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Items affiliated to "FCP"

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Number of items at this level: 37.

{Project} FCP: Farmer Consumer Partnerships. [Farmer Consumer Partnerships.] Runs 2007 - 2010. Project Leader(s): Hamm, Prof. Dr. Ulrich and Zander, Dr. Katrin, Universität Kassel, D-Witzenhausen .

Goessinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2008) Corporate Social Responsibility and Organic Farming –Experiences in Austria. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gössinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2009) Höhere Standards in europäischen Biobetrieben und ihre Kommunikation an die KonsumentInnen. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Gössinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2009) Kommunikation von "bioPlus"-Leistungen. [Communication of organicPlus attainments.] Ökologie & Landbau, 152 (4/2009), pp. 44-46.

Gössinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2008) Corporate Social Responsibility and Organic Farming –Experiences in Austria. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Gössinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2009) Communication of ethical activities going beyond organic standards in European organic enterprises. In: Millar, Kate; Hobson West, Pru and Nerlich, Brigitte (Eds.) Ethical futures: Bioscience and food horizons. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, pp. 400-405.

Gössinger, Katharina and Freyer, Bernhard (2007) Corporate Social Responsibility: oft gelebt - selten kommuniziert. [Corporate Social Responsibility: often praticed - rarely communicated]. Agrarische Rundschau, 4, pp. 14-16.

Gössinger, Katharina; Hametter, Monika and Freyer, Bernhard (2009) Ethical oriented activities going beyond organic standards in European enterprises/farms from different theoretical perspectives. In: Sarapatka, Borivoj (Ed.) Bioacademy 2009 - Proceedings 2nd Scientific Conference. Organic Farming - A Response to Economic and Environmental Challenges, pp. 75-79.

Hametter , Monika and Gössinger, Katharina (2011) Was Konsumenten von Bio-Eiern halten. [What consumers think about organic eggs]. Bio Austria, 1, p. 8.

Hamm, U. and Zander, K. (2011) FCP. CORE Organic Research Seminar, Paris, France, 29 November 2011. [Submitted]

Hamm, Ulrich and Zander, Katrin (2011) Werte ökologischer Lebensmittel: Anforderungen an eine erfolgreiche Kommunikation mit Verbrauchern. [Values of organic food: how to communicate successfully!] Paper at: 11. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Gießen, Deutschland, 15.-18. März 2011.

Hamm, Ulrich and Zander, Katrin (2009) CORE Organic pilot project FCP - presentation at mid-term: farmer consumer partnerships. Speech at: Joint meeting of the CORE Organic pilot projects coordinators and CORE Organic Funding Body Network, Rome, Italy, 8 June 2009.

Padel, Susanne and Gössinger, Katherina (2008) Farmer Consumer Partnerships Communicating Ethical Values: a conceptual framework. CORE Organic Project Report, no. 1897. Aberystwyth University, Aberystwyth & University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna .

Padel, Susanne; Nicholas, Phillipa; Jasinska, Aleksandra and Lampkin, Nicolas (2008) Ethical concerns associated with organic food in Europe. In: Cultivate the future. Proceedings of 16 IFOAM world congress (CD).

Padel, Susanne and Zander, Katrin (2009) OrganicPlus values and their relevance to consumers: First results from the CORE FCP project. In: Frediksson, P and Ullven, K (Eds.) Towards increased sustainablity in the food supply chain. 1st Nordic Organic Conference, Centre for sustainable land use CUL at SLU, pp. 104-106.

Padel, Susanne (2011) Some results from the Farmer Consumer Partnership project. Presentation given at the 2011 conference "Selling organic" in Oxford. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne (2011) Ethical values of organic food. Presentation given at the 2011 congress at Biofach, Nueremberg. [Completed]

Padel, Susanne and Zander, Katrin (2011) Communicating with customers. Organic Farming, 2011, Spring (106), pp. 29-31.

Padel, Susanne and Zander, Katrin (2010) Regional production’ and ‘Fairness’ in organic farming: Evidence from a CORE Organic project. In: Darnhofer, Ika and Grötzer, Michaela (Eds.) WS4.3 – Fair and regional: New trends of organic and sustainable food systems, Universität für Bodenkultur , Vienna .

Schneider, Flurina (2009) Ethische Werte als Verkaufsargumente. [Ethical values as sales arguments.] bioaktuell (1), pp. 14-15.

Zander, Katrin (2009) Ethische Werte ökologischer Lebensmittel und ihre Kommunikation an Verbraucher. [Ethical values of organic food and communication to consumers.] In: Leitzmann, Claus; Beck, Alexander; Hermanowski, Robert and Hamm, Ulrich (Eds.) Praxishandbuch Bio-Lebensmittel. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, chapter 5.d, pp. 1-12.

Zander, Katrin (2009) Kunden honorieren Mehrwert. bioland, 11/09, pp. 36-37.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2010) Consumer preferences for additional ethical attributes of organic food. Food quality and preference, 21 (5), pp. 495-503.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2010) Werte - ethischer Konsum - Corporate Social Responsibility. [Values - ethical consumerism - Corporate Social Responsibility.] In: Meyer, Alfred Hagen (Ed.) Lebensmittel heute - Qualität und Recht. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 53-67.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2009) Ethische Werte aus Sicht der Verbraucher: Das Beispiel von Lebensmitteln aus ökologischer Produktion. Paper at: Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaus, Deutschland, Kiel, 30. September bis 2. Oktober 2009.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2009) Farmer Consumer Partnerships: Information search and decision making - the case of ethical values of organic products. CORE Organic Project Report, no. CORE Organic project nr: 1897. University of Kassel, Organic Agriculture, Kassel , Agricultural and Food Marketing.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2008) Communication of ethical values in organic farming. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 16-20, 2008. [Unpublished]

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2008) Präferenzen von Konsumenten für ethische Werte ökologischer Lebensmittel. [Consumers' preferences for ethical values of organic food.] In: ÖGA-Tagungsband 2008: Neue Impulse in der Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft, 18, pp. 95-96.

Zander, Katrin; Hamm, Ulrich; Freyer, Bernhard; Gössinger, Katharina; Hametter, Monika; Naspetti, Simona; Padel, Susanne; Stolz, Hanna; Stolze, Matthias and Zanoli, Raffaele (2010) Farmer Consumer Partnerships - How to successfully communicate the values of organic food. Self-published, Department of Agricultural and Food Marketing, University of Kassel, Witzenhausen.

Zander, Katrin; Hamm, Ulrich; Freyer, Bernhard; Gössinger, Katharina; Hametter, Monika; Naspetti, Simona; Padel, Susanne; Stolz, Hanna; Stolze, Matthias and Zanoli, Raffaele (2010) Landwirte-Verbraucher-Partnerschaften – Erfolgreiche Kommunikation von Werten ökologischer Lebensmittel. Eigenverlag Fachgebiet Agrar- und Lebensmittelmarketing, Universität Kassel, Witzenhausen.

Zander, Dr. Katrin and Hamm, Prof. Dr. Ulrich (2009) Informationsverhalten der Konsumenten und ethische Werte ökologischer Lebensmittel. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Zürich, 11.-13. Februar 2009.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2011) Information search behaviour and its determinants: the case of ethical attributes of organic food. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 2011 (online), pp. 1-10.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2010) Welche zusätzlichen ethischen Eigenschaften ökologischer Lebensmittel interessieren Verbraucher? German Journal of Agricultural Economics , 59 (4), pp. 246-257.

Zander, Katrin and Hamm, Ulrich (2009) Consumers' preferences for ethical values of organic food. In: Millar, Kate; Hobson West, Pru and Nerlich, Brigitte (Eds.) Ethical futures: Bioscience and food horizons. Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, pp. 400-405.

Zander, Katrin; Hamm, Ulrich; Freyer, Bernhard; Goesssinger, Katharina; Naspetti, Simona; Padel, Susanne; Stolz, Hanna; Stolze, Matthias and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Consumer concerns regarding additional ethical attributes of organic food. In: Neuhoff, Daniel; Halberg, Niels; Rasmussen, Ilse A.; Hermansen, J.E.; Ssekyewa, Charles and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) Organic is Life: Knowledge for tomorrow , ISOFAR, Bonn, 2, pp. 22-24.

Zander, Katrin; Hamm, Ulrich; Freyer, Bernhard; Gössinger, Katharina; Hametter, Monika; Naspetti, Simona; Padel, Susanne; Stolz, Hanna; Stolze, Matthias and Zanoli, Raffaele (2011) Alleanze tra Agricoltori e Consumatori – Come comunicare con successo il valore degli alimenti biologici ai consumatori Manuale pratico. [Farmer Consumer Partnerships - How to successfully communicate the values of organic food Katrin Zander, Ulrich Hamm, Bernd Freyer, Katharina Gössinger, Monika Hametter, Simona Naspetti, Susanne Padel, Hanna Stolz, Matthias Stolze e Raffaele Zanoli.] Università Politecnica delle Marche/Errebi Grafiche Ripesi, Italy.

Zanoli, Raffaele and Naspetti, Simona (2010) CORE ORGANIC "Farmers Consumer Partnership" Report on the Elaboration and test of new communication concepts (Deliverable n. 3 - WP4). Università Politecnica delle Marche, Ancona, Italy.

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