Items affiliated to "Mix-Enable"
Number of items at this level: 69. AAlföldi, Thomas (2023) Organic mixed livestock farming - Results of the animal experiments (MIX-ENABLE). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , CH-Frick. Alföldi, Thomas (2018) Alternating grazing to control parasites in young cattle (Video). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick . BBam, Joken; Thüer, Susann; Holinger, Mirjam; Oberhänsli, Thomas; Leubin, Markus; Leiber, Florian and Werne, Steffen (2022) Performance and parasitological parameters of steers sequentially grazed with lambs. Veterinary Parasitology, 302 (109645), pp. 1-9. BENOIT, Marc; Martin, Guillaume; Bernes, Gun; Blanc, Mathilde; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Grillot, Myriam; Ulukan, Defne; Lang, Elise; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Meischner, Tabea; MOERMAN, Marie; Oehen, Bernadette; Parsons, David; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Veysset, Patrick and Winckler, Christoph (2021) A typology of European organic multi-species livestock farms. Workshop at: IAHA Preconference OWC, Rennes (France), 2021-09-06. [In Press] Benoit, Marc; Martin, Guillaume; Steinmetz, Lucille; Ulukan, İbrahim; Bernes, Gun; Brock, Christopher; De la Foye, Anne; Grillot, Myriam; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Meischner, Tabea; Moerman, Marie; Monteiro, leonardo; Oehen, Bernadette; Parsons, David; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Winkler, Christoph and Dumont, Bertrand (2023) Interactions between animal enterprises and marketing strategies shape organic multispecies farming systems. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43:77, pp. 1-15. Benoit, Marc; Bernes, Gun; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Lang, Elise; Martin, Guillaume; MOERMAN, Marie; Parsons, David; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Ulukan, Defne and Winckler, Christoph (2020) A toolkit to assess the sustainability and robustness of mixed livestock farms. . Bernes, Gun (2021) Får på europeiska gårdar med flera djurslag. Fårskötsel, 2021 (2), pp. 39-41. Bernes, Gun (2021) Produktion med flera djurslag på europeiska gårdar. Svenska Vallbrev, 2021 (5), pp. 3-4. Bernes, Gun; Parsons, David and Blanc, Mathilde (editor): Bernes, Gun (Ed.) (2019) Flera djurslag på gården? Nytt från institutionen för norrländsk jordbruksvetenskap, no. 5. Department of Agricultural Research for Northern Sweden, Umeå, Sweden. Bindi, Gabriele (2020) Allevamenti e sfruttamento, un’epidemia da fermare. Terra Nuova, October 2020, pp. 61-67. Brock, Christopher and Meischner, Tabea (2021) Gemischte Tierbestände für die Steigerung der Nachhaltigkeit und Resilienz ökologischer Futterbaubetriebe (Verbundvorhaben). [Mixed livestock farming for improved sustainability and robustness of organic animal production.] Forschungsring e.V., D-Darmstadt . DDestruel, Marie (2019) Évaluation de l’intégration des élevages en polyculture-polyélevage en agriculture biologique. [Evaluation of the integration in organic multi-species livestock farms.] Masters thesis, INPT ENSAT and INRA . . EExperton, Catherine and Launay, Fabienne (2021) The new version of dissemination Plan of the Core Organic project MIX-ENABLE 2021. . Experton, Catherine (2018) Dissemination Plan of the Core Organic project MIX-ENABLE. ITAB . FFuselier, Manon (2019) Studying mixed livestock farming systems in Languedoc Roussillon: connecting innovations, adapting capacities and territory embeddedness. Masters thesis, Université Paris-Saclay - AgroParisTech . . HHübner, Severin and Barth, Kerstin (2021) Does mixing cattle with broilers yield any benefits? Poster at: Hübner, Severin and Barth, Kerstin (2021) Hähnchen weiden mit Rindern. [Broilers grazing with cattle.] Bauernzeitung, Sonderheft - Ratgeber Ökolandbau, 2021, pp. 22-23. Hübner, Severin and Barth, Kerstin (2020) Ein Broilerleben unter Rindern. [Life as a broiler among cattle.] Naturland Nachrichten, December 2020 (6), pp. 54-55. Hübner, Severin; Schanz, Lisa; Barth, Kerstin and Winkler, Christoph (2022) Effects of mixing broilers with cattle on broiler losses and behaviour. Poultry Science, NA, NA-NA. [draft] Hübner, Severin; Schanz, Lisa; Winkler, Christoph and Barth, Kerstin (2024) Mix it - cograzing with cattle reduces broiler losses and increases broiler range use. Poultry Science, 103 (8), p. 103906. LLang, Elise (2019) Caractérisation des facteurs de durabilité des exploitations de polyculture polyélevage en agriculture biologique. [Characterization of sustainability factors in organic multi-species livestock farms.] Masters thesis, INRA and INPT ENSAT . . M{Tool} Educational toolkit - strategies for sustainable and robust organic mixed livestock farming (Mix-Enable tool). [Mallette pédagogique - stratégies pour un polyélevage biologique durable et robuste (outil Mix-Enable).] Creator(s): Magne, Marie-Angélina; Brown, Juliette; Ulukan, Defne; Martin, Guillaume; Launay, Fabienne; Puech, Thomas; Godoc, Brendan and Schanz, Lisa. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, ENSFEA - Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Formation de l'Enseignement Agricole, IDELE - Institute De L'elevage. (2021) Martin, Guillaume (2022) Final report for the CORE Organic Cofund funded project “MIX-ENABLE: MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic livestock”. . Martin, Guillaume; Bernes, Gun; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Hübner, Severin; Prache, Sophie; Mosnier, Claire; Launay, Fabienne and Godoc, Brendan (2021) Presentations from Mix-Enable project's final Webinar. Martin, Guillaume; Grillot, Myriam; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Prache, Sophie; Veysset, Patrick; Mosnier, Claire; Mischler, Pierre; Launay, Fabienne; Moerman, Marie; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph; Hübner, Severin; Meischner, Tabea; Brock, Christopher; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Bernes, Gun; Monteiro, Leonardo and Parsons, David (2021) Multi-species livestock farming. MIX-ENABLE Practice Abstracts. INRAE and IDELE, France; CRAW, Belgium; FiBL, Switzerland; BOKU, Austria; Thünen Institute and Forchsungsring, Germany; Tuscia University, Italy; SLU, Sweden . {Tool} Multi-species livestock farming (MIX-ENABLE Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Martin, Guillaume; Grillot, Myriam; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Benoit, Marc; Dumont, Bertrand; Prache, Sophie; Veysset, Patrick; Mosnier, Claire; Mischler, Pierre; Launay, Fabienne; Moerman, Marie; Werne, Steffen; Oehen, Bernadette; Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph; Hübner, Severin; Meischner, Tabea; Brock, Christopher; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Bernes, Gun; Monteiro, Leonardo and Parsons, David. Issuing Organisation(s): INRAE - National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, CRA-W - Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, University BOKU Wien, Thünen-Institut, Tuscia University, SLU - Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Benoit, Marc; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Grillot, Myriam; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Moerman, Marie; Mosnier, Claire; Parsons, David; Ronchi, Bruno; Schanz, Lisa; Steinmetz, Lucille; Werne, Steffen; Winckler, Christoph and Primi, Riccardo (2020) Potential of multi-species livestock farming to improve the sustainability of livestock farms: A review. Agricultural Systems, 181, pp. 102821-00. Martin, Guillaume; Barth, Kerstin; Blanc, Mathilde; Dumont, Bertrand; Hübner, Severin; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Mosnier, Claire; Primi, Riccardo; Schanz, Lisa; Werne, Steffen and Winckler, Christoph (2019) Diversified farming systems for improved sustainability of agriculture: potentialities and challenges. Speech at: 6th Farming Systems Design Symposium, Montevideo, 18-21 August 2019. Meischner, Tabea and Brock, Christopher (2021) Öko-Betriebe mit mehreren Tierarten-Wie nachhaltig und integriert sind sie? Projekt Mix-Enable. Lebendige Erde, 6 August 2021, 2021 (5), pp. 33-34. Meischner, Tabea and Brock, Christopher (2019) MIXEd livestock farming for improved sustaiNABiLity and robustnEss of organic animal production (MIX-ENABLE) WP 6.1. Map of agricultural consultants active in organic mixed farming. Forschungsring e.V., D-Darmstadt . MISCHLER, PIERRE (2019) Effects of livestock species diversity on the economic performance of commercial farms compared to specialized ruminant farms. Institut de l'élevage (IDELE) . MOERMAN, Marie (2020) ANNUAL MEETING 2020 DU PROJET CORE ORGANIC MIX-ENABLE. [Annual Meeting 2020 of Mix-Enable Core organic project.] journal, July 2020, 65, p. 4. MOERMAN, Marie and Moerman, Marie (2021) L'élevage des monogastriques au sein des systèmes de poly-élevage. [Monogastric production in mixed farming systems.] Pleinchamp 04/02/2021, 4 February 2021, p. 10. MOERMAN, Marie (2020) Introduire la diversité dans les ateliers d’élevage, une enquête menée dans 16 fermes wallonnes. [Introducing diversity in livestock production farms, a survey conducted in 16 Walloon farms.] Le Sillon belge, 13 August 2020 (3927), pp. 6-7. MOERMAN, Marie (2019) Comment l'élevage contribue à réduire le gaspillage ? En réduisant sa consommation ! [How does livestock farming help reduce waste? By consuming more efficiently!] Poster at: Foire agricole de Battice, Battice, Belgium, 05 & 06/09/2019. MOERMAN, Marie (2019) Comment l'élevage contribue à réduire le gaspillage ? En valorisant les co-produits! [How does livestock farming contribute to reducing waste? By recovering co-products!] Poster at: Foire agricole de Battice, Belgium, Battice, 05 - 06/09/2020. MORAINE, Marc; Fuselier, Manon and MOERMAN, Marie (2020) Pathways of sustainability in organic mixed livestock farms are based on local embeddedness: case studies in France and Belgium. In: Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, -111. MOSNIER, Claire and MOUFID, Nassima (2021) Assessing and reducing the vulnerability of mixed organic cattle-sheep farms. Inrae, Clermont-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes research center, 63122 Saint-Genès-Champanelle, France . Mosnier, Claire and Parsons, David (2021) Mixenable Deliverable D5.1: Development of the IAT and ORFEE models for simulating mixed livestock farms. . OOehen, Bernadette (2021) Betriebsleiter*innen-Zufriedenheit auf gemischten Bio-Betrieben. MIX-ENABLE Webinar "Vor- und Nachteile gemischter Bio-Tierhaltung in Europa", virtuell, 30.11.2021. [Completed] Oehen, Bernadette (2018) Deliberative forms for outcomes evaluation of training and dissemination activities during Mix-Enable. . RRipoche, Frederic and Prache, Sophie (2019) Systèmes mixtes d'élevage. Ovin-bovin : quels bénéfices ? [Mixed livestock systems. Sheep and cattle: what benefits?] BioFil, March 2019, 122, pp. 53-55. Ripoche, Frédéric and Veysset, Patrick (2019) Génétique bovine. En viande : un cycle plus court. [Cattle genetics. In meat: a shorter cycle.] Biofil, July 2019, 124, pp. 53-55. Ronchi, Bruno and Primi, Riccardo (2021) La riscoperta dell’allevamento multispecie. Ruminantia, VITERBO. Online at, accessed on: 17 September 2021. SSchanz, Lisa (2021) Ich glaub', mich pickt ein Hendl! bioprofi, 2021, 2/2021, pp. 38-39. Schanz, Lisa; Hintze, Sara; Hübner, Severin; Barth, Kerstin and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Inner- und zwischenartliche Verhaltensinteraktionen bei gemeinsamer Weidehaltung von Jungrindern und Masthühnern. [Intra- and interspecific behavioural interactions of cograzing young cattle and broiler chickens.] In: KTBL (Ed.) Aktuelle Arbeiten zur artgemäßen Tierhaltung 2021, Darmstadt, pp. 100-106. Schanz, Lisa; Hintze, Sara; Hübner, Severin; Barth, Kerstin and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Single or mixed: Comparing behaviour of single- and multi-species groups of young cattle and broiler chickens on pasture. In: Proceedings of the 54th Congress of the ISAE, p. 236. Schanz, Lisa; Hintze, Sara; Hübner, Severin; Barth, Kerstin and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Cattle or no cattle? Presence of cattleon pasture does not affect fearfulness in broiler chickens. Speech at: International Student Symposium Animal Behavior & Cognition, online, 17-20th May 2021. Schanz, Lisa; Mischler, Pierre and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Spezialisierung oder gemischte Bio-Tierhaltung? LANDWIRT bio, March 2021, pp. 64-67. Schanz, Lisa; Oehen, Bernadette; Benoit, Marc; Bernes, Gun; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Martin, Guillaume and Winckler, Christoph (2023) A High work satisfaction despite high workload among European organic mixed livestock farmers: a mixed‑method approach. Agronomy for Sustainable Development, 43 (4), pp. 1-15. Schanz, Lisa; Werne, Steffen and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Rotierende oder gemeinsame Beweidung mit zwei Tierarten - eine Chance? LANDWIRT bio, May 2021, pp. 60-62. Schanz, Lisa and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Something new, upside down and on my back – Presence of cattle does not affect measures of fearfulness in broiler chickens. In: Abstract Book, p. 34. Schanz, Lisa and Winckler, Christoph (2021) Bio-Betriebe mit mehreren Tierarten. BIO AUSTRIA, February 2021, pp. 18-19. Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph and Oehen, Bernadette (2021) Farmer satisfaction and animal welfare - insights from a sample of organic multi-species livestock farms in seven European countries. Speech at: One Welfare World Conference, online, 15-16th of September 2021. Schanz, Lisa; MOERMAN, Marie and Winckler, Christoph (2020) Animal welfare on organic mixed livestock farms across seven European countries. In: Organic Animal Husbandry systems – challenges, performance and potentials, -111. Schanz, Lisa and Winckler, Christoph (2018) Fragenbogen für österreichische Betriebe. . [Completed] Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph and Martin, Guillaume (2018) Poster: MIX-ENABLE Nachhaltige gemischte Bio-Tierhaltung. Poster at: Schanz, Lisa; Winckler, Christoph and Martin, Guillaume (2018) Flyer MIX-ENABLE. . [Completed] Simon, Georg; Seidel, Julia; Müller, Jürgen; Kälber, Tasja; Barth, Kerstin and Hübner, Severin (2019) Gemeinsame Weidenutzung durch Jungrinder und Broiler. [Mixed grazing of cattle and free ranged broilers.] In: Mühlrath, Daniel; Albrecht, Joana; Finckh, Maria R.; Hamm, Ulrich; Heß, Jürgen; Knierim, Ute and Möller, Detlev (Eds.) Innovatives Denken für eine nachhaltige Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft. Beiträge zur 15. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Kassel, 5. bis 8. März 2019, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin. Steinmetz, Lucille (2021) Fonctionnement et évaluation des systèmes de productions diversifiés en agriculture biologique : des références pour la transition agro-écologique. PhD thesis, INRAE . . Steinmetz, Lucille; Martin, Guillaume; Dumont, Bertrand; Veysset, Patrick; Ulukan, Defne; MOERMAN, Marie and Benoit, Marc (2021) A new analytical framework to assess on-farm integration in diversified agricultural systems. Agricultural systems. [Submitted] UUlukan, Defne; Grillot, Myriam; BENOIT, Marc; Bernes, Gun; Dumont, Bertrand; Magne, Marie-Angélina; Monteiro, leonardo; Parsons, David; Veysset, Patrick; Ryschawy, Julie; Steinmetz, Lucille and Martin, Guillaume (2021) Positive deviant strategies implemented by organic multi-species livestock farms in Europe. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 0-0. [Submitted] Ulukan, Defne; Steinmetz, Lucille; Moerman, Marie; Bernes, Gun; Blanc, Mathilde; Brock, Christopher; Destruel, Marie; Dumont, Bertrand; Lang, Elise; Meischner, Tabea; Moraine, Marc; Oehen, Bernadette; Parsons, David; Primi, Riccardo; Ronchi, Bruno; Schanz, Lisa; Vanwindekens, Frederic; Veysset, Patrick; Winckler, Christoph; Martin, Guillaume and Benoit, Marc (2021) Survey Data on European Organic Multi-Species Livestock Farms. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 5, p. 685778. VVanwindekens, Frederic and Moerman, Marie (2019) Mix-Enable database. Walloon Agricultural Research Centre, Gembloux, Belgium. Vazeille, Karine; Jury, C.; Prache, Sophie; Sepchat, Bernard; Troquier, Christophe; Veysset, Patrick and Benoit, Marc (2021) The sheep performances in a grassland-based system is improved when combined with beef cattle. In: Book of Abstracts of the 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Wageningen Academic Publishers, p. 374. WWerne, Steffen (2021) Kein Einfluss von Wechselweide auf Rinder. Schweizer Bauer, 20 February 2021, p. 40. Werne, Steffen (2021) First year data obtained in experiments in 4.1 and 4.2 delivered for modelling. FiBL , Department of animal sciences. Werne, S.; Bam, J.; Holinger, M.; Steiner, A.; Thüer, S.; Leubin, M. and Leiber, F. (2020) Young steers do not benefit from short term sequential grazing with lambs. In: Book of Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, 1st-4th December, 2020, Virtuel Meeting, p. 334. Werne, Steffen (2019) Wechselweide bringt Jungrindern keinen Vorteil. Bioaktuell, 2019 (8), p. 17. This list was generated on Thu Mar 13 06:41:03 2025 CET. |