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Items affiliated to "ORGGRASS - Grass-clover in organic dairy farming"

Number of items at this level: 60.

Peer-reviewed and accepted

Christensen, B.T.; Rasmussen, J.; Eriksen, J. and Hansen, E.M. (2009) Soil carbon storage and yields of spring barley following grass leys of different age. European Journal of Agronomy, 31, pp. 29-35.

Eriksen, J ; Askegaard, M and Søegaard, K (2008) Productivity and N-leaching in organic dairy grass-arable crop rotations. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 13, pp. 556-558.

Eriksen, J.; Askegaard, M. and Søegaard, K. (2012) Complementary effects of red clover inclusion in ryegrass–white clover swards for grazing and cutting. Grass and Forage Science, 69, pp. 241-250.

Eriksen, J.; Askegaard, M. and Søegaard, K. (2008) Residual effect and nitrate leaching in grass-arable rotations: Effect of grassland proportion, sward type and fertilizer history. Soil Use and manangement, 24, pp. 373-382.

Eriksen, J.; Ledgard, S.; Lou, J.; Schils, R. and Rasmussen, J. (2010) Environmental impacts of grazed pastures. In: Schnyder, H. (Ed.) Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 880-890.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Askegaard, M. (2010) Residual effects of cutting and grazing on grass/clover growth. In: Schnyder, H. (Ed.) Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 1040-1042.

Hansen, E.M.; Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Kristensen, K. (2012) Effects of grazing strategy to limiting nitrate leaching in grazed grass-clover pastures on coarse sandy soil. Soil Use and Management, 28 (4), pp. 478-487.

Jing, J; Søegaard, K.; Cong, W-F and Eriksen, J. (2017) Species Diversity Effects on Productivity, Persistence and Quality of Multispecies Swards in a Four-Year Experiment. Grass and Forage Science, 12.

Krogh, P.H.; Lamandé, M.; Holmstrup, M. and Eriksen, J. (2021) Earthworm burrow number and vertical distribution are affected by the crop sequence of a grass-clover rotation system. European Journal of Soil Biology, 103, -.

Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, J.; Krogh, P.H. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2017) Water flow in soil from organic dairy rotations. Journal of Agricultural Science, 155 (7), pp. 1113-1123.

Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, J.; Krogh, P.H. and Jacobsen, O.H. (2010) Cattle trampling reduces the risk of nitrate leaching in organic dairy rotations. Poster at: ASA, CSSA, and SSSA 2010 International Annual Meeting, Long Beach Convention Center, November.

Ledgard, S.; Schils, R.; Eriksen, J. and Luo, J. (2009) Environmental impact of grazed grass/clover patures. Irish Journal of Agricultural and Food Research, 48, pp. 209-226.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Eriksen, J.; Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K.; Høgh-Jensen, H. and Rasmussen, J. (2013) Effect of deep-rooted plant species on 15Nitrogen uptake and herbage yield in temporary agricultural grasslands. Plant and Soil, 371, pp. 313-325.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Eriksen, Jørgen; Rasmussen, Jim; Soegaard, Karen; Høgh-Jensen, Henning and Rasmussen, Jesper (2013) Effect of four plant species on soil 15N-access and herbage yield in temporary agricultural grasslands. Plant and Soil, 371, pp. 313-325.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Høgh-Jensen, H.; Rasmussen, J.; Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2010) 15Nitrogen uptake from shallow- versus deep-rooted plants in multi-species mixtures and monoculture grassland. In: Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 830-832.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Rasmussen, J.; Høgh-Jensen, H.; Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Rasmussen, J. (2012) Nitrogen transfer from forage legumes to nine neighbouring plants in a multi-species grassland. Plant and Soil, 350, pp. 71-84.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Rasmussen , Jim; Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Eriksen, Jørgen; Soegaard, Karen and Rasmussen, Jesper (2012) Nitrogen transfer from forage legumes to nine neighbouring plants in a multi-species grassland. Plan and Soil, 350, pp. 71-84.

Pirhofer-Walzl, Karin (2011) Performance of multi-species grassland mixtures. Mineral accumulation, nitrogen transfer and nitrogen uptake. PhD thesis, University of Copenhagen , Department of Agriculture and Ecology. .

Pirhofer-Walzl, Karin; Eriksen, Jørgen; Rasmussen , Jim; Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Søegaard, Karin and Rasmussen, Jesper (2013) Effect of four plant species on soil 15N-access and herbage yield in temporary agricultural grasslands. Plant Soil, 1, pp. 1-10.

Pirhofer-Walzl , K.; Søegaard, Karen; Høgh-Jensen, Henning; Eriksen, Jørgen; Sanderson, M.A.; Rasmussen , Jim and Rasmussen, Jesper (2011) Forage herbs improve mineral composition of grassland herbage. Grass and Forage Sceince, 66, pp. 415-423.

Rasmussen, J ; Eriksen, J ; Jensen, E S and Høgh-Jensen, H (2008) In field N transfer, build-up, and leaching in ryegrass-clover mixtures. In: Grassland Science in Europe, 13, pp. 559-561.

Rasmussen, J.; Eriksen, J.; Jensen, E.S. and Høgh-Jensen, H. (2010) Root size fractions of ryegrass and white clover contributes differently to C and N inclusion in SOM. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 46, pp. 293-297.

Rasmussen, J.; Gjettermann, B.; Eriksen, J.; Jensen, E.S. and Høgh-Jensen, H. (2008) Fate of 15N- and 14C from labelled plant material: Recovery in perennial ryegrass-clover mixtures and in pore water of the sward. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 40, pp. 3031-3039.

Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2010) Biomass production and N2-fixation in seven grass-legume mixtures. Paper at: NJF Seminar 432, Hvanneryri, Iceland, 20-22 June.

Rasmussen, Jesper; Helgadóttir, Á.; Frankow-Lindberg, B.; Loges, R. and Eriksen, J. (2010) The contribution of grass and clover root turnover to N leaching. In: Schnyder, H. (Ed.) Grassland Science in Europe 15, pp. 1028-1030.

Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2012) N2-fixation and residual effect of four legume species and four companion grass species. European Journal of Agronomy, 36, pp. 66-74.

Schils, R.L.M.; Eriksen, J.; Ledgard, S.; Vellinga, T.V.; Kuikman, P.J.; Lou, J.; Petersen, S.O. and Velthof, G.L. (2012) Strategies to mitigate nitrous oxide emissions from herbivore production systems. Animal, 6, pp. 1-12.

Søegaard, Karen; Eriksen, Jørgen and Askegaard, Margrethe (2008) Herbs in grasslands - effect of slurry and grazing/cutting on species composition and nutritive value. In: Hopkins, A.; Gustafsson, T.; Bertilsson, J.; Dalin, G.; Nilsdotter-Linde, N. and Spörnly, E. (Eds.) Grassland Science in Europe, 13, pp. 200-202.

Søegaard, K.; Eriksen, J. and Askegaard, M. (2011) Herbs in high producing organic grasslands – effect of management. Paper at:

Not peer-reviewed

Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) (2010) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Bilag til temadag arrangeret i samarbejde mellem FØJO III projekterne: ORMILKQUAL, ORGGRASS og ECOVIT. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug, no. 27. Det Jordbrugsvidenskabelige Fakultet, Aarhus Universitet, Danmark.

Eriksen, J ; Askegaard, M ; Søegaard, K and Hansen, E M (2008) Planteproduktion og miljø på store økologiske kvægbrug. In: Sammendrag af indlæg, pp. 333-334.

Eriksen, J (2007) Projekt om økonomisk og miljøvenligt kløvergræs på store økologiske kvægbrug. Landbrugsavisen 2. sektion Agro, 2007 (22), p. 24.

Eriksen, J (2007) Udnyt græsmarkens kvælstof. Økologisk Jordbrug, 2007 (377), p. 8.

Eriksen, J.; Askegaard, M. and Søegaard, K. (2009) Productivity and N-leaching in organic dairy grass-arable crop rotations. In: NJF Report 5 (2), p. 29.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Askegaard, M. (2009) Kløvergræs - management bestemmer udbyttet i din mark. In: Sammendrag af indlæg, pp. 274-275.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K.; Askegaard, M.; Hansen, E.M. and Rasmussen, J. (2010) Forage legume impact on soil fertility and N balance. In: NJF report 6 (3), pp. 61-65.

Eriksen, Jørgen (2010) Produktion og næringsstofudnyttelse i kløvergræsmarker. In: Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 3, pp. 21-26.

Eriksen, J. (2012) Kløvergræs og urter in den økologiske græsmark. Ny Kvægforskning, February 2012, 1, pp. 6-7.

Eriksen, J. (2012) Græsmarkernes indflydelse på jordens fertilitet og kvælstofbalance. In: Sammendrag af indlæg, pp. 46-47.

Eriksen, J. (2012) Kløvergræs og urter i den økologiske græsmark. Ny Kvægforskning, 2012, 1, pp. 6-7.

Eriksen, J.; Askegaard, M. and Søegaard, K. (2012) Nitrate leaching in crop rotations with grass-clover as influenced by sward age, grazing, cutting and fertilizer regimes. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, , pp. 1-12. [Completed]

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Askegaard, M. (2011) Yield effects of grazing and red clover in white clover/grass mixtures. ICROFS news, 2011, 1, pp. 6-7.

Eriksen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Askegaard, M. (2010) Udbytteeffekt af afgræsning og rødkløver i hvidkløvergræs. ICROFS nyt, 2010, 4, pp. 6-7.

Hansen, Lars Monrad and Søegaard, Karen (2009) Kløvertræthed: Er nematoder årsagen - og hvilke? Økologisk Jordbrug , 2009 (431), p. 16.

Hansen, E.M. and Eriksen, J. (2012) Nitrate leaching in maize after ploughing of grass-clover. Soil Use and Management, , - . [Completed]

Horsted, K.; Søegaard, K. and Kristensen, T. (2011) Græsmarksurter og deres indholdsstoffer. DCA - Nationalt Center for Fødevarer og Jordbrug, no. 3. Aarhus Universitet.

Kristensen, T.; Tvedegaard, N. and Kristensen, I.S. (2012) Organic large scale dairy farming – a model study of the effect of stocking rate and distance from dairy facilities to farm land on productivity, nutrient balance and economic result. Working paper. [Unpublished]

Krogh, P.H.; Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, Jørgen and Holmstrup, Martin (2001) Ecological properties of earthworm burrows in an organically managed grass-clover system. Speech at: Science for the environment - environment for society, Aarhus, 5-6 Oct. 2011.

Lamandé, M. (2010) Vandtransport i græsmarker. Økologi & Erhverv, 19 November 2010, 467, p. 18.

Lamandé, M.; Eriksen, J.; Jacobsen, O.H. and Krogh, P.H. (2010) Cattle trampling reduces the risk of nitrate leaching in organic dairy rotations. ICROFS news, 2010, 1, pp. 5-6.

Pirhofer-Walzl, K.; Høgh-Jensen, H.; Rasmussen, J.; Rasmussen, J.; Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2010) 15Nitrogen transfer from legumes to neighbouring plants in multi-species grassland. In: NJF Report 6 (3), pp. 75-78.

Søegaard, Karen (2009) Urter der duer. In: Bilag dansk kvæg Kongres, pp. 70-71.

Søegaard, Karen; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Eriksen, Jørgen (2009) The competitiveness of different herbs in grass/clover pastures. In: NJF Seminar 422. Fostering healthy food systems through prganic agriculture - Focus on Nordic-Baltic region, p. 29.

Søegaard, Karen; Sehested, Jakob; Eriksen, Jørgen; Askegaard, Margrethe; Mogensen, Lisbeth and Jensen, Søren K. (2010) Urter i græsmarken. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. , chapter 1, pp. 5-14.

Søegaard, K. (2011) Sorter af afgræsningslucerne. Aarhus Universitet , Institut for Agroøkologi.

Søegaard, K. and Eriksen, J. (2012) Perspektiver for blanding af mange arter i kløvergræs. Paper at: Plantekongres 2012: Sammendrag af indlæg, Herning Kongrescenter, 10.-12. Januar 2012.

Søegaard, K.; Rasmussen, J.; Sehested, J.; Jensen, S.K. and Eriksen, J (2011) Dyrkning af kløvergræs. Paper at: Grovfoderseminar 2011, 8/2-9/2 2011.

Søegaard, Karen; Eriksen, Jørgen and Mortensen, Tine B. (2013) Species competition in multispecies grass swards. ICROFS News, September 2013, 3, pp. 12-13.

Søegaard, Karen; Eriksen, Jørgen and Mortensen, Tine B. (2013) Konkurrenceforhold i græsmarker med mange arter. ICROFS Nyt, August 2013, 3, pp. 4-5.

Tvedegaard, Niels; Kristensen, Ib Sillebak and Kristensen, Troels (2010) Græs i sædskiftet - effekt af afstande og belægning. In: Kristensen, Troels (Ed.) Økologisk græsmarksproduktion og udnyttelse til mælkeproduktion. Intern rapport • husdyrbrug Nr. 27, Aarhus Universitet, chapter 9, pp. 59-64.

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