Items affiliated to "INAGRO, Department for Organic Crop Production (Rumbeke)"Number of items at this level: 50. Agro Transfert, Université de Picardie Jules Verne, Bio en Hauts de France, BioForum, inagro, Biowallonie, CRA-W, CCBT (editor): Campion, Morgane (Ed.) (2023) Féverole d’hiver, comment l’associer ? [How to combine winter faba beans?] . De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2021) Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke. De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2020) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: 2019-2020. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2019-2020.] 6 edition. De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek. ILVO, Merelbeke. De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan (Eds.) (2018) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2017-2018. [Organic food and farming in Flanders: Research 2017-2018.] 5 edition. Network for Organic food and farming research (NOBL), Merelbeke. De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2016) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2015-2016. [Organic Food and Farming in Flanders: Research 2015-2016.] 4 edition. Network for Organic food and farming research (NOBL), Merelbeke. De Cock, Lieve (Ed.) (2014) De biologische landbouw in Vlaanderen: Onderzoek 2013-2014. [Organic food and farming in Flanders: Research 2013-2014.] 4 edition. Netwerk Onderzoek Biologische Landbouw en voeding (NOBL), Merelbeke. {Project} POULTRYNSECT: The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production. Runs 2021 - 2023. Project Leader(s): Gai, Dr. Francesco, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche . {Project} POULTRYNSECT: The use of live insect larvae to improve sustainability and animal welfare of organic chickens production. Runs 2021 - 2023. Project Leader(s): Gai, Dr. Francesco, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche . Athanassiou, C.G.; Coudron, C.L.; Deruytter, D.; Rumbos, C.I.; Gasco, L.; Gai, F.; Sandrock, C.; De Smet, J.; Tettamanti, G.; Francis, A.; Petrusan, J-I. and Smetana, S. (2024) A decade of advances in black soldier fly research: from genetics to sustainability. Journal of Insects as Food and Feed, online, pp. 1-29. Barbry, Joran (2019) Alles over bio - Onderzoeker JORAN BARBRY van INAGRO over innovatieve technieken in de biolandbouw. [All about Organic farming - INAGRO researcher JORAN BARBRY on innovative techniques in organic farming.] VLAM, Youtube. Barbry, Joran and De Laet, Patricia (2019) Strokenteelt en vast rijpadensysteem beloftevolle nieuwe technieken in biolandbouw. [Strip cultivation and controlled traffic farming promising new techniques in organic farming.] VLAM. Online at, accessed on: November 2019. Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2019) Strokenteelt beloftevol als nieuw teeltsysteem. [Strip cultivation as a promising new cultivation system.] Proeftuinnieuws, June 2019, 2019 (11), pp. 28-29. Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2019) SUREVEG - Strip-cropping and recycling of waste for biodiverse and resoURce-Efficient intensive VEGetable production. In: De Cock, Lieve and Van Waes, Johan (Eds.) Organic Food and Farming in Flanders. NOBL, Merelbeke, pp. 84-85. Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2018) SUREVEG: Europese projectgroep bezoekt proefhoeve Inagro en workshop levert belangrijke input. [SUREVEG: European project group visits organic trial farm at Inagro and the workshop provides important input.] Biopraktijk, October 2018, p. 2. Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2018) Strokenteelt en gecomposteerde plantaardige reststromen als nieuw teeltsysteem voor bio volleveldsgroenten. [Stripcropping and composted vegetable waste streams as a new cultivation system for organic vegetables.] Inagro vzw, Rumbeke-Beitem, Belgium. Online at, accessed on: November 2019. Beeckman, Annelies and Delanote, Lieven (2013) Vlinderbloemigen tillen stikstofvoorziening naar een hoger niveau. [Legumes lift nitrogen supply to a higher level.] CCBT, Belgium. Beeckman, Annelies; Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2014) Rassenkeuze erwten en veldbonen in combinatie met triticale. [Variety choice of peas and faba beans together with triticale.] Working paper. Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Bellezza Oddon, Sara; Gaddés, Marwa; Soglia, Dominga; Forte, Claudio; Renna, Manuela; Gasco, Laura; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Pagliasso, Giulia; Dellepiane, Lucrezia and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Blood chemistry of medium-growing male and female chickens supplemented black soldier fly live larvae. In: Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Zambotto, Valeria; Cappone, Eleonora Erika; Biasato, Ilaria; Renna, Manuela; Forte, Claudio; Coudron, Carl; Bergagna, Stefania; Gai, Francesco and Schiavone, Achille (2022) Black soldier fly larvae used for environmental enrichment purposes: Can they affect the growth, slaughter performance, and blood chemistry of medium-growing chickens? Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9, pp. 1-13. Coudron, Carl (2022) Compound diets formulation and Hermetia illucens larvae performance. Working paper. {Tool} Which harrow is suitable for weed control in organic cereals? (OK-Net Arable Practice abstract). Creator(s): Delanote, Lieven; Dewaele, Karel and An, Jamart. Issuing Organisation(s): Inagro. OK-Net Arable Practice abstract, no. 026. (2018) Delanote, Lieven; Temmerman, Femke and Dewaele, Karel (2014) Composite cross populations keep up with winter wheat varieties. Inagro vzw . Dewaele, Karel; Beeckman, Annelies and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Rassenkeuze erwten en veldbonen in combinatie met triticale. [Variety choice of pea and faba bean together with triticale.] Working paper. Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Samengestelde kruisingspopulaties bevestigen. [Composite cross populations confirm earlier results.], October 2015, 5 (9), pp. 6-9. Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2015) A focus on cereals in conference on organic breeding and propagation material with Belgian stakeholders. COBRA. Dewaele, Karel and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Erwt en veldboon voor biologische zomermengteelt. [Fodder pea and faba bean for organic summer mixed crops.] Working paper. Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven and Beeckman, Annelies (2015) Meer eigen eiwitproductie met mengteelten van granen en peulvruchten. [More on-farm protein production with mixed crops of cereals and grain legumes.] Poster at: TAM Agroecology in action, Leuven, Belgium, November 16th, 2015. [Completed] Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven; Dewitte, Kevin and Haesaert, Geert (2015) Organic field trials of winter and summer crop mixtures of grain legumes and cereals in Belgium. Poster at: COBRA Final Conference, Denmark, 24th-25th November 2015. Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven and Temmerman, Femke (2015) Samengestelde kruisingspopulaties: alternatief veredelingsconcept in granen? [Composite cross populations: alternative breeding concept in cereals?] Poster at: TAM Agroecology in action, Leuven, Belgium, November 16th, 2015. [Completed] Dewaele, Karel; Delanote, Lieven and Temmerman, Femke (2014) Samengestelde kruisingspopulaties doen niet onder voor wintertarwerassen. [Composite cross populations keep up with winter wheat varieties.] Working paper. Dewaele, Karel and Dewitte, Justine (2018) Robuuste rassen, weerbare bioteelt. [Robust varieties, resilient organic crops.] BIOpraktijk, March 2018, pp. 1-2. Dewaele, Karel; Jamart, An and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Studienamiddag ‘Uitgangsmateriaal in de biologische akkerbouw en groenteteelt vandaag en in de toekomst'. [Back to the real origin of organic seed.], March 2015, 2015 (March). Dewaele, Karel; Temmerman, Femke and Delanote, Lieven (2015) Performance of winter wheat CCP’s in comparison to reference varieties in organic field trials in Belgium. Poster at: COBRA Final Conference, Denmark, 24th-25th November 2015. Goffart, D.; Temmerman, Femke; Dubois, V. and Jamar, Laurent (2022) Mouche de la carotte (Psila rosae) Comprendre sa biologie et s’en protéger en “zéro phyto”. [Carrot fly (Psila rosae) Understanding its biology and protecting yourself with "zero phyto".] CRA-W, Inagro, Bio-HDF . {Tool} Fodder trees for organic dairy goats. [Voederbomen voor bio melkgeiten.] Creator(s): Golsteyn, Laura; Landuyt, Carmen and Valckx, Jan. Issuing Organisation(s): CCBT - Coordination centre for applied research and extension on organic agriculture, Wim Govaerts, Odisee - University of Applied Sciences, Inagro. (2022) Heines, Wiebke; Ristic, Dusan; Rosenberger, Sandra; Coudron, Carl; Gai, Francesco; Schiavone, Achille and Smetana, Sergiy (2023) Eggs or meat? Environmental impact and efficiency assessment of chicken protein production with potential of Hermetia illucens use in feed. Resources, Conservation & Recycling Advances, 16, ?-?. Himanen, Sari; Hondebrink, Merel; Koopmans, Chris; Axelsen, Jørgen Aagaard; Barbry, Joran; Blande, James; Dupont, Y.; Lepse, Līga; Mäkinen, Joonas; Nissinen, Anne; Saussure, Stephanie and van Apeldoorn, Dirk (2022) SureVeg - Supporting aboveground biodiversity by strip intercropping in organic vegetable production. CORE organic Practice Abstract, 12 January 2022, 00, 00-00. [draft] Hondebrink, M; Barbry, J; Himanen, Sari; Lakkenborg, H; Lepse, Liga; Trinchera, A. and Koopmans, Chris J. (2019) Overview of farmers expected benefits of diversification. Report on national stakeholder involvement. Lous Bolk institute, Driebergen. Jamar, Laurent and Temmerman, Femke (2021) Les ravageurs des choux: de nouvelles pistes pour s'en protéger. [Cabbage pests: new ways to protect against them.] Itinéraires Bio, July 2021, 59, pp. 61-67. Kempen, Ine and Beeckman, Annelies (2016) Regionaal voeder in een pluimveerantsoen: welke mogelijkheden? [Regional diets for poultry: which opportunities?] Biopraktijk, 9 March 2016, pp-pp. Lateur, Marc; Jorion, Alexis; Jamar, Laurent; Goffart, Dimitri; Dendauwe, E.; De Groote, Stefanie; Temmerman, Femke; Tournant, Ludovic; Leleu-Wateau, Karine; Oste, Sandrine; Pertriaux, JB; Ameline, A. and Doury, G. (2022) « Zéro-Phyto » : Bilan et démonstrations sur le terrain de recherches transfrontalières d’alternatives pour cultiver des fruits et légumes sans traitements phytosanitaires. ["Zéro-Phyto": Review and field demonstrations of cross-border research into alternatives for growing fruit and vegetables without phytosanitary treatments.] CRA-W, Gembloux. Lippens, Louis; Barbry, Joran and Willekens, Koen (2018) Biologische teeltsystemen herbekeken. [Organic cultivation systems reconsidered.] Proeftuinnieuws, June 2018, 11 (11), p. 19. Peigne, Joséphine; Casagrande, Marion; Payet, Vincent; David, Christophe; Sans, F. Xavier; Blanco-Moreno, José M.; Cooper, Julia; Gascoyne, Kate; Antichi, Daniele; Bàrberi, Paolo; Bigongiali, Federica; Surböck, Andreas; Kranzler, Andreas; Beechman, Annelies; Willekens, Koen; Luik, Anne; Matt, Darja; Grosse, Meike; Heß, Jürgen; Clerc, Maurice; Dierauer, Hansueli and Mäder, Paul (2016) How organic farmers practice conservation agriculture in Europe. Renewable Agriculture and Food Systems, 31 (1), pp. 72-85. Ristic, D.; Heines, W.; Coudron, C.; Schiavone, A.; Claeys, J.; Gai, F. and Smetana, Sergiy (2021) Environmental impact of feeds utilized for poultry protein productions: soybean vs insect larvae. Oral Presentation at: 72nd Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science, Davos, Switzerland, 30/08/2021-03/09/2021. Ristic, Dusan; Silva, Beatriz Q.; Heines, W.; Coudron, Carl; Schiavone, Achille; Claeys, Jonas; Gai, Francesco and Smetana, Sergiy (2022) Chicken: feed or insects, eggs or meat? Oral Presentation at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022. Shanmugam, Sindhuja; Hefner, Margita; Willekens, Koen; Trinchera, Alessandra; Pirjo, Kivijärvi; Koopmans, Chris; Van Apeldoorn, Dirk; Lepse, Liga; Barbry, Joran; Valero, Constantino and Lakkenborg Kristensen, Hanne (2021) Faba Bean: A Potential Intercrop In Organic Vegetable Production In A European Perspective? Paper at: Organic World Congress 2021, Science Forum: 6th ISOFAR Conference co-organised with INRA, FiBL, Agroecology Europe, TP Organics and ITAB, Rennes, France, 8 - 10 September, 2021. [Completed] Sobry, Luk (2018) Rogge als ‘graasgraan’ levert smakelijk gewas. [Rye as a tasty grazing crop.] BIOpraktijk, February 2018, pp. 1-2. Van Gils, Bert; Willekens, Koen; Beeckman, Annelies and Delanote, Lieven (2014) Onderzoek naar niet-kerende bodembewerking en groenbemesters: resultaten veldproeven 2013. BIOpraktijk, 1 April 2014, pp. 1-3. Willekens, Koen and Debode, Jane (2016) Bodemmicrobiologie als indicator voor bodemkwaliteit? [Soil microbiology as an indicator for soil quality?] BIOpraktijk, 17 February 2016, pp-pp. Zambotto, Valeria; Bongiorno, Valentina; Gariglio, Marta; Gasco, Laura; Daniele, Giulia Maria; Cianciabella, Marta; Schiavone, Achille; Gai, Francesco; Coudron, Carl and Predieri, Stefano (2022) Sensorial evaluation of breast of chicken reared in organic system and supplemented with live black soldier fly larvae. Poster at: 4th Insects to Feed the World Conference, Québec City, Canada, 12/06/2022-16/06/2022. This list was generated on Sun Mar 9 03:31:17 2025 CET. |