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Items affiliated to "International"

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Number of items at this level: 256.

Louis Bolk Institute (Ed.) (2015) Seed availability for non-GM cotton production - An explorative study. Seed & Soils Task Force, OCRT, Textile Exchange .

HELVETAS , Hivos, ICEA, IFOAM, FiBL (Eds.) (2014) Organic family farming and fair trade for rural development. . Proceedings of Pre-Conference on "Orgnaic family farming and fair traide for rural development" at the Organic Wolrd Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 12th October 2014. [Completed]

Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Bhullar, Navreet K. (Eds.) (2013) Agricultural Sustainability - Progress and Prospects in Crop Research. 1st edition. Academic Press. Elsevier, Amsterdam, Bosten, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Fransisco, Singapore, Sidney, Tokyo, .

Padel, Susanne (Ed.) (2010) The European Regulatory Framework and its Implementation in Influencing Organic Inspection and Certification Systems in The EU. Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm , Newbury.

Fernández Montoya, Marco Vinicio; Ochoa, Gregorio Varela; Garibay, Salvador V. and Weidmann, Gilles (Eds.) (2007) 2ndo Encuentro Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Productoras y Productores Experimentadores y de Investigadores en Agricultura Orgánica - Memorias de resúmenes. [Second Latin American and Caribbean Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers, held October 1-5, 2007 in Antigua, Guatemala. Summary of the Presentations.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland. [Unpublished]

Instituto de Investigaciones para la Agricultura Orgánica , (FiBL) and Centro de Oneligencia sobre Mercados Sostenibles, (CIMS) (Eds.) (2005) Directorio de importadores y distribuidores de productos orgánicos y comercio eq. .

{Project} Maikaal: ökologisch verträgliche Baumwollproduktion in Indien. [Organic Cotton Farming in India.] Runs 2002 - 2005. Project Leader(s): Mäder, Paul, Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-5070 Frick .

{Project} Reduction of GHG from Paddies: Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from paddy farming by intercropping with other economically useful plants. Runs 2012 - 2014. Project Leader(s): Bhullar, Dr. Gurbir S., Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) .

Adamtey, Noah; Musyoka, Martha W.; Zundel, Christine; Cobo, Juan Guillermo; Karanja, Edward; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Muriuki, Anne; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Vanlauwe, Bernard; Berset, Estelle; Messmer, Monika M.; Gattinger, Andreas; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Cadisch, Georg; Fliessbach, Andreas; Mäder, Paul; Niggli, Urs and Forster, Dionys (2016) Productivity, profitability and partial nutrient balance in maize-based conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 235, pp. 61-79.

Alfoeldi, Thomas; Fliessbach, Andreas; Geier, Uwe; Kilcher, Lukas; Niggli, Urs; Pfiffner, Lukas; Stolze, Matthias and Willer, Helga (2002) Organic Agriculture and the Environment. In: El-Hage Scialabba, Nadia and Caroline, Hattam (Eds.) Organic agriculture, environment and food security. Environment and Natural Resources Series, no. 4. Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nation (FAO), Rome, chapter 2.

Alföldi, Thomas; Giménez, Miguel; Thompson, Rodney and Giagnocavo, Cynthia (2020) Producción de invernadero: Sensores y buenas prácticas en la fertirrigación. [Greenhouse production: Sensors and good practice in fertigation.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-FiBL .

Alföldi, Thomas; Guichaoua, Adrien; Marchand, Fleur; O'Dwyer, Tom and Vér, Andras (2020) Action groups to foster peer to peer learning - example of Red Meat Profit Partnership, New Zealand. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Kanavagh, Jane and Sturel, Sylvain (2020) The i2connect project: Connecting advisers to boost interactive innovation in agriculture & forestry. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas; Marchand, Fleur; Guichaoua, Adrien; O'Dwyer, Tom and Vér, Andras (2020) Forms of agricultural demonstration activities in New Zealand. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Rahko, Juhani (2020) Precision farming: sowing canola with variable rate application. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Alföldi, Thomas and Rahko, Juhani (2020) Täsmäviljely: luomukevätrypsin kylvöä määränsäätöautomatiikalla (VRA). Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Andres, C.; Armengot, L.; Adamty, N.; Schneider, M. and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2015) Securing the food system together: Innovation development with the farmer, for the farmer by the farmer. In: World Food System Conference 2015 - Programm and Abstracts, p. 28.

Andres, C.; Mandloi, L.S. and Bhullar, G.S. (2016) Sustaining the supply of White Gold: The case of SysCom innovation platforms in India. In: Dror, I.; Cadilhon, J.-J.; Schut, M.; Misiko, M. and Maheshwari, S. (Eds.) Innovation Platforms for Agricultural Development: Evaluating the mature innovation platforms landscape. Routledge, London, UK, chapter 8, pp. 133-150.

Andres, C.; NGuessan Diby, L.; Kouamé Hgaza, V. and Frossard, E. (2012) Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiencies. Poster at: SGPW-Tagung "Energieeffiziente Pflanzenproduktion", Forschungsanstalt Agroscope ART Reckenholz-Tänikon, CH-Reckenholz, 23. März 2012. [Completed]

Andres, C.; NGuessan Diby, L.; Kouamé Hgaza, V. and Frossard, E. (2012) Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and nutrient use efficiencies. Awarded poster presentation. Poster at: Symposium of the Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center: "Understanding Plant Phenotypes", ETH Zurich, Switzerland, November 4, 2011. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2016) Global Vision and Strategy for Organic Farming Research. Paper at: International Conference on Living the Right Way: Universal Message of Simhasth 2016, Madhya Pradesh, India, 2016, May 12-14. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2013) Fertilization of Dioscorea rotundata with poultry manure: effects on nutrient dynamics and yield formation. Paper at: Tropentag (oral presentation at award ceremony of Hans H. Ruthenberg Award for Graduates), Stuttgart-Hohenheim, Germany, September 17-19, 2013. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2013) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics. Paper at: FiBL day of World Food System Center Summer School , FiBL Frick, Switzerland, August 13, 2013. [Completed]

Andres, Christian (2012) What is the contribution of organic agriculture to sustainable development? Long-term systems comparison trials of FiBL in the tropics. Paper at: Group seminar series of Ecosystem Management Group, ITES (D-USYS), ETH Zurich, Switzerland, June 21, 2012. [Completed]

Andres, Christian and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2016) Sustainable Intensification of Tropical Agro-Ecosystems: Need and Potentials. Frontiers in Environmental Science, 4:5, online- .

Andres, Christian; Forster, Dionys; Verma, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika; Mäder, Paul and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Yields and gross margins of cotton-based production systems under organic and conventional management in India. In: Abstracts from the 1st International Global Food Security Conference.

Andres, Christian; Gattinger, Andreas; Kwame Dzahini-Obiatey, Henry; Kwame Offei, Samuel and Six, Johan (2015) Transdisciplinary systems research to develop a holistic approach to reduce the spread and impact of cocoa swollen shoot virus disease in Ghana (TransdisCSSVD). Paper at: SAGUF conference 2015 - Participatory and Integrative Approaches in Researching African Environments – Opportunities, Challenges, Actualities in Natural and Social Sciences, University of Bern, 23rd October 2015. [Completed]

Andres, Christian; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Gomez, Sara; Nyffenegger, Mirjam F.; Utz, Claudia; Verma, Rajeev and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2013) Long-term farming systems comparisons in the tropics Participatory technology development. Poster at: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2013, Bern, Switzerland, October 21 2013. [Completed]

Andres, Christian; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Verma, Rajeev; Gomez, Sara; Nyffenegger, Mirjam R.; Locher, Michael; Patel, Dharmendra; Forster, Dionys; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Improving the efficiency of rock phosphate on high pH soils: Results from participatory research in India. In: Fromm, Ingrid; Hintermann, Felix and Guenat, Dominique (Eds.) Symposium Proceedings - International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field, p. 10.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Lagat, Zipporah; Muriuki, Anne; Stöckli, Sibylle; Riedel, Judith; Onyambu, Gladys; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N. and Adamtey, Noah (2020) The impact of conventional and organic farming on soil biodiversity conservation: a case study on termites in the long-term farming systems comparison trials in Kenya. BMC Ecology, 20, p. 13.

Anyango, John; Bautze, David; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Lagat, Zipporah; Muriuki, Anne W.; Stöckli, Sibylle; Onyambu, Gladys; Musyoka, Martha W.; Karanja, Edward N. and Adamtey, Noah (2019) Termite-Induced Injuries to Maize and Baby Corn under Organic and Conventional Farming Systems in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Insects, 10 (10), p. 367.

Apostolov, Stoylko and Heeb, Marlene (2003) Bulgaria. A relatively short organic history. The Organic Standard (31), pp. 2-6.

Arbenz, Markus; Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Amarjit, Sahota (2015) The World of Organic Agriculture – Statistics and Emerging Trends (Session at the BIOFACH 2015). Paper at: BioFach Congress 2015, Nuremberg, Germany, 11.-15.2.2015. [Completed]

Atandi, Janet G.; Haukeland, Solveig; Kariuki, George M.; Coyne, Danny L.; Karanja, Edward N.; Musyoka, Martha W.; Fiaboe, Komi K.M.; Bautze, David and Adamtey, Noah (2017) Organic farming provides improved management of plant parasitic nematodes in maize and bean cropping systems. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 247, pp. 265-272.

Ates, S.; Cicek, H.; Bell, L. W.; Norman, H. C.; Mayberry, D. E.; Kassam, S.; Hannaway, D. B. and Louhaichi, M. (2018) Sustainable development of smallholder crop-livestock farming in developing countries. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 142, pp. 1-11.

Ates, S.; Cicek, H.; Gultekin, I.; Yigezu, Y. A.; Keser, M. and Filley, S. J. (2018) Bio-economic analysis of dual-purpose management of winter cereals in high and low input production systems. Field Crops Research, 227, pp. 56-66.

Baldivieso-Freitas, P.; Armengot, L. and Sans, F.X. (2015) A1-512 Efecto del laboreo mínimo sobre el rendimiento, la abundancia de la flora arvense y el balance energético y económico en una rotación de espelta, garbanzos y trigo en la Región Mediterránea. Paper at: V CONGRESO LATINOAMERICANO DE AGROECOLOGIA SOCLA, La Plata, Argentina, 5-6 October, 2015. [Completed]

Bàrberi, P.; Bocci, G.; Carlesi, S.; Armengot, L.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M. and Sans, F. X. (2018) Linking species traits to agroecosystem services: a functional analysis of weed communities. Weed Research, 58 (2), pp. 76-88.

Baruah, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine and Jain, S (2008) Agronomic and economic performance of organic, conventional and GM-cotton in Central India - First results of a long-term farming systems comparison. Poster at: Organic Fibre and Textile Conference, Carpi, Italy, 16-17 June.

Batlogg, Verena and Bernet, Thomas (2018) Flächenerträge von Schweizer Rapsöl und Palmöl im Vergleich. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Bautze, Lin; Nicolay, Gian L.; Meier, Matthias; Gattinger, Andreas and Müller, Adrian (2018) Climate Change Adaptation Through Science-Farmer-Policy Dialogue in Mali. In: Leal, Filho W. (Ed.) Handbook of Climate Change Resilience. Springer Nature, Heidelberg, pp. 1-15.

Bernet, Thomas (2018) Une huile de palme digne de confiance. Bioactualités, 2018 (6), p. 5.

Bernet, Thomas (2018) Vertrauenswürdiges Palmöl. Bioaktuell, 2018 (6), p. 5.

Bernet, Thomas (2018) Visto. Bioattualità, 2018 (6), p. 3.

Bernet, Thomas (2013) Entwicklung regionaler Strukturen - Bioexporte fördern lokale Märkte. Ökologie & Landbau, 165 (1/2013), pp. 32-34.

Bernet, Thomas; Home, Robert and Hasiuk, Oleksandra (2018) Socio-Economic Study of Organic Market and Sector Development in Ukraine. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick and Kyiv .

Bernet, Thomas; Home, Robert and Hasiuk, Oleksandra (2018) Соціально-економічне дослідження розвитку органічного ринку та сектору в Україні. [Socio-Economic Study of Organic Market and Sector Development in Ukraine.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick and Kyiv .

Bernet, Thomas and Kazazi, Iris S. (2012) Organic Agriculture in Albania - Sector Study 2011. Swiss Coordination Office in Albania (SCO-A), Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) and Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Consumer Production of Albania (MoAFCP), Tirana, Albania.

Bernet, Thomas; Kurbanalieva, Shakhnoza; Pittore, Katherine; Zilly, Barbara; Luttikholt, Louise; Eyhorn, Frank; Batlogg, Verena and Arbenz, Markus (2018) Nutrition-Sensitive Agriculture Interventions in Mountain Areas-Lessons Learned From a 5-Country Project to Upscale Best Practices. Mountain Research and Development, 38 (4), pp. 278-287.

Bernet, Thomas; Recknagel, Jürgen; Asam, Ludwig and Messmer, Monika (2020) Soia ecologica in republica Moldova. FiBL-Merkblatt. FiBL, Donau Soja, CH-Frick, AT-Vienna.

Bernet, Thomas and van den Berge, Paul (2019) Organic and Fair Palm Oil Production – Assessment Project. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Bernet, Thomas and Weidmann, Gilles (2019) Органическое сельское хозяйство. FiBL-Merkblatt. Asociația Educație pentru Dezvoltare (AED), FiBL, CH-Frick.

Bernet, Thomas and Weidmann, Gilles (2019) Agricultura ecologică. FiBL-Merkblatt. Asociația Educație pentru Dezvoltare (AED), FiBL, CH-Frick.

Bernet, Thomas and Willer, Helga (2012) Market strategies in different stages - How to stimulate organic market development. Ecology and Farming, 2012, 3/2012, pp. 29-31.

Bhat, Nisar, A.; Riar, Amritbir; Aketi, Ramesh; Iqbal, Sanjeeda; Sharma, Mahaveer P.; Sharma, Sanjay K. and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2017) Soil Biological Activity Contributing to Phosphorus Availability in Vertisols under Long-Term Organic and Conventional Agricultural Management. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8 (1523), -.

Bhullar, G.S.; Edwards, P.J. and Olde Venterink, H. (2014) Influence of Different Plant Species on Methane Emissions from Soil in a Restored Swiss Wetland. PLoS ONE, 9 (2), e89588.

Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Learning and innovating together: a partnership between farmers, scientists, public and private organizations. In: Agrarecology for Food Security and Nutrition. Procceings of the FAO International Symposium, 18-19 September 2014, Rome, Italy. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Rome, Italy, chapter 20, pp. 350-357.

Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2013) Talking Agricultural Sustainability Issues - an Interview with Dr. Gurdev Khush. In: Bhullar, G.S. and Bhullar, N.K. (Eds.) Agricultural Sustainability – Progress and Prospects in Crop Research. Elsevier Inc., USA, chapter 12, pp. 247-251.

Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Edwards, Peter J. and Olde Venterink, Harry (2013) Variation in the plant-mediated methane transport and its importance for methane emission from intact wetland peat mesocosms. Journal of Plant Ecology, 6 (4), pp. 298-304.

Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Iravani, Majid; Edwards, Peter J. and Olde Venterink, Harry (2013) Methane transport and emissions from soil as affected by water table and vascular plants. BMC Ecology, 13 (32), pp. 1-9.

Bogdanov, Stefan; Garibay, Salvador V.; Amsler, Thomas and Müller, Ursula (2011) Die Bioimkerei heute. Schweizerische Bienen-Zeitung, 7/2011, pp. 27-31.

Bourgeois, Bérenger; Munoz, Francois; Fried, Guillaume; Mahaut, Lucie; Armengot, Laura; Denelle, Pierre; Storkey, Jonathan; Gaba, Sabrina and Violle, Cyrille (2019) What makes a weed a weed? A large- scale evaluation of arable weeds through a functional lens. American Journal of Botany, 106 (1), pp. 90-100.

Bröker, Ulrich; Schmidt, Hanspeter; Haefeker, Walter; Beckh, Gudrun and Reyes, Taurino (2012) Current development and strategies against GMO-contamination in organic bee-keeping. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2012, Nürnberg Messe, Deutschland, 15.-18. Februar 2012. [Completed]

Cicek, Harun; Bhullar, Gurbir S.; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Andres, Christian and Riar, Amritbir (2020) Partial Acidulation of Rock Phosphate for Increased Productivity in Organic and Smallholder Farming. Sustainability, 12 (2), p. 607.

de Porras Acuna, Miguel Angel (2019) Workshop "The Contribution of Organic Agriculture to the SDGs: Scientific evidence from comparative research". Workshop at: The Contribution of Organic Agriculture to the SDGs: Scientific evidence from comparative research, Brussels, February 26, 2019. [Completed]

Eisenring, Tobias (2014) Promoting organic growth through model farms – use of the Leader Approach in Ukraine. Paper at: IFOAM Organic World Congress 2014, Istanbul, Turkey, 13-15 October 2014. [Completed]

Eisenring, Tobias; Richter, Toralf and Prokopchuk, Natalie (2019) Ukraine – mehr als eine Biokornkammer Europas. Ukraine-Analysen, 10 October 2019 (223), pp. 2-8.

Epple, Rolf; Garibay, Salvador; Teriete, Moritz and Keller, Olivia (2018) Nachhaltigkeit im Avocadoanbau. Synthesebericht. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Ewusie, E. A.; Kwapong, P. K.; Ofosu-Budu, G.; Sandrock, C.; Akumah, A.; Nartey, E.; Teye-Gaga, C.; Agyarkwah, S. K. and Adamtey, N. (2018) Development of Black Soldier Fly, Hermetia illucens (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) in Selected Organic Market Waste Fractions in Accra, Ghana. Asian Journal of Biotechnology and Bioresource Technology, 4 (1), pp. 1-16.

Eyhorn, Frank (2005) Producing Organic Cotton: A Toolkit - Crop Guide, Projekt guide, Extension tools. [CD.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Eyhorn, Frank (2004) ICCOA – Indian Competence Centre for Organic Agriculture. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, Frick, Switzerland , International Cooperation. [Unpublished]

Eyhorn, Frank (2004) The Maikaal bioRe Cotton Research Project "Growing Organic Cotton under Groundwater Stress": Lessons from the Maikaal bioRe Project, Madhya Pradesh, India. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland , International Cooperation. [Unpublished]

Eyhorn, Frank (2004) Organic Agriculture in India. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland . [Unpublished]

Eyhorn, Frank (2003) Indiens Regierung setzt auf Bio-Landbau. [Indian Government to promote organic farming.] Ökologie & Landbau (128), pp. 32-34.

Eyhorn, Frank; Mäder, Paul and Ramakrishnan, Mahesh (2005) The Impact of Organic Cotton Farming on the Livelihoods of Smallholders. Evidence from the Maikaal bioRe poject in central India. Research Report. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL) CH-Frick .

Eyhorn, Frank; Ratter, Saro G. and Ramakrishnan, Mahesh (2005) Organic Cotton Crop Guide - A manual for practitioners in the tropics. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland.

Eyhorn, Frank (2006) Assessing the potential of organic farming for sustainable livelihoods in developing countries - The case of cotton in India. PhD thesis, Universität Bonn , Philosophisch-naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät. . [Completed]

Eyhorn, Frank; Ratter, Saro G. and Ramakrishnan, Mahesh (2005) Organic Cotton Training Manual. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Fliessbach, Andreas; Amador, Manuel; Meirelles, Ana; Schwank, Othmar; Verhagen, Jan and Garibay, Salvador (2007) Climate Change and Organic Farming in Developing Countries. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

Forster, Cionys; Andres, Christian; Rajeev, Verma; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika M. and Mäder, Paul (2013) Productivity and Profitability of a Cotton-based Production System under Organic and Conventional Management in India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2013 - Agricultural development within the rural-urban continuum - Book of abstract, p. 294.

Forster, D.; Andres, C.; Verma, R.; Zundel, C.; Messmer, M. and Mäder, P. (2013) Economic profitability of organic vs. conventional cotton-based production systems in a long-term field trial in India. Poster at: First International Conference on Global Food Security, Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands, 29 September - 2 October 2013. [Completed]

Forster, Dionys (2009) System comparison study and on-farm trials on organic cotton in India. In: Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre, OFTCC (Ed.) World Congress on Organic Cotton: Congress Documunetation [online], Organic & Fairtrade Competence Centre, Zurich - Switzerland.

Forster, Dionys; Adamtey, Noah; Messmer, Monika M.; Pfiffner, Lukas; Baker, Brian; Huber, Beate and Niggli, Urs (2012) Organic Agriculture - Driving Innovations in Crop Research. In: Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Bhullar, Navreet K. (Eds.) Agricultural Sustainability - Progress and Prospects in Crop Research. ELsevier, , chapter 2, pp. 21-46.

Forster, Dionys; Andres, Christian; Verma, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika and Mäder, Paul (2014) Productivity and profitability on cotton-based production systems under organic and conventional management in India. In: Rahmann, G. and Aksoy, U. (Eds.) Building Organic Bridges, Johann Heinrich von Thünen-Institut, Braunschweig, Germany, 2, Thuenen Report, no. 20, pp. 647-650.

Forster, Dionys; Andres, Christian; Verma, Rajeev; Zundel, Christine; Messmer, Monika M. and Mäder, Paul (2013) Yield and Economic Performance of Organic and Conventional Cotton-Based Farming Systems – Results from a Field Trial in India. PLOS ONE, 8 (12), pp. 1-15.

Forster-Zigerli, Jacqueline (2012) Albania grasps organic opportunity. Ecology & Farming, 1/2012, pp. 32-34.

Friedli, Michael; Amsler, Sara; Boutry, Clémence and Lateur, Marc (2023) InnOBreed survey results 2023. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Garibay, Salvador (2008) Organic retailer development in Latin America(general trends). Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, February 21 - 24, 2008. [Unpublished]

Garibay, Salvador (2007) Background: The ‘First Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers’ and the ‘First Organic Producers Fair of Latin America and the Caribbean’. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2007. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Bonn, Germany & Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, chapter 16 Latin America, pp. 177-180.

Garibay, Salvador (2006) The European Market for Tropical Organic Products. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Garibay, Salvador (2005) Entscheidend ist die Diversifizierung. Ökologie & Landbau, 135 (3), pp. 35-36.

Garibay, Salvador; Amador, Manuel; Castro, Jonathan and Kilcher, Lukas (2008) Organic agriculture and climate change in developing countries. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremberg, Germany, February 21-24, 2008.

Garibay, Salvador; Gänz, Peter and Vandame, Rémy (2010) Organic Beekeeping in Mexico. In: Bogdanov, Stefan (Ed.) Apimondia First World Conference on Organic Beekeeping Program and Abstracts, pp. 12-13.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2003) La Agricultura Orgánica como Instrumento para el Éxito de los Productores. Paper at: Henry A. Wallace/CATIE Inter-American Scientific Conference Series. 2nd Conference in the Series, Costa Rica, 19.-21.03.2003.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2003) La investigación en la agricultura orgánica y su importancia. Paper at: I Encuentro mesoamericano y del caribe y iii encuentro costarricense de agricultores experimentadores e investigadores en producción orgánica, Alajuela, Costa Rica, 25.-27.08.2003.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2003) La investigación y su papel en el desarrollo de la agricultura orgánica. [Research and its role in the development of organic agriculture.] Paper at: Taller Latinoamericano sobre Control Orgánico de Plagas y Enfermedades y Manual de Campo, Huerta Grande - Córdoba - Argentinia, 23.-26.10.2003.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2002) Manejo de la Fertilidad del Suelo en la Producción Orgánica. Paper at: 1er. Foro Internacional sobre Producción Orgánica. Oportunidades y Retos del Entorno Mundial, Mexico, 24.-25.10.2002.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2002) Movimiento Orgánico Mundial y El Mercado Europeo. [The worldwide organic movement and the European Market.] Paper at: 1er. Foro Internacional sobre Producción Orgánica. Oportunidades y Retos del Entorno Mundial, Mexico, 24.-25.10.2002.

Ochoa, Gregorio Varela; Garibay, Salvador and Weidmann, Gilles (Eds.) (2006) 1er Encuentro latinoamericano y del caribe de productoras y productores experimentadores y de investigadores en agricultura orgánica, 26 al 29 de septiembre de 2006, Managua, Nicaragua. Memorias de resúmenes. [First Latin American and Carribbean Meeting of Organic Producers and Researchers, held September 26-28, 2006 in Managua, Niccaragua. Summary of the Presentations.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland. Proceedings of 1er Encuentro latinoamericano y del caribe de productoras y productores experimentadores y de investigadores en agricultura orgánica, Managua, Niccaragua, September 26-28, 2006.

Garibay, Salvador V. and Jyoti, Katke (2003) Market Opportunities and Challenges for Indian Organic Products. Research Institue of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Garibay, Salvador V. and Zamora, Eduardo (2003) Producción Orgánica en Nicaragua: limitaciones y potencialidades. [Organic Production in Nicaragua: Limitations and potentials.] .

Garibay, Salvador (2019) Soutenir les abeilles en début de saison. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at https://www.bioactualites.ch/actualites/nouvelle/abeilles-aide-debut-saison-4-20190.html, accessed on: 4 March 2020.

Garibay, Salvador (2019) Den Bienen beim Saisonstart helfen. Schweizer Bauer, 6 April 2019, p. 30.

Garibay, Salvador (2017) Anforderungen an die Bioimkerei. FiBL-Merkblatt. FiBL, Bio Suisse und Demeter, Ch-Frick, CH-Basel und Ch-Liestal.

Garibay, Salvador (2017) Bienenfallen vermeiden. Bioaktuell, 2017 (8), p. 5.

Garibay, Salvador (2017) Esigenze relative all'apicoltura biologica. Promemoria. Istituto di ricerca sull’agricoltura biologica (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Garibay, Salvador (2017) Evitare trappole per api. Bioattualità, 2017 (8), p. 3.

Garibay, Salvador (2017) Exigences pour l'apiculture biologique. Fiche technique. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick.

Garibay, Salvador (2017) Ne pas piéger les abeilles. Bioactualités, 2017 (8), p. 5.

Garibay, Salvador and Richter, Toralf (2005) El Mercado Europeo de Productos Orgánicos de Comercio Justo. .

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Garibay, Salvador V. (2010) Oportunidades de Mercado para productos organicos mexicanos en Europa. Paper at: Foro Internacional de Agricultura Orgánica y Comercio Justo., Mexico, 12.-13. November 2010.

Garibay, Salvador V. (2010) Organic Farming in Latin America: some trends. Paper at: Biofach Congress 2010, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 20, 2010. [Completed]

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Gian, Nicolay; Dabire, Rémy; Fliessbach, Andreas; Glin, Laurent and Sissoko, Fagaye (2013) SYPROBIO: Driving farmer-led innovation platforms to address food security, poverty alleviation and resilience to climate change in West African cotton communities. In: Proceedings AISA Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systemsin Africa, Nairobi, 29–31 May 2013, pp. 156-161.

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Hasler, Tanjy; Ghazoul, Jaboury and Garibay, Salvador (2017) Der Einfluss der Honigbienen auf Pflanzen-Bestäuber-Netzwerke in den Schweizer Alpen. Poster at: Frühjahrskonferenz Bioimkerei 2017, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 25.2.2017. [Completed]

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Horton, Douglas; Devaux, André; Thiele, Graham; Hareau, Guy; Ordinola, Miguel; López, Gaston; Mayanja, Sarah and Bernet, Thomas (2020) Collective action for inclusive value-chain innovation: Implementation and results of the Participatory Market Chain Approach. Social Sciences Working Paper, no. 2020-1, Lima, Peru: International Potato Center .

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Huber, Beate (2006) Organic Certification and Organic Regulations in the World. Speech at: BioFach Congress 2006, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Huber, Beate (2005) Organic Certification World-Wide. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2005, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, 24.2.2005-27.2.2005.

Huber, Beate (2003) Comparison between two accreditation criteria: A report on the differences between the IFOAM Accreditation Criteria and ISO 65 (EN 45011). The Organic Standard (30), pp. 1-2.

Huber, Beate (2003) Residues re-open argument on organic standards. The Organic Standard (24), pp. 13-14.

Huber, Beate; Hansen, Jens G.; Schmid, Otto and Ziegler, Katia (2006) Database to compare standards. The Organic Standard (68), pp. 12-13.

Huber, Beate; Heeb, Marlene and Nentcheva, Gergana (2007) Balkan Biocert. The Organic Standard (70), pp. 3-6.

Huber, Beate; Kilcher, Lukas and Schmid, Otto (2007) Organic Regulations 2006. The Organic Standard (70), p. 14.

Huber, Beate; Kilcher, Lukas and Schmid, Otto (2007) Standards and Regulations. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2007. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Bonn, Germany & Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, chapter 8, pp. 56-66.

Huber, Beate (Ed.) (2008) Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework. Second Round Table of the Eastern European Countries. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick. Proceedings of Organic Agriculture and Legal Framework. Second Round Table of the Eastern European Countries, Kyiv, Ukraine, November 5&6, 2008. [Unpublished]

Huber, Beate and Neuendorff, Jochen (2007) How to safeguard integrity within organic systems. Speech at: European Organic Congress, Belgium, Brussels, 4.-6.12.2007.

Huber, Beate and Schmid, Otto (2009) Standards and Regulations. In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2009. FiBL, IFOAM and ITC, Frick, Bonn and Geneva, chapter 3, pp. 65-74.

Huber, Beate; Schmid, Otto and Napo-Bitantem, Gbati (2010) Standards and Regulations. In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2010. FiBL and IFOAM, Frick and Bonn, chapter 4, pp. 72-79.

Huber, Beate (2010) Alles viel einfacher? – Neue Importregelungen der EU-Öko-Verordnung …. BIORecht, 2010 (1), pp. 34-37.

Huber, Beate (2010) Regulations and Certification Emerging Trends 2010. Paper at: BioFach 2010, Germany, Nuremberg, 17. – 20.02.2010. [Completed]

Huber, Beate and Mäder, Rolf (2008) Kontrollsysteme müssen sich weiter entwickeln. Ökologie & Landbau, 2008, pp. 23-25.

Huber, Beate; Neuendorff, Jochen and Stolze, Matthias (2013) Adequacy of the import regime. In: Sanders, Jürn (Ed.) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Germany, Braunschweig, chapter 9, pp. 165-190.

Huber, Beate; Schmid, Otto ; Speiser, Bernhard; Beck, Alexander and Oehen, Bernadette (2009) EU-Verordnung Öko-Landbau. In: Praxishandbuch Bio-Lebensmittel. Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, chapter 2.

Huber, Beate and Willer, Helga (2010) Warenzeichen für Produkte aus ökologischem Landbau – international. In: Praxishandbuch Bio-Lebensmittel . Behr's Verlag, Hamburg, chapter 4.2, pp. 1-15.

Kilcher, Lukas (2007) How Organic Agriculture Contributes to Sustainable Development. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2007. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Bonn, Germany & Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, chapter 11, pp. 82-91.

Kilcher, Lukas (2007) How organic agriculture contributes to sustainable development. JARTS Witzenhausen, Supplement 89, 2007, pp. 31-49.

Kilcher, Lukas (2006) Mit Biolandbau aus der Armut. Nord - Süd - Forum, January 2006, p. 13.

Kilcher, Lukas (2006) How can Organic Agriculture contribute to Sustainable Development? In: Tropentag 2006 “Prosperity and Poverty in a Globalised World — Challenges for Agricultural Research”. University of Bonn, Germany, p. 57.

Kilcher, Lukas (2006) Kubas Biolandbau-Revolution: Auskommen mit den eigenen Ressourcen. Geographische Rundschau, 58 (12), pp. 54-60.

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Kilcher, Lukas (2005) Organic Citrus: Challenges in Production and Trade. In: Cuaderno de Resumenes I Conferencia Internacional de Citricultura Ecologica BIOCIITRICS, pp. 22-27.

Kilcher, Lukas (2001) Organic agriculture in Cuba: The revolution goes green. Journal of Agriculture in the Tropics and Subtropics, 102 (2), pp. 185-189.

Kilcher, Lukas; Eisenring, Tobias and Menon, Manoj (2008) Organic market development in Africa, Asia and Latin America: Case studies and conclusions for national action plans. Paper at: 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Kilcher, Lukas; Huber, Beate and Schmid, Otto (2006) Standards and Regulations. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2006. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements IFOAM, Bonn, Germany and Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland, pp. 74-83.

Kilcher, Lukas; Huber, Beate and Schmid, Otto (2004) Standards and Regulations. In: Willer, Helga and Yussefi, Minou (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics and Emerging Trends 2004. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau und Stiftung Ökologie & Landbau, pp. 27-43.

Kilcher, Lukas; Khanna, Ranjana; Huber, Beate; Richter, Toralf; Schmid, Otto and Staubli, Franziska (2004) The Organic Market in Switzerland and the EU - Overview and market access information for producers and international trading companies. FiBL Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau, SIPPO Swiss Import Promotion Programme.

Kilcher, Lukas (2007) Die multidimensionale Natur der Ernährungssicherung. In: Es kamen fast 200 Besucher (Ed.) Welternährung – ökologisch und fair, Kassel University Press, Kassel, pp. 26-29.

Kilcher, Lukas; Weidmann, Gilles and Garibay, Salvador V. (2007) IFOAM Training Manual for Organic Agriculture in the Humid Tropics. International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), D-Bonn.

Kilcher, Lukas; Willer, Helga; Huber, Beate; Frieden, Claudia; Schmutz, Res and Schmid, Otto (2011) The Organic Market in Europe. Overview and Market Access Information for Producers and International Trading Companies. Fourteen Country Examples in the European Free Trade Association and the European Union, with a Special Focus on Switzerland. FiBL and Sippo, CH-Frick and CH-Zürich.

Krebs, Adrian (2014) Wettstreit der Kakaosysteme im bolivianischen Dschungelcamp. LED Magazin BlickWECHSEL, 1/2014, pp. 16-17.

Lottaz, Salome; Garibay, Salvador; Richter, Toralf and Hirsch, Stefan (2017) Marktanalyse für Biohonig in der Schweiz und Deutschland. Poster at: Frühjahrskonferenz Bioimkerei 2017, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 25.2.2017. [Completed]

Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, Sitaram; Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Zundel, Christine; Forster, Dionys and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Participatory Technology Development (PTD) Trials in India. Poster at: Symposium “Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed]

Meili, Eric (2007) Das Alter und die Zartheit von Rindfleisch. Zürcher Bauer, p. 11.

Meinshausen, Florentine; Richter, Toralf; Blockeel, Johan and Huber, Beate (2019) Group Certification. Internal Control Systems in Organic Agriculture: Significance, Opportunities and Challenges. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick.

Messmer, Monika and Riar, Amritbir (2018) Bio-Baumwolle vom Saatgut zum T-Shirt. Poster at: Tag der offenen Tür, FiBL, Frick, Schweiz, 19.08.2018. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika and Riar, Amritbir (2017) Organic Cotton Breeding. Opportunities and Challenges. Paper at: IFOAM SEED PLATFORM & ECO-PB Pre-Conference on Organic Seed and Plant Breeding, New Delhi, India, 8th November 2017. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika M.; Joshi, Tanay; Raghuwanshi, Shivraj; Sana, Ramprasad; Verma, Rajeev; Deshmukh, Surendra; Kumar, Ashok; Raghuwanshi, Vikram; Paslawar, Adinath; Mondal, Ashis; Shastry, Prakash; Ambatipudi, Arun; Vonzun, Seraina and Riar, Amritbir (2020) Participatory breeding for Securing Organic Cotton and Genetic Diversity. Keynote presentation at: 10th Organic Seed Growers Conference, Corvallis, Oregon, 12-15th February 2020. [Completed]

Messmer, Monika M.; Raghuwanshi, Shivraj; Ramprasad, Sana; Verma, Rajeev; Joshi, Tanay; Deshmukh, Surendr; Ashok, Kumar; Vikram, Raghuwanshi; Adinath, Paslawar; Mondal, Ashis; Shastry, Prakash; Ambatipudi, Arun; Vonzun, Seraina and Riar, Amritbir (2018) Seeding the Green Future - Participatory organic cotton breeding. In: Proceedings of the DIVERSIFOOD Congress 2018, "Cultivating Diversity and Food Quality", 12-12 December 2018, Rennes, France, p. 94.

Mikkelsen, Camilla; Blake, Francis; Huber, Beate and van Boxem, Herman (2009) The new organic import scheme in the EU. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 19-22, 2009.

Mitrovic, Marija Sijan (2012) Best Practice Case Study of the Participatory Market Chain Approach (PMCA) application as part of the SDC funded project “Sustainable Agriculture Support to Albania” 2009 to 2011. Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) .

Muriuki, Anne; Musyoka, Martha; Zundel, Christine; Schulthess, F and Mwangi, K (2009) First season maize performance in a long-term farming systems comparison trial at KARI-Thika, Kenya. In: Towards the Realisation of Sustainable Growth and Development, Egerton University, Egerton, Kenya.

Musyoka, Martha; Zundel, Christine; Chabi-Olaye, Adenirin; Muriuki, Anna; Mucheru-Muna, Monica and Vanlauwe, Bernard (2010) Site-specific organic and conventional crop yields in a long-term farming systems comparison in sub-humid central Kenya. Paper at: Tropentag, Zurich, Switzerland, 14-16 September 2010.

Musyoka, Martha W.; Adamtey, Noah; Bünemann, Else K.; Muriuki, Anne W.; Karanja, Edward N.; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Fiaboe, Komi K.M. and Cadisch, Georg (2019) Nitrogen release and synchrony in organic and conventional farming systems of the Central Highlands of Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 113 (3), pp. 283-305.

Musyoka, Martha W.; Adamtey, Noah; Muriuki, Anne W.; Bautze, David; Karanja, Edward N.; Mucheru-Muna, Monica; Fiaboe, Komi K.M. and Cadisch, Georg (2019) Nitrogen leaching losses and balances in conventional and organic farming systems in Kenya. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems, 114 (3), pp. 237-260.

Musyoka, Martha W.; Adamty, Noah; Muriuki, Anne W. and Cadisch, Georg (2017) Effect of organic and conventional farming systems on nitrogen use efficiency of potato, maize and vegetables in the Central highlands of Kenya. European Journal of Agronomy, 86, pp. 24-36.

Neuendorff, Jochen and Huber, Beate (2009) The new import regulation; More reliability for imported organic products? in The New EU Regulation for organic food and farming: (EC) No 834/2007. .

Neumann, Natalie; Speiser, Bernhard; Rüegg, Elisabeth and Liebl, Boris (2016) Survey 2016 of the Residue Situation in Turkish Organic Products. ARGE FiBL Türkei, D-Germany .

Nicolay, Gian L. (2019) Understanding and Changing Farming, Food & Fiber Systems. The Organic Cotton Case in Mali and West Africa. Open Agriculture, 4 (1), pp. 86-97.

Nicolay, Gian L. (2014) Am Ende bleibt alles beim Alten. Ökologie & Landbau, 2014, 4/2014, pp. 22-23.

Nicolay, Gian L. (2014) Rapport intermédiaire - Syprobio - 2014. Insitut de recherche de l'agiculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Nicolay, Gian L. (2013) Rapport intermédiaire - Syprobio - 2013. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Nicolay, Gian L. (2012) Rapport intermédiaire - Syprobio - 2012. Institut de recherche de l'agriculture biologique (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Nicolay, Gian L. (2011) Welche Landwirtschaft für Afrika? Akzeptanz und Potenzial biologischer Methoden. afrika-bulletin (141), pp. 6-7.

Nicolay, Gian L. and Baker, Brian (2012) Challenges and Opportunities for Organic Research and Extension. Rural 21, 46 (3/2012), pp. 32-34.

Nicolay, Gian L.; Dabire, Rémy; Fliessbach, Andreas; Glin, Laurent and Sissoko, Fagaye (2013) Syprobio: Farmer-led innovation platforms to address food security, poverty alleviation and resilience to climate change in West African cotton-growing communities. Paper at: International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA) , Nairobi, Kenya, 29-31 May 2013. [Completed]

Nicolay, Gian L. and Fliessbach, Andreas (2012) Production of Innovations within Farmer–Researcher Associations Applying Transdisciplinary Research Principles. In: International Conference on Research for Development (ICRD 2012). Research for Global Transformation, Theme 4: Enabling Research in Global Transformation Session 26: Integrated Development Research Approach, NCCR North-South Dialogue, no. 44, p. 164.

Ohlashennyy, Yuriy and Eisenring, Tobias (2013) СМАК УКРАЇНСЬКИХ КАРПАТ. [Taste of the Ukrainian Carpathians Trademark.] Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) , International Cooperation, Ukraine .

Padel, Susanne; Vine, Jane; Huber, Beate; Stolze, Matthias; Jespersen, Lizzie Melby; Rüegg, Elisabeth; Meinshausen, Florentine; Puliga, Alessandro; Compagnioni, Antonio and Belliere, Samanta Rosie (editor): Padel, Susanne (Ed.) (2010) The European Regulatory Framework and its implementation in influencing organic inspection and certification systems in the EU. Organic Research Centre - Elm Farm, Hamstead Marshall.

Pfiffner, Lukas and Armengot, Laura (2018) Biodiversity as a prerequisite of sustainable organic farming. In: Köpke, Prof. Ulrich (Ed.) Improving organic crop production. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK, chapter 16, x-x.

Prokopchuk, Natalie and Eisenring, Tobias (2011) Ukraine: Country Report. In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture - Statistics and Emerging Trends 2011. FiBL, IFOAM, Ch-Frick and D-Bonn, pp. 173-176.

Research Institute of Organic Agriculture, (FiBL) (2009) e-Learning Course on Successful Organic Production and Export (SOPE). [Module 3: Organic market and trade.] UNEP-UNCTAD, Frick.

Riar, Amritbir and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2016) Major bottlenecks of cotton production in Nimar valley of central India. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FIBL), Frick, Switzerland .

Riar, Amritbir; Cicek, Harun and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2018) SysCom Indien 2007-2022. Langzeitvergleich von biologischen und konventionellen Anbausystemen in der Baumwollfruchtfolge. Poster at: Tag der Offenen Tür, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 19.8.2018. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir; Joshi, Tanay and Messmer, Monika (2020) Participatory On-Farm Breeding of Organic Cotton. Leitfaden / Handbuch. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Riar, Amritbir; Joshi, Tanay and Messmer, Monika (2018) National Workshop of Organic Cotton Stakeholders - A Dialogue on Challenges and Persepective of Organic Cotton Production in India. Paper at: National Workshop on Organic Cotton Stakeholders, Indore, India, 20.11.2018. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir; Joshi, Tanay and Messmer, Monika (2018) Seeding the Green Future - Green Cotton 2013 – 2016. Partizipative Bio-Baumwollzüchtung mit Bäuerinnen und Bauern in Indien. Poster at: Tag der Offenen Tür, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 19.8.2018. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Poswal, Randhir S.; Messmer, Monika and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2017) What socially motivates farmers to grow organic cotton in central India? Paper at: 19th Organic World Congress, New Delhi, India, 9-11. November 2017. [Completed]

Riar, Amritbir; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Poswal, Randhir S.; Messmer, Monika M. and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2017) A Diagnosis of Biophysical and Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Farmers’ Choice to Adopt Organic or Conventional Farming Systems for Cotton Production. Frontiers in Plant Science, 8, p. 1289.

Riar, Amritbir and Messmer, Monika (2018) OCRT Regional Meeting: South Asia. Paper at: Orgnic Cotton Round Table, Milano, Italy, 22.10.2018. [Completed]

Richter, Toralf; Vaclavik, Tom and Garibay, Salvador (2007) Retailing organic food in Europe – latest trends in the distribution channels for organic products in Europe. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

Richter, Toralf (2017) Den Nerv getroffen. Ökologie & Landbau, 2017, 184 (4/2017), pp. 43-45.

Richter, Toralf; Bickel, Regula; Speiser, Bernhard; Huber, Beate; Batlogg, Verena; Guliyeva, Ksenia and Neuendorff, Jochen (2018) Assessment of irregularities in organic imports from Ukraine to the EU in 2016, notified in OFIS. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Sanders, Jürn; Padel, Susanne; Nocentini, Laura; Stolze, Matthias; Huber, Beate; Zander, Katrin; Poláková, Jana and Keenleyside, Clunie (2013) Towards an improved legislative framework for organic farming – Overall conclusions and recommendations. In: Sanders, Jürn (Ed.) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Germany, Braunschweig, chapter 14, pp. 273-294.

Sans Serra, Xavier F; Baldivieso-Freitas, P.; Blanco-Moreno, J.M.; Pérez-Ferrer, A.; Armengot, L.; Chamorro, L. and Romanyà, J. (2019) The Gallecs trial, a mid-term experiment on reduced tillage, fertilisation and green manure in Mediterranean dryland arable cropping systems. In: Agroscope, FiBL, ETH (Eds.) Program and abstract book. Comparing organic and conventional agricultural cropping systems - What can be learned from the DOK and other long-term trials? Congressi Stefano Franscini, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland, October 6-10, 2019, p. 81.

Schmid, Otto and Huber, Beate (2006) EU überarbeitet Bioverordnung. Bioaktuell (1/06), pp. 12-13.

Schmid, Otto; Huber, Beate; Ziegler, Katia; Jespersen, Lizzie Melby and Plakolm, Gerhard (2008) Analysis of differences between EU Regulation (EEC) 2092/91 in relation to other national and international standards. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Schneider, Monika (2006) Gaining trust in emerging markets. Principles of FiBL projects and its cooperation in South East Europe. Speech at: BioFach Congress, NürnbergMesse, Nuremburg, Germany, 16.-19.2.2006.

Schneider, Monika; Richter, Toralf; Spahn, Christoph and Portmann, Katrin (2005) Overview of international organic market development and potential export markets for organic products of Ukraine. FiBL Project Report. Research Institute of Organic Agriculture (FiBL) .

Sisodia, Bhupendra, S.; Verma, Rajeev; Patidar, Ishwar; Ramsing, S.; Bhat, Nissar, A.; Iqbal, S.; Bautze, David; Andres, Christian; Zundel, Christine; Forster, Dionys and Bhullar, Gurbir S. (2014) Long-term Farming System Comparison Trial in India. Poster at: Symposium “Participatory Research to foster Innovation in Agriculture”, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, 28th August 2014. [Completed]

Sodjinou, Epiphane; Glin, Laurent C.; Nicolay, Gian L.; Tovignan, Silvère and Hinvi, Jonas (2015) Socioeconomic determinants of organic cotton adoption in Benin, West Africa. Agricultural and Food Economics, 3 (12), pp. 1-22.

Sousa, Fernando; Gian, Nicolay and Home, Robert (2016) Information technologies as a tool for agricultural extension and farmer-to-farmer exchange: Mobile-phone video use in Mali... International Journal of Education and Development using Information and Communication Technology, 12 (3), pp. 19-36.

Sousa, Fernando; Nicolay, Gian and Home, Robert (2019) Video on mobile phones as an effective way to promote sustainable practices by facilitating innovation uptake in Mali. International Journal of Sustainable Development Research, 5 (1), pp. 1-8.

Sousa, Fernando; Nicolay, Gian and Home, Robert (2018) Video on mobile phones as an effective way to promote sustainable practices by facilitating innovation uptake in Mali. Poster at: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinarity Day 2018 "Inter- and Transdisciplinarity in a Digital World", EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 15 November 2018. [Completed]

Sousa, Fernando; Nicolay, Gian L.; Spurk, Christoph; Adamtey, Noah and Fliessbach, Andreas (2018) Dissemination and adoption of bottom-up agriculture to improve soil fertility in Africa: An interdisciplinary approach. In: Program and abstract Book of the XXIII International Conference of the Society for Human Ecology "Navigating Complexity: Human-Environmental Solutions for a Challenging Future", July 7-10, 2018; Lisbon, Portugal.

Speiser, Bernhard; Bickel, Regula; Huber, Beate and Urban, Jiri (2013) Guideline for handling pesticide residues in Czech organic production. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture (FiBL), CH-Frick .

Speiser, Bernhard; Ertem, Sena; Rüegg, Elisabeth and Huber, Beate (2013) Survey of the Residue Situation in Turkish Organic Products. ARGE FiBL Türkei.

Stolze, Matthias; Huber, Beate and Neuendorff, Jochen (2013) Adequacy of the overall control system. In: Sanders, Jürn (Ed.) Evaluation of the EU legislation on organic farming. Thünen Institute of Farm Economics, Germany, Braunschweig, chapter 8, pp. 131-163.

Studerus, Jovanka; Garibay, Salvador and Boos, Jürg (2017) Bestäubungsleistung der Honigbiene (Apis mellifera) in einer Feldobstanlage. Poster at: Frühjahrskonferenz Bioimkerei 2017, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 25.2.2017. [Completed]

Technology Innovation Platform of IFOAM, Organics International (2016) Challenges for organic farming research in the tropics and research policies. Science Day 2016. Paper at: BIOFACH Congress 2016, Nuremberg, Germany, February 10-13, 2016. [Completed]

Tovignan, D. Silvère; Sodjinou, Epiphane; Glin, Laurent C.; Hinvi, Jonas; Bonou-zin Dossi, Clariss Regina; Koussahoué, Stanislas and Nicolay, Gian L. (2018) Analyse des déterminants de la rentabilité du coton biologique et conventionnel au Bénin. [Analyzing the determinants of profitability of organic and conventional cotton in Benin.] International Journal of Innovation and Scientific Research, 39 (1), pp. 79-90.

Utz, Claudia; Zweifel, Juliana; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Andres, Christian; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. In: Tielkes, Eric (Ed.) Tropentag 2014, Book of Abstracts - Bridging the gap between increasing knowledge and decreasing resources, p. 146.

Utz, Claudia; Zweifel, Juliana; Mandloi, Lokendra S.; Patel, Dharmendra; Verma, Rajeev; Andres, Christian; Bhullar, Gurbir S. and Studer, Christoph (2014) Self-made pest control products for organic cotton production in Nimar region, Madhya Pradesh, India. Poster at: Symposium, “International Agriculture in a Changing World: Good News from the Field”, HAFL, Zollikofen, Switzerland, 19 June 2014. [Completed]

van Boxem, Herman; Huber, Beate and Schmid, Otto (2007) Exporting to Europe. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Center, Nuremburg, Germany, February 15-17, 2007.

van den Berge, Paul (2020) Buenas prácticas agrícolas en la gestión del riego. FiBL-Merkblatt. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

van den Berge, Paul (2020) Good agricultural practice in irrigation management. FiBL-Merkblatt. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick.

Vogl, Christian; Kilcher, Lukas and Schmidt, Hanspeter (2005) Are Standards and Regulations of Organic Farming Moving Away from Small Farmers’ Knowledge? Journal of Sustainable Agriculture, 26 (1), pp. 5-26.

von Arb, Cäcilia; Bünemann, Else K.; Schmalz, Hannah; Portmann, Mira; Adamtey, Noah; Musyoka, Martha W.; Frossard, Emmanuel and Fliessbach, Andreas (2020) Soil quality and phosphorus status after nine years of organic and conventional farming at two input levels in the Central Highlands of Kenya. Geoderma, 362, p. 114112.

Vonzun, Seraina; Messmer, Monika; Boller, Thomas; Shrivas, Yogendra; Patil, Shreekant S. and Riar, Amritbir (2019) Extent of Bollworm and Sucking Pest Damage on Modern and Traditional Cotton Species and Potential for Breeding in Organic Cotton. Sustainability, 22 (11), pp. 1-12.

Willer, Helga; Richter, Toralf; Rippin, Markus; Vaclavic, Tom and Garibay, Salvador (2009) The European Market for Organic Food and Drink. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2009, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremberg, Germany, February 19-22, 2009.

Willer, Helga; Sahota, Amarjit and Huber, Beate (2009) The World of Organic Agriculture at BioFach 2009. Speech at: BioFach Congress, Nürnberg Messe, Nuremberg, February 19-22, 2009.

Willer, Helga; Yussefi, Minou; Sahota, Amarjit and Huber, Beate (2007) The World of Organic Agriculture: Statistics and Emerging Trends. Speech at: BioFach Kongress 2007, Nürnberg Messe Convention Centre, Nuremberg, Germany, February 15-17, 2009.

Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau (FiBL), CH-Frick (Ed.) (2013) Presentations from the session "The revised EU import scheme: ensuring organic integrity?!" at the BioFach Congress 2013. . Proceedings of Biofach Congress 2013, NürnbergMesse, D-Nuremberg, February 15, 2013. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Sahota, Amarjit (2019) The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends 2019 at BIOFACH 2019. BIOFACH Congress 2019. Session: The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Germany, February 13-16, 2019. [Completed]

Willer, Helga; Lernoud, Julia; Huber, Beate and Sahota, Amarjit (2017) The World of Organic Agriculture (Session at the BIOFACH 2017). Paper at: BIOFACH Congress 2017, Nuremberg, Germany, February 15, 2017. [Completed]

Willer, Helga and Sahota, Amarjit (2020) The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends 2020 at BIOFACH 2020. BIOFACH Congress 2020. Session: The World of Organic Agriculture, Statistics and Emerging Trends, Messezentrum Nürnberg, Germany, February 12-15, 2020. [Completed]

Yameogo, Kouka; Nicolay, Gian L.; Dabire, Rémy and Glin, Laurent (2015) La transdisciplinarite comme approche innovante de recherche action; le cas du projet syprobio. Paper at: Foire de l’Innovation Paysanne en l’Afrique de l’Ouest (FIPAO), Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, 12-16 May 2015. [Completed]

Ziegler, Katia (2006) Knospe wird noch sozialer. Bioaktuell (3/06), p. 20.

Zollinger, Nicola; Oehen, Bernadette and Garibay, Salvador (2017) Marktanalyse zum Bio-Honig-Verkauf in der Schweiz. Poster at: Frühjahrskonferenz Bioimkerei 2017, FiBL Frick, Schweiz, 25.2.2017. [Completed]

Zundel, C.; Musyoka, M.; Baruah, R.; Kilcher, L.; Muriuki, A.; Vanlauwe, B.; Chabi-Olaye, A.; Mucheru, M. and Mäder, P. (2009) Langzeit-Systemvergleiche in Kenia und Indien: Konventionelle und biologische Erträge aus dem ersten Umstellungsjahr. Paper at: 10. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, ETH Zürich, Schweiz, 10.-13. Februar 2009.

Zundel, Christine and Kilcher, Lukas (2007) Organic Agriculture and Food Availability. Paper at: International Conference on Organic Agriculture and Food Security, Rome, Italy, May 3-5, 2007. [Unpublished]

Zundel, Christine; Kilcher, Lukas and Mäder, Paul (2007) Was kann der biologische Landbau zur nachhaltigen Entwicklung im Süden beitragen? – Langfristige Systemvergleiche in den Tropen. [What can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development? – Long-term farming system comparisons in the tropics.] Paper at: Zwischen Tradition und Globalisierung - 9. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Universität Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Deutschland, 20.-23.03.2007.

Zundel, Ch.; Kilcher, L. and Mäder, P. (2008) What can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development? – Long-term comparisons of farming systems in the tropics. Paper at: Cultivating the Future Based on Science. 2nd Conference of the International Society of Organic Agriculture Research (ISOFAR), in the Frame of the 16th IFOAM Organic World Congress, Modena, Italy, June 18-20, 2008.

Zundel, Christine; Kilcher, Lukas and Mäder, Paul (2007) What can organic agriculture contribute to sustainable development? – Long-term farming system comparisons in the tropics? In: Tielkes, E. (Ed.) Utilisation of diversity in land use systems: Sustainable and organic approaches to meet human needs: international research on food security, natural resource management and rural development; book of abstracts, Cuvillier Verlag, Göttingen.

This list was generated on Mon Mar 31 21:50:34 2025 CEST.