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Items affiliated to "CREA"

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Number of items at this level: 80.

{Organization} Azienda Sperimentale "Campo 7" - CREA AA (Metaponto, MT). [Experimental farm "Campo 7" - CREA AA (Metaponto, MT).] Organization Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco; Fiore, Dr Angelo and Persiani, Dr Alessandro.

{Facility} Composting pilot plant (in experimental farm "Campo 7" of CREA). Facility Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco; Fiore, Dr Angelo and Persiani, Dr Alessandro, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics .

{Facility} MITIORG: MITIORG Long-term Experiment Climatic change adaptation in organic farming: synergistic combination of hydraulic arrangement, crop rotations, agro-ecological service crops and agronomic techniques. Start 2014. Facility Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco and Fiore, Dr Angelo, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics .

{Tool} Efficient irrigation systems in citrus plantations in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Irrigazione efficiente negli agrumeti (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Stagno, Fiorella. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. (2023)

{Tool} Grain Pea in Organic Farming. [Pisello da granella in agricoltura biologica.] Creator(s): Annicchiarico, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Colture Proteiche - Speciale - PROVE CONDOTTE NELL’AREALE PADANO, no. 39. (2006)

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson and Ferrari, Barbara (2019) Genomic selection in white lupin. Keynote presentation at:

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Assessment Criteria for Processing Technologies Based on EU Regulation 2018/848. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB .

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Beoordelingscriteria voor verwerkingstechnologieën op basis van de EU-verordening 2018/848. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB .

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Bewertungskriterien für die Verarbeitungstechnologien auf Basis der EU-Verordnung 2018/848. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB .

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Critères d’évaluation des procédés de transformation basés sur le règlement 2018/848 de l’UE. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB .

Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Criteri di valutazione dei processi di traformazione basati sul Regolamento UE 848/2018. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB .

Belfakira, Chaimaa; Hindi, Zakia; Lafram, Amina; Bikri, Samir; Benayad, Asmaa; El Bilali, Hamid; Bügel, Susanne; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Pugliese, Patrizia; Strassner, Carola; Rossi, Laura; Stefanovic, Lilliana and Aboussaleh, Youssef (2024) Household FoodWaste in Morocco: An Exploratory Survey in the Province of Kenitra. Sustainability, 16 (4474), pp. 1-20.

Bochicchio, Davide (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Italy: year-round access to pasture for growing-finishing pigs. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.8. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Bochicchio, Davide (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: using microorganisms to improve piglet health. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.5. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Bochicchio, Davide (2022) Innovative farming in Italy: pasture rotation in the forest. POWER-Factsheet, no. 4.4. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Brusco, Maria Luigia (2019) Agricoltura biodinamica: alla ricerca di conferme scientifiche. FreshPlaza . Online at https://www.freshplaza.it/article/9091991/agricoltura-biodinamica-alla-ricerca-di-conferme-scientifiche/, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Cammarano, Davide; Martre, Pierre; Drexler, Dora; Draye, Xavier; Sessitsch, Angela; Pecchioni, Nicola; Cooper, Julia; Willer, Helga; Voicu, Adriana and Hinsinger, Philippe (2018) Shared protocols and data template in agronomic trials. Paper at: 14th IPCA Session, Montreal, Canada, June 24-27, 2018.

{Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 3. (2019)

{Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation. Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Universitat Politècnica de València. (2021)

{Tool} Agroecological service crops in Southern European greenhouse (Greenresilient Factsheet). Creator(s): Ciaccia, Corrado; Testani, Elena; Morra, Luigi and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Greenreslient Factsheet. (2021)

Cinquemani, Tommaso (2018) Con GreenResilient il biologico in serra diventa più sostenibile. AgroNotizie - riproduzione riservata . Online at https://agronotizie.imagelinenetwork.com/vivaismo-e-sementi/2018/06/04/con-greenresilient-il-biologico-in-serra-diventa-piu-sostenibile/58897, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

{Tool} The introduction of strip cropping into the mid-Adriatic region (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [L'introduzione della coltivazione a strisce nel Medio Adriatico (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Campanelli, Gabriele and Seghetti, Marco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2022)

{Tool} Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Reintroduzione della coltivazione della canapa nelle zone mediterranee (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Dara Guccione, Giovanni; Sciacca, Fabiola; Virzì, Nino and Palumbo, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2021)

{Tool} Feedstuffs for organic pigs. [Alimenti per il suino biologico.] Creator(s): Commellini, Michele; Bochicchio, Davide and Della Casa, Giacinto. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2012)

Cornu, Marie-Aline; Frick, Rebekka; Chongtham, Iman Raj; Iocola, Ileana; Canali, Stefano; Colombo, Luca; Radzikowski, Pawel; Stalenga, Jarosław; Viguier, Loic; Drexler, Dora; Schneider, Anne; Stilmant, Didier and Vanwindekens, Frederic (2023) Identification and description of relationships between actors involved in crop diversification experiences across Europe. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43 (67), pp. 1-19.

Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Sukkel, Wijnand; Schmaedeke, Frank; Arlotti, Donatienne; Toque, Clotilde; Vandevalle, Aline; Jensen, Erik; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Krauss, Maike; Campanelli, Gabriele; Lefèvre, Amélie; Dauber, Jens; Tebbe, Christoph; Cuperus, Fogelina and Canali, Stefano (2018) Combination of Spatial and Temporal Diversification in European Cropping Systems. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 145-146.

Di Veroli, Jacopo Niccolò; Peronti, Benedetta; Scognamiglio, Umberto; Baiamonte, Irene; Paoletti, Flavio; Stefanovic, Lilliana; Bügel, Susanne; Aboussaleh, Youssef; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika and Rossi, Laura (2024) Food waste behaviors of the families of the Cilento Bio-District in comparison with the national data: elements for policy actions. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8 (138570), pp. 1-18.

{Tool} Compost tea: innovative management of organic sweet cherry orchards and organic vineyards (OLTRE.BIO practice abstract). [OLTRE.BIO - Oltre il bio: gestione innovativa della cerasicoltura e viticoltura da tavola biologica.] Creator(s): Diacono, Mariangela; Persiani, Alessandro; Fiore, Angelo; Alfano, Vincenzo and Montemurro, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment. (2023)

Eggers, Nina; Kidmose, Ulla; Moor, Ulvi and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2016) Effect of pressing method on the sensory quality of organic apple juice. Poster at: EuroSense 2016, Dijon, France, 11-14 September 2016.

{Tool} Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production (POWER Factsheet). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcilia and Kongsted, Anne Grete. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Center for Frilandsdyr, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Thünen-Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022)

Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M-L; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2023) Benessere e impatto ambientale nella produzione del suino biologico. [Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production.] Guida / Manuale. FiBL, CH-Frick.

Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2024) Bien-être et impact environnemental de la production biologique de porcs. Guide. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick.

Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Djurvälfärd och miljöpåverkan inom ekologisk grisproduktion. 1 edition. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Tierwohl und Umweltwirkungen der biologischen Schweinehaltung. 1 edition. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick.

Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production. 1 edition. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Giulio, Viggiani (2022) New EU-med agrofood systems: The All-Organic challenge. To promote resilient food production through diversification All Organic just started the international project to promote diversified and robust organic productions systems by a network of agroecology living labs. .

{Tool} PERILBIO: Living labs, research and innovation in poultry and aquaculture. [PERILBIO: I living lab, ricerca e innovazione in avicoltura e acquacoltura.] Creator(s): Guarino Amato, Monica; Pulcini, Domitilla; Capoccioni, Fabrizio and Cali, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2023)

Heinmaa, Lagle; Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Raudsepp, Piret; Kidmose, Ulla and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Content of health-beneficial compounds and sensory properties of organic apple juice as affected by processing technology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85, pp. 372-379.

Heinmaa, Lagle; Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Raudsepp, Piret; Kidmose, Ulla and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Content of health-beneficial compounds and sensory properties of organic apple juice as affected by processing technology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85, pp. 372-379.

Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press]

Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press]

Hindi, Zakia; Belfakira, Chaimaa; Lafram, Amina; Bikri, Samir; Benayad, Asmaa; El Bilali, Hamid; Bügel, Susanne; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Pugliese, Patrizia; Strassner, Carola; Rossi, Laura; Stefanovic, Lilliana and Aboussaleh, Youssef (2024) Exploring food consumption patterns in the province of Kenitra, Northwest of Morocco. BMC Public Health, 24 (1899), pp. 1-13.

{Tool} Optimizing the run-out design of fattening pigs (POWER video). [Auslaufgestaltung bei Mastschweinen optimieren (POWER video).] Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022)

Iarrapino, Carlotta (2021) Greenresilient, la bioagricoltura in serra per la sostenibilità. A colloquio con Fabio Tittarelli. . Online at https://www.agricolturabio.info/protagonisti/greenresilient-la-bioagricoltura-in-serra-per-la-sostenibilita-a-colloquio-con-fabio-tittarelli/, accessed on: 17 May 2021.

Kemper, Laura (2020) Organic Greenhouse Production: Towards an Agroecological Approach in the Framework of the New European Regulation. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, February 2020, pp. 1-2.

{Tool} Interactive Innovation: Network analysis tool for practitioners. Creator(s): Macken-Walsh, Áine; Javornicky, Martin; Forde, Aoife; Naughton, Anita; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Home, Robert; Bettoni, Maddalena; Díaz Puente, José María; Augustyn, Anna Maria and Christina Repede, Dana. Issuing Organisation(s): TEAGASC, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, UPM - Polytechnic University of Madrid. (2022)

{Tool} Recycling agricultural residues in organic farming by on-farm compost production. Creator(s): Mariangela, Diacono; Alessandro, Persiani; Angelo, Fiore; Claudia, Di Bene; Alessandra, Trinchera; Roberta, Farina and Francesco, Montemurro. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2022)

Paoletti, Flavio (2021) An introduction to the project "Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg". Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Paoletti, Flavio and Raffo, Antonio (2022) Fresh-Cut Vegetables Processing: Environmental Sustainability and Food Safety Issues in a Comprehensive Perspective. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 14 January 2022, 5, pp. 1-16.

Paoletti, Flavio and Sinesio, Fiorella (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg". Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura a l'analisi dell'economia agraria - CREA .

Pergamo, R.; Coppola, R. and Morra, L. (2018) Amico Bio, con la biodinamica più qualità e competitività. Terra e vita . Online at https://terraevita.edagricole.it/biologico/amico-bio-la-biodinamica-piu-qualita-competitivita/?utm_term=305834+-+https%3A%2F%2Fterraevita.edagricole.it%2Fbiologico%2Famico-bio-la-biodinamica-piu-qualita-competitivita%2F&utm_campaign=Campagne+B-NBM+Biodinamica+News&utm_medium=email&utm_source=MagNews&utm_content=64676+-+30662+%282018-05-15%29, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Philippi Rosane, Beatriz; Matthiessen, Lea Ellen; Góralska-Walczak, Rita; Kopczynska, Klaudia; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Kazimierczak, Renata; Rossi, Laura; Aboussaleh, Youssef and Bügel, Susanne (2023) Development of a methodology to compare and evaluate health and sustainability aspects of dietary intake across countries. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, pp. 1-12.

Piccione, Gaetano (2019) Incontro fra ricercatori e consumatori per aumentare la consapevolezza alimentare. FreshPlaza . Online at https://www.freshplaza.it/article/9170648/incontro-fra-ricercatori-e-consumatori-per-aumentare-la-consapevolezza-alimentare/, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Polverigiani, Serena; Ceccarelli, Danilo and Neri, Davide (2019) Migliorare la biodiversità di frutteti e vigneti collinari in biologico. Rivista di Frutticoltura e ortofloricoltura, May 2019, 4, pp. 46-50.

{Tool} SEMINBIO®: Innovative seeder for weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Ponzio, Carlo; Saia, Sergio and Torriani, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): Con Marche Bio, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 022. (2018)

Priori, S.; L'Abate, G.; Fantappiè, M. and Costantini, E.A.C. (2018) MAPPING SOIL SPATIAL VARIABILITY AT HIGH DETAIL BY PROXIMAL SENSORS FOR A VINEYARD PLANNING. EQA – Environmental quality, 30, pp. 9-15.

{Tool} The consumption of farmed and organic fish in italy. [Il consumo di pesce allevato e Biologico in Italia.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2018)

{Tool} Organic aquaculture - Weaknesses and opportunities in the sector. [Acquacoltura Biologica - Debolezze ed opportunita del settore.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2017)

Raffo, Antonio and Paoletti, Flavio (2020) Organic fruits and vegetables processing: development and innovation in compliance with the organic principles. Speech at:

Raffo, Antonio; Senatore, Massimo; Moneta, Elisabetta; Paoletti, Flavio; Peparaio, Marina and Saggia Civitelli, Eleonora (2020) Impact of different temperature abuse scenarios on sensory quality and off-odour formation in ready-to-eat salad leaves. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2020, pp. 1-12.

Serventi, Marco (2018) Greenresilient: un approccio agroecologico alla produzione bio e biodinamica in ambiente protetto in Europa. Biodinamica - Associazione per l'agricoltura . Online at https://www.biodinamica.org/greenresilient-un-approccio-agroecologico-alla-produzione-bio-e-biodinamica-in-ambiente-protetto-in-europa/, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Sinesio, Fiorella (2021) Message framing for processed organic foods. Results from a Conjoint Analysis study. Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed]

Stefano, Canali (2017) Midterm press release. .

Talgre, Liina (2022) Rahvusvaheline projekt ALL-ORGANIC edendab põllumajanduse mitmekesistamist elavate laborite võrgustiku baasil. Mahepõllumajanduse Leht nr 93, 2-2022 / Organic farming gazette nr 93, 2-2022, November 2022, 93, p. 12.

{Tool} How to assess weed biodiversity: exploiting weeds' functionality in greenhouses (GreenResilient video). Creator(s): Testani, Elena and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. GreenResilient video. (2021)

Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Greenresilient, a Capua il 19 maggio. Agricolurabio.info . Online at https://www.agricolturabio.info/notizie/greenresilient/, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) I risultati e le prospettive future della ricerca in agricoltura biologica e biodinamica. Il progetto Greenresilient e la Food Citizenship. . [Unpublished]

Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Innovative systems for organic greenhouse production: transnational European Project just ended (press release). Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) , Rome.

Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Vivere il green europeo: Agricoltura e allevamenti sostenibili. . [Unpublished]

Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Greenresilient: sistemi biologici resilienti in ambiente protetto. FreshPlaza . Online at https://www.freshplaza.it/article/98599/Greenresilient-sistemi-biologici-resilienti-in-ambiente-protetto/, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Sistemi biologici resilienti in ambiente protetto. Il nuovo progetto europeo Greenresilient. SINAB Sistema d'informazione Nazionale sull'Agricoltura Biologica . Online at https://www.sinab.it/bionovita/sistemi-biologici-resilienti-ambiente-protetto-il-nuovo-progetto-europeo-greenresilient, accessed on: 5 October 2021.

Tittarelli, Fabio; Alsanius, Beatrix; De Groote, Stefanie; Fleury, Yannick; Kemper, Laura; Koefoed Petersen, Karen; Lambion, Jerome; Morra, Luigi and Willekens, Koen (2021) Greenresilient: Innovative Cropping Systems In Organic Greenhouse Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed]

{Tool} How to set a pitfall trap to assess spiders and predatory beetles (Greenresilient Video). Creator(s): Tittarelli, Fabio and Kemper, Laura. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2019)

Tittarelli, Fabio (2020) Organic Greenhouse Production: Towards an Agroecological Approach in the Framework of the New European Regulation—A Review. Agronomy, 10 (72), pp. 1-12.

Tittarelli, Fabio; Morra, Luigi; Testani, Elena and Ciaccia, Corrado (2018) Greenrelisient: Agroecological approch to organic greenhouse production in Europe. Poster at: 2nd International GRAB-IT Workshop “Organic farming and agroecology as a response to global challenges”, Capri Island (Naples), Italy, 27-29 June, 2018.

{Tool} Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract). Creator(s): Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga; Rossing, Walter; Migliore, Melania; Himanen, Sari; Debode, Jane; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Campanelli, Gabriele and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021)

Ullvén, Karin (2018) GREENRESILIENT will improve organic greenhouse production. The CORE Organic Cofund Website, Tjele, Denmark. Online at http://projects.au.dk/coreorganiccofund/news-and-events/show/artikel/greenresilient-will-improve-organic-greenhouse-production/, accessed on: 5 April 2018.

Vangdal, Eivind; Picchi, Valentina; Fibiani, Marta and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Effects of the drying technique on the retention of phytochemicals in conventional and organic plum (Prunus domestica L.). LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85 (B), pp. 506-509.

{Tool} Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different fertilization strategies (SureVeg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Willekens, Koen; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Bracke, Jolien; Quataert, Paul; Barbry, Joran; Trinchera, Alessandra; Campanelli, Gabriele; Migliore, Melania; Debode, Jane; Lepse, Līga; Dane, Sandra; Himanen, Sari; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Rossing, Walter; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022)

Zoli, M; MANTOVI, PAOLO; FERRARI, PAOLO; ferrari, Lorenzo and FERRANTE, VALENTINA (2023) Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Levels in Outdoor Runs in Organic Laying Farms. Animals, 13 (3), pp. 1-12.

This list was generated on Sat Oct 26 15:43:18 2024 CEST.