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Items affiliated to " KoorForm - Coordination and communication of DARCOF III"

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Number of items at this level: 32.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Halberg, Niels (Eds.) (2008) Udvikling, vækst og integritet i den danske økologisektor. Vidensyntese om muligheder og barrierer for fortsat udvikling og markedsbaseret vækst i produktion, forarbejdning og omsætning af økologiske produkter. [Development, growth and integrity in the Danish organic sector. A knowledge synthesis on the opportunities and barriers for a continued development and market-based growth in production, processing, and sale of organic products.] ICROFS-rapport, no. 1. Internationalt Center for Forskning i Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (ICROFS), Denmark.

Alrøe, Hugo (2007) Vokseværk og vidsyn for økologien. [Growing pains and far-sight for organics.] Økologisk Jordbrug, April 2007 (382), p. 16.

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Kristensen, Erik Steen (2007) Foreløbig evaluering af forskningsresultater i FØJO II. [Preliminary evaluation of research results in DARCOF II.] Forskningscenter for Økologisk Jordbrug og Fødevaresystemer (FØJO) . [Unpublished]

Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted and Noe, Egon (2008) What makes organic agriculture move - protest, meaning or market? A polyocular approach to the dynamics and governance of organic agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Resources, Governance and Ecology (IJARGE), 7 (1/2), pp. 5-22.

Elsgaard, Lars (2007) E-learning guideline for submission of QLIF publications to Organic Eprints. QLIF Newsletter ( 6).

Halberg, Niels (2008) Energy use and Green house gas emission in organic agriculture. In: Organic agriculture and climate change. The contribution that organic agriculture and our dietary choices can make to the mitigatin of global warming, Centre National de Ressources en Agriculture Biologique.

Halberg, Niels (2008) Wie ökologischer Landbau die Welt ernähren könnte. [Organic agriculture and global food security.] Ökologie & Landbau, 148 (4), pp. 19-21.

Halberg, Niels; Hermansen, John E.; Kristensen, Ib Sillebak; Eriksen, Jørgen and Tvedegaard, Niels (2008) Comparative environmental assessment of three systems for organic pig production in Denmark. In: Köpke, Ulrich and Sohn, Sang Mok (Eds.) ISOFAR Conference Series, ISOFAR Conference Series, pp. 249-261.

Halberg, Niels; Peramaiyan, Panneerselvam and Walaga, Charles (2009) Is Organic Farming an Unjustified Luxury in a World with too many hungry People? In: Willer, Helga and Kilcher, Lukas (Eds.) The World of Organic Agriculture. Statistics & Emerging Trends 2009. FiBL and IFOAM, pp. 95-100.

Halberg, Niels (2010) Chancen und Barrieren des ökologischen Wachstums. Kennzeichen DK, December 2010, pp. 10-11.

Halberg, Niels; Harttung, Thomas; Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Alrøe, Hugo Fjelsted (2008) ICROFS news 1/2008 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, November 2008 (1).

Noe, Egon and Alrøe, Hugo F. (2007) Quality dimensions as an analytical tool to study food networks and development trajectories – A Pirsigian based framework illustrated by Danish organic food chains. Paper at: ESRS conference in Wageningen, 20 – 24. August 2007: WG 14 – The different trajectories of European organics and their sustainability. [Unpublished]

Noe, Egon; Alrøe, Hugo F. and Langvad, Anne Mette S. (2008) A polyocular framework for research on multifunctional farming and rural development. Sociologia Ruralis, 48 (1), pp. 1-15.

Rasmussen, Ilse A. and Mallory, Ellen (2010) Organic bread-wheat in New England, USA. ICROFS news, November 2010 (4), pp. 12-13.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) ICROFS news 4/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news - international newsletter from ICROFS (4), - .

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) ICROFS news 3/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news - newsletter from ICROFS, August 2009 (3).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling (2009) ICROFS news 1/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, February 2009 (1).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 4/2009 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2009 (4).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 3/2009 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, October 2009 (3).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 2/2009 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, June 2009 (2).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS news 2/2009 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news no. 2, May 2009.

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2009) ICROFS nyt 1/2009 - nyheder fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, March 2009 (1).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2008) ICROFS nyt 2/2008 - nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2008 (2).

Rebsdorf, Simon Olling and Sørensen, Linda S. (2008) ICROFS nyt 1/2008 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, September 2008 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 4/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, December 2010 (4).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 4/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, November 2010 (4).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 3/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, October 2010 (3).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 3/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, August 2010 (3).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 2/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, July 2010 (2).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 2/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, May 2010 (2).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS nyt 1/2010 - Nyhedsbrev fra ICROFS. ICROFS nyt, March 2010 (1).

Rebsdorf, S.O. and Søndergaard, L.S. (2010) ICROFS news 1/2010 - newsletter from ICROFS. ICROFS news, February 2010 (1).

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