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Items affiliated to "HealthyGrowth"

Number of items at this level: 149.

Submitted for peer-review but not yet accepted

Lamine, Claire and Noe, Egon (2016) Values and volume in sustainable organic markets chains – a multiperspectival analysis. .

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2016) Coming together: Organic food in a systemic perspective. PhD thesis, Institut for Agroøkologi . . [Submitted]

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2016) Hybridizing money and moral: the case of Value Based Food Chains. Journal of Rural Studies, ?, ?-?. [Submitted]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Knickel, Karlheinz (2017) It’s not always about growth! Development dynamics and management in food businesses and chains. International Journal of Sociologgy of Agriculture and food (IJSAF), 24 (1), pp. 37-55.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Milestad, Rebecka and Lasner, Tobias (2016) What drives farmers’ sustainability performance? Application of the CSP Modell for the analysis of farmers’ Conditions, adaptation Strategies and sustainability Performances – a case study analysis of German and Swedish producer groups in times of change. Studies of Agricultural Economics, 2017, xx-xx. [Submitted]

Ostrom, Marcia; Kjeldsen, Chris; Kummer, Susanne; Milestad, Rebecka and Schermer, Markus (2016) What’s going into the box? An inquiry into the ecological and social embeddedness of EU and US box schemes. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, xx, xx-xx. [Submitted]

Schermer, Markus (2016) From ‘Additive’ to ‘Multiplicative’ Patterns of Growth. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, xx, xx-xx. [Submitted]

Stotten, Rike; Schermer, Markus; Pugliese, Patrizia; Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2016) Values Based Supply Chains as a Tool for Territorial Development. International Journal of Sociology of Agriculture and Food, xx, xx-xx. [Submitted]

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2014) Second-order science of interdisciplinary research: A polyocular framework for wicked problems. Constructivist Foundations, 10 (1), pp. 65-95.

Furtschegger, Christoph (2015) Webbasierte Kommunikation in der indirekten Vermarktung biologischer Lebensmittel. Poster at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, 17. - 20. März 2015.

Haack, Michaela; Häring, Anna Maria and von Münchhausen, Susanne (2017) Umsetzung des EU-Vergaberechts: eine Chance für ökologische und regionale Lebensmittel in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung? [Amendment to the Act of EU-public Procurement: Will it be an Opportunity for Organic and Regionally Produced Food in Pubic Catering?] Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 7. -10. März 2017.

Haack, Michaela; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) Discrepancy between theory and practice: procurement of local and organic food in public catering systems. In: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways.

Knickel, Karlheinz; Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Vilija, Girgzdiene and Virgilius, Skulskis (2016) Managing growth in higher value food chains. In: Tanic, Stjepan (Ed.) Enhancing efficiency and inclusiveness of agri-food chains in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, pp. 95-110.

Kure, Nikolaj and Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2016) Why we think ethical consumers should walk their talk (and why they opt to go with the flow). Journal of Consumer Behaviour, ?, ?-?. [Submitted]

Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2014) Healthy growth in mid-scale values based food chains. In: Programme and Books of Abstracts - Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014 in Berlin, Germany, p. 57.

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2013) Volume Growth in Quality Food Firms – Lessons and Reflections from Norway. Paper at: XXVth ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29 July -1 August 2013 .

Lamine, Claire (2015) Sustainability and resilience in agrifood systems: reconnecting agriculture, food and the environment. In: Sociologia Ruralis, 55 (1), pp. 41-61.

Lamine, Claire (2013) Sustainability and resilience in agrifood systems: Claims, controversies and paradigms. Speech at: XXV ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29 july - 1st August 2013. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire; Bui, Sibylle and Ollivier, Guillaume (2015) Pour une approche systémique et pragmatique de la transition écologique des systèmes agri-alimentaires. [Towards a systemic and pragmatic approach of ecological transitions within agrifood systems.] Cahiers de recherche sociologique, 58, pp. 73-94.

Lamine, Claire; Egon, N and Bui, Sibylle (2016) Maintien des valeurs dans la croissance de la bio. Enseignements du projet HealthyGrowth. [Maintaining core values during the growth process of organic food chains. Lessons from HealthyGrowth project.] In: Innovations Agronomiques, 51, pp. 139-150.

Larsson, Markus; Milestad, Rebecka; Hahn, Thomas and von Oelreich, Jacob (2016) The resilience of a sustainability entrepreneur in the Swedish food system. Sustainability, 8 (6), p. 550.

Münchhausen, Susanne, von and Knickel, Karlheinz (2014) Growth, business logic and trust in organic food chains: an analytical framework and some illustrative examples from Germany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges: Vol.2, Germany - India, Proceedings of the 4th ISOFAR Scientific Conference at the Organic World Congress 2014, 13-15 October 2014 in Istanbul, Turkey, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, Vol 2, Thünen Report, no. 20, pp. 403-406.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Juister, Evelyn (2013) Evaluating the contribution of innovation networks to resilient farming systems. Paper at: ISEE 2014 Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 13.-15. August 2014. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Milestad, Rebecka (2015) The role of the business logic for growing value chains of organic food - first results of an international case study analysis. In: European Rural Sociology Society (Ed.) Places of Possibilities? Rural Societies in a Neoliberal World, Aberdeen, Scotland, On-line Proceedings, pp. 197-198.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Noe, Egon (2013) Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust - working group III at the ESRS-Conference 2013. In: Rural resilience and vulnerability: The rural as locus of solidarity and conflict in times of crisis, 2013, ESRS2013_eProceedings.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) „Beim Fleisch läuft’s immer etwas anders!“ Perspektiven zum Aufbau wertebasierter Wertschöpfungsketten. Paper at: Tagung der Sektion Land- und Agrarsoziologie der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), Hochschule Fulda, Deutschland, 06. - 07. November 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2016) Understanding ‘healthy’ growth processes in organic food businesses and values-based chains. Paper at: XIV World Congress of Rural Sociology, Toronto, Canada, August 10 – 14, 2016.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Milestad, Rebecka (2017) Was können wir aus den Fehlern lernen? Empfehlungen für Praxis und Politik zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung von Unternehmen und Wertschöpfungsketten im ökologischen Lebensmittelsektor. [Lessons Learned from our Errors. Recommendations for Practice and Policy for the Sustainable Development of Enterprises and Supply Chains in the Organic Food Sector.] Paper at: 14. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Campus Weihenstephan, Freising-Weihenstephan, 07.-10. März 2017.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Rebecka, Milestad (2015) Bedeutung von Managementstrategien in expandierenden Unternehmen und Initiativen der Wertschöpfungsketten für ökologische Nahrungsmittel. Paper at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Hochschule für nachhaltige Entwicklung Eberswalde, 17. - 20. März 2015.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Healthy Growth of Values-Based Organic Food Chains - Managing Major Challenges of Expansion: Business Strategies and Instruments Ensuring the Maintenance of Core Organic Values and Consumers’ Trust. Workshop at: Science Forum at BIOFACH 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Knickel, Karlheinz; Lasner, Tobias and Milestad, Rebecka (2016) Adaptation strategies and performances of three producer groups during times of change: lessons learned from the application of the Conditions-Strategies-Performances (CSP) concept in three case studies. In: Social and technological transformation of farming systems: Diverging and converging pathways.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2014) Policy goals regarding the organic sector in Finland. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 263-266.

Risku-Norja, Helmi and Løes, Anne-Kristin (2016) Organic food in food policy and in public catering: lessons learned from Finland. Organic Agriculture, Online, pp. 1-14.

Risku-Norja, Helmi and Mikkola, Minna (2014) Towards sustainable food systems through civic food education in schools and in public catering services. In: Rytkönen, Paulina (Ed.) Food and rurality in Europe : economy, environment and institutions in contemporary rural Europe. COMREC Studies in Environmental and Development, no. 10. Södertörn Univeristy, Sweden, pp. 215-247.

Risku-Norja, Helmi and Muukka, Eija (2013) Food and sustainability: local and organic food in Finnish food policy and in institutional kitchens. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Soil & Plant Science, 63 (1), pp. 8-18.

Thorsøe, Martin H. and Noe, Egon (2014) Conventionalization or diversification? Development in the Danish organic production sector following market expansion. Paper at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium, Humboldt University, Berlin, 1-4 April, 2014.

Not peer-reviewed

Arolaakso, Anu; Risku-Norja, Helmi; Nuutila, Jaakko and Paananen, Ilari (2013) Luomua lautaselle. Elintarvike ja Terveys -lehti, 2013, 27 (5), pp. 20-24.

Bjørkhaug, Hilde; Kvam, Gunn-Turid; Knickel, Karlheinz; Milestad, Rebecka and Skulskis, Virgilijus (2016) Growing values and growing business. Paper at: IRSA Congress 2016, Toronto, Canada, 2016-08-10 - 2016-08-14.

Borec, Andreja (2015) Full case study report: Ekodar - Slovenia. University of Maribor , Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Borec, Andreja (2015) Full case study report: Planika - Slovenia. University of Maribor , Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences.

Borec, Andreja (2014) "Planika" diary - good practice example of mountain branding. Speech at: Alpine branding - the valorisation of Alpine resources, 17.09.2014. [Completed]

Borec, Andreja and Prišenk, Jernej (2013) National state-of-the-art report. .

Braun, Charis Linda; Köhler, Gerald and Häring, Anna Maria (2015) Innovative Finanzierungsformen entlang der Wertschöpfungskette. [Innovative financing for food enterprises along the value chain.] Workshop at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung - Workshops „Dialog Praxis, Beratung, Wissenschaft“, Eberswalde, 17.-20.3.2015. [Completed]

Bui, Sibylle and Lamine, Claire (2015) Full case study report: Biovallée - France. INRA , Ecodéveloppement.

Furtschegger, Christoph (2014) The Bioregion Mühlviertel. Paper at: International Workshop of Ecoregions, Dec. 2014. [Completed]

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Case study report - Bio vom Berg(Austria). University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Case study report - Biohof Achleitner (Austria). Univesity of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Case study report - Bioregion Mühlviertel (Austria). University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Full case study report: Bioregion Mühlviertel - Austria. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Full case study report: Bio vom Berg - Austria. University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2015) Full case study report: Biohof Achleitner - Austria. University of Innsbruck .

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2014) The perception of organic values and ways of communicating them in mid-scale values based food chains. Paper at: IFSA-Conference, Berlin, 01.04.-04.04.2014.

Furtschegger, Christoph and Schermer, Markus (2013) HealthyGrowth - WP2: State of the art report Austria. , Innsbruck.

Furtschegger, Christoph; Schermer, Markus; Borec, Andreja and Prišenk, Jernej (2016) How is the communication of values, qualities, and motivations supported along the value chain from producer to consumer and vice versa? .

Furtschegger, Christoph; Schermer, Markus; Milestad, Rebecka and Risku-Norja, Helmi (2013) WP-3 Guideline for Data Collection. . [Completed]

Haack, Michaela; Häring, Anna Maria and Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2016) Erfolgsfaktoren für den Einsatz regionaler Lebensmittel in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung - Informationen für Politik und Vergabestellen. [Enhancing factors for the procurement of regional food for public cantinas - information for policy makers and public procurement agencies.] .

Haack, Michaela; Häring, Anna Maria and Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2016) Warum stagniert das Angebot regionaler Produkte? – Erfahrungen aus einem Forschungsprojekt zur Untersuchung von Hemmnissen für die öffentliche Beschaffung von regionalen und ökologischen Lebensmitteln für Schulen und Kindergärten. [Stagnating offers of regional products: experiences on hampering factors for the public procurement of regional food for school cantines - information for policy makers and public procurement agencies.] .

Haack, Michaela and Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2017) Bio und Regional in der Gemeinschaftsverpflegung: Die Reform des Vergaberechts als Chance nutzen. [Organic and Regional in Public Catering: Taking the Chance of the Amendment of the EU public procurement rules.] Ländlicher Raum, September 2017, 3/2017, pp. 56-59.

Kjeldsen, Chris; Noe, Egon and Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2015) The Danish Food Communities - Denmark. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Kjeldsen, Chris; Noe, Egon and Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2014) Danish case report: The Danish Food Communities. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Kretschmer, Kerstin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) Vertrauen ist gut, Kontrolle nicht immer besser. Poster at: Gewisola-Jahrestagung - "Neuere Theorien und Methoden in den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus", Göttingen, Deutschland, 17.-19.9.2014. [Submitted]

Kristensen, Helene (2015) Troværdighed er afgørende for afsætningen af økologisk kylling. ICROFS . Online at http://icrofs.dk/aktuelt/nyheder/nyhed/artikel/workshop-om-oeget-afsaetning-af-oekologiske-kyllinger/, accessed on: 19 May 2015.

Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2013) Healthy growth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. Om prosjektet. Workshop at: Kompetansekafe Trøndersk landbruk, Norsk senter for bygdeforskning .

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2015) Full case study report: Kolonihagen - Norway. Centre for Rural Research .

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2015) Full case study report: Røros Dairy - Norway. Centre for Rural Research .

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2015) Full case study report: Røros Meat - Norway. Centre for Rural Research .

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2014) State of the art review - On healthy growth initiatives in the mid-scale values-based chain of organic food. Paper at: IFSA 2014, Berlin, Germany, 1-4 April 2014.

Kvam, Gunn-Turid and Bjørkhaug, Hilde (2014) State of the art review (WP2). On healthy growth initiatives in the mid-scale values-based chain of organic food. Centre for rural reseach.

Lamine, Claire (2015) Full case study report: Biocoop - France. INRA , Ecodéveloppement.

Lamine, Claire (2015) HealthyGrowth - France - Biocoop case study Fact sheet. .

Lamine, Claire (2015) Reconnecter agriculture et alimentation : Des liens directs entre paysans et consommateurs bio… vers des changements plus larges des systèmes agri-alimentaires ? [To reconnect agriculture and food : direct links between farmers and organic consumers to broader changes in agri- food systems ?] Speech at: AG Corabio, Sainte-Colombe, France, March 26 2015. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire (2015) Coordination and governance. Healthygrowth Task1 report. .

Lamine, Claire (2014) Healthy Growth - France - Biocoop case study report. .

Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2015) HealthyGrowth - France - Biovallée case study Fact sheet. .

Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2015) Healthy Growth : Biovallée Case Study Report. .

Lamine, Claire and Bui, Sibylle (2014) Territorial transitions dynamics towards organic farming Confrontation of Italian, Austrian and French case studies. Speech at: Journée d’échanges Biovallée, Biovallée, DRôme, France, December 4th, 2014. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire; Bui, Sibylle and Cardona, Aurélie (2015) Healthy-growth WP2 - Organic values-based food chains in France. State of the art review. .

Lamine, Claire and Renting, H (2015) Governance and controversies within and around growing mid-scale organic chains: how are shared values maintained over time? Speech at: ESRS 2015, WG XXVI, Aberdeen, August 2015. [Completed]

Lamine, Claire and Rousselle, E. (2014) Synthèse de l’étude de cas Biocoop (projet Healthygrowth). [Synthesis of the Biocoop case study report (Healthygrowth project).] .

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2015) Partnerskabet – hvorfor og hvordan virker det? Overordnede overvejelser og perspektiver. PowerPoint presentation at: Økologi-Kongres 2015, Vingsted Hotel & Konferencecenter, 25.-26. november 2015.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2014) The paradox of organic food systems: Inclusion through exclusion. Speech at: Dansk Sociologikongres, Copenhagen, 23-24/1 2014. [Completed]

Laursen, Klaus Brønd (2014) Organic consumption: a form of hybrid communication. Paper at: Hybrids - Observed with Social systems Theory, Dubrovnik, Croatia, 15-18/5 2014. [Completed]

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2016) Together we can do it – partnerships in value based food chains. PowerPoint presentation at: IRSA, Toronto, 9-14 August 2016.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2015) Partnerships as an organizational form in midscale values based food chains. PowerPoint presentaion at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 August 2015.

Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2014) Dynamics and stability in growth of value based food chains: Understanding organizational evolution in organic food systems. Speech at: Nordic Sociology Association Conference, Lund, Sweden, 2014. [Completed]

Laursen, Klaus Brønd; Noe, Egon and Kjeldsen, Chris (2015) Full case study report: Gram Slot/Rema1000 - Denmark. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology.

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2016) TASK 6: Resilience of the value chain and the business/initiative – dealing with change and crises. .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Full Case study report Upplandsbondens - Sweden. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Full case study report: Ekolådan - Sweden. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Full case study report: Upplandsbondens - Sweden. KTH - Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Fact sheet Sweden Ekolådan. .

Milestad, Rebecka and von Oelreich, Jacob (2015) Factsheet Sweden Upplandsbondens. .

Milestad, Rebecka; von Oelreich, Jacob and von Münchhausen, Susanne (2015) Exploring the adaptive capacity of growing mid-scale organic value chains in Europe. Conference proceeding and presentation at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18. - 21. august 2016.

Muenchhausen, Susanne (2015) Full case study report: Bohlsener Mühle - Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development .

Muenchhausen, Susanne (2015) Full case study report: EVG Landwege - Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development .

Münchhausen, Susanne, von (2015) Aufbau wertebasierter Ketten für Öko-Nahrungsmittel - Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken, Ergebnisse des EU-Projektes "HealthyGrowth". Paper at: Seminar für Landwirte von GÄA e.V., Gäa e.V., Erfurt, Deutschland, 01. Dezember 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren? [HealthyGrowth: How can value chains for organic food expand without losing their added value?] Paper at: Zukunftsstrategie Ökologischer Landbau "Wertschöpfungsketten und Vermarktung", Kassel, Deutschland, 24. Mai 2016.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) Aufbau wertebasierter Ketten für Öko-Nahrungsmittel – Herausforderungen, Chancen und Risiken. [Development of values-based chains for organic food – challenges, chances and risks.] Paper at: Jahrestreffen der Partnerbetriebe, InnoForum Ökolandbau Berlin-Brandenburg, Eberswalde, Deutschland, 08. Februar 2016. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2015) Managementstrategien in der ökologischen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft?! [Management Strategies in the organic Agri-Food-Sector?!] Workshop at: 13. Wissenschaftstagung - Workshops „Dialog Praxis, Beratung, Wissenschaft“, Eberswalde, 17.-20.3.2015.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Schulz, Kristin; Häring, Anna Maria and Llamas Vacas, Rocio (2014) Strategies for medium-sized value-based food chains during growing process with a particular focus on the business logic and management concept. In: Schobert, Heike; Riecher, Maja-Catrin; Fischer, Holger; Aenis, Thomas and Knierim, Andrea (Eds.) Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies, IFSA Europe, Leibniz-Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Book of abstracts In: http://project2.zalf.de/IFSA_2014/documents/ifsa-2014-berlin-book-of-abstracts.pdf, p. 58.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2017) HealthyGrowth: Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren? Einführungsvortrag zum Obstbau-Workshop im Obstbauzentrum Jork. [HealthyGrowth: How can organic value chains grow without losing their added values? - Key note at growers' workshop of the Fruit-Growing Centre Jork.] Paper at: Arbeitsgruppe Intensivberatung Bioumstellung Hamburg in 2017, Jork, Deutschland, 15. März 2017. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust, FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for the Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege cooperative – Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for Bohlsener Mühle – Germany. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2015) Vom Hof auf den Teller? Hemmfaktoren und Handlungsansätze für landwirtschaftliche Direktvermarktung. [Hampering and enabling factors for farmers' direct marketing.] Speech at: Fachgespräch‚ Nahversorgung auf dem Land‘. Bundestagsfraktion Bündnis90/Die Grünen, Berlin, 23.3.2015.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne (2014) Einflussmöglichkeiten auf die Qualität bei der Vieh- und Fleischvermarktung. Paper at: Gäa-Seminar Ökologische Mutterkuhhaltung und Rindermast , Agrargenossenschaft "Oberes Vogtland" in 08626 Adorf, 18.3.2014.

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Borec, Andreja (2015) Healthy Growth of Value Based Organic Food Chains: Management, value communication and perspectives of growing values-based food chains. Workshop at: Agrimba-Ava Conference, Porec, Croatia, 17.-19. June 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Braun, Charis Linda; Anja, Hradetzky and Žiga, Drev (2015) Innovations in the organic sector: New business models of value addition at the local level. TO Organics: Organic Innovation Days, Brussels, Belgium, 1-2 December 2015. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: Dissemination Targeting Stakeholders, Deliverable 7.2. . [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2016) HealthyGrowth: From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust. Dissemination Targeting Policy, Deliverable 7.3. Eberswalde University (HNEE) . [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2014) Participation in an organic farm and food network – experiences of HNEE team (Pre-Conference). Paper at: Pre-Conference "Understanding Organic Farming Worldwide" at the "Organic World Congress", Istanbul, Turkey, 12.-15.10.2014. [Completed]

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) The concept of the business logic for the management of values-based food businesses and chains - Task 2 report, HealthyGrowth WP5. .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2016) HealthyGrowth: How can organic supply chains grow without losing their added value? Results and recommendations. .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Bohlsener Mühle GmbH & Co. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2015) HealthyGrowth German Case Study: Fact Sheet of Producer-Consumer-Community Landwege e.G. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria; Knickel, Karlheinz and Haack, Michaela (2016) HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. [Wie können Öko-Wertschöpfungsketten wachsen, ohne ihre Höherwertigkeit zu verlieren?] HNE Eberswalde, Fachgebiet Politik und Märkte in der Agrarwirtschaft, D-Eberswalde .

Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Lamine, Claire and Haack, Michaela (2015) Transition des filières et territoires vers la bio et maintien des valeurs - Résultats des cas d’étude du projet européen "HealthyGrowth". [Transition of Values Chains and Regions towards Organic: How to Maintain Values? - Case Study Results of the European HealthyGrowth project.] Speech at: Tech & Bio 2015, the professional show on organic and alternative farming techniques, Bourg-les-Valence, Drome, Rhone-Apes, France, 23-24 September 2015. [Completed]

Noe, Egon (2016) Biobaseret økonomi en drivkraft for en bæredygtig udvikling af landdistrikterne? Abstract at: Sociologkongres 2016, Aalborg, 28/1 2016.

Noe, Egon (2016) Agriculture and bio based economy a driver of rural transformation and livelihood? 4th Biannual Conference on Nordic Rural Research, Akureyri, Island, 22/05/2016 - 24/05/2016.

Noe, Egon (2015) Samfundsnyttig økologi og borgerne. Workshop at: Workshop – Det samfundsnyttige landbrug og dets vilkår , Smedien Aarhus, 26 August 2015. [Completed]

Noe, Egon; Brodersen, Svend and Rebecka, Milestad (2015) Partnerskaber – vejen til mere bæredygtighed og bedre afsætning (1). Speech at: Økologikongressen, Vingsted Hotel & Konferencecenter, 25/11 2015.

Noe, Egon; Kjeldsen, Chris; Bjørkhaug, Hilde and Kvam, Gunn-Turid (2015) Values-based food chains – Recoupling man and soil? In: Places of posibilities? Rural societies in a neoliberal world.

Noe, Egon; Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2016) Mediation of quality in values-based food chains. In: IRSA: RC 58 - Assessing the Potential of Values Based Food Chains for Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods: Conceptualizing Values-Based Supply Chains and Agriculture of the Middle..

Noe, Egon; Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Kjeldsen, Chris (2016) Mediation of values from production to consumption - a relational analysis of values based organic food chains. .

Noe, Egon and Schermer, M. (2015) How can new forms of food governance contribute to creating alternative economic spaces for the revitalisation of rural areas? Abstract at: The XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland.

Prišenk, Jernej and Borec, Andreja (2015) CHARACTERISTICS OF VALUE BASED FOOD CHAIN IN ORGANIC SECTOR (case studies from Slovenia). Paper at: Smart Agribuisness for the society of tomorrow, Poreč, Croatia, 16.6.2015-20.6.2015. [Completed]

Pugliese, Patrizia and Antonelli, Annarita (2015) Full case study report: Bio-Distretto Cliento -Italy. CIHEAM, Bari and AIAB .

Pugliese, Patrizia; Antonelli, Annarita and Basile, Salvatore (2015) Case study fact sheet. Bio-distretto Cilento - Italy. CIHEAM - Bari .

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2016) Local food and municipal food services: case Kiuruvesi, Finland. Paper at: Challenges for the new rurality in a changing world , 7th International conference on localized agri-food systems,,, Stockholm, 8-10 May 2016.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2016) Local food and public food procurement. Paper at: 12th European IFSA Symposium, Harper Adams University, 12/7-15/7 2016.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: Järvifisu - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: Kiuruvesi Municipal Catering - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2015) Full case study report: PolarShiitake - Finland. Natural Resources Institute Finland , Economy & Society .

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2014) Paikallisten lähiruokatuottajien kansallinen verkosto. Johtopäätöksiä Kestävät hankinnat ja HealthyGrowth -hankkeiden kokemuksista. [National network of local food producers: Conclusions from the experiences of KeHA (sustainable public procurement) and HealthyGrowth projects.] In: Tuntematon maaseutu. Maaseutututkijatapaaminen Pieksämäki 29.-30.8.2014. Abstraktit. , Maaseudun uusi aika ry, Jyväskylä, p. 14.

Risku-Norja, Helmi (2013) Development of organic sector. Status quo report Finland CoreOrganic Project HealthyGrowth: From niche to volume with integrity and trust. WP 2. University of Helsinki , Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry.

Risku-Norja, Helmi; Mikkola, Minna and Nuutila, Jaakko (2014) Policy goals, research needs and research regarding organic sector in Finland. Paper at: The 11th European IFSA Symposium. Farming systems facing global challenges: Capacities and strategies. , Berlin , 1-4 April 2014.

Schermer, Markus (2016) Vertrauen stärken. [Supporting trust.] Bio Austria, 2016, 2016 (3), p. 22.

Schermer, Markus (2015) Values Based Supply Chains for Mountain Products. The Example of BioAlpin in Tyrol/Austria. In: Proceedings of the Conference of the Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Society,, pp. 25-37.

Schermer, Markus (2015) BioHealth - internationaler Bioregionsvergleich. [BioHealth- international comparison of eco-regions.] Workshop at: Bioregionen, Linz, 29.10.2015. [Completed]

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2015) Communicating trust? The role of Facebook for establishing producer-consumer relations. In: online proceedings: Rural societies in a neoliberal world, JAMES HUTTON INTITUTE, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB15 8QH.

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2014) Bioregion Mühlviertel: Stärken und Schwächen der internen und externen Entwicklung. [Eco-region Mühlviertel: Strenght and weakness of internal and external developments.] Workshop at: Ecoregion Mühlviertel, 22.10.2014. [Completed]

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2013) Value based supply chains to meet the expectations of organic consumers - A case study from Austria. Paper at: XXV ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29.07.-01.08.2013.

Schermer, Markus and Furtschegger, Christoph (2013) Value(s) based supply chains to meet organic consumers’ expectations - a case study from Austria. Paper at: XXVth ESRS Congress, Florence, Italy, 29th July - 1st August 2013. [Unpublished]

Schermer, Markus; Lamine, Claire; Pugliese, Patrizia; Furtschegger, Christoph and Bui, Sibylle (2015) Organic farming as a factor for territorial development: a comparative perspective. In: online proceedings: Places of Possibility? Rural societies in a neoliberal world, James Hutton Institute, Craigiebuckler, Aberdeen, United Kingdom AB15 8QH, pp. 162-163.

Schulz, Kristin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne and Häring, Anna Maria (2013) Strengthening organic food value chains in Germany - first results of the EU-project HalthyGrowth – From niche to volume with integrity and trust. Paper at: FOODSCAPES Conference: Access to Food – Excess of Food, Seggau, Austria, 22.-25.9.2013.

Schulz, Kristin; Münchhausen, von, Susanne; Häring, Anna Maria and Knickel, Karlheinz (2013) Organic food marketing in Germany: Moving from small and local to large and anonymous - or different channels converging? M2.1 National report Germany, WP2 "State-of-the-art", HealthyGrowth Project. Eberswalde University for Sustainable Development (HNEE), Eberswalde, Germany .

Skulskis, Virgilijus (2015) Full case study report: EKO Zemaitija -Lithuania. Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics .

Skulskis, Virgilijus and Girgždienė, Vilija (2015) HealthyGrowth - From Niche to Volume with Integrity and Trust, FULL CASE STUDY REPORT for the Dairy cooperative EKO Žemaitija - Lithuania. Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics .

Thorsøe, Martin H.; Laursen, Klaus Brønd and Noe, Egon (2015) Nye udviklingsveje for afsætning af økologiske kyllinger. Working paper, Institut for Agroøkologi, Aarhus Universitet .

von Oelreich, Jacob and Milestad, Rebecka (2015) Transformations towards resilience within the food system: scaling up two organic food value chains in Sweden. Conference proceeding and presentation at: XXVI European Society for Rural Sociology Congress, Aberdeen, Scotland, 18-21 August 2015.

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