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Items affiliated to "Liveseed tools"

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Number of items at this level: 59.

{Tool} White lupin breeding - Screening on anthracnose (Liveseed video). [Resistenzzüchtung Lupinen - Anthraknose Screening.] Creator(s): Alkemade, Joris; Bitterlich, Katharina; Trávníček, Jan; Krauss, Maike and Arncken, Christine. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed videos, no. 12. (2020)

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Ferrari, Barbara; Nazzicari, Nelson and Pecetti, L. (2021) White lupin phenotypic data. .

Annicchiarico, Paolo; Nazzicari, Nelson; Vlachostergios, D.N.; de Buck, A.J.; Ferrari, Barbara; Koskosidis, A.; Heupink, D.; Notario, T. and Pecetti, L. (2021) Broadening and exploiting the genetic base of white lupin. In: BREEDING AND SEED SECTOR INNOVATIONS FOR ORGANIC FOOD SYSTEMS, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics, Latvia, pp. 94-95.

{Tool} How to improve organic seed availability in Bulgaria (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Apostolov, Stoilko and Kirov, Petar. Issuing Organisation(s): Bioselena - Foundation for organic agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 12. (2020)

{Tool} Field trials for treatments against Tilletia caries (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Berthold, Helene. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed videos, no. 11. (2020)

{Tool} How to organise a field day (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Videos. (2021)

{Tool} Application of acetic acid as a seed treatment in organic cereal seed (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 41. (2020)

{Tool} Treating wheat seed with vinegar against common bunt (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stephanie; Boffin, Laurane and Bouchet, Jean-Pierre. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 59. (2021)

{Tool} Managing common bunt in wheat seed lots (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Borgen, Anders; Klaedtke, Stéphanie and Thueringer, Angela. Issuing Organisation(s): Agrologica, ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 2. (2019)

{Tool} Saving and storing tomato seeds (Liveseed Video). Creator(s): Burruezo, Adrian Rodriguez. Issuing Organisation(s): UPV - Universitat Politècnia de València. Liveseed videos, no. 4. (2020)

{Tool} Managing on farm populations. Mixtures of landraces or old varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 5. (2020)

{Tool} Organic wheat variety testing by a network of farmers (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Costanzo, Ambrogio. Issuing Organisation(s): ORC - Organic Research Centre. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 50. (2020)

{Tool} Seed health in potatoes (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): de Buck, A.J.. Issuing Organisation(s): LBI - Louis Bolk Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 28. (2020)

{Tool} How to access organic seeds in Hungary (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Drexler, Dora; Kovács, Tina and Varga, Korinna. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKI - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 1. (2018)

{Tool} Grain cleaning (Liveseed video). [Gabonatisztítás.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. LiveSeed videos, no. 9. (2020)

{Tool} The proper storage of organic seeds and warehouse pest control techniques (Liveseed video). [Az Ökológiai vetőmag megfelelő raktározás és raktárkártevők elleni védekezési lehetőségek.] Creator(s): Feher, Judit. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed video, no. 10. (2020)

{Tool} Bunt management (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agrologica. Liveseed videos, no. 1. (2020)

{Tool} Bunt treatment methods (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Feher, Judit and Borgen, Anders. Issuing Organisation(s): ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Agrologica. Liveseed videos, no. 3. (2020)

{Tool} Special characters of varieties for organic farming in wheat (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Flamm, Clemens and Oberforster, M.. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 46. (2020)

{Tool} How to evaluate weed competitiveness in cereals (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flamm, Clemens. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 43. (2020)

{Tool} Comparison of two breeding strategies for soft wheat populations (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 57. (2021)

{Tool} How to create diversified variety mixtures based on gene bank resources (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 56. (2021)

{Tool} Influence of location and human selection on two soft wheat populations (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Flipon, Emma and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 58. (2021)

{Tool} Assessment of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Forst, Emma and Goldringer, Isabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 20. (2020)

{Tool} Co-design of locally adapted wheat variety mixtures (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Forst, Emma and Goldringer, Isabelle. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment. Liveseed Practice abstracts, no. 19. (2020)

{Tool} Testing soil for legume fatigue (DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Fuchs, Jacques; Hohmann, Pierre; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Conder, Malgorzarta; Gelencsér, Tobias and Weidmann, Gilles. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. DiverIMPACTS, ReMIX, LIVESEED Practice abstract. (2021)

{Tool} Seed treatments allowed in organic farming in certain countries (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Gatzert, Xenia; Leopold, Jochen; Mäder, Rolf and Schäfer, Freya. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 15. (2019)

{Tool} Creating dynamic and diverse populations. Mixtures of landraces or old varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Goldringer, I.; toncea, I.; Lo Fiego, A.; Navarro Chaves, A.; Fuss, A. and Chable, Véronique. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, NARDI - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 4. (2020)

{Tool} Preservation of traditional varieties in the region of Valencia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gonzalvez, Victor. Issuing Organisation(s): SEAE - Spanish Society of Ecological Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 24. (2020)

{Tool} Seed vigour, keep it high! (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Groot, S.P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 30. (2019)

{Tool} Proper seed storage (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Groot, Steven P.C.. Issuing Organisation(s): WUR - Wageningen University & Research. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 25. (2020)

{Tool} How to assess weed competitiveness in organic cultivar trials with wheat? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 7. (2020)

{Tool} How to identify potato cultivars which are resistant to late blight? (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 11. (2020)

{Tool} How to minimise damage by aphids in organic faba bean production? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 10. (2020)

{Tool} How to set up a simplified on-farm cultivar trial to assess broccoli? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 8. (2020)

{Tool} How to set up an on-farm cultivar trial to score for leaf blight in carrots? (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Gutzen, Kaja. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 9. (2020)

{Tool} Breeding an organic forage crop variety (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kempf, Katharina; Schubiger, Franz Xaver and Grieder, Christoph. Issuing Organisation(s): Agroscope. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 18. (2020)

{Tool} The cell fusion-free vegetable list helps organic farmers to find suitable cultivars (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Kimmel, Thomas; Koller, Martin and Zellfelder, Johanna. Issuing Organisation(s): BNN - Bundesverband Naturkost Naturwaren, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 6. (2019)

{Tool} Organic seed from community seed banks (Liveseed practice abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Konstantinos and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 13. (2020)

{Tool} Greening urban gardens with local vegetable varieties (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Koutis, Kostas and Vakali, Christina. Issuing Organisation(s): AEGILOPS - The Greek Network for Biodiversity and Ecology in Agriculture. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 29. (2020)

{Tool} Heterogeneous spring barley populations in Latvia (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Legzdina, L. and Ločmele, Indra. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 45. (2020)

{Tool} Organic pumpkin breeding (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Moeskops, Bram. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe. Liveseed videos, no. 13. (2020)

Nazzicari, Nelson and Annicchiarico, Paolo (2021) White lupin genotypic data. .

{Tool} Guidelines for on-farm variety testing (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 16. (2020)

{Tool} Towards ecological and societal resilience through systems-based plant breeding (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 17. (2019)

{Tool} Cooperatives a model to improve organic seed production (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Nuijten, Edwin. Issuing Organisation(s): De Beersche Hoeve. Liveseed Practice Abstracts, no. 3. (2019)

{Tool} Susceptibility of winter wheat cultivars to various isolates of common bunt (Tilletia caries) (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Oberforster, Micheal and Plank, Martin. Issuing Organisation(s): AGES - Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 62. (2021)

{Tool} How to produce organic heterogeneous material for sweet corn (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petcu, Victor. Issuing Organisation(s): NARDI - National Agricultural Research and Development Institute. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 47. (2020)

Petcu, Victor; Toncea, Ion and Lazăr, Cătălin (2021) Effect of climatic conditions on some physiological indicators of winter wheat cultivated in organic farming system. Lucrări Științifice. Seria Agronomie, 64 (1), pp. 113-118.

{Tool} Rete Semi Rurali community seed bank (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed videos, no. 5. (2020)

{Tool} Conservation varieties in Italy (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 38. (2020)

{Tool} Farm saved seed: what are the rules? (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 37. (2020)

{Tool} How to set up a community seed bank (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 51. (2020)

{Tool} How to produce seed of heterogeneous populations of inbred cereals (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 52. (2020)

{Tool} The difference between certified organic seed and “untreated” conventional seed (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Raaijmakers, Maaike and van Diemen, Marcel. Issuing Organisation(s): Vitalis, Bionext. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 21. (2020)

{Tool} Success stories on organic seed production & breeding. Creator(s): Rey, Frederic; Bruszik, Ágnes; Moretti, Maddalena; Petitti, Matteo; de Buck, Abco; Meyer, Katharina and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): ITAB - Institute for Organic Agriculture and Food, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, LBI - Louis Bolk Institute, IFOAM Organics Europe, UBIOS - Union Bio Semences, Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Booklets, no. 3. (2020)

{Tool} Calorespirometry – A phenotyping tool to assess pea germination efficiency under different temperatures (LIVESEED Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Rodrigues, Lénia; Nogales, Amaia; Hansen, Lee; Santos, Fatima; Groot, Steven P.C.; Rato, Ana Elisa and Cardoso, Helia. Issuing Organisation(s): University of Évora. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 34. (2020)

{Tool} Pre-sprouting of potato seed tubers (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Skrabule, Ilze. Issuing Organisation(s): AREI - Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 44. (2020)

{Tool} How to improve organic seed production for carrots and cauliflower (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Winter, Eva and Kummer, Carmen. Issuing Organisation(s): FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, ÖMKi - Hungarian Research Institute of Organic Agriculture. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 42. (2020)

This list was generated on Sat Feb 15 16:44:27 2025 CET.