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Items affiliated to "CROPSYS"

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Number of items at this level: 375.

Journal paper

Andersen, Astrid J. and Petersen, Søren O. (2009) Effects of C and N availability and soil-water potential interactions on N2O evolution and PLFA composition. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 41 (8), pp. 1726-1733.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, Jørgen (2002) Exchangeable potassium in soil as indicator of potassium status in an organic crop rotation on loamy sand. Soil Use and Management, 18, pp. 84-90.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Eriksen, Jørgen (2000) Potassium retention and leaching in an organic crop rotation on loamy sand as affected by contrasting potassium budgets. Soil Use and Management, 16, pp. 200-205.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Eriksen, Jørgen and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2003) Exchangeable potassium and potassium balances in organic crop rotations on a coarse sandy soil. Soil Use and Management, 19, pp. 96-103.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Driessen, Eugene; Nielsen, Erling; Thomsen, Henning C.; Bak, Holger and Lindberg, Julie F. (2004) ØKOLOGISKE SÆDSKIFTER TIL PRODUKTION AF KORN. [Organic crop rotations for cereal production.] Grøn Viden, Markbrug (298), pp. 1-20.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Kristensen, Kristian (2005) Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations: effects of location, manure and catch crop. Soil Use and Management, 21, pp. 181-188.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Kristensen, Kristian (2011) Nitrate leaching from organic arable crop rotations is mostly determined by autumn field management. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 142 (3-4), pp. 149-160.

Blume, Steffen (2018) Kan radrensning erstatte ploven? Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2017, 2017, p. 4.

Blume, Steffen (2016) Radrensning - hvornår giver det mening? Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2016, 2016, pp. 14-15.

Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O.; Ma, Xiuzhi and Ambus, Per (2014) Effects of green manure storage and incorporation methods on nitrogen release and N2O emissions after soil application. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 50 (8), 1233-1246.

Chirinda, N.; Carter, M.S; Albert, K.R.; Ambus, P.; Olesen, J.E.; Porter, J.R. and Petersen, S.O. (2010) Emissions of nitrous oxide from arable organic and conventional cropping systems on two soil types. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 136, pp. 199-208.

Chirinda, N.; Kracher, D.; Porter, J.R.; Olesen, J.E.; Petersen, B.M.; Doltra, J.; Kiese, R. and Butterbach-Bahl, K. (2010) Simulating soil N2O and CO2 emissions from arable cropping systems using FASSET and MOBILE-DNDC. Plant and Soil, 343 (1-2), pp. 139-160.

Chirinda, N.; Olesen, J.E.; Porter, J.R. and Schjønning, P. (2010) Soil properties, crop production and greenhouse gas emissions from organic and inorganic fertilizer-based arable cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 139, pp. 584-594.

Chirinda, N.; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Porter, J.R. (2012) Root carbon input in organic and inorganic fertilizer-based systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 359, pp. 321-333.

Chirinda, Ngonidzashe; Olesen, J.E. and Porter, J.R. (2011) Post cold-storage conditioning time affects soil denitrifying enzyme activity. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 42 (17), pp. 2160-2167.

Christensen, Soren; Alphei, Jörg; Vestergård, Mette and Vestergaard, Peter (2007) Nematode migration and nutrient diffusion between vetch and barley material in soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 39, pp. 1410-1417.

Christensen, Soren; Bjornlund, Lisa and Vestergård, Mette (2007) Decomposer biomass in the rhizosphere to assess rhizodposition. Oikos, 116, pp. 65-74.

Cirujeda, A.; Melander, B.; Rasmussen, K. and Rasmussen, I.A. (2003) Relationship between speed, soil movement into the cereal row and intra-row weed control efficacy by weed harrowing. Weed Research, 43 (4), pp. 285-296.

de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P. and Schjønning, P. (2009) Soil Infrastructure, Interfaces & Translocation Processes in Inner Space (“Soil-it-is”): Towards a Road Map for the Constraints and Crossroads of Soil Architecture and Biophysical Processes. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 13, pp. 1485-1502.

De Notaris, Chiara; Jensen, Johannes Lund; Olesen, Jørgen E.; da Silva, Tiago Stumpf; Panagea, Ioanna; Rubæk, Gitte H. and Rasmussen, Jim (2021) Long-term soil quality effects of soil and crop management in organic and conventional arable cropping systems. Geoderma, 403, 0-0.

De Notaris, Chiara; Mortensen, Esben Øster; Sørensen, Peter; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Rasmussen, Jim (2021) Cover crop mixtures including legumes can self-regulate to optimize N2 fixation while reducing nitrate leaching. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 309, p. 107287.

De Notaris, Chiara; Rasmussen, Jim; Sørensen, Peter; Melander, Bo and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2019) Manipulating cover crop growth by adjusting sowing time and cereal interrow spacing to enhance residual nitrogen effects. Field Crops Research, 234, pp. 15-25.

De Notaris, Chiara; Rasmussen, Jim; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2019) Deposition of C and N in the soil from legume-based cover crops – quantification and mineralization. To be decided, 00-00. [draft]

De Notaris, Chiara; Rasmussen, Jim; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Nitrogen leaching: a crop rotation perspective on the effect of N surplus, field management and use of catch crops. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 255, pp. 1-11.

Doltra, Jordi; Lægdsmand, Mette and Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2011) Cereal yield and quality as affected by N availability in organic and conventional crop rotations in Denmark: a combined modeling and experimental approach. European Journal of Agronomy, 34, pp. 83-95.

Doltra, Jordi and Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2013) The role of catch crops in the ecological intensification of spring cereals in organic farming under Nordic climate. European Journal of Agronomy, 44, pp. 98-108.

Duan, Yun-Feng; Hallin, Sara; Jones, Christopher M.; Priemé, Anders; Labouriau, Rodrigo and Petersen, Søren O. (2018) Catch Crop Residues Stimulate N2O Emissions During Spring, Without Affecting the Genetic Potential for Nitrite and N2O Reduction. Frontiers in Microbiology, 9 (2629), pp. 1-13.

Elmholt, S.; Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J. and Debosz, K. (2008) Soil management effects on aggregate stability and biological binding. Geoderma, 144 (3-4), pp. 455-467.

Eriksen, J.; Askegaard, M. and Kristensen, K. (2004) Nitrate leaching from an organic dairy crop rotation: the effect of manure type, N-input and improved crop rotation. Soil Use and Management, 20, pp. 48-54.

Eriksen, J.; Olesen, J.E. and Askegaard, M. (2002) Sulphate leaching and sulphur balances of an organic crop rotation on three Danish soils. European Journal of Agronomy, 17, pp. 1-9.

Grundy, A.C.; Peters, N.C.B.; Rasmussen, I.A.; Hartmann, K.A.; Sattin, M.; Andersson, L.; Mead, A.; Murdoch, A.J. and Forcella, F. (2003) Emergence of Chenopodium album and Stellaria media of different origins under different climatic conditions. Weed Research, 43 (3), pp. 163-176.

Holst, N.; Rasmussen, I.A. and Bastiaans, L. (2007) Field weed population dynamics: a review of model approaches and applications. Weed Research, 47 (1), pp. 1-14.

Hu, Teng; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Soil carbon varies between different organic and conventional management schemes in arable agriculture. European Journal of Agronomy, 94, pp. 79-88.

Hu, Teng; Sørensen, Peter; Wahlström, E.M.; Chirinda, Ngonidzashe; Sharif, Behzad; Li, Xiaoxi and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Root biomass in cereals, catch crops and weeds can be reliably estimated without considering aboveground biomass. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 251, pp. 141-148.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Meyer-Aurich, Andreas; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Chirinda, N. and Hermansen, J.E. (2014) Carbon footprints of crops from organic and conventional arable crop rotations – using a life cycle assessment approach. Journal of Cleaner Production, 64 (2014), pp. 609-618.

Li, Xiaoxi; Petersen, Søren O.; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2015) Effects of contrasting catch crops on nitrogen availability and nitrous oxide emissions in an organic cropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment , 199, 382- 393.

Li, Xiaoxi; Sørensen, Peter; Li, Fucui; Petersen, Søren O. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2015) Quantifying biological nitrogen fixation of different catch crops, and residual effects of roots and tops on nitrogen uptake in barley using in-situ 15N labelling. Plant and Soil, 395 (1), pp. 273-287.

Li, Xiaoxi; Sørensen, Peter; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Petersen, Søren O. (2015) Evidence for denitrification as main source of N2O emission from residue-amended soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 92, pp. 153-160.

Melander, Bo and McCollough, Margaret (2020) Influence of intra-row cruciferous surrogate weed growth on crop yield in organic spring cereals. Weed Research, 60, pp. 464-474.

Melander, Bo; Nørremark, Michael and Fløjgaard, Erik (2012) Combining mechanical rhizome removal and cover crops for E lytrigia repens control in organic barley systems. Weed Research, 53 (6), pp. 461-469.

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2004) Common Couch-grass control with less tillage. DARCOFenews (4).

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2004) Nye strategier til at bekæmpe kvik. DARCOFenews (6).

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Barberi, Paolo (2005) Integrating Physical and Cultural Methods of Weed Control – Examples from European Research. Weed Science, 53, pp. 369-381.

Melander, Bo (2018) Inter-row hoeing for weed control in organic spring cereals – interactions with inter-row spacing and nitrogen rate. European Journal of Agronomy, 101, pp. 49-56. [Submitted]

Melander, Bo; Jabran, Khawar; Mahmood, Khalid; Bajwa, Ali A. and Kudsk, Per (2017) Weed Dynamics and Management in Wheat. Advances in Agronomy, 145, pp. 97-166.

Melander, Bo and McCollough, Margaret (2019) Influence of intra-row weed growth on crop yield in organic spring cereals. To be dcided, xxx, xxx-xxx. [draft]

Melander, Bo; Nørremark, Michael and Kristensen, E.F. (2013) Combining mechanical rhizome removal and cover crops for Elytrigia repens control in organic barley systems. Weed Research, 53 (6), pp. 461-469.

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2014) Growth dynamics of perennial weeds in long-termed organic 8 cropping systems on two locations in Denmark. Agroecosystems and Environment, , - . [Completed]

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Holst, Niels and Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2012) Direct control of perennial weeds between crops – implications for organic farming. Crop Protection, 40, pp. 36-42.

Mortensen, Esben Øster; De Notaris, Chiara; Peixoto, Leanne; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Rasmussen, Jim (2021) Short-term cover crop carbon inputs to soil as affected by long-term cropping system management and soil fertility. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 311, p. 107339.

Noe, Egon; Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted; Thorsøe, Martin H.; Sørensen, Peter; Melander, Bo; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Fog, Erik (2015) Knowledge Asymmetries Between Research and Practice: A Social Systems Approach to Implementation Barriers in Organic Arable Farming. Sociologia Ruralis, Early, View- .

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2004) Sommer, udlæg og grøngødning. [Summer, undersown crops and green manure crops.] Økologisk Jordbrug, 24 (315), p. 6.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2000) Design of an organic farming crop rotation experiment. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, section B, Soil and Plant Science, 50, pp. 13-21.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær; Askegaard, Margrethe and Kristensen, K. (2002) Whole-rotation dry matter and nitrogen grain yields from the first course of an organic farming crop rotation experiment. Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, 139, pp. 361-370.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2009) Winter cereal yields as affected by animal manure and green manure in organic arable farming. European Journal of Agronomy, 30, pp. 119-128.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Hansen, Elly M.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2007) The value of catch crops and organic manures for spring barley in organic arable farming. Field Crops Research, 100, pp. 168-178.

Pandey, Arjun; Li, Fucui; Askegaard, Margrethe; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Nitrogen balances in organic and conventional arable crop rotations and their relations to nitrogen yield and nitrate leaching losses. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 265, pp. 350-362.

Pandey, Arjun; Li, Fucui; Margrethe, Askegaard; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Nitrogen balances in organic and conventional arable crop rotations and their relations to nitrogen yield and nitrate leaching losses. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 265, pp. 350-362.

Petersen, Søren O.; Schjønning, P.; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Christensen, S. and Christensen, B.T. (2013) Sources of nitrogen for winter wheat in organic cropping systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 77 (2), pp. 696-697.

Petersen, Søren O.; Ambus, Per; Elsgaard, Lars; Schjønning, P. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2013) Long-term effects of cropping system on N2O emission potential. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 57, pp. 706-712.

Phan, Hong TT and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2019) A row cropping system with cover crops for balancing weed and soil fertility management in organic cereal production. To be decided, pp. 1-33. [draft]

Rasmussen, I. and Askegaard, M. (2004) Crop rotation limits Canada thistle, but not Couch grass or annual weeds. DARCOFenews (4).

Rasmussen, I. and Askegaard, M. (2004) Ukrudtets udvikling i de økologiske sædskifteforsøg. [The development of weeds in the Danish organic crop rotation experiments.] FØJOenyt (6).

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2004) Økologiske sædskifter til korn - kan produktionen øges? [Organic crop rotations for cereal production - is it possible to increase the yield?] Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (4), pp. 16-18.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M.; Olesen, J.E. and Kristensen, K. (2006) Effects on weeds of management in newly converted organic crop rotations in Denmark. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 113, pp. 184-195.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2003) Ukrudtsfloraens udvikling i de økologiske sædskifteforsøg. FØJO enyt - Nyhedsbrev fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug (3).

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Halberg, Niels; Hermansen, John and Østergård, Hanne (2005) Givtig blanding af forskere og græsrødder ved økologi-kongres i Australien. FØJOenyt (5).

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Holst, Niels (2003) Computer model for simulating the long-term dynamics of annual weeds: from seedlings to seeds. Aspects of Applied Biology (69), pp. 277-284.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Melander, Bo; Askegaard, Margrethe; Kristensen, Kristian and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2014) Elytrigia repens population dynamics under different management schemes in organic cropping systems on coarse sand. European Journal of Agronomy, 58, 18-27.

Ringselle, Bjørn and Melander, Bo (2018) Effect of Rhizome Fragmentation, Clover Competition, Shoot-Cutting Frequency, and Cutting Height on Quackgrass (Elymus repens). Weed Science, 66, pp. 215-225.

Sapkota, Tek Bahadur; Askegaard, Margrethe; Lægdsmand, Mette and Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2011) Effects of catch crop type and root depth on nitrogen leaching and yield of spring barley. Field Crops Research, 125, pp. 129-138.

Schjønning, P.; Munkholm, L.J.; Elmholt, S. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Organic matter and soil tilth in arable farming: Management makes a difference within 5-6 years. Agriculture, Ecosytems and Environment, 122, pp. 157-172.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Munkholm, L.J.; Moldrup, P.; Christensen, B.T. and Olesen, J.E. (2011) Clay dispersibility and soil friability – testing the soil clay-to-carbon saturation concept. Vadose Zone Journal, 11 (1), pp. 174-187.

Sørensen, Peter; Nielsen, Erling and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2014) Udbytter i det økologiske planteavlssædskifteforsøg. ICROFS-nyt, 2014 (1), pp. 8-10.

Thi Thuy, Hong Phan; Wacker, Tomke Susanne and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) Effect of winter cover crops versus autumn tillage on Nitrogen uptake of the succeeding cereal crops and creeping thistle Circium arvense. To be decided, ?, ?-?. [draft]

van der Werf, Hayo M.G.; Knudsen, Marie Trydeman and Cederberg, Christel (2020) Towards better representation of organic agriculture in life cycle assessment. Nature Sustainability, 2020, pp. 1-7.

Zhao, Jin; De Notaris, Chiara and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2019) Using vegetation indices in autumn to estimate nitrate leaching during autumn and winter in different cropping systems. European Journal of Agronomy, X, X-X. [draft]

Newspaper or magazine article

Ambus, Per (2009) Mindre økologisk lattergas - Økologisk planteavl belaster ikke miljøet i samme grad som konventionel planteavl. Dette udsagn gælder måske også for udslippet af lattergas. [Less organic nitrous oxide - Organic cropping systems have less impacts in the environment compared with conventional cropping systems. Perhaps this statement is true also concerning emissions of nitrous oxide.] Økologisk Jordbrug, February 2009 (426).

Askegaard, Margrethe (2002) Kvælstofudvaskningen i de økologiske sædskifter (Sædskiftet holder på kvælstoffet). Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2002, 263, p. 8.

Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg. Økologisk Jordbrug, September 2001, 247, p. 6.

Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg (Nyt fra forsøg med de økologiske sædskifter). Økologisk Jordbrug, May 2001, 241, p. 6.

Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Nyt fra sædskifteforsøg. Økologisk Jordbrug, September 2000, 223, p. 8.

Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Nyt fra Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug – fra det økologiske sædskifteforsøg (Forår uden problemer). Økologisk Jordbrug, May 2000, 217, p. 8.

Bertelsen, I.; Nielsen, E.E. and Sørensen, P. (2015) Radrensninger i efterafgrøder kan begrænse rodukrudt. LandbrugsAvisen, 19 June 2015, 25 (2), p. 5.

Bertelsen, Inger (2017) Sådan etableres efterafgrøder ved radrensning. Magasinet MARK, May 2017, p. 40.

Bertelsen, Inger and Olsen, Lars Egelund (2015) Nye maskiner - nye muligheder. Økologisk Nyhedsbrev nr. 4, maj 2015, 12 May 2015, p. 4.

Blume, Steffen (2015) Erfaringer og foreløbige resultater med rækkedyrkning i RowCrop-projektet. Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2015, 23 October 2015, pp. 16-17.

Blume, Steffen (2014) Rækkedyrkning og grøngødninger - en god kombination. Økologisk Planteavlsberetning 2014, 24 October 2014, pp. 10-11.

Carter, Mette S. and Chirinda, Ngonidzashe (2009) Ingen effekt af dyrkningssystem på drivhusgassen N2O. ICROFS nyt, June 2009.

Carter, Mette S. and Chirinda, Ngonidzashe (2009) No effect of cropping system on the greenhouse gas N2O. ICROFS news, May 2009, 2, pp. 9-10.

Carter, Mette S. (2010) Drivhusgas fra økologiske sædskifter. [Greenhouse gas from organic crop rotations.] Økologi & Erhverv, March 2010, 452, p. 16.

Carter, Mette S.; Ambus, Per; Petersen, Søren O. and Sørensen, Peter (2013) Kløvergræs ensilage og kompost som grøngødning. [Grass-clover silage and compost as green manure.] ICROFS Nyt, 15 November 2013, 4, pp. 4-5.

Engellyst, O.B. and Madsen, K.H. (2013) Slätte-Ekodag - et besøg værd. Økologisk Nyhedsbrev, 1 September 2013, 7 (Sept.), pp. 15-16.

Fog, Erik (2021) Gødning med stor kvælstofeffekt er O.K. [Fertilizer with high nitrogen efficiency is OK.] Økologisk Landbrug, 30 December 2021 (671), p. 13.

Fog, Erik (2020) Bedre klima med bedre gødning - En metode til at øge mængden og tilgængelighedden af kvælstof i økologisk planteavl. [Better climate with better fertilizers - A method to increase the amount and availability of nitrogen in organic plant production.] Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget., November 2020, 2020 (9), p. 8.

Fog, Erik (2019) Effektive gødninger til økologer. [Effective fertilizers for organic farming.] Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget, August 2019, 2019 (6), p. 3.

Fog, Erik (2013) Seriøst sjov med billeder. Økologi & Erhverv, 27 September 2013 (530), p. 17.

Green, Ole ; Znova, Liubava and Nielsen, Erling E. (2016) Nyt redskab på vej til radrensning i efterafgrøder med stubrester. Økologi & Erhverv, 8 April 2016 (586), p. 12.

Hermansen, Sven (2019) Mere økologi og flere næringsstoffer. [More organic farming and more nutrients.] LandbrugsAvisen, 11 May 2019, p. 21.

Madsen, K.H. (2014) Efterafgrøder sået efter høst i økologisk planteavl – resultater fra 3 års forsøg. LandbrugsInfo, 31 January 2014, pp. 1-5.

Madsen, K.H. (2013) Derfor er det økologiske sædskifteforsøg fortsat vigtigt for økologiens udvikling. LandbrugsInfo, 22 April 2013, pp. 1-4.

Madsen, Kathrine H (2012) Indtryk fra økologiske feltdage 2012. [Impressions from organic field days 2012.] Landbrugsinfo, 5 October 2012, .

Madsen, Kathrine H. (2012) Vælg vårbygsorter med god ukrudtskonkurrence i økologisk jordbrug. Mark, 1 November 2012, 11, pp. 30-31.

Madsen, Kathrine.H (2012) Foreløbige resultater af efterafgrødeforsøg i økologiske markforsøg 2011. [Preliminary results, field experiments with organic catch crops 2011.] Landbrugsinfo, 29 October 2012, .

Melander, Senior scientist Bo and Rasmussen, Scientist Ilse A. (2001) Radrensning tager besværligt ukrudt. Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2001, p. 9.

Melander, Bo (2015) Radrenseren er bedre end striglen i korn. Økologi & Erhverv, 24 April 2015 (565), p. 14.

Melander, Bo (2012) Ukrudtsbekæmpelse i mere faste rammer. Økologi & Erhverv, 1 June 2012 (501), p. 17.

Melander, Bo (2012) Bring ukrudtsbekæmpelsen i fastere rammer. ICROFS nyt, 2 January 2012 (1), pp. 10-11.

Melander, Bo; Green, Ole and Znova, Liubava (2016) Gå til stålet mod ukrudtet i korn. AGRO, January 2016 (Jan 16), pp. 11-12.

Melander, Bo and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2013) Kvikbekæmpelse på sandjord. Økologi & Erhverv, 8 February 2013 (516), p. 17.

Noe, Egon (2013) Fra Forskning til Praksis. Økologi&Erhverv, 13 December 2013, p. 1.

Noe, Egon (2012) Robuste og højtydende økologiske sædskifter i praksis. Landbrugsavisen, 14 September 2012, .

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2009) Climate-friendly food. Momentum 2008 (4), 2009, pp. 4-8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2009) Organic farming and the challenges of climate change. Ecology and Farming 44, 2009, pp. 2-5.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2009) Sådan kan økologisk planteavl sænke udledningen af drivhusgasser. Landbrugsavisen Agro, 2009, p. 20.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Pres på bæredygtigheden. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2006, 16 (359), p. 6.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2003) Fabelagtig vækstsæson. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2003 (295), p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2003) Forberedelser til en ny vækstsæson. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2003 (273), p. 6.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2002) Sommer i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2002 (268).

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2001) Gunstige effekter af efterafgrøder i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2001 (245), p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Status i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, October 2000, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Sommeren står for døren i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2000, 243, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Europæisk forskning i sædskifter til økologisk jordbrug. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, March 2000 (2), pp. 16-17.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) International forskning i økologiske sædskifter. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2000, 209, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Synlige forskelle i sædskifteforsøget. Økologisk jordbrug, August 1999, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Dalgaard, Tommy (2006) Kan økologisk jordbrug være med til at løse verdens klimaproblemer? Global Økologi, 2006, 13 (3), pp. 14-15.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2007) Vårbyg giver gode udbytter i økologiske forsøg. Landbrugsavisen Agro, December 2007, p. 32.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Askegaard, Margrethe (2003) Sådan er det gået med forsøgssædskifterne. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2003, 23 (288), p. 12. [Unpublished]

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2002) Udbytter i forsøgssædskifter til kornproduktion. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2002 (263), p. 9.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Fangafgrøder i sædskiftet øger udbyttet i vårsæd. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2001 (238).

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Planteavl uden kløvergræs mulig. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2001 (238), p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2001) Udbytter i sædskifter til økologisk kornproduktion. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, 2001 (2), pp. 12-13.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Danske forskere tester sædskifter. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2000 (215), p. 14.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Økologisk vinterhvede kan lykkes på god jord. Landsbladet Mark, 2000 (8), p. 26.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2003) Vælg det rigtige tidspunkt til nedpløjning af efterafgrøden. Agrologisk Tidsskrift Marken, 2003, 21 (3), pp. 26-27.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2020) Efterafgrøder er undervurderede i økologisk planteavl. Økologisk Landbrug, 28 February 2020, 653, p. 25.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Gode perspektiver for rækkedyrkning i økologisk planteavl. Økologi og Erhverv, 31 August 2018, 636, p. 26.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2017) Rækkedyrkning giver nye muligheder i planteavlen. Økologi & Erhverv, 2017 (619), p. 14.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Sørensen, Peter (2016) Kvælstofudvaskningen fra økologisk planteavl kan reduceres. [Nitrate leaching from organic arable farming can be reduced.] Økologi & Erhverv, 2016, 591, p. 8.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2013) Hvordan kan udvaskningen og belastningen af vandmiljøet yderligere reduceres? Agrologisk, 9 August 2013, pp. 6-8.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2013) Kvælstofudvaskning. Økologi og Erhverv, 2013, 33 (529), p. 17.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2013) Organisk gødning udnyttes for dårligt. Økologi og Erhverv, 2013, 33 (527), p. 21.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2012) Økologisk planteavl kan lagre kulstof. Økologi & Erhverv, 24 August 2012 (505), p. 17.

Oudshoorn, Frank (2021) Sådan påvirker afgasset gødning klimaaftrykket. [How biogas digestate can affect climate load.] Økologi - Inspiration til jordbruget, 1 October 2021, Okt. (2021), p. 16.

Petersen, Søren O. (2009) Kvælstofdynamik i økologiske sædskifter. Økologisk Jordbrug, February 2009, p. 12.

Petersen, Søren O.; Schjønning, P. and Ambus, Per (2011) Afgrøderester og sædskifte har stor betydning for udledning af lattergas. Landbrugsavisen, 1 April 2011, p. 16.

Petersen, Søren O. and Sørensen, Peter (2014) Klimaeffekten af mobil grøngødning. [Climate impact of mobile green manures.] ICROFS nyt, February 2014 (1), pp. 5-7.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2006) Rodukrudt i sædskifteforsøg. [Perennial weeds in organic crop rotation experiments.] Økologisk Jordbrug, June 2006 (364), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2005) Økologi med alle midler. Økologisk Jordbrug, November 2005 (348), p. 12.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2004) Svært at holde kvikken i skak. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2004, 24 (311), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2003) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - hvad sker der med jordens pulje af ukrudtsfrø på de økologiske forsøgsmarker. Økologisk Jordbrug, May 2003, 23 (289), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2002) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - effekten af økologisk sædskifte begynder at vise sig. Økologisk Jordbrug, September 2002, 22 (271), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2002) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - Kløvergræsset i Jyndevad har været et smertensbarn. Økologisk Jordbrug, May 2002, 22 (264), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2001) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - alle forsøgsparceller er høstet. Økologisk Jordbrug, October 2001, 21 (249), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2001) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - aktiviteter i marken lige nu. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2001, 21 (239), p. 6.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2000) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg. Økologisk Jordbrug, August 2000, 20 (221), p. 8.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2000) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - Vintersæden har overvintret rimeligt. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2000, 20 (215), p. 8.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (1999) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - Lige nu i marken. Økologisk Jordbrug, September 1999, 19 (200), p. 8.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (1999) Nyt fra de økologiske sædskifteforsøg - Lige nu i marken. Økologisk Jordbrug, May 1999, 19 (194), p. 10.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Sædskifteforsøg skal give nye svar. [Crop rotation experiments expected to give new answers.] Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2006 (359), p. 9.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Sædskifteforsøg skifter retning. [Change of direction in crop rotation experiments.] Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2006 (359), pp. 8-9.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2002) Problemer med rodukrudt. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2002, 22 (263), p. 8.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2001) Nye og bedre sædskifter. Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2001, 21 (238), p. 9.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Melander, Bo (2005) Balance i ukrudtsbestanden. Mark, November 2005 (11), p. 31.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Melander, Bo (2001) Ukrudtsbekæmpelse i økologisk dyrket vintersæd: resultater og erfaringer. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden, November 2001 (6), pp. 9-11.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Rasmussen, Jesper (2000) Beskidte rækkeafgrøder giver ukrudt i kornet. Økologisk Jordbrug, May 2000, 20 (217), p. 14.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Thomsen, Henning; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2003) Kvik volder kvaler. Økologisk Jordbrug, May 2003, 23 (288), p. 8.

Rasmussen, Jim (2020) Bælgplanters mange bidrag til klimakampen. Økologisk Landbrug, 17 November 2020, 659, p. 10.

Rasmussen, I.A. (2008) Kvik og tidsler i sædskifteforsøgene. [Elytrigia repens (Couch grass) and Cirsium arvense (Canada thistle) in the organic crop rotation experiments.] Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2008 (407), p. 12.

Schjønning, P. (2008) Undgå skadelig pakning af jorden. Økologisk Jordbrug, September 2008 (415), p. 12.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Olesen, J.E. and Greve, M.H. (2009) Effekten af økologiske driftsmetoder på ler-dispergering i kulstof-udpinte jorde. ICROFS Nyt, December 2009 (4), pp. 5-7.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Olesen, J.E. and Greve, M.H. (2009) Organic farming effects on clay dispersion in carbon-exhausted soils. ICROFS News, November 2009 (4), pp. 8-10.

Stoltenberg Hansen, Martin and Petersen, Maja Eline (2018) Rækkedyrkning fortjener at blive videreudviklet. ØKOLOGI inspiration til jordbruget, 2018 (nr. 2), pp. 9-10.

Sørensen, Peter (2013) Mobil grøngødning bør ensileres. Lanbrugsavisen, 10 May 2013 (10 maj), p. 5.

Sørensen, Peter (2012) Udbytter i økologiske sædskifter. Økologi og Erhverv, 20 April 2012, 498, p. 21.

Sørensen, Peter; Nielsen, Erling and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2012) Udbytter i langvarige økologiske planteavlssædskifter. ICROFS news, 2012 (1/2012), pp. 6-7.

Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2012) Kvælstoffikserende afgrøder kan hente 400 kg N pr. hektar. Landbrugsavisen 2. sektion 20. Juli 2012, p. 11. Landbrugsavisen, 20 July 2012, p. 11.

Theilgaard, Malene and Bertelsen, Inger (2017) Radrensning giver merudbytte i vårsæd. Magasinet Mark, March 2017, pp. 42-43.

Thi Thuy, Hong Phan and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2016) Post-harvest effect of cover crops on creeping thistle Circium arvense. ICROFS news, 4 November 2016, pp. 1-4.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2016) Rækkedyrkning af korn med efterafgrøde tegner lovende. Økologi og erhverv, January 2016, p. 8.

Working paper

Fog, Erik (2013) Faktaark om HighCrop Billedværktøj. [Fact sheet on HighCrop Picture Tool.] Working paper, Økologi, Videncentret for Landbrug .

Fog, Erik (2013) Gennemførelse af billedkonkurrence i projekt HighCrop. [Implementation of a Photo contest under the HighCrop project.] Working paper, Videncentret for Landbrug .

Holst, Niels; Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Hansen, Preben Klarskov (2012) Cirsium arvense responses to stubble cultivation and catch crops in organic cropping systems. Working paper. [Completed]

Mathiesen, Camilla and Tersbøl, Michael (2011) Supply Chain Workshop afdækkede både muligheder og barrierer. Working paper.

Melander, Bo (2012) Prototype til beslutningsstøttesystem til ukrudtsbekæmpelse i økologisk jordbrug. Working paper, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Melander, Bo (2012) Baggrundsnotat for ukrudtseffekter. Working paper, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Melander, Bo (2012) Principper for ukrudtsbekæmpelse, strategier og tiltag. Working paper, Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University . [Completed]

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2014) Simple soil carbon model for use in the HighCrop decision model. Working paper, Department of Agroecology, Aarhud University . [Completed]

Tersbøl, Michael and Petersen, Peter (2012) HighCrop-workshop viste sædskifters styrker, udfordringer og muligheder. Working paper.

Conference paper, poster, etc.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2002) Lokalitetens og dyrkningsvilkårenes betydning i økologisk planteavl. In: Corell, A.; Kjær, L.B. and Frederiksen, H.B. (Eds.) DJF rapport Markbrug, 78, pp. 67-70.

Askegaard, Margrethe; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2004) Resultater med efterafgrøder i økologiske forsøg – hvordan kan disse resultater udnyttes på økologiske og konventionelle bedrifter. Speech at: Planteproduktion 2004, Herning, 13-14 Januar.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2011) Økologiske planteavlssædskifter – erfaringer og produktivitet. [Organic crop rotations-experiences and productivity.] In: Plantekongres 2011.

Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2011) N-udvaskning fra økologiske planteavlssædskifter. [Nitrogen leaching from organic crop rotations.] In: Plantekongres 2011.

Blume, Steffen (2018) Markbesøg i demonstration, Row-Crop-forsøg i vårbyg på Økologisk Plantedag 2018. Workshop at: Økologisk Plantedag 2018, Roskilde, Denmark. [Completed]

Carter, Mette S.; Albert, Kristian R. and Ambus, Prof. Per (2009) Is organic farming a mitigation option? – A study on N2O emission from winter wheat. Poster at: International Scientific Congress on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark, 10-12 March. [Unpublished]

Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O. and Ambus, Per (2013) Effects of green manure storage and incorporation methods on greenhouse gas fluxes and N mineralization after soil application. Poster at: Greenhouse Gas Management in European Land Use Systems, Antwerp, 16-18 September 2013.

Carter, Mette S.; Sørensen, Peter; Petersen, Søren O. and Ambus, Per (2013) Nitrogen mineralization and greenhouse gas emissions after soil incorporation of ensiled and composted grass-clover as green manure. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 41-42.

Chirinda, N.; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Porter, J.R. (2011) High Root Biomass FOR cereal crops increases carbon sequestration in organic Arable systems. Paper at: 17th IFOAM Organic world congress.

De Notaris, Chiara and Sørensen, Peter (2021) Eftervirkning af kvælstof i N-fikserende efterafgrøder, nitratudvaskning og kulstofbinding. Speech at: Økologi-kongress, Vingsted Hotel og Konferencecenter, 25-26 November 2021. [Unpublished]

De Notaris, Chiara; Sørensen, Peter; Rasmussen, Jim and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) N fertilizer value of legume-based catch crops. Poster at: 20th Nitrogen workshop, Rennes, France, 24-27 June 2018. [Unpublished]

De Notaris, Chiara; Sørensen, Peter; Rasmussen, Jim and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2016) Row spacing and catch crop establishment in organic arable systems: a way to increase biological N fixation. Poster at: ESA14, Edinburgh, 5-9 September 2016.

Doltra, Jordi; Ølsen, Jørgen E. and Lægdsmand, Mette (2009) SIMULATING WINTER WHEAT YIELD AND NITROGEN LEACHING FROM ORGANIC AND CONVENTIONAL CROP ROTATIONS. In: Grignani, C.; Acutis, M.; Zavattaro, L.; Bechini, L.; Bertora, C.; Marino Gallina, P. and Sacco, D. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 16th Nitrogen Workshop: Connecting different scales of nitrogen use in agriculture, Università degli Studi di Torino; Università degli Studi di Milano, Turin, (Italy), pp. 519-520.

Fog, Erik; Højholdt, Michael and Møller, Henrik B. (2021) Produktion og anvendelse af ClimOptic specialgødninger fra biogasanlæg. [Production and use of ClimOptic special fertilizers from biogas plants.] Workshop at: Workshop om produktion og anvendelse af ClimOptic specialgødninger fra biogasanlæg, Online, 20-12-2021.

Fog, Erik (2019) Bedre udbytter i økologisk planteavl med designergødninger og græs til protein. [Better yields in organic plant production with designer fertilizers and grass for protein.] Speech at: Økologimøde KHL, 03-12-2019.

Fog, Erik (2013) HighCrop billedværktøj – vejen til mindre ukrudt og bedre udbytter. [HighCrop Picture Planning Tool - the road to less weeds and better yield.] Speech at: Temadag om ukrudtskontrol i økologisk landbrug, 4. oktober 2013. [Unpublished]

Fog, Erik; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Noe, Egon; Sørensen, Peter and Melander, Bo (2013) Picture card tool for holistic planning in organic plant production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, 9 (3), NJF Report, pp. 153-154.

Grundy, A.C.; Peters, N.C.B.; Rasmussen, I.A.; Hartmann, K.A.; Sattin, M.; Andersson, L.; Mead, A.; Murdoch, A.J. and Forcella, F. (2002) Emergence of Chenopodium album and Stellaria media under different climatic conditions. In: Bastiaans, L.; Baumann, D.T.; Christensen, S.; Hatcher, P.E.; Kudsk, P.; Grundy, A.C.; Marshall, E.J.P.; Streibig, J.C. and Tei, F. (Eds.) Proceedings: 12th EWRS Symposium, EWRS Bookstore, Postbus 28, NL-6865 ZG Doorwerth, The Netherlands, pp. 264-265.

Holst, N.; Rasmussen, I.A. and Bastiaans, L. (2005) Field weed population models: a review of approaches and application domains. In: Bàrberi, P.; Bastiaans, L.; Christensen, S.; Fernandez-Quintanilla, C.; Froud-Williams, B.; Grundy, A.; Hatcher, P.; Kudsk, P.; Marshall, J.; Melander, B.; Quadranti, M.; Tei, F.; Thompson, A. and Vurro, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2005, European Weed Research Society (EWRS), pp. 1-2.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2021) Vejen til det bæredygtige robuste landbrug – fokus på metoder. [Towards the sustainable and resilient agriculture - focusing on methods.] In: Økologikongres 21. Fremtidens robuste løsning, Tjele.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) Livscyklusvurderinger og zero emission agriculture. [Life cycle assessment and zero emission agriculture.] Speech at: Zero Emission Agriculture Workshop, AU Foulum, 8. januar 2020.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2019) Life cycle assessment and soil carbon. Speech at: World Soil Day, AU Foulum, Denmark, 5. december 2019.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Hermansen, John E. and Meyer-Aurich, Andreas (2011) Livscyklusvurdering af økologiske og konventionelle planteavlssædskifter - fokus på drivhusgasemissioner. [Life cycle assessment of organic and conventional arable crop rotations - focusing on greenhouse gas emissions.] Speech at: Faglige følgegruppemøder med Fødevareministeriet, Aarhus University, 5.-6. September 2011. [Completed]

Loges, Ralf; Kaske, A. and Taube, F. (1999) Dinitrogen fixation and residue nitrogen of different managed legumes and nitrogen uptake of subsequent winter wheat [N2-Fixierung und residualer Stickstoff verschiedener Futterleguminosen sowie N-Aufnahme der Folgefrucht Winterweizen.]. In: Olesen, J.E.; Eltun, R.; Gooding, M.J.; Jensen, E.S. and Köpke, U. (Eds.) Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming, DARCOF Report, no. 1, pp. 181-190.

Madsen, H.K.; Bertelsen, I. and Askegaard, M. (2013) Post-harvest sown catch crops – results from two years of organic field trials. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 113-114.

Madsen, K.H.; Askegaard, M. and Bertelsen, I. (2013) Blandsæd, højere udbytter i vårbyg og efterafgrøder. In: Sammendrag af indlæg på Plantekongres 2013, pp. 90-91.

Madsen, K.H.; Bertelsen, I. and Askegaard, M. (2014) Fertilizer placement and competitive ability of spring barley varieties - Results from two years of organic field trials. In: Cloutier, D.C. (Ed.) Abstracts 10th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control.

Melander, Bo (2022) Weed dynamics in the Danish long-term experiments on organic arable crop rotation systems. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse A and Bertelsen, Inger (2005) Integration of Elymus repens control and post-harvest catch crop growing in organic cropping systems. Paper at: 13th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19 - 23 June 2005. [Unpublished]

Melander, Bo (2017) Stål mod ukrudt i vårsæd –er det nødvendigt og er det nok? Speech at: Økologisk Inspirationsdag, VKST, Sorø, 15. november 2017.

Melander, Bo (2017) Radrensning i korn – resultater med vårbyg og vårhvede. Speech at: Markdag, Stenalt Gods, Randers, 21. september 2017.

Melander, Bo (2017) Intra-row weeds surviving inter-row cultivation in organic spring cereals - do they harm the crop and how can they be suppressed? In: Physical and cultural weed control tools as moderators of crop weed interactions, p. 6.

Melander, Bo (2014) PHYSICAL AND CULTURAL WEED CONTROL – STATUS AND FUTURE DIRECTIONS. Keynote presentation at: XXIX Brazilian Weed Science Conference, 1-4 September 2014, Gramado, Brazil , Gramado, Brazil, 2-4 September 2014.

Melander, Bo (2013) Resultater med bekæmpelse af tidsler og blandede rodukrudstbestande. Speech at: Temadag om rodukrudt, Nilles Kro, 4 October 2013. [Completed]

Melander, Bo (2013) Kan ukrudtet styres, når ploven parkeres? In: Plantekongres 2013.

Melander, Bo; Green, Ole and Znova, Liubava (2016) Optimization of Inter-Row Spacing and Nitrogen Rate for the application of Vision Guided Inter-Row Weeding in Organic Spring Cereals. In: 56th Annual Meeting of the Weed Science Society of America .

Melander, Bo and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) The dynamics of Cirsium arvense and Elytrigia repens in long-termed organic crop rotation experiments. In: 10th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 33.

Melander, Bo and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2014) The suppression of Cirsium arvense and Elytrigia repens exerted by competitive crops plays a key role for their management in organic cropping systems. In: NJF seminar 471.

Melander, Bo; Znova, Liubava and Green, Ole (2018) Inter-row hoeing for weed control in organic spring cereals. Paper at: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Ljubljana, 17-21 June 2018.

Møller, HB (2020) Hvad kan biogasanlæggene gøre for at sikre en optimal gødningsproduktion? Speech at: HM Møller, 29/10-2020.

Møller, Henrik B. (2019) Recirkulering af næringsstoffer via biogasanlægget. Speech at: Økologikongres 2019, Vingstedcenteret, 20-21. November 2019.

Noe, E.; Sørensen, P.; Melander, B.; Olesen, J.E. and Fog, E. (2013) Barriers for developing more robust organic arable farming systems in practice. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 151-152.

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences. In the perspectives of multidisiplinarity. Paper at: AGROECOLOGY AND LAW: A TRANSDISCIPLINARY DIALOGUE, Lecca, Italy, NOVEMBER 15-16, 2013. [Completed]

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2013) Agroecology and Social Sciences Regulation of Agroecosystems. Agroecology and Law: A Transdisciplinary Dialogue, Lecce, Italy, November 15-16, 2013. [Completed]

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2022) A cropping systems perspective on the Danish organic arable LTE. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2009) Dyrkningssystemernes effekt på produktion og miljø. Paper at: 1st Nordic Organic Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 18-20 May 2009.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Askegaard, Margrethe (2003) Nitrate leaching from arable crop rotations in organic farming. Paper at: 12th N workshop, Exeter, Devon, UK, 21-24 September, 2003. [Unpublished]

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Berntsen, Jørgen (2004) Nitrate leaching from arable crop rotations in organic farming. In: Hatch, D.J.; Chadwick, D.R.; Jarvis, S.C. and Roker, J.A. (Eds.) Controlling nitrogen flows and losses, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp. 389-396.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2008) Sædskiftets og gødskningens betydning for udbytte i vårbyg. In: Strand, Einar (Ed.) Plantemøtet 2008, Bioforsk Fokus, no. 3 (1), pp. 80-81.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2006) Kløvergræs som omdrejningspunkt. [Grass-clover as the key issue.] In: Sammendrag af indlæg Plantekongres 2006, Danmarks JordbrugsForskning and Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, pp. 218-219.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2005) Learning from a long-term crop rotation experiment. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), 1 (1), pp. 91-94.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2003) Crop production and N leaching in arable organic farming. Paper at: NJF's 22nd Congress "Nordic Agriculture in Global Perspective", Turku, Finland.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2002) Økologisk planteavl uden husdyr. [Organic crop production without animals.] Paper at: Næringsstofforsyning i økologiske dyrkningssystem med lite husdyrgjødsel, Honne, Norge.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2002) Sædskiftets indre dynamik i økologisk planteavl. In: Corell, A.; Kjær, L.B. and Frederiksen, H.B. (Eds.) Djf rapport Markbrug, 78, pp. 71-74.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2000) Crop production during the first course of an organic crop rotation trial in Denmark. In: Cook, S.K.; Cormack, W.F.; Green, M.; Holland, J.M.; Leake, A.R. and Welsh, J.P. (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology, The association of applied biologists, 62, pp. 187-195.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær (2000) Udnyttelse af husdyrgødning i sædskifter til økologisk planteavl. In: Sommer, Sven G. and Eriksen, Jørgen (Eds.) FØJO rapport, FØJO, 7, pp. 75-82.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankær and Askegaard, Margrethe (2000) Crop rotations for grain production. In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, p. 145.

Olesen, J.E. (2011) HighCrop. Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16. november 2011. [Completed]

Olesen, J.E.; Askegaard, M.; Rasmussen, I.A. and Kristensen, K. (2011) Crop rotation and crop management effects on cereal yields in arable organic farming in Denmark. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, John; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow. Organic Crop Production. Proceedings of the Third Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research, 1, pp. 280-283.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Askegaard, Margrethe (2011) Økologiske planteavlssædskifter – jordfrugtbarhed og miljø. In: Plantekongres 2011: Sammendrag af indlæg, Aarhus Universitet, Videncentret for Landbrug, pp. 112-114.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Askegaard, Margrethe (2008) Nitrogen use efficiency of cereals in arable organic farming. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Alföldi, Thomas; Lockeretz, William; Thommen, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ilse A; Hermansen, John; Vaarst, Mette; Lueck, Lorna; Caporali, Fabio; Jensen, Henning Hogh; Migliorini, Paola and Willer, Helga (Eds.) Cultivating the future based on science. Volume 1. Organic Crop production, 1, pp. 316-319.

Olesen, Jørgen E. and Sørensen, P. (2013) Estimating nitrogen supply and cereal crop yield in organic crop production. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 121-122.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Sørensen, Peter; Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Theilgaard, Malene (2017) RowCrop workshop. Workshop at: Økologikongressen 2017, 30. november 2017. [Completed]

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2014) Kvælstofforsyningen på økologiske planteavlsbedrifter. In: Plantekongres 2014: Sammendrag af indlæg, Aarhus Universitet, Københavns Universitet, Videncentret for Landbrug, pp. 288-290.

Petersen, Søren O. (2011) Nitrous oxide emissions from arable soil: Effects of crop rotation, tillage and manure management. Keynote presentation at: ASA Meetings, San Antonio,TX, 16-19 October 2011.

Petersen, Søren O. (2009) Flow of nutrients and climate relevant gases in experimental rotations on three soil types. Workshop at: Regulation of soil organic matter and nutrient turnover in agriculture, Witzenhausen, Germany, November 12th to 13th, 2009.

Phan, Hong TT and Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (2018) Upward N redistribution - Postharvest effect of cover crops on creeping thistle (Cirsium arvense). Conference abstract at: 18th European Weed Research Society Symposium, Slovenia, 17-21 June 2018.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Perennial weed control and nitrogen leaching in long-term organic crop rotation experiments for cereal production. In: Melander, B.; Cloutier, D. and Gerowitt, B. (Eds.) Proceedings 7th EWRS sorkshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 133.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2007) Perennial weeds in organic arable farming – challenges & dilemmas. In: Lund, M.; Larsen, T.U.; Thøgersen, J.O.; Christensen, S.; Børsting, C.; Plauborg, F.; Munkholm, L.J.; Olesen, J.E.; Callesen, O.; Askegaard, M.; Hansen, J.G. and Hvelplund, T. (Eds.) NJF Report, 3 (2), pp. 316-317.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2005) Development of weeds in organic crop rotation experiments. In: Bàrberi, P.; Bastiaans, L.; Christensen, S.; Fernandez-Quintanilla, C.; Froud-Williams, B.; Grundy, A.; Hatcher, P.; Kudsk, P.; Marshall, J.; Melander, B.; Quadranti, M.; Tei, F.; Thompson, A. and Vurro, M. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th EWRS Symposium, Bari, Italy, 19-23 June 2005, European Weed Research Society (EWRS), pp. 1-2.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2005) Long-term organic crop rotation experiments for cereal production - perennial weed control and nitrogen leaching. In: Köpke, U.; Niggli, U.; Neuhoff, D.; Cornish, P.; Lockeretz, W. and Willer, H. (Eds.) Researching Sustainable Systems: Proceedings of the First Scientific Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), pp. 227-230.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Askegaard, M. and Olesen, J.E. (2005) Management of perennial weeds and nitrogen leaching in arable cropping systems. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists (NJF), 1 (1), pp. 153-156.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Bastiaans, L.; Holst, N.; Grundy, A. and Melander, B. (2007) 'All models are wrong - but some are useful' - a report from an EWRS workshop on modelling weed population dynamics. In: Bàrberi, P.; Bastiaans, L; Bohren, C.; Christensen, S.; Gerowitt, B.; Grundy, A.; Hatcher, P.; Kudsk, P.; Melander, B.; Rubin, B.; Streibig, J.; Tei, F.; Thompson, A. and Vurro, M. (Eds.) 14th EWRS Symposium 17-21 June 2007 Hamar Norway, p. 116.

Rasmussen, I.A.; Bastiaans, L.; Holst, N.; Grundy, A. and Melander, B. (2007) Report from an EWRS workshop on modelling weed population dynamics. In: Melander, B.; Cloutier, D. and Gerowitt, B. (Eds.) Proceedings 7th EWRS workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, p. 174.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2006) Følfod og agertidsel. Speech at: Temadag om Sædskifte og Rodukrudt, Den økologiske Landbrugsskole, Kalø, 23. november 2005.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2006) Perennial weeds in a crop rotation perspective. Speech at: Ecological Agriculture course at KVL, Research Centre Flakkebjerg, 2 March 2006.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2006) Ukrudtsbekæmpelse i økologisk jordbrug. Speech at: Beder Gartnerskole, Forskningscenter Flakkebjerg, 28 Februar 2006.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Organic crop rotation experiments - short-term versus longer-term results. Paper at: Joint Organic Congress, Odense, Denmark, May 30-31, 2006.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2003) Konsekvenser af at nedsætte input af næringsstoffer på bedriften. Speech at: Konventionel husdyrgødning i det økologiske sædskifte, Den økologiske Landbrugsskole, Kalø, 25. sept. 2003.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Weed control in organic crop rotation experiments for grain production. In: Alföldi, T.; Lockeretz, W. and Niggli, U. (Eds.) Proceedings 13th International IFOAM Scientific Conference, vdf Hochschulverlag AG an der ETH Zürich, p. 182.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Plant protection in an organic crop rotation experiment for grain production. In: Olesen, Jørgen E.; Eltun, Ragnar; Gooding, Mike J.; Jensen, Erik Steen and Köpke, Ulrich (Eds.) DARCOF report no. 1: Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming. Proceedings from an international workshop, Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming, pp. 321-330.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Weed control in organic crop rotations for grain production. In: Kropff, M.J.; Gut, D.; Streibig, J.C. and Baumann, D.T. (Eds.) Proceedings 11th EWRS Symposium, European Weed Research Society, p. 98.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Holst, Niels (2004) Computer model for simulating the long-term dynamics of annual weeds. In: Cloutier, Daniel C. and Ascard, Johan (Eds.) Proceedings of the 6th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, CD-ROM, Europeon Weed Reserach Society, p. 69.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Holst, Niels and Madsen, Kathrine Hauge (2003) Modeling the effect of management strategies on the seed bank dynamics of volunteer oilseed rape. In: Boelt, Birte (Ed.) Proceedings of the 1st European Conference on the Co-existence of Genetically Modified Crops with Conventional and Organic Crops, Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences, pp. 184-186.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Melander, Bo; Hansen, Preben Klarskov and Holst, Niels (2004) Langsigtet balance i ukrudtsbestanden. [Long-Term balance in the weed population.] In: Seminar om Planteværn 2004, Landbrugsafgrøder, Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, Landcentret, Planteavl, pp. 12-15.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Karsten; Jensen, Rikke K.; Hansen, Preben K.; Rasmussen, Gitte; Christensen, Svend and Rasmussen, Jesper (2000) Recent advances in weed management in cereals in Denmark. Paper at: 13th IFOAM Scientific Conference, Basel, Switzerland, 28 to 31 August 2000.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Thomsen, Henning C.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) Den langsigtede effekt af kløvergræsgrøngødning og efterafgrøder på udviklingen af kvik og tidsler. In: Jespersen, Jørgen B. and Pedersen, Carl Åge (Eds.) Sammendrag af indlæg Plantekongres 2006, Danmarks JordbrugsForskning og Dansk Landbrugsrådgivning, pp. 358-359.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Thomsen, Henning C. and Melander, Bo (2004) Erfaringer med kvikbekæmpelse på Jyndevad Forsøgsstation. In: Sørensen, Henning Laen (Ed.) Månedsmagasinet Mark, Dansk Landbrugs Medier (1).

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Sønderskov, Mette; Damgaard, Christian and Kristensen, Kristian (2009) Effect of Elymus repens on yield of winter wheat, spring barley and faba bean in an organic crop rotation experiment. In: Cloutier, D.C. (Ed.) Proceedings 8th EWRS Workshop on Physical and Cultural Weed Control, Zaragoza, Spain, p. 129.

Schjønning, P. (2007) The role of soil science in optimization of soil resource management. Speech at: NJF's 23rd Congress: Trends and Perspectives in Agriculture, Copenhagen, June 26-29 2007.

Schjønning, P.; de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P.; Christensen, B.T. and Olesen, J.E. (2010) Searching the critical soil organic carbon threshold for satisfactory tilth conditions – test of the Dexter clay:carbon hypothesis. [På jagt efter et nedre, kritisk indhold af organisk stof i jord - test af Dexter's ler:kulstof hypotese.] In: de Jonge, L.W.; Moldrup, P. and Vendelboe, A.L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 1st international conference and exploratory workshop on soil architecture and physico-chemical functions "Cesar", Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 341-346.

Sørensen, Peter (2022) Nutrient cycling in the Danish long-term experiment with arable cropping -examples. Speech at: Studies of agroecology in long-term organic and conventional cropping systems, Aarhus University, Research Center Foulum,Tjele, Denmark, 7-8 June 2022. [Completed]

Sørensen, Peter (2014) Gødningsvirkning og håndtering af mobil grøngødning. In: Sammendrag af indlæg Plantekongres 2014 14.-15. januar i Herning Kongrescenter, pp. 292-293.

Sørensen, Peter; Khan, A R; Møller, Henrik B. and Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag (2012) Effects of anaerobic digestion of organic manures on N turnover and N utilization. In: Richards, K.G.; Fenton, O. and Watson, C.J. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 17th Nitrogen Workshop –Innovations for sustainable use of nitrogen resources., pp. 80-81.

Sørensen, Peter; Kristensen, E.; Odokonyero, K. and Petersen, S.O. (2013) Utilization of nitrogen in legume-based mobile green manures stored as compost or silage. In: Løes, Anne-Kristin; Askegaard, Margrethe; Langer, Vibeke; Partanen, Kirsi; Pehme, Sirli; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Salomon, Eva; Sørensen, Peter; Ullvén, Karin and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) Organic farming systems as a driver for change, NJF Report, no. 9 (3), pp. 157-158.

Sørensen, Peter; Mejnertsen, Peter and Møller, Henrik B. (2011) Nitrogen fertilizer value of digestates from anaerobic digestion of animal manures and crops. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 7 (8), NJF seminar, no. 443, pp. 42-44.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian (1999) An organic vegetable crop rotation aimed at self-sufficiency in nitrogen. In: Olesen, J.E.; Eltun, R.; Goulding, M.J.; Jensen, E.S. and Köpke, U. (Eds.) Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming, DARCOF (1), DARCOF report, no. 1, pp. 133-140.

Thorup-Kristensen, Kristian and Thi Thuy, Hong Phan (2017) Arter af efterafgrøder og deres egnethed til rækkedyrkning. Speech at: Økologikongres 2017, Kolding, 29. - 30. november 2017. [Unpublished]


Olesen, Jørgen E.; Eltun, Ragnar; Gooding, Mike J.; Jensen, Erik Steen and Köpke, Ulrik (Eds.) (1999) Designing and testing crop rotations for organic farming. Proceedings from an international workshop. DARCOF Report, no. 1. Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming .

Djurhuus, Jørgen and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2000) Characterisation of four sites in Denmark for long-term experiments on crop rotations in organic farming. DIAS report, no. 33. Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences .

Fog, Erik (2020) ClimOptic-gødninger Økologiske landmænds vurderinger af praktisk værdi, barrierer for anvendelse og forenelighed med de økologiske principper. Del 1. [ClimOptic-fertilizers Organic farmers evaluation of practical value, barriers for use and compatibility with the organic principles. Part 1.] SEGES , ØkologiInnovation, LandbrugsInfo.

Fog, Erik (2013) HighCrop – billedredskab. Rapport om afprøvning af redskabet. [HighCrop Picture Planning Tool. Report on testing.] Videncentret for Landbrug , Økologi, www.LandbrugsInfo.dk.

Fog, Erik and Flensborg, Ingelise (2012) Rapport om afprøvning af billedbaseret rådgivningsredskab til rådgivning om økologisk planteproduktion. [Report on testing of a picture based tool for advising in organic crop production.] Knowledge Centre for Agriculture , Organic Farming.

Højholdt, Michael (2021) Økonomiberegninger ClimOptic - Systemets værdi for landmanden. [Economy calculations ClimOptic - The systems value for the farmer.] SEGES , Business economy.

Knudsen, Marie Trydeman (2020) System description for climate optimized fertilization. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Noe, Egon; Sørensen, Peter; Melander, Bo; Olesen, Jørgen E.; Hermansen, Sven; Bertelsen, Inger and Fog, Erik (2012) Muligheder og barrierer for implementering af principper for robuste og højtydende planteavlssædskifter i praksis – Grundlagsrapport for barrierer undersøgelsen. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Olesen, J.E. (2014) Slutrapport HighCrop: Højere produktivitet i dansk økologisk planteproduktion. Aarhus University , Institut for Agroøkologi.

Olesen, Jørgen E.; Sørensen, Peter; Melander, Bo; Bertelsen, Inger and Nielsen, Erling (2018) RowCrop workshop til Store Markdag 2017. .

Oudshoorn, Frank (2020) SEGES rapport. [Climate effects using ammonia enriched fertilizers in organic plant production.] SEGES , Organic Innovation, LandbrugsInfo.

Petersen, Maja Eline and Bertelsen, Inger (2018) Faktaark RowCrop. .

Rasmussen, Jim (2021) Lessons learned from 23 years of cover cropping. Internal report, Viborg.

Schjønning, P.; Heckrath, G. and Christensen, B.T. (2009) Threats to soil quality in Denmark - A review of existing knowledge in the context of the EU Soil Thematic Strategy. [Trusler mod jordkvalitet i Danmark - En gennemgang af eksisterende viden set i lyset af EU's tematiske jordstrategi.] DJF Report Plant Science, no. 143. Aarhus University, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences, Research Centre Foulum, Tjele, Denmark.

Sørensen, Peter; De Notaris, Chiara; Hansen, E.M.; Thomsen, Ingrid Kaag and Rasmussen, Jim (2020) Flerårigt sædskifte med tætning som alternativ til pligtige efterafgrøder. Aarhus Universitet , Agroøkologi.

Report chapter

Bertelsen, Inger (2016) Vårsæd dyrkning. In: Oversigt over landsforsøgene - økologisk dyrkning. SEGES P/S, Aarhus C, Denmark, pp. 269-271.

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2015) HighCrop - Redskaber til højere produktivitet i marken. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 26-29.

Olesen, Jørgen Eivind (2010) Fødevarernes andel af klimabelastningen. In: Vores mad og det globale klima – Etik til en varmere klode. Det Etiske Råd, Copenhagen, pp. 21-32.

Olsen, Lars Egelund; Bertelsen, Inger; Mariegaard Pedersen, Tove; Pødenphant, Lars; Thomsen, Darran Andrew; Askegaard, Margrethe and Oudshoorn, Frank (2016) Økologisk dyrkning. [Organic culture.] In: Oversigten over Landsforsøgene 2016. SEGES .

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (1999) Ukrudt i økologiske kornsædskifteforsøg. In: 16. Danske Planteværnskonference, Plantebeskyttelse i økologisk jordbrug, Sygdomme og skadedyr. DJF-rapport, Markbrug, no. 10. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, pp. 17-28.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Karsten and Rasmussen, Jesper (1997) Regulering af ukrudt. In: Kristensen, Erik Steen (Ed.) Økologisk Planteproduktion. SP rapport, no. 15. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, chapter 5, pp. 63-86.

Book chapter

Madsen, Kathrine H. (2012) Økologisk dyrkning. [Organic farming.] In: Petersen, Jon B. (Ed.) Oversigt over landsforsøgene 2012. 2012 edition. Oversigt over landsforsøgene, no. 2012. Videncentret for Landbrug, Oversigt over landsforsøgene, pp. 307-330.

Melander, Bo; Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær; Holst, Niels and Bertelsen, Inger (2004) Ikke-kemisk ukrudtsbekæmpelse - mekanisk og termisk. In: Ukrudtsbogen. Danmarks JordbrugsForskning, chapter 4, pp. 207-226.

Melander, Bo; Liebman, Matt; Davis, Adam. S.; Gallandt, Eric; Barberi, Paolo; Moonen, Anna-Camilla; Rasmussen, Jesper; van der Weide, Rommie and Vídotto, Francesco (2017) Non-Chemical Weed Management. In: Hatcher, P.E. and Froud-Williams, Robert J. (Eds.) Weed research Expanding Horizons. Wiley, UK, pp. 245-270.

Olesen, J.E.; Sørensen, P.; Thomsen, I.K.; Eriksen, J.; Thomsen, A.G. and Berntsen, J. (2004) Integrated nitrogen input systems in Denmark. In: Mosier, A.R.; Syers, J.K. and Freney, J.R. (Eds.) Agriculture and the nitrogen cycle: assessing the impacts of fertilizer use on food production and the environment. SCOPE, no. 65. Island Press, , chapter 9, pp. 129-140.

Olsen, Lars Egelund; Thomsen, Darran Andrew; Bertelsen, Inger; Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard; Madsen, Katrine Hauge and Askegaard, Margrethe (2015) Økologisk dyrkning. In: Oversigt over landsforsøgene 2015. SEGES P/S, Agro Food Park 15, 8200 Aarhus N, Danmark, pp. 261-281.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2004) Weed management in organic cropping systems. In: Goodman, Robert M. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Plant and Crop Science. Marcel Dekker Inc., pp. 1-4.

Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Askegaard, Margrethe and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2006) The Danish organic crop rotation experiment for cereal production 1997-2004. In: Raupp, J.; Pekrun, C.; Oltmanns, M. and Köpke, U. (Eds.) Long-term Field Experiments in Organic Farming. ISOFAR (International Society of Organic Agriculture Research) Scientific Series. Verlag Dr. Köster, pp. 117-134.


Boesen, Ninna Rieper (2015) Termination of cover crops with reduced tillage methods in organic agriculture. Thesis, University of Copenhagen , Dept. Plant and Environmental Sciences. .

Chirinda, N. (2010) Influence of cropping systems on greenhouse gas emissions. PhD thesis, Copenhagen University . .

Hu, Teng (2018) Soil carbon balances and stock changes under different cropping and management systems. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. .

Li, Xiaoxi (2015) Legume-based catch crops for ecological intensification in organic farming. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Agroecology. .

Phan, Hong TT (2019) An organic cereal row cropping system − A combination of relay undersown cover crop and inter-row hoeing for a balanced Nitrogen and weed management. PhD thesis, Copenhagen University , Department of Plant and Environmental Sciences. , Denmark. [Submitted]

Wacker, Tomke Susanne (2017) Competitive Nitrogen Uptake of Creeping Thistle (C. arvense) and Spring Barley from different soil depths. Masters thesis, University of Copenhagen , Plant and Environmental Sciences. .

Project description

{Project} HighCrop: Higher productivity in Danish arable crop production. [Højere produktivet i dansk økologisk planteproduktion.] Runs 2011 - 2013. Project Leader(s): Olesen, Jørgen E..

{Project} HighCrop: Højere produktivitet i dansk økologisk planteproduktion. Runs 2011 - 2012. Project Leader(s): Olesen, Jørgen Eivind.

Data set

De Notaris, Chiara; Jensen, Johannes L.; Olesen, Jørgen E.; da Silva, Tiago Stumpf; Rasmussen, Jim; Panagea, Ioanna and Rubæk, Gitte H. (2021) Long-term soil quality effects of soil and crop management in organic and conventional arable cropping systems. .

Teaching resource

Blume, Steffen (2018) Radrensning eller bredsåning? RowCrop. .

Blume, Steffen (2016) Det nyeste inden for rækkedyrkning. .

Blume, Steffen (2015) Erfaringer og nye trends i rækkedyrkning. .

Blume, Steffen (2014) Rækkedyrkning og grøngødninger - et godt match. .

Fog, Erik (2021) Designer-gylle målrettet økologer - erfaringer fra ClimOptic-projektet. [Design slurry for organic farming - experiences from the ClimOptic project.] SEGES , Organic Innovation.

Fog, Erik (2020) Få optimeret gødning fra biogasanlæg. [Get optimized fertilizer from biogas plants.] .

Melander, Bo (2015) Økologiske Feltdage, 8-9 juni, 2015 Nyt dyrkningssystem med øget rækkeafstand i kornafgrøder. .

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2020) Organic farming as a climate solution? [Er økologisk jordbrug en klimavenlig løsning?] Aarhus University.

Web product

Bertelsen, Inger and Rasmussen, Ilse A. (2004) Ukrudtets udvikling i de økologiske sædskifteforsøg. [Development in weed infestation in organic trials with crop rotations.] . Online at http://www.lr.dk/planteavl/diverse/oekovaerk_ukrudtets_udvikl.htm.

Bertelsen, Inger (2016) RowCrop forsøgsaktiviteter 2016. , www.nfts.dk.

De Notaris, Chiara; Rasmussen, Jim; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Legume-based cover crops benefit crop yield and reduce nitrate leaching. .

Fog, Erik (2020) Kan nye gødningstyper forbedre økologiens klimaprofil? [Are new types of fertilizers able to improve organic farmings climate profile?] SEGES, SEGES Økologi - Facebook. Online at https://www.facebook.com/segesokologi/posts/3068509876594490, accessed on: 25 September 2020.

Hermansen, Sven and Sørensen, Peter (2023) Efterafgrøder i økologiske planteavlsædskifter. ICOEL, Web-page. Online at https://icoel.dk/media/ob1hlq4e/artikel.pdf, accessed on: 23 March 2023.

Hu, Teng; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Larger root biomass in organic than conventional farming systems. , ICROFS News. Online at http://icrofs.dk/en/aktuelt/nyheder/viewnews/artikel/larger-root-biomass-in-organic-than-conventional-farming-systems/, accessed on: 8 April 2018.

Hu, Teng; Sørensen, Peter and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2018) Soil organic carbon change in arable farming under organic and conventional management. . Online at http://icrofs.dk/en/aktuelt/nyheder/viewnews/artikel/soil-organic-carbon-change-in-arable-farming-under-organic-and-conventional-management/, accessed on: 9 April 2018.

Li, X.; Sørensen, P.; Petersen, S.O. and Olesen, J.E. (2015) Legume-based catch crops inprove N-supply without increasing the N2O emission. ICROFS. Online at http://icrofs.dk/en/aktuelt/nyheder/viewnews/artikel/legume-based-catch-crops-can-improve-n-supply-without-increasing-the-n2o-emission/, accessed on: 15 June 2015.

Mejnertsen, Peter (2014) Planlæg det økologiske sædskifte med ØkoMark. Peter Mejnertsen, LandbrugsInfo. Online at https://www.landbrugsinfo.dk/oekologi/planteavl/sider/Planlaeg_oekosaedskifte_OekoMark.aspx#, accessed on: 13 June 2014.

Oudshoorn, Frank (2017) Erfaringer med ukrudtsbekæmpelse hos økologiske planteavlere. . Online at https://www.landbrugsinfo.dk/Oekologi/Planteavl/Jordbearbejdning/Sider/Oe-17-3811-Erfaringer-med-ukrudtsbekaempelse-hos-oeokologisk-planteavlere.aspx, accessed on: 2017.

Pandey, Arjun and Olesen, Jørgen E. (2016) Greater biological N fixation requires good management. ICROFS. Online at http://icrofs.dk/en/aktuelt/nyheder/viewnews/artikel/greater-biological-n-fixation-requires-good-management/, accessed on: 13 May 2016.

Petersen, Maja Eline (2018) Økologiske planteavlere kan med fordel så korn på større rækkeafstand. Seges, www.landbrugsinfo.dk.

Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær (2009) Agertidsel. [Canadian thistle - Cirsium arvense.] Økologisk Landsforening. Online at http://www.okologi.dk/landmand/fagomraader/oekologisk-planteavl/rodukrudt/beskrivelse-af-rodukrudt/agertidsel.aspx, accessed on: 4 May 2011.

Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær (2009) Følfod. [Coltsfoot - Tussilago farfara.] Økologisk Landsforening. Online at http://www.okologi.dk/landmand/fagomraader/oekologisk-planteavl/rodukrudt/beskrivelse-af-rodukrudt/foelfod.aspx, accessed on: 4 May 2011.

Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær (2009) Om rodukrudt. [On perennial weeds.] Økologisk Landsforening. Online at http://www.okologi.dk/landmand/fagomraader/oekologisk-planteavl/rodukrudt/om-rodukrudt.aspx, accessed on: 4 May 2011.

Rasmussen, Ilse Ankjær (2009) Rodukrudtsbekæmpelse. [Management and control of perennial weeds.] Økologisk Landsforening. Online at http://www.okologi.dk/landmand/fagomraader/oekologisk-planteavl/rodukrudt/bekaempelse-af-rodukrudt.aspx, accessed on: 4 May 2011.

Theilgaard, Malene (2017) Radrensning giver merudbytte i vårsæd - resultater fra 2016. . Online at https://www.landbrugsinfo.dk/oekologi/planteavl/jordbearbejdning/sider/Oe-17-3811-Radrensning-giver-merudbytte-i-vaarsaed.aspx, accessed on: 14 August 2017.

Theilgaard, Malene and Nielsen, Erling E (2015) Nyt dyrkningssystem til effektiv ukrudtsbekæmpelse og optimeret dyrkning af efterafgrøder. SEGES , Organic farming.


Bertelsen, Inger (2018) VIDEO: Økologiske planteavlere kan med fordel så korn på større rækkeafstand. .

Bertelsen, Inger (2018) VIDEO: Økologiske planteavlere kan med fordel så korn på større rækkeafstand 2. , https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RiotBvspt_4&feature=youtu.be.

De Notaris, Chiara; Mortensen, Esben; Liang, Zhi and Rasmussen, Jim (2020) CCRotate. Aarhus University , Agroecology.

Fog, Erik (2020) Video-markvandring i ClimOptic markforsøg den 26. juni 2020. [Video-field day in ClimOptic field trial June 26, 2020.] SEGES.

Fog, Erik (2013) HighCrop billedredskab - Et fagligt redskab til planlægning af økologisk planteproduktion. [HighCrop Picture Tool - A professional Tool for planning of organic crop production.] Videncentret for Landbrug, Denmark.

Møller, Henrik B. (2020) Visit at the Biogas Plant at Aarhus University, Foulum - extended version. , Youtube.

Olsen, Lars Egelund (2015) Video - Nyt dyrkningssystem til effektiv ukrudtsbekæmpelse og optimeret dyrkning af efterafgrøder. .


Blume, Steffen (2016) Striglekursus og Maskindemo 31-05-2016. .

Blume, Steffen (2015) Markvandring, grøngødninger ifm. radrensning 20-10-2015. . [Completed]

Blume, Steffen (2014) Oplev nyeste teknologi inden for radrensere. .

Fog, Erik (2021) ClimOptic-gødninger. Mere effektive gødninger fra biogasanlæg til økologer og andre jordbrugere. [ClimOptic fertilizers More efficient fertilizers from biogas plants for organic and other farmers.] .

Fog, Erik (2021) Markvandring på Foulumgaard Fælles markvandring for projekterne ClimOptic, CC-Rotate og GrainLegsGo. [Farmers day at Foulumgaard Common field visit in the projects ClimOptic, CC-Rotate og GrainLegsGo.] .

Fog, Erik (2020) Markvandring viser effekt af nye økologiske biogasgødninger. [Field day demonstrates effects of new organic fertilizers from biogas plants.] SEGES , Organic Innovation.

Fog, Erik (2013) Roll-up om HighCrop Billedværktøj. [Roll-up on HighCrop Picture Tool.] Videncentret for Landbrug . [Unpublished]

Fog, Erik (2012) Billeder baner vejen for nyttige forandringer. [Pictures open the way for useful innovations.] Videncentret for Landbrug , Økologi. [Completed]

Madsen, K.H. (2012) Temamøde om økologiske efterafgrøder. Videncentret for Landbrug , Økologi.

Melander, Bo (2016) Bedre styr på ukrudtet. Aarhus University , Agroecology.

Melander, Bo (2016) Markvandring og demonstration: Bedre Styr på Ukrudtsbekæmpelsen. .

Melander, Bo (2013) Tools for minimising laborious hand-weeding in row crops. Seminar 9 April, 2013, Israel . [Completed]

Noe, Egon (2012) Hvordan tager landmænd beslutninger om deres sædskifte? Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. [Completed]

Olesen, Jørgen E. (2019) ClimOptic: Ny klimaeffektiv gødning til økologisk planteavl. Institut for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet .

Oudshoorn, Frank (2016) Referat af workshop om fremtidens mekaniske ukrudtsbekæmpelse. SEGES , Organic Agriculture. [Unpublished]

Theilgaard, Malene (2017) Invitation ØKOLOGISKE FELTDAGE DEN 12.-13. JUNI 2017. , https://www.landbrugsinfo.dk.

Thomsen, Darran Andrew; Madsen, K.H. and Sørensen, Peter (2013) Mobile Grøngødninger. Videncentret for Landbrug.

Thomsen, Darran Andrew; Melander, Bo and Madsen, K.H. (2013) Kvikbestandens udvikling i det økologiske sædskifteforsøg på Jyndevad. Videncentret for Landbrug.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 00:24:38 2025 CET.