Items affiliated to "Other organizations Italy"
Number of items at this level: 102. AAlvåsen, Karin; Haskell, Marie J; Ivemeyer, Silvia; Eriksson, Hanna; Bicknell, Kathryn; Fall, Nils and Ahmed, Haseeb (2023) Assessing economic consequences of cow-calf contact systems in dairy production using a stochastic partial budgeting approach. Frontiers in Animal Science, 4, pp. 1-13. Andersen, Regine; Bocci, Riccardo; Howlett, Sally; Pearce, Bruce; Dunsire, Gaina; Rey, Frederic; Nuijten, E.; Andersen, Rikke Thomle; Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard; Miceli, F. and Slabe, Anamarija (editor): Pedersen, Tove Mariegaard and Rey, Frederic (Eds.) (2016) Breeding for diversity – political implications and new pathways for the future. . Annicchiarico, Paolo; Borgen, Anders; Ergon, Åshild; Bråtelund, Signe; Frøseth, Randi Berland; Dieseth, Jon Arne; Petitti, Matteo; Petcu, Victor and Pipan, Barbara (2025) Deliverable D2.1 – Value of genetically heterogeneous crops for organic farming according to DIVERSILIENCE results, and implications for organic breeders and farmers. CREA. Annicchiarico, Paolo; Borgen, Anders; Ergon, Åshild; Frøseth, Randi Berland; Dieseth, Jon Arne; Petitti, Matteo; Petcu, Victor; Pipan, Barbara and Lo Fiego, A. (2025) Deliverable D2.2 –Well-performing heterogeneous varieties developed by DIVERSILIENCE: results and opportunities for introduction into cultivation. CREA. BBarbieri, Giampiero; Macchiavelli, Leonello and Rivaldi, Patrizia (2008) Protein quality and content of nitrite, nitrate and metals in commercial samples of organic and conventional cold meats. Poster at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science: 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research ISOFAR, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008. Baresel, Jörg Peter; Fischer, V.; van Hilten, S.; Charrois, A. and Köckeis, M. (2017) Screening Non Legume Species for Use as Cover Crop in Mixtures. In: Wolfrum, Sebastian; Heuwinkel, Hauke; Wiesinger, Klaus; Reents, Hans Jürgen and Hülsbergen, Kurt-Jürgen (Eds.) Ökologischen Landbau weiterdenken: Verantwortung übernehmen, Vertrauen stärken, Dr. Köster, Freising, 1, no. 14, pp. 188-189. Barrientos, Antonio; Valero, Constantino; Del Cerro, Jaime; Marijke Krus, Anne; Roldan, Juan Jesus; Ramirez, Juan Jose; Cardim Lima, Matheus; Willekens, Koen; Koopmans, Chris; Rossing, Walter; Apeldoorn, Dirk Van; Trinchera, Alessandra; Himanen, Sari; Barbry, Joran; Lepse, Liga and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Strip-Cropping Systems Robotization: Prototype Design Guidelines For Targeted Fertilisation. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] Belfakira, Chaimaa; Hindi, Zakia; Lafram, Amina; Bikri, Samir; Benayad, Asmaa; El Bilali, Hamid; Bügel, Susanne; Srednicka-Tober, Dominika; Pugliese, Patrizia; Strassner, Carola; Rossi, Laura; Stefanovic, Lilliana and Aboussaleh, Youssef (2024) Household FoodWaste in Morocco: An Exploratory Survey in the Province of Kenitra. Sustainability, 16 (4474), pp. 1-20. Bettina, Maccagnani; Roberto, Ferrari and Marco, Pozzati (2014) Combattere il colpo di fuoco con l’aiuto di Osmia cornuta. [Biological control of pear fire blight with the help of the pollinator Osmia cornuta.] Agricoltura, May 2014, 2 (April), pp. 62-63. Bettina, Maccagnani; Roberto, Ferrari and Marco, Pozzati (2014) Fragola: le api nostre alleate nella lotta contro la botrite. [Strawberry: honey bees are useful to carry beneficial microrganisms against gray mould.] Agricoltura, February 2014, 1, pp. 71-72. {Tool} How to organise a field day (Liveseed video). Creator(s): Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Videos. (2021) Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Bellezza Oddon, Sara; Gaddés, Marwa; Soglia, Dominga; Forte, Claudio; Renna, Manuela; Gasco, Laura; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Pagliasso, Giulia; Dellepiane, Lucrezia and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Blood chemistry of medium-growing male and female chickens supplemented black soldier fly live larvae. In: Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Renna, Manuela; Forte, Claudio; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Gai, Francesco and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Black soldier fly larvae used for environmental enrichment purposes: Can they affect the growth, slaughter performance, and blood chemistry of medium-growing chickens? Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, pp. 1-13. Bozzola, Martina; Lamonaca, Emilia and Santeramo, Fabio (2024) A new dataset on climate distance for trade analyses. Data in Brief, 57 (110944), pp. 1-8. Butler, Gillian; Stergiadis, Sokratis; Chatzidimitriou, Eleni; Franceschin, Enrica; Davis, Hannah R; Leifert, Carlo and Steinshamn, Håvard (2019) Differing responses in milk composition from introducing rapeseed and naked oats to conventional and organic dairy diets. Scientific Report, 9 (8115), pp. 1-12. CCaleca, Virgilio ; Palumbo Piccionello, Manuela ; Battaglia, Isabella and Dimino, Silvana (2006) Survey on the control methods of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic olive groves producing oil and table olives in Sicily. In: Caruso, Tiziano and Motisi, Antonio (Eds.) Proceedings of Olivebioteq 2006, Second International Seminar “Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the Mediterranean Basin” November 5th –10th Mazara del Vallo, Marsala, Italy,, 2, pp. 283-290. Caleca, Virgilio and Rizzo, Roberto (2006) Effectiveness of clays and copper products in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin). In: Caruso, Tiziano and Motisi, Antonio (Eds.) Proceedings of Olivebioteq 2006, Second International Seminar “Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the Mediterranean Basin” November 5th –10th, Mazara del Vallo, Marsala, Italy, 2, pp. 275-282. Caleca, Virgilio; Rizzo, Roberto; Battaglia, Isabella and Palumbo Piccionello, Manuela (2007) Tests on the effectiveness of mass trapping by Eco-trap (Vyoril) in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin) in organic farming. IOBC WPRS Bulletin. [In Press] Caleca, Virgilio and Rizzo, Roberto (2007) Tests on the effectiveness of kaolin and copper hydroxide in the control of Bactrocera oleae (Gmelin). IOBC WPRS Bulletin, 39 (9), pp. 111-117. CASTELLINI, Prof C; MUGNAI, Dr C; DAL BOSCO, dr A; PALOZZO, dr M and SCUOTA, dr S (2004) ASPETTI COMPORTAMENTALI, PRESTAZIONI PRODUTTIVE E QUALITÀ DELL'UOVO IN GALLINE ALLEVATE CON IL METODO BIOLOGICO. [WELFARE, BEHAVIOUR, PERFORMANCE AND EGG QUALITY IN ORGANIC HENS.] AVICOLTURA (3), pp. 41-44. Castellini, A.; Mauracher, C.; Roma, R.; Deboni, A.; Gaviglio, A. and Ragazzoni, A. (2014) The organic aquaculture sector in Italy: a Delphi evaluation of the market potentialities. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 769-772. CHIARINI, FRANCESCA; GAMBA, URSULA; CONTE, LUCA; TASSO, LORENA; SPAGNOLO, SANDRA and PINNA, MASSIMO (2005) LA TECNICA DELL'UNDERSOWING PER IL CONTROLLO DEGLI INSETTI FITOFAGI SU COLTURE ORTICOLE. [PEST CONTROL IN HORTICULTURAL CROPS WITH UNDERSOWING METHOD.] In: TURCHI, ANNALISA and SALVATI, MARCELLO (Eds.) BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA A CURA DEL CRAB (Reference Center for Organic Farming of Turin province), PROVINCIA DI TORINO (2), pp. 47-57. Collective publication (2017) 9 Schlüsselkonzepte für eine Vielfalt von Lebensmitteln. [9 key-concepts for food diversity.] DIVERSIFOOD project . [Completed] Colombo, Luca; Grando, Stefano and Brunori, Gianluca (2014) ORGANIC IN THE LOCAL VS GLOBAL ANTINOMY. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 761-764. Corneo, Paola Elisa; Nesler, Andrea; Liotti, Cesare; Chahed, Abdessalem; Vrhovsek, U; Pertot, Ilaria and Perazzolli, Michele (2021) Interactions of tagatose with the sugar metabolism are responsible for Phytophthora infestans growth inhibition. Microbiological Research, 247, p. 126724. Corsten, Frank (2011) Community-Supported Financing / how transparency on the web promotes good food production. Bachelor of Science thesis, University of Gastronomic Sciences, Pollenzo, Italy . . DDagostin, Silvia; Schärer, Hans-Jakob; Pertot, Ilaria and Tamm, Lucius (2011) Are there alternatives to copper for controlling grapevine downy mildew in organic viticulture? Crop Protection, 30, pp. 776-788. Detterbeck, Amelie Sophie; Branca, Ferdinando; Catara, Vittoria; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio; Bella, Patrizia; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Schwitter, Patricia; Gamper Cardinali, Carlo; Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent and Danan, Sarah (2023) BRESOV D4.2 - Protocol and guidelines to maximize organic seed production and to control the sanitary quality of produced seeds in tomato, brassicas and snap bean. . EEnahoro, Dolapo; Kozicka, Marta; Pfeifer, Catherine; Jones, Sarah K.; Tran, Nhuomg; Chan, Chin Yee; Sulser, Timothy B.; Gotor, Elisabetta and Rich, Karl M. (2023) Linking ecosystem services provisioning with demand for animal-sourced food: an integrated modeling study for Tanzania. Regional Environmental Change, 23 (48), pp. 1-13. FFattoruso, Valeria; Anfora, Gianfranco and Mazzoni, Valerio (2021) Vibrational communication and mating behavior of the greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum (Westwood) (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Scientific Reports, 11, p. 6543. Fontana, Mario; Johannes, Alice; Zaccone, Claudio; Weisskopf, Peter; Guillaume, Thomas; Bragazza, Luca; Elfouki, Said; Charles, Raphael and Sinaj, Sokrat (2023) Improving crop nutrition, soil carbon storage and soil physical fertility using ramial wood chips. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 31 (103141), pp. 1-14. GGAMBA, URSULA; SPAGNOLO, SANDRA; SIGNORI, IGLI; POSSETTO, DARIO and BOURLOT, GIANCARLO (2005) PROVE DI FERTIRRIGAZIONE SU MELO cv PINK LADY, RISULTATI CONCLUSIVI DI TRE ANNI DI SPERIMENTAZIONE. [Ferti-irrigation trials on apple cultivar Pink Lady: final results of three years of investigation.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA A CURA DEL CRAB (Reference Centre for Organic Farming of Turin province) (2), pp. 37-46. GAMBA, URSULA; TURCHI, ANNALISA; PINNA, MASSIMO and SPAGNOLO, SANDRA (2005) LE PRODUZIONI BIOLOGICHE IN PROVINCIA DI TORINO. [THE ORGANIC PRODUCTION IN TURIN PROVINCE.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA, edited by CRAB (Reference Centre for Organic Farming, Turin Province) (2), pp. 13-20. Garcia-Ruiz, R.; Speiser, B.; Adler, C.; Klederer, M. and Micheloni, C. (2014) El fosfonato potasico en la agricultura ecologica. Revista Agroecologia, 16, pp. 38-39. Grovermann, C.; Wossen, T.; Müller, A. and Nichterlein, K. (2018) Prospects for macro-level analysis of agricultural innovation systems to enhance the eco-efficiency of farming in developing countries. Paper at: 30th Conference of the International Association of Agricultural Economists, Vancouver, Canada, 28 July - 2 August 2018. HHerforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Hauenstein, Samuel and Mazzoni, Valerio (2022) Mit Vibrationen gegen Weisse Fliegen - eine neue Methode zur Bekämpfung der Gewächshausmottenschildlaus. ÖKOmenischer Gärtnerrundbrief, September 2022 (3), p. 33. {Tool} Organic fertilisation of young apple orchards (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holtz, Thomas and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) {Tool} Physical protection barriers to reduce fungal and pest damages (DOMINO Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Holtz, Thomas and Kelderer, Markus. Issuing Organisation(s): Laimburg Research Centre. CORE Organic Practice Abstracts. (2021) JJani, Anant; Exner, Andreas; Braun, Reiner; Braun, Brigitte; Torri, Luisa; Verhoeven, Sofie; Murante, Anna Maria; van Devijvere, Stefanie; Harrington, Janas; Ochoa, Amalia; Marchiori, Giorgia Dalla Libera; Defranceschi, Peter; Bunker, Aditi; Bärnighausen, Till; Sanz, Esther; Napoléone, Claude; Verger, Eric O.; Schader, Christian; Röklov, Joacim; Stegemann, Ingrid; Tonello, Samuele; Perderson, Robert; Kristensen, Niels Heine; Smits, Tim; Wascher, Dirk; Voshol, Peter; Kaptejins, Annemarie; Nesrallah, Samantha; Kjorven, Olav; DeClerck, Fabrice; Biella, Cristina; Gjorgjioska, Marija Adela; Tomicic, Ana; Ferreira Oliveira, Ana Teresa; Bracco, Stefania; Estevens, Sandra; Rossi, Luigi; Laister, Günther; Rozalska, Aleksandra; Jankuloski, Borche; Hurbin, Christophe; Maylis, Jannic; Steel, Fiona; Manbaliu, Ewoud; de Jager, Karin; Sfetsos, Athanasios; Konstantopoulou, Maria; Kapetanakis, Pavlos-Alexandro; Hickersberger, Michaela; Chiffard, Elsa and Woollhead, Carina (2022) Transitions to food democracy through multilevel governance. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6, pp. 1-10. LLeeb, C.; Rudolph, G.; Bochicchio, D.; Edwards, S.; Früh, B.; Holinger, M.; Holmes, D.; Illmann, G.; Knop, D.; Prunier, A.; Rousing, T.; Winckler, C. and Dippel, S. (2019) Effects of three husbandry systems on health, welfare and productivity of organic pigs. Animal, online, pp. 1-9. Lefebvre du Prey, Vincent; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle; Nigro, Sebastian; Rizzo, Giulio Flavio and Branca, Ferdinando (2022) BRESOV D5.3 Recommendation for alternative crop fertilization and use of mycorrhiza under water stress conditions. . Lembo, Giuseppe; Jokumsen, Alfred; Spedicato, Maria Teresa; Facchini, Maria Teresa and Bitetto, Isabella (2018) Assessing stakeholder's experience and sensitivity on key issues for the economic growth of organic aquaculture production. Marine Policy, 87 (2018), pp. 84-93. Lembo, Giuseppe and Mente, Elena (2019) Organic Aquaculture Impacts and Future Developments. Springer, Springer Nature Switzerland. MMalusa, Eligio; Furmanczyk, Ewa; Tartanus, Małgorzata; Brouwer, Gerjan; Parveaud, Claude-Eric; Warlop, Francois; Kelderer, Markus; Kienzle, Jutta; Alcazar Marin, Evelyne; Dekker, Teun; Vávra, Radek; Verrastro, Vincenzo; Lindhard Pedersen, Hanne; Boutry, Clémence; Friedli, Michael and Schlüter, Marco (2022) Knowledge Networks in Organic Fruit Production across Europe: A Survey Study. Sustainability, 14 (2960), pp. 1-17. Mark, Jennifer; Fantke, Peter; Soheilifard, Farshad; Alcon, Francisco; Contreras, Josefa; Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Baldi, Isabelle; Bureau, Mathilde; Alaoui, Abdallah; Christ, Florian; Mandrioli, Daniele; Sgargi, Daria; Pasković, Igor; Polić Pasković, Marija; Glavan, Matjaz; Hofman, Jakub; Harkes, Paula; Lwanga, Esperanza Huerta; Norgaard, Trine; Aparicio, Virginia; Schlünssen, Vivi; Vested, Anne; Silva, Vera; Geissen, Violette and Tamm, Lucius (2024) Selected farm-level crop protection practices in Europe and Argentina: Opportunities for moving toward sustainable use of pesticides. Journal of Cleaner Production, 477, pp. 1-24. Menci, Ruggero (2021) Integrare la dieta di vacche da latte con tannini modifica la qualità del formaggio diversamente a seconda della stagione di pascolamento? [Does supplementing the diet of dairy cows with tannins change the quality of the cheese differently according to the grazing season?] Ruminantia. Online at, accessed on: 17 August 2021. Menci, Ruggero; Natalello, Antonio; Luciano, Giuseppe; Priolo, Alessandro; Valenti, Bernardo; Difalco, Antonio; Rapisarda, Teresa; Caccamo, Margherita; Constant, Isabelle; Niderkorn, Vincent and Coppa, Mauro (2021) Cheese quality from cows given a tannin extract in 2 different grazing seasons. Journal of Dairy Science, online, xx-xx. Messmer, Monika; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter; Baier, Chris; Schäfer, Freya; Arncken, Christine; Drexler, Dora; Hildermann, Isabell; Bocci, Ricardo; Galluzzi, Gea and Petitti, Matteo (2019) Tecniche di Miglioramento Genetico Vegetale. Dossier/Faktenblatt. FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali, CH-Frick, IT-Scandicci. Micheloni, C. and Plakolm, G. (2007) Report on quality characteristics of varieties to be used in organic farming. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Reports), no. D 5.2. Associazione Italiana Agricoltura Biologica (AIAB), Rome . Micheloni, MSc Cristina (2007) ORWINE: towards a European regulation for organic wine-making. Poster at: European Organic Congress, Brussels, 4-5 December 2007. [Unpublished] Migliorini, P (2011) Development of organic olive cultivation and its importance for the sustainability in the Mediterranean. In: Migliorini, Paola; Minotou, Charikleia; Lusic, Drazen; Hashem, Yousry and Martinis, Aristotelis (Eds.) Book of Abstract. International Conference on ORGANIC AGRICULTURE and AGRO-ECO TOURSIM in the Mediterranean, DIO. Migliorini, Paola and Scaltriti, Bruno (2014) Sustainability assessment of the farmers market. A case study in Tuscany. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 3, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 757-760. NNeuendorff, Jochen; Reese, Steffen; Spiller, Achim; Atkinson, Chris; Maresca, Roberto and Soltysiak, Ursula (2018) Training für Bio-Inspekteure zum Thema Tierwohl - AWARE. [Organic Inspector Trainings for Animal Welfare - AWARE.] . Online at, accessed on: 18 April 2019. Neuendorff, Jochen (2014) IRM-ORGANIC - Training on improved risk management tools for organic inspectors. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed] Niggli, Urs; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wilbois, Klaus-Peter and et, al. (2016) OK-Net Arable: State of the art research results and best practices – Task 3.1: D 3.1. OK-Net Arable review Meeting, IFOAM EU, Brussels, November 3, 2016. [Completed] Niggli, Urs; Schmidt, Jennifer; Watson, Christine; Kriipsalu, Mait; Shanskiy, Merrit; Barberi, Paolo; Kowalska, Jolanta; Schmitt, Annegret; Daniel, Claudia; Wenthe, Ulla; Conder, Malgorzarta; Wohlfahrt, Jens; Schild, Marion; Dierauer, Hansueli; Krauss, Maike; Moeskops, Bram; Padel, Susanne; Micheloni, Cristina; Constanzo, Ambrogio; Thonar, Cécile and Wilbois, Klaus-Peter (2016) Organic Knowledge Network Arable - D.3.1 State-of-the-art research results and best practices. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL , Frick. {Tool} The main diseases of Solanaceae transmitted by seeds. [Solanacee: principali malattie trasmissibili per seme.] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 7. (2009) {Tool} Aubergine (Solanum melogena L.). [Melanzana (Solanum melogena L.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 9. (2009) {Tool} Pepper (Capsicum annum L.). [Peperoni e Peperoncini (Capsicum annum L.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 10. (2009) {Tool} Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). [Patata (Solanum tuberosum L.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 11. (2009) {Tool} Solanaceae. [La famiglia delle solanacee.] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 6. (2009) {Tool} Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.). [Pomodoro (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.).] Creator(s): Nonne, Maria Francesca and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Schede tecniche Rete Semi Rurali, no. 8. (2009) OOrtolani, L; Micheloni, C; Barberi, P and Bonazinga, M (2011) Italian networking of public experimental sites working on Organic Farming: an experience of networking in research. In: Neuhoff, D; Halberg, N; Rasmussen, I; Hermansen, J; Ssekyewa, C and Sohn, S (Eds.) Proceedings, ISOFAR, 2, Organic is Life - Knowledge for Tomorrow, pp. 338-341. Ortolani, Livia; Kristensen, Hanne L.; Campanelli, Gabriele; Bavec, Martina; Bavec, Franc; von Fragstein, Peter; Bergmam, Astrid; Leteo, Fabrizio and Canali, Stefano (2014) Cost and energy evaluation of organic cauliflower in sole crop and living mulch systems. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 1, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 179-182. Ortolani, Livia and Micheloni, Cristina (2016) Identification of the best methods for learning and knowledge exchange. Organic Knowledge Network Arable Report D 3.2. . PPadel, S.; Melby Jespersen, L. and Schmid, O. (2007) Final project report: EEC 2092/91 (ORGANIC) Revision. EEC 2092/91 (Organic Revision Project Report), no. Final report. Danish Research Centre for Organic Food and Farming (DARCOF), Tjele and University of Wales, Aberystwyth . Petitti, Matteo (2021) From Cereal Populations to Organic Heterogeneous Material: success stories and lessons learned in Italy. Keynote presentation at: 21st General Congress Eucarpia "Breeding: the key to innovative solutions", online from Rotterdam, The Netherlands, 23-26 August 2021. [Completed] {Tool} How to set up a community seed bank (Liveseed Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice abstract, no. 51. (2020) {Tool} How to produce seed of heterogeneous populations of inbred cereals (Liveseed Practice abstract). Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo and Bocci, Riccardo. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali. Liveseed Practice Abstract, no. 52. (2020) {Tool} Control of the parasitic weed Dodder in buckwheat or lentil cultivation through intercropping with linseed in Central Italy - IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract. Creator(s): Petitti, Matteo; Ponzini, Daniela and Salva, Michele. Issuing Organisation(s): Rete Semi Rurali, IFOAM Organics Europe. IntercropVALUES Practice Abstract, no. 5. (2024) PINNA, MASSIMO; GAMBA, URSULA and SPAGNOLO, SANDRA (2005) IMPIEGO DI BOMBUS TERRESTRIS (L.) PER LA DIFFUSIONE DI ANTAGONISTI NATURALI DI BOTRYTIS CINEREA (PERS) IN AMBIENTI PROTETTI COLTIVATI A FRAGOLA. [Using Bombus terrestris (L.) to disseminate natural antagonists of Botrytis cinerea (Pers.) in protected strawberry cultivation.] In: TURCHI, ANNALISA and SALVATI, MARCELLO (Eds.) BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA A CURA DEL CRAB (Reference Centre for organic farming), PROVINCIA DI TORINO (Turin province, Italy) (2), pp. 59-68. PINNA, MASSIMO; GAMBA, URSULA; SPAGNOLO, SANDRA; ZACCARA, PATRIZIA; TEDESCHI, ROSEMARIE and GALLO, SERGIO (2003) MONITORAGGIO DEI MELETI DEL CANAVESE COLPITI DA FITOPLASMI AGENTI CAUSALI DI AP (APPLE PROLIFERATION). [MONITORING IN APPLES ORCHARDS OF CANAVESE AREA(TO, Italy) AFFECTED BY APPLE PROLIFERATION.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA Edited by CRAB (Reference Centre for Organic Farming, Turin Province) (1), pp. 9-20. PINNA, MASSIMO; SPAGNOLO, SANDRA and GAMBA, URSULA (2005) IL RUOLO DEL GENERE TRICHOGRAMMA NEL CONTENIMENTO DELLE INFESTAZIONI DI MAMESTRA BRASSICAE (L.) SU COLTIVAZIONI BIOLOGICHE DI CAVOLO IN PROVINCIA DI TORINO. [The role of genus Trichogramma in the control of the pest Mamestra brassicae in organic cabbage cultivation in the province of Turin.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA A CURA DEL CRAB (Reference Centre for Organic Farming) (2), pp. 69-78. PINNA, MASSIMO; VERONA, MARZIA; BALDI, CLAUDIO; FURFARI, GIUSEPPINA; GAMBA, URSULA; SPAGNOLO, SANDRA; ZEPPA, GIUSEPPE and ROLLE, LUCA (2004) GLI ANTICHI MAIS DEL PIEMONTE. [THE TRADITIONAL CULTIVARS OF MAIZE IN PIEDMONT (North Italy).] PROVINCIA DI TORINO (Turin Province, Italy). {Tool} Late winter pruning to prevent spring frost damage and maintain the freshness of the grapes/delay ripening. Creator(s): Poni, Stefano and Caffot, Céline. Issuing Organisation(s): Vinidea. (2023) {Tool} SEMINBIO®: Innovative seeder for weed control in cereals (OK-Net Arable Practice Abstract). Creator(s): Ponzio, Carlo; Saia, Sergio and Torriani, Francesco. Issuing Organisation(s): Con Marche Bio, CREA - Council for Agricultural Research and Economics. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 022. (2018) Prinsen, R.T.M.M.; Rossoni, A.; Gredler, B.; Bieber, A.; Bagnato, A. and Strillacci, M.G. (2017) A genome wide association study between CNVs and quantitative traits in Brown Swiss cattle. Livestock Science, 202, pp. 7-12. Prinsen, R.T.M.M.; Strillacci, M.G.; Schiavini, F.; Rossoni, A.; Gredler, B.; Dolezal, M.A.; Bagnato, A. and Bieber, A. 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[Creating incentives for farmers to use organic seed Bottlenecks and success factors in 4 pilot case studies (summary).] Creator(s): Raaijmakers, Maaike; Heining, Niels; Solfanelli, Francesco; OZTURK, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Feher, Judit; Schäfer, Freya; toncea, I.; Winter, Eva; Orsini, Stefano; Ortolani, Livia; Petitti, Matteo and Bruszik, Ágnes. Issuing Organisation(s): OMKI, IFOAM, Bionext, UNIVPM, NARDI, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali, ORC. LiveSeed Booklets, no. 6a. (2020) RE, GIULIO; VERONA, MARZIA; POSSETTO, DARIO; NICOLA, SILVANA; HOEBERECHTS, JEANET; FONTANA, EMANUELA; ZEPPA, GIUSEPPE; ROLLE, LUCA and SPEGIS, IDA (2005) PROVE DI COLTIVAZIONE BIOLOGICA DELLA PATATA IN AREALI MONTANI. [Experimental trials of organic potato cultivation in mountain areas.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA A CURA DEL CRAB (Reference Centre for organic farming) (2), pp. 79-92. 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SSarneel, Judith M.; Hefting, Mariet M.; Sanden, Taru; van den Hoogen, Johan; Routh, Devin; Adhikari, Bhupendra S.; Alatalo, Juha M.; Aleksanyan, Alla; Althuizen, Inge H.J.; Alsafran, Mohammed H. S. A.; Atkins, Jeff W.; Augusto, Laurent; Aurela, Mika; Azarov, Aleksej V.; Barrio, Isabel C.; Beier, Claus; Bejarano, María D.; Benham, Sue E.; Berg, Björn; Bezler, Nadezhda V.; Björnsdóttir, Katrín; Bolinder, Martin A.; Carbognani, Michele; Cazzolla Gatti, Roberto; Chelli, Stefano; Chistotin, Maxim V.; Christiansen, Casper T.; Courtois, Pascal; Crowther, Thomas W.; Dechoum, Michele S.; Djukic, Ika; Duddigan, Sarah; Egerton- Warburton, Louise M.; Fanin, Nicolas; Fantappiè, Maria; Fares, Silvano; Fernandes, Geraldo W.; Filippova, Nina V.; Fliessbach, Andreas; Fuentes, David and et, al. (2024) Reading tea leaves worldwide: Decoupled drivers of initial litter decomposition mass-loss rate and stabilization. Ecology Letters, 27 (5), pp. 1-14. Schmitt, Annegret; Pertot, Ilaria; Verrastro, Vincenzo; Magid, Jakob; Moeskops, Bram; Möller, Kurt; Athanasiadou, Spiridoula; Experton, Catherine; Steinshamn, Håvard; Leiber, Florian; Maurer, Veronika; Bünemann, Else K.; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Tamm, Lucius (2018) RELACS: a new EU-project on the Replacement of Contentious Inputs in Organic Farming Systems. In: Julius Kühn Archiv, Julius Kühn-Institut, Bundesforschungsinstitut für Kulturpflanzen, Braunschweig, 461, pp. 472-473. Solfanelli, Francesco; Ozturk, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Orsini, Stefano; Petitti, Matteo; Ortolani, Livia; Schäfer, Freya and Messmer, Monika (2021) The State of Organic Seed in Europe. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 2. IFOAM, UNIVPM, FiBL, Rete Semi Rurali and ORC . {Tool} The State of Organic Seed in Europe. Creator(s): Solfanelli, Francesco; OZTURK, Emel; Zanoli, Raffaele; Orsini, Stefano; Petitti, Matteo; Ortolani, Livia; Schäfer, Freya and Messmer, Monika. Issuing Organisation(s): IFOAM Organics Europe, UNIVPM - Università Politecnica delle Marche, FiBL - Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Rete Semi Rurali, ORC - Organic Research Centre. LiveSeed Booklet, no. 2. (2021) SPAGNOLO, SANDRA; GAMBA, URSULA; PINNA, MASSIMO; ZACCARA, PATRIZIA; TEDESCHI, ROSEMARIE and GALLO, SERGIO (2005) MONITORAGGIO DEI MELETI DEL PINEROLESE COLPITI DA APPLE PROLIFERATION. [MONITORING IN APPLES ORCHARDS OF PINEROLESE (TO) AFFECTED BY APPLE PROLIFERATION.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA edited by CRAB (Reference Centre for Organic Farming, Turin Province) (2), pp. 21-36. SPAGNOLO, SANDRA; PINNA, MASSIMO; GAMBA, URSULA; ZACCARA, PATRIZIA; POSSETTO, DARIO and VALOTI, PAOLO (2005) PROVA DI COLTIVAZIONE BIOLOGICA DI ANTICHI MAIS PIEMONTESI DESTINATI ALL'ALIMENTAZIONE UMANA. [Organic cultivation of Piedmont’s old maize cultivars for human food.] BOLLETTINO DI AGRICOLTURA BIOLOGICA A CURA DEL CRAB (Reference Centre for organic farming) (2), pp. 93-100. 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