Items affiliated to "Agroscope"
Jump to: English | German/Deutsch | Danish/Dansk | Bulgarian/български | Czech/Česky | Dutch/Nederlands | Estonian/Eesti | Finnish/Suomea | French/Francais | Greek/Ellinika | Hungarian/Magyar | Italian/Italiano | Lithuanian/Lietuvos | Latvian/Lettish/Latviesu | Polish/Polski | Portuguese/Portugues | Romanian/Română | Russian/Russkiy | Spanish/Español | Serbian/српски језик | Slovak/Slovenčina |
Slovenian/Slovenski Jezik | Swedish/Svenska Number of items at this level: 673. EnglishAgroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) (2019) Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Program and abstract book. . Proceedings of Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials?, Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019. {Tool} Dealing with drought in natural forage production. [Umgang mit Trockenheit in der natürlichen Futtermittelproduktion.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Lüscher, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL Film. (2023) {Tool} Sorghum: a more drought-resistant crop compared to maize. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Vonlanthen, Tiziana. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agroscope. (2024) Alignier, Audrey; Solé-Senan, Xavier Oriol; Robleño, Irene; Baraibar, Bàrbara; Fahrig, Lenore; Giralt, David; Gross, Nicolas; Martin, Jean-Louis; Recasens, Jordi; Sirami, Clélia; Siriwardena, Gavin; Bosem-Baillod, Aliette; Bertrand, Colette; Carrié, Romain; Hass, Annika; Henckel, Laura; Miguet, Paul; Badenhausser, Isabelle; Baudry, Jacques; Bota, Gerard; Bretagnolle, Vincent; Brotons, Lluis; Burel, Françoise; Calatayud, François; Clough, Yann; Georges, Romain; Gibon, Annick; Girard, Jude; Lindsay, Kathryn; Miñano, Jesús; Mitchell, Scott; Patry, Nathalie; Poulin, Brigitte; Tscharntke, Teja; Vialatte, Aude; Violle, Cyrille; Yaverscovski, Nicole and Batáry, Péter (2020) Configurational crop heterogeneity increases within-field plant diversity. Journal of Applied Ecology, 57 (4), pp. 654-663. Ammann, Lolita; Bosem-Baillod, Aliette; Eckerter, Philipp W.; Entling, Martin H.; Albrecht, Matthias and Herzog, Felix (2022) Comparing floral resource maps and land cover maps to predict predators and aphid suppression on field bean. Landscape Ecology, 37, pp. 431-441. Autret, Bénédicte; Mary, Bruno; Strullu, Loic; Chlebowski, Florent; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen; Olesen, Jørgen E. and Beaudoin, Nicolas (2020) Long-term modelling of crop yield, nitrogen losses and GHG balance in organic cropping systems. Science of The Total Environment, 710, p. 134597. Banerjee, Samiran; Walder, Florian; Büchi, Lucie; Meyer, Marcel; Held, Alain Y; Gattinger, Andreas; Keller, Thomas; Charles, Raphael and van der Heijden, Marcel G. A. (2019) Agricultural intensification reduces microbial network complexity and the abundance of keystone taxa in roots. The ISME journal, 13 (7), pp. 1722-1736. Bintarti, Ari Fina; Kost, Elena; Kundel, Dominika; Conz, Rafaela Feola; Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen; Hartmann, Martin and Philippot, Laurent (2024) Cropping system modulates the effect of drought on ammonia-oxidizing communities. In: EGU General Assembly 2024, Vienne, Austria & online, 14–19 Apr 2024, EGU24-18381,, 2024, EGU General Assembly 2024. Bintarti, Ari Fina; Kost, Elena; Kundel, Dominika; Conz, Rafaela Feola; Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen; Philippot, Laurent and Hartmann, Martin (2025) Cropping system modulates the effect of spring drought on ammonia-oxidizing communities. Soil Biology and Biochemitry, 201 (109658), pp. 1-14. Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hess, Julia; Schlaeppi, Klaus and van der Heijden, Marcel (2021) Improving field inoculations with arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. Speech at: Eurosoil 2021, Geneva, Switzerland, 23 - 27 August 2021. [Completed] Bodenhausen, Natacha; Hess, Julia; Valzano, Alain; Deslandes‐Hérold, Gabriel; Waelchli, Jan; Furrer, Reinhard; van der Heijden, Marcel and Schlaeppi, Klaus (2023) Predicting soil fungal communities from chemical and physical properties. Poster at: European Healthy Soilds. Conference series, 1st Edidtion: Soil, Muttenz, Switzerland, September 13-15, 2023. [Completed] Bodenhausen, Natacha; Somerville, Vincent; Desirò, Alessandro; Walser, Jean-Claude; Borghi, Lorenzo; van der Heijden, Marcel G. A. and Schlaeppi, Klaus (2019) Petunia- and Arabidopsis-Specific Root Microbiota Responses to Phosphate Supplementation. Phytobiomes Journal, 3 (2), pp. 112-124. Bodenhausen, Natacha; Somerville, Vincent; Desirò, Alessandro; Walser, Jean-Claude; Borghi, Lorenzo; van der Heijden, Marcel G. A. and Schlaeppi, Klaus (2018) Species-specific root microbiota dynamics in response to plant-available phosphorus. bioRxiv (400119), xx -xx. Brunner, Michael; Zeisler, Christiane; Neu, Diane; Rotondo, Claire; Rubbmark, Oskar R.; Reinbacher, Lara; Grabenweger, Giselher and Traugott, Michael (2024) Trap crops enhance the control efficacy of Metarhizium brunneum against a soil-dwelling pest. Journal of Pest Science, online, pp. 1-13. Büchi, Lucie; Wendling, Marina; Mouly, Pauline and Charles, Raphael (2018) Comparison of Visual Assessment and Digital Image Analysis for Canopy Cover Estimation. Agronomy Journal, 110 (4), pp. 1289-1295. Büchi, Lucie; Charles, Raphael; Schneider, David; Sinaj, Sokrat; Maltas, Alexandra; Fossati, Dario and Mascher, Fabio (2016) Performance of eleven winter wheat varieties in a long term experiment on mineral nitrogen and organic fertilisation. Field Crops Research, 191, pp. 111-122. Büchi, Lucie; Walder, Florian; Banerjee, Samiran; Colombi, Tino; Hirte, Juliane; Mayer, Jochen; Keller, Thomas; Six, Johan; van der Heijden, Marcel and Charles, Raphael (2018) No Till and Organic Farming Improve Soil Properties but Reduce Crop Yield Compared to Conventional Farming in a Swiss Farm Network. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 36. Büchi, Lucie; Wendling, Marina; Amossé, Camille; Jeangros, Bernard; Sinaj, Sokrat and Charles, Raphaël (2017) Long and short term changes incrop yield and soil properties induced by the reduction of soil tillage in a long term experiment in Switzerland. Soil & Tillage Research, 174, pp. 120-129. Büchi, Lucie; Wendling, Marina; Amosse, Camille; Necpalova, Magdalena and Charles, Raphaël (2018) Importance of cover crops in alleviating negative effects of reduced soil tillage and promoting soil fertility in a winter wheat cropping system. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 256, pp. 92-104. Camps, Cedric; Werne, Steffen; Quennoz, Mélanie; Simonnet, Xavier and Gilli, Céline (2017) Quantification of Condensed Tannins in Sainfoin Powder (Onobrychisviciifolia) by FT-NIR Spectroscopy. Global Journal of Agricultural Innovation, Research & Development, 4, pp. 58-66. Colombi, Tino; Walder, Florian; Büchi, Lucie; Sommer, Marlies; Liu, Kexing; Six, Johan; van der Heijden, Marcel G. A.; Charles, Raphael and Keller, Thomas (2019) On-farm study reveals positive relationship between gas transport capacity and organic carbon content in arable soil. Soil, 5 (1), pp. 91-105. {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Del Cueto, Jorge; Kosinska-Cagnazzo, Agnieszka; Stefani, Patrick; Héritier, Julien; Roch, Guillaume; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Audergon, Jean-Marc and Christen, Danilo (2021) Phenolic compounds identified in apricot branch tissues and their role in the control of Monilinia laxa growth. Scientia Horticulturae, 275, p. 109707. Dittmann, Marie T.; Baki, Cem; Terranova, Melissa; Amelchanka, Sergej L.; Dubois, Sébastian; Wiget, Andrea; Leiber, Florian; Krause, Hans-Martin and Baumann, Stefan (2024) The effect of biochar supplementation on feed utilization, milk production and methane emission in lactating dairy cows. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 318 (116127), pp. 1-8. El Benni, Nadja; Grovermann, Christian and Finger, Robert (2023) Towards more evidence-based agricultural and food policies. Q Open, 3 (3), pp. 1-24. Ferré, Marie; Müller, Adrian; Leifeld, Jens; Bader, Cédric; Müller, Moritz; Engel, Stefanie and Wichmann, Sabine (2019) Sustainable management of cultivated peatlands in Switzerland: Insights, challenges, and opportunities. Land Use Policy, 87, p. 104019. Fliessbach, Andreas; Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, Klaus; Mayer, Jochen; Krause, Hans-Martin and Mäder, Paul (2024) Der DOK-Versuch. 42 Jahre biologischer und konventioneller Anbau im Vergleich. [The DOK Trial. 42 years of organic and conventional cropping systems.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . [Completed] Fontana, Mario; Johannes, Alice; Zaccone, Claudio; Weisskopf, Peter; Guillaume, Thomas; Bragazza, Luca; Elfouki, Said; Charles, Raphael and Sinaj, Sokrat (2023) Improving crop nutrition, soil carbon storage and soil physical fertility using ramial wood chips. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 31 (103141), pp. 1-14. Fountain, Michelle; Baroffio, Catherine; Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin; Brain, Phil; Cross, Jerry; Farman, Dudley; Hall, David; Ralle, Baiba; Rendina, Paolo; Richoz, Pauline; Sigsgaard, Lene; Storberget, Sverre; Trandem, Nina and Wibe, Atle (2017) Design and deployment of semiochemical traps for capturing Anthonomus rubi Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Hetereoptera: Miridae) in soft fruit crops. Crop Protection, 99, pp. 1-9. Fuchs, J. G.; Fliessbach, A.; Mäder, Paul; Weibel, F.P.; Tamm, L.; Mayer, J. and Schleiss, K. (2014) Effects of Compost on Soil Fertility Parameters in Short-, Mid- and Long-Term Field Experiments. ISHS Acta Horticulturae, 1018, pp. 39-46. Fuchs, J.G.; Berner, A.; Mayer, J. and Schleiss, K. (2014) Concept for quality management to secure benefits of compost use for soil and plants. ISHS Acta Horticulturae , 1018, pp. 603-609. {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Grieder, Christoph; Kempf, Katharina and Schubiger, Franz Xaver (2021) Breeding Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) in Mixture with Grasses. Sustainability, 13 (16), p. 8929. Grüter, R.; Costerousse, B.; Mayer, J.; Mäder, P.; Thonar, C.; Frossard, Emmanuel; Schulin, R. and Tandy, S. (2019) Long-term organic matter application reduces cadmium but not zinc concentrations in wheat. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 48. Grüter, Roman; Costerousse, Benjamin; Mayer, Jochen; Mäder, Paul; Thonar, Cécile; Frossard, Emmanuel; Schulin, Rainer and Tandy, Susan (2019) Long-term organic matter application reduces cadmium but not zinc concentrations in wheat. Science of the Total Environment, 669, pp. 608-620. Hammelehle, Andreas; Oberson, A.; Lüscher, A.; Mäder, P. and Mayer, J. (2019) New insights in below ground nitrogen of clover-grass mixtures. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 39. Hammelehle, Andreas; Oberson, Astrid; Lüscher, Andreas; Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2018) Above- and belowground nitrogen distribution of a red clover-perennial ryegrass sward along a soil nutrient availability gradient established by organic and conventional cropping systems. Plant and Soil, 425 (1-2), pp. 507-525. Hartman, Kyle; Schmid, Marc W.; Bodenhausen, Natacha; Bender, S. Franz; Valzano-Held, Alain; Schlaeppi, Klaus and van der Heijden, Marcel (2023) A symbiotic footprint in the plant root microbiome. Environmental Microbiome, 18 (65), pp. 1-16. Hohmann, Pierre; Schlaeppi, Klaus and Sessitsch, Angela (2020) miCROPe 2019 – emerging research priorities towards microbe-assisted crop production. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 96, pp. 1-7. Holinger, Mirjam; Bühl, Verena; Helbing, Manuela; Pieper, Lena; Kürmann, Sabine; Pontiggia, Alice; Dohme-Meier, Frigga; Keil, Nina and Ammer, Stefanie (2024) Behavioural changes to moderate heat load in grazing dairy cows under on-farm conditions. Livestock Science, 279 (105376), pp. 1-9. Holinger, M.; Früh, B.; Stoll, P.; Pedan, V.; Kreuzer, M.; Bérard, J. and Hillmann, E. (2018) Long-term effects of castration, chronic intermittent social stress, provision of grass silage and their interactions on performance and meat and adipose tissue properties in growing-finishing pigs. Meat Science, 145, pp. 40-50. Holinger, Mirjam; Früh, Barbara; Stoll, Peter; Graage, Robert; Wirth, Sandra; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Prunier, Armelle; Kreuzer, Michael and Hillmann, Edna (2018) Chronic intermittent stress exposure and access to grass silage interact differently in their effect on behaviour, gastric health and stress physiology of entire or castrated male growing finishing pigs. Physiology and Behavior, 195, pp. 58-68. Holinger, Mirjam; Früh, Barbara; Stoll, Peter; Kreuzer, Michael and Hillmann, Edna (2018) Grass silage for growing-finishing pigs in addition to straw bedding: Effects on behaviour and gastric health. Livestock Science, 218, pp. 50-57. {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) House of, Switzerland (2019) Switzerland participates in international efforts to promote sustainable agriculture. House of Switzerland . Online at, accessed on: 11 October 2021. Hüppi, Roman; Felber, Raphael; Krauss, Maike; Six, Johan; Leifeld, Jens and Fuß, Roland (2018) Restricting the nonlinearity parameter in soil greenhouse gas flux calculation for more reliable flux estimates. PLoS ONE, 13 (7), pp. 1-17. Hüppi, Roman; Neftel, Albrecht; Lehmann, Moritz F.; Krauss, Maike; Six, Johan and Leifeld, Jens (2016) N use efficiencies and N2O emissions in two contrasting, biochar amended soils under winter wheat-cover crop-sorghum rotation. Environmental Research Letters, 11 (8), pp. 1-13. Jaffuel, Goeffrey; Blanco-Perez, Ruben; Büchi, Lucie; Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Charles, Raphael; Degen, Thomas; Turlings, Ted C.J. and Campos-Herrera, Raquel (2017) Effects of cover crops on the overwintering success of entomopathogenic nematodes and their antagonists. Applied Soil Ecology, 114, pp. 62-73. Jarosch, Klaus A.; Mayer, J.; Mäder, P.; Frossard, E. and Oberson, A. (2019) Soil phosphorus (P) budgets, P availability and P use efficiencies in conventional and organic cropping systems of the DOK trial. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 29. Keel, Sonja G.; Anken, Thomas; Büchi, Lucie; Chervet, Andreas; Fliessbach, Andreas; Flisch, René; Huguenin-Elie, Olivier; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen; Sinaj, Sokrat; Sturmy, Wolfgang; Wüst-Galley, Chloé; Zihlmann, Urs and Leifeld, Jens (2019) Loss of soil organic carbon in Swiss long-term agricultural experiments over a wide range of management practices. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 286, p. 106654. {Tool} Conserve and enhance beneficials in organic vineyards (BioVine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kehrli, Patrik; Razinger, Jaka and Ranca, Aurora-Maria. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope, KIS - Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, SCV - Research Station for Viticulture and Enology. BioVine Practice Abstract. (2020) {Tool} Breeding an organic forage crop variety (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kempf, Katharina; Schubiger, Franz Xaver and Grieder, Christoph. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 18. (2020) Kost, Elena; Kundel, Dominika; Conz, Rafaela Feola; Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin; Six, Johan; Mayer, Jochen and Hartmann, Martin (2024) Microbial resistance and resilience to drought under organic and conventional farming. bioRxiv - The preprint server for biology, online, xx-xx. Kost, Elena; Kundel, Dominika; Conz, Rafaela Feola; Mäder, Paul; Krause, Hans-Martin; Six, Johan; Mayer, Jochen and Hartmann, Martin (2024) Soil microbial resistance and resilience to drought under organic and conventional farming. European Journal of Soil Biology, 123 (103690), pp. 1-16. Krause, Hans-Martin; Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Jarosch, Klaus A.; Oberson, Astrid and Mayer, Jochen (2024) Organic cropping systems balance environmental impacts and agricultural production. Scientific Reports, 14 (25537), pp. 1-15. Leifeld, Jens; Alewell, Christine; Bader, Cédric; Krüger, Jan Paul; Mueller, Carsten W.; Sommer, Michael; Steffens, Markus and Szidat, Sönke (2018) Pyrogenic Carbon Contributes Substantially to Carbon Storage in Intact and Degraded Northern Peatlands. Land Degradation & Development, 29, pp. 2082-2091. Logo, Anja; Thürig, Barbara; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Maurhofer, Monika; Widmer, Franco; Mayerhofer, Johanna and Flury, Pascale (2023) What makes a compost suppressive to soilborne pathogens? In: Book of Abstracts. ICPP 2023 One Health for all plants, crops and trees, 20-25 August, Lyon, France, p. 129. Lopez, S.; Rufener, C. and Holinger, M. (2024) How do different amounts of straw as well as compost in the home pen affect the rooting motivation of growing-finishing pigs? Animal, 18 (10), pp. 1-10. Mäder, Paul; Fliessbach, Andreas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie; Fried, Padrout and Niggli, Urs (2002) Soil Fertility and Biodiversity in Organic Farming. Science, 31 May 2002 (296), pp. 1694-1697. Mäder, Paul; Krause, H.-M.; Fliessbach, A.; Jarosch, K.; Oberson, A.; Gattinger, A.; Birkhofer, K.; Knapp, S.; Frossard, E.; Niggli, U. and Mayer, J. (2019) The DOK long-term experiment - lessons learned from 40 years of interdisciplinary research. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 21. Manici, L.; Kelderer, M and Naef, A. (2013) D1.1 BIO-INCROP Report Disseminated at internal level. Apple replant disease (ARD) 1. BIO-INCROP deliverable, no. D1_1, Consiglio nazionale per la ricerca in Agricoltura (IT), Centro di Sperimentazione Agraria e Forestale (IT); Agroscope Changins-Wädenswil Research Station ACW (CH) . [Submitted] Mann, Stefan; Buergi, Elisabeth; Schader, Christian and Jacobi, Johanna (2024) From multifunctionality and ecosystem services to a just transition of agri-food systems. International Journal of Social Economics, xx, x-x. Mark, Jennifer; Fantke, Peter; Soheilifard, Farshad; Alcon, Francisco; Contreras, Josefa; Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Baldi, Isabelle; Bureau, Mathilde; Alaoui, Abdallah; Christ, Florian; Mandrioli, Daniele; Sgargi, Daria; Pasković, Igor; Polić Pasković, Marija; Glavan, Matjaz; Hofman, Jakub; Harkes, Paula; Lwanga, Esperanza Huerta; Norgaard, Trine; Aparicio, Virginia; Schlünssen, Vivi; Vested, Anne; Silva, Vera; Geissen, Violette and Tamm, Lucius (2024) Selected farm-level crop protection practices in Europe and Argentina: Opportunities for moving toward sustainable use of pesticides. Journal of Cleaner Production, 477, pp. 1-24. Mayer, Jochen; Gunst, L.; Mäder, P. and Knapp, S. (2019) The performance of yields in organic and conventional cropping systems. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 22. Meier, Claudia; Harms, Eugenia; Früh, Barbara; Stoffers, Helena; Bee, Giuseppe; Hartig Hugelshofer, Diana; Quander-Stoll, Nele and Stolz, Hanna (2021) The effect of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) and organic labeling on Swiss consumers’ acceptance of pork salami. Organic Agriculture, online, pp. 1-19. {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Mielewczik, Michael; Rödiger, Manika; Zorn, Alexander; Roesch, Andreas and Heitkämper, Katja (2024) Arbeitszeitbedarf für Betriebsführungsarbeiten bei reduziertem Einsatz von chemischen Pflanzenschutzmitteln. [Working time requirements for farm management work in organic and herbicide-reduced production of arable crops.] In: Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - Transformation macht nur gemeinsam Sinn, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), pp. 428-429. Möhring, Niklas; Müller, Adrian and Schaub, Sergei (2024) Farmers’ adoption of organic agriculture—a systematic global literature review. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 00 (00), pp. 1-33. Mozuraitis, Raimondas; Hall, David; Trandem, Nina; Ralle, Baiba; Tunström, Kalle; Sigsgaard, Lene; Baroffio, Catherine; Fountain, Michelle; Cross, Jerry; Wibe, Atle and Borg-Karlson, Anna-Karin (2020) Composition of Strawberry Floral Volatiles and their Effects on Behavior of Strawberry Blossom Weevil, Anthonomus rubi. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 46 (11), pp. 1-13. Nemecek, T; Dubois, D; Huguenin-Elie, O and Gaillard, G (2006) Life cycle assessment of Swiss organic farming systems. In: Atkinson, C; Ball, B; Davies, D H K; Rees, R; Russell, G; Stockdale, E A; Watson, C A; Walker, R and Younie, D (Eds.) Aspects of Applied Biology 79, What will organic farming deliver? COR 2006, Association of Applied Biologists, pp. 15-18. Nemecek, Dr. Thomas; Huguenin-Elie, Dr. Olivier; Dubois, Dr. David and Gaillard, Dr. Gérard (2007) Life cycle impact of Swiss arable cropping and forage production systems on global warming. Working paper, Biodiversity and Environmental Management, Agroscope Reckenholz-Tänikon Research Station ART . [Unpublished] Oberson, A.; Jarosch, K. A.; Frossard, E.; Hammelehle, A.; Fliessbach, A.; Mäder, P. and Mayer, J. (2024) Higher than expected: Nitrogen flows, budgets, and use efficiencies over 35 years of organic and conventional cropping. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 362 (108802), pp. 1-15. Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, K. A.; Bosshard, C.; Dubois, D.; Frossard, E.; Hammelehle, A.; Mayer, J. and Mäder, P. (2019) Nitrogen budgets and soil nitrogen stocks of organic and conventional cropping systems: how reconcile efficiency and sustainability of nitrogen use? In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 30. Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, Klaus A.; Bosshard, Christine; Dubois, David; Frossard, Emmanuel; Hammelehle, Andreas; Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2018) Nitrogen Budgets and Soil Nitrogen Stocks of Organic and Conventional Cropping Systems: Trade-Off between Efficiency and Sustainability of Nitrogen Use. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 44. Papp, Orsolya; Drexler, Dora; Bársony, Kristóf; Barta, Lili and Bencze, Szilvia (2019) Testing microbial inoculants and precrop effect on organic potato in Hungary. Poster at: Pfister, Christian; Spuhler, Markus; Kellermann, Liv and Hasinger, Gerhard (2024) Die Spatenprobe - Entnahme und Beurteilung nach der Methode BodenDOK. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick. Pontiggia, A.; Münger, A.; Ammer, S.; Philipona, C.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Keil, N.M. and Dohme-Meier, F. (2023) Short-term physiological responses to moderate heat stress in grazing dairy cows in temperate climate. Animal, 17 (100718), pp. 1-10. Pontiggia, A.; Münger, A.; Eggerschwiler, L.; Holinger, M.; Stucki, D.; Ammer, S.; Bruckmaier, R.M.; Dohme-Meier, F. and Keil, N.M. (2024) Behavioural responses related to increasing core body temperature of grazing dairy cows experiencing moderate heat stress. Animal, 18 (101097), pp. 1-10. Ragot, Sabine A.; Huguenin-Elie, Olivier; Kertesz, Michael A.; Frossard, Emmanuel and Bünemann, Else K. (2016) Total and active microbial communities and phoD as affected by phosphate depletion and pH in soil. Plant and Soil, 408 (1-2), pp. 15-30. Reinbacher, Lara; Praprotnik, Eva; Razinger, Jaka; Bacher, Sven and Grabenweger, Giselher (2023) Influence of Wireworm Diet on its Susceptibility to and Control With the Entomopathogenic Fungus Metarhizium brunneum (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae) in Laboratory and Field Settings. Journal of Economic Entomology, 116 (1), pp. 108-118. Rillig, Matthias C.; Aguilar‐Trigueros, Carlos A.; Camenzind, Tessa; Cavagnaro, Timothy R.; Degrune, Florine; Hohmann, Pierre; Lammel, Daniel R.; Mansour, India; Roy, Julien; van der Heijden, Marcel G.A. and Yang, Gaowen (2019) Why farmers should manage the arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis. New Phytologist, Letter, pp. 1-5. Rödiger, Manika and Home, Robert (2023) Systemic enablers and barriers to extending the productive life of dairy cows in Switzerland. Journal of Rural Studies, 100 (103031), pp. 1-10. Rufener, Christina; Lopez, Sarah and Holinger, Mirjam (2022) Can straw or compost satisfy the rooting motivation of fattening pigs? Poster at: The 55th Congress of the International Society of Applied Ethology, Ohrid, North Macedonia, 4.-8.9.2022. [Completed] Sailer, Lisa Marie; Holinger, Mirjam; Burla, Joan-Bryce; Wechsler, Beat; Zanolari, Patrik and Friedli, Katharina (2021) Influence of Housing and Management on Claw Health in Swiss Dairy Goats. Animals, 11, p. 1873. Seib, Tanja; Reinbacher, Lara; Paluch, Maximilian; Nikolei, Robin; Lehmhus, Jörn; Grabenweger, Giselher and Dietrich, Stephan (2023) Pathogenicity of Metarhizium and Cordyceps isolates against larvae of different Agriotes species and populations in correlation with conidial size and germination. Biocontrol Science and Technology, online, pp. 1-21. Skinner, Colin; Gattinger, Andreas; Krauss, Maike; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen; van der Heijden, Marcel G. A. and Mäder, Paul (2019) The impact of long-term organic farming on soil-derived greenhouse gas emissions. Scientific Reports, 9 (1702), pp. 1-10. Steffens, M.; Cupterus, F.; Don, A.; Gattinger, A.; Gruber, S.; Haagsma, W.; Hegewald, F.; Peigné, J.; Chiodelli Palazzoli, M.; Schulz, F.; van der Heijden, M.G.A.; Vincent-Caboud, L.; Wiesmeier, M.; Wittwer, R.; Zikeli, S. and Krauss, M. (2019) Does conversion to reduced tillage really increase soil organic carbon stocks in organic arable farming? Paper at: Jahrestagung BGS und DBG, Bern, Switzerland, 28 August 2019. [Completed] Steffens, Markus; Chiodelli Palazzoli, Marco; Cuperus, Fogelina; Don, Axel; Gattinger, Andreas; Gruber, Sabine; Haagsma, Wiepie; Wittwer, Raphael; Zikeli, Sabine and Krauss, Maike (2019) Does conversion to conservation tillage really increase soil organic carbon stocks in organic arable farming? In: Symposium. Oral Abstracts. 7th International Symposium on Soil Organic Matter, 6 - 11 October 2019, Hilton Adelaide, South Australia, p. 100. [Completed] Steinwidder, Andreas; Schneider, Manuel; Wachendorf, Michael; Starz, Walter and Pötsch, Erich M. (2011) The future of organic grassland farming in mountainous regions of Central Europe. In: Grassland Farming and Land Management Systems in Mountainous Regions. Proceedings of the 16th Symposium of the European Grassland Federation, Organising Committee of the 16th Symposium of the EGF 2011 and Agricultural Research and Education Centre (AREC) Raumberg-Gumpenstein 8952 Irdning, Austria , Grassland Science in Europe, no. 16, pp. 286-296. Stöckli, Sibylle; Felber, Raphael and Haye, Tim (2020) Current distribution and voltinism of the brown marmorated stink bug, Halyomorpha halys, in Switzerland and its response to climate change using a high-resolution CLIMEX model. International Journal of Biometeorology, online, pp. 1-14. Symanczik, Sarah; Gisler, Michelle; Thonar, Cécile; Schlaeppi, Klaus; van der Heijden, Marcel; Kahmen, Ansgar; Boller, Thomas and Mäder, Paul (2017) Application of Mycorrhiza and Soil from a Permaculture System Improved Phosphorus Acquisition in Naranjilla. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8:1263, pp. 1-12. Tittarelli, Fabio; Alsanius, Beatrix; De Groote, Stefanie; Fleury, Yannick; Kemper, Laura; Koefoed Petersen, Karen; Lambion, Jerome; Morra, Luigi and Willekens, Koen (2021) Greenresilient: Innovative Cropping Systems In Organic Greenhouse Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] Tonn, B.; Schneider, M.; Pauler, C.; Steiner, A.; Dittmann, M. and Leiber, F. (2024) Phenolic compounds and forage quality affect methane production potential from Swiss alpine summer pastures. In: Book of Abstracts of the 3rd Mountain Livestock Farming Systems Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Sciences. Clermont-Ferrand, France. 5-7 June, 2024, no. 32, p. 59. {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) Van Der Heijden, Marcel; Wittwer, Raphael; Jossi, Werner; Prechsl, Ulrich; Nemecek, Thomas; Schläppi, Klaus; Hagen, Emily O.; Keller, Thomas; Walder, Florian; Büchi, Lucie; Charles, Raphael; Colombi, Tino; Hess, Julia; Hirte, Juliane; Mayer, Jochen; Loiaza, Viviana; Pujol-Pereira, Engil; Six, Jo; Dennert, Francesca; Maurhofer, Monika and Seitz, Steffen (2018) A Comparison of Major Arable Production Systems: An Agronomic, Environmental and Ecological Evaluation. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, p. 45. {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Vonzun, Seraina; Messmer, Monika; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Wuest, Samuel; Blatter, Anna; Oppliger, Corina; Haug, Benedikt; Wille, Lukas and Hohmann, Pierre (2021) Optimising species complementarities in mixed cropping systems to secure local protein supply. Poster at: AAB Conference: Intercropping for sustainability, Online, via Zoom, 18.-20.01.2021. [Completed] Wendling, Marina; Büchi, Lucie; Amossé, Camille; Jeangros, Bernard; Walter, Achim and Charles, Raphaël (2017) Specific interactions leading to transgressive overyielding in cover crop mixtures. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 241, pp. 88-99. Wendling, Marina; Büchi, Lucie; Jeangros, Bernard; Walter, Achim and Charles, Raphael (2018) Cover Crop Productivity in Contrasting Growing Conditions and Influence on the Subsequent Crop. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, Frick, p. 47. Wendling, Marina; Charles, Raphaël; Herrera, Juan; Amossé, Camille; Jeangros, Bernard; Walter, Achim and Büchi, Lucie (2019) Effect of species identity and diversity on biomass production and its stability in cover crop mixtures. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 281, pp. 81-91. Wittwer, Raphaël; Walder, Florian; Büchi, Lucie; Schlaeppi, Klaus; Banerjee, Samiran; Hirte, Juliane; Mayer, Jochen; Colombi, Tino; Keller, Thomas; Seitz, Steffen; Scholten, Thomas; Loaiza Puerta, Viviana; Six, Johan; Charles, Raphael and van der Heijden, Marcel (2018) Impact of conventional, organic and conservation agriculture on soil functions and multifunctionality. In: Geophysical Research Abstracts, Lausanne, 20, p. 17002. Zorn, Alexander; Lippert, Christian and Dabbert, Stephan (2014) Organic controls in Germany – is there a need to harmonize? Poster at: EAAE 2014 Congress ‘Agri-Food and Rural Innovations for Healthier Societies’, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 26.-29. August 2014. German/DeutschHBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein (Ed.) (2014) Fachtagung für biologische Landwirtschaft 2014. Internationale Bio-Forschungsergebnisse aus Core Organic II sowie Düngekonzepte im Bio-Grünland. [Conference on Organic Agriculture 2014. International research results on organic agriculture from Core Organic II and fertilizer concepts in organic grassland.] HBLFA Raumberg-Gumpenstein, Irdning, Austria. Proceedings of Fachtagung für Biologische Landwirtschaft, Irdning, 06. November 2014. Schory, Fredy; Alföldi, Thomas; Büttikofer, Ueli; Charles, Raphael; Lobsiger, Martin; Pfefferli, Stephan and Strasser, Fredi (Eds.) (2010) 5. Bioforschungstag: Aktuelles zum Biorind. [5th Organic research day: Current cattle research.] Agroscope, Posieux, und FiBL, Frick. Proceedings of 5. Bioforschungstag, Posieux, 22 April 2010. [Unpublished] Agroscope FAL Reckenholz (Ed.) (2004) Schweizer Biolandbau-Forschung 2004-2007. Tagung des FiBL und der Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux, FAL-Reckenholz, FAT Tänikon, FAW Wädenswil und RAC Changings. [Swiss Research in Organic Agriculture 2004-2007. Conference of FIBL and Agroscope Liebefeld-Posieux, FAL-Reckenholz, FAT Tänikon, FAW Wädenswil, RAC Changings.] Agroscope FAL Reckenholz, Zürich. Proceedings of Schweizer Biolandbau-Forschung 2004-2007, Bern, Schweiz, 9.3.2004. [Unpublished] {Tool} Agrometeo: decision support tool for pest prognosis and risk assessment. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. Agostini, Lucilla; Diener, Matthias; Krause, Hans-Martin; Mayer, Jochen and Bünemann, Else (2024) Klimawirkung von optimierten Recyclingdüngern im Biologischen Landbau - Teil 2. [Climate effect of optimized recycled fertilizers in organic agriculture - Part 2.] In: Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - Transformation macht nur gemeinsam Sinn, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), pp. 382-383. {Tool} Dealing with drought in natural forage production. [Umgang mit Trockenheit in der natürlichen Futtermittelproduktion.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Lüscher, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL Film. (2023) {Tool} Sorghum: a more drought-resistant crop compared to maize. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Vonlanthen, Tiziana. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agroscope. (2024) Alföldi, Thomas; Bütikofer, Ueli; Charles, Raphaël; Kellerhals, Markus; Pfefferli, Stephan; Schori, Fredy and Strasser, Fredi (2014) Übersicht zur Bioforschung von Agroscope und FiBL 2012 bis 2013. Agroscope Science, 9, pp. 1-22. Anken, Thomas; Richner, Walter; Mäder, Paul and Schmid, Otto (2009) Stickstoffausnutzung, Beikrautregulierung und Erträge unterschiedlicher Bestellverfahren. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. Benz, Regula; Jucker, Phillip; Albrecht, Matthias; Charrière, Jean-Daniel; Herzog, Felix; Jacot, Katja; Tschumi, Matthias; Luka, Henryk; Pfiffner, Lukas; Ramseier, Hans; Knauer, Katja; Steinmann, Patricia; Tschumi, Eva and Silvestri, Gabriella (2015) Blühstreifen für Bestäuber und andere Nützlinge - Wertvolle Nahrungsquellen im Ackerbau. Merkblatt. AGRIDEA, Ch-Lausanne . Büchi, Lucie; Valsangiacomo, Alain; Burel, Enguerrand and Charles, Raphaël (2017) Agrarumweltindikator für die Bodenbedeckung auf Landwirtschaftsbetrieben. [Agri-environmental indicator for soil cover on Swiss farms.] Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2017, 8 (2), pp. 48-55. Bünemann, Else K.; Burgos, Stéphane; Dakhel-Robert, Nathalie; Heller, Olivier; Johannes, Alice; Kellermann, Liv; Niggli, Jeremias; Nilles, Lisa; Spuhler, Markus; van Geijtenbeek, Sophie and Weisskopf, Peter (2023) Spatenprobe BodenDok. HAFL, Agridea, FiBL, Agroscope . Online at, accessed on: December 2023. Cia, Samuel and Friedli, Michael (2024) Robuste Apfelsorten. BLW-finanzhilfeberechtigte Sorten für den Tafelanbau. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, Agroscope . Collatz, Jana; Siffert, Alexandra; Cahenzli, Fabian and Kehrli, Patrik (2021) Räuberische Gegenspieler der Kirschessigfliege. Die Rote. Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Obst- und Weinbau, 2021 (14), pp. 6-8. Daniel, Claudia; Wyss, Eric; Linder, Christian and Höhn, Heinrich (2005) Schwefel gegen Birnenpockenmilbe: Wirkung bestätigt. bioaktuell, 6, p. 12. {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Diener, Matthias; Agostini, Lucilla; Bünemann-König, Else Katrin and Mayer, Jochen (2024) Stickstoffeffizienz von optimierten Recyclingdüngern im Biologischen Landbau - Teil 1. [N- Use Efficiency from optimized recycling fertilizers in organic farming.] In: Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - Transformation macht nur gemeinsam Sinn, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), pp. 108-109. El Benni, Nadja; Grovermann, Christian and Finger, Robert (2023) Agrarökonomische Evaluierungsmethoden für eine evidenzbasierte Agrarpolitik. [Agricultural economic evaluation methods for evidence-based agricultural policy.] Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2023, 14, pp. 172-182. Fliessbach, Andreas; Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, Klaus; Mayer, Jochen; Krause, Hans-Martin and Mäder, Paul (2024) Der DOK-Versuch. 42 Jahre biologischer und konventioneller Anbau im Vergleich. [The DOK Trial. 42 years of organic and conventional cropping systems.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . [Completed] Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Mayer, Jochen; Oehl, Fritz; Pfiffner, Lukas; Hartmann, Martin and Widmer, Franco (2015) Welche landwirtschaftlichen Anbausysteme fördern das Bodenleben? HOTSPOT, 2015, 32, pp. 8-9. {Tool} FusaProg: risk assessment of fusarium and mycotoxin infestation in wheat production. Creator(s): Forrer, Hans-Rudolf and Musa, Tomke. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2013) Frick, Claudia; Hohmann, Pierre and van der Heijden, Marcel (2020) Mehr als ein Nährstofflieferant. Bioaktuell, 2020, 9, pp. 12-13. Friedli, Michael; Bühlmann-Schütz, Simone; Cia, Samuel and Weber, Michael (2024) Die Apfelsorte 'Ladina': Gut 20 Jahre Erfahrungen aus der Schweiz. Öko-Obstbau, 2024 (4), pp. 9-11. {Tool} AgriPerform - An X-ray machine for accounting. [AgriPerform - Ein Röntgenapparat für die Buchhaltung.] Creator(s): Gazzarin, Christian. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2017) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Grüter, Roman; Costerousse, B.; Bertoni, A.; Mayer, J.; Thonar, C.; Frossard, E.; Schulin, R. and Tandy, S. (2017) Green manure and long-term fertilization effects on available soil zinc and cadmium and their accumulation by wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Paper at: SSSS Anual Meeting 2017 - SOIL SCIENCE AND SOIL PROTECTION: A CHALLENGE ACROSS BOUNDARIES, University of Bern, Switzerland, 9th to 10th February, 2017. [Completed] Häseli, Andreas; Friedli, Michael and Schwizer, Thomas (2024) Biozwetschgenanbau unter Witterungsschutz. Öko-Obstbau, 2024 (4), pp. 16-20. Hedrich, Tino; Vieweger, Anja; Hofer, Sheila and Simonnet, Xavier (2023) Nicht-chemische Beikrautregulierung bei Kräutern (OGAPAM-Projekt, Zwischenbericht). Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL und Agroscope . {Tool} LabourScope – The Work Budget for Agricultural and Domestic Activities. [Die Arbeitszeit im Griff mit LabourScope.] Creator(s): Heitkämper, Katja; Besier, Johanna; Umstätter, Christina and Stark, Ruedi. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2020) Heller, Dr. Werner E. (2009) Desinfektion von Gemüsesamen mit belüftetem Dampf. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. Holinger, Mirjam; Bühl, Verena; Pieper, Lena; Kürmann, Sabine; Pontiggia, Alice and Ammer, Stefanie (2022) Welche Verhaltensindikatoren eignen sich, um Hitzestress bei weidenden Milchkühen zu erkennen? [Which behavioural indicators are suitable for detecting heat stress in grazing dairy cows?] Paper at: 54. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie in Freiburg, Freiburg DE, 24.-26.11.2022. [Completed] {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Hutter, M.; Krebs, R. and Mayer, Jochen (2017) Stickstoffnutzungseffizienz roher und anaerob vergorener Güllen: Eine Studie mit unterschiedlichen 15N Methoden. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017. Jacot, Katja; Lutter, Stefan; Ramseier, Hans; Cahenzli, Fabian; Ladner Callipari, Judith; Steinemann, Beatrice; Pfiffner, Lukas and Gramlich, Anja (2023) Ein- und mehrjährige Nützlingsstreifen im Ackerland. AGRIDEA , CH-Lindau. Jarosch, KA.; Gunst, Lucie; Dubois, David; Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2017) Phosphor- und Kalium-Bilanzen über 35 Jahre DOK-Versuch & geschätzte K-Nachlieferungsraten auf einem Lössboden. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017. Klaus, Valentin H.; Richter, Franziska; Buchmann, Nina; El Benni, Nadja; Jan, Pierrick and Lüscher, Andreas (2023) Produktivität biologisch bewirtschafteter Weiden und Wiesen im Kanton Solothurn. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Klöble, Ulrike and Moriz, Christoph (2010) Arbeitszeitbedarf für die Betriebsführung. . Online at Klötzli, Julie; Suter, Matthias; Schaffner, Urs; Müller-Schärer, Heinz and Lüscher, Andreas (2023) Die kombinierte Wirkung von spezialisierten wurzelbohrenden Insekten und Pflanzenkonkurrenz reduziert das Wachstum von Rumex obtusifolius. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Knapp, Samuel; Rosalie, Aebi; Martin, Anders and Hiltbrunner, Jürg (2015) Heritabilität und Korrelationen von Morphologischen Eigenschaften bei Winterweizen-Sorten unter Bio-Bedingungen. [Heritabilities and correlations of morphological traits of winterwheat varieities under organic management.] Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. Krauss, Maike; Bernardi, Florian and Wirth, Judith (2023) Das Erdmandelgras gemeinsam eindämmen. Schweizer Bauer, 30 September 2023, p. 26. Krauss, Maike; Bernardi, Florian and Wirth, Judith (2023) Das Erdmandelgras gemeinsam eindämmen. [Endiguer ensemble le souchet comestible.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, KBA (Klaus Büchel Anstalt) und Agroscope . Online at, accessed on: November 2023. Latsch, Roy; Sauter, Joachim and Kaeser, Alexandra (2011) Ampferkontrolle mittels Heissdampfinjektion. [Dock control with hot water steam.] Poster at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, 15.-18. März 2011. Latsch, Roy; Sauter, Joachim and Sauter, Monika (2013) Eignung unterschiedlicher Applikationsköpfe für die Ampferbekämpfung mit Heißwasser. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013. Leifeld, Jens; Müller, Adrian and Steffens, Markus (2019) Kriterien für die Zertifizierung von Kohlenstoffsenken in Landwirtschaftsböden. [Criteria for the Certification of Carbon Sinks in Agricultural Soil.] Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2019, 10 (9), pp. 346-349. Levy, L.; Courvoisier, N.; Rechsteiner, S.; Herrara, J.; Brabant, C.; Hund, A.; Weissflog, Th.; Dierauer, H. and Pellet, D. (2017) Winterweizen: Bilanz aus 15 Jahren Sortenprüfung unter extensiven Anbaubedingungen. Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2017, 8 (7+08), pp. 300-309. Mäder, Paul and Dubois, David (2005) Produktequalität von Weizen und Nachhaltigkeit der Produktion bei ökologischer und konventioneller Bewirtschaftung (DOK-Versuch). [Wheat quality and sustainability in organic and conventional farming systems (DOK trial).] Paper at: 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau – Ende der Nische, Kassel, 01.03.2005 - 04.03.2005. [Unpublished] Mäder, Paul and Mayer, Jochen (2014) Was Langzeitversuche für die Biolandbau-Forschung bedeuten. Ökologie & Landbau, 2/2014 (170), pp. 45-47. Mayer, Jochen; Scheifele, Michael; Efosa, Nora and Bünemann, Else (2023) N-Ausnutzung, Nitratauswaschung und Treibhausgasemissionen beim Einsatz von Gärresten im ökologischen Landbau – Teil I. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Mayer, Jochen; Jarosch, KA.; Hammelehle, Andreas; Dubois, David; Gunst, Lucie; Bosshard, C.; Frossard, Emmanuel; Mäder, Paul and Oberson, Astrid (2017) Stickstoffbilanzen in biologischen und konventionellen Anbausystemen Das Effizienz-Nachhaltigkeits-Dilemma. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017. {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Oberhänsli, Thomas; Fuchs, Jacques; Thürig, Barbara; Widmer, Franco; Mayerhofer, Johanna; Ahrens, Christian and Stefanie, Lutz (2018) Identifizierung und Charakterisierung der krankheitsunterdrückenden Mikroorganismen beim Komposteinsatz. Poster at: Nationale Bio-Forschungstagung 2018, FiBL, Frick, Schweiz, 23. November 2018. [Completed] Pfister, Christian; Spuhler, Markus; Kellermann, Liv and Hasinger, Gerhard (2024) Die Spatenprobe - Entnahme und Beurteilung nach der Methode BodenDOK. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick. Pontiggia, Alice; Münger, Andreas; Holinger, Mirjam; Ammer, Stefanie; Bruckmaier, Rupert; Dohme-Meier, Frigga and Keil, Nina M. (2021) Auswirkung der Stallhaltung während der heissesten Tageszeit auf die Hitzestressbelastung von weidenden Milchkühen. [Effect of keeping grazing dairy cows in the barn during the hottest time of the day on heat stress response.] Paper at: 53. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie in Freiburg, Freiburg, Deutschland, 25.-27.11.2021. [Submitted] Reckling, Moritz; Halwani, Mosab; Winterling, Andrea; Pflugfelder, Anne; Zikeli, Sabine; Lehner, Daniel; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Preußner, Verena; Lutzer, Hans-Hagen; Bloch, Ralf; Rusch, Constanze; Radke, Oliver; Schwabe, Ines; Karalus, Wolfgang; Hüppe, Cecilia; Rosner, Gunhild; Salama, Kotaiba and Blessing, Carola (2024) Das Potenzial von Kichererbsen für den ökologischen Landbau. [The potential of chickpeas for organic farming.] In: Landwirtschaft und Ernährung - Transformation macht nur gemeinsam Sinn, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), pp. 131-132. Rufener, Christina; Lopez, Sarah and Holinger, Mirjam (2022) Kann ein Stroh- oder Kompostwühlbereich die Wühlmotivation von Mastschweinen befriedigen? Paper at: 54. Internationale Tagung Angewandte Ethologie in Freiburg, Freiburg, Deutschland, 24.-26.11.2022. [In Press] Schader, Christian; Grovermann, Christian; Obrist, Robert; Frick, Rebekka; Stolze, Matthias; Stefan, Mann; Grenz, Jan and Wyss, Rebekka (2018) Neue Wege in der Schweizer Agrarpolitik. Potential von Nachhaltigkeitsbewertungs- Instrumenten zur Verbesserung der Effektivität, Effizienz und Akzeptanz der Schweizer Agrarpolitik. FiBL, Berner Fachhochschule und Agroscope . Schneider, Marie; Umstätter, Christina; Nasser, Hassan Roland; Gallmann, Eva and Barth, Kerstin (2023) Vorläufige Ergebnisse zum Einfluss der muttergebundenen Kälberaufzucht auf die ultra- und circadiane Aktivitätsrhythmik von Milchkühen. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Steinemann, Beatrice; Bolliger, Niklaus; Culta, Poma; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Kellerhals, Markus and Messmer, Monika (2018) Bioapfelzüchtung: Vitaler Apfel mit Genuss. Poster at: Tag der offenen Tür, FiBL, Frick, Schweiz, 19.8.2018. [Completed] Steinwidder, Andreas; Frey, H.; Hofstetter, Pius; Gazzarin, C. and Starz, Walter (2017) Stall- und weidebasierte Milchproduktionssysteme Analysen zur Lebensmittelkonversionseffizienz. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017. Stöckli, Sibylle; Chevillat, Véronique; Rutz, Theres; Saussure, Stéphanie and Pfiffner, Lukas (2024) Was leisten Landwirtschaftsbetriebe in der Schweiz für die Erhaltung der Biodiversität? Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2024, 15, pp. 313-321. Strasser, F.; Alföldi, T.; Baumann, D.; Charles, R.; Dubois, D.; Fried, P.M.; Gallmann, P. and Kaufmann, R. (2005) Koordinierter Wissensaustausch für Innovationen und Forschung im biologischen Landbau. [Coordination of knowledge – exchange for innovation and research in organic farming.] In: Heß, J and Rahmann, G (Eds.) Ende der Nische, Beiträge zur 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, kassel university press GmbH, Kassel, Frick. Thanner, Sophie; Wey, Magdalena; Lüscher, Aline and Baschung, Chiara (2024) Gefrässiger Japankäfer: Neue Wege der Bekämpfung | FiBL Focus. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at, accessed on: September 2024. {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Vogelgsang, Dr. Susanne; Bänziger, Irene; Krebs, Heinz; Legro, Robert and Forrer, Dr. Hans-Rudolf (2009) Bekämpfung von Microdochium nivale (Schneeschimmel) auf Weizen mit Präparaten auf Pflanzenbasis. Poster at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009. Wagner, Andrea; Juschkat, Michaela; Heitkämper, Katja; Stadelmann, Monika; Hartmann, Stefan and Schick, Matthias (2013) Arbeitszeitbedarf für die Betreuung von Biogasanlagen. Paper at: 12. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität, Bonn, 5. bis 8. März 2013. Wey, Magdalena; Maurhofer, Monika and Grabenweger, Giselher (2023) Biologische Schädlingskontrolle adulter Japankäfer mit entomopathogenen Pilzen. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Wittwer, Raphaël; Oliveira, Emily; Sun, Qing; Liu, Yujie; Klaus, Valentin H.; Gilgen, Anna K.; Buchmann, Nina and Van Der Heijden, Marcel G.A. (2023) Können ökologische und bodenschonende Ackerbausysteme Dürreperioden besser überstehen? In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Wittwer, Raphaël and Van Der Heijden, Marcel G.A. (2023) Die Multifunktionalität von Ackerbausysteme bewerten. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Wittwer, Raphaël; Jossi, Werner and van der Heijden, Marcel (2017) Die vielen Facetten von Zwischenfrüchten. Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017. Wittwer, Raphaël and Rossi, W. (2017) Schneckenanfälligkeit von Zwischenfrüchten. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiter denken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin, no. 14, pp. 190-191. Wittwer, Raphaël; Tombez, Grégoire and van der Heijden, Marcel (2015) Drohnenbilder zur Untersuchung von Pflanzenwachstum und Nährstoffdynamik. [Drone imagery for plant growth and nutrient dynamic assessment.] Poster at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015. Danish/Dansk{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Bulgarian/български{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) Czech/Česky{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Dutch/Nederlands{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Estonian/Eesti{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Finnish/Suomea{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) French/Francais{Tool} Agrometeo: decision support tool for pest prognosis and risk assessment. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. {Tool} Dealing with drought in natural forage production. [Umgang mit Trockenheit in der natürlichen Futtermittelproduktion.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Lüscher, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL Film. (2023) {Tool} Sorghum: a more drought-resistant crop compared to maize. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Vonlanthen, Tiziana. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agroscope. (2024) Araldi, Flore and Christen, Danilo (2021) Malgré une maigre récolte, la filière de l’abricot biologique se consolide. Agri hebdo, 9 July 2021, p. 20. Benz, Regula; Jucker, Phillip; Albrecht, Matthias; Charrière, Jean-Daniel; Herzog, Felix; Jacot, Katja; Tschumi, Matthias; Luka, Henryk; Pfiffner, Lukas; Ramseier, Hans; Knauer, Katja; Steinmann, Patricia; Tschumi, Eva and Silvestri, Gabriella (2015) Bandes fleuries pour les pollinisateurs et les autres organismes utiles - Sources de nourriture précieuses parmi les cultures. AGRIDEA, Ch-Lausanne . Büchi, Lucie; Valsangiacomo, Alain; Burel, Enguerrand and Charles, Raphaël (2017) Indicateur agro-environnemental de la couverture du sol dans les exploitations agricoles. [Agri-environmental indicator for soil cover on Swiss farms.] Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2017, 8 (2), pp. 48-55. Bünemann, Else K.; Burgos, Stéphane; Dakhel-Robert, Nathalie; Heller, Olivier; Johannes, Alice; Kellermann, Liv; Niggli, Jeremias; Nilles, Lisa; Spuhler, Markus; van Geijtenbeek, Sophie and Weisskopf, Peter (2023) Test à la bêche SolDoc. HAFL, Agridea, FiBL, Agroscope . Online at, accessed on: December 2023. Charles, Raphael; Wendling, Marina; Büchi, Lucie; Casagrande, Marion; Celette, Florian; Fontaine, Laurence and Jouany, Claire (2017) Les CIMS pour améliorer la productivité en Agriculture Biologique dans les systèmes de culture assolés. Innovations Agronomiques, 62, pp. 131-141. Cia, Samuel and Friedli, Michael (2024) Variétés de pommes robustes. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick . Daniel, Claudia; Wyss, Eric; Linder, Christian and Höhn, Heiri (2005) Du soufre contre le phytopte du poirier – Efficacité confirmée. [Sulfur against the paer leaf blister mite (Phytoptus pyri): Effect confirmed.] Bioactualité, 7, p. 7. {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Fliessbach, Andreas; Oberson, Astrid; Jarosch, Klaus; Mayer, Jochen; Krause, Hans-Martin and Mäder, Paul (2024) Der DOK-Versuch. 42 Jahre biologischer und konventioneller Anbau im Vergleich. [The DOK Trial. 42 years of organic and conventional cropping systems.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . [Completed] Fuchs, Jacques G.; Hauenstein, Samuel; Koller, Martin; Anor, Mateo; Camps, Cédric; Eberle, Sandrine; Fleury, Yannik and Gilli, Céline (2020) Biogreenhouse: Optimisation de la fertilisation azotée en maraîchage biologique sous serre avec des sous-produits de la méthanisation. [Biogreenhouse: Optimierung der Stickstoffdüngung im biologischen Gemüsebau in Gewächshäusern mit Nebenprodukten der Vergärung.] Rapport final. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick et Agroscope, CH-Conthey . {Tool} AgriPerform - An X-ray machine for accounting. [AgriPerform - Ein Röntgenapparat für die Buchhaltung.] Creator(s): Gazzarin, Christian. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2017) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} LabourScope – The Work Budget for Agricultural and Domestic Activities. [Die Arbeitszeit im Griff mit LabourScope.] Creator(s): Heitkämper, Katja; Besier, Johanna; Umstätter, Christina and Stark, Ruedi. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. (2020) Holinger, Mirjam and Stoll, Peter (2025) Alimentation adaptée à l’espèce des porcs à l’engrais. Fiche technique. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick. {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Jacot, Katja; Lutter, Stefan; Ramseier, Hans; Cahenzli, Fabian; Ladner Callipari, Judith; Steinemann, Beatrice; Pfiffner, Lukas and Gramlich, Anja (2023) Bandes annuelles et pluriannuelles pour organismes utiles sur terres ouvertes. AGRIDEA , CH-Lindau. Krauss, Maike; Bernardi, Florian and Wirth, Judith (2023) Das Erdmandelgras gemeinsam eindämmen. [Endiguer ensemble le souchet comestible.] Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, KBA (Klaus Büchel Anstalt) und Agroscope . Online at, accessed on: November 2023. Leifeld, Jens; Müller, Adrian and Steffens, Markus (2019) Critères de certification pour les puits de carbone dans les sols agricoles. Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2019, 10 (9), pp. 346-349. Marchand, David and Dubuis, Pierre-Henri (2022) Le black-rot en recrudescence dans certaines parcelles de vignes. AgriHebdo, 25 November 2022, p. 20. {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Pfister, Christian; Spuhler, Markus; Kellermann, Liv and Hasinger, Gerhard (2024) Die Spatenprobe - Entnahme und Beurteilung nach der Methode BodenDOK. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick. Sarthou, Jean-Pierre; Choisis, J.-P.; Amossé, A.; Arndorfer, M.; Bailey, D.; Balázs, K.; Balent, G.; Deconchat, M.; Dennis, P.; Eiter, S.; Fjellstad, W.; Friedel, J.K.; Jeanneret, Philippe; Jongman, R.H.B; Kainz , M.; Moreno, G.; Ouin, A.; Paoletti, Maurizio G.; Pointereau, Philippe; Stoyanova, S.; Viaggi, Davide; Vialatte, A.; Wolfrum, S. and Herzog, Felix (2013) Biodiversity indicators in organic and conventional farming systems: main results from the European project BIOBIO. [Indicateurs de biodiversité dans les exploitations agricoles biologiques et conventionnelles des Vallées et Coteaux de Gascogne, cas d’étude français du projet européen BIOBIO.] Innovations Agronomiques, 32, pp. 333-349. Sinaj, Sokrat; Charles, Raphael; Baux, Alice; Dupuis, Brice; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Levy, Lilia; Pellet, Didier; Blanchet, Guillaume and Jeangros, Bernard (2017) Fertilisation des grandes cultures. Recherche Agronomique Suisse, 2017, 8 (6), pp. 1-46. {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Greek/Ellinika{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Hungarian/Magyar{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Italian/Italiano{Tool} Agrometeo: decision support tool for pest prognosis and risk assessment. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. {Tool} Dealing with drought in natural forage production. [Umgang mit Trockenheit in der natürlichen Futtermittelproduktion.] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Lüscher, Andreas. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. FiBL Film. (2023) Alföldi, Thomas and Vonlanthen, Tiziana (2024) Il sorgo: una coltura più resistente alla siccità in confronto al mais. Istituto di ricerca dell’agricoltura biologica FiBL , CH-Frick. {Tool} Sorghum: a more drought-resistant crop compared to maize. Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas and Vonlanthen, Tiziana. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agroscope. (2024) Bünemann, Else K.; Burgos, Stéphane; Dakhel-Robert, Nathalie; Heller, Olivier; Johannes, Alice; Kellermann, Liv; Niggli, Jeremias; Nilles, Lisa; Spuhler, Markus; van Geijtenbeek, Sophie and Weisskopf, Peter (2023) Test della vanga SuoloDoc. HAFL, Agridea, FiBL, Agroscope . Online at, accessed on: December 2023. {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Fliessbach, Andreas; Krause, Hans-Martin; Jarosch, Klaus; Mayer, Jochen; Oberson, Astrid and Mäder, Paul (2024) La sperimentazione DOK. Dossier / Scheda informativa. Istituto di ricerca dell’agricoltura biologica FiBL, CH-Frick. {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Pfister, Christian; Spuhler, Markus; Kellermann, Liv and Hasinger, Gerhard (2024) Die Spatenprobe - Entnahme und Beurteilung nach der Methode BodenDOK. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL , CH-Frick. Sinaj, Sokrat; Charles, Raphael; Baux, Alice; Dupuis, Brice; Hiltbrunner, Jürg; Levy, Lilia; Pellet, Didier; Blanchet, Guillaume and Jeangros, Bernard (2017) Concimazione delle colture erbacee da pieno campo. Recherche Agronomique Suisse, June 2017, 8, pp. 1-46. {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Lithuanian/Lietuvos{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Latvian/Lettish/Latviesu{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Polish/Polski{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) Portuguese/Portugues{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Romanian/Română{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Russian/RusskiyLichtenhahn, Martin; Koller, Martin; Dierauer, Hansueli and Baumann, Daniel (2021) БОРЬБА С СОРНЯКАМИ В ОРГАНИЧЕСКОМ ОВОЩЕВОДСТВЕ. Merkblatt. Research Institut of organic Agriculture FiBL and Agro-Eco-Culture, CH-Frick. Spanish/Español{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) Fliessbach, Andreas; Krause, Hans-Martin; Jarosch, Klaus; Mayer, Jochen; Oberson, Astrid and Mäder, Paul (2024) El ensayo DOK. Comparación de los sistemas de cultivo ecológico y convencional durante 45 años. Instituto de Investigación de Agricultura Orgánica FiBL, CH-Frick. {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Serbian/српски језик{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Slovak/Slovenčina{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Slovenian/Slovenski Jezik{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) Swedish/Svenska{Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: Advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, IFAPA, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} (Bio)solarisation: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): IFAPA, Agroscope. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil borne diseases: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): de Cara García, Miguel; Michel, Vincent and Molendijk, Leendert. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, IFAPA - Instituto Andaluz de Investigación y Formación Agraria, Pesquera, Alimentaria y de la Producción Ecológica, Agroscope. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost: Advantages and Disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Landwirtschaft Grand, Agroscope. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Soil organic matter (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Grand, Alfred and Michel, Vincent. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendijk, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Crop rotation: Practical information (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Houben, Saskia; Brinks, Harm; Salomons, Jan; de Cara, Miguel; Damsgaard Thorsted, Marian; Michel, Vincent; Molendjik, Leendert and Schlathoelter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Delphy, IFAPA, SEGES, Agroscope, WUR - Wageningen University & Research, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Biofumigation: Practical information, advantages and disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and de Cara García, Miguel. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, IFAPA. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Compost quality test (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Fuchs, Jacques. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Microbial antagonists & bca: Practical information (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent and Gaffney, Michael. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Teagasc. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Factsheet). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Factsheet. (2020) {Tool} Green manures & cover crops: Advantages & disadvantages (Best4Soil Video). Creator(s): Michel, Vincent; Grand, Alfred and Schlathölter, Michaela. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil, Agroscope, Vermigrand, P. H. Petersen Saatzucht Lundsgaard. Best4Soil Video. (2020) {Tool} Database of nematodes (Best4Soil). Creator(s): van Asperen, Paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2020) {Tool} Database of soilborne pathogens of arable and horticultural crops (Best4Soil). Creator(s): vanasperen, paulien. Issuing Organisation(s): Best4Soil. (2020) This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 07:03:18 2025 CET. |