Items affiliated to "SUMMER"
Jump to: Peer-reviewed and accepted | Not peer-reviewed Number of items at this level: 67. Peer-reviewed and acceptedKongsted, A.G.; Nørgaard, J.V.; Jensen, S.K.; Lauridsen, C.; Juul-madsen, H.R.; Norup, L.R.; Engberg, R.G.; Horsted, K. and Hermansen, J.E. (2015) Influence of genotype and feeding strategy on pig performance, plasma concentrations of micro nutrients, immune responses and fecal microbiota composition of growing-finishing pigs in a forage-based system. Livestock Science, 178, pp. 263-271. Kongsted, A.G.; Horsted, K. and Hermansen, J.E. (2013) Free-range pigs foraging on Jerusalem artichokes. In: Book of Abstracts of the 64 Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, p. 277. Kongsted, A.G.; Horsted, K. and Hermansen, J.E. (2013) Free-range pigs foraging on Jerusalem artichokes (Helianthus tuberosus L.) – Effect of feeding strategy on growth, feed conversion and animal behaviour. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section A – Animal Science, 63, pp. 76-83. Kongsted, Anne Grete and Therkildsen, M. (2014) Effect of genotype and feed allowance on behavior, performance and meat quality of free-range pigs. 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Copenhagen, Denmark, 25-29 August 2014. Marian, Livia; Chrysochou , Polymeros; Krystallis Krontalis, Athanasios and Thøgersen, John (2014) The role of price as a product attribute in the organic food context: An exploration based on actual purchase data (D.6.7). Food Quality and Preference, 37, 52 -60. Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2013) Direct and mediated impacts of product and process characteristics on consumers’ choice of organic vs. conventional chicken (D.6.9). Food Quality and Preference, 29, pp. 106-112. Therkildsen, M.; Horsted, K. and Steenfeldt, S. (2013) Improved texture of breast meat after a short finishing feeding period of broilers in an organic free-range system. Paper at: EggMeat Symposia 2013, Bergamo, Italy, 15-19 September 2013. Not peer-reviewedADEBOYE, OLUWAKEMI RACHAEL (2014) EFFECTS OF DIFFERENT FEEDING STRATEGIES ON FORAGING ABILITY AND NUTRIENT DIGESTIBILITY OF A SLOW GROWING ORGANIC BROILER GENOTYPE. Aarhus University , Department of Animal Science. Bonde, M.; Kongsted, A.G.; Mejer, H.; Rousing, T. and Serup, T. (2013) Fremtidens udfordringer i økologisk og frilandssvineproduktion. ICROFS nyt, November 2013 (4), pp. 10-11. Cakmakci, Cihan; Jørgensen, Kirstine F.; Kristensen, Troels; Kargo, Morten and Vestergaard, Mogens (2013) COMPARISON OF GROWTH PERFORMANCE OF BEEF CALVES FROM DIFFERENT GENETIC STRAINS REARED UNDER ORGANIC CONDITIONs (D. 3.2). Working paper. [Completed] Chrysochou , Polymeros and Krystallis Krontalis, Athanasios (2015) Quantitative concept tests of organic premium meat products. . Eskildsen, Brian (2014) Økoboksforsøg nr. 10. Forbedret kødkvalitet ved kompensatorisk vækst. Videncentret for Landbrug . Friland, A/S (2012) Økologiske jordskokke-grise sælges i DONG’s kantine. Friland A/S Nyheder, 15 February 2012, p. 1. Hermansen, J.E. (2015) SUMMER - Nye kvalitetsparameter i kødproduktionen. In: Skovsbøl, Ulla (Ed.) Ny viden om økologi - Resultater fra forskningsprogrammerne Organic RDD og CORE Organic, 2011-2015. ICROFS, Tjele, Denmark, pp. 50-53. Hermansen, J.E. (2011) MARKEDSDREVET, HØJVÆRDI ØKOLOGISK KØDPRODUKTION MED ROBUSTE DYR (SUMMER). Presentation at: Statusmøde Organic RDD og CORE Organic II, Horsens, Denmark, 16. november 2011. [Completed] Hermansen, J.E. and Jakobsen, M. (2014) Produktions- og miljømæssig samt økonomisk vurdering af økologiske svineproduktionssystemer baseret på slagtesvins fouragering. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. Hermansen, J.E. and Kongsted, A.G. (2014) Øko-kød skal være specielt for at kunne sælges dyrt. ICROFS nyt, 2014, 4, pp. 9-11. Horsted, K. (2011) Rapport fra vision workshop d. 18. maj 2011 på Forskningscenter Foulum. . Horsted, Klaus (2012) Foulum forsker i fransk fjerkræ på friland. Midtjyllands Avis, 23 July 2012, pp. 8-9. Kongsted, A.G. (2012) Frilandsgrise på jordskokker. Økologi & Erhverv, 15 June 2012, 502, p. 21. Kongsted, A.G. and Jakobsen, M. (2014) Effect of genotype and supplement feed allowance on foraging activity, excretory behavior, and vegetation cover in an organic free-range pig system. Livestock Science, x, x-x. [draft] Kongsted, A.G. and Therkildsen, M. (2013) Forsøg med frilandsgrise på kløvergræs, urter, kål og jordskokker. In: Food Festival, Aarhus 2013. Kongsted, A.G. and Therkildsen, M. (2013) KAN SLAGTESVIN VOKSE PÅ DET DE FINDER I MARKEN OG HVORDAN SMAGER KØDET. Workshop at: Temadag om økologisk svineproduktion, Hovborg Kro, 13. juni 2013. [Unpublished] Kongsted, A.G.; Therkildsen, M. and Hermansen, J.E. (2013) FREE-RANGE GROWING PIGS - EFFECT OF FEEDING STRATEGY AND GENOTYPE ON ANIMAL BEHAVIOUR, PERFORMANCE AND MEAT QUALITY. Workshop at: Scientific Workshop on Organic Pig Production, Hovborg Kro, 12 June 2013. [Unpublished] Kristensen, Troels (2015) Arealforbrug og emission af drivhusgas ved græsbaserede oksekødsproduktionssystemer. Aarhus University , Department of Agroecology. Marian, Livia (2013) Report on qualitative concept tests (D.6.2). . Marian, Livia (2013) Case studies/Strategic group analyses report of high value organic products. . Marian, Livia (2012) Hvad synes eksperterne om økologisk kød? Økologi & Erhverv, 2 November 2012, p. 17. Marian, Livia (2012) GfK Panel Data Analysis of meat consumption. Working paper, Aarhus University . [Unpublished] Marian, Livia (2012) Report on Expert Interviews. . Marian, Livia and Krystallis Krontalis, Athanasios (2014) Adding more value to added-value. An exploration of consumers’ perceptions of improved animal welfare standards in organic production processes. Paper at: EMAC conference, Valencia, Spain, 2-6 June 2014. Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2015) Adding more value to added-value. An exploration of consumers’ perceptions and attitudes towards improved animal welfare standards in organic meat production processes. Aarhus University , MAPP Centre, Department of Management, Aarhus. Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2013) Direct and mediated impacts of product and process characteristics on consumers’ choice of organic vs. conventional chicken (D.6.8). IAREP . [Submitted] Marian, Livia and Thøgersen, John (2012) Direct and mediated impacts of product and process characteristics on consumers’ choice of organic vs. conventional chicken. Abstract at: IAREP 2012 Conference, Wroclaw, Poland. , 05-09-12 - 08-09-12. Marian, Livia; Thøgersen, John and Krystallis Krontallis, Athanasios (2012) Do taste expectations mediate the impact of quality cues on consumers’ choice of chicken? Abstract at: International MAPP Workshop, Middelfart, Denmark, 15/05-12-16/05-12. Munk, Arne; Vestergaard, Mogens and Kristensen, Troels (2014) Produktionsøkonomi ved økologisk opdræt af Holstein tyre og Limousine x Holstein krydsningstyre og -kvier i et græsbaseret produktionssystem. Videncentret for Landbrug / Aarhus Universitet . Nielsen, Karen Munk (2012) Stor interesse for alternativt svinehold. Økologi & Erhverv, 27 September 2012, p. 39. Nielsen, Karen Munk (2012) Grise på overlevelsestur. Økologi & Erhverv, 24 August 2012, pp. 14-15. Norup, Liselotte R.; Ricarda M., Engberg; Steenfeldt, Sanna; Horsted, Klaus and Juul-madsen, Helle Risdahl (2014) Fokus på robusthed i økologisk slagtekyllingeproduktion. ICROFS Nyt, February 2014, p. 11. Norup, Liselotte Rothmann (2014) Robusthed i økologisk slagtekyllingeproduktion. Økologi & Erhverv, Klummer, 10 January 2014, p. 536. Spanó, Alessandro (2014) EFFETTO DELLA RAZZA E DEL TIPO DI ALIMENTAZIONE SU ALCUNI PARAMETRI QUALITATIVI DELLA CARNE SUINA. Masters thesis, University of Perugia, Italy . . Steenfeldt, S. and Horsted, K. (2013) SUMMER chickens "on herbs". ICROFS News, June 2013, 2, pp. 7-8. Steenfeldt, S. and Horsted, K. (2013) Kyllinger på friland genotyper, vækst og fodring. Lecture at: Fjerkrækongressen 2013, Brædstrup, 6. februar 2013. [Unpublished] Steenfeldt, S.; Horsted, K. and Sørensen, P. (2015) Contribution of feeds from range in organic broiler production. [draft] Steenfeldt, S.; Horsted, K. and Sørensen, P. (Eds.) (2014) Contribution of feeds from range in organic broiler production. . Proceedings of Proceedings of the XIVth European Poultry Conference, Stavanger, Norway , 23-27 June, 2014. Steenfeldt, S.; Horsted, K. and Therkildsen, M. (2013) Økologiske kyllinger på urter - vejen til høj dyrevelfærd (D.5.4). In: Food Festival, Aarhus 2013. Therkildsen, M. (2014) Økologisk kødproduktion og kvalitet - resultater fra GUDP projekt. In: Kødudvalget Økologisk Landsforening, pp. 1-26. Therkildsen, M. (2013) Fulfilling demand about organic meat: physical product development with a consumer mind. Speech at: MAPP 2013 Conference, Middelfart, 2-3/12 2014. Therkildsen, M. (2012) Superb and marketable meat from efficient and robust animals. Speech at: LMC Muscle Food Network Symposium, Tune, 11 October 2012. [Completed] Therkildsen, M. (2012) Økologi skal smages. Økologi og Erhverv, Klumme, 24 August 2012, 505, p. 15. Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Grønt kalvekød er ikke mørkerødt. ICROFS Nyt, November 2012, 2, pp. 8-9. Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Green veal is not dark red. ICROFS news, October 2012, 2, pp. 14-16. Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Grønt kalvekød er ikke mørkerødt. Ny KvægForskning, October 2012, 10 (5), pp. 6-7. Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Eating quality of Holstein bull calves fed only grass or purely herbs matches that of concentrate-fed veal calves. Poster at: ICOMST, Montreal, Canada, 12-17 August 2012. Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Eating quality of bull calves fed only grass or herbs match that of concentrate-fed veal calves. Abstract at: Book of Abstracts of the 63nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Therkildsen, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Vestergaard, M. (2012) Grønt kalvekød er ikke mørkerødt. Kalveproducenten, 2012, 30 (4), pp. 17-18. Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (Eds.) (2014) Eating quality of filet and round from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers. . Proceedings of Proceedings of the 60th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, Punta del Este, Uruguay, 17-22 August 2014. Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (2014) Eating quality of filet and round from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein Bulls and Heifers. In: Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (Eds.) Aarhus Universitet, p. 1. Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (2014) Eating quality of meat from grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers. In: Book of Abstracts of the the 65th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Academic Publishers, The Netherlands, p. 260. Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (2014) Spisekvalitet af økologisk kød fra unge krydsningsdyr. ICROFS Nyt, 2 June 2014, 2, pp. 5-7. Therkildsen, M. and Vestergaard, M. (2014) Eating quality of meat from organic beef based on crossbred animals. ICROFS news, 2014, pp. 3-5. Thomsen, Morten (2012) Øko-slagtesvin henter selv foderet på marken. Landbrugsavisen, 5 October 2012, p. 12. Vestergaard, M. (2013) Er der flere økologiske bøffer på vej? (D.3.2). Økologi og Erhverv, 11 October 2013, 531, p. 16. Vestergaard, M. (2013) Forbrugerne kan se frem til større udbud af økologiske bøffer (D.3.2). DCA, 2013, 22, pp. 1-2. Vestergaard, M.; Cakmakci, C.; Kristensen, T.; Jørgensen, K.F. and Kargo, M. (2014) Growth and carcass quality of grazing Holstein bulls and Limousine x Holstein bulls and heifers slaughtered at 17 months of age. Poster at: EAAP, Copenhagen, 25-28 of August 2014. Vestergaard, M.; Jensen, S.K. and Therkildsen, M. (2012) Meat quality of hull calves fed only grass or only herbs for 8 weeks prior to slaughter matches that of concentrate-fed bull calves. Abstract at: NJF seminar 454 ‘Meat and milk quality from organic and conventional farming systems, Sigulda, Latvia, 25-26 October 2012. Vestergaard, M.; Jørgensen, K.F.; Munk, A.; Cakmakci, C.; Kargo, M.; Therkildsen, M. and Kristensen, T. (2014) Performance and carcass quality of Limousine x Holstein bull and heifer calves in comparison with purebred Holstein bull calves when slaughtered at 17 months of age after two seasons of grazing. [Completed] This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 06:28:46 2025 CET. |