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Items affiliated to " ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems"

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Number of items at this level: 288.


Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2015) MultiTrust - Bedre dialog mellem markedets aktører. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 30-33.

Andreasen, Claus Bo and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2006) CORE Organic country report. Report on Danish Research in Organic Food and Farming. December 2005. In: Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany, chapter Denmark, pp. 24-44.

Andreasen, Lise (2019) ProGrOV Publication and Dissemination List. In: Slut rapport. . [Completed]

Andreasen, Lise; Sehested, Jakob and Dalgaard, Tommy (2020) Agroecology – the fundament for the development of organic farming? Keynote presentation at: Organic farming – sustainable for tomorrow, Sweden, 14-15 October 2020. [Completed]

Andreasen, Lone (2022) BOOST - Kvaliteten og diversiteten i dansk økologisk produceret korn skal boostes. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/boost, accessed on: 27 June 2022.

Andreasen, L. and Lazaro, E. (2013) Productivity and growth in organic value chains in East Africa – potentials and challenges for accessing local high value markets. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 35-36.

Andreasen, Lise and Halberg, Niels (2014) INFORMATION FLOWS IN ORGANIC VALUE CHAIN RESEARCH – EXPERIENCES FROM THE PROJECT ’PRODUCTIVITY AND GROWTH IN ORGANIC VALUE CHAINS (ProGrOV)’. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 163-166.

{Tool} Professional guide for organic arable farmers. [Faglig Guide til Økologiske Planteavlere.] Creator(s): Askegaard, Margrethe; Hermansen, Sven and Østergaard, Claus. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. (2021)


Bertelsen, Ulla Sonne and Halberg, Niels (2012) Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Farming Systems. In: A decade of EU-funded, low-input and organic agriculture research (2000-2012). European Commission, Research and Innovation, Brussels, chapter 1, pp. 44-50.

Bjerrum, Lotte (2015) BIOCONVAL - Fluelarver som proteinfoder til høns. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 14-17.

Bliss, Katie; Padel, Susanne; Cullen, Beth; Ducottet, Charline; Mullender, Samantha; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Moeskops, Bram (2018) Exchanging knowledge to improve organic arable farming: An evaluation of knowledge exchange tools with farmer groups across Europe. Organic Agriculture, online, X.

Brandt-Møller, Irene (2019) Avlsmål for en økologisk malkeko er ikke lige om hjørnet. Fagmediet Økologi, 10 October 2019, pp. 1-6.


Camilla, Mathiesen (2020) SaaGodt - Økologisk såsæd - starten på en sund afgrøde. ICROFS, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hzSrjmAzkNk.

Canibe, Nuria and Jensen, Martin (2017) Kan en cocktail af ramsløg og tyttebær erstatte antibiotika? [Can a cocktail of ramsons and lingonberries replace antibiotics?] ICROFS nyt, 30 November 2017, pp. 1-5.


Dalgaard, T. (2013) Transition to renewable resources - energy balance comparisons of organic and conventional farming systems and potentials for the mitigation of fossil resource use. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 19-22.

Dejgård Jensen, Jørgen (2018) Interesse og betalingsvillighed for lokale, økologiske fødevarer - LOCO. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Dilling, Christine and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2021) Træer i nye folddesign til udegående søer kan gavne miljø, økonomi og dyrevelfærd. Økologisk Nu, 15 July 2021, p. 1.

Dilling, Christine and Moeskops, Bram (2022) Press Release: Boosting organic farming & aquaculture to reach the Farm to Fork targets. OrganicTargets4EU.

Dilling, Christine (2020) Økologiforskningen blomstrer fortsat i Europa. Økologisk Landbrug, 31 January 2020, 652, p. 23.

Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin (2022) PEAS & LOVE - Lokale, økologiske, velsmagende og dyrkningsstabile, gamle ærtesorter til konsum. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/peas-love, accessed on: 31 May 2022.

Dupont, Yoko Luise (2022) Organic+ - Optimering af tiltag til at fremme biodiversitet i økologiske landbrug og landskaber. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/organic, accessed on: 27 June 2022.


Elsgaard, Lars (2007) E-learning guideline for submission of QLIF publications to Organic Eprints. QLIF Newsletter ( 6).

Engelbrecht, Anya (2019) Avl kan skabe fremtidens økologiske ko. Landbrugsavisen.dk, 16 September 2019, pp. 1-3.

Engelbrecht, Anya (2019) Danmark er først med fedtsyreprofiler på alle malkekøer. Landbrugsavisen, 16 September 2019, pp. 1-3.

Eriksen, Jørgen (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) (Ed.) (2017) Flerårige højværdiafgrøder i økologisk planteproduktion - MultiPlant. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Eriksen, Jørgen (2015) EcoServe - effekter af urter i græsmarken. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 18-21.

Eriksen, Simme (2022) ENTRANCE - Mindre klimabelastning med lokalt produceret protein til økologiske slagtegrise. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/entrance, accessed on: 27 June 2022.

Eskildsen, Maria (2021) Proteinindholdet i foder til drægtige søer bør reduceres. Økologisk Landbrug, 29 October 2021, 670, p. 17.


Grando, Stefano; Ollivier, Guillaume; Capolino, Elena; Trkulja, Ivana and Bellon, Stéphane (2020) CORE ORGANIC - 15 YEARS OF JOINT RESEARCH FOR ORGANIC FOOD AND FARMING SYSTEMS. CORE Organic 15-year activity report (2004-2019). CORE Organic Coordination of European Transnational Research in Organic Food and Farming Systems.


Halberg, Niels (1999) Indicators of resource use and environmental impact for use in a decision aid for Danish livestock farmers. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 76, pp. 17-30.

Halberg, Niels; Hermansen, John E.; Kristensen, Ib Sillebak; Eriksen, Jørgen; Tvedegaard, Niels and Petersen, Bjørn Molt (2010) Impact of organic pig production systems on CO2 emission, C sequestration and nitrate pollution. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 30 (4), pp. 721-731.

Halberg, N.; Kledal, P.R.; Rasmussen, I.A.; Mathiesen, C.; Sørensen, L.S.; Jespersen, L.M. and Madsen, K.H. (editor): Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (Eds.) (2012) Organic research and development 1996-2010 - effects on industry and society. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Halberg, N.; Kledal, P.R.; Rasmussen, I.A.; Mathiesen, C.; Sørensen, L.S. and Madsen, K.H. (editor): Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (Eds.) (2012) Økologisk forskning og udvikling gennem 15 år - effekter i erhverv og samfund. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, DK.

Halberg, Niels (2012) Assessment of the environmental sustainability of organic farming: Definitions, indicators and the major challenges. Can. J. Plant Sci, 92 (6), pp. 981-996.

Halberg, Niels (2012) Farming the future. Pan European Networks: Science & Technology, 2012 (5), pp. 194-197.

Halberg, Niels (2012) The importance of support to coordination of the European organic research. In: A decade of EU-funded, low-input and organic agriculture research (2000-2012). European Commission. Research and Innovation, Brussels, chapter 1, pp. 12-16.

Halberg, Niels; Andreasen, Lise; Ravnskov, Sabine; Steenberg, Tove; Enkegaard, Annie; Sigsgaard, Lene; Eilenberg, Jørgen; Munk, Lisa; Langer, Vibeke; Korsgaard, Maren; Wu, Wenliang; Qiao, Yuhui; Zhang, Long; Guo, Yanbin; Liu, Yunhui; Zhu, Zengrong and Wang, Jianwu (editor): Andreasen, Lise (Ed.) (2013) Research collaboration between China and Denmark for development of systemic approaches to agro-ecological pest management without pesticides with focus on vegetable, fruit and berry crops. Proceedings and recommendations from two network workshops. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) .

Halberg, Niels; Harttung, Thomas; Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2008) ICROFS news 1/2008 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, November 2008 (1).

Halberg, Niels and Müller, Adrian (2013) Organic agriculture, livelihoods and development. In: Halberg, Niels and Müller, Adrian (Eds.) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods. Routledge, London and New York, pp. 1-20.

Hamann, Karen Thorsted and Gylling, M. (2020) Perspektiver for etablering og kommercialisering af økologisk græsprotein i Danmark. Sammenfattende analyse og handlingsplan. [Perspectives for establishing a commercial production of grass protein in Denmark. Summarizing analysis and roadmap.] Instituttet for Fødevarestudier & Agroindustriel Udvikling-IFAU.

Han, Eusun (2016) The hidden half of the plants for ‘deep-rooted’ organic agriculture. Keynote presentation at: IFOAM Asia Organic Youth Forum, Changzhou, China, 28.10.2016. [Completed]

Han, Eusun; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) Determining deep root activity in arable fields by the core-labelling technique (CLT). Poster at: ISRR-10 Exposing the Hidden Half, Israel, 8-12 July 2018.

Han, Eusun; Havmøller, Lisa; Dresbøll, Dorte Bodin and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2017) Identification of deep-rooting crop species in arable subsoil by the minirhizotron technique. In: Proceedings of the Scientific Track at the Organic World Congress 2017, 1, pp. 6-9.

Hansen, Flemming (2015) BerryMeat. Krydderurter og bær kan konservere kød. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 8-13.

Hansen, J P; Melby Jespersen, L; Brunori, G; Leck Hansen, A; Holst, K; Mathiesen, C; Halberg, N and Ankjær Rasmussen, I (2015) ICT and social media as drivers of multi-actor innovation in agriculture. Paper at: 2014 World Congress on Computers in Agriculture, San Jose, Costa Rica, July 27th-30th, 2014.

Haug, Kirsten (2018) Organic pig production is finding solutions to challenges. ICROFS news, 2018, pp. 1-5.

Haug, Kirsten (2018) Udearealer og træer løser problemerne. Hyo, 2018, p. 1.

Haug, Kirsten (2017) Kan planter erstatte antibiotika? [Can plants replace antibiotics?] ICROFS nyt, 29 September 2017, pp 1-3.

Hein, Lisa; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Gregersen, Sandra Beyer; Larsen, Lotte Bach; Demirovic, Dino; Warnecke, Solveig; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Munk, Arne; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Pedersen, Jørn and Kargo, Morten (2016) Detailed milk fatty acid profiling of the Danish dairy cattle population. Keynote presentation at: ICAR congress, Puerto Varas, Chile, October 24-28, 2016.

Helmstedt, Cornelia; Manouselis, Nikos; Martín-Moncunill, David; Protonotarios, Vassilis; Sicilia, Miguel-Angel; Stracke, Christian M.; Adamides, George; Aventurier, Pascal; Belsis, Petros; Beyer, Jenny; Biniari, Katerina; Bouza, Despoina; Ciotoli, Fabio; Engel-Vermette, Sebastian; Ghiradi, Nicola; Koutoumanos, Anastasios; Jensen, Allan Leck; Le Henaff, Diane; Masselin-Silvin, Sylvie; Mathiesen, Camilla; Ninou, Elizabeth G.; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Sánchez, Salvador; Scipione, Gabriella; Sgouropoulou, Cleo E.; Stavrakaki, Maritina; Stavrakakis, Manolis N.; Tannhäuser, Anne-Christin; Toquero, Xenia Rodriquez; Tsetsekas, Charilaos A. and Tsiflidou, Effie (editor): Stracke, Christian M.; Manouselis, Nikos and Sicilia, Miguel-Angel (Eds.) (2013) Opening Up Access to Scientific Information: Recommendations for Improving Virtual Repositories and Online Communities. University of Duisburg-Essen, Duisburg-Essen, Germany.

Hermansen, J.E. (2015) SUMMER - Nye kvalitetsparameter i kødproduktionen. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 50-53.

Hermansen, N. (2014) ICROFS news 2/2014 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, October 2014, 2, pp. 1-23.

Hermansen, N. (2014) ICROFS nyt 3/2014 - Særudgave: Øger økologisk landbrug biodiversiteten? ICROFS nyt, September 2014, 3 (særudg), pp. 1-17.

Hermansen, N. and Andersen, M.-L.K. (2014) ICROFS nyt 3/2014 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, September 2014, 3, pp. 1-14.

Hinrichsen, Lena Karina (2015) Animal welfare in organic egg production - Emphasis on Mortality and Helminth Infections. PhD thesis, Science and Tehnology , Department of Animal Science. Aarhus University.

Hjortø, Line (2016) Mælkeproducenter vægter ydelse højt i avlsmålet. Økologi & Erhverv, 5 May 2016, pp. 1-3.

Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Munk, Arne; Berg, Peer and Kargo, Morten (2015) Definition of breeding goals for dairy breeds in organic production systems. Paper at:

Hjortø, Line; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Kargo, Morten; Sørensen, Anders Christian and Slagboom, Margot (2016) Mælkeproducenter prioriterer forskellige egenskaber i avlen. Kvæg, June 2016, 6, pp. 48-49.

Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Bart; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2019) Where will new techologies take milk recording? Large scale screening of the Danish dairy cattle population for their fatty acid profile. In: ICAR 2019 Proceedings.

Holmquist, Dino Demirovic; Buitenhuis, Bart; Nielsen, Niels Henning; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Munk, Arne and Kargo, Morten (2018) Large scale screening of milk fatty acid profile: new possibilities for dairy product development. Poster at: World Dairy Summit, Daejeon, South Korea, 15-19 October 2018.

Horna, Daniela and Sengupta, D. (2010) How does agricultural biodiversity contribute to food security? Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria; Grevsen, Kai and Jensen, Martin (2017) Cocktails of ramsons and acidic berries kill E. coli in a piglet gastrointestinal model: an alternative to antibiotics? [Cocktails af ramsløg og sure bær dræber E. coli i en smågrise mave-tarm model: alternativ til antibiotika?] ICROFS News, 2 November 2017, pp. 1-6.

Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2017) MAFFRA: Report for first years results of screening of antibacterial plant products for replacing antibiotica. [MAFFRA: Rapport over første års forsøg med screening af antibakterielle planter til erstatning for antibiotika.] Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science.


Ingerslev, Hans-Christian; Dalsgaard, Inger; Jørgensen, Louise von Gersdorff and Madsen, Lone (2013) THE INTESTINAL MICROBIOTA IN RAINBOW TROUT (ONCORHYNCHUS MYKISS) IS INFLUENCED BY DIET TYPE AND YERSINIA RUCKERI CHALLENGE. In: Abstract book. 16th International Conference on Diseases of Fish and Shellfish.


Jahoor, Ahmed (2022) OatGanic - Havresorter med nematoderesistens, god sygdomsresistens og højt udbytte. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/oatganic, accessed on: 27 June 2022.

Jensen, Martin (2018) Planter som antibakteriel fodertilsætning mod diarré hos smågrise - MAFFRA. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Hansen, Jens Peter; Brunori, Gianluca; Jensen, Allan Leck; Holst, Kirsten; Mathiesen, Camilla; Halberg, Niels and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær (2013) ICT AND SOCIAL MEDIA AS DRIVERS OF MULTI-ACTOR INNOVATION IN AGRICULTURE - BARRIERS, RECOMMENDATIONS AND POTENTIALS. In: Agricultural knowledge and innovation systems towards 2020 - an orientation paper on linking innovation and research. Publications Office of the European Union, Brussels, chapter 6, pp. 95-119.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Lund Jensen, Kirsten; Strandberg, Beate; Hermansen, John E.; Halsnæs, Kirsten; Fog, Erik; Baggesen, Dorte Lau; Sørensen, Jan Tind and Meldgaard, Mette (2015) Økologiens bidrag til samfundsgoder. 1 edition. Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og og Fødevaresystemer, Tjele, Danmark.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Sørensen, Linda S. and Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) Bedre økologisk kontrol og certificering i Europa. [Improved organic control and certification in Europe.] Poster at: Danish Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, 17.-18. November 2009.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Sørensen, Linda S. and Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) Organic Rules and Certification. In: Organic Rules and Certification.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Baggesen, Dorte Lau; Fog, Erik; Halsnæs, Kirsten; Hermansen, J.E.; Andreasen, Lise; Strandberg, Beate and Halberg, Niels (2017) Contribution of organic farming to public goods in Denmark. Organic Agriculture, 7, pp. 243-266.

Jespersen, Lizzie Melby and Halberg, Niels (2012) Coordination of European transnational research in organic food and farming. In: A decade of EU-funded, low-input and organic agriculture research (2000-2012). European Commission, Research and Innovation, Brussels, chapter 1, pp. 26-43.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2020) Synergi og samarbejde i økologisk produktion. [Synergy and cooperation in organic farming.] Århus Universitet . [Completed]

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Boosting the quality of organic trout fry. [Styrkelse af kvaliteten af økologisk ørredyngel.] Hatchery International, 29 January 2015, pp. 1-2.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2015) Danish focus on organic trout fry. [Dansk fokus på økologisk ørred yngel.] World Fishing & Aquaculture, 26 January 2015, p. 1.

Jokumsen, Alfred (2014) Robust fiskeyngel en nødvendighed i økologisk akvakultur. Økologi & Erhverv, 12 December 2014, 557, p. 12.

Jokumsen, Alfred ; Høglund, Erik; Lund, Ivar; Madsen, Lone; Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Nielsen, Max; Nielsen, Thorkild; Larsen, Villy J. and Larsen, Erling P. (2014) ROBUSTFISH: NEW POSSIBILITIES FOR GROWTH AND ROBUSTNESS IN ORGANIC AQUACULTURE. Poster at: Aquaculture Europe 2014, San Sebastian, Spain, 14-17 October 2014.


Kargo, Morten (2023) Ø-KO-AVL vil skabe fremtidens øko-malkeko. . Online at https://okonu.dk/mark-og-stald/oe-ko-avl-vil-skabe-fremtidens-oeko-malkeko, accessed on: 6 October 2023.

Kargo, Morten (2019) Nye avlsmål og avlsplaner for økologiske malkekøer - SOBcows. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Kargo, Morten (2016) Possibilities and requirements for organic dairy breeding lines. News from ICROFS, 1 September 2016, pp. 1-2.

Kargo, Morten (2015) Er der behov for nye avlsmål for økologiske malkekøer? Keynote presentation at: Økologi-Kongres, Vingsted hotel og konferencecenter, 25. - 26. november 2015.

Kargo, Morten (2015) Gamle kvægracer på nyt græs. .

Kargo, Morten; Hein, Lisa; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2019) Keeping up with a healthy milk fatty acid profile requires selection. In: Proceedings of the 70th Annual EAAP meeting.

Kargo, Morten; Hjortø, Line; Slagboom, Margot; Thomasen, Jørn Rind; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Hein, Lisa; Pedersen, Jørn and Munk, Arne (2016) SOBcows - Specialized organic breeding goals and breeding schemes within dairy production. Keynote presentation at: Nordic workshop in dairy cattle genetics and genomics, Park Inn, København, 25. - 26. april 2016.

Kargo, Morten and Munk, Arne (2018) Aktuel formidling fra SOBcows – Nicheproduktion af oste med særlig fedtsyresammensætning. Workshop at: Statusmøde for Organic RDD og CORE Organic, Middelfart, 14 May 2018. [Unpublished]

Kargo, Morten and Thomasen, Jørn Rind (2015) Undersøgelsen om fremtidens malkeko er afsluttet. Landmand.dk, 20 November 2015, p. 1.

Kata, Gócs; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina and Willer, Helga (2018) D.4.4: Plan for continuation of the knowledge platform. .

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) The choice of food matters to the climate and the environment. ICROFS news, 8 July 2020, p. 1.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Hauggaard-Nielsen, Henrik and Jensen, Erik Steen (2004) Cereal-grain legume intercropping in organic farming - a Danish survey. In: Jacobsen, Sven-Erik; Jensen, C. R. and Porter, J. R. (Eds.) VIII ESA Congress: Book of proceedings, The Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University, Dept. of Agricultural Sciences.

Kongsted, Anne Grete (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) (Ed.) (2017) Konkurrencedygtig, troværdig og ressourceeffektiv økologisk svineproduktion - pECOSYSTEM. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Kongsted, A.G. and Hermansen, J. (2015) Lokalt protein kan erstatte soja. Økologi & Erhverv, 8 February 2015, 560, p. 10.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg and Ullvén, Karin (2018) SUREVEG – new diversified cropping systems for vegetables. AU, CORE organic COFUND News. Online at https://projects.au.dk/coreorganiccofund/news-and-events/show/artikel/sureveg-new-diversified-cropping-systems-for-vegetables/, accessed on: 5 November 2019.

Kristensen, Helene (2021) Kalder økologien på human urin, spildevandsslam og husholdningsaffald? Økologisk Nu, 24 September 2021, pp. 1-2.

Kristensen, Helene and Therkildsen, M. (2021) GrOBEat - Økologisk kalve- og oksekød - kød der erstatter kvantitet med kvalitet. ICROFS. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-6/grobeat, accessed on: 2 June 2021.

Kristensen, Helene Uller (2022) Viden kan bane vejen for forbrugeraccept af recirkulerede affaldsprodukter. Økologisk Landbrug, 28 January 2022 (672), p. 9.

Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg (2019) Improving climate and environmental profile of Danish organic vegetables. Poster at: ICROFS status meeting at Sixtus Hotel, Middelfart Denmark, Middelfart, 9. April 2019. [Completed]

Kristensen, Helene (2018) Designing resilient organic greenhouse production systems for Europe. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, November 2018, pp. 1-3.

Kristensen, Helene (2018) Økologisk svineproduktion: Praktikerdag og forskerseminar 12-13 juni 2018. ICROFS nyt, 9 April 2018, pp. 1-5.

Kristensen, Helene (2018) Flyer invitation til praktikerdag og forskerseminar om grise - temadage 12.-13. juni 2018. ICROFS , ICROFS.

Kristensen, Helene (2018) Pig health and welfare in eco-efficient organic systems discussed at research seminar. ICROFS news, 2018, pp. 1-2.


Lambion, Jérôme and VEDIE, Hélène (2020) Video from Greenresilient. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, February 2020, p. 1.

Langer, Vibeke (2017) Vilde bier og bestøvning på økologiske bedrifter - BEEFARM. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Langer, Vibeke (2014) Landmænd skal tænke som bier. Økologi & Erhverv, 29 November 2014, 556, p. 11.

Langhout, J; Baars, T and Verhoog, H (2006) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Netherlands. EEC 2092/91 Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Louis Bolk Institute LBI, NL-Driebergen .

Lübeck, Mette (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) (Ed.) (2017) Bioraffinering af grøntafgrøder til proteinfoder, gødning og energi - OrganoFinery. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

{Tool} Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feed. [Proteins from organically grown green crops are promising poultry feed.] Creator(s): Lübeck, Mette; Molinuevo-Salces, Beatriz; Fog, Erik and Kiel, Pauli. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems. ICROFS news, no. 4. (2014)

Lund, Ivar; Dalsgaard, Johanne; Hansen, Jonea Høeg; Jacobsen, Charlotte; Holm, Jørgen and Jokumsen, Alfred (2013) Effects of organic plant oils and role of oxidation on nutrient utilization in juvenile rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). [Effekten af økologiske planteolier og betydningen af oxidation på næringstof udnyttelsen hos regnbueørred.] Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience, 7, pp. 394-403.

Lyhne-Kjærbye, Annemette (2019) Exploring the microbiota of deep-rooted crops - Culture-independent characterization of the bacterial and fungal communities in association with roots down to 3 m depth. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen . . [Completed]

Lynch, D.H.; Halberg, N. and Bhatta, G.D. (2012) Environmental impact of organic agriculture in temperate regions. CAB Review, 7 (10), - .

Lysiak, Opaline and Clement, Corentin (2020) DES RÉSULTATS SUR LES RACINES PROFONDES VIENNENT RENFORCER L’AVENIR DE L’AC. Techniques Culturales Simplifiées, December 2020, pp. 4-10.

Læssøe, Jeppe; Ljungdalh, Anders; Kastberg, Peter; Noe, Egon; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Christensen, Tove; Dubgaard, Alex; Olsen, Søren Bøye and Kærgård, Niels (2012) Theories on motivation and their implication for supporting communication, learning and decisionmaking in relation to organic food systems. Paper at: 10th European IFSA symposium: Producing and Reproducing Farming Systems: New modes for sustainable food systems of tomorrow , Aarhus, Denmark, 1-4 July 2012.

Løes, Anne-Kristin; Dýrmundsson, Ó.R.; Kreismane, D.; Mikkola, Minna; Pehme, Siril; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus and Wivstad, Maria (2015) The organic sector in the Nordic-Baltic region - what is achieved, and what is challenging future growth? In: Nordic view to sustainable rural development. Proccedings of the 25th NJF Congress, NJF Latvia, Riga, pp. 79-84.


Madsen, Lone (2015) OptiFish - Foder og fiskesundhed. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 38-41.

March, Solveig; Gratzer, Lisi; Brinkmann, Jan and Winkler, Christoph (2009) Results of the CoreOrganic-Workshop on animal based parameters in Trenthorst, Germany (04.02.08-08.02.2008). In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) CORE Organic project nr: 1903 - Aniplan. Workshop report - The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. CORE Organic Project Series, no. 1903-2. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Departement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. 7-9.

Marstal, Kirsten Foss (2015) Nu skal der avles køer til økologisk mælkeproduktion. Landmand.dk, 27 January 2015, p. 1.

Marthiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2013) ICROFS news 2/2013. Newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, June 2013, 2/2013, pp. 1-16.

Martinussen, Henrik and Kargo, Morten (2020) Hvad fedtsyrermålinger i mælken fortæller om koen og foderrationen. Speech at: Kvægkongres 2020, MCH Herning.

Mathiesen, C. and Søernsen, L.S. (2013) ICROFS nyt 4/2013. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, November 2013, 4, pp. 1-14.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2014) ICROFS news 4/2013 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, December 2014, pp. 1-15.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2014) ICROFS news 3/2013 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, September 2014, pp. 1-17.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2014) ICROFS news 1/2014 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, June 2014, 1, pp. 1-16.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2014) ICROFS nyt 2/2014. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, June 2014, 2, pp. 1-11.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2014) ICROFS nyt 1/2014. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, February 2014, 1, pp. 1-14.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2013) ICROFS nyt 3/2013. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, August 2013, 4, pp. 1-13.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2013) ICROFS nyt 2/2013. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, May 2013, 2/2013, pp. 1-9.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2013) ICROFS news 1/2013 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, March 2013, 1/2013, pp. 1-15.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2013) ICROFS nyt 1/2013. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, February 2013, 1/2013, pp. 1-10.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2012) ICROFS nyt 2/2012. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, November 2012 (2), pp. 1-15.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2012) ICROFS news 2/2012. Newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, October 2012, pp. 1-17.

Mathiesen, C. and Sørensen, L.S. (2012) ICROFS nyt 1/2012. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, June 2012, pp. 1-15.

Mathiesen, Camilla (2020) OK-Net EcoFeed Webinar on new sources for locally produced organic feed for monogastrics gathered great interest. ICROFS, ICROFS news. Online at https://icrofs.dk/en/aktuelt/nyheder/viewnews/artikel/ok-net-ecofeed-webinar-on-new-sources-for-locally-produced-organic-feed-for-monogastrics-gathered-gr-1/, accessed on: 6 July 2020.

Melander, Bo (2022) CROPCUT - Ny teknologi skal automatisere udtyndingen af roer. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/cropcut, accessed on: 27 June 2022.

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2020) Legacy effects of leguminous green manure crops on the weed seed bank in organic crop rotations. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 302, p. 107078.

Meyer, H.; Serup, T. and Thamsborg, M. (2015) Spoleorm er en udfordring for økosvin. Økologi & Erhverv, 9 January 2015, 558, p. 20.

Micheloni, C. and Plakolm, G. (2007) Report on quality characteristics of varieties to be used in organic farming. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Reports), no. D 5.2. Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), Rome .

Müller, Adrian; Osman-Elasha, Balgis and Andreasen, Lise (2013) The potential of organic agriculture for contributing to climate change adaptation. In: Halberg, Niels and Müller, Adrian (Eds.) Organic Agriculture for Sustainable Livelihoods. Routledge, London and New York, chapter 5, pp. 102-126.

Munk, Arne (2015) Avlsplaner inden for malkekvæg. [Breeding schemes for dairy cattle.] Økologisk Nyhedsbrev, 16 February 2015, pp. 11-12.


Nicholas, Pip; Roderick, Steve and Vaarst, Mette (2008) Animal Health and Welfare Planning - Identifying key principles and approaches. In: CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN. CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN, no. Report from 1st ANIPLAN project workshop. .

Nielsen, K.M. (2014) Økologi halverer resistens. Økologi & Erhverv, 14 November 2014, 555, p. 7.

Niggli, Urs; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and et, al. (2016) OK-Net Arable: State of the art research results and best practices – Task 3.1: D 3.1. OK-Net Arable review Meeting, IFOAM EU, Brussels, November 3, 2016. [Completed]

Niggli, Urs; Schmidt, Jennifer; Watson, Christine; Kriipsalu, Mait; Shanskiy, Merrit; Barberi, Paolo; Kowalska, Jolanta; Schmitt, Annegret; Daniel, Claudia; Wenthe, Ulla; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Schild, Marion; Dierauer, Hansueli; Krauss, Maike; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina; Constanzo, Ambrogio; Thonar, Cécile and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (2016) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.3.1 State-of-the-art research results and best practices. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick.

Niggli, Urs (2010) Organic agriculture and biodiversity – a global review of research results. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Nørskov, Natalja P. (2022) ECOCO2W - Mindre metan fra køer. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/ecoco2w, accessed on: 27 June 2022.


Oehen, Bernadette; Vaarst, Mette; Spaans, Annick and Beaugrand, Florence (2023) Living Lab Methodologies and expamples of Living Labs in animal agriculture. First experiences from H2020 Project Roadmap. Lecture at: Roadmap online trainings (Episode 2), online, 14th of February 2023. [Completed]

Offenberg, Joachim (2018) Skovmyrer skal bekæmpe æblernes fjender - MothStop. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Offenberg, Joachim (2020) Myrer skal sikre bæredygtig frugtproduktion. Økologisk Landbrug, 29 May 2020, 655, p. 26.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2015) HighCrop - Redskaber til højere produktivitet i marken. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 26-29.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2017) Højere udbytter ved rækkedyrkning og efterafgrøder - RowCrop. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2020) Efterafgrøder er undervurderede i økologisk planteavl. Økologisk Landbrug, 28 February 2020, 653, p. 25.

Oudshoorn, Frank W (2022) Nyt værktøj skal udvikle bæredygtig griseproduktion. Økologisk Nu, online. Online at https://xn--konu-fra.dk/mark-og-stald/nyt-vaerktoj-skal-udvikle-baeredygtig-griseproduktion, accessed on: 6 June 2022.


Padel, Susanne (2005) Overview of supply and demand for concentrated organic feed in the EU in 2002 and 2003. Summary of draft project report of EEC 2092/91 (Organic) Revision. Elm Farm Research Centre Bulletin (78), pp. 4-6.

Padel, Susanne; Röcklinsberg, Helena; Verhoog, Henk; Fjelsted Alrøe, Hugo; de Wit, Jan; Kjeldsen, Chris and Schmid, Otto (2007) Balancing and integrating basic values in the development of organic regulations and standards: proposal for a procedure using case studies of conflicting areas. EEC 2092/91 (0rganic Revision Project Report), no. D 2.3. Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF), Tjele, and University of Wales, Aberystwyth (UWA), Aberystwyth .

Padel, S.; Melby Jespersen, L. and Schmid, O. (2007) Final project report: EEC 2092/91 (ORGANIC) Revision. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Report), no. Final report. Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF), Tjele and University of Wales, Aberystwyth .

Padel, Susanne; Vaarst, Mette and Zaralis, Konstantinos (2015) Supporting Innovation in Organic Agriculture: A European Perspective Using Experience from the SOLID Project. Sustainable Agriculture Research, 4 (3), pp. 32-41.

Pandey, Arjun; Li, Fucui; Askegaard, Margrethe; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Nitrogen balances in organic and conventional arable crop rotations and their relations to nitrogen yield and nitrate leaching losses. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 265, pp. 350-362.

Pandey, Arjun; Li, Fucui; Margrethe, Askegaard; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Nitrogen balances in organic and conventional arable crop rotations and their relations to nitrogen yield and nitrate leaching losses. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 265, pp. 350-362.

Panneerselvam, P.; Hermansen, J.E.; Halberg, N. and Arthanari, P.M. (2013) Impact of large-scale organic conversion on food production and food security in two Indian states, Tamil Nadu and Madhya Pradesh. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, ( ), . [In Press]

Paponov, Ivan Alekseevic and Dietemann, Lauren (2020) Optimising organic vegetable greenhouse production in Denmark. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, September 2020, pp. 1-2.

Pedersen, Lene Juul (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) (Ed.) (2017) Robuste og tungere økologiske pattegrise - VIPiglets. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark.

Pedersen, Lars-Flemming; Jokumsen, Alfred ; Larsen, Villy J. and Henriksen, Niels Henrik (2014) Promising water treatment practices with peracetic acid products. [Lovende vandbehandlings procedurer med pereddikesyre produkter.] DTU Aqua and The North Sea Research Centre .

Perfecto, Ivette (2010) The impact of agro-biodiversity and eco-system services in development or A new vision for a just, sustainable and productive agriculture. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Petersen, Karen Koefoed (2017) Beskyttet produktion af økologiske æbler og pærer - PROTECFRUIT. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Plakolm, Gerhard and Fromm, Elisabeth (2006) Fokusgruppen zu den Wertvorstellungen von Bio-Bauern Nationaler Bericht Österreich. [Focus groups of values of producers: National Report Austria.] EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein .

Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Hein, Lisa; Kargo, Morten and Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes (2020) Realization of breeding values for milk fatty acids in relation to seasonal variation in organic milk. Journal of Dairy Science, 103 (3), pp. 2434-2441.

Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Szekeres, Balasz; Kargo, Morten and Larsen, Lotte Bach (2019) Mineral and fatty acid composition of milk from native Jutland and Danish Red 1970 cattle breeds. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A — Animal Science, 69 (1-2), pp. 131-135.

Poulsen, Nina Aagaard (2015) Muligheder for at fremme en sundere fedtsyresammensætning via avlsarbejde. Keynote presentation at: Økologi-Kongres, Vingsted hotel og konferencecenter, 25. - 26. november 2015.


Qiao, Yuhui; Martin, Friederike; Cook, Seth; He, Xueqing; Halberg, Niels; Scott, Steffanie and Pan, Xihe (2018) Certified Organic Agriculture as an Alternative Livelihood Strategy for Small-scale Farmers in China: A Case Study in Wanzai County, Jiangxi Province. Ecological Economics, 145, pp. 301-307.


Rahmann, Gerold; Ardakani, M. Reza; Boehm, Herwert; Canali, Stefano; Chander, Mahesh; David, Wahyudi; Dengel, Lucas; Erisman, Jan Willem; Galvis-Martinez, Ana C.; Hamm, Ulrich; Kahl, Johannes; Köpke, Ulrich; Kühne, Stefan; Lee, Sang Beom; Løes, Anne-Kristin; Moos, Jan Hendrik; Neuhoff, Daniel; Nuutila, Jaakko; OLOWE, VICTOR; Oppermann, Rainer; REMBIAŁKOWSKA, EWA; Riddle, Jim; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Shade, Jessica; Sohn, Sang Mok; Tadesse, Mekuria; Tashi, Sonam; Thatcher, Alan; Uddin, Nazim; von Fragstein und Niemsdorff, Peter; Wibe, Atle; Wivstad, Maria; Wenliang, Wu and Zanoli, Raffaele (2017) Organic Agriculture 3.0 is innovation with research. Organic Agriculture, 7 (3), pp. 169-197.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2019) Presentation of Organic Eprints. .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) Organic Eprints. .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Fact sheets for editors in Organic Eprints. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS).

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jakobsen, Malene (2021) Meeting of Organic Eprints editors 28 Oct 2021. ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2015) Open research repository for organic agriculture. Paper at: 10th International Conference on Open Repositories, Indiana, USA, 8-11.06.2015. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Willer, Helga and Lindemann, Mine (2023) Organic Eprints – An International Online Archive 20-year anniversary report. ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Rasmussen, I.A. (2011) Organic Eprints - the international archive for research publications about organic agriculture. Workshop at: Third Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research, held at the 17th IFOAM Organic World Conference - Organic is Life, Namyangju, Gyeonggi Paldang, Republic of Korea, 28th Sept. - 1st Oct. 2011. [Completed]

Rasmussen, I.A. and Halberg, N. (2013) 15 years of research in organic food systems in Denmark – effects on the sector and society. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 99-100.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Meier, J. and Willer, H. (2011) Organic Eprints - making research in Organic Food and Farming more visible. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is life - knowledge for tomorrow. Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research , ISOFAR, Bonn, Germany, 2, pp. 326-329.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2019) Brief on Open Access requirements in H2020 To support CORE Organic Cofund and the projects funded under it. Working paper, ICROFS (International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems) . [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) Organisation of organic agriculture research in Denmark - background, use of knowledge syntheses, analysis of results. Keynote presentation at: Il Jornada Agriecol, INIA, Madrid, Spain, 10 de diciembre de 2014. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) TP Organics Workshop:�Adapting the vision of TPO to the new challenges and policy context. Workshop at: Science Day 2014, BioFach, Nürnberg, Germany, 14th February 2014. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Presentation of Organic Eprints. ICROFS .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Organic Eprints - training for National Editors. ICROFS .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Organic Eprints - meeting for National Editors. ICROFS .

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2011) Introduction of Organic Eprints. Lecture at: The 2nd Workshop on the construction of the Asian Network for Sustainable Organic Farming Technology (ANSOFT), International Technology Cooperation Center (ITCC) of Rural Development Administration (RDA), Suwon, Republic of Korea, 26th - 28th September, 2011. [Submitted]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Flores, Patricia (2013) Instrucciones sobre cómo depositar un artículo del IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología en Organic eprints. [Instructions for depositing a paper from IV Congreso latinoamericano de Agroecologia in Organic Eprints.] . [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Halberg, Niels (2014) 15 years of research in organic food systems in Denmark – effects on the sector and society. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 203-206.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2016) D4.1: Online Knowledge Platform. OK net arable Report D 4.1. ICROFS, Tjele.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Jensen, Allan Leck (2013) User guide for Organic Eprints in English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech and Turkish. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS).

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene and Christensen, Dennis (2017) Farmknowledge.org - knowledge platform of OK-Net Arable. Speech at: BioFach 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, 15-18 February. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Conder, Malgorzata; Micheloni, Cristina and Moeskops, Bram (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. In: Rahmann, G; Andres, C.; Yadav, A.K.; Ardakani, M.R.; Babalad, H.B.; Devakumar, N.; Goel, S.L.; Olowe, V; Ravisankar, N.; Saini, J.P.; Soto, G. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Innovative Research for Organic 3.0 - Proceedings of the Scientific Track, Organic World Congress 2017, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, 2, Thünen report, no. 54, pp. 622-624.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene and Moeskops, Bram (2017) OK-Net Arable online knowledge platform. Speech at: 3rd Organic Innovation Days, Brussels, 15-17 November. [Completed]

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Jensen, Allan Leck and Willer, Helga (2014) Organic Eprints – helping research results go to work. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 207-210.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Moeskops, Bram; Micheloni, Cristina; Gócs, Christina; Jensen, Allan Leck; Jørgensen, Margit Styrbæk; Kristensen, Helene; Willer, Helga and Padel, Susanne (2018) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.4.3 Final report on evaluation of end-user material. Deliverable OK-Net Arable, no. D.4.3. .

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Rahmann, Gerold and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2017) Special issue of Organic Agriculture — Organic 3.0. Organic Agriculture, 7 (3), pp. 165-167.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) ICROFS news 4/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news - international newsletter from ICROFS (4), - .

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) ICROFS news 3/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news - newsletter from ICROFS, August 2009 (3).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) ICROFS news 1/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, February 2009 (1).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 4/2009 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2009 (4).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 3/2009 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, October 2009 (3).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 2/2009 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, June 2009 (2).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS news 2/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news no. 2, May 2009.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 1/2009 - nyheder fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, March 2009 (1).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2008) ICROFS nyt 2/2008 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2008 (2).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2008) ICROFS nyt 1/2008 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, September 2008 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. (2010) Offentlig formidlingsdag om resultater fra FØJO III. ICROFS . [Completed]

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 4/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2010 (4).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 4/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, November 2010 (4).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 3/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, October 2010 (3).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 3/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, August 2010 (3).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 2/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, July 2010 (2).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 2/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, May 2010 (2).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 1/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, March 2010 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 1/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, February 2010 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Sørensen, L.S. (2011) ICROFS nyt 3/2011. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2011 (3), - .

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Sørensen, L.S. (2011) ICROFS news 2/2011. Newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, September 2011 (2), - .

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Sørensen, L.S. (2011) ICROFS nyt 2/2011. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, June 2011 (2), - .

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Sørensen, L.S. (2011) ICROFS news 1/2011. Newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, May 2011 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Sørensen, L.S. (2011) ICROFS nyt 1/2011. Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, April 2011 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Sørensen, L.S. (2009) ICROFS news 2/2009. Newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, May 2009 (2).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2011) Organic for the future. Parliament Magazine, 19 December 2011 (340), pp. 106-107.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2011) International økologisk forskning i Danmark. [International Organic Research in Denmark.] ICROFS Nyt - ICROFS' digitale nyhedsbrev, April 2011 (1), pp. 8-9.

Richardson, Katherine (2010) Biodiversity, a global threshold - Why preserving biodiversity should go hand-in-hand with climate mitigation in agro-ecosystems. Lecture at: Agro-biodiversity and Ecosystem services, Washington DC, USA, 16th Dec. 2010.

Roepstorff, Allan; Mejer, Helena; Nejsum, Peter and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2011) Helminth parasites in pigs: challenges and current research highlights. In: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, p. 107.

Roepstorff, Allan; Mejer, Helena; Nejsum, Peter and Thamsborg, Stig Milan (2011) Helminth parasites in pigs: New challenges in pig production and current research highlights. Veterinary Parasitology, 180, pp. 72-81.

Rousing, Tine and Sørensen, J.T. (2015) Ny håndbog for økologiske svineproducenter viser vej til bedre dyrevelfærd og mindre miljøpåvirkning. Økologi & Erhverv, 6 March 2015, 562, p. 14.

Roviglioni, Raffaella (2005) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Italy. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Associazione Italiana per l'Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), IT-Rome .


Sandøe, Peter (2018) Samspil mellem økologisk forbrug og sundhed - OrgHealth. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark.

Scollan, Nigel; Padel, Susanne; Halberg, Niels; Hermansen, J.E.; Nicholas, Pip; Rinne, Marketta; Zanoli, Raffaele; Zollitsch, Werner and Lauwers, Ludwig (2017) Organic and Low-Input Dairy Farming: Avenues to Enhance Sustainability and Competitiveness in the EU. EuroChoices, 16 (3), pp. 40-45.

Sehested, Jakob and Uller-Kristensen, Helene (2019) Grobund for innovation, værkst og troværdighed. Økologisk Landbrug, 29 March 2019, 643, p. 22.

Serup, Tove (2011) Tager kampen op mod indvoldsormes æg. Svin, November 2011, pp. 36-37.

Skovsbøl, U. (2014) ICROFS news 3-4/2014 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, December 2014, 4, pp. 1-15.

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Skovsbøl, Ulla (2016) Plantecocktail kan blive et alternativ til antibiotika, zink og kobber. [Plant cocktail may be an alternative to antibiotics, zinc and copper.] DCA Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og jordbrug - Nyhedsbrev, 4 April 2016, pp. 1-4.

Skovsbøl, Ulla (2015) Køer af gamle racer skal testes i moderne øko-besætninger. ICROFS nyt, 13 August 2015, pp. 1-2.

Slagboom, Margot; Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Mulder, H. A.; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2019) Possibilities for a specific breeding program for organic dairy production. In: Proceedings of the 70th Annual EAAP Meeting.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Edwards, David; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Hjortø, Line (2016) Preferences for Breeding Goal Traits for Danish Red and Jersey Cattle. Keynote presentation at: 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, United Kingdom, 29 August - 2 September 2016.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Edwards, David; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Hjortø, Line (2016) Organic and conventional dairy farmers prefer different improvements in breeding goal traits. Poster at: 67th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Belfast, United Kingdom, 29 August - 2 September 2016.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Edwards, David; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Hjortø, Line (2016) Organic dairy farmers put more emphasis on production traits than conventional farmers. Keynote presentation at: Nordic workshop in dairy cattle genetics and genomics, Park Inn, København, 25. - 26. april 2016.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Hjortø, Line; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Edwards, David (2015) Heterogeneity in farmer preferences for breeding goal traits - effects of herd characteristics and production system. Keynote presentation at: Meeting at VikingGenetics, VikingGenetics, Ebeltoftvej 16, DK-8960 Randers SØ, 4. december 2015.

Slagboom, Margot; Kargo, Morten; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Mulder, H. A. (2019) Genomic selection improves the possibility of applying multiple breeding programs in different environments. Journal of Dairy Science, 102 (9), pp. 8197-8209.

Slagboom, Margot; Wallenbeck, Anna; Hjortø, Line; Sørensen, Anders Christian; Rydhmer, Lotta; Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2018) Simulating consequences of choosing a breeding goal for organic dairy production. Journal of Dairy Science, 101 (12), pp. 11086-11096.

Smolders, Gidi (2009) Improving animal welfare by assessing college’s farms. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) CORE Organic project nr: 1903 - Aniplan. Workshop report - The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. Core Organic project Series, no. 1903-2. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Departement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. 28-30.

Steenfeldt, Sanna (2022) ProLocAL - Protein fra lokalt dyrkede bælgfrugter og mikroalger til økologiske kyllinger. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at https://icrofs.dk/forskning/dansk-forskning/organic-rdd-7/prolocal, accessed on: 31 May 2022.

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{Tool} Adding lactic acid bacteria via maize silage or to drinking water in organic broilers (OK-Net Ecofeed video). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Mathiesen, Camila and Jakobsen, Malene. Issuing Organisation(s): ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed video. (2021)

Strudsholm, Finn; Gregersen, Sandra Beyer; Larsen, Lotte Bach; Poulsen, Nina Aagaard; Hein, Lisa; Sørensen, Lars Peter; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes; Kargo, Morten and Munk, Arne (editor): Kargo, Morten; Buitenhuis, Albert Johannes and Munk, Arne (Eds.) (2016) Fedtsyreprofilen i mælk fra malkekøer – Potentiale og perspektiver. DCA rapport, no. 088. DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, Tjele, Danmark.

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Thamsborg, Stig Milan and Mejer, Helena (2015) PAROL - Parasitter hos øko-svin. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 42-45.

Thomasen, Jørn Rind and Kargo, Morten (2015) Fremtidens ko – sammenhæng imellem avlsmæssige ændringer og nye staldsystemer. Keynote presentation at: Workshop: Fremtidens kostald, Agro Business Park, Niels Pedersens Allé 2, 8830 Tjele, 2. december 2015.

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Tittarelli, Fabio (2020) Designing resilient organic greenhouse production systems for Europe. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, February 2020, pp. 1-3.

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Uller-Kristensen, Helene (2023) Research for climate-friendly sustainable diets and food procurement. ICROFS News, 31 July 2023, July, pp. 1-2.

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Vaarst, M.; Leeb, C.; Nicholas, P.; Roderick, S.; Smoulders, G.; Walkenhorst, M.; Brinkman, J.; March, S.; Ströger, E.; Gratzer, E.; Winckler, C.; Lund, V.; Henriksen, B.I.F.; Hansen, B.; Neale, M. and Whistance, L.K. (2008) Development of animal health and welfare planning in organic dairy farming in Europe. In: Neuhoff, Daniel et al. (Ed.) Cultivating the Future Based on Science, 2, pp. 40-43.

Vaarst, Mette (2009) Learning and empowerment in farmer groups as one way of creating a healthy process of animal health and welfare planning. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) CORE Organic project nr: 1903 - Aniplan. Workshop report - The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. Core Organic project Series, no. 1903-2. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Departement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. 31-33.

Vaarst, Mette (2007) Participatory Common Learning in Groups of Dairy Farmers in Uganda (FFS approach) and Danish Stable Schools. DJF Animal Science, no. 78. Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Inst. of Animal Health, Welfare and Nutrition.

Vaarst, Mette; Leeb, Christine; Nicholas, Pip; Roderick, Stephen; Smolders, Gidi; Walkenhorst, Michael; Brinkman, Jan; March, Solveig; Ströger, Elisabeth; Winkler, Christoph; Gratzer, Elisabeth; Lund, Vonne; Henriksen, Britt I. F.; Hansen, Inger and Neale, Madeleine (2008) ANIPLAN – not just "any plan". In: CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN. CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN, no. Report from 1st ANIPLAN project workshop. .

Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (2009) The ANIPLAN project: Reflections on the research approaches, methods and challenges. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) CORE Organic project nr: 1903 - Aniplan. Workshop report - The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. Core Organic project Series, no. 1903-2. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Departement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. 23-27.

Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (2009) Implementation of farmer groups for animal health and welfare planning considering different contexts. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) CORE Organic project nr: 1903 - Aniplan. Workshop report - The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. Core Organic project Series, no. 1903-2. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Departement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. 34-36.

Vaarst, Mette; Roderick, Stephen; Byarugaba, Denis K.; Kobayashi, Sofie; Rubaire-Aiikii, Chris and Karreman, Hubert J. (2006) Sustainable veterinary medical practices in organic farming: a global perspective. In: Halberg, N.; Alrøe, H.F.; Knudsen, M.T. and Kristensen, E.S. (Eds.) Global Development of organic Agriculture: Challenges and Prospects. CAB International, pp. 241-276.

Vaarst, Mette; Walkenhorst, Michael and Smolders, Gidi (2008) Communication in animal health and welfare planning. In: CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN. CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN, no. Report from 1st ANIPLAN project workshop. .

Vaarst, Mette; Escudero, Arthur Getz; Chappell, M. Jahi; Brinkley, Catherine; Nijbroek, Ravic; Arraes, Nilson A.M.; Andreasen, Lise; Gattinger, Andreas; De Almeida, Gustavo; Bossio, Deborah and Halberg, Niels (2017) Exploring the concept of agroecological food systems in a city-region context. Agroecology and sustainabel food systems, 42 (6), pp. 686-711.

Vaarst, Mette; Smolders, Gidi; Wahome, Raphael Githaiga; Odhong, Charles; Kiggundu, Muhammad; Kabi, Fred; Nalubwama, Sylvia and Halberg, Niels (2019) Options and challenges for organic milk production in East African smallholder farms under certified organic crop production. Livestock Science, 220, pp. 230-240.

Vaarst, Mette; Zaralis, Konstantinos and Padel, Susanne (2016) Recommendations on innovative strategies related to health management and quality. SOLID Deliverable 1.3. Organic Research Centre, Newbury.

van der Heide, Marleen Elise; Stødkilde, Lene; Nørgaard, Jan Værum and Studnitz, Merete (2021) The Potential of Locally-Sourced European Protein Sources for Organic Monogastric Production: A Review of Forage Crop Extracts, Seaweed, Starfish, Mussel, and Insects. Sustainability, 13 (4), pp. 1-30.


Waeyenberge, Lieven (2020) Leaflet on nematodes as suitable indicators for soil health. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, May 2020, pp. 1-2.

Whistance, Lindsay (2009) Eliminative behaviour of dairy cows. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) CORE Organic project nr: 1903 - Aniplan. Workshop report - The process of researching animal health and welfare planning. Core Organic project Series, no. 1903-2. Aarhus Universitet - Faculty of Agricultural Sciences , Departement of Animal Health and Bioscience, pp. 10-22.

Willer, Helga; Moeskops, Bram; Roinsard, Antoine; Basler, Andreas; Kemper, Laura and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2021) The online platform “Organic Farm Knowledge”. In: OWC 2020 Paper Submission - Stakeholder Forum, pp. 1-3. [Unpublished]

Willer, Helga and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2019) International Online Archive Organic Eprints – Current Status. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick. [draft]

Williams, Michelle (2015) FruitGrowth -Bekæmpelse af skadevoldere i æbler. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 22-25.

Winckler, Christoph (2008) The use of animal-based health and welfare parameters – what is it all about? In: CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN. CORE Organic project nr. 1903 - ANIPLAN, no. Report from 1st ANIPLAN project workshop. .

This list was generated on Wed Jul 17 03:21:22 2024 CEST.