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Produktequalität von Weizen und Nachhaltigkeit der Produktion bei ökologischer und konventioneller Bewirtschaftung (DOK-Versuch)

Mäder, Paul and Dubois, David (2005) Produktequalität von Weizen und Nachhaltigkeit der Produktion bei ökologischer und konventioneller Bewirtschaftung (DOK-Versuch). [Wheat quality and sustainability in organic and conventional farming systems (DOK trial).] Paper at: 8. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau – Ende der Nische, Kassel, 01.03.2005 - 04.03.2005. [Unpublished]

[thumbnail of wt-maeder-dubois-2005-qualitaet.pdf] PDF - English

Summary in the original language of the document

Consumers have become more aware of healthy and safe food produced with low environmental impact. We studied the quality of wheat (Triticum aestivum L., winter form) grown in a 21-year agro-system comparison between organic and conventional farming in Central Europe, known as the DOK experiment.
The 71% lower addition by plant available nitrogen to the organic field plots led to 14% lower wheat yields. However, the nutritional value, i.e. protein content and baking quality, were hardly affected by the farming systems. Despite exclusion of fungicides from the organic production systems, the quantities of mycotoxins detected in wheat grains did not differ. Food preference tests, as an integrative method, indicated a tendency for rats to prefer organically produced wheat over conventionally produced wheat.

EPrint Type:Conference paper, poster, etc.
Type of presentation:Paper
Keywords:Weizen, Lebensmittelqualität, Verarbeitung, Bodenfruchtbarkeit, low-input wheat quality, food processing, soil fertility, low-input, DOK
Subjects: Crop husbandry > Crop health, quality, protection
Crop husbandry > Production systems > Cereals, pulses and oilseeds
Research affiliation: Switzerland > Agroscope
Switzerland > FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture Switzerland > Soil
International Conferences > 2005: Scientific Conference on Organic Agriculture
Related Links:https://www.fibl.org/de/themen/anbautechnik.html
Deposited By: Mäder, Paul
ID Code:3629
Deposited On:09 Feb 2006
Last Modified:13 Jan 2021 12:56
Document Language:German/Deutsch
Refereed:Submitted for peer-review but not yet accepted

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