Items affiliated to "Market development"
Number of items at this level: 17. Armengot, Laura; Pérez-Neira, David and Jacobi, Johanna (2022) Editorial: Agroforestry, Food Sovereignty, and Value Chains for Sustainable Food Systems. Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems, 6 (859007), pp. 1-2. Beermann, Anke; Eisenring, Tobias and Richter, Toralf (2022) Krieg in der Ukraine: Die Auswirkungen auf die globale Lebens- und Futtermittelversorgung | FiBL Focus Talk. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at, accessed on: March 2023. Beermann, Anke; Richter, Toralf; Volkova, Anastaisa; Stretovych, Olena; Hämmerli, Franziska and Gabel, Vanessa (2024) Zwei Jahre Krieg: Die Folgen für die ukrainische Landwirtschaft | FiBL Focus. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . Online at, accessed on: April 2024. Deineko, Olena and Shor, Kateryna (2024) Gender study of the Organic Sector in Ukraine. Organic Initiative Public Association, Research Institute or Organic Agriculture FiBL (Switzerland), UA-Kyiv . Grovermann, Christian; Van Hoi, Phan; Thi Bich Yen, Nguyen; Schreinemachers, Pepijn; Ngo Hai, Minh and Ferrand, Pierre (2024) Impact of participatory guarantee systems on sustainability outcomes: the case of vegetable farming in Vietnam. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 22 (1), pp. 1-15. Horton, Douglas; Devaux, André; Bernet, Thomas; Mayanja, Sarah; Ordinola, Miguel and Thiele, Graham (2022) Inclusive innovation in agricultural value chains: lessons from use of a systems approach in diverse settings. Innovation and Development, 13 (3), pp. 517-539. Lazzarini, Gianna; Richter, Toralf; Tamina, Felder and Matthias, Stolze (2022) Market Potential for Organic Cocoa - Study on the global market for cocoa beans and semi-finished cocoa products. FiBL Report. Research Institute for Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick . Lütold, Jeremias (2023) Eine Chance, die gut riecht. Bioaktuell, 2023 (2), pp. 16-17. Lütold, Jeremias and Yushchenko, Oleksandr (2024) Biolandbau mitten im Krieg. Bioaktuell, 2024 (2), pp. 22-23. Lütold, Jeremias and Yushchenko, Oleksandr (2024) L’agriculture bio en pleine guerre. Bioactualités, 2024 (2), pp. 22-23. Maestrini, Nicoletta; Krebs, Krebs; Alföldi, Thomas and Eisenring, Tobias (2024) Bio-Handel in Zeiten des Krieges: Rolle der Frauen bei der ukrainisch-schweizerischen Zusammenarbeit. [Organic trade in times of war: Woman at the forefront of Ukrainian-Swiss cooperation.] Forschungsinstitut für Biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick . Meinshausen, Florentine (2024) FiBL Presentacion: El nuevo Reglamento Orgánico (UE) 2018/848 - Grupo de productores. [FiBL presentation (Spanish version): The New EU Organic Regulation 2018/848 for Producer Groups.] FiBL, CH-Frick . Meinshausen, Florentine (2024) EU-Regeln fordern Kleinbauern heraus. Ökologie & Landbau, 2024 (04), pp. 48-50. Richter, Toralf (2023) Integrity of third-country organic imports. Paper at: Department Meeting, Frick, Switzerland, 25th July 2023. [Completed] Richter, Toralf (2021) Results Of A European Market And Stakeholder Survey About Organic Processing Technologies. Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] Richter, Toralf and Prokopchuk, Natalie (2023) Ukraine – even the Russian war can’t stop organic sector development. Bioeco Actual, October 2023 (10), pp. 8-9. Sithole, Mupangi; Ng'ombe, Assan; Musafiri, Collins M.; Kiboi, Milka; Sales, Tomas and Ngetich, F.K. (2023) The Role of Agricultural Projects in Building Sustainable and Resilient Maize Value Chain in Burkina Faso. Sustainability, 15 (16684), pp. 1-15. This list was generated on Thu Feb 6 14:56:38 2025 CET. |