Items affiliated to "CREA"
Number of items at this level: 80. {Organization} Azienda Sperimentale "Campo 7" - CREA AA (Metaponto, MT). [Experimental farm "Campo 7" - CREA AA (Metaponto, MT).] Organization Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco; Fiore, Dr Angelo and Persiani, Dr Alessandro. {Facility} Composting pilot plant (in experimental farm "Campo 7" of CREA). Facility Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco; Fiore, Dr Angelo and Persiani, Dr Alessandro, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics . {Facility} MITIORG: MITIORG Long-term Experiment Climatic change adaptation in organic farming: synergistic combination of hydraulic arrangement, crop rotations, agro-ecological service crops and agronomic techniques. Start 2014. Facility Leader(s): Diacono, Dr Mariangela; Montemurro, Dr Francesco and Fiore, Dr Angelo, Council for Agricultural Research and Economics . {Tool} Efficient irrigation systems in citrus plantations in Sicily (BIOFRUITNET Video). [Irrigazione efficiente negli agrumeti (BIOFRUITNET Video).] Creator(s): Alföldi, Thomas; Verrastro, Vincenzo and Stagno, Fiorella. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops. (2023) {Tool} Grain Pea in Organic Farming. [Pisello da granella in agricoltura biologica.] Creator(s): Annicchiarico, Paolo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Colture Proteiche - Speciale - PROVE CONDOTTE NELL’AREALE PADANO, no. 39. (2006) Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson and Ferrari, Barbara (2019) Genomic selection in white lupin. Keynote presentation at: Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Assessment Criteria for Processing Technologies Based on EU Regulation 2018/848. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB . Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Beoordelingscriteria voor verwerkingstechnologieën op basis van de EU-verordening 2018/848. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB . Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Bewertungskriterien für die Verarbeitungstechnologien auf Basis der EU-Verordnung 2018/848. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB . Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Critères d’évaluation des procédés de transformation basés sur le règlement 2018/848 de l’UE. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB . Beck, Alexander; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Paoletti, Flavio and Vidal, Rodolphe (2021) Criteri di valutazione dei processi di traformazione basati sul Regolamento UE 848/2018. AöL e. V., CREA, FiBL, ITAB . Belfakira, Chaimaa; Hindi, Zakia; Lafram, Amina; Bikri, Samir; Benayad, Asmaa; El Bilali, Hamid; Bügel, Susanne; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Pugliese, Patrizia; Strassner, Carola; Rossi, Laura; Stefanovic, Lilliana and Aboussaleh, Youssef (2024) Household FoodWaste in Morocco: An Exploratory Survey in the Province of Kenitra. Sustainability, 16 (4474), pp. 1-20. Bochicchio, Davide (2022) Combined pasture and housing systems in Italy: year-round access to pasture for growing-finishing pigs. POWER-Factsheet, no. 3.8. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Bochicchio, Davide (2022) Improved health, welfare and viability in young pigs: using microorganisms to improve piglet health. POWER-Factsheet, no. 2.5. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Bochicchio, Davide (2022) Innovative farming in Italy: pasture rotation in the forest. POWER-Factsheet, no. 4.4. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Brusco, Maria Luigia (2019) Agricoltura biodinamica: alla ricerca di conferme scientifiche. FreshPlaza . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Cammarano, Davide; Martre, Pierre; Drexler, Dora; Draye, Xavier; Sessitsch, Angela; Pecchioni, Nicola; Cooper, Julia; Willer, Helga; Voicu, Adriana and Hinsinger, Philippe (2018) Shared protocols and data template in agronomic trials. Paper at: 14th IPCA Session, Montreal, Canada, June 24-27, 2018. {Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation (BRESOV Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Vegetable and Ornamental Crops, UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. BRESOV Practice abstract, no. 3. (2019) {Tool} Tomato: seed extraction and conservation. Creator(s): Cardi, Teodoro; Tripodi, Pasquale and Prohens, Jaime. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, Universitat Politècnica de València. (2021) {Tool} Agroecological service crops in Southern European greenhouse (Greenresilient Factsheet). Creator(s): Ciaccia, Corrado; Testani, Elena; Morra, Luigi and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. Greenreslient Factsheet. (2021) Cinquemani, Tommaso (2018) Con GreenResilient il biologico in serra diventa più sostenibile. AgroNotizie - riproduzione riservata . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. {Tool} The introduction of strip cropping into the mid-Adriatic region (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [L'introduzione della coltivazione a strisce nel Medio Adriatico (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Campanelli, Gabriele and Seghetti, Marco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2022) {Tool} Reintroducing hemp cultivation in Mediterranean areas (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract). [Reintroduzione della coltivazione della canapa nelle zone mediterranee (DiverIMPACTS Practice Abstract).] Creator(s): Colombo, Luca; Dara Guccione, Giovanni; Sciacca, Fabiola; Virzì, Nino and Palumbo, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, FIRAB - Fondazione Italiana per la Ricerca in Agricoltura Biologica e Biodinamica. (2021) {Tool} Feedstuffs for organic pigs. [Alimenti per il suino biologico.] Creator(s): Commellini, Michele; Bochicchio, Davide and Della Casa, Giacinto. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net EcoFeed-selected tool. (2012) Cornu, Marie-Aline; Frick, Rebekka; Chongtham, Iman Raj; Iocola, Ileana; Canali, Stefano; Colombo, Luca; Radzikowski, Pawel; Stalenga, Jarosław; Viguier, Loic; Drexler, Dora; Schneider, Anne; Stilmant, Didier and Vanwindekens, Frederic (2023) Identification and description of relationships between actors involved in crop diversification experiences across Europe. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43 (67), pp. 1-19. Corre-Hellou, Guénaëlle; Sukkel, Wijnand; Schmaedeke, Frank; Arlotti, Donatienne; Toque, Clotilde; Vandevalle, Aline; Jensen, Erik; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Krauss, Maike; Campanelli, Gabriele; Lefèvre, Amélie; Dauber, Jens; Tebbe, Christoph; Cuperus, Fogelina and Canali, Stefano (2018) Combination of Spatial and Temporal Diversification in European Cropping Systems. In: Abstract Book - ESA2018. XVe European Society for Agronomy Congress (ESA), 27.-31.8.2019, Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 145-146. Di Veroli, Jacopo Niccolò; Peronti, Benedetta; Scognamiglio, Umberto; Baiamonte, Irene; Paoletti, Flavio; Stefanovic, Lilliana; Bügel, Susanne; Aboussaleh, Youssef; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika and Rossi, Laura (2024) Food waste behaviors of the families of the Cilento Bio-District in comparison with the national data: elements for policy actions. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 8 (138570), pp. 1-18. {Tool} Compost tea: innovative management of organic sweet cherry orchards and organic vineyards (OLTRE.BIO practice abstract). [OLTRE.BIO - Oltre il bio: gestione innovativa della cerasicoltura e viticoltura da tavola biologica.] Creator(s): Diacono, Mariangela; Persiani, Alessandro; Fiore, Angelo; Alfano, Vincenzo and Montemurro, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Research Centre for Agriculture and Environment. (2023) Eggers, Nina; Kidmose, Ulla; Moor, Ulvi and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2016) Effect of pressing method on the sensory quality of organic apple juice. Poster at: EuroSense 2016, Dijon, France, 11-14 September 2016. {Tool} Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production (POWER Factsheet). Creator(s): Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcilia and Kongsted, Anne Grete. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Center for Frilandsdyr, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, RISE - Research Institutes of Sweden, Thünen-Institut, WUR - Wageningen University & Research. (2022) Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M-L; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2023) Benessere e impatto ambientale nella produzione del suino biologico. [Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production.] Guida / Manuale. FiBL, CH-Frick. Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2024) Bien-être et impact environnemental de la production biologique de porcs. Guide. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick. Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Djurvälfärd och miljöpåverkan inom ekologisk grisproduktion. 1 edition. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Tierwohl und Umweltwirkungen der biologischen Schweinehaltung. 1 edition. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick. Früh, Barbara; Andersen, Heidi M.-L.; Baldinger, Lisa; Bark, Linnea; Bochicchio, Davide; Canario, Laurianne; Eppenstein, Rennie; Heidbuechel, Katharina; Holinger, Mirjam; Jenni, Anna; Knoll, Maximilian; Leeb, Christine; Merlot, Elodie; Moakes, Simon; Prunier, Armelle; Salomon, Eva; Thomsen, Rikke; Vermeer, Herman; Wahlund, Lotten; Wimmler, Cäcillia and Kongsted, Anne Grete (2022) Welfare and environmental impact of organic pig production. 1 edition. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. {Tool} PERILBIO: Living labs, research and innovation in poultry and aquaculture. [PERILBIO: I living lab, ricerca e innovazione in avicoltura e acquacoltura.] Creator(s): Guarino Amato, Monica; Pulcini, Domitilla; Capoccioni, Fabrizio and Cali, Massimo. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2023) Heinmaa, Lagle; Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Raudsepp, Piret; Kidmose, Ulla and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Content of health-beneficial compounds and sensory properties of organic apple juice as affected by processing technology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85, pp. 372-379. Heinmaa, Lagle; Moor, Ulvi; Põldma, Priit; Raudsepp, Piret; Kidmose, Ulla and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Content of health-beneficial compounds and sensory properties of organic apple juice as affected by processing technology. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85, pp. 372-379. Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press] Heinmaa, Lagle; Põldma, Priit; Tõnutare, T; Kahu, Kersti; Kidmose, Ulla; Lo Scalzo, R and Moor, Ulvi (2016) The effect of organic and conventional fruit cultivation system on mineral composition and sensory properties of cloudy apple juice. Poster at: III International Symposium on Horticulture in Europe - SHE2016, Chania, Creete (Greece), 17-21 October 2016. [In Press] Hindi, Zakia; Belfakira, Chaimaa; Lafram, Amina; Bikri, Samir; Benayad, Asmaa; El Bilali, Hamid; Bügel, Susanne; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Pugliese, Patrizia; Strassner, Carola; Rossi, Laura; Stefanovic, Lilliana and Aboussaleh, Youssef (2024) Exploring food consumption patterns in the province of Kenitra, Northwest of Morocco. BMC Public Health, 24 (1899), pp. 1-13. {Tool} Optimizing the run-out design of fattening pigs (POWER video). [Auslaufgestaltung bei Mastschweinen optimieren (POWER video).] Creator(s): Holinger, Mirjam; Alföldi, Thomas and Früh, Barbara. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. (2022) Iarrapino, Carlotta (2021) Greenresilient, la bioagricoltura in serra per la sostenibilità. A colloquio con Fabio Tittarelli. . Online at, accessed on: 17 May 2021. Kemper, Laura (2020) Organic Greenhouse Production: Towards an Agroecological Approach in the Framework of the New European Regulation. Core Organic Cofund Newsletter, February 2020, pp. 1-2. {Tool} Interactive Innovation: Network analysis tool for practitioners. Creator(s): Macken-Walsh, Áine; Javornicky, Martin; Forde, Aoife; Naughton, Anita; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Home, Robert; Bettoni, Maddalena; Díaz Puente, José María; Augustyn, Anna Maria and Christina Repede, Dana. Issuing Organisation(s): TEAGASC, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, UPM - Polytechnic University of Madrid. (2022) {Tool} Recycling agricultural residues in organic farming by on-farm compost production. Creator(s): Mariangela, Diacono; Alessandro, Persiani; Angelo, Fiore; Claudia, Di Bene; Alessandra, Trinchera; Roberta, Farina and Francesco, Montemurro. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2022) Paoletti, Flavio (2021) An introduction to the project "Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg". Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed] Paoletti, Flavio and Raffo, Antonio (2022) Fresh-Cut Vegetables Processing: Environmental Sustainability and Food Safety Issues in a Comprehensive Perspective. Front. Sustain. Food Syst., 14 January 2022, 5, pp. 1-16. Paoletti, Flavio and Sinesio, Fiorella (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Code of Practice for organic food processing - ProOrg". Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura a l'analisi dell'economia agraria - CREA . Pergamo, R.; Coppola, R. and Morra, L. (2018) Amico Bio, con la biodinamica più qualità e competitività. Terra e vita . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Philippi Rosane, Beatriz; Matthiessen, Lea Ellen; Góralska-Walczak, Rita; Kopczynska, Klaudia; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Kazimierczak, Renata; Rossi, Laura; Aboussaleh, Youssef and Bügel, Susanne (2023) Development of a methodology to compare and evaluate health and sustainability aspects of dietary intake across countries. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 7, pp. 1-12. Piccione, Gaetano (2019) Incontro fra ricercatori e consumatori per aumentare la consapevolezza alimentare. FreshPlaza . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Polverigiani, Serena; Ceccarelli, Danilo and Neri, Davide (2019) Migliorare la biodiversità di frutteti e vigneti collinari in biologico. Rivista di Frutticoltura e ortofloricoltura, May 2019, 4, pp. 46-50. {Tool} SEMINBIO®: Innovative seeder for weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Ponzio, Carlo; Saia, Sergio and Torriani, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): Con Marche Bio, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 022. (2018) Priori, S.; L'Abate, G.; Fantappiè, M. and Costantini, E.A.C. (2018) MAPPING SOIL SPATIAL VARIABILITY AT HIGH DETAIL BY PROXIMAL SENSORS FOR A VINEYARD PLANNING. EQA – Environmental quality, 30, pp. 9-15. {Tool} The consumption of farmed and organic fish in italy. [Il consumo di pesce allevato e Biologico in Italia.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2018) {Tool} Organic aquaculture - Weaknesses and opportunities in the sector. [Acquacoltura Biologica - Debolezze ed opportunita del settore.] Creator(s): Pulcini, Domitilla and Capoccioni, Fabrizio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2017) Raffo, Antonio and Paoletti, Flavio (2020) Organic fruits and vegetables processing: development and innovation in compliance with the organic principles. Speech at: Raffo, Antonio; Senatore, Massimo; Moneta, Elisabetta; Paoletti, Flavio; Peparaio, Marina and Saggia Civitelli, Eleonora (2020) Impact of different temperature abuse scenarios on sensory quality and off-odour formation in ready-to-eat salad leaves. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 2020, pp. 1-12. Serventi, Marco (2018) Greenresilient: un approccio agroecologico alla produzione bio e biodinamica in ambiente protetto in Europa. Biodinamica - Associazione per l'agricoltura . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Sinesio, Fiorella (2021) Message framing for processed organic foods. Results from a Conjoint Analysis study. Workshop at: SANA 2021 - 33rd international exhibition of organic and natural products, Bologna, Italy, 09-12 September 2021. [Completed] Stefano, Canali (2017) Midterm press release. . Talgre, Liina (2022) Rahvusvaheline projekt ALL-ORGANIC edendab põllumajanduse mitmekesistamist elavate laborite võrgustiku baasil. Mahepõllumajanduse Leht nr 93, 2-2022 / Organic farming gazette nr 93, 2-2022, November 2022, 93, p. 12. {Tool} How to assess weed biodiversity: exploiting weeds' functionality in greenhouses (GreenResilient video). Creator(s): Testani, Elena and Tittarelli, Fabio. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. GreenResilient video. (2021) Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Greenresilient, a Capua il 19 maggio. . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) I risultati e le prospettive future della ricerca in agricoltura biologica e biodinamica. Il progetto Greenresilient e la Food Citizenship. . [Unpublished] Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Innovative systems for organic greenhouse production: transnational European Project just ended (press release). Consiglio per la ricerca in agricoltura e l’analisi dell’economia agraria (CREA) , Rome. Tittarelli, Fabio (2021) Vivere il green europeo: Agricoltura e allevamenti sostenibili. . [Unpublished] Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Greenresilient: sistemi biologici resilienti in ambiente protetto. FreshPlaza . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Tittarelli, Fabio (2018) Sistemi biologici resilienti in ambiente protetto. Il nuovo progetto europeo Greenresilient. SINAB Sistema d'informazione Nazionale sull'Agricoltura Biologica . Online at, accessed on: 5 October 2021. Tittarelli, Fabio; Alsanius, Beatrix; De Groote, Stefanie; Fleury, Yannick; Kemper, Laura; Koefoed Petersen, Karen; Lambion, Jerome; Morra, Luigi and Willekens, Koen (2021) Greenresilient: Innovative Cropping Systems In Organic Greenhouse Production. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] {Tool} How to set a pitfall trap to assess spiders and predatory beetles (Greenresilient Video). Creator(s): Tittarelli, Fabio and Kemper, Laura. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. (2019) Tittarelli, Fabio (2020) Organic Greenhouse Production: Towards an Agroecological Approach in the Framework of the New European Regulation—A Review. Agronomy, 10 (72), pp. 1-12. Tittarelli, Fabio; Morra, Luigi; Testani, Elena and Ciaccia, Corrado (2018) Greenrelisient: Agroecological approch to organic greenhouse production in Europe. Poster at: 2nd International GRAB-IT Workshop “Organic farming and agroecology as a response to global challenges”, Capri Island (Naples), Italy, 27-29 June, 2018. {Tool} Belowground biodiversity in strip cropping systems (SureVeg practice abstract). Creator(s): Trinchera, Alessandra; Willekens, Koen; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga; Rossing, Walter; Migliore, Melania; Himanen, Sari; Debode, Jane; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Dane, Sandra; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Campanelli, Gabriele and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne. Issuing Organisation(s): CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) Ullvén, Karin (2018) GREENRESILIENT will improve organic greenhouse production. The CORE Organic Cofund Website, Tjele, Denmark. Online at, accessed on: 5 April 2018. Vangdal, Eivind; Picchi, Valentina; Fibiani, Marta and Lo Scalzo, Roberto (2017) Effects of the drying technique on the retention of phytochemicals in conventional and organic plum (Prunus domestica L.). LWT - Food Science and Technology, 85 (B), pp. 506-509. {Tool} Crop growth and nutrient dynamics in intercropping systems using different fertilization strategies (SureVeg Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Willekens, Koen; Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Bracke, Jolien; Quataert, Paul; Barbry, Joran; Trinchera, Alessandra; Campanelli, Gabriele; Migliore, Melania; Debode, Jane; Lepse, Līga; Dane, Sandra; Himanen, Sari; Salo, Tapio; Kivijärvi, Pirjo; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Rossing, Walter; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris and Kristensen, Hanne Lakkenborg. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2022) Zoli, M; MANTOVI, PAOLO; FERRARI, PAOLO; ferrari, Lorenzo and FERRANTE, VALENTINA (2023) Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Levels in Outdoor Runs in Organic Laying Farms. Animals, 13 (3), pp. 1-12. This list was generated on Mon Feb 10 04:55:49 2025 CET. |