Items affiliated to "Department of Animal Science"
Number of items at this level: 63. Schmid, Otto; Johnson, Marion; Früh, Barbara and Vaarst, Mette (Eds.) (2020) Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials-Proceedings of the IAHA Video-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry - 21. and 22. September 2020 linked to the 20th Organic World Congress of IFOAM 2021. 3 p. 1. Proceedings of IAHA Video-Conference on Organic Animal Husbandry, video, 21. and 22. September 2020. [Completed] {Project} ProRefine: Refined forage legumes as local sources of protein feed for monogastrics and high quality fibre feed for ruminants in organic production. Runs 2018 - 2021. Project Leader(s): Adler, Steffen Andreas, Norwegian Institute of Bioeconmy Research . Afrose, Sadia; Hammershøj, Marianne; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Engberg, Ricarda M. and Steenfeldt, Sanna (2016) Influence of Blue mussel (Mytilus edulis) and Starfish (Asterias rubens) meals on production performance, egg quality and apparent total tract digestibility of nutrients of laying hens. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 213, pp. 108-117. Bønlykke, Camilla (2011) Tyttebær og ramsløg kan måske bedre tarmsundheden. [Lingonberries and ramsons may improve gut Health in piglets.] Effektivt Landbrug, 1 December 2011, p. 9. Canibe, Nuria; Højberg, Ole; Grevsen, Kai and Jensen, Martin (2018) Ramsløg og tyttebær har markant antimikrobiel virkning. [Ramsons and lingonberries have a marked antimicrobial effect.] Økolopgi og Erhverv, 9 February 2018, 626, pp. 10-11. Canibe, Nuria and Jensen, Martin (2017) Kan en cocktail af ramsløg og tyttebær erstatte antibiotika? [Can a cocktail of ramsons and lingonberries replace antibiotics?] ICROFS nyt, 30 November 2017, pp. 1-5. Eskildsen, Maria (2020) Nutrition of organic sows. [Økologiske søers ernæring.] PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Animal Science. , Aarhus. Eskildsen, Maria; Hedemann, Mette, Skou; Theil, Peter Kappel and Værum Nørgaard, Jan (2020) Impact of substituting compound feed with increasing levels of fresh grass-clover on nitrogen metabolism and plasma metabolites of sows. [Effekt på N metabolismen og plasma metabolitter hos økologiske søer ved erstatning af kraftfoder med stigende mængder af frisk kløver-græs.] Livestock Science, 242, pp. 1-9. Eskildsen, Maria; Krogh, Uffe; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Theil, Peter Kappel (2020) Fresh grass clover intake and energy metabolism in organic sows fed a control or a low protein compound feed in winter and summer. Poster at: Pre-Conference on Animal Husbandry linked to the 20th Organic World Congress, Rennes, France, Preconference 6-7 September 2021. Eskildsen, Maria; Krogh, Uffe; Nørgaard, Jan Værum; Hedemann, Mette Skou; Sørensen, Martin T.; Kongsted, Anne Grete and Theil, Peter Kappel (2020) Grass clover intake and effects of reduced dietary protein for organic sows during summer. [Kløver-græs indtag og effekt af reduceret protein i foderet til økologiske søer om sommeren.] Livestock Science, 241, pp. 1-13. Eskildsen, Maria; Krogh, Uffe Pinholt; Sørensen, Martin Tang; Kongsted, A.G. and Theil, Peter K. (2020) Effect of reduced dietary protein level on energy metabolism, sow body composition and metabolites in plasma, milk and urine from gestating and lactating organic sows during temperate winter conditions. [Effekt af reduceret protein niveau på energi metabolisme, kropskomposition og metabolitter i plasma, mælk og urin fra drægtige og lakterende søer om vinteren i tempereret klimazone.] Livestock Science, 240, p. 104088. Eskildsen, Maria; Nørgaard, J.V.; Hedeman, M.S. and Theil, Peter K. (2018) Grass intake of sows quantified by plasma metabolites. [Søers græsindtag kvantificeret ved plasma metabolitter.] Poster at: 14th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Brisbane Australia, 21-24 August. Eskildsen, Maria; Sampedro, D.V.; Krogh, Uffe; Larsen, T. and Theil, Peter K. (2020) Milk yield, milk composition and blood metabolites in organic sows on pasture winter and summer - effect of two different dietary protein levels. [Mælkeydelse, mælkens sammensætning og blod metabolitter hos økologiske søer på græs vinter og sommer - effekt af tildeling af to forskellige protein niveauer.] In: Chizzotti, Mario Luiz (Ed.) Energy and protein metabolism and nutrition, 138, EAAP Scientific Series, pp. 331-334. Fernández, José A. and Nørgaard, J.V. (2009) Compensatory growth in slaughter pigs reared under organic conditions. Journal of the Science of food and Agriculture, 89, pp. 1376-1381. Højberg, Ole and Canibe, Nuria (2017) Resultater af 2 års forsøg. AU ANIS, MAFFRA Statusmøde, 19. december2017 (Fortroligt). [Results of 2nd year in vitro screening of antibacterial plants (Confidential).] Department of Animal Science, AU-ANIS , AU ANIS, Animal Science. Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria; Grevsen, Kai and Jensen, Martin (2018) En blanding af ramsløg og sure bær hæmmer E coli i mavetarmindhold fra grise. [A mix of ramsons and acidic berries inhibit E. coli in stomac-intestine content from pigs.] Økologi og Erhverv, 12 January 2018, 624, p. 12. Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria; Grevsen, Kai and Jensen, Martin (2017) Cocktails of ramsons and acidic berries kill E. coli in a piglet gastrointestinal model: an alternative to antibiotics? [Cocktails af ramsløg og sure bær dræber E. coli i en smågrise mave-tarm model: alternativ til antibiotika?] ICROFS News, 2 November 2017, pp. 1-6. Højberg, Ole; Canibe, Nuria and Lauridsen, Charlotte (2017) MAFFRA: Report for first years results of screening of antibacterial plant products for replacing antibiotica. [MAFFRA: Rapport over første års forsøg med screening af antibakterielle planter til erstatning for antibiotika.] Department of Animal Science, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. Jensen, Martin; Grevsen, Kai; Canibe, Nuria and Højberg, Ole (2017) Antibakterielle planter som fodertilsætning som erstatning for antibiotika, zink og kobber til fravænningsgrise. Speech at: Økologi Kongressen 2017, Kolding, 30. november 2017. Jensen, Martin; Grevsen, Kai; Højberg, Ole and Canibe, Nuria (2018) Kan løgarter og sure bær erstatte antibiotika? [Can onion species and acidic berries replace antibiotics?] DCA annnual report 'Perspektiv', no. 2018. DCA, Aarhus universitet, Foulum. Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Lund Jensen, Kirsten; Strandberg, Beate; Hermansen, John E.; Halsnæs, Kirsten; Fog, Erik; Baggesen, Dorte Lau; Sørensen, Jan Tind and Meldgaard, Mette (2015) Økologiens bidrag til samfundsgoder. 1 edition. Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og og Fødevaresystemer, Tjele, Danmark. Jung, L.; Niebuhr, K.; Hinrichsen, L. K.; Gunnarsson, S.; Brenninkmeyer, C.; Bestman, M.; Heerkens, J.; Ferrari, P. and Knierim, U. (2019) Possible risk factors for keel bone damage in organic laying hens. animal, 2019, pp. 1-9. Kargo, Morten (2023) Ø-KO-AVL vil skabe fremtidens øko-malkeko. . Online at, accessed on: 6 October 2023. Kristensen, Helene and Therkildsen, M. (2021) GrOBEat - Økologisk kalve- og oksekød - kød der erstatter kvantitet med kvalitet. ICROFS. Online at, accessed on: 2 June 2021. Kristensen, Helene (2018) Flyer invitation til praktikerdag og forskerseminar om grise - temadage 12.-13. juni 2018. ICROFS , ICROFS. Krogh, Uffe; Eskildsen, Maria; Sørensen, Martin T. and Theil, Peter Kappel (2018) Heat production in free-range sows estimated by heart rate recordings. Poster at: 14th International Symposium on Digestive Physiology of Pigs, Brisbane Australia, 21-24 August. Leeb, C.; Rudolph, G.; Bochicchio, D.; Edwards, S.; Früh, B.; Holinger, M.; Holmes, D.; Illmann, G.; Knop, D.; Prunier, A.; Rousing, T.; Winckler, C. and Dippel, S. (2019) Effects of three husbandry systems on health, welfare and productivity of organic pigs. Animal, online, pp. 1-9. Marchewka, Joanna; Sztandarski, Patryk; Zdanowska-Sąsiadek, Żaneta; Damaziak, Krzysztof; Wojciechowski, Franciszek; Riber, Anja B. and Gunnarsson, Stefan (2020) Associations between welfare and ranging profile in free-range commercial and heritage meat-purpose chickens (Gallus gallus domesticus). Poultry Science, 99 (9), pp. 4141-4152. Nørgaard, J.V.; Fernández, José A. and Jørgensen, Henry (2012) Ileal digestibility of sunflower meal, pea, rapeseed cake, and lupine in pigs. Journal of Animal Science, 90, pp. 202-205. Nørgaard, J.V.; Hvelplund, T.; Fernández, José A.; Thomsen, M.H. and Poulsen, H.D. (2011) Nutritional value of biofuel residues from beet evaluated in sows and sheep. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 169, pp. 121-127. Nørgaard, J.V.; Petersen, J.K.; Tørring, D.B.; Jørgensen, Henry and Lærke, H.N. (2015) Chemical composition and standardized ileal digestibility of protein and amino acids from blue mussel, starfish, and fish silage in pigs. Animal Feed Science and technology, 205, pp. 90-97. Nørskov, Natalja P. (2022) ECOCO2W - Mindre metan fra køer. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Online at, accessed on: 27 June 2022. Pedersen, Lene Juul (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) (Ed.) (2017) Robuste og tungere økologiske pattegrise - VIPiglets. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS), Tjele, Denmark. Pedersen, L.J.; Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard; Bonde, Marianne and Serup, Tove (2017) Er der brug for søer med ny genetik i dansk økologisk svineproduktion? Økologi & erhverv, 14 December 2017, 12, x-x. Petersen, Maja Eline (2017) Kan ramsløg og tyttebær erstatte antibiotika? [Can ramsons and lingonberries replace antibiotics?] Økologi og Erhverv, 15 December 2017, 623, p. 8. Rell, Julia; Wunsch, Nadine; Home, Robert; Kaske, Martin; Walkenhorst, Michael and Vaarst, Mette (2020) Stakeholders’ perceptions of the challenges to improving calf health and reducing antimicrobial use in Swiss veal production. Preventive Veterinary Medicine, 179, p. 104970. Roderick, Stephen and Vaarst, Mette (2019) Improving organic animal farming for the future. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) Improving organic animal farming. 1 edition. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, no. 46. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge UK, chapter 18, pp. 375-384. Schild, Sarah-Lina Aagaard (2018) Giving birth outdoors: Impact of thermal environment on sows parturition and piglet survival. PhD thesis, Aarhus University , Department of Animal Sciences and stress biology. . Skovsbøl, U. (2016) Ramsløg og tyttebær skal erstatte zink til smågrise. [Ramsons and lingonberries to replace zinc for weaning piglets.] Organic Today, 9 April 2016, p. 1. Skovsbøl, Ulla (2016) Plantecocktail kan blive et alternativ til antibiotika, zink og kobber. [Plant cocktail may be an alternative to antibiotics, zinc and copper.] DCA Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og jordbrug - Nyhedsbrev, 4 April 2016, pp. 1-4. {Tool} Silage feeding for laying hens (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, S.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2019) Steenfeldt, Sanna (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (ICROFS) (Ed.) (2017) Diversitet og integritet i økologisk slagtefjerkræproduktion - MultiChick. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark. {Tool} Lactic acid bacteria supplements for organic broilers (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna and Engberg, Ricarda M.. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Clover-grass protein by bio-refining: nutrient composition and shelf life (OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Engberg, Ricarda M. and Ambye-Jensen, Morten. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net EcoFeed practice abstract. (2021) {Tool} Foraging of broilers in outdoor areas (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 006. (2019) {Tool} Green protein from locally grown crops (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Steenfeldt, Sanna; Ambye-Jensen, Morten and Lübeck, Mette. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. Ok-Net-Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 013. (2020) Stødkilde, Lene; Ambye-Jensen, Morten and Jensen, Søren Krogh (2021) Biorefined organic grass-clover protein concentrate for growing pigs: effect on growth performance and meat fatty acid profile. Journal of Animal Feed Science and Technology., 276. {Tool} Protein extraction from forage legumes (ProRefine Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Stødkilde-Jørgensen, Lene. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. (2022) Sztandarski, Patryk; Marchewka, Joanna; Wojciechowski, Franciszek; Riber, Anja B.; Gunnarsson, Stefan and Horbańczuk, Jarosław Olav (2021) Associations between weather conditions and individual range use by commercial and heritage chickens. Poultry Science, 100 (8), p. 101265. Sørensen, Jan Tind (2018) Mindre kalvediarré i økologiske besætninger - ViOrCa. International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems, Tjele, Denmark. Sørensen, P. and Nørgaard, J.V. (2016) Starfish (Asterias rubens) as feed ingredient for piglets. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 211, pp. 181-188. Tahamtani, Fernanda and Riber, Anja B. (2019) Finding the best laying hens for organic farms - CORE Organic Cofund newsletter. CORE Organic Newsletter, October 2019, October 2019, p. 4. Telling, Morten (2022) Changing to cow-calf system in dairy farms. Den Grimme Ølling ApS. Telling, Morten (2022) Forandring til ko-kalv system i malkekvægbesætninger. [Change to cow-calf system in dairy herds - with Danish subtitles.] Den Grimme Ølling ApS. Vaarst, Mette (editor): International Centre for Research in Organic Food Systems (Ed.) (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project "Innovative and sustainable grazing-based systems integrating cows and youngstock; GrazyDaiSy". Aarhus University . Vaarst, Mette (2019) Rethinking and engaging with animal health in organic farming. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) Improving organic animal farming. Burleigh Dodds series in Agricultural Science, no. 46. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge UK, chapter 4, pp. 59-78. Vaarst, Mette; Horsted, Klaus and Maurer, Veronika (2019) Organic poultry farming - opportunities and challenges. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) Improving organic animal farming. 1 edition. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, no. 46. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, chapter 15, pp. 307-328. Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (2019) Setting the scene - the continued drive to improve organic animal farming. In: Vaarst, Mette and Roderick, Stephen (Eds.) Improving organic animal farming. 1 edition. Burleigh Dodds Series in Agricultural Science, no. 46. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge UK, chapter 1, pp. 1-10. {Tool} Blue mussels as feedstuff (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 022. (2020) {Tool} Seaweed as feed supplement (OK-Net EcoFeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 023. (2020) {Tool} Starfish as feedstuff (OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): van der Heide, Marleen Elise and Værum Nørgaard, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): AU - Aarhus University. OK-Net Ecofeed Practice Abstract, no. 016. (2020) Wallenbeck, A.; Rousing, T.; Sørensen, J. T.; Bieber, A.; Spengler Neff, A.; Fuerst-Waltl, B.; Winckler, C.; Pfeiffer, C.; Steininger, F.; Simantke, C.; March, S.; Brinkmann, J.; Walczak, J.; Wójcik, P.; Ribikauskas, V.; Wilhelmsson, S.; Skjerve, T. and Ivemeyer, S. (2019) Characteristics of organic dairy major farm types in seven European countries. Organic Agriculture, 9, pp. 275-291. Zaalberg, Roos (2023) Avl for gladere grise i stalden. Økologisk Landbrug, 30 June 2023 (687), p. 13. 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