-Anders, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} HighCrop: Higher productivity in Danish arable crop production. [Højere produktivet i dansk økologisk planteproduktion.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Olesen, Jørgen E.. {Project} GrazyDaiSy: Innovative und nachhaltige weidebasierte Haltungssysteme für Milchkühe und Jungtiere (Verbundvorhaben). [Innovative and sustainable grazing-based dairy systems integrating cows and young stock.] Runs 2018 - 2021. Project Leader(s): Dickhöfer, Prof. Dr. Uta; Brock, Dr. Christopher and Griese, Sigrid, Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Tropische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Stuttgart; Demeter e.V., D-Darmstadt; Bioland Beratung GmbH, D-Mainz . {Project} Institutionelle Erfolgsfaktoren einer Ausdehnung des ökologischen Landbaus: Analyse anhand von Regionen mit einem besonders hohen Anteil ökologisch bewirtschafteter Fläche. Runs 2002 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Steller, Oliver, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin . {Project} NutriNet: Kompetenz- und Praxisforschungsnetzwerk zur Weiterentwicklung des Nährstoffmanagements im ökologischen Landbau (Verbundvorhaben). [Competence and Practice Research Network for further Development of Nutrient Management in Organic Agriculture.] Runs 2019 - 2024. Project Leader(s): Höber, Leonie; Anne, Droscha; Susanne, Dr. Fittje; Rachel, Fischer; Ralf, Dr. Bloch; Carolin, Grieshop; Julia, Meier; Barbara, Messerer; Babett, Dr. Jánszky and Benjamin, Dr. Blumenstein, Bioland, D-Mainz; Demeter e.V.; D-Darmstadt; Naturland, D-Hohenkammer; LWK NRW, D-Münster; HNEE, D-Eberswalde; KÖN GmbH, D-Visselhövede; FiBL Projekte GmbH, D-Frankfurt a.M.; KTBL, D-Darmstadt; BÖLW, D-Berlin und Uni Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . {Project} Leitbetriebe: Leitbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen. [Organic Pilot Farms in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany).] Runs 1993 - 2017. Project Leader(s): Köpke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich; Stumm, Christoph; Leisen, Dr. Edmund and Paffrath, Andreas, Institut für Organischen Landbau der Universität Bonn, D-Bonn und Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, D-Köln-Auweiler und D-Münster . {Project} Mikronäringshushållning i ekologiska system: Hur kan vi nyttja lokala och platsspecifika förutsättningar för hållbar växt- och djurproduktion med hög produktkvalitet? Runs 2002 - 2009. Project Leader(s): Öborn, Ingrid; Bertilsson, Jan; Hillier, Stephen; Watson, Christine and Wivstad, Maria. {Facility} MITIORG: MITIORG Long-term Experiment Climatic change adaptation in organic farming: synergistic combination of hydraulic arrangement, crop rotations, agro-ecological service crops and agronomic techniques. Start 2014. Facility Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco and Fiore, Dr Angelo, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics . {Project} Stable Schools: Modellhafte Durchführung indikatorengestützter ‘Stable Schools’ als Managementtool zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung. [‘Stable Schools’ in German organic dairy farming – a pilot study on a concept for animal health and welfare promotion.] Runs 2010 - 2011. Project Leader(s): Brinkmann, Jan and Winckler, Christoph, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, D-Vechta . { Programme part} Multilingual questionnaire on stakeholder practices and priorities. Runs 2019 - 2022. Programme Leader(s): Polverigiani, Serena. {Project} Odlingssystem på ekologiska växtodlingsgårdar: förbättring av växtnäringshushållningen. [Cultivation systems on organic arable farms: improvement of plant nutrient management.] Runs 2005 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Wivstad, Maria, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} Optimierung von Pflanzenschutzstrategien für einen nachhaltigen und ökologischen Zierpflanzenbau (Verbundvorhaben). [Optimization of plant protection strategies for a sustainable and ecological production of ornamental plants.] Runs 2017 - 2020. Project Leader(s): Fischinger, Dr. Stephanie and Kempkens, Dr. Karl, Bioland Beratung GmbH, D-Mainz; Landwirtschaftskammer Nordrhein-Westfalen, Ref. ökologischer Land- und Gartenbau, D- Köln-Auweiler und Staatliche Lehr- und Versuchsanstalt für Gartenbau, D-Heidelberg . {Project} Participatory investigation of the management of weeds in organic production systems (CTE0201). Runs 2002 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Turner, Dr Becky, Henry Doubleday Research Association . {Project} PopZucht-Diva: Populationszucht auf Anpassungsfähigkeit durch Diversität und partizipative on-farm Selektion am Beispiel Winterweizen. [Population breeding for adaptability through diversity and participatory on-farm selection of winter wheat.] Runs 2011 - 2014. Project Leader(s): Finckh, Prof. Dr. Maria Renate; Butz, Dr. Andreas Friedrich and Brumlop, Msc. Sarah , Universität Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . {Project} REFELXION: Reflexionen zu den Voraussetzungen und möglichen Hemmnissen eines zielführenden Wissenstransfers am Beispiel der Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Nutztierhaltung. [Reflections on preconditions and possible constraints concerning a constructive knowledge transfer in the case of animal health in organic livestock farming.] Runs 2013 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Sundrum, Prof. Dr. Albert and Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne, Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, D-Witzenhausen . {Project} RegBio2B: Regionale Bio-Wertschöpfungsketten in Brandenburg - Produktionssysteme und sozialer Zusammenhalt im Wandel (Verbundvorhaben). [Regional Organic Value Chains in Brandenburg - Production Systems and Social Cohesion in Transition.] Runs 2023 - 2026. Project Leader(s): Piorr, Dr Annette; Muskolus, Dr. Andreas; Köhler, Gerald and Zentek, Prof. Dr. Jürgen, 1. Leibniz-Zentrum für Agrarlandschaftsforschung (ZALF) e.V., D-Müncheberg 2. Verein zur Förderung agrar- und stadtökologischer Projekte (ASP) e. V., D-Berlin 3. Fördergemeinschaft Ökologischer Landbau Berlin-Brandenburg e.V., D-Berlin 4. Freie Universität Berlin, D-Berlin . {Project} RegioVers: Regionalisierung von Bio-Wertschöpfungsketten durch Diversifizierung von Bezugsquellen für die öffentliche Gemeinschaftsverpflegung (Verbundvorhaben). [Regionalization of organic value chains through diversification of sources of supply for public communal catering (RegioVers).] Runs 2023 - 2026. Project Leader(s): Schön, Dr. Susanne; Katz, Dr. Christine and Harth, Prof. Dr. Michael, 1. inter 3 GmbH, D-Berlin 2. DIVERSU, D-Lüneburg, 3. Hochschule in Neubrandenburg, D-Neubrandenburg . {Project} Sustainable organic vegetable systems network. Runs 2003 - 2006. Project Leader(s): Unspecified, Henry Doubleday Research Association . {Project} Utveckling av ekologisk utsädesproduktion av vallfrö genom deltagardriven forskning. [Development of organic ley seed production using participatory methods.] Runs 2005 - 2007. Project Leader(s): Björklund, Johanna, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU . {Project} VAT: Verbesserung der gesellschaftlichen Akzeptanz ökologischer Tierhaltungssysteme - Analyse gesellschaftlicher Erwartungen und Entwicklung von Konzepten des Vertrauensmarketings. [Improvement of the public acceptability of organic livestock-production – analysis of public demands and development of trust marketing concepts.] Runs 2020 - 2022. Project Leader(s): Spiller, Prof. Dr. Achim and von Meyer-Höfer, Dr. Marie, Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Fakultät Agrarwissenschaften, Department für Agrarökonomie und Rurale Entwicklung, D-Göttingen . {Project} VORWERTS: VORWERTS - Verwendung Oekologischer Rohstoffe aus Mischkultur in regionalen Wertschöpfungsketten als Reallabor. [VORWERTS: Making use of organic raw materials from intercropping in regional value chains – a living lab.] Runs 2023 - 2026. Project Leader(s): Siegmeier, Dr. Torsten and Möller, Prof. Dr. Detlev, Universität Kassel, D-Witzenhausen . {Project} TRI³ticum: Züchtung von Spelzgetreide mit Dreinutzungspotential für den ökologischen Landbau (Verbundvorhaben). [Breeding of hulled wheat with triple-use potential for organic farming (TRI³ticum).] Runs 2024 - 2028. Project Leader(s): Cuendet, Catherine and Wachendorf, Prof. Dr. Michael, 1. Getreidezüchtung Peter Kunz Deutschland gGmbH, D-Meißner 2. Universität Kassel, D-Kassel . Aare, Ane Kirstine and Hansen, Stine Rosenlund (2024) Living labs in agrifood studies: An opportunity to revisit fundamental questions about participatory research? Agricultural Systems, 219, pp. 1-4. Aare, Ane Kirstine; Hansen, Stine Rosenlund; Kristensen, Niels Heine and Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik (2023) Valuing in the Agrifood System: The Case of Fresh Grain Legumes in Denmark. Sustainability, 15 (4), p. 2946. Adler, Steffen A. (2004) Produksjonssystemforsøk: Hvordan kommuniserer forsker, rådgiver og bonde? [Production System Experiments: How do researchers, extensionists and farmers communicate?] Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2004 (1), pp. 6-9. Adler, Steffen A. (2003) Research Design and Communication in Production System Experiments - A Multiple-Case Study in the Nordic Countries. Thesis, Agricultural University of Norway , Department of Horticulture and Crop Sciences. . [Unpublished] Alföldi, Thomas and Weidmann, Gilles (2013) Disseminaton: Tips, tricks and lessons learnt. Paper at: CORE Organic II Research Seminar, Amsterdam, 15. April 2013. [Unpublished] Alonso Adame, Alba and Farahbakhsh, Siavash (2022) Simulating the leverage points for the upscaling of innovative organic agri-food systems. Paper at: Social Simulation Conference, Milan, 2022. [draft] Alrøe, Hugo F. (2005) The challenge of ecological justice in a globalising world. In: Köpke, U.; Niggli, U.; Neuhoff, D.; Cornish, P.; Lockeretz, W. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Researching Sustainable Systems 2005. Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agricultural Research., ISOFAR, Bonn, Germany, pp. 406-409. Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2002) Science as an actor. On the role of values and science in organic farming. Paper at: UK Organic Research 2002, Aberystwyth, 26-28th March 2002. Anastasiadis, Foivos and Poole, Nigel (2007) Supply Chain Inefficiencies in Greek Organic Food Industry: The Role of Information Flows. Poster at: I Mediterranean Conference of Agro-Food Social Scientists. 103rd EAAE Seminar ‘Adding Value to the Agro-Food Supply Chainin the Future Euromediterranean Space’, Barcelona, 23-25 April 2007. [Unpublished] Andres, Christian (2017) Science Day - TIPI part (afternoon). Paper at: Science Day at BIOFACH Congress 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, 17th February 2017. [Completed] Andres, Christian; Forster, Dionys; Verma, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Mäder, Paul and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Yields and gross margins of cotton-based production systems under organic and conventional management in India. In: Abstracts from the 1st International Global Food Security Conference. Andres, Christian; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Verma, Rajeev; Gomez, Sara; Nyffenegger, Mirjam R.; Locher, Michael; Patel, Dharmendra; Forster, Dionys; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Improving the efficiency of rock phosphate on high pH soils: Results from participatory research in India. In: Fromm, Ingrid; Hintermann, Felix and Guenat, Dominique (Eds.) Symposium Proceedings - International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field, p. 10. Andres, Christian; Perez, Eucebio; Alcon, Freddy; Choque, Romero; Trujillo, German; Milz, Joachim and Schneider, Monika (2014) Cocoa Yield in Bolivian On-Farm Trials 2010-2013 – Monitoring Outstanding Farmers and Comparing Clones and Sites. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 26. Araldi, Flore (2023) Pérenniser la culture de l'abricot biologique. Objectif, 2023 (99), pp. 15-17. Armengot, Laura; Barbieri, Pietro; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Alcon, Freddy; Trujillo, German and Schneider, Monika (2015) Labour Demand in Five Different Cocoa Production Systems in Bolivia. In: Tropentag 2015, Book of abstracts - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, p. 313. Aschenbach, Franziska and Rahmann, Gerold (2011) Bedeutung der Raufutterselektionsfähigkeit von Ziegen für ihre Ernährung. [Impact of feed selection capability of goats on the nutritional value of forage.] In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2010. Landbauforschung, no. Sonderheft 346. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, D-Braunschweig, pp. 91-98. Atkinson, D (2006) What can research deliver for organic farming? In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 1-4. Attrup Bille, Laura; Holst Sørensen, Kirsten; Mølgaard, Natasha and Dupont, Y.L. (2024) Samarbejde og målbarhed skal øge biodiversiteten i landbruget. Økologisk Nu, 2 September 2024, pp. 1-4. Baars, Ton and Baars, E. (2007) Erfahrungswissenschaft und Expertenblick -Eine Forschungsmethode inspiriert von der biologisch-dynamischen Landwirtschaft. [Experiential science and expert knowledge – a scientific method inspired from biodynamic agriculture.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007. Baars, Prof Dr Ton; Van Eekeren, Ir Nick and Pinxterhuis, Dr Ir Ina (2009) Gestaltung einer partizipativen Forschung und Beratung innerhalb eines Projektes in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. Baars, Prof Dr Ton and Kaufmann, PD Dr Brigitte (2009) Workshop: Methodische Weiterentwicklung der Erfahrungswissenschaft und ihren Bedeutung für die ökologischen Landwirtschaft. Workshop at: Bachinger, J.; Stein-Bachinger, K.; Vögel, R. and Werner, A. (2000) Guide for on-farm experiments by organic farmers. In: Krell, R. and Zanoli, R. (Eds.) Research Methodologies in Organic farming: On-Farm Participatory Research: Proceedings, FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS, REU Technical Series, no. 63, pp. 47-48. Bachinger, J.; Stein-Bachinger, K. and Werner, A. (2002) On-Farm Experimente - Leitfaden zur Planung und Durchführung. [On-farm experiments - Guide for planning and realisation.] In: Maidl, F.-X. and Diepenbrock, W. (Eds.) 45. Jahrestagung vom 26. bis 28. September 2002 in Berlin: Kurzfassungen der Vorträge und Poster, Freisinger Künstlerpresse W. Bode, Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften, no. 14, pp. 189-190. Bachinger, J. and Zander, P. (2001) Entwicklung eines Modells zur Generierung und Bewertung standort- und situationsangepasster Fruchtfolgen im Ökologischen Landbau [Development of a model for generation and evaluation of site- and situation-adapted crop rotations in organic agriculture]. In: Reents, Hans-Jürgen (Ed.) Beiträge zur 6. Wissenschaftstagung zum Ökologischen Land- und Gartenbau, Von Leit-Bildern zu Leit-Linien, Verlag Dr. Köster, pp. 167-170. Bandanaa, Joseph; Asante, Isaac K.; Egyir, Irene S.; Annang, Ted Y.; Blockeel, Johan; Heidenreich, Anja; Kadzere, Irene and Schader, Christian (2024) Trade-offs and Synergies between Economic and Environmental Cocoa Farm Management Decisions. Global Challenges, 8 (8), pp. 1-10. Bàrberi, Prof Dr Paolo; Mazzoncini, Prof Marco; Bigongiali, Federica and Antichi, Daniele (2006) SIMBIO-VEG: an interdisciplinary project for improvement of organic systems and meth-ods in arable and vegetable cropping. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Barbieri, Pietro; Armengot, Laura; Milz, Joachim; Alcon, Freddy and Schneider, Monika (2015) Systems and Managements Related Differences in Phenology of 12 Cocoa (Theobroma cacao L.) Cultivars. In: Tropentag 2015, Book of abstracts - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, p. 321. Barth, Dr. Kerstin and Brinkmann, Jan (2009) Interdisziplinär betrachtet: Gesundheit- und Leistungsfähigkeit von Milchkühen im Ökologischen Landbau. Poster at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. Baruah, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine and Jain, S (2008) Agronomic and economic performance of organic, conventional and GM-cotton in Central India - First results of a long-term farming systems comparison. Poster at: Organic Fibre and Textile Conference, Carpi, Italy, 16-17 June. Bautze, David; Karanja, Edward N.; Musyoka, Martha W.; Rüegg, Johanna; Goldmann, Eva; Kiboi, Milka; Kampermann, Ivonne; Cotter, Marc; Riar, Amritbir; Matheri, Felix; Mwangi, Edwin; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Wambui, Hottensiah; Anyango, John; Ndungu, Samuel Kiruku; Tanga, Chrysantus M.; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Mbaka, Jesca; Muriuki, Anne; Kamau, David and Adamtey, Noah (2024) Closing the crop yield gap between organic and conventional farming systems in Kenya: Long-term trial research indicates agronomic viability. Journal of Agriculture and Food Research, 18 (101499), pp. 1-11. Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Mandloi, Lokendra; Wele, Dharmendra; Yogendra, Shrivas; Patel, Dharmendra; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, Sitaram; Forster, Dionys; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2015) Partizipative Forschung als Instrument der angewandten Agrarforschung am Beispiel von Indien (SysCom). Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. BAYOT, M. ; MOURET, J-C. ; HAMMOND, R. and NOUGADERES, B. (2009) Professional training and participatory research: Combined actions for developing organic rice farming in the Camargue region of France. [Formation professionnelle et recherche participative. Actions combinées pour développer la riziculture biologique en Camargue (France).] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 447-455. Beckmann, Uta; Kolbe, Hartmut; Model, Annett and Russow, Rolf (2001) Ackerbausysteme im ökologischen Landbau unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von N-Bilanz und Effizienzkennzahlen. [Organic arable farming systems with particular consideration of nitrogen balance and parameters of efficiency.] UFZ-Bericht, no. 14. UFZ-Umweltforschungszentrum, Leipzig-Halle . Beckmann, Uta; Kolbe, Hartmut; Model, Annett and Russow, Rolf (2001) Ackerbausysteme im ökologischen Landbau unter besonderer Berücksichtigung von N-Bilanz und Effizienzkennzahlen. [Organic arable farming systems with particular consideration of nitrogen balance and parameters of efficiency.] UFZ-Bericht (14), pp. 1-138. Beckmann, Uta; Kolbe, Hartmut; Model, Annett and Russow, Rolf (2000) Ackerbausysteme im ökologischen Landbau. [Organic arable farming systems.] Sächsische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Dresden . Bera, R; Seal, A; Datta, A; Saha, S; Dolui, AK; Chatterjee, AK; Barik, AK; De, GC and Mazumdar, D (2014) Evaluation of On- farm produced Novcom Compost Quality and its Post Soil Application Effectivity in Acid Tea Soils – A Case Study from West Jalinga Tea Estate, the Largest Organic Tea Estate in Assam, India. Central European Journal of Experimental Biology, 3 (4), pp. 41-51. Bergkvist, Göran (2022) Crop protection in a systems perspective. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Bettina, Maccagnani; Roberto, Ferrari and Marco, Pozzati (2014) Combattere il colpo di fuoco con l’aiuto di Osmia cornuta. [Biological control of pear fire blight with the help of the pollinator Osmia cornuta.] Agricoltura, May 2014, 2 (April), pp. 62-63. Bettina, Maccagnani; Roberto, Ferrari and Marco, Pozzati (2014) Fragola: le api nostre alleate nella lotta contro la botrite. [Strawberry: honey bees are useful to carry beneficial microrganisms against gray mould.] Agricoltura, February 2014, 1, pp. 71-72. {Project} Ausweitung des ökologischen Landbaus (ÖL) in Deutschland – Voraussetzungen, Strategien, Implikationen, politische Optionen. [Extension of organic farming in Germany – preconditions, strategies, implications, political options.] Runs 2000 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Beusmann, Prof. Dr. Volker and Feindt, Dr. Peter H., Universität Hamburg . Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Bautze, David; Adamtey, Noah; Armengot, Laura; Cicek, Harun; Goldmann, Eva; Riar, Amritbir; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Huber, Beate (2021) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? A synthesis of twelve years (2007-2019) of the “long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics (SysCom)”. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) , Department of International Cooperation, Frick, Switzerland. Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Riar, A.; Adamtey, N.; Bautze, D.; Schneider, M.; Armengot, L.; Harun, C. and Huber, B. (2019) Can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development in the tropics? In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 62. Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Riar, Amritbir (2020) Long-Term Farming Systems Research. [Ensuring Food Security in Changing Scenarios.] Academic Press, UK. Biber-Freudenberger, Lisa; Denich, Manfred and Whitney, Cory W. (2018) More inter- and transdisciplinary research needed in agroecology. Rural 21, 52 (2), pp. 31-33. Birkhofer, Klaus; Carnero, D.S.; Fliessbach, A.; Gavin, P.; Hedlund, K.; Ingimarsdóttird, M.; Jørgensen, H.B.; Kozjek, K.; Kundel, D.; Laraño, J.M.; Mäder, P.; Meyer, S.; Montserrat, M.; Scheu, S. and Truu, J. (2019) Effects of farming system and simulated drought on biodiversity, food webs and ecosystem functions in the DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 57. Björklund, Johanna and Rydberg, Torbjörn (2003) Att värdera uthållighet i lantbruket – genomgång av metoder för miljö- och naturresursanalys. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernähung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany. Blanc, Julien; Alföldi, Thomas; Bellon, Stéphane and Niggli, Urs (2008) How to promote innovation and interdisciplinarity in organic food and farming research evaluation. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Bloch, Ralf and Bachinger, Johann (2013) Entwicklung klimaangepasster Anbauverfahren im Ökolandbau mittels Methoden der Aktionsforschung. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013. {Tool} A participatory approach to improving farm logistics (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Een participatieve aanpak ter verbetering van de logistiek op het boerenbedrijf (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Blom, Marian and Rossing, Walter. Issuing Organisation(s): Bionext, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022) Bongiorno, Giulia; Postma, Joeke; Bünemann, Else K.; Brussaard, Lijbert; de Goede, Ron G. M.; Mäder, Paul; Tamm, Lucius and Thuerig, Barbara (2020) Corrigendum to “Soil suppressiveness to Pythium ultimum in ten European long-term field experiments and its relation with soil parameters”[Soil Biology and Biochemistry 133 (1029) 174-187]. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 150, p. 107883. Borges de Brito, Paulo Roberto; Chagas de Carvalho, Yara Maria and Benedito Macedo, Arlei (2006) Intervention in a third party smallholder group organic certification. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Bosco, Marco; Giovannetti, Giusto; Picard, Christine; Baruffa, Elisa; Brondolo, Anna and Sabbioni, Fabio (2007) Commercial plant-probiotic microorganisms for sustainable organic tomato production systems. Poster at: 3rd QLIF Congress: Improving Sustainability in Organic and Low Input Food Production Systems, University of Hohenheim, Germany, March 20-23, 2007. Brinkmann, Jan; March, Solveig and Winckler, Christoph (2013) Modellhafte Durchführung indikatorengestützter ‘Stable Schools’ als Managementtool zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Milchviehhaltung. [Implementation of 'Stable Schools' in German organic dairy farms - a pilot study on a concept for animal health and welfare improvement.] Georg-August-Universität Göttingen, Department für Nutztierwissenschaften, D-Vechta und Universität für Bodenkultur, Department für Nachhaltige Agrarsysteme, Institut für Nutztierwissenschaften, A-Wien . Brock, Christopher (2020) Partizipative Praxisforschung im Demeter-Verband. Praktiker und Wissenschaftler forschen gemeinsam. Lebendige Erde, 1 September 2020, 2020 (5), pp. 40-43. Brumlop, Sarah and Finckh, Maria R. (2014) Populationszucht auf Anpassungsfähigkeit durch Diversität und partizipative on-farm Selektion am Beispiel Winterweizen. [Population breeding for adaptability through diversity and participatory on-farm selection of winter wheat.] Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Ökologischer Pflanzenschutz, D-Witzenhausen . Brun, Laurent; Warlop, François; Mercier, Vincent; Broquaire, Jean-Michel; Clauzel, Guy; Gomez, Christelle; Parveaud, Claude-Eric and Audergon, Jean-Marc (2011) Quelle sélection fruitière pour une production durable, à faible niveau d’intrants ? Méthodologie pour un réseau de sélection variétale décentralisée. [What kind of fruit cultivar selection for a sustainable production under a low input level ?] Innovations Agronomiques, 15, pp. 105-115. Buena, Maria Rowena and Whitney, Cory W. (2017) Entrepreneurial Culture And Capability of Organic Farmers’ Organizations in the Philippines. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Andres, Christian; Yadav, A. K.; Ardakani, M. Reza; Lowe, V.; Soto, G. and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Proceedings of the Scientfc Track at the Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 54, pp. 750-753. Buitkamp, Martin (2018) Evaluationsbericht: Basis-Schulung für neues Öko-Kontrollpersonal 2018. [Evaluation report: basic training for new organic certification personnel 2018.] QUBIC Beratergruppe GmbH, D-Hannover . Buitkamp, Martin (2017) Evaluationsbericht: Pilotschulung für neues Öko-Kontrollpersonal 2017. [Evaluation report: training for new organic certification personnel 2017.] QUBIC Beratergruppe GmbH, D-Hannover . Burke, Jean and Le Grice, Phil (2002) Case study: Duchy College Organic Studies Centre. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 119-120. Busse, Maria and Siebert, Rosemarie (2015) Akzeptanz von Nachhaltigkeitsinnovationen im Lebensmittelbereich – das Untersuchungsdesign. [Acceptance of sustainability innovations in the food sector - the research design.] Poster at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. Butterbach-Bahl, Klaus (2022) Unknowns about N-(C-) cycling in agroecosystems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Calub, Blesilda M.; Tenorio, Myrna A. and Matienzo, Edna Luisa A. (2013) BUILDING ORGANIC INSTITUTIONS: MOBILIZING LOCAL VILLAGE COUNCILS. In: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014. [Completed] Casagrande, Marion; Lefèvre, Vincent; Capitaine, Mathieu and Peigne, Joséphine (2015) Participative design of conservation agriculture cropping systems in organic agriculture. Poster at: The 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design, Montpellier, France, 7th-10th September 2015. [Completed] Chable, Véronique (2020) Participatory research for organic agriculture: the case of Brassica plant breeding in Brittany. . Chable, Véronique (2020) Seed Diversity and Participatory Research for Organic Farming. . CHABLE, Véronique; SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle; REY, Frédéric and Et al., . (2015) Dossier – Sélection, diversité et qualité des produits en AB. [Thematic folder - Selection, diversity and quality of products in organic agriculture.] Alter Agri, 1 March 2015 (130), pp. 5-25. Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella; SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2019) A comprehensive, integrated and democratic approach for diversified food systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #17. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Rivière, Pierre; Bocci, Riccardo; Carrascosa, Maria; Bartha, Béla and Platzer, Emil (Eds.) (2019) Data management in community seed banks. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #19. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Kutelmach, Margaux (Ed.) (2019) Examples of the different types of populations developed within Diversifood. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #3. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella; SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2019) Methodological approach for multi-actor research. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #18. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Chable, Véronique; Rossi, Adanella; Nuijten, Edwin; REY, Frederic; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2018) A paradigm shift. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #16. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle; Rivière, Pierre; REY, Frederic and Constanzo, Ambrogio (Eds.) (2018) Smart methods for decentralized on-farm breeding. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #11. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Chable, Véronique (Ed.) (2018) Buckwheat. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheed #6. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Chable, Véronique (Ed.) (2018) The Rivet Wheat. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #5. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Bartha, Béla; Bocci, Riccardo; Andersen, Regine and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2018) National crop diversity management systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #10. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Holzherr, Philipp and Oehen, Bernadette (Eds.) (2017) Labels for underutilized crops. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #8. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Bartha, Béla; Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2017) Landrace tomatoes in Hungary DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #15. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2017) Farmer's rights. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #9. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Constanzo, Ambrogio (Ed.) (2017) Underutilized crops. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #4. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Kovács, Tina and Drexler, Dora (Eds.) (2017) Minor cereals : Einkorn in Hungary. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #7. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle and SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle (Eds.) (2017) Varieties and populations for on-farm participatory plant breeding. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #2. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle; Thomas, Mathieu; Naino, Jika Abdel Kader; Bussi, Bettina; Petitti, Matteo and Carascosa, Maria (Eds.) (2017) Participatory approach to model community seed systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #20. . Collective work, Diversifood Partners (editor): Koller, Beate and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) (2016) Community seed banks. DIVERSIFOOD innovation factsheet #1. . COQUIL, X. ; FIORELLI, J.-L. ; MIGNOLET, C. ; BLOUET, A. ; FOISSY, D. ; TROMMENSCHLAGER, J.M. ; BAZARD, C. ; GAUJOUR, E. ; GOUTTENOIRE, L. and SCHRACK, D. (2009) Assessing the agro-environmental sustainability of organic mixed-crop dairy systems on the basis of a multivariate approach. [Evaluation multicritère de la durabilité agro-environnementale de systèmes de polyculture élevage laitiers biologiques.] Carrefours de l'Innovation Agronomique, 4, pp. 239-247. Costanzo, Ambrogio (2019) Searchable database on performance results of underutilised genetic resources - DIVERSIFOOD Project. Organic Research Centre , Cirencester. [draft] Costanzo, Ambrogio; Amos, Dominic and Bickler, Charlotte (2021) Farm-based organic variety trials: A collective experiment with an organic farmers network. ORC 40th Anniversary Factsheets, no. 2. The Organic Research Centre . Costanzo, Ambrogio; Seroplay, Ester and Rey, Frederic (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2019) A guide to participatory experiments with underutilised genetic resources. Diversifood Booklet, no. #2. ITAB. COULOMBEL, Aude; FOURRIÉ, Laetitia and VINDRAS, Camille (2011) Dossier : Recherche-expérimentation en AB. [Folder: Research-experimentation in organic agriculture.] Alter Agri, 1 May 2011 (107), pp. 14-22. {Tool} Protocole et fiche de notation : Détermination de la date optimale pour l'ensilage en maïs population. [Protocol and scorecard: Determining the optimal date for silage in open pollinated maize.] Creator(s): CRIBIER, Domitille and GIULIANO, Simon. Issuing Organisation(s): FD CIVAM, Ecole d'ingénieur de Purpan. (2020) {Tool} Fiche de notation "adaptation d'une variété dans le temps" : Etude de l'adaptation de la variété Poromb en Loire Atlantique (France). [Scorecard "adaptation of a variety over time": Study of the adaptation of the variety Poromb in Loire Atlantique (France).] Creator(s): CRIBIER, Domitille; GIULIANO, Simon and RIVIERE, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): FD CIVAM 44, RSP. (2021) {Tool} Protocole et Fiche de notation pour l'étude de l'adaptation de la variété Poromb en Loire-Atlantique (France). [Protocol and rating sheet for the study of the adaptation of the Poromb variety in Loire-Atlantique (France).] Creator(s): CRIBIER, Domitille; GIULIANO, Simon and RIVIERE, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): FD CIVAM 44, EI PURPAN, RSP. (2021) D'Alessandro, Cecilia (2018) Participatory Guarantee Systems for the development of small-scale organic agriculture: The case of Ogiek honey in Kenya. [Sistemi di garanzia partecipata per lo sviluppo dell'agricoltura biologica su piccola scala: Il caso del miele Ogiek in Kenya.] Masters thesis, Università degli Studi di Firenze , Economics and Management. . [Submitted] Davies, G; Turner, R; Bond, B and Gibbon, D (2006) Knowledge development for organic systems: An example of weed management. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 107-110. Dawson, J.C.; Murphy, K.M. and Jones, S.S. (2008) Breeding for nitrogen use efficiency in organic wheat systems. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. De Cock, Lieve; Taragola, Nicole; Dessein, Joost and Crivits, Maarten (2016) Networks for a competitive and innovative organic horticulture in Flanders. Acta Horticulturae, 1137, pp. 323-332. Delate, Kathleen; Cambardella, Cindy; Nunes, Marcio; Chase, Craig and Turnbull, Robert (2022) Long-Term Organic Experiments in the U.S.- focus on the Iowa LTAR. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Delmotte, Sylvestre (2011) Evaluation participative de scénarios : quelles perspectives pour les systèmes agricoles camarguais ? PhD thesis, Montpellier SupAgro . . [Completed] den Herder, Michael; Smith, Laurence; Arguile, Lisa; Dumper-Pollard, Rowan; Borek, Robert; Syp, Alina; Pisanelli, Andrea; Consalvo, Claudia; Rois-Diaz, Mercedes; Mignon, Sandor; Gliga, Adrian; Wustenberghs, Hilde; Alonso Adame, Alba; Michel-Villarreal, Rosario; Tiilikainen, Antti; Orfanidou, Timokleia and Holzner, Valerie (2022) Incorporating ecosystem services in evaluating the sustainability of innovative organic farming systems using the Public Goods tool. In: EURAF 2022 - Book of Abstracts. Desclaux, D. (2005) Participatory Plant Breeding Methods for Organic Cereals. In: Lammerts Van Bueren, E.T. and Ostergard, H. (Eds.) Proceedings of the COST SUSVAR/ECO-PB Workshop on Organic Plant Breeding Strategies and the Use of Molecular Markers, pp. 17-23. Devide, Antonio C.P.; Ribeiro, Raul de Lucena Duarte; Abboud, Antônio Carlos de Souza and Pereira, Marcos Gervásio (2012) Cultivo de Calophyllum braziliense em várzea e terraço fluvial e seleção de espécies para a conversão agroflorestal. [Cultivation of Calophyllum braziliense in floodplain and river terrace and species selection for agroforestry conversion.] Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro. Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries (2013) Gestão ambiental de sistemas agroflorestais com Guanandi(Calophyllum braziliense). [Environmental management of agroforestry system with Guanandi (Calophyllum brasiliense).] Working paper, Departamento de Fitotecnia, Instituto de Agronomia - UFRRJ . [Unpublished] Devide, Antonio Carlos Pries; Coutinho, Thiago and Aguiar, Ana S. (2013) Mutirão agroflorestal, 29-Novembro, 2013: assentamento Manoel Neto, Taubaté, SP, Brasil. [Agroforestry task force, 29-November, 2013: settlement Manoel Neto, Taubaté, SP, Brasil.] Working paper, Polo Regional do Vale do Paraíba - Setor de Fitotecnia, APTA - Agência Paulista de Tecnologia dos Agronegócios . [Unpublished] Dickhoefer, Uta; Werner, Jessica and Weber, Jonas F. (2021) Digitales Weidemanagement – Status quo und Potentiale. Paper at: Online-Workshop Digitales Weidemanagement, Online, 8. September 2021. [Completed] Dind, Alice (2022) Vers des systèmes agricoles innovants et durables en Suisse romande. Agrihebdo, 16 September 2022, p. 11. Dinis, Isabel; Ortolani, Livia; Bocci, Riccardo and Brites, Claudia (2014) Organic agriculture and sustainable practices: towards a typology of innovative farmers. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 745-748. Döring, Thomas F. (2022) The system perspective. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] DUMAN, Kamil and BAYRAM, Yunus (2014) Poster on Presentation of Diyarbakır Plant Protection Research Station. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Dupont, Y.L. (2024) EcoMetric opstartsmøde d. 10/04/24. Workshop at: Dupont, Y.L. (2023) Deltagelse og oplæg ved Økologi Kongressen 2023. Speech at: Dupont, Y.L. (2023) Organic+ Målretning af biodiversitstiltag og dokumentation af biodiversitetseffekter i økologisk produktion. Workshop at: Thise MejeriOrganic+ projektworkshop ved Thise Mejeri (oplæg), Roslev, Danmark, 26. januar 2023. [Completed] Dupont, Y.L.; Bille, L.A. and Brodersen, Svend (2025) 3 oplæg ved Green Soutions Centre, Københavns Universitet, og IPBES Danmarks symposium. Speech at: Hvordan adresserer vi biodiversitetskrisen på land i Danmark?, Copenhagen, 28-01-2025. Dupont, Y.L. and Olsen, A.B. (2022) Øko Markdag 2022 oplæg "Mangfoldige marker". Keynote presentation at: Øko-Markdag 2022, Erholm Fødevaremarked, Karen Borchenfeldtsvej 2, 5560 Aarup, 15. juni 2022. Dupont, Y.L.; Poulsen, T and Holm Andersen, A (2024) Biodiversitetstiltag gavner marknaturen: Landmænd kan hjælpe med at skabe levesteder for biodiversitet i landbrugslandet, men hvad gavner mest? Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget, October 2024 (Oct24), p. 17. Dupont, Y.L. and Rasmussen, Bent (2023) Deltagelse i Økologisk Landsforening webinar om biodiversitet (oplæg). Webinar presentations at: On-line. Dupont, Y.L.; Rasmussen, Bent; Mølgaard, Natasha and Søby, Julie (2024) Organic+ workshop inkl. markvandring ved Gram Slot, med tilknytning til EcoMetric. LinkedIn opslag om workshop at: Dupont, Y.L.; Rasmussen, Bent; Søby, Julie; Holst Sørensen, Kirsten and Handrup, .Linda Michelle (2024) Deltagelse og oplæg ved Øko Mark Dag 2024. [Participation and præsentation at Organic Field Day 2024.] Lecture at: Dupont, Y.L.; Rasmussen, Bent and Williams, James H. (2022) Efterårsmarked på Stenalt 2022, Organic+ stand. Workshop at: Stenalt Efterårsmarked. Dupont, Y.L.; Rasmussen, Bent; Williams, James H. and Mølgaard, Natasha (2023) Organic+ workshop inkl. markvandring ved Bovbjerg Fyr. LinkedIn. Online at, accessed on: 15 November 2023. Duval, Julie; Bareille, Nathalie; Fourichon, Christine; Madouasse, Aurélien and Vaarst, Mette (2017) How can veterinarians be interesting partners for organic dairy farmers? French farmers’ point of views. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 146, pp. 16-26. Duval, Julie; Bareille, Nathalie; Fourichon, Christine; Madouasse, Aurélien and Vaarst, Mette (2016) Perceptions of French private veterinary practitioners’ on their role inorganic dairy farms and opportunities to improve their advisoryservices for organic dairy farmers. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 133, pp. 10-21. Dylla, Renate and Lorenz, Eckhard (2015) Systematische Zusammenstellung der Qualifikationsanforderungen und -ansätze verschiedener Systemträger. [Systematic compilation of qualification requirements and approaches in the organic an other certification systems.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Eckholdt, Anette (2009) Selvstændig forsker. Jord & Viden, 12, pp. 16-17. Ejderyan, Olivier; Frick, Rebekka; Home, Robert; Lapuh, Lucija; Kapgen, Diane; Rybol, Judith; Stadler, Lena; Tessier, Louis and Vardhan, Apoorva (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of pathways towards SFS. Deliverable 1.1 Conceptual Framework. Deliverable 1.1 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. . Eksvärd, K.; Ögren, E.; Homman, K.; Andersson, O.; Berglund, K.; Eriksson, B.; Gäredal, L.; Pellas, G.; Sjöstedt, K.; Sjöstedt, M.; Wålstedt, T.; Nilsson, H.; Engström, U.; Ahde, E. and Ahde, I. (2001) Deltagande Forskning – Lärdomar, resultat och erfarenheter från Växthusgruppens arbete 1999–2000. [Participatory Research - Learning’s, results and experiences from the work in the greenhouse group 1999-2000.] Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 31. Centre for sustainable agriculture . Ernfors, Maria (2022) Experimenting with novel cropping systems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Escobar, C.A. (2014) Organic Agriculture Research. Shared Vision from Latin-American Farmers. Paper at: TIPI workshop Practitioners' Research Agenda, Pre-conference of the Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 October 2014. [Unpublished] Escribano, A.J.; Gaspar, P.; Mesias, F.J.; Pulido, A.F. and Escribano, M. (2014) A sustainability assessment of organic and conventional beef cattle farms in agroforestry systems: the case of the dehesa rangelands. ITEA, 110 (4), pp. 343-367. Feldmann, Corinna and Hamm, Ulrich (2014) SEARCHING FOR INCONSISTENCIES IN ORGANIC MARKET DATA – A GUIDE ON HOW TO APPLY QUALITY CHECKS FOR STATISTICS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, pp. 359-362. Félix, Georges F. (2019) Slash-and-mulch: Exploring the role of shrub-based agroforestry systems for smallholder farmers in the Sahel. PhD thesis, Wageningen University , Farming Systems Ecology. , Wageningen, The Netherlands. Fernique, Sarah; Penvern, Servane; Cardona, Aurélie; Ahrenfeldt, Erica; Grebeau, D.; Jamar, Laurent; kruzynska, Dorota; Matray, Silvia; Ozoliņa-Pole, Laura; Ralle, Baiba; Sigsgaard, Lene; Steinemann, Beatrice; Świergiel, Weronika; Telfser, Joseph; Warlop, Francois and Herz, Annette (2016) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards. In: Foerdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau e.V. (FOEKO). (Ed.) Organic farmers’ reality to manage functional agrobiodiversity in European organic apple orchards, Foerdergemeinschaft Oekologischer Obstbau e.V. (FOEKO) Traubenplatz 5, D-74189 Weinsberg E-Mail:, Weinsberg, pp. 268-269. Ferrari, Leone; Florez, Andrez; Velásquez, Fortunato; Schneider, Monika; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy and Fromm, Ingrid (2014) Evaluation of organic pest management strategies to control the cocoa mirid (Monalonion dissimulatum Dist.), Alto Beni, Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 143. Ferrari, Leone; Florez, Andrez; Velásquez, Fortunato; Schneider, Monika; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy and Fromm, Ingrid (2014) Evaluation of organic pest management strategies to control the cocoa mirid (Monalonion dissimulatum Dist.), Alto Beni, Bolivia. Poster at: Symposium, “International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field”, HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19 June 2014. [Completed] Fink-Keßler, Andrea (2003) Systemaufstellungen - für die Landwirtschaft. B&B Agrar - Die Zeitschrift für Bildung und Beratung (5), pp. 148-149. Fliessbach, Andreas (2019) Capire meglio i sistemi agricoli con test a lungo termine. Bioattualità, 2019 (9), p. 12. Fliessbach, Andreas (2019) Comprendre l’agriculture grâce aux essais de longue durée. Bioactualités, 2019 (9), p. 28. Fliessbach, Andreas; Krause, H.-M.; Kuhn, A.; Munyangabe, A.; Stehle, B.; Sauter, M.; Perrochet, F. and Mäder, P. (2019) Change of biological soil quality in organic and conventional farming systems of the DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 33. Frank, Helmut; Schmid, Harald and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (2014) Greenhouse Gas Emissions of organic and conventional dairy farms in Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 505-508. Frick, Rebekka; Ejderyan, Olivier; Felder, Tamina; Home, Robert; Lapuh, Lucija; Rybol, Judith and Stadler, Lena (2023) Europäische Zusammenarbeit für die Transformation von Landwirtschaftssystemen. In: Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA), pp. 98-99. Fritzsche, Heike (2003) Systemaufstellungen in der Landwirtschaft – Drei Fallbeispiele mit Fokus auf Hof und Familie. Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Universität Kassel , Institut für Soziokulturelle Studien (ISOS). [Unpublished] Fry, Dr. Patricia and Jäger, Mareike (2009) “Von Bauern für Bauern” – Ein handlungsorientierter Projektansatz für eine nachhaltige Bodennutzung (Workshop). Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. [Unpublished] Gabel, Vanessa; Fliessbach, Andreas; Krause, Hans-Martin and Mäder, Paul (2024) Bioanbau im Vergleich. Ergebnisse aus 45 Jahren DOK-Versuch. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick. Ochoa, Gregorio Varela; Garibay, Salvador and Weidmann, Gilles (Eds.) (2006) 1er Encuentro latinoamericano y del caribe de productoras y productores experimentadores y de investigadores en agricultura orgánica, 26 al 29 de septiembre de 2006, Managua, Nicaragua. Memorias de resúmenes. [First Latin American and Carribbean Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers, held September 26-28, 2006 in Managua, Niccaragua. Summary of the Presentations.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland. Proceedings of 1er Encuentro latinoamericano y del caribe de productoras y productores experimentadores y de investigadores en agricultura orgánica, Managua, Niccaragua, September 26-28, 2006. Gbenou, Pascal; Noukpo, Agossou and Visser, Marjolein (2014) FARMER EVALUATION OF THE SYSTEM OF RICE INTENSIFICATION (SRI) AND THE CONVENTIONAL RICE CULTIVATION IN BENIN. Poster at: 4th International Rice Congress, Bankok, 27th October 2014. [Unpublished] Gian, Nicolay; Dabire, Rémy; Fliessbach, Andreas; Glin, Laurent and Sissoko, Fagaye (2013) SYPROBIO: Driving farmer-led innovation platforms to address food security, poverty alleviation and resilience to climate change in West African cotton communities. In: Proceedings AISA Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systemsin Africa, Nairobi, 29–31 May 2013, pp. 156-161. Gibbon, David (2002) Systems thinking, interdisciplinarity and farmer participation: essential ingredients in working for more sustainable organic farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 105-108. Godt, Jochen; van Elsen, Thomas; Haase, Thorsten; Braukmann, Ulrich; Fricke, Thomas; Saucke, Helmut; Hensel, Oliver; Baierl, Cindy; Walter, Karl-Henning; Schumann, C. and Heß, Jürgen (2007) E+E-Projekt „Integration von Naturschutzzielen in den Ökologischen Landbau am Beispiel der Hessischen Staatsdomäne Frankenhausen“ - Maßnahmen zur Entwicklung dauerhafter Landschaftsstrukturen. [The integration of nature conservation into organic farming - a project on the Hessian State Domain Frankenhausen. Measures to restore permanent structural elements on the farmland.] Poster at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007. Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre (editor): REY, Frederic; Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre (Eds.) (2018) Methods and Tools for decentralized on farm breeding. Booklet, no. 3. Diversifood . Gonzálvez, V.; Schmid, O.; Schlueter, M. and Slabe, A. 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GRAS, Élodie; WAROQUIERS, Carl; GIULIANO, Simon; ORSOLINI, Romane; Noel, Robin; RIVIERE, Pierre; DESWARTE, Cyrielle; GADEN, Théo and DURY, Jérôme (2022) Etude de la réponse à la sélection massale paysanne sur les variétés de maïs population. [Study of the response to farmer mass selection on open pollinated maize varieties.] Agrobiopérigord, France , biodiversité. GRESSIER, Estelle (2016) De la gestion des semences à l'amélioration agro-écologique du système. [From seed management to agro-ecological improvement of the system.] Alter Agri, 1 March 2016 (136), pp. 21-23. Halberg, Senior researcher Niels and Schou Larsen, Carl Erik (2003) Participatory Development Research. Enhancing Capacity within Applied Research - Case: Livestock. In: Dolberg, Frands and Petersen, Poul Henning (Eds.) Handrup, .Linda Michelle (2023) Opslag om FNs biodiversitetsdag med link til Organic+ aktiviteter fra Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug. . Handrup, Linda Michelle (2023) Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug - præsenterer Organic+ ved deltagelse i Naturmødet (omtale i nyhedsbreve, LinkedIn samt hjemmeside). Nyhedsbrev fra Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug, May 2023, pp. 1-13. Hansen, Jonas H. and Petersen, Hanne T. (2010) From Grain to Feed. [Fra proteinafgrøde til fiskefoder.] Poster at: Healthgrain, Lund, Sweden, 5-7 May 2010. Häring, A. M. (2000) Economic simulation of organic farms guided by farmers - A participatory approach to agricultural policy research? In: Proceedings of the 2nd SREN Workshop on “Research Methodologies in Organic Farming - On-farm & Participatory Research”, FAO, Rome, REU Technical Series, no. 63. Häring, A.M; Vairo, D.; Dabbert, S. and Zanoli, R. (2006) Stakeholder involvement in policy evaluation and development in 11 European countries: synthesis results. [Stakeholder involvement in policy evaluation and development in 11 European countries: synthesis results.] Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Häring, Anna Maria; Blodau, Simon; Braun, Charis; Meyerhof, Carsten and Winkler, Christiane (2012) Forschung zur ökologischen Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft - Ansatzpunkte für eine Interessensvertretung. Schriften zu den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften der Land- und Lebensmittelwirtschaft, no. 1/2012, 2., überarbeitete Auflage. Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde (FH), D-Eberswalde. Heer, Alexander; Joshi, Tanay; Messmer, Monika and Riar, Amritbir (2023) Environment-specific selection of high-quality cotton cultivars from on-station and on-farm trials. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 27. Hennart, Sylvain; Mertens, Alexandre; Lagneaux, Séverine; Lamarque, P.; Lehuraux, Raphaël; Stilmant, Didier and Mathot, Michaël (2024) Quelles performances peut-on espérer de systèmes polycultures-élevages mobilisant des pratiques agroécologiques en Centre Ardenne (Belgique, Wallonie) ? [What kind of performance can we expect from mixed crop-livestock systems using agroecological practices in the Centre Ardenne (Belgium, Wallonia)?] Workshop at: Comment mobiliser les interactions culture-élevage, à différentes échelles, pour rendre l’agriculture plus résiliente face au changement global ?, Montpellier, 19-20-21/03/2024. Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia and Hauenstein, Samuel (2021) BRESOV D5.1 - Comprehensive list of varieties per crop and location to be grown on-farm along with fact sheets concerning their growing, harvesting and taste characteristics. . Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia; Hauenstein, Samuel; Timpanaro, Giuseppe; Cammarata, Mariarita; Scuderi, Alessandro and Branca, Ferdinando (2021) BRESOV D5.2 - List of crop performance measurements to be collected at all location and a questionnaire for the farmers involved. FiBL , Crop sciences, Frick. Hesketh, Mark; Firth, Chris and Sumption, Phil (2002) The use of case studies in researching the conversion to organic farming systems. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 117-118. Hochreiter, Claudia (2011) Certified with trust and solidarity? Attitude, benefits and challenges of organic farmers in Participatory Guarantee Systems, Cacahoatán, Mexico. Masters thesis, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna . . [Completed] Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne; Bielecke, Alexandra and Sundrum, Albert (2015) Umfeldanalysen zum Themenfeld Tiergesundheit. [Environmental Stakeholder Analyses in the field of animal health.] Poster at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne; Bielecke, Alexandra and Sundrum, Albert (2014) KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER REGARDING ANIMAL HEALTH. In: Rah´mann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 481-484. Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne; Bielecke, Alexandra and Sundrum, Albert (2014) Different perspectives on animal health and implications for communication between stakeholders. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, pp. 8-16. Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne; Bielecke, Alexandra and Sundrum, Albert (2014) Reflexionen zu den Voraussetzungen und möglichen Hemmnissen eines zielführenden Wissenstransfers am Beispiel der Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Nutztierhaltung. [Reflexions on the preconditions and possible constraints preventing a constructive transfer of knowledge by the example of the animal health status in organic livestock farming.] Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften, Fachgebiet Tierernährung und Tiergesundheit, D-Witzenhausen . Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne and Sundrum, Albert (2018) Hemmnisse im Wissenstransfer zur Tiergesundheit: Ergebnisse und Implikationen eines Reflexionsprozesses mit Stakeholdern. Berichte über Landwirtschaft. Zeitschrift für Agrarpolitik und Landwirtschaft, 96 (3), pp. 1-38. Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne and Sundrum, Albert (2013) Perspektiven zur Verbesserung der Tiergesundheit in der ökologischen Schweinemast. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013. Holst, Niels (2009) Concepts and tools for collaborative weed demographic modeling. Speech at: Weed Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Orlando, Florida, February 9-13 2009. [Completed] Holst, Niels (2013) A universal simulator for ecological models. Ecological Informatics, 13, 70- 76. Holst, Niels (2010) Collaborative weed modelling with Universal Simulator. Poster at: 15th EWRS Symposium, Kaposvar, Hungary, 12-15 July 2010. Holst, Niels (2010) WeedML: a Tool for Collaborative Weed Demographic Modeling. [.] Weed Science, 58, pp. 497-502. Holzner, Valerie (2022) Mid-term presentation - FOODLEVERS. Speech at: SF-CO Joint Project Seminar, Brussels, 16th - 17th November 2022. [Completed] Home, Robert; Frick, Rebekka; Stadler, Lena; Felder, Tamina and Bazrafshan, Mahsa (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of Pathways Towards SFS. D1.2: Mapping lock-ins, interventions and transition pathways to SFS. Deliverable 1.2 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. . Home, Robert; Stadler, Lena; Felder, Tamina and Frick, Rebekka (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of Pathways Towards SFS. M1:Understanding of pathways towards SFS by all partners. Milestone 1 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. . Huber, Beate; Bautze, David and Goldmann, Eva (2022) Ist der Biolandbau eine Lösung für den globalen Süden? BioTOPP, 2022, 5, pp. 16-19. Hunyadi Borbélyné, Éva (2014) Szakmai nap a szántóföldi ökotermesztésről. [Professional day about organic arable farming.] ostermelo, 1 October 2014, 2014 (5), pp. 77-78. Højring, K. (2004) Æstetisk sansning og naturvidenskabelig naturforståelse - et eksplorativt eksperiment. 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Acta Nova, 6 (4), pp. 351-383. Jamar, Daniel; Stassart, Pierre and Mormont, Marc (2008) La recherche-intervention pour une transition vers le développement durable. [Research-intervention for a transition towards sustainable development.] Economie rurale, July 2008, 306, pp. 8-22. Jarosch, Klaus A.; Mayer, J.; Mäder, P.; Frossard, E. and Oberson, A. (2019) Soil phosphorus (P) budgets, P availability and P use efficiencies in conventional and organic cropping systems of the DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 29. Jensen, Henning Høgh; Odhong, Charles; Odwonga, Richard N and Halberg, Niels (2013) Innovation Research in High-Value Commodity Chains: Lessons Learned. Paper at: International workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa, Nairobi, Kenya, 29th-31st May, 2013. {Tool} Organic living labs and lighthouse farms in Europe. Creator(s): Jonasz, Gerda and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): TP Organics. (2022) Jones, H; Clarke, S M; Haigh, Z; Hinchsliffe, K; Wolfe, M S; Thomas, J; Gibbon, D; Harris, F and Lyon, F (2006) Developing a partcipatory approach to seed production and varietal selection. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 135-138. Jones, Dr H.; Hinchsliffe, Miss K.; Clarke, Dr S M; Pearce, Dr B; Gibbon, Dr D; Lyon, Dr F; Harris, Dr F; Thomas, Dr J and Wolfe, Prof M S (2006) A participatory methodology for large scale field trials in the UK. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Julian, C.; Smith, N; Oglethorpe, David and Wright, J (2002) The development of an integrated modelling system to support decisions on organic farms. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 161-164. Keller, Chigusa and Rüegg, Johanna (2024) Measuring labour time and implications for the management of tropical cacao AF systems (SysCom Bolivia). Paper at: FiBL Open Day – Organic transformation of food systems, online, 27.11.2024. [Completed] Kerckhoffs, Dr. L.H.J. (2008) Development of organic farming in distant rural Māori communities in New Zealand through successful participatory approaches. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. KonKom (2018) Curriculum: Schulung für neues Öko-Kontrollpersonal. [Curriculum: Training for new organic certification personnel.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . KonKom, Projekt (2019) Basis-Schulung für neues Öko-Kontrollpersonal: Schulungsmaterialien. [Training for new organic certification personnel: training materials.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen, FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Koopmans, Chris; van Veluw, Kees and Wijnands, F.G. (2011) Participatieve ontwikkeling: Samenwerking in een vraaggestuurde context van de biologische landbouw. [Participatory development: Cooperation in the demand-driven context of organic farming.] Louis Bolk Instituut, Driebergen. Koopmans, Chris J.; van Veluw, K. and Wijnands, F.G. (2014) PARTICIPATORY DEVELOPMENT AS A WAY TO INNOVATIONS: FIVE KEY ELEMENTS FOR SUCCESS. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 791-794. {Tool} Organic seed from community seed banks (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Konstantinos and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 13. (2020) Kratochvil, R. (1999) Ansätze zur Ökobilanzierung der Landbewirtschaftung des Ökologischen Kreislaufs Moorbad Harbach mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der pflanzlichen Produktion. In: Püspök, J. (Ed.) Zukunft konkret – Ökologischer Kreislauf Modell Harbach.. NÖ Landesakademie, Krems, pp. 56-81. Krause, Hans-Martin; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mayer, Jochen and Mäder, Paul (2020) Chapter 2 - Implementation and management of the DOK long-term system comparison trial. In: Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Riar, Amritbir (Eds.) Long-Term Farming Systems Research. Academic Press, London, UK, chapter 2, pp. 37-51. Krauss, Maike and Mäder, Paul (2019) Organic conservation tillage – evidence from more than 15 years of research. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 67. Kruse, Sylvia; Förster, Ruth; Fry, Patricia; Kläy, Andreas; Kueffer, Christoph; Moschitz, Heidrun; Wolf, Patricia and Zingerli, Claudia (2015) Wissensaustausch zwischen Forschung und Praxis erfolgreich gestalten. [Successfully Shaping Knowledge Exchange between Science and Practice.] GAIA, 24 (4), pp. 278-280. Kundel, Dominika; Truu, J.; Fliessbach, A.; Bracht Jørgensend, H.; Bodenhausen, N. and Mäder, P. (2019) Profiling soil microbial communities influenced by reduced summer precipitation and farming system history. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 91. Kyed, Sybille (2023) Vi skal kunne sameksistere i naturen - artikel i Økologisk Nu. Økologisk Nu, 13 June 2023, pp. 1-4. Kyed, Sybille (2023) Økologi er en vej til mere biodiversitet i landbruget - artikel i LandbrugsAvisen. LandbrugsAvisen, 2 June 2023, pp. 1-3. Lafond, David and Metral, Raphaël (2015) Concevoir en partenariat une EcoViticulture ECOnomiquement viable et ECOlogiquement responsable par rapport aux pesticides (EcoViti). Innovations Agronomiques, 46, pp. 39-50. Lamine, Claire and Faugère, Elsa (2014) ESRS Summerschool 2014 : Theoretical Approaches to the Ecologisation of Agrifood Systems and Rural Landscapes. . [Completed] Landert, Jan; Andreola, Corinne and de Baan, Laura (2023) Identifying environmental hotspots of fertilizers produced from fish and mollusc waste. [Identifizierung von Umwelt-Hotspots bei der Herstellung von Recycling-Düngern aus Fisch- und Muschelabfällen.] Sea2Land Practice Abstract, no. 57. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL; Università Politecnica delle Marche . Langhout, J; Baars, T and Verhoog, H (2006) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Netherlands. EEC 2092/91 Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Louis Bolk Institute LBI, NL-Driebergen . Leach, Katharine (2012) Assessing the sustainability of EU organic and low input dairy farms. Organic Research Centre Bulletin, 2012, 111 (Winter), pp. 9-10. Leach, Katharine; Palomo, Gonzalo; Waterfield, William; Zaralis, Konstantinos and Padel, Susanne (2014) Diverse swards and mob grazing for dairy farm productivity: A UK case study. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1155-1158. Lebrun, Remy and Chable, Véronique (2014) On farm research for quality of maize. Populations evaluation for old and new recipes in France. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] {Tool} Co-designing innovative cropping systems through long-term on-farm experiments (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Co-conception de systèmes de culture innovants par le biais d'expériences à long terme sur l'exploitation (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Legein, Louise; Gyselynck, William and Jamar, Daniel. Issuing Organisation(s): CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre. (2022) Lemichez, Solène (2020) Comprendre les performances et l’adaptation de deux variétés-populations de tomate (S. lycopersicum) dans un système agroforestier via l’étude du microbiome racinaire dans le cadre d'une recherche participative. Masters thesis, INRAE, AGROCAMPUS OUEST . . [Unpublished] Liebl, Boris (2015) Status-Quo-Erhebung der Kontrolleursqualifikationen. [Status quo survey of inspector qualifications in organic certification.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Liebl, Boris; Mühlrath, Daniel and Dylla, Renate (2019) Kompetenzentwicklung von Öko-Kontrollpersonal: Studie zu Kompetenzanforderungen sowie Ansätzen im Kompetenzmanagement und in der Aus- und Weiterbildung (Nachhaltigkeitskonzept). [Competence development of organic certification personnel: Study on competence requirements and approaches in competence management and training.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Liebl, Boris; Mühlrath, Daniel and Dylla, Renate (2018) Basis-Kompetenzen von Öko-Kontrollpersonal (Konzeptpapier). [Basic competencies of organic certification personnel (concept paper).] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Liebl, Boris; Mühlrath, Daniel and Dylla, Renate (2018) Konzept für die Arbeit mit Kompetenzprofilen im Kompetenzmanagement für Öko-Kontrollpersonal. [Working with competence profiles in competence management for organic certification personnel.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Lieblein, Geir and Østergaard, Edvin (1993) Gårdsstudier - definisjon, utforming og helhetlige betingelser. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 13. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll. Lien, Gudbrand; Flaten, Ola; Korsaeth, Audun; Schumann, Keith D; Richardson, James D; Eltun, Ragnar and Hardaker, J B (2006) Comparison of risk in organic, integrated and conventional cropping systems in eastern Norway. Journal of Farm Management, 12 (7), pp. 385-401. Lien, Gudbrand; Hardaker, J. Brian and Flaten, Ola (2007) Risk and economic sustainability of crop farming systems. Livestock Systems, 94 (2), pp. 541-552. Lien, Dr. Gudbrand; Hardaker, Prof. J. Brian and Flaten, Dr. Ola (2006) Risk and economic sustainability of crop farming systems. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Lockeretz, W and Boehncke, E (2000) Agricultural systems research. In: Hovi, M and Trujillo, R G (Eds.) Diversity of livestock systems and definition of animal welfare, pp. 5-15. Lohse, Erick; Milz, Joachim; Schneider, Monika and Rüegg, Johanna (2022) Sistemas agroforestales: La importancia de la estratificación de árboles para la sanidad de cultivos. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Lohse, Erick; Rüegg, Johanna; Schneider, Monika and Milz, Joachim (2022) Sistemas agroforestales: La importancia de la estratificación de árboles para la sanidad de cultivos. . Lori, Martina; Symanczik, S.; Piton, G.; Mäder, P. and Gattinger, A. (2019) Nitrogen transformations and its underlying microbial communities in differently managed soils under future projected rainfall variability. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 58. Lori, Martina; Symanczik, Sarah; Mäder, Paul; de Deyn, Gerlinde and Gattinger, Andreas (2017) Organic farming enhances soil microbial abundance and activity - A meta-analysis and meta-regression. PLoS ONE, 12 (7), pp. 1-25. Lütold, Jeremias (2023) Ricerca nella quotidianità agricola. Bioattualità, 2023 (8), pp. 6-7. Lütold, Jeremias (2023) Tradition et tendance. Bioactualités, 2023 (8), pp. 6-7. Lütold, Jeremias (2023) Tradition und Trend. Bioaktuell, 2023 (8), pp. 6-7. Lütold, Jeremias (2023) Tradizione e tendenza. Bioattualità, 2023 (8), pp. 4-5. Lütold, Jeremias and Homère, Emma (2023) Forschen im Hofalltag. Bioaktuell, 2023 (8), pp. 8-10. Læssøe, Jeppe (2013) Tværfagligt lys på økologien. Økologi & Erhverv, 12 April 2013, p. 1. Løes, Anne-Kristin (1990) Prosjektplan - Utarbeidet våren 1990. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 4. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll. Løes, Anne-Kristin and Schmidt, Knud (1993) Hva var 30 bruks-prosjektet? En beskrivelse av prosjektforløp og resultater. 30 bruks-prosjektet, no. 20. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Tingvoll. MacMillan, Tom and Pearce, Bruce (2014) Duchy Originals Future Farming Programme – A practical, farmer led approach to innovation. IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Mäder, Paul; Krause, H.-M.; Fliessbach, A.; Jarosch, K.; Oberson, A.; Gattinger, A.; Birkhofer, K.; Knapp, S.; Frossard, E.; Niggli, U. and Mayer, J. (2019) The DOK long-term experiment - lessons learned from 40 years of interdisciplinary research. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 21. Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin and Fliessbach, Andreas (2019) Ein Solitär wird 40 Jahre alt. Ökologie & Landbau, 2019 (04), pp. 32-34. Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2014) Was Langzeitversuche für die Biolandbau-Forschung bedeuten. Ökologie & Landbau, 2/2014 (170), pp. 45-47. Maghirang, Rodel; Rodulfo, Gloria; Madrid, Ivy Jane; Ferry, Elmer; de la Cruz, Carlos; Vilbar, Lorna and Misterio, Jocelyn (2014) Participatory Breeding on Organic Vegetables. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 909-912. Magid, Jakob (2022) CRUCIAL -Closing the Rural-Urban Nutrient Cycle -Investigations through Agronomic Long-term experiments. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, Sitaram; Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Zundel, Christine; Forster, Dionys and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Participatory Technology Development (PTD) Trials in India. Poster at: Symposium “Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed] Manek, Gwendolyn; Simantke, Christel; Sporkmann, Katrin; Georg, Heiko and Kern, Andreas (2017) Systemanalyse der Schaf- und Ziegenmilchproduktion in Deutschland. [System analysis of sheep and goat milk production in Germany.] Bioland Beratung GmbH, D-Augsburg . Marchand, David (2022) La recherche participative au service de la viticulture biologique en suisse. AgriHebdo, 8 April 2022, p. 25. Marcussen, L. K. (2023) Deltagelse og oplæg ved NLR seminar i Norge / Participation and presentation at NLR seminar in Norway. . Marcussen, L. K. and Dupont, Y.L. (2022) Organic+: Demonstrating and improving the benefit of organic farming on biodiversity and the environment. Social-Ecological Systems Simulation (SESS) centre, Aarhus Universitet. Online at, accessed on: 2 May 2022. Mayer, Marius; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul and Steffens, Markus (2021) Carbon distribution between density and particle size classes of differently managed soils in a 40-year agronomic long-term trial. In: EGU General Assembly 2021, online, 19–30 Apr 2021, EGU21-9801,, 2021, EGU General Assembly 2021. Mayer, Jochen; Gunst, L.; Mäder, P. and Knapp, S. (2019) The performance of yields in organic and conventional cropping systems. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 22. McLeod, Anni; Ndungu, Beth; Karanja, Daniel and Karanja, Peter (2002) Farmer evaluation of biocontrol methods against rootknot nematodes in tomatoes. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 123-124. Meischner, Tabea and Brock, Christopher (2019) MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic animal production (MIX-ENABLE) WP 6.1. Map of agricultural consultants active in organic mixed farming. Forschungsring e.V., D-Darmstadt . Melander, Bo (2022) Weed dynamics in the Danish long-term experiments on organic arable crop rotation systems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Messéan, Antoine (2022) Role of field experiments to support crop diversification. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Metral, Raphaël; Dubuc, Morgane; Delière, Laurent; Petitgenet, Morgane and Gary, Christian (2015) Dexipm-Grapevine: a multicriteria assessment tool of the sustainability for grapevine farming systems. Speech at: 19èmes Journées Internationales de Viticulture GiESCO, Gruissan (France), 2015-05-31 - 2015-06-05. Metral, Raphaël; Rapidel, Bruno; Delière, Laurent; Petitgenet, Morgane; Lafond, David; Chevrier, Christel; Bernard, François-Michel; Serrano, Eric; Thiollet-Scholtus, Marie and Wéry, J (2015) A prototyping method for the re-design of intensive perennial systems: the case of vineyards in France. Speech at: 5th International Symposium for Farming Systems Design : FSD5, Montpellier (France), 2015-09-07 - 2015-09-10. Micheloni, Cristina (2014) The potentials of organic farming in the European Innovation Policy. Keynote presentation at: II Jornada Agriecol, Madrid (Spain), 10 Diciembre 2014. [Unpublished] Midmore, Peter; Padel, Susanne and Schermer, Markus (2009) The Case Study Method in Organic Research. Poster at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, May 30 and 31, 2006. Mieves, Esther; Riemer, Natalia; Droscha, Anne; Brock, Christopher; Manek, Gwendolin; Bessai, Ann-Kathrin; Vogt-Kaute, Werner and Jacob, Irene (2024) Ko-Kreation, Praxisforschung, Reallabor - Wie kann partizipative Forschung gelingen? - Fallstricke im Wissenschaftsbetrieb. [Co-creation, practical research, living lab - How can participatory research be successful? - Pitfalls in the scientific field.] In: Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - Transformation macht nur gemeinsam Sinn, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), pp. 530-531. Moch, Katja and Tappeser, Beatrix (2002) Forschungsvielfalt für die Agrarwende - 20% der Forschungsmittel für eine zukunftsfähige Landwirtschaft. Öko-Institut e.V., Freiburg/Darmstadt/Berlin . [Unpublished] Moeskops, Bram; Torremocha, Eva; Häring, A.M.; Padel, Susanne; Brunori, Gianluca and Micheloni, Cristina (2014) ACTION PLAN FOR INNOVATION AND LEARNING. AGROECOLOGY AND ORGANICS IN EU INNOVATION POLICY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 69-72. Moll, Martin; Lohse, Erick; Guzmán, Milton; Alföldi, Thomas; Pacheco, Ana Piroska; Luna, Alba; Aguilar, Francisco; Aranda, Luis; Ibañez, Yessenia; Schneider, Monika and Rüegg, Johanna (2022) Vivir en abundancia – encuentros con la agroforestería. . Morse, Suzanne R.; Lieblein, Geir; Breland, Tor Arvid; Francis, Charles and Nicolaysen, Anna Marie (2014) Cultivating multi-cultural teams: lessons learned in the "milpa" of an Agroecology MSc course. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Moschitz, Heidrun (2013) From Project Management to Process Management - Effectively Organising Transdisciplinary Projects. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 22 (3), pp. 211-213. Moschitz, Heidrun and Home, Robert (2014) The challenges of innovation for sustainable agriculture and rural development: Integrating local actions into European policies with the Reflective Learning Methodology. Actions Research, 12 (4), pp. 392-409. Moschitz, Heidrun and Home, Robert (2012) Studying learning and innovation networks – a conceptual and methodological framework. Paper at: Agriculture in an urbanizing society. International Conference on Multifunctional Agriculture and Urban-Rural Relations, Wageningen, 1-4 April 2012. Moschitz, Heidrun and Home, Robert (2011) Methods For Understanding Learning And Innovation Networks To Support Transition Towards Sustainable Agriculture – The Approach Of The EU Research Project SOLINSA. In: Book of Abstracts by Working Group, pp. 68-69. Moschitz, Heidrun; Landert, Jan; Schader, Christian and Frick, Rebekka (2018) From Urban Agriculture to Urban Food: A Food System Analysis Based on Interaction Between Research, Policy, and Society. Nature and Culture, 13 (1), pp. 113-134. Moschitz, Heidrun; Roep, Dirk; Brunori, Gianluca and Tisenkopfs, Talis (2015) Learning and Innovation Networks for Sustainable Agriculture: Processes of Co-evolution, Joint Reflection and Facilitation. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, 21 (1), pp. 1-11. Moschitz, Heidrun; Tisenkopfs, Talis; Brunori, Gianluca; Home, Robert; Kunda, Ilona and Sumane, Sandra (2014) Final Report of the SOLINSA project. Project Deliverable D8.2 of the SOLINSA project (GA 266306). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick. Mühlrath, Daniel; Liebl, Boris and Dylla, Renate (2018) Bericht: Basis-Schulung für neues Öko-Kontrollpersonal 2017. [Report: basic training for new organic certification personnel.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Mühlrath, Daniel; Liebl, Boris and Dylla, Renate (2017) Bericht: Pilotschulung für neues Öko-Kontrollpersonal 2017. [Report: training for new organic certification personnel.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Mühlrath, Daniel and Lotterhos, Anna (2015) Das aktuelle und zukünftige Öko-Kontrollverfahren aus Sicht ausgewählter Branchenexperten. [The current and future organic certification sheme from the perspective of selected industry experts.] Universität Kassel, FG Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau, D-Witzenhausen; FiBL Deutschland e.V., D-Frankfurt am Main und Bundesverband der Öko-Kontrollstellen e.V., D-Bad Brückenau . Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2015) Ist eine Evaluation der europäischen Innovationspartnerschaften ‚landwirtschaftliche Produktivität und Nachhaltigkeit‘ möglich und gewünscht? Wenn ja, dann ist Eile geboten! [Will the evaluation of European Innovation Partnerships 'Agricultural Productivity and Sustainability' be possible and persued? If yes, it's matter of urgency!] In: Mußoff, Oliver; Brümmer, Bernhard; Hamm, Ulrich; Marggraf, Rainer; Möller, Detlev; Qaim, Martin; Spiller, Achim and Theuvsen, Ludwig (Eds.) Schriften der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbauses e.V., 50, pp. 439-441. Munk Nielsen, Karen and Handrup, Linda (2022) Markedsgæster blev klogere på biodiversitet på Stenalt Landbrug. Nyhedsbrev Fra Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug, 4 October 2022, pp. 1-6. Musyoka, Martha; Zundel, Christine; Chabi-Olaye, Adenirin; Muriuki, Anna; Mucheru-Muna, Monica and Vanlauwe, Bernard (2010) Site-specific organic and conventional crop yields in a long-term farming systems comparison in sub-humid central Kenya. Paper at: Tropentag, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2010. Mølgaard, Natasha; Williams, James H. and Dupont, Y.L. (2023) Hvordan får vi mere biodiversitet i landbrugslandet? - videnskabelig artikel i Vand & Jord. Tidsskrift for miljø og natur - Vand & Jord, 30 (Dec 23), pp. 148-150. NAËL, Maëla (2015) Dossier – La recherche en AB en Europe. [Thematic folder - Research in organic agriculture in Europe.] Alter Agri, 1 July 2015 (132), pp. 5-13. Navarrete, Mireille; Bellon, Stéphane; Géniaux, Ghislain; Lamine, Claire; Penvern, Servane; Sautereau, Natacha and Tchamitchian, Marc (2011) L’écologisation des pratiques en arboriculture et maraîchage. Enjeux et perspectives de recherches. [Ecologisation of fruit-growing and vegetable practices. Issues and research perspectives.] Paper at: Colloque Ecologisation des politiques et des pratiques agricoles, Isle-sur-la-Sorgue (France), 16-18th March 2011 . [Unpublished] Nemes, Gusztav; Home, Robert and Moschitz, Heidrun (2012) Is there added value in transdisciplinary research? Paper at: XIII World Congress of Rural Sociology. The New Rural World: From Crises to Opportunities, Lisbon, 29.7.-4.8.2012. Nicolay, Gian L. (2014) Farmer-Researcher Networks in West African Organic Value Chains. Economic and Sociological Challenges. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Nicolaysen, Anna Marie; Breland, Tor Arvid; Francis, Charles; Lieblein, Geir and Morse, Suzanne (2014) EVALUATION OF STUDENT REFLECTIVE DOCUMENTS IN AGROECOLOGY EDUCATION: A QUALITATIVE ANALYSIS OF EXPERIENTAL LEARNING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 905-908. Nielsen, Karen Munk (2022) Naturmødet 2022: Økologi er bedste bud på naturvenligt landbrug. . Nielsen, Eva (2007) Økologisk forsker med speciale i korn. Hobro Avis, 7/8/07, p. 6. Niggli, Urs and Schmid, Otto (2009) Bio-Wissen für die Zukunft - Von einer Forschungsvision zu einer Forschungsagenda für die biologische Landwirtschaft und den Lebensmittelsektor (Workshop). Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. [Unpublished] Niggli, Urs; Andres, Christian; Willer, Helga and Baker, Brian P. (2017) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research - Condensed version. Version February, 2017. TIPI - Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM - Organics International, c/o Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland. Niggli, Urs; Willer, Helga and Baker, Brian (2016) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. TIPI - Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM - Organics International, c/o Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick, Switzerland. Niggli, Urs ; Baker, Brian; Rahmann, Gerold; Cuoco, Eduardo; Möller, Carolin; Ssebunya, Brian; Hossain, Shaikh Tanveer; Wivstad, Maria; Chang, Jennifer; Soto, Gabriela; Gould, David; Lampkin, Nic; Chander, Mahesh; Mapusua, Karen; Wynen, Els; Qiao, Yuhui; Ardakani, M. Reza; Hartmann, Marco; Oyama, Toshio; Schmid, Otto and Willer, Helga (2014) A Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. First Draft. Working paper, Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM c/o FiBL, Frick Switzerland . [Completed] Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2006) Combining Luhmann and Actor-Network Theory to see Farm Enterprises as Self-organizing Systems. Cybernetics and Human Knowing, 13 (1), pp. 34-48. Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2003) Farm enterprises as self-organizing systems: A new transdisciplinary framework for studying farm enterprises? International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, 11 (1), pp. 3-14. Noe, Egon; Halberg, Niels and Reddersen, Jens (2005) Indicators of biodiversity and conservational wildlife quality on Danish organic farms for use in farm management. A multidisciplinary approach to indicator development and testing. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics, 2005 (18), pp. 383-414. Noe, Egon (2013) Fra Forskning til Praksis. Økologi&Erhverv, 13 December 2013, p. 1. Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences. In the perspectives of multidisiplinarity. Paper at: AGROECOLOGY AND LAW: A TRANSDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUE, Lecca, Italy, NOVEMBER 15-16, 2013. [Completed] Nomberg, Benjamin (2014) Evaluation d'une méthode participative d'analyse de système pour l'amélioration de la santé en élevage bovin laitier biologique. Masters thesis, ONIRIS (Ecole Nationale Vétérinaire, Agroalimentaire et de l'Alimentation Nantes Atlantique) , UMR BIOEPAR. . Nuutila, J. (2013) The new tendencies in the scientific research of the organic food system in Finland. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 91-92. Nuutila, Jaakko and Kurppa, Sirpa (2016) Two main challenges that prevent the development of an organic food chain at local and national level — an exploratory study in Finland. 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[Completed] Oehen, Bernadette (2023) Praxisforschung - Forschung für den Wandel. Paper at: Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Pflanzenbauwissenschaften - Dialog zwischen Akademie und Praxis, HAFL, Zollikofen, Schweiz, 23. September 2023. [Completed] Oehen, Bernadette (2022) FiBL – “Tradition” in participatory on-farm research. Paper at: EENoLL Agriculture and Agri-food Working Group session, Online Meeting, 11 April 2022. [Completed] Oehen, Bernadette; Vaarst, Mette; Spaans, Annick and Beaugrand, Florence (2023) Living Lab Methodologies and expamples of Living Labs in animal agriculture. First experiences from H2020 Project Roadmap. Lecture at: Roadmap online trainings (Episode 2), online, 14th of February 2023. [Completed] Oelofse, Myles; Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Abreu, Lucimar Santiago de; Almeida, Gustavo Fonseca de; El-Araby, Ahmed; Hui, Qiao Yu; Sultan, Tursinbek and de Neergaard, Andreas (2011) Organic farm conventionalisation and farmer practices in China, Brazil and Egypt. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 31, pp. 689-698. Olesen, Jørgen E. (2022) A cropping systems perspective on the Danish organic arable LTE. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Olsen, A.B. (2023) Hvad er Thise bioskoler? - artikel i Thise Tidende. Thise Tidende, 24 August 2023, pp. 1-6. Olsen, A.B. (2023) Oplæg ved bestyrelsesmøde for Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug 2023. Lecture at: Olsen, A.B. (2023) Landmænd hjælper landmænd i Thises bioskoler - artikel i Økologi - Inspiration til Jordbruget. Økologi - Inspiration til Jordbruget, June 2023 (Juni23), p. 11. Opalia , Edgar (2014) Farmer-scientists: Ending corporate control in agriculture. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Padel, S (2004) Consumer attitudes in North-west England to organic and regional food. In: Hopkins, A (Ed.) Organic farming: science and practice for profitable livestock and cropping. Occasional Symposium of the British Grassland Society, British Grassland Society (37), pp. 35-38. Padel, Susan (2002) Studying conversion as a human activity system. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 101-104. Padel, Susanne (2002) In-depth case studies of the conversion process. In: Powell, Jane and et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the UK Organic Research 2002 Conference, Organic Centre Wales, Institute of Rural Studies, University of Wales Aberystwyth, pp. 289-292. Padel, Susanne and Deane, Joanne (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report UK. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. University of Wales, Aberystwyth , Institute of Rural Sciences. Padel, Susanne; Cullen, Beth; Bliss, Katie and Amos, Dominic (2016) OK-net arable: progress report of the co-ordination of farmer groups (WP2). , Presented at the Review Meeting in Brussels. [draft] Padel, Susanne; Pearce, Bruce; Cuoco, Eduardo; Schlueter, Marco; Niggli, Urs ; Schmid, Otto ; Willer, Helga; Huber, Machteld; Halberg, Niels and Micheloni, Cristina (2011) Technology Platform Organics: Knowledge Generation and Exchange in Organic Food And Farming Research. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life: Knowledge for tomorrow, ISOFAR, Bonn, 2, pp. 330-333. Padel, Susanne; Vaarst, Mette and Zaralis, Konstantinos (2015) Supporting Innovation in Organic Agriculture: A European Perspective Using Experience from the SOLID Project. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 4 (3), pp. 32-41. Papp, Orsolya (2014) On-farm examination of resistant early and maincrop potato varieties in Hungarian organic farming. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 603-606. Patel, Dharmendra; Singh, Akanksha and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Protecting organic cotton: Biopesticides tested against the American bollworm. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 81. Patidar, Ishwar and Singh, Akanksha (2023) Effect of long-term management on yield of dicotyledon plants in cotton systems. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 64. Pearce, Dr Bruce (2006) Developing a participatory approach to seed production and varietal selection (OF0330). Elm Farm Research Centre . Pehme, Sirli; Peetsmann, Elen; Matt, Darja; Luik, Anne and Veromann, Eve (2013) Organic farming research in Estonia. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 97-98. Petersen, Maja Eline and Handrup, .Linda Michelle (2022) Naturhensyn i økologisk landbrug øger biodiversiteten. . Piliyarmattathil Augusthy, Joseph (2014) Organic Agriculture. Farmers' Problems, Research needs and challenges. Paper at: TIPI workshop Practitioners' Research Agenda, Pre-conference of the Organic World Congress 2014, Yeditepe University, Istanbul, Turkey, 12 October 2014. [Unpublished] Pisanelli, Andrea; Holzner, Valerie; Borek, Robert; Gliga, Adrian; den Herder, Michael; Arguille, Lisa and Wustenberghs, Hilde (2022) FOODLEVERS project: Leverage points for organic and sustainable food systems. In: EURAF 2022 - Book of Abstracts. Pissard, Audrey and Lateur, Marc (2023) CHANGE OF PARADIGM IN IMPROVING FRUIT SPECIES TO ADAPT BETTER TO ORGANIC AGRICULTURE. CRA-W Info, 2023, 76, p. 1. Plakolm, Gerhard and Fromm, Elisabeth (2006) Fokusgruppen zu den Wertvorstellungen von Bio-Bauern Nationaler Bericht Österreich. [Focus groups of values of producers: National Report Austria.] EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein . Porcel, Mario; Lene, Sigsgaard; Mark, Tchamitchian; Servane, Pernvern; Francois, Warlop; Lukas, Pfiffner; Laurent , Jamar; Annette, Herz and Mark, Lateur (2015) EcoOrchard - Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards. Power point presentation at public stakeholder seminar 2015.04.21 organized by EPOK centre for organic production and consumption, Swedish University of Argicultural Sciences, Alnarp, Sweden. . [Completed] Rahmann, Gerold and Oppermann, Rainer (2003) Katalysator oder Fußnote? - Welche Rolle spielt die biologisch-dynamische Forschung in der Wissenschaft für den Ökolandbau? [Catalysator or footmark - Which role does bio-dynamic research play in organic farming science?] Lebendige Erde (5), pp. 12-13. Rasmussen, Bent (2023) Oplæg ved Økologisk Landsforening 2023. Lecture at: Rasmussen, Bent (2023) Biodiversitet og økologisk landbrug. Open-house event at: Åbent Hus, Aarhus, DK, 10. marts 2023. Rasmussen, Bent (2023) Naturregnskab på bedriftsniveau - hvordan kan vi måle det? Speech at: Økologisektionens Årsmøde, Kolding, Danmark, 26. oktober 2023. [Completed] Rasmussen, Bent (2023) Organic+ Landmandsworkshop. Workshop at: Landmandsworkshop, Bovbjerg Fyr, Lemvig, Danmark, 9. oktober 2023. [Completed] Rasmussen, Bent and Mølgaard, Natasha (2023) Øko-dag 2023 ved Gram Slot - Organic+ deltagelse med stand og spørgeskema. Open-house at: [Completed] Rasmussen, L.B. and Nielsen, T. (2004) Entrepreneurial Capabilities:combining knowing and action. AI & Society, 18 (2), pp. 100-113. Rebholz, Theresa (2023) «Sono preso in considerazione». Bioattualità, May 2023 (4), pp. 1-2. Rebholz, Theresa (2023) «Ich werde ernst genommen». Bioaktuell, 2023 (4), pp. 26-27. Rebholz, Theresa (2023) «Je suis pris au sérieux». Bioactualités, 2023 (4), pp. 28-29. Rebholz, Theresa; Huber, Beate and Bautze, David (2021) «Eine andere Art von Biolandbau». Bioaktuell, 2021 (10), pp. 16-17. REY, Frederic and HAZARD, Laurent (2014) Community-based management of cultivated biodiversity - A French initiative on forage crops to design agro-ecological systems. [Gérer collectivement la biodiversité cultivée.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Riesinger, Paul and Herzon, Irina (2014) High variability of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in farming conditions. In: Rahmann, G. and Oksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 239-242. Rivière, Pierre; Pin, Sophie; Galic, Nathalie; de Oliveira, Yannick; David, O.; Dawson, Julie C.; Wanner, A.; Heckmann, R.; Obbellianne, S.; Ronot, B.; Parizot, S.; Hyacinthe, A.; Dalmasso, C.; Baltassat, R.; Bochède, A.; Mailhe, G.; Cazeirgue, F.; Gascuel, J.-S.; Gasnier, R.; Berthelot, J.-F.; Baboulène, J.; Poilly, C.; Lavoyer , R.; Hernandez, M.-P.; Coulbeaut, J.-M.; Peloux, F.; Mouton, A.; Mercier, F.; Ranke, O.; Wittrish, R.; de Kochko, P. and Goldringer, I. (2013) Set up of a methodology for participatory plant breeding in bread wheat in France. [Mise en place d'une méthodologie de sélection participative sur le blé tendre en France.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 427-441. Rölin, Åsa and Svanäng, Karin (2008) Pilotprojekt, Deltagardriven forskning på försöksgårdar. [Pilot project, Participatory research on regional research farms.] Hushållningssällskapet i Värmland och Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, SLU, Uppsala . Rosenfeld, A and Firth, C (2006) Innovation in organic vegetable growing. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 103-106. Rosenfeld, Simon; Parzies, Heiko; Grando, Stefania and Ceccarelli, Salvatore (2010) A user-friendly database for Participatory Plant Breeding programs. In: Goldringer, Isabelle; Dawson, Julie; Rey, Frédéric and Vettoretti, Alice (Eds.) Breeding for resilience: a strategy for organic and low-input farming systems?, INRA, ITAB, France, p. 146. Roviglioni, Raffaella (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Italy. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), IT-Rome . Rudolph, Gwendolyn; Bochicchio, Davide; Brandhofer, Roland; Berner, Alfred; Butler, Gillian; Dippel, Sabine; Dourmad, Jean Yves; Edwards, Sandra; Früh, Barbara; Holinger, Mirjam; Holmes, Diane; Illmann, Gudrun; Knop, Denise; Meier, Matthias; Prunier, Armelle; Rousing, Tine; Salomon, E.; Silerova, Jitka; Sorensen, J.T.; Urban, Jiri; Vertes, Francois; Winckler, Christoph and Leeb, Christine (2014) ‘ProPIG’ Challenges and opportunities for on farm pig researchers: How to collect sound scientific data on animal health, welfare, nutrition and environmental impact AND act as a facilitator to improve these aspects at the same time? Poster at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium, Berlin, 1.4.-4.4.2014. Rüegg, Johanna; Cotter, Marc and Bautze, David (2023) Wie sieht ein nachhaltiges Kakaoanbausystem aus? BioTOPP, 2023, 1, pp. 16-18. Ruggeri, Laura (2012) I sistemi di garanzia partecipata (PGS) come strumento di sviluppo locale rurale: l’impatto dell’inclusione della comunità e dei valori sociali nella certificazione biologica. [Participatory guarantee systems (PGS) as a tool for local rural development: including community and social value in organic certification.] Masters thesis, University of Parma , Faculty of Economics. , Parma, Italy. [Completed] Sans Serra, Xavier F; Baldivieso-Freitas, P.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Pérez-Ferrer, A.; Armengot, L.; Chamorro, L. and Romanyà, J. (2019) The Gallecs trial, a mid-term experiment on reduced tillage, fertilisation and green manure in Mediterranean dryland arable cropping systems. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 81. Sans Serra, Xavier F; Rotchés-Ribalta, R.; Mayer, J. and Mäder, P. (2019) Effects of farming system on weed seed bank and on invasibility in arable fields: evidences from the long-term DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 59. Schader, Christian; Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian and Richter, Sebastian (2023) Transformation zu nachhaltigen und gesunden Ernährungssystemen. In: Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA), pp. 96-97. Schader, Christian; Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian; Nathani, Carsten; Kopainska, Birgit; Alig, Martina; Rohrmann, Sabine and Brombach, Christine (2020) Trade-offs and synergies between human health and sustainability of Swiss dietary scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food, pp. 269-272. Schader, Christian; Stolze, Matthias; Müller, Adrian; Frehner, Anita; Kopainsky, Birgit; Nathani, Carsten; Brandes, Julia; Rohrmann, Sabine; Krieger, Jean-Philippe; Pestoni, Giulia; Brombach, Christine; Flückiger, Stefan; Stucki, Matthias; Frischknecht, Rolf and Alig, Martina (2020) Nachhaltige und gesunde Ernährung: Zielkonflikte und Synergien. Paper at: Webinar Agrarallianz, online, 25. November 2020. Schäfer, Winfried (2002) Methodical Problems in Organic Farming Research. Speech at: Research Seminar "Approaches of research on organic agri-food systems", Mikkeli, Finland, 12.-13. December 2002. Schermer, Dr Markus (2003) Bauer,Power, Bioregion: Das Potenzial des Biologischen Landbaues für die ländliche Regionalentwicklung in Österreich. [Farmer, Power, Ecoregion: the potential of organic farming for rural development in Austria.] Thesis, Institute of Sociology, University of Innsbruck , Institute of Sociology,. . [Unpublished] Scherr, Claudia; Baumgartner, Stephan; Spranger, Jörg and Simon, Meinhard (2006) Effects of Potentised Substances on Growth Kinetics of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Schizosaccharomyces pombe. Forschende Komplementärmedizin, 13, pp. 298-306. Schiemenz, Katja; Kern, Jürgen; Paulsen, Hans Marten; Bachmann, Silvia and Eichler-Löbermann, Bettina (2011) Phosphorus Fertilizing Effects of Biomass Ashes. In: Recycling of Biomass Ashes. Springer, Heidelberg, pp. 17-31. Schjønning, P. (2007) The role of soil science in optimization of soil resource management. Speech at: NJF's 23rd Congress: Trends and Perspectives in Agriculture, Copenhagen, June 26-29 2007. Schjønning, P. (2004) The soil quality concept as a tool for exposing values in science and promoting sustainability considerations. In: Kertész, A.; Kovács, A.; Csuták, M.; Jakab, G. and Madarász, B. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 4th International Congress of the ESSC, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Geographical Research Institute, 1112 Budapest, Budaörsi út 45, Hungary, pp. 108-112. Schleiffer, Mirjam; Smith, Barbara; Frick, Rebekka; Bredin, Yennie; Ghezal, Sabir; Udall, Donna; Pataki, György; Cooke, Grania; Singsaas, Frode; Soliev, Ilkhom; Czett, Carmen; Bonetti, Marta; Villa, Matteo; Fitzka, Linda; Loučková, Blanka; Mendes, Vinícius and Home, Robert (2023) Report on biodiversity and related concepts perceptions. Delivrable number: D1.1. PLANET4B . Schmid, Otto; Kilchsperger, Rahel and Bodini, Antonella (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Switzerland. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Schmid, Patricia; Lamotte, Léa; Curran, Michael and Bieri, Sabin (2024) Creating pathways to just and sustainable food systems with citizen assemblies. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research, online, pp. 1-19. Schneider, Claudia (2019) Weidegang und Saugen am Euter: Neue Milchvieh-Kälbermast im Test. Bioaktuell, 2019 (2), pp. 14-15. Schneider, Monika; Amurrio, Patricia; Aparicio, James; Gômez, Isabel; Limachi, Miguel; Milz, Joachim; Schneidewind, Ulf; Seidel, Renate and Trujillo, German (2010) Research Design, Soil and Biodiversity Baseline for Long-term Farming Systems Comparison of Full Sun and Shaded Agroforestry Cocoa Production under Conventional and Organic Management in Alto Beni, Bolivia. Paper at: Tropentag, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2010. Schneider, Monika; Andres, Christian; Trujillo, German; Alcon, Freddy; Amurrio, Patricia; Seidel, Renate; Weibel, Franco and Milz, Joachim (2014) Cocoa in Full-sun Monocultures vs. Shaded Agroforestry Systems under Conventional and Organic Management in Bolivia. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 282. Schneider, Monika; Perez, Eucebio; Alcon, Freddy; Choque, Romero; Trujillo, German and Andres, Christian (2014) Cocoa Yield Development in Alto Beni, Bolivia: Influence of Sites, Varieties and Years. Poster at: Symposium cum Workshop on Participatory Research to Foster Innovation in Agriculture, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed] Schweizer, Steffen A.; Graf-Rosenfellner, Markus; Bhat, Nisar, A.; Kayse, Gilles; Sisodia, Bhupendra, S.; Kirchhof, Gunnar; Zikeli, Sabine; Cadisch, Georg and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2022) Responses of soil organic carbon, aggregate diameters, and hydraulic properties to long-term organic and conventional farming on a Vertisol in India. Land Degradation & Development, 33, pp. 785-797. Selle, Margret; Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne and Sundrum, Albert (2014) A deductive approach to animal health planning in organic dairy farming: Method description. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, pp. 540-548. Serikstad, Grete Lene (2022) Klimapåvirkning av matproduksjon. Norsk senter for økologisk landbruk, Online at, accessed on: 1 July 2022. Serikstad, G.L.; Løes, A.-K.; Brunberg, E.; Grøva, L.; Steinshamn, H. and Sørheim, K. (2013) Organic production and consumption in Norway - new knowledge through research and dissemination. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 93-94. Serpolay, Estelle; Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella and Chable, Véronique (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2018) Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity. Booklet, no. 1. Diversifood. Siegmeier, Torsten; Weedon, Odette; Haak, Annette and Kähler, Anke (2023) Praxishandbuch Heterogene Populationen - Mehr Vielfalt vom Acker bis zur Ladentheke. [Handbook "Heterogeneous Populations".] Eigenverlag, Witzenhausen. Sievwright, H C; Sutton, G L and Rosenfeld, A (2006) Plants for predators - a participatory experiment. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 121-124. Sigsgaard, Lene; Pfiffner, Lukas; Penvern, Servane; Tchamitchian, Marc; WARLOP, FRANCOIS; Herz, Annette; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; Kruzynska, Dorota; Korsgaard, Maren; Tasin, Marco and Jasko, Janis (2018) Functional agrobiodiversity in apple orchards. In: ECE 2018, XI EUROPEAN CONGRESS OF ENTOMOLOGY, p. 30. Sigsgaard, Lene; Warlop, Francois; Herz, Annette; Tchamitchian, Marc; Porcel, Mario; Kelderer, Markus; Jamar, Laurent; Korsgaard, Maren; Ralle, Baiba; Penvern, Servane; Pfiffner, Lukas and Weibel, Franco (2016) Innovative design and management to boost functional biodiversity of organic orchards. Poster at: Ecofruit 2016, Hohenheim, DE, 15-17/02/2016. Simeone, F.C. and van Ruth, Saskia (2015) Snelle methoden voor het testen van plantaardige, biologische producten. Speech at: Bio-Beurs, Zwolle (NL), 21-22 Janury 2015. [Completed] Simeone, F.C. and van Ruth, Saskia (2014) ANALYTICAL AUTHENTICATION OF ORGANIC FOODS. Speech at: Scientific Seminar on Organic Food 2014, Mikkeli, Finland, Mikkeli, Finland, 6-8 November 2014. [Completed] Singh Sisodia, Bhupendra; Singh, Akanksha and Goldmann, Eva (2023) Effect of conventional and organic practices on cotton quality parameters compared across 15 years. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2023. Competing pathways for equitable food systems transformation: trade-offs and synergies. Book of Abstract, CUVILLIER Verlag, Göttingen, p. 66. Sisodia, Bhupendra, S.; Verma, Rajeev; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, S.; Bhat, Nissar, A.; Iqbal, S.; Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Zundel, Christine; Forster, Dionys and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Long-term Farming System Comparison Trial in India. Poster at: Symposium “Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed] Skinner, Colin; Krauss, M.; Krause, H.M.; Mäder, P. and Gattinger, A. (2019) Determination of greenhouse gas sources and sinks in Swiss arable soils under organic and non-organic management. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 98. Smith, Laurence (2021) Creation of a network of stakeholders. Working paper. [Completed] {Tool} Organic Research Centre Podcasts. Creator(s): Smith, Vicky. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. (2021) Souza, Maria Celia M.; Ramos, Soraia F.; Monteiro, Ana Victoria V.M.; Sampaio, Renata M.; Otani, Malimiria N. and Saes, Maria Sylvia (2014) Building organic strategies: actions to promote organic agriculture in São Paulo, Brazil. [Construindo estratégias: ações para promover agricultura orgânica em São Paulo, Brasil.] Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Spînu, Marina and Pall, Emoke (2022) Species-specific in vitro immune responses in cohabiting animals on a low-input farm. In: MESMAP – 8 PROCEEDINGS BOOK ABSTRACTS & FULL PAPERS, Izmir, Turkey, pp. 1-272. [Completed] Spurk, Christoph; Koch, Carmen; Bürgin, Reto; Chikopela, Louis; Konaté, Famagan; Nyabuga, George; Sarpong, Daniel Bruce; Sousa, Fernando and Fliessbach, Andreas (2023) Farmers’ innovativeness and positive affirmation as main drivers of adoption of soil fertility management practices – evidence across sites in Africa. The Journal of Agricultural Education and Extension, online, pp. 1-25. Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Baranski, Marcin; Seal, Chris; Sanderson, Roy; Benbrook, Charles; Steinshamn, Håvard; Gromadzka-Ostrowska, Joanna; Rembialkowska, Ewa; Skwarło-Sonta, Krystyna; Eyre, Mick; Cozzi, Giulio; Krogh Larsen, Mette; Jordon, Teresa; Niggli, Urs; Sakowski, Tomasz; Calder, Philip C.; Burdge, Graham C.; Sotiraki, Smaragda; Stefanakis, Alexandros; Yolcu, Halil; Stergiadis, Sokratis; Chatzidimitriou, Eleni; Butler, Gillian; Stewart, Gavin and Leifert, Carlo (2016) Composition differences between organic and conventional meat: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis. British Journal of Nutrition, 115 (6), pp. 994-1011. Stassart, Pierre; Mormont, Marc and Jamar, Daniel (2008) La recherche-intervention pour une transition vers le développement durable. [Intervention-research: an approach for transition towards sustainable development.] Economie rurale, 306, pp. 8-22. Steffens, Markus; Mayer, J.; Mäder, P. and Fliessbach, A. (2019) Carbon sequestration and stabilization in a 40-year agronomic long-term experiment. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 83. Stilmant, Didier; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Decruyenaere, Virginie; Abras, Morgan; Farinelle, Arnaud; Lefèvre, Adeline; Froidmont, Eric; Moerman, Marie; Vankeerberghen, Audrey and Van Damme, Julie (2015) Contribution to the definition of an overall research program for organic farming in Wallonia: identification of priorities for the 2015-2020 period. Paper at: Renc. Rech. Ruminants, Franee, 2015. Stumm, C. and Brenner, S. (Red.) (2003) Dokumentation 10 Jahre Leitbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen. [Documentation: 10 years model farms organic agriculture in North Rhine-Westphalia.] Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes „Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft“, no. 105. Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn . Stumm, Christoph (2006) Auf den Acker geschaut: Leitbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau NRW – Praxisorientierte Forschung und Beratung vor Ort. B&B Agrar (1), pp. 26-27. Stumm, Christoph; Berg, Martin; Schenke, Holger; Schauder, Axel and Köpke, Ulrich (2003) Projekt „Leitbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau in NRW“: Forschung – Demonstration – Wissenstransfer. [Project "model farms organic agriculture in North Rhine-Westphalia": research - demonstration - knowledge transfer.] In: Dokumentation 10 Jahre Leitbetriebe Ökologischer Landbau in Nordrhein-Westfalen. Schriftenreihe des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes „Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft“, no. 105. Landwirtschaftliche Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn , pp. 9-23. Stumm, Christoph and Kempkens, Karl (2003) Hand in Hand mit der Praxis. Bioland-Magazin, 2003 (4), pp. 22-23. Stumm, Christoph and Köpke, Prof. Dr. Ulrich (2008) Organic Pilot Farms in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany). Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Stumm, Christoph (2013) Wissenstransfer: Beratung nimmt eine Schlüsselposition ein. Ökologie & Landbau, 2013, 167 (3/2013), pp. 33-34. Sukkel, ir Wijnand; van Leeuwen Haagsma, ing Wiepie and van der Wel, ing Cees (2006) BIOM, Organic farmers network for Research, Development and Innovation. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006. Sundrum, Albert; Trangolao, A. and Köpke, Ulf (2003) Effekte der Umstellung von schweinehaltenden Betrieben in einem ökologischen Verbundsystem auf umweltrelevante und ökonomische Kenngrößen. [Implications of conversion on environmental and socio-economic traits in organic pig production.] Forschungsbericht des Lehr- und Forschungsschwerpunktes "Umweltverträgliche und Standortgerechte Landwirtschaft der Universität Bonn", Heft-Nr. (im Druck).. Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften und Landwirtschaftlichen Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn , Fachgebiet Tierernährung und Tiergesundheit. {Project} Auswirkungen der Umstellung schweinehaltender Betriebe in einem Verbundsystem im Hinblick auf Nährstoffeffizienz und Ökonomie [conversion of pig production and its effects on nutrients efficiency and economcy]. , Universität Kassel, Fachbereich Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften . Sundrum, Albert (2013) Ökologische Bewirtschaftung erfordert die Steuerung von innerbetrieblichen Nährstoffflüssen. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013. Sundrum, Albert and Hoischen-Taubner, Susanne (2014) BRIDGING THE GAP - IMPACT MATRIX ANALYSIS AND COST-BENEFIT CALCULATIONS TO IMPROVE MANAGEMENT PRACTICES REGARDING HEALTH STATUS IN ORGANIC DAIRY FARMING. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 467-468. Svanäng, K.; Roempke, G.; Eriksson, G.; Johansson, L-B.; Lund, T.; Karlsson, L.; Öhman, T.; Ihrsén, J.; Pettersson, O.; Eriksson, K. and Jacobsson, C. (2002) Deltagardriven forskning – Växtodlingsgruppen, resultat och utvärdering av arbetet under 1998 till 2001. [Participatory research - the crop production group, results and evaluation of the work during 1998 till 2001.] Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 35. Centre for Sustainable Agriculture . Svanäng, Karin; Roempke, Gösta; Eriksson, Göran; Johansson, Lars-Birger; Lund, Torvald; Karlsson, Lennart; Öhman, Tommy; Ihrsén, Jan; Pettersson, Owe; Eriksson, Kjell and Jacobsson, Christer (2002) Deltagerdriven forskning – växtodlingsgruppen: Resultat och utvärdering av arbetet under 1998 till 2001. Ekologiskt Lantbruk, no. 35. . Symanczik, Sarah; Krauss, Maike; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Declerck, Stéphane; Doubell, Marcé; Faist, Hanna; Sessitsch, Angela; Trognitz, Friederike and Kundel, Dominika (2025) Performance of different wheat varieties and their associated microbiome under contrasting tillage and fertilization intensities: Insights from a Swiss long-term field experiment. Soil and Tillage Research, 246, pp. 1-12. Søby, Julie; Grønne, Christoffer and Heilskov Rasmussen, Anne Kirstine (2024) Innovationscenter for Økologisk Landbrug deltagelse og stand ved Naturmødet 2024. Stand/information om marknatur projekter (Organic+ og EcoMetric) at: Sørensen, Peter (2022) Nutrient cycling in the Danish long-term experiment with arable cropping -examples. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] T., Vanaja; K.P., Mammooty and M., Govindan (2013) Development of organic indica rice cultivar (Oryza sativa L.) for the wetlands of Kerala, India through new concepts and strategies of crop improvement. Journal of Organic Systems, 8 (2), pp. 18-28. Telling, Morten (2022) Forandring til ko-kalv system i malkekvægbesætninger. [Change to cow-calf system in dairy herds - with Danish subtitles.] Den Grimme Ølling ApS. Thorsøe, Martin H.; Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Observing the observers – uncovering the role of values in research assessments of organic food systems. Ecology and Society, 19 (2), 46- . Timler, Carl (2011) Analysis and (Re)Design of the farm Annapurna, Auroville, Tamil Nadu, India. Masters thesis, Wageningen University and Research , Organic Farming Systems Group. . [Completed] Timmermann, Martin (2007) Farmer's Eye and Breeder's Eye - Fields of Knowledge Exchange as a Condition of a Participatory Breeding Approach. Poster at: EUCARPIA Symposium, Wageningen (NL), 07.-09.11.2007. [Unpublished] Torma, Gabriele; Olsen, A.B. and Wetche, Thorsten (2024) Field walk and introduction with Organic+ and EcoMetric participants from AU and Thise. . Tu Tuyet, Nhung and Whitney, Cory W. (2017) Changes in Organic Participatory Guarantee Systems (PGS) in Northern Vietnam. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Andres, Christian; Yadav, A. K.; Ardakani, M. Reza; Babalad, H. B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S. L.; OLOWE, VICTOR; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Proceedings of the Scientific Track at the Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thuenen-Institute, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 54, pp. 784-786. Ude, Gracia; Bender, Sophia and Georg, Heiko (2011) Untersuchung zur elektronischen Tierkennzeichnung bei Ziegen. [Electronic identification of goats.] In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2010. Landbauforschung, no. Sonderheft 346. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, D-Braunschweig, pp. 99-110. Ude, Gracia; Börner, Wiebke; Bender, Sophia and Georg, Heiko (2011) Untersuchungen zur Beäsung von Futterhecken mit Ziegenlämmern. [Study about browsing of feeding hedges with goat kids.] In: Rahmann, Gerold (Ed.) Ressortforschung für den Ökologischen Landbau 2010. Landbauforschung, no. Sonderheft 346. Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut - Bundesforschungsinstitut für Ländliche Räume, Wald und Fischerei, D-Braunschweig, pp. 77-90. Uller-Kristensen, Helene (2022) BIODIVERSITETEN KAN OPTIMERES I ØKO-LANDBRUG OG LANDSKABER. Økologi - Inspiration til Jordbruget, April 2022, 13, p. 1. Uller-Kristensen, Helene; Dupont, Yoko and Rasmussen, Bent (2022) Optimering af biodiversitetstiltag i økologiske landbrug og landskaber. ICROFS, nyheder, 28 April 2022, p. 1. Uller-Kristensen, Helene and Dupont, Yoko Luise (2022) Organic+ Optimering af tiltag til at fremme biodiversitet i økologiske landbrug og landskaber. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Uller-Kristensen, Helene and Dupont, Yoko Luise (2022) Organic+: Optimering af tiltag til at fremme biodiversitet i økologiske landbrug og landskaber. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at, accessed on: May 2022. Utz, Claudia; Zweifel, Juliana; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Andres, Christian; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 146. Utz, Claudia; Zweifel, Juliana; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Andres, Christian; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Poster at: Symposium, “International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field”, HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19 June 2014. [Completed] Vakali, Christina and Koutis, Kostas (2014) CONSERVATION OF BIODIVERSITY FOR ORGANIC FARMING IN GREECE. Poster at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. 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Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007. Velasco, Elizabeth and Perdana-Decker, Sari (2021) Das Potenzial der Weide - Daten und Erkentnisse aus dem Praxisforschungsprojekt „GrazyDaiSy“. Paper at: Online-Feldtag, Online, 8. September 2021. [Completed] Vieweger, Anja and Döring, Thomas F. (2014) THE MEANING OF ‘HEALTH’ IN THE ORGANIC PRINCIPLE OF HEALTH. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 4, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 1135-1138. {Tool} Deliverable No 5.2: Handbook: RELACS-AHWP protocol. Creator(s): Walkenhorst, Michael; Tavares, Olivia and Experton, Catherine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. (2021) Walkenhorst, Michael; Tavares, Olivia and Experton, Catherine (2021) Deliverable No 5.2: Handbook: RELACS-AHWP protocol. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick and ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FR-Angers . Watson, Christine; Walker, Robin and Topp, Kairsty (2022) A tale of two rotations 1991-date. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed] Waweru, Esther Wanjiku; Namuwoza, Chariton D.B; Gachanja, Eustace and Gama, Jordan (2015) Strengthening Collaboration Between Researchers and Practitioners within the Organic Sector in East Africa. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola and Olowe, Victor Idowu (Eds.) Achieving Social and Economic Development Through Ecological and Organic Agricultural Alternatives, Proceedings of the Scientific Track, 3rd African Organic Conference, 5 - 9 October 2015, Lagos, Nigeria, pp. 193-196. Weckerle, Pia and van Elsen, Thomas (2015) Anwendbarkeit des Social Return On Investment (SROI) als Messmethode für den Mehrwert der Sozialen Landwirtschaft. [Social Return On Investment (SROI) as a method for assessing the added value of social farming?] Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. {Project} Systemaufstellungen als innovatives Beratungsinstrument im ökologischen Landbau. [Systemic constellations - an innovative tool for agricultural extension for ecological agriculture.] Runs 2002 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Wesseler, Dr. Matthias, Universität Kassel, Fachgebiet Ökologische Agrarwissenschaften . Whitney, Cory; Gebauer, Jens and Anderson , Molly (2014) Wild Collection and Cultivation of Native Species in Iceland. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 607-610. Wichern, Florian; Arnim, Sophie-Marie; Herm-Stapelberg, Antonia; Höing, Marius; Joppen, Barbara; Lehnert, David; Müller, Vincent; Neuhaus-Gea Navarro, Tamara; Schwalb, Sanja; Zilberman, Orian and Watson, Conor (2015) Vergleich bodenbiologischer Eigenschaften ökologischer und konventioneller Praxisflächen: Integration der Forschung in reguläre Lehrveranstaltungen. Poster at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. Wilhelm, Birgit (2010) Konservierende Bodenbearbeitung im Ökolandbau - Analyse einer Verfahrenstechnik im Kontext der Bodenfruchtbarkeit. [Conservation Tillage in Organic Agriculture - Analysis of a technology in the Context of Soil Fertility.] PhD thesis, Universität Kassel/Witzenhausen , Agrartechnik. Forschungsbericht Agrartechnik (VDI-MEG), no. 493. . Wivstad, Maria and Naetterlund, Henrik (2008) Learning in context – improved nutrient management in arable cropping systems through participatory research. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Wivstad, M.; Fredriksson, P.; Gunnarsson, S.; Hoffman, R.; Johansson, B.; Mie, A.; Nilsson, U.; Röös, E.; Salomon, E.; Sundberg, C.; Ullvén, K. and Wallenbeck, A. (2013) Importance of organic farming research in Sweden for innovations and increased sustainability in agriculture. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 89-90. Wolf, Birge and Heß, Jürgen (2015) Veränderungen der Forschungsevaluierung – Chancen für eine ökologische Agrarforschung mit gesellschaftlicher Wirkung. Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. Wolf, Birge; Lindenthal, Thomas; Szerencsits, Manfred; Boland, Herrmann and Heß, Jürgen (2011) Evaluierung praxisorientierter Ökolandbauforschung. [Evaluation of research orientated towards practice of organic farming.] Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 15.-18. März 2011. Wolf, Birge; Lindenthal, Thomas; Szerencsits, Manfred and Heß, Jürgen (2010) Berücksichtigung der Leistungen für Praxis und Gesellschaft in der Forschungsevaluierung. [Evaluating the impact of research on practice and society.] Universität Kassel, D-Witzenhausen , Fachgebiet Ökologischer Land- und Pflanzenbau. Wolf, Birge; Lindenthal, Thomas; Szerencsits, Manfred; Holbrook, J. Britt and Heß, Jürgen (2013) Evaluating Research beyond Scientific Impact - How to Include Criteria for Productive Interactions and Impact on Practice and Society. GAIA - Ecological Perspectives for Science and Society, 22 (2), pp. 104-114. Wolf, Birge; Szerencsits, Manfred; Gaus, Hansjörg; Müller, Christoph E. and Heß, Jürgen (2014) Developing a Documentation System for Evaluating the Societal Impact of Science. In: Keith, Jeffery; Clements, Anna; De Castro, Pablo and Luzi, Daniela (Eds.) Procedia Computer Science, 33, pp. 289-296. Wolfe, Martin and Hinchsliffe, Kay (2005) 2004 Cereals reveal an intriguing surprise: the performance of cereals on organic farms. Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin, 2005 (76), pp. 5-8. Woodward, Lawrence; Sanders, Richard; Wolfe, Prof Martin; Clark, Dr Sarah; Hitchings, Roger and Measures, Mark (2006) Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin 82 February 2006. Elm Farm Research Centre , all. Wurtz, Marion; Armengot, Laura; Andres, Christian; Milz, Joachim; Alcon, Freddy and Schneider, Monika (2015) Comparison of Methods to Assess Dry Bean Yield of Different Cocoa Cultivars. In: Tropentag 2015, Book of abstracts - Management of land use systems for enhanced food security: conflicts, controversies and resolutions, p. 323. Znaor, Darko (2009) Impact of Large-Scale Conversion to Organic Farming on Greenhouse Gas Emissions. In: Znaor, Darko (Ed.) Proceedings of the International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Climate Change, Avalon Foundation, Wommels, pp. 58-68. Znaor, Darko and Landau, Seth (2014) Unlocking the Future: Sustainable Agriculture as a Path to Prosperity for the Western Balkans. Heinrich Böll Stiftung, Zagreb Office, Zagreb. Znaor, Darko; Pretty, Jules N; Karoglan Todorović, Sonja and Morison, James (2007) Impact of Organic Agriculture on the Environmental and Economic Performance of Croatia. In: International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, pp. 22-25. Zundel, Ch.; Kilcher, L. and Mäder, P. (2008) What can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development? – Long-term comparisons of farming systems in the tropics. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Østergård, H.; Finckh, M.R.; Fontaine, L.; Goldringer, I.; Hoad, S.P.; Kristensen, K.; Lammerts van Bueren, E.T.; Mascher, F.; Munk, L. and Wolfe, M.S. (2009) Time for a shift in crop production: embracing complexity through diversity at all levels. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (J Sci Food Agric), doi: 10.1002/jsfa.5784, 89, pp. 1439-1445. This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 07:55:20 2025 CET. |