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Items in the subject area "Netherlands"

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Number of items at this level: 70.

Meredith, Stephen and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2016) Organic in Europe - Prospects and Developments 2016. IFOAM EU Group, Brussels.

Meredith, Stephen and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2014) Ökologischer Landbau in Europa - Perspektiven und Entwicklungen. IFOAM EU Group, Brussels.

Meredith, Stephen and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2014) Organic in Europe - Prospects and Developments. IFOAM EU Group, Brussels.

Brouwer, André (Ed.) (2010) Biomonitor 2009 – cijfers en trends. [Biomonitor (organic monitor) 2009 – figures and trends.] Biomonitor Jaarrapport . .

Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi and Willer, Helga (Eds.) (2006) Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany.

Bakker, Johan and Brouwer, André (editor): Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie (Ed.) (2011) Monitor duurzaam voedsel 2010. [Monitor sustainable food 2010.] Ministerie van Economische Zaken, Landbouw en Innovatie.

Bestman, Monique (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic poultry and egg production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Bikker, P; Binnendijk, G.P. and van der Peet-Swering, C.M.C. (editor): Wageningen UR, Livestock Research (Ed.) (2011) Opname van gras- en mengkuil door dragende biologische zeugen. [Intake of grass silage or mixed grass silage of pregnant sows.] Wageningen UR, Livestock Research.

Brühl, Katharina (2017) Incentives and constraints for the use of organic seeds in organic farming: example of Capsicum annuum seeds in the Netherlands and Spain. Masters thesis, University College Dublin, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen, Professur für Organischen Landbau, Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL Deutschland) . . [Submitted]

Burgt, G.J.H.M.; Carina, Rietema and Bus, Michiel (2017) Plant Organic 5 jaar: evaluatie van bodemvruchtbaarheid, stikstofhuishouding en productie. Working paper.

Bus, C.B. and Verstegen, H.A.G. (editor): Wageingen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Vervroeging gewasgroei bij biologische aardappelen. [Acceleration organic potato crop growth.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Dekker, P.H.M.; van Zeeland, M. and Paauw, J.G.M. (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Levenscyclusanalyse groencompost: grootschalig en zelf composteren. [Life cycle analysis green compost: large-scale and self-compost.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Duyvesteijn, R.G.E.; Breeuwsma, S.J.; van der Helm, F.P.M.; van der Lans, A.M. and de Boer, M. (editor): Wageningen UR, PPO Bloembollen, Boomkwekerij en Fruit (Ed.) (2010) Biologische beheersstrategie van Valse Meeldauw in zonnebloem. [Organic controlstrategy of downy mildew in sunflower.] Biokennis. .

Dvortsin, Leo (2013) Beating the economies of scale through local food. In: Conference proceedings.

Eekeren, van, Nick (editor): Wagningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic goat and sheep dairy in the Netherlands. Biokinnis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Evenhuis, Bert (editor): Wagingen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Beheersing valse meeldauw in de uienteelt. [Controlling false mildew in onion breeding.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Evers, Aart; de Haan, Michel; Water, Kees and Jager, Jakob (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Parktische kostprijs biologische melk 2010. [Practical cost price organic milk.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

Groot, Maria (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Biologisch melkvee natuurlijk gezond Het stalboekje Melkvee in de praktijk. [Organic dairy natural healthy The stablebook Dairy in practice.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Groot, Maria (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Biologisch pluimvee natuurlijk gezond Het stalboekje Pluimvee in de praktijk. [Organic poultry natural health The stablebook Poultry in practice.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Groot, Maria (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Biologische varkens natuurlijk gezond Het stalboekje Varkenshouderij in de praktijk. [Organic pigs natural healthy The stablebook Pig breeding in practice.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Groot, Maria; Kleijer-Ligtenberg, Gerdien and Van Asseldonk, Tedje (editor): Wageningen UR RIKILT (Ed.) (2010) Stalboekje varkens: natuurlijk gezond met kruiden en andere natuurproducten. [Stablebook pigs: Natural healthy with herbs and other nature products.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR RIKILT.

Groot, Maria; Kleijer-Ligtenberg, Gerdien; Van Asseldonk, Tedje and Hansma, Hanneke (editor): Wageningen UR (Ed.) (2011) Stalboekje melkvee: natuurlijk gezond met kruiden en andere natuurproducten. [Stablebook dairy: natural healthy with herbs and other natural products.] Biokennis Stalboekje. RIKILT Wageningen UR.

Groot, Maria; van Asseldonk, Tedje and van der Kamp-Puls, Ineke (editor): Wageningen UR RIKILT (Ed.) (2010) Stalboekje pluimvee: natuurlijk gezond met kruiden en andere natuurproducten. [Stablebook poultry: natural healthy with herbs and other nature products.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR RIKILT.

Hop, M.E.C.M. and van Leijden, J. (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2009) Verbreding assortiment biologische boomkwekerij. [Broadening organic tree nursery assortment.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Hoste, Robert (editor): LEI Wageningen UR (Ed.) (2011) Kostprijsberekening biologische varkensbedrijven 2009. [Calculation of the cost price organic pig business 2009.] LEI Wageningen UR.

Jansma, J.E.; Dekking, A.J.G.; Migchels, G.; de Buck, A.J.; Ruijs, M.N.A.; Galema, P.J. and Visser, A.J. (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Agromere: Stadslandbouw in Almere, van toekomstbeelden naar ontwerp. [Urban agriculture in Almere, from future scenario towards design.] Wageingen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Jansma, J.E.; Dekking, A.J.G.; Migchels, G.; de Buk, A.J.; Ruijs, M.N.A.; Galema, P.J. and Visser, A.J. (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Bijlagen behorend bij Agromere rapport: Stadslandbouw in Almere. [Enclosure’s belonging to Urban agriculture in Almere.] Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Klop, A.; Zonderland, J.L. and Van Riel, J.W. (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Fasevoeding met maïsmeel bij biologisch melkvee. [Phase feeding with maize with organic dairy cattle.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

Langhout, J; Baars, T and Verhoog, H (2006) Focus groups of value concepts of producers: National Report Netherlands. EEC 2092/91 Organic Revision Internal Project Report), no. Related to D 2.1. Louis Bolk Institute LBI, NL-Driebergen .

Maas, van der, Rien (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic fruit production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Meerburg, Dr BG (2006) Zoonotic Risks of Rodents in Livestock Production. Thesis, University of Amsterdam , Faculty of Medicine. Muisketier, Wageningen.

Meeusen, Marieke (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) The organic market in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Meijer, Rob (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2009) Organic greenhouse horticulture in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Migchels, Gerard (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic dairy production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Paull, John (2020) Translations of Rudolf Steiner’s Agriculture Course (Koberwitz, 1924): The Seminal Text of Biodynamic Farming and Organic Agriculture. International Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 6 (4), pp. 94-97.

Paull, John (2015) Ernesto Genoni: Artist, Pacifist, Anthroposophist. Keynote presentation at: The Inaugural Uriel Lecture, Christian Community Church, Hawthorn, 14 May 2015.

Plomp, Marleen; Prins, Udo; van Schooten, Herman and Pinxterhuis, J.B (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Regionale rantsoenen voor melkvee. [Regional feed for dairy cows.] Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

Potters, Jorieke and van Leeuwen, Michaela (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Beeldvorming over biologische landbouw onder studenten en docenten in het groen onderwijs. [Image of organic agriculture among students and teachers of green education.] Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Pronk, Annette and Groeneveld, Roel (editor): Wageningen, Plant Research International (Ed.) (2010) Groene grondbedekking in de biologische boomkwekerij. [Green soil covering in the organic tree nursery.] Biokennis. Wageningen, Plant Research International.

Reuler, van, Henk (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic tree sector in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Reuvekamp, B.F.J. and van Niekerk, Thea (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Daglichtmanagement bij (opfok)leghennen. [Day light management with (breed) laying-hens.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

Ruis, Marko (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Welzijn biologisch melkvee. [Well-being organic dairy.] Biokennis Bericht. Wagningen UR, Communication Services.

Ruis, Marko (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Welzijn biologisch pluimvee. [Well-being organic poultry.] Biokennis Bericht. .

Ruis, Marko (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Welzijn biologische schapen en geiten. [Well-being organic sheaps and goats.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Ruis, Marko (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Welzijn biologische varkens. [Well-being organic pigs.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Ruis, Marko; Pinxterhuis, Ina and Vrolijk, Maarten (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Update welzijnsprestaties biologische veehouderij. [Update animal welfare status of organic farming in the Netherlands.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

Scholten, Olga (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Vigorous propagation material and organic breeding in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Schoutsen, Maureen and Vijn, Marcel (editor): Wageningen UR, PPO (Ed.) (2011) Naar een succesvolle boerenmarkt. [To a successful agricultural fair.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, PPO.

Schoutsen, Maureen; Vijn, Marcel and Dekking, Arjan (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Biologische boerenmarkten in Nederland, analyse en aanbevelingen voor verder ontwikkeling. [Organic agricultural fairs in the Netherlands, analysis and recommendations for further development.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Siegerink, Maud (2020) Baking Quality of Wheat (Triticum aestivum) Grown Intercropped with Leguminous Crops. Thesis, Louis Bolk Instituut . . [Completed]

Slobbe, R.B. and Bikker, A.M. (editor): Wageningen UR, LEI (Ed.) (2011) Samenwerken met biologisch. Innovatie en verbinding in de varkenshouderij. [Working together with organic; Innovation and connections in pig farming.] Wageningen UR, LEI.

Slootweg, Casper (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (Ed.) (2010) Biologische bestrijding van echte meeldauw in zomerbloemen. [Organic control of real mildew in summer flowers.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving.

Sukkel, Wijnand (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Climate impact of organic production in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge Update. .

Sukkel, Wijnand (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Dutch soil management and soil fertility. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

Sukkel, Wijnand (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic open field cultivation in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. .

Teenstra, Eddie and Regouin, Eric (2006) Research in Organic Food and Farming in The Netherlands. In: Lange, Stefan; Williges, Ute; Saxena, Shilpi and Willer, Helga (Eds.) European Research in Organic Food and Farming. Reports on organisation and conduction of research programmes in 11 European countries. Bundesanstalt für Landwirtschaft und Ernährung (BLE) / Federal Agency for Agriculture and Food BLE, Bonn, Germany, chapter 8, pp. 165-184.

ter Berg, Coen and Lammerts van Bueren, Edith (editor): Louis Bolk Instituut (Ed.) (2010) Peenrassendemo 2009: vergelijking B-peenrassen voor de biologische teelt. [Carrot variety demo 2009: comparison B-carrot varieties for the organic cultivation.] Louis Bolk Instituut.

Vaarst, Mette; Hellec, Florence; Sørheim, Kristin; Johanssen, Juni Rosann E. and Verwer, Cynthia (2019) Calves with their dams in dairy cow systems. GrazyDaiSy, Randers, Denmark.

van den Berg, Isabelle (editor): LEI Wageningen UR (Ed.) (2010) Allochtonen en voeding: een literatuurverkenning. [Ethnic minority groups and nutrition; A literature study.] Biokennis. LEI Wageningen UR.

van den Broek, R.; Gruppen, R. and Kamstra, J.H. (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (PPO) (Ed.) (2010) Biologische beheersing wortelvlieg (Psila rosae) in 2009. [Organic disorientation carrot root fly (Psila rosae) in 2009.] Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (PPO).

van den Broek, R.; Rovers, J.; Gruppen, R. and Gubbels, W. (editor): Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (PPO) (Ed.) (2010) Beetle eater beheerst de aspergekever bij de oogst van groene asperges in 2010. [Beetle eater against the Asparagus beetle by harvesting green asparagus in 2010.] Wageningen UR, Praktijkonderzoek Plant & Omgeving (PPO).

van den Broek, Rob (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Beheersing bonenvlieg. [Control of the beanfly.] Biokennis Bericht. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

van den Heuvel, Saskia and Vermeer, Loes (editor): Louis Bolk Instituut (Ed.) (2009) Automatisering in de dienst van weidegang. [Automation of grazing.] Biokennis. Louis Bolk Instituut.

van der Peet-Schwering, C.M.C. and Binnendijk, G.P. (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Effect van suiker plus lactose in biologische zeugenvoer op de reproductie van zeugen en de variatie in geboortegewicht van biggen. [Effects of sugar plus lactose in organic sow diets on reproductive performance and within liter birth weight variation.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

van der Peet-Schwering, C.M.C.; Binnendijk, G.P. and van Diepen, J. Th. M. (editor): Wageningen UR, Livestock Research (Ed.) (2011) Verteerbaarheid en voederwaarde van eiwitrijke grondstoffen bij biologische biggen. [Digestibility and nutritive value of protein-rich raw materials in organically housed piglets.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Livestock Research.

van Dixhoorn, Ingrid; Evers, Aarts; Janssen, Arni; Smolders, Gidi; Spoelstra, Sierk; Wagenaar, Jan Paul and Verwer, Cynthia (editor): Wageningen UR Livestock Research (Ed.) (2010) Familiekudde State of the art. [Family herd State of the art.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR Livestock Research.

van Niekerk, Thea; Reuvekamp, Berry and Bestman, Monique (2011) Juiste kip voor uitloop. pluimveehouderij, 11 February 2011, 41, pp. 26-27.

van Ruth, S.M.; Alewijn, M.; Tres, A. and van der Veer, G. (2011) 2011 Approaches for organic food and feed authentication. In: 2011 Approaches for organic food and feed authentication.

van Velzen, Thoden (editor): Wageningen UR, Food & Biobased Research (Ed.) (2011) Natuurlijk verpakt: milieueffecten van hernieuwbare, biologisch afbreekbare verpakkingen. [Natural packaged: environmental impacts of renewable and biodegradable packages.] Biokennis. Wageningen UR, Food @ Biobased Research.

Vermeer, Herman (editor): Wageningen UR, Communication Services (Ed.) (2011) Organic pig sector in the Netherlands. Biokennis Organic Knowledge update. Wageningen UR, Communication Services.

This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 16:53:19 2025 CET.