Canibe, Nuria and Jensen, Martin (2017) Kan en cocktail af ramsløg og tyttebær erstatte antibiotika? [Can a cocktail of ramsons and lingonberries replace antibiotics?] ICROFS nyt, 30 November 2017, pp. 1-5.
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Summary in the original language of the document
Pressemeddelelse op til Økologikongres indlæg, der beskriver helt nye resultater med test af ramsløg og tyttebær miks til fravænningsgrise. Resultaterne viser at E. coli er op til 100 gange lavere i griseafføring og i mave - tarm indhold hos fravænningsgrise, der har fået plantecocktail tilsat i foderet end hos kontrol grise, der kun fik standard foder.
Summary translation
Press release before presenting data on Danish Organics Congres in Kolding. This describe brand new results from the MAFFRA project, that shows that a mix of ramsons and lingonberies added to the feed to weaning piglets, showed up to 100 times reduction of E coli concentration in the feces and in stomach-ileum content compared to piglets fed with a standard feed. This in vivo trial document, that antibacterial plants may be very promissing as a tool to lower E coli in GI tract of piglets.
EPrint Type: | Newspaper or magazine article |
Keywords: | antibacterial plant cocktails, reduction of E. coli, stomach and ileum, faeces, weaning diarrhea |
Subjects: | Animal husbandry > Feeding and growth Animal husbandry > Health and welfare |
Research affiliation: | Denmark > AU - Aarhus University > Faculty of Science and Technology > Department of Animal Science Denmark > ICROFS - International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems Denmark > Organic RDD 2.2 > MAFFRA |
Deposited By: | Jensen, Dr. Martin |
ID Code: | 32898 |
Deposited On: | 13 Apr 2018 08:42 |
Last Modified: | 13 Apr 2018 08:42 |
Document Language: | Danish/Dansk |
Status: | Published |
Refereed: | Not peer-reviewed |
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