Items affiliated to "Diversifood"
Number of items at this level: 49. Diversifood (editor): Rey, Frederic and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2018) Innovative approaches to embed diversity in food systems: DIVERSFOOD outcomes from field to plate. Diversifood Booklets, no. #6. ITAB. Alkemade, Joris; Messmer, Monika; Vögele, Ralf T.; Finckh, Maria R. and Hohmann, Pierre (2020) Genetic diversity of Colletotrichum lupini and its virulence on white lupin (Lupinus albus). Speech at: 15th European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Rome, 17. - 20. february 2020. Arncken, Christine; Alkemade, Joris; Hohmann, Pierre and Messmer, Monika (2021) Pre-Breeding of White Lupin for Anthracnose Resistance. Paper at: International conference, EUCARPIA Breeding and seed sector innovations for organic systems, online, 8-10 March 2021. [Completed] Arncken, Christine; Patyi, András; Lazzaro, Mariateresa; Kamp, Miriam; Kussmann, Sebastian and Messmer, Monika (2024) Nutzung pflanzengenetischer Ressourcen zur Weiterentwicklung anthraknosetoleranter Weisser Lupine. Paper at: Erfahrungsaustausch nachhaltige Nutzung genetischer Ressourcen, Liebefeld, Schweiz, 13.2.2024. [Completed] Bocci, Riccardo; Andersen, Regine; Bartha, Béla; Platzer, Emil and Rivière, Pierre (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2019) Promoting an Enabling Environnement for Agrobiodiversity in Europe. Diversifood Booklets, no. 4. INRA. Chable, Véronique; Nuijten, Edwin; Costanzo, Ambrogio; Goldringer, Isabelle; Bocci, Riccardo; Oehen, Bernadette; Rey, Frédéric; Fasoula, Dionysia; Feher, Judit; Keskitalo, Marjo; Koller, Beate; Omirou, Michalis; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; van Frank, Gaëlle; Naino, Jika Abdel Kader; Thomas, Mathieu and Rossi, Adanella (2020) Embedding Cultivated Diversity in Society for Agro-Ecological Transition. Sustainability, 12 (784), pp. 1-34. Collective publication (2017) 9 Schlüsselkonzepte für eine Vielfalt von Lebensmitteln. [9 key-concepts for food diversity.] DIVERSIFOOD project . [Completed] Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Omirou, Michalis; Chable, Véronique and REY, Frederic (Eds.) (2019) Breeding for mycorhiza fungi to imporve crops' nutrient and water use efficiency.DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #24. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella; SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2019) A comprehensive, integrated and democratic approach for diversified food systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #17. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Rivière, Pierre; Bocci, Riccardo; Carrascosa, Maria; Bartha, Béla and Platzer, Emil (Eds.) (2019) Data management in community seed banks. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #19. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Kutelmach, Margaux (Ed.) (2019) Examples of the different types of populations developed within Diversifood. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #3. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella; SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle and Chable, Véronique (Eds.) (2019) Methodological approach for multi-actor research. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #18. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Meier, Claudia; Holzherr, Philipp and Oehen, Bernadette (Eds.) (2019) Valorisation strategies : shift from food labels to citizen's responsibility for commons. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #23. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Chable, Véronique; Rossi, Adanella; Nuijten, Edwin; REY, Frederic; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2018) A paradigm shift. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #16. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle; Rivière, Pierre; REY, Frederic and Constanzo, Ambrogio (Eds.) (2018) Smart methods for decentralized on-farm breeding. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #11. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Chable, Véronique (Ed.) (2018) Buckwheat. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheed #6. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Chable, Véronique (Ed.) (2018) The Rivet Wheat. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #5. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Bartha, Béla; Bocci, Riccardo; Andersen, Regine and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2018) National crop diversity management systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #10. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Holzherr, Philipp and Oehen, Bernadette (Eds.) (2017) Labels for underutilized crops. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #8. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Bartha, Béla; Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2017) Landrace tomatoes in Hungary DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #15. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo and Kovács, Tina (Eds.) (2017) Farmer's rights. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #9. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Constanzo, Ambrogio (Ed.) (2017) Underutilized crops. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #4. . Collective publication, Diversifood Partners (editor): Kovács, Tina and Drexler, Dora (Eds.) (2017) Minor cereals : Einkorn in Hungary. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #7. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle and SERPOLAY-BESSON, Estelle (Eds.) (2017) Varieties and populations for on-farm participatory plant breeding. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation Factsheet #2. . Collective publication, Diversifood partners (editor): Goldringer, Isabelle; Thomas, Mathieu; Naino, Jika Abdel Kader; Bussi, Bettina; Petitti, Matteo and Carascosa, Maria (Eds.) (2017) Participatory approach to model community seed systems. DIVERSIFOOD Innovation factsheet #20. . Collective work, Diversifood Partners (editor): Koller, Beate and Bocci, Riccardo (Eds.) (2016) Community seed banks. DIVERSIFOOD innovation factsheet #1. . Costanzo, Ambrogio (2019) Searchable database on performance results of underutilised genetic resources - DIVERSIFOOD Project. Organic Research Centre , Cirencester. [draft] {Tool} A guide to participatory experimentation with underutilised genetic resources. Creator(s): Costanzo, Ambrogio and Serpolay, Estelle. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 2. (2019) Costanzo, Ambrogio; Seroplay, Ester and Rey, Frederic (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2019) A guide to participatory experiments with underutilised genetic resources. Diversifood Booklet, no. #2. ITAB. Feher, Judit; Padel, Susanne; Rossi, Adanella; Drexler, Dora and Oehen, Bernadette (2019) Diversified food system: Policy to embedding crop genetic diversity in food value chains. Diversifood Booklet, no. #5. ITAB. {Tool} Methods and tools for decentralized on farm breeding (Diversifood Booklet). Creator(s): Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 3. (2018) Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre (editor): REY, Frederic; Goldringer, Isabelle and Rivière, Pierre (Eds.) (2018) Methods and Tools for decentralized on farm breeding. Booklet, no. 3. Diversifood . Holzherr, Philipp; Förster, Iris and Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Embedding Diversity: Communication and Label Concept for Underutilized Crops – Checklist for your First Evaluation. Deliverable 5.3 of DIVERSIFOOD Project . Meier, C.; Holzherr, P. and Oehen, B. (2019) Evaluation matrix for products from underutilized crops. Factsheet, no. 22. DIVERSIFOOD Project . Meier, Claudia and Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Consumer preferences for farmers’ varieties. Poster at: Cultivating diversity and food quality. DIVERSIFOOD Final Congress, Rennes, France, December 10 - 12, 2018. [Completed] Messmer, Monika M.; Raghuwanshi, Shivraj; Ramprasad, Sana; Verma, Rajeev; Joshi, Tanay; Deshmukh, Surendr; Ashok, Kumar; Vikram, Raghuwanshi; Adinath, Paslawar; Mondal, Ashis; Shastry, Prakash; Ambatipudi, Arun; Vonzun, Seraina and Riar, Amritbir (2018) Seeding the Green Future - Participatory organic cotton breeding. In: Proceedings of the DIVERSIFOOD Congress 2018, "Cultivating Diversity and Food Quality", 12-12 December 2018, Rennes, France, p. 94. Oehen, Bernadette; Meier, Claudia and Felder, Tamina (2020) Agrobiodiversität als Verkaufsargument? Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2020, 11, pp. 34-40. Oehen, B. and Meier, C. (2019) Consumers and Food. Factsheet, no. 21. DIVERSIFOOD Project . Oehen, B.; Meier, C.; Holzherr, P. and Förtser, I. (2018) Strategies to valorise agrobiodiversity. In: Book of Abstracts. 13th European International Farming Systems Association (IFSA) Symposium, Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 July 2018, Chania, Crete, Greece, ISFA, pp. 1-11. Oehen, Bernadette; Padel, Susanne and Rossi, Adanella (2019) Guidance Document and Considerations for the Marketing of Biodiverse Food Products. Diversifood Booklet, no. #7. ITAB. Padel, Susanne; Rossi, Adanella; D'Amico, Simona; Sellars, Anna and Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Case studies of the marketing of products from newly bred lines and underutilized crops. Diversifood Project Reports, no. D 5.1. Embedding crop diversity and networking for local high quality food systems. EU H2020, Grant Agreement n°: 633571. . Rey, F.; Drexler, D.; Bocci, R.; Oehen, B.; Constanzo, A.; Goldringer, I.; Padel, S. and Chable, V. (2018) Cultivating diversity and food quality. Proceedings of Diversifood EU Forum, Brussels, 11 April 2018. . Rossi, A.; D'Amico, S.; Oehen, B. and Kovács, T. (2018) Building Valorisation Strategies for Biodiverse Products - Case Studies. Factsheet, no. 13. DIVERSIFOOD Project . Rossi, A.; D'Amico, S.; Oehen, B. and Kovács, T. (2018) Building valoristaion strategies for biodiverse products - the approach. Factsheet, no. 12. DIVERSFOOD Project . {Tool} Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity. Creator(s): Serpolay, Estelle; Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella and CHABLE, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood Booklet, no. 1. (2018) Serpolay, Estelle; Nuijten, Edwin; Rossi, Adanella and Chable, Véronique (editor): Rey, Frederic (Ed.) (2018) Toolkit to foster multi-actor research on agrobiodiversity. Booklet, no. 1. Diversifood. van Malland, Floor (2018) Flyer velddag Louis Bolk Instituut 2018. Louis Bolk Instituut . [Completed] Véronique, Chable; Morel, Jean-Martial and Leroy, Gwénolé (2020) Cauliflower and Cabbage participatory breeding in Brittany. Keynote presentation at: 10th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, February 12-15, 2020. {Tool} Tools to integrate organoleptic quality criteria into breeding programs. Creator(s): VINDRAS, Camille; Sinoir, N.; Coulombel, A.; Taupier-Létage, Bruno and REY, Frederic. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Diversifood technical booklets. (2018) This list was generated on Fri Feb 14 21:00:19 2025 CET. |