Maa- ja elintarviketalouden tutkimuskeskus Forskningscentralen för jordbruk och livsmedelsekonomi Agrifood Research Finland

Soil and environment
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Home > Research, Environment
Soil and environment

lHigh yields of quality grains and animal products produced by economical and environmentally friendly agricultural practice require good treatment of soil. Sustainable arable farming takes advantage of the synergy between soil, its organisms and the root system. The soil should be able to absorb and release plant nutrients, to store water, to oxygenate root systems and to break down waste products. These requirements demand good soil structure, nutritional stability and symbiotic organisms in the cultivated land.

We are studying the impact of soil management on the agricultural capacity of fields, the quality of products and the environment.

Our research topics include soil structure, nutrition cycles and improving utilization as well as decreasing contamination of watercourses and gaseous emissions caused by agriculture and the biodiversity of the ground.

Soil and environmental research is headed by Professor Martti Esala, Director of Soil and Environment, PhD.





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