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Items affiliated to "Policy development"

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Number of items at this level: 43.

Journal paper

Frehner, A.; de Boer, I.J.M.; Müller, A.; van Zanten, H.H.E. and Schader, C. (2022) Consumer strategies towards a more sustainable food system: insights from Switzerland. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 115 (4), pp. 1039-1047.

Mann, Stefan; Buergi, Elisabeth; Schader, Christian and Jacobi, Johanna (2024) From multifunctionality and ecosystem services to a just transition of agri-food systems. International Journal of Social Economics, xx, x-x.

Möhring, Niklas; Müller, Adrian and Schaub, Sergei (2024) Farmers’ adoption of organic agriculture—a systematic global literature review. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 00 (00), pp. 1-33.

Rees, Charles; Grovermann, Christian and Finger, Robert (2023) National organic action plans and organic farmland area growth in Europe. Food Policy, 121 (102531), pp. 1-13.

Richter, Sebastian; Müller, Adrian; Stolze, Mathias; Schneider, Isabelle and Schader, Christian (2023) Acceptance of Meat Reduction Policies in Switzerland. iScience, 26 (106129), pp. 1-26.

Tennhardt, Lina M.; Home, Robert; Thi Bich Yen, Nguyen; Van Hoi, Phan; Ferrand, Pierre and Grovermann, Christian (2024) Mixed method evaluation of factors influencing the adoption of organic participatory guarantee system certification among Vietnamese vegetable farmers. Agriculture and Human Values, online, pp. 1-20.

Wegner, Giulia I; Murray, Kris A; Springmann, Marco; Müller, Adrian; Sokolow, Susanne H; Saylors, Karen and Morens, David M (2022) Averting wildlife-borne infectious disease epidemics requires a focus on socio-ecological drivers and a redesign of the global food system. EClinicalMedicine, 47 (101386), pp. 1-32.

Newspaper or magazine article

Berbain, Claire (2024) Die Bauernschaft ist gespalten. Bioaktuell, 2024 (5), pp. 18-19.

Berbain, Claire (2024) Le monde paysan est divisé. Bioactualités, 2024 (5), pp. 20-21.

El Benni, Nadja; Grovermann, Christian and Finger, Robert (2023) Agrarökonomische Evaluierungsmethoden für eine evidenzbasierte Agrarpolitik. [Agricultural economic evaluation methods for evidence-based agricultural policy.] Agrarforschung Schweiz, 2023, 14, pp. 172-182.

Grossrieder, Beat (2023) «Ein nationaler Aktionsplan Bio täte der Schweiz enorm gut». Bioaktuell, 2023 (6), pp. 18-19.

Grossrieder, Beat (2023) «Un piano d’azione per il bio farebbe un gran bene alla Svizzera». Bioattualità, 2023 (6), pp. 1-2.

Grossrieder, Beat (2023) «Un plan d’action bio national ferait beaucoup de bien à la Suisse». Bioactualités, 2023 (6), pp. 18-19.

Grossrieder, Beat (2022) Wie Gärtnerinnen und Genossenschafter den Biolandbau befeuerten. Bioaktuell, 2022 (9), pp. 14-15.

Schader, Christian (2020) Gesund & nachhaltig. Markantes, 2020 (12), pp. 14-16.

Conference paper, poster, etc.

De Luca, Kevin and Müller, Adrian (2024) SOFA 2024 – Swiss Case Study. Paper at: Expert Review Workshop, Rom, Italy and online, 4.4.2024. [Completed]

Frick, Rebekka; Keller, Olivia and Home, Robert (2023) Ausrichtung der Agrarumweltprogramme an der Einstellung der Landwirte: Das Beispiel der zielorientierten Biodiversitätsförderung im Kanton Zürich Schweiz. In: One Step Ahead - einen Schritt voraus! Beiträge zur 16. Wissenschaftstagung Ökologischer Landbau, Frick (CH), 7. bis 10. März 2023, Verlag Dr. Köster, Berlin.

Heidenreich, Anja; Müller, Adrian; Six, Johan and Stolze, Matthias (2020) A spatially explicit framework to assess the environmental impacts of agricultural production on landscape level. Poster at: IAS Doctoral Symposium, CH-Einsiedeln, 28-29 September, 2020. [Completed]

Heidenriech, Anja; Müller, Adrian; Moakes, Simon; Pfeifer, Catherine; Stolze, Matthias and Six, Johan (2020) A spatially explicit framework to assess the environmental impacts of agricultural production on landscape level. In: Eberle, Ulrike; Smetana, Sergiy and Bos, Ulrike (Eds.) Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food (LCAFood2020), 13-16 October, 2020, Berlin Virtually, Germany, DIL, Quakenbrück, Germany, pp. 878-880.

Müller, Adrian (2023) Klimakrise, Gesundheitskrise, nur noch Krise? «Co-Benefits» als Chance. Paper at: Food meets medicine - Foodtalk "Welche Ernährung tut dem Körper und dem Planeten gut?", Unternehmen Mitte, Basel, Schweiz, 25.9.2023. [Completed]

Müller, Adrian (2023) Klimaneutrale Landwirtschaft: Wie kommen wir dorthin? Paper at: Input im Kurs „Treibhausgasreduktionen und Kohlenstoffsenken in der Landwirtschaft bewerten“, AGRIDEA und KOLAS, BFH-HAFL Zollikofen, 23. Mai 2023. [Completed]

Richter, Sebastian; Müller, Adrian; Stolze, Mathias; Schneider, Isabelle and Schader, Christian (2023) Stakeholder acceptance of policy measures to reduce meat consumption in Switzerland. Poster at: 14th European Nutrition Conference FENS 2023, Belgrad, Serbien, 16.11.2023. [Completed]

Schader, C.; Lampkin, N.; Christie, M. and Stolze, M. (2011) How cost-effective are direct payments to organic farms for achieving environmental policy targets? Paper at: EAAE 2011 Congress: Change and Uncertainty; Challenges for Agriculture, Food and Natural Resources, Zurich, Switzerland, 30th August to 2nd September 2011 . [Completed]

Schader, Christian; Frehner, Anita; Müller, Adrian; Nathani, Carsten; Kopainska, Birgit; Alig, Martina; Rohrmann, Sabine and Brombach, Christine (2020) Trade-offs and synergies between human health and sustainability of Swiss dietary scenarios. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Life Cycle Assessment of Food, pp. 269-272.

Schader, Christian; Stolze, Matthias; Müller, Adrian; Frehner, Anita; Kopainsky, Birgit; Nathani, Carsten; Brandes, Julia; Rohrmann, Sabine; Krieger, Jean-Philippe; Pestoni, Giulia; Brombach, Christine; Flückiger, Stefan; Stucki, Matthias; Frischknecht, Rolf and Alig, Martina (2020) Nachhaltige und gesunde Ernährung: Zielkonflikte und Synergien. Paper at: Webinar Agrarallianz, online, 25. November 2020.

Schmid, Otto ; Brunori, Gianluca; Galli, Francesca; van de Graaf , Pieter; Prior, Alistair and Ruiz, Roberto (2014) Contribution of short food supply chains to sustainability and health. In: Proceedings of the 11th European IFSA Symposium, 1-4 April 2014 in Berlin/Germany , IFSA - International Farming System Association - Europe Group, pp. 1247-1253.

Tamm, Lucius; Thürig, Barbara; Apostolov, Stoilko; Blogg, Hugh; Borgo, Esmeralda; Corneo, Paola Elisa; Fittje, Susanne; de Palma, Michelangelo; Donko, Adam; Experton, Catherine; Alcazar Marin, Evelyne; Morell Perez, Angela; Pertot, Ilaria; Rasmussen, Anton; Steinshamn, Håvard; Vetemaa, Airi; Willer, Helga; Herforth-Rahmé, Joelle and Oberhänsli, Thomas (2023) Use of Copper-Based Fungicides in Organic Agriculture in Twelve European Countries. In: The International Society for Plant Pathology, The French Phytopathological Society (Eds.) 12th International Congress of Plant Pathology. Book of Abstract ICPP, pp. 964-965.


Ejderyan, Olivier; Frick, Rebekka; Home, Robert; Lapuh, Lucija; Kapgen, Diane; Rybol, Judith; Stadler, Lena; Tessier, Louis and Vardhan, Apoorva (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of pathways towards SFS. Deliverable 1.1 Conceptual Framework. Deliverable 1.1 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. .

Fesenfeld, Lukas; Mann, Stefan; Meier, Matthias; Nemecek, Thomas; Scharrer, Bettina; Bornemann, Basil; Brombach, Christine; Beretta, Claudio; Bürgi, Elisabeth; Grabs, Janina; Ingold, Karin; Jeanneret, Philippe; Kislig, Sol; Lieberherr, Eva; Müller, Adrian; Pfister, Stephan; Schader, Christian; Schönberg, Sonja; Sonnevelt, Martijn; Barjolle, Dominique; Biovin, Pascal; Brunner, Thomas; Contzen, Sandra; Espa, Ilaria; Estève, Magali; Rorney, Jérémie; Häberli, Christian; Hediger, Werner; Kopainsky, Birgit; Lehmann, Bernard; Mack, Gabriele; Markoni, Evelyn; Meier, Beat; Paccaud, Fred; Rohrmann, Sabine; Schindler, Magdalena; Schwab, Christian Nils; Tribaldos, Theresa; Waibel, Piera and Zähringer, Julie (2023) Wege in die Ernährungszukunft der Schweiz - Leitfaden zu den grössten Hebeln und politischen Pfaden für ein nachhaltiges Ernährungssystem. SDSN Schweiz.

Home, Robert; Frick, Rebekka; Stadler, Lena; Felder, Tamina and Bazrafshan, Mahsa (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of Pathways Towards SFS. D1.2: Mapping lock-ins, interventions and transition pathways to SFS. Deliverable 1.2 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. .

Home, Robert; Stadler, Lena; Felder, Tamina and Frick, Rebekka (2023) WP1 – Scoping and Framing of Pathways Towards SFS. M1:Understanding of pathways towards SFS by all partners. Milestone 1 of the Horizon Europe Project ENFASYS. .

Macken-Walsh, Áine; Javornicky, Martin; Forde, Aoife; Naughton, Anita; Quiédeville, Sylvain; Home, Robert; Bettoni, Maddalena; Díaz Puente, José María; Augustyn, Anna Maria and Repede, Dana Christina (2022) Impact Assessment and Evaluation Tools. Practitioner Handbook. .

Müller, Adrian; Steffens, Markus; Gattinger, Andreas and Sanders, Jürn (2022) Carbon farming – key challenges, what works and what does not work. Report on behalf of Bioland and IFOAM-EU. Research Institut of Organic Agriculture FiBL, CH-Frick .

Nagy, Gabriella Mária; Jahrl, Ingrid; Jonasz, Gerda; Feher, Judit; Setiawan, Nuri Nurlaila; Kretzschmar, Ursula; Padel, Susanne and Krall, Attila (2023) Deliverable 1.1: Assessment of the knowledge and innovation systems for organic agriculture, aquaculture and value chain actors. IFOAM EU .

Reinecke, Sabine; Jahrl, Ingrid; Willer, Helga and Lampkin, Nicolas (2023) Deliverable 1.3 - Synthesis of key drivers and lock-ins for organic sector development. OrganicTargets4EU .

Schleiffer, Mirjam; Smith, Barbara; Frick, Rebekka; Bredin, Yennie; Ghezal, Sabir; Udall, Donna; Pataki, György; Cooke, Grania; Singsaas, Frode; Soliev, Ilkhom; Czett, Carmen; Bonetti, Marta; Villa, Matteo; Fitzka, Linda; Loučková, Blanka; Mendes, Vinícius and Home, Robert (2023) Report on biodiversity and related concepts perceptions. Delivrable number: D1.1. PLANET4B .

Steffens, Markus; Dittmann, Marie; Krauss, Maike; Baumann, Stefan; Dind, Alice; Fliessbach, Andreas; Holinger, Mirjam; Krause, Hans-Martin; Leiber, Florian; Müller, Adrian; Rüegg, Johanna; Stöckli, Sibylle and Schmidtke, Knut (2022) Wege zu einer klimaneutralen Biolandwirtschaft in der Schweiz. Vorstudie. Forschungsinstitut für biologischen Landbau FiBL, CH-Frick .

Report chapter

Fesenfeld, Lukas; Ingold, Karin; Lieberherr, Eva; Kislig, Sol and Schader, Christian (2023) Ernährungssystem-Gouvernanz in der Schweiz. In: Wege in die Ernährungszukunft der Schweiz - Leitfaden zu den grössten Hebeln und politischen Pfaden für ein nachhaltiges Ernährungssystem. SDSN Schweiz, chapter 4, pp. 60-65.

Frick, Rebekka; Ejderyan, Olivier; Felder, Tamina; Home, Robert; Lapuh, Lucija; Rybol, Judith and Stadler, Lena (2023) Europäische Zusammenarbeit für die Transformation von Landwirtschaftssystemen. In: Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA), pp. 98-99.

Grovermann, Christian and Rees, Charles (2023) InBestSoil – Bewertung und Inwertsetzung der Bodengesundheit. In: Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie. Schweizerische Gesellschaft für Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie (SGA), pp. 100-102.

Book chapter

Figeczky, G.; Luttikholt, L.; Eyhorn, F.; Müller, A.; Schader, C. and Varini, F. (2021) Incentives to Change: The Experience of the Organic Sector. In: Genmill-Herren, Barbara; Baker, Lauren E. and Daniels, Paula A. (Eds.) True Cost Accounting for Food – Balancing the Scale. Routledge, New York, pp. 96-111.

Frehner, Anita; Augustiny, Eva; Curran, Michael; Egger, Moritz; Home, Robert; Müller, Adrian; Schader, Christian and Stolze, Mathias (2022) Im Dialog mit Bürgerinnen und Bürgern: Entwicklung von Strategien für nachhaltigere Ernährungssysteme. In: Agrarwirtschaft und Agrarsoziologie. SGA Jahrbuch 2022. SGA, CH-Frick, p. 115.

Web product

Wackernagel, Mathis; Frehner, Anita; Grob, Lucas; Müller, Adrian and Lin, David (2023) Swiss Deficit Day: Die Schweiz auf Platz 32 von 35. [Swiss Deficit Day: Switzerland is 32nd out of 35.] Global Footprint Network, FiBL, & Swiss Food Research . Online at https://www.footprintnetwork.org/2023/03/20/swiss-deficit-day-switzerland-is-32nd-out-of-35/#deutsche, accessed on: 18 September 2023.

This list was generated on Tue Feb 18 23:17:55 2025 CET.