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Items affiliated to "Luke Natural Resources Institute"

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Number of items at this level: 489.

Autio, Sari and Iivonen, Sari (Eds.) (2021) Research data and solutions for the development of organic production in Finland – Finnish Organic Research Institute’s research strategy for 2021–2024. Finnish Organic Research Institute, FORI .

Vorne, Virpi and Patrikainen, Lila (Eds.) (2011) The Baltic environment, food and health: from habits to awareness : Central Baltic INTERREG IV A Programme 2007-2013. MTT Report, no. 34. MTT Agrifood Research Finland, Jokioinen, Finland.

{Project} COBRA: COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity. Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Pearce, Dr Bruce, The Organic Research Centre .

{Project} Consumers, decision makers and local or organic food. Possibilities for SMEs. [Kuluttajat, päättäjät sekä lähi- tai luomuruoka. Mahdollisuuksia pk-sektorille.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Mäkelä, Johanna, National Consumer Research Centre .

{Project} Control of potato late blight by caraway oil in organic farming. [Luomuperunan rutonhallinta kuminaöljyn avulla.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Keskitalo, Marjo, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Development and processing of organic cheese products. [Luomujuustojen kehittäminen ja valmistus.] Runs 2002 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Ryhänen, Eeva-Liisa, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Diversity of weeds - the role and management in arable ecosystems. [Rikkakasvien monimuotoisuuden merkitys ja hallinta peltoekosysteemissä.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Salonen, Jukka, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Enhancing and testing soil quality. [Maan toiminnallisen viljavuuden edistäminen ja mittaaminen.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Tolonen, Kaisa, ProAgria Association of Rural Advisory Centres .

{Project} Environmental impacts of organic farming. [Ympäristökuormitus luonnonmukaisessa viljelyssä.] Runs 2001 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Turtola, Eila, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} The estimation of nutrient leaching from different agricultural management practices. [Erilaisten maatalouskäytäntöjen ravinnehuuhtoutumien arviointi.] Runs 2002 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Esala, Martti, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Organization} Finnish Organic Research Institute (FORI). Organization Leader(s): Iivonen, Sari.

{Project} Frontiers of organic and conventional farming technologies – environmental efficiency, productivity and learning. [Ympäristötehokkuus, tuottavuus ja oppiminen luonnonmukaisessa ja tavanomaisessa tuotannossa.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Huhtala, Anni, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} GMO, organic and conventional production: opportunities and threats of co-existence. [GMO-, luomu- ja tavanomaisen tuotannon rinnakkaiselon mahdollisuudet ja uhat.] Runs 2004 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Vorne, Virpi, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Interaction between actors in the organic food chain. [Toimijoiden vuorovaikutus luomun tarjonta-kysyntäketjussa.] Runs 2004 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Kottila, Marja-Riitta, Helsinki University .

{Project} LOFO: Local food system: impacts and learning challenges. [Paikallinen ruokajärjestelmä - vaikutukset ja oppimishaasteet.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Seppänen, Laura, the University of Helsinki .

{Project} Management of plant diseases in organic seed potato production. [Kasvitautien hallintakeinot luomuperunan siementuotannossa.] Runs 2003 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Hannukkala, Asko, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Organization} MTT Agrifood Research Finland / Environmental Research / Ecological Production.

{Project} Quality beef from heifers - Part 1. The effect of organic wheat-common vetch whole-crop silage on the performance and carcass and meat quality of beef heifers. [Laatulihaa hiehoista - Osa 1. Luomukasvustosta valmistettu vehnä-rehuvirnasäilörehu teuraaksi kasvatettavien hereford-hiehojen vieroituksen jälkeisessä ruokinnassa.] Runs 2002 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Manninen, Merja, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Emolehmähanke: Quality beef with efficient suckler cow production. [Laatulihaa tehokkaalla emolehmätuotannolla.] Runs 2003 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Heikkilä, Anna-Maija, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Puna-apilahanke: Red clover efficiently into organically produced milk. [Puna-apila tehokkaasti luomumaidoksi.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Vanhatalo, Aila, Helsinki University .

{Project} The role of innovativeness and quality management in the improvement of competitiveness and performance in animal production enterprises in conventional and organic agriculture. [Innovatiivisuus ja laadunhallinta kilpailukyvyn ja kannattavuuden edistäjinä tavanomaisessa ja luonnonmukaisessa kotieläintuotannossa.] Runs 2003 - 2003. Project Leader(s): Vihtonen, Tiina, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Specialisation of organic farms through co-operation. [Luomutilojen erikoistuminen yhteistyön avulla.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Lätti, Markku, Work Efficiency Institute .

{Project} Sustainable production of greenhouse vegetables with organic fluid fertilizer and mycorrhiza. [Kestävää kasvihuonevihannestuotantoa luomuliuoslannoitteen ja mykorritsan avulla.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Kapuinen, Petri and Vestberg, Mauritz, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Facility} Toholampi: Toholampi leaching field. [Toholammin huuhtoutumiskenttä.] Facility Leader(s): Turtola, Researcher Eeva-Liisa, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Project} Waste composts in organic crop rotation - risks and possibilities for the future. [Jätekompostit luonnonmukaisessa viljelykierrossa - tulevaisuuden riskit ja mahdollisuudet.] Runs 2003 - 2004. Project Leader(s): Tontti, Tiina, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

{Facility} Yöni: Yöni leaching field. [Yönin huuhtoutumiskenttä.] Facility Leader(s): Turtola, Researcher Eila, MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Aakkula, Jyrki (2004) Det finska jordbrukets alternativ och den ekologiska produktions möjligheter. Paper at: "Uppdatera dina kunskaper inom ekologin" : ekoseminar i S:t Michel 28.7.2004.

Aakkula, Jyrki; Jokinen, Pekka; Lankoski, Leena and Nokkala, Marko (2003) Agriculture in the information society: challenges of sustainable development. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Agostini, Lucilla; Bünemann, Else K.; Jakobsen, E. K.; Salo, C.; Wester-Larsen, L. and Symanczik-Petris, S. (2023) Testing and evaluation of laboratory methods for the assessment of mineralizable mitrogen from bio-based fertilizers. In: RAMIRAN 2023 - 18th International Conference, 12-14 Septmber 2023, Cambridge, UK. Book of Abstracts, p. 119.

Agostini, Lucilla; Hernandez Mora, Alicia; Duboc, Olivier; Wester-Larsen, Laerke; Salo, Tapio; Müller-Stöver, Dorette; Stoumann Jensen, Lars; Symanczik, Sarah; Bünemann, Else K.; Eigner, Herbert; Santner, Jakob and Ylivainio, Kari (2024) Compliance methods to determine the agronomic performance of Bio-Based fertilizers. Paper at: ManuREsource 2024, Antwerp, Belgium, 20. März 2024. [Completed]

Ahtiainen, Heini (2009) Valuing international marine resources: A meta-analysis on the Baltic Sea. MTT Discussion Papers (1), pp. 1-37.

Alakukku, L. (2006) Phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of spring cereals in different tillage systems. In: Extended abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 83-88.

Alakukku, L. (2006) Structure of clay topsoil affected by tillage intensity. In: Book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (4), NJF Report, p. 53.

Alakukku, Laura; Ristolainen, Antti and Nuutinen, Visa (2008) Differences in physical properties of two clay soils. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 16.

Alakukku, Laura; Ristolainen, Antti; Sarikka, Ilkka and Hurme, Timo (2010) Surface water ponding on clayey soils managed by conventional and conservation tillage in boreal conditions. Agricultural and Food Science, 19 (4), pp. 313-326.

Antonius, Kristiina (2007) Plant gene bank collections - sources of variation in health substances. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 27.

Anttonen, Mikko and Karjalainen, Reijo (2007) Organic production: does it enhance the health-promoting compounds in berries? In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 13.

Arolaakso, Anu; Risku-Norja, Helmi; Nuutila, Jaakko and Paananen, Ilari (2013) Luomua lautaselle. Elintarvike ja Terveys -lehti, 2013, 27 (5), pp. 20-24.

Baranski, Marcin; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Volakakis, Nikolaos; Seal, Chris; Sanderson, Roy; Stewart, Gavin B.; Benbrook, Charles; Biavati, Bruno; Markellou, Emilia; Giotis, Charilaos; Gromadzka-Ostrowska, Joanna; Rembiałkowska, Eva; Skwarło-Sonta, Krystyna; Tahvonen, Raija; Janovska, Dagmar; Niggli, Urs ; Nicot, Philippe and Leifert, Carlo (2014) Higher antioxidant and lower cadmium concentrations and lower incidence of pesticide residues in organically grown crops: a systematic literature review and meta-analyses. British Journal of Nutrition, online, pp. 1-18.

Blasco, Lucia; Kahala, Minna; Palojärvi, Ansa and Joutsjoki, Vesa (2008) Genomic methods in analyzing the communities of soil bacteria. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 4.

Chen, L.; Helenius, J. and Kangas, A. (2009) Meat bone meal as nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizer. In: Programme abstracts list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 26.

Collective publication (2017) 9 Schlüsselkonzepte für eine Vielfalt von Lebensmitteln. [9 key-concepts for food diversity.] DIVERSIFOOD project . [Completed]

Eerola, Essi and Huhtala, Anni (2005) Promoting demand for organic food under preference and income heterogeneity. Paper at: The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food system : the XIth international congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE, Copenhagen, Denmark, August 24-27, 2005.

Eurola, M.; Ekholm, P. and Venäläinen, E.-J. (2005) Selenium supplemented fertilization - effects on the selenium content of foods and the selenium intake in Finland. In: Thorvaldsson, Gudni and Jónsdóttir, Rósa S. (Eds.) Rit LBHÌ, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (3), pp. 49-51.

Eurola, Merja; Alfthan, Georg; Aro, Antti; Ekholm, Päivi; Hietaniemi, Veli; Rainio, Heikki; Rankanen, Riitta and Venäläinen, Eija-Riitta (2003) Results of the Finnish selenium monitoring program 2000-2001. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 36. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Eurola, Merja; Hietaniemi, Veli; Kontturi, Markku; Tuuri, Hannu; Kangas, Arjo; Niskanen, Markku and Saastamoinen, Marketta (2004) Selenium content of Finnish oats in 1997-1999: effect of cultivars and cultivation techniques. Agricultural and Food Science, 13 (1-2), pp. 46-53.

Eurola, Merja; Hietaniemi, Veli; Niskanen, Markku; Laine, Antti and Vuorinen, Martti (2003) Trace elements in rye - comparison of organic and conventional cultivation. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

Eurola, Merja (ed.) (2005) Proceedings : twenty years of selenium fertilization, September 8-9, 2005, Helsinki, Finland. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 69. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Forsman, Sari and Paananen, Jaana (2002) Local food supply chain: a case of rural food processing firms and catering business in Finland. In: Magid, Jakob; Granstedt, Artur; Dýrmundsson, Ólafur; Kahiluoto, Helena and Ruissen, Theo (Eds.) Urban areas - rural areas and recycling - the organic way forward?, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, DARCOF Report, no. 3/2002, pp. 71-80.

Galambosi, B.; Galambosi, Zs. and Slacanin, I. (2007) Morfological features and phenylpropanoid contents of natural and cultivated Rhodiola rosea roots in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 38-39.

Galambosi, Bertalan (2007) Adaptogenic medicinal plants as minor crops: cultivation, yield and suitability for Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), 21-22.

Hagner, Marleena; Pasanen, Tiina; Lindqvist, Bengt; Lindqvist, Isa; Tiilikkala, Kari; Penttinen, Olli-Pekka and Setälä, Heikki (2010) Effects of birch tar oils on soil organisms and plants. Agricultural and Food Science, 19 (1), pp. 13-23.

Hagner, Marleena; Penttinen, Olli-Pekka; Pasanen, Tiina; Tiilikkala, Kari and Setälä, Heikki (2010) Acute toxicity of birch tar oil on aquatic organisms. Agricultural and Food Science, 19 (1), pp. 24-33.

Hakala, Kaija; Kontturi, Markku and Pahkala, Katri (2009) Field biomass as global energy source. Agricultural and Food Science, 18 (3-4), pp. 347-365.

Hakala, Kaija; Regina, Kristiina and Kaukoranta, Timo (2005) Adaptation measures of Finnish agriculture to climate change. Paper at: Adaptation of crops and cropping systems to climate change : NJF Seminar 380, Odense, Denmark, November 7-8, 2005.

Hakala, K; Nikunen, H-M; Sinkko, T and Niemeläinen, O (2012) Yields and greenhouse gas emissions of cultivation of red clover-grass leys as assessed by LCA when fertilised with organic or mineral fertilisers. Biomass and Bioenergy, 46, pp. 111-124.

Hakala, Kaija; Hannukkala, Asko; Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Jalli, Marja and Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo (2011) Pests and diseases in a changing climate a major challenge for Finnish crop production. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (1), pp. 3-14.

Hänninen, L.; Hepola, H.; Raussi, S.; Sariola, J.; Khalili, H. and Saloniemi, H. (2006) The effect of milk feeding method on calves' behavioural sleep. In: Proceedings, International Society for Applied Ethology, p. 4.

Hannukkala, A.; Lehtinen, A.; Avikainen, H. and Huhta, H. (2004) Management of potato late blight (Phytophthora infestans) in organic potato production. Paper at: The International school-conference plant cultivation in the European North, Petroskoi, November 24-26, 2004.

Hannukkala, Antti (2010) Better possibilities in agriculture due to climate change - but will there be farmers left in Finnish Lapland in 2039? In: Circumpolar agricultural and land use resources - prospects and perspectives for circumpolar productions and industries : abstract booklet, Bioforsk, pp. 14-15.

Hannukkala, Asko and Andersson, Björn (2006) Oospore biology in the Nordic countries: Facts, hypothesis and anecdotes. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (9), p. 17.

Hannukkala, Asko and Lehtinen, Ari (2005) Potato late blight - fatal threat in organic potato production. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (1), pp. 10-11.

Hannukkala, Asko; Lehtinen, Ari and Lindqvist, Bengt (2004) Kontroll av potatisbladmögel inom ekologisk produktion. Paper at: "Uppdatera dina kunskaper inom ekologin" : ekoseminar i S:t Michel 28.7.2004.

Hannukkala, Asko O. (2011) Examples of alien pathogens in Finnish potato production - their introduction, establishment and consequences. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (1), pp. 42-61.

Hartikainen, Merja; Antonius, Kristiina and Veteläinen, Merja (2011) Heritage plants in historic gardens - case Jokioinen Manor Park, Finland. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Hatakka, Tarja; Mäkelä-Kurtto, Ritva; Tarvainen, Timo; Laakso, Pirkko; Laitonen, Annukka and Eurola, Merja (2007) Trace elements in top- and subsoil on selected crop and dairy farms in Finland in 2004. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 108. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Heinonen, Maarit; Hartikainen, Merja; Antonius, Kristiina; Kinnanen, Hilma and Pihlman, Sirkku (2011) Heritage plants in museum environment - three museum gardens in south western Finland. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Heinonen, Maarit and Veteläinen, Merja (2011) Cereal landrace farmers in Finland and their motivation to on-farm conservation. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Helin, Janne; Laukkanen, Marita and Koikkalainen, Kauko (2006) Abatement costs for agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loads: a case study of crop farming in south-western Finland. Agricultural and Food Science, 15 (4), pp. 351-374.

Helin, Janne; Laukkanen, Marita and Koikkalainen, Kauko (2006) Abatement costs for agricultural nitrogen and phosphorus loads: a case study of South-Western Finland. MTT Discussion Papers, no. 8. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

Hellstedt, Maarit and AlaKleme, Teemu (2011) Storage of slurry in earth-banked lined basins in Finland. In: Food, feed, fuel and fun : Nordic light on future land use and rural development, book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (3), NJF Report, p. 218.

Hellström, Jarkko; Rajaniemi, Sirpa; Kivijärvi, Pirjo and Mattila, Pirjo (2007) The effect of processing on chokeberry (Aronia Medik.) polyphenols. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), pp. 40-41.

Hellström, Jarkko; Hietaranta, Tarja; Karhu, Saila; Mattila, Pirjo; Tiirikka, Timo and Veteläinen, Merja (2010) High variability in anthocyanin contents between different blackcurrant varieties. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Hietala, Sanna Maria; Kurppa, Sirpa and Hermansen, John E. (2014) THE CARBON FOOTPRINT OF ORGANIC DAIRYING IN EUROPE. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 251-254.

Hietala, Sanna Maria; Smith, Laurence; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Kurpa, Sirpa; Padel, Susanne and Hermansen, John E. (2015) Carbon footprints of organic dairying in six European countries—real farm data analysis. Organic Agriculture, 5 (2), pp. 91-100.

Hietaniemi, Veli; Kontturi, Markku; Rämö, Sari; Eurola, Merja; Kangas, Arjo; Niskanen, Markku and Saastamoinen, Marketta (2004) Contents of trichothecenes in oats during official variety, organic cultivation and nitrogen fertilization trials in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science, 13 (1-2), pp. 54-67.

Hietaranta, Tarja and Parikka, Päivi (2008) 'Suvetar' and 'Valotar' - new strawberry cultivars. Agricultural and Food Science, 17 (2), pp. 146-152.

Hietaranta, Tarja; Karhu, Saila and Veteläinen, Merja (2010) Background information for breeding: High variation in vitamin C in Finnish currant and gooseberry collections. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010.

Hiltunen, L H; Vorne, V; Virtanen, E; Degefu, Y; Korhonen, K; Muilu, T and Tausta-Ojala, M-L (2017) Promoting production and use of organic potatoes in Northern Ostrobothnia, the northernmost agricultural area in Europe. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Kari; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 61-62.

Himanen, Sari (2018) D3.1 Guidelines for task 3.4 Functional biodiversity of aboveground organism groups. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Mikkeli. [Completed]

Himanen, Sari; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Barbry, Joran; Blande, James; Dupont, Y.; Lepse, Līga; Mäkinen, Joonas; Nissinen, Anne; Saussure, Stephanie and van Apeldoorn, Dirk (2022) SureVeg - Supporting aboveground biodiversity by strip intercropping in organic vegetable production. CORE organic Practice Abstract, 12 January 2022, 00, 00-00. [draft]

Himanen, Sari and Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2022) Monipuolisella viljelyllä voidaan vaikuttaa maakiitäjäisten aktiivisuuteen. [Diverse cropping can affect the activity of ground beetles.] Luomulehti, 27 May 2022 (3), pp. 40-41.

Himanen, Sari and Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2020) Haasteellinen kaistasekaviljely. [Strip intercropping is challenging.] Puutarha & Kauppa, 1 March 2020, 24 (5), pp. 18-19.

Himanen, Sari and Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2019) SureVeg: Eurooppalaisen hankkeen tutkijaryhmä vieraili Luonnonvarakeskus Mikkelissä sekä eteläsavolaisilla luomuvihannestiloilla. YLE uutinen aiheesta. [SureVeg: European project group visits Natural Resources Institute Finland in Mikkeli and organic vegetable farms. YLE newspaper article.] yle.fi, 19 June 2019, p. 1.

Himanen, Sari; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Salo, Tapio; Blande, James; Hannukkala, Asko; Mäkinen, Joonas; Nissinen, Anne and Suojala-Ahlfors, Terhi (2020) Developing strip-cropping and organic fertilizing for biodiverse and resource-efficient organic vegetable production. Poster at: Maataloustieteen Päivät, Helsinki, 8.-9.1.2020.

Himanen, Sari; Nuotio, Netta-Leena; Vuorinen, Terhi; Tuovinen, Tuomo and Holopainen, Jarmo K. (2006) Volatile emission from strawberry plants is induced by mite and leaf beetle feeding and methyl jasmonate. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 29.

Himanen, Sari (2018) Kaistasekaviljely, kierrätysravinteet ja hyötyeliöiden tukeminen luomuvihannestuotannossa. Luomuinstituutti .

Himanen, Sari (2018) Kaistasekaviljelyllä monipuolisuutta pellolle ja tukea hyötyeliöille. Luomulehti, 2018 (2), pp. 44-46.

Himanen, Sari and Kivijärvi, Pirjo (2019) Lisää elämää pellolle kaistaviljelyllä ja orgaanisilla lannoitteilla. Puutarha & Kauppa, 22 February 2019 (4), pp. 30-31.

Himanen, Sari; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Nissinen, Anne; Salo, Tapio; Blande, James; Suojala-Ahlfors, Terhi and Hannukkala, Asko (2018) Kaistasekaviljely ja kierrätysravinteet monimuotoisessa ja resurssitehokkaassa luomuvihannestuotannossa. .

Himanen, Sari; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Nissinen, Anne and Suojala-Ahlfors, Terhi (2019) Kaistasekaviljelyllä tavoitellaan monia hyötyjä. Luomulehti, 31 May 2019 (3), pp. 40-41.

Himanen, Sari; Saarnia, Meri; Lehtinen, Heli; Mäkinen, Hanna and Savikko, Riitta (2017) Intercropping can support ecological intensification in organic agriculture. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 65-66.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Melander, Bo; Krawczyk, Roman; Salonen, Jukka; Verwijst, Theo; Zarina, L. and Gerowitt, Bärbel (2017) Problematic weed species in organic arable agriculture around the Baltic Sea - an expert database. Poster at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7. -10. März 2017.

Hofmeijer, Merel A.J. and Salonen, Jukka (2017) Kevätviljapeltojen haasteellisia rikkakasveja - Katsaus luomupeltojen tilanteeseen Itämeren alueella. [Geographical distribution of challenging weed species - Current knowledge in organic farming in the Baltic sea region (original paper in English language).] Working paper, Management and Production of Renewable Resources, Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) .

Honkatukia, Mervi (2010) Molecular genetics of chicken egg quality. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 14. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Huhtala, Anni (2003) Is organic farming inefficient, or are indicators of economic performance of agriculture incomplete? MTT Discussion Papers (4), pp. 1-19.

Huhtala, Anni and Marklund, Per-Olov (2005) Environmental targets and shadow prices of bad outputs in organic and conventional farming. Paper at: The future of rural Europe in the global agri-food system : the XIth international congress of European Association of Agricultural Economists EAAE, Copenhagen, Denmark, 24-27 August 2005.

Huhtala, Anni and Marklund, Per-Olov (2005) Incorporating environmental impacts into value added from organic and conventional farming. Paper at: The American Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting, Rhode Island, July 24-27, 2005.

Huhtala, Anni and Sipiläinen, Timo (2010) Do the opportunity costs of providing crop diversity differ between organic and conventional farms? The case of Finnish agriculture. Paper at: The Fourth world congress of environmental and resource economists, Montréal, Canada, June 28- July 2, 2010.

Huhtala, Anni and Sipiläinen, Timo (2010) Evaluating basis for a targeted environmental policy: Do the opportunity costs of enhancing biodiversity differ between organic and conventional farms? Paper at: Economic instruments to enhance the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity :11th international BIOECON conference, Venice, September 21st-22nd, 2009.

Huusela-Veistola, E. (2009) Variation in the abundance of Rhopalosiphum padi in Finland. In: Book of abstracts, p. 165.

Huusela-Veistola, Erja (2007) Overview of vectors of cereal viruses in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (5), pp. 27-28.

Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Jalli, Heikki; Salonen, Jukka; Pahkala, Katri and Laine, Antti (2006) Sowing time affects the abundance of pests and weeds in winter rye. Agricultural and Food Science, 15 (1), pp. 43-60.

Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Alanen, Eeva-Liisa; Hyvönen, Terho and Kuussaari, Mikko (2011) Ecosystem service provision by establishing temporal habitats in agricultural environments. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011.

Huuskonen, Arto (2009) Concentrate feeding strategies for growing and finishing dairy bulls offered grass silage-based diets. Thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 1. .

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Salonen, Jukka; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Zarina, Livija; Krawczyk, Roman; Verwijst, Theo and Melander, Bo (2018) Viljelijöillä tärkeä rooli rikkakasvikartoitusten partnerina. In: Jalli, Heikki (Ed.) Kasvinsuojelupäivä 2018, Kasvinsuojeluseura ry, Jokioinen, p. 30.

Salonen, Jukka; Hofmeijer, Merel A.J.; Zarina, Livija; Krawczyk, Roman; Verwijst, Theo and Melander, Bo (2018) Farmers deserve credit for contributing to the weed surveys. Paper at: Maataloustieteen päivät 2018, Helsinki, 10.-11.01.2018.

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{Tool} Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract). Creator(s): Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga; Rossing, Walter; Migliore, Melania; Himanen, Sari; Debode, Jane; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Campanelli, Gabriele and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

Tuovinen, Tuomo (2006) Integration of biological mite control into outdoor strawberry production: a matter of efficacy and economy. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (10), p. 13.

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Tuovinen, Tuomo; Lindqvist, Isa and Karhu, Saila (2003) Heating of strawberry plants for elimination of strawberry tarsonemid mite - possibilities and risks. Poster at: Plant protection in sustainable strawberry production : NJF seminar no 352, Honne, Biri, Norway, 5-6 November 2003.

Tuovinen, Tuomo; Lindqvist, Isa; Kivijärvi, Pirjo and Kauppinen, Sanna (2005) Biocontrol of mites on berries : natural and introduced predatory mites. Poster at: Environmentally friendly fruit growing -conference, Estonia, Tartu, 8.9.2005. [Unpublished]

Tupasela, Tuomo; Tahvonen, Raija; Marnila, Pertti; Vilkki, Johanna and Viitala, Sirja (2017) Milk - new research and product development innovations (Milk-Inno). In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Karin; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 84-86.

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Turtola, Eila; Lemola, Riitta; Esala, Martti; Kiljala, Janne and Joki-Tokola, Erkki (2003) Nutrient losses from organic and conventional crop rotations - a case study on fine sand soil. Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003.

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Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2008) Evaluating vegetated buffer zones for P retention in cereal and grass production. Paper at: Phosphorus management in Nordic-Baltic agriculture - reconciling productivity and environmental protection : NJF seminar 401, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-23.9.2008.

Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2008) Evaluating vegetated buffer zones for phosphorus retention in cereal and grass production. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (4), pp. 68-73.

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Valkonen, Eija (2010) Egg production in furnished cages. PhD thesis, MTT Agrifood Research Finland . MTT Science, no. 12. MTT Agrifood Research Finland.

Valkonen, Eija; Rinne, Reine and Valaja, Jarmo (2009) Effects of perch on feed consumption and behaviour of caged laying hens. Agricultural and Food Science, 18 (3-4), pp. 257-267.

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{Tool} Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different fertilization strategies (SureVeg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Willekens, Koen; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Bracke, Jolien; Quataert, Paul; Barbry, Joran; Trinchera, Alessandra; Campanelli, Gabriele; Migliore, Melania; Debode, Jane; Lepse, Līga; Dane, Sandra; Himanen, Sari; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Rossing, Walter; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022)

Yli-Mattila, T.; Kalko, G.; Hannukkala, A. and Hakala, K. (2005) Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifolium) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 1 (1), p. 258.

Yli-Mattila, Tapani; Kalko, Galina; Hannukkala, Asko; Paavanen-Huhtala, Sari and Hakala, Kaija (2008) Clover rot (Sclerotinia trifoliorum) and Fusarium fungi in organic red clover in Finland. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), p. 21.

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Yli-Viikari, Anja; Risku-Norja, Helmi; Nuutinen, Visa; Heinonen, Esa; Hietala-Koivu, Reija; Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Hyvönen, Terho; Kantanen, Juha; Raussi, Satu; Rikkonen, Pasi; Seppälä, Anu and Vehmasto, Elina (2002) Agri-environmental and rural development indicators: a proposal. Agrifood Research Reports, no. 5. MTT Agrifood Research Finland .

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