Items affiliated to " Finland"
Number of items at this level: 165. Journal paperAflatuni, Abbas; Uusitalo, Jouko; Ek, Sari and Hohtola, Anja (2003) Effect of liming on yield and quality of peppermint and Sachalin mint in fine sand soil of Northern Finland. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland, 12 (2), pp. 107-115. Autio, Elena; Sihto, Ulla; Mononen, Jaakko and Heiskanen, Minna-Liisa (2008) Energy intake and growth of weanling horses in a cold loose housing system. Agricultural and Food Science, 17 (4), pp. 338-350. Hollins, Philip D.; Kettlewell, Peter S.; Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo and Atkinson, Mark D. (2004) Relationships between climate and winter cereal grain quality in Finland and their potential for forecasting. Agricultural and Food Science, 13 (3), pp. 295-308. Holopainen, Jarmo K. (2005) Improvement of biological control by volatile plant compounds. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (1), pp. 18-19. Latvala, Satu; Haapalainen, Minna; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Suojala-Ahlfors, Terhi; Iivonen, Sari and Hannukkala, Asko (2019) Sampling and PCR method for detecting pathogenic Fusarium oxysporum strains in onion harvest. Letters in Applied Microbiology, 2019 (1826), pp. 1-11. Lehesranta, Satu J.; Koistinen, Kaisa M.; Massat, Nathalie; Davies, Howard V.; Shepherd, Louise V. T.; McNicol, James W.; Cakmak, Ismail; Cooper, Julia; Lück, Lorna; Kärenlampi, Sirpa O. and Leifert, Carlo (2007) Effects of agricultural production systems and their components on protein profiles of potato tubers. Proteomics, 7, pp. 597-604. Manninen, Merja; Honkavaara, Markku; Jauhiainen, Lauri; Nykänen, Arja and Heikkilä, Anna-Maija (2011) Effects of grass-red clover silage digestibility and concentrate protein concentration on performance, carcass value, eating quality and economy of finishing Hereford bulls reared in cold conditions. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (2), pp. 151-168. Manninen, Merja; Honkavaara, Markku; Jauhiainen, Lauri; Nykänen, Arja and Heikkilä, Anna-Maija (2011) Effects of grass-red clover silage digestibility and concentrate protein concentration on performance, carcass value, eating quality and economy of finishing Hereford bulls reared in cold conditions. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (2), pp. 151-168. Mäntylahti, Väinö and Laakso, Pirkko (2002) Arsenic and heavy metal concentrations in agricultural soils in South Savo province. Agricultural and Food Science in Finland, 11 (4), pp. 285-300. Nuutila, Jaakko and Kurppa, Sirpa (2017) Reaching goals for organic food in Finland – which changes should occur in the food chain? Journal of Organic Agriculture, 8, p. 100. [In Press] Nuutila, Jaakko and Kurppa, Sirpa (2016) Two main challenges that prevent the development of an organic food chain at local and national level — an exploratory study in Finland. Journal of Organic Agriculture, 8, p. 100. [In Press] Peltonen-Sainio, Pirjo; Lehtinen, Pekka; Kontturi, Markku; Rajala, Ari and Kirkkari, Anna-Maija (2004) Impact dehulling oat grain to improve quality of on-farm produced feed. 2. Groat breakage and storability. Agricultural and Food Science, 13 (1), pp. 29-38. Pradhan, Surendra K.; Pitkänen, Susanna and Heinonen-Tanski, Helvi (2010) Fertilizer value of urine in pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima L.)cultivation. Agricultural and Food Science, 19 (1), pp. 57-68. Rankinen, Katri; Salo, Tapio; Granlund, Kirsti and Rita, Hannu (2007) Simulated nitrogen leaching, nitrogen mass field balances and their correlation on four farms in south-western Finland during the period 2000-2005. Agricultural and Food Science, 16 (4), pp. 387-406. Räty, Mari; Horn, Rainer; Rasa, Kimmo; Yli-Halla, Markku and Pietola, Liisa (2010) Compressive behaviour of the soil in buffer zones under different management practices in Finland. Agricultural and Food Science, 19 (2), pp. 160-172. Saari, Susanna; Sundell, Janne; Huitu, Otso; Helander, Marjo; Ketoja, Elise; Ylönen, Hannu and Saikkonen, Kari (2010) Fungal-mediated multitrophic interactions - do grass endophytes in diet protect voles from predators? PLOSone, 5 (3). Saarisalo, Eeva; Jalava, Taina; Skyttä, Eija; Haikara, Auli and Jaakkola, Seija (2006) Effect of lactid acid bacteria inoculants, formic acid, potassium sorbate and sodium benzoate on fermentation quality and aerobic stability of wilted grass silage. Agricultural and Food Science, 15 (3), pp. 185-199. Saikkonen, Kari; Wäli, Piippa R. and Helander, Marjo (2010) Genetic compatibility determines endophyte-grass combinations. PLOSone, 5 (6). Salminen, Metti (1999) Ekologisk odling och lin - ett nytt utvecklingsprojekt. Forskningsnytt om økologisk landbruk i Norden (1), p. 13. Salonen, Jukka and Ketoja, Elise (2019) Undersown cover crops have limited weed suppression potential when reducing tillage intensity in organically grown cereals. Organic Agriculture, 10, pp. 107-122. Uusitalo, Risto; Turtola, Eila; Grönroos, Juha; Kivistö, Juhani; Mäntylahti, Väinö; Turtola, Ari; Lemola, Riitta and Salo, Tapio (2007) Finnish trends in phosphorus balances and soil test phosphorus. Agricultural and Food Science, 16 (4), pp. 301-316. Vauhkonen, Ville; Lauhanen, Risto; Ventelä, Sarita; Suojaranta, Juhani; Pasila, Antti; Kuokkanen, Toivo; Prokkola, Hanna and Syväjärvi, Sanna (2011) The phytotoxic effects and biodegradability of stored rapeseed oil and rapeseed oil methyl ester. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (2), pp. 131-142. Virtanen, Hanna and Nousiainen, Juha (2005) Nitrogen and phosphorus balances on Finnish dairy farms. Agricultural and Food Science, 14 (2), pp. 166-180. Wiander, Britta and Korhonen, H. J. T. (2011) Preliminary studies on using LAB strains isolated from spontaneous sauerkraut fermentation in combination with mineral salt, herbs and spices in sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice fermentations. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (2), pp. 175-181. Wiander, Britta and Palva, Airi (2011) Sauerkraut and sauerkraut juice fermented spontaneously using mineral salt, garlic and algae. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (2), pp. 169-174. Newspaper or magazine articleArolaakso, Anu; Risku-Norja, Helmi; Nuutila, Jaakko and Paananen, Ilari (2013) Luomua lautaselle. Elintarvike ja Terveys -lehti, 2013, 27 (5), pp. 20-24. Conference paper, poster, etc.Aaltonen, Taina (2010) Challenges for risk management related to emerging animal diseases. In: NJF report, vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 20-21. Alakukku, L. (2006) Phosphorus and nitrogen uptake of spring cereals in different tillage systems. In: Book of abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (4), NJF Report, p. 22. Alakukku, L. (2006) Structure of clay topsoil affected by tillage intensity. In: Extended abstracts, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 231. Bärlund, Ilona; Kirkkala, Teija and Kämäri, Juha (2006) Assessing nutrient and sediment transport for Water Framework Directive purposes using the SWAT model - a case study in SW Finland. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006. Bonnefous, Claire; Collin, Anne; Niemi, Jarkko; Väre, Minna; Parrott, Patricia; Walley, Keith; Re, Martina; Ponzio, Raffaella; Rodenburg, T. Bas; Tallet, Céline; Merlot, Elodie; Montagne, Lucile; Faure, Justine; Guilloteau, Laurence; Guesdon, Vanessa; Leruste, Hélène; Delanoue, Elsa; Alibert, Laurent; Roinsard, Antoine; Warin, Laura and Leterrier, Christine (2021) Organic Pig And Poultry Production: What Are The Animal Welfare Challenges? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] Burmoi, Tauno (2004) Ekologisk växthusföretagare med know-how. Paper at: "Uppdatera dina kunskaper inom ekologin" : ekoseminar i S:t Michel 28.7.2004. Ekholm, Petri (2008) Agricultural phosphorus losses and eutrophication in Nordic-Baltic countries. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 20-24. Ekholm, Petri (2008) Agricultural phosphorus losses and eutrophication in Nordic-Baltic countries. Paper at: Phosphorus management in Nordic-Baltic agriculture - reconciling productivity and environmental protection : NJF seminar 401, Uppsala, Sweden, 22-23.9.2008. Erlund, Patrik (2007) Experiences of Wheat dwarf virus in Finland 2004-2007. Paper at: Virus vector management : NJF seminar 402, Kristianstad, Sweden, 9-11 October 2007. Erlund, Patrik (2007) Experiences of Wheat dwarf virus in Finland 2004-2007. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (5), p. 33. Eronen, Liisa (2008) Inventory of beet cyst nematode on sugar beet farms of three machine rings in Finland 2004-2006. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), NJF Report, p. 20. Galambosi, B.; Galambosi, Zs.; Siivari, J.; Siivari, K.; Sankelo, T. and Shikov, A. (2007) Variation of arbutin content in Bergenia sp. leaves. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 36-37. Granlund, K. and Puustinen, M. (2006) Assessing impacts of alternative agricultural land use scenarios on nitrogen leaching with the INCA-N model. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006. Hämäläinen, W.; Martiskainen, P.; Järvinen, M.; Skön, J.-P.; Tiirikainen, J.; Kolehmainen, M. and Mononen, J. (2010) Computational challenges in deriving dairy cows' action patterns from accelerometer data. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 18. Hannukkala, Asko; Wiik, Lars and Pedersen, Henrik (2006) Changes of late blight attack in conventional fields in the Nordic countries. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (9), pp. 18-19. Hannukkala, Asko; Wiik, Lars and Pedersen, Henrik (2006) Changes of late blight attack in conventional fields in the Nordic countries. Paper at: Integrated control of potato late blight in the Nordic and Baltic countries : NJF seminar 388, Helsingør, Denmark, 29 November - 1 December 2006. Hannula, Annamari; Thomsson, Olof and Rauma, Anna-Liisa (2004) Local and ecological food consumption - case studies in Finland and Sweden. In: Food consumption behaviour, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 43-44. Heikkilä, Matti; Gunnarsson, Stefan and Valros, Anna (2006) Light source preferences in laying hens. In: Proceedings of the 18th Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 13. Heikkilä, Tapio (2009) Visual monitoring of landscapes. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 26. Heinonen, Sampsa (2004) Opportunities for the development of organic data collection and processing based on Finnish experiences. Paper at: Development of a European information system for organic markets - improving the scope and quality of statistical data : 1st EISfOM European seminar, Berlin, Germany, 26-27 April, 2004. Heinonen, Maarit; Hartikainen, Merja; Antonius, Kristiina; Kinnanen, Hilma and Pihlman, Sirkku (2011) Heritage plants in museum environment - three museum gardens in south western Finland. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, 24-26 May 2011. Heiskanen, Eva; Brohmann, Bettina; Schönherr, Norma and Aalto , Kristiina (2009) Policies to promote sustainable consumption: framework for a future-oriented evaluation. In: Proceedings, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 91-99. Heiskanen, Eva; Johnson, Mikael; Saastamoinen, Mika and Vadovics, Edina (2009) How does consumer behaviour change? Examples from energy conservation. In: FFRC eBOOK (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 287-294. Hiltunen, L H; Vorne, V; Virtanen, E; Degefu, Y; Korhonen, K; Muilu, T and Tausta-Ojala, M-L (2017) Promoting production and use of organic potatoes in Northern Ostrobothnia, the northernmost agricultural area in Europe. In: Aakkula, Jyrki; Hakala, Kaija; Huhta, Harri; Iivonen, Sari; Jurvanen, Ulla; Kreismane, Dzidra; Land, Anita; Lähdesmäki, Merja; Malingen, Matti; Mikkola, Minna; Nordlund-Othen, Janne; Nuutila, Jaakko; Peetsmann, Elen; Piskonen, Sirpa; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Skulskis, Virgilijus; Tahvonen, Raija; Taskinen, Sirpa; Ullvén, Kari; Wibe, Atle and Wivstad, Maria (Eds.) NJF Seminar 495 - 4th organic Conference: Organics for tomorrow's food systems, 19 - 21 June 2017, Mikkeli, Finland, 13 (1), NJF Report, pp. 61-62. Holopainen, Päivi; Airaksinen, Sanna; Heinonen-Tanski, Helvi and Heiskanen, Minna-Liisa (2004) Yields and quality of some vegetables and strawberries fertilized with composted horse or cattle manure. Poster at: "Uppdatera dina kunskaper inom ekologin" : ekoseminar i S:t Michel 28.7.2004. Hukkanen, Anne; Kokko, Harri; Kärenlampi, Sirpa and Karjalainen, Reijo (2007) Benzothiadiazole induces the accumulation of phenolics in strawberry. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 15. Huusela-Veistola, E. and Söderman, G. (2010) Climate change and range shift of Igutettix oculatus. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 123. Huusela-Veistola, Erja; Alanen, Eeva-Liisa; Hyvönen, Terho and Kuussaari, Mikko (2011) Ecosystem service provision by establishing temporal habitats in agricultural environments. Paper at: Biodiversity in agriculture - lessons learned and future directions, NJF seminar 436, Norway, 24-26 May 2011. Hyvönen, Terho; Luoto, Miska and Uotila, Pertti (2009) The change in the distribution of arable weeds in Europe as a consequence of climate change. Paper at: Ecology in a changing climate : The 10th International Congress of Ecology, Brisbane, Australia, 16-21 August 2009. Iivonen, Sari; Kyrö, Paula; Mynttinen, Sinikka; Särkkä-Tirkkonen, Marjo and Kahiluoto, Helena (2010) Social capital and entrepreneurial behaviour advancing innovativeness in interaction between small rural entrepreneurs and researchers: a phenomenographic study. Paper at: 9th European IFSA symposium, Vienna, 4-7 July, 2010. Jaakola, Laura (2007) Biosynthesis of flavonoids in bilberry and blueberry - possibilities of the gene level information for the future. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 16. Jansson, Helena (2004) Development of semi-natural horse pastures in Ypäjä. In: Proceedings, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 15. Järvinen, M.; Sutinen, V.; Martiskainen, P.; Rehu, J.; Korkalainen, M.; Känsälä, K. and Mononen, J. (2010) An example of a method to wirelessly transfer measurement data from cows in a free stall barn. In: Proceedings of the 22nd Nordic symposium of the International Society for Applied Ethology, Finnish Society for Applied Ethology, p. 16. Jauni, Miia and Hyvönen, Terho (2009) The occurrence of alien plant species in field margins in Finland. In: Proceedings of the workshop, European Weed Research Society, p. 33. Kahiluoto, Helena; Kuisma, M.; Karttunen, P.; Horttanainen, M.; Grönroos, J.; Rötter, R.P. and Virtanen, M. (2009) Nutrient and energy potential for sustainable biorefineries based on wastes of agrifood systems: two regional cases. In: Abstract book : session #18, University of Copenhagen, S18.02. Kallio, Heikki (2007) Water, ethanol and carbon dioxide in fractionation and isolation of berry metabolites. Paper at: Beneficial health substances from berries and minor crops - how to increase their concentration in cultivated species, eliminate losses in processing and enhance dietary use : NJF seminar 399, Piikkiö, Finland, 14-15 March 2007. Kantanen, J.; Granberg, L.; Kopoteva, I.; Partanen, U.; Pääkkönen, E. and Soini, K. (2010) Genetic uniqueness and socio-cultural conservation values of the endangered Yakutian Cattle. Paper at: 9th World congress on genetics applied to livestock production, Leipzig, Germany, August 1-6, 2010. Kari, Maarit (2006) Ongoing research of Rhizoctonia. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (1), p. 24. Karjalainen, Reijo; Stewart, Derek; McDougall, Gordon J.; Hilz, Hauke; Anttonen, Mikko; Saviranta, Niina; Mattila, Pirjo and Törrönen, Riitta (2008) Understanding health-promoting bioactive compounds in blackcurrants and their agronomic improvement. In: Book of abstracts, COST-Action 863 Euroberry Research, p. 28. Kärkkäinen, Irma (2009) Steps towards organic public kitchens. Paper at: 1st Nordic organic conference : towards increased sustainability in the food supply chain, Gothenburg, Sweden, 18-20 May 2009. Karttunen, Janne (2004) Functional planning and occupational safety of milk production in cold loose housing barns. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 117-124. Kaskinen, Tuuli; Kuittinen, Outi; Neuvonen, Aleksi and Mokka, Roope (2009) Gatekeepers changing consumers' behaviour in energy consumption. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 43-49. Kokko, Harri; Hukkanen, Anne and Kärenlampi, Sirpa (2007) Cultivated sweet rowanberries have high phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 17. Kokko, Harri; Hukkanen, Anne; Kostamo, Katri; Markkula, Paavo and Kärenlampi, Sirpa (2007) Arctic bramble, berry with unique aroma is a rich source of phytochemicals. Cultivation is still problematic. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 45. Koponen, Jani M.; Buchert, Johanna; Poutanen, Kaisa S. and Törrönen, A. Riitta (2007) Effect of enzyme-aided juice production on the extractability and profile of berry anthocyanins. Paper at: Beneficial health substances from berries and minor crops - how to increase their concentration in cultivated species, eliminate losses in processing and enhance dietary use : NJF seminar 399, Piikkiö, Finland, 14-15 March 2007. Koskiaho, Jari (2005) Use of wetlands, ponds and buffer zones in Finland. In: Proceedings from NJF seminar no. 374, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 70-72. Kurppa, Sirpa; Grönroos, Juha; Hyvärinen, Helena; Katajajuuri, Juha-Matti; Kauppinen, Tommi; Mäkelä, Johanna; Nissinen, Ari; Nousiainen, Jouni; Saarinen, Merja; Usva, Kirsi; Viinisalo, Mirja and Virtanen, Yrjö (2009) Environmental impacts of a lunch plate - challenges in interpreting the LCA results. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics, pp. 185-193. Kuusela, E.; Okker, L.; Krogh-Jensen, S.; Purup, S. and Hansen-Møller, J. (2009) Fatty acid characterization of Finnish organic milk - a farm survey. In: Programme, abstracts, list of participants, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 5 (2), NJF Report, p. 66. Lahdenperä, Marja-Leena (2006) Gliocladium catenulatum as an antagonist against grey mould on strawberry. Pest, disease and weed management in strawberry - progress and challenges for the Nordic production : NJF seminar 389, Lepaa, Finland, 8-9 November 2006. Lähteenmäki-Uutela, Anu (2009) Ethics vs. law in the food business. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 205-210. Latvala, Terhi (2007) Food safety risks and consumers' demand for credence characteristics. Paper at: Trends and perspectives in agriculture : NJF 23 rd congress, Copenhagen, 26 to 29 June 2007. Laurinen, Jaakko (2007) Camelina success story. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), p. 30. Lehtonen, Päivi; Saikkonen, Kari and Helander, Marjo (2003) Fungal endophytes decrease aphid performance in grasses: effects on virus transmission? Paper at: NJF's 22nd congress "Nordic agriculture in global perspective", Turku, Finland, July 1-4, 2003. Leinonen, P. and Närkki, V. (2004) Lay-down working cart improves efficacy of hand weeding. Paper at: 6th EWRS workshop on physical and cultural weed control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March 2004. Leinonen, P.; Saastamoinen, A. and Vilmunen, J. (2004) Finger weeder for cabbage and lettuce cultures. Paper at: 6th EWRS workshop on physical and cultural weed control, Lillehammer, Norway, 8-10 March 2004. Lindner, Marcus; Suominen, Tommi; Savolainen, Mikko; Zudin, Sergey; Palosuo, Taru; Vötter, Diana; Werhahn-Mees, Wendelin; Roubalova, Martina; Kneblik, Petr; Cerny, Martin and Verweij, Peter (2009) A tool for sustainability impact assessment (ToSIA)of forest-wood chains linked with a database of sustainability indicators collected within the EFORWOOD project. Paper at: Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-24 September 2009. Luomala, Harri (2004) Exploring origin of food as a source of meanings for Finnish consumers: A qualitative comparison of meanings in Swedish, German and French food. In: Report from NJF seminar 366, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 53-55. Markkula, I.; Leskinen, M.; Pylkkö, P.; Koistinen, J.; Ooperi, S.; Tiilikkala, K.; Ojanen, H. and Raiskio, S. (2009) Detection of aphid migrations in Finland. In: Book of abstracts, p. 171. Markkula, Irmeli; Leskinen, Matti; Pylkkö, Pirkko; Ooperi, Sini; Tiilikkala, Kari; Ojanen, Hannu; Raiskio, Sakari and Koistinen, Jarmo (2010) Prediction and detection of long-range migration of pest insects. In: NJF Report vol 6, no 1, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, p. 58. Mejer, Helena; Leeb, Christine; Heinonen, Mari; Cartaud, Gerald; Prunier, Armelle; Sundrum, Albert; Bochicchio, Davide; Lindgren, Kristina; Wiberg, Sofia; Früh, Barbara; Bonde, Marianne and Roepstorff, Allan (2009) Intercalibration of a concentration McMaster Technique between eight European laboratories. Lecture at: The 22nd International Conference of the World Association for the Advancement of Veterinary Parasitology, Calgary Canada, 10-13 August 2009. [Submitted] Moisio, Simo (2007) Total berry production in Nordic countries is about 85-90 million kilos. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 3 (1), pp. 28-29. Muukka, E ; Vidgren, H and Mykkänen, H (2008) The Feasibility of Use of Organic Products at Child-Care Centre. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Niinimäki, Kirsi (2009) Consumer values and eco-fashion in the future. In: FFRC eBOOK, Finland Futures Research Centre, Turku School of Economics (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 125-134. Nissinen, A.; Heiskanen, E.; Grönroos, J.; Honkanen, A.; Katajajuuri, J.-M.; Kurppa, S.; Mäkinen, T.; Seppälä, J.; Timonen, P.; Usva, K.; Virtanen, Y. and Voutilainen, P. (2005) Developing LCA-based benchmarks for sustainable consumption - for and with users. Paper at: 10th European roundtable on sustainable consumption and production, Antwerp, Belgium, October 5-7, 2005. Niva, Mari; Sandell, Mari and Kirveennummi, Anna (2009) Individual choices? Bioscience, culture and society as approaches to genes, eating and health. In: FFRC eBOOK (7/2009), FFRC eBOOK, pp. 118-124. Norrdahl, Kai; Martel, Jocelyn; Pöyri, Ville; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana; Yli-Halla, Markku; Lempa, Kyösti; Suomela, Janne and Virtanen, Risto (2005) Trees and shrubs as a component of buffer zones: advantages and disadvantages in P-retention. In: Proceedings from NJF seminar no. 374, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 54-55. Nurmi, Tarja; Mursu, Jaakko; Nurmi, Anna; Hiltunen, Raimo; Heinonen, Marina and Voutilainen, Sari (2007) Absorption and metabolism of berry polyphenols. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, pp. 9-10. Nuutila, Jaakko (2015) Acceptance of the most common quality attributes of organic food in the Finnish food chain. In: Nordic view to sustainable rural development, NJF, Riga, 25, NJF proceedings, no. 25, pp. 318-323. Nuutila, Jaakko; Olowe, Victor and Rembialkowska, Ewa (2018) Improving the food sovereignty in Africa – an Activity Theory approach. In: Rahmann, Gerold; Olowe, Victor Idowu; Olabiyi, Timothy Ipoola; Azim, Khalid and Olugbenga, AdeOluwa (Eds.) Ecological and Organic Agriculture Strategies for Viable Continental and National Development in the Context of the African Union's Agenda 2063. Scientific Track Proceedings of the 4th African Organic Conference. November 5-8, 2018. Saly Portudal, Senegal, pp. 13-18. Oksanen, Lauri (2010) Climate change and large scale grazing systems and its consequences on habitats of Arctic-alpine plants. In: Circumpolar agricultural and land use resources - prospects and perspectives for circumpolar productions and industries : abstract booklet, Bioforsk, pp. 10-11. Paasonen-Kivekäs, Maija and Koivusalo, Harri (2006) Losses of sediment and phosphorus through subsurface drains in a clayey field in southern Finland. In: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (5), NJF Report, pp. 95-100. Paasonen-Kivekäs, Maija; Koivusalo, Harri; Bärlund, Ilona; Tattari, Sirkka and Alakukku, Laura (2006) Modelling runoff and erosion in agricultural soil: application of ICECREAM model to a field site in southern Finland. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006. Palosuo, T.; Rötter, R.P.; Lehtonen, H.; Kahiluoto, H.; Aakkula, J.; Helin, J.; Salo, T.; Helenius, J.; Granlund, J.K.; Rankinen, K. and Carter, T. (2009) A modelling framework for the assessment of the impacts of alternative policy and management options on the sustainability of Finnish agrifood systems. Poster at: Shape your sustainability tools - and let your tools shape you, Uppsala, Sweden, 23-24 September 2009. Peltola, Rainer and Stark, Sari (2010) Differences in metal concentrations in juniper (Juniperus communis) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) shoots collected from northern and southern Finland. In: Circumpolar agricultural and land use resources - prospects and perspectives for circumpolar productions and industries : abstract booklet, Bioforsk, pp. 16-17. Pietola, Liisa (2008) Gypsum-based management practices to prevent phosphorus transportation. In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (4), pp. 78-82. Pietola, Liisa (2008) Gypsum-based management practises to prevent phosphorus transportation. Paper at: Phosphorus management in Nordic-Baltic agriculture - reconciling productivity and environmental protection : NJF seminar 401, 22-23.9.2008. Pihlava, Juha-Matti; Reinikainen, Pekka; Hietaniemi, Veli and Kaukovirta-Norja, Anu (2010) The content of phenolics in barley, oats, rye and wheat cultivars. Paper at: Plant breeding and management for human nutrition - How we can produce more healthful crops and food products? NJF seminar 419, Forssa, Finland, 10-11 June 2010. Rankinen, Katri; Palojärvi, Ansa; Regina, Kristiina; Pietola, Liisa; Granlund, Kirsti and Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana (2006) Modelling of water balance and nitrogen cycle in vegetative filter strips. Paper at: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Tartu, Estonia, 11-14 June 2006. Rasa, Kimmo; Kulmala, Airi and Talola, Sami (2008) More effective agricultural water protection (TEHO project 2008-2010). In: NJF Report, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 4 (3), NJF Report, p. 18. Rasa, Kimmo; Räty, Mari; Nikolenko, Olga; Horn, Rainer; Yli-Halla, Markku; Uusi-Kämppä, Jaana and Pietola, Liisa (2006) Buffer zone water repellency: effects of the management practice. In: Transport and retention of pollutants from different production systems : NJF seminar 373, Nordic Association of Agricultural Scientists, 2 (5), NJF Report, pp. 140-144. 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Finnish Environment Institute. Pitkänen, Heikki and Tallberg, Petra (Eds.) (2007) Searching efficient protection strategies for the eutrophied Gulf of Finland: the integrated use of experimental and modelling tools (SEGUE). Finnish Environment Institute. Grönroos, Juha; Mattila, Pasi; Regina, Kristiina; Nousiainen, Jouni; Perälä, Paula; Saarinen, Kristina and Mikkola-Pusa, Johanna (2009) Development of the ammonia emission inventory in Finland : revised model for agriculture. Finnish Environment Institute. Mitikka, Sari; Britschgi, Ritva; Granlund, Kirsti; Grönroos, Juha; Kauppila, Pirkko; Mäkinen, Risto; Niemi, Jorma; Pyykkönen, Sonja; Raateland, Arjen and Silvo, Kimmo (2005) Report on the implementation of the Nitrates Directive in Finland 2004. Finnish Environment Institute. Muukka, Eija; Kuosmanen, Leena; Ylinampa, Meeri; Blomquist, Ulla; Kärkkäinen, Irma; Malaska, Kirsi; Soininen, Taira and Soininen, Jukka (2008) Local food in municipal catering - a survey of local food purchasing in Finnish municipalities. Publication series A of Savo Consortium for Education, Studies and reports, publication, no. 4. EkoCentria . Muukka, Eija; Kuosmanen, Leena; Ylinampa, Meeri; Blomquist, Ulla; Kärkkäinen, Irma; Malaska, Kirsi; Soininen, Taira and Soininen, Jukka (2008) Lokal mat i Finlands kommuner - utredning över användningen av lokal mat i kommunala måltider. Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä publikationsserie A. Publikationer och rapporter, publikation, no. 4. EkoCentria . Nykänen, Arja (2007) Report on improved use of research facilities and topics relevant for integration, and training schemes. CORE Organic . Nykänen, Arja and Canali, Stefano (2006) Analysis of facilities in OFF research in participating countries of CORE Organic. CORE Organic . Nykänen, Arja and Canali, Stefano (2006) Analysis of OFF research topics in CORE Organic participating countries. CORE Organic . Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: Kiuruvesi Municipal Catering - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society. Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: PolarShiitake - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society . Report chapterLehto, Tiina (2005) Organic waste management studies : inventory in Juva. In: Granstedt, Artur; Thomsson, Olof and Schneider, Thomas (Eds.) Environmental impacts of eco-local food systems - final report from BERAS work package 2. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 46. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet , Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, pp. 98-104. Lehto, Tiina and Granstedt, Artur (2005) Possibilities for developing combined recycling and renewable energy production in Juva and Järna. In: Granstedt, Artur; Thomsson, Olof and Schneider, Thomas (Eds.) Environmental impacts of eco-local food systems - final report from BERAS work package 2. Ekologiskt lantbruk, no. 46. Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet , Centrum för uthålligt lantbruk, pp. 107-109. Book chapterRisku-Norja, Helmi and Mikkola, Minna (2014) Towards sustainable food systems through civic food education in schools and in public catering services. In: Rytkönen, Paulina (Ed.) Food and rurality in Europe : economy, environment and institutions in contemporary rural Europe. COMREC Studies in Environmental and Development, no. 10. Södertörn Univeristy, Sweden, pp. 215-247. ThesisKahiluoto, Helena (2000) A systems approach to the management of arbuscular mycorrhiza: Bioassay and study of the impact of phosphorus supply. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Department of Applied Biology. University of Helsinki. Department of Applied Biology. Publications, no. 1. University of Helsinki. Mäkinen, Joonas Kristian (2019) EFFECTS OF STRIP CROPPING ON GROUND DWELLING INSECT ABUNDANCE AND DIVERSITY. Masters thesis, University of Eastern Finland, faculty of Science and Forestry . . Nuutila, Jaakko (2016) THE FINNISH ORGANIC FOOD CHAIN Modelling towards 2020 goals with change and innovation. PhD thesis, University of Helsinki , Institute of Behavioural Sciences. University of Helsinki, Institute of Behavioural Sciences, no. Studies in Educational Sciences 272. Unigrafia, Helsinki. Research Programme description{Programme} Research Programme for Organic Food and Farming in Finland 2014 - 2018. Runs 2014 - 2018. Programme Leader(s): Nuutila, J; Siiskonen, Professor P; Kahiluoto, Dr H; Mikkola, Dr M; Schäfer, Dr W and Tikkanen-Kaukanen, Docent C. Organization description{Organization} MMM: Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry in Finland. [Maa- ja metsätalousministeriö.] Organization Leader(s): Järvenpää, Markku. Project description{Project} COBRA: COBRA: Coordinating Organic Plant Breeding Activities for Diversity. Runs 2013 - 2016. Project Leader(s): Pearce, Dr Bruce, The Organic Research Centre . ImageHokkanen, Heikki and Eken, Cafer (2013) Bicopoll Projesi 2. Yıllık Toplantı. [Bicopoll 2nd Annual Meeting.] . OtherMuukka, Eija (2009) SusCa circles to activate catering services in the public sector in local and organic food procurement. EkoCentria . Obrist, Robert; Klaiss, Matthias; Edler, Veronika; Beeckman, Annelies; Tuominen, Pirkko; Bertelsen, Inger; Clavin, Dan; Leavy, Elaine; Sobry, Luk; Govaerts, Wim and Andresen, Niels (2015) Feed more on-farm protein. A European strategy in organic agriculture to improve on-farm protein management. FiBL, Switzerland; inagro, Belgium; Jordbruks verket, Sweden; Pro agria, Finland; teagasc, Ireland; SEGES, Denmark; Bio Austria, Austria . [Completed] Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Case study fact sheet- PolarShiitake,Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society. Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Case study fact sheet. Järvifisu, Finland. Natural Resources Research Finland , Economy & Society. Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Case study fact sheet. Kiuruvesi municipal catering, Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society. Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Tutkimuskohteen esittely. Järvifisu, Kiuruvesi. [Case study fact sheet. Järvifisu, Finland.] Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society. Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Tutkimuskohteen esittely. Kiuruveden kunnan ruokapalvelu. [Case study fact sheet. Kiuruvesi municipal catering, Finland.] Natural Resources Research Finland , Economy & Society. Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Tutkimuskohteen esittely. PolarShiitake, Rääkkylä. Natural resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society. This list was generated on Mon Feb 17 08:05:57 2025 CET. |